The Adventures In The Land Of Fae Fairy Land Prolog Over a week went by and there were no problems in or around Fae Land. Alieta figured that now that time line device under the palace was fixed, things should stay a lot more peaceful seeing it wasn't radiating magic or what every it was doing before Merlin, Alexa and Apollonia went down there and fixed it. She hadn't heard from Pippa and the twins were spending most of their time with Ivy and Apollonia. The twins told Alieta that the four of them finally went to the park in the human village and everyone was very happy to finally get to meet Ivy and Apollonia seemed to fit right in with the children and the grown ups mostly because she acted more like a real person than an angel like Gabriel does. The story that Ginger told her about meeting Pippa and a fairy was becoming more and more on her mind so she called for Pippa and asked her is she knew anything about the fairy Ginger told her about and where they might be. Pippa did say that Lily was a real very special fairy but she had no idea where fairies lived then said she had to go finish something and took off fast. She could tell Pippa was keeping a secret from her but why. Aleta called Gabriel to find out more about fairies and if they actually exsisited. Well yes there are fairies but you will never see one probably. Once and a while a fairy is needed to help out some young person to get through a rough patch in their live but other than tat they stay hidden from the rest of the world for their own safety, said Gabriel. But Pippa said she knew of one called Lily but wouldn't tell me anything about her or where she went after they reached Fae Land. Sometime fairies will become friends with a pixie but not very often, said Gabriel. If Pippa knows where to find them she will never tell anyone. She would of sworn never to tell anyone. Best you forget about fairies, they are not needed in Fae Land, you have enough to deal with here. Then Gabriel vanished. Man nobody will tell me much about fairies, thought Alieta. I will decide how full my plate gets. Now that things are so calm around here, it would be a good time to find out more about fairies. Alieta went to the palace library to see if there was a book about fairies there... 01 illustration goes here Chapter 1 The Fairy Book When Alieta got down to the library she found Faylinn the librarian sitting at her desk reading a book. Hi Faylinn what are you reading? Oh hello Alieta. This is a real nice love story, I love romantic novels, I love all kinds of books but the ones that make me teary eyed are the best. So how can I help you? Well Ginger told me that you and here plus a few other elves met Pippa when you were first coming to Fae Land and there was a fairy also that traveled with you all. Oh she told you about that did she, well yes but Lily and Pippa didn't travel with us, said Faylinn. Pippa just pointed us in the right direction and they just kept coming back to check on us and Lily would make us food to eat. Once we reached the woods none of us every saw Lily again and even Pippa said she didn't know where she took off to either. Okay so I heard but I think Pippa is keeping something about fairies from me. Do we have any books on fairies here and not the children type fairy tale stories. Not that I know of, said Faylinn. Most people don't believe in real fairies just like they don't believe in pixies so there is no section on them but if there was a a book on fairies or pixies I would of put it in the wizards and witches sections as being magical beings. Yes that would make sense and Ginger did say you were very organized down here, said Alieta. Yep I love order in here. My house is a mess but the library is clean and organized, said Faylinn. There is one section way in the back that I haven't got to yet mostly because it is very diry and dusty there and most of those books are so old the titles have faded so you can't read them. Well can you come and show me this spot? asked Alieta. I don't want to go to Cumberland to their public library if I don't have too. Oh you will find nothing there, said Faylinn. I go there from time to time to get new releases. They just have fiction books mostly. Okay, be prepared to get a bit dirty. One of these days I will put on a full suit and mask with gloves and clean that area. Faylinn led Alieta to the very back most corner of the library where it was quite dark. See here we are and the light from the windows don't reach this far so let me get a candle, said Faylinn. Alieta looked at some of the books on the self that seened to be there since the palace was built. They were not that dusty as Faylinn said and most seemed to be in good shape. Okay this should help. Here you hold the candle and I will leaf through these for you. Alright but these don't look that bad or dirty looking, said Alieta. No these ones I ran a rag over them a while back. The nest two shelves ovter are really bad, said Faylinn. Lets start here first. Okay, here are the books on dangerous creatures and this one is about how to become a warloch if that is even possible.Hmm. I wonder why this book is stuck out a bit. She pushed it but the book didn't move. Must be something behind it, she thought. She pulled out the big book and found a small hard back book that seened to be in good shape still behind it. That's odd, who would want to hide a little book like that, said Faylinn. What is it called, asked Alieta. Let's see, said Faylinn as she pulled it out. Look at that it is called "The Fairy Book", said Faylinn and handed it to Alieta. It has never been opened, it has a wax seal on it, said Alieta. I see that, books sealed with wax means they are not to be read by just anyone. Usually they are delivered to whom ever they were written for by a messenger or somebody that was intrusted not to open it. That book may be just what you are looking for. Can I read it after you please? asked Faylinn. Alieta smiled. Yes when I am done, said Alieta. Thanks for your help then Alieta headed up to her den. 02 illustration goes here Once in her den she sat in her chair and broke the wax seal then opened the book to the first page that read, "The unbelievable can be believable". Hmm she though to her self, well I definately know that. The unbelievable always happens around here. She went to the next page that had a drawing of a small fairy with a wand touching a small rabit with it. Okay that looks like she is healing it or something, Alieta thought. The next page was all text so she sat back and started to read. The mystical fae that are rarely ever seen are magical fairies with the kindness and knowledge more than any other beings on earth that I know of. No one knows where they came from but I was lucky enough to meet them in a distant forest far away while I was travelling. I saw this amazing forest and tried to enter it but I just kept ending up where I started no matter how many times I tried. One last time I tried but this time I tripped on a root and it felt like a broke my ankle. Great I thought to myself. What am I going to do now being stuck out here with a broken foot. The leaves behind me started to rustle a bit so I tried to get up thinking it might be a wolf or something but I fell back down and yelled ouch. A little voiced asked, "Are you hurt". I replied yes but could see no one. Suddenly a tiny elf like person the size of my hand appeared hovering in front of me. You poor thing she said then made a wand appear in her hand that had a star on the end of it and pointed it at my foot. It immediately felt better. There you go. All fixed, she said. Thankyou I said and stood up and I could walk again with no pain. She hovered up close to my head and I told her that she was very beautiful. It looked like she blushed then said thankyou sir. She then grew some to about four feet tall and said her name was Pippie. Alieta stopped reading for a minuite. Pippie, like Pippa, I wonder if that is just a coincidence. This book is pretty cool so far she thought to her self then continued reading. Hi Pippie I said and told her my name was Theodore but my friends just call me Theo. Oh, both are nice names she said then looked at me straight in my eyes. Then she said that I had very kind eyes that showed her that I was a good person. Eyes are the window to the soul you know, said Pippie. I asked her if there were more of your type around. She laughted then said,"Oh yes, there of hundreds of us fairies living in this forest". Fairies? I said to her. I thought they were just a myth. Well we are very secretive and usually stay small plus this is the only forest with fairies in it that I know of, said Pippie. I can understand why you would think that. Fairies have to stay hidden or else people would try and capture us. So why couldn't I get anywhere in this forest, I just kept ending back where I started, asked Theo. Well it is magic Theo. We protect our selves from bad animals and people that way. We rarely leave the forest but some of us have to when a request is put in. A request from who? I asked. She just pointed up and smiled at me. Then she heard someone coming from the woods. Oh no, It sounds like someone is coming. Quick hide behind that tree, said Pippie. 