Attack Of The Dragons And Wyverns Chapter 4


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The Demon

Suddenly the sky got dark and the wind began to blow then a very big ugly man like creature appeared above the treetops. It yelled, "Who has killed all my pets?" It started to drop down and as it got closer Alexa said that this is no wizard, it looks like some kind of demon. It looked at the team and seemed confused at first. Then said, you don't look that powerful, how did you kill them all?". With swords and magic, said Alexa. He laughed and said magic will not hurt me fools. Now I have to go back and get more pets to start over again. He turned around and went to leave when Zatsuky send out a big energy stream at him. It hit him hard in the back and pushed him forward. He turned and said, "That hurt a lot, I must get a closer look at that sword red one". He stuck out his hand and Zatsuky's sword left her hand and the demon grabed it but quickly threw it to the ground. It burnt me! he yelled how is that possible? I don't get it. He went to stomp on it to break the sword but Zatsuky stuck out her hand and the sword flew back into her hand. What are you girl, some kind of wizard? the demon asked. Nope, I am a Fae elf dragon slayer, said Zatsuky. A fae, that is all you are, said the demon. A fae cannot control a sword that powerful, said the demon. Zatsuky raised her sword and shot out three energy blasts at him this time that threw him backward making him land on his butt. Man this demon is hard to kill, said Zatsuky to Alexa. I don't think you can kill a demon, said Alexa. They come from hell and are already dead so to speak. So what are we going to do if we can't kill it? asked Zatsuky. We don't want him to go and come back with more dragons and wyverns. I have an idea, said Alexa. You keep blasting him if he tries to leave. I am going to see if Gabriel will help us. "Gabriel, we need your help with a demon! yelled Alexa." he screamed, You know that angel? I thought she was stuck in heaven still, said the demon .Not anymore old ugly one, said Gabriel as she appeared in front of him. It is time for you to go back to the underworld where you belong. Not a chance, I am not dealing with a goodie two shoes like you, said the demon. He turned and vanished. Gabriel turned to the team and told them to go make sure everyone is okay in the towns. I will fix this stupid demon. What makes you think he is stupid, asked Diego. All demons are stupid and trying to escape Lucifer's grasp, said Gabriel. She turned and flew up into the sky.

The team did as Gabriel asked and checked on everyone in the towns. There were some dead but most were okay with the exception of a few scratches. Well we should start back to the palace, said Alexa. There is nothing more we can do here. They all agreed and went to their horses and saw Angus sitting there with them. I guess he figured he could not be any help with us so he stayed to keep watch on the horses, said Alexa. They mounted their horses and started back home. Gabriel was in pursuit of the demon and soon she could see him ahead of her sitting on a rock and looked like he was rubbing his wounds. She flew down but as soon as he saw her he began to run when all of a sudden a huge dark cloud appeared not far ahead of the demon. Then appeared a huge winged creature and the demon stopped running fast. Where do you think you are going Hatava? You can't die, why didn't you stop and battle it out with Gabriel. You are already dead and can't be killed again, said the winged creature. What fight God's angel, forget that, said Hatava. I already got blasted from some red elf with a powerful sword. Gabriel caught up and stayed behind Hatava and yelled, "What another demon?" No it is me Gabriel, Lucifer. Oh my you are scary looking, no wonder people fear you, said Gabriel. I know but I prefer my human form but this is just one of the many shapes I can assume. Enough chit chat said the demon, what are you planning to do Lucifer? asked the demon. Well take you back to where you belong of course replied the devil. Not a chance, I am not being your slave again down there again. You will have to fight me first said the demon. Very well if you insist. Hatava lunged at Lucifer but he just grabbed him and took him high in the sky then came down very fast smashing him to the ground. I just got to get closer, this is going to be good, said Gabriel.

