Welcome To The Amazing Land Of Fae



Welcome to a land of Fantasy, Magic and Adventure. It is a simple time with no electricity or gasoline. Everyone rides horses or walks with exception to the pixies, fairies and sprites. Fae Land is a large country, about 415,600 square miles. It is in the temperate zone just north of the equator so no snow and usually has very nice weather. It also resides in a different dimension or reality on earth. Over a a century ago, Fae Land became a very magical place with large forests, open grassy areas, small lakes and rivers but most important in the center of Fae Land was an area that later got named Eden that was the source of all the magic. No one knows where the magic came from but it is suspected it comes from something deep underground but it is white magic that turned Eden into the most beautiful place in Fae Land with trees, bushes and flowers everywhere and all plant life all grows at an accelerated rate. First to arrive were the pixies seeing they are attracted to magic like a moth to light. Pixies live in the woods and forests but come out at night and fly around stretching their wings. The wings of a pixie are covered in magical pixie dust that allows them to shrink down very small and fly faster than any other creature on the planet. As they fly around at night, some pixie dust would fall off their wings landing on the ground which over time made all of Fae Land beautiful and magical plus increased the magical energy in Eden. Next came the sprites that also were attracted by the magic. Sprites originally were just floating balls of energy in the forests but as they collided with each other, joining together as one, they slowly evolved into three types of sprites. Highbreed sprites with beautiful large wings, standard sprites with smaller wings and forest sprites that had green hair, eyes and nails. Forest sprites took care of the trees and plants and could somehow communicate with them plus just their presence in a forest would make all the plant life grow healthy and strong. Soon elves found out about this amazing magical land and they started to move in, some building shelters in the woods and others in the open areas near trees and flower beds. All was very peaceful for many years in Fae Land but things changed when greedy kings from neighbouring lands found out about this magical land full of resources and wonders.

Small wars broke out at first but elves are amazing archers and were able to stop all attacks at first. They got to be known as unbeatable so the attacks stopped for a while. Unfortunately many of the male elf army got killed during these battles so the elf population were mostly female now that had to be trained as archers in case of future attacks. The old queen of Fae Land died after all the wars from old age with no heirs to the throne so Fae Land went with no queen for some time. Eventually news got out there was no queen to lead the defense so soon larger and more organized attacks began again but Fae Land's army was much smaller and not as strong when the males were all alive. The archers did their best to keep the attacks back but the enemy was strong and ruthless. It looked like Fae Land was about to fall if it wasn't for a small pixie named Pippa that knew of an amazing winged army of Sprites led by a highbreed named Alieta just north of Fae Land in the Province of Cumberland. When Pippa told Alieta what was about to happen to Fae Land she led her army of Sprites along with her captain Jazmen to Fae Land where they split the army of over two hundred into three groups and surrounded the attackers from the air with enchanted arrows that would peirce any armor. They were out of ranged from the attacking ground troops and because of the speed at which Sprites can fly Alieta's winged army was able to defeat every attack with not one injury, saving Fae Land and all that lived there. Soon the attacks stopped again and there was peace once again.

Now during these counter attacks, a special elf named Ginger befriended Alieta and made sure her army was well cared for with water and food. She was loved and head of the elf community and after the attacks stopped, she organized a bunch of elves to clean and recondition the old palace. Once the palace was ready to be lived in again. Ginger went to Jazmen the captain of the army and told her the plan she had for Alieta and asked her to tell Alieta that she was needed at the palace and to come along with her. Ginger had sent out messengers to all of Fae Land to come to the palace grounds for a important announcement. When Alieta and Jazmen got to the palace there was over a thousand people there standing, looking at the three of then standing on the steps in front of the palace. Ginger then spoke in a loud voice. "Because of this brave Sprite and the amazing winged army she brought with her to defend Fae Land, we are all safe again. I asked you all here to see if this amazing woman will stay and rule all of Fae Land for us". Alieta looked at Ginger with surprise. "All those in favour of making Alieta the new queen of Fae Land raise your hands" said Ginger very loud. Every person on the grounds raised their hands and yelled Alieta over and over again. Ginger looked at Alieta. What do you say Alieta, will you be our Queen? asked Ginger. All of Fae Land wants and loves you. Alieta looked down at Ginger that had this big smile on her face. Tears ran down Alieta's face. You sneaky little girl, yes I will be the queen, said Alieta. Well don't just tell me, tell them, said Ginger. Alieta put up her arm and the crown went silent. I Alieta, leader of the winged army accept the honour of becoming the queen of Fae Land. The crown all went nuts cheering. Ginger signaled to and elf to bring out the crown and handed it to Jazmen. She placed it on Alieta's head and yelled out "Long Live The Queen"!

