The Adventures In The Land Of Fae Attack From The Sky Prolog In the morning, everyone got up at around the same time except for Zan of coarse, she always sleeps longer than everyone else. So Alieta, Tabatha, Phonixa, Repellia and even Ginger that normally used to wait until later to make her own breakfast, were all having breakfast together and they all chatted some while eating. Alieta asked the three young girls what their plans were for the day. Today we are hanging out here by the palace, said Phonixa. We don't want to miss anything again like we did while we were in town. Alieta smiled. Well Jazmen is back from her break today so maybe she might take you three to the pool in the forest. The three of them looked at each other and smiled. Ya that is a much better idea, said Repellia. Think she will take us today? Well she will be by the palace some time today so you can ask her when she shows up, said Alieta. Okay they all said then quickly finished their breakfast then ran upstairs to pick out a bathing suit from the wardrobe room. So are you going to join them Ginger? asked Alieta. No I think I will stay here with Zan and Candy today. We will think of something to do together, said Ginger. So what are you going to do? asked Ginger. Not sure yet but I will be here until Jazmen reports in. I need to bring her up to speed with all the events that happened while she was away, said Alieta. Okay, said Ginger, you can hang with us three while you wait for her, said Ginger. They finished eating then headed outside and do the regular thing of checking the sun dial. 01 illustration goes here Chapter 1 Mother Nature Enhances Sun Dial The girls came back down and they all went outside and checked the sun dial. We are pretty consistent every morning, said Alieta. Always a bit past seven. Yep we all like to get an early start, said Ginger, but sometimes the girls sleep in a bit. You know the sundial is out here in the open all day long and is exposed to the weather all the time, day and night, said Alieta. I wonder if one of the fairies could do something to it to give us an idea how the weather was going to be like too. Nope they can't do that, said a voice from behind Alieta. Hi Mother Nature, long time no see, said Ginger. Ya I have been working away doing my thing and no one has needed me here but Gabriel has been keeping me updated with all the stuff that has been going on, said Mother Nature. So you said the fairies couldn't add a weather feature to the sundial, said Alieta. Why not? Oh they have no idea about how the weather will be like. Only I do and besides they don't really care with that big forest they have to protect them from the elements, said Mother Nature. So can you? ask Alieta. Well sure but just a daily report for Fae Land only. No need to know the world weather plus you would need a much bigger sundial than that she said with a smile. Yes that is all we would need, said Alieta. So do you need to take it with you and merge it with the orb or can you do it right here? Right here is fine, said Mother Nature. Now I first have to set it up for a twenty four hour read out. Why, the sun dial only tells the time during the day, said Ginger. Yes but weather continues even during the night, said Mother Nature. Now first I add two new features. She touched the face of the dial and a sun appeared on it and a crescent moon beside it. There that part is done, she said. Now the default will be daytime with the sun. Next she added four more small images to the dial at the bottom. There that should do it. You have a full sun, a sun partly covered by a cloud, then just a cloud and beside it is a cloud with rain falling from it. Now one more should be added but rarely happens around here. She touched the face of the dial again and a dark cloud appeared with a lightning bolt going through it. Okay all done. So how does it work? asked Alieta. Well as the sun moves and shows you the time, every hour it updates and what ever the weather is like, one of these five images will be the brightest, said Mother Nature. Alieta saw the the full sun was the brightest. Okay it is sunny today, said Alieta. Yes but that is just now. If you want to see what the weather will be like in say four hours from now, just touch the number with your finger say one o'clock, and see the sun is still full and brightest. Very cool, said Ginger. Yep I thought you would like that, said Mother Nature. Now if you want to know what the weather will be like during the night then just put your finger on the crescent moon and hold it there and with your other hand touch the number of time and then it will show you with those five images. When you remove your fingers it resets to the present time. That is amazing, said Alieta. Yep, I do have a few tricks up my sleeve. I may not be a fairy but I know the weather. Now anyone can use it as long as they have fingers of course and she smiled. This is going to be a very popular spot once everyone finds out about it, said Alieta. Oh I would hope so, weather is very important when planing one's day, said Mother Nature. Now show Ivy how it works because weather is very important to her work also. Yes I figured that, said Alieta. Actually she should be along soon. She said she would plant a couple of red maple trees here on the palace grounds for me. Oh very nice trees and will grow nicely here. Should get pretty big fast and make for excellent shade trees too, said Mother Nature. 02 illustration goes here Now before I leave, I would love to meet your new she devils. Gabriel has told me about them and how powerful and pretty they both are but a visual would be nice and some chatting of coarse. Yes that is right, you have not seen them yet, said Alieta. Well they should be out here soon, said Alieta. They always come out here but last night they stayed in the forest with the fairies. They had a run in with Quazar and they were told to spend the night with them to make sure what he did to fix them would be even better with the forest magic around them. Yes Gabriel told me they almost died yesterday. Glad to hear all is good now, said Mother Nature. I will go and check the orb then come shortly then. Don't let them fly away on me before I see them! Alieta smiled, don't worry, I am sure they would love to meet you too. Then Mother Nature vanished. Ivy showed up and said she planted all the seeds with Sara around Eden but left the two best looking seeds for here. Now where was it that you wanted them? asked Ivy. Oh on either end of the grounds, said Alieta. Okay and off she went. Tulip and Lollipop flew over with Tara and Avan from the forest. Oh hi you two. Stick around because Mother Nature wants to meet you and she should be back soon, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Tara. We would love to meet her too. Ivy came back and said, "All done. They should grow pretty fast as Tasha told me but I will see if I can send some forest magic this way. It should be close enough. Those trees are beautiful, said Ginger. We will be able to make our own maple syrup from them when they are big enough. Alieta showed Ivy the new features on the sundial and how to work it. Ivy really liked it and said it looked easy to work. So that tells the weather, I just look up and can see what it is like, said Tara. Weren't you listening silly, it also tell what the weather will be like later on during the day and night, said Avan. Oh that is really good then, said Tara. 03 illustration goes here After a bit Mother Nature returned and said all is good for weather around here. So I see Tara and Avan standing over there with