Cupid's Sister Lulu  Chapter 3


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One Day To The Next

Mika went and sat beside her dad and asked Yeanny what was up with all the gems. You really have lots of bags of gems in your attic? asked Mika. Well yes I do, said Yeanny. I brought them all here from my old home. It took a lot of trips but got them all here now, said Yeanny. How many bags do you have? asked Mika. I am not sure, said Yeanny. Maybe fifty. I sold that old place and wasn't leaving them there for the new owners. Well I did leave one small bag in the kitchen for them. They were a young couple and she was pregnant. Some money will help them out I figured. Where did you get so many gems? asked Zotac. I found a very deep crevest in the desert and back then I was always curious so I teleported down some and saw the walls all sparkling so I scraped a couple out and brought them back to the local jewelery store and they told me they were real. So I bought a small pick and some bags at the hardware store and began mining them. After a few years of going back from time to time I had the attic there filled so I stopped going. That was just around the time Sakura appeared so I had lots to do now with her around. She really liked those four gems, a white and yellow diamond, a sapphire and an emerald. Wow so your like a multi billionaire then, said Mika. Yep but I am thinking of funding a university to be built in Fae Land so the students here don't have to travel to Cumberland or anywhere else to continue there schooling once they are finished high school here, said Yeanny. Now that is a very good way to use some of the money, said Zotac. What are you going to do with the rest. Beats me right now but Sakura and I are everlasting so lots of time to do things with it, said Yeanny. I can always get more if I want, do you want me to show you the spot? Only two other people know about it but they are not into getting all dirty and stuff. They are a wizard and a witch so they don't care much about money. I normally just make things that I need, said Zotac. Well shopping is fun, just let me know if you want to go, said Yeanny. Ginger had a bag converted into gold coins for me and there is lots of coins still in the bags. So can you two set the table for me and I will get supper ready for us. Okay they both said and got to work. I win again, said Sakura. You are letting me win arn't you. Maybe but I am still having fun. I like this game, said Lulu. Who would of thought that four shiny stones could bring so much fun!

Yeanny went over to the oven and took out what she was cooking and put it on the table. Okay you two supper is ready so come sit at the table, said Yeanny. They both ran over and sat down. Wow Mom, you cooked a pie for supper, said Sakura. Don't people have that for desert? Not this kind of pie, said Yeanny. This is chicken pot pie. It has lots of chicken in it and three different types of vegetables. Now pass over your plates and I will serve it out for you all. Give Zotac his first, said Sakura. He is the only man here and he did a lot with us today. Good thinking Sakura, here you go Zotac, said Yeanny and gave him the first slice then cut out a piece for everyone else. Everyone ate up and they all loved it. After they were done, the three girls started doing the dishes for Yeanny. Okay when you three are done there go out back and play some, said Yeanny. I want to take Zotac to a spot I go to relax and think. We won't be gone long. Yeanny took Zotac's hand and they both vanished. Where is she taking Zotac? asked Sakura. Probably somewhere quiet so they can kiss, said Lulu. It needs to be quiet to kiss? asked Sakura. I kiss Mom all the time anywhere. This is different kissing, private kissing, said Lulu. Oh, okay I guess, said Sakura. Mika just smiled and shook her head at the two little girls. After the girls were finished doing the dishes they all went outside in the backyard. So what do you want to play? asked Lulu. How about tag, said Mika. I used to play that all the time when I was a little girl. What is tag? asked Lulu. That is when someone is it and they have to chase the other people around and try and touch them. When they do then that person is it and they have to try and touch someone, said Mika. It is good exercise and will help us digest supper faster. Okay that sounds like fun, said Lulu. Ya lets play tag, said Sakura. One thing though, there is no flying. I have no wings and that wouldn't be fair, said Myka. Okay said Lulu, I can run pretty fast too. Yep me too but Mika is a fast runner, said Sakura. I am sure you two will do just fine, said Mika. I will be it first so lets go!

