The Adventures In The Land Of Fae Dr Shadow Prolog Ivy's party was a big success and when everyone started to get tired they slowly started returning to the forest. Samantha was happy seeing she got five sprites that wanted to learn how to be defenders so far and figured more would join after they saw the homes that would be built for them. Now she just had to get the carpenters from town to get started on them. After supper at the palace Sara went home with Tillia and Yeanny went home with Sakura that was really tired after such a busy day. Phonixa and Repellia asked Alieta if she thought Gwyneira would come back tonight. Alieta told them it was very doughtful seeing it was her first party and would probably go straight home. Okay might as well go to bed then, said Phonixa and they both went into the palace. All was nice and calm again in front of the palace so Alieta and Ginger sat on the steps and talked. Alieta was wondering how the party went for Ivy. At least Samantha has got lots of pixies now so that forest of her's should get covered in pixie dust a lot faster now. When Tempressa got home she decided to have a get together with her friends down town and let them know about all she saw today. She now figured she best go there at least once a week or maybe twice a week just to keep up with the news. Either that or move to Eden where it is a lot closer to the action... Chapter 1 A Golden Surprise The party was over and the three fairies had everything cleaned up. Samanatha thanked them for doing such a great job. Well it is real easy to have a party, said Ivy. Especially when you have friends that are fairies. Samantha laughed. Yes they truly were good at entertaining everyone. Well time to go home, said Ivy but first I will go and see if Alieta and Ginger are on the palace steps. They sit there every night you know, said Ivy. Really? asked Lilly. Why do they sit there when no one is around? That is why they sit there, they like the peace and quite at the end of the day, said Ivy. I go there sometimes and join them. It is nice to look out at the stars and watch pixies flying by. They say I am part of the palace steps gang now Ivy said with a smile. Well I am going home, said Tobias. I am dead tired. Well we have some extra rooms, just sleep here and leave in the morning, said Samantha. Oh good idea, said Tobias. Can I come with you Ivy and see the palace steps gang? asked Lilly. Yep okay, said Ivy. Tulip and Pippie had already left so both Ivy and Lilly took off to the palace. 01 illustration goes here When they reached the palace, Ivy saw the two of them sitting on the steps. I told you, said Ivy. Every night they are sitting out there. They landed in front of them and Ivy went and sat beside Alieta, Lilly just sat on the grass in front of them. Well hello you two. Unusal to see both of you at night, said Alieta. Yep, Lilly wanted to see the palace step gang and I figured you heard I had a party at Samantha's place so I came to tell you it was a great party and everyone had fun, said Ivy. Oh good, said Alieta. I was a bit worried seeing it was your first party but I suppose Lilly here plus Tulip and Pippie were a great help. Yep they were and Lilly saved a little girls life too. Well we both did, said Lilly. Really, what happened? asked Alieta. Well nothing happened. It was just a family that had a little seven year old girl and she never talked and was always sad. Doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. I found something in her head and Lilly healed her. Very cute girl named Kimberly. Lilly said she would of died soon if the thing called a tumor was not removed, said Ivy. Oh brain tumors, hard to detect and no cure for them yet either, said Alieta. Unless you have super fairy magic Lilly there. That is what Kimberly said about Lilly. Turn around Lilly and watch the pixies fly by and the stars twinkling. It is very restful, said Alieta. Okay, said Lilly and turned around. They all just sat back and enjoyed the quiet and the cool night air together but then Ivy spotted something odd in the sky. Look over there. Looks like a weird shooting star or something. They all looked and could see a yellow streak zig zagging across the sky. Well shooting starts don't do that, said Ginger. Ya and it is getting closer what every it is, said Alieta. Can you sense anything yet Ivy. Nope too far away yet and moving too fast back and forth, said Ivy. Look now there are two of them one red one yellow and getting close fast, said Alieta. Lilly ran behind Alieta as everyone stood up. Okay now there is only the yellow one again, said Alieta and coming straight at us. Got anything yet Ivy. Yep, said Ivy. Not bad, but not exactly real good either, I think she is tired also. That is all I can read until she stops moving, said Ivy. 02 illustration goes here In a few moments a winged golden girl landed in front of them with a wand in her hand glowing yellow and asked, "Did he come here, did you see him?" No just you is all we see now but we did see two different colours of light streams, said Alieta. Ya that was us fighting, said the golden girl. Lilly pulled on Alieta's arm. Yes Lilly, what do you want? asked Ivy. She is a Garson fairy. They can be scary, said Lilly. Oh you have a fairy behind you. How nice, said the golden Garson fairy. Don't worry I won't hurt her, niw I know why he came here. Ivy, anything now, asked Alieta. Yep, she is okay, but her wand is nasty though, said Ivy. Oh sorry she said and made the wand disappear. There is that better? Yep, said Ivy. So who are you and what were you fighting, asked Alieta. Well my name is Amelie and I am a Garson fairy. I was chasing Dr Shadow that is an evil sorcerer. Pretty