The Adventures In The Land Of Fae Alexa Teaches Prolog Alieta was flying over Eden heading towards Alexa's place when she saw Hennie and Nissie below. She flew down to say hello and see how Nessie was doing with her plant making lessons. Hello Hennie how are things going? asked Alieta. Oh fine, I am working with Nessie here teaching her how to make some basic plants properly, said Hennie. So how is that going? asked Alieta. Well we are getting there. She can now make plants with leaves but still has a problem giving them flowers that look proper. It is understandable seeing flowers are the hardest part plus making them smell good, said Hennie. Well she will get the hang of it soon I am sure, said Alieta. Ya I know, actually she is doing pretty good for a very young girl, said Hennie. So where are you off to? I am heading over to Alexa's place. Yeanny brough her friend with her and she is quite unique seeing she is the only one of her kind and is only seven years old plus has never been schooled, said Alieta. Alexa is the smartest around and I want to see if she would teach her some basic skills like reading and arithmetic. Oh so what do you mean unique and one of a kind? asked Hennie. Well Ivy read her and she is made up of several different types of fae plus she she can do a few things that Tulip and Pippa said that she shouldn't be able to do but can, said Alieta. She is quite cute though and small, a bit taller than you girls. Pink hair, eyes and stuff too. She is getting along nicely with Capi and Latish back at the palace. Well she does sound interesting. I will drop over later and meet her though schooling sounds like a good idea, said Hennie. Yes she wants to learn that is for sure, said Alieta. Well see if she would teach Nessie here also plus Fettie and Setta have never learned basic writing or math either. The rest of the older girls were taught by the sprites and pixies in the old forest but those three never got taught seeing they were young and always hanging out together playing, said Hennie. Okay I will ask her, said Alieta. I will see you later back at the palace. Alieta took off and continued on to Alexa's place. 01 illustration goes here Chapter 1 Alexa Agrees To Teacher Alieta got to Alexa's place and knocked on the door. Diego answered and said hi. Nice to see you Alieta. It's been a while since I have been to the palace. Yes well things are fine and the last encounter we had only needed Zatsuky and Viridain, said Alieta. Anyways I would like to chat with Alexa if she is home. Yes come on in, she is in the livingroom, said Diego. Hi Alexa, nothing is wrong I just came to chat and ask you something, said Alieta. Oh okay, come and sit, said Alexa. Alieta sat down across from Alexa and Diego asked if he could get her anything. No thank you, I just finished having lunch, said Alieta. Okay, then Diego sat beside Alexa. So first I would like to tell you about Yeanny's friend that lives with her back home. She brought her to Fae Land to see if she would fit in, said Alieta. Okay but why wouldn't she fit in? asked Alexa. Well she is not like anything I have ever seen before and is quite unique, said Alieta. Okay but unique is okay but you have never seen anyone like her before? asked Alexa. I thought you knew all the fae types. Well I thought so but no one else has seen here kind before even Pippa, Zan and Tillia didn't know what she was, said Alieta. Okay so what does she look like? asked Alexa. Oh very cute as cute goes and smaller than a pixie but bigger than a fairy nymph. She has this very wild but pretty natural pink hair that is a bit long, plus big pink eyes and even her nails are all naturally pink. Lips are kinda pink also plus wings like Ivy but they are pink too. So she is a very cute petite pink girl that can fly, said Alexa. Oh yes she can fly alright. Even Pippa had a hard time keeping up with her when she shrunk down to her size. Wow, so very fast too, said Alexa. Does she have any skills? Well not sure other than being able to disappear but she did make a peanut appear in her hand with Tulip's wand but she was trying to make an apple for Tillia. Surprised the heck out of Tulip, said Alieta. Wow, she must have some fairy magic in her to make a wand work some for her, said Alexa. Yes, that is what Tulip said. Now I got Ivy to read her and she had a bit of trouble doing that at first seeing Sakura, that is her name, wouldn't stay still for her. Ivy grabbed her by the arm and told her to stay still. Sakura said sorry then stood very still for Ivy, said Alieta. She sounds kinda funny and playful then, said Alexa. Oh yes very playful and very funny plus a fast talker in more than one language, said Alieta. So what did Ivy find out about her? asked Alexa. Well she kept on laughing while reading her then finally said enough. I asked her why she was laughing and Ivy said she is constantly telling herself jokes and in several languages also. That is very odd, said Alexa but kinda funny too. Yes so Ivy told us she was made up of several types of fae including fairies, pixies, nymphs and something called tinkers plus more things. Ivy did say that she had a bit of magic inside and has a white soul but she could only go back as far as seven years which was when she appeared in Yeanny's lab one night. Wow, so she must be only seven years old then, that is why she is so playful but knowing all those languages is a bit odd, said Alexa. Yes and another thing odd about her was Pippa told me that her wings had next to no pixie dust or fairy dust on them and she should not be able to fly so fast or even fly much at all, said Alieta. Okay so now I see why you called her unique, said Alexa. Oh yes, very much so and she seems to be connected to Yeanny some how too, said Alieta. How so? asked Alexa. Well when Yeanny goes out to shop and leaves Sakura at home for a good reason I will tell you about later, she just lays down and goes to sleep and won't wake up until Yeanny gets back home, said Alieta. Well that is odd. Never heard of that kind of a connection before, said Alexa. Well I saw this happen when I went shopping with Yeanny and we left Sakura with Ivy to fly around Fae Land a bit. When I got back ahead of Yeanny, Sakura was curled up asleep on the grass in front of the palace with Ivy and Ginger watching over her. Even with us talking she didn't wake up until Yeanny got to the palace. She woke up and flew over fast to Yeanny and hugged her. Okay, there definately is some kind of connection between the two of them, said Alexa. 