Ginger and a couple of fairies. Can I go see them now? Yep lets go, I told them you were coming and they are looking forward to meeting you. said Alieta. They both walked over to them as they were chatting with Ginger. Hello Tara and Avan. Mother Nature is here now to see you two. They both looked at Mother Nature. Wow, I love your outfit, said Avan. Yes I like it too, said Mother Nature. That is some outfit that you two have on. Yep, it was given to us. Very comfortable, said Tara. Yes I bet it is. So can we chat a bit by ourselves without everyone listening in? asked Mother Nature. Sure I suppose, said Tara. If it is okay with Alieta. Sure if you want to, said Alieta. So Tara and Avan, you two must really like it here in Fae Land, said Mother Nature. Oh yes, it is very beautiful here and the people everywhere like us, said Avan. Yes I figured that. Even Gabriel likes you and for her to like two she devils then you two must be very special, said Mother Nature. Well we will protect Fae Land and work with Alexa's team when ever we are needed, said Tara. Good, said Mother Nature. Now this huge power you both have in you, Gabriel told me that you can kill devils or any other creatures but also can shoot out an energy blast correct. Yes, both can kill but if we just want to scare something off like humans or animals then we will use the blast in front of them and that usually makes them turn and run, said Tara. I bet it would, said Mother Nature with a smile. So this blast, can you control it or is it just one strength all the time? Oh we have full control and can make it just hit something and wound it or sent out a stream and make a deep ditch so what ever is attacking can't get any closer, said Avan. You see we will not hurt humans or animals of any kind. Gabriel said evil creatures were on Gods hit and kill list though, said Tara. Perfect, said Mother Nature. Then maybe you two could help me sometimes. Really, how? asked Tara. Well you see there are many places on the planet that need me to constantly make it rain so that crops can be grown properly. But if there was a nice river and lake in these regions then they could irrigate the crops them selves and that way they would get much better weather conditions. So is there a limit at how long a stream or beam can last before it runs out and needs to be recharged? asked Mother Nature. As far as we no the power is limitless. It is the energy of the heavens, said Avan. So it sounds like you would like us to make some rivers for you. You got it, said Mother Nature. Now it is not as easy as it sounds to do. We still have to follow the rules of nature. Okay, how so? asked Avan. Well depending on the lay of the land, rivers flow south in the northern hemisphere and north in the southern hemisphere. So that means direction is important plus the body of water that will be filling the river must be big enough and have a large enough supply of water going into the river also. You understand what I mean? asked Mother Nature. Yes, said Tara. Like having an unending milkshake with a straw that never goes empty. Mother Nature laughed. Ivy turned you two on to ice cream, didn't she. Yep and Alieta was the milkshake, they are both amazing tasting! said Tara. Okay good, That is all I wanted to find out, I wanted your answers with us alone so that Alieta being there wouldn't influence your answers, said Mother Nature. Now in a bit I will use my orb that helps me control the weather and also lets me see things on the surface world wide. Once I see an area that meets all the needs to make a river then I will get you two to help me. Okay but if it is a long job then one of us will have to stay here just in case we are needed. Never know what can happen here around Fae Land. Yes of course so just one of you can make a long river then? She asked. Yep, no problem, said Tara. Good, so lets go back to the other's, I am sure they are wondering what we are talking about plus I would like to chat with the fairies, said Mother Nature. 04 illustration goes here Chapter 2 A Real Fairy Tale Mother Nature walked over where Alieta and Ginger were standing with Tulip and Lollipop. Okay all done, said Mother Nature. Done what? asked Alieta. These two wonderful girls agreed to help me irrigate some areas that need it, said Mother Nature. They can do that? asked Ginger. Oh yes, they can and very quickly too. I just have to check for certain supplies of water near these places then they can cut an instant river in the ground, said Mother Nature. Oh okay, said Alieta. So you had to talk to them privately for that? Well it is my thing and I wanted honest answers with no one around. That is all plus I got a one on one conversation with these two amazing girls. Now I will do a test area not too far from here, maybe a few hundred miles away that I have been looking at and maybe we can give that open waist land to the east some water and possibly a small lake so the Black Fae can start growing their own crops. The river I made there is too small for anything like that, said Mother Nature. Oh, that does sound good, said Alieta. Now Tulip and Lollipop, it is very nice to see you two again, said Mother Nature. You know these two? asked Alieta. Yes, I know all the fairies, they make amazing forests that show up on my orb that can't be missed. Hi Mother Nature, we built another forest but this one is really big, said Tulip. Yes I saw that so how is your mother doing? asked Mother Nature. She is doing good, she is in the forest right now, said Tulip. Do you want me to go get her for you? Sure if she is not busy, said Mother Nature. How many of you are here in Fae Land? Just eight, my Mom just comes back to check on us every two weeks, said Tulip. Okay I will be back and Tulip flew off to the forest. So Ivy, did Alieta show you how the new enhancements work on the sundial. Yep, it is easy and will come in handy, said Ivy. Good and how is Sara doing? asked Mother Nature. Really good, she learns really fast and likes working in the cove, said Ivy. We have a new beacon tree now so I am going to be able to move more magic to the areas in Fae Land that need it. Good to hear, you just give me a call when you need some rain anywhere. Magic may be good but all plants need rain to grow you know, said Mother Nature. I will, said Ivy. 05 illustration goes here Well I am heading over to the cove and check on some things, said Ivy. Besides looks like all the fairies are coming to see you which leaves Sara alone in there. Talk to you later, then Ivy flew off. Here they come, said Ginger. They all landed and were all talking at once at her. Okay girls, give Mother Nature a chance to say something. said Guen. Mother Nature giggled. They are still all the same, always full of excitement, said Mother Nature. Hello girls how do you all like your new home here in Fae Land. It's great, we can fly really far and fast here, said Roseberry. Yep, lots of nice people here too, said Chestnut. Well I am glad to hear you all are happy, said Mother Nature. Yep we are making a new paradise out on the grassy plains now that was my idea, said Lollipop. Really, what kind of paradise? asked Mother Nature. Well not completely sure yet, depends on how much magic can reach there but probably some woods with paths and waterfall and benches for people to relax on. We want to make it so anyone can go in it. Well that sounds very nice, I know that area that Alieta had always planned to build more houses on but just never got around to it, said Mother Nature. I am glad someone is doing something with it now. Well we are only using a small part of it so Alieta still has plenty of room to do stuff out there, said Tulip. Okay girls best everyone get back to work, Ivy and Sara are in the cove probably checking out that new project you are working on, said Guen. Okay, bye Mother Nature they all said and flew back to the forest. It is always a joy to see all your girls Guen. Yes they are a good bunch but need to have someone in charge of them all the time, so they don't get into any mischief, said Guen. Tulip is a great leader but Ivy keeps them very busy so I am not worried about them when I am not here and I told them all Alieta is in charge of them also. Alieta walked up to them. So how long have you known about fairies? asked Alieta. Same time Guen got her Fairy Land going, said Mother Nature. Yep she just showed up in the forest and was surprised to see all the fairies but now we are all good friends, said Guen. So you were able to get in the forest with no problem? asked Alieta. If course, she is Mother Nature, said Guen. What forest wouldn't want her to visit. 