The Adventures In The Land Of Fae Ivys Birthday Prolog Jessica, Jazmen and Daisy got up early and started working on getting the fruit flavoring ready for the candy. Once that was all done they started adding all the hardening compounds to them then began filling the trays. They were making good time and once the first batch was ready, Jazmen started boxing them while Jessica and Daisy started on the next batch. In a few hours they had over two hundred boxes ready. Jessica got everything set up for when her friends were coming over to finish things off while they were at the party. Alieta and Ginger were making the last touches for the party with a few elves. When they were satisfied that all was ready. Alieta and Ginger went outside and sat on the palace steps and looked around and saw that hardly anyone was around. Even the elves that were normally walking around were not to be seen. Ginger figured that everyone took the day off and were getting ready for the party. Now at Ivy's place things were not as usual at all. Ivy was walking around from room to room and kept asking Viridian can we leave yet. Sara was very amused by Ivy's unusual behavior and had a big smile on her face. Viridian told Ivy to sit down and eat something before we headed out in a few hours. Ivy said she was not hungry but Viridian made her eat anyways, saying that she would need the strength for opening presents. That seem to do the trick and Ivy sat and ate but Sara was still smiling. All the heroes were getting their clothes ready to be worn for the party. There was nothing else to do but wait for the time to click by. Alexa was all excited too. Diego found this odd seeing it wasn't Alexa's birthday. Alexa told him that she had never been to someone else's birthday party before and the parties she had as a child were just small with a few friends and her parents. Tulip had gathered all the fairies together and told them that this is Ivy's special day. Now there will probably be a lot of people there so we will help with the food and entertainment. What kind of entertainment? asked Misty. You know the regular stuff like doing little magic tricks for everyone. Lots of the people there probably haven't seen us yet so lets make it memorable for everyone, said Tulip. 01 illustration goes here Chapter 1 The Countdown It was less than an hour before it was time for them to head out. Ivy was now starting to act nutty. Walking all over the place and almost bouncing off walls. Sara had enough and grabbed Ivy and said if you don't stop running around like a headless chicken I will sit on you until it is time to leave. Ivy looked at Sara and saw she meant it. Okay I am sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad. I am not mad just getting dizzy watching you, said Sara. Okay Ivy go in your room and brush your hair and make sure you look perfect, said Viridian. Okay, said Ivy and went to her room. Is she going to be okay? asked Sara. I hope so, said Viridian. Just try to keep her as calm as possible. We don't want her having a nervous break down. What is that? asked Sara. Well almost what she is doing right now, said Viridian with a smile. Alexa and Diego got dressed and Tempressa showed up. They all started to head out to Ktara's place but Angus and Sivia were not waiting around and they took off to the palace to wait for everyone. Carmen and Zatsuky were at Ktara's place waiting for Tempressa, Diego and Alexa. They saw Angus and Sivia run by. Well that means Alexa is on her way, said Carmen. Soon the three of them reached Ktara's place and they all headed out to Ivy's place. On their way to Ivy's place Paisley, Titus and all the centaurs joined them. Now we are taking Ivy to the party so no letting her fly ahead of us, said Alexa. She can ride on me, said Oaklyn. That will make her feel like one of the gang I think. Okay that sounds good, said Alexa. Pippa showed up and asked if she could be part of the gang too. You bet, said Alexa. That will make her happy to see you too. You can knock on the door and get them. Okay, said Pippa. 02 illustration goes here They reached Ivy's place and Pippa went and knocked on the door. Sara answered it and said thank God you are here. Ivy is driving us crazy. Pippa smiled. Ya I figured that. Pippa went in and saw Ivy was pacing. Hi Ivy, looks like you are ready to go. Yep I have been ready since I got up, said Ivy. Now the entire team is out there to bring you to the palace so no flying okay, said Pippa. Um, okay I guess, said Ivy. Now Oaklyn is going to let you ride on her back so just stay calm and enjoy the ride. You will be part of the gang, said Pippa. Really? Okay I like that, said Ivy. Viridian went out and got her horse then Pippa led Sara and Ivy to everyone. Ivy jumped on Oaklyn's back and Starlite told Sara that she could ride on her. Sara jumped up on Starlite then she said, "My you are quite the girl". Yep I sure am, said Sara and smiled. They all headed out together and in about ten minutes they got to the palace grounds that was empty with no one to be seen. So where is everyone? asked Ivy. You will see, said Pippa. Alieta and Ginger have everything set up for you inside. 