The Adventures In The Land Of Fae Back To Work Prolog The morning after Ivy's party, it seemed like everyone was a bit slow getting going. Alieta was an hour late getting up so she rushed to get dressed and go down to the dinning room but no one was there yet. She felt a bit relieved knowing she was not the last one up but now she was waiting for someone to come out of the kitchen to bring her a coffee then some breakfast but no one showed up when she called. She went into the kitchen and no one was there. It was nice and clean though so she made herself a cup of coffee then sat back down at the table. Tara and Avan seemed to be the only ones that didn't sleep in and found it odd that the palace grounds were barren of people. A sprite on patrol saw them and flew down to talk. She told them that it seems to be like this all over the place. Fae Land is very quite this morning. Tara and Avan decided to sit on the steps and wait and see who came out first. Jessica saw that she slept in so got up quickly and went down stairs to get things started to finish off the candy orders. When she got to the kitchen she saw Daisy working away by herself and seemed to be having fun. Viridian was up making breakfast for Ivy and Sara but had to knock on their doors to wake them up a couple of times so they could eat before going to the forest. In the cove, Savanah was taken back home by Apollonia and when eight o'clock came around Tulip and Lollipop were wondering where Ivy was but after thinking about it for a few seconds they figured it out. The two of them decided to go check out how the new thing was doing in the forest that Lilly and the other fairies were working on for something to do while they waited for Ivy and Sara to show up. 01 illustration goes here Chapter 1 Late Start Early Delivery Daisy turned around and saw Jessica standing behind her still looking a bit tired. Hi Jessica, did you have a good sleep? she asked. Oh yes, I slept like a log, said Jessica. You know I have never understood what that meant, said Daisy. A log doesn't sleep, so wouldn't that mean you didn't sleep also? asked Daisy. Jessica smiled. Well a log is dead so I think that is what it means, like a dead sleep or something. So where are you at with the candies? asked Jessica. Almost done, said Daisy. There was only thirty boxes left to be made so these will be ready for a early delivery today, said Daisy. Really, said Jessica. Wow do you think we should deliver them early? They might expect that all the time, said Jessica. Better early than late I think, said Daisy. Ya I suppose you are right, said Jessica. Well I need a coffee before I get started. Over there in the pot on the stove, said Daisy. I kept it warm for you. You even had time to make coffee, what time did you get up? asked Jessica. Oh about the same time I always do. About six o'clock I think it was, said Daisy. Jessica sat down and started drinking her coffee when Jazmen showed up. Good morning everyone, I slept like a log. Both Jessica and Daisy smiled at each other. So is there anymore candies to be made? asked Jazmen. Nope Daisy did the rest of them this morning, said Jessica. Really, there looked like a lot when we got home last night, said Jazmen. Not really, said Daisy plus after I ate a couple that gave me some sugar energy. I figured out a system then got them all done. Now we just have to figure out how to get them all to Cumberland. Ya that many boxes will take several trips even with three or four sprites delivering them, said Jessica. Well I will go get the two sprites I usually use and see what they say, said Jessica. What we really need is a wagon and a couple of horses. It may take a little over two hours to get to Cumberland but they are a day early so that doesn't matter. Well the hot tub is being delivered today and they use a wagon with horses to delivery it, said Daisy. Why don't you wait until they come then. Once they finish I can easily talk them into helping me get them there with their wagon, said Daisy. Are your friends the sprites pretty and single? Oh yes, Sally and Fawn are very single and very pretty, said Jazmen. Well there you go, just have them two ride with the guys back to Cumberland and we won't even have to pay them for transport, said Daisy. I know those two guys like being around me and have asked me out lots of times. Imagine when they see two new pretty sprites that want to ride with them. Jazmen smiled. You are a sly one, said Jazmen. Well being a sprite among mostly humans does have it's quirks, said Daisy with a smile. 02 illustration goes here Okay then you all don't need me here so I am heading out to work to see what is going on, said Jazmen and off she went. Okay I suppose I will go now to contact my girls and tell them what is needed to be done today then I think I will go see Ivy in the cove, said Jessica. Okay sounds good to me, said Daisy. It will take the guys three hours to assemble the hot tub so tell them to come here then. Okay now the money is in that box on the shelf there so pay the men when they are done for me please. Give them a bit of a tip too. Okay, I will, see you later Jessica, said Daisy. Okay now I just got to clean up a bit then I can sit and relax then wait for the wagon to get here, said Daisy to herself. Daisy got everything all cleaned up then went in the living room and sat on the couch. She saw a book on the table titled The Three Quests & In Search Of True Love. Hmm, that sounds interesting she thought so she picked it up and saw it was written by Alieta. Wow she is a writer too? Very talented woman she must be. She sat back and started to read the book. 03 illustration goes here