tough one to catch too. Lilly then moved over behind Ginger. Amelie smiled. So if you are good like Ivy says you are then why is Lilly here still afraid of you, asked Alieta. Well fairies rarely come out from their protected forests but the few that have seen us it has been from a distance and we were fighting some thing bad. It is really nice to see a fairy not hidden in a forest though. My she is so cute, said Amelie. Lilly smiled. So you won't hurt me, you better not because I got big and powerful friends, said Lilly. Yes I hope you do dear. But us Garson Faries defend your type. You all can't defend yourselves at all, said Amelie, it is not allowed. So you can fight back then, said Alieta. Oh we don't fight back we attack and get rid of the threat. That is our job and it is allowed, said Amelie. So you are like a friend? asked Lilly. Yes we are but we can never get in your forest because of our wands. It is a weapon and it is part of us whether you see it or not, said Amelie. Lilly smiled. Ya ours is kind of connected too, but it only does good magic, said Lilly. Ya mine does good magic too. I am still a fairy you know. Kinda cute too being all golden if I don't say so my self, said Amelie. Ginger giggled. 03 illustration goes here So lets get back to this sorcerer that you were fighting or chasing or what ever you two were doing up there, said Alieta. So what is he doing here? He wants to capture a fairy, said Amelie. This perticular kind of sorcerer called a Shadow Sorcerer, tries to capture them and bring them back home. They force them to make stuff for them with their wand like food and other things that a sorcerer can't do himself. Oh oh, I better get back to the forest then, said Lilly. Oh don't worry dear. He won't come near you with me standing here. I would turn him to dust in an instant, said Amelie. So if he knows that, why does he still try when you have spotted him? asked Alieta. Just his nature I suppose. He is very clever and figures he can trick me somehow, but Garson fairies are not clever, we are very very smart and intellegent. This one can hide in the shadows and disappear plus uses a cane to fire energy beams out but us fairies are very fast too and can get nice and small. He hasn't a chance against a Garson fairy. The only problem is he is here somewhere hiding and that means fairies here are not safe outside of the forest until I get him, said Amelie. Just then Zan came out. What is all the noise about, I am tring to sleep. Ginger smiled and said sorry but Amelia is here trying to get a shadow sorcerer. Oh, hi Amelie, tracking another are you. Yep, a tricky one, said Amelie. Oh you will get him. Just keep the voices down, I don't want to have to sleep past noon tomorrow. Say hi to Keiko for me, then Zan went back in. Alieta shook her head. You know Zan? Yep she is really cool, good to see she survived the man hunters, said Amelie. Back then us Garson fairies had a lot more work to do. Fairies used to live in regular forests. If it wasn't for Guen then a lot of faries would of got killed or went missing, she made the first magical forest. Guen is my mother, said Lilly. Oh really, small world isn't it. So a fairy princess, strongest of all fairies. I better get you back in your forest fast, he will definitely want you. Okay, said Lilly then they both flew off. 04 illustration goes here Well that was interesting, said Alieta. Now we have something else to worry about. Well Zan didn't seem that worried, said Ginger. Ya I saw that but the surprising thing was they knew each other and neither of them seemed happy to see each other, said Alieta. Ya I found that odd too, said Ginger and who is Keiko. Nit sure but I have a feeling we eill find out soon, said Alieta. Ivy looked up. Something bad is coming fast, said Ivy. Just then a very weird looking dark man appeared. Where did she take the fairy, he asked. Somewhere safe, Dr Shadow, said Alieta. Oh you know my name, well she can't stay in there forever but if you go get her for me I spare your lives and if not I will kill you all if you don't bring her back now. Well if you kill us all, who is going to get her for you, said Ivy. Ivy shut up, said Ginger. Oh a smart one, I have ways of dealing with you. I just asked you a logical question but it don't matter I sense you are not that smart, said Ivy. Ivy you are not making things any better. Enough, I will make an example with you green one. He pointed his cane at Ivy but she went translucent. The red beam shot right through her. What the heck he screamed. 05 illustration goes here Ivy jumped at him and grabbed his cane. Let go what every you are, said Dr Shadow. Ivy tried to take the cane from him but it wouldn't come loose no matter how hard she pulled. Alieta went to help Ivy but she said stay back then she threw him down to the ground letting go of the cane and got very angry and scary looking then went to grab him again but he vanished. Just then Amelie showed up. I saw that, she said. How did you manage to grab him and throw him down like nothing? she asked. Ivy looked at her. No one hurts my friends plus I have been doing exercises to impress Samantha, said Ivy. Ginger giggled. Ya but his energy beam went right through you, that should of killed you, said Amelie. Yep, a present from Alexa, a magic bracelet, said Ivy. Well you all best go inside now, I will be around to see if he comes back but I think this very pretty forest sprite scared the heck out of him, said Amelie. We should be good for the night. Yep that is our Ivy, she never stops surprising me, said Alieta. Ya good thing Sara wasn't here. She would of ripped his arms off, said Ivy. Who is Sara? asked Amelie. My sister, said Ivy. She is super strong. Amelie just shook her head. This is the oddest place I have ever been, she said. No the most magical, said Ginger. Okay every one lets call it a night. Maybe Alexa can come up with a plan for us in the morning, said Alieta. Who is Alexa? asked Amelie. You will see, said Aleita you will see. Then every one went inside. So why are you not going inside? asked Amelie to Ivy. Oh I don't live here, said Ivy. I live by Sandy Lake. Is it far from here? Not the way I fly then Ivy flew off and disappeared in a few seconds. Wow, it seems like these people don't even need my help, Amelie thought to herself. Better stick around just in case. Then she flew off towards the woods. 