03 illustration goes here Chapter 2 The Gifts Once they reached the palace everyone got off their horses and walked in. Okay Ivy, we are doing the present opening thing in the grand hall first. Then later we will all come outside and then the main party will begin, said Alexa. Okay, said Ivy that now was looking really nervous. The doors swung open and inside were Alieta, Ginger plus the rest of the palace gang including a few elves and Jazmen with Jessica plus Daisy. Happy Birthday Ivy everyone yelled and Ivy got teary eyed. Alieta took Ivy to the big cake and told her she has to make a wish then blow out all the candles. Okay I will try, said Ivy. She took a big breath and blew out hard. All the candles went out and everyone cheered then started singing happy birthday to her. The elves started cutting the cake and gave Ivy the first piece from the top with the most icing on it. Everyone ate the cake then Ginger brought Ivy to the chair beside all the presents. Wow so many presents, said Ivy. Where do I start. Ginger handed Ivy her gift first to open. Now each gift has someones name on it so you will know who it is from, said Ginger. Okay, said Ivy then opened Gingers gift, in the small box and saw it was a bunch of hair all stringed together. This is your hair, said Ivy. It is so beautiful. I know exactly what to do with it and put it, said Ivy. Ginger smiled and now knew that Pippa gave them all good advice. Ivy continued to open each gift and she loved each and every one of them, When she got to Tara and Avan's gift she saw the feathers and looked at them to see where they came off from. Don't worry Ivy, our feathers will grow back, said Tara. Ivy smiled. Ivy got to Guen's gift and opened it. It was a wand and she shook it. Lots of sparkles flew out everywhere and kept on coming. Wow this my own magic wand. Lots and lots of sparkles. Where is Guen? asked Ivy. Oh she had to go back to Fairy Land. She needed to get everyone there back to work but she wanted me to wish you a happy birthday for her, said Alieta. Ginger kept handing Ivy gifts to open then Pippa would take the wrappers and put them in the basket. Penny would take the opened gift and put it on a different table. Once Ivy was finished opening all the gifts she went to everyone and thanked them all for such wonderful presents. 04 illustration goes here Well Ivy, you are not done yet, said Alieta. Ginger signaled to the elves to move the divider out of the way. Ivy's eyes opened very wide and Pippa had to fly over to her fast to stop Ivy from falling on her butt. These are all for me? asked Ivy. Yes they are, said Alieta. These gifts are from many of the people that live in Fae Land. They all wanted to be part of your birthday and show you how loved you are by them all. Now tears were running down Ivy's face. There are so many of them, she said. Yes because there are so many people that appreciate what you do for them and Fae Land, said Alieta. Okay, so where do I start now? asked Ivy. Well have a seat, said Ginger and elves will bring gifts to you one by one then return the opened gift to an empty table, Pippa has offered to help open them with you to speed things up some. Okay, good plan, said Ivy, something like Alexa would think of. Alexa smiled. She is right, I did think of that, said Alexa. Daisy said to Jessica and Jazmen, "That is a lot of presents. I didn't know Ivy was this popular". Jazmen looked at Daisy then said, "Move to Fae Land then you will see what she does here for everyone". Ya I think I will. I can always sell my old home and build a bran new one, said Daisy. Or you could live with us two, said Jessica, if it is alright with Jazmen. We do have two extra bed rooms and a hot tub being delivered tomorrow. That is just fine with me, said Jazmen. 05 illustration goes here Ivy kept unwrapping gifts and saw the name on each present but didn't know them. Don't worry about that, said Ginger, I know most of them and they are all very nice people. Okay, said Ivy and kept on unwrapping gifts. Even with Pippa helping her with some it still took her almost two hours to get them all unwrapped then she stood up and looked at all the tables with a very large variety of things. Where am I going to put all of these she said out load. Well I think you need a new room to put them in like a games room, said Alieta. Now you can leave them here for now and just take a couple home each day. I will make sure the room is big enough to hold everything. Ivy hugged Alieta. Pippa walked up to Ivy and gave her the pouch of pixie dust. You may need this now that you are a cook, said Pippa. Ivy smiled and gave Pippa a big hug too. Well that looks like it, said Alieta. Not quite said a voice and Merlin appeared. 