Cupid's Sister Lulu  Chapter 2


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Lulu Makes Friends

Lulu flew back and looked for the first big house after the town as Sakura told her. That must be it, thought Lulu. Man that is a very big house. She flew down to the front door and knocked then stepped back. Yeanny opened the door and said hello. Oh good your door opens opposite to mine. Hi I am Lulu, Sakura's new friend and she said it was okay to come over after I paid for the permit to Ginger. Are you Sakura's mom? You are pretty, tall but still very pretty. You are a wizard too like Zotac right? Can Sakura come out and play? Yeanny giggled. Yes I am her mother but first come in. She is waiting for you in the kitchen, said Yeanny. Lulu followed Yeanny while looking around. Wow this is a very big house, said Lulu. Thirty pixies could live in here. Lots of nice furniture too and flowers everywhere. Yeanny brought her to the kitchen where Sakura was sitting at the table. Wow this is your kitchen? It is as big as my house, said Lulu. Sakura jumped up and went to Lulu. Yeah your here, I thought you forgot to come over. Yeanny was giving he heck for eating too much ice cream but no one said how much I could have. I love ice cream and had two big bowls one strawberry and one chocolate. Oh that is too much to have at once. How does your tummy feel? asked Lulu. I would feel sick if I ate that much ice cream. It is a lot better now. Mom gave me a drink of some fizzing stuff. It tasted funny but seems to have worked, said Sakura. Ya moms know how to take care of their children, said Lulu. Moms are the best! So can we go out and play? Can we Mom? asked Sakura. I feel much better now. The fizzy stuff worked. Well where are you going to play? asked Yeanny. Zotac will be back soon and is going to teach me how to fly. Oh flying is easy, said Lulu. Wait, you have no wings. How are you going to fly. You need wings to fly. At least that is what I thought. Yeanny smiled. Well wizards are able to fly and teleport, said Yeanny. I never tried to fly yet so I just need a few lessons. Oh ya, your a wizard, I forgot, said Lulu. So Lulu, how old are you? asked Yeanny. Just two hundred and twelve, said Lulu but I am a mature two hundred and twelve. Yeanny shook her head. So you must know the difference between right and wrong then, said Yeanny. Well of coarse, I never do anything bad. That is not fun, said Lulu. Well okay then, said Yeanny. You make sure sure Sakura doesn't get in trouble. She is only seven, so still a child. Sakura said she was almost eight, said Lulu. Yep, getting older every day, said Sakura. Yes well you two go and have fun, said Yeanny. Yeah they both yelled and ran out of the house. If they were not different colours with different wings I swear I was seeing double, thought Yeanny.

In a couple of minutes Zotac appeared in the kitchen. Okay I am back. How is Sakura doing? asked Zotac. Oh she is just fine now, said Yeanny. I gave her a drink for her stomach but when her new friend came over she perked right up. Oh so you met Lulu then, said Zotac. Isn't she something. Yes she is, said Yeanny. From the moment I opened the door she never stopped talking. Asking questions and not waiting for me to answer, exactly like Sakura is when she meets someone new. I could barely get a word in while they were talking to each other and so fast. Ya it was that way for me too when they first meet at Lulu's place, said Zotac. Did she tell you she was Cupid's little sister and has a magic wand? No I didn't get time to ask her many questions. Cupid you said, the love fairy? No love pixie, she corrected me with that right away. It seems the two sibblings have had a falling out or something, said Zotac. Well she did tell me she was over two hundred years old so I let them go out and play together, said Yeanny. She seems responsible enough to be with my daughter. I couldn't say no when Sakura asked. She would get so sad and I can't take it when she is sad. I only made her sad once and I promissed myself never to do that again. She may be seven, I mean almost eight but she is smarter and nicer than most adult people I used to know. So if she is almost eight, I wonder when her birthday is. I think Ivy told me once a while ago but I forgot. Her birthday is next Saturday. Cindy the angel told me when she had a talk with me yesterday. Really, Saturday! That do I get her for a present? I have never bought a present for anyone before, said Yeanny. Well I have an idea, said Zotac. How about a surprise party for her at Mika's place. Invite her friends and all. Should be fun. Invite her friends, Everyone loves Sakura, said Yeanny. Well her closest friends then, said Zotac. That will be your job. I will be going back to Granada Monday to take care of some things and I will bring Merlin back with me. He can put on one of his famous firework displays in the evening. Now that even I would love to see, said Yeanny. Okay so ready for your flying lessons? It is not that hard, said Zotac. It is all in the head. You bet lets go flying together, said Yeanny.

