The Adventures In The Land Of Fae Ivy's Helper Prolog A few days had past and every morning when Alieta went out to check the sundial she would see Ivy heading to the fairy forest. Alieta wasn't exactly sure what she was doing in there but what ever it was she was happy that Ivy now had something important to do and even though she was a queen now she never talked about it and was still the same Ivy that everyone loved. Phonixa and Repellia were going to the elf village every day to see Liza and Grace plus Cathy and Jim. Jim had three elves working for him and he was surprise at how fast they learned everything he would show them and the first thing they did was repair the hole in the palace roof. Ginger gave him a number of projects to work on but left him to decide what repairs needed to be done first so basically he was his own boss. Apollina was showing up on the palace grounds to tell Alieta how Guen was doing back at Fairy Land and that she was a big hit with all the fairies there and had lots of friends now. Gabriel showed up and apologized to Alieta for saying she was sneaky and had a master plan in place to get fairies to live in Fae Land. She said that God told her Alieta just did what she had to do to make everyone happy and she did nothing wrong achieving her goal. Today Alieta got up a bit later than usual and when she went down to the dining room she was surprised to she Phonixa and Repellia sitting at the table talking to Tulip that she hadn't seen so much since her mother left Fae Land. So this is a pleasant surprise said Alieta as she sat down. Has everyone had breakfast? Yep we had the breakfast special and Tulip had a milkshake, said Repellia. Yep you said I could come back in the dining room anytime and my milkshakes don't taste as good as Sally's, said Tulip. You see milkshakes have milk in them and milk is mostly water. Fairies can't make water, we can find it underground but that is all. Lots of things that come from the earth we can't make with out wands like plants and flowers. But water comes from the clouds in the sky, said Phonixa. Okay so where did the water come from to make the clouds? asked Tulip. From lakes and streams on earth, said Phonixa. Yep that is true but where did the water come from that filled the lakes that made rivers and streams? asked Tulip. Um from the clouds in the sky, said Phonixa. This is some kind of a trick question. Nope, nobody knows which came first except God. He made water and clouds at the same time maybe, said Tulip. All I know is Sally makes the best milkshakes. Alieta laughed. Yes she does and you are welcome to come anytime to enjoy one, said Alieta. 01 illustration goes here Chapter 1 A New Soul So Tulip, how is everything going in the fairy forest? asked Alieta. Really good, we made a waterfall like the one in Fairy Land, said Tulip. Ivy has everything under control. She is having a problem thinking of things to make in there though. She likes the waterfall but wants to make our forest different. Now that we have so much more room none of us can think of anything but Ivy said she will figure it out. I think she already has an idea though because she has moved a bit of magic to one side of the forest. Anyways I have to get back there and help where I can, Then Tulip left the room. I know what they should build next, said Repellia. A spa so we can go and relax. I doubt the fairies need a spa, said Alieta. Well Phonixa and I would use it and I bet Grace and Cathy would too, said Repellia. I suppose, said Alieta. I need to have my breakfast, what are you two going to do today? We are taking Grace to town and shop for more clothes for Liza, said Phonixa. Then who knows. Okay we will leave you to have your breakfast. We have some planning to do plus Grace is supposed to be meeting us soon by the sundial. Then they both left. Once they got outside they checked the sundial. After nine already, said Repellia. Grace will be here soon. I still think a spa is a great idea. So do I, we could get our nails done and wash our hair then sit in scented warm water just relaxing, said Phonixa. Anyways here comes grace now. Hi girls I made it, hope you haven't been waiting too long. Nope we just got out here. Cathy is taking care of Liza and boy she loves to spoil her. Well one day she will have her own child to spoil, said Repellia. Okay lets go get the horses and head to town. I don't have a horse, said Grace. Just borrow one from Alieta's stable, she won't mind, said Repellia. Maybe there is a sale on and we will buy a new outfit for us too. Yes I could use a new dress also, said Grace. So what do you think about having a spa in Fae Land? asked Phonixa as the walked over to the stables. 02 illustration goes here After Alieta finished her breakfast she went outside and saw that Phonixa and Repellia had already left. She walked over to the sundial but just before she reached it, she noticed Ivy flying towards her. Hmm, she is coming out of the forest early today, I wonder what she is up to, thought Alieta. Ivy landed beside Alieta and said hello. Hi Ivy, how are things going? asked Alieta. Great, except I am having trouble figuring out what to make next in the forest, said Ivy. Yes so Tulip told me a bit earlier, said Alieta. She said you want to make this forest different from Fairy Land's forest. Yep, I have a few possibilities I am thinking on but first I need to do some research, said Ivy. Well I don't know if this is a good idea or not but Repellia said she would like to see a spa in the forest, said Alieta. What is that? asked Ivy. It is a place where people go to relax and get pampered some plus sit in warm scented water usually with candles around, said Alieta. I have never been to one but I saw them advertised in some magazines in town. That sounds like a really good idea, said Ivy. It is a lot of work trying to get the magic to spread further north in Fae Land. I have to stay in the forest longer than I want but the magic will only let Tulip activate the overviewer and do just simple things even though I asked the pool to give her full access. Well that seems odd, said Alieta. I thought the magic does what ever you ask it to do, said Alieta. It does but Tulip said it is just like the cove in Fairy Land, there can only be one queen with full access. Ivy looked up and said someone is coming. Alieta looked up and saw something very high up flying towards them. Can you tell if it is bad or good yet? asked Alieta. Can't tell, I think she is okay but there is nothing inside that I can see yet, said