Alieta's first command as queen was to have the biggest party that Fae Land had ever seen. The palace cooks began preparing food for everyone, minstrels began to play music then the people rejoiced and danced all day long. Alieta was a very kind and fair queen that earned everyone's love and made Fae Land the safest best place to live. She made new laws that made it so everyone in Fae Land could live without burdens like no taxes on anything plus no store owners could over price anything they sold, especially for food and clothing. More people moved to Fae Land and Alieta with Ginger by her side was able to open up trade routes with other towns and Lands. In a short amount of time, Fae Land became an extremely wealthy country. Unfortunately, eventually the attacks began again but not by human armies but by armies of orcs and other creatures that wanted to reap the land of all its resources and riches. These armies were very difficult for Fae Land's vast army to deal with because of the huge size of the enemy that numbered in the thousands. The winged army along with the archers and ground troops were able to hold off the attacks for some time but these creatures were relentless and kept attacking every day. Alieta called upon the Blue Fae to help them that lived deep underground of Fae Land. They were very strong plus fast when on the surface because of the lower pull of gravity on the surface. The queen of the Blue Fae's name is Safire and she hated orcs with a passion so she assembled her army to fight with Alieta's armies. The orcs and creatures had no chance now with the Blue Fae fighting on the ground with lighting speed and five times the strength of orcs. Together they soon were able to kill all the orcs and creatures even those that tried to run away bringing peace back to Fae Land. At least for a while.

 Some of the humans that joined the fight remained in Fae Land and interbreeding occured between them and the elves creating unique hybrid humans that were much stronger and faster than a normal human. The Blue Fae were back underground but an everlasting bond was created between Alieta and Safire plus the Blue Fae's domain underground became part of Fae Land seeing it was mostly under Fae Land. This created a trade between the two that of them where the Blue Fae could exchange their vass amount of minerals, gems and oar for food and other supplies.

Now it is present time and all is still peaceful in Fae Land with many more people living there. One day a magical Fae Chest was stolen from Alieta that she kept in her den, not thinking anyone would want to steal it. She went to a person that was a look out for Fae Land on a high ridge overlooking the west borders. Her name was Alexa, a petite highbreed human girl that was a master with the sword plus very strong and fast on her feet. Alieta asked Alexa if she saw anyone leaving Fae Land with the chest but Alexa saw no one leaving or coming into Fae Land from the west. Alieta asked for Alexa help to retrieve it for her, knowing that Alexa has skills that may be needed on this quest. Alexa agreed to help out her queen. Alieta brought Alexa to the palace and introduced her to Titus a highbreed strong man with excellent sword skills, two centaurs Taiyo and Oaklyn that were very strong and extremely fast runners and Tempressa, also known as The Ice Queen that could turn anything into ice by just pointing at it. Thus the beginning of the team of heroes start on their first adventure. Book 1 - The Three Quests


These books do not have a lot of blood and guts in them or any swearing and nudity. So they are good for all ages to read but there is plenty of action, romance, magic and comedy to please all. You will also get to see evil wizards, demons, warlocks and witches plus lots of monsters like dragons, trolls, demons and orcs. Enjoy my books and as you read them there are plenty of full colour 3D illustrations that I created for you to see. The entire site and all the stories are original, created and writen by me from my imagination and my love of adventure fantasies. There is no other site like this anywhere!


Quick Links To Fantasy Short Story Books Online So Far

The Three Quests

In Search Of True Love

The Weather Orb

The Black Fae


Very Special Friend


The Visiters


Decieving Looks


Ivy's Helper


The Big Break


Fantasy Forest Trouble


The Candy Factory


Meet Sakura


Nutty Keiko


The Banshee


Zotac Returns

Dragons And Wyverns


 The Dark Angel


 The She Devil


Angry Overlord & Across Ocean


The Day Before 


The Untamed Forest


Alexa Teaches


The Reunion


 The Mysterious Porta


Cupid's Sister Lulu 

The Dark Apocalypse


 The Time Line


 The She Devil Sisters


Meeting The Elders


Ivy's Birthday 


 Samantha Visits


The Wizard And The Witch


The Heavenly Voice


Aiko And The Twins In Granada


A World Invasion 

The Trickster


Fairy Land


 The Adventure With Zan


Attack From The Sky


 Back To Work


Sara's Gift 


From One Forest To Another


A Day In Fae Land


Kendra & Sparkle In Strange Lands 


Pegasus's Fae Land Adventue 

The Deadly Lurker


Lets Build A Forest 


 There Be Devils


Alexa Has A Party


Ivy's New Friend 


The Black Swarm


Dr Shadow 


The Chameleon


Just A Country Girl 




Everyone loves a nasty villian or ugly monster. Well there are plenty of them in my books and as new books are added more villians and monsters will be exposed with full colour illustrations. Witches, Evil Wizards and Warlocks, Mad Scientists, Trolls, Orcs, Titans, Dragons, Wyverns, Troglodytes, Huge Snakes, Minators, Gargoyles, Nasty Stinky Sloths, Over Lords, Demons, Devils and more. 


On the good side of the balance there are plenty of characters that will entertain you. Regular Humans and Enhanced Humans, Elves, Winged Sprites, Pixies, Fairies, Centaurs, Unicorns. The Good Wizard Merlin, Good Witches, The Angel Gabriel, Mother Nature, Titan Wolves Angus and Sivia are just some of them that manage to keep The Land Of Fae safe and beautiful.