The Adventures In The Land Of Fae Ivy's New Friend Prolog Phonixa and Repellia were out on their date and Alieta saw that Tara and Avan were busy talking with Zan. She didn't see Ginger anywhere though so figured she was inside the palace somewhere. She sat on the steps and waited for Ginger to come out and just enjoyed the nice day that was quickly turning into evening which meant it would be supper time soon. Ivy and Sara got home and saw Viridian sitting in the living room. Ivy told her how great and big the hot tub was plus even got to light the fire under the tub. When Carmen and Zatsuky heard that there was a new forest near by run by pixies, they made plans to go there tomorrow to check it out. At Jessica's place the three of them were just resting in the living room then Daisy offered to cook supper today for them. Jazmen asked what she planed on making and Daisy replied it would be good what ever she makes. One thing I learned to do well while living alone in Cumberland was how to be a good cook. Sally and Fawn went back to their humble home and sat in the kitchen. They didn't have a big choice of food to work with but Sally said she would figure something out. Sally planned on doing some shopping in the morning but Fawn had something else on her mind to take care of. The fairies came out of the forest and started to fly around before supper. They liked coming outside where they had lots of room to zip around and stretch their wings. Ginger came out and joined Alieta on the steps and just watched the show the fairies were putting on. Chapter One Back to Normal When supper time came everyone got ready to eat and the fairies did their thing for those on the palace grounds. Alieta and Ginger requested a pizza from Tulip because they had not eaten that tasty meal since Savanah and Jupitor left. Tulip easily remembered how to make one and made it appear on the steps between the two of them. I wonder how the two girls date is going? asked Ginger. Oh they know how to take care of themselves, said Alieta. Phonixa said they were going dancing after eating so I am sure they are having fun. So how did the meeting with Jessica go? asked Ginger. Oh it was very interesting and fun. Having a business meeting in the hot tub made it a relaxing meeting but Jessica did most of the talking. Ivy was funny as usual of coarse. Really why? asked Ginger. Oh she wouldn't let Josh in the tub with us and even covered his eyes for a bit. She did how ever come up with great idea for finding the construction site by using Misty to locate water for it. She has quite the head on her shoulders, she just shows it differently than most but I feel there is still something missing in her life now, said Alieta. Well she is getting older and I bet she thinks of boys sometimes, said Ginger. Ya well you know how it works, it will happen when least expected. With Ivy though it will be very unexpected to all of us, said Alieta. Ginger smiled. Ya, she is always very busy so probably not much time for guys yet, said Ginger. Well after I finish these two pieces of pizza I am heading in early tonight. Alieta smiled. Ya I won't be too far behind you dear. Pizza is very good but it does make one want to sleep shortly after eating it, said Alieta. So what are the plans for tomorrow? Don't know as usual, said Ginger. I rarely make any plans until we are out here in the morning. Same goes with me, just go with the flow is the only way to go, said Alieta. 01 illustration goes here Night time came and all was nice and calm again in Fae Land. Tiny pixies could be seen flying around spreading their pixie dust everywhere. It was a clear night and lots of stars were out but everyone was in bed sleeping so only the pixies could see them. In the morning everything was back to normal in the palace. Ivy and Sara were up on time now and got ready to head off to the forest's cove. Jessica and Daisy got up at the same time and had a coffee together in the kitchen. Do you remember yesterday when Fawn was talking to Ivy about boys and she said something that was interesting, said Jessica. Yes something about knowing a guy that Ivy might like, said Daisy. Hm, well if there was a guy around here that Ivy would like, she would of met him by now because there are not many boy sprites in Fae Land. Oh she probably didn't mean around here, said Jessica. Really, then where? asked Daisy. Well I have know those two for a very long time, said Jessica. Before I started making candies we used to hang out a lot and have fun. Now Fawn is special in that she is very cute and young looking. She has boyfriends all over the place but none in Fae Land. If she says she thinks she knows a boy that might be good for Ivy then be assured she just might but she hardly knows Ivy so who knows who she is thinking of. Anyways lets get these two orders done for Cumberland then get Sally and Fawn to deliver them. Then we can get a hold of Misty some how, probably Pippa or Alieta will know how to get her to look for water and the best spot to start building. Okay, said Daisy, sounds like a good start for the day. 02 illustration goes here Everyone was outside as usual around the sun dial. Looks like it is going to be another very nice and hot day, said Ginger to Alieta. Yes it looks that way, said Alieta. Might be a good day to spend at Sandy Lake. Definitely looks like good beach time weather. Good idea, said Zan. It will probably be packed with people though. Not really, said Ginger. Mostly the the heroes hang out there on hot days. Most everyone else goes to the park and lake in Casper. There is lots of room there and is a very popular place. Well we are going to Jason and Thomas's place today, said Phonixa. It seems their mother wants to meet us two. I hope she is not over protective of them. Well just be yourselves, said Alieta. Though keep your magic skills hidden for now until they all get to know the two of you first. Ya we know, said Repellia, though Jason said that their parents have been reading your books so they may already know. Alieta smiled. Well then she must think you are okay or she wouldn't of let them date the two of you yesterday, said Alieta. Okay, said Phonixa but we won't say anything unless ask. Well I am going to go see Jessica again today and work out some more details for the candy building, said Alieta. The plans are supposed to be ready tomorrow so we need to find a spot for it. Ivy's idea seemed the best so we should work on that first. Look up there, said Zan as she pointed towards the west woods sky. Some one is coming this way. They all looked and could see two winged figures flying pretty fast towards the palace. 03 illustration goes here They landed beside everyone and Ginger recognized Kiki right away. Hi Kiki, nice to see you again, said Ginger. Hi everyone, said Kiki. I came to visit you all. Mom said it was okay so here we are! Well who is this good looking boy with you? asked Ginger. Kiki smiled. This is my boyfriend Mace. He is really nice. Pippa brought him to me a while back, said Kiki. Hello everyone, said Mace. Kiki has told me so much about you all here in Fae Land and how magical it is. Well welcome, Alieta said. Nice to meet you. She is really pretty like you said Kiki, said Mace. Yep I told you, said Kiki. So I see there are some new people here, said Kiki. I wasn't here for very long last time but I wanted to see more of Fae Land. Everyone introduced themselves to Kiki and Mace. So today is going to be a hot day so everyone here is going to Sandy Lake to hang out at the beach. You are welcome to join them, said Alieta. I have some business to take care of so I won't be going with them. Okay sounds good, said Kiki. I told Mace how beautiful it is here. Sandy Lake is one of the best places as I remember. Oh lots has changed, said Alieta. The landscaping that the fairies have been doing here is amazing. You have fairies here, like real fairies with wands and everything? asked Kiki. Yep, wands and everything, said Alieta. You will meet them soon. There are eight of them that work and play in the forest. They always come out around noon to make us all lunch though. They make lunch? asked Kiki. Yep with their wands. It is quite amazing to see and the food tastes great, said Ginger. Okay you all get ready