Daisy got about half way through the book when a knock came at the door. Oh that must be them, she thought. She opened the door and there stood two of her ex-coworkers. Daisy, what are you doing here? the man asked. Oh I live here now, said Daisy. No way, you live in this big house? he asked. Yep, I sure do, said Daisy. So is Jessica here, the invoice has her name on it. Nope she went to see Ivy in the cove. She left the money with me to pay you though, said Daisy. Okay then, I suspect she wants it out back then, he asked. Yep probably, said Daisy. Go around back and find a good flat place to set it up please, said Daisy. They walked around to the back of the house and the two men checked for the best place. I think this will be best, said one of the men. So Daisy, I heard you got fired from the store. No I quit. I sold this hot tub to Jessica and boss man started yelling at me for taking the rest of the day off so I quit. Ya that sounds more like it, said the man. He would of never fired you. So you are looking good today. Thank you but if you two get this put together fast I will introduce you to two other pretty single sprites that will be here when you are done, said Daisy. Really, that would be awesome, said the man. Okay Mac, lets get this job done and ready in record time. 04 illustration goes here Chapter 2 Jessica Visits Ivy In The Fairy Forest Jessica got to the forest entrance and could not find a way in. What the heck she thought. These trees are so close together, no one could get in here. Maybe this is the wrong entrance she thought so she turned and went to fly off and fine another way in. Pippa appeared and asked are you having some trouble? Well yes, no one can get in here, you would have to be a snake to slide in between these trees, said Jessica. Well snakes can't get in either, said Pippa. The trees won't allow them in either. What do you mean the trees won't let them in? asked Jessica. They just won't, said Pippa. No large animals, reptiles or uninvited people can get in, said Pippa. Hmm, well I wanted to see Ivy today and see what she did in here. I wanted to surprise her, said Jessica. Well I can help you, said Pippa. How? asked Jessica. Do you have a saw or something? Pippa smiled, nope that won't work either. Here let me show you. Pippa turned to the forest doorway and said I am Pippa and I have Jessica with me and she is coming in with me. The trees then opened up nice and wide. Holy, said Jessica. They all moved. Yep, the trees are alive. They just needed me to ask them to open for us. Okay, so do you have to do this all the time like a doorman? asked Jessica. Nope, once you are allowed in then you can go in by yourself from now on. These are Ivy's rules and they are good ones, said Pippa. Come lets go. The cove is straight ahead. They flew in and Jessica could see the trees opening way up ahead for them to fly through easily. In a bit they got to the end and Pippa stopped. Now this is the doorway into the cove. Just put out your hand as if to touch a tree and it will open for us, said Pippa. Jessica put out her hand and the trees opened for her. Must be magic right, said Jessica. Well the fairies do all live here, said Pippa with a smile. They went in but neither Ivy or Sara could be seen. Look at this place, said Jessica. It is like a wonderland in here. Nope Wonder Land is much further to east of Fae Land, said Pippa. I wonder where they are? They are always here at this time, said Pippa. Well I suppose they will be here soon. Do you want to soak your feet in the pool while we wait? It is magical too and is very good for your skin or maybe go for a swim first, said Pippa. A swim. This water is not deep enough to swim in, said Jessica. No not here silly. In the big swimming pool through that archway over there and down the path a bit, said Pippa. There is a bigger pool in the forest? asked Jessica. I though every one was talking about this pool though it does make sense now seeing how shallow this one is. Yep, and a sauna plus an eatery and some other things, said Pippa. Jessica shook her head. Lets just soak our feet for now, said Jessica. 05 illustration goes here While they were resting and enjoying the water doing it's magic on their feet Tulip flew in and saw them. No Ivy yet I see, said Tulip. Nope not yet, said Pippa. She is on her way though. How do you know that? asked Tulip. Oh I just know, said Pippa. Yes I suppose you would know, said Tulip. It is just that we need her to help us get some more magic to the new area we are building by the waterfall, said Tulip. I can't control the overviewer as good as her. So Ivy can do it better than a fairy? asked Jessica. Yep, she is the best and besides she is the queen of the forest so the cove will do what ever she tells it to do, said Tulip. Wow I didn't know that Ivy had that much power, said Jessica. Oh yes she is very strong inside and getting stronger. What do you mean power inside her? asked Jessica. Oh that you will have to ask her about yourself, said Tulip. That is personal stuff. We respect Ivy's privacy about stuff like that, said Tulip. Well I suppose that really doesn't matter to me, said Jessica. I just like what I see of her on the outside. Good said Tulip. We all think the same as you. Did you bring any candies with you? No sorry, I will next time I come though, promise, said Jessica. Tulip smiled then joined them on the pool side to wait for Ivy and Sara. 06 illustration goes here In a few minutes Sara and Ivy showed up and saw the three of them soaking their feet. Ivy smiled and was happy to see Jessica there. Hi Ivy, I came to see you and what you did here in the forest. Jazmen said you