The Adventures In The Land Of Fae Fantasy Forest Trouble Prolog The next day Alexa and Diego rode out to Eden to have a look around and see if there was a nice place to build a new home if they ever decided to move. They found a lot of nice spots that had lots of space available but Alexa was still concerned about disturbing the plant life in Eden. Alieta was in the dining room with Ginger making plans for Ivy's birthday that was in a couple of days. The two of them both had some great ideas for a nice private party on the palace grounds like Alexa had yesterday. Jessica had some elves that she used and paid to deliver her candies to the stores that she had orders for. She figured when it came to Alieta's order, she would deliver them herself seeing she only ordered a few boxes at a time. She then started to make plans and get costs for having a nice comfy hot tub in her back yard that she was keeping secret from Jazmen. It seemed that no one in Fae Land did that kind of work or even knew what one was so a trip to Cumberland was needed so off she flew. Ivy was very excited about learning how to cook with Ktara and stopped by her place before going to the cove. Ktara told her that she had to learn a few things about how the wood stove worked first then they could start with something simple. Two o'clock would be a good time to get started and Ivy agreed then flew off to work in the cove. Now Ktara had to figure out what would be simple but still very tasty that Ivy would like and keep her interested in cooking. She knew little of what Ivy liked to eat other than ice cream dishes and sweets so she walked over to Viridian's place to ask what she gave Ivy other than ice cream that she really liked... Chapter 1 What Ivy Likes Ktara started over to see Viridian but also noticed that a few pineapples were ready to be harvested so she grabbed one and brought it with her. Once there they both sat in the kitchen and Ktara offered Viridian the pineapple. Thanks Ktara, I love them. I usually just buy the ones at the store that are already cored and skin removed. Ktara smiled. Ya those are okay but they add sugar to them plus fresher is better, said Ktara. Let me show you how to peel it first, said Ktara. She grabbed a long serrated knife then put the pineapple on it's side then cut the top and bottom off. Then turned the pineapple upright and proceeded to remove the outer skin just deep enough so that there was no green left showing on the fruit of the pineapple. She did about a third of it then told Viridian to give it a try. Okay, she said and took the knife. Now go slowly and watch closely as you move the knife back and forth while pushing down on it, said Ktara. The first slice was a bit too thick but after that she pretty much figured it out and peeled the rest of the fruit. So how do we get the core out? asked Viridian. Well the producers and packers of pineapples use a special tool to give us them perfect rings but we don't have one so instead I make half rings, said Ktara. She cut the pineapple exactly in half length wise then asked for a smaller knife with a nice sharp point on it. She showed Viridian how she sliced beside the core on each side of it then used the knife on the top and bottom of the core pushing down. The core just fell out onto the counter. Okay you do the other half now, said Ktara and handed her the knife. Okay she said and started to do as Ktara did. This time the core didn't just fall out. That is okay, said Ktara. Just run the knife along the side cuts you made again and pull it out with your fingers. It worked and Viridian smiled and said I did it! Now you can leave it like that and wrap it tight for keeping cold in the ice box or cut it into slices what ever thickness you want, said Ktara. I make juice with it so I leave it in halves until I am ready to use it. Good idea but lets have a slice each first, said Viridian then cut off two pieces. 01 illustration goes here Viridian wrapped the rest and put it in the ice box. Now what I came over for was to find out what Ivy liked to eat other than ice cream, said Ktara. Oh she likes lots of things, said Viridian. Spaghetti is one she really likes plus vegetable soups and some stews. Fish and potato wedges also. Why do you ask? Well Jessica talked her into trying to cook and told her it was fun so Ivy agreed to try as long as I would teach her, said Ktara. Really, but she won't go near the wood stove when it is on, said Viridian. Ya I know but she still wants to learn so I told her the stove was safe and she just needed to learn how to use it, said Ktara. Well good luck. You would have better luck with Sara. Nothing seems to scare that girl, said Viridian with a smile. Ya she is fearless it seems but Ivy is the one I have to work with, said Ktara. First I figure some lessons about the stove and show her how to light it, said Ktara. Viridian smiled, that I would like to see. Well she has to learn. Fire can be good also, said Ktara. Well she won't even sit close to a camp fire so good luck with a match or candle. Even the candles here I have to light and blowout. Probably why she goes to bed just before it gets dark and gets up at first light. She doesn't even have any candles in her room, said Viridian. Oh boy, this might be harder than I thought, said Ktara. Well make spaghetti first. That is easy to boil water and stir the noodles, said Viridian. Ya but first we have to make the sauce and that will be fun for her I hope but I will battle through it, said Ktara. Okay got to get ready for her at two o'clock. We will make enough for your supper too. It seems she really wants to help you out by cooking sometimes. Well I love cooking also but that is very sweet of her to want to help. Hope she does a good job, said Viridian. Oh I will make sure it is good, don't worry about that, said Ktara and then headed back home. 02 illustration goes here Hot Tub Shopping Jessica reached Cumberland's main