Sakura and Lulu were flying around doing tricks in the air when Lulu saw the golden tree. Wow look at that tree down there, said Lulu. It looks like it is glowing gold. Ya that's Ivy's tree. She planted it from a cutting in the fairy forest, said Sakura. It helps Ivy control the magic out here I think. So a magic golden tree, how cool. Who is that walking down there? asked Lulu. That is Mika, Zotac's daughter. She is real pretty like Ivy. Is she a wizard too? asked Lulu. Sort of, she has some magic powers. Her mom was an elf so half elf and half wizard, said Sakura. Do you want to go meet her, she is real nice. Sure, I want to take a closer look at that tree anyways, said Lulu. They both flew down beside the tree and Mika walked over to them. Hi Sakura, who is your freind? asked Mika. This is Lulu. She just moved to Fae Land today. Her brother is Cupid. You mean the real Cupid that flies around with that bow and arrow? asked Mika. Yep that is my stupid brother, said Lulu. He thinks he is so smart hitting people with his arrows and making them fall in love. People don't need his help. I agree, said Mika. If two people were meant to be in love then it will happen naturally, said Mika. Exactly, said Lulu. You are smart, I like you. Mika smiled. So he isn't around here is he. I don't want him making me in love with someone. Nope, I snuck away early this morning and flew here. He doesn't know where I am, said Lulu. So does your mother know where you are Sakura? asked Mika. Yep, she said it was okay for us to go out and play together, said Sakura. Zotac is teaching her to fly. We might see them around somewhere. So Lulu, how do you like Ivy's golden tree? Pretty cool looking isn't it, said Mika. Ya Sakura said it has magic, said Lulu. Well sort of, said Mika. Ivy has a device in the fairy forest where she can control all the magic in Fae Land. This tree is here to boost the magic way over there to the pixie forest. The fairies made it too big I was told and this helps keep it all together. Plus there are well over a  two thousand pixies living in that forest. What, that many pixies are living here? asked Lulu. Oh way more then just there, said Mika. They are in all the woods and forests in Fae Land. No one knows for sure how many there are all together. You should go to the pixie forest some time. They are all really friendly in there. I will but not today. I am here playing with Sakura and she is lots of fun. Ya Sakura is fun and always makes me feel good and laugh. I am just heading home to see what my sister is up to, said Mika. I live in that big house over there. Wow another big house, said Lulu. Yep bigger is better they all say and I like our big house, said Mika. Okay see you later Mika. We have some more trick flying to do, said Sakura. Then they flew off. Hmm, cute little friend Sakura has there, thought Mika. Looks like she has a good playmate now.

Back at the palace Alieta was checking the sun dial to see what the next few days were going to be like. Oh good it is going too cool off a bit, that is very good, she thought. A shadow appeared on the sun dial and Alieta turned around. Hi Alieta, long time no see. I am looking for Pippa. I heard she lived in Fae Land now. Hello Cupid, how have you been? asked Alieta. Okay mostly but Lulu my little sister has gone missing and I know Pippa can get a bunch of pixies to help look for her, said Cupid. Alieta didn't want to tell Cupid that she knew where Lulu was yet so she called for Pippa. Pippa showed up fast as usual. What's up Alieta? Oh, hi Cupid, what are you doing here? asked Pippa. Lulu my little sister has gone missing and I need help looking for her, said Cupid. I hope she is okay. Oh she is just fine, said Alieta. You have seen her then? Where is she we need her back home at the village, said Cupid. I bet you do, said Alieta with a smile. You know, you are getting very chubby. Don't you help out at the village anymore. Well I don't have too, said Cupid. Lulu makes everything for us with her wand. No one has to build or make anything anymore. Yes so she told me and you don't let her go anywhere out of the village correct, said Alieta. Well not really, she is needed by everyone in the village, said Cupid. She can come with me and make people fall in love but she refuses to learn how to use a bow and arrow. That's because she doesn't like what you do for a living and she want's no part of it. That is what she told me, said Alieta. Well she has no choice she has to come back with me and learn my art, said Cupid. Hmm, what do you think of all this Pippa? asked Alieta. So you know where she is and she is safe then? asked Pippa. Yep and she befriended Sakura and they are playing together right now. Pippa smiled, Sakura is a great playmate for a pixie, that is for sure. Cupid, how do you intend to take her back to the village with you? Pixies do what they want and rarely do what someone tells them to do? asked Pippa. Well if I have too I will get a few pixies from the village to come and we will grab her and fly her home, said Cupid. Oh no you won't, said Alieta. Lulu paid her building permit in full and I granted her full citizenship to Fae Land. She lives here now and she is staying by my law. If you try to take her by force I will have my armed sprites arrest all of you and become banned from Fae Land forever. Sound fair to you Pippa. Yep sure does, if Alieta says she lives here now then she can stay for as long as she likes, said Pippa. You said she paid the permit so she is building a house? She made two with her wand already, said Alieta. One is a guest house, that was Sakura's idea. Well can I go see her at least? asked Cupid figuring he just lost the battle to take his sister back. Not until I talk to her first, said Pippa. I need to hear what she has to say. Where did she set up Alieta? Between the pixie forest and the town close to the woods. You can't miss it. The homes are very unique looking. Ya this breed of pixies make funny looking houses and very colourful. Kind of fun looking I guess, said Pippa. I will be back soon. Tell her Ginger left a big bag of gold coins in her house too, said Alieta. Okay I will then Pippa took off fast. So Cupid would you like a nice cold fruit drink while you wait. I guess so, said Cupid. Losing to two queens made me thirsty.

Pippa got to Lulu's place and saw the two small houses. They do look really nice, she thought. She went and knocked on the door but no one answered. I guess she is still out with Sakura, said Pippa. Nope I am here now, said Lulu. Sakura had to go home with her mom and Zotac. I just came here to see if Ginger brought me any coins yet. Pippa walked over to her on the grass. My you are a very pretty pixie. You look nothing like your brother, said Pippa. Well if he would do some work and stop eating all those heart shaped chocolates I had to keep making for him then maybe he wouldn't be so fat, said Lulu. So who are you, I like your wings and pretty hair too. Do you like to play, not right now though Sakura pooped me out. Man that girl can fly fast and fancy. Pippa laughed. Ya she can out fly me too and I am very fast, said Pippa. Yes I do like to play when I have time, my name is Pippa and yours is Lulu. Pippa! The queen of pixes? I am so sorry for talking so much I do that when I meet someone new, I can't help it, the words just keep coming out of my mouth, said Lulu. Oops there I go again. Pippa laughed again. Yep you are a perfect friend for Sakura. The two of you seem to be a perfect match. Now the reason I am here is to tell you that Cupid is here and wants to take you back home with him. Crap he found me already, how is that possible? asked Lulu. Well he came here to get me and a bunch of pixies to look for you. Alieta told him you were here. Really why would she do that. She knows I don't want to go back with him, said Lulu. Oh don't worry, she made it very clear to him that you live here now and not to try and take you by force or she would have him arrested. Alieta takes very good care of her people. Really so I can stay and not have to worry about him anymore? asked Lulu. Nope but he did ask to see you. So I take it that wand of yours made these nice houses, said Pippa. Yep, this time I made something for myself. No more being ordered to make stuff for lazy pixies, said Lulu. So the entire village made you do everything for them? asked Pippa. Yep, I was kind of the slaive girl there but not anymore, said Lulu. Now they have to go back to the old ways before I was born. Yes they sure will and I will make sure of that, said Pippa. So do you want to see him? He is your brother still. Ya he can visit when ever he wants, said Lulu. But right now I have to go shopping for groceries. I think Ginger was going to leave me some coins. Ya Alieta told me to tell you she brought a big bag of coins and put them in your home. Have you every gone shopping before? Only in our village but not with coins. I made gems to buy food. Hmm, that sounds odd also. Tell you what I will take you shopping but first I am going back to tell Cupid that today you are busy but your door is open to visit anythime. Is that okay? asked Pippa. Ya that would be awesome, said Lulu. Shopping with the queen would be an honor. Pippa smiled. I may be a queen but really I am just a regular pixie, said Pippa. I will be back shortly then Pippa flew away. Regular my butt, thought Lulu. She is amazing, no wonder everyone loves her.