controlled a lot from in here, said Jessica. Yep I can do most stuff from here but I also fly around too checking on things, said Ivy. So Tulip how are things going with the new pixie forest? Oh everything is great there now, said Tulip. We have been helping Lilly with her project in this forest but need your help sending some more magic to it with the overviewer. Okay, said Ivy. I can do that. How much is needed? Well it is close to the waterfall so they are both sharing the magic right now so maybe double it, said Tulip. Okay that should be easy, said Ivy. You want to watch Jessica? You bet, said Jessica. All this magic stuff amazes me. Okay all seems good here now, said Pippa. Got to go back to work checking on the new pixie forest then off she flew. The four of them went to the overviewer and Ivy turned it on by touching the water with her finger. It is right there where the two faint green spots are, said Tulip. Yes I see them, said Ivy. Not too far from the cove so no problem fixing that. Ivy used her finger and dragged it to the faint green spots then held it there until the spots were nice and bright. There that should do it, said Ivy. So that is all you had to do? asked Jessica. Why couldn't you do that Tulip? Oh there is a lot more to it then just dragging a finger along the water, said Tulip. What really is needed is what Ivy tells the coves magic to do with her mind that makes it work. The cove only listens to her for the most part, at least for major changes. Ivy smiled at Jessica and said, "See I have some magic too!" Yes I see that, said Jessica. The fairies do all the building with their wands and I direct the magic to the location to what ever they build so it will stay there and not crumble, said Ivy. We make a good team. So why would something crumble? asked Jessica. I have seen them do magic out by the palace and it all seems to stay. Oh that is different, said Ivy. Out side of the forest the magic is much weaker but gets stronger as you get closer to Eden. It is pretty much taking care of it's self. The things that fairies do out there are separate like making food and tables plus creating other things. In the forest there needs to be some kind of order seeing we have been adding very complex structures in here. If there was no control and direction for the magic to go then it would just do as it wished and be sort of a big cloud of magic changing shape all the time that would cause lots of problems with the new structures and eventually they would start to crumble, said Ivy. You sound really smart, said Jessica. I am glad someone in here knows how to do all this stuff. Me I just make candies. To me that is magic also, said Ivy with a big smile. 07 illustration goes here So Ivy I was thinking that maybe you could come to my place when you are done here, said Jessica. My hot tub is coming today and is probably being set up now as I speak. What is a hot tub? asked Sara. I am not sure, said Ivy. Maybe something like the pool in the spa. Well sort of but this is much better and bigger, said Jessica. It can fit up to eight people in it and I can control the temperature of the water. It is for relaxing in and chatting with each other while sipping on some wine. Okay sounds good, said Ivy, can Sara come too? Of course Sara can join us, Daisy will be there too, said Jessica. Sara got a big smile on her face. So who will take care of the cove? asked Sara. Tulip is here and if she needs me she can come and get me but there is not much more for us to do here anyways, said Ivy. Okay, count me in the hot tub too, said Sara. Good and I have a bunch of bikinis at my place too, said Jessica. Plus lots of candy too? asked Sara. Yes Sara, I always have candy at home, said Jessica. 08 illustration goes here Chapter 3 Getting Things Started Back at the palace the cooks finally showed up and so did the all the girls that were starving and ready for breakfast. They said sorry for sleeping in but Alieta didn't tell them that she slept in also. They all ate then went outside and found Tara and Avan sitting on the steps. Hi you two, said Alieta. Well about time someone came out here, said Tara. It gets boring out here with no one around. Alieta looked around and saw no one was walking around on the grounds as usual. Yes I can see that it can get boring, said Alieta. Ya a sprite flew down and told us it is like this every where in Fae Land, said Avan. Ginger smiled then said, "Well we sure did put on a big party! Everyone is probably just a bit slow getting started today". So did you two check the sun dial and see what it was going to be like today? asked Alieta to Avan and Tara. Yep, it shows a sun partly covered with a cloud, said Tara. Oh that is good then, said Alieta, No rain at least. So now I need to get a sprite to go to Cumberland and get an architect to come and talk to Jessica about the new building for making candies and you Ginger tell Jim about the new add on room for all of Ivy's gifts. So lots to do today, what are you girls going to do today? Well we have dates with those two cute boys we met at the party yesterday, said Repellia. They are treating us to a early dinner in town. Okay that sounds like fun, said Alieta. How about you Tabitha? I don't know yet, she said. All the boys were too old for me at the party so I just danced with Zan and Jazmen most of the time. Well you can hang with us said, Zan. Candy should be here soon so we all can figure something out together. What about you two? asked Alieta to Tara and Avan. We will do what ever Zan and Tabitha decide to do, said Avan. Don't look like we are going to get attacked any time too soon. Okay then, said Alieta. Everyone has something to do, so lets all get this day started. It may be a late start but at least it is a start. 