town where most of the stores were located. She looked around and saw lots of food and furniture stores but no stores that sold hot tubs. She tried the next street and found that this street had mostly clothing and linen shops on it. Hmm, it seems like this town has some order to it, she though to herself. She decided to ask someone to speed her search up. A man stopped and said, "It looks like you are lost. Can I help you?" Yes you can and I am not really lost just cannot find what I am looking for, said Jessica. And what might that be dear? he asked politely. Oh I am wanting to put a hot tub in my back yard, said Jessica. I was thinking a swimming pool at first but changed my mind to something smaller and easier to take care of. Good thinking, he said. Pools take a lot of work to maintain and can attract people that say they are your friend but really they just want to use your pool. Jessica smiled. You are probably right, she said. So is there a place that makes or sells them in Cumberland? Yes there is but there is very little call for them around here, said the man. Too many trees and the leaves end up in the water all of the time. Are you from Cumberland? I have never seen you here before. No I live in Fae Land, not to far from the palace, said Jessica. Nice, such a beautiful place though we are part of Fae Land also but no where near as pretty as your part of Fae Land, he said. Now just go to the very end of this street and you will see a big store that sells swimming pools and accessories. You can't miss it and the main sales girl is a sprite like you. Really, said Jessica, well thank you sir and off she walked in order to see the other shops on the street. Such a pretty sprite, we don't see many of them here anymore, he said to himself. 03 illustration goes here After passing by a few stores that she wouldn't mind going in the next time she came to Cumberland, she got to the big swimming pool store and walked inside. There were a lot of above ground pools all set up on display and a entire section with accessories and water treatment chemicals. So far she could see no hot tubs. A pretty sprite came up to her and asked if she could help her with anything. Yes you can, said Jessica. I am looking to buy a hot tub but don't see any in here yet. Nice, I love a good hot tub, said the sales girl. Much better than a pool but don't tell the owner that, said the sprite. Well we have one on display over here in the corner. It is my favorite too. So you have a hot tub? asked Jessica. You bet I do and I spend a lot of time in it when I am not working. Now this one says it can fit ten people in it but if you are like me and love to spread out your legs out then eight at the most is better. Well that is perfect, said Jessica. I was thinking eight myself but just me and my room mate will use it most of the time. She is the general of the winged army and could use a good hot soaking after work. Oh you live with Jazmen? Then you must be Jessica the candy lady, she said with excitement. Yep that is me, said Jessica. I love your candies. Even though the stores are pretty far away from Cumberland I can get there pretty fast and buy a bunch of boxes to bring back and sell some to my friends, said the sprite. Now back to the hot tub. Do you like this round style or would you like it either square or oval? I like this one right here, said Jessica. Ya me too, said the sprite. Now we have one in boxes in the back room. Oh so I have to put it together myself? asked Jessica. Oh no, the price includes installing. Maybe I will come with them and test it out with you and show you the best ways of doing the up keep of it, said the sprite. That sounds like a deal, said Jessica. So what is your name? If we are going to be relaxing in a hot tub together. It is Daisy, very nice to meet you and do business with you also. So how long before I can get this set up? asked Jessica. Oh a few days probably, said Daisy. They inspect all the parts first before delivering it. Oh good, it is Ivy's birthday in two days so that would be nice to have the next day to relax in, said Jessica. I know Ivy, I see her in the stores some times when I go shopping in Fae Land. We talk all the time. She is so sweet and so very very pretty too. She said she is a queen now. Is that true? asked Daisy Yes it is. Alieta made her queen of the forest and plants but just in Fae Land, not in Cumberland, said Jessica. Well wish her a happy birthday for me please, said Daisy. Okay I will. I got to go know. I have to go back to work now, said Jessica and she left. Odd she never asked how much the tub was. I guess the candy lady has lots of money, Daisy thought to herself. Well that sale will be good enough for today. Time to go soak in my tub and relax for the rest of the day after I get the paper work done. 04 illustration goes here Chapter 2 Fantasy Forest Is Crashing Ivy and Sara were both watching the overviewer making sure the new fantasy forest was getting enough magic to keep it stable. Well that is all the beacon tree can send to that area, said Ivy. I may be new at this but to me I think this is not going to work, said Sara. Well everything is still green and looks fine, said Ivy. Not anymore, said Sara. What does it mean when spots keep changing back and forth from green to red? What let me have a look, said Ivy. Ivy looked down at the overviewer and noticed that some spots seem to be fading in and out from green to red. I am not sure but I think that is not good, said Ivy. So what will happen if not enough magic is there and more red shows up? asked Sara. Well basically the forest will begin to die and the entire location will crash and go back to just dirt, said Ivy. That is sad to see trees dying, said Sara. How do all the trees way over there and that small woods not far from the north town stay growing okay? asked Sara. Well they grew naturally and Pippa also has pixies go out every night to spread pixie