06 illustration goes here My turn to give Ivy a gift, she always makes me laugh and is so adorable and loving, said Merlin. So I made her some thing very special that only I could make. Merlin handed the square box to her. She opened it and it looked like a small orb. What is it Merlin? asked Ivy. Glad you asked, said Merlin. Now this took a lot of research to do on my magic tablet back at my lab but now it is perfect. All you do is pass your hand over the orb and images will appear. Ivy passed her hand over the orb an an image began to appear. Oh look I see me as a baby in my mother's arms. Yes, said Merlin and you were a very pretty baby sprite even back then, said Merlin. Now this orb has just very happy times in your past before you came to Fae Land. Nothing bad or sad at all. Every time you pass your hand over it, it will show you the next image in the time line. You Ivy had a very happy childhood and was loved very much by your parents and all your friends. It shows in you now as you are passing that love on to all your friends here. Ivy grabbed Merlin's beard and pulled his head down and gave him a big kiss. There she goes again, said Pippa. She does that when she is very happy. Oh my, said Merlin the started to chuckle. Thank you Merlin I will put this on my dresser. It is very pretty too. 07 illustration goes here Just then Apollonia appeared with Savanah holding a small sack. I brought someone else that wanted to come to your party also, said Apollonia. Jupitor was to busy to come but she sends her best wishes to you Ivy. Yep and I left Caspia in charge of the woods, said Savanah. She walked up to Ivy and handed her the small sack. The little girl Gwen told me that I should bring a present with me to give you. She took me to the beach at the lake and we found this, that I thought you would really like. She handed Ivy the sack and Ivy opened it and took out a very pretty crystal. It is very pretty, thanks Savanah but you showing up was just enough, said Ivy. Well you are very special so I wanted to give you something from the other side of the world, said Savanah. The green quartz crystal isn't magical or even valuable but I thought if you had it, then you would be connected to all of us back home. Ivy got a big smile on her face. To me this is very valuable just like all the rest of my gifts, even though I don't know what some of them are, said Ivy. This will go on my dresser too so that every time I see it I will remember you, Jupitor, Saturn and Caspia. An elf called Ginger over from the doorway. Okay every one is here and there are a lot of them she said. Even more than last night. Ginger went with her and saw that the grounds were packed with a lot of people and some even brought food too. There was room for every one to spread out though once Ivy came out. Ginger went to Alieta and told her what was going on outside. 08 illustration goes here Chapter 3 The Celebration Oh my, said Alieta, more you said? Yep, lots more, said Ginger. Well we best get on with the party said Alieta. Okay Ivy, we will keep the orb nice and safe for you and all your other gifts but now the party outside is waiting for you. So there are some people outside too? asked Ivy. Oh yes, said Ginger, you will see. Alieta took Ivy by the hand and lead her to the palace doorway. Okay I will go out with Ivy first, it is her day so you all hold back for a bit, said Alieta. Alieta opened the door for Ivy and she saw the huge number of people out side, more than she had ever seen on the palace grounds before and couldn't believe her eyes. They all came here for me? asked Ivy. Lets see, step out, said Alieta. As soon as she came out of the palace everyone yelled, "Happy Birthday!" then started singing happy birthday to her. Yep looks like they are here for you dear, said Alieta. Ivy walked forward and started to cry but a very happy cry. Just then all the fairies started to showed up. Wow said Lollipop, this is a lot of people. Well Ivy is an amazing sprite, said Tulip but yes this is a lot, more than I expected. Ivy looked at Alieta then looked out again at everyone and as soon as they stopped singing she started to talk. "I am so happy now, and want to thank you all for coming to celebrate my birthday with me. You are all amazing and really didn't know until now how many people knew me. I love each and every one of you. Alieta says we are going to have a party now so lets all do it everyone". Every one cheered and then the fairies got the music started then everyone else came out of the palace. Wow, I am definitely moving to Fae Land, said Daisy. Yep Fae Land is a very magical place, said Jazmen. 