03 illustration goes here Pippie where are you? Over here Mom, said Pippie. So there you are, what have you been up to? asked, Pippie's Mother. Oh nothing, just doing stuff. Really, I can tell when you are hiding something from me, said the Mother. I am dot hiding any one I mean anything from you, said Pippie. I peeked around the tree to see who it was. Really, then who is that trying to hide behind the tree over there? and she pointed in my direction. Oh that is Theo. He hurt himself in our forest so I fixed his foot so he could walk again, said Pippie. Are you mad at me? Not yet dear. Come over here please so I can have a look at you, said the mother. I came out and approched her not knowing what to expect. She looked at me for a few moments then asked, how are you feeling now? Well it is amazing but I feel good now, I said. Good. We don't get many visitors here by design but seeing you hurt yourself in our forest, you are welcomed to come in some more and meet some of my other girls. I feel responsible for you getting hurt and Pippie just did what comes natural to her and healed you. My name is Guen and I am Queen Of The Fairies in this forest. Alieta stopped reading again. What there is a fairy queen also! She read on. Follow us dear and we will show you some of our beautiful forest. I followed the two of them through the forest that seemed to open up to them as they walked and closed behind me. We got to what seemed like a dead end that was just sparkling with magic. Guen turned to me and said welcome to our cove. She touched one of the trees in front of her and suddenly the trees opened up. What I saw was something you would only see in a children's fairy tale book. I couldn't believe my eyes. 04 illustration goes here Guen look at me as I was in a state of shock. I take it you like our cove, said Guen. This is where we control all the magic for this forest. The pool is the source of the magic where you can get in and relax but don't drink it. The water is full of magic and will feel very soothing and heal any cuts or blemishes on your skin if you have any. You cannot go any further into the forest from here because that is our private areas where all the fairies live and sleep. I will get the rest of my girls to come meet you and Pippie here will introduce them to you. If you want a drink there is a fountain with fresh spring water over there to the left. I will come back a bit later on after I do some fine adjustments to some of the new trees and check on you all. Enjoy your stay but remember you will have to leave in two days at most and never tell anyone where this place is. Then Guen got small and flew out of the cove through the back arch way. I was still stuck not being able to move as I looked around and saw the most magical place one could imagine. Well come on in silly, said Pippie and grabbed my hand and pulled on it. As I walked into the cove I could feel the magic everywhere. Don't worry you will get used to the magic in here, said Pippie. Do you think it is pretty in our cove? It is magnificent, stunning and many other words of greatness I havent thought of yet I said to her. Okay so you do like it then, said Pippie. Look here comes my sisters, they are lots of fun. Even when we are working we have fun together. How many sisters do you have? I asked. This is all of us, well for now anyways, said Pippie with a big smile. 05 illustration goes here Hi Pippie, Mom said you had a surprise for us and wow she was right, said the fairy with the red hair. Yep this is Theo and it is okay, Mom said it was alright for him to come this far into our forest. Okay, said one of the other fairies. Does he know how to play? I am not sure, I think every one knows how to play, said Pippie. So Theo, what games do you know how to play, asked another fairy. Now here I stood in this very magical place with five very cute fairies talking to me and checking me out as they flew around me. Then it suddenly hit me. These five girls were real fairy princesses and each one of them looked looked no older than twelve of thirteen. Well that makes sense, thought Alieta. Their mother is the queen so they would have to be princesses. I wonder if this is a true story or just make balieve. Just then an elf came in and asked if she needed anything. No I am fine, said Alieta. I want to finish this book so no interuptions please. Oka, what are you reading? asked the elf. Book about fairies, said Alieta. Ya like there is such things as fairies said the elf then left. Doesn't matter this story is one of the best I have read in a long time. Just imagine what it would be like to find such a magical forest with fairies run by a gueen and not just one but five fairy princesses. That would be extrodary but completely unrealistic, said Gabriel that just popped in. Why not, anything can be possible, said Alieta. Not a forest full of fairies run by a queen. I have never seen a fairy just hear God saying he need one's help. Don't you think he would of told me about a forest full of fairies and a queen fairy? asked Gabriel. Maybe not, did you ask him if they were real? asked Alieta. Don't be silly, I don't want him to think I have lost my mind, said Gabriel. Anyways I came by to tell you that I have been hanging out with Apollonia today tring to get her to like me as a friend and not a boss angel. So far so good but this whole making friends thing is new to me. Have you any advice you can give me. Really, your asking me? Yes, everyone loves you, said Gabriel.Just do what Ivy has been doing, said Alieta. Smile a lot make her feel good about herself and give her ice cream. Really that is the best you got, said Gabriel. Look friendship isn't something you can make you have to earn it, said Alieta. Okay that was good advice. So where did you get that book you are reading? asked Gabriel. In the palace library hidden behind some other big books. Now leave me alone and let me get back to it. She story is getting really good now. Gabriel smiled while shaking her head then disappeared. Okay where was I... 06 illustration goes here Alieta opened the book back up and leafed through it. Here we go, one of the fairies asked what games Theo knew... Well let me see, I know hide and seek and tag plus guess what I am and some other things like soccer and volleyball but they are sport games, I said to them. See he plays, said Pippie. Good we love to play a lot said the other fairy. Pippie introduce them to me as Lilly, Tulip, Chestnut and Sunflower. Wasn't that the names of Pippa's good friends in the woods, thought Alieta. Pippa does know these fairies a bet. She read on a bit more. How do you play "what am I" ? asked Lilly. Oh you move around making shapes and stuff with your body but you can't talk at all, I told her. Oh that sounds like a lot of fun, said Lilly. Lets play it. You go first. I thought for a moment then then crouched down and started to hop around some. You are a rabit, that was easy, said Tulip. My turn now seeing I guessed it correct. Yep that is how it works, said Theo. She thought for a minuite then started to flap her wings and looked like she was bringing her hands back and forth to her mouth like eating something. Are you a moth? asked Pippie. She shook her head. Then you have to be a butteryfly, said Sunflower. Yep, you got it, said Tulip. Now you just made me hungry, said Lilly. Do you like to eat? she asked me. Well yes, everyone likes eating I said. Good come with us and we will create what every you want. Lilly made her wand appear and made a picnic table and we all sat down. Okay ask Tulip what you would like and she will make it for you, said Lilly. She is the best at making food. Well a nice vegetable noddle soup with some bread is alway good, I said. Oh he likes what you like Lilly, said Tulip. Lets all have the same, said Chestnut. Tulip made her wand appear then waved it at the table and six bowls of hot soup with spoons appeared in front of everyone. I tasted it and it was perfect. Not too hot or cold and just the right amount of ingredents. You like it? asked Pippie. Oh yes it is perfect. Good and they all started to eat. 07 illustration goes here Chapter 2 Pippa's Secret Alieta decided to read the rest later seeing she was almost finished the book. That was the best read I have ever had so far. She close the book but notced that on the back it said in small letters. Never ever repeat what you have read in this book to anyone unless they are special and can be trusted to keep a secret. I can keep a secret, most of the time, thought Alieta. Alieta went outside and saw it was a beautiful sunny day. The girls were gone from the palace again so they must be having fun with Ivy and Apollonia again so lets see if I can have some fun too, she thought to herself. Pippa, are you busy. Pippa showed up fast and said nope, not yet. Oh good, everyone has left the palace and are all probably at Ivy's place so I was feeling a bit lonely. Ya they are all over there playing and stuff. You should go there and see the coconut tree and the oak tree. They both are starting to get big, said Pippa. I will be going there later. Okay that sounds like something nice to do, said Alieta. You know I was reading this book about fairies and a name cropped up, said Alieta. What name was that? asked Pippa. Her name was Pippie and it sounded a lot like your name so I just wondered if you ever met her before. Nope, said Pippa. Alieta smiled. Another name was mentioned too called Guen that was a queen. Does that ring a bell. Nope, said Pippa again. Alieta continued to smile. There was three other fairies named Lilly, Tulip, Chestnut and Sunflower like your four friends in the woods. Is that just a coincidence, asked Alieta. Nope, I mean Yes, said Pippa. Why would I know them if they are fairies anyways, they are nuttier than me and even smaller most of the time, then Pippa put her hand over her mouth. A ha! So you have seen these fairies before, said Alieta. Well yes but don't tell anyone please. I swore I would never tell anyone, but you tricked me, said Pippa. Well yes but you can trust me with your secret. Okay thanks, they are so nice and beautiful plus quite young looking but can drive ya crazy some times when they are in a playful mood which is most of the time. So have you met Guen and that Pippie also, asked Alieta. Pippie is a very good friend of mine and she knows that being too nutty bugs me so she doesn't acts more normal when I am there like her Mom. Fairies are super smart, even smarter than pixies. I am not sure who came first, pixes or fairies but there are not near as many fairies and pixies.So what about Queen Guen, have you met her also, asked Alieta. Well ya, you can't enter the forest without her approval. She is the smartest and a bit bigger than the rest of the fairies. She is my size most the time, said Pippa. In the book it told a bit about her but not much other than she was very nice and all the fairies loved her, said Alieta. Well lets just say if she was a sprite she would be just like you, said Pippa. I like her a lot and she has the most magic of all the fairies. Her girls have very strong magic too more than regular fairies. Reluar fairies magic will only last for maybe a day then what ever they did will beging to fall appart but fairy princesses magic is perminent until they deside to change what they made. So have you every told Guen about Fae Land? asked Alieta. Yep and she is glad that there is such a lovely and magical place where pixies, elfs and sprites all live together in peace. She knows about you too. She likes to hear me tell stories from outside of the forest. She never leaves there, said Pippa. Well that is so kind of you Pippa and you have lots of stories to tell her too, said Alieta. Well I just tell her the good ones though and a bit about how you have protected your people from attacks but never anything about wizards and demons, said Pippa. Alieta smiled again. 08 illustration goes here The book also said on the back to never tell anyone about the forest unless they were special, said Alieta. Have you told Guen about Ivy yet. Well Ivy was not around when the last time I was there, said Pippa. Do you think they would let her in and like her, asked Alieta. Oh for sure, they would love Ivy but it is a long way from here. It would take a full day without stopping for her to reach the forest, said Pippa with a bit of a sad look on her face. We would have to stop and rest a bit but not sleep though. Once in the forest you feel energized again, said Pippa. That is not very long for a sprite to travel. If she went with you then the time would go by faster don't you think. Probably if you put it that way but do you think she would really like to leave her friends behind for a while. Viridian might get lonely, said Pippa. plus the twins hang out with Ivy every day lately. Don't worry about them, said Alieta. Viridian is good friends with Ktara that lives right next to her and Phonixa and Repellia know how to amuse themselves plus ApolInia will be round probably. That is true, It won't hurt to ask her, said Pippa. Okay then, let's go to Ivy's place and check out the two trees, tthen you pull her aside and ask her, said Alieta. Ginger came and walked over to them. What are you two doing? asked Ginger. We are off to Ivy's place to see if she wants to visit Fairy Land, said Alieta. You watch trhings for me until I get back. Okay no problem, said Ginger then they both flew off. Wait Fairy Land? What the heck is she talking about now, said Ginger. When they got to Ivy's place. Everyone was in the front yard. Hey there is Pippa and Alieta, said Phonixa. Hi all, Pippa told me that the two trees were getting big so I figured why not check them out, nothing is happening at the palace. Here look at the palm tree. It is almost as big as me, said Ivy. My goodness, said Alieta. It is growing very fast. Yep, I talk to it every night before I go to bed, said Ivy. Now Viridian said I could fix up the back yard too and to go nuts but not the nutty nuts but just do what ever I want. I haven't figured out what to do back there yet. Hmm, well talk to Pippa, she knows of a place where you can get some ideas, said Alieta. Really okay, said Ivy. Ivy walked up to Pippa and asked where this place was that Alieta said I might get ideas how to do things in the backyard. Yes I do but come over here away from the others, said Pippa. It is a secret place and nobody else can no about it. Wow A secret place this sounds really cool, said Ivy. First what do you know about fairies? asked Pippa. Well back before my parents died in the forest some of my friends would talk about how they were very secretive and never left the forest they lived in but they were pixies and they used to joke around with me all the time, said Ivy. What if I told you I know where the fairies live and have been there many times, said Pippa. That is the secret I saw in you when we first met? You know where to find real fairies with magic wands and everything!. Yes but keep your voice down. I don't want the others to know, said Pippa. Oh, so this is our secret now, said Ivy. 09 illustration goes here Yes, I already messed up by telling Alieta but she tricked me, said Pippa. Well Alieta won't trick me, said Ivy. Um she already knows, I just told you that, said Pippa. Oh ya, well Viridian won't trick me then, said Ivy. So how far away are they? Pretty far but not so bad for a nice young strong sprite like you, said Pippa. At least a full day of flying very fast. Oh that would mean I would be leaving Viridian alone for a while. She will get lonely, said Ivy. Ya but Alieta said she will have Ktara around to spend time with and the twins did just fine before you came here, said Pippa. Besides we will be coming back. Okay, this is going to be so much fun, said Ivy. Can we leave now? Well I guess so but first let me tell Alieta that you want to go and she will talk to Viridian for you, said Pippa then walked over to Alieta. Ivy wants to and is very excited, said Pippa. Good, now I will talk to Viridian and just tell her that you are taking her for a while but not too long and it will be good for Ivy's growth. Okay, so when do you want to leave? asked Alieta. She wants to go now, said Pippa. Wow she waists no time but she is young and that can be expected, said Alieta. I am excited too, it's been a while since I visited them and I miss all my friends there, said Pippa. I just hope they won't get mad at me for bringing Ivy with me. You said they would probably love to meet Ivy, said Alieta. Ya but the forest trees are magical and won't let strangers in, said Pippa. She is a forest sprite, what forest would not want her to come in? asked Alieta. You have a good point there, said Pippa. So how long has that tree been growing? asked Alieta. Three days, said Pippa. Really! That is amazing, said Alieta. 10 illustration goes here Alieta went and talked to Viridian over by the house. Pippa is going to take Ivy on a bit of an adventure that will be good for her growth, said Alieta. Really, she seems to be growing just fine, said Viridian. Well groth may not be the correct word. Lets just say, Pippa knows of a very special place that Ivy will learn things that Fae Land can not teach her and she is really excited to go with Pippa, said Alieta. I see, so where is this place? asked Viridian. Well it's location is a secret and I don't even know where it is but it is very far away and Pippa says it will take an entire day and night to get there if Ivy flies at top speed, said Alieta. My goodness, Is this place safe for Ivy to go to? Pippa isn't really someone that can protect her from danger, said Viridian. I assure you there is nothing dangerous to worry about and Ivy will meet some of Pippa's friends that she keeps secret from everyone, said Alieta. Even Gabriel doesn't know where this place is and the people that live there. You have to trust me, Ivy will have an amazing time. So you know about these people then? asked Viridian. I know of them but I have never met them and never will I suppose but as you know Pippa and Ivy have a special connection and Pippa wants her special friends to meet Ivy. Okay I will trust you of course, ask the two of them to come in the house first for me, I need to energize both of them. Ice cream right, said Alieta. Yep and lots of it, said Viridian. 11 illustration goes here Viridian went in the house then Alieta told Pippa and Ivy that Viridian wanted to energize the both of you before leaving. Ivy smiled then they both went inside. Now you two eat as much of this ice cream that you can. It will give your wings lots of power for the trip. Both Pippa and Ivy smiled. That is a lot of ice cream said Pippa. I know, you don't have to eat it all of couse, said Viridian. Now you take good care of my Ivy Pippa and remember if you run into any trouble then just call for Apollonia and she will come help, said Viridian. Okay, said Pippa and they both sat down and began to eat the ice cream. Once they had their fill and couldn't eat another spoonful Viridian told them to go outside and say goodbye to your friends and I will tell them that it is an important trip. They all went back outside and said goodbye to everyone. We will be back in a little while, said Ivy to the twins and Apollonia. Then they both then took off to the skies. So is everything okay? asked Apollonia to Alieta. Yes dear, everything is perfect. Viridian went to Apollonia. You make sure that if any of them call out for you, you get there as fast as you can, said Viridian. Don't worry that is what I am supposed to do, said Apollonia. 12 illustration goes here Chapter 3 Welcome To Fairy Land Okay Ivy, just follow me and we will be there before you know it, said Pippa. Okay, said Ivy. They got up nice and high and Pippa was flying almost at top speed at her normal big size. Why we going so slow? asked Ivy. Can't we go faster? Really, you can fly faster that this? asked Pippa. Yep, watch this, then Ivy took off way ahead of Pippa. Holy, that girl can move almost like a pixie, thought Pippa. She had to shrink down some in order to catch up to Ivy. Night time came and Ivy asked if they should stop and sleep some. Nope we cannot stop. You never know what might be down there while you are sleeping, said Pippa. We are way too fast for anything to catch us up here. Ivy smiled and they both kept flying through the night but slowed down a bit. Ivy saw the sun rising and said to Pippa that she hoped they will be there soom because she was getting real tired. Okay Ivy, lets slow down a bit more now. We are almost there, said Pippa. They flew for another hour and Ivy could see a huge green spot in the distance. Is that it up ahead? asked Ivy. Yep that will be Fairy Land, said Pippa. They got closer and Ivy noticed it was huge, bigger than any forest she had seen before. It looks bigger than the last time I was here, said Pippa. They both got there and landed just outside of the forest. So how do we get inside. The forest looks so dense, said Ivy. Is their a secret password or something? Nope but it can be a bit tricky seeing the entire forest is protected by magic, said Pippa. Magic! I love magic, said Ivy. Okay come with me and I will show you, said Pippa. She led Ivy between trees until they got to a bit of a path then started to follow it. All of a sudded Ivy stopped. What is wrong? asked Pippa. We are not going to get in this way, said Ivy. If we keep going we will be back where we started. How do you know that? asked Pippa with a smile. I can feel it, said Ivy. The trees want me to go this way. Ivy touched a tree and a bunch of trees opened up a path for her. Well I guess Alieta was right, said Pippa. Even this forest loves forest sprites. Just then a head popped out from behind a tree. Pippa! she yelled then came running to her and gave Pippa a big hug. Hi Pippie, really nice to see you again, said Pippa. I missed you so much silly. You got to come by more often. You know every one loves you here, said Pippie. Who is that with you and how did she make the trees open for her? Oh this is my best friend Ivy and she comes from Fae Land the place I told you about. She is a forest sprite and a very special one. Is she okay, asked Pippie. Yes she is the best, said Pippa. Yes she must be special, said Pippie. Okay Ivy the forest sprite even though our forest likes you and will let you in you still have to be approved by my mom. Okay I will wait, said Ivy. Pippie whispered to Pippa, Does all the girls in Fae Land look as pretty as Ivy? Pippa smiled. Every one in Fae Land is pretty but Ivy is the prettiest of all the girls, said Pippa. 13 illustration goes here Mom, Pippa is back and she brought a friend, yelled out Pippie. Your Mother is in charge of who can come in the forest? asked Ivy. Well ya she is the queen and all, said Pippie. In a few moments Guen imerged from the forest with a big smile on her face. Oh Pippa, it is so good to see you again you have been away for so long this time. Well I have been busy, taking care of things, There are a lot more pixies in the woods now and we have to start sending some to the east woods now, said Pippa. Guen looked up at Ivy. My goodness you brought a beautiful forest sprite with you. I haven't seen one of them for ages. Is she friendly with people or likes to stay hidden in the treesasked Guen? Pippa smiled, this is Ivy my best freind from Fae Land and Ivy this is Guen Queen of Fairy Land. Ivy is my best friend and she is loved by everyone she meets in Fae Land. Nice to meet you Guen, my you are so pretty, said Ivy, I wasn't expecting to meet a queen today, I must look horrible after flying all day and night to get here. Is there a place where I can wash up? Guen smiled. There is a place but you yook perfect to me, said Guen. Mom the trees opened up for her without my help. Of course dear, trees love forest sprites as much as forest sprites love trees. Come lets go to the cove, it will be interesting to see how the pool reacts to Ivy. Guen turned to the forest and yelled open wide. Suddenly hundreds of trees moved making a very long path. Now we can fly there, the cove is in the middle of the forest and that is very far from here. Come Pippa, I am dying to hear what you have been up to in Fae Land and what new stories you have to tell, said Guen. 14 illustration goes here They all flew along the path that kept opening up far ahead of them and Ivy noticed that the trees closed not far behind her. When thet reached the end of the path Guen asked Ivy to come forward. Lets see if the trees will open for you at the cove, said Guen. Just touch any tree and ask if you can enter. Ivy looked at the trees in front of her then spoke softly something on old elven then the trees opened wide for them all. My God, you didn't even have to touch a tree. What did you say, I could barely hear you? asked Guen. I just said please let us all in, trees like a soft voice plus I could feel the trees all around me are very happy right now. My you are a very special girl if you can sense how trees feel, said Guen. Go ahead step into our cove. Oh you have a pond in there can I go in it and rinse off a bit please, asked Ivy. Sure if you wish, said Guen. Ivy ran into the cove and jumpped in the pond, Suddenly the entire cove got very bright and the pond began to swirl. Ivy sat down in the water and began getting handfuls of water and pouring it on herself. Pippa, Pippie and Guen watched as they could actually see the magic from the pool swirling around Ivy as she stood back up then stepped out of the pond. The cove dimmed a bit then Ivy shook her self off. Wow that was even more refreshing than at Sandy Lake. I feel great now, said Ivy. That pond has very strong magic in it! I wouldn't suppose you have any ice cream here somewhere. I need to recharge my wings now. Does that happen when you go in the pond? asked Pippa to Guen. Nope never, said Guen. What is ice cream? 15 illustration goes here A fairy came flying into the cove very fast and went to a device that was up against a wall beside the pond. Is everything okay Tulip? asked Guen. Looks like it but just a minute ago in the forest all the trees were moving around and waving branches up and down. Scared everyone in the forest. Looks like the forest just got bigger again though. By how much? asked Guen. Not a lot, abot twenty yards in all directions, said Tulip. Looks like you had a positive effect when you went in the coves pond, said Guen. You think I caused all that to happen? asked Ivy. I am certain of it, said Guen. That pool is the source of all the magic in this forest and controls everything. You going in the pond just told every tree and plant here that a forest sprite is here ans a very unique one it would seem. Yep Ivy is special, Alieta told me she has a very strong inner energy that is still growing, said Pippa. I see so she is not a regular forest sprite then, said Guen. I feel normal said Ivy, just nice and clean and fresh now. I am sorry Ivy I shouldn't be talking about you like this and yes you go look much better now, said Guen. Tulip do you know how to make ice cream? Nope, never heard of it, what is it? asked Tulip. Come over here and meet Ivy. She will tell you, said Guen. Tulip flew over. Hi Pippa, good to see you again. Is this your girlfriend? asked Tulip. Ivy is my best friend back in Fae Land, said Pippa. Nice looking girl, please meeting you Ivy. So what is this ice cream? asked Tulip. Well it is cold and tastes amazing plus is real sweet. I like chocolate ice cream the best, said Tulip. Okay so it is a food, I can make food but I will have to touch your arm to read you a bit to see what it looks like and what it tastes like first. Okay, make a chocolate ice cream cone for me please, said Ivy then put out her arm. Tulip held Ivy's arm for a minute then let go. My goodness that is some amazing food you have in Fae Land, said Tulip. Okay hold out your hand please. Tulip made her wand appear then created a perfect ice cream cone for Ivy. Ivy to a lick of it. How is it, did I do it right? asked Tulip. It is perfect, said Ivy. Make me one, said Guen. Heck make everyone a ice cream cone, it looks really good. Tulip made them all a cone plus herself. Everyone started licking it like Ivy. This tastes great, said Guen. Why didn't you tell me about ice cream the last time you were here? I just learned about it lately. Ivy got Alieta to get me some when I hurt real bad and was laying on a bed. She calls it happy food. You got hurt, how did that happen, asked Guen. I saved a heroes life by pushing an evil wizard but he got me and threw my to the ground, said Pippa. Yep Pippa almost died but God let him live, Pippa is a hero, said Ivy. My you do have some new stories to tell me don't you. I want you to tell me everything and don't leave anything out this time, I know you didn't tell all the things about Fae Land last time you were here, said Guen. 16 illustration goes here After they finished their ice cream cones, the other fairy princesses flew into the cove and saw them standing at the end of the pond talking so they flew over to see the new visitor. Hi I am Sunflower, I am Lilly, I am Chestnut, what is your name? This girls is Ivy, a forest sprite from Fae Land and a good friend of Pippa's, said Guen. Wow, a real forest sprite, is that why the forest got really happy a little while ago? asked Lilly. Yes, trees and plants love forest sprites, said Guen and Ivy is a very special one. Now girls, show Ivy around while I catch up with Pippa, said Guen. Can I stay, I want to hear Pippa's stories too, said Pippie. Sure you can, said Guen. Okay the rest of you have fun and show Ivy this amazing forest that we all built. The five of them flew off to the other end of the cove then disappeared. Guen made three chairs then they sat down. Now what have you been up to Pippa, almost getting yourself killed and all? asked Guen. Well that part is bit of a long story, said Pippa. I don't mind a good long story, said Guen. Start at the beginning then telI me how you met Ivy. I bet there is a good story about that too. 17 illustration goes here Well in order to know about how and why I got hurt you have to heard about how I met Ivy first and before I tell you about that I would have to tell you about all the heroes in Fae Land that keep it the safest place in the world. Safe from what? asked Guen. You know, dragons, creatures, Evil kings abd there armies trying to invade Fae Land. Even evil wizards but they have no chance against the team of heroes. So does this type of stuff happen often there? asked Guen. Not anymore. Word got out that Fae Land can not be beaten by anything be it man, wizards and even demons now because of Apollonia. Who is that, she has a funny name, said Pippie. Well she is an angel with black wings, some say she is a dark angel but she is really nice and is good friends with Ivy plus the twins that are very pretty teanage human girls. So this angel can scare away demons then? asked Guen. No, she kills them like they are noyhing. God made Apollonia not long ago to be his warrior angel with no rules about not interfering and stuff. So does she look scary? asked Pippie. Nope, she is very pretty and kinda looks like a teenager too, said Pippa. Except with big black wings of course. Well so lots of things have been happening in Fae Land, said Guen. Just start with how you met Ivy, that is what I am most interested in then how you got hurt and became a hero, like Ivy said. Okay, that is when all the pixies everywhere came to help me get better and told me I was their queen, said Pippa. Well about time they figured out how imprtant you are to them. No wonder you haven't come to see us for so long. Your a queen now and that has responsibilities, said Guen. Don't I know it, said Pippa. 