06 illustration goes here Chapter 2 The Plan In the morning Alieta put her coffee and breakfast off for a bit and had a sprite tell Alexa that she was needed at the palace and to wear her armor just incase. Ginger went into the dining room and wondered where Alieta was. She asked Cindy if she saw Alieta but she said that no one has been here yet. Maybe she slept in, Cindy. No Alieta never sleeps in, said Ginger. I bet she is getting Alexa to come here. In a couple of minutes Alieta came in and sat down. Coffee please and mushed up eggs with toast she said Cindy. Same for me, so you sent for Alexa, didn't you, said Ginger. Yep, she will figure a way to trap this shadow guy, said Alieta. Ya but it is Tuesday and the girls will be in school, said Ginger. Ya I know, let the two elves figure something for them to do, said Alieta. This is more important. So lets eat then go outside. Maybe Amelia will come around. Ya she said I was cuter than her. Am I really that cute? asked Ginger. You are to me and her, said Alieta then started eating her eggs. When they were done they both went out to the sundial. Okay, it is going to be a fairly nice day with some clouds, said Alieta. Maybe that will be helpful. Okay here comes Amelie, said Ginger. She landed beside them and said, "Nice gizzmo you have here, tells the time and looks like the weather too some how". Yes Mother Nature enhanced it for us, said Alieta. Oh so you know Mother Nature too? asked Amelie. Yep she is our friend. Okay why not, said Amelie. So tell me about this Alexa you mentioned last night. Well talk to her yourself, here she comes now, said Ginger. Okay good, said Amelie. Then she saw some one fly into the woods. Was that Ivy I just saw flying into the woods over their? Probably, said Alieta. She works in the cove every morning and controls all the magic from there. She controls magic too? What kind of forest sprite is she? asked Amelie. Oh a very special one, said Alieta. Alexa reached them and got off her horse. Okay I am here, so what is going on? asked Alexa. This is Alexa? She is so small, said Amelia. Alexa looked at her and said, "Ya I am Alexa, who and what are you"? she asked in an angry voice. 07 illustration goes here Okay sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, said Amelie. The way things are around here you can probabbly shoot lazer beams out of your eyes. Alieta laughted. Not quite but she could pick you up and throw you twenty feet, said Alieta. Okay I was close, said Amelie. Alexa this is Amelie and she is a Garson fairy that protects other fairies from danger and bad guys, said Alieta. Really a fighting fairy, how interesting, said Alexa. So why is she here? Well we met a very odd looking sorcerer last night that likes to capture fairies and make them slaves. Oh so she can fight this guy? Well yes I can but this paticular sorcerer is a shadow sorcerer and they are very hard to trap or fool, said Amelie. They can stay invisible and at any moment grab a fairy that is not inside a magic forest then take her away. You all have fairy princesses so that makes it even more dangerous for them. Okay so he is after our fairies then, said Alexa. Well yes, at least one anyways. Ivy gave him a big scare last night so he will grab and run now, said Amelie. Ivy did that, how? asked Alexa. Well she said you gave her a bracelet that made her translucent, said Amelie. He fired at her but the beam went right through her. While he was trying to figure out why she wasn't dead yet, Ivy grabbed his cane and struggled with him then she went crazy mad on him. Threw him down hard to the ground but before she could grab him again, he took off fast. Alexa smiled. I knew that bracelet would come in useful one day, said Alexa. Okay so I don't want to use a fairy as bait so is there anything else that may attract him? Well just something else that is very magical and can be captured, said Amelie. Hmm, I wonder, said Alexa. What about Tillia Alieta? asked Alexa. You know Tillia, oh what am I saying of coarse you do, said Amelie. You probably know the Ice Queen too, she said jokingly. Yep she is on my team, said Alexa. Really The Ice Queen lives here too. Well that does make a bit of sense seeing that you all are friends with her sister, said Amelie. This is one crazy place. Anyways, yes Tillia would be even a bigger temptation to Dr Shadow as he calls himself. He will not want her just the horn. Okay but we don't want Tillia to lose her horn incase something goes wrong, said Alexa. Well so long as Tillia has her companion on her or at least touching her. He can't take the horn. He probably doesn't know that, said Amelie. So does she have a companion? Yes, Sara is her companion, said Alexa. Sara, Ivy's sister, the super strong forest sprite? asked Amelie. Yep that is her, said Alexa. Ginger and Alieta were both enjoying this conversation between the two of them. Okay so what we need is a person that can be invisible and have a weapon that can kill, right? asked Alexa. Yes but where do we find such a person... Oh you have one don't you, said Amelie. Alexa smiled, Yep Ivy and Sara's best friend Viridian and they live together in the same house and Tillia has her own place to sleep in the backyard. Amelie shook her head once again, that is quite the house hold. So what do they call this place? asked Amelie. Fae Land, said Alieta. Hmm, sounds familar, said Amelie. 08 illustration goes here Okay well that may work then so long as he doesn't sense Viridian when she is invisible and doesn't move fast for her to bnlast him, said Alexa. Well yes he is very fast and can dodge energy beams from my wand, said Amelie. Your wand can kill? asked Alexa. Yep, turns what every it hits to dust, said Amelie. Wow, that is different, said Alexa. Well that plan may work seeing when Viridian is invisible she can see other beings that are invisible but they can't see her. The only thing is she can't grab this shadow guy like Ivy can when she is translucent. What I found odd was that I saw Ivy trying to get his staff away from him and the two of them put up quite a struggle over it until Ivy threw him down on to the ground then he disappeared. Why didn't he just disappear and leave when the were struggling. Must have something to do with that staff or Ivy being translucent and holding on to it, said Alexa. So we need Ivy too I would think. Will he come with Ivy there along Sara and Tillia seeing she scared him off already? Well it will take some time but the temptation will eventually make him sneak up while invisible and try to take the horn but he has to become visible for a moment and touch the horn with the end of his cane. Seeing it won't leave Tillia with Sara touching her he may stay visible a tiny bit longer before vanishing and leaving, said Amelie. Okay that will give Ivy enough time to go translucent then grab him again. Then what happens if we take the cane away from him? asked Alexa. Well pretty sure that will be hard to do, said Amelie. It is like my wand, it is part of him even when you don't see it. Well then Viridian will have to destroy it with her spear, said Alexa. Yes but he may be moving a round a lot tring to squirm out of Ivy's hold. Don't want to see Ivy get hurt, said Amelie. Well maybe I could help hold him too but we will figure that out when we get to that point, said Alexa. So we need Viridian ready for battle then Sara, Tillia and Ivy, said Alexa. Well hope they will want to help, said Alieta. Well if you every want to see a fairy any time soon again then you better hope they do, said Amelie. Alieta and Ginger looked at each other. Okay I will get them, said Alieta then she flew off towards the fairy forest. So tell me Amelie, when you saw Zan, it didn't look like you were excited to meet her and she wasn't that excited to see you either, said Ginger. Why is that? I like Zan and she Likes me but she thinks I am too serious and works too much for a fairy, said Amelie. She likes Keiko much better. And who is Keiko? asked Ginger. Oh you will see soon enough, she always shows up a bit after me trying to slow me down, said Amelie. 09 illustration goes here Alieta flew over to the fairy forest entrance then went to the cove where she saw Ivy and Sara working on the overviewer plus Tillia standing in the pool. There was Tulip plus a couple of other fairies flying above Tillia. "Ivy, Sara I need to talk to you. It is very important", said Alieta. They both flew over to Alieta and Tillia walked over to see what was going on. What is it? asked Ivy. Alexa is here and she has a plan to get that shadow sorcerer but we need both of you and Tillia to make it work, said Alieta. Now Tulip and Lilly, plus Lollypop flew over to listen. What is Alexa's plan? asked Ivy. Well we need to bait him but we don't want to put any of the fairies in danger, said Alieta. Now Amelie says that Tillia's horn is even more a temptation to him and will try to steal it. Sara looked at Tillia then said she didn't want Tillia to lose her horn to this guy. Well it is all we can think of right now, said Alieta. If we don't do what Alexa thought up then all the fairies may be stuck in the forest for a very long time. Sara looked at Tulip, Lilly and Lollipop and saw they had sad faces. Don't worry Sara. As long as you are on me or touching me, nothing can remove my horn. Besides even if I did lose it, the horn grows back in a few days, said Tillia. Sara looked at Ivy. Well it is up to you Sara, your her compainion. Sara looked at Alieta then Tillia that smiled at her then back to Alieta. Okay, if it is Alexa's plan then it will work, said Sara. Good, said Alieta. Head out to the palace grounds. We also need Viridian so Ivy can you get her in full armour and weapon? Yep, Viridian is the best, said Ivy then she flew off. Okay see you two there, said Alieta then flew out of the forest also. 10 illustration goes here Chapter 3 Plan In Motion Alieta got back to Alexa and Amelie and said they are coming. Sara was reluntant to put Tillia in danger but she didn't want the fairies stuck in the forest, said Alieta. Well yes that makes sense, said Amelie. Sara has to think of Tillia first. It is her job to keep her protected. Well Tillia agreed to help also so all is good right now, said Alieta. Ivy is getting Viridian for us. Okay we will wait for her, then work out the details of the plan, said Alexa. Sara and Tillia arrived first then Ivy and Viridian got there shortly after. Okay Alexa everyone is here so explain the plan to them, said Alieta. Alexa went through all the details of the plan. So how big is this cane? asked Viridian. Well it is long but very narrow. You will probably have to take a few shots at it because he will be trying to get loose from Ivy's