The Adventures In The Land Of Fae A Day In Fae Land Prolog Gingers first dance class was a huge success. Everyone had a lot of fun and learned some new moves and how to warm up before dancing. The six girls all left her some money by the candy box in the way of donations that added up to over one hundred dollars so now Ginger had some money to go shopping for some food so she could learn how to cook in her new kitchen. Ginger never shopped before so Alieta offered to take her to town and show her how much fun it was and also how to shop smart. The two of them took off to the food store. After Keiko and Amelie got back to the tree house after buying some cook books from the store they decided to go visit Ktara and see if she would show them how to work the stove. When they got there, Ktara was on her front yard practicing some of the new dance steps she learned today. Ktara told them that the dance class was great and Ginger now had some money to shop with. Keiko told her about the tree house they bulit and a new kitchen also but needed her help teaching them to work the stove plus how to understand the cook books they bought. Ktara just had to see this tree house so agreed to help out but told them that maybe she should get Tempressa also seeing she needed to keep caught up with what was new in Fae Land plus she was good at cooking also and would get their ice box working for them. Keiko thought that was a good idea so Ktara headed out to get Tempressa then Amelie and Keiko went back to the tree house to wait for them and Ginger. When Ktara got to Tempressa's place she was very happy to see she was being included plus really wanted to see this tree house also. They both headed out together to the Fantasy Pixie Forest. Chapter 1 Lessons In Shopping Alieta brought Ginger into the grocerie store where she knew her Ginger went to and ordered food for the palace kitchen. Wow look at all the stuff in here, said Ginger. Yes lots of good food and items but not all is the best for you to waste money on, said Alieta. Now you are doing a first shop so you are going to need all the basics first like salt and pepper and other spices plus things like pasta, eggs, bacon, bread and other stuff like that, said Alieta. Now you grab two baskets from over there and give me one and I will take you through the lanes and show you what to buy and what is a good deal also. Okay sounds good, said Ginger then they started to shop. The two girls behind the counter saw Alieta and one wondered if she should go help her because she never saw Alieta in their store before. No said the other woman. I heard Alieta is anmazing at shopping in other stores, Ginger does the shopping here and if she is anything like Ginger when it comes to buying food then she will be just fine. Alieta and Ginger went from one row to another picking up things that were needed. Okay now we need some meat, said Alieta. Come with me and I will show you how to buy raw meat. It looks different cooked so you may not recognize it. They went to the meat counter and the butcher came over and was glad to see Alieta. So what do you need today, he asked. Usually Ginger is here placing orders. Well this is all for this Ginger and she is stocking a new kitchen so I want you to show her each type of meat that she will need to start with and tell her what it is, said Alieta. Okay, said the butcher and started taking out some different meats, showing them to Ginger then wrapping them up. Now make sure you write on each package what they are please, said Alieta. Not a problem, said the butcher. When done Ginger put the packages in her basket. 01 illustration goes here Now we need vegetables, said Alieta. They are over here. Okay so carrots, potatoes and tomatoes are most common plus onions are good for adding flavour to sauces, said Alieta. Wow I didn't know so much stuff was needed for cooking, said Ginger. Alieta smiled. You should see Ktara's ice box and pantry. This is nothing compared to her items, said Alieta. They got what was needed then Alieta told her that there was one more section they needed to check out. This is where you buy the things to make deserts and sweets. Oh, I like this section, said Ginger. Yep me too, said Alieta. Now you first need a bag of flour plus sugar of coarse. Get some brown sugar also. It's in a lot of real good deserts. Now this bag is icing sugar. It is different from regular sugar and is very sweet and fine. You will need a bag of that too. Holy, how I am going to get all of this back to the tree house? asked Ginger. Oh don't you worry about that, said Alieta. They will deliver for us. Well I hope they got wings because it is a long climb up the ladder to our front door, said Ginger. Hmm, yes that might become a problem, said Alieta. Well I have an idea so lets just finish up here and we will head out. I am really interested in seeing what Amelie and Keiko built. Now grab some bars of chocolate and vanella plus a box of baking soda and some yeast. There that should do it for now, said Alieta. Now we take every thing over to the checkout counter and that is where they add everything up and tell us the cost. Then you pay them. Okay, hope I got enough money for all this stuff, said Ginger. Alieta just smiled again. They put the two very full baskets on the counter and the girls started adding things up and bagging everything. Okay, the girl said. Will that be on your account Alieta? No this is for Ginger here, said Alieta. Oh okay but it is a pretty high bill, said the girl. What is it? asked Ginger. Um sixty five dollars, said the girl. Oh okay, that is fine, said Ginger then tried to hand the girl the entire bag of money. 02 illustration goes here No Ginger you count it out then hand it to her, said Alieta. Well I figured that but I don't know what each coin is worth, said Ginger. Oh I see, said Alieta. Let me show you. Alieta took out the three diffrent sizes of coins in the bag and told Ginger what each of them were worth. Okay, I got it, so six of these ones and one of this size, said Ginger. Yep that is correct now hand them to her, said Alieta. Okay thankyou, said the girl so where are these being delivered? asked the girl. Well to the tree house in the Fantasy Pixie Forest, said Ginger. Where? There is a house in there? asked the girl. Yep a very big tree house, said Ginger. Alieta was smiling again. Well we have never delivered there before, said the girl. How do we find the tree house? Oh it is easy to find, said Ginger. The house is at the south east corner of the forest and very close to the tunnel going in. Not sure how long it takes by horse to get there but the bags will have to be walked in through the tunnel. Yep the forest is not that far away to the north and you can't miss it but we will need three people to carry these bags in, said the elf. I suppose there are stairs to get up this tree house? Nope, a very long ladder, said Ginger. A ladder they can't carry all these bags up a ladder, said the girl that was now looking very worried. Well dear you just have them delivered to the bottom of the ladder and we will take care of things from there, said Alieta. Oh good, said the girl. I was getting really worried on how to do this. Well we got wings and the two fairies that live with her have wings so this is no problem for us, said Alieta. Okay thanks Alieta, and you too Ginger, said the girl. We will tip the delivery people when they arrive, said Alieta. Okay Ginger we are done so lets head out to your place. They left the store and headed to the forest. I wonder who that pretty girl is? asked the girl. She must be important to be shopping with Alieta. Yes and must be a pixie if she lives in that forest but don't look like a pixie but two fairies live with her also, said the elf. Well I haven't been there yet but I think I