18 illustration goes here Pippa told Guen and Pippie all the stories she figured they needed to know. When she was finished Guen seemed quite content. So now is there still a lot of pixies in Fae Land, said Guen. Yep and more keep on coming every day. Soon we may run out of room, said Pippa the east woods is bigger but there is no sweet food in there like in the west woods. Us pixies can get very small but we don't like staying that small all the time. Being our normal size is better for playing and flying around at night. I may have to start turning them away. Oh that is no good, said Guen. Why doesn't Alieta expand Fae Land then? Well the land outside of the west is mostly desert and rough terrain. Oh dear, that does seem to be a problem then. Ya we have Ivy that could make things grow pretty much anywhere but Mother Nature put her in charge of all of Fae Land that is a very big place so she has her hands full seeing she is the only forest sprite, said Pippa. Well it sounds like Fae Land needs a few fairies but we never leave the forest, said Guen. But I would really like to meet Alieta sometime and see this magical beautiful place she rules over, said Guen. I am pretty sure she would like to meet you also, said Pippa. The two of you are very similar in the ways you do things...The fairies were giving Ivy the grand tour and showed her their latest creation. Here is an amazing waterfall that took a couple of days to make but was worth it, said Lilly. It is beautiful, said Ivy and bigger than the one at Sandy Lake in Fae Land. So much green here and lots of colours from many diffrent types of flowers. It is a paradise here, said Ivy. Thanks, that is what we were going for here. Ivy put her head up and said there is trouble over there outside of the forest. I think some people are trying to get in and they are bad, said Ivy. Oh just probably more people trying to get in again, but they can't. They are not that bad just curious, said Tulip. No these ones are definately very bad and have help and they are very bad too. said Ivy. How do you know that? asked Tulip. I can sense evil from a long distance, it is a talent I have, said Ivy. Oh dear, I better go back and tell Mom, said Tulip. She should know what to do. I am coming too, said Ivy. They flew back to the cove and Tulip told Guen what Ivy sensed. Are you sure they are that bad, asked Guen to Ivy. Yep, they are, Three bad women and lots of evil creatures, said Ivy. If Ivy senses that they are very bad and evil then you best believe her because she is never wrong, said Pippa. Oh dear, come with me to the overviewer, there I can see better what is going on outside of the forest. They both flew over to the right wall where there was a device on the wall filled with water. Guen touched the surface of the water and it lit up. Oh no, I have never seen that much red before outside. Can we fly up above the forest and have a look at them? asked Ivy. Yes good idea, said Guen. When they were well above the forest they could see a very large army of creatures that were now running toward the forest, Those look like trogladytes said Ivy. Apollonia told me about them, said Ivy. They are ruthless and very strong. Oh no we can not defend our selves from things like that we can't hurt anything even if they are bad, said Guen, God won't let us. I know who will fix this, said Ivy. 19 illustration goes here Chapter 4 A Little Help From A Friend The troglodytes were now ripping and tearing at the trees along the one side of the forest and were making a bit of headway plus making lots of damage to the trees. I won't stand for this another second, said Ivy. We need to get to a spot just outside of the forest where there is no magic. Lets go to the other side of the forest then, said Guen. They flew across the top of the forest then down to the ground. So why do we need to be where there is no magic? asked Guen. The ponds magic repels everything above the forest including birds and insects, said Ivy. I am not sure if it will repel an angel too. Apollonia I need your help! It is a emergency! yelled out Ivy. Apollonia, the angel with black wings? asked Guen. Yep she is my friend, said Ivy. So she will hear you even though you are hundreds of miles away? asked Guen. I hope so, she will come when ever Alieta or one of the heros call for her. She will come, just wait and see, said Ivy. They waited for a couple of minutes and still no Apollonia yet. Maybe she didn't hear you, said Guen. Oh I heard Ivy, said Apollonia. This is the furthest I have ever teleported. Man you are very far from home, said Apollonia. Where are we? Ivy smiled, you came, I was begining to get worried, said Ivy. Your my first priority. Viridian told me I better keep my ears open for you if called and needed help. That is one girl I don't want to mess with, said Apollonia. Well you are just above Fairy Land and this id Guen, the Queen of Fairy Land. Really, Fairy land an a real fairy? This is so cool. It is a pleasure to meet you, how can I help? Look down there, said Ivy, Troglodytes are trying to get into the forest and are killing trees. There are hundreds of fairies that live in this forest that are going to get hurt. Well I won't let that happen, said Apollonia. She flew over to the edge of the forest and looked down and saw about twenty troglodytes tearing and ripping at the trees with their claws. There were at least a hundred more not far back from them waiting for their turn. Ivy come watch, this is going to be fun, said Apollonia then jumped down out of sight. It's going to be fun, how can it be fun? asked Guen. I am scared to death. Don't be, Apollonia won't let anything happen to any of us, said Ivy. Come on lets watch her in action, I have never seen her destroy evil, I just heard the stories. 20 illustration goes here Apollonia landed beside the troglodytes tearing at the trees. Hey stop that, you have no business hurting and killing those trees, said Apollonia in a loud voice. All the creatures looked at her then started to run towards her. Oh well I guess they don't understand what I said, then she waved a hand making all of the creatures burst into flames then turn into ash. Wow, how did she do that? asked Guen. I don't know but she is pretty awesome, don't you think, said Ivy. Apollonia saw the rest of the troglodytes charging towards her. Man these things are stupid, she thought. Lets see how this new trick works. Apollonia waited until they were almost on her then took a big breath and blew out ice cold air at the creatures that slowed them down then froze every creature solid. I learned that from Tempressa, said Apollonia. Who is Tempressa, asked Guen. That is the Ice Queen that lives in Fae Land and is one of the heros, said Ivy. Apollonia started to flap her wings very fast and hard creating a whirl wind storm around the frozen creatures making them smash into each other and breaking into small pieces. Apollonia then flew up in the air and yelled out, where do you think you are going. What is she talking to? asked Guen. Not sure but in on of the stories she told us, she said a demon can't hide from an angel, said Ivy. A demon, demons can't break into our forest, said Guen. Well I guess this one didn't read the memo, said Ivy with a smile. You are really enjoying this arn't you? asked Guen. You bet, that is my friend out there kicking butt, she is amazing, said Ivy. Apollonia made her sword apear then raised it up to the sky making a bolt of lighting come down hitting the ground. Now the demon could be seen covered in flames screaming. She shot out an energy beam cutting off the demons head that rolled towards her looking up. She blasted the head into pieces and watched the burning body fall to the ground. Okay, Ivy, the fun is all over. Do fairies know how to make ice cream? asked Apollonia. Tulip does inside the cove, said Ivy as both of them flew down to the ground. My that is a lot of damage, said Guen. It is going to take a while for this to grow back. Hmm, I have an idea, said Ivy. Lets all go to the cove. Lets see how much the magic here likes me. 21 illustration goes here They followed Guen back in the forest and to the cove. Tulip was still there doing something with the overviewer. They walked over and Guen asked how it looks. Pretty bad, said Tulip. We lost a very big chunk of the forest. If it was night time when we were all asleep, the fairies in that section would of been killed. Can you show me how this works? asked Ivy. Best Mom shows you, I am still learning, said Tulip. So what do all these dots and bright areas mean, asked Ivy. Well this big green rectangle is the pond in the middle and that big red area is where all the damage is. all the little green dots are all the fairies in here. Okay so can you direct magic to go to certain places with this? asked Ivy. Well yes but just a bit. You see if I put the palm of my hand on the water surface it shows all the paths the magic travels in the forest with blue lines. As you can see there is a lot of blue lines going to the damaged red area but the pond will not ignor the rest of the forest so only about twenty percent of the magic is going to that big red area and will stop once the damaged trees are healed but will not replace the ones beyond repair. Can I try something? asked Ivy. Sure go ahead, you can't break anything here, said Guen. Ivy put both her hands in the water and pushed all the blue macic lines together on on side of the pond. then grabbed them like hair. Okay can you hold thes like this and and point them all at that red section. Wow, I never seen that done before but sure, said Guen. She gabbed the blue beams and held then tight. Ivy then went in the pond and sat down in the center. Okay Apollonia you watch from back there and if it looks like I need help get me out of here, said Ivy. Okay I will be watching closely, said Apollonia. Ivy then raised her head and closed her eyes. Suddenly the water began to swirl around some like before but now magic could be seen rising over the entire pond. Ivy still had her eyes shut tight then the magic rising rom the pond began to gather around her. Guen saw what ever Ivy was doing more and more of the blue lines of magic were going stright to the red damaged area and the water was getting so hot she had to take her hand out but the blue magic lines didn't spread out. Soon it looked like all the magic from the pool was directed solely to repairing and the red section began to shrink. What ever you are doing Ivy keep it up because it is working. Guen watched as the red section got smaller and smaller until it was completely green again and every tree was healed and back to their original place. Then the overviewer went off and Ivy stood up in the water then walked out. 22 illustration goes here Apollonia flew over to Ivy and asked if she was okay. Yep just a bit tired but I did it, said Ivy. You did what? asked Apollonia. She somehow was able to completely control the magic from the pond and fixed the forest like nothing ever happened to it, said Guen. Where in heaven's name did you learn to do that? asked Apollonia. I just figured it out when you showed me that you could control the magic some, said Ivy. Once I got in the pond and connected with the magic I was able to see all the magic everywhere, it was very beautiful. Then I just began moving it to the bad spot and once all the trees were healed I focused the magic to the roots of the broken trees that were still very much alive. The magic here is very strong and very good, like in Fae Land. Pure white magic. Well how ever you were able to do all of that I have to thank you both, said Guen. If it wasn't for Pippa bringing Ivy here all us fairies would of lost our home and I would have to start over again looking for a new spot. Where did you learn so much about white magic? When I was in Eden, said Ivy That is where all the magic in Fae Land comes from. I sat down where it was the strongest and listened to it. Magic talked to you? asked Guen. Sort of, more like showed me, said Ivy. White magic is everywhere, it comes in many forms and can grow. God created this planet and the people on it with his love. Love is very magical and can cause so many things to happen. All I know is love is white magic and very good. So where is Pippa? Oh I sent everyone to the far side of the forest, said Tulip. I guess I should go tell everyone the threat is over. Make Apollonia an ice cream cone first. She really deserves one, said Ivy. 23 illustration goes here After Tulip made Apollonia an ice cream cone she went to get her sisters and Pippa. So this Land Of Fae is sounding like quite the place to visit, said Guen. Well you are welcome to come any time, said Ivy. Alieta loves visitors and also loves to throw parties plus feed everyone. It was here that tricked Pippa into saying faries were real and she knew where to find them. She must be very smart to trick Pippa, said Guen. Pippa is very smart and doesn't trick easily. Pippa and the fairy princesses all returned to the cove looking very happy. Apollonia, when you go back to Fae Land, can you ask The queen if it would be alright for me to come visit? asked Guen. Well first she don't like being called queen, said Apollonia but I think it would be more fun to surprise Alieta. What do you think Ivy. Good idea, Alieta is used to meeting people that just show up at the palace, said Ivy. Ya lets surprise her, said Pippa, that will get her back fot tricking me. Okay then I will come back with Pippa and Ivy but it may take longer because fairies can't fly as fast as pixies or sprites, said Guen. No need I will just come and get you three, said Apollonia. Yep, she can teleport us all, said Ivy. Can I come too? asked Pippie. Me too said Tulip, and us also said the rest of the sisters. Well that is up to Apollonia, she would have to make separate trips to take all of you, said Guen. Not at all, you all are light weights, said Apollonia. I can move a small army if I needed to. Well who is going to be in charge of the forest? asked Guen. Get Lollipop to look after things. She is my friend and I have showed her everything I do and she is really good at planning also, said Tulip. Okay then it is settled you all be ready right here just before noon tomorrow and I will take you all to Fae Land, said Apollonia. I can hardly wait to see Alieta's face. Ya especially when a few days ago she didn't believe fairies even exsisted, said Pippa. 24 illustration goes here Chapter 5 Fairies In Fae Land They all slept great that night and Guen treated them all to an nice feast of a large variety of food including meat. I wouldn't of thought that you would have meat on the table, said Ivy. Well it is real but made from magic so we didn't have to kill anything, said Guen. We just heal animals when we see one hurt, said Guen. Now eat up because we have a big day tomorrow. Okay they all said. They ate and then the girls all flew off. Pippa filled Guen in with what she would be seeing when they got to Fae Land and that there were also humans living there too that were very nice also. So you all get along nicely? asked Guen. Yep and some of them are great cooks, said Ivy. One made Viridian and I some pancakes with maple surup that was nice and sweet. Oh maple surup is really good, said Guen but never heard of pancakes before, said Guen. They make pancakes in the palace dining room also, said Ivy. Okay, I have never been in a house before, said Guen. Well Alieta lives in a big palace that has big rooms in it so you won't feel closed in at all, said Pippa. Though the dining room may not be big enough for everyone with wings to sit at the table at once so we will probably have to eat outside. Well you two find a place to sleep, I am going to bed and try and get some sleep, said Guen. I am a bit nervous meeting Alieta so I want to look my best. I have never met another queen before. Guen smiled then flew off. In the morning Tulip made everyone breakfast then went and got Lollipop to give her some final instructions of what she should do while they were gone. The girls kept asking Ivy, is it noon yet? They were all very excited seeing that some of them had never been out of the forest before. Finally it was almost noon. Apollonia popped in and asked if everyone was ready. Yep just waiting on Guen, she will be here in a minuite, said Pippa. Oh there she comes now. Hi Apollonia. How do I look? Guen asked. Beautiful, said Apollonia. God really knew what he was doing when he created fairies. Oh you are so sweet, said Guen. Okay is everyone ready? asked Apollonia. Everyone close your eyes, said Ivy. Being transported looks weird and can make you feel dizzy but not with your eyes closed. Everyone closed their eyes then Apollonia transports all of them. They appeared about fifty yards from the palace. I am going to go see Viridian, I know she will be worring about me, said Ivy then flew off. I better get back to the woods and see what is going on there, said Pippa. You are going to leave us out here alone? asked Guen. Apollonia is here and look around there are elves all over the place, said Pippa then flew off. Wow Mom, look at all the open space and nice grass, said Lilly. Guen looked around and saw the palace. Is that where Alieta lives? asked Guen. Yes and some other people, said Apollonia. Now follow me and tell the elf out front of the palace, that you are here to see Alieta. I will be very close by so don't worry about anything. 25 illustration goes here A couple of elfs saw them heading towards the palace and ran up to them and said hello. Why are you all out of the woods? asked one of the elves. Don't be rude, said the other elf, it nice to see pixies out during the day. We are fairies, said Pippie. The two elves smiled, sure you are and we are fairies too, said the elf. But we are watch said Pippie then made her wand appear and made two nice gold necklaces appear on their necks. Wow you really are fairies. We just have to tell all our friends siad the elf then they both ran towards the elf village. Well news gets around her fast so in no time, evertone in Fae Land are going to know about you six, said Apollonia. When they got to the palace steps there was an elf standing there. Apollonia had a seat on the steps. Hello how can I help you asked the elf.. Go ahead Guen, tell her, she won't bite you, said Apollonia. Um I am here to see Alieta, said Guen. Really, okay then, give me a minute and I will see if she is available, said the elf then ran in the palace. See that wasn't that hard was it now, said Apollonia. Harder than you think, I am shaking, this place is so big, she must be a very powerful queen, said Guen. Do I look okay, is my hair tidy? You look perfect, just relax, Guen, said Apollonia. 26 illustration goes here Alieta was in her den reading the last pages of the fairy book she found in the library when Penny came in. Alieta there are a bunch of pixies out side that want to talk to you for some reason. Kind of odd to see six pixies out of the forest during the day but one is a bit bigger. Don't they usually deal with Pippa? Well Pippa is not here right now, said Alieta. Yes she is, I saw her with them plus Ivy too but they bot flew away leaving Apollonia with them. Alieta stood up fast. Apollonia called the taller pixie Guen, said Penny. No way, already, Pippa got them to come here already. But I am not ready yet, said Alieta. How do I look as Alieta wet her hand and wiped back her hair. You look beautiful as usual, said Penny. Oh boy I am so nervous all of a sudden and I don't know why. Does my outfit look good, is it clean? asked Alieta. You look perfect, what is going on, I have never seen you act this way before when pixies come to see you, said Penny. Because they are not pixies, they are fairies, real fairies and Guen is the Queen of Fairy Land, said Alieta. What!, your kidding right? asked Penny. No that is where I had Pippa take Ivy a couple of days ago, to meet them. I wasn't expecting them to come back with Guen. Um and five very cute looking fairies I guess, said Penny that now was smiling. She brought her children with her too!. My God. The Queen and her five fairy princesses are here, said Alieta. Oh my, real fairy princesses too, said Penny. How do I look, I want to greet them too, that is my job you know. We will both greet them. Then you will have to get Ginger and get her to figure out what to do in the way of entertainment for them all, said Alieta. Okay lets go, too late to do anything else, I don't want them to think I am not coming out. 27 illustration goes here Outside all the sisters were talking among them selves and looking around. Guen was strightening her dress and kept asking Apolloina if she really looked okay. Then Alieta and Penny came out of the palace. Apollonia went up to Alieta. Surprise she said to her. Yes, a bit of notce would of been nice, said Alieta. I have never met another queen before so I am a bit nervous, said Alieta. Well Guen, is very nervous to the point of being scared, said Apollonia. This is the first time she has brought her children out of the safety of the forest. She is way past being a bit nervous so do your thing and calm her down. They are hundreds of miles away from home in a strange land. You ready Alieta? asked Penny. Yes, said Alieta. Okay girls her is Alieta Queen of Fae Land. Allthe sisters gathered closer to gether to get a better look at Alieta. Guen straightened up and put on her best face. At least she thought it was. Alieta walked down the steps and walked up to Guen. Are you nervous too? asked Alieta. I have never met a real queen before, said Alieta. All of a sudden the both broke out laughing. You are as nevous as I am, said Guen. Oh yes when the elf came in told me that very pretty pixies were here that came with Ivy and Pippa, I knew it was not pixies. Okay now that the ice has been broken, I