hold, said Amelie. Well okay but I am used to hitting much bigger targets but I will try my best, said Viridian. So where should we do this? asked Alexa. Maybe in Eden, said Ivy. Lots of open space there. Where is Eden? asked Amelie. Not far, past the waterfall mountain a bit, said Ivy. Hmm, that may slow things down some, said Amelie. We need somewhere closer to the forest where he knows fairies live. What about over there by that nice red tree? Is that too close to the palace? Shouldn't be, said Alieta. Ginger you stay by the sundial and stop anyone from coming close to us? asked Alieta. Yep no problem, said Ginger. I will sit by the end of the palace to make sure no elves head towards Tillia. Okay lets set it up to look like Sara, Ivy and Tillia are resting close to that tree, said Alexa. Ivy looked at Sara that appeared to be worried. Don't worry Sara, we will get this creep, he is no match against sister power, said Ivy. Sara smiled then said, "Ya, he better not make me mad". Maybe he should, said Ivy with a smile. 11 illustration goes here They all headed over to the maple tree and set up the trap. Okay I will have to get a bit further back so he dosn't sense my wand plus stay very small, said Amelie. I can fly fast so when Ivy has him I will come quickly. Alexa set everyone up with Tillia laying down and Sara patting her. Ivy sat and acted like she was talking to them. Viridian went invisible and stood back about fifteen feet. Alexa sat down in front of Tillia and took off her boots and hid her sword so it looked like she was relaxing with them. Okay now we wait, said Alexa. Do you sense anything Ivy? He is around somewhere but not very close, said Ivy. I hope we don't have to wait here all day. Well I doubt that but it is a small price to pay so the fairies don't have to stay in the forest all the time, said Alexa. Though if you have to be stuck somewhere that is a very good place to be. Yep but they like to fly around outside so we will wait, said Ivy. Down a little further, said Tillia, That spot is good now, said Tilloia. Well you don't seem to worried, said Alexa. No reason to be worried, I have my amazing family here and you made the plan so all is good, said Tillia. 12 illustration goes here About an hour went by and still no sign of Dr Shadow. Ivy then said he is close but not coming closer. He is very dark inside. They waited another ten minutes then Ivy said he is probably afraid of me. I did put a good scare on him last night. I have an idea then Ivy flew off a bit out of sight then made herself translucent plus went invisible. She then flew back close to Viridian. Hi Viridian, can you see me? asked Ivy. Yes of coarse I can, said Viridian. Well they can't, said Ivy. You are invisible? asked Viridian. I thought you couldn't do that anymore. Ya I know you thought that, just my little secret, said Ivy then smiled. Look over there, I can see him, said Ivy. Yes me too, said Viridian. They watched as Dr Shadow slowly crept closer and closer. Wait until he becomes visible, said Viridian. Yep I know, said Ivy. Dr Shadow was only about ten feet away now. He pointed his cane at Tillia's horn then became visible. Sara put both of her hands on Tillia as he tried to remove her horn. It wasn't budging so he tried harder then Ivy ran up and grabbed him. Okay got him, yelled Ivy and squeezed with all her might. Amelie flew over fast and Alexa got up and went translucent also. Grab his cane, yelled Ivy. Hurry up he is like a wiggly worm. No one could see Ivy but they could hear her and could tell she had a hold of him. Alexa grabbed the cane with one hand and held on to his arm with the other. Viridian couldn't get a clear shot at the cane yet. He is moving his arms around too much, said Viridian. Amelie couldn't tell where Ivy was so she couldn't use her wand on him either. Alexa grabbed his left arm with both hands and tried to hold it out steady but now they had turned a bit so if Viridian shot out a beam it would hit Tillia or Sara. Can't hang on for too much longer, said Ivy. The heck with this, said Sara then jumped up and grabbed the cane. Pull Sara, said Ivy. Hurry he is going to get away. Sara could feel the cane getting hotter as if it was going to fire. She pulled hard but the cane wouldn't come loose. Sara got real mad then gave one big hard pull then she said got it. She looked at the cane that cooled down right away but also saw Dr Shadow's hand still attached to it. Yuck, how gross, said Sara and threw it down. Amelie quickly blasted it with her wand and turned it to dust. Ivy then threw Dr Shadow to the gound fast and hard then Viridian ran over and hit him with a few energy steams cutting him up. Amelie finished the job and turned his cut up body to dust. Ivy became visible again. We did it everyone, said Ivy. Amelie and Alexa looked at Ivy. You can still vanish like before? asked Alexa. Yep but I don't do it much anymore, said Ivy. Just in my bedroom sometimes. Alexa smiled and went to hug Ivy but went right through her. Oops forgot, said Ivy then went solid again. Alieta flew over with Ginger not far behind her. Did I see that right? Ivy was invisibe and Sara ripped his hand off, said Alieta. Tillia smiled and said "Yep, the amazing sisters took care of buisness". Alieta smiled. Yes they sure did, said Alieta. Now both of them are full of surprises. 