09 illustration goes here Alieta sent a sprite to get an architect to talk with Jessica today. Phonixa and Repellia went back in the palace to get ready for their date later on. Ginger headed over to the elf village to talk to Jim to get work started at Ivy's place. Okay so what should we do? asked Tabitha. Well I have never gone swimming in the new pool yet, said Zan. Ya us either, said Tara. Okay, then lets wait for Candy so we can see if she wants go there with us too, said Zan. Candy showed up a few minutes later and was excited to go swimming with them all. We don't have swimming suits said Tara. Oh a fairy will take care of that for you two, said Tabitha. They are very good at making bikinis. What is a bikini? asked Avan. Oh very sexy swim wear, said Ginger. Oh good, we like sexy, said Tara. Okay, let Tabitha grab her bikini then lets all go, said Zan. When ready they all headed out to the forest then once inside everyone walked to the pool seeing that not everyone could fly and there really was no rush. Once at the pool, they saw that no one was there so Zan offered to run to the cove and get a fairy seeing she was the fastest runner. In the meantime Tabitha got changed then sat on one of the lounge chairs to wait. When Zan reached the cove she saw Ivy and Jessica talking and Tulip was there also with Sara. Hi everyone, said Zan. Can you all spare Tulip for a minute. A bunch of us are at the pool and need some bathing suits. Yes I can help you all out there, said Tulip and off the two of them went to the pool. I guess the pool is the most used place in the forest for everyone, said Jessica. Yep it is, said Ivy. I like the sauna also plus the eatery is good too. There is a self serve box there that I can get ice cream when ever I want it. Jessica smiled. Lets go get some ice cream then while we are waiting for that hot tub to be ready for us, said Ivy. Sure why not, said Jessica then the three of them they left for the eatery. 10 illustration goes here When the two of them got to the pool Tulip first gave Zan a bikini then looked at Tara and Avan. Hmm going to be hard to beat what you are wearing now but let me think of something, said Tulip. Tulip gave the two of them bikinis that fit them perfectly. Tara and Avan looked at each other and smiled. Then she gave Candy a nice pink bikini to wear. Okay is everyone ready? asked Zan. Yep all set, lets all get wet. Zan jumped and so did Candy and Tabitha. Tara and Avan saw that getting all wet could be fun so they jumped in too. Both Tara and Avan's feathers stayed looking pretty normal while they were soaking wet. They found that it was hard to stay a float though seeing their wings added weight. Zan told them to move their wings some and that will help. They tried that and found it worked. So how do we swim like you all? asked Tara. Hmm, try on your backs first, said Zan. Kick your feet then move your wings and arms to move you around. Everyone else was watching to see if they could do it. They both folded their wings that made it easier to get on their backs then started moving their arms and legs. They were able to move nicely in the water. Tara opened her wings then pushed them back hard then went flying across the pool very fast. Hey let me try that, said Avan and she did the same. Wow, I have never seen anyone move that fast in water before, said Tabitha. 11 illustration goes here They all started playing around in the water seeing who could hold their breath the longest and stuff like that. Tulip saw that they needed something so she made a beach ball and threw it in then made her own bikini and joined them all. Ginger grabbed the ball and said lets see how long we can keep the ball in the air with out it touching the water. They all got it going but at first not so good. After a few more tries they were able to keep the ball going nicely and were have a great time. Tabitha was the best swimmer of them all seeing she took lessons back home. She did some amazing dives off the board that impressed everyone. Tara wanted to try diving so she got on the board and did what Tabitha did and ran to the end and bounced off then spread her wings that made her float outward then tucked them in making her dive down into the water. When she came up for air everyone was clapping. That looked so cool, said Tabitha. Sort of a combination of flying and diving. You almost reached the center of the pool. So I am guessing I did it right, said Tara. Well right for a she devil anyways, said Zan. After some more goofing around they were starting to get tired so they all got out of the water then laid down on the lounge chairs to dry off. Zan sat beside Tara and asked her how she liked swimming. It was fun, said Tara. Not as good as flying but very different and refreshing. 12 illustration goes here So once we dry off a bit more, lets all go to the eatery for some lunch and I will make it, said Tulip. Sounds good to me, said Zan. Us too, said everyone else. They all headed back to the cove then they all crossed over to the other side of the cove and went through the archway there and headed down to the eatery. Once there everyone took a seat on the picnic tables and Tulip made lunch for everyone. So once you all finish eating I will change you all back to the clothing you were wearing except for Tabitha then you can wander around some if you like but I have to get back to the cove and keep an eye on things while Ivy and Sara are at Jessica's place, said Tulip. Well I want to talk to Repellia and Phonixa before they go on their dates, said Tabitha. They have dates? asked Zan. Yep, those two boys they met at Ivy's birthday party yesterday, said Tabitha. They did say they were going on a date when we were all outside together. Oh I must of not been paying attention, said Zan. So what do human girls do on a date with boys? They are just going to an eatery I think then maybe going dancing, said Tabitha. They said they had to get ready before the boys came to get them. Get ready, those two always look ready for boys, said Candy. It's the boys that better get ready for them. Everyone laughed. They all ate their lunch then Tulip changed the girls clothes back to normal then Tulip headed back to the cove. We might as go back to the palace too, said Zan and see what Alieta is doing. Okay, good idea, said Tara and they all headed out of the forest. 13 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Daisy Gets Things Done Daisy went back outside to watch the men putting the hot tub together and sat on a lounge chair. Now do a good job boys, she said. You bet Daisy, anything for you, said one of the men. Good because Jessica has an important guest coming over later and they want to test out the hot tub, said Daisy. Who is the guest? asked Mac. The forest sprite Ivy, said Daisy. We know of Ivy, everyone knows her, said the other man. Yes so I found out at her birthday party. They kept working and it looked like it was easy to put together. Everything just snapped together then screws were used to secure all the parts. Once they were all finished Daisy went and checked it over. Yep that looks perfect, said Daisy. Now the water will be here soon that is included in the price for the first fill up, said one of the men. Good, said Daisy then went inside to get the money to pay them. When she came out she saw them packing up their tools. Here you go, said Daisy and handed them the money. Now can you two big and strong men do me a favor? said asked. Sure they both said. Well seeing you two are heading back to Cumberland and we have this very big order of candy boxes to deliver to some of the stores there, could you please take them with you? Daisy saw the two delivery sprites headed her way.The girls delivering the candies will ride with both of you. The two sprites landed beside Daisy. You must be Daisy, my name is Fawn and this is my room mate Sally. Are these the two handsome men Jessica said were going to take all the boxes of candy to Cumberland with us. It sure would cut down on a lot of flying. It was hard for the two men to resists three beautiful sprites flirting so they agreed and helped the girls load up the wagon. She then gave them a nice big tip and they all took off to Cumberland. So what do you all do for fun in Cumberland? asked Fawn. Just about anything you want, said Mac. Both Fawn and Sally giggled. Good we love anything and like lots of things, said Sally. As they kept on going they noticed they were going a bit faster now. They passed the water wagon on the way to Jessica's place on the grassy plains too. 14 illustration goes here When they got to Cumberland the girls got to work delivering the candies to all the stores listed on the order slips. Wow they are fast, said one man to the other. Ya they sure are, I didn't know they could fly that fast. Half the boxes are gone already. They kept on coming back and taking more deliveries with them each time leaving a bag of money for the men to hang on to. In one hour they were all done but one box was still left in the wagon. Looks like you forgot one, said Mac. Nope Daisy told us that you two are to take this one to your boss and tell him that these will be good for him to sell as a point of sale item, said Fawn. It will help bring more people into the store. Just let him try a couple. These candies sell themselves. Okay, good idea said one of the men. Now we have to fly back to Jessica's place and give her all this money but do you two still want to go out with us when we get back later on? Yes of course, we get off of work at five, said Mac. Okay we will be back here at six o'clock then, that will give us time to get cleaned up and stuff. We will be here said Mac. Okay bye for now then Sally and Fawn flew off. Both men looked at each other and smiled then jumped on the wagon and headed back to the store. 15 illustration goes here Back at Jessica's place, the man just finished filling the hot tub with water and Daisy gave him a few dollars as a tip then he left. Soon she saw Jessica, Ivy and Sara flying in. Oh good Sara is coming too, thought Daisy. They landed beside Daisy on the deck. Hi Jessica I see you brought Sara with you too to test out the hot tub. Yep she wanted to come also, tub looks great and lots of room too, said Jessica. So how did it go with Sally and Fawn? Oh that Fawn had those two guys eating out of her hand, she even got them to load the wagon up with all the boxes, said Daisy. Yes Fawn is very flirty and knows how to get her way with men, said Jessica. Sally has her own way that is less aggressive but she always gets what she wants too. What are they talking about? asked Sara to Ivy. Well lets say Jessica's helpers got the job done without an argument, said Ivy. Yep they sure did, now the water just got delivered so I will show you how to light the fire that heats the water then we can all go in and get changed, said Daisy. I gave them one extra box give to the men to see if the pool store will order some boxes too. Good thinking, said Jessica. So show me how this works and then lets go inside the house. Daisy showed them how the controls on the side control how hot the water will get then she went to light the fire. Okay I will get the fire going to heat up the water in the tub, said Daisy. Can I help too? asked Ivy. Ktara showed me how to use a match. Daisy smiled. You sure can Ivy. Lets do it together. 