dust around to keep everything growing healthy, said Ivy. So maybe Pippa can get some pixies to fly over this forest too, said Sara. Their pixie dust may help some. Ivy looked up at Sara. Your a genus, Sara, That may just work, said Ivy. What does genus mean? asked Sara. It means you are very smart, said Ivy. Oh, I know that, said Sara. Let me call Pippa and see what she thinks, said Ivy. Pippa, are you busy? Pippa showed up a minute latter. Never for you Ivy, what's up? Well this new fantasy forest that Tulip and the other fairies made yesterday may be too big for the amount of magic we can get there and maintain it. I was thinking, actually Sara came up with the idea that if it had pixie dust there also, that would be a big help, said Ivy. Oh so can pixies live in that new forest? asked Pippa, we could use the extra room. Well maybe but only if that will work and it is safe, said Ivy. Can you come with me and look at it and see if they would actually live there? asked Ivy. Yep, sure can, lets go, said Pippa. You keep your eye on the overviewer Sara and try to keep moving magic to the forest. Okay I will try, said Sara then Ivy and Pippa took off to the new forest. Guen saw them leave and wondered where they were going. What is going on she asked Sara. Looks like the new fantasy forest is crashing, said Sara. She went to the overviewer and saw the big new green area on the screen that was flickering a bit. Wow that looks too big. I better go and have a look for myself, said Guen then took off after them. 05 illustration goes here Guen caught up to them and said she saw that there is a problem with the new forest. Yep, we need to look at it, said Ivy. It is unstable right now but I have a plan. Hope it is a good one, said Guen because as is now it will not be there for much longer. Ya I know, said Ivy. They reached the forest and Guen saw how big it was. My goodness, I think they over did it, said Guen. Ya but look at this place. It is amazing, said Ivy. Pippa bent down and got a handful of water. She tasted it and said the water is fine. Good that is a start, said Guen. The way they built this place was genius, and made to endure the elements out here in the open. The bad thing is that normally when an over build is done, I would just take away some of it so that less magic was needed but can't do that with this. Why not? asked Pippa. Because it is completely uniform and surrounded by rock cliffs. They must of all took different sides and started creating, moving in slowly to the center. Take down one part and the rest will come crashing down probably. Well Tulip told me that it grew like this by itself, said Ivy. What do you mean by that? asked Guen. Well they just raised the ground around the pond then began to build things and plant some trees but suddenly when they were about to leave it just began to grow bigger and trees came out of nowhere and that waterfall over there, they didn't make it either. I see, so Pippa said that water tasted good which means it has very little magic in it, said Guen. That waterfall is coming from a natural source so what ever underground water coming from Eden creating these ponds is being diluted. The only way of keeping the magic strong enough here is for my girls to come back every day and bring the magic back up again with their wands. Okay that makes sense but why did it grow so big by itself, asked Pippa. Not completely sure but some kind of magic overload similar to what happened to the fairy forest but there is no cove in here to control the forest nor is there strong enough magic in the pond to create one. So what is your plan Ivy, Sara said you had one? asked Guen. 06 illustration goes here Well pixie dust is the answer I think, said Ivy. If Pippa can get enough new pixies to come to this forest then it should do the trick. How many new pixies come each day? asked Guen. Oh about a hundred, said Pippa. Not near enough, said Guen. We need five times that many here as soon as possible. See look over there. That tree just fell over. Yikes, said Pippa. I got to go. This forest is too amazing to let it crumble, then Pippa flew off like a flash. Tulip and Lollipop entered the cove and wondered why Sara was just here looking at the overviewer. Is there something wrong? asked Tulip. Yep have a look, said Sara. Oh no, said Tulip. What? asked Lollipop. Look there, that big green spot is flickering and red dots are beginning to show up everywhere on the fantasy forest, said Tulip. It shouldn't be doing that. And it looks like Ivy has no more magic from Eden to bring to it. So what does that mean? asked Lollypop. Everything is going to crash and eventually turn to dirt. We must of done something wrong, said Tulip that now looked sad and worried. Pippa flew in fast and said get all the fairies to the new forest now. That forest you all built is beautiful but it is going to crumble soon and we don't want to loose it. Get there and break out those wands and start adding magic everywhere and your fairy dust too. I have all the pixies going there now to help save it. Pixies love forests so we won't let it die. Then Pippa took off. Okay then there is hope. Lets get the rest of us and get to work, said Tulip then they took off. 07 illustration goes here In a few minutes Ivy looked up and said look! Look at what? asked Guen. Pixies and lots of them everywhere. I don't see them, said Guen. Ya you will, I feel them, said Ivy. In a few moments the pixies started to get bigger and were flying every where dropping pixie dust like they did when Pippa was hurt in the palace a while back. I see them now, said Guen. Ya and there are my kids too, said Guen. Pippa came down and said, "I brought help. This forest will not die on my watch!" So how many pixies did you get? asked Guen. All of them, said Pippa. How many are all of them? asked Guen. Not sure, maybe three thousand or four thousand, said Pippa, I don't keep count anymore, said Pippa