09 illustration goes here Tulip made a bunch of tables when everyone started to spread out and start dancing. The elves started bringing out the food and placed it on the tables. Tulip made more tables along the both sides of the palace then they all made more food on them. Alieta and Ginger sat on the steps again seeing there was not much room to walk around yet. Will you look at this, said Alieta. There has never been so many people here in front of the palace. I know, said Ginger. Even more than the harvest festival. Yep and it took just one forest sprite to do it, said Alieta. You mean one very special forest sprite, said Zan that was standing behind them. Yes very special indeed, said Alieta. This is a birthday that not just Ivy will remember forever but all of us too. Alexa told Alieta that Angus and Sivia are inside and won't come out yet. Too many people for them. Yes I imagine so, said Alieta. Ivy hear what Alexa said then called Tulip over. Come with me said Ivy and went in the palace where Angus and Siva were sitting. Can you make them two big bones with meat on them? asked Ivy. I sure can said Tulip then waved her wand and two big bones appeared in front of them. My wand can't do that but I still love it said Ivy. Well that wand will never run out of sparkles, said Tulip. Guen made sure of that. Cool, said Ivy. I love it even more now, said Ivy. Angus and Sivia were now chewing on the bones so Ivy and Tulip went back outside then Ivy started mingling with everyone. Look said Alexa, see what Ivy got Tulip to do. What? asked Alieta then stood up. Look at that, even now Ivy is thinking of someone else to help, said Alieta. 10 illustration goes here Tulip told Misty and Chestnut to go out further to each end of the palace grounds and add more music so people would spread out more. More food was added out there too and soon everyone was nicely spread out and having a lot of fun. Merlin was just looking around at everyone from behind Ginger then walked down the steps. This is what I call a party, said Merlin. Savanah came over to where Alieta and Ginger were. Wow! said Savannah. Are they all here to see Ivy? Yes dear, Ivy is very special to them all, said Alieta. Now go out there and say hi everyone and have some fun. News came in from some of the sprites that were still on patrol that there were separate parties happening every where across Fae Land. Large gatherings everywhere with there own music playing and lots of dancing and eating. So that means all of Fae Land is celebrating as if this was a special holiday, said Alieta. Well you can say it is a self made holiday to everyone, said Ginger. Okay looks like there is room to move around out there so lets mingle like Ivy, said Alieta. You too Merlin, join the party. Right behind you dear, said Merlin. 11 illustration goes here The fairies were mixing in too and lots of people loved meeting them for the first time. They put on little magic shows that every love also. Tara and Avan stayed near the back together but not alone. It seemed like they were an attraction too and a lot of people went to meet them and talk with lots of questions that made the two of them very happy. Zan and the teen girls were out dancing with everyone and a couple cute guys were checking Phonixa and Repellia out. Do you see those two, said Phonixa. Ya I do, they are pretty cute, said Repellia. Want to go talk to them? asked Phonixa. Yep sure do, lets go, said Repellia. They walked over to the two boys and introduced themselves. Hi guys, I am Phonixa and this is my sister Repellia. Wow very cool names, said one of the boys. I am Jasen and this is my brother Thomas. Really nice to meet you. So we live in the palace with Alieta, said Phonixa. That must nice, said Jasen. We live with our parents still just north of here, said Thomas. Well Alieta is like our mother, she takes good care of us like we were her own, we love her like a mother too, said Repellia. Ya Alieta is an amazing person. Our parents have read all the books she has written and we have just started reading them too, said Jasen. Well we are in one of those books too you know. Really, said Thomas, so what is that book about. Oh it is how we came to Fae Land and how we ended up being adopted by the palace staff. It is a pretty cool story, said Repellia. Well we haven't done anything yet to be written about in a book but maybe later, said Jason. Phonixa and Repellia smiled. Come on lets dance together, you do know how to dance don't you? asked Phonixa. Yes we sure do, said Jasen and they all moved into the group and started dancing. 