06 illustration goes here So tell me Guen, this forest looks so much bigger than Fairy Land, why don't you and all the fairies there move to this new one? asked Mother Nature.Well there is a number of reasons, said Guen. First of all Fairy Land is getting bigger and the number of fairies are growing with it. Now you have never seen a young fairy before and what mischief they can get into. Nothing bad I would think, said Mother Nature. All children can act out at times. Yes but you see a baby fairy is fully grown in one to two months complete with magic, said Guen. The mother has to teach her child everything about being a fairy but young fairies are very head strong and learn extremely fast but they tend to think they know better than the older fairies and will end up making mistakes and even getting hurt so that is why we keep these very young fairies in a section of the forest where they can't do much damage and bother the older fairies. They know they can't leave the forest or they will probably get killed that is the first thing they are taught but a one year old fairy that has a magic wand can definitely cause a lot of trouble. Now think what it would be like here with a say fifty of these young fairies flying around Fae Land free to do what they want. They are just children wanting to have fun but childish fun that will drive everyone here crazy. Mother Nature laughed. Yes I see your point, so when are they allowed to mix with the older fairies? asked Mother Nature. Age fifty is there coming out and is celebrated like a special birthday, said Guen. That is when they see what it is like to be a true fairy and will make friends with older and wiser fairies. Now my children stay with me from birth and learn how to be princesses from all of us older fairies. None of the young fairies get to meet the princesses until they are fifty except for one. Okay you have my attention, which one? asked Mother Nature. Tulips best friend Lollipop. That little fairy at age five found a way of escaping the confines of the nursery area of the forest as I call it. How she did it was genius because the cove makes sure none of the young fairies can pass through the trees and the magic separating the two sections. Lollipop was exceptional and somewhat of a loner, wouldn't play with the other fairies her age so she got picked on. Oh the poor thing, even with fairies there are bullies, said Mother Nature. Well not that often but one day Tulip saw here crying on the other side of the magic wall and she went and called her over. Tulip was just seven years old then and Lollipop was about five. Now I don't know what they talked about that day but Tulip went to that spot to keep her company all the time. So how long did that go on, asked Mother Nature. Not long at all, you see Tulip taught Lollipop things that her wand could do that she had no business doing and with out anyone knowing about it. One day Tulip walked up to me with Lollipop trying to hide behind her and wanted me to meet her friend. I was shocked to see Lollipop to say the least out of the nursery. I told her it wasn't time yet and had to go back but that is when it happened. Tulip started to cry and cry and wouldn't stop and so did Lollipop. Now if you ever saw what a crying young fairy looked like you would see how much it broke my heart to see Tulip like this and she was such a good and smart girl. So I asked Lollipop how she got through the barrier. She said she didn't, she went around it. One night she flew up to the highest branch on the tallest tree when everyone else was asleep then slowly crawled from one branch to another until she got to the edge of the forest then climbed down the outside of one of the trees that was barely in the forest. When she reached the ground she felt that the magic was very weak at the base of the tree trunk so she used her wand and blasted through the wall of magic then ran outside of the length of the forest until she got past the nursery area. Then it was easy for her to get back in, she is a fairy and the forest just let her in. That was so smart, sneaky but smart, said Mother Nature. Well yes but it showed me that this young girl was above average just like Tulip. I asked Tulip if she had anything to do with her escaping and she said she didn't and just found Lollipop hiding behind a tree at their regular meeting spot but on this side of the wall. To me that made her special to be able to think of a way out and succeed so I granted her permanent access to Fairy Land. Tulip and Lollipop grew up together as best friends and did everything together. Even when I brought my girls here and put Lollipop in charge of the cove I could see she was not happy and kept asking me when Tulip was coming home. Instead of telling here she wasn't coming back I just brought her here. Wow now that is an amazing fairy tale with a very happy ending, said Mother Nature. Yes it is but it won't happen again, I had the magic strengthened around the entire nursery forest, said Guen with a smile. 07 illustration goes here Alieta and Ginger were listening to the story Guen was telling then Alieta turned to Ginger and said well that explains how Tulip and Lollipop became best friends. Yep is sure did, said Ginger as she wiped her eyes. Were you crying again? asked Alieta. Just a little bit at the end, said Ginger. That was a really good story. Yes it was, said Mother Nature. Guen has lots of great stories but some of them don't end up so happy. Well Guen it was great seeing you again and all your kids but I have to get back to work, said Mother Nature. Enjoy the sun dial upgrade Alieta, I know how much you like it. Then Mother Nature vanished. So Guen I didn't know that fairy wands can blast anything, said Alieta. Yes they can but we just can't use them to kill. That is how we drill for water and plus break through rock. Wouldn't that be dangerous having a bunch of young fairies with wands. Kids get mad at each other, said Ginger. Very true and that is why they are not taught how to activate the blasting function of the wand until they come to age. Tulip taught Lollipop how to activate her wand. Tulip wanted her out of that nursery as much as Lollipop. At first I was a bit upset when she told me but Tulip had made Lollipop her family and when she came to me with her, she wanted Lollipop to become part of all our family. That kind of love you don't turn away. So I have to go see what is going on in the cove. I hope this paradise project works for her. This is the first major project she have worked with my girls. I don't want to see her become disappointed. Then Guen flew off. You know, you and Guen are a lot alike. She loves all her family and worries a lot just like you, said Ginger. Ya that comes with being responsible for so many people, said Alieta. One thing I wonder though is what stories that Mother Nature said that Guen told her that didn't have a happy ending. Those stories I don't want to hear, said Ginger. Ya me too I suppose, said Alieta. 