When Pippa got back to the palace grounds she told Cupid that Lulu said you were always welcomed to visit. Now you can stay her in the woods with us pixies or come back tomorrow because she is busy doing things today. Really, what is she busy doing? asked Cupid. Well she first has to go shopping for food and I am going with her because she has never used coins before then I think she is going to Sakura's place for dinner. Yep sounds like she has a busy schedual today, said Alieta. That is nice of you to go shopping with her. Ya well she is such a pretty and sweet girl. I don't want to see here get ripped off like she did in the village stores using gems she made to buy food. Cupid didn't say anything at first. I think I will come back another day, said Cupid, then he flew off. Looks like you hit a sensitive spot with him, said Alieta. They have been making her pay with gems at all the stores. I wounder how much they have made off of her over the years, said Pippa. Gems! Yep they definately been taking advantage of her, said Alieta. I am taking a few of my close pixies there with me tomorrow and find out what has been going on behind my back. Pixies are not suppose to act like this. Alieta smiled. Take Jazmen with you. She will put a scare into them, said Alieta. Ya okay, good idea, said Pippa. Okay I am off to go shopping. Talk to you later Alieta then off she flew. Looks like Pippa has taken a liking to her too, thought Alieta. Don't think Pippa has ever been in a store before either. Oh well they will be just fine. When Pippa got back to Lulu's place she was all excited. Look Pippa, I have a ton of gold coins. How many should I take with me? asled Lulu. The bag is too heavy for me to carry them all. Wow that is a lot. Lets see what Ginger gave you. Pippa opened the bag and pulled out two coins. Here this will be more than enough. This one is fifty dollars and this one is twenty dollars. So that is enough to buy a bag of grocieries? asked Lulu. Yes and probably some other things. There are a lot of other stores in town, said Pippa. Okay better take one more then just incase, said Lulu. They both headed out to the grocery store in town and Lulu was amazed at how much good stuff there was there to buy. Lots more stuff here to buy than in our village market, said Lulu. Well this is just a small store, the big food store is in the north town, said Pippa. Okay pick out what you need for now here. Later you can go to the other store where there is a bigger selection. Lulu walked around grabbing items and putting them in the basket Pippa was holding for her. Okay that shoud do it for now, said Lulu. All I need is some ice cream but I haven't got any ice yet for my ice box. Oh I will get Tempressa to come and make some for you, said Pippa. She is the Ice Queen. Another queen? asked Lulu. Yep there are a bunch of queens in Fae land, said Pippa. Lulu grabbed a box of ice cream then went to the check out counter. Hi Pippa, nice to see you here, said the girl. Who is your cute friend? This is Lulu and she just moved here, said Pippa. How nice, said the girl and she started adding things up in her cash register. Okay that will be thirty one dollars, she told Lulu. Wow is that all? asked Lulu. Yep food is cheep in Fae Land, said Pippa. Alieta makes sure everyone can afford to eat. Lulu gave her the gold piece that said fifty on it and the girl gave her the change. Okay lets go, said Pippa. You take that stuff home and I will get Tempressa for you, she rides a horse and won't take that long.

They both left the store then Pippa flew off to get Tempressa and Lulu flew home. When she got home she saw Mika heading towards her. Hi Mika, come see my two new houses. Mika got off her horse and walked over to her. Now these are two fancy houses, said Mika. Yep perfect for me and one guest, said Lulu. Pippa took me shopping and now I got to put all this food away. Food is really cheap here. Mika smiled. Here let me help you put things away, said Mika. Okay, where were you going? asked Lulu. To Sakura's home, said Mika. My dad should be done teaching Yeanny how to fly by now. Yep they are all done and she can fly sort of, said Lulu. She needs a bit more practice though, said Lulu. I am going there for supper after Tempressa comes here to make ice for me. Pippa said she is the Ice Queen. So she has a wand that makes ice? No she just points at things and freezes them. It is really amazing to see, said Mika. Well I can make water but can't freeze it, said Lulu. So is she a fairy? No she is an elf I think. A very tall one, said Mika. Some kind of Fae anyways. So lets get your stuff put it away then wait for Tempressa, said Mika. She won't be long if Pippa went to get her. After we can go together to check out Yeanny's cooking. Sakura told me she is a real good cook.