When Yeanny got back home she found the three of them playing closest to wall together. Oh so you came back in, said Yeanny. Ya Sakura doesn't like it outside when it gets dark, said Mika. She must not like the dark. Just outside, said Sakura. Inside is okay, good for sleeping but outside gets spooky. Yes I know that, said Yeanny. That's why I came back before it got too dark. So it is time to get ready for bed and thanks Mika for watching her for me. No problem, she is fun to be with, said Mika. I'm heading home too, thanks for supper. Then Mika left. So nice meeting you Lulu and please come by anytime, said Yeanny. Okay I will. Sakura is my best friend now, said Lulu. I like meeting people with her. Now I get to spend my first night in my new house. Maybe one day you will let her spend the night with me. We will see, said Yeanny. Okay, bye and thanks for the supper. Then Lulu left. Well dear you should be tired by now with all you did today, said Yeanny. Best you get ready for bed. Okay Mom but Lulu said you went with Zotac to do private kissing. What is that? asked Sakura. Well you know what kissing is right. Yep I kiss you all the time, said Sakura. Yep and you know what private means right? asked Yeanny. Yep, stuff you don't tell anyone about, said Sakura. Oh so it is like a secret then right? Sort of but no we were not kissing, said Yeanny. I just wanted to show him a place I go to relax somethimes. Oh okay, can you take me there sometime? asked Sakura. Yes I will, said Yeanny. Now go and get changed for bed. Sakura ran off to her room. I wonder what I am going to say when she starts asking about sex. Hopefully that won't be for a long time yet, Yeanny thought.

The next morning Alieta was outside enjoying the fresh air and the more moderate tempurature when Banshee showed up. Hi Alieta how are you? asked Banshee. Very good, said Alieta. It is much cooler today, more like it should be this time of year. My look at you your looking good. Yep I fee really good too, seems like that time I spent in the pixie forest and now in my new home in the edge of Eden has has really had a positive imoact on me. Ivy came over to the treehouse when I was first staying there with Ginger and the two fairies and told me that I should not leave the fairy forest for at least a few days because the magic was very strong in there and would speed up the process of breaking my link with death. I guess she was right because now I am almost like everyone else here. That girl really knows lots about magic. Yep Ivy sure does, said Alieta. Well Ginger came back from shopping one day and said it looked like my house was ready for me to move into so I went there just as Lilly was fixing the inside some, said Banshee. She made me furniture and filled the ice box with food plus the pantry also. Okay so your all set now, said Alieta. Yep but I found a note and a big bag of gold coins on the kitchen counter, said Banshee. The note was from Ginger and it said the coins were from the gems I gave her. Good so now you can buy clothes and other things you want in town, said Alieta. Yep but I am sure she didn't take out the money I owed her for the permit and the part payment of the house so I am here to pay up now, said Banshee. Well Ginger and I got talking and seeing that you are one of the main reasons we won the great war, we decided to let you have it for free and no permit payment either, said Alieta. You definately deserve it. Really, but it was a team effort back then, said Banshee. Ya I know but we were loosing badly until you showed up and turned the tables fast. If it wasn't for you there would not be a Fae Land. Wow, thankyou so much, you are so kind. Everyone here I have met has been kind to me, said Banshee. Well you are kind to everyone too, said Alieta. People respond positively to kindness, said Alieta. Alieta looked up and too her left and saw Lulu coming. Stick around for a bit. I want you to meet Lulu. She arrived yesterday and is Cupid's little sister. Oh I don't like that Cupid at all. He has caused so many problems with relationships that end up very bad sometimes, said Banshee. Really, I didn't know that, said Alieta. Lulu is nothing like her brother though. Do you remember meeting Sakura. Oh yes, I could never forget that cute and very funny little girl, said Banshee. Well Lulu is very much the same as Sakura except she is turquoise instead of pink, said Alieta. You will like her.