08 illustration goes here Chapter 3 The Danger Above Phonixa, Repellia and Tabitha came out of the palace. Has Jazmen showed up yet? No not yet, said Alieta. She should be here soon though. Good because we found some really nice bikinis to wear, said Repellia. Zan came out and said good morning to everyone. Alieta smiled. It is almost eleven o'clock. Oh good. I got enough sleep then, said Zan. So did I miss anything. Not really, Mother Nature was here and got to meet Tara and Avan, said Alieta. Oh okay, I will go back inside and get some breakfast, said Zan. Send Candy in when she gets here, she get here around this time then off she went. Funny people we have in Fae Land, said Ginger. There look here comes Jazmen up there. Yep here she comes girls, said Alieta. Hi all, did you miss me? asked Jazmen. Did I miss anything while I was away. Yep, lots but I will fill you in later, said Alieta. Okay so what is going on with you three? asked Jazmen. Oh we were just hoping you would take us to the pool in the forest like you said before you left, said Phonixa. Oh ya, said Jazmen. We can do that, sounds like fun. Hey what is that up there headed our way, said Ginger. They all looked up and saw what looked like dragons. No they are too small to be dragons said Alieta. Maybe Wyverns but they rarely fly together in large packs. I guess we should go see what is going on, said Tara. Yes please, said Alieta. Don't know what they want here. They are not usually attracted to magic. Well we will find out, said Avan and off they flew to head them all off. 09 illustration goes here Well they see us but they are not slowing down, said Tara. Lets see if a warning blast will stop them. They both went to send out a blast but they were too late and the Wyverns just flew by them. Really, we are not good enough for them, said Tara. They flew back fast and got a head of them again and this time got a couple of blasts out. The front ones all stopped in mid air and the ones behind them started to crash into the leaders. Not too smart are they, said Tara. Soon they were all at a stand still just flapping their wings staying a float. What the heck is that coming? asked Tara. Maybe a devil but don't look like one, said Avan. He got closer and now they could see it was a demon. Now, Kenzie said that most demons were stupid so they will do stupid things, said Avan. Okay here he comes. What do you two devils want, scaring my army like that? asked the demon Some army, a bunch of dumb Wyverns. Ya, much more than a bunch he said. Look behind me. They saw another dark cloud of Wyverns coming fast. So again what is it you two devils want? More like what do you want, said Avan. We are making a clearing for my land army to come through. We are taking over the entire south of this continent. This land below is in our way. Oh really, said Tara. So you don't know this is Fae Land the most powerfully guarded land anywhere. Never heard of it, said the demon. Nothing can stop my armies. Well you will have to get past us first said Tara. Just you two. You are joking, said the demon and started laughing. Go tear them apart he said to his Wyverns. They all started at them so both Tara and Avan starting blasting at the front line of them blowing them to pieces. What the heck the demon yelled and sent out some fireballs at them. In coming, watch out, said Tara. Lets give him a blast he won't forget, said Avan. They both sent a blast at him. He dodged one but the other one hit him dead on and sent him back quite a bit. He shook it off after a few seconds and now looked really mad. The two of them continued to blast away at the attacking Wyverns. He flew back at them and said you two can't kill me or stop me. We are coming through whether you want us to or not. Hey dummy, we are devil killers. You are like candy to us, said Avan. Nothing sweet about this and he sent out a bunch more fire balls. 10 illustration goes here What are they doing up there? asked Jazmen. Looks like they are having fun to me, said Ginger. Look one got past them. No worries my girls will get it, said Jazmen. Two winged sprites flew at the Wyvern and shot it down but it landed not far from the people on the ground. Hmm, ugly looking things aren't they, said Phonixa. Back in the air Tara and Avan were toying with the demon while they quickly got rid of the first wave of Wyverns. Look at him, he thinks he is scaring us, said Tara. Well all those other Wyverns are almost here, said Avan. We better turn him to ash. Just then Quazar appeared. Hi girls can I help. It looks like you two are just having fun but I don't get much action in space. Sure why not handsome, said Tara. Okay thanks I will deal with the stupid demon, you two start ashing those ugly birds. Even in battle you hit on him, said Avan. Tara smiled. Lets just start blasting then we can go back and see what Quazar is going to do with that demon, said Tara. Quazar grabbed the demon and flew him up higher out of the way. The girls were killing all the Wyverns very fast now. What are you, you are no devil. Where is your tail? asked the demon. I am Quazar, king of the overlords and you have no chance against those two girls. They can't kill all of my army, he said. Well look stupid. They are just about done then they will be coming after you next, said Quazar. What, impossible he said. He looked around and almost all the Wyverns were gone. Were are they all, I see no bodies on the ground. No they turn them to ash. No mess that way, said Quazar. Tara and Avan saw Quazar had a good grip on the demon so they finished off the last of the Wyverns then flew up to see what was going on. Told you dummy, here they come for you. Hey Quazar, why is he still alive, asked Tara. Oh just trying to get some info from him, maybe he will leave if he smartens up any. Yes I will leave, don't let those two creatures near me, said the demon. Let me go please. Okay, said Quazar then let go of him and he flew off. Okay if you think that will work, said Tara. It won't watch, said Quazar. The demon then turned around and started firing fire balls at the three of them. He is as dumb as they come, said Quazar then sent a big blast at him sending him down to the ground dead and smoking. Nice shot Quazar, said Avan. Now he said you two couldn't defeat his entire army. Is there more? asked Quazar. Ya he said he was clearing a path for his ground troops. Something about taking over the southern continent. Quazar shook his head. What would an idiot like him do with an entire continent. Okay I will take his dead body and drop it in front of his troops then stand behind it, If they are humans then they will turn and run but if they are nasty creatures I will incinerate them all. Okay, that will save us a lot of work, said Avan. No problem girls then he winked at Tara and flew down to get the dead demon. See I told you he likes me, said Tara. He likes me too, said Avan. Ya maybe but that is because you look like me, said Tara. Man sometimes Tara I just want to grab you by the tail and swing you around, said Avan. Hey that might be fun, we should try that sometime. They both smiled at each other and headed back to the palace grounds. 