to go to the beach while I head over to Jessica's place, said Alieta. Okay, said everyone then Alieta flew off. 04 illustration goes here Okay let Tabitha and me get our swim suits then we can head out, said Ginger. Okay, said Kiki if you think we need one but what do they look like? Oh you will like them plus better than getting your clothes all wet, said Ginger. Okay, you know best, said Kiki. So I have never swam before, said Mace. Oh don't worry about that, said Ginger. The water isn't really deep but it is great for staying cool and having fun in. The two of them ran inside then came back out ready to leave. Well us two are going to get ready to go and see the parents, said Phonixa. You all have fun. Then inside both they went. They all headed out to Sandy Lake and Mace kept looking around at how nice and green it was everywhere. So how do you like it here so far, Kiki, asked Mace. It looks great, said Mace. When Pippa got me to come to meet you we just flew over Fae Land, so this is the very first time I have been able to have a closer look. Even the grass feels soft on my feet. They got to Sandy Lake and Mace got a good look at the waterfall and loved it. Well there is just us here right now but it is really early still so probably Ktara and Viridian will be here soon and maybe the centaurs, said Ginger. Yes Kiki told me about them. I am looking forward to meeting them, said Mace. Okay first we need Pippa to see if she can get a fairy for us, said Ginger. Pippa, can you come here with a fairy, we are at Sandy Lake and need some bathing suits. So how will she hear that, asked Mace. I don't know, she just does, said Ginger. So we will go over there where it is a bit hidden and get our suits on, said Ginger. You all wait here for Pippa. They went and got changed then came back out and saw Pippa had just arrived with Pippie. Hi Pippa, nice to see you again, said Mace. Hi Mace and nice to see you again Kiki, you are looking great as usual, said Pippa. So how are you two making out? Wonderfully, said Kiki. He is perfect, thanks for finding him for me. Pippa smiled. So swim a suit for Mace and a swim suit or bikini for you Kiki? asked Pippie. Something sexy that matches my wings please, said Kiki. Bikini suit it is then, said Pippie and made her wand appear and fitted them with nice swim wear. Holy, said Kiki, that was amazing, perfect fit too by the looks of things. Yep we do our best to please. Then Pippie made a bikini for Zan. Okay then there you all go, have fun everyone, I have to get back to work in the forest. I will see you all at lunch time then off Pippie and Pippa flew. 05 illustration goes here Chapter 2 Finding The Building Site Alieta got to Jessica's place just as Jazmen was leaving. Hi Jazmen, off to work I see, said Alieta. Yep sure am, said Jazmen. Go easy on the girls today, it is going to be hot today, said Alieta. Okay I will think of something easy to do. Probably find some nice shady areas to hang out. The girls on patrol will be okay though seeing fly up high is always cooler with the air rushing by, said Jazmen. Maybe we will all go flying around some though most of the sprites I told to stay home but just be on call if needed. So is Jessica inside? asked Alieta. Yep, her and Daisy are working on another couple orders. They are almost finished though. Daisy is really good at making candy, said Jazmen. Especially after she has eaten a couple. Okay have a good day and off she flew. Alieta went inside and saw Daisy and Jessica just finishing up by packing the candies and putting them on a shelving unit. Hi you two, Jazmen let me in, said Alieta. Oh hi Alieta, we are just finishing up here, said Jessica. Wow this is a very big kitchen, said Alieta. Yep it is, said Jessica. It is the same design as most of the other kitchens in Fae Land but we just had it expanded because the old one was just too small especially when two people were working in it. So you have never seen all Jazmen and I have done to the place. Do you want a quick tour first? asked Jessica. Sure that would be nice. The place looks great so far as I can see, said Alieta. Jessica took Alieta to the big living room first then to her dining room. Alieta especially liked the nice reading nook she had built with the fireplace. 06 illustration goes here Jessica showed her the main washroom next. My goodness, said Alieta. It is bigger than most of the bedrooms in my palace. Ya that was all me, said Jessica. I love a big washroom. Lots of room. I always said that when going to a eatery and the washroom was nice and clean and not too small then it was a good place to eat. Yes I agree, said Alieta. My you could dance in here. Well sometimes I do in front of the mirror, trying out some new steps, said Jessica with a smile. This room took Jazmen a long time to complete but she took her time and made sure it was perfect for both of us. Jazmen built this room? I didn't know she could do things like this, said Alieta. Well there were lots of times when things were very peaceful in Fae Land and she got bored so she just read improvement books and bit by bit she started making improvements. The bigger jobs like framework and plumbing we hired contractors. It took a very long time to finish everything but now we are done. I still go out shopping and buy things for the place. Jazmen knows I love to shop so we definitely needed a big place. Well it s a good thing you make good money to do that, said Alieta. Well yes now it is but back when I was living with Sally and Fawn we were always broke, said Jessica. I would go to town to buy some necessities and was sad that I couldn't afford the things I saw in some of the stores. That is when just by chance I saw a nice vase I wanted but couldn't afford it but I had a box of candies with me. Back then I always had some candies to share with my friends. I offered the lady in the store a candy and she gave me the vase for the entire box. The next day she came to our place and wanted to buy ten more boxes to sell in her store. That is when I started my candy business and soon after that I met Jazmen that wanted to have a room mate seeing she was working most of the time and had no time to keep the place clean and food in the ice box. Sally and Fawn's place is small so I moved in with Jazmen and the rest is history. Wow, isn't it funny how things work out sometimes, said Alieta. Almost magical I would think. Yep, just have faith and work hard and good things will happen, said Jessica. Now across the hall is my bedroom and beside it is Jazmen's then now this spare room is Daisy's. Each bedroom has it's own small bathroom in it. Now this last room is just the storage room. We keep some old furniture plus other things that I had bought over the years that just haven't figured where to put it yet. I give some of it away when I hear someone needs a bed or a dresser or dishes. Not everyone here in the village can just run out and buy something when they need it like I can. Ya I have been hearing about that a lot lately but lets hope your business takes off and can employ a bunch of elves, said Alieta. 07 illustration goes here They went back downstairs and Daisy was sitting at the table having a glass of juice. So a pretty big place, said Daisy. Yes very big and well decorated too, said Alieta. Yep Jessica has really good taste for things like that, said Daisy. So girls the plans for the building will be here some time tomorrow so we should start looking for a place to build it, said Alieta. Ya we best get on that, said Jessica. So we need Misty as Ivy said so do you know how to get a hold of her. Yes I do, said Alieta. I just got to call Pippa to get her for us. "Pippa, I need Misty here at Jessica's place to look for underground water". There that should do it. Give her a few minutes to find her. So these shelving units are what you were talking about for the warehouse part I am guessing. Yes they are the perfect size. Don't know how many I will need right now, said Jessica. They have to be assembled though. Best to have two people working together on them. I can help for sure, said Daisy. I love working on puzzles. Jessica smiled. So lets go outside and wait for Pippa and Misty, said Alieta. They went outside and in a few minutes Pippa and Misty showed up. Okay we are here Alieta, said Pippa. Hi Misty, we really need your skill at finding water underground, said Alieta. Okay, I can do that, said Misty. Where do you want to start? Alieta turned to Jessica and told her to take over. Well not too close to the village, she said. How about way over there in that big open area just outside of the village. Okay, said Misty. They all walked over then Misty started to look around. 