Ivy. Maybe when she lands I will see more. 03 illustration goes here Alieta could now see it was a girl and in a few moments she landed in front of the two of them. Sure looks like a forest sprite to me Ivy, is she a friend of yours? asked Alieta. No I have never seen her before, said Ivy. Besides none of my old friends know I am here. Hello dear why are you here? asked Alieta. I don't know, said the girl. She was very pretty like Ivy with long green hair and lovely green eyes and matching finger and toenails. You are a forest sprite like me, said Ivy. Really, is that what I am? she asked. I can't read what your name is though, said Ivy. Actually I can't see anything in you except that you have a very white soul. What is your name? Um let me think, he told me. It started with a s.... oh Sara. That is it, said the girl. Alieta was now looking very confused and so was Ivy. So Sara, welcome to Fae Land, said Ivy. Is that were I am? asked Sara, what is a Fae Land. Ivy smiled. Here is Fae Land silly, said Ivy. Sara smiled back at Ivy. Alieta came forward and asked Sara what it was she wanted or needed. Um not sure, said Sara. All I know is he told me to find the queen. Well I am queen of Fae Land, said Alieta. Nope not you, you don't feel like my queen. She does and pointed at Ivy. Alieta smiled and now things were beginning to make a bit of sense to her. Yes Ivy is Queen of the Forest, said Alieta. Yes that is it, a forest. I have this huge need to be in a forest, said Sara. What is a forest though? she asked. Ivy looked at Sara deep this time and then went very serious looking. She then turned to Alieta and said, "She is new Alieta". Well yes she just got here, said Alieta. Not that kind of new, said Ivy. She is new inside, very pure and very white. What does that mean? asked Alieta. It means she is a new soul, said Ivy. A new soul like a new born baby? asked Alieta. Yep, sort of, brand spanking new, said Ivy then gave Sara a hug. You feel so right for me, said Sara. Alieta called out for Gabriel. 04 illustration goes here Gabriel appeared and said "Hello Alieta, what can I do for you?" Do you know anything about her? and Alieta pointed at Sara. Oh hi Gabriel, said Sara. Hello dear, I see you made it down safely. Yep I did just as you asked, said Sara. Fly straight down to where the big building is. So you do know about her, said Alieta. Yes of coarse, God just made her and isn't she a beauty, just like Ivy, said Gabriel. Wings are a bit bigger but stronger than Ivy's. She is a bit bigger overall too and very strong. She will be perfect for Ivy. Perfect for what? asked Alieta. She is Ivy's helper, said Gabriel. Okay that much I sort of figured out when she said I was not the right queen she was looking for but Ivy was. Well you made her a queen so what is a queen without someone to help her, said Gabriel. Alieta smiled then noticed that Ivy and Sara were busy chatting away with each other. You see, Ivy has too much to look after now in Fae Land by herself. He saw this and made her a helper that could do a lot of work for her. Thus the stronger wings and body, said Gabriel. Ivy deserves to have fun with her friends too you know and she will teach Sara the ropes, and also introduce her to all her friends too. They will be splendid together for Fae Land, said Gabriel. Now Sara does not have the strong insight powers like Ivy but she can talk and listen to plants and the plants will love her as much as Ivy, said Gabriel. Lets just say Sara is cut from the same cloth without the extra inner energy. Safire happened to come up for a visit when she saw everyone and ran over. Wow, who is the new girl? asked Safire. Sara turned and looked at Safire then screamed and hid behind Ivy. Oops, did I say something wrong? asked Safire. Ivy tell her about Safire, said Gabriel. Okay, this is Safire. She is queen of the Blue Fae that lives underground and she is very nice and would never hurt you, said Ivy. Why is she blue? asked Sara. I don't know, but it is a nice colour of blue, said Ivy. Safire smiled. Yes it is a nice colour, just like the sky, said Sara. 05 illustration goes here Safire went up to Gabriel. I really didn't mean to scare her, said Safire. I don't come up here that often so I just figured she was one of the gang here at first until I got closer. Well she will be, said Gabriel. Just go over there and talk to her and Ivy. Just try not to confuse her, said Gabriel. Confuse her, why, how old is she? asked Safire. About twenty minutes, said Gabriel. Ya right, look at her, she's a fully grown woman, looks a lot like Ivy too. Safire walked over to where the two of them were talking. Well Alieta I am off, I am sure Sara will do just fine here. So where is she going to live? asked Alieta. Let Ivy figure that out, said Gabriel then vanished. Ivy I am going into the palace to tell Ginger about the new arrival, said Alieta then headed in. Sara, I am very sorry for scaring you, said Safire. I didn't know you just arrived here in Fae Land. Where did you come from? Heaven, said Sara. No I mean where did you live before you came here? asked Safire. This is the first place I have ever been, said Sara. I like it here, it is really pretty. Safire smiled. Ivy help me out here, is she a friend of yours? asked Safire. She is now, said Ivy. God just made her and she is going to help me but I have to teach her a bunch of stuff first. Sara is very smart but doesn't know about too many things yet. First I have to let her meet Viridian, then we are going to have some ice cream, Sara has never eaten before but I know she will love it like me then after that I will take her to meet the fairies in the new fairy forest. What fairies, there are fairies her now? asked Safire. Yep just on the other side of the west woods, said Ivy. Okay you ready to meet one of my best friends Sara. Yep, bye Safire nice to meet you. Okay follow me, said Ivy then they both flew off towards Sandy Lake. Man I have to come up here more often, thought Safire. Ice cream does sound like a good idea though. Then Safire went in the palace. 