11 illustration goes here Tara and Avan flew back down to everyone and saw that Phonixa was having a closer look at the dead Wyvern. Watch this, said Tara and she walked over to the other side of the creature. Pretty ugly looking isn't it, said Tara. Yes and smelly too, said Phonixa. Well don't get too close. It might not be completely dead yet, said Tara with a serious look on her face. Well it looks dead, said Phonixa. Has two arrows in it and the eyes are closed. She bent a bit closer to look at the closed eyes. Tara kicked the back foot of the Wyvern that made one of it's arms and head move a bit. Phonixa screamed and ran back saying it is still alive! Everyone started laughing. What is so funny, it moved, said Phonixa. That was Tara, she kicked it, said Ginger that had tears in her eyes from laughing. Ha ha, very funny Tara. You scared the heck out of me, said Phonixa. Just a joke girl here have a look it is dead. Phonixa went closer and Tara lifted up it's head. See it is dead, said Tara. Um then why did its eyes just open? asked Phonixa. What! Tara looked at its face and saw the eyes were looking at her. Crap, she said then dropped the head then stood back and turned it to ash. There dead now, said Tara. They both walked back to the group. Sorry for scaring you, said Tara. No worries, it actually was a good one on me, said Phonixa. So girls was that Quazar up there with you two. Um yep. He just took the demon out of the way so we could get rid of all the Wyverns. He ended up killing him though after he gave him a chance to leave. Demon was too dumb to know how lucky he was, said Tara. Zan came back out and asked why everyone was standing around out here. Did I miss something? she asked. Awe ya, said Phonixa. An entire invasion that Tara and Avan stopped. Ya sure what ever, said Zan. So where is that Candy? Not here yet, said Alieta. Well girls have you got your bathing suits? asked Jazmen. They are in our room, said Repellia. Okay go get them then start going to the forest and I will fly home and get mine then meet you at the forest entrance, said Jazmen. Okay and off they went back in the palace. Looks like they are excited about going swimming, said Jazmen. Well they haven't gone swimming since they got here, said Ginger. Oh, hope they can swim, I am a lousy teacher, said Jazmen. 12 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Paradise Is Growing Ivy told Tulip and Lollipop to go check out the new site and see if the building was staying together properly and if the plants were growing. When they got there they saw that it really was starting to look like a paradise now. Look the trees have grown already and other bushes are growing plus lots of flowers, said Tulip. Yep this is great, pretty vines too, said Lollipop. Now we should check out the other end where the small pond is. They flew over and saw that it looked great too. Tulip started a tree there as a tester then they headed back to the cove. Okay Ivy, the first step looks great and is amazing looking. I planted a tree, like you asked by the small pond at the other end, said Tulip. Okay let me see if I can reach it now with the beacon tree, said Ivy. She went to the overviewer and moved the magic over to the tree. Okay now we wait a bit and see if that is working too, said Ivy. I will check it again in a couple of hours. Some people just came into the forest. Ya I heard that the three girls wanted Jazmen to take them swimming today, said Tulip. It is probably them. Oh good, Tabitha, Phonixa and Repellia have not been in here yet, said Ivy. Jazmen knows her way around in here so I suppose the two of us should go home and see if Viridian can make us something to eat for lunch, said Ivy. Okay can we come too, asked Tulip. Sure, said Ivy. We got a nicer living room now after Lilly fixed it for us the last time she was there. Viridian likes the company anyways. They all left for Ivy and Sara's place. 13 illustration goes here They got home and Viridian was laying on the new couch. Hi Viridian we brought Tulip and Lollipop with us for lunch. Oh we already ate. We just came for company, said Tulip. Okay, said Viridian. I was enjoying this lovely couch. This room looks great now. This is the first time I really had a good look at it. Yep Lilly did a good job, said Ivy. So what do you two want for lunch. Maybe just some sandwiches. Something simple, said Ivy. You too Sara? Yep sandwiches would be good. Two for me please, said Sara. Me too, said Ivy. Okay I will get them ready and you all wait in the living room. There is enough room for everyone to sit now, said Viridian. They all sat down and Lollipop said that it was nice and cozy in here. So after we eat we can go check out the site. It is not that far from here, said Ivy. What site? asked Viridian. Oh we are making a new paradise over in the barren grassy area. Do you want to come with us and have a look? Some is done now, said Ivy. Sure sounds like fun, said Viridian. Viridian got the sandwiches ready and Ivy and Sara moved to the kitchen and ate. Viridian joined Tulip and Lollipop in the living room. So this new place. How big is it going to be? asked Viridian. Not sure yet but it can be pretty big, said Tulip. Lots of room there to work with. Yep I have some more ideas for it still, said Lollipop. That will be nice. It is much closer to here and us that live in Eden would like to go to it when it is done, said Viridian. So have you been to the pool yet? asked Tulip. No I haven't been in the forest yet, said Viridian. Been busy doing things around here. Okay we are all done, said Ivy. Okay rinse off your plates and I will get my horse, said Viridian. 14 illustration goes here They all headed out together and stayed close to Viridian. Oh look at the nice gold tree, said Viridian, I have never seen that before. That is the new beacon tree I planted, said Ivy. It lets me move some of the magic from Eden to the new paradise and other parts of Fae Land from the cove. Interesting, said Viridian. This cove in the forest is where you and Sara control the magic like you told me? Yep but I do it mostly but Sara is getting really good at it too, said Ivy. This tree grew from just a cutting of the golden beacon tree just outside of the cove and I transplanted it here, said Ivy. It grew really fast. Without this beacon I cannot move magic to the place that Lollipop wants to make the paradise. Okay, that is interesting but beyond what I can understand, said Viridian. That is okay, lets keep going, said Ivy. They kept moving west a bit further then Tulip said, there it is, just ahead. Oh that isn't that far at all, said Viridian. They kept going until they reached the pavilion then Viridian jumped off her horse and walked up to it. This is so beautiful, said Viridian. You two made this? Well four of us fairies worked together but this was all Lollipops idea, said Tulip. Well Lollipop, how did you come up with such an idea, this is like something I have seen in my travels a long time ago but this is much better, said Viridian. Not sure, sometimes when I sleep, I see things in my dreams, said Lollipop. Then when I wake up I tell Tulip about what I saw. Okay so you two have been friends for a long time them I am guessing, said Viridian. Yep, I was seven and Lollipop was five, said Tulip. I think that is a long time but Chestnut and Misty have been friends a lot longer. Anyways we just got this one pavilion done so far but it turned out looking great. Just down there is a pond that is deep enough to swim in if you like to swim. I love swimming, said Viridian. Well then then lets get to the forest and go swimming, said Ivy. 15 illustration goes here They all got to the forest entrance and Viridian jumped off her horse then Ivy opened the trees. Oh that was cool, said Viridian. Yep, it gets better inside, said Ivy. It is a fair distance to the pool section along this path to the right but I know you can run fast with those long legs, said Ivy so if you run and we fly just a head of you then we will get there much faster. Okay, said Viridian and she started to run behind Ivy, Sara and the two fairies. In a bit they reached the entrance of the pool. Okay Lollipop you take her into the pool and give her a bathing suit and we will go to the cove and do a quick check on things, said Ivy. I brought my own bathing suit, said Viridian. Okay then put it on, said Lollipop. Where? asked Viridian that was still looking at the most amazing swimming pool she had ever seen. Anywhere you want said Lollipop then made her wand appear and gave herself a bikini. Okay then, said Viridian then took her bathing suit out of her bag and slipped it on. How do I look? asked Viridian nervously. Wow, I mean very nice, said Lollipop. Yep Viridian has an awesome body, said Ivy then Tulip and her left. Phonixa surfaced and so did Repellia and saw Viridian. Now that is a hot body you have there Viridian, said Phonixa. Yep Viridian has it happening, said Repellia. Jazmen came out of the shallow end of the pool and walked over to Viridian. Wow Viridian, you look awesome, said Jazmen. Thanks is it not too revealing? she asked. Who cares we are all girls here, said Jazmen. Viridian jumped in and started to splash around with them. Your right the water is perfect, said Viridian. Such a big pool too. Try the diving board at the deep end, said Tabitha that was sitting on the other side of the pool. Okay, said Viridian and swam over to it and got on the board. Okay go for it Viridian. Jump or dive, said Tabitha. Viridian ran then bounced high then did a nice dive into the water. Excellent, said Tabitha. You did that like a pro. Viridian smiled then splashed water up at Tabitha. 16 illustration goes here Back in the cove Ivy and Sara were adjusting the overviewer a bit more to bring some more magic to the paradise area. There that should do it, said Ivy. Looks good to me also, said Sara. So what should we do now? asked Tulip. Well maybe think of something nice to go in the forest too, said Ivy. You two have been using Misty and Chestnut to make the paradise so that leaves four princesses to do their thing in here. All it takes is a good idea and I know they will make something great, said Ivy. Ya your right, why should we be doing all the work, said Tulip. I will talk to them and get them to come up with something. Tulip called Pippie over and told her what Ivy said. Oh okay, we can do that, said Pippie. The four of us should be able to come up with something. Maybe something like a temple with a small pool with lily pads like in the cove's pool. Ya something like that sounds good, said Tulip. Bring that idea to our sisters and work on it and come up with something great. Pippie gathered her sisters together and they started making plans. Tulip wants us to come up with an idea for making something else in the forest, said Pippie. Okay so what should we make? asked Roseberry. I was thinking some kind of temple with a pond and lily pads, said Pippie. Maybe, why don't we go find a spot that is open some then decide what would look good there, said Sunflower. Good idea, said Roseberry, maybe further back of the forest, there is nothing done there yet. Okay lets go, said Pippie then the four of them flew out of the cove. 17 illustration goes here Chapter 5 The Statue Arives Alieta was sitting on the palace steps when Candy arrived. Hi Candy, how are things. I am fine, oh good. I see Zan is out and about, Yes she does sleep a lot, said Alieta. Ya it gives me some time to get some stuff done at home, said Candy. There you are Candy. I have been looking for you, said Zan. No you haven't, said Alieta. You have hardly been out here at all today. Ya I know just fooling around, said Zan. So what can we do today? asked Zan. Well we can see that that wagon coming here is bringing first, said Candy. Oh that should the statue I order to go in front of the palace's east wing. So who is it of? asked Candy. It is of the very first queen that ruled over Fae Land. It was her that actually approved the name Fae Land for our country. What was her name? asked Candy. I can't remember at the moment but someone did tell me what her first name was but I forget who it was for some reason, said Alieta. Oh lots going on lately Alieta, you will remember it eventually, said Candy. The three of the watched as the wagon slowly approached the palace then stopped in front of them. Okay made it and she is still in one piece, said one of the men. It was a bumpy ride here from Cumberland so we had to ride very slowly. We didn't want her losing a finger or her head. 18 illustration goes here The three men unloaded the statue and asked Alieta where she wanted it placed. She showed them the exact place where where the first queen was buried that Alexa told her she saw from that time line device under the palace that happened many years ago. They carefully placed it there and one man told her that a place at the base was left bare for her to have the name of the person it represented for her to add later but it did say "The Founder And First Queen Of Fae Land". Alieta had the man go inside with the bill and see her treasurer to get the payment. Ginger came out and saw the statue and they all gathered around and looked at the life size statue. They did a good job, said Ginger. Excellent detail. Pretty hair and nice dress, it looks almost exactly like her except she hand more colour to her skin. Of course it is a statue, said Alieta. So why didn't you have them put her name on the plate? asked Ginger. Well I forgot what her name was when I requested it done, said Alieta. That's right you knew her name. Yep and so does Pippa, said Ginger. Everyone else just called her Queen though. So what was her name? asked Alieta. Scarlet, I never knew her last name, said Ginger. Okay good, said Alieta. I never got to meet her. She died just before I came to Fae Land. Well she created the first army of foot soldiers and only had about a dozen winged sprites with bow and arrows but back then it was know as a very strong army and they rarely got attacked, said Ginger. The magic here was no where near what it is now so not that many creature attacks occurred either. So how did you end up here Alieta? asked Candy. Oh there was a big attack that was too much for Fae Lands army to defeat and with out a queen to lead them most of the male elves were killed so new female archers were trained but they were not that organized like before, said Alieta. It was Pippa that came to get me and my winged army that was in Cumberland and told me that Fae Land was about to fall. That was the first time I met Pippa. I took my entire army of two hundred sprites to Fae Land and filled the sky with them that ended the battle fast and those that lived retreated and sent news out that Fae Land was a place not to be taken lightly anymore. 