08 illustration goes here Misty walked around looking down at the ground, sometimes crouching down and placing her hand on the ground. After about ten minutes she stopped and said she found the best spot. They all walked over but the grass there was not very green. The grass is all brown here, said Jessica, looks like there is no water here. Ya well look at my feet, they are all wet, said Misty. Yes I see that, said Alieta. I wonder why. Oh that is a very good sign, said Misty. Too much water underneath can cause the roots to rot some. Misty crouched down and ran her hand across the top of the grass. Yep, lots of water here and not to deep at all. Must be coming from a under ground river that hit a rocky spot then turned upwards to go over it. Misty made her wand appear then made an X to mark the spot. Now we need to find a drier spot to put what ever you are building out here, said Misty. Well it will be pretty big, said Jessica. So how big is big? asked Misty. Oh maybe around half the size of the palace at least, said Jessica. My that is big, said Misty. Well lets keep walking outward away from the village, said Misty. They all spread out and started looking down at the ground. Alieta came to a spot that showed spots of dry sand in between patches of grass. She stomped on it and it seemed pretty firm. Try here Misty. I might have something, said Alieta. They all walked over to where Alieta was standing. Misty crouched down again and this time she found no water. Okay no water here, said Misty. Now let me walk around and see how big this dry spot is. She is pretty good isn't she, said Pippa. Yes, I don't know how she can see under ground though, said Jessica. Me neither, must be another fairy thing, said Pippa. Okay all this area is pretty dry so you can build what every you want here that will make a good base, said Misty. She then went back to where she made the X. Now I will suggest making a well here if you don't mind having to come outside to fill water containers then bring them in when ever you need them. That way you will just need the two water containers on the roof for washing dishes and use in the washroom like all the houses have here. A well would be great, said Jessica. Beats having to buy water from Cumberland. Okay then, I will be right back, I need to get Chestnut to help me with starting the well, said Misty then she flew back to the forest. 09 illustration goes here So a well will be good enough for you instead of using overhead water containers? asked Alieta. Yes more than good enough, said Jessica. We would drain the water containers on the roof too fast and what if it didn't rain for a while and they went dry. A well won't go dry with an underground water supply. Yes that is true though Mother nature does make it rain here usually at night to keep the containers levels up and everything green, said Alieta. Yes but it would have to rain every night to keep up with the amount of water we will need to make candies and clean pots and pans, said Jessica. Yes, you have a point there, said Alieta. Misty came back with Chestnut and asked everyone to move back. Things can get pretty wet and messy when we start to drill down and make the hole for the well to sit on, said Misty. Everyone moved way back then both Misty and Chestnut made their wands appear. Okay, ready Misty? asked Chestnut. Yep lets do this, said Misty. They shot out two energy beams directly on the marked spot until water started to shoot up out of the ground. They kept the beam going moving their wands making the hole bigger and bigger. How deep should we go? asked Chestnut. All the way down until there is no big rocks in the way, said Misty. They kept the beams going for a couple of minutes then stopped. There was now a big hole in the ground with no water coming out anymore. Misty looked down the hole and saw the water level was just five or six feet down. Okay It's perfect now lets make the well, said Misty. Now they used their wands to create a nice stone well above the hole complete with the crank, rope and bucket. Chestnut put a metal weight on one side of the bucket rim so when it hit the water it would tip over allowing water to fill the bucket. Misty tested it to make sure everything worked properly. There you go, an unending supply of water, said Misty. Wow that was so amazing to watch, said Jessica. Have you ever seen them drill for water like that before Alieta. Nope never, that was very impressive, said Alieta. No one other than us fairies has see us drill before, said Chestnut, you four are the first. We love drilling because it is fun and we get all wet. See I told you, fairies can be nuttier than pixies sometimes, said Pippa. 10 illustration goes here Chapter 3 Visiting The Pixie Forest Carmen and Zatsuky were riding out together to see where this new forest was. Look at that tree Carmen. It is all glistening with yellow leaves like it is alive or something, said Zatsuky. Ya and I can feel it radiating something too, said Carmen. Yes probably magic if Ivy planted, said Zatsuky. Look ahead of us at that big green area, that must be the forest. They headed towards it faster now and soon got to a big rock wall. Well that was not far at all from us but how do we get in there? Do we have to climb in? asked Carmen. I wouldn't think so, lets look around first, said Zatsuky. There must be a way in somewhere. They started to ride along the rocky wall and soon came to a tunnel. Okay that must be it, looks like we have to go in by foot from here, said Zatsuky. They headed through the tunnel that wasn't that dark at all and the ground was pretty flat to walk on. Look up ahead. Lots of green I can see, said Carmen. They walked through the opening and saw an amazing scene of big plush trees, ferns, flowers and bushes everywhere. Wow this place is something else, said Zatsuky. It is like a wonderland in here. Yep it sure is, said a voice from behind them. Oh hi, said Carmen. I am Roseberry and I am your tour guide while you are in here, she said. Oh okay, said Carmen. Now once you get the hang of the layout of the Fantasy Pixie Forest then you will be able to come in again on your own, said Roseberry. Okay sounds good but that might take more than just one time being in here, said Zatsuky. Oh it really isn't that hard to figure out, said Roseberry. The fairies made it fairly easy to get around with paths and land marks. Us pixies just take care of the forest. So follow me and I will show you around this section first. They followed Roseberry and she showed them some amazing scenes in the forest that were breath taking. There were small areas here and there where people could sit and rest for a while. They noticed that there were no chairs or tables anywhere. Oh no this is a pure natural environment, said Roseberry. Sitting on the ground is recommended but some rocks that have been shaped properly and are good for sitting on too. Man those fairies thought of everything, said Carmen. Well only four fairies made this entire forest and only two of them were princesses but Misty and Chestnut are the oldest so they have a lot of experience in building forests, said Roseberry. 11 illustration goes here Now follow this path along the banks of this small lake and it will take us to a spot where there is an island. The water to the island is not that deep so we can walk across to it then you will be able to see a beautiful waterfall across the way that feeds the lake, said Roseberry. They walked along the narrow path until they got to the island that Roseberry told them about. They walked across and noticed the water only came to a bit below their knees and it felt very nice on the skin. The water in this lake is a bit magical, said Roseberry. Some of the magic comes from Eden that Ivy has diverted here from the beacon tree and the rest is from all of our pixie dust. I also have noticed that there are no flying insects anywhere, said Zatsuky. Nope no insects like that, said Roseberry. The pixie dust repels them so that way there is no eating of the leaves and stuff. Small birds come in though and often make nests in here like sparrows, blue jays and cardinals. They reached the island and across the lake they saw the waterfall that was running very strong. Now the water crossing here towards the waterfall can get pretty deep but if you come in from the other side of the forest you can walk along the path over there to the falls. Or if you like to swim then do that instead, said Roseberry. For today lets just cross over here and go to another section of the forest. 