02 illustration goes here So have you found out what kind of sorcery she does in her lab? asked Alexa. Well I asked her that when we were checking out the house she is going to move into if she decides to stay and she said this and that, beauty products, simple potions plus soaps, said Alieta. Hmm, I wonder what the this and that is, said Alexa. I kinda got a feeling of where this unque girl came from but I will have to talk to Yeanny first before making any false conclusions, said Alexa. Now there is a favor that I would like to ask you Alexa, said Alieta. Oh, what is that? Well Yeanny didn't know she was only seven and thought she was an adult just really nutty and energenic so she never taught her anything. So I was wondering if you would teach her some basic things like writing and math. She has setttled down a lot since Yeanny found out how young she is and now is acting more like a mother rather than just a friend. She actually does everything Yeanny tells her to do like a puppy. Alexa smiled, I suppose so if she wants to learn things, said Alexa. Oh yes she does, she listens now more than talking and when Tulip told her about how smart you are she came over and asked if you could teach her things, said Alieta. Oh then sure I will, if she wants to learn then that will make my job a lot easier, said Alexa. Good I knew you would, said Alieta. Now one more thing. I met Hennie in Eden when coming here and she wanted to know if you would teach Nessie, Fettie and Setta also seeing they have never been schooled either. The rest of them were schooled back in the old forest, said Alieta. Well if they want to learn too then okay but I don't have much room here, said Alexa. Yes I know but what if you used the Fae Land Public School while it is closed for summer holidays, I can get a couple of elves to make sure a classroom is set up for your needs, said Alieta. They have all the books there already from grade one to six. Alexa smiled. I never thought I would be a teacher in a real school, yes I think it will be fun, said Alexa. Great! said Alieta. I will tell every one and probably start tomorrow morning, the same time as school normally starts. You only have a few weeks before school starts so make the best use of that time, said Alieta. Oh I will, said Alexa. Young minds are the easiest to teach. Okay then I will be back soon then, said Alieta and headed out. 03 illustration goes here Alieta went back to the palace and Hennie was there with Nessie who really liked Sakura a lot. My she is so nice, said Hennie, Very pink too but really listens to Yeanny a lot and so do my girls for some reason. Sakura came up to Alieta and asked if Alexa was going to teach her stuff. Yes she is plus Fettie, Setta and Nissie too, said Alieta. Really, they are coming to see Alexa too? asked Sakura. Well yes but not at her home but in a real school were other people go to learn during school season. Okay I think, what is a school? asked Sakura. It is a special building that has books and things for teaching people with, said Alieta. You will see tomorrow. School starts at nine o'clock in the morning, said Alieta. Okay so can we play in a school? asked Sakura. Well no not really but is it fun to learn and Alexa is really nice too, said Alieta. You can play after school. Okay, said Sakura then flew back to where the other girls were. So a real school too, said Yeanny, how nice. Now I am not sure what will happen if I was to leave. Pretty sure she will fall asleep at her desk. Yes so you may have to stay with her but Alexa has a thought of how Sakura came to be and it has to do with you, said Alieta. Me, how is that possible? asked Yeanny. Well we are going to talk with her. Alexa is very smart and has never been wrong so when she says that she may know something then be asured she will be right, said Alieta. She needs to know what else you do in your lab. So I need to talk to Alexa about what I do in the lab? I usually keep that stuff pretty secret, said Yeanny. Well if you want to find out more about Sakura then you need to talk to her. She will keep your secrets, said Alieta. Oh it is nothing bad just me trying to make different things. Some times they work and sometimes they don't, said Yeanny. Well lets go see her and let her talk to you plus on the way back I can show you where the school is, said Alieta. Okay but Sakura will fall asleep if I leave. Alieta smiled. Okay bring her with you, Alexa will like to see her anyways, said Alieta. Okay let me get my horse and we can go. Alieta told Sakura that we needed to visit Alexa again but you need to come also seeing Yeanny is going also. Don't want you falling asleep again. Now we won't be long so your friends will be here still when you get back. Okay, said Sakura and looked very excited. 04 illustration goes here Chapter 2 The Mystery Unfolds Alieta asked Hennie to stay for supper and we will not be gone too long. When Yeanny came back on her horse from the stable they headed out. After a bit Alieta said, "Well she is not flying a head of us". Oh no she never does, always stays beside me, said Yeanny. So how far is it to her place? Not far, we will be there in five minutes from now, said Alieta. When they reached Alexa's place Alieta knocked on the door. This time Alexa aswered. Hi again, said Alexa. What's up? Oh I brought Yeanny with me this time and had to bring Sakura too so she wouldn't fall asleep again, said Alieta. Okay come in then, said Alieta. They went in but this time both Angus and Sivia came to see who it was. Sakura hid behind Yeanny. What are those? asked Sakura. They are Alexa's pets and they are friendly wolves. They won't hurt you, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Sakura. Do they like to play? Alexa smiled as she saw Sakura peeking out from behind Yeanny. Well yes they do, said Alexa but not in the house. They are too big for that. Okay, said Sakura. Now stop hiding and let Alexa see you please, said Yeanny. Oh that is Alexa! Then she came out and walked up to her. Tulip said you are really smart and Alieta said you will teach me stuff, Sakura said with a huge smile. Yes I will, said Alexa. My you are so cute and nice big eyes too, said Alexa. Yep and pink too like my hair. I like pink a lot, said Sakura. Yes I bet you do, said Alexa. Okay now lets go inside and sit with Diego and you can get to know these two nice wolves, said Alieta. Alexa is going out back with Yeanny to talk, she will not be far away so don't go to sleep okay, said Alieta. Okay I won't, if she is close I don't sleep, said Sakura. Good so lets go inside and meet Diego and while they go talk, said Alieta. 05 illustration goes here Alexa and Yeanny went out back. That is quite the little girl you have there, said Alexa. Yes she is very adorable but since she came here and I found out how old she is, now she has been a little angel, said Yeanny. Good and that gives me an idea too. Have you met an angel before? asked Alexa. No never, said Yeanny. Oh you will like this one, said Alexa. "Cindy can you come down here please." Cindy appeared right away. Yes dear what can I do for you. Yeanny smiled. Very pretty angel, she said. Oh hello Yeanny, nice to finally meet you, said Cindy. So Alexa what is going on? Well there is a very cute little girl in the house with Alieta and we need to find out some things about her. Now first can you stay invisible and have a look at her then come back, she is in the livingroom with Alieta and Diego. She scares easily, said Alexa. Okay, said Cindy I will be right back. Cindy vanished and in a minute she reappeared. My she is adorable and likes Angus and Sivia too. Not sure what she is though that is very odd for me, said Cindy. Well she is a Sakura and that also is the name she goes by. Ivy found that out for Alieta. Okay, never heard of such a being before but go on, said Cindy. Well I have a feeling that Yeanny here is the one that made her with out her knowing, said Alexa. So you listen to what she does and maybe you can help, said Alexa. Okay I suppose but what do you need help for? asked Cindy. Well she sleeps when ever Yeanny leaves and won't wake up until she comes back, said Alexa. Okay, that is very odd for sure, said Cindy. Now Yeanny, tell Cindy about some of the things you do in your lab other than make soap and lotions please, said Alexa. Well I try to make different spells to make things like better furniture and clothing. Sometimes they work and sometime not so much. I even tried to make food but that has never worked yet. Okay so what else? asked Alexa. Well a while back I used to try and make some kind of pet. I was living alone back then and wanted some company. First I tried a kitten and that started to work but just fizzled out in a puff of smoke. Then I tried making a puppy, but got the same result. Another time I tried to make a helper that looked like it was going to work so I kept on repeating the spell and saw a small figure begining to form but poof, it disappeared. I figured that was too big and didn't have enough magic to conjure up anything that big. I tried other things like a eagal and rabbit plus other cute animals that I liked when I was a kid but every thing went up in smoke, said Yeanny. Well dear, only God can create anything that is living, said Cindy. Ya I figured that but the people living near me were not all that nice so I had no friends. No one would even buy my soaps seeing they thought I was a witch, said Yeanny. I see, said Cindy. So what are you thinking Alexa that may have caused Sakura's exsistance? asked Cindy. I think she is the result of all her failures, said Alexa. She said they all went "Up in smoke". So where did the smoke go but all together, said Alexa. Hmm, very interesting theory, said Cindy. 