16 illustration goes here Chapter 5 Creating A Building While In The Hot Tub Both Ivy and Daisy got the fire going for the hot tub. Okay we will have to wait a bit for the water to heat up, said Daisy. Okay, I will fly home and get mine and Sara's bathing suit, said Ivy. I won't be long and she flew off. How about you Daisy, do you have a bikini? asked Jessica. Nope, all my clothes are still in Cumberland for the most part, said Daisy. Well I have extras so you can use one of mine, said Jessica. Not sure if I have the colour you like best but I am sure they will fit you. That is okay, any colour will do, said Daisy. While Ivy was flying home she noticed Alieta was on the grounds with some man. She went down to see what was going on. Hi Ivy how are you doing? asked Alieta. Okay, she said. I am just going home to get our bathing suit, said Ivy. We are testing out Jessica's new hot tub. Oh I figured that was where we would find her, said Alieta. This is the man from Cumberland that is going to make up the plans for Jessica's new building. Well you know where we will be, said Ivy. Bring a bathing suit. He can talk to us all from outside the tub. Alieta smiled then Ivy took off again. How come she didn't ask me to wear a bathing suit? asked the man. Well first of all it is not her hot tub and next Ivy is young and doesn't think it would be proper for one man to be in a tub with bunch of nearly naked pretty girls. Oh, okay he said. Alieta went inside the palace to get her suit then the two of them started over to Jessica's place. 17 illustration goes here Ivy got home and ran into the house. Hi Viridian, I just came to get mine and Sara's bikini. We are testing out Jessica's new hot tub. Okay Ivy, have fun, said Viridian. The people are here to start working on the new room for your gifts, said Viridian. It will probably take a few days to finish it. Okay, there is no rush, said Ivy. Got to go, Alieta will be there too. Then off she went. My that girl has a lot of energy, where does it all come from, thought Viridian to herself. Ivy got back to Jessica's place and saw that the back door was open so she went in. Hello, I'm back with the swim suits, said Ivy. Then she looked around and saw how big and nice Jessica's place was. We are upstairs Ivy come on up, yelled Jessica. Ivy went up the stairs and saw another long hallway with lots of doors on either side. Okay what room are you in? asked Ivy. First door on the left, said Jessica. Ivy walked into what was Jessica's bedroom where Sara was sitting on the end of the bed and both Jessica and Daisy were looking at bikinis. You have a really nice house, said Ivy. Well thank you, it took Jazmen and I a very long time to get it the way we like, said Jessica. Now this suit is mine so you can pick any of the others in this top drawer, they are all the same size. Daisy opened the drawer of the dresser. I thought you said you had a couple extra bikinis, said Daisy. There must be over a dozen in here. Ya I kinda impulse shop sometimes when I am in town, said Jessica. If I see something I like I buy it. One never knows when one may need something. 18 illustration goes here Ivy gave Sara her bikini then they both stripped and put on the suits. Well you two are not shy, said Daisy. Nope not around girls I am not, said Ivy. Jessica and Daisy put on theirs also. So is it ready yet? asked Ivy. Just about, said Daisy. A little bit longer should do it. Alieta is coming over too, said Ivy. She is bringing a guy that needs to talk to you about the building for making candies. Oh okay, said Jessica, she sure doesn't waste any time. Alieta wastes nothing, said Ivy. I told her to bring her suit also. That man has to stay out though, said Ivy. Jessica and Daisy smiled. Yes of coarse Ivy. No men allowed for testing the tub out today. Good, said Ivy. Okay lets all go down and get in the tub, should be warm enough by now, said Daisy. They went downstairs and out back and Daisy tested the water. Yep good enough, lets all climb in and relax. Just a minute, said Jessica. I forgot something then she ran back in the house. Daisy, Ivy and Sara climbed into he tub and the water was at a perfect temperature. There we go, said Jessica when she came back out holding a box of candies and a bottle of wine. Now we are going to test this out properly, said Jessica then climbed in the tub. Can I have a candy? asked Sara. Yes just help yourself. Would you like some wine too? asked Jessica. Nope not for Sara she is too young, said Ivy. Maybe next year. How old will Sara be then? asked Daisy. She will be two but candies are good enough for now, said Ivy. Daisy had a confused look on her face. I'll explain it to you later said Jessica then passed the bottle of wine around to everyone. 