After they put the food all away they both came back outside to wait for Tempressa. You have your home looking very nice inside, said Mika, but it is way too small for me. I like lots of room. It's a good size for you though. So what other magic can Tempressa do? asked Lulu. Not sure but I read in one of Alieta's books that she can make a wall of thick ice that works as a shield and can freeze the ground in front of the enemy so that they slip and fall, said Mika. Lulu laughed. That would be funny to see. Is that her coming now on that horse? asked Lulu. Yep that is her, said Mika. Tempressa rode up and jumped off her horse and walked over to them. Hi Mika good to see you again and you must be Lulu, said Tempressa. Pippa speaks highly of you. Wow you are realy realy tall. You are the tallest person I have seen here so far. You got very pretty hair and a very nice smile. Mika said you can freeze stuff without a wand. I can make water with my wand but can't freeze it. Sakura is my new very good friend and we both like to play but she is a super fast flyer. Do you like to play? Tempressa started to laugh. Pippa did say you were a lot like Sakura, said Tempressa. I play sometimes but not like you do. To me having fun is shopping and being with my friends plus fighting evil to keep Fae Land safe. Those are the things that make me happy the most. So you need your ice box flashed I heard. Which of these colourful houses is it in? The one with the green roof, said Mika. You are going to have to keep low though. It's a bit tight in there for big people. Yep but perfect for me, said Lulu. Come follow me, I want to watch the Ice Queen in action.

They went inside the house and Lulu opened the ice box door. Not much in there right now but Pippa said there is a bigger food store in the north town, said Lulu. Okay so lets just take these few things out and I will give it a good flash of ice, said Tempressa. Lulu took everything out then noticed the ice cream was getting soft. Okay good, said Tempressa, then she flashed the ice box making sure there was enough ice in there to last for a while. Wow that was so cool, said  Lulu. I need to get my ice cream in there fast, it is melting. I can fix that, said Tempressa. Put it on the table. Tempressa then flashed it too. There you go, nice and hard again. You got very good magic, said Lulu. I like you and thanks. No problem, I'll come back in a week and flash the ice box again for you, said Tempressa. Seeing that I am way out here I might as well go and see what is going on at the palace. That is where most of the action seems to happen. Okay bye Tempressa and thanks, said Mika. Tempressa then left. Okay lets get everything back in the ice box and go see how Yeanny and Sakura is doing. My dad might be there also. After everything was put back they headed out. Lulu flew beside Mika on the horse and kept talking away to her about all kinds of things. Once they got there Mika knocked on the door and Sakura answered it. Yeah you are here and you brought Mika too, said Sakura. They went into the kitchen where Yeanny and Zotac were sitting at the table. Lulu is here and so is Mika, said Sakura. Hi Dad, hi Yeanny. How did the flying lessons go, asked Mika. Very good, said Zotac. She has the basics now just needs to practice a bit. Yep, flying is fun, said Yeanny. So what are you cooking? asked Lulu. It's a secret, said Yeanny. Ya she wouldn't tell me either, said Sakura.


So how long will supper be? asked Sakura. I am getting hungry. About one more hour, said Yeanny. Why don't you find something to do in here like that game you play all the time. What game is that? asked Lulu. Closest to the wall, said Sakura. It's fun and a bit tricky. Okay, I will try it, said Lulu. Okay I will go get my shiny stones, said Sakura and she ran to her bedroom. Closest to the wall sounds like an old game we used to play at school, said Zotac. It was a gambling game though. Ya you could bet but Sakura just likes playing it for fun, said Yeanny. Sakura ran back in and put the stones on the table. So you pick two then I will use the other two and we can play against that wall over there, said Sakura. Mika took a closer look at the stones. They look like real gems, said Mika. Diamond, emerald, maybe a rudy and some other big crystal. Oh it is a diamind too, said Yeanny. Well what ever you want to call them but I like them and they are real pretty and never break if you hit the wall, said Sakura. You let her play with valuable gems? asked Mika. Sure why not, she likes them and I got more, said Yeanny. Yep Mom has bags and bags of them up in the attic, said Sakura. So pick Lulu and I will go first to show you how to toss them. Lulu grabbed two and Sakura took the other ones then they knelt down on the floor and started playing.



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