am going to Ivy's place then up to see Gabriel, said Apollonia. Then she vanished. Mom, introduce us to Alieta, said Tulip. Yes of course, said Guen. This is my youngest Tulip, and beside her is Pippie. Beside Pippie is Lilly then Sunflower and finally my oldest daughter Chestnut. You have a beautiful family, said Alieta. Well thankyou Alieta. I read about Fairy in a small book I found in my private library. I bet that was the book I let Theo write a long time ago, said Guen. Yes that was his name. He wrote it in story form and I couldn't put it down, said Alieta. Well he promised to never make more than one copy and when he knew he was going to die soon he was to give it to someone that would bring it to a place that it would be safe forever, said Guen. Well it was sealed with wax and it was well hidden in the oldest section of my library behind a big book, said Alieta.I found it just by chance. Okay now everyone here still thinks you all are just very pretty pixies so let me address them, said Alieta. Everyone, listen up. They all went quite immediately. Hmm impressive Guen thought to herself. I would like you all to meet our visitors from a land far away called Fairy Land. And this is Guen who is the queen of Fairly Land. The commotion started and the two of them could here some of them say, did she say Fairy Land. Yes every one we have been blessed with the visit of real life fairies. Now don't crown them please. Lets all welcome them to Fae Land. How was that Guen? You got class Alieta. It is like they are all your children, said Guen. In a way they are. Everyone in Fae Land I treat as family, said Alieta. 28 illustration goes here The elves all walked up to the sisters and started introducing themselves to them. You know Gabriel told me not to hold my breath when I told her how nice it would be to have some fairies here in Fae Land. Who is Gabriel? asked Guen. She is the first angel God creared and in charge with all the other angels, said Alieta. My you keep good company, said Guen. Would you like to meet her? She told me that there was no way a fairy would leave there forest and come to Fae Land, said Alieta. What this. Gabriel I want to talk to you some more about faries. Gabriel appeared in a few moments. I already told you all I know about fairies, said Gabriel. I don't know where to find them, I haven't even seen one myself. God deals directly with them and never angels. She is right, only God calls for one of us when he needs one to help someone, said Guen. Gabriel looked at Guen. Hello, who are you? asked Gabriel. I have never seen you here in Fae Land before. This is Guen Queen of Fairy Land and those cute little girls out there with the elves are her children, said Alieta. Oh my god. Real life fairies in Fae Land. How did you manage that? asked Gabriel. It wasn't me, said Alieta. I was surprised to see them too. Well it was my idea, said Guen. Pippa told me many stories about Fae Land and when she brought Ivy to my forest did the most amazing things with the magic from our cove I just had to come and see this land of magic for my self. My girls wanted to come too so Apollonia brought us all here. Hmm I should of known Pippa would bring Ivy here but what did she do with magic? asked Gabriel. Oh she is very special, she can control magic, said Guen. Much more powerful than I am. Gabriel looked at Alieta. First I heard about that, said Alieta. Well Guen we have to talk but first can I go meet all your wonderful children? Sure but they can be very curious and will ask lots of questions, said Guen. That is fine, so five girls I see, said Gabriel. Yes, my five princesses, said Guen. The queen and five fairy princesses, this is amazing, said Gabriel. 29 illustration goes here Alieta told the elves that Gabriel wanted to talk to the fairies so they all went back to what every they were doing. Gabriel walked up to the sisters. Wow another angel but with white wings, said Pippie. How come you have white wings and Apollonia has black wings? Well all angels have white wings, just Apollonia has black ones, said Gabriel. How come? asked Sunflower. Because she is a special angel that God made to help people down here, said Gabriel. Ya she saved out forest from being distroyed by creatures, said Tulip. She is really special. Lilly flew up and looked at Gabreil closer. Your hair is all white too. White wings, hair and dress. You must like white. Gabriel smiled. Yes I do, White stands for pureness, said Gabriel. So Apollonia isn't pure then< asked Lilly. Well yes she is but it is a bit confussing to explain, said Gabriel. Not really. Fairies are all pure nut we have all different colours. It is all about inside the body that makes one pure or not, said Tulip. Yes that is correct, my you girls are very smart, said Gabriel. Yep but Tulip is the smartest and the best at making food, Lilly is the best at designing and decorating, Sunflower is best at singing and dancing, Roseberry is the strongest and I am best at healing. Oh ya, Chestnut is the oldest and is best at everything, at least that is what she tells us. Gabriel giggled. Well tell you what I will show you what I am best at, okay, said Gabriel. Now line up in a straight line for me. They all moved around until they were in a straight line that took a bit seeing they kept switching places. Is this okay? asked Tulip. Yes that is perfect. Okay now put you right hand on yout chest where your heart is. Perfect. Now I am going to make you five special souls for God. Then Gabriel raised her arms and said,"In the name of our almighty God, creator of all that is good I bless, Chestnut, Lilly, Sunflower, Pippie and Tulip". What about out Mom? asked Tulip. Oh yes, and Guen, added Gabriel. Then Gabriel drew the cross in the air. There all done. So what does blessing do? asked Pippie. It brings your soul closer to God so he can hear your prayers better, said Gabriel. Oh okay, that is good, said Pippie. 30 illustration goes here The Magical Lunch Chapter 6 When Ivy got to her place she yelled out to Viridian,"I'm back Viridian, I'm back. Virdian ran out of the ouse and gave Ivt a big hug. Man did I miss you, said Viridian. I missed you too, said Ivy.It was fun at Fairy Land but I like it here way better.. Fairy Land, That is where you two went. I didn't think fairies really exsisted, said Viridian. Well they do and we brought the queen and her five daughters back with us, said Ivy. Really so where are they now. I left them with Apollonia and Pippa at the palace. I wanted to come here and see you first. So Apollonia was there too? asked Viridian. Yep I had to call him to kill all the troglodytes that were destroying the fairies forest and she killed a demon too. Apollonia is very powerful. Then I made the magic fron the coves pond fix the forest. After that Tulip made and ice cream cone for Apollonis. I didn't have another one because we all had one earlier before she came. Well it sounds you had quite the adventure then, said Viridian. Yep, it was a lot of fun, said Ivy. So how is the coconut tree doing? Just fine, I talked to it like you do all the time. It grew a bit more but I am no forest sprite so you can take over now, said Viridian. Just then Appllonia appeared. Hi Viridian I did what you said and came when Ivy called. Yes, so Ivy told me. Thank you taking care of her for me, said Viridian. Ivy can take care of herself but I am glad she called me. Those fairies are a lot of fun and very cute, said Apollonia. Do you want to go see them now. I will take you. I will take my horse and get Ktara to come also, said Viridian. Okay I am going up to heaven and talk to Gabriel, said Apollonia. Gabriel is at the palace, said Ivy. Oh, well I will talk to Cindy then and all the other angel I can find there. Then she vanished. Okay then I am going to go next door and tell Ktara the good news and then we will meet you at the palace, said Viridian Okay, first I have to talk to the tree amd let it know I am back, said Ivy. 31 illustration goes here Back at the palace Gabriel asked Alieta if it was okay to use her den to talk to Guen some more. I have a lot of questions, said Gabriel. There is very little known about fairies and now that there are some here I want to know what ever Guen is willing to tell me. Only if I can come too, said Alieta with a smile. Sure, said Gabriel, it is your palace. Maybe I should go see if she even wants to go in the palace, said Alieta. I dought she has ever been inside a building before. Yes of course, call her over and and see if she will come in with us, said Gabriel. Alieta call Guen over. Yes Alieta, how can I help you? asked Guen. Gabriel has some questions to ask you and would like to do it in my den where there will be no distractions, said Alieta. Well that will be fine but first my girls haven't had lunch yet and neither have I, said Guen. We never miss a meal. Oh I can get the cooks in the palace to make you lunch, said Alieta. Guen smiled. No that won't be nessary, said Guen. Have you had lunch yet? Actually no, said Alieta. Good, Tulip is the best at making food so give me a moment please, said Guen then she walked back over to her girls. Just then Phonixa and Repellia came out of the palace. Hi Alieta, oh hello Gabriel, nice to see you again, said Phonixa. Why are their so many pixies out front today? asked Repellia. Well they are visitors from Fairy Land, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Repellia. Wait, Fairy Land, your kidding right? No, the taller girl is Guen, Queen of the Fairies and those other girls are her fairy princesses, said Alieta. I think they are about to make lunch for us. The twins looked at each other then smiled. Man it just keeps getting better here, said Phonixa. 