19 illustration goes here While they were enjoying the hot tub Sally and Fawn showed up to get paid. Wow look at you four all enjoying a nice soaking. Ya it is fantastic, said Jessica. Can we come in also, asked Fawn. Well Alieta is coming over too so not sure, said Jessica. Oh, we better not said Sally. Hi, my name is Ivy, what is your names? asked Ivy. Oh really, You are Ivy that everyone has talked about? Yep I guess so, said Ivy. Well I am Sally and this is my best friend Fawn. You are just as everyone said, your absolutely beautiful Ivy. Kind of a perfect mix of cute and pretty and I love your green hair. How sexy! said Sally. Ivy smiled. Ya every one keeps saying I look sexy, said Ivy. Yep you are, said Fawn, you must have all the boys chasing you. No I don't get into that yet but I think it would be fun some day but I only like boys my age and not guys that are full of muscles. A nice boy sprite would be nice, said Ivy. Well Ivy I think I know where to find such a boy for you. But right now is it okay if we hang out for a bit and relax? asked Fawn. It is such a nice day and we did a lot of flying. Sure grab a couple of chairs from on the grass then sit and enjoy, said Jessica. Just don't hit on the man Alieta is bringing with her. He is a building designer and is coming here to talk to me. No problem, said Sally. We both got dates from those two guys in Cumberland. Daisy giggled. You two don't waste time, said Daisy. Well we are not going to live for every, well maybe we are but still they were so cute and buying dinner for us in a very nice eatery, said Fawn. Just then Ivy could see Alieta and the man coming. 20 illustration goes here Here comes Alieta everyone and she brought her suit too. I heard it is a very, well sexy on her as you all say, said Ivy. Hello all, this is Josh and he is the man that will be designing the new building for Jessica. They all said hi Josh at once. Josh swallowed then said, "My my, I have never seen so many pretty sprites in one place before. Very nice to meet you all". Okay Josh turn around. I have to change and no peeking, said Alieta. Josh turned around but Ivy got out of the tub and put her hands over his eyes from behind. Okay Alieta, he won't be able to peek now, said Ivy. Good girl Ivy, thank you, said Alieta. Alieta put on her swim suit then asked the girls how she looked. You look so hot Alieta, said Daisy. Yes Alieta, you wear that suit well, said Fawn. Well thank you girls. Alieta got in the tub then told Ivy it was okay to let Josh go. Okay, see I told you Alieta had a sexy swim suit, said Ivy Then she got back in the hot tub. Okay Josh grab a chair then tell us where to start, said Alieta. Jessica here knows her business best so you will be talking to her mostly. Jessica put up her hand and said, "I'm Jessica just in case you didn't know". 21 illustration goes here Okay then lets get down to business, said Josh. Now first I need to know how big this place needs to be he asked Jessica. Well I think it needs to be fairly big. As Alieta told me there are a lot of stores in Cumberland, said Jessica. Yes there are one hundred and seventy two stores in the two towns and more being built as we speak in the north most town, said Josh. Alieta smiled. Yep, it is going to have to be pretty big, said Alieta. Okay so I have a plan already made up for a very big warehouse, so we can work from that, said Josh. Now what needs to be put inside and how many rooms. Well we will need a place to store the candies that are ready to be shipped. That way we will have stock on hand for orders and won't be rushing all the time to meet delivery dates, said Jessica. Then I want a wall made to separate the kitchen from the storage area with a double door in it. Okay, so far that all can be done easily, said Josh. Now I don't want just one big kitchen set up, said Jessica. I think three separate full kitchen will be needed over time. Plus I have some new ideas for a new chocolate based candy treats that I would like to keep separate from the other candy kitchen set ups so two for the regular candies and one for the new chocolate ones. Hmm, okay I can work on that, we will need a good carpenter and cabinet maker for that type of design, said Josh. Now each kitchen should be about the same size as the one I have here in my home, said Jessica. Now back to the storage area, there has to be a loading and unloading spot so that it makes it easy to load and unload wagons. We need a couple of washrooms also. Okay that goes with out saying, said Josh. Anything else. Well yes, said Jessica. A second floor to keep the fresh fruit in with some big ice boxes and room for shelves to hold the packaging and order slips. You know stuff like that. Josh scratched his head. Well okay I will have to work on that part. That makes it a very unique building, said Josh. All the places I have ever needed to design all had just one floor. The top floor was always just used as apartments for people to live in. Big ice boxes are heavy so extra support will be needed. Plus wide stairs, will probably be needed. Yes and a ramp beside the stairs, said Jessica. That way people don't have to carry things down the stairs. Don't want anyone to trip and fall going down. Tripping is less likely going up rather than down. Yes that is correct, said Josh. My you must of done your research on all these special features. No not really, said Jessica. I just think a lot when I am cooking and making candies by myself. Jessica is very smart, said Ivy. Alieta smiled. Yes it would seem that way, said Alieta. Now one last thing. How much water will you be using so I know how big and how many water tanks will be needed to put on the roof or will you be buying all your water? asked Josh. Oh Misty can help with that, said Ivy that got all excited now. She is the best at finding underground water. She will find the best spot for water plus that will be the place to build also, said Ivy. Good thinking, said Alieta. Two problems solved at once. Well I am smart too you know, said Ivy. They all smiled. Yes we all know that Ivy, said Alieta. I am smart too but not as smart as Ivy, said Sara. Josh smiled. Okay that will be good enough for now, said Josh. I will get to work on this quickly. Now we need it as fast as possible, said Daisy. I have a feeling we are going to get swamped with orders very soon. Oh ya, said Fawn. Here is another order for candy boxes I got from another store