12 illustration goes here So how many sections are there in here? asked Carmen, six so far, said Roseberry. There are spots that are just lots of trees and bushes that can be cleared out some but we can't just go a head and do that our selves, said Roseberry. Ivy or Pippa has to okay it first because the two of them are our queens. Carmen smiles. So you have two queens? Yep, we are very lucky here to have both of them as our queen. Ivy is queen of the forest and Pippa is our queen. Both very nice queens, said Roseberry. I just saw a blue jay fly into that tree over there, said Carmen. Yes they make their nests in the trees and are very good for the forest. They eat seeds off the ground that are from the trees which helps to control the growth in here, said Roseberry. Now this forest is not a playground. It was designed from Lollipop's imagination as being a good place to take a stroll or bring a date in for a picnic or something. Even the family can come in for a picnic but no children under fourteen can come in with out an older person with them. These are all good rules, said Zatsuky. This whole thing was well thought out. Yep, there is a lot of us pixies in here and we are pretty smart though sometimes we may not act that way, said Roseberry with a smile. Okay there is a clearing across the pond so lets go there to sit and rest for a bit. Okay good plan, said Carmen. Lollypop and Tulip have some ideas for adding new areas in here now that there is so much magic now but they haven't told us what they are yet. Well knowing them it will be something amazing to see, said Carmen. 13 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Pippa Meets Tobias Jessica and Pippa got to Sally and Fawn's place. This house is pretty small for two sprites, said Pippa. Ya I know, said Jessica. But they can't afford anything bigger right now but they are making due for the time being. Jessica knocked on the door and Sally opened it. Hi Sally I need you two to go on a delivery run to Cumberland for me, said Jessica. Okay I will but Fawn is not here right now. Come in please. They went inside and sat at the kitchen table. Pippa saw that the place was well kept inside. Older furniture but still in good condition. So where is she? asked Jessica. Oh she said she was bringing someone to Fae Land. Something about some one Ivy might like. Really, said Pippa. Ivy is very careful who she picks as friends. Ya she gets that but this is a boy and she said he is really nice and about the same age as her. Oh well Ivy has never really been interested in boys before, said Pippa. That is what Ivy said at the hot tub meeting yesterday but she did describe the kind of boy she would like to go on a date with some day. She is twenty now you know, said Sally. Ya I know, said Pippa. She should be dating now but there is no one in Fae Land she likes that way. So where is she getting this boy from? asked Jessica. I don't know. Fawn knows a lot of people and believe it or not she is a lot older than me so she has been to a lot of different places. I prefer to stay in Fae Land. It is nice and safe here, said Sally. Yes, she looks a lot younger than all of us, said Jessica. Well she said she would be back soon so stick around and have a tea with me unless you are in a hurry to get the delivery done. No there is no rush. Just the order that she brought back but the big one is not to be delivered until next week. You can do that one order of ten boxes yourself then maybe hit a couple more stores and try and get some more orders, said Jessica. Okay that sounds good, said Sally. I can sell your candy easily in Cumberland. A fresh market is always easy to expand in. Sally made a cup of tea for everyone then sat back down. So you seem to be very defensive about Ivy, said Sally to Pippa. Well yes she is my very best friend and I won't let her get hurt, said Pippa. Yes that is good, said Sally. It is good to know that she has a friend that looks out for her. I wish I had such a person. I have made some bad choices in my days. Fawn is nice and all but she has the same problem as me. Just hope for the best we say. Jessica smiled. Ya that is what most of us do, she said. Fawn walked in and saw everyone sitting at the table. Oh I wasn't expecting company, said Fawn. Well Jessica has an order for me to deliver and we were talking about the boy you said that Ivy might like. That is all, said Sally. Oh okay I guess, but he won't come in. He has never been in a house before, said Fawn. He has lived in the forest all his life. Sounds a lot how Ivy first was when she came to Fae Land, said Pippa. Maybe you can talk to her, said Fawn to Pippa. He is used to being around pixies. Okay I will try, said Pippa. What is his name? Tobias, I have known him since her was a baby. Okay Tobias it is then, said Pippa and she went out side to see this new boy. Fawn sat down and said, I hope Pippa can talk him into the house. He is a very nice and well mannered boy. He has very nice and highly respected parents too, said Fawn. 14 illustration goes here Pippa went outside and saw Tobias sitting on a big rock. The first thing she noticed was his green hair. She walked up to him and said "Hi Tobias, I am Pippa and glad to meet you." Pippa!" Then he stood up very fast. Pippa the queen of pixies? he asked. Well yes that is me, said Pippa. Wow it is an honor to meet you. All the other pixies I know talk about you all the time and how amazing and smart you are, said Tobias. Pippa figured that it should be easy now to get Tobias to come in the house soon. So Tobias, do you know why Fawn brought you here? asked Pippa. Um sort of, she said that there was a very nice girl in Fae Land that she wanted me to meet, said Tobias. But I am very nervous around girls. My parents want me to get out some and explore different places now that I am twenty years old and they trust Fawn a lot because they have been friends longer than I have been alive. So inside the house is Sally that is Fawn's best friend and Jessica that is a good friend of all of us too. Oh Fawn always talks about Sally, she sounds really nice, said Tobias. Well Jessica is also known as the candy lady. She makes and sells candy all over the place, said Pippa. Really, I love candy, said Tobias. Yes we all do, said Pippa. So could you please come in and meet them so we all can talk together some more. I guess so, said Tobias. Can't really refuse a queen. Pippa smiled. Now just a few questions before we go inside. You look so much like a forest sprite but I have never seen a boy forest sprite before, are you? Yep, I am, said Tobias. And you talk to trees and stuff, said Pippa. Yep, I love trees and plants and they love me, said Tobias. Can you read what people are feeling? asked Pippa. Yep, but I don't do that. My parents said it is not polite unless given permission, said Tobias, I most read what is going on with the trees. Pippa got a big smile on her face then took Tobias by the hand and brought him into the house. 