will go soon. Sounds like a very magical place to go, said the girl. Ya me too, lets go together, said the elf. 03 illustration goes here Chapter 2 Setting Up The Kitchen Okay, here is the forest, now how do we get in? I see no entrance yet, said Ktara. Well there must be at least one, said Tempressa. Lets ride down that way. They rode south a bit then saw a tunnel. Okay here it is and there are some posts to tie up the horses, said Ktara. They both tied up their horses then went through the tunnel. Wow look at this forest. It is like Wonderland's forest, said Ktara. Well I didn't go with all of you there but this does look like a wonderland, said Tempressa. So where do we go from here? asked Tempressa. Well Keiko said they were in the south east corner so that way I suppose, said Ktara. Hello welcome to the Fantasy Pixie Forest. I am you guide Roseberry. Oh hi Roseberry, this is Tempressa and I am Ktara. We are here to help Keiko and Amelie get their kitchen going. Oh two heros! How nice and yes I was at their place yesterday and man what a tree house. I have never seen one quite like that before, said Roseberry. Ya fairies have a way of making things very big and beautiful, said Ktara. Yep that it is so follow me and I will take you there. It is not too far from here, said Roseberry. They followed her along a few paths while taking in some of the sights. Okay here we are. Now you two got a long climb up that ladder but being heros that should be no problem for you two, said Roseberry. They both looked way up then said, Okay I guess we got a good climb ahead of us, said Tempressa. Do you want me to fly up and tell them you are here? asked Roseberry. No that is okay. We will knock on the door. Probably a good view from up there also. Oh ya, the best, said Roseberry then flew off. Okay, you ready? asked Ktara. Yep lets go. It is not that far up, said Tempressa. They started climbing the ladder and in about three minutes they reached the top and found they had to cross a bridge to get to the front door. Wow look at this place. It is like a small palace made out of trees, said Tempressa. Yep and looks well designed too, said Ktara. Okay lets get in there and see what it looks like inside, said Ktara. They crossed the small bridge then knocked on the door. Keiko answered the door. Hello welcome to our humble home, she said. Humble this is far from humble, said Ktara. 04 illustration goes here They went inside and saw the place was very roomy. Nothing too fancy in the way of furniture but that was expected for a house in a forest. The kitchen how ever Ktara fell in love with. Now this is an amazing kitchen, said Ktara. What do you think Tempressa? Yes lots of room a new stove big sink and look a two door ice box, said Tempressa. Those are expensive. Where did you two come up with the design for this kitchen. Not sure exactly but we have read a lot of people and we see stuff in them so this is one that we liked and thought Ginger would like so we made it for her, said Amelie. So do you have running water too? asked Ktara. Well just cold water right now, said Keiko not a lot right now but when it rains we will have tons. Haven't figured out how to make hot water yet. Well you have a stove so that will make hot water for you, said Ktara. Okay any thing in the ice box yet? asked Ktara. Nope not yet but we think Ginger went shopping after dance class so she should have a bit when she gets here, said Keiko. Okay, said Ktara. Tempressa do you thing on the ice box please. My pleasure, said Tempressa. She opened the two doors then flashed it with a good coating of ice then opened the bottom compartment and made a big block of ice there. Wow that was very cool, said Amelie. I heard you could do that but seeing is way better than hearing. Tempressa smiled. Now on the bottom two shelves is where you keep things that you want to keep frozen. The other shelves are for keeping stuff just cold. Same goes for the shelves on the doors. The higher up the less cold, said Tempressa then shut the ice box. Okay now you two forgot one very important thing, said Ktara. Oh really, what is that? asked Amelie. You need a pantry to hold all the fresh vegetables and spices plus anything else that doesn't need to be kept cold, said Ktara. Oh okay so what does a pantry look like, asked Keiko. Oh sort of like the ice box but a bit shorter and made of wood, said Ktara. Oh okay that sounds easy then Keiko made her wand appear and made a pantry. How is that, asked Keiko. Let me check, said Ktara. Yep that is good. You will be able to get a lot of stuff in there. Just then Ginger and Alieta walked in. 05 illustration goes here Hello, oh we have company, said Ginger. Look who is here. Hi Alieta welcome to our home, said Keiko. Yes and what a home it is, said Alieta. This is an amazing tree house. So I see you have our two kitchen experts here. Yep Tempressa already flashed the ice box, said Ktara. Did you bring any food with you? Oh it is on route, said Alieta. They are delivering it. We will just have to fly it all up. Tempressa laughed, ya I could see them trying to climb that ladder with bags of food. That would be a real trick. So where are you two at in setting up the stove? asked Alieta. Well best we wait for the food to get here but we need some small sticks and branches to set it up, said Ktara. Oh we can get that, said Keiko. Lots of wood around here. Okay good, said Ktara. We need dry dead wood please. Some small logs will be perfect too. Keiko and Amelie went out to gather some wood. So Ginger, let me show you how the stove works, said Ktara. There are some adjustments on it that you need to know about. They both went over to the stove and Ktara knelt down. Now in this compartment is where the wood goes that supplies the heat for the entire stove. This big door is the oven and this plate on the bottom slides back and forth allowing you to control how hot it gets in the oven. Okay, that all sounds simple enough, said Ginger. Yes it is pretty easy to work a stove once you know how the controls work, said Ktara. Now on the top surface you have four spots for cooking on. Two big and two small. Now the big ones get the hottest and are good for big pots to boil water or make a big stew and the smaller ones are best for small pots and pans. Okay that all makes sense too, said Ginger. Now you can control the heat of each burner as they are called with these four dials, said Ktara. Now watch what happens when I turn this dial from closed to fully opened. Ginger watched and saw as Ktara turned the dial the vents slid open until they were opened wide. Now that allows you to control the heat so that you don't burn stuff. Good for keeping something warm or simmering what ever you are cooking. Fully open is the hottest of coarse which boils water fast, said Ktara. Now the first time Ivy came over to learn how to cook we made spaghetti together. It is fun and easy to make and you learn all the stove top basics plus how to make a tomato sauce that can be used for more dishes other than just on pasta. Okay I think, said Ginger. So did you two buy any stuff to make spaghetti? asked Ktara. Yep we got all the fixing for a great sauce and lots of pasta, said Alieta. Good then Tempressa and I will both show you how to make spaghetti and you will help us, said Ktara to Ginger. Yep spaghetti is always a crowd pleaser, said Tempressa. 