19 illustration goes here Wow that must of been an exciting time for you, having the strongest army around to lead. So how did you become queen anyways, asked Candy. Yes I would like to know that too, said Zan. Well that came a bit later on, said Alieta. At first all us sprites stayed in the west woods. More people were starting to come and live in Fae Land so housing became an issue. Now Ginger here kind of befriended me as I was in the forest. She had a small home and wanted me to come stay with her until my own place was built. I didn't want to impose on her so I stayed with my army in the woods. Ginger was not happy that I was stuck living in a forest and wasn't going to stand for that so she did something that I will never forget. What was that everyone asked as now even some more elves had gathered to hear Alieta's story. Well the palace had been empty now for quite a while and no one was working there anymore, said Alieta. The place was dusty and the kitchen was a mess, must of looked like and old haunted mansion. Ginger was one of the oldest elves in Fae Land and she became well liked by all the other elves. She told a few of her friends that she needed their help cleaning up the palace for me. They all got excited and told some more elves that Ginger had a plan to get a leader back into the palace. Soon there were lots of elves working away cleaning and organizing the palace making it look bran new again inside. When it was ready to be lived in. Ginger went to the forest but couldn't find me. I was out on patrol with some other sprites so that is when she first met Jazmen that was a captain then. When Jazmen heard what Ginger had done for me she got all excited and flew out to find me but Ginger told her to keep it a secret. After a while Jazmen found me she said that there was someone at the palace that wanted to talk to me. 20 illustration goes here Guen had flown over from the forest and saw the gathering and joined in to hear what Alieta was telling everyone. So I flew over to the palace figuring it was someone that needed my winged army's help but when I arrived I saw a large gathering of elves and some humans all standing on the palace grounds, with Ginger sitting on the palace steps. I asked her who was it that wanted to talk to me and she stood up and said "Me. You have a new home now", she said loud enough for everyone to hear. We the people of Fae Land want you to live in the palace and lead the people of Fae Land in a place that you will have better control and but more important you deserve it and everyone loves what you have done to protect our great country. Well I looked around and saw so many happy faces then looked at Ginger that had the biggest smile on her face that I have ever seen and just could not refuse. I said okay to her then everyone cheered. The treasurer that still has her job in the palace today came up to me and said that I now have control of all the funds of Fae Land, and she would only use that money with my approval. At that time I didn't know how wealthy Fae Land was from all the trade that the prior queen did. I asked Ginger if she thought I should have a party for everyone here seeing they were all gathered together. She said "No, have a celebration!". I smiled and that was my first act as leader of Fae Land. Ginger had a few cooks already working the kitchen and then had some elves setting up tables and bringing out food for every one. Minstrels started to play music and a very big celebration was well on it's way. So Ginger was the one that started all this? asked Guen. Yep she did and even hired a few elves including Candy to help with the kitchen and other places in the palace. They all looked at Ginger, no wonder you two are so close, said Guen. Yep she is my main girl, said Alieta. You know she never asked for anything from me except my friendship, even though everyone that I hired later to work in the palace considered her the head of all the palace employees and everyone did as she asked. Once word got out that Fae land had a new queen, this started a huge increase in trade and I saw so many new people moving to Fae Land living in tents. I sent out messengers to get lumber from Cumberland that had thousands of trees and was their main industry. They came happily but not just a little at a time but wagons full of wood and supplies and many men that went to work planning and building new homes for everyone and even a small town for everyone to shop from. Oh I also made Jazmen the head captain of the winged army seeing I was pretty busy now. She was the strongest, fastest and best archer anyways. 21 illustration goes here Wow Alieta, that was the best story I have ever heard, said Guen and I have been around for a long time. Alieta smiled. Yes those were fun times for me but eventually attacks came from greedy kings that heard that Fae Land was rich with money and resources so that is when I made a much bigger army and soon no one could even come close to attacking our country with out being confronted and made to retreat. So now we have the statue here of the woman that started it all. She must of been a very wise human woman for all the elves to like her too, said Guen. Now that Ginger told me her name, I can get her name put on that label, said Alieta. Well what it says now will be good enough for the time being, said Ginger. I suppose so, said Alieta. Well what was her name? asked Guen. Scarlet, said Ginger. Guen made her wand appear and made the name appear on the label. There, now it is perfect, said Guen. They all smiled. Chapter 6 Alexa Talks To Gabriel Alexa was now beginning to feel unsettled with the news she got from Tess. So she told Diego that she needed to go to the palace and do some stuff. Diego never questioned anything Alexa said or did so he just said okay. Alexa rode off and headed out to the palace. When she got there she saw everyone standing around looking at the new statute. She got off her horse and walked over. Oh hi Alexa, look the statue finally arrived, said Alieta. Alexa looked at it and said it looks perfect. So you just visiting asked Alieta. Yep, I just wanted to get out of the house plus I want to talk to Gabriel about some personal stuff, said Alexa. Oh then go up stairs into the den and talk to her there. Just tell the elf at the door that it is personal and not to be disturbed. Okay, said Alexa and off she went. You know, every time I have seen Alexa, it seems like everything is good about her or something, said Guen. She just has that glowing personality I suppose. Yep Alexa is very special to all of us here, said Alieta. Alexa went upstairs in the den and closed the door then called for Gabriel that appeared immediately. Yes dear, how can I help you, she asked. Oh hi Gabriel, that was fast, said Alexa. Well you are on my priority list to respond to, said Gabriel. Oh okay, said Alexa. That may have something to do about why I need to talk to you. Oh really, said Gabriel. I feel that something is unsettled in you. Ya there is, said Alexa. When I was with Tess in the elder village, I asked her to read me to see if she could tell me who my blood parents were. Now I did find out I was adopted a while ago but couldn't find my blood parents so I just wanted to know why I couldn't find anything about them for some reason. Yes you are like that, said Gabriel, You always have to find answers to things that you have questions about. Yes but when she read me she ended very fast and looked surprised. I asked her what the matter was and she told me I had no blood parents. Oh she did, said Gabriel. Ya she saw that I was found on the steps in a nice basket of a deserving wealthy family that could not have their own baby and there was a note attached to it telling them that I was a gift to them. Yes, that is true, said Gabriel, that now knew where this was headed. So I figured some mother that couldn't take care of me left me on their steps but Tess said no. I was created in heaven by either an angel or God himself or both. She couldn't tell which. Okay, go on, said Gabriel. Well she told me to talk to you if it bothered me at all but she told me not to let it worry me because she could see that I was happy and had lots of people around me that loved me. Now that worked until I got home and went to bed but I just couldn't get it out of my mind. Gabriel smiled. Yes that mind of yours will forever make you look for answers, said Gabriel. So is it true that I was created in heaven. Well in a way all babies are created in heaven with either a new soul or an old one, but they grow in a mother and given birth on earth. You however did not get born like that. Have a seat dear, this may take a bit to explain, said Gabriel. 