15 illustration goes here Hi everyone, sorry about staying outside but Pippa asked me to come in here with you all. She is a queen you know, said Tobias. Yes we all know she is and a very good one too, said Fawn. Come Tobias, have a seat, said Fawn. Tobias sat down and Jessica was looking him over. You are a forest sprite I bet, she said. Yep, said Tobias. Fawn, did you know he was a forest sprite? asked Jessica. Yes of coarse I did I am good friends with his parents and Alieta knows them too. Oh, okay, nice wings and very different from girl sprites, said Jessica. Yep male forest sprites have nicer wings for some reason, said Fawn. So Fawn you brought this nice young man to Fae Land so you best fill him in with a little more details then just saying you want him to meet a nice girl, said Pippa. Okay Tobias, I have only seen Ivy once and she seems like an very nice girl. I want you to read me a bit so you can see her and what we did yesterday, said Fawn. Okay, said Tobias. Tobias looked at Fawn then smiled. She is very very pretty, said Tobias. Pippa saw that Tobias didn't have to touch Fawn to read her. That was funny when she covered that old guys eyes. She is a forest sprite like me but some how I feel she is very important here. I like her braids too! Everyone smiled. You got all of that in a few seconds? asked Pippa. Yep, it was just yesterday though, said Tobias. Ya but how did you know the other stuff like being a forest sprite and being important? asked Pippa. Oh that is from what I got inside of Fawn. She must of known that about Ivy. Okay then, said Pippa. I think we best move to the next step, said Pippa. What is that? asked Fawn. We have to take him to see Alieta and Ginger next before meeting Ivy. I have heard of Alieta from my parents. She is the very big queen here right, said Tobias nervously. Well she is about the same height as you but yes she is the queen of all of Fae Land, said Pippa. Oh, do we have to meet her now? asked Tobias. Yes we do, said Pippa. Ivy is a very important girl to her and a very good friend too. We have to see her first. Don't worry though, Alieta is very nice and kind hearted. She has a way of making you feel welcomed and I am sure she will like you, said Pippa. Ya trust Pippa, said Jessica. Pippa knows Alieta better than all of us. Okay then. I will come with you but Fawn has to come with us, said Tobias. Okay, said Fawn I was planning to anyways. Okay lets go. This is a good time to go to the palace because everyone else is at Sandy Lake so just Alieta and Ginger will be there probably, said Pippa. 16 illustration goes here Jessica and Sally went to her place to get the orders ready for delivery and Pippa, Fawn and Tobias took off for the palace. Okay there they are sitting on the palace steps as usual, said Pippa. Lets land a bit back from them and let me talk to them first, said Pippa to Fawn. You make sure none of these elves start hitting on him. Okay I will, said Fawn. There are elves here too. I have never seen an elf, said Tobias. They landed about twenty yards from the steps then Pippa walked over to them. Fawn saw that a few elves have already seen Tobias and were walking over to say hi. Pippa said hi to Alieta and Ginger. Hi Pippa, who you got there with you. I see that one is Fawn but who is the other person? asked Alieta. Well I am just doing this as to be the proper way of doing things, said Pippa. What are you talking about Pippa? asked Alieta. Well let me start here. That very nice boy over there with Fawn is Tobias and Fawn brought him here with his parents blessing to meet Ivy, said Pippa. Really, Ivy you say. What makes you think Ivy wants to meet a boy? asked Alieta. Ginger elbowed Alieta and gave her a dirty look. Okay I guess she might want to meet a boy now that she is twenty, said Alieta. Well he is twenty also, said Pippa but is very nervous around girls and just told me he has never seen an elf before plus he was afraid to go in the house and.. Okay Pippa so get to the point please. Well he is a forest sprite just like Ivy and has strong reading powers too. He read Fawn with out touching her and saw Ivy and found her to be very pretty but also felt in Fawn that Ivy was very important here too. So my point is I thought it would be proper that you met Tobias first, because Ivy is such a good friend of yours and very important to you and everyone else here in Fae Land. Your blessing goes a long way with me, said Pippa. Alieta stood up. You silly pixie, you know I trust your judgement. I bet you already gave him the third degree, said Alieta with a smile. Yep, sort of did, he is very good looking as forest sprite usually are, said Pippa. Ginger started to giggle. Okay tell them to come over. It seems he is getting some attention already from a few elves. He looks a bit nervous around them. Not as nervous as he is going to be meeting you Alieta. His parents know you and have told him about you. Really, now I have to find out more. I will make him relax, don't worry, said Alieta. I know you will, said Pippa. I will go get them. Now stand up Ginger. Lets look good for Tobias. He could be part of our family soon, said Alieta. Ginger stood up straight like a soldier. Like this, she said. Alieta laughed. You silly girl. You can always make me laugh. 17 illustration goes here Chapter 5 Tobias Meets Alieta And Ginger Then Ivy Pippa went to them and saw the elves were very interested in Tobias and was asking him a lot of questions. What is going on here, asked Pippa. We are just asking this guy some questions but he won't talk to us. Pippa looked and Fawn. I tried to get rid of them but they just won't shut up, said Fawn. Oh really then let me tell you all this. He is twenty years old and is here to meet Ivy. All their eyes opened wide. Just twenty and for Ivy. Oops we are so sorry. Nice meeting you young man we have to go. Tobias smiled. You are a very smart queen, said Tobias. Yes and now lets meet another very smart queen. She really wants to meet you, said Pippa. They all walked over to Alieta and Ginger and Tobias saw they were smiling. They look friendly, said Tobias. Who is the girl with the red hair, asked Tobias. That is Ginger. Another very important person here and Alieta's best friend, said Pippa. Oh okay, said Tobias. They reached Alieta and Ginger and Alieta put out her hand to shake his. Tobias shook her hand and smiled. So did you just read me, asked Alieta. Nope, I don't do that unless you give me permission, said Tobias. Why did you smile then? asked Alieta. Because your hand is so soft and you are so pretty, said Tobias. Alieta smiled. Pippa told me that your name is Ginger, you are very pretty too and I love your red hair, said Tobias. Ginger smiled and began to blush. So Pippa here filled me in that you are a forest sprite like our Ivy. Pippa already asked you all the right questions and seeing that you are here now in front of me, I know that you answered them just as Pippa wanted to hear. I trust Pippa with my life so that being said I see a lot of good in you. So welcome to Fae Land Tobias. Thank you Alieta, I am beginning to see what my parents were talking about when they told me stories about you and them. You are very kind, said Tobias. So what are your parents names, I must know them I would guess, said Alieta. Samantha and Dallas, said Tobias. Oh My God! I know them very well. We fought many battles together in the old days. Two of my best fighters also. So are they doing well now? Yes they seem very happy, said Tobias. Fawn has been a good friend with them long before I was born. She would stay with me sometimes when I was young when they left for a bit until they came back. I think Fawn will know best about what they have been doing, said Pippa. Alieta turned and looked at Fawn. Well you could say that they are the most respected sprites in the forest and all of Paxon, even the pixies respect and love them, said Fawn. They are very smart and act a lot like you. Oh that makes me so happy, said Alieta. 