12 illustration goes here Savannah walked over to Ivy that was talking and hugging everyone. Hi Ivy, you sure do have a lot of friends here, said Savanah. I know, I can't believe it, look at all the people, said Ivy. Yes I see that, said Savanah. Alieta said you were a very special person here in Fae Land. I can only stay until tomorrow morning then I got to get back home, said Savanah. We are working hard on our forest and the cove will be made very soon. Good, then you will start having fun like me once you get the hang of things, said Ivy. Just remember once the cove is first done, stand in the middle of the pool and set the permissions and restrictions, that is very important. I'll remember, I can hardly wait to be able to move magic around like you can, said Savanah. Sara are you having fun yet? asked Ivy. Yep, lots of food and people plus looks like Repellia and Phonixa just made some new boy friends, said Sara. Yes I saw that, okay lets go out there and dance with everyone, said Ivy. I don't know everyone that is here yet so we can meet them together, said Ivy. Do you think you will remember everyone's names? asked Savanah. Nope but it is still fun meeting everyone, said Ivy. 13 illustration goes here Ktara was talking with Jessica and Daisy about the new expansion she heard about. So when do you think it will all be up and running? asked Ktara. Not exactly sure yet seeing we just made the agreement yesterday. Alieta and I will talk in a couple of days and get into some more details, said Jessica. One thing is for sure, it will have a very big kitchen, said Daisy. Ya big kitchens are awesome, said Ktara. Well come by my place sometime and we will do some cooking together when you get time. Okay we will do that, said Jessica. Everyone says you are the very best and I would love to see how you make your tasty sweet pastries. I want to have a store section in the new building where I can sell my candies to the local elves, maybe you could sell some of your treats there too. That would be nice though one day I hope to have my own store where I have bigger ovens and and make them available to more people, said Ktara. Look Jazmen is out dancing with every one and looks like she was having a great time, said Jessica. Yep, it seems like everyone is having a good time, said Ktara. Well I am going to try some of those party the snacks the fairies keep making, said Daisy. They keep on having to make more so they must be good. Yep, everything the fairies make is good but I still like home made cooking the best, said Ktara. 14 illustration goes here Alexa kept checking on Angus and Sivia but they seemed to be very content with their bones. Lots of food was being eaten and Tulip kept a watch on it making sure the tables were always full. A couple hours had gone by and the party was still going strong. Tempressa was doing some ice tricks for a group of people and looked to be having a great time. Zatsuky had a bunch of people's attention as she told some of the stories that the team were on and how her Crimson Sword worked. Viridian saw that Ivy was having a great time with everyone so she went and did the same as Zatsuky and told some of her stories to a bunch of people. Tulip had a cool idea and set up a table in the middle of the palace grounds then created a very big bowl with lots of spoons on the table then filled the bowl with lots and lots of ice cream. Every one near by grabbed a spoon and started to dig in. It didn't take long for Ivy to zoom in on the ice cream and she went over and joined everyone eating it. Paisley had a group of girls sitting around her listening to her about beauty tips and proper ways to attract a man. Colin was having a blast giving people rides on his back as Oaklyn and Starlite look on. You know if he charged people for a ride here, he would make a small fortune today, said Starlite. Oaklyn just smiled. Ya well he is being careful not to let anyone get hurt so that is what is important to me, said Oaklyn. Carmen was sort of standing by herself, just smiling at people as they walked by. Zan saw her and went over and asked if she was feeling left out. Oh just a bit I suppose, said Carmen. Well no need for that, said Zan, come with me. They went to where a bunch of people were standing and talking among them selves. Does anyone here want to hear the amazing tale of how Carmen here and her best friend Zatsuky took a three week journey from a land far away to find Fae Land that they didn't know really existed. I do said one girl then the rest said yes too. Okay lets all sit down and get comfortable. Carmen will tell you of all the battles the two of them did during that journey and even killed dragons. You know, Carmen is a dragon slayer, said Zan. Really they all said you must be very strong a fearless. Carmen smiled then thanked Zan. Okay it started a long time ago in Merlin's den, said Carmen which got all of them listening closely. 