06 illustration goes here Let me see your soul Yeanny. Okay, she said. Cindy placed her hand on Yeanny's chest and then removed it. No problem there. Nice and clean but hasn't been blessed yet so must be why it is a bit smaller than usual. Let me check Sakura's soul now if she has one. I will be right back and she vanished again. You haven't been blessed yet? asked Alexa. Well no. There was no priest around where I lived, said Yeanny. Cindy came back and look surprised. Well she has a soul alright but it is exactly like yours. I mean it is like you are sharing the same soul or something. I have never heard of anything like that before, said Cindy. I need to talk to the big guy about this then I will be right back. He is a man of few words. Then she disappeared. Well Alieta did say that if you thought of something that could be the answer then the odds were you would be right. But I don't get the sharing soul thing, said Yeanny. Ya me either, said Alexa. Heaven stuff is way beyond my knowledge. In a few minutes Cindy came back down. Well it seems that Alexa here was correct as usual. Sakura is the end product of your attempts to create a pet or something. He had nothing to do with that but let you keep trying because you are a nice girl in his books. Yeanny smiled. Now the thing is you can't create a soul and without a soul what ever becomes alive from your magic would definately become evil like a devil. Oh my, said Yeanny. That would be terrible. Yes, now he couldn't give this new girl a new or even used soul. He can only do that with beings he creates like Avan and Tara. So he did want you to be happy so what he did was mirror your soul and gave the mirrored soul to Sakura. Now that would cause some complications as it has in your cases. When you go away somewhere Sakura's soul becomes incomplete so her body shuts down to stop her from becoming bad when you are gone. You see God watched Sakura and found her to be a very delightful child and so full of love to you Yeanny. Main reason for that is because she is a result of your imagination, you must have incredible dreams. So what do we do about the sleeping thing? asked Alexa. Oh that is easy, said Cindy. I have to bless both of you at the exact same time. That will make your soul separate from hers and her soul will become whole and separate from you. Basicly she will be a blessed individual with free will and all the things that goes with having a soul. So we need to get you two together so I can bless you both. We can do that in the house plus I have to be visible for that. Okay, so will she act any different after being blessed? asked Yeanny. Well that will be up to her but I don't think so. She is in Fae Land now and surrounded by love. She will be just fine and won't sleep when you leave anymore, said Cindy. Just don't just be her friend, that is not what she needs from you. You made her so you are her mother. Oh she has lots of friends now, even in the short time she has been here, said Yeanny. Yes she will make friends quick. She has your soul right now and it is a good one, said Cindy so lets get this done. They went inside and Sakura saw Cindy. Was that you that touched my back, it felt really good, said Sakura. You have nice wings, do you like to play, Angus and Sivia like to play also but it is not allowed in the house. Cindy smiled. Yes I do, like to play but don't have much time for that anymore dear. Now I have to do something very special for you and Yeanny. Okay, said Sakura, you feel like you are from heaven. Yes dear I am an angel, said Cindy. Deigo got Angus and Sivia out of the way. Now stand up straight beside Yeanny please. Cindy placed a hand on each of their chest then uttered some words then both of them glowed for a moment then she removed her hands. Okay all done, said Cindy. So how do you both feel? Good, said Yeanny. Kind of lighter and new I think. Me too, said Sakura but not lighter, I am already light just hungry now. Alieta smiled. Well it will be supper time soon so hang on just a bit. Okay, said Sakura. Well thanks Cindy and thank God for me. You just did dear, said Cindy. Now when you get back have Ivy read you two again. I think you will be surprised at what new she will find. During the blessing God gave you both a gift. That is why you two glowed. Okay, said Yeanny. Very remarkable young girl you have there that is going to do so much good for Fae Land, said Cindy. Take very good care of her. Then Cindy vanished. 07 illustration goes here Alieta and Alexa walked over to where Yeanny and Sakura was still standing. Well that mystery is solved and fixed, said Alieta. So you both feel the same now? Yep I do, still hungry a bit and want to go back and play with my friends, said Sakura. Yes we will be leaving very soon, said Alieta. How about you Yeanny. I think I am just fine. I feel just a bit different now, that is all. Well you now have a blessed soul so you are a bit different now, said Alieta.So what are you going to start teaching tomorrow Alexa. Not sure, I will have a look through the grade one books first but probably the alphebet first, said Alexa. Yes that sounds about right, said Alieta. Okay we best be going so thanks for all your help Alexa and good luck tomorrow. You have four young minds you will be in charge of. Then the three of them left. So Alexa seems like you did good again, said Diego. How do you feel? Kind of nervous now, said Aliexa. I have never been in charge of children before. You will be just fine, just come up with a good plan, said Diego. You are really good at making plans. 08 illustration goes here Chapter 3 The New Beginning They left and headed back but first went to the school so Yeanny would know where it was. You see that big building Sakura. That is a school where people learn things. Alexa will be your teacher there for a few weeks. Okay, said Sakura. Looks nice and very big like your home. Yes it is big but you will be only using a few rooms in there, said Alieta. They headed back to the palace where everyone was waiting for them plus it was close to supper time also. Sakura saw her friends were still there and flew over to them. So all okay, now asked Hennie to Alieta. Yes perfect, said Alieta. Ginger came over and asked how things went also. Well she won't be sleeping anymore in the middle of the day, said Alieta. Cindy fixed everything for the two of them. Ginger smiled. So where is Ivy? asked Alieta. Over there with the girls, said Ginger. Yeanny and Alieta walked over towards Ivy and she saw them coming and ran over. Is Sakura going to be okay? I like her and she likes me too, said Ivy. Yes dear everything is fine, said Alieta. Cindy blessed the two of them and now she told us to get you to read the two of them again. I want you to read Yeanny first and see if you see anything different in her. Okay, said Ivy then looked at Yeanny. She smiled and said you have changed inside from when I first read you yesterday, said Ivy. Really how? asked Yeanny. Well you are no longer a sorceress first of all. Really, how come. Well you can't be both you know, said Ivy. What do you mean? asked Yeanny. You can't be a soceress and a wizard at the same time. It is not allowed, besides a wizard is much more powerful, said Ivy. You should let Merlin teach you some things, he is the best you know. Yeanny smiled. So I am a wizard now! Yep and ever lasting too. God must really love you, said Ivy then walked over to Sakura. They followed Ivy to where Sakura was tlking to the three fairy nymphs. Okay Sakura, I need to read you again. Alieta says so. Okay, said Sahura. She stood up and Ivy looked at here. Okay you changed too inside. Really how? asked Yeanny. Oh she no longer tells herself jokes in side constantly and she only seems to think on english and the two elven languages now I think but she is not talking so much inside so who knows. Her soul is a bit bigger too like yours Yeanny. She is ever lasting now too. She is still the same when it comes to everything else though. Sakura smiled. Not sure what that all meant but Yeanny is smiling so must be good and she flapped her wings a bit. Ivy saw some dust fall to the ground. She touched one of Sakura's wings and said look. Pixie dust or Sakura dust and lots of it. They all looked and saw Ivy was right. Hope this means she won't be flying even faster now, said Yeanny. Maybe, said Ivy, lets see. Fly over to that nice tree over there and back again as fast as you can, said Ivy. Get small also, you can do that now easily. Okay said Sakura and got really small about the size of a persons baby finger then vanished then reappeared. That was as fast as I could go, said Sakura. Ivy smiled. Yep faster now too, almost as fast a Pippa. Sakura got big again then went and sat down. So this is all going to be a big adjustment for both of you, said Alieta. Yes I suppose so, said Yeanny but a good adjustment I think. It's like a brand new begining. 09 illustration goes here Okay here come the fairies so must be supper time everyone. Lets make some room for them please, said Alieta. Everyone made some room for the fairies and they got supper set up. The fairy nymphs and Sakura were first at the table again. This time Sakura only took a few pieces of meat, some peas and an orange. Then she went and sat down on the grass. She ate the meat and peas then peeled the orange and started eating it. Yeanny saw that she didn't take much and asked her why. I am full, said Sakura. I am only small you know, you are big so you eat lots more. Yeanny smiled. The other girls sat down with Sakura and started eating too. Tulip went over to where Sakura was sitting. You want some ice cream now? she asked. Nope, the orange is good for now and better, said Sakura. Maybe later though. Alieta looked around and couldn't see Tillia or Sara. She asked Ivy about them. They were here earlier but went home. Sara wanted to eat outside with Viridain and Tillia. That way she wasn't eating alone again, said Ivy. Oh good for them, said Alieta. Yep Sara cares how Viridian feels too. We both love her, said Ivy. I need to get Merlin here too. He has to tell Yeanny how to do wizard magic. She can't do sorcery anymore. Okay but you eat first and let her finish too then call him, okay, said Alieta. Yep okay, said Ivy. In a bit every one finished eating and everything got cleaned up. Ivy walked over to Yeanny that was talking with Alieta. So do you want to talk to Merlin now? asked Ivy. Maybe later, said Yeanny. He might be busy. Well you need to talk to him you know, you can't make things like you used to be able to do. Really, how come? asked Yeanny. Try making a chair like you used to right there, said Ivy. Okay, said Yeanny. She put out her arms and chanted someting but nothing happened. She tried again and still no chair. Hey what is going on? Chairs a really simple to make said, Yeanny. Yep still are but you need to talk to Merlin, said Ivy again. Okay call him for me please, said Yeanny. Nope, you call him, he will come for you now. Just tell him you need his help, said Ivy. Okay, "Merlin, it's Yeanny can you help me please." 10 illustration goes here Merlin appeared in a few seconds. Yes dear what do you need help with? asked Merlin. Um I can't make a simple chair appear and Ivy says you can help me. Really, let me see, said Merlin and looked at her eyes then smiled. Good for you Yeanny. You are a wizard now and quite a powerful one. How did that happen? asked Merlin. Oh Cindy the angel fixed Sakura and me. Now I can't do magic any more. So who is Sakura? asked Merlin. Oh she is over there with the other little girls, found out I made her so now I am her mother. Cindy did some heaven magic on us both, said Yeanny. Well I will talk to her later but first you need to know a few things seeing you are very new at being a wizard. Now first of all yes you can still do magic but much better and stronger now plus a lot easier too. No need for waving arms around and chanting out anything, said Merlin. Just think about what you want to make appear then look where you want it then think appear. Try it, said Merlin. Okay, said Yeanny. She thought for a second then a somple wooden chair appeared. Wow that was really easy, said Yeanny. Yes see, nothing to it. Now that you have a chair make it go away. Just do the same and think vanish. She did that and the chair disappeared. Cool that is awesome, said Yeanny. Yes it is now stop thinking so simple and make me a really nice chair to sit in, something king like, said Merlin. Okay I will try. Oh don't try just think and do it, said Merlin. Yeanny looked in front of her and a beautful chair appeared with a plush red velvet seat and back rest. Lovely wood carvings on the legs and back. There you go dear, very nice indeed now my favorite colour is blue so change the colour of the fabric please. Yeanny looked at the chair and the fabric changed to a nice blue. Thank Yeanny then Merlin sat down. Ivy smiled. Told you Merlin would help you, said Ivy. So can someone bring that new girl over to me. This chair is really comfortable, said Merlin. I will and Ivy flew over to Sakura. Sakura, I want you to meet someone special, said Ivy. He is a very good friend of mine. Okay, she said and they both flew over to Merlin. Here she is Merlin. 11 illustration goes here Sakura said, Hello, Ivy said you are her friend. You look old, nice beard though, do you like to play, what is your name, why do you wear so much clothing, are you cold? Merlin smiled. Did you teach her to talk like that Ivy? asked Merlin. Nope that is all her, said Ivy. My goodness and so pretty too. Yep pink too, do you like my hair? asked Sakura. Yes I do dear. And those beautiful big pink eyes too, said Merlin. Sakura just smiled this time. So dear I am Merlin the wizard and I feel that you have some good talents in you like flying and disappearing. What do you like the best. Oh playing and eating ice cream, said Sakura. I am seven years old and I start school tomorow in a big building plus Alexa is going to be teaching us. I like her too, said Sakura. She has big pets too and they are freindly also. Merlin laughed, yes they are friendly, said Merlin. Hennie came over with Nessie to say hello. Hi Merlin just thought I would come and see you before taking Nessie home and the rest of the girls. Mom he has a nice chair. Yes he does dear. He probably made it, said Hennie. Nope I did, said Yeanny. I am a wizard now. Sakura looked at Hennie then Yeanny. Why does Nessie always call you Mom and everyone else calls you Hennie? asked Sakura. Oh I made this pretty little girl, said Hennie. Oh, Yeanny made me too so can I call her mom , asked Sakura. Well sure, if she made you then she is your mother. Good that is easier to say than Yeanny, said Sakura. Okay, Mom can we stay here I like Fae Land. Yes we can, lets go to our new home. You have school in the morning, said Yeanny. Let me get my horse. Well you don't need a horse now just take her with you there so long as you know where you are going, said Merlin. You don't even have to touch her, just think where you need to be and go. Okay, I always had to hold on to her before, said Yeanny. Merlin got up and made the chair disappear. Okay I am off, just call me when you have time for another lesson dear. There are a lot of things you can do now that a sorceress can't do then Merlin vanished. Well you keep the horse for me Alieta if you want or give it to someone. Thanks for everything and they both vanished. Well now we have a wizard living in Fae Land, said Alieta. Yep and a super fast pink girl too, said Ivy. 12 illustration goes here Chapter 4 School Starts When Yeanny and Sakura appeared in her kitchen. She noticed that the chair she made was now in her livingroom. That is some nice man she thought to herself. Sakuka was looking around at all the rooms and seemed really happy. Yeanny looked in the ice box to see if the ice came yet and found that it was some extra food was in there also. That must of been Alieta's doing she thought. Ice cream was still frozen too. Sakura would you like a bit of ice cream before going to bed. Yes please, she said and sat at the table in the kitchen. They both ate a bit of ice cream then Yeanny took Sakura to her room. She first gave her a better bed then a dresser too with night wear and a few clean pink outfits like she had on in the drawer. Now here are the clothes for sleeping in, said Yeanny. They are very comfort able. Now get changed and have a good sleep dear. Okay mom, good night. Yeanny closed her door and went to her room and made a better bed also. Then some nighties for herself the got changed. She looked around the room and figured she could spruce it up tomorrow so she just laid down and went to sleep. Back at the palace every one was getting ready for bed also. Ivy flew home and the girls went inside to go to bed. Zan was long gone in the palace. Alieta and Ginger sat on the steps as usual and Ginger said, "Another amazing day". Yep it sure was, said Alieta. Things keep changing here all the time now. Yep but one thing will never change and that is us two sitting out here together at night, said Ginger. Yes that is a constant, said Alieta. Well I have to get up and show Hennie where the school is in the morning, said Alieta. Oh you don't have too I told how easy it is to find. Just go straight over Ivy's place and keep to you left a bit and look for the big building just north of the town. Impossible to miss the school, said Ginger, Yes and thank you Ginger, said Alieta. Oh and I told one of the cooks to bring food to the school's kitchen. He can work there now until school starts. We don't need as many cooks here now with the fairies cooking for us most of the time, said Ginger. It's a cafeteria so they can start taking lunch breaks there now and picking what they want. A couple elves will be working there also. My you think of everything, said Alieta. Well the little girls need to learn and they are real nice so a little help will go a long way with them. Plus Alexa will get hungry too I bet, said Ginger. Okay lets go in now. I am tired, said Alieta. Me too, said Ginger and they both went in the palace. 13 illustration goes here In the morning Alieta got up and went to the dining room for her morning coffee and breakfast. Ginger came down shortly after and had a coffee too. Well school day one, said Alieta. Hope they like it there. Oh they will, said Ginger. They all seem like the type that want to learn more. School can be fun, especially with Alexa being the teacher. Yes she should be fine, if she can control all her team members then she will have no problem with four little girls, said Alieta. Well I think so but four little girls is a lot different than working with adults, especially to a girl that has no kids of her own, said Ginger. Alieta smiled, well it will be a learning process for her too, said Alieta. Penny came out gave them their breakfast and they started to eat. At Yeanny and Sakura's place, Yeanny got up and saw Sakura sitting at the table in her nightie. Did you have a good sleep? asked Yeanny. Yep slept really good, nice and quite not like the old place with people yelling all the time and dogs barking, said Sakura. I slept good also, said Yeanny. So looks like eggs and bacon for breakfast today, and some kind of juice too, said Yeanny. Okay, said Sakura, sounds really good. While you are at school I will do some more shopping for food. Okay, make sure you get some ice cream too please, said Sakura. Yes I will, said Yeanny. Now we have a bit of time before we leave so I am going to pop over to the old place and grab a couple bags of gems then come right back okay. Yep okay, said Sakura. First I will make breakfast for us. The two of them ate and Sakura said she would clean up. Really! you never did that before, said Yeanny. Well got to help now, said Sakura, and cleaning these few dishes will be easy. I used to watch you do them all the time. Yeanny smiled. Okay then, you clean up then get changed for school and I will be right back, said Yeanny then she disappeared. When she got to the old place she saw that everything looked okay but had to make sure the place was sealed again because the old spell wasn't working anymore. She went into her storage room and grabbed two big bags of gems then teleported back again. Sakura was sitting in that nice chair all dressed in her pink outfit and ready to go. Okay school will be starting in about thirty minutes so let me put these in my room for now. I still have some coins from yesterday left so that will be good enough for shopping, said Yeanny. After she put the bags of gems in her dresser she came out to the livingroom. Okay lets go outside first, I got to lock up, said Yeanny. She locked the front door then they teleported to the school. They were a bit early so they looked around a bit first, checking out the school yard. Soon Alexa showed up and opened the front door. 14 illustration goes here Hi you two, ready to check out the classroom, said Alexa. Yep, said Sakura, is that where we learn stuff? Yes you will see, I just have to see what room is ready for us. Should be the first on though, said Alexa. She checked the first door and it was opened and there was four desks set up. Okay this is it, said Alexa. They went in and had a look around. Alexa went to the back of the room where all the books were. She looked at a few and found the grade one learning book. Sakura was already sitting in a front desk ready to learn. Well she looks all set to go, said Alexa. Yes she is really excited to be here and learn with you, said Yeanny. Okay I am going to do some shopping at the grociery store then head back home. Okay, said Alexa. Now Sakura you be good and do what ever Alexa tells you then fly home when you are finished. Do you remember where our house is? Yep the big one, said Sakura. Okay see you later, said Yeanny then disappeared. Wow got to get used to her