18 illustration goes here Now back to meeting Ivy. How much do you know about her? asked Alieta. Well not much, said Tobias. I saw she was very pretty but she was behind some man covering his eyes so couldn't see much of her then but next I saw her in some big tub of water and I really liked her braids with the green ribbons. Alieta smiled. Yes she can be very funny at times. So I am not going to tell you much about her other than she is very important here and loved by everyone in Fae Land. I respect her privacy so best you talk to her. She has no bad secrets at all. She is how ever a very busy girl during the first part of the day but has plenty of time for fun after that. She works in the forest with eight fairies. Have you every met a fairy? asked Alieta. Nope never, you really have fairies here that do magic? asked Tobias. Yes we do and they are amazing but can be pretty nutty at times. They do how ever love doing magic stuff, said Alieta. That is so cool, said Tobias. The pixies back home told me there was no such thing as real fairies, they were just a children's myth. But I didn't believe them. Myths usual come from some truth somewhere, said Tobias. Yes that is true, said Alieta. You seem pretty smart too. Yep, Mom and Dad say I am very smart for my age, said Tobias. Okay one more thing about Ivy. She is one of the strongest reader around anywhere. She can even read someone from a very far distance, I mean over a mile away. She blocks other people from reading her though so don't even try to read her, said Alieta. Oh I won't but I can read people from far away too, said Tobias. I can tell if they are bad or good even before I can see their face plainly but not a mile away. You can't even see the person from that distance. Well she has done it many times and that is just one of her talents, said Alieta. Okay then, I suppose that is all that is need to be said here. So what are you planning to do now? asked Alieta. I don't know, said Tobias. My parents put Fawn in charge of me. I will take him back to my place and get him ready to meet Ivy I suppose. Just haven't figured out the best way of doing that yet, said Fawn. Well I don't think you have to worry about that now, said Ginger. Her comes Ivy and Sara now with a few fairies. Must be lunch time. 19 illustration goes here Ivy and Sara were with Tulip, Lollipop and Pippie and heading to the palace grounds for the regular lunch time thing. Ivy spotted somebody in front of Alieta and sensed he was new so she needed to check him out for her. She got close then stopped in mid air then slowly flapped her wings until her feet touch the ground. She just stood there staring at him. Sara asked what was wrong. Ivy just pointed ahead. Sara looked and saw Tobias looking at them so she quickly jumped in front of Ivy to block his view of her. Tulip stopped also and asked what was going on. Look, said Ivy then pointed towards the group in front of the palace again. Get out of my way Sara. I can't see him. That is the idea, said Sara. What if he is bad. Get out of my way or I will hit you, said Ivy in a louder voice. Um okay if you put it that way, said Sara then smiled knowing Ivy couldn't and wouldn't hurt her. Tulip, Lollipop and Pippie flew over to see what was going on. Hi Alieta, something is wrong with Ivy. She won't move and just threaten to hit Sara if she didn't get out of her way. Alieta laughed, well Sara is Ivy's body guard sort of, said Alieta. Ivy has a body guard? asked Tobias. Not really, Sara is Ivy's sister but is extremely strong. Alieta then saw everyone was heading to the palace from Sandy Lake and it looked like Alexa and some of the other heroes were coming too. Okay Tulip this is Tobias and is the son of two very good friends of mine. Now get Sara over here fast so that these to can meet and talk in private. Okay Alieta, got it. Tulip flew fast to Sara and told her that Alieta wants to see you now. Okay I guess, said Sara and flew over to Alieta. Do you see him? asked Ivy. Yes Ivy, we all do. He is the son of two very good friends of Alieta. Do you want to meet him. Yep, I think so, I feel funny inside. Tulip smiled. Then for sure you want to meet him, I will send him over for you but best you two find somewhere private to talk. Too many people coming here now, said Tulip. Okay, said Ivy. Tulip flew back and said okay, Ivy is fine for the most part, she wants to meet Tobias. Okay Tobias. It is all up to you now. Go see and talk to her, just remember everything I told you, said Alieta. Okay, said Tobias and started walking towards Ivy. Ivy was still stuck where she landed but now could see how wonderful this boy looked. Tobias got to about ten feet from her then froze. You are so beautiful. I can't move for some reason. Ivy smiled then walked up to him and said lets go somewhere private. Okay, he said and they both flew off. The rest of the gang reached the palace and ask who just flew off with Ivy. That was Tobias, a forest sprite. He is the son of two of my friends from the good old days, said Alieta. Really, you had forest sprites fighting with you. No they were high breed sprites like me. A forest sprite can sometimes be born from two high breeds I was told. It is very rare but it does happen, said Alieta. I think that is how forest sprites first came to be a long time ago. So what did he look like? asked Zan. He is gorgeous, said Ginger that was wiping the tears from her eyes. You were crying? asked Zan. Oh I couldn't help it. That was the most amazing first meeting I have ever seen, said Ginger. Ya you are just a big softie, said Tabatha. So where did they go, asked Alexa. Don't matter, some where private I expect, said Alieta. Oh okay, so what is for lunch, asked Alexa. Alieta smiled. What every you want dear, said Alieta. Surprise us Tulip, you always make good stuff, said Alexa. Okay sounds good to me. Lets do this, said Tulip to Lollipop and Pippie. The other fairies will be here soon too and I bet they are hungry also. 20 illustration goes here Ivy found a nice quite spot under a tree in the shade and took Tobias down to it and they both sat down. Hi, I am Ivy, what is your name? asked Ivy. I am Tobias from a different forest not too far from Fae Land. So you got to know Alieta and Ginger? asked Ivy. Yep, they are really nice. Good said Ivy. I trust them both, so Tulip told me you were the son of two old friends of Alieta. Yep, my parents fought together with Alieta. They told me many stories of great battles they fought long ago, said Tobias. Oh so they are still alive? asked Ivy. Yep, and they said it was okay for me to come here, said Tobias. My parents died saving my life, said Ivy. Oh I am sorry to hear that, said Tobias. Ya but now I have a new family here in Fae Land. The most amazing people in the world, said Ivy. Well family is important, said Tobias. So how old are you Tobias if you don't mind me asking, said Ivy. I am twenty, said Tobias. Really, me too, said Ivy with a big smile. My birthday was a couple of days ago. Mine was a little over two weeks ago so that makes me older than you, said Tobias with a smile. Yep you are, just a bit, said Ivy. So what did Alieta tell you about me? asked Ivy. Well not much, she said I would have to talk with you to find out more but she did say that you can read people from a far distance like me. Oh so you can sense people too? asked Ivy. Yep, getting pretty good at it too but I was taught not to invade other peoples insides unless they asked me too, said Tobias. Ya I do the same. I just read someone new when they are by Alieta or any of my close friends, said Ivy. So she also said you work a lot and are very important but that was about it other than being a very good friend of hers. Ivy smiled. Ya we all love Alieta, she is an amazing queen. All of Fae Land loves her, said Ivy. So is there anything else I should know about you? Alieta did say I would have to ask you directly, said Tobias. Well lets see, said Ivy then rubbed her chin. I live with Sara and Viridian in a nice house Alieta built for us. I work every morning in the fairy forest cove controlling the magic there and some of the magic in Eden. I love dancing and having fun when I am not working. Plus I just love ice cream. Even more that Jessica's candies but don't tell her that, okay. Okay I won't but what is ice cream? asked Tobias. What you have never tasted ice cream before. Well we are going to my place right now. I have a butch in the ice box. Lets go. Ivy grabbed his hand and they flew off together to her place. 