22 illustration goes here Oh so is it true that I was made in heaven? asked Alexa. Well not made as you put it, said Gabriel. You were created in a way by me and God, but you first have to know why before you will understand why we did it. Okay, said Alexa that was all ears now. The couple in mention became very successful and wealthy and were very smart. They were not at all like other rich humans that horded their fortune from other's and just used it to get richer. Now these two were Jacob and Margret and they were an amazing couple. They came up with many ideas for products that would make life easier for everyone and made them all affordable to all. On top of that they were very charitable and helped out many families in need. They were highly respected and loved in the community. Now our lord works in his own way and had me keeping an eye on these two for him. When I told him all the nice things they were doing but found out that that Margret could never have a child of her own, this upset him seeing that was something he could not interfere with and just magically make her capable of having a baby. Now he can however do what no other being can do and that is create human life. In his wisdom he wanted to make the couple a baby but insisted that I helped because he wanted some of my qualities added to the child. It was amazing to see, though I never saw him but I did get to see you magically appear on a nice soft cloud then told me what to do in addition to his new creation. So what did you do? asked Alexa. Oh I will get to that later, said Gabriel. Now when the child was found on the doorstep with me watching to make sure you were not taken by anyone else walking by, Margret was very surprised to find you all alone out on her step and brought you in but felt that it was her responsibly to find the real mother and return the little baby girl to her and offer to help her raise the child financially. I kinda knew she would try and do that so that is when God let me appear to them and tell them that you were a gift to them from heaven. Marget and Jacob were overwhelmed and look very happy. Margret looked at you now in her arms and saw these two big eyes looking up at her with the cutest smile she had ever seen on a baby. She said Alexandra, that is who you will be my daughter. I told her that it was a perfect name that meant defender of mankind. The two of them raised you with all the love they had and sent you to the best schools around. You girl as you know never failed a test and became a top of the honor roll girl. Ya I remember that, I used to purposely make a wrong answer so the other kids didn't think I was a freak or something, said Alexa. Gabriel smiled. Yes we saw that. Very smart of you too and you still do that to this day keeping you high intelligence hidden most of the time, said Gabriel. Everyone at school liked you and your friends shortened your name to Alexa which you liked better but you parents still called you Alexandra. Yes I loved them very much, said Alexa. So what was it that you added to me as you said earlier? asked Alexa. Oh not too much dear. God did most of the work but I gave you the personality and kindness of an angel plus the desire to help people in need. Now everything else like strength, intelligence, speed and ever lasting life was all him. Plus he wanted you to be petite but very cute. He loves to create beautiful things. So I will not die? asked Alexa with a surprised look on her face. Well not naturally, said Gabriel. Sort of like Zan, except you are much more capable of defending yourself. Even still I have watched him slowly surround you with amazing people helping to keep you safe. I have always told Alieta as a new member of your team would be added that God has his own ways of doing things in his own wisdom. So does that make you feel at ease now. Yes it does, said Alexa. At least it is good to know I am mortal. Oh yes you are mortal, just a very special one, said Gabriel with a smile. Now just keep all of this to yourself dear. This is your business and no one else's. Ivy may sense you have a secret but she probably will never read you. She is like that now with her friends. Everyone has secrets, even tiny ones but yours is a pretty big one, said Gabriel. Even if she figured out this about you she would never say anything about it. God looks after her too. Okay that is all good to know and knowing that I am still me and just came from a different place is all good with me, said Alexa. Thanks for everything Gabriel. No problem dear. Now just call if you ever need anything. You are my number one girl to respond to forever. Then Gabriel disappeared. 23 illustration goes here Conclusion Alexa went back outside and saw that everyone had broken up into small groups. Alieta asked Alexa if all was okay and she said yep, all is great. Alexa looked and saw the two new trees growing on the edges of the palace grounds. Hey they are like the ones in the elder village. They grew that fast from just a seed that Ivy got from Tasha? asked Alexa. Yes she has the magic touch when it comes to growing things, said Alieta. Yes she does, said Alexa. I think we all here in Fae Land have a bit of magic inside of us. Jazmen and the girls came back from swimming and said they all had a great time and even Viridian showed up. Really, said Alieta. That is good to hear. Ya and that girl has some body on her for a tall elf, said Jazmen. She looked great in a bikini. Well when you got it why not show it off sometimes, said Alieta. A swimming pool is the perfect place for her seeing she usually hides her body when in public. Wonder why she hasn't got a boyfriend yet? asked Jazmen. Oh I think she has all she wants right now, said Alieta. She is very happy, I can tell. Okay girls go inside and hang dry those bikinis and keep them in your rooms please, said Alieta. Okay they all said and went inside. So Alexa, what are you doing here? asked Jazmen. Oh just visiting, said Alexa. Checked out the new statue of the first queen of Fae Land then had to talk to Gabriel some but I am done now. Okay, said Jazmen I am heading home, would you like to come to my palace and meet my room mate Jessica? Pretty sure you have never met her before, she is very nice and is a good cook too. Okay sounds great. I'm kinda hungry too, said Alexa. Good she loves to cook for people like Ktara, not quite as good but still very good, said Jazmen. Alexa went and got her horse then they both headed out. Okay that reminds me, we already had lunch but the girls will be hungry after swimming, said Alieta. I will get a couple of my girls to come out and make them something, said Guen. We could eat some more too, said Tara. That nice story got us hungry again for some reason. No problem you two, plus you battled a bunch of Wyverns so you should be hungry, said Alieta. Guen flew off to get two of her girls. The End 24 illustration goes here