15 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Merlins Fireworks As time went on it was starting to get a bit dark and there still was quite a few people still on the palace grounds. Ginger saw that a lot of people were broken off into groups around the heroes that were entertaining everyone with adventure stories. Alieta joined Ginger on the steps again. You see what is going on asked Ginger to Alieta. No, what? asked Alieta. Look at how everyone has broken up into groups around Alexa's team including herself with Diego. Ya I see that, said Alieta, what are they doing? They are telling their personal adventure stories. Everyone is getting to know what they went through and how dangerous it was to defend Fae Land, said Ginger. Well that is perfect, said Alieta. People should know. That is one reason why I write my books. So where is Ivy, I can't see her, asked Alieta. Oh she went over there sitting with that group of women with Grace also listening to Carmen, said Ginger. Oh Carmen has some very exciting tales to tell everyone. I bet Ivy has never heard how Carmen and Zatsuky traveled all the way from Tazia on a three week trip to find Fae Land, said Alieta. Well she is listening very closely, said Ginger though she did just finish eating a bunch of ice cream so she may be digesting too. Alieta smiled. Awe yes, Ivy and her ice cream, said Alieta. Merlin came over and said it looks like the crowd has thinned out some so I think I will start setting up my fireworks. You brought fireworks too, asked Alieta. Well yes dear a big party like this needs fireworks to end things properly, said Merlin. Now I figure I would set them all up at the east end of the grounds so tell people not to come closer than the edge of the palace for safety reasons. These fireworks go very high so no need to be closer anyways. So do you have a lot of fireworks, asked Ginger. Oh quite a few, said Merlin. It will be a very good show, that is for sure. Probably all of Fae Land will see them. So I will start them at sunset. Okay good, said Alieta. I have heard your fireworks are something amazing to see so I am looking forward to them. Alieta got a couple of elves to go around and tell people to stick around for the fireworks at sunset if they can. Tara and Avan came over and asked what Merlin was doing. He is going to put on a fireworks show, said Ginger. Oh, what are fireworks they both asked. You will see, said Ginger. It will light up the sky with lots of different colours. Okay, that sounds interesting, said Tara. 16 illustration goes here It was almost sunset and everyone was starting to gather and sitting down getting ready for the show. Ivy and Sara came over to Alieta, and asked what everyone was doing. Oh Merlin is going to end your party here with a big bang, said Alieta. Oh is that good? asked Sara. Oh it will be very good, said Alieta. Carmen told us the story about how her and Zatsuky got here. It was an amazing story, said Ivy. I didn't know she was a dragon slayer. Yes Carmen is quite the girl, said Alieta. Dragons have too much fire for me, said Ivy. I am glad she can take care of them, said Ivy. Alieta smiled. Okay lets all go get comfortable on the grass over there, said Alieta. The show should be starting soon. They sat down and the rest of the palace crew and Alexa's team joined them. It was getting pretty dark now and the fairies all joined them and asked what Merlin was up to. Wizard magic, said Ivy. Very strong wizard magic. Oh cool, said Tulip. Merlin approached everyone at the front of the crowd then said, "I would like to take this moment to wish Ivy a very happy birthday and to thank you all for coming out to make this the best party that the palace has every hosted. Now it is time to end this party with a bang that will been seen all over Fae Land. So sit back and enjoy the show. It will be something you will never forget. Merlin then walked back to where he had a lot of fireworks stuck in the barrels. 17 illustration goes here He then lit the first one that rocketed into the sky then broke off into three separate glowing balls then exploded into three huge star bursts high in the sky. All that could be heard was everyone saying wow. Next he lit two at once that started off as large multi coloured sprinklers then sent out several flaming balls into the sky that blew up into spectacular sun bursts. Merlin continued with his fireworks show and some of the fireworks even turned into images that were familiar objects to everyone. He had a special one that he told everyone that they would really like. It was pretty big too. He lit it then stepped back. A big rocket shot up leaving a green trail of sparkles then blew up into a very good likeness of Ivy's face. Look Ivy it is you, said Viridian. Ya and it is all green too, said Ivy. Merlin kept on lighting more fireworks and was putting a very impressive show that really was science but every one thought it was magic. 