21 illustration goes here When they reached her place Tobias commented on how nice her yard looked and wondered what kind of tree that was growing in the middle of the yard. It is a coconut tree. Makes some really cool fruit like seeds that are yummy, said Ivy. They both went inside and Tobias had no hesitation following Ivy into her house. Here sit there. I will get us each a bowl. She made two very big bowls of chocolate ice cream then got each of them a spoon. Okay go slow at first because it is ice cold, said Ivy. Like this and she took a little bit and put it in her mouth. He copied her and said this is amazing tasting. I have never tasted anything this good before, said Tobias. Yep it is my very favorite food, said Ivy. They both ate their ice cream while talking about other foods they liked. So what do you do for fun around here? asked Tobias. Oh a bunch of stuff, sometimes we have parties or play games, said Ivy. Swimming is always fun too. Sometimes I just hang out in my yard and talk to the plants and figure out what next I should plant. Stuff like that. There is rarely a dull time in Fae Land. Sometimes Mother Nature comes down to see me also seeing I take care of all the trees and plants. Really, I have never met her before, said Tobias. We all know about her in the forest though. Oh here let me call her for you. Do you want to meet her? asked Ivy. Okay, she will come for you? asked Tobias. You bet watch, said Ivy. 22 illustration goes here Chapter 6 Mother Nature Meets Tobias "Mother Nature, come and see my new friend please." In a flash Mother Nature appeared. Hi dear who have you met? Wow, the real Mother Nature! said Tobias. My who have we here? asked Mother Nature to Ivy. This is my new friend Tobias. He is a forest sprite too, said Ivy. My he is a very handsome forest sprite too. We don't get many male forest sprites around these days, said Mother Nature. So Tobias, are you planning on staying? We could use another forest sprite here to help out Ivy. I think so, said Tobias. It seems really nice here and we don't have ice cream back home in my forest. Oh Ivy turned you on to ice cream. Pretty good isn't it, said Mother Nature. You want some Mother Nature? asked Ivy. Sure do dear, best invention of food ever, said Mother Nature. Ivy got up and made Mother Nature a bowl too then sat back down. So what kind of work can I do to help Ivy, asked Tobias. Oh lots of things, said Mother Nature. There is lots of plants growing here in Fae Land. Talking to trees and plants is one, flying around looking for problem areas, helping in the two forests. That new pixie forest is looking great and the pixies are taking good care of it but every once and a while a forest sprite should go there and chat it up with some trees. That will make the forest happy to know a forest sprite is around. Definitely not hard work of coarse. My this ice cream is good. Ivy smiled. So where are you staying Tobias? Well I am under Fawns care so I suppose with her and Sally, said Tobias. Okay good. Have you ever slept on a bed before? asked Mother Nature. Nope, just the one I make in the trees, said Tobias. Well you will love it. Much better than tree branches, said Mother Nature. Anyways you should stay here with Ivy for a bit longer until Viridian and Sara get here. They need to meet you also. They will be here in a few minutes. Then maybe go to the palace together and meet all those nice nutty people and those incredible fairies and have supper there. Then I will touch base with Lilly to make sure you have a bed there at Fawn's place. Got to make sure you are taken care of, said Mother Nature. You will see fast that these people are a great big family that all take care of each other all the time. 23 illustration goes here Viridian and Sara walked in and were surprised to see Mother Nature sitting at the table eating ice cream with Ivy and Tobias. Hello girls how was your lunch? asked Mother Nature. Well very good as usual, said Viridian. Nice to see you here. Oh always nice to visit my friends, said Mother Nature. Well that was very good Ivy, Thank you so much. Have you two met Tobias yet? No we just know what Alieta told us, said Viridian. Well he seems like a nice boy, all forest sprites are very pleasant, even the ones that stay hidden in the forest, said Mother Nature. Now I am heading over to the palace and making sure things are set up for Tobias tonight. Was Alexa still there when you left? Yes she was, said Viridian. Okay good, I need to talk to her also. Okay so sit and talk to this wonderful young man and I will see you all later. I am sure Tobias is a bit nervous being here and meeting everyone. This is the first time he has been out of the forest and away from his parents and friends so make him feel comfortable. Then Mother Nature vanished. Ivy smiled. What can I say, she likes ice cream also, said Ivy. Yes I suppose she does, said Viridian. Ivy took the empty bowls and spoons and put them in the sink. 24 illustration goes here So may we sit with you two? asked Viridian. Yep, Tobias is really nice. I bet he would like to know more about you two. Yes maybe you are right, said Viridian. Alieta and Ginger pretty much filled us both in about Tobias. She really likes him so that is good enough for me. How about you Sara. Yep he sounds like a very nice boy I guess, said Sara. What do you mean you guess? asked Viridian. I have never seen a boy before if you say he is nice then I believe you, said Sara. Oh ya, I never thought of that, said Viridian. How could a fully grown pretty girl never of seen a boy before? asked Tobias. Well she may look fully grown but she is not that old, said Viridian. Looks like we do have some things to tell you about our family here. Viridian and Sara sat down but Sara kept her distance from Tobias. So ask away Tobias. What would you like to know about us all. Well first I would like to ask Sara how old she actually is and how she likes working with Ivy, said Tobias. Sara smiled. She was happy that he picked her first to ask questions. Well I am almost one and working with Ivy is always interesting and fun at the same time. She never gets upset and seems to be smiling all the time she is working. You are only one year old, did I heard you correctly? asked Tobias. Yep, I was created by God to help Ivy because she was over loaded with work and was not having any time to have fun anymore. What do you mean you were created by God. Aren't we all created by God? asked Tobias. Well yes I suppose but I was created by him in heaven, said Sara. Wow amazing, said Tobias. So you are very special. Yep but we all are here in Fae Land, said Viridian. Things are very different here in Fae Land compared to anywhere else. Yep Sara is like a sister to me and one of my best friends too, said Ivy. Sara smiled. Ya Ivy is my best friend along with Viridian but Ivy has a lot of best friends all over the place, said Sara. Okay Viridian, I noticed you are very tall. The first elves I met today by the palace were smaller than me. Are you a special kind of elf? asked Tobias. I like to think so, said Viridian. I am taller than most elves though it comes in handy sometimes when working with the team, said Viridian. What kind of team? asked Tobias. Oh you don't know about the team of heroes yet I suppose, said Viridian. Well we are a team that all have our own special talents that defend Fae Land and other places from evil enemies and creatures, said Viridian. Wow, so you are special then, said Tobias. Yes I suppose I am. I do have a spear that was blessed with the power of the heavens that can kill just about anything plus I have a suit that can make me invisible. That is pretty special. You bet it is, said Tobias. I was told that this was a magical place by my parents. Now I am starting to get it. Well you two should head off back to the palace. I am sure everyone there would love to meet your new friend Ivy. He seems quite adorable. I like him, said Viridian. I like him too even though he is a boy, said Sara. He is very pretty. Ivy laughed. He is handsome silly not pretty. You say handsome I will say pretty. Even his hair and wings are pretty to me, said Sara with a smile. Okay I guess you are right. We best get back to the palace, said Ivy. We did take off kinda suddenly. Best you did, said Viridian. You didn't need a bunch of us asking questions when the two of you had just met. Okay see you two tonight, said Ivy, Bye Sara and Viridian, very nice meeting you two, said Tobias then out they went and headed to the palace. Do all boys look as pretty as Tobias? asked Sara. No but I wish they did, said Viridian. 