doing that, said Alexa. Yep she is a wizard now and Merlin taught her some stuff and she is going to by some ice cream also, said Sakura. Hmm, a wizard living in Fae Land now interesting she thought to herself. Hennie walked in with the other three girls. Hi Alexa. Here are my little gems. I already told them to behave and listen to you. Okay good, said Alexa, Okay have fun, got to get back to the forest and off Hennie left. Okay girls pick a desk and have a seat, said Alexa. So we are going to start off with something very simple, said Alexa. I am going to write each of your names on this big black board so you can see what your name looks like in print. You all have paper and a pencil on your desk so when I read out your name and point to it. Copy the letters down on a piece of paper with the pencil. Okay they all said at once. Alexa wrote out all of their names then pointed at the first one and said Sakura. Now copy the letters as best as you can Sakura. She looked at the board then started writing. Next is Nissie, you do the same please, said Alexa. Next is Capi, then this one is Setta. Now take your time and I will have a look and see how you all are doing. She waited until they all looked like they were finished then had a look at each of their papers. She noticed they were very neat printers and no mistakes so far. When she saw Sakura's paper it looked very neat too but also had a little picture of her head drawn under the name. A bit rough but still you could tell it was her. Do you like it. It kinda looks like me I think, said Sakura. Yes it does look like you, said Alexa. Oh can we see, the other girls asked? Sakura showed them all then they asked if they could do the same. Yes go ahead, said Alexa. She smiled and thought this is going to be a lot of fun. 15 illustration goes here Okay you all did great with your names so now we are going to learn more about those letters that made up your name, said Alexa. I am going to write down some of the alphebet on the black board. Then you all copy it down on the same piece of paper. Okay they all said again. Alexa wrote the alphebet from A to M first. Then pointed at each letter told them what each letter sounded like. Now copy them all down please, said Alexa. They all started writing again and soon they all stopped writing. Okay let me see, Nessie, I want you too say each letter out load to me starting with the first one, said Alexa. Nessie started saying each letter but got stuck at "H". Sakura leaned over and whispered to Nessie. Thanks Sakura, said Nessie then said H and continued to M. Alexa skiled and figured it was fine that they would help each other out. Okay now I will print out the rest of the alphebet, said Alexa. She did the same as before and they all went back to copying the letters down. Then Alexa got Fettie to read out the last letters and she got them all excpt the last one where she just said I forget. Setta whispered to her and then Fettie said, "Oh ya zed, that is a funny letter". They all giggled. Finally Alexa asked Sakura to say the entire alphabet out loud to everyone. Sakura stood up and without looking at her papper or the chalkboard she sang out the entire alphabet in a little tune perfectly. The girls all looked at Alexa. Well that was perfect, said Alexa. The all cheered and clapped. Alexa saw that even in school these four girls were still having fun like they were playing a game which gave Aliexa an idea for a future lesson. Can I see what my Mom's big name looks like, you know Yeanny? asked Sakura. Okay, good idea, Sakura, said Alexa. Do you three want to see what Hennie's name looks like too? Yes please they said. Alexa wrote out Yeanny's name first then Hennie's name then said the name to each of them. They all went back to work and Alexa could tell they were all drawing a picture also. When they were all done she once again had a look at each paper. Very good everyone, you are doing great, said Alexa. They all smiled. Now look at the name on each paper then look at the alphabet you wrote down. As you can see that when you use certain letters in a special order you can make different names and words. They all were checking there papers and looked like they saw that Alexa was right. What does Mom look like? asked Nessie. Sakura wrote it down and showed it to Nessie. Oh okay and she copied it to her paper. 16 illustration goes here Okay now we will learn a few small words and how they are spelled. First is cat then she wrote it on the board. Next is dog and next is fox. She added a few other easy words too. Now add these words onto your paper, said Alexa. Now when I point at a word on the board you tell me what it says. Okay you first Setta. Alexa pointed at a word and she got it right. She did the same with each girl and they all got the answer correct. An elf came in and said it was lunch time and the cafeteria is opened. My time goes by fast when you are teaching, said Alexa. Okay everyone lets go eat, said Alexa. They all got up and followed the elf down the hall. They went in a big room that had lots of long tables and benches. Now go up front there where the elf and cook are behind the counter and see what you want to eat, said the elf. They all ran up and looked at the food. Well even from here Alieta is feeding people, said Alexa. Well yes that is Alieta but this is all Ginger. She wants to make sure you and all the girls are well taken care of. She is the best you know, said the elf. Yes Ginger is quite the girl, said Alexa. Now you get up there too and eat. You still got the other half of the day to do, said the elf. Alexa smiled then she went and got something to eat. 17 illustration goes here In the mean time Yeanny was just about finished shopping and had to cash out now. The girl added everything up as another girl bagged everything. Okay that will be fifty dollars please, the girl said. Okay, said Yeanny and pulled out the bag of money and counted out some coins. Wow you carry around a lot of money, said the girl. Well yes, I just moved here from a place that over priced everything so just got to get used to the cheaper prices here, said Yeanny. She handed the girl the coins and she said you bought a lot today. Yes got to stock up, said Yeanny. Yeanny looked at all the bags and wondered how she was going to teleport them all back at once. Can I come back a few times to bring them home. Too many bags for me to hold while I am teleporting, said Yeanny. You can teleport? she asked. Yep I am a wizard but still learning stuff from Merlin, said Yeanny. Oh cool, said the girl. Well for five dollars we deliver right to your kitchen table, said the woman. Oh really, how nice of you all here. Okay here you go five dollars. I will take the ice cream with me and get it in the ice box first, said Yeanny. Good choice said the girl now where do you live? Oh number six it said above the front door. It is the big house between the elf village and closest to this town. Oh yes I know the place. It has been empty for a long time. Must of been pretty dirty in there when you moved in. No Ginger and Alieta had it cleaned up for me. They are really nice to me and my girl. Oh so you have a daughter too then. Yeanny thought for a second. Yes I do and she is seven and Alexa is teaching her right now in the school. My you know Alexa too. Here take back the coin. I am not charging you for delivery seeing you know all these important people. Oh no, give it to the delivey person then as a tip, said Yeanny, then grabed the bag with the ice cream in it and vanished. Wow how did she do that asked the girl that bagged all the food. She is a wizard and knows Merlin and Alieta plus Ginger and Alexa. She must be someone important, said the girl. 18 illustration goes here Chapter 5 After School Everyone finished eating then headed back to the classroom. They all got in their desks and grabbed a pencil ready to work again. Alexa erased everything off the black board then turned around. Okay girls now we are going to do something different. Now does any one know how to count? asked Alexa. They all looked at each other then shook their heads. Okay then, said Alexa. Today I will teach you how to count from one to ten. Learning numbers and how to count is very important especially when you go in a store and want to buy something, said Alexa. Now get your pencils ready and copy down these ten numbers that I am adding to the black board. Alexa wrote down the numbers and said them all out loud while pointing at each of them. Now you all have to remember these first ten numers so practice saying them to your selves until you have them locked in your brain, said Alexa. How do we lock them in our brain. We don't have a key like my Mom does for the house door? asked Sakura. Alexa smiled. Well when I say to lick it in your brain it means you have to always remember it, said Aliexa. Just like the alphabet you have to lock that in your brain too. Lets pretend the key is invisible and once you use it to lock something in your brain you wil never forget it. Sakura smiled then looked at the board and stared at the ten numbers then raised her hand to the side of her head and turned her invisible key. Okay lock, said Sakura. The other three girls copied Sakura. Alexa was trying her best not to laugh at them. Next she continued to tell them a little about Fae Land and how it became so beautiful and magical plus where some of the places were. The girls listened very closely to everything she said and rarely took their eyes off of her. After about an hour of Fae Land history she figured that was enough for today. Now fold that piece of paper that you wrote everything down on and take it home with you and show Hennie and Yeanny what you did today and keep it where you can look at it again before you go to bed tonight, said Aliexa. School is out for the day and you all did great. See you all back here tomorrow, said Alexa. They all thanked her and headed out. The elf came in and asked how they did. Perfect, said Alexa. They all seem to be quite smart and want to learn. If there was a honor roll here they all would be at the top, said Alexa. Sakura also seems to have a tallent for drawing, the second picture of Heanny she drew was very good. Plus it only took her a few seconds to memorize counting from one to ten. Okay off I go, said Alexa. Got to think of what next to teach them, said Alexa. When she got home Diego asked her how the first day at school went. Better than I expected, said Alexa. They all did great and it was a lot of fun. 19 illustration goes here Yeanny was just doing some minor adjustments in the livingroom when Sakura came running in all excited. Look mom, look at what I learned today. She handed Yeanny the paper she had folded. Yeanny looked at it and smiled. You learned all of this today? she asked. Yep, said Sakura but the picture of you was just me trying to draw. Well not bad for your first try, actually quite good, said Yeanny. It does look like my head and the hair is almost perfect. Yep, you have nice hair so did my best on it, said Sakura. So you learned the alphabet and the numbers from one to ten plus some words too. That is quite a bit in one day. Yep plus Alexa told us a bit about Fae Land. Did you know that a long time ago it was all just sand here then God started doing his magic on it, said Sakura. No I didn't, said Yeanny. Well she also told us where some other places were and other stuff too. Fae Land is very very big! said Sakura. Yeanny smiled and could see she had a good time. So I suppose you are hungry now, said Yeanny. I bought a bunch of food for us and yes some ice cream also. Well we had lunch there in a big roon called a cafeteria that had big long tables and a place to get food up front from a nice elf. It was all free too! said Sakura. My they really thought of everything, said Yeanny. Can I have some ice cream though? They didn't have any at the school, said Sakura. Yes dear of course. Have a seat and I will have some with you. Okay, said Sakura but first I am putting my paper in my room. I have to study it a bit later on. She ran off to her room and quickly returned. Yeanny took out the tub of ice cream and filled two bowls then put it back in the ice box. Wow lots of stuff in there, said Sakura. Yes food is cheaper here than at the old place, said Yeanny plus the people working in the store were very nice to me. Sakura smiled. Everyone here seems to be nice, said Sakura. 20 illustration goes here After they finished eating Yeanny asked her what else she wanted in her room. I don't know, said Sakura. Well lets go have a look and maybe you will think of something then, said Yeanny. Okay, said Sakura then they both went into her bedroom. Kind of bare in here right now, said Yeanny. How about a carpet? she asked Sakura. Okay a big pink one please, said Sakura. Yeanny made one for her. Maybe a mirrow on the wall so I can make sure my hair looks good, said Sakura. Yes good idea, said Yeanny. Every girl should have a mirror in their room. She made a mirror that was the perfect size for a little girl. Oh I want a desk too. That way I can draw and write on it when I am not at school, said Sakura. Yes, another good idea, said Yeanny. She made a desk with a matching chair. Oh I know, said Sakura. Paper and pencils but more than just one colour of pencil. They only have the black kind at school, said Sakura. Okay that should be easy, said Yeanny then made a small pile of paper and a container with different colours of pencils in it. Thanks Mom, now I can practice drawing pictures. I want to get real good at it. Yeanny smiled. Well your first drawing was not bad so keep practicing and you will become better, said Yeanny. Now what about clothing? asked Yeanny. Are you always going to wear the same pink leotard outfits every day? Um I don't know, said Sakura. What is wrong with this pink outfit? Well nothing really but it is a bit well lets say most little girls don't wear just one thing like that all the time, said Yeanny while trying not to say it was too sexy for a seven year old. Um okay but I don't know what else to wear, said Sakura. But it has to be pink, it is hard to think of something with out seeing stuff. Well yes I know that so we will have to go shopping together, said Yeanny. But in the mean time I will make you something to wear that will do for now and you should like it, said Yeanny. Okay I guess, said Sakura. 21 illustration goes here Yeanny thought up of something in her head then removed the pink leotard she had on then made the new outfit appear on her. Sakura ran to the mirror and said she loved it. Two different kinds of pink too! Hmm. Yeanny thought to herself. Not exactly what she was thinking. Still looks kinda sexy on her actually sexier. It does seem to suit her though and she likes it. Too late to change it now she figured. Besides the fairies and fairy nymphs dress kinda sexy too. How about some sandals now? asked Yeanny. Nope don't like shoes, said Sakura. I like how the grass feels on my feet. Okay, said Yeanny. Lets go to the palace and you can tell Alieta all about what you learned at school today. Okay and show her my new outfit too, said Sakura. Yes, that too, said Yeanny. Now go outside again so I can lock up, said Yeanny. Just like Alexa told us to lock it in our brain today except you have a real key, said Sakura. They both went out the front door then Yeanny locked the door then they teleported to the palace. 