with a smile. Three thousand! There are that many pixies in Fae Land? asked Guen. Yep, probably more though, said Pippa. How did you get this many pixies here in just a few minutes? asked Guen. Easy I just told my friends that the fairies made a new forest for us but they need our help to make it stay, said Pippa. I called it the Pixie Fantasy Forest. Pixies have never had an entire forest named after them before. Look the water is getting a darker blue, said Ivy. That means lots of magic is in the water again, said Guen. Yes I can feel it, said Ivy. The magic is growing fast. Ya me too, said Guen. This is going to work, at least for now. How many do you think will stay here? asked Guen. Oh probably half of them, said Pippa. Really, why do you think that? asked Guen. Well look at this place for one there is lots of open space to fly around in plus hundreds of trees all over the place. A pixie may not be as good as forest sprites for taking care of a forest or as magical as a fairy but there are a lot more of us, said Pippa. Pixies have brought a dying forest back to life all by our selves. Guen started to laugh. You clever little devil. You sure do make an excellent queen! said Guen. Well Ivy loves trees and I just don't want to see her cry again so I had to do something fast, said Pippa. Ivy went up to Pippa and gave her a big kiss on the mouth. You are the best Pippa. Wow that is the first time she has ever kissed me, said Pippa. Hugs yes but a kiss, that means she is super happy with me. Guen started laughing again. You two are so funny. The magic of Fae Land runs in both of your blood. Ivy flew around a bit and checked on all the areas and saw that everything was looking great. Then came back down. Tulip came down with some of the other girls and said sorry to Guen, we must of done something wrong. Well dear, actually you all did everything the way you were taught. You didn't know that a waterfall would dilute the ponds plus that magic burst causing the expansion. How just four of you were able to start it I am not sure but look, you did it somehow and now the pixies are moving here to live, said Guen. Really, they are going to stay? asked Tulip. Yep but the forest name is now The Fantasy Pixie Forest, said Pippa. Cool, said Tulip. That is even a better name for it. Do you think people will come now with all these pixies living here? asked Tulip. You watch dear. They will come far and wide just to see one pixie, said Guen. Here there will be tons of them nutty pixies everywhere. I think they will love being a big part of the attraction. Yep they will. Us pixies love to have fun and this is going to be a very fun place to visit, said Pippa. 08 illustration goes here After about an hour Pippa saw that the pixies were getting tired so she got them all to rest and told them that they save their forest. So how many of you want to live here for good? asked Pippa. Most of us do said one of the pixies. Lots of room and food to eat. There is even sugar canes growing all over the place. Ya that was my idea, said Misty. I love natural sugar cane! Okay then, the rules have changed for now, said Pippa. All new pixies go to the west woods and fairy forest until it starts getting crowed there again but that will take a long time. Keep in mind that this forest is public which means anyone can come inside. Make sure you don't scare them away, said Pippa. Are you kidding, said one pixie. Let them come, more people to play with and if they don't know how to play we will teach them. Ya we got this Pippa, don't worry, said another pixie. Okay everyone I have an appointment at Ktara's place, said Ivy. Really what are you going to do there? asked Pippa. She is teaching me to cook, said Ivy. Ya right, you cook, no way, said Pippa. Yep you will see, I can do it, said Ivy. I just have to get over the fire thing. Pippa thought for a second. You know Ivy I bet you will make a great cook. Go for it girl! Okay bye everyone and thanks for saving the forest plus enjoy your new home, said Ivy. Then Ivy flew off. So Ivy is the queen right, said one pixie to another. No stupid Pippa is our queen. Well Ivy is queen of the forest and we live here now so to me that means we have two queens now. Yep I guess so, lucky us, said the pixie. 09a illustration goes here Chapter 3 Ivy's First Lessons Ivy got to Ktara's place right on time. Well look at you, said Ktara. Perfect timing. Ya well I almost had to cancel because the new Fantasy Forest was breaking down but Pippa got all the pixies to help fix it and now it is called The Fantasy Pixie Forest, said Ivy. Really there is a new forest, where? asked Ktara. Just west of here, not far, said Ivy, Viridian knows where it is. So that means pixies live there now? asked Ktara. Yep most of them, said Ivy. Wow, that is a lot from what I was told, said Ktara. Yep and it is public so anyone can enter and have fun. It looks amazing too, said Ivy. I bet it does, said Ktara. Now are you ready to get started. Yep, said Ivy. Okay first I have to show you how the stove works, said Ktara. Okay, said Ivy. Ktara opened the lower door of the stove where the wood was put. Now the stove is empty now. So we have to get it going with fresh wood first, said Ktara. First we put in some paper then some kindling on top of it but lightly, said Ktara. Okay, makes sense so far said Ivy. Then we put a couple of small pieces of wood on top of the kindling, said Ktara. Then we light it with a match or a candle. Be easier if Phonixa was here, said Ivy. Ktara smiled, well she is not here so we have to do it. Now come over here and help me. It will light faster if we both light one side of the paper at the same time. Um okay, said Ivy. Ktara gave Ivy a match. Okay now what? asked Ivy. I will show you, said Ktara. Watch me. She struck the head of the match on the metal side of the stove and it lit. Wow, that is like magic, said Ivy. Ya sorta. But really it is science, said