  The demon got up and said, "Hey that hurt". You haven't felt nothing yet, said Lucifer. The devil grabbed him by the tail and swung him around then let him go making him slide along the ground on his back. The devil flew at him but the demon kicked him hard with both legs in the chest, sending the devil back some. The demon stood up and began to spin then drop kick the devil in the chest again. Is that all you got Hatava? Let us see what you can do about this. The devil started to flap his big wings that sent out a strong wind at Hatava which pushed him back then made him land on his back again. Gabriel was watching closely and wished she had some popcorn to eat, she heard that it tasted good. The devil then went to Hatava and picked him up and started to spin him above his head then let him go making him slide along the ground face first this time. The demon was tiring so the devil decided to end things. He grabbed the demon and flew up high then threw him down hard to the ground and the demon disappeared into the ground in a cloud of dust. The devil changed back to his human form and Gabriel came down to congratulate him. Well thank you dear. How did you like my devil look, I have other looks but I like that the one the best. It looked very scary, said Gabriel. Now when do you want to go on that date you promised me, I have a nice place picked out to eat, asked Lucifer. You never asked me to go on a date with you, said Gabriel. Sure I did but just not in those words, said Lucifer. You always said sorry can't leave heaven or I am too busy, said Lucifer. Now that you are out of heavens grasps how about it? asked Lucifer. Hmm well you are kinda cute looking and a son of God's thought Gabriel, How about tomorrow, I am free then but it better be a nice place, I am no cheep date. Lucifer smiled. So what are you going to do with Hatava, asked Gabriel. Well I think I will put him in charge of watching the other demons making sure that they will not try to escape. That will give him a useful purpose, at least for a while, said Lucifer. That is so nice of you, said Gabriel. Well I am a real nice guy you know, well some of the time, said Lucifer.

When the team made it back to the palace the harvest festival was in full bloom with people have a great time. They dropped off their horses at the stables then walked back to the palace. Ginger was out front of the palace and saw them coming. Okay everyone looks okay, said Ginger. I suspect all went well. All went better than I expected after seeing how many dragons a wyverns there was attacking Prayden, said Alexa. So where is Alieta? Well Alieta is up in her den. She always goes there now when you all are out fighting something evil, said Ginger. She worries about you all and is always afraid that someone will get hurt or killed. Well we are all just fine, said Alexa. I better go up and see her. We are going to our room to get changed and join this party, said Carmen. No dragons, wyverns and a demon are going to spoil my fun. Then Carmen and Zatsuky ran in the palace. Did she say demon? asked Ginger. Yep but Zatsuky made him hurt big time then I called Gabriel that scared him away then went after it, said Alexa. Alexa went in the palace. Ginger looked at Tempressa with disbelief. Really, an actual demon from hell? asked Ginger. Yep it sure was and a very nasty looking one too, said Tempressa. Sure didn't stick around long once Gabriel showed up though. Maybe angels are scary looking to demons. Alexa went in Alieta's den and found her sitting in her chair writing. Hi Alieta we are all back, said Alexa. Alieta jumped up with a big smile on her face. Did anyone get hurt, is everyone okay? Everyone is just fine, said Alexa. We did meet something new today though after Zatsuky killed all those dragons and there were a lot of them and Carmen was something else to watch just slicing and dicing away at the wyverns. She actually smiles while she is killing them. So what new did you see, asked Alieta. A big scary looking demon that was controlling all the creatures. A denon, are you sure. Demons can't be killed or even hurt. They are from the underworld, said Alieta. Well Zatsuky was able to hurt it big time with her sword and sent it flying back onto it's back and when the demon tried to take her sword it burnt him, said Alexa. Gabriel came and chased him away for us though. Seems demons are afraid of angels I guess. That is very good news, said Alieta. So the Crimson Sword burnt the demon? Yep he put out it's hand and the sword flew from Zatsuky's hand to his then he dropped it fast but Zatsuky just put out her hand and it came right back to her, said Alexa. Okay so that makes sense to me now, said Alieta Merlin told me when you all left that the sword had both black and white magic in it. That is why it is so powerful. Demons are all dark and black inside. It must of been the white magic that burnt him. Well whatever it was Zatsuky did something with that sword that lit up the top of the forest then suddenly it was raining dead dragons everywhere, said Alexa. Must of been a hundred of them that fell. Prayden is a mess right now with dead creatures. Better dead than alive, said Alieta. Yep so come back outside, this is your festival that you put together, said Alexa. With Zatsuky on the team now, you don't have to worry so much when we go out to fight. Who told you I was worried? asked Alieta. Ginger, she worries about you and you worry about us. Yes that is so true, said Alieta. That will never change.

The End.




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