13 illustration goes here Okay everyone lets head back to the palace, said Alieta. They all started back but Ivy looked at Alexa. Arn't you forgetting something? Alexa looked down. Oh ya, my boots then she went back to put them on. When everyone reached the palace, Amelie had some questions to ask everyone. Okay, I see that this must be a very special place with some remarkable people living here so first off, what is this place called again? asked Amelie This is Fae Land, said Alieta. Okay, now I have heard of the place but didn't realize it was real or anything like this, said Amelie. Now I feel that there is lots of magic here and you said Ivy controls the magic. How the heck does a forest sprite do that? I use the overviewer in the fairies cove. It is a magical device that allows me to move and add magic to different places when needed. It is really cool, said Ivy. Sara is getting real good at using it too. Okay, don't really understand how that all works but not important, said Amelie. Now it would seem that you all are very capable of taking care of bad stuff your selves. You pretty much took care of Dr Shadow yourselves. I have never seen anyone rip a man's hand off before and to top it off a forest sprite did it. Alexa here seems to be quite the girl plus the Ice Queen lives here and probably some other amazing people too. Now my question is where did these people come from and why? Well Amelie, they all came from all over the place over time, but enough with the questions. Just know that Fae Land is the safest and most magical place on the planet to live and everyone loves it here, said Alieta. Ya I see that, no need for any more questions anyways, said Amelie. Oh you can tell those cute fairies that it is safe to come out now. This is the only place that I have seen fairies that would rather be outside in the open than safe in the forest. Now there are only two other places where fairies live that I know of and that is queen Guens, forest and the one across the ocean. There is only four of us Garson fairies left that I know of so two over here and two over there. I am going to leave you people to go about your buisness what ever that may be and go to Guen's forest and keep an eye out for bad stuff there. So do you know Guen very well? asked Alieta. Well a long time ago we used to sit and talk, said Amelie. Oh then go to the east part of the forest, you can walk in a bit but don't take the path. It leads nowhere, said Ivy. Just yell out her name and someone will hear you and get Guen for you. You two can talk there. She loves the company, said Ivy. Okay I will do that, said Amelie. 14 illustration goes here Just then Pippa showed up. Hi Pippa, I was just about to call you, said Ivy. Oh really, why? asked Pippa. Oh to tell the fairies it was okay for them to come out now, said Ivy. My oh my Pippa lives here too! said Amelie. Yep she is my best friend, said Ivy. Pippa saw Amelie. Oh hi girl, what you doing here? Well not much it would seem, these people pretty much got rid of a shadow sorcerer by them selves. Oh them, nasty things they can be, said Pippa. Didn't know many of them were left with you two wiping them out all over the place, said Pippa. Ya I know but there might be the odd one still around, said Amelie. You know you should start taking care of pixies and sprites now, said Pippa. There is a lot of them around and they don't live in protected forests, said Pippa. There is a new forest just west of here that has a bunch more new pixies and sprites in it even a few forest sprites. Samantha owns the land and is a friend of Alieta. Hmm sounds interesting, said Amelie. Ya and there is a very cute male pixie there named Kevin. I bet he would really like to meet a golden girl like you, said Pippa. Amelie smiled. There you go again, Pippa, still playing match maker. Do you think he would really like me though? she asked. Go and see, he is a very nice guy too. Male pixies are hard to find now days, said Pippa. Okay I will. Okay everyone see you later then she flew off. Well Pippa, you did it again, you just started another possible relationship, said Alieta. Well she deserves to have fun too. She is a very nice girl and has helped many. Garson fairies are mostly loners and never play much, well most of them anyways, said Pippa. So I will go tell Tulip that all is clear now and off she flew also. You know Amelie was right, we do have some very remarkable people here in Fae Land, said Ginger. Yes and who knows what will show up on the palace steps in the future, said Alieta. 15 illustration goes here So what is everyone going to do for the rest of the day? asked Alieta. Well I should go home and get changed and see what is going on at the school, said Alexa. The girls are probably wondering where I am. Okay, said Alieta. The two elves there are probably taking care of them. Okay bye all, until next time, said Alexa. Then she went to get her horse. So Ivy, this disappearing thing you did. How long were you planning on keeping it a secret? asked Alieta. Well really wasn't a secret well maybe a bit but Pippa and Sara knew and no one else asked, so I didn't tell anyone. Kind of fun having a little secret some times, said Ivy. Well yes Ivy, having a few secrets is okay like everyone else, as long as they are not bad ones, said Alieta. Oh bad secrets are easy to see even for you all. They kind of stick out like a big bad thorn, said Ivy. So I wonder why Tara and Avan haven't come out yet? Oh they stay in the woods when it is hot out. They usually come out for lunch though, said Alieta. Oh okay, I am going to go see them, said Ivy, I want to tell them how I helped fight a shadow sorcerer and made him scared of me and Sara ripping off his hand plus the golden girl. At least this time I can be the first to tell someone new stuff. Then Ivy flew off. Well she seems very proud of herself, said Ginger. And she should be, said Alieta. Ivy is a very brave girl. She has gone through a lot of changes in her life. Now she is exercising, that is a new one for the books. Yep and I help her