32 illustration goes here Both girls ran out to meet the fairies looking very excited. Hi girls, I am Phonixa and theis is my sister Repellia. Can we help you with lunch? How kind you two are, said Guen. Do you both do magic also? Well just a bit but nothing that can help with lunch, said Repellia. Maybe you can help in another way, said Guen. Do you see my daughter over there with the red hair and outfit, her name is Tulip and she is very good at making food but thing is she will need to know what to people eat for lunch. Oh we can definately help that way, said Repellia. Now Ivy told us that in Fae Land people eat deserts also so let Tulip or Pippie, she is the girl beside Tulip know what they are, said Guen. Okay they said and ran over to Tulip and Pippie. My goodness such nice girls, thought Guen. They look so much alike also. Hi Tulip, Guen said we could help with lunch, said Phonixa. I can show you what we eat for lunch usually and Repellia will show Pippie what we have for desert. Tulip rubbed her eyes then looked at Pippie. Do they look the same to you? asked Tulip. Yep like two copies, said Pippie. We are twin sisters silly, said Repellia. What does twin mean Tulip, asked Pippie. Two that look the same, said Tulip. Oh, yep they are definately twins then, said Pippie. Are there a lot of twins in Fae Land? Nope we are the only ones, said Phonixa. Good, it could get very onfusing knowing who is who if there were, said Tulip. Okay hold out an arm each so we can hold and read you. Tulip and Pippie started to read Phonixa and Repellia and began to smile. What are you smiling at? asked Repellia. Well either you can't make up your mind or you eat a lot of different things for lunch, said Tulip. Ya same with Repellia. she loves everything that is sweet, said Pippie. Is that a problem? asked Phonixa. No not at all it is actually very good, said Tulip. Okay so what are you going to make? asked Phonixa. Pippie looked at Tulip then they both said "Everything!" 33 illustration goes here Everything, you can do that? asked Phonixa. Sure can, look here comes Ivy and two more people are coming over there on horses plus somebody else just came out of that building, said Tulip. Usually I just make the food for my Mom and sisters then the rest of the fairies make their own food but now this is like a party. Do people dance here? Yes they do, Alieta loves to have parties, said Repellia. Okay so stand back and let us make a couple of tables first then we will make all the food, said Tulip. Both Tulip and Pippie made their wands appear then made two tables. Then Tulip began making all the different kinds of food she saw in Phonixa. That should be enough for now, said Tulip. Your turn Pippie. Pippie began making cakes, pies, ice cream treats and other kinds of pasteries and sweets. There how does that look? asked Pippie. Looks fantastic, that was amazing to see. Oh you forgot something, said Phonixa. What? asked Tulip. Forks, spoons and plates, said Phonixa. Oh ya, thanks for reminding me, said Tulip. Viridian and Ktara rode up and jumped off their horses and ran over to where the two table were set up. Did we just see you make all of this out of thin air? asked Ktara. No, we made it with magic, said Tulip. Ivy landed beside Guen. I want you to meet Viridian, she is my best friend too. She teaches me lots of stuff here, said Ivy. So Ivy how many best friends do you have? asked Guen. All my friends are the best so lots, said Ivy. Everyone moved around the two tables and looked over the big spread of food. This is a lot of food, said Alieta. We won't be able to eat all of this. That is okay, what ever we don't eat my girls will just make it all disappear, said Guen. It was made with magic and magic will clean up after. Every started grabbing plates and picking things to eat. Now this is what I call a spread, said Phonixa. Gabriel was just looking at all the food Tulip and Pippie made with their wands. Go ahead Gabriel, have some cake. Yes I will, I am just a bit shocked at how this all happened, said Gabriel. Magic made it happen, said Ivy. Very good fairy magic. 34 illustration goes here Okay girls eat up, there is food here you have never seen before so try a bit of everything so you can see what you like the best and make it again for yourselves another time, said Guen. Lilly asked Phonixa what the coloured balls in the jar were. That is fruit flavoured bubble gum. You just chew them untill all the flavor is gone then put it in the garbage, said Phonixa. They are very sweet so best not to have more than two. Once everyone have finished eatting Tulip and Pippie made the left overs disappear with there wands plus the tables. Alieta and Gabriel brought Guen in the palace to talk. Ivy walked over to where Viridian and Ktara were sitting on the grass by the sundial and joined them watching the twins and Ginger dancing and playing with the fairy sisters. Young fairy princesses, I never in my dreams thought I would see them, said Ktara. Well they are not really that young, said Ivy. Well Tulip is the youngest, she is almost a hundred and eight. What, she looks may fourteen tops, said Ktara. Actually they all look that young, said Viridian. Yep, fairies are everlasting like sprites but the forest they created is so full of white magic they will never grow or look any older than they do now, said Ivy. Chestnut is the oldest, a bit over eight hundred. Remarkable, being children forever is the wish of many people, said Ktara. They may look young but they are very smart, said Ivy. Smarter than Alexa and Pippa. When I first met them, they asked me so many questions and everything, Fairies are very curious and always want to learn more. When Tulip had to hold my arm to know how to make ice cream I saw so much in her and and how she can figure out stuff that none of the other fairies can. They all told me that tulip is the smartest and that is why only she can help control the magic in the cove. So what did this cove look like? asked Viridian. Well it is a beautiful structure of stone, plants and water with archways leading out in different directions. It is hard to explain actually, it something one needs to see for themselves. Guen told me stories about how they found and built that forest. It was not the first one they had. I saw a sad spot on her heart for a moment when she was telling me the tales but then it passed. Must of been a bad memory, said Ktara. Everyone has them but best to move on, said Viridian. Yep just like me, said Ivy. 35 illustration goes here Alieta brought Guen and Gabriel to her den and let Guen sit in her chair. Gabriel sat across from her. So this is what it looks like inside a palace, said Guen. Ivy told me about how nice it was. So you don't feel confined at all being inside? asked Alieta. A little bit but there is a lot of space in here, said Guen. Well sometimes we have meetings in here so it doubles as a meeting room and a place for me to read and write, said Alieta. So Gabriel what was it you wanted to talk to me about? asked Guen. Well first I would like to say it is a pleasure to meet you and you have a lovely family, said Gabriel. Thankyou, they are all good girls each with their own special talent, said Guen. A fairy princess is different from regular fairies in that they have stronger magic and can control magic around them much better. I see, so how many fairies are in the Fairy Land forest? asked Gabriel. Well not exactly sure but we are back up to over two hundred now is my best guess, said Guen. What do you mean you are back up to two hundred, were there more fairies at one time? asked Gabriel. My yes at one time there was over a thousand of us but that was a very long time ago, said Guen. Back then fairies stayed hidden and lived in normal forests. Those were more dangerous times. Anything could come in the forest and our fairy dust that got spread around could be sensed by all kinds of bad beings. Okay so what happened to all those fairies? asked Alieta. Mostly dragon attacks, said Guen. They would come out of nowhere and set the forest on fire hoping to scare out what ever animals were in there, then eat them. Unfortunately most fairies got killed in the process. There used to be several forests with fairies in it but once my forest got attacked just a handful of us were able to escape the fire. When small dragons can not see us and even if they could we are way too fast for them. Okay so is that when you made the forest you are in now? asked Gabriel. No we had to find other places to hide for a while seeing a forest was not safe. We lives in places where there was lots of water and no dangerous animals mostly. It was when I met a very special unicorn that everything changed for us. Tillia was her name and she was a very powerful unicorn that told me there was a place not far from this lake that had some strong magic underground. She took us all there at night when no dragons were around and used her horn to do something to the ground in one spot. Yes I know Tillia, she is the first special unicorn God created, said Gabriel. She is in limo now waiting for another companion. Oh good she is still around then, said Guen. Anyways what she did with her magic was drill down deep into the ground until water sprouted up and formed a pond that was just full of magic. Suddenly trees and plants began to sprout out of the ground making a big enough wooded area to hide in for us all. She told me the pond will protect this spot from anything including dragon fire. Over time as the fairies mated and our numbers began to increase again the trees kept expanding making sure there was always room for all of us. What happened to the unicorn? asked Alieta. I am not sure. One day she was just gone and we never saw here again, said Guen. This is the forest that we called Fairy Land now. It took a very long time to get as big as it is now, but it is our home and because of Pippa bringing Ivy here and then calling Apollonia to help us, it is still our home. So it was the stories that Ivy told you about Fae Land that made you want to come visit? asked Alieta. No not at all, said Guen. I found it nice to here there was another magical land but Pippa told me she was kind of proclaimed queen of the pixies and was having a problem with so many pixies coming to live in Fae Land with only two small woods for them to stay in. So I wanted to come and see if I could find a place to make another forest for her but all my girls wanted to come also which is a good thing because only myself and fairy princesses can start a new forest out of barren land. Really, you can make trees grow in the desert? asked Gabriel. Nope but we can take the seeds for exsisting trees and soak the ground with magic then plant them. Anyways hat we will begin tomorrow as thanks for saving our forest. I would like to go back outside and see how my girls are doing, they can get to be quite a handful at times. Well that was very enlightening, said Gabriel. I need to get back to heaven now, I will see you later. Then Gabriel vanished. So you really think you can make a forest out of desert land? asked Alieta. We will see, said Guen. You do have the six most powerful fairies on the planet here to try for you. The End... 36 illustration goes here