06 illustration goes here Chapter 2 Sara Meets Some Of Ivy's Friends Ivy and Sara flew over to Ivy's place. My it looks really nice here with all the flowers and this big tree, in the middle, said Sara. Those flowers are called tulips and that is my coconut tree. What is that big blue building for? asked Sara. Oh that is our house, said Ivy. That is were I live and sleep in at night. Really, you don't sleep in the forest. I feel that I am suppose to sleep in the forest. Well I used to sleep in the forest but not anymore, said Ivy. Once you get to sleep on a nice soft bed you will see why. The pixies take care of the forest at night time so I can sleep indoors where it is nice and quite and dry when it rains. So what are pixies, asked Sara. Magical little elves with wings that have pixie dust that help the trees grow. The trees love them all, said Ivy. Oh okay I think, said Sara. Now Viridian lives with me and she is older and knows lots of things that is best for me because I am young too, just not as young as you, said Ivy. So be nice to her and do what ever she says even if you think she is wrong because Viridian has never been wrong with me. Okay I will be nice, said Sara. Ivy called for Viridian. Viridian, can you come out please and meet Sara please. Viridian came out and saw Sara standing a bit behind Ivy. Go slow Viridian, she is very new, said Ivy. Okay, Viridian walked slowly towards them. Well hello Sara. My you are very pretty like my Ivy. So Ivy where did she come from? asked Viridian. God made her for me to help with Fae Land, said Ivy. Really, said Viridian. Yep she is very new and has not seen very many things yet. I am in charge of her, Gabriel said so, said Ivy. So Sara, how do you like Fae Land so far? asked Viridian. Well what I have seen so far looks very pretty, said Sara. Sara just got here and landed on the palace grounds beside Alieta and me so that is all she has seen other than our front yard, said Ivy. So what is inside that house? asked Sara. Oh there is rooms and stuff plus a kitchen where I make our food. Would you like to come in and look around? asked Viridian. I think so, said Sara. Is it safe in there? Yep, very safe said Ivy. Okay then, Sara said. 07 illustration goes here They went inside and Sara just kept looking around. Something smells really good, she said. Oh that is my soup that I am making for lunch, said Viridian. Would you like to try some to eat? I have never eaten before, said Sara. Oh dear, Then I will just give you a little bit first, said Viridian. You two sit at the table and I will bring you some. They both sat down and Ivy was surprised that she was not uptight about being inside. Okay here you two go. Now use the spoon Sara but it is hot so blow on it lightly a bit to cool it down then take a sip. Ivy showed her how to do it. Sara did the same and tasted the soup. This tastes really good, said Sara. She took another sip then another and soon was eating like a pro. The two of them finished the soup then Viridian asked Sara if she wanted to try something cold. Ice cream, said Ivy. It is my favorite. Okay, said Sara. Viridian got them both a bowl and gave it to them. Now this is very cold to start with so eat it slowly first like the soup. Just let it melt in your mouth. Okay, said Sara and tried a little bit and her beautiful green eyes opened wide. Wow this is amazing. I tastes like, I don't know what it tastes like. Ivy smiled. Told you it was really good, said Ivy. I call it happy food. 08 illustration goes here Just then Ktara came in and said oh sorry I didn't know you had company. Sara turned around fast and looked scared. Oh my she is like Ivy. So pretty and all, said Ktara. Don't worry Sara, she is my friend too. She is really nice. Okay Ivy, said Sara. Did I do something wrong, asked Ktara. Nope, it is all good, said Ivy and they both got back to the ice cream. Viridian took Ktara aside and filled her in what Ivy told her about Sara. Really, that new and for Ivy. That is awesome, said Ktara. What does awesome mean, asked Sara. Good hearing too, said Ktara. It means very good, said Ktara. Oh, okay and Sara went back to eating. So where is she staying, asked Ktara. I want her to live with us, said Ivy if it is okay with Viridian. She can sleep in my room with me. Well if that is okay with Sara. Forest sprites usually like to live in the forest, said Viridian. Oh Ivy told me that there are things called pixies that take care of the forest at night. And forests don't have a kitchen and ice cream, then Sara smiled at the two of them. She is adorable, said Ktara. She has lovely green colour hair like Ivy's and those eyes are so beautiful. Has Alexa met her yet? asked Ktara to Ivy. Nope not yet. Maybe tomorrow but she will have to come here alone, said Ivy. One step at a time Gabriel said. Sounds good, said Ktara. Ktara went over to Sara after she finished her ice cream. Looks like you enjoyed that, said Ktara. Yep, it was the best, said Sara. It seems to be making my wings feel really good, and she started flapping them. No flapping wings in the house, said Viridian. They might break something. Oh sorry. I can fly very fast too, said Sara. I bet you can, said Ktara. So Ivy what are your plans for the rest of the day. Well I will take Sara to the forest for a bit to meet the fairies then maybe come back home after, said Ivy. Oh ya, first I want Pippa to meet Sara too. What are fairies? asked Sara. Kind of like pixies but do magic with their wands, said Ivy. Okay can we go now, the ice cream is kicking in. Sure go ahead, said Viridian. Out they went and flew away. You have the two most prettiest girls ever living with you now and they both are so lovable. Yes, it is weird how that has worked out but I could never say no to her staying here with those lovely eyes looking at me. I don't have a bed for her yet though, said Viridian. No problem. I have a spare you can borrow until you buy one for her, said Ktara. Okay lets go get it while they are gone, said Viridian. 09 illustration goes here Ivy took Sara west then south along the elf village. This is where most of the elves live, said Ivy. Do you know what they look like? Yep, they are the little girls with the pointed ears I saw at the palace grounds that were looking at me, said Sara. Yes but you have pointed ears too just like me, said Ivy. I do? then Sara felt her ears. Look at that I have pointed ears too, said Sara. Do they look okay? Ivy smiled, Yes they look perfect, said Ivy. So you don't know what you look like I am guessing. Well I have two lumps on my chest and a tummy then long legs and two feet with ten toes, said Sara. I don't know what my head looks like except for the green hair I can see. Oh and my nice big green wings. Well there is a pool in the fairy cove where you can look at yourself in the reflection of the water, said Ivy. What is a cove? asked Sara. It is too hard to explain without you asking a bunch of new questions so you will see when you get there, said Ivy. When they reached