06 illustration goes here Keiko and Amelie came back up with a bunch of wood and sticks. Okay so where should we keep the wood? asked Keiko. Oh over there beside that chair, said Ginger. We just need a box to put it all in. Okay that is easy, said Keiko then made a wooden box for the wood. Now it is best to use some old paper from magazines or something, said Ktara. Do you have any paper around yet? Nope just these three new cook books and the fishing magazine we bought today at the store, said Keiko. Really, you bought them at a store with no money? asked Alieta. Nope, the girl gave us the first book for learning the basics but it cost one dollar so I offered to trade for the book. I made her a nice bracelet and she got very happy then gave us these other books too plus said we could pick what ever else we wanted, said Keiko. So the bracelet, was it made of gold? asked Alieta. Yep and made it match her red dress so added some rubies to it too, said Keiko. Alieta, Ktara and Tempressa laughed. That would of been a very expensive bracelet, said Alieta. Of coarse she got very happy and let you take what ever you wanted. You could of bought everything in the store. Well we had what we wanted, said Keiko. Doesn't cost a fairy anything to make nice things like that. Good trade in my opinion. Yes and for her too, said Alieta. They heard someone yell from outside saying the deliver is here. Oh good, said Alieta. Lets get down there and get the bags, said Alieta. Now bring your money Ginger. You will give each person five dollars for a tip. Do you remember which coin is five dollars? Yep I do, said Ginger. Okay good lets get down there, said Alieta. Wow all four of them went down there, said Ktara. I wonder what they all bought? Well knowing Alieta she made sure these three will have lots to eat, said Tempressa. 07 illustration goes here The four of them landed and there was three men standing there with two bags each. Okay, said Alieta. Thanks for the fast delivery. Well we heard that there was a tree house in here so we wanted to see it plus the girl at the store said Ginger was important to you, said one of the men. Yes she is and very special too, said Alieta. Now tip these nice men Ginger then lets get these bags in the kitchen. Alieta, Keiko and Amelie took the bags then Ginger gave each of them a tip. Thankyou very much the men said. Now this is what I call a tree house, said one of the men. I made one for my little boy in my yard but nothing like this one. Must of taken a long time to build. Yep, about four hours, said Amelie then they flew up with the bags. Four hours? It took me that long to make just the floor on my son's tree house. They're fairies dummy. They make things with magic, said another man. Oh that is right, but still look at this place, it is huge! Okay here are all the groceries, said Alieta and they placed all the bags on the picnic table. Told you, said Tempressa. Alieta likes to make sure people get fed. Yep everyone has to eat, said Alieta. Now you two get all these things put away and Ginger watch where they put everything. Okay, said Ginger and watched as Tempressa and Ktara put all the groceries away. Okay all done, said Ktara. Now let me have a look at those cook books please. Keiko got the three books and handed them to Ktara. They all sat down and Ktara gave one to Tempressa and Alieta to look through. Okay this book has some nice recipies in it, said Ktara. Yep this one too, said Tempressa, all deserts! Here we go, said Alieta. This book is about cooking the basics and has how to make spaghetti. Okay perfect, said Ktara. It will be a good book for Ginger to start with. So it takes about two hours for the sauce to cook. The pasta boils fast so should be already by supper time. Oh good, said Alieta. That will give me some time to check out the rest of this place and some more of the forest. We will come with you, said Keiko. We are going to leave the cooking to Ginger. Okay, said Alieta. First show me around the tree house please. Keiko and Amelie showed Alieta the bedroom first then they went up to the look out tower. Wow nice view here, said Alieta. Yep, Pippa liked it too, said Keiko. Just can't see towards the palace. Yes but most of Eden and all the way to the north town and if you look way over there to the west you can see a bit of The Land Of Magic where young wizards go to school, said Alieta. Really a school for wizards? We are not too good around wizards, said Amelie. Well this school teaches them how to be good wizards, said Alieta. Well okay but wizards still scare us, said Keiko. Yeanny is okay, she is really nice and Sakara is quite the little girl. Yeanny saw what a wizard or demon can do to us so she knows to be very careful when we are close by. Now we built a nice big deck too, said Amelie. Got to make some nice deck chairs and tables for out there yet but you can see some of the forest from down there. Okay, lets have a look, said Alieta. 08 illustration goes here They flew down to the deck and Alieta saw it wrapped around the the back and the other side of the bedroom also. A nice big area where several people could hang out on. Just remarkable, said Alieta. Looks like you two thought of everything to make this a perfect home. Yep we like it and so does Ginger. She will get us to add stuff later. She is better at making things look very nice inside, said Keiko. So lets head out to the forest and look around. I have only seen a bit of it so far, said Alieta. Ya us too, said Amelie. It is a very big forest. The three of them flew off to explore. Back in the kitchen Ktara and Tempressa were getting ready to start making a spaghetti dinner for everyone. Now Ginger, we will ask you what we want and you find each item and bring it to the counter here, said Ktara. Okay I think I remember where eveything was put, said Ginger. They started asking for things and Ginger kept looking and finding the stuff they wanted. Okay, good now get the pound of ground beef out of the ice box before it freezes, said Tempressa. Ginger opened the ice box and saw the packaged marked ground beef. Here it is and it is still soft, said Ginger. Good, said Tempressa. Now watch Ktara first and she will show you how to cut up the tomatoes and stuff for the sauce. Now while she is doing that. I will get the wood in the stove to be ready for lighting. Ginger watched closely as Ktara sliced up everything and let Ginger try a bit too. When everything was done. Ktara found a pot that was a good size for Tempressa to make the sauce in. Now watch Tempressa. She will show you how easy it is to get the fire going, said Ktara. Tempressa showed her how to light the match and started some twigs going on one side first then lit another match to get the other side going too. Now we wait a bit for this to get going good then I will put a couple of small logs on top, said Tempressa. Once they both get burning good you just shut this drawer and open this vent some. That will make all the heat we need to cook with. Once the fire was going good enough Tempressa shut the drawer and opened the vent. Okay now we wait a few minutes for the stove to heat up then Tempressa will show you how too make the sauce, said Ktara. Okay, this looks easy so far, said Ginger. Once the stove was good and hot, Tempressa put the small pot on the stove and turned on the burner. Okay hand me the ground beef and I will brown it first, said Tempressa. Ginger gave her the package then she put it in the pot and began stirring it slowly. Now just get the meat all brown then we will put the rest of the stuff in the pot, said Tempressa. Then we just have to turn down the heat some and let it simmer for a while. Later we will get the big pot out and fill it half way with water then bring it to a boil for the pasta. We will need to add another small log then to keep things hot. Tempressa got the sauce all made, added the salt, pepper and garlic then put a lid on in and turned down the heat. Okay, now we wait and just have to stir it once and a while, said Ktara. In the meantime you can show us the rest of this tree house. Okay, said Ginger. We have to go up that ladder to get to the bedroom. Keiko said half the fun of living in a tree house is using the ladders. Tempress smiled. Well at least shorter ladders are fun but that big one outside is a bit of a challenge. 