18 illustration goes here It now came down to Merlin's big finale. He lit four big ball shaped fire works at once then ran back. They all went off putting on a long and continuous show of coloured sparkles and sunburst that lit up the sky for a few minutes. Then all went dark and there was a brief silence. Then everyone stood up and started clapping and cheering. Merlin bowed and then thank every one for coming and have a safe trip home. 19 illustration goes here Merlin walked over to Alieta's group and asked how they liked it. Just amazing, said Alieta. Even better than I could ever dream. So Ivy did you like my show? asked Merlin. You bet and I can still see it, then rubbed her eyes. Yep still there, said Ivy. Merlin smiled, ,well that will go away soon, said Merlin. Everyone was starting to leave with some stopping to say good night to Ivy and they had a great time. Well Ivy this was an amazing day with an amazing end, said Savanah. I will be leaving early in the morning so I will say goodbye now. Ivy gave Savanah a hug then said, you come back whenever you need to ask me something. One day I will get Apollonia to bring me to see you. Okay, it is a deal, said Savanah then flew off to the fairy forest along with the rest of the fairies. Okay Ivy it is late now so let us help you bring home some of your gifts, we are all passing your place anyways, said Alexa. Okay said Ivy. Just the ones that all of you gave me for now and Merlin's orb plus the crystal Savanah gave me too. The rest I will have to bring home a bit at a time. They all went in a grabbed the gifts she wanted and then they all left with Viridian. Hey Ivy, they forgot one said Sara then gave her the wand that Guen gave her. Ivy waved it around then said, "See Merlin I can do magic too!". Merlin laughed. Man I love you Ivy, you always can make me laugh. Well I got to go now. It has been a long day for a old man like me. Your not old, said Ivy, you just look old but inside you are just as young as me. Merlin smiled. You got that right my friend then he vanished. 20 illustration goes here Okay everyone time for me to get some sleep, said Ivy. Like Merlin said it has been a very long and exciting day for me. Thanks for the great party everyone I love you all then Sara and Ivy took off but Ivy was still leaving a trial of sparkles behind her. Alieta looked around and saw all the fairies were gone and the place was all cleaned up like nothing happened here today. Well we best be getting home too said Jazmen. Got a bit of work to do tomorrow. So Daisy are you heading back to Cumberland? asked Alieta. No I am moving in with Jessica and Jazmen. They have extra bedrooms. Cumberland is boring compared to here, plus I want to help them get the rest of the candy orders ready, said Daisy. Okay goodnight, said Jessica and off they all flew. Okay girls time for bed. Okay they all said and headed into the palace. Me too said Zan, way past my bed time but no way was I missing that magic show. Goodnight and off Zan went in too. 21 illustration goes here Conclusion Tara and Avan walked over to Alieta and Ginger and said that was quite the show that Merlin put on. He must be a very powerful wizard. Oh he is the most powerful wizard and we are very lucky to have him as our friend, said Alieta. Well Ivy must be a remarkable person to attract so many people to this party, said Avan. Yes she is, said Alieta. Though everyone here is remarkable in Fae Land, said Alieta. Even I was surprised to find out how many people knew and loved Ivy for all the good she does here. Well we are off to the woods for the night. See you two in the morning, said Tara. Okay goodnight, said Alieta and off they flew to the woods. Alieta and Ginger went and sat on the palace steps as usual. Well it is all over now, said Ginger. Yep and it was a huge success, said Alieta. It is hard to believe that just an hour ago the grounds here were packed with people, said Ginger. So quite and peaceful out here now. Yes it is, said Alieta. Lets go in and have a look at all those gifts before going to bed, said Alieta. Didn't really get a chance to see them closely while Ivy was opening them. Ya some looked very nice and even some looked expensive, said Ginger. Well Ivy doesn't care about what ones are the most expensive. I am sure she will love them all, said Alieta. Yep that is our Ivy, said Ginger. I will get Jim and his helpers started on her place tomorrow. With that they both went inside the palace to check out the gifts and soon after they called it a night. 22 illustration goes here Ivy and Sara got home and both of them were beat. Viridian was tired too and asked how Ivy liked her birthday party. Ivy said she loved it, better than she imagined. Viridian smiled then said she was going to bed and left. Sara was tired too and said that was one heck of a party. Better than any of the other ones she went to at the palace. Ivy opened her bedroom door and saw all the gifts were on her dresser, bed and floor that the heroes brought with them. Looks like all your gifts are in your bedroom said Sara but don't stay up too late, back to normal tomorrow and lots of work to do I am guessing. Then she left for bed also. Ivy went into her room looked at some of her gifts then she moved everything off her bed on to her dresser and another table except for the orb. She sat on the side of the bed then started looking at some of the images with a big smile on her face. She thought to herself that all these gifts are staying in her room. She then put the orb down and laid back on the bed sideways and fell fast asleep with a smile on her face. The End 23 illustration goes here