the west woods they flew to where the fairy forest entrance was then Ivy called for Pippa. In a few moments Pippa appeared that scared Sara and ran behind Ivy. Hi Ivy, who is that behind you, asked Pippa. Ivy grabbed Sara's arm and pulled her beside her. This is Sara and is very new so she scares easily right now so don't pop up like that until she gets used to you, said Ivy. Hello Sara, sorry I frightened you, my another forest sprite, said Pippa. Where did you find her? She found me, God made her to be my helper, said Ivy. I see, so do you think the cove will let her control the magic like you? asked Pippa. Maybe not at first, but I have to teach her how everything works in the cove and the forest, said Ivy. The trees will like her though. Sara had wandered over to a tree and touched it and it moved over, opening the entrance that made Sara jump back. What happened I just wanted to talk to the tree, said Sara. Don't the trees here like me? Pippa, smiled. Looks like you have your hands filled with this one, said Pippa. She must be very new. Sara, this is the entrance to the fairy forest and when you touched the tree they saw you were a forest sprite and opened up to let you in, said Ivy. That means they like you a lot. Oh, okay, I didn't know trees could move like that, said Sara. Hello tree I like you a lot too, said Sara. Then the tree branches began to move around a bit. Yep this tree likes me, said Sara. 10 illustration goes here I have a feeling it is going to be a lot more fun around here with another forest sprite in Fae Land, said Pippa. Where is she staying? At my place, Viridian and Ktara have already met Sara, said Ivy. Okay that makes sense, I hope Sara likes to play also, said Pippa. I think I like to play, I don't know what play is but I know it is fun, said Sara. Well pixies just love to play and have fun and so do fairies, said Pippa. You will find out what playing is soon enough, said Pippa. Well time for Sara to see the cove and meet the fairies, said Ivy. We have lots to do before supper time. Okay, have fun, nice meeting you Sara, said Pippa then flew off. So Pippa is a pixie? asked Sara. Yep, Pippa is the Queen of Pixies, said Ivy. Another queen, there is a lot of queens in Fae Land, said Sara. Yep there is but Alieta is the queen of the queens, said Ivy. She runs all of Fae Land and everyone living here., said Ivy. Okay lets go. We need to fly fast because it is pretty far to the cove. Ivy told the forest to open wide and far then they took off. In a few minutes they reached the cove entrance and asked the trees to let them in. The two of them stepped in and Ivy saw Tulip staring at the overviewer. Tulip, come and meet Sara, yelled out Ivy. Tulip looked over and flew over fast. That explains it, the overviewer just got brighter, said Tulip. Where did you find another forest sprite? God sent Sara to be my helper, said Ivy. She is very new so we need to teach her how the cove works. Wow she is very pretty too, so Sara how much do you know about magic? asked Tulip. I don't know what magic is, said Sara. Well you are definitely in the right place to find out, said Tulip. Your really pretty, do all fairies look as pretty as you? asked Sara. You have beautiful wings too. Tulip looked at Ivy. I really like your new helper Ivy, said Tulip. 11 illustration goes here Chapter 3 Merlin's Big Surprise Ivy took Sara for a quick tour of the cove while Tulip went and got her sisters to meet Sara. While Tulip was gone Sara got down on her hands and knees and looked at her reflection in the water. Wow, I am pretty too, said Sara. Yep you sure are but everyone in Fae Land is pretty, said Ivy. When Tulip came back with his sisters she introduced each of them to Sara. It is getting close to lunch time so why don't we all go to the palace and eat with Alieta and Ginger, said Pippie. Well we just had soup and ice cream at my place said Ivy. You all go and I will show Sara how the overviewer works. Okay they all said and flew out of the cove and forest. Fairies seem to be very happy, said Sara. Yes they usually are and they love making other people happy too, said Ivy. When the fairies reached the palace they saw Alieta sitting on the steps. Hello girls, I saw Ivy go in the forest with Sara so how did it go in there? asked Alieta. Sara said I was pretty and had beautiful wings, said Tulip. Yep she said all of us were pretty said Lilly. We really like Sara. Well that is good to hear, said Alieta. So is it lunch time already? Yep so what do you want and where is Ginger? asked Tulip. She is in the elf village checking on things, said Alieta. She is going to need Lilly to make some new furniture for Grace and Liza soon though. I can do that now, said Lilly. No first lets eat then I want you all to meet a very special friend of mine, said Alieta. Just make me a nice sandwich on a bun please. Okay, what about Phonixa and Repellia? asked Tulip. They took Grace to the town to do some shopping, said Alieta. It's just us here for lunch today, said Alieta. Tulip made a corn beef on a bun for Alieta then everyone else just made something for themselves. After they were all finished Alieta asked them to all gather around her. Now I want you all to meet a special person that is very magical, even more magical then you all, said Alieta. Oh really, we all love magic, said Sunflower. Yes I know, said Alieta. Alieta called for Merlin and said she had six very special new people for him to meet. Merlin appeared and said six this time? Oh my what do we have here, he said. Smaller than a sprite and smaller than a pixie, Are these fairies? he asked. Yes they are. My goodness, they all are so pretty, he said. Lovely wings too! Now girls go one at a time please and introduce yourself to Merlin the wizard that is the most powerful of all wizards. Wow a real wizard. We have never seen a real wizard before, said Tulip. And I have never seen a real fairy before either, said Merlin with a big smile. 