09 illustration goes here Chapter 3 The Three Musketeers Times Two At the palace everyone was just hanging out enjoying the nice sunny day. Ivy and Sara were sitting with Tillia and Ginger talking about how great dance lessons were. Kendra flew out of the woods and went to talk to Ivy. Hi Ivy, how are things going, I was getting bored in the woods so I decided to come out here and see what was going on, said Kendra. Oh all is great so far, said Ivy. I went for my first dance lesson today and it was a lot of fun. Dance Lessons? You were always a good dancer from what I remember, said Kendra. Yep but getting even better now. The new Ginger is a great dancer and is teaching a bunch of us how to dance better, said Ivy. The new Ginger, who is that? asked Kendra. Oh a real nice pixie that lives in the Fantasy Pixie Forest with Keiko and Amelie. She is an amazing singer too, said Ivy. Oh okay, said Kendra. So do you want to do something together. It has been a while since we did anything together. Well I am heading back home with Tillia, said Sara. I promised Viridian that we would do something together after work and lunch. Well maybe we could go there first, said Ivy. Then I can show you some of Fae land. Okay that sounds good to me, said Kendra, what about you Sara? asked Ivy. What do musketeers do? asked Sara. They have fun and play, said Ivy. Okay sounds good, said Sara. Lets go, we will see you at home first. Then Ivy and Kendra flew off. Okay Tillia, lets go and get there before them, said Sara. Tillia smiled and said okay that will surprise them. Sara got on Tillia and they took of like a flash. Well now I have to find something to do, Ginger thought to herself. Hey Phonixa, you two doing anything today? Yep, going shopping, do you want to come? asked Phonixa. Sure why not, shopping is always fun, said Ginger. 10 illustration goes here Sara and Tillia got home super quick and they could see Ivy coming fast with Kendra. Okay lay back down like you were at the palace and I will sit beside you, said Sara. This will surprise Kendra for sure. Tillia smiled then layed down. The two of them landed beside Sara and Tillia. Hey how did you two get here before us? asked Kendra. Magic, said Sara. Magic, what kind of magic? asked Kendra. Unicorn magic, said Sara. Yep, Tillia is super fast when Sara is riding her, said Ivy. Nothing is faster. Wow she must be super fast, said Kendra. Or more like super, super, super fast, it only took us like a minute to get here. Took us about thirty seconds but we had to slow down a bit going around Sandy Lake, said Sara. Kendra shook her head. Viridian came out of the house. Oh good you are all here, said Viridian. Yep we are being the three musketeers today, said Ivy. I see so what is everyone up to for the rest of the day? Well us three are going flying around, said Ivy. Kendra hasn't seen much of Fae Land yet. Oh, that sounds nice, said Viridian. We came here first to see what you were doing, said Sara. Well I walked over to Ktara's place she left to go get Tempressa and then they were going to show Ginger, Amelie and Keiko how to set up their new kitchen, said Viridian. Not sure what that is all about. Oh I heard they built a big tree house in the forest, said Ivy. Alieta went shopping with the new Ginger then I guess they are both going there also. Oh okay, sounds like they will have a little dinner party together, both Tempressa and Ktara are very good cooks. I will have to go there sometime and check out that tree house. I have never seen a tree house before, said Viridian. Me niether, said Ivy, we can go together. Fairies always make great and wonderful things with their wands. So Tillia, do you have any ideas as where we should go today? asked Viridian. Well yes, said Tillia. I heard there is a family of centaurs living here in Fae Land, I would love to meet them, said Tillia. Centaurs are amazing beings. I used to play with them and Zan a long time ago. Okay, said Viridian. They don't live too far from here, I don't think they even know about you yet. Okay, looks like everyone has a plan, said Ivy. Okay you two, first stop is the beacon tree. That is where Sara first met Tillia, said Ivy. It is a very magical tree. Okay, lead the way, said Kendra then they all flew off. Okay, let me get my horse and we can leave also to surprise Oaklyn and Taiyo. They have a young boy too plus Oaklyn's cousin Starlite lives with them also so it should be lots of fun, said Viridian. 11 illustration goes here Ivy and Sara took Kendra to the golden beacon tree. Wow such a beautiful tree, said Kendra. Yep I planted it from a branch off a tree beside the cove in the fairy forest. It grew real fast, said Ivy. Touch it and say hello, it will like you knowing there is another forest sprite here. Okay, said Kendra. She walked over to the tree and touched it and said hello in tree language. Oh my this tree is very magical and happy, said Kendra. Yep let me say hello too, said Ivy. Now both of them were touching the tree and talking to it. Sara saw the branches were all moving a bit. Boy that tree must like you two a lot. It is moving all it's branches. Yep, I told it you were here too and it wants you to come say hello also, said Ivy. Sara smiled then went up to the tree and held a branch and said hello also. Okay lets head out towards Alexa's place. She lives in the north town with Diego and her two Titan wolves, Angus and Sivia. They are really cool, said Ivy. Really two wolves? asked Kendra. I heard you mentioning Alexa before, have I met her? asked Kendra. I don't thinks so, she is a small girl and very smart, said Ivy. She is the leader of the heroes. So a small girl has two Titan wolves as pets, I hope they are friendly, said Kendra.Yep very freindly and very big, said Ivy. Okay, said Kendra then they headed out again. 12 illustration goes here Shopping With The Sisters Okay here we are in town so where do you two want to go first? asked Ginger. Well we were thinking about getting an ankle bracelet or a ring, you know something simple but girlie, said Phonoxa. Oh, okay so Cindy's jewlery store and boutique, said Ginger. Yep that is the place. We have looked around in there before but never bought anything yet, said Repellia. Most the things are too expensive in there but we heard they got a new line of less expensive stuff now. Okay then lets go there first, said Ginger. There is something there that I want to look at anyways. Ivy, Sara and Kendra are colling themselves as the three musketeers today so we can be out own three musketeers too. They headed down the street and went in Cindy's store. Okay, have a look around and I will get Cindy for us, said Ginger. Phonixa and Repellia walked around looking at stuff and Ginger found Cindy at one of the counters. Hi Cindy, how are you today? asked Ginger. Oh hi Ginger, I am just fine. So what are you looking for today? asked Cindy. Well I want to look at that necklace again but the two sisters want to see that new line of less expensive stock that they heard about, said Ginger. Oh good, that new line is very popular and has been bringing in a lot of new people. The new stock looks very close to the real thing too. Now the necklaces are over there hanging up. There are a few different new styles in gold or silver. I will go help out the two sisters, said Cindy. Ginger walked over to where Cindy told her where the necklaces were. Well hello girls. Ginger says you are interested in my new line of jewlery, said Cindy. Yep, most of the stuff in here is way too much for our budget, said Repellia. Well come with me and I will show a whole bunch of new things that will look great on either of you, said Cindy then she took them to a different counter. Now