too, said Sara. She is getting pretty strong for a forest sprite now. She will never be able to take me though. Ginger giggled. She probably could beat you though Ginger, said Sara. Oh not me, I am not the fighting type. I don't even like to arm wrestle. I use my head and not my fists, said Ginger. Pippa came back and asked where Ivy went. Oh in the woods to tell Tara and Avan about the battle she helped fight, said Alieta. Oh okay, so did Amelie tell you about her sister Keiko? asked Pippa. No but she did tell me she would be coming here soon but nothing else said Ginger. Oh yes she will be coming here that is for sure, said Pippa. Okay so what is she like? asked Alieta. Well let me just say she is completely oposite from Amelie, said Pippa. I will let you be the judge but be prepared, where Keiko goes everyone gets to meet her and very quickly. Okay Ivy can tell some pretty good stories and she makes them sound a bit funny with out trying so I will see you in a bit. Then Pippa flew off. Been lots of people coming and going today, said Ginger. Then Zan came out and asked if Amelie was still here? No she left to meet a nice male pixie, said Alieta. Really, that is odd for her, said Zan. It is about time she decided to have some fun. So what is going on today? asked Zan. Well you missed everything so far as usual, said Alieta. That is okay, Keiko will be here soon, that is when the fun will start, said Zan. 16 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Art Class Alexa rushed home to get changed then headed out to the school. When she got there she found the girls all sitting at their desks with one elf trying to teach them a lesson. So how are things going? asked Alexa. Well not sure, said the elf. I didn't see you here and these four girls were just sitting here nice and quiet so I figured something was up so I tried teaching them something. Oh okay that sounds good, said Alexa. Well these girls are really smart. I started reading lessons and asking questions from this book that was on the desk and they got every question right, said the elf. Let me see that book, said Alexa. She handed Alexa the book. Well this is the grade two book. We finished that one already. We are on the grade three book now, said Alexa. Oh okay that explains things, sorry said the elf. No problem. It was a good review for them, said Alexa. So grade three already and it hasn't been two weeks yet. You must be an amazing teacher, said the elf. I guess, said Alexa. Well it will be lunch time soon so do your thing then send them for lunch, said the elf. The art room is ready for you now also. Oh good, that should be fun for them, said Alexa. Then the elf left. So everyone I am back now so how is everyone doing? asked Alexa. Okay, but she taught us the same stuff you did, very easy teacher, said Sakura. Well you should of told her you were in the grade three book now. Oh didn't think of that, said Nessie. So were you on an adventure, did you get the bad guys? asked Sakura. Well yes it was a kind of adventure but it was just one bad guy but Ivy and Sara got him the most, said Alexa. Wow the two sisters, bet they were awesome together, said Sakura. I don't have a sister though, I have these three friends though. You can be my sister, said Nessie, mine too, said Fettie, me too, said Setta. Okay now I have sisters, said Sakura. Wow that was fast and easy, do you have any sisters Alexa? Alexa laughed. It is funny how the four of you just made yourselves family. Well no I don't have a sister but lots of friends, said Alexa. Do you want to be our sister too, asked Nessie. She can't be are sister silly, she is our teacher, said Sakura. Oh ya, I forgot, said Nessie. 17 illustration goes here Okay everyone it is lunch time and after lunch we are going to the art room that is ready for us now, said Alexa. Yeah they all cheered then ran out for lunch. Okay I better have something too, I missed breakfast this morning, Alexa thought to herself. After lunch time was over, the elf led everyone to the art room. Wow, smells funny in here, said Nessie. Yes that is the paint girls, now Alexa can set things up the way she likes, said the elf. The easels have been set up for your height. So have fun everyone and call if you need me, I am just down the hall. Then the elf left. Okay girls, first have a look around and see where everything is. Check out the drawers over there and the table over here with the different colours of paint in the tray that we have to work with. Okay they all said then started to wander around. After it looked like they all figured out where everything was. Alexa told them to pick an easel. They all got in front of a easel then Alexa passed out some pencil drawing tools to then all. Now what does everyone want to try and draw first, asked Alexa. I don't no, they all said at once. Alexa smiled. Okay lets start with something easy, said Alexa. Does everyone know what grapes look like? asked Alexa. Yep green round fruit, said Fettie. Okay start drawing with the pencil then colour it in. It is okay if you all copy each other. This is just for practice. Okay they said and started drawing. Alexa watched them and saw they kept on checking each other's work which was good seeing the main purpose of this exercise was to get them used to standing up and using an easel. When they were done Alexa had a look at their drawings. Well very good everyone. Close to the same picture just slightly different colours of green grapes. Alexa saw these four girls did very good for their first drawing and had no problem standing up to draw either. 18 illustration goes here Okay now lets try something harder this time. Grapes was very easy for all of you. You all have seen the fairies so think of one that may be your favorite then try and draw her. This time there is no copying. Use the pencil first then this time you are going to use paint to colour it in instead of crayons. Now take your time, there is no race plus you don't have to finish it today, said Alexa. They all started to think then slowly each one of them started to draw. Alexa kept walking to each girl and showing them a few things to make the drawing look a bit better. All and all these girls were drawing the fairies they liked most and you could easily see who it was, especially Sakura that picked Tulip to draw. The elf came in and asked how they were doing. Look for yourself, said Alexa. She looked at the drawings and couldn't believe how good they were. My I can't even draw like that, she said. Ya me neither, said Alexa. They must have a natural talent for art. Well the fairy nymphs create new plants and flowers from their own imagination so maybe that has something to do with it, said the elf. Ya that might be for them three but look at Sakura's drawing of Tulip and not an easy pose either. It is almost perfect, said Alexa. Yes I saw that. She is the one that is made up of a bunch of different types of Fae, right? asked the elf. Yes she is, that must be it then, said Alexa. Well class ends in twenty minutes so leave your self time for clean up. Looks like they are going to have to wash their hands and faces too. My they are so cute, said the elf then left. Alexa let them work for another ten minutes then got them to stop and put their pencils and crayons they used back where they got them. Okay now go to the washroom and clean your hands and faces then that will be it for the day, said Alexa. Okay they all said and ran out of the art room except for Sakura that asked if she was drawing okay. Yes you are doing very good, Sakura. You picked Tulip and in a very hard pose too. Ya she is very important to the other fairies plus she always offers me ice cream when I have finished my supper. Yes that would make her my favorite too, said Alexa. Oh she is not my favorite. I like them all the same. Tulip just has better taste in clothing, said Sakura then went to get cleaned up. Alexa thought for a moment. They all wear the same outfits, so what does she mean I wonder. The elf came back in and took another look at the girls work. Just amazing she said. Sakura said that Tulip had the best taste in clothing but they all wear the same outfit, said Alexa. Ya except Tulip has the pinkish red coloured outfit. At least closest to pink than all the others, said the elf. Alexa smiled, okay I get it now, she said. I am not sure if they should colour them, they look great like that, said Alexa. Well maybe, it is your class but I bet they will look even better in colour. Look at these drawings. Shaded in, even backgrounds and wands. These girls got something magical going on when it comes to art, said the elf. Ya your right, they will probably want to colour them in anyways, said Alexa. Okay I am off said the elf, see you tomorrow. Alexa took one more look before leaving. My students draw better than me, I hope they don't get smarter than me too. 19 illustration goes here Conclusion Back at the palace Ivy and Pippa left the woods then went back to see Alieta. Tulip and Lilly were there now also looking very happy it was safe for them again. Ivy walked over to Sara and Tillia that were sitting on the grass. Pippa went over to Alieta and Ginger, and asked if everything Ivy told Tara and Avan was true about grabbing and throwing the shadow sorcerer down on the ground last night then doing the same today and Sara ripped the guys hand off. Yep that was what happened, said Alieta. Well she really impressed those two in the woods. Now I only got Ivy mad at me once and she just gave me the cold shoulder. Best I don't get her mad again, said Pippa. Alieta smiled. Ivy would never harm you Pippa, you know that. I know but better safe then sorry. Man she threw a sorcerer to the ground and still tried to grab him again. That takes guts, said Pippa. Well Mother Nature told me a while ago that a forest sprite can get very scary looking when threatened or mad. It is a defense mechanism and they can become quite dangerous. Ya like I said better safe than sorry, said Pippa. Well you should be more worried about Sara but she wouldn't hurt you either, said Alieta. Tvy and Sara walked over to Alieta and Pippa. I still can't get the sight of that hand out of my head. You know the fingers were still moving a bit, said Sara. Then Viridian slicing him up. Yuk! Well that is nothing, said Alieta. The team has done a lot worst things to demons and creatures. That reminds me, said Ivy. I need to start reading Alieta's books. You know Fawn reads them and knows more about the teams adventures than I do and she barely knows them all. Well sure just go down to the library. All the books that have been writen so far are there. Just ask the librarian where they are. Okay, said Ivy then went in the palace. Well good to see she is taking a interest in Alexa's team, some really good stories in them books and some very scary too, said Alieta. Ya I know, said Ginger, but the good thing is they always win one way or another. Yes they do Ginger and lets hope it stays that way, said Alieta. Okay here comes the other fairies. Time to eat, said Alieta. To think we almost lost them for a while making food for us. Wish we could do something for them. Well Ivy, Sara and Viridian just did, said Ginger. They never ask for anything but to be with everyone and have fun. It is the fairy way of life, said Ginger. Yes it is and it is a very good life too, said Alieta. The End 20 illustration goes here