Lulu flew down to them and said hi to Alieta. Who is your friend Alieta. Sakura didn't bring me to meet her, said Lulu. This is Banshee, said Alieta. She lives not too far from you. Oh really, must of been one of those big houses we saw while flying around, said Lulu. Hello my name is Lulu and I am a pixie as you can tell I think. I moved here yesterday and made my own houses with my wand. I made one first but Sakura told me I should make a guest house too so I did because Sakura is my best friend and she likes to play and so do I but boy can she fly fast and do air tricks, way better than me. You must be human because you don't have elf ears or any wings. Oh I forgit, what is your name? Do you like to play? I love playing. Banshee had a big smile on her face. Yes I play sometimes, said Banshee and my name is Banshee and no I am not a human, I am a Banshee. That is funny, a Banshee named Banshee, said Lulu. Wait Sakura is a Sakura and she is one of a kind, her mom made her with magic I think. Are you one of a kind? No there are lots of Banshees but mostly across the ocean, said Banshee. Oh are all Banshees named Banshee? That would make it very confusing if there was a bunch of Banshees together. Banshee began to laugh. Yes that would be confusing but no most have different names. People here call me Banshee and I liked the name so I kept it. Okay, it is a neat name and I never met anyone with that name before so you are one of a kind to me in a way. Did I tell you I was Cupid's little sister? Sometimes I forget things. He is a dummy making people fall in love but I don't do that I just make things with my wand. Well that is good so you have a magic wand then, said Banshee. Yep but not as powerful as a fairy wand, said Lulu. Ya fairies have very poweful magic, said Banshee. So where abouts is your house? Oh you can't miss them, said Lulu. Very colourful and small between the town and the pixie forest, said Lulu. So Lulu, what's up with you? asked Alieta. Are you just visiting? asked Alieta. Well not really, said Lulu. I came to get Zotac. Sakura can't come here to get him because Yeanny was still sheeping, said Lulu. Zotac told Sakura that she shouldn't leave the house until Yeanny gets up because she will worry a lot. I get that because moms always worry about their children so I came instead. Well he is in the diningroom having breakfast, said Alieta. Okay, where is that? asked Lulu. In the palace, said Alieta. Just go in the front door and walk straight down the hall and it is the first door on your left. Okay, thanks. Then Lulu flew over to the palace. So what do you think of our Lulu? asked Alieta. Just amazing and man she can talk, said Banshee. Just like Sakura and funny too. Imagine if both of them were together talking to someone. Well it hasn't happened to me yet but usually they slow down some after they met someone new for the first time. They just get excited around new people, said Alieta. So why didn't you ask her what Sakura wanted that Zotac guy for? asked Banshee. Are you kidding. Don't you think she had said enough already, said Alieta. Let Zotac talk to her. Banshee smiled, ya good thinking but she is very nice and friendly, said Banshee. Okay I am off, back to the house, Layla is taking me shopping. Talk to you later, then Banshee vanished.

Lulu went in the palace and walked down the long hallway. Wow is it ever big in here, she thought. Okay first door on the left Alieta said. Okay there is a door but there is no door knob. How do I open it? Lulu pushed it a bit and it swung a bit back and forth. Now that is cool, a door that opens both ways. Lulu gave it a good hard push then ran in fast as to not let her wings caught in the door but it stayed open. Hmm, must be a magic door, thought Lulu. She walked into the dining room and saw Zotac sitting at the big table. Hi Zotac it is me Lulu. Is that a magic door? asked Lulu. Hi Lulu, what do you mean? asked Zotac. Well first it has no door knob but it doesn't need one seeing it swings both ways but when I pushed it open and ran in so I didn't get my wings stuck in it when it shut, it stayed open by it's self. Zotac smiled. No it is not magic, said Zotac. It is a two way door with special hinges. The reason it stayed open is because you must of pushed it all the way open. There is a clasp on the wall that clips down and holds it open at the top until someone pulls it shut. Oh, okay. It was better when I thought it was magic, said Lulu. I love magic. So why are you here so early? asked Zotac. Well I went to Sakura's place this morning and knocked on the door and Sakura answered and let me in. We talked a bit but when I asked her where her mom was, she said she was still sleeping. I asked her if she wanted to go to the palace to see you but she said you told her she should never leave the house when her mom was sleeping because she would worry too much. Then she asked if I could go get you. So I did and I met Banshee that is a Banshee, talking to Alieta and she said you were in this dining room so then I came in this very big palace and found you here. Okay, a very good answer but what does Sakura want me for. I don't know, I forgot to ask her that, said Lulu. Zotac laughed. You know when we first met then I went to have supper with you all, I thought you and Yeanny lived together but when Sakura and I where playing closest to the wall, she said you were just a friend. Is that true? asked Lulu. It looks like you two are a lot more than friends. Yes were are friends but very good friends and we have only known each other for a couple of days, said Zotac. Oh I didn't know that, said Lulu. So very good friends in less than two days is very good then. So if you don't want to go then I will fly back and tell Sakura that you are busy. No don't do that, said Zotac. If Yeanny is still sleeping then go back and tell her that I will be there soon when I figure Yeanny would be up and dressed. Oh okay, that is a much better idea and more polite. Okay off I go through the magic door to tell her, said Lulu and she ran out. Zotac shook his head. I have a feeling life in Fae Land is never going to have a dull moment. You got that right Mr. Zotac, said Cindy the elf that waited on him. She is wright though, you and Yeanny would make the perfect couple, just like Titus and Paisley. Now is there anything else I can get you? No that was fine, said Zotac and got up and started to walk out but stopped at the door. Magic door, she is so funny, he thought. He gave the door a pull so it would close behind him but it swung shut fast and hit him on the butt. He turned around and looked at the door. Maybe it is a bit magic, he thought then headed outside.