this whole section is where the new stock is plus hanging up over there is some new nightware. You know stuff for sleeping in or what every. Phonixa smiled, ya we got boyfriends now so looking good is important to us. They both looked at the things in the display counter like bracelets and ear rings. Hey look at those bracelets, said Phonixa. We should get a matching pair. Ivy and Sara wear braceletes all the time. Yes they are brand new and I only have the two sets, said Cindy. The red stones and the blue stones. Ginger over heard Cindy and went to see what she was talking about. Now I can't just sell you one set because they are only sold as sets of two but if you buy both these sets then I can give you a better deal, said Cindy. Oh so how much is a set of bracelets? asked Phonoxa. Well normal price is thirty dollars a pair but I will give you both sets for fifty dollars, said Cindy. Wow that is a good price though we wanted to buy a nice nightie each also but that can wait, said Repellia. Well there is not much to a nightie so they are on sale for nine dollars right now, said Cindy. Phonixa and Repellia checked to see how much money they had together. Okay we will take the braceletes, said Phonixa. Perfect, said Cindy. I will box these up while you two look at the nighties over there. 13 illustration goes here That is a real good deal, said Ginger. Yes I know but look at them, they look so happy, said Cindy. So they cost more than what you said I am guessing, said Ginger. Well yes. They are really a hundred a set seeing that is real gold and not plated and those are real gem fragments. But you will lose money then, said Ginger. Oh I will make it up some where else, said Cindy. I get them gem fragments for next to nothing from the elder village. Those two come in here all the time and just look around. Such pretty girls need a bit of girlie stuff and they really loved these. Besides when people see them wearing them all the young girls will want them. Those two are trend setters like you, said Cindy. I am a trend setter, how come? asked Ginger. Well it is you that started wearing sexy clothes and coming to town to shop a long time ago. Before girls used to dress very conservative, said Cindy. Even elves are begining to wear different outfits sometimes. So Ginger have you found anything yet? Yes, I think that pearl necklace, said Ginger as long as it isn't too expensive. Well those are very rare coloured pearls plus it comes with matching assesories, said Cindy. What kind of assesories? asked Ginger. well ear rings a finger ring and one bracelet, said Cindy. Really, so how much is it then? asked Ginger. Well lets see, said Cindy. With your discount I can let you have it for two hundred and thirty five dollars. Oh that sounds good, said Ginger. I don't like bracelets but I can give it to Alieta, she never wears jewelry. No need to wrap it up the necklace though, I will wear it. Ginger put on the necklace and looked in the counter top mirror. Looks perfect, said Ginger. Oh yes Ginger. Very good choice, said Cindy. Ginger paid Cindy then Phonixa and Repellia came skipping over. Okay we found two nighties. Red one and a blue one with matching panties, said Phonixa. Wow did you just buy that pearl necklace? Yep, do you like it? asked Ginger. You bet, looks perfect on you, said Repellia. Ginger smiled. So lets see the nighties you two picked out, said Ginger. They both held them up to show Ginger. Very nice, said Ginger. The two sisters paid Cindy then they left the store. Well we don't have much money left so I guess we can head back to the palace, said Phonixa. Well how about I treat you two for a nice ice cream sundae. The pancake place makes the best sundaes, said Ginger. That would be awesome, said Repellia. It is fun shopping with you. It is fun with you two also, said Ginger. So what is in the little bag? asked Repellia. Just a little something I got for Alieta, said Ginger. Okay lets head over to the pancake place. They walked over and once inside they sat at the front table by the window. 14 illustration goes here We like sitting here so we can watch all the people going by, said Phonixa. We get to see the different types of clothes and shoes the girls have on. That way we can keep up with the times. Got to stay in fashion you know. I suppose so, said Ginger but I like the things I wear. Well ya, said Repellia. Everything looks great on you. We check you out too. You set new fashion trends all the time, said Phonixa. Really I do? asked Ginger, that is what Cindy said also. Yep those short shorts started a trend now lots of people wear them. That school girls top tied up at the front. Very popular now with the teen girls. Well Cindy said you two set trends for the young people here too, said Ginger. Ya we know, it os fun seeing people trying to dress like us but we have an advantage over everyone, said Repellia. Really, what is that? asked Ginger. Well we have the palace seamstresses to make new stuff for us plus two twin sisters look hot no matter what we wear, said Repellia with a smile. Now that is funny, said Ginger. We are they three musketeers of fashion! Hello Ginger, Phonixa and Repellia, what can I get you three today? asked the waiter. Three sundaes please, said Ginger. Okay what flavors then? he asked. Stawberry for me, said Phonixa. Vanella strawberry ripple for me, said Repellia. Ginger looked up and told him just chocolate please. Very good choices, said the waiter then left. Chocolate is good too, said Phonixa. Why did you say just chocolate. I don't know. It seems very common, that is all. Well ya because it is so good, said Repellia. We like all types of ice cream though, except for the green one that has mint in it. It is like brushing you teeth while eating ice cream. Ginger laughed. Yes minty ice cream dosn't appeal to me either. The waiter came back in a couple of minutes and gave them all the sundaes. Okay enjoy he said then left again. We can never finish the entire sundae here, said Phonixa. They are nice and big, better too much than too little I say. Well I usually finish it all because I like that ice cold chocolate milk at the bottom of the glass. Best way to finish off a sundae, said Ginger. Hmm, maybe we will try that too, said Repellia. Milk is not that filling. They all started to eat the sundaes. So when we get back to the palace, we are going to try on these nighties. We got that nice mirror in our room now to see ourselves in them, said Phonixa. Well I am sure you too will look very pretty in them, said Ginger, Ya and super sexy too, said Repellia. Ginger smiled and thought to herself that these two pretty girls had plans with their boyfriends. 