plus the big grocery store ordered another fifty boxes but said he can wait until next week for delivery. See it is starting already, said Daisy. Well Alieta, you have some very smart girls working for you here, said Josh. Oh no, they are not working for me they work for Jessica. I am just paying for everything, said Alieta. You are doing this with your money, he asked. Well not my money but the crowns money. This business will employ people and make life better for them. That is why I am doing it, plus I love those candies, said Alieta with a smile. Okay then, said Josh, knowing that, these plans will be ready in two days. I have two other partners that I can get to help me. What ever they are working on now can wait. Okay thanks Josh, see you soon, said Alieta. You bet, said Josh. Best meeting I have ever been to with so many very pretty sprites here. Yes definitely best meeting ever and he went to his horse and rode away. All the girls were smiling. Not a bad guy at all, said Daisy. Ya but not cute enough for us two, said Sally. 22 illustration goes here Conclusion After the girls were done with soaking in the hot tube they all got out and dried themselves off. That was very nice Jessica, thank you for letting me join in with you, said Alieta. Yep that was very relaxing, I can barely walk. Good thing I have wings, said Ivy. Ya that will wear of fast, said Daisy. Your leg muscles are just very relaxed now but strengthen up quickly. Alieta got dressed then left to go home then Jessica, Daisy, Sara and Ivy went inside after putting out the hot tub fire and went back in the house to get there clothes back on. Then they went back downstairs to the kitchen. So that is quite the plan you gave Josh to work with, said Daisy. Well yes I know but I have a saying that has always worked for me, said Jessica. Oh what is that? asked Daisy. Well just think of what I will need to get something done then double it, said Jessica. Saves on having to add on later. Good saying, said Daisy, I will have to remember that one. So thanks for coming Ivy and Sara, come back again when you have some free time, said Jessica. I have to go pay Sally and Fawn now. Well from the look of those two bags over there you will have no problem doing that, said Daisy. Well we are going home, said Ivy. Got to go see Viridian then maybe have some ice cream. Viridian said they are working in the extra room for all my gifts that are still in the grand hall. Then Ivy and Sara left. So Sara is only one year old right now? asked Daisy. Yes she was created by God about a year ago to be her helper, said Jessica. Really and I thought Sara was her older sister, said Daisy. Well they do act like sisters and from what I have heard Sara looks after Ivy like her younger sister but nope she is just a bit over one year old now, said Jessica. 23 illustration goes here Back at the palace after Alieta came back she saw everyone from the pool and eatery hanging out on the palace grounds. She landed by them and said hi. So did everyone enjoy their swim? asked Alieta. Yes it was great said Tabitha. So how did you two make out, asked Alieta to Tara and Avan. We loved it they both said. You should of seen how fast Tara and Avan could swim across the entire length of the pool, said Tabatha. I have never seen anything move that fast in water. Really, said Alieta. And I was worried they wouldn't be able to swim. So what do you have in that bag, asked Zan. Oh I went and checked out Jessica's new hot tub and brought my swimsuit with me, said Alieta. I heard it is pretty sexy looking, said Zan. Yes it is, said Alieta then took it out and held it against her body. Wow, said Tara. That is some hot swim suit you have there bet you look great in it. Yes I do, said Alieta. I still got it after all these centuries. Phonixa and Repellia came out ready for their dates. How do we look Alieta. Is this okay to wear on a first date? Looks exactly like you had on this morning but it is perfect. Well we were going to get dressed up fancy and tried on some different dresses but figured we better not look too forward so we put these outfits back on but it was fun trying on all the different outfits, said Phonixa. These two boys seem special and are really nice so we don't want to scare them away. Plus they didn't get all weird when we told them we lived in the palace with you. They just said that it was really nice to have you taking care of us and they still lived with their parents. Hmm yes that does sound like two nice boys, said Alieta. Yep and they are brothers too, said Repellia. Well you two have fun, said Alieta. Oh we will, said Phonixa, we are going to eat at the pancake place then going dancing after that in the dance hall, said Phonixa. Okay just be back before it gets dark, said Alieta. Ya we will, said Repellia. They have to be home then also. Okay get your horses and off you two go, said Alieta. They both headed for the stable. Looks like our twins are growing up, said Alieta. Yep, I hope those two boys know how lucky they are to be dating those two, said Zan. Well dating sounds like too much work to me, said Tabitha. I am staying single forever. Alieta smiled. You will see soon that you too will get excited when you meet the right guy, said Alieta. You can't fight nature. Well I will stay single for as long as I can then, said Tabitha. It will take some special kind of boy to make me want to get dressed up for him. Then Tabitha went in the palace. I give her one year max, said Tara. Yep next year she with be bigger and prettier just like us two, said Avan. Alieta smiled then went inside the palace to hang dry her swim suit. The End 24 illustration goes here