25 illustration goes here Chapter 7 Tobias Meets The Gang They both got to the palace and saw that a bunch of people were still hanging out. They flew down and Ivy said hello. Hi Ivy, Mother Nature stopped by and told us to stick around because you two were coming back here soon, said Alexa. Oh okay, said Ivy. Well she did say she was coming here to make sure Tobias would be comfortable where he is staying. Yep she took Lilly with her to check out the place, said Alexa. Is it okay for some of us to meet him or is he the shy type? No he doesn't seem that shy, just a bit nervous around all these new people, said Ivy. Like Mother Nature said this is the first time he has been out on his own from the forest. No need to be nervous Tobias, I am Alexa, leader of the team of heroes that Viridian may of told you about. Yep she did a bit, she said all of you have very special talents and defend people from evil, said Tobias. That is correct, said Alexa. Now I have to get back home and feed my man and wolves so I will see you around, said Alexa. Then Alexa head back towards the palace. Did she say she had to feed her wolves? asked Tobias. Ya she has two very friendly and big Titan wolves. I will take you to meet them another time, said Ivy. Just remember what Mother Nature said, things are very different here. Yes I am really starting to see that now, said Tobias. 26 illustration goes here Alexa went to Alieta to say goodbye. My God he is gorgeous, said Alexa. Alieta smiled. Yes he is Alexa, said Alieta. Then Alexa headed for the stables. Alieta walked over to Tobias and Ivy. Now Tobias, Mother Nature took Lilly with her to make sure you had a bed to sleep on tonight so don't worry about anything okay, said Alieta. Okay thanks, said Tobias, Mother Nature said beds are better than sleeping in trees. Yes they are now Ktara is still here so meet her then talk to the other girls here that live in the palace before you go anywhere else, said Alieta. They all want to meet Ivy's new friend. Ivy took Tobias to meet Ktara. Hi Tobias I am Ktara and I am on the team also. I am an excellent tracker so if you ever need anything found, I am your girl to go to. Okay said Tobias. Nice to meet you too, said Tobias. Believe me the pleasure is all mine, said Ktara. Nice catch Ivy. Anyways I live in the house beside Ivy and love cooking so if you every want a snack or something sweet then come over, you are always welcome. I got to go too, Going to cook up another batch of brownies that everyone loves. I'll see you two later. Okay by Ktara, said Tobias. What did she mean by nice catch? asked Tobias to Ivy. I don't know but sounds good I think, said Ivy. Okay and what are brownies? asked Tobias. Oh they are amazing, almost as good as ice cream, said Ivy. 27 illustration goes here Next Zan walked up to them. Hello Tobias, I am Zan, a Triffie and last of my kind. I am very glad you came to Fae Land and found our Ivy. This place is very magical and not just the land but the love these people have for each other is outstanding. You will always be welcomed here. I can also read people but nowhere close as good as Ivy. I am pretty new here also but it is really easy to make friends here. Yes I have been noticing that, said Tobias. Now over there is my best friends, they all want to meet you, said Zan. What are the two with the big wings? asked Tobias. Don't worry about them, they are really nice, said Ivy. Yep they sure are and help protect Fae land from evil things, said Zan. Zan waved Tara and Avan over that were both a bit reluctant to come over. Get over here you two. He don't bite. They both laughed. Okay then and they both walked over with the other girls. 28 illustration goes here Hi Tobias, I am Tara and this is my sister Avan. We are she devils but good ones. Really, I thought devils were ugly and bad, said Tobias. Ya well not us two said Avan. We are God's devils so we are special. Ya I see that, magnificent wings you both have and cute tails too, said Tobias. Don't forget beautiful too, said Ivy. Ya that too, said Tobias. So this is what the male version of Ivy looks like, said Tara. Very handsome with nice wings. Is it my turn yet? asked Tabitha. Yes dear go ahead, said Avan. Hi Tobias, I am Tabitha. I am only fifteen years old so the youngest one of the gang here. I don't have any powers like everyone else here but I am very smart and learning new stuff all the time. Being smart is kind of having a power, said Tobias. My parents say I am very smart for a young sprite also. So you are a human girl it looks like to me. Yep but I still have some growing to do yet. Repellia and Phonixa are fully grown human girls though, they are really pretty and have some special powers. Everyone here seems to be special one way or another, said Tobias. Well the thing is, everyone in Fae Land is special one way or another, said Ivy. You will see for yourself as you meet more and more people. Ivy asked Alieta if it was okay if she took Tobias inside and showed him all her presents. Sure go ahead, said Alieta. They both went inside and Ivy brought Tobias to the grand hall. Wow this is a huge room, said Tobias. We could fly around in here. Ivy smiled. I suppose so she said but come over here behind these dividers and see all the gifts I a got on my birthday. I really haven't had time to get a good look at them yet, said Ivy. They both went behind the dividers and Tobias was amazed at how many gifts were there. Who gave you all these gifts? he asked. Oh lots and lots of people in Fae Land, said Ivy. Well that shows you how many people really love you Ivy, said Tobias. Yep, I know, so lets check them out. Some look really good but some I am not sure what they are, said Ivy. Okay, said Tobias. 29 illustration goes here They both spent some time checking out the gifts on all the tables. Ivy started to grab some that she really liked but ran out of hands. Tobias pulled over an empty table and told her to put the ones she liked best on this table. Good idea, said Ivy. Ivy saw lots of very nice gifts and started adding them to the best liked table. It took some time to go through all of them but when done she had almost a full table of favorites. You know, I love the gifts that the team and the palace gang got me the most and all of them are in my bedroom already. I like all of these ones too and all of them are important to me, said Ivy. So where are you going to put them all? asked Tobias. Well Alieta is having a new room built for me to put them all in, sort of a game room she said. I will figure it out once it is finished, said Ivy. That is really nice of Alieta, said Tobias. Yep, she is the best, said Ivy. I suppose the ones I don't know what they are, Alieta or Ginger can tell me about them. They are both very smart, said Ivy. So it is going to be supper time soon and all the fairies will be coming out of the forest shortly so do you want to go back outside and wait for them? asked Ivy. Yep that would be great. I have only seen Tulip and two other ones but that was very briefly, said Tobias. Well you are in for a treat. They are very magical and smart too but kinda nutty also. They love to have fun and do magic helping people, said Ivy. They sound amazing, said Tobias. Lets go! Chapter 8 The Home Improvement Makeover Mother Nature and Lilly reached Fawn and Sally's place. My the place looks a bit run down, said Lilly. Yes it does dear. First lets see if Sally is home. Lilly knocked on the door and Sally answered it. Hi Sally, Mother Nature and I are here to make sure Tobias has a bed to sleep on tonight. Okay, said Sally but you said Mother Nature too. Where is she? Oh right here dear, I was just looking at the paint peeling off your house. Well really nice to meet both of you but yes the house does need a new paint job but things are tight right now, said Sally. So can we come in, asked Lilly. Ya sure, come in please, said Sally. Now as for a bed, we only have one and we both take turns sleeping on the couch and the bed, said Sally. Oh my, said Mother Nature. That won't do. Can Lilly here see your bedroom? Sure it is over here, said Sally. Mother Nature saw that the place was nice and clean and well kept inside. Okay this is the room. We both share the dresser and the closet. There is lots of extra space for stuff but we can't afford anything more right now, said Sally. Well let me see what I can do for you, said Lilly. Let me read you for a few moments then that will give me a better idea of what you would like. Okay, said Sally. Lilly held her hand then let go. Okay got it, said Lilly. Now lