The Amazing Land Of Fae Cupid's Sister Lulu Prolog After meeting Mika's father, Ivy sensed someone new with magic was flying in Fae Land. She said goodbye to them and took off to see who it was. Ivy flew over to the grassy area and saw a girl coming straight at her and seemed to be looking around. Ivy stopped in mid air and yelled stop. The girl saw Ivy right in her path and quickly came to a stop. Hey watch it, I almost crashed into you, said the girl. But you didn't and I would of moved out of your way then came after you, said Ivy. You have to come with me and see the queen. Why, I don't want to talk to a queen. What are you some kind of a police girl? she asked. Down to the ground please so we can talk, said Ivy. No make me, said the girl and she tried to fly past Ivy but Ivy grabbed her leg and pulled her down to the gound with her... 01 illustration goes here Chapter 1 Lulu In Fae Land The girl sat down on the ground and said nothing. Okay now what is your name? asked Ivy. The girl didn't speak. Okay, then why are you here? asked Ivy and again the girl still said nothing. Alright you leave me no choice then, said Ivy. Ivy began to read the girl and found out her name was Lulu and had an older brother named Cupid. Surprising to Ivy she was not a child like she first thought but over two hundred years old and is a pixie. She was not bad at all and also had a white soul but she had more magic than an regular pixie that she was used to seeing in pixies. Okay Lulu, you have to come with me to see Alieta. All new people with magic have to talk to her before they can explore Fae Land. Lulu looked up at Ivy surprised. What are you, some kind of witch? asked Lulu. I don't like you and I am not moving from this spot until you go away. Ivy took a big breath and looked up and saw Jazmen was hovering above them so she waved her down. Jazman came down and looked at the little girl. Yes Ivy, what is going on here? asked Jazmen. Lulu here refuses to come with me to see Alieta before exploring Fae Land, said Ivy. She has magic and that is the rule. Well she kinda looks like a pixie and all pixies have magic, said Jazmen. Ya but she has more magic than our pixies. I have to get her to see Alieta but she is refusing to come with me, said Ivy. 02 illustration goes here Okay so did you read her yet? asked Jazmen. Ya I had too, she wouldn't talk to me, said Ivy. So what did you find out? asked Jazmen. Oddly she is not bad inside aeven though she is being bad now and she has a white soul and her name is Lulu with a brother named Cupid and extra magic that I couldn't figure out what it was, said Ivy. Oh and she is over two hundred years old. Two hundred and twelve witch, said Lulu. If your going to read me get it right. Jazmen smiled. She thinks you are a witch? asked Jazmen. I guess so and she doesn't like me at all, said Ivy. Well Lulu you have to come with us to see Alieta. That is the rule, said Jazmen. Nope I am not budging from this spot until you both go away, said Lulu. I don't like you either. Well then we will see about that, said Jazmen. She grabbed Lulu and put her under one arm. Lulu started kicking and flapping her wings trying to get loose but to no avail. Stop kicking, said Ivy. Jazmen is the general of Fae Land's army and is many times stronger than me and especially you. You could say she is the police here. Lulu stopped kicking and they flew off to the palace. 03 illustration goes here They arrived at the palace grounds and Jazmen asked an elf to get Alieta for them. Now you behave in front of Alieta, said Jazmen. You do not want to get her mad at you. So is she mean and powerful like most queens are? asked Lulu. No she is kind and very smart plus loved by everyone in Fae Land, said Jazmen. Alieta came out and walked over to them. What's going on Jazmen and Ivy? asked Alieta. Well this is Lulu and she refused to come talk to you before exploring Fae Land so I had to physically bring her here, said Jazmen. She has magic that is unfamilar to a pixies that Ivy found in her when she read her seeing she wouldn't talk to Ivy. That is why I brought her to you. Oh and she thinks Ivy is a witch and doesn't like either of us. Now Lulu, look up there, you see those three armed sprites watching us. Ya. they look scary, said Lulu. Well there is always armed sprites guarding the palace grounds, especially when the queen is out here, said Jazmen. Now I am going up there with them to watch so behave and don't try to fly away okay. Okay I will stay, said Lulu. Okay you take over Ivy then Jazmen flew up above them. So what did you find out from this cute little pixie? asked Alieta. Well she has some kind of magic that pixies don't normally have and she is two hundred and twelve years old plus has an older brother named Cupid. Cupid you say. I haven't seen him for a long time, said Alieta. You know my brother? asked Lulu. Well yes, he used to come here before the great war, said Alieta. How is that little rascal doing? Okay I guess, said Lulu. You know her brother? asked Ivy. Yep he flies around with his magical bow and arrow making people fall in love with them, said Alieta. And he shouldn't be doing that, said Lulu. What gives him the right to say who falls in love with someome, said Lulu. Okay, it seems like she will talk to you so I am off to the cove, said Ivy. Sara is probably there now and wondering where I am. Then Ivy flew off. Okay Lulu, I knew Cupid had a little sister but I never got to meet you but there seems to be some tension between the two of you, said Alieta. What is going on and why are you here in Fae Land? Well think about it, said Lulu. What if you don't want to fall in love with someone just yet and what if Cupid makes you love someone that is wrong for you. He sees a couple walking together or sitting in the park and out comes that stupid bow and arrow and makes them fall in love. He doesn't do any research about the two of them first. He doesn't let me go anywhere by myself and has pixies keeping an eye on me all the time. Now he wants me to learn how to use a bow and arrow and help him. Not a flipping chance that is going to happen. Alieta started to laugh. Well I think there is more to it than just the arrow making them fall in love but I get where you are coming from. So tell me why you are here now, said Alieta. 04 illustration goes here Well I heard through the pixie grape vine that Fae Land was real safe now and anyone was welcomed to live there especially faes like pixies, said Lulu. So while my brother was asleep, I got up and wrote him a note saying I was going to start my own new life then snuck out of the house. I got very small then flew north looking for Fae Land. I was flying real fast just incase my brother got up early and came after me. It wasn't hard to find this place at all once I got going. Fae Land puts out a huge magic vibe so I just followed it. Soon I was here and that is when that Ivy witch girl stopped me and got real bossy with me. Well Ivy was just doing what she thought was right and she is no witch, said Alieta. Ya I know that now but I just left a place where everyone bossed me around and I wasn't going to let anyone tell me what to do anymore, said Lulu. Well you called her a witch and said you didn't like her, said Alieta. That must of really hurt Ivy. She loves everyone here and everyone loves her. She does so many good things for Fae Land. She is also the queen of the forest and land. Oops, I didn't know that. Am I in trouble? asked Lulu. No but you need to apoligize to her and Jazmen too, said Alieta. So where do you plan on staying in Fae Land. We have several woods and forests where you can stay. Oh my kind of pixies don't live in the trees. We live in houses, said Lulu. So can you pay for a house here? asked Alieta. Actually I will make my own, said Lulu. And how will you do that? asked Alieta. With my wand. Cupid was born with a magic bow and arrow and I was born with a magic wand. That is what Ivy probably sensed in me. I don't have any different magic than a regular pixie. Can I see it, asked Alieta. Yep, I will show you how it works too, said Lulu. Lulu made the wand appear in her hand then pointed at the ground and made a beach ball. There see, everyone likes beach balls, said Lulu with a smile. 05 illustration goes here Okay so it is like a fairies wand then, said Alieta. Well not exactly, said Lulu. From what I was told and once again from the pixie grape vine, fairy wands are much better. I have never seen a fairy but they say that they can make food plus heal and make things they created go away. My wand only makes things. Big and small but once I make it, it here to stay. I can't make anything living including plants but I can make water and different flavours too. I like blueberry the best. So everyone back home knows about your wand? asked Alieta. Yep and what a bunch of lazy greedy pixies they have become. Make me this and make me that. Make me a diamond necklace or make me some new furniture. The whole bunch of them hardly do anything for themselves now, said Lulu. Alieta smiled. Now I get the whole picture, said Alieta. They all got lazy and depend on you to take care of everything. Yep and now they will have to go back to the old ways so long as you let me live here, said Lulu. I think there will be no problem but you will have to deal with Ginger now. She takes care of all the building permits and many other things. She will tell you Fae Lands rules too. There are not many but they must be obeyed. Okay I will be super good from now on, said Lulu. Okay then, welcome to Fae Land Lulu, said Alieta. I will get Ginger for you. Okay I will sit on the ball. Maybe someone will want it. Oh I am sure someone will, said Alieta then she headed into the palace. In a a few minutes Ginger came out and saw Lulu sitting on the beach ball she made. Hello Lulu, I am Ginger. Alieta told me you are going to build your own house with a wagic wand. Yep and I have a good idea in my head what it is going to look like, said Lulu. Okay well we will have to find a place for you first and their is the building permit fee also, said Ginger. Oh so money then, what kind of money do you use here? asked Lulu. Gold coins mostly but we can exchange gems into coins for you if you have any. Okay, I can make either gems or gold coins but I have to see a coin before I can make any first, said Lulu. That must be some wand you have there, said Ginger. Lets find a spot first. Well I kind of like the spot Ivy stopped me. It was close to a town and not far from from some woods, said Lulu I like being close to the woods. Okay I think I know where you are talking about. Let me get my horse and we will head out. Okay, said Lulu. 06 illustration goes here Ginger came back on her horse and said lets head out. What about the ball? What should I do with it. Just give it a good kick towards the palace, said Ginger. Someone will take it to Sandy Lake with them. Okay and Lulu gave it a good kick. Okay follow me, said Lulu and they headed out. In ten minutes they got to the place where Ivy stopped Lulu. Now over there looks better, said Lulu. Close to the woods. We may not live in the trees but we like to be close to them. Ginger followed Lulu then she said this spot is perfect. Ginger got off the horse and looked around. Okay this is out of the way some. Not that far from the pixie forest and close to town. This will be fine, said Ginger. Are you sure because once I make it, I can't make it go away like a fairy. Yes this will work, said Ginger. How long will it that you to build it? A couple of minutes, said Lulu. Stand back, I have to fly fast in circles, then she made her wand appear. Ginger stepped back and watched in amazement as Lulu flew around so fast that all Ginger could see was a blur at first then the house began to appear. Lulu slowed down and did some finishing touches with the wand then made it disappear. Pretty nice house don't you think, said Lulu. Better than the one my brother and me lived in. Um yes very comfy looking, said Ginger. I have never seen a house that looked like this one before or built as fast but definately has that pixie home look to it. Well now I just have to make the furniture and the kitchen, said Lulu. Want to come in? No you finish up then come back to the palace and we will take care of the permit fee, said Ginger. Plus I just got to tell Alieta how amazing this place looks. Lulu smiled. Ya I am really good and making things, said Lulu. Then she walked in the front door. 07 illustration goes here While Zotac and Sakura where on their way to see Yeanny, Sakura stopped in mid air and then flew down to the ground. Zotac followed her down and asked her why she stopped. Had too, said Sakura, feels like my tummy is going to explode. You won't explode it is gas that has built up in your stomach, said Zotac. Just take the palm of your hand and rub your stomach in circles. Okay, said Sakura and began to rub her tummy. In a couple of minutes Sakura let out a big burp. Wow what was that? asked Sakura. That was a burp, said Zotac. Haven't you ever burped before? Nope but my tummy feels a lot better now, said Sakura. Good but we still need to get you home. More gas might build up, said Zotac. How big were those bowls? Sakura showed him with her hands. What, I can't even eat that much ice cream, said Zotac. Man you can sure eat for such a little girl. Ya I like food especially sweet stuff. Makes my wings flap faster, said Sakura. Okay well can you flap those wings of yours now and fly or do you want me to teleport you. No I can fly now, said Sakura. Zotac and Sakura flew off again towards her home but then Sakura spotted Lulu's new house from the air. Hey that wasn't there when we left my place this morning, said Sakura. Lets go see who lives there. But I thought you were feeling over full, said Zotac. I'm okay, lets go and Sakura flew down. Okay I guess we are going visiting some more thought Zotac and followed her down. This is a cool looking house, said Sakura. I wonder if anyone is home. Try knocking on the door, said Zotac. Ya right, okay, said Sakura. She walked over to the door and knocked on it. Lulu opened the door and knocked Sakura off the steps. Oops sorry. I didn't see anyone through the window. Are you okay? Yep just didn't expect the door to open outwards, said Sakura. Yep pixie houses always have doors that open out. Lulu came out on the grass with Sakura. My name is Lulu and I just moved here to get away from my stupid brother Cupid that thinks it is cool to go around shooting love arrows at people to make them fall in love. Alieta said it was okay to live in Fae Land and Ginger said I could make my house here. She went back to the palace. Your cute, what is your name? I am Sakura and this is my friend Zotac. He is a wizard and knows Merlin. I like your hair and wings all turquios. I like pink best though and I am almost eight years old. Do you like to play? You bet pixies love to play, said Lulu. Where do you live? Zotac looked at the two of them chatting up a storm and talking fast. Oh boy, now there is two of them, thought Zotac. 08 illustration goes here So Lulu if I could ask you a couple of things? asked Zotac. Yes Zotac, what would you like to know? asked Lulu. First of all you said you are the sister of the love fairy Cupid wright? asked Zotac. Oh he is no fairy, he is a pixie like me. Fairies are way more powerful than pixies, but yes he is my big brother. Okay next question, how did you build this house so fast? asked Zotac. It wasn't here a few hours ago. I used my magic wand. Cupid has a bow and arrow and I have a wand. I can only make things with it but nothing living. Plus I can't make anything I made go away. Can I see it? asked Zotac. Nope no one can touch my wand. It is mine and only works for me, said Lulu. Well can you show me how it works then? asked Zotac. I know, said Sakura. Your house looks small and perfect for one person but what if you have a guest and wants to stay overnight? Do you have two bedrooms? No just one. I wasn't thinking that anyone would want to sleep over night with me, said Lulu. Well maybe make another small house like a guest house, said Sakura. Can you do that? asked Sakura Yep, good idea Sakura. Your pretty smart for being almost eight years old, said Lulu. Lets see, let me think. Okay got it. Lulu made her wand appear and started flying in a circle again beside her house. Once again a smaller buliding began to appear. Sakura flew up and watched her as she put the final touches to it. There what do you think Sakura, is it a good guest house? asked Lulu. Looks perfect, said Sakura. Very comfy looking. Do you like it Zotac? Sure, it looks like the kind of place a pixie would build, said Zotac. Make, not build, I don't build things with my wand, said Lulu. Now I have to go to the palace and pay for the permit. I guess I need to pay more now with two houses. So where do you live Sakura? Just past the town in the first big house, said Sakura. You can't miss it. Okay good, when I get back we can play okay? asked Lulu. Okay I will be waiting for you, said Sakura. Lulu then flew off. I like her, said Sakura. She is small like me and loves playing. Yes it seems you two hit it off immediately, said Zotac. A perfect little playmate for you. 09 illustration goes here Lulu reached the palace grounds and flew over to where Alieta and Ginger were standing. Hello Alieta, hello Ginger. I came to pay for the permit. I met Sakura and she is my new friend, she likes to play also so she is waiting for me to come back to her place so we can play and stuff. Zotac seemed nice too but asks a lot of questions. So how much do I owe you Ginger. Well it was just a small house so thirty dollars will do, said Ginger. Well there are two small houses now because Sakura said that I had only one bedroom and I couldn't have a guest sleep over so she suggested I make a small guest house too plus Zotac wanted to see how my wand worked, said Lulu. It is a bit smaller than my place with just a bedroom and bathroom in it. Well maybe I should come and see it first, said Ginger. Okay but I will be playing with Sakura that is almost eight years old so when should I come back? Maybe I will just give you this and that should cover it. Lulu made her wand appear and pointed at Ginger's wrist. A gold bracelette appeard on her wrist studded with diamonds. Wow are these real diamonds? asked Ginger. Yep and real gold. I don't make fake stuff, actually I don't know how. I think it is worth more than thirty dollars. Maybe I can get some coins like Alieta said so I can go buy some food. Anyways got to go, Sakura is waiting for me. Then Lulu flew off. Look at this bracelet, said Ginger. It must be worth thousands of dollars. Yes I see that, said Alieta. Get the treasurer to appraise it then bring a bag of gold coins with you when you go to see the other building. You know she sure does talk and act exactlly like Sakura, said Ginger. Ya, now we have two of them, said Alieta with a smile. 10 illustration goes here Chapter 2 Lulu Makes Friends Lulu flew back and looked for the first big house after the town as Sakura told her. That must be it, thought Lulu. Man that is a very big house. She flew down to the front door and knocked then stepped back. Yeanny opened the door and said hello. Oh good your door opens opposite to mine. Hi I am Lulu, Sakura's new friend and she said it was okay to come over after I paid for the permit to Ginger. Are you Sakura's mom? You are pretty, tall but still very pretty. You are a wizard too like Zotac right? Can Sakura come out and play? Yeanny giggled. Yes I am her mother but first come in. She is waiting for you in the kitchen, said Yeanny. Lulu followed Yeanny while looking around. Wow this is a very big house, said Lulu. Thirty pixies could live in here. Lots of nice furniture too and flowers everywhere. Yeanny brought her to the kitchen where Sakura was sitting at the table. Wow this is your kitchen? It is as big as my house, said Lulu. Sakura jumped up and went to Lulu. Yeah your here, I thought you forgot to come over. Yeanny was giving he heck for eating too much ice cream but no one said how much I could have. I love ice cream and had two big bowls one strawberry and one chocolate. Oh that is too much to have at once. How does your tummy feel? asked Lulu. I would feel sick if I ate that much ice cream. It is a lot better now. Mom gave me a drink of some fizzing stuff. It tasted funny but seems to have worked, said Sakura. Ya moms know how to take care of their children, said Lulu. Moms are the best! So can we go out and play? Can we Mom? asked Sakura. I feel much better now. The fizzy stuff worked. Well where are you going to play? asked Yeanny. Zotac will be back soon and is going to teach me how to fly. Oh flying is easy, said Lulu. Wait, you have no wings. How are you going to fly. You need wings to fly. At least that is what I thought. Yeanny smiled. Well wizards are able to fly and teleport, said Yeanny. I never tried to fly yet so I just need a few lessons. Oh ya, your a wizard, I forgot, said Lulu. So Lulu, how old are you? asked Yeanny. Just two hundred and twelve, said Lulu but I am a mature two hundred and twelve. Yeanny shook her head. So you must know the difference between right and wrong then, said Yeanny. Well of coarse, I never do anything bad. That is not fun, said Lulu. Well okay then, said Yeanny. You make sure sure Sakura doesn't get in trouble. She is only seven, so still a child. Sakura said she was almost eight, said Lulu. Yep, getting older every day, said Sakura. Yes well you two go and have fun, said Yeanny. Yeah they both yelled and ran out of the house. If they were not different colours with different wings I swear I was seeing double, thought Yeanny. 11 illustration goes here In a couple of minutes Zotac appeared in the kitchen. Okay I am back. How is Sakura doing? asked Zotac. Oh she is just fine now, said Yeanny. I gave her a drink for her stomach but when her new friend came over she perked right up. Oh so you met Lulu then, said Zotac. Isn't she something. Yes she is, said Yeanny. From the moment I opened the door she never stopped talking. Asking questions and not waiting for me to answer, exactly like Sakura is when she meets someone new. I could barely get a word in while they were talking to each other and so fast. Ya it was that way for me too when they first meet at Lulu's place, said Zotac. Did she tell you she was Cupid's little sister and has a magic wand? No I didn't get time to ask her many questions. Cupid you said, the love fairy? No love pixie, she corrected me with that right away. It seems the two sibblings have had a falling out or something, said Zotac. Well she did tell me she was over two hundred years old so I let them go out and play together, said Yeanny. She seems responsible enough to be with my daughter. I couldn't say no when Sakura asked. She would get so sad and I can't take it when she is sad. I only made her sad once and I promissed myself never to do that again. She may be seven, I mean almost eight but she is smarter and nicer than most adult people I used to know. So if she is almost eight, I wonder when her birthday is. I think Ivy told me once a while ago but I forgot. Her birthday is next Saturday. Cindy the angel told me when she had a talk with me yesterday. Really, Saturday! That do I get her for a present? I have never bought a present for anyone before, said Yeanny. Well I have an idea, said Zotac. How about a surprise party for her at Mika's place. Invite her friends and all. Should be fun. Invite her friends, Everyone loves Sakura, said Yeanny. Well her closest friends then, said Zotac. That will be your job. I will be going back to Granada Monday to take care of some things and I will bring Merlin back with me. He can put on one of his famous firework displays in the evening. Now that even I would love to see, said Yeanny. Okay so ready for your flying lessons? It is not that hard, said Zotac. It is all in the head. You bet lets go flying together, said Yeanny. 12 illustration goes here Sakura and Lulu were flying around doing tricks in the air when Lulu saw the golden tree. Wow look at that tree down there, said Lulu. It looks like it is glowing gold. Ya that's Ivy's tree. She planted it from a cutting in the fairy forest, said Sakura. It helps Ivy control the magic out here I think. So a magic golden tree, how cool. Who is that walking down there? asked Lulu. That is Mika, Zotac's daughter. She is real pretty like Ivy. Is she a wizard too? asked Lulu. Sort of, she has some magic powers. Her mom was an elf so half elf and half wizard, said Sakura. Do you want to go meet her, she is real nice. Sure, I want to take a closer look at that tree anyways, said Lulu. They both flew down beside the tree and Mika walked over to them. Hi Sakura, who is your freind? asked Mika. This is Lulu. She just moved to Fae Land today. Her brother is Cupid. You mean the real Cupid that flies around with that bow and arrow? asked Mika. Yep that is my stupid brother, said Lulu. He thinks he is so smart hitting people with his arrows and making them fall in love. People don't need his help. I agree, said Mika. If two people were meant to be in love then it will happen naturally, said Mika. Exactly, said Lulu. You are smart, I like you. Mika smiled. So he isn't around here is he. I don't want him making me in love with someone. Nope, I snuck away early this morning and flew here. He doesn't know where I am, said Lulu. So does your mother know where you are Sakura? asked Mika. Yep, she said it was okay for us to go out and play together, said Sakura. Zotac is teaching her to fly. We might see them around somewhere. So Lulu, how do you like Ivy's golden tree? Pretty cool looking isn't it, said Mika. Ya Sakura said it has magic, said Lulu. Well sort of, said Mika. Ivy has a device in the fairy forest where she can control all the magic in Fae Land. This tree is here to boost the magic way over there to the pixie forest. The fairies made it too big I was told and this helps keep it all together. Plus there are well over a two thousand pixies living in that forest. What, that many pixies are living here? asked Lulu. Oh way more then just there, said Mika. They are in all the woods and forests in Fae Land. No one knows for sure how many there are all together. You should go to the pixie forest some time. They are all really friendly in there. I will but not today. I am here playing with Sakura and she is lots of fun. Ya Sakura is fun and always makes me feel good and laugh. I am just heading home to see what my sister is up to, said Mika. I live in that big house over there. Wow another big house, said Lulu. Yep bigger is better they all say and I like our big house, said Mika. Okay see you later Mika. We have some more trick flying to do, said Sakura. Then they flew off. Hmm, cute little friend Sakura has there, thought Mika. Looks like she has a good playmate now. 13 illustration goes here Back at the palace Alieta was checking the sun dial to see what the next few days were going to be like. Oh good it is going too cool off a bit, that is very good, she thought. A shadow appeared on the sun dial and Alieta turned around. Hi Alieta, long time no see. I am looking for Pippa. I heard she lived in Fae Land now. Hello Cupid, how have you been? asked Alieta. Okay mostly but Lulu my little sister has gone missing and I know Pippa can get a bunch of pixies to help look for her, said Cupid. Alieta didn't want to tell Cupid that she knew where Lulu was yet so she called for Pippa. Pippa showed up fast as usual. What's up Alieta? Oh, hi Cupid, what are you doing here? asked Pippa. Lulu my little sister has gone missing and I need help looking for her, said Cupid. I hope she is okay. Oh she is just fine, said Alieta. You have seen her then? Where is she we need her back home at the village, said Cupid. I bet you do, said Alieta with a smile. You know, you are getting very chubby. Don't you help out at the village anymore. Well I don't have too, said Cupid. Lulu makes everything for us with her wand. No one has to build or make anything anymore. Yes so she told me and you don't let her go anywhere out of the village correct, said Alieta. Well not really, she is needed by everyone in the village, said Cupid. She can come with me and make people fall in love but she refuses to learn how to use a bow and arrow. That's because she doesn't like what you do for a living and she want's no part of it. That is what she told me, said Alieta. Well she has no choice she has to come back with me and learn my art, said Cupid. Hmm, what do you think of all this Pippa? asked Alieta. So you know where she is and she is safe then? asked Pippa. Yep and she befriended Sakura and they are playing together right now. Pippa smiled, Sakura is a great playmate for a pixie, that is for sure. Cupid, how do you intend to take her back to the village with you? Pixies do what they want and rarely do what someone tells them to do? asked Pippa. Well if I have too I will get a few pixies from the village to come and we will grab her and fly her home, said Cupid. Oh no you won't, said Alieta. Lulu paid her building permit in full and I granted her full citizenship to Fae Land. She lives here now and she is staying by my law. If you try to take her by force I will have my armed sprites arrest all of you and become banned from Fae Land forever. Sound fair to you Pippa. Yep sure does, if Alieta says she lives here now then she can stay for as long as she likes, said Pippa. You said she paid the permit so she is building a house? She made two with her wand already, said Alieta. One is a guest house, that was Sakura's idea. Well can I go see her at least? asked Cupid figuring he just lost the battle to take his sister back. Not until I talk to her first, said Pippa. I need to hear what she has to say. Where did she set up Alieta? Between the pixie forest and the town close to the woods. You can't miss it. The homes are very unique looking. Ya this breed of pixies make funny looking houses and very colourful. Kind of fun looking I guess, said Pippa. I will be back soon. Tell her Ginger left a big bag of gold coins in her house too, said Alieta. Okay I will then Pippa took off fast. So Cupid would you like a nice cold fruit drink while you wait. I guess so, said Cupid. Losing to two queens made me thirsty. 14 illustration goes here Pippa got to Lulu's place and saw the two small houses. They do look really nice, she thought. She went and knocked on the door but no one answered. I guess she is still out with Sakura, said Pippa. Nope I am here now, said Lulu. Sakura had to go home with her mom and Zotac. I just came here to see if Ginger brought me any coins yet. Pippa walked over to her on the grass. My you are a very pretty pixie. You look nothing like your brother, said Pippa. Well if he would do some work and stop eating all those heart shaped chocolates I had to keep making for him then maybe he wouldn't be so fat, said Lulu. So who are you, I like your wings and pretty hair too. Do you like to play, not right now though Sakura pooped me out. Man that girl can fly fast and fancy. Pippa laughed. Ya she can out fly me too and I am very fast, said Pippa. Yes I do like to play when I have time, my name is Pippa and yours is Lulu. Pippa! The queen of pixes? I am so sorry for talking so much I do that when I meet someone new, I can't help it, the words just keep coming out of my mouth, said Lulu. Oops there I go again. Pippa laughed again. Yep you are a perfect friend for Sakura. The two of you seem to be a perfect match. Now the reason I am here is to tell you that Cupid is here and wants to take you back home with him. Crap he found me already, how is that possible? asked Lulu. Well he came here to get me and a bunch of pixies to look for you. Alieta told him you were here. Really why would she do that. She knows I don't want to go back with him, said Lulu. Oh don't worry, she made it very clear to him that you live here now and not to try and take you by force or she would have him arrested. Alieta takes very good care of her people. Really so I can stay and not have to worry about him anymore? asked Lulu. Nope but he did ask to see you. So I take it that wand of yours made these nice houses, said Pippa. Yep, this time I made something for myself. No more being ordered to make stuff for lazy pixies, said Lulu. So the entire village made you do everything for them? asked Pippa. Yep, I was kind of the slaive girl there but not anymore, said Lulu. Now they have to go back to the old ways before I was born. Yes they sure will and I will make sure of that, said Pippa. So do you want to see him? He is your brother still. Ya he can visit when ever he wants, said Lulu. But right now I have to go shopping for groceries. I think Ginger was going to leave me some coins. Ya Alieta told me to tell you she brought a big bag of coins and put them in your home. Have you every gone shopping before? Only in our village but not with coins. I made gems to buy food. Hmm, that sounds odd also. Tell you what I will take you shopping but first I am going back to tell Cupid that today you are busy but your door is open to visit anythime. Is that okay? asked Pippa. Ya that would be awesome, said Lulu. Shopping with the queen would be an honor. Pippa smiled. I may be a queen but really I am just a regular pixie, said Pippa. I will be back shortly then Pippa flew away. Regular my butt, thought Lulu. She is amazing, no wonder everyone loves her. 15 illustration goes here When Pippa got back to the palace grounds she told Cupid that Lulu said you were always welcomed to visit. Now you can stay her in the woods with us pixies or come back tomorrow because she is busy doing things today. Really, what is she busy doing? asked Cupid. Well she first has to go shopping for food and I am going with her because she has never used coins before then I think she is going to Sakura's place for dinner. Yep sounds like she has a busy schedual today, said Alieta. That is nice of you to go shopping with her. Ya well she is such a pretty and sweet girl. I don't want to see here get ripped off like she did in the village stores using gems she made to buy food. Cupid didn't say anything at first. I think I will come back another day, said Cupid, then he flew off. Looks like you hit a sensitive spot with him, said Alieta. They have been making her pay with gems at all the stores. I wounder how much they have made off of her over the years, said Pippa. Gems! Yep they definately been taking advantage of her, said Alieta. I am taking a few of my close pixies there with me tomorrow and find out what has been going on behind my back. Pixies are not suppose to act like this. Alieta smiled. Take Jazmen with you. She will put a scare into them, said Alieta. Ya okay, good idea, said Pippa. Okay I am off to go shopping. Talk to you later Alieta then off she flew. Looks like Pippa has taken a liking to her too, thought Alieta. Don't think Pippa has ever been in a store before either. Oh well they will be just fine. When Pippa got back to Lulu's place she was all excited. Look Pippa, I have a ton of gold coins. How many should I take with me? asled Lulu. The bag is too heavy for me to carry them all. Wow that is a lot. Lets see what Ginger gave you. Pippa opened the bag and pulled out two coins. Here this will be more than enough. This one is fifty dollars and this one is twenty dollars. So that is enough to buy a bag of grocieries? asked Lulu. Yes and probably some other things. There are a lot of other stores in town, said Pippa. Okay better take one more then just incase, said Lulu. They both headed out to the grocery store in town and Lulu was amazed at how much good stuff there was there to buy. Lots more stuff here to buy than in our village market, said Lulu. Well this is just a small store, the big food store is in the north town, said Pippa. Okay pick out what you need for now here. Later you can go to the other store where there is a bigger selection. Lulu walked around grabbing items and putting them in the basket Pippa was holding for her. Okay that shoud do it for now, said Lulu. All I need is some ice cream but I haven't got any ice yet for my ice box. Oh I will get Tempressa to come and make some for you, said Pippa. She is the Ice Queen. Another queen? asked Lulu. Yep there are a bunch of queens in Fae land, said Pippa. Lulu grabbed a box of ice cream then went to the check out counter. Hi Pippa, nice to see you here, said the girl. Who is your cute friend? This is Lulu and she just moved here, said Pippa. How nice, said the girl and she started adding things up in her cash register. Okay that will be thirty one dollars, she told Lulu. Wow is that all? asked Lulu. Yep food is cheep in Fae Land, said Pippa. Alieta makes sure everyone can afford to eat. Lulu gave her the gold piece that said fifty on it and the girl gave her the change. Okay lets go, said Pippa. You take that stuff home and I will get Tempressa for you, she rides a horse and won't take that long. 16 illustration goes here They both left the store then Pippa flew off to get Tempressa and Lulu flew home. When she got home she saw Mika heading towards her. Hi Mika, come see my two new houses. Mika got off her horse and walked over to her. Now these are two fancy houses, said Mika. Yep perfect for me and one guest, said Lulu. Pippa took me shopping and now I got to put all this food away. Food is really cheap here. Mika smiled. Here let me help you put things away, said Mika. Okay, where were you going? asked Lulu. To Sakura's home, said Mika. My dad should be done teaching Yeanny how to fly by now. Yep they are all done and she can fly sort of, said Lulu. She needs a bit more practice though, said Lulu. I am going there for supper after Tempressa comes here to make ice for me. Pippa said she is the Ice Queen. So she has a wand that makes ice? No she just points at things and freezes them. It is really amazing to see, said Mika. Well I can make water but can't freeze it, said Lulu. So is she a fairy? No she is an elf I think. A very tall one, said Mika. Some kind of Fae anyways. So lets get your stuff put it away then wait for Tempressa, said Mika. She won't be long if Pippa went to get her. After we can go together to check out Yeanny's cooking. Sakura told me she is a real good cook. 17 illustration goes here After they put the food all away they both came back outside to wait for Tempressa. You have your home looking very nice inside, said Mika, but it is way too small for me. I like lots of room. It's a good size for you though. So what other magic can Tempressa do? asked Lulu. Not sure but I read in one of Alieta's books that she can make a wall of thick ice that works as a shield and can freeze the ground in front of the enemy so that they slip and fall, said Mika. Lulu laughed. That would be funny to see. Is that her coming now on that horse? asked Lulu. Yep that is her, said Mika. Tempressa rode up and jumped off her horse and walked over to them. Hi Mika good to see you again and you must be Lulu, said Tempressa. Pippa speaks highly of you. Wow you are realy realy tall. You are the tallest person I have seen here so far. You got very pretty hair and a very nice smile. Mika said you can freeze stuff without a wand. I can make water with my wand but can't freeze it. Sakura is my new very good friend and we both like to play but she is a super fast flyer. Do you like to play? Tempressa started to laugh. Pippa did say you were a lot like Sakura, said Tempressa. I play sometimes but not like you do. To me having fun is shopping and being with my friends plus fighting evil to keep Fae Land safe. Those are the things that make me happy the most. So you need your ice box flashed I heard. Which of these colourful houses is it in? The one with the green roof, said Mika. You are going to have to keep low though. It's a bit tight in there for big people. Yep but perfect for me, said Lulu. Come follow me, I want to watch the Ice Queen in action. 18 illustration goes here They went inside the house and Lulu opened the ice box door. Not much in there right now but Pippa said there is a bigger food store in the north town, said Lulu. Okay so lets just take these few things out and I will give it a good flash of ice, said Tempressa. Lulu took everything out then noticed the ice cream was getting soft. Okay good, said Tempressa, then she flashed the ice box making sure there was enough ice in there to last for a while. Wow that was so cool, said Lulu. I need to get my ice cream in there fast, it is melting. I can fix that, said Tempressa. Put it on the table. Tempressa then flashed it too. There you go, nice and hard again. You got very good magic, said Lulu. I like you and thanks. No problem, I'll come back in a week and flash the ice box again for you, said Tempressa. Seeing that I am way out here I might as well go and see what is going on at the palace. That is where most of the action seems to happen. Okay bye Tempressa and thanks, said Mika. Tempressa then left. Okay lets get everything back in the ice box and go see how Yeanny and Sakura is doing. My dad might be there also. After everything was put back they headed out. Lulu flew beside Mika on the horse and kept talking away to her about all kinds of things. Once they got there Mika knocked on the door and Sakura answered it. Yeah you are here and you brought Mika too, said Sakura. They went into the kitchen where Yeanny and Zotac were sitting at the table. Lulu is here and so is Mika, said Sakura. Hi Dad, hi Yeanny. How did the flying lessons go, asked Mika. Very good, said Zotac. She has the basics now just needs to practice a bit. Yep, flying is fun, said Yeanny. So what are you cooking? asked Lulu. It's a secret, said Yeanny. Ya she wouldn't tell me either, said Sakura. 19 illustration goes here So how long will supper be? asked Sakura. I am getting hungry. About one more hour, said Yeanny. Why don't you find something to do in here like that game you play all the time. What game is that? asked Lulu. Closest to the wall, said Sakura. It's fun and a bit tricky. Okay, I will try it, said Lulu. Okay I will go get my shiny stones, said Sakura and she ran to her bedroom. Closest to the wall sounds like an old game we used to play at school, said Zotac. It was a gambling game though. Ya you could bet but Sakura just likes playing it for fun, said Yeanny. Sakura ran back in and put the stones on the table. So you pick two then I will use the other two and we can play against that wall over there, said Sakura. Mika took a closer look at the stones. They look like real gems, said Mika. Diamond, emerald, maybe a rudy and some other big crystal. Oh it is a diamind too, said Yeanny. Well what ever you want to call them but I like them and they are real pretty and never break if you hit the wall, said Sakura. You let her play with valuable gems? asked Mika. Sure why not, she likes them and I got more, said Yeanny. Yep Mom has bags and bags of them up in the attic, said Sakura. So pick Lulu and I will go first to show you how to toss them. Lulu grabbed two and Sakura took the other ones then they knelt down on the floor and started playing. 20 illustration goes here Chapter 3 One Day To The Next Mika went and sat beside her dad and asked Yeanny what was up with all the gems. You really have lots of bags of gems in your attic? asked Mika. Well yes I do, said Yeanny. I brought them all here from my old home. It took a lot of trips but got them all here now, said Yeanny. How many bags do you have? asked Mika. I am not sure, said Yeanny. Maybe fifty. I sold that old place and wasn't leaving them there for the new owners. Well I did leave one small bag in the kitchen for them. They were a young couple and she was pregnant. Some money will help them out I figured. Where did you get so many gems? asked Zotac. I found a very deep crevest in the desert and back then I was always curious so I teleported down some and saw the walls all sparkling so I scraped a couple out and brought them back to the local jewelery store and they told me they were real. So I bought a small pick and some bags at the hardware store and began mining them. After a few years of going back from time to time I had the attic there filled so I stopped going. That was just around the time Sakura appeared so I had lots to do now with her around. She really liked those four gems, a white and yellow diamond, a sapphire and an emerald. Wow so your like a multi billionaire then, said Mika. Yep but I am thinking of funding a university to be built in Fae Land so the students here don't have to travel to Cumberland or anywhere else to continue there schooling once they are finished high school here, said Yeanny. Now that is a very good way to use some of the money, said Zotac. What are you going to do with the rest. Beats me right now but Sakura and I are everlasting so lots of time to do things with it, said Yeanny. I can always get more if I want, do you want me to show you the spot? Only two other people know about it but they are not into getting all dirty and stuff. They are a wizard and a witch so they don't care much about money. I normally just make things that I need, said Zotac. Well shopping is fun, just let me know if you want to go, said Yeanny. Ginger had a bag converted into gold coins for me and there is lots of coins still in the bags. So can you two set the table for me and I will get supper ready for us. Okay they both said and got to work. I win again, said Sakura. You are letting me win arn't you. Maybe but I am still having fun. I like this game, said Lulu. Who would of thought that four shiny stones could bring so much fun! 21 illustration goes here Yeanny went over to the oven and took out what she was cooking and put it on the table. Okay you two supper is ready so come sit at the table, said Yeanny. They both ran over and sat down. Wow Mom, you cooked a pie for supper, said Sakura. Don't people have that for desert? Not this kind of pie, said Yeanny. This is chicken pot pie. It has lots of chicken in it and three different types of vegetables. Now pass over your plates and I will serve it out for you all. Give Zotac his first, said Sakura. He is the only man here and he did a lot with us today. Good thinking Sakura, here you go Zotac, said Yeanny and gave him the first slice then cut out a piece for everyone else. Everyone ate up and they all loved it. After they were done, the three girls started doing the dishes for Yeanny. Okay when you three are done there go out back and play some, said Yeanny. I want to take Zotac to a spot I go to relax and think. We won't be gone long. Yeanny took Zotac's hand and they both vanished. Where is she taking Zotac? asked Sakura. Probably somewhere quiet so they can kiss, said Lulu. It needs to be quiet to kiss? asked Sakura. I kiss Mom all the time anywhere. This is different kissing, private kissing, said Lulu. Oh, okay I guess, said Sakura. Mika just smiled and shook her head at the two little girls. After the girls were finished doing the dishes they all went outside in the backyard. So what do you want to play? asked Lulu. How about tag, said Mika. I used to play that all the time when I was a little girl. What is tag? asked Lulu. That is when someone is it and they have to chase the other people around and try and touch them. When they do then that person is it and they have to try and touch someone, said Mika. It is good exercise and will help us digest supper faster. Okay that sounds like fun, said Lulu. Ya lets play tag, said Sakura. One thing though, there is no flying. I have no wings and that wouldn't be fair, said Myka. Okay said Lulu, I can run pretty fast too. Yep me too but Mika is a fast runner, said Sakura. I am sure you two will do just fine, said Mika. I will be it first so lets go! 22 illustration goes here When Yeanny got back home she found the three of them playing closest to wall together. Oh so you came back in, said Yeanny. Ya Sakura doesn't like it outside when it gets dark, said Mika. She must not like the dark. Just outside, said Sakura. Inside is okay, good for sleeping but outside gets spooky. Yes I know that, said Yeanny. That's why I came back before it got too dark. So it is time to get ready for bed and thanks Mika for watching her for me. No problem, she is fun to be with, said Mika. I'm heading home too, thanks for supper. Then Mika left. So nice meeting you Lulu and please come by anytime, said Yeanny. Okay I will. Sakura is my best friend now, said Lulu. I like meeting people with her. Now I get to spend my first night in my new house. Maybe one day you will let her spend the night with me. We will see, said Yeanny. Okay, bye and thanks for the supper. Then Lulu left. Well dear you should be tired by now with all you did today, said Yeanny. Best you get ready for bed. Okay Mom but Lulu said you went with Zotac to do private kissing. What is that? asked Sakura. Well you know what kissing is right. Yep I kiss you all the time, said Sakura. Yep and you know what private means right? asked Yeanny. Yep, stuff you don't tell anyone about, said Sakura. Oh so it is like a secret then right? Sort of but no we were not kissing, said Yeanny. I just wanted to show him a place I go to relax somethimes. Oh okay, can you take me there sometime? asked Sakura. Yes I will, said Yeanny. Now go and get changed for bed. Sakura ran off to her room. I wonder what I am going to say when she starts asking about sex. Hopefully that won't be for a long time yet, Yeanny thought. 23 illustration goes here The next morning Alieta was outside enjoying the fresh air and the more moderate tempurature when Banshee showed up. Hi Alieta how are you? asked Banshee. Very good, said Alieta. It is much cooler today, more like it should be this time of year. My look at you your looking good. Yep I fee really good too, seems like that time I spent in the pixie forest and now in my new home in the edge of Eden has has really had a positive imoact on me. Ivy came over to the treehouse when I was first staying there with Ginger and the two fairies and told me that I should not leave the fairy forest for at least a few days because the magic was very strong in there and would speed up the process of breaking my link with death. I guess she was right because now I am almost like everyone else here. That girl really knows lots about magic. Yep Ivy sure does, said Alieta. Well Ginger came back from shopping one day and said it looked like my house was ready for me to move into so I went there just as Lilly was fixing the inside some, said Banshee. She made me furniture and filled the ice box with food plus the pantry also. Okay so your all set now, said Alieta. Yep but I found a note and a big bag of gold coins on the kitchen counter, said Banshee. The note was from Ginger and it said the coins were from the gems I gave her. Good so now you can buy clothes and other things you want in town, said Alieta. Yep but I am sure she didn't take out the money I owed her for the permit and the part payment of the house so I am here to pay up now, said Banshee. Well Ginger and I got talking and seeing that you are one of the main reasons we won the great war, we decided to let you have it for free and no permit payment either, said Alieta. You definately deserve it. Really, but it was a team effort back then, said Banshee. Ya I know but we were loosing badly until you showed up and turned the tables fast. If it wasn't for you there would not be a Fae Land. Wow, thankyou so much, you are so kind. Everyone here I have met has been kind to me, said Banshee. Well you are kind to everyone too, said Alieta. People respond positively to kindness, said Alieta. Alieta looked up and too her left and saw Lulu coming. Stick around for a bit. I want you to meet Lulu. She arrived yesterday and is Cupid's little sister. Oh I don't like that Cupid at all. He has caused so many problems with relationships that end up very bad sometimes, said Banshee. Really, I didn't know that, said Alieta. Lulu is nothing like her brother though. Do you remember meeting Sakura. Oh yes, I could never forget that cute and very funny little girl, said Banshee. Well Lulu is very much the same as Sakura except she is turquoise instead of pink, said Alieta. You will like her. 24 illustration goes here Lulu flew down to them and said hi to Alieta. Who is your friend Alieta. Sakura didn't bring me to meet her, said Lulu. This is Banshee, said Alieta. She lives not too far from you. Oh really, must of been one of those big houses we saw while flying around, said Lulu. Hello my name is Lulu and I am a pixie as you can tell I think. I moved here yesterday and made my own houses with my wand. I made one first but Sakura told me I should make a guest house too so I did because Sakura is my best friend and she likes to play and so do I but boy can she fly fast and do air tricks, way better than me. You must be human because you don't have elf ears or any wings. Oh I forgit, what is your name? Do you like to play? I love playing. Banshee had a big smile on her face. Yes I play sometimes, said Banshee and my name is Banshee and no I am not a human, I am a Banshee. That is funny, a Banshee named Banshee, said Lulu. Wait Sakura is a Sakura and she is one of a kind, her mom made her with magic I think. Are you one of a kind? No there are lots of Banshees but mostly across the ocean, said Banshee. Oh are all Banshees named Banshee? That would make it very confusing if there was a bunch of Banshees together. Banshee began to laugh. Yes that would be confusing but no most have different names. People here call me Banshee and I liked the name so I kept it. Okay, it is a neat name and I never met anyone with that name before so you are one of a kind to me in a way. Did I tell you I was Cupid's little sister? Sometimes I forget things. He is a dummy making people fall in love but I don't do that I just make things with my wand. Well that is good so you have a magic wand then, said Banshee. Yep but not as powerful as a fairy wand, said Lulu. Ya fairies have very poweful magic, said Banshee. So where abouts is your house? Oh you can't miss them, said Lulu. Very colourful and small between the town and the pixie forest, said Lulu. So Lulu, what's up with you? asked Alieta. Are you just visiting? asked Alieta. Well not really, said Lulu. I came to get Zotac. Sakura can't come here to get him because Yeanny was still sheeping, said Lulu. Zotac told Sakura that she shouldn't leave the house until Yeanny gets up because she will worry a lot. I get that because moms always worry about their children so I came instead. Well he is in the diningroom having breakfast, said Alieta. Okay, where is that? asked Lulu. In the palace, said Alieta. Just go in the front door and walk straight down the hall and it is the first door on your left. Okay, thanks. Then Lulu flew over to the palace. So what do you think of our Lulu? asked Alieta. Just amazing and man she can talk, said Banshee. Just like Sakura and funny too. Imagine if both of them were together talking to someone. Well it hasn't happened to me yet but usually they slow down some after they met someone new for the first time. They just get excited around new people, said Alieta. So why didn't you ask her what Sakura wanted that Zotac guy for? asked Banshee. Are you kidding. Don't you think she had said enough already, said Alieta. Let Zotac talk to her. Banshee smiled, ya good thinking but she is very nice and friendly, said Banshee. Okay I am off, back to the house, Layla is taking me shopping. Talk to you later, then Banshee vanished. 25 illustration goes here Lulu went in the palace and walked down the long hallway. Wow is it ever big in here, she thought. Okay first door on the left Alieta said. Okay there is a door but there is no door knob. How do I open it? Lulu pushed it a bit and it swung a bit back and forth. Now that is cool, a door that opens both ways. Lulu gave it a good hard push then ran in fast as to not let her wings caught in the door but it stayed open. Hmm, must be a magic door, thought Lulu. She walked into the dining room and saw Zotac sitting at the big table. Hi Zotac it is me Lulu. Is that a magic door? asked Lulu. Hi Lulu, what do you mean? asked Zotac. Well first it has no door knob but it doesn't need one seeing it swings both ways but when I pushed it open and ran in so I didn't get my wings stuck in it when it shut, it stayed open by it's self. Zotac smiled. No it is not magic, said Zotac. It is a two way door with special hinges. The reason it stayed open is because you must of pushed it all the way open. There is a clasp on the wall that clips down and holds it open at the top until someone pulls it shut. Oh, okay. It was better when I thought it was magic, said Lulu. I love magic. So why are you here so early? asked Zotac. Well I went to Sakura's place this morning and knocked on the door and Sakura answered and let me in. We talked a bit but when I asked her where her mom was, she said she was still sleeping. I asked her if she wanted to go to the palace to see you but she said you told her she should never leave the house when her mom was sleeping because she would worry too much. Then she asked if I could go get you. So I did and I met Banshee that is a Banshee, talking to Alieta and she said you were in this dining room so then I came in this very big palace and found you here. Okay, a very good answer but what does Sakura want me for. I don't know, I forgot to ask her that, said Lulu. Zotac laughed. You know when we first met then I went to have supper with you all, I thought you and Yeanny lived together but when Sakura and I where playing closest to the wall, she said you were just a friend. Is that true? asked Lulu. It looks like you two are a lot more than friends. Yes were are friends but very good friends and we have only known each other for a couple of days, said Zotac. Oh I didn't know that, said Lulu. So very good friends in less than two days is very good then. So if you don't want to go then I will fly back and tell Sakura that you are busy. No don't do that, said Zotac. If Yeanny is still sleeping then go back and tell her that I will be there soon when I figure Yeanny would be up and dressed. Oh okay, that is a much better idea and more polite. Okay off I go through the magic door to tell her, said Lulu and she ran out. Zotac shook his head. I have a feeling life in Fae Land is never going to have a dull moment. You got that right Mr. Zotac, said Cindy the elf that waited on him. She is wright though, you and Yeanny would make the perfect couple, just like Titus and Paisley. Now is there anything else I can get you? No that was fine, said Zotac and got up and started to walk out but stopped at the door. Magic door, she is so funny, he thought. He gave the door a pull so it would close behind him but it swung shut fast and hit him on the butt. He turned around and looked at the door. Maybe it is a bit magic, he thought then headed outside. 26 illustration goes here Zotac walked outside and saw Alieta talking with Ginger. Hello Alieta, hello Ginger, you are looking pretty today, said Zotac. Ginger smiled, that's what I am always going for, thankyou. So what did Lulu want? asked Alieta. Well she was just passing on a message from Sakura, said Zotac. She forgot to ask Sakura what she wanted me for but just to some and get me. Well sounds like to me that Sakura just likes having you around, said Alieta. At least she didn't come here herself like yesterday. Ya she told Lulu what I said to her yesterday about never leaving the house when Yeanny was still sleeping. She would be worried about her when she did get up. Well are you going to see what she wants? asked Ginger. Ya but I should wait until Yeanny is up and dressed first. I told Lulu that I will be there in a bit. Anyways that Lulu can be very funny yet very smart and sly at the same time. She told me that she first thought that Yeanny was my wife when she first met us together but Sakura said we were just friends. She said we looked like more than just friends and we are, we are very good friends. Oh and she thought the dining room door was magic because it stayed open when she opened it all the way. Is it a bit magic? I don't think so, said Alieta, why do you ask? Well I told her why it stayed open but when she left she still said she was going throught the magic door. Then when I went to it I pulled it a bit to let it close behind me but it swung way over and hit me on the butt. When I turned to look, it was closed and not moving at all. Ginger giggled. The door must like you too, said Ginger. Well anything is possible here, said Alieta. Lulu also said she met a Banshee named Banshee when she first got here. Is there a real Banshee living in Fae Land now too? asked Zotac. Yep and she is a wonderful girl and very friendly plus the magic here is freeing her from her connection to death. Okay, just wanted to know. So when does Yeanny usually wake up? asked Zotac. Should be up now, said Alieta. If those two girls are in the kitchen talking then she will definately hear them and get up. Ya they sure can talk up a storm, said Zotac. I best go see what Sakura needs. Sounds like she has already adopted you as her father, said Alieta. Have you any plans for today? Not really but I do have to go back to Granada tomorrow for a few days. Not sure what Mika has planned either for today. Okay off I go and he vanished. 27 illustration goes here Zotac appeared in Yeanny's kitchen and saw Sakura and Lulu standing on two chairs. Oh hi Zotac, said Sakura. Mom, Zotac is here. Oh hi Zotac, what's up? Did you need my help with something? asked Yeanny. Zotac looked at Sakura. Didn't you tell your mother I was coming here? asked Zotac. Um, I forgot, said Sakura. Lulu was teaching me how to do patty cake with our hands when Mom got up. It is lots of fun too. A bit tricky though. Did you go to the palace again after you were told not to leave the house when I was still in bed? asked Yeanny. Nope, I will never do that again, said Sakura. I asked Lulu to go get him. Yep and Alieta told me he was in the dining room, said Lulu. Once I figured out that magic door I went in and told him Sakura wanted him but she didn't tell me why. I forgot to ask her that. Zotac said he would be here soon after you got up and dressed and here he is as promissed. Are we in trouble? Yeanny smiled, no your not in trouble but next time you want to see Zotac, ask me first, said Yeanny. But you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you, said Sakura. Wait until I get up, said Yeanny. Not everyone gets up as early as you do, said Yeanny. Anyways sorry Zotac, you probably have more important things to do than hang around with us three. Actually not really, said Zotac. I have to go talk to Mika for a bit then I am free for the day. Tomorrow I have to go back to Granada though to take care of some of my affairs. When will you be back? asked Sakura. Oh in about three days so Thursday probably. You promiss, said Sakura. Well I will do my best but I can't promiss. I am not sure how long everything will take. I might be back sooner if everything goes smoothly, said Zotac. Oh okay, so do you want to play patty cake with us? asked Sakura. You can only play patty cake with two people, said Lulu. Yes but four people can play together, said Yeanny. Do you know patty cake Zotac. Yep sure do, said Zotac. Okay lets see which couple is the best and can end up going the fastest at patty cake, said Yeanny. Alright a contest, said Lulu. You ready Sakura. You bet lets go, said Sakura. The four of them all started playing together. 28 illustration goes here Back at the palace, Gabriel brought Aiko and Kendra back to Fae Land in front of Alieta. Here are the last two girls that were in Granada Alieta. Unharmed and unchanged and glad to be home right girls, said Gabriel. You bet Granda may be a cool place but Fae Land is way better, said Kendra. Ya I miss Penny so much and her cooking, said Aiko. Okay see you later and enjoy your next surprise. It is a very big one. Then Gabriel vanished. Alieta, we missed you so much, man it is good to be home, said Aiko. Alieta smiled, good to have you two back, said Alieta. So what is that you have Kendra? This is one of Faith Fairweather's tennis rackets and a tennis ball. She even signed the racket, said Kendra. She is the womans world champion and has won three years in a row. I stayed at her place while I was in Granada. Well that sounds impressive but I have never heard of tennis, said Alieta. It's a cool game where you hit the ball back and forth over a net something like vollyball but the net is down low in the ground, said Kendra. Filia was the second best in the world and I beat them both two against one. They didn't have a chance against a sprite, I was way too fast for them. I did accidently break a ball once though. I am going to the fairy forest to tell Ivy all about my adventure then Kendra flew off to the forest. Is Penny working today? asked Aiko. Yes she is, said Alieta. Good I want to surprise her and get her to make me a nice breakfast. She is a way better cook than Sapphire, said Aiko then she went in the palace. Well I am glad Fae Land is more appealing to them than Granada was, thought Alieta. Now I wonder what Gabriel meant by another very big surprise is coming. 29 illustration goes here Alieta walked out a bit towards the sundial when Jazmen flew down to talk to her. Hi Alieta got some interesting news for you, said Jazmen. Okay, what is it, so far it has heen a very interesting day so nothing will shock me. Well don't be so sure about that, said Jazmen. I was with three sprites doing the standard check outside of Fae Land when we saw someone riding a horse way out in the Bad Lands. Okay so did you see who it was? asked Alieta. Well sort of. We flew over top and went down a bit closer and saw a very big man riding a horse and he was carring what looked like a big club. Okay so did you go down and talk to him? asked Alieta. Nope not a chance we were going any closer to him. When I said big I meant it. I pitty the horse he was riding, said Jazmen. Have you ever heard the saying, "Man with big stick should be left alone?" No I haven't, said Alieta. Of coarse you haven't, I just made it up, said Jazmen with a smile. Now he is in no hurry and the club seemed to be his only weapon so he will be here in about ten miutes if he doesn't speed up but I dought the horse can go any faster. Anyways the four of us will up above you incase there is a problem and man I hope there is no problem. Then Jazmen flew up with the other sprites. I have never heard Jazmen act like that before. She almost sounded scared, thought Alieta. Ginger came out of the palace and walked over to Alieta. Hi Alieta I saw the Aiko in the kitchen with Penny and sure look happy to be home, said Ginger. Yes and Kendra is back now too, said Alieta. Have you ever heard of a game called tennis? Nope, why do you ask? asked Ginger. Kendra had a tennis ball and a tennis racket signed by a world champion tennis player. Supposidly she beat the champions. Anyways now we have a new person coming here from the Bad Lands. Really who is it? asked Ginger. I don't know and Jazmen wouldn't go down to find out seeing this person was very big and carried a big club. Should we go back in the palace then? asked Ginger. No lets stay out here and see who it is. Today has been a very good but unusual day so far and Gabriel told me there was another very big surprise coming today, said Alieta. This may be it. 30 illustration goes here Chapter 4 The Strong Man Okay he just rounded the corner but looks like he is heading for the stable, said Ginger. Holy crap he looks huge even from this far away. Yep Jazmen was right that is one very big man, said Alieta. The man got to the stable then got off his horse and a elf came out. Hello little lady, could you please take care of my horse. He is very tired and needs water and food. I will pay. Wow are you ever big, said the elf. Well Alieta never charges to take care of visitors horse's. It is always free. How nice, said the man. So who is Alieta? The queen of Fae Land, said the elf. Oh good, that is one of the people I came to see. He reached in a pocket and took out a gold coin and tossed it to the elf. Here you go pretty girl. That is a tip for you. Take special care of my horse for me. Thankyou mister, I will, said the elf and brought the horse into the stable. Well prettiest face I have seen in quite a while, he thought to himself. Okay lets see what those two over there are up to. Okay here he comes, said Ginger. I think I will go in the palace. You stay right there. He didn't hurt the stable girl and he won't hurt you. Actually she looked not scared at all, said Alieta. Besides we are well protected from above. Ginger looked up and now there was at least a dozen sprites up in the air. The man walked up to them and looked at both of them. You better not try to hurt us, we are well protected from above, said Ginger nervously. Yes I know, I saw them long time ago, said the man. They followed me from the sky even before I got inside Fae Land. I was told that Fae Land is the most powerful and best protective country in the world, said the man. I wouldn't hurt two very beautiful and small girls anyways. So I am here to see Alieta. What do you want to see her for, asked Alieta. I have to talk to her, my father the king sent me from far away, said the man. Who is your father? asked Ginger. King Zeus, said the man. Never heard of him, said Ginger. Alieta looked up and noticed Ivy just saw them while going to the cove and was heading towards them fast. Here comes Ivy, please don't hurt her she is very important to fae Land, said Alieta. Don't worry, I am not here to hurt anyone, said the man that was watching Ivy coming straight for him. Maybe you should tell that pretty thing heading this way not to hurt me. Sorry Alieta but I am going in the palace to check on the girls and Ginger ran off. Why did she leave, I said I wasn't here to hurt anyone and I really liked her. Cute as a button and very nice dresser too. Alieta smiled. Well she recently had a bad scare and is a bit nervous right now. Oh okay, poor pretty thing, let me know who scared her and I will pound it into the ground with my club, said the man. 31 illustration goes here Alieta stepped to the side and Ivy landed right beside her then looked up at him. Wow he is a big one Alieta, who is he? I don't know but he said he is not here to hurt anyone. But I saw Ginger running to the Palace. Ivy looked at him for a moment. Well I think I can take him, said Ivy if her tries anything. The man smiled. Ya Ginger is still a bit nervous after that hydra scared her, said Alieta. Hydra, there are no more hydras, said the man. Ya that is what we thought, said Alieta. Ivy step closer to the big man and got on her toes to look bigger but it really didn't help much. Is it okay, asked Ivy. Okay to what, asked the man. To read you, said Ivy. Oh a reader, sure go a head that should put everyone at ease, said the man. Ivy looked at him for a bit then turned to Alieta. He is okay, said Ivy. Actually he is more than okay, he is very very good. Pure white soul and no secrets. You like Ginger? You just met her Hercules. Did you say Hercules? asked Alieta. Yep Hercules, son of Zeus and a real demi god, not like Rose that is not really a demi god. Hercules is really strong like my sister. Yep strongest man on the planet, said Hercules. So your sister is strong too? Alieta smiled. Never mind her big guy. So you are actually the real Hercules that we all thought was just a myth? asked Alieta. A myth, tell that to the hundreds of beings I have killed. They don't think I am a myth. Right Ivy. You bet and it is more like thousands that you have destroyed with that big stick and even with your bare hands, said Ivy. Big stick indeed, I like you Ivy and you are the prettest thing I have every seen, even prettier than my mother Athena. Thankyou Hercules. I would shake your hand and welcome you to Fae Land but I think that big hand of yours would hurt. Well let me do this then, said Hercules. 32 illustration goes here Hercules got down on one knee then gently grabbed Ivy's arm and kissed her hand. It is an honor to met you Ivy. She is queen of all the forests in Fae Land, said Alieta. Then it is an honour to meet you queen Ivy of the forest and he kissed her hand again. Ivy had a big smile on her face and stepped back to Alieta. He kissed my hand, no one has ever done that before, said Ivy. Yes that is what a gentleman does when they meet some one important, said Alieta. Yes he sure was gental for such a strong man, said Ivy. Hercules stood up. And you must be queen Alieta, queen of all Fae Land, it is an honor to meet you too, said Hercules. Thankyou but you are have quite the history of doing good, said Alieta. Gabriel did tell me that a very big surprise was coming. Gabriel the angel, yes I have seen her from time to time, she is a very nice girl, said Hercules. So Hercules, you said your father Zeus sent you here to talk to me, What about? asked Alieta. Well do you have anything cooked up that I can eat. I am very hungry from that trip and haven't eaten much, said Hercules. Yes we can make you something said Alieta but you won't fit through the dining room door so you will have to eat out here, said Alieta. That is fine. We can sit out here and talk then, said Hercules. Alieta waved over a elf that was watching them closely then asked her to bring Hercules two cheese burgers, no make that three. Ivy laughed, then said she had to go to work in the cove and flew off. 33 illustration goes here The two of them got comfortable on the grass while they waited for the food. So Hercules, you said that your are the son of Zeus and Ivy said you are a real demi god, said Alieta. That would make Zeus a god then correct? Yes that is correct, said Hercules. But there is only one god, said Alieta. No there is only one creator, said Hercules. There are several gods that used to control different aspects of this planet. What do you mean? asked Alieta. Well a very long time ago, the creator had just one angel that took care of all the souls. But soon things got too much for her so he created more angels from the very good souls. That gave him the idea to create lesser gods to control things like the oceans and the weather, plus other things. Zeus was the first he created and made him the head god and also took care of the sky. Okay but now we have Mother Nature that takes care of the weather, said Alieta. Yep and a great job she does too. Never met her though. Anyways there was an uprising among the gods and they wanted to dethrone Zeus so they banded together and create large human armies and the war of the gods began. My father was the strongest though seeing he could send bolts of lightning down at the armies that stopped them plus he sent me down to the surface to defeat the armies also. The creator got angry and put an end to the wars by distroying Mount Olympus where all the Gods lived and took away there powers. Now all the gods are spread out all over the planet never seeing each other anymore. They have very week powers so they use them just to help others and themselves now. So you lived with your father then, said Alieta. Yep and my mother Athena. You see Zeus was a very good god and helped the humans. When I was sent down I only fought against the evil armies that used creatures like minators and gargolyes and other nasty creatures to fight with them. So you seem to have kept your stength, said Alieta. Yep, I was the good guy in the creators eyes and he lets me go out and kill evil creatures when need be but lately there has been nothing bad around. At least not in this reality, said Hercules. The elf came out with the three cheese burgers and handed the plate to Hercules. Here you go sir. I brought you a milk shake too. How nice thankyou pretty girl. Then she left. My they are so nice here and very pretty, said Hercules. Is everyone here seems to be like that. Yes all of Fae Land is full off very friendly and loving people, said Alieta. Okay that explains it then, said Hercules and started eating. 34 illustration goes here After he finished eating and drinking the milkshake the elf ran over to take the dish and cup back. Was that enough? she asked him. Yes it was and very good, said Hercules. He reached in his pocket and tossed a gold coin to her. That's a tip for being such a good server, said Hercules. I won't be needing this club here so is there a place I can put it. Oh I will take it to the armory, said the elf. Well it is quite heavy for a cute little girl like yourself to carry, said Hercules. She went to the club and tried to pick it up but could barely budge it. Wow it is heavy, said the elf. What is it made of? Solid petrified oak, said Hercules. I made it myself from the strongest branch of the tree then once I shaped it I had my father electricute it making even harder. I'll take it in the palace, said Alieta and she got up and picked it up easily. Hey you got some good stength there, said Hercules. Ya I can take care of myself, said Alieta. Now don't go anywhere, I have some more questions for you. Well I wouldn't know where to go, said Hercules as he stood up and stretched. Alieta headed to the palace. Who is that nice man, asked the elf. That is Hercules, said Alieta. The strongest man in the world. Really and the biggest eater too, said the elf. While Hercules was looking around Sakura and Lulu flew up to him fast. Wow are you ever big, said Lulu. Ya and very big muscles too, said Sakura. I bet he is super strong. Hello sir my name is Sakura. Hi my name is Lulu, and we are very food friends. Yep and we play together all the time, said Sakura. Ya but she is the best and fastest flier, said Lulu. She is faster than a pixie and that is super fast. Ya and I can disappear like Ivy, said Sakura. So do you like to play? Maybe we should ask him his name first, said Lulu. Oh ya, good idea, said Sakura. What is your name? I bet it is a big name. Hercules started to laugh. I have never met so entertaining and funny girls before in all my days. I am Hercules. Really so there is a real Hercules? asked Lulu. Of coarse there is, said Sakura. He is standing right here. You are real right? Yes I am real, said Hercules. Just as real as you two. Alieta came back out of the palace and saw what was going on. She she waited a minute before going over there to see how Hercules would react to them. So how strong are you? asked Sakura. He is super strong, said Lulu, can't you tell. Legend has it he is the strongest of all men. Wow that is strong, said Sakura. I wonder if he is stronger than Sara, she is a girl and is stronger than Alexa. Maybe, I don't know, said Lulu. Alieta figured he had enough and walked over. Okay you two enought with bothering Hercules, said Alieta. Oh they are no bother at all, quite delightful actually. So you like us, asked Sakura. Yes I do very much, said Hercules. Okay then I like you too, said Sakura. Me also, said Lulu. 35 illustration goes here So why are you two here? asked Alieta. Mom sent us here, well me but Lulu wanted to come with me, said Sakura. Yep where she goes I go, said Lulu. Okay but why, what is she doing. I thought Zotac went to your place, said Alieta. Yep he did but he needed to talk to Mika about something and Mom wanted to go with him then go shopping for something but she didn't tell me what, said Sakura. Okay that is fine, said Alieta. Just hang around the palace grounds then while I talk to Hercules. Okay, can we go inside and have some ice cream first? asked Sakura. Ya just one bowl each though, said Lulu. I know, I won't eat two big bowls ever again, said Sakura. Yes you