Zotac walked outside and saw Alieta talking with Ginger. Hello Alieta, hello Ginger, you are looking pretty today, said Zotac. Ginger smiled, that's what I am always going for, thankyou. So what did Lulu want? asked Alieta. Well she was just passing on a message from Sakura, said Zotac. She forgot to ask Sakura what she wanted me for but just to some and get me. Well sounds like to me that Sakura just likes having you around, said Alieta. At least she didn't come here herself like yesterday. Ya she told Lulu what I said to her yesterday about never leaving the house when Yeanny was still sleeping. She would be worried about her when she did get up. Well are you going to see what she wants? asked Ginger. Ya but I should wait until Yeanny is up and dressed first. I told Lulu that I will be there in a bit. Anyways that Lulu can be very funny yet very smart and sly at the same time. She told me that she first thought that Yeanny was my wife when she first met us together but Sakura said we were just friends. She said we looked like more than just friends and we are, we are very good friends. Oh and she thought the dining room door was magic because it stayed open when she opened it all the way. Is it a bit magic? I don't think so, said Alieta, why do you ask? Well I told her why it stayed open but when she left she still said she was going throught the magic door. Then when I went to it I pulled it a bit to let it close behind me but it swung way over and hit me on the butt. When I turned to look, it was closed and not moving at all. Ginger giggled. The door must like you too, said Ginger. Well anything is possible here, said Alieta. Lulu also said she met a Banshee named Banshee when she first got here. Is there a real Banshee living in Fae Land now too? asked Zotac. Yep and she is a wonderful girl and very friendly plus the magic here is freeing her from her connection to death. Okay, just wanted to know. So when does Yeanny usually wake up? asked Zotac. Should be up now, said Alieta. If those two girls are in the kitchen talking then she will definately hear them and get up. Ya they sure can talk up a storm, said Zotac. I best go see what Sakura needs. Sounds like she has already adopted you as her father, said Alieta. Have you any plans for today? Not really but I do have to go back to Granada tomorrow for a few days. Not sure what Mika has planned either for today. Okay off I go and he vanished.

Zotac appeared in Yeanny's kitchen and saw Sakura and Lulu standing on two chairs. Oh hi Zotac, said Sakura. Mom, Zotac is here. Oh hi Zotac, what's up? Did you need my help with something? asked Yeanny. Zotac looked at Sakura. Didn't you tell your mother I was coming here? asked Zotac. Um, I forgot, said Sakura. Lulu was teaching me how to do patty cake with our hands when Mom got up. It is lots of fun too. A bit tricky though. Did you go to the palace again after you were told not to leave the house when I was still in bed? asked Yeanny. Nope, I will never do that again, said Sakura. I asked Lulu to go get him. Yep and Alieta told me he was in the dining room, said Lulu. Once I figured out that magic door I went in and told him Sakura wanted him but she didn't tell me why. I forgot to ask her that. Zotac said he would be here soon after you got up and dressed and here he is as promissed. Are we in trouble? Yeanny smiled, no your not in trouble but next time you want to see Zotac, ask me first, said Yeanny. But you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you, said Sakura. Wait until I get up, said Yeanny. Not everyone gets up as early as you do, said Yeanny. Anyways sorry Zotac, you probably have more important things to do than hang around with us three. Actually not really, said Zotac. I have to go talk to Mika for a bit then I am free for the day. Tomorrow I have to go back to Granada though to take care of some of my affairs. When will you be back? asked Sakura. Oh in about three days so Thursday probably. You promiss, said Sakura. Well I will do my best but I can't promiss. I am not sure how long everything will take. I might be back sooner if everything goes smoothly, said Zotac. Oh okay, so do you want to play patty cake with us? asked Sakura. You can only play patty cake with two people, said Lulu. Yes but four people can play together, said Yeanny. Do you know patty cake Zotac. Yep sure do, said Zotac. Okay lets see which couple is the best and can end up going the fastest at patty cake, said Yeanny. Alright a contest, said Lulu. You ready Sakura. You bet lets go, said Sakura. The four of them all started playing together.