15 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Viridian and Tillia reached Oaklyn's place and as usual they were all outside running around playing. Oh look, said Oaklyn, there is Viridian and looks like she has a white horse. Really, said Taiyo, I wonder why she needs another horse. They all ran up to meet them. Holy, that is no horse, said Oaklyn. It is a unicorn! Hi all, do you like Sara's knew freind? asked Viridian. You bet, it has been a very long time since I have seen a unicorn. My she is so pretty, said Oaklyn. Well thankyou dear, you are not bad yourself and such a handsome man you have there too, said Tillia. Wow she can talk too, said Oaklyn. Yes this is Tillia and she is a special unicorn and is very magical, said Viridian. Taiyo smiled. Well, so this is what a unicorn looks like. I have never had the pleasure of meeting one before, said Taiyo. What about you Starlite? Nope never but wow all I heard about them seems to be true, said Starlite. You said her name is Tillia, I have heard stories about her. What kind of stories? asked Oaklyn? She is supposed to be the most magical of all unicorns I was told, said Starlite. Yes and she is very fast runner too, said Viridian. Sara is her companion and when she is on Tillia, there is nothing faster, not even Angus or Sivia. Wow, come Colin, say hello to Tillia, said Oaklyn. Okay Mom but why does she have a horn on her forehead? Oh that is a very magical horn dear and all unicorns have a horn there but this unicorn is very special, said Starlite. She can heal and do other things with it too, I was told. Hello Tillia, my name is Colin, you are very pretty. Well hello Colin, aren't you a nice handsome young centaur, said Tillia. Colin smiled, the asked can I pat her Mom? Well ask her, said Oaklyn. Yes dear please do, I love it when everyone pats me. It feels real good, said Tillia. Colin started to pat Tillia. Wow your so soft, said Colin, like a rabits fur. Tillia smiled. So I heard that you can only have the one rider and from what Viridian said, that rider is Sara, said Starlite. Yep, Sara is my companion and is the best I every had, said Tillia. When she rides me my magic becomes very strong. Almost anything is possible then. So I saw you all were playing as we rode up. Can we have some fun together? Yes we can. Colin loves to kick his ball around so do you want to join in? asked Oaklyn. Yep sounds like fun, said Tillia. I think I will sit and watch, said Viridian then got off her horse and sat on the ground. 16 illustration goes here Tillia was having a lot of fun kicking the ball around with the centaurs. Viridian figured why should they all be having the fun so she went and joined in. It was tricky trying to keep up with them though seeing they all had four legs but she did pretty good seeing Colin kept passing the ball to Viridian so that they would have lots of turns. You are really good, said Tillia to Colin. Yep I play every day with my dad, said Colin. In a bit they all stopped and sat to rest. You know there is a game called polo where people ride horses and use a big bat to hit a ball around, said Vitidian. It is played a lot like soccor. Centaurs would have a bit of an advantage seeing they wouldn't need a rider but they can if they want but there are a lot of very good horse back riders in Fae Land. Polo is a very big sport in some countries and teams are made from different parts of the country and they play against each other. Trophies are given to the winners at the end of all the competitions that can last for a few months or longer. I can see that sport becoming big here. Really, that sounds interesting, said Oaklyn. So teams are made you said. Yes but I am not sure how many are on each team. I would have to look that up, said Viridian. They have a regular season of so many games. That way you get to play each team a few times. Then the best six teams move to the playoffs. Winner of the playoff wins the trophy. Okay that would be fun but who would we play, asked Taiyo. Well say the palace gang would have their team and the heroes would have a team. Cumberland would be another team. Then there are the Black Fae and the Blue Fae, the elf village. Oh I see make up teams from different groups and areas just in Fae Land, said Taiyo. Yep that is the way it works, said Viridan. It can get even bigger than that too sometimes. Bigger, how, asked Tillia. Well all the countries that play the sport make what they call an all star team. That is the best players from all the teams in that country. That way the best players everywhere get to play against each other. All star games are set up like playoff games but there is also a bigger trouphy for winning that tournament plus all the winning players get a nice sized cash prize. Now that sounds like something we all here in Fae Land would love to do, said Oaklyn. Well let me read up on it first and talk to Alieta also, said Viridian. Something like this will bring the entire country together and that I know Alieta would love. 17 illustration goes here Ivy headed towards Alexa's place which was not a far fly for any of them. Okay here we are, said Ivy. Let me knock and see if she is home. She knocked but no one answered. Hmm, no answer, said Ivy. Well I can hear noisies from back there, said Kendra. Oh okay, they must be in the backyard, said Ivy. They walked around and saw Alexa and Diego playing with Angus and Sivia. Hi everyone, said Ivy. I brought one of my old freinds for you to meet. Angus and Siva ran up to Ivy and she got down on one knee and let them lick her face. Yep, definately friendly, said Kendra and very huge. Hi Ivy and Sara, who is your freind? asked Alexa. Well this is Kendra, we were friends when I was younger in my old forest. Oh really, said Alexa. Well nice to meet you Kendra. This is my boy friend Diego and these two are Angus and Sivia. Angus and Siva went to her and wanted to shake. Oh okay, said Kendra and she shook their paws. Wow there paw is as big as my hand, said Kendra. Yep, told you they were big, said Ivy. So do you live here in Fae Land? asked Alexa. Yep I live in the west woods right now, said Kendra. Really, as I remember when Ivy first got here she found the trees were too small for her to sleep on, said Alexa. Ya I know but I can make do, said Kendra. It is better here than at Samantha's forest where there is mostly pixies in there. Well I want her to live in the fairy forest, said Ivy. Much nicer in there with bigger trees plus I am sure Tulip would make Kendra a nice bed to sleep on too. You mean live with fairies, said Kendra. Yep and the forest will love you. Forest sprites can come and go as they please, said Ivy. Hmm that sounds interesting, said Kendra. Yep and knowing those fairies they will build you a house to live in if you want. They love doing magic and stuff like that. Really, like a house that you live in, said Kendra. Well not like ours seeing you won't need a kitchen seeing the fairies make food but a nice home in a magic forest, said Ivy. I think I am moving to the fairy forest, said Kendra. Never lived in a house before but things are a lot different here I have noticed. Oh ya, said Alexa. There is nowhere else anywhere like Fae Land. 18 illustration goes here So I took them to see the magic beacon tree first then went to Ktara's place but she wasn't home but I think she went to the Pixie Forest, said Ivy. Keiko said they needed her to show them how to work the stove in the tree house. It will be too late for us to go visit them today, so we came here next. Um you said tree house in the Pixie Forest. You must mean Amelie and Keiko made a tree house for themselves, said Alexa. Yep and Ginger too, said Ivy. Ginger went to live with them too? Why would she leave the palace? asked Alexa. Not that Ginger the new Ginger. She is a very special pixie, said Ivy. Oh akay, a different Ginger but special how? asked Alexa. Oh she is an amazing singer and best dancer ever, She is giving me, Ginger, Phonixa, Repellia, Ktara and Paisley dance lessons in the palace's grand hall, said Ivy. Wow, she must be good to impress Paisley, said Alexa. She is a real good dancer already. Yep, Paisley said she never saw anyone that could dance as good as Ginger can, said Ivy. It is a lot of fun once we finish doing the stretches to warm up. There are things called barres in the hall. They are good for stretching the legs so we won't get cramps in them. Really so like a real dance studio then, said Alexa. Yep and a magic music box that Clary made for us, said Ivy. Clary, who is Clary? asked Alexa. Oh that is Guen's very first daughter, they all thought she got killed by the dragons a long time ago, said Ivy. Clary said she went the wrong way when getting away from the dragons and got lost. Ended up very far away but finally found her way to Fae Land and now they are one big happy family again. Clary is very special too, said Ivy. Oh boy, dare I ask. Why is Clary special? asked Alexa. Oh she is half fairy and half sprite. Her father was the very first male sprite and was all blue like Safire but kept the magical energy that he had as some kind of enery ball or something. He could fire out energy blasts and go invisible I think plus can fly very fast. Sadly he got killed but held off the dragons long enough for the fairies to get away. Clary can do all of what her father could do but she uses her wand to do energy blasts. She also can do all the fairy magic. Plus she can also read people very deep kind of like me, said Ivy. I call her a super fairy! Okay I have go to the palace tomorrow and see what I have missed, said Alexa. So the new Ginger will be there tomorrow? asked Alexa. Yep, dance class starts at nine o'clock, said Ivy. Good, I will be there. It is time for Angus and Siva to get washed up anyways, said Alexa. Okay we will see you there then? asked Ivy. Oh yes, a singing and dancing pixie and a super fairy, I wouldn't miss that for anything, said Alexa. 