Ktara. Now you do the same. Ivy tried to light the match but it didn't light. She tried again but the match broke. Oops, I did something wrong, said Ivy. Ktara had to blow her match out so it wouldn't burn her. Okay lets try again. That happens sometimes, said Ktara. She handed Ivy another match. Now this time don't push so hard. Just touch the tip of the match to the stove then move it down slowly. Okay, said Ivy. Lets do it together, said Ktara. They both struck the match on the stove and this time they both had lit matches. Ivy was looking at hers but couldn't get her hand to stop shaking. Relax Ivy. You are in charge of the match, said Ktara. Okay, I am in charge, said Ivy a couple of times. Now reach in the stove and light that piece of paper on your side and I will do the same on my side. Okay, said Ivy. They both reached in and lit the paper. Now blow out the match and throw it in with the rest of the wood, said Ktara. Ivy did that and looked really happy about what she just did. Good, said Ktara. Not that wasn't hard at all was it. Nope pretty easy once I stopped shaking, said Ivy. Ktara smiled. Now lets just watch it for a minute and make sure the wood catches on fire. Okay, said Ivy. Soon the wood was burning and Ktara told Ivy to throw in a bigger piece. Okay here is a good one and she threw it in. Good now we close the door and that part is done, said Ktara. Really that is it, said Ivy. Yes, the heat from the fire will rise up and allow us to cook on top of the stove, said Ktara. But it takes a bit for the stove to get hot enough then we will put in another piece of wood to keep the fire going. 09 illustration goes here Now I talked to Viridian this morning and she said that you liked spaghetti so that is what we are going to make today and enough for all four of us to eat. Yum, I love spaghetti, said Ivy. Now first we have to make the tomato sauce. That is fairly easy to do. Okay Ktara, you make the best sauces, said Ivy. Now I have six big ripe tomatoes under the counter there so take them out and put them on the cutting board then grab a sharp knife. Have you used a knife before asked Ktara. Only a little one to butter bread mostly, said Ivy. Okay I will show you the proper way to use a very sharp cutting knife, said Ktara. She showed Ivy how to hold the knife then cut the first tomato into cubes. Now do you think you can do that with out cutting your self? asked Ktara, Yep I hope so, said Ivy. She took the knife and started cutting the next tomato just like Ktara did. There, I did it, said Ivy and no fairy needed to heal me, said Ivy with a smile. Ktara smiled also. Okay then do the same with the other four tomatoes. Ivy cut all the tomatoes with out an accident then put the diced tomatoes in the pot with the other ones. Good said Ktara, Now we put the pot on the stove to cook the tomatoes. Next we cut the green onions, the red bell pepper and mushrooms into small pieces and add them to the cooking tomatoes. I will cut the veggies while you do the next step. What is that? asked Ivy. In the cooler part of the ice box is a thawed one pound package of ground beef. Take it out and unwrap it then put it into this smaller pot on the stove and mush it up real good then stir it until all the meat has turned brown. Ivy did as Ktara said exactly and now she looked like she was having fun. I am cooking, said Ivy and it is fun, just like Jessica said. Yep, sure is, said Ktara and not really that hard to do. Okay all the meat is brown now, said Ivy. Okay take this big spoon with the holes in it and scoop out all the meat letting the grease drip off then add it to the tomato sauce then add some salt and pepper to the sauce, said Ktara. Again Ivy did exactly as Ktara said and got all the meat drained and in the pot with the tomatoes. Now the pot that had the meat in it goes into the sink to be washed later. Just rinse it out a bit first. Then go back to the stove and start stirring the sauce. You are now in charge of it, said Ktara. Oh like the match, said Ivy. Ya sort of but this is going to be better tasting, said Ktara. Ktara finished cutting up all the veggies then added them to the tomato sauce that Ivy was stirring. Now I add three table spoons of ground parmesan cheese to the sauce and then you mix it all in good, said Ktara. 10 illustration goes here Now we have to cook the pasta, said Ktara. I have seen Viridian do that said Ivy, She gets the water boiling first then adds the pasta in the bubbling water. I just stand by the sink where there is water in case the fire jumps out and tries to burn her. What do you mean it jumps out? asked Ktara. You know like how fire can jump from one tree to another, said Ivy. So you have seen a forest fire before? asked Ktara. Yep, a long time ago. All the sprites and pixies worked together to put out but is was really scary. Well a stove is made so that fire can't do that, said Ktara. You never know, fire can be pretty smart you know. Fire is not smart or alive, said Ktara. Just because it doesn't have a body doesn't mean it isn't alive, said Ivy. Fire is energy and where there is energy there is life, just a different kind of life, said Ivy. So that is why you are scared of fire, said Ktara. Not scared anymore just careful, fire's main thing in life to do is to spread and get bigger. Have you ever seen a forest fire? No I haven't, said Ktara. You are lucky, then you would see how smart fire can be, said Ivy. Yes I am beginning to understand that now, said Ktara. Okay lets continue, you can slow down stirring the sauce now and put it on this heater that is not as hot as the one that it is on now. Then we fill this big pot half way with water, add some salt then place it on the hot heater. Put in about a table spoon of butter and mix it in the hot water. Then put the lid on the pot and wait for it to boil. Just mix the sauce every ounce and a while. I will clean off the counter and the cutting board, said Ktara. 