12 illustration goes here Each girl went up to him and introduced themself to Merlin. Each girl left with a smile on their face. He is very nice and funny, said Tulip to Alieta. So girls, will you be staying long in Fae Land? Merlin asked. Yep, we live here now, said Lilly. Really and he turned to Alieta. They all live here now? How did you manage that? asked Merlin. It is a long story Merlin. I will tell you all about it later, said Alieta. Well I am looking forward to it. So is it true that you all can do magic with a special wand? asked Merlin. Yep, we all have our own wand, said Sunflower. Now Merlin, their mother is the queen of Fairy Land, so you know what that means, said Alieta. Yes these six are all fairy princesses. I read that they have the strongest magic of all fairies, said Merlin. Alieta said that you are very magical too, said Chestnut. Well yes, wizards are very magical. I am just the best, he said with a smile. Let me show you. Merlin waved his hand and big tree appeared. See, did you like that? he asked. Yep that is cool we can't make trees or plants, said Tulip. Tulip made her wand appear and pointed it at the tree then hundreds of gold bells appeared in different sizes ringing away a nice tune. We can do that though, do you like it? asked Tulip. My goodness, very much so, said Merlin. Merlin then waved his hand and turned the tree into a big candy cane. With six presents at the bottom. Wow that is amazing, said Lilly. You even undid our magic and made something else. Well not exactly. You see I used your magic that was making the bells ring and used it to help make the candy cane. A bit of a short cut you might say, said Merlin. Now look in the presents at the base of the cane, one for each of you. They did that and each present had a little kitten in it. Kittens, said Sunflower. We can't do that either. It is not allowed. Well these kittens are just temporary and will disappear soon because only one person is allowed to make permanent kittens, said Merlin. Yep we know, said Roseberry. So can you make food, asked Merlin. Yep, that is how we feed ourselves, said Tulip. Okay then give each kitten a little treat, said Merlin. They all made their wands appear and made treats for the kittens they were holding. These girls are wonderful, said Merlin to Alieta. Yes they are, very special but they can only use their magic for good, even if being attack by something bad. They cannot harm or kill anything, said Alieta. Though they can shrink down very tiny so you can barely see them then fly away. Perfect defense for such special beings, said Merlin. Okay girls stand back, time to get rid of the candy cane and kittens. He waved his hand and all disappeared. You have the strongest magic we have ever seen, said Lilly. Well I have been around for a very long time and have learned much over the years. We are old too, said Tulip. Really, said Merlin, you all look so young. Yep I am one hundred and eight I think and Lilly is over three hundred and my two oldest sisters and our mother won't tell us how old they are. Merlin laughed. Yes just like a woman. How old are you? Oh I don't know dear. I stopped counting after the first century, said Merlin. Wow centuries. That is a long time, said Tulip. So Merlin, there is someone else new I want you to meet that arrived this morning, said Alieta. Could one of you girls go tell Ivy that Merlin is here please. 13 illustration goes here In a few minutes Pippie came back with Ivy and Sara. Okay girls give them some space to talk, said Alieta. My, my Ivy who have you got there? asked Merlin. This is Sara. God made her today so she could help me with the forest and the plants, said Ivy. Really, God made you a helper, I didn't know you were over worked, said Merlin. Well it is not hard work but once I train Sara how to control the magic in the fairy forest then we will be able to take turns, said Ivy. I see, so Sara let me have a look at you, said Merlin. You are a very pretty girl just like Ivy. Yep, I saw my reflection in the pool and I am pretty which is good because Ivy said everyone in Fae Land is pretty. Yes that is very true, said Merlin. Sara reached out and pulled on Merlin's beard. What is this for? asked Sara. Sara don't pull Merlin's beard, said Ivy. That is quite alright, seeing she is not even one day old yet, she is going to have a lot of questions, said Merlin. Your telling me, said Ivy. Merlin smiled. Well Sara a beard really doesn't have a purpose, it is more of a preference, said Merlin. Some men like to be clean shaven and some like to have a beard. I think it makes me look more like a wizard. Okay, will I grow a beard and have to shave too? asked Sara. I like the way I look now. No dear, girls don't grow beards, said Merlin. Well I am glad you like how you look, that is important. So Ivy what exactly are you teaching Sara in this fairy forest? You said something about controlling magic. Yep I control all the magic in the fairy forest from the fairy cove that has a pool in it with very strong magic in it that controls all the trees plus I can control some of the magic in Fae Land that comes from Eden, said Ivy. It's a lot of fun. Is there any way you could show me this cove in the forest? asked Merlin. I would have to tell the trees that you are okay to go in and then it is about three miles though the forest to the cove, said Ivy. The cove is in the center of the forest. My goodness. I didn't know there was a forest that big anywhere in Fae Land, said Merlin. There wasn't until the fairies made it, said Ivy. Really, well three miles is not that far, is it a hard walk through the forest? asked Merlin. Nope, the trees move out of the way as you walk through it, said Ivy. You just have to be careful where you step because the ground plants are alive too but can't move out of the way. My, I have to see all of this for myself, said Merlin, When can you take me there? Right now if you want, I have nothing to do and should check the overviewer anyways. Can I stay here? asked Sara. I would like the fairies to show me how to play. You sure can, they are really good at that, said Ivy. Okay Merlin, teleport to the end of the west woods and I will meet you there. 