19 illustration goes here Chapter 5 Spaghetti Time Okay, said Tempressa that sauce should be ready now. Ginger go over to the stove and give it a good stir then taste it but be sure to blow on it first. Ginger took the lid off the pot and gave the sauce a stir then tasted it. Wow this tastes great, she said then took another taste and another. Okay, don't eat it all, said Ktara. We need some left for the pasta. Oh okay, said Ginger. Now turn down the burner that the sauce is on to the lowest setting then put that big pot with the water in it on the big burner and turn it on full, said Tempressa. Okay, then what? asked Ginger. Put a couple of teaspoons of salt in the water and a full tablespoon of butter then put the lid on it. We have to wait for the water to boil, said Tempressa. Okay, said Ginger. In five minutes the water started to boil and Ktara told Ginger to put the entire package of spaghetti pasta in the pot then stir it until it is all underwater. Okay but there dosn't look like there is enough in this package for all of us, said Ginger. Ktara smiled. Well it gets bigger as it boils and soften up. Oh magic spaghetti pasta, I got it, said Ginger. Ktara looked at Tempressa. Why not, magic spaghetti pasta sounds good to me. Yep and it is going to be very good tasting magic spaghetti pasta too once the sauce is added, said Tempressa. Now just stir it a bit until the pasta is nice and soft. It will take about ten to fifteen minutes for it to be done. Now this is the way to cook, said Tempressa. Us sitting on the couch and Ginger doing the work. Yep, but I am always the one doing all the cooking at home with elves watching me except when it is Ivy, she loves to help and asks lots of questions, said Ktara. She is great to have in the kitchen with me. Well maybe I should invite her to my place then, said Tempressa. Yep she would like that then you could get your sister to eat with you two, said Ktara. 20 illustration goes here Alieta, Amelie and Keiko had finished touring the forest and talked to a bunch of pixies through out the forest. They saw some people having a picnic and other's just walking around. Okay we better get back now, said Alieta. Supper should be ready soon. Okay, said Keiko and they headed back to the tree house. I can smell it from here now, said Keiko. Yep, and it should taste great with both Ktara and Tempressa, helping Ginger, said Alieta. When they got to the tree house they all landed on the bridge then Keiko let them all in. Okay we are back, said Keiko. It smells great in here. Ya we could smell it in the forest once we got half way here, said Amelie. Lots of pixies are going to be getting hungry soon. Lots of candy cane for them though. So is it almost ready? asked Keiko. Yep, the pasta is nice and soft now, said Ginger. Good let me check it, said Ktara. She took out a noodle with a fork then blew on it first. Yep, all done, said Ktara. Now we need a colander to strain the pasta. Um what is that, asked Ginger. It is a bowl with lots of holes in it to let the water drain out when you dump the pasta into it. Oh I don't think we got one of them, said Ginger. Here let me read you Ktara and I will make one, said Keiko. Okay, said Ktara. Okay, got it. Who would of thought a bowl with holes in it would be useful, said Keiko. She then made a colander. Good now Ginger dump all the pasta in the colander then shake it a bit. Make sure most of the water has drained out, said Ktara. Good now give the empty pot to Tempressa. Ginger gave Tempressa the pot and she put some sauce in the bottom. Just a couple of scoops will be good enough for now, said Tempressa. Okay Ginger dump all that pasta back in this pot then I will add a bit of sauce on top. Then you mix it around until all the pasta has sauce on it, said Tempressa. Ginger did as Tempressa said and soon it was ready to be served. Tempressa put the pot of sauce on the table. So now we need plates and forks. Oh, I can do that, said Amelie and she made six placements on the picnic table. Ktara put the pasta on all of the plates and told them to all have a seat. Everyone sat down and Tempressa past the sauce around. Ginger saw what everyone was doing with the sauce so when it came around to her she put a couple of big scoops on top of the pasta. Okay everyone, lets dig in, said Ktara and they all began to eat. Well very good job you three. Tastes great, said Alieta. Yep, Ginger now knows the basics of making a sauce and how to make magic spaghetti pasta grow, said Ktara. What, this is magic spaghetti pasta? asked Keiko. Well that is what Ginger called it, said Tempressa. 21 illustration goes here After everyone was finished Ktara showed Ginger how to put the left overs in a bowl then put the rest of the sauce on top then put it in the ice box on the top shelf. Keiko made all the dirty dishes disappeared then asked, "So anyone want a bit of ice cream for desert". Sure why not, said Alieta, but not too much please. Ya us too, said Tempressa and Ktara. Yes please, said Ginger, chocolate is my favorite. Everyone else said the same. Keiko made her wand appear and made everyone a small chocolate sundae with whipcream on top. Ktara giggled. What are you giggling about? asked Alieta. Oh I just remembered what Ivy told me when she wanted to learn how to cook and I asked her if she knew something she could cook, said Ktara. She said all she knew how to cook was ice cream. Everyone laughed. Ya Ivy can be very funny sometimes, said Alieta. After they all were finished Keiko cleaned up again. So Ginger, in a little over a week the harvest festival will begin, said Alieta. I would like you to sing some for everyone during it. Oh a festival sounds like fun, said Ginger. Yes it is but last year it went for three weeks from nine in the morning to nine at night, said Alieta. Now Ginger and I talked and figured that was way too long. Ya three weeks of a festival got tiring, said Ktara. It was fun but just too long. Besides by the last week, not that many people showed up. Exactly, said Alieta. So this year we are just going to have it for one week and from eleven in the morning to eight at night. That is better because the kids are back in school so the parrents can get the kids off to school then come for a few hours then go home to get the children and bring them back, said Alieta. Yes that sounds much better, said Ktara. Yes plus eight o'lock is a bit better to end things. Lots of people have kids that need to get to bed for school in the morning, said Alieta. 22 illustration goes here So what time is there the most people at the palace? asked Ginger. Well ususlly just after lunch, said Alieta. Around twelve thirty or one o'clock. Well I am thinking that the girls in my dance class will be very good by then so maybe we could all perform for everyone, said Ginger. I can work with them to make some nice dance shows, maybe three or four songs then at the end of the night I can sing a song before you thank everyone for coming. A stage would be best to have though. That would be perfect, said Alieta. Live entertainment instead of just minstrels playing the same old songs. You must of seen some festivals before. Yes I used to look for them and listen. Never got to perform though. Plus none of them had really good dancers but things like puppet shows and magic tricks were pretty popular, though one time a very pretty girl got up on stage when no one was performing and sang a beautiful song. Everyone stopped what they were doing to listen to her. It inspired me to become a performer and I did go and talk to her later, said Ginger. So where is she now? asked Alieta. Well I think she said she was from Cumberland. Back then I didn't know where that was, said Ginger. I think her name was Miyo too, very cute petite human girl not much bigger than me but she could really sing. It would be nice to sing a song with her. Well if she still lives in Cumberland then go and see if you can find out where she lives or works, said Alieta. Ya I was thinking about that when I was teaching the dance class. Never been to Cumberland though, said Ginger. Not a lot of people there, said Ktara. Most live in the two towns. You three can probably find out if she still lives there by just asking a few people. Okay good plan for tomorrow, said Amelie. Well we all should be heading home, said Alieta. It is going to be getting dark soon. Yep I agree, said Ktara. Now we should come back in a couple of days and show you how to make a full coarse meal. Once you learn that all is left is the deserts. That is easy and just follow the recipies in that book. Okay then, said Alieta, Thanks for supper. Yes and thanks for showing me how to shop, said Ginger. Okay we are off too. At least going down the ladder will be a lot easier than going up, said Tempressa. Thanks and see you three later. Then everyone left. 23 illustration goes here Chapter 6 Conclusion Ginger got back to the palace with Phonixa and Repellia and showed everyone her new necklace. Zan really liked it and wanted one too but bowed out when she heard how much it cost. Alieta just got back from the tree house so Ginger ran over to her to show it to her also. Do you like it? asked Ginger. Everyone else says it looks great on me. My that does look very good on you, said Alieta. Did you get that at Cindy's store? Yep and it was a very good price too, said Ginger. Phonixa and Repellia bought some stuff too, said Ginger. Oh so you took them shopping with you? asked Alieta. Yep and they are fun to go shopping with, said Ginger. They bought a new nightie each bracelets. They are going to wear the bracelets tomorrow. So where are they now? asked Alieta. They went in the palace to try on the stuff they bought. Cindy gave them a very good deal also. The bracelets are real gold and they have real gem fragments on them. She just wanted to make them real happy. Alieta smiled. Yep that sounds like Cindy. I will have to thank her the next time I go in there, said Alieta. So are those real pearls on your necklace, I have never seen pearls that look like them. Yep the pearls are real and very rare, said Ginger. Do you like them? Yes very much, said Alieta. Good because I got you the matching bracelets. Then Ginger handed Alieta the small bag. Alieta took out the two bracelets and put them on. I love them, said Alieta. I knew you would, I don't like to wear bracelets but you used to wear wrist cuffs a long time ago but thes are much prettier, said Ginger. Well thankyou very much Ginger. I always thought about buying something nice in Cindy's store but figured people would think I was showing off but these are perfect, said Alieta. Well today was a good day in my books, said Ginger. I am glad you had a good time, said Alieta. I saw that tree house that Keiko and Amelie made in the forest. It is huge and almost like Pippa said, a tree house palace. It has a big wrap around deck on the second floor where the big bedroom is plus a look out tower and a real nice kitchen. You have to go see it some time but you will need to climb a long ladder to get to the front door. That does sound big, said Ginger. So they know how to use the kitchen? asked Ginger. Well when I got there Ktara and Tempressa were there. They taught Ginger how to use it and cook. The three of them made a nice spaghetti dinner for us all. Even had sundaes for desert but Keiko made them, said Alieta. Nice, so it sounds like we both had a very good time today, said Ginger. Yes it was a very good day in Fae Land, that is for sure. I also told them about the new plans for this years festival that we talked about. They all thought it was a good idea plus Ginger thinks you all will be good enough to do a dance show for us during the festival. Really, well maybe, said Ginger. We still got a ways to go before we perform publicly. Well a little over a week so that should give everyone enough time, said Alieta. Ginger thinks you all will be more than ready by then. Okay, she is the teacher, said Ginger. Oh and she mentioned trying to find a girl named Miyo that she met a while back at another festival. She has a nice voice too and might be living in Cumberland, said Alieta. She wants to see if they can find her so they can sing a couple of songs together. Wow, this years festival sounds like it is going to be a real good one, said Ginger. Yes live entertainment and fairies this time too, said Alieta. 24 illustration goes here Inside the palace. Phonixa and Repellia quickly ran to their room. I am dying to try these nighties on, said Phonixa. Me too, said Repellia plus rhw nice bracelets. They both slipped off their clothes then put the nighties on with the matching panties. They both stood beside each other in front of the big mirror.Now we are two hot looking sisters, said Phonixa. Ya and I can bare;y feel I have anything on, said Repellia. Okay lets put on the braceletsThey both put on the bracelets that were easy to slip on. They stood and looked ar each other. You know I think there is a lot more than just what we paid for them, said Phonixa. These look like real gold and not just plated and those gem fragments are very sparkly. Repellia looked up at Phonixa. Yep you are probably right but who cares, they are ours now. Maybe because Ginger was with us that we got such a great deal, said Repellia. Ya probably, said Phonixa. We have to take her shopping with us more often and we even got a free sundae each. Our boy friends are really going to like these when we go camping. Yep, sounds like we are going to have very good time to me also, said Repellia. 25 illustration goes here It was getting dark now so Keiko and Amelie went up the ladder to go to bed. I thought Ginger was up here, said Amelie. She is, look she is out on the deck. said Keiko. Are you coming to bed Ginger? After I sing my song, said Ginger. You two go lay down, I will be in soon, said Ginger. They both went to bed then heard that beautiful voice again. Ginger was singing a very lovely night time song softly at first then louder. A bunch of pixies flew over to listen to her. They were all smiling as they hovered in front of the deck. Pippa was right she is amazing and special, said one of the pixies. Yes she does sing like an angel, said another Pixie. How do you know what an angel sings like asked a pixie. I don't know but I bet the can sing just like her, said the pixie. When Ginger was finished her song she said good night to them and went inside. Both Keiko and Amelie were fast asleep. Ginger layed down and she thought to herself that she was the luckiest pixie in the world then layed back and fell asleep. The End 25 illustration goes here