11 illustration goes here Ktara started cleaning everything in the sink then noticed the water was boiling. Okay now we add the pasta, said Ktara. Now this package has a pound of long spaghetti in it so that is perfect for all of us. Just dump it in and stir it around with this long fork until it is all under the water. Ivy dumped in the pasta and stirred it up. Now we leave the lid off and just stir the sauce and the pasta every once and a while making sure nothing is sticking to the bottom of the two pots. Okay, said Ivy. We are almost done now right? Yes we are, Are you getting hungry? asked Ktara. You bet and it all smells great, said Ivy. Once the pasta had cooked nicely Ktara got Ivy to strain the pasta in the colander. Now I always put some sauce in the bottom of the big pot then add the pasta on top of it and mix it until all that sauce has covered all the pasta. Okay, said Ivy and did that then added the pasta and mixed it up real good. Okay that is it, said Ktara. We are all done. Okay great, said Ivy. I bet they will think that I ruined everything at home. Maybe but I am a good teacher so I think they will be expecting some thing good from you, said Ktara. Ktara took a fork out and spun it around in the pasta then dipped it in some sauce. Here you tell me how it tastes, said Ktara and handed the fork to Ivy. Wow, it tastes perfect, I am a good cook, said Ivy. Well you can cook spaghetti now, tomorrow we will try something a bit harder, said Ktara. Ivy grabbed the pot of pasta and Ktara took the pot of sauce then headed over to Ivy's place. 12 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Jessica's New Additude Jazmen got home after working with the army and looked around for Jessica, because she wasn't in the kitchen as usual with a few friends talking and sampling her cooking. She found her laying on the couch in the living room reading a book. There you are, said Jazmen. Not used to coming home to such a quite house. Hi Jazmen. Ya I decided to take it easy today after getting back from Cumberland, said Jessica. So what were you doing in Cumberland may I ask, said Jazmen. Oh I met a very nice sprite that knows you named Daisy and she sold me a very nice hot tub, said Jessica. Yes I know Daisy, very nice girl. So you bought a hot tub? asked Jazmen. Yep, it is perfect for the two of us and can fit eight people if we want, said Jessica. It will be here three days from now. The day after Ivy's birthday, I was going to surprise you but I wanted you to be excited about it too, said Jessica. It will be perfect for you when you come home after flying around all day to relax in. Yes that will be nice, said Jazmen. So why is there no one here? asked Jazmen. Oh there could of been but when I got home I found this book on the end table and started reading it. I saw that Alieta wrote it and was all about the adventures Alexa and her team went on, said Jessica. I heard knocking on the door a few times but didn't want to be disturbed. I wanted to read this amazing book, said Jessica. Wow that is different for you and yes that is an awesome book. I have three more with other adventures in them. Alieta gives me a copy when the publisher sends her some, said Jazmen. Really, good I want to read them all. Learning about them all would be great for me. I really want to fit in with them all, said Jessica. So where are you at in that book? asked Jazmen. Oh a sad part where Alexa got hit by an arrow and is dying. I know she didn't die obviously but it is still sad and scary, said Jessica. Ya I remember that day well. I have never seen Alieta so sad and scared before. She was so frightened that she was going to loose Alexa, her best friend, said Jazmen. I thought Ginger was her best friend, said Jessica. No Ginger is more than her best friend. She is like a sister to her, said Jazmen. Wow I would never of thought that, have they known each other long? asked Jessica. Oh ya you were not there when the statue of the first queen of Fae Land arrived. Someone asked Alieta when she became queen and she told us the story that was pretty long but Ginger has been with Alieta even before she was queen and is responsible for Alieta becoming the queen, said Jazmen. Ginger is responsible for a lot of stuff like Mother Nature and how the palace got built and how it looks inside now. Alieta calls Ginger her main girl. That is so cool. That cute elf is that smart? said Jessica. Well I suppose so but she sure knows how to get things done and every elf knows and respects her and will do what ever she asks of them, said Jazmen. Powerful too then, said Jessica. Nope not at all. She is well loved and been around longer than most of the elves here in Fae Land, said Jazmen. I think she was with the first group of elves to arrive in Fae Land before it was even named Fae Land. 13 illustration goes here Okay so what are we going to do about Ivy's birthday? asked Jessica. What do you mean? asked Jazmen. Well what are we going to get her? She told me she was just turning twenty. Someone that young will love presents, said Jessica. Never really thought about it, said Jazmen. You know I haven't got a clue what to get her, said Jazmen. Do you think Alieta would know what she likes? asked Jessica. Maybe, I know Alieta and Ginger were planning the party for her when I left there to come home, said Jazmen. Can we go see them now. It is like two days away and neither of us know what to get her and you know her better than me, said Jessica. Ya we better, said Jazmen. It is close to supper time so they should be outside waiting for the fairies or in the dining room, said Jazmen. Okay lets go. I will finish this book when we get back, said Jessica. They went to leave and two elves were at the door ready to knock. Hi Jazmen and Jessica. We came over to hang out. Nope not today, said Jessica. We got to go talk with the queen. Then the two of them shut the door behind them and flew off. Wow that is