22 illustration goes here They appeared out front of the palace and saw the gang was all there separated in their groups. Ginger was out talking with Zan and Tabitha but Alieta wasn't outside. Lets go see Ginger and Tabitha and show them your new outfit, said Yeanny. Okay, said Sakura. They walked over to where Ginger was and said Hi. Hello, said Ginger. How was school today? It was great, said Sakura. Well wait until Alieta comes back out, I am sure she will want to hear all about it, said Ginger. I like your outfit, said Tabitha. Wow, said Zan that is one...Tabitha elbowed Zan. Um nice pink outfit. Yep, Yeanny made it for me. I like it a lot and very comfortable, said Sakura. Yes well it didn't really turn out the way I was thinking but she saw it in the mirror and loved it so I figured it was too late to try again, said Yeanny. I guess I need more practice making clothes. Furniture I do perfect now. Well maybe just go shopping with her, said Ginger. Yes I think that would be best. That way she can pick something out herself, said Yeanny. I am pretty sure she will be okay now in a store with me, said Yeanny. Okay here comes Alieta lets go tell her albout your first day at school, said Ginger. They all started to walk over but then Sakura flew ahead of them and started talking to Alieta first. Hi Alieta, do you like my new outfit? Mom said it was not exactly what she was thinking of but I like it and feels good, said Sakura. Alieta smiled. Yes it does look good on you, said Alieta. Everyone else reached the palace steps. So how was the first day at school for you Sakura? asked Alieta. Oh it was lots of fun. I learned the alphebet and how to spell my name and both mom's names plus cat, dog, fox and some more. Then we had lunch, said Sakura. My you did all that before lunch time? asked Alieta. Yep but they had no ice cream so we all ate sandwiches instead, said Sakura. So what did you do after lunch? asked Alieta. Oh that is when Alexa taught us how to count to ten, want to hear? Then Sakura counted to ten. Very good, said Alieta. Then Alexa taught us a bit about Fae Land and stuff. She is really smart and smiles a lot while she is teaching us, said Sakura. She uses a white stick to write on a big black board and we copy everything she writes. I even drew a picture of mom. Need more practice though, said Sakura. 23 illustration goes here Well sounds like it was a good day for you all, said Alieta. Yep, then I came home all by myself and showed mom my paper from school then we had some ice cream together, said Sakura. Very good, said Alieta. So are you two going to stay for supper? asked Alieta. Well I was thinking that I would go home and cook us a nice little supper and have our first dinner together in the new house, said Yeanny. Oh that sounds nice too, said Alieta. Yep Mom is a great cook, said Sakura. Yes I did a big shop today with the coins I had left from yesterday and the food there was really cheap compared to the other store I used to shop at plus the girls at the counter were really nice to me. She even helped me when I told her that I had too much to teleport home with at once. She was surprised I could do that so I told her that I was now a wizard and Merlin was teaching me stuff and I knew you and Ginger and Alexa so she said they would deliver the grocieries to my place for free instead of paying five dollars extra. I just took the bag with the ice cream in it and teleported home. Alieta smiled. Well news gets around Fae Land fast so lots of people will know that a wizard now lives here, said Alieta. Well at least they were not scared of me and stuff and I let the girl keep the five dollars to give the person doing the delivery. She had a nice smile, said Yeanny. Oh I almost forgot, said Ginger. Here are those two diamonds you gave me to hold on to. Oh keep them Ginger, you deserve them for taking care of my girl while I was gone and getting my home cleaned up. Buy something nice for yourself. I went back to my old place and got two big bags of gems and teleported them back with me. I have lots now, said Yeanny. Wow best pay I ever got for baby sitting, said Ginger. Then you must be rich, said Zan. I suppose so but richer now with Sakura acting more normal now and being her mother. That is priceless. Zan smiled, yes motherly love can not have a price tag on it. Hey now you can play closest to the wall with me, said Sakura. Well maybe later, said Ginger. 24 illustration goes here Chapter 6 Conclusion After a bit more talking Yeanny and Sakura wanted to go back home. Wait a minute please I have something that you can use, said Alieta. Okay, said Yeanny. Alieta went in the palace then came back out with a book. Now this is the book that I used when Zan first got here and could barely speak english. It has big printing and nice colourful drawings of animals in it. You can read it to her and let her follow along, said Alieta then she handed Yeanny the book. Yep that is a good book and a nice story too, said Zan. Thank you Alieta, we will read it together after supper, then the two of them teleported home. Now there goes a very nice woman. Very rich but still very nice, said Zan. Yes but money isn't everything, said Ginger. Ya right, look at you with two big diamonds now, said Zan. Ginger smiled. Well come shopping with me tomorow, said Ginger. I will buy you something nice. Zan smiled and said okay. Back at Yeanny and Sakura's place they went in the kitchen. So what do you want for supper? Beef, pork, speghetti, chicken or maybe a meat pie, asked Yeanny. Meat pie please, said Sakura. Good that is nice and easy. Just have to heat it up some, said Yeanny. They both went into the living room and sat together and talked a bit while waiting for the meat pie to heat up. We need some flowers in here, said Sakura. Maybe Fettie can make us some. She said she was very good at making nice flowers. Okay, you talk to her tomorrow, said Yeanny. 25 illustration goes here Soon the meat pie was ready and they both sat down to eat. Not a bad meat pie, said Yeanny. Usually store bought frozen meat pies are not this good. Better cooks here, said Sakura. Yes, it seems that there is better everything here, said Yeanny. When they finished Yeanny told Sakura to get dressed for bed then come out and we will read some of this book together. Okay, she said and ran into her bedroom. She came back out and sat beside Yeanny that had the book on her lap. What is it called, asked Sakura. Animal Friends, said Yeanny. See, a fox, a rabit and a squirl all sitting together, said Yeanny. She opened it up to the first page and saw that it was designed for a young person with large printing and big colourful drawings. She started to read a few pages and saw it was a very pleasant story but it looked like Sakura was getting sleepy as her eye lids kept getting closer and closer together. Well how about we stop now and read some more tomorrow, said Yeanny. Okay, said Sakura. I like the fox the best so far but I am getting too tired to stay awake. Okay lets go then, you had a very busy day today. She picked up Sakura and she wraped her arms and legs around Yeanny. She layed her down on the bed but left the covers down because it was a warm night. It only took a minute for Sakura to fall asleep. She stood back and said to herself, "My she looks like such an angel when she is sleeping, a pink angel but still an angel". She closed the door then headed off to bed herself. The End 26 illustration goes here