14 illustration goes here When Ivy reached the forest entrance she saw Merlin standing there waiting for her. She announced to the trees that Merlin is a good wizard and is coming in as a visitor. The trees opened up for them. Well that was impressive, said Merlin. That is something I have never seen happen before. Well the trees are magical on top of being alive and I was always able to communicate with trees, said Ivy. The difference now is I am the queen here and control the magic. Now that is something I want to see, said Merlin. Okay but you can't use your magic in the forest and especially in the cove, said Ivy. Okay but why? asked Merlin. It is not allowed, I made that rule so if by some chance a bad wizard or something was able to teleport in here then it couldn't use magic and the cove would blast him or her out of the forest if they tried. My that is some powerful magic then, said Merlin. Where did you learn about stuff like that? I have been reading Alieta's books about the adventures the heroes have gone on, said Ivy. There is a lot of bad things out there so it is just a safety thing for the fairies seeing they can't defend themselves. The cove is very good at defending the entire forest though. Okay lets go and watch were you step. 15 illustration goes here As they moved along the path with the trees opening up for them and closing behind them, Ivy was surprised at how good Merlin was at keeping up with her. You move like a young man, said Ivy. Thank you, I do take care of myself, said Merlin. I think there is more to it than that, said Ivy. Yes there is, there is no hiding things from you I see, said Merlin. You see I was given longevity by four master wizards a long time ago. Back then they formed a council among themselves that would train new promising wizards. So where are they now? asked Ivy. They all passed away one by one many years ago, said Merlin. You see they knew that the stronger a wizard gets the more likely he would turn to dark magic so the four of them caste longevity on me but not themselves. They sensed that I was too good inside to become evil. The four of them taught me everything they knew and I kept a record of the teachings and spells in a big book of magic that I have well hidden and cloaked. I have a good memory but not for that many spells and potions. So you will live a very long time then, said Ivy. Yes I will but you are everlasting and will out live me but that is a very long time in the future, said Merlin. Good, I really like you and the magic tricks you do, said Ivy. Soon they reached the cove's entrance and Ivy opened the trees for them. Okay here it is, said Ivy. What do you think of what the six girls made? My god, it is like a paradise in here and I can feel all the magic too, said Merlin. Never have I felt such a strong presence of magic. Yep fairy magic is pure white magic, that is the strongest magic of all, said Ivy. That pool is the center of it all. The water comes from an underground river that started in Sandy Lake that gets it's water from an under ground river in Eden and comes out of the waterfall mountain that keeps the magical water moving. So where does the water go from here? asked Merlin. I don't know, probably to Fairy Land, said Ivy. I guess eventually it will just sink down deep into the earth. It is a physics thing. You know about physics too? asked Merlin. Yep, Alieta has a big library in the palace. I love reading the books in there. Okay let me show you how the overviewer works where I control the magic from most of the time. 16 illustration goes here They walked over to the overviewer and Ivy activated it. Now this is a full overview of just the forest, said Ivy. All the green areas show me that all is good there and that small spot that is red I have to fix. You have to fix, what is wrong there? asked Merlin. There is no magic going there, sometimes magic likes to do what it wants and moves where it shouldn't be, said Ivy. Now I just have to change the screen to the magic stream mode and now we can see all the blue magic streams. As you can see there is no stream at that spot now. Yes I see that, said Merlin, this is extraordinary. Now this is the fun part, I just zoom in on that red spot some then use my finger to take one of the streams that has moved away from where it should be and drag it to that red spot like this, said Ivy. Now I just go to the pool and lock it in. Ivy walked over to the pool and said lock stream in please then walked back to the overviewer. Merlin watched as the red spot slowly went from red to green. There all fixed, said Ivy. Amazing, you truly can control the magic here, said Merlin. How often do you have to do this? Well it is getting better as time goes on, said Ivy. Over time the magic learns where it has to be but right now a few times a day. Next I check Fae Land by panning all the way out and now I can see all the magic there. Eden is very good at keeping it's own magic going to where it is supposed to go but I am still trying to figure out how to get magic to the most north end of Fae Land. Eden's magic can't reach that far. I think it is because the water there is from the north and not allowing any underground water from Eden to go that way plus that water is cold. Very nice for drinking though. Just humans live in the town and seem quite happy the way things are. Still I will figure out some way of getting the magic above ground to reach there. Alexa and Tempressa live in the north town but they come to the palace a lot so they get the magic effect then. This has been very interesting to say the least and now I can see why God sent you Sara to help, said Merlin. This is a very big job. Yep but I have to train here first but it is not hard, My finger hasn't gotten sore or tired yet, said Ivy with a smile. 17 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Ivy Takes Sara To Town So is there anything else you would like to see? asked Ivy. I don't think so. You did a very good job of explaining everything to me, said Merlin. Good I want to get back to the palace and see what Sara is doing, said Ivy. You can teleport out of here now but you can't come back in unless I bring you in again. Okay see you later Merlin, then Ivy flew out of the cove. Well that girl definitely knows her stuff in here, thought Merlin. Sets rules and moves magic around and even talks to a pool. This must be the new generation of magic. I'm going to stick to my old fashion way. When Ivy got back to the palace grounds she found Sara talking to Repellia. She flew down and said hi to Repellia. Hi Ivy, we were just talking about you. Really how come? asked Ivy. Well Alieta said you needed some new ideas for things to put in the forest, said Repellia. I mentioned a spa would be very nice but she thought that the fairies don't need a spa. Sara never heard of a spa before so I described one to her that I saw in a magazine in town then she said it would be nice. Yes Alieta did mention that you thought a spa might be good, said Ivy. So there is a picture of one in town? There is an entire magazine with pictures and different kinds of spas, said Repellia. Really, what store did you see it in? asked Ivy. The corner store just past the Pancake House, said Repellia. Sara do you want to come with me to that corner store and see if we can find that magazine? asked Ivy. Okay, what is a corner store? asked Sara. Repellia giggled. Sara sure asks a lot of questions. I like being able to tell her things, said Repellia. Liza asks lots of questions also, very young people are fun. I suppose Sara is now the youngest person in Fae Land. Yep, she is for now but she is the smartest one day old person in Fae Land, said Ivy. Come Sara lets go on a little adventure. What's an adventure? asked Sara. Follow me and you will find out said Ivy. Then they both flew off. Man two gorgeous forests sprite here now, thought Repellia. Funny how they act a bit like sisters though, and kinda look like sisters a bit too. Anyways time for a big bowl of ice cream! 18 illustration goes here Ivy showed Sara the way to the west town then she flew along the main street to the corner store and landed at the front door. Okay here we are Sara, said Ivy. She looked behind her but Sara wasn't there. Where the heck did she go, wondered Ivy. She flew back down the street some and found Sara looking in the window of the jewelry store. She landed beside her and asked why she stopped here. Look at all the pretty things in here, said Sara. What are they for? Well this is a jewelry store and girls buy those things to wear, usually on special occasions or just because they like rings and bracelets, said Ivy. Do you want to go inside and have a look around? Yep, I would like to a lot, said Sara. Ivy smiled and they both went in the jewelry store. Wow, everything is so sparkly in here, what are these? asked Sara. Those are bracelets but that looks like real gold and real gems, said Ivy. The store owner walked up to the two of them. Well I know there was a forest sprite here named Ivy but not two, said the girl. Hi I am Ivy and this is Sara, she is new to Fae Land. Well Ivy it is very nice to finally meet you and welcome to Fae Land Sara. My name is Cindy. May I help you with anything? Well we don't have any money and these things look expensive, said Ivy. Some things are but you are looking in the bargain clearance counter. Not that expensive at all and none of the gems are real but they look real. I like that one with the green stars, said Sara. Yes that one is pretty said Cindy and it matches your hair and eyes. Here let me put it on for you and see how it looks. Cindy took it out from behind the glass and placed it on Sara's left wrist. Sara's eyes opened wide and got a big smile on her face. It is so pretty, said Sara. Yes it is especially on such a pretty girl, said Cindy. That bracelet is on sale for fifty dollars but seeing you are new here I will let you have it for twenty dollars. That sounds like a very good deal but like I said we don't have any money, said Ivy. I would love to buy it for you but nice things need to be paid for here. Sara now looked sad. I tell you what Sara you can have it as a gift for coming to Fae Land. I know forest sprites help all the trees and plants here so you deserve it, said Cindy. Really I can have it, thank you! I really like you Cindy, said Sara with a big smile. Cindy chuckled. My pleasure Sara. Now you come back sometime when you have some money and I will show you some other real nice things, said Cindy. Okay we have to go to the corner store to look for a magazine on spa's. Repellia said she saw one in there. Okay then have fun you two, said Cindy. 19 illustration goes here They both left the jewelry store and Ivy said no more looking in windows until we finish in the corner store and find that magazine. Okay, your the boss, said Sara. They walked up the street some then Sara stopped. What is that nice smell? asked Sara. That is the Pancake House, they make good food in there, said Ivy. Oh, now I am starting to get hungry again, said Sara. Well we can eat when we get back home. Viridian makes good food too and we don't need money to have it, said Ivy. Where does money come from and how come you don't have any? asked Sara. I think it comes from the palace but I am not one of the heroes like Viridian is. The heroes all get money for the work they do protecting Fae Land, said Ivy. Oh well then I will protect you and you can protect me then will the palace give us money too? asked Sara. I am pretty sure it doesn't work that way, said Ivy. Come on there is the store so lets go. They both walked into the corner store and Sara was looking around but didn't say a word. Ivy took her over to where the magazine rack was. Okay now look for a book that has the word spa written on it, said Ivy. What does the word spa look like? asked Sara. Ivy picked up a magazine and asked Sara what it said. That can talk too? It is not saying anything right now, said Sara. Ivy smiled. Well I guess we got to teach you how to read and write also, said Ivy. The girl in the store came over and said hello. Nice to see you again Ivy, I see you brought a friend with you, said the girl. Can I help you with anything. Yep, Repellia said she saw a magazine in here that was all about spas, said Ivy. Yes there is one, said the girl. I don't know why the owner of the store brought it here to sell, no one in Fae Land can afford one. Here it is, it does have lots of nice pictures in it and how to put them together. Okay so can I borrow it and bring it back after I show it to Tulip? asked Ivy. No but why don't you just put it on Repellia and Phonixa's account at the palace, said the girl. It is only fifty cents and I am sure they won't mind. Well it was Repellia that told me about it so okay. I will give it to her when I am done with it, said Ivy. Sounds good to me said the girl then handed the magazine to Ivy. Ivy flipped through it a bit. Wow there are a bunch of different kinds, maybe Viridian knows more about these, said Ivy. The girl put the magazine in a small bag then handed it back to Ivy. They thanked the girl then left the store. 20 illustration goes here As they were walking down the street getting ready to go back home, Sara started asking Ivy some questions. Do all these buildings sell things? asked Sara. I think most of them do, said Ivy. So we need money to go inside any of them, said Sara. Well we can go in but we just can't buy anything, said Ivy. Besides we can always get the fairies to make us things. Oh, okay, that is good then, said Sara. Is it hard to learn how to read and write? I don't remember, I was just a young kid when my parents taught me, said Ivy. Both Viridian and I will teach you plus you will need to know how to count also plus do simple math. Okay, if you say so boss, said Sara. Why are you calling me boss? asked Ivy. I heard a elf saying that to Ginger when she asked her to do something for her, said Sara. Is that not the right thing to say? It is if I was Ginger but I am your friend and we are going to be working together a lot so just call me Ivy. My full name is Ivylynn, my mom gave me that name. Is your mom pretty too like you? asked Sara. My mother was the prettiest girl in the forest and my dad was very handsome too. You said was what happened to them? asked Sara. They both got killed saving my life, said Ivy. Oh I don't have a mother or father but that must of made you very sad, said Sara. I will protect you too, I am very strong and if anyone tries to hurt you I will make sure they will never try again. Ivy smiled at Sara. Okay lets head home and have a treat and let Viridian look at this book, said Ivy. Then they both took flight. 21 illustration goes here Chapter 5 Conclusion While Ivy and Sara were flying over Eden heading home, Sara spotted two people laying on the grass. Who are they? asked Sara. That is Zatsuky and Carmen, they are both heroes like Viridian on Alexa's team, said Ivy. Would you like to meet them? Okay, they don't seem to be wearing much, said Sara. They are wearing bikinis, people wear them when the lay in the sun relaxing or go swimming, said Ivy. They both flew down and Ivy said hello to them. Hi Ivy, that must be Sara that Ktara told us about, said Zatsuky. Yep, she is my new helper and is very new, said Ivy. Yes so Ktara told us, said Carmen. They both stood to greet Sara. Welcome to Fae Land Sara. You are just as pretty as our Ivy, said Zatsuky. What do you have in the bag Ivy? Repellia gave me an idea about making a spa in the fairy forest and told me there was a magazine in the corner store that showed pictures of different types of spas so we went and got it so I can show Tulip and see if the fairies can make it, said Ivy. Nice a spa would be awesome, said Carmen. Just then Tempressa came out of the house. Look Tempressa, Ivy brought Sara here, said Carmen. My look at you, so pretty and all, said Tempressa. Very nice to meet you Sara. That is a very pretty bracelet you have on. Yep I love it and Cindy gave it to me for free, said Sara. We don't have any money to buy stuff. Really, how come Ivy? Only the heroes make money from the palace for what they do for Fae Land, said Ivy. I guess Repellia does too seeing she has a palace account at the corner store. That is how I was able to buy this magazine, she just put it on Repellia's account. Hmm, interesting, said Tempressa. We were just heading home now to have a snack and show Viridian the magazine then I need to teach Sara, how to read and write, said Ivy. You can teach? asked Tempressa. I think so but Viridian will help me, said Ivy. So you ready to go home now Sara. You can always come back another time to visit. Yes please do, you are always welcome, we are kinda neighbors, said Carmen. What are neighbors? asked Sara. Just people that live close to each other, said Carmen. Okay bye neighbors, said Sara then they both flew off. Man I am going to have to have a talk with Alieta, said Tempressa. What about? asked Zatsuky. You heard them, they have no money, Viridian is the only one in that house that makes money, said Tempressa. We all make money and can support ourselves but Viridian is supporting both of them now plus Ivy is now Queen of the Forest and controls the magic here and Sara is going to be helping Ivy. That is not right and needs to be fixed. Well today we sit and relax, said Carmen. I am sure you yelling at Alieta can wait a day. I didn't say I was going to yell at her, said Tempressa. Ya right, we know you Tempressa when you get mad about something, said Zatsuky. Ya I do yell when I get mad don't I, said Tempressa. Oh ya, you make sure everyone knows you have something to say, said Carmen. 22 illustration goes here When Ivy and Sara got home they went in the kitchen and Sara sat right down in her chair. Viridian we are home, yelled out Ivy. Viridian came out of her room and went in the kitchen. So how did you two make out today? asked Viridian. We did great, said Ivy. Got everything done that needed to be done and took Sara to town where she got a bracelet for free and I got a magazine that I need you to look at, said Ivy. Wait Sara got a free bracelet from in town, how? asked Viridian. Cindy at the jewelry store gave it to her as a welcome to Fae Land gift, said Ivy. Sara stuck out her arm to show Viridian. My that is a pretty bracelet, said Viridian. That was nice of Cindy, so what was it that you needed me to see. Well I am thinking of having the fairies build a spa in the fairy forest but in this book there are different kinds and I was hoping you knew something about them and could tell me which one would be best to show Tulip, said Ivy. Well I know a bit about them though I have been to one myself but first it looks like Sara is hungry, said Viridian. Yep me too, is there something we can have in the ice box? asked Ivy. There is some cake that Ktara brought over for us, said Viridian. That would be great! said Ivy then put the bag on the counter and sat down also. Viridian served up the cake and sat down with them. So a spa in the fairy forest, where did you get that idea from? asked Viridian. It was Repellia's idea, she figures people would like it and come to relax, said Ivy. Oh I see so you don't really want a complete spa because they are very big and people go to a spa for a short vacation, said Viridian. They have a building with rooms for sleeping in them and a swimming pool plus a massage parlor and other things including a bar with fancy cocktails for drinking. All you need is the scented pool and maybe a spot to do yoga or a massage table. What is yoga? asked Ivy and Sara at the same time. Nothing you two need to do, said Viridian. It is a form of exercise and stretching plus meditation to loosen up and relieve stress. Oh okay so after we finish here can you help me teach Sara how to read and write? She doesn't know about numbers either, said Ivy. Really, they really sent you down here fresh, said Viridian. I imagine we can start some lessons today. We will leave the counting and math lessons after she can read and write some. Sara will learn fast, she is really smart, said Ivy. She eats fast too, would you like another piece of cake dear. Yes please Viridian and some ice cream too if you have any, said Sara. Well that is one thing we always have, said Viridian. As for everything else, I am going to have to get more creative. What does creative mean? asked Sara. Don't worry about it, I will figure it out said Viridian. The End 23 illustration goes here