can, said Alieta. Okay thanks Alieta and they flew off. Very delightful beings, said Hercules. Do they always talk like that together. Yes they do, said Alieta. Sakura is just about eight years old but Lulu is over two hundreds years old. Pixies never really grow up and stay playful and friendly forever, Sakura is not a full pixie though but she seems to have a lot of pixie in her. Okay, enough about those two for now and tell me more why your are here. You said earlier that it made sense when I told you all the people here were friendly and loving. Well what I was told is that something is coming and I don't know when or from where. Coming to Fae Land? asked Alieta. We can deal with anything. Yes you can but not here, said Hercules. This is a bit hard to explain but it has to do with a alternate reality where things are much more advanced. Okay you mean Granada then, said Alieta. We know all about there and some of my people have been there. Really, that I didn't know but yes Granada was mentioned but it is the entire world there that is in danger. From what? asked Alieta. That I don't know but I was told that Granada's reality had weapons of mass destruction that they will need to use but that would be very bad for the planet and all the realities. Okay now I am a bit lost, said Alieta. How powerful are these weapons? Well so powerful that one bomb will wipe out an entire city and kill millions of people instantantly, said Hercules. Why would anyone make such a bomb? asked Alieta. That is humans for you always trying to be the best and strongest but the good thing is that all the countries agreed to disarm all the big bombs because they realized using them would mean the end of the world. Okay that is good for them, said Alieta. Yes and good for you here too. If a bomb was to go off say in that Granada place, that is exactly parallel to Fae Land then Fae Land would feel the force also. These bombs leave some kind of radiation that stops anything from growing or living for decades after. Basicly makes earth a dead planet in all realities. Oh my god, now I am scared, said Alieta. Don't be, said Hercules. My father said that the creator has been preparing to counter this attack for many years. Supposidly Fae Land and Granada are his prize places on the planet that he watches over the most. My dad said you have people here with skills and weapons that can distroy anything and not hurt the planet at all, said Hercules. Is that true? Well yes it is, said Alieta. Over the years amazing individulals have come to live here and have protected Fae Land. No one can defeat us now and don't even try, said Alieta. Well there you go, nothing to worry about then, said Hercules. I would really like to meet these people. That can be arraged but her comes one now, her name is Tara and she is one of the most powerfull beings on the planet and she has a sister, said Alieta. I will intruduce you to her then I will go and personally gather the heros to come here to meet you. Okay good, said Hercules Oh there is one other that I need to talk to that I was told doesn't live here. Her name is Apollonia. Do you know of her? Yes she is a dark angel and very powerful and is God's warrior. An angel, that figures, She will be putting together the team that will be needed and leading it, said Hercules. 36 illustration goes here Tara flew down and said hi to Alieta. My my who have you got here now Alieta. Now he is a fine specimen of a human man. Wow your a she devil and the prettiest one I every saw, said Hercules. Well thankyou handsome, flattery will get you everything with me. Down Tara, said Alieta. This is the mighty Hercules. Oh Gabriel told me he was coming here soon just didn't tell me when. So she told you about him? asked Alieta. What else did she tell you? A bunch of stuff but you don't have to worry. We got this covered, said Tara. Okay, I guess, said Alieta. Hercules wants to meet all the heros so I am going to go round them up and get them to come here. Okay I will keep this big guy company for you. Yes please and keep an eye on Sakura and Lulu for me. They are in the palace right now eating ice cream, said Alieta. Okay who is Lulu? asked Tara. Sakura's new friend. She is Cupids little sister and lives here now. They do everything together. Okay I will, said Tara. Alieta flew off towards Eden. So Hercules I was told that you will be here when the action starts. Ya I am to take care of anyone that comes through any portals when you all are gone. Is there someone here called a Ice Queen? Yep, that is Tempressa, said Tara. She can frezze anything by just pointing at it. Good, that is who I will be working with. She freezes them then I smash them, said Hercules. Sounds perfect to me, said Tara. So do you know that dark angel Apollonia? She is supposed to be leading the team, said Hercules. Oh ya I know her well, said Tara. That girl has some very powerful gusto. She put a big hurt on me and my sister when we first came to Fae Land. We are friends now though. So where is your sister now? asked Hercules. Beats me, but she likes to hang out in the water at Sandy Lake, said Tara. She might be there or in the human village. They all like us there. So there are humans in Fae Land too? asked Hercules. Yep lots of them but a few are here that live in the palace, said Tara. There they are now coming out with Sakura and Lulu. Do you want to meet the sisters? asked Tara. Okay they are looking over here anyways, said Hercules. Oh you will like those two, prettiest human girls I have come acrossed, said Tara. Got some magic in them too so I guess hybreed humans. Be nice to them though they are just teenagers. I will be by the steps keeping an eye on Sakura, she tends to forget stuff and may fly off with that new friand of hers. Who is that over there? asked Repellia. That is Hercules girls, said Tara. Go say... Before Tara could finish her sentence both Repellia and Phonixa ran over to Hercules. Well teens will be teens I suppose, thought Tara. 37 illustration goes here Both sisters ran up to Hercules that noticed they were twins followed by Sakura and Lulu. Wow, are you the real Hercules we read stories about back home? asked Phonixa. Well I am not sure, said Hercules. What did you read. Oh lots of different stories, said Repellia. There is a bunch of books writen with you in them. You are from Olympus, right? Ya that was where I used to live, said Hercules but Olympus is no longer here. It was destroyed by the creator. You mean God right, sais Phonixa. We read about everything you did back then in the books. Is it true that you are like super strong and defeated evil creatures in Rome? asked Phonixia. Is Rome a real place? Well yes it is, said Hercules. Many people live there now but a long time ago it was a very strange place where only the wealthy were happy. Must of been really bad living back then so you are really strong right? asked Repellia. Yes I am, the strongest man in the world, said Hercules. Okay then prove it to us, said Repellia. Sure if you want, said Hercules. Stand back some Lulu and Sakura. 38 illustration goes here Both of you turn around please, said Hercules. Okay, so what are you going to do? asked Phonixa. You will see, said Hercules. They both turned around then Hercules reached down and grabbed both girls by their bum and lifted them up. How is that? asked Hercules. Okay you are like very strong, said Repellia. Yep you sure are, said Phonixa. Okay let me put you two down now, said Hercules. Well you don't have to if you don't want, said Phonixa. Hercules smiled then put then back down on the ground. Can you pick me up next? asked Sakura. Don't be silly, if he can pick those two up them he can easily pick you up, said Lulu. Ya I know bit it looks like fun, said Sakura. Ya it does, can you pick me up too? asked Lulu. Hercules smiled at them then said sure jump on a hand each of you. They both stood on a hand then Hercules lifted them both high above his head. Wee now we are taller than everyone here now, said Sakura. 39 illustration goes here So we are going to find Kori and Nidale, said Repellia. They are probably wondering where we were all this time. Ya we can tell them all about Granada and all the stores there, said Phonixa. So you two were in Granada? asked Hercules. Yep just got back yesterday, said Phonixa. So what is it like there, is it like Fae Land? asked Hercules. No not at all, said Repellia. No magic there and just humans but lots and lots of stores in the city with very tall buildings. Fae Land is much better though. Lots of cool stuff happens here, like you for instance. There is nobody like you in Granada. All the real magical people and beings come to Fae Land. In Granada, they just have fantasy books and movies that they all read and watch but that is all fake and make believe. Ya here it is all real, said Phonixa. I was in Granada to you know, said Sakura. Ya but just for a few minutes and you never left Olympis'a kitchen said Phonixa. I know but still I was there and had some ice cream, said Sakura. Okay but it is still a very nice place? said Hercules. Yep it sure is and a very safe to visit but like Repellia said, Fae Land is better and more fun too, said Phonixa. Okay lets go Repellia, nice meeting you Hercules. Then the two of them headed towards the elf village. So where is Yeanny? asked Tara. With Zotac, said Sakura. I think they are in town now shopping. Ya they like each other, said Lulu. I can tell, they don't need my brother to make them fall in love. They will do that all by themself. Who is your brother? asked Tara. Cupid, he flies around with a magical bow and arrow and shoots people with it that makes them fall in love, said Lulu. That sounds wierd, said Tara. Yep it is wierd and not right. People don't need his help to fall in love, said Lulu. If they were meant for each other then nature will take it's coarse. You sound like a very smart girl, said Tara. Yep Lulu is real smart but I am getting smarter, said Sakura. I will be eight years old soon. Very good, said Tara. I think my sister and I are two years old now. Wow you are really big for a two years old, said Lulu. Well we were born big, said Tara. That is a long story. Can you tell us? asked Lulu. We got nothing to do. Okay if you want, said Tara. Lets sit on the grass and I will tell you what happened before we reached Fae Land. 40 illustration goes here Chapter 5 The Secret Gets Reveiled Hercules started to walk towards the palace to sit down on the steps when he noticed something high in the sky flying towards him. In a bit he could tell it was an angel of some sort but not like any he saw before. In a few more moments she landed in front of him. Hello Hercules, nice to finally meet you. I am Apollonia. Gabriel told me you arrived in Fae Land and asked me to come see you. Well you are some kind of angel, said Hercules. Never seen one that looked like you or dressed like that. Well I am a dark angel and I do what ever I want down here. Normal Angel rules don't apply to me for the most part, said Apollonia. Well then nice to meet you too, said Hercules. Alieta told me a bit about you. Something about being the creators warrior. Yep that is me packed with the power of the heavens, said Apollonia. Not much I can't destroy. Just devils I can't kill but Tara over there and her sister Avan took care of all of them everywhere. Now I can't stay long but you know your job is to stay in Fae Land, right? Yes and I will be working with the ice queen Tempressa. That is correct but you will also need Ivy, said Apollonia. I didn't know she had any powers other than being able to read people, said Hercules. Well she can do more than just that but you see, there may still be a random portal floating around Fae Land that is linked to Granada and neighbouring lands. That may become a problem if any of the enemy uses it and starts invading here. Now Ivy has this uncanny talent to be able to sense anyone new arriving in Fae Land and especially evil or bad. The moment anyone new steps foot in Fae Land or around it, she will know it and also where they are. Wow that is some talent she has there, said Hercules. Well yes she is a very special sprite and one of God's prize creations, said Apollonia. Now strength is not one of Ivy's talents but her sister Sara is almost as strong as you. Okay so what will she be doing? asked Hercules. Well she has very big and strong wings and can pick you up and fly you to the invasion location fast. Ivy will guide her and Sara will take you there. Now I will bring Tempressa here now. She knows what is going on seeing her sister is Mother Nature that is good friends with Gabriel and Cindy. They may be angels but the are still girls and girls love to gossip. Hecules smiled. Okay I will drop her off here for you then I have to take off. The invasion in Granada's reality may start as soon as tomorrow some time. So who is invading? asked Hercules. Well best you not know that right now but lets just say they are not humans and not from this world, said Apollonia. Okay I'll be right back. Why is it when a angel talks and answers some questions it just creates more questions, thought Hercules. 41 illustration goes here Apollonia arrived with Tempressa in a couple of minutes. Okay I got to go, said Apollonia. You will have to find your own way back. No problem, I'll just borrow one of Alieta's horses, said Tempressa. Okay bye for now, said Apollonia. Hello Hercules, my you are definately one big man. Well you are the tallest person I have met here so far, said Hercules. Ya. Zatsuky is as tall as me also, said Tempressa. So looks like we are going to be a team of four. This is going to be fun. Not much action around here anymore, said Tempressa. Yes so this Sara girl, is she really as strong as what I have heard? asked Hercules. Yep, strongest person in Fae Land that is for sure, said Tempressa. You will like her. She is a bit on the new side but smart and pretty as they come, said Tempressa. Well I kinda like that friend of Alieta's named Ginger. Ya well she is cute and all but not much of a fighter, said Tempressa. She is always very busy taking care if Fae Land's business and the palace but Sara, that girl has spunk and takes no nonsence from anyone trying to mess aroind with her friends especially Ivy. She is pretty tall for a forest sprite also. Well I would deffinately like to meet her then, said Hercules. You will later today, said Tempressa. Ivy and Sara work in the cove until lunch time then fly out to the palace with Tulip and Lilly to have lunch. I think I will stick around for lunch too. So where is Alieta? She went to bring the heros here to meet me, said Hercules. That was a while ago though. Well everyone is at Mika and Layla's place planning Sakura's surprise birthday party. I guess she didn't think of checking there, said Tempressa. There she is now, said Hecules. Oh good, I am going to go see what Tara is talking about with the Sakura and Lulu over there. Talk to you later big guy. 42 illustration goes here Hercules saw Alieta land in front of Tempressa so he took the chance to go sit on the steps. There you are, said Alieta. I have been flying around to everyone's homes trying to get everyone to meet Hercules. Nobody was home, even Paisley and Titus wasn't home and they rarely go out and Sparkle wasn't there either and she told me she was taking a two week vacation here. Well everyone is at Mika and Layla's place planning Sakura's surprise birthday party, said Tempressa. Oh, I didn't think of checking there, said Alieta. So when did you get here? asked Alieta. Apollonia brought me not long ago, said Tempressa. So she was here too? Why did she bring just you here? asked Alieta. So I could meet and talk to Hercules. We will be working together, said Tempressa. Working together, why? asked Alieta. For when the invasion comes, I will freeze anything that comes through that portal and he will smash it to pieces. I thought you knew about all of this. No, Gabriel said nothing about an invasion, just that something was coming soon, said Alieta. Oh, that's odd. Maybe she didn't want you to worry, said Tempressa. Too late, I am very worried now, said Alieta. What else do you know? Well you don't need to worry, said Tempressa. We all got this and won't let anything happen to Fae Land. Besides the invasion is in Granada's reality. Is that why Gabriel brought Kendra and Aiko back today? said Alieta. I guess so, said Tempressa but I am sure nothing would of happened to them anyways. But what about Sapphire, I haven't seen her back yet? asked Alieta. Well I am sure she is still there for a reason, said Tempressa. Okay, come with me to my den and tell me everything you know. I am the queen here and should of been told first. Alieta stomped off towards the palace. Oh oh she looks really mad, thought Tempressa. I better come clean with her so she knows what to expect and not to worry. 43 illustration goes here Alieta walked past Hercules without saying a word. What's up with her? asked Hercules. She is mad, Gabriel didn't tell her anything about the invasion. Oh okay, so you going to fill her in? asked Hercules. I have too, she is the queen and told me to tell her everything, said Tempressa. Okay, have fun with that, said Hercules. Tempressa then ran in the palace and up to the den where Alieta was waiting for her. Okay tell me what you know, said Alieta and don't leave anything out. Well I already told you an invasion was coming but not in Fae Land, said Tempressa. Hercules and I plus Ivy and Sara will be here plus Titus, Paisley, Alexa and Deigo will be here too just incase we need them. Why are they not going to Granada? asked Alieta. Alexa is the leader of the team. Well she is not leading this time, said Tempressa. Apollonia is the leader in Granada's reality. Alexa can lead here if she wants, but Ivy will be mostly leading us here. Ivy? She has no battle experience, said Alieta. No and she doesn't need any, said Tempressa. She will sense if anything enters Fae Land and she will take me and Sara will take Hercules to the location. Ivy has that bracelette so she will be fine and I won't let anything happen to Sara. This is just a percausion though. We don't know if that portal will be a problem. Okay, so tell me what is going to happen in Granada, said Alieta. Well Granada may not even get attacked. It isn't really a main target and has no weapons for the enemy to worry about, said Tempressa. Besides this is a world wide invasion. World wide? Who is attacking then? asked Alieta. Well I don't know who they are but they are not from earth, said Tempressa. From some other gallaxy I think. Gabriel said they are a race of beings that are very intellegent plus highly advanced and want to rule the solar system and take over other worlds and make them theirs. Okay, so why doesn't Quazar do anything about them. He is in charge of what goes on in space, said Alieta. Ya I asked that too, said Tempressa. He is not allowed to interfere with beings anywhere just like God doesn't interfere here. Something about free will. Quazar did slow them down though so we could prepare for them with some type of meteor showers I think. He wasn't suppose to but he did anyways. That space stuff is beyond me. All I know is that we are going to be okay and the plan is to keep Fae Land untouched and same as Granada. These two places are his prize lands. We are hoping no one here will even know there was an invasion. We just don't want Granada's reality using those big bombs. That would be very bad for all realities. Okay Hercules told me a bit about them but what is stopping them from using them? asked Alieta. Well all the big bombs have been disarmed or something and it will take a while to re-arm them I was told so the girls in that reality will have to wipe out all the enemy fast, like in one day. That is where Apollonia will be used to teleport everyone all over the world. Sounds really exciting to me. Exciting, arn't you scared just a little bit? asked Alieta. Nope and neither should you, said Tempressa. Have faith in your girls, nothing on the planet in any reality is as powerful as them. God has been preparing for this for a long time. So do you feel any better now? Ya a bit but I will feel much better when it is all over, said Alieta. Well think about this then, sats Tempressa. Gabriel told me that there was a reason why some of out people ended up in Granada with Kendra being the main girl. How is that? asked Alieta. Well she told me that Kendra being the way she was all friendly and very pleasant looking went on some kind of Granada news television interview and she told everyone all about Fae Land and all about our heros. That interview ended up being seen all over the world which started making millions of people believing in magic plus other stuff I can't remember. Kind of an awaking I think she said. When our girls start wiping out these invaders, especially Tara, Avan, Rose and Banshee, those invaders will have no chance. Wait Rose and Banshee are going too? asked Alieta. Yep, the four most powerful beings in the world, actually the universe, said Tempressa. So you are sure that our girls will win this battle, said Alieta. Yep, it is not like they are fighting against thousands of she devils though that would make Tara and Avan happy, said Tempressa with a smile. 44 illustration goes here Sakura went up to where an elf told her where Alieta was and knocked on the door. Can I come in? asked Sakura. Yes come in Sakura, we are all done talking now, said Alieta. She opened the door and walked up to Alieta. Hi Tempressa, hi Alieta. Tara saw you go in the palace and wants to know if she can go find Avan. She thiinks she is at Sandy Lake but might be at the humans village, she is not sure. Can she go now? asked Sakura. Yes she can. I am coming back outside now. Okay good, said Sakura. She told Lulu and me a real nice story about what they did before they came to Fae Land and what happened when she and Avan got to Fae Land plus how you got Lilly to fix them. You are such a good queen, they really love you a lot. And we all love them, said Alieta. Okay I will go tell her. Oh Hercules wants a cold drink of water. Can I get him one? Yes please do. Give him a fruity drink, said Alieta. Okay, I think that is all I had to tell you, sometimes I forget things, said Sakura then left. You see, God would never let anything happen to her, said Tempressa. She is so sweet. Ya I suppose so, said Alieta. Thanks for filling me in and lets get back outside. 45 illustration goes here Alieta went back outside with Tempressa and saw Sakura and Lulu sitting on the grass playing some game with their hands. Hercules had finished his drink and was standing watching them. Well it must be almost lunch time, said Alieta. Here comes Tulip. Has Hercules seen a fairy before, asked Tempressa. No he knows of them but never had a chance to meet one, said Alieta. Well he is going to meet one now because Tulip is heading right for him, said Tempressa. This might be funny. Tulip flew down to Hercules and hovered in front of him. Hello, you are one big man, said Tulip. My name is Tulip what is yours? Hercules, nice to meet you. Ya right, Hercules and I am Samson. There is no such person as Hercules. He is just a character in fantasy books. No really I am Hercules, and you can't be Samson because your hair isn't long enough. Well maybe I am Thor then, Nope Thor doesn't go anywhere with out his big hammer. Okay, so you know both of them. Yes of coarse, but we haven't seen each other for a very long time, said Hercules. So you look more like a fairy. Yep I am a fairy princess but a very strong one so watch yourself big man, said Tulip then flew over to Alieta. That guy says he is Hercules, said Tulip. Like there is a real Hercules. Yep he is and he is very real, said Alieta. Really! Oh oh. I just said there was no such real person named Hercules and I was a very strong fairy. I think I am in trouble, said Tulip. I don't think so. He is laughing plus he is a real nice guy. Good, said Tulip I better make him something really good to eat. Looks like he could eat a horse. No but he did eat three cheese burgars and drank a milkshake earlier, said Alieta. Wow, okay I'll figure something out when Lilly gets here plus Ivy and Sara. Really, the real Hercules? asked Tulip. Yep in the flesh, said Alieta. Tulip sat down rubbing her head. See Alieta, Fae Land is the most amazing place anywhere, said Tempressa. Nothing bad is going to happen here. 46 illustration goes here Lilly showed up with Ivy and Sara and Sara went right over to Hercules. Hello Hercules. Ivy told me all about you. But I didn't expect you were this big and handsome. My you have big muscles, said Sara. So you are Ivy's sister, said Hercules. My you are pretty. Ya but not as pretty as Ivy but I am okay, said Sara. Okay you are beautiful, said Hercules. I was told that you are very strong too. Yep, strongest person in Fae Land and Ivy said you were really strong too, said Sara. Watch this Alieta, said Ivy. Sara doesn't believe Hercules is stronger than her. I told her to shake hands with him and squeeze. Oh do you think that is a good idea? asked Alieta. Sure it is, said Tempressa. She has to find out who she is going to be working with. So lets see how strong you really are, said Sara. I grabbed Alexa's shoulder and she couldn't move and she tought she was the strongest in Fae Land. Okay but are you sure, asked Hercules. Yep very sure, said Sara. Hercules brought out his big hand and Sara grabbed it. Okay lets squeeze, said Sara. They both started to squeeze hands and Sara was surprised that he didn't ask to stop yet. Hercules squeezed a bit more making sure not to hurt her too much and Sara then squeezed as much as she could. You have some very good strength there Sara. No one has every managed to last this long with me before. Thanks but can you stop squeezing now? asked Sara. I need my hand to ti be able to hang on to Tillia. Hercules let go of her hand. So what are you doing after this invasion thing is over. What invasion? asked Sara. The ine that we are going to be teaming up together for, said Hercules. We are going to be a team, I would like that, said Sara. See told you Sara goes for the big strong looking guys, said Ivy to Alieta. Looks like Hercules will be here to stay for a while. So you are not afraid of what is coming? asked Alieta. Why, Fae Land is the strongest country in the world and we have Hercules now, said Ivy. So how long have you know about this invasion? asked Alieta. After I read Hercules, he didn't seem worried so why should we, said Ivy The End 47 illustration goes here