different, Jessica, talking to Alieta. What is wrong with her? asked one of the elves. Beats me but must be important for her to be doing that, said the other elf. Ya she has been away all day so what do you want to do now? asked the elf. I don't know, what do you want to do? asked the other elf. Beats me lets see if Candy is home, maybe she is doing something fun, said the elf. 14 illustration goes here The two of them flew over to the palace grounds and saw some people out side but no Alieta. Jazmen asked Zan if she knew where Alieta was and she said yes, she is in the dining room with Ginger. They are not to be disturbed I was told. We are all out here waiting for the fairies to make dinner for us all seeing the dinning room is out of bounds. Okay good, said Jazmen and she went to go in the palace. Where are you going? asked Jessica. In to talk with Alieta, said Jazmen. That is what you wanted right. Ya but they don't want to be disturbed, said Jessica. Don't worry about that, said Jazmen. I am a general now. Watch and see. Okay, said Jessica and they both walked in the palace but Jessica stopped to look around. Wow is it ever nice in here, she said, Oh ya, that's right you have never been in the palace before. No but it is so big in here, said Jessica. Oh this is nothing, said Jazmen. Look in here. She opened the door to the grand hall and let Jessica look in. My goodness, that is the biggest room I have ever seen in my life, said Jessica. An elf came up behind them. Hi Jazmen and Jessica. How can I help you two? Oh hi Penny I just had to show Jessica this room, she has never been in the palace before, said Jazmen. Oh really, well if she ever wants to come by some time I will give her the grand tour, said Penny. So Alieta is in the dinning room still? asked Jazmen. Yep she is in there with Ginger still, said Penny. Could you please get the two of them out of there soon. The staff here is getting hungry and it is supper time soon. We haven't been able to get in there for most of the day. Jazmen smiled. Ya I will get the two of them outside for dinner, that way the staff can use the dining room, said Jazmen. Your the best Jazmen! Nice seeing you again Jessica. Remember the grand tour, then she left down the long corridor. See I told you, no problem for me to get to Alieta. Ya I saw that but will she be mad when she sees us? asked Jessica. Nope not at all, said Jazmen. Just follow me. 15 illustration goes here Once they got in the dinning room they found Alieta and Ginger brain storming at the table. Hi Alieta, how is the party planning going? asked Jazmen. Oh hi Jazmen and Jessica, still working on the plans for Ivy's party, said Alieta. Ya that is sort of why we are here, said Jazmen. Really, said Alieta. Ya I though you or Ginger may have a good suggestion as to what Ivy would like as a gift from us. You two know her better than us two, said Jazmen. Well that is what we are wondering also, said Alieta. She really doesn't need anything and she is happy the way she is so we were thinking of giving her one big present from all of us at the palace. Nope that won't be right nor will she like a big present from everyone, said Jessica. Why not? asked Ginger. She is very young, about to turn twenty, and probably the very first birthday she has ever had, plus the fact that she told me when Ktara and I were talking to her, she was very excited to be getting a bunch of presents. Oh my, your right, said Alieta. What should we get her Ginger. Beats me, said Ginger. She has never had a birthday before so I have no idea what she would be expecting. Well she lives with Viridian, said Jazmen. Maybe she will know, seeing she knows her the best. Not really. Pippa knows Ivy better than anyone in Fae Land, said Alieta. That is right she came over yesterday because Ivy asked her to to help us. She said that when ever Ivy asks her to do something for her she never refuses, said Jazmen. How do we get a hold of Pippa? asked Jessica. I can, said Alieta. "Pippa we need your help in the dinning room". 16 illustration goes here Pippa showed up as always. Yes Alieta how can I help. Thanks for coming so fast Pippa. We need your help and it is about Ivy's birthday, said Alieta. Oh really, is there something wrong? asked Pippa. Well not wrong just we don't know what we can get her as a present, said Alieta. Oh that said, Pippa. I already know what I am getting her. It is an important birthday you know, said Pippa. Ya we know that and that makes it even harder for us to figure it out, said Alieta. You know her best, What would she like from us at the palace? asked Alieta. Well you are under estimating yourselves. You all know her just fine, said Pippa. You know she is happy with what she has now and life is very good to her. She has all of your love, haven't you noticed that the simplest things makes her smile and even laugh? said Pippa. Okay yes she laughs at silly jokes and sees the funny side of things that none of us can see, said Alieta. She doesn't want big expensive gifts. She wants something better than that. Avan and Tara have known her the least of all of us yet they knew exactly what to give her, said Pippa. Really what is that, asked Ginger. Well they both are giving her one of their feathers off their wings. Ivy will love those two feathers and keep them forever. It needs to be something personal. Probably at no cost at all to any of you. I know what Ginger should give her, said Pippa. Really what is that? asked Ginger. Just cut a nice little piece of that very pretty red hair of yours off then tie them together, said Pippa. Ivy considers you hair to be very special and beautiful. No one in Fae Land has that colour of hair that she knows of. Alieta you have to think what Ivy loves about you the most. I know what it is, said Pippa. Yes I think I do too, said Alieta. She loves my kind and forgiving heart. You got it, said Pippa. You know that really nice red heart shaped pillow