Back at the palace, Gabriel brought Aiko and Kendra back to Fae Land in front of Alieta. Here are the last two girls that were in Granada Alieta. Unharmed and unchanged and glad to be home right girls, said Gabriel. You bet Granda may be a cool place but Fae Land is way better, said Kendra. Ya I miss Penny so much and her cooking, said Aiko. Okay see you later and enjoy your next surprise. It is a very big one. Then Gabriel vanished. Alieta, we missed you so much, man it is good to be home, said Aiko. Alieta smiled, good to have you two back, said Alieta. So what is that you have Kendra? This is one of Faith Fairweather's tennis rackets and a tennis ball. She even signed the racket, said Kendra. She is the womans world champion and has won three years in a row. I stayed at her place while I was in Granada. Well that sounds impressive but I have never heard of tennis, said Alieta. It's a cool game where you hit the ball back and forth over a net something like vollyball but the net is down low in the ground, said Kendra. Filia was the second best in the world and I beat them both two against one. They didn't have a chance against a sprite, I was way too fast for them. I did accidently break a ball once though. I am going to the fairy forest to tell Ivy all about my adventure then Kendra flew off to the forest. Is Penny working today? asked Aiko. Yes she is, said Alieta. Good I want to surprise her and get her to make me a nice breakfast. She is a way better cook than Sapphire, said Aiko then she went in the palace. Well I am glad Fae Land is more appealing to them than Granada was, thought Alieta. Now I wonder what Gabriel meant by another very big surprise is coming.

Alieta walked out a bit towards the sundial when Jazmen flew down to talk to her. Hi Alieta got some interesting news for you, said Jazmen. Okay, what is it, so far it has heen a very interesting day so nothing will shock me. Well don't be so sure about that, said Jazmen. I was with three sprites doing the standard check outside of Fae Land when we saw someone riding a horse way out in the Bad Lands. Okay so did you see who it was? asked Alieta. Well sort of. We flew over top and went down a bit closer and saw a very big man riding a horse and he was carring what looked like a big club. Okay so did you go down and talk to him? asked Alieta. Nope not a chance we were going any closer to him. When I said big I meant it. I pitty the horse he was riding, said Jazmen. Have you ever heard the saying, "Man with big stick should be left alone?" No I haven't, said Alieta. Of coarse you haven't, I just made it up, said Jazmen with a smile. Now he is in no hurry and the club seemed to be his only weapon so he will be here in about ten miutes if he doesn't speed up but I dought the horse can go any faster. Anyways the four of us will up above you incase there is a problem and man I hope there is no problem. Then Jazmen flew up with the other sprites. I have never heard Jazmen act like that before. She almost sounded scared, thought Alieta. Ginger came out of the palace and walked over to Alieta. Hi Alieta I saw the Aiko in the kitchen with Penny and sure look happy to be home, said Ginger. Yes and Kendra is back now too, said Alieta. Have you ever heard of a game called tennis? Nope, why do you ask? asked Ginger. Kendra had a tennis ball and a tennis racket signed by a world champion tennis player. Supposidly she beat the champions. Anyways now we have a new person coming here from the Bad Lands. Really who is it? asked Ginger. I don't know and Jazmen wouldn't go down to find out seeing this person was very big and carried a big club. Should we go back in the palace then? asked Ginger. No lets stay out here and see who it is. Today has been a very good but unusual day so far and Gabriel told me there was another very big surprise coming today, said Alieta. This may be it.



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