you keep on your bed and sleep with every night among all the rest of them, Yes I do, said Alieta. Just tell her that it represents your loving heart that you sleep with every night. She will never take it off her bed, said Pippa. So what are you getting her, asked Alieta? Oh something personal too. A bag of my pixie dust that has healing qualities. She is learning how to cook now so she might need it soon, said Pippa. Jessica you are new but just promising to go see her in the cove and see what she does for a living will be enough for her. A box of candy would be good too. Ivy sensed that you are very smart but not as happy as you wanted to be. Show her that you are changing so that you can be as happy as the rest of us here. Wow she could sense me that deep, asked Jessica. Oh that isn't really that deep. The friends you have sense it too I bet. That is why they come over all the time to make you smile. Jazmen you have know Ivy since she got here also. What is it that you notice her looking at when you two are talking? Well she seem to like the flower braid I have on my head. She has commented on it that it makes me look beautiful and different from all the other sprites, said Jazmen. So do you have another one? asked Pippa. Yes I have a few that I keep as backups, said Jazmen. Now you have a gift for her. She will probably never wear it in public but alone in her bedroom she probably will put it on. That braid is a part of you and defines how you appear to others. You made them yourself also, didn't you? asked Pippa. Yes I did, said Jazmen. Should I say more? I don't think so. So was I any help to you all? asked Pippa with a smile. You are amazing Pippa. You never cease to amaze me, said Alieta. Good because I am going to Ivy's place to see how her first dinner turned out. I am sure it is fine. It is just her fear of fire that is concerning me. Okay later all, have a great supper and off Pippa went. How did she know exactly what each of us should give Ivy? asked Jessica. Oh Pippa is very smart and very wise, said Alieta. There are things about her that I don't even know. Only Ivy knows all about Pippa. Pippa goes way back, even before I was created. She is probably the most magical person in Fae Land. She may not be able to make food appear but she does so much more for everyone, said Alieta. Oh that reminds me, said Jazmen. You have been in here a long time and all the staff haven't been able to eat in all that time. Maybe we should go outside and have some of that fairy cooking. Oh my you are right we better get out of here I never thought of that, said Alieta. Thanks Alieta, we will clean the kitchen when we are done, said Penny that was listening from the kitchen door. 17 illustration goes here Conclusion Pippa got to Ivy's place and saw that Viridian, Sara, Ivy and Ktara were all enjoying a spaghetti dinner. Well everyone is eating so I am guessing all went well with Ivy's first attempt at cooking, said Pippa. Hi Pippa, yes this tastes great, said Viridian. Yes she did great for her first time, said Ktara. Good I figured she would be fine with you as her teacher, said Pippa. I hope she didn't burn herself. No she didn't and even taught me some things about fire I didn't know, said Ktara. Like what? asked Pippa. That fire is alive just in a different form than us, said Ktara. Yep she is right, fire can be very smart, said Pippa. Yep I did it, said Ivy. I cut up the tomatoes and browned the ground beef added everything together then cooked it on the stove. Then boiled the water and cooked the pasta. Mixed some sauce in and it was done just like that. It was fun and easy. That is good, said Pippa. Here have a taste. Ivy got a fork full of spaghetti and got up then put it in Pippa's mouth. Wow this is good, said Pippa. Yep I even helped getting the wood stove lit. It was a bit scary for me at first but Ktara told me that I was in control of the match so I just lit the paper under the wood and that was it! said Ivy. Good I was worried about your fear of fire, said Pippa. Well I still don't like fire that much but it is okay in a wood stove and very safe, said Ivy. I am still going to keep a glass of water nearby just in case, I will never trust fire. Then she sat back down and continued eating. So can I have some spaghetti? asked Pippa. Sure dear, sit here I just finished, said Viridian. Let me make you a plate full. 18 illustration goes here Alieta was very happy now knowing that Ivy would be very content with very simple but personal gifts from everyone. Jessica said she needed to get back home and finish reading the book that Alieta wrote and she loved it. Alieta smiled and gave Jessica the latest book that she just got from the publishers. You two will be the first to read it, said Alieta and it is a good one too. Everyone left the dinning room and the staff elves took over the room fast. The fairies had just showed up and were making everyone's dinner outside of the palace. Jazmen and Jessica stayed for dinner then headed home. Jessica went right back to the couch wear she left the book that she was reading but handed the new book Alieta gave her to Jazmen. Here sit with me and read. I bet that book is great too, said Jessica. Oh it will be, said Jazmen. Alexa's team did some of the most amazing things to battle evil. These books Alieta is writing are sold in a lot of stores and people are getting to know what the team has gone through to keep Fae Land safe. No wonder everyone loves them, said Jessica. Even people that have never met them now can see how important they are. Yep they are the best, said Jazmen. I am even in some of them! As you should be General Jazmen, said Jessica with a smile. They both settled back on the couch and started reading together. Jessica looked up and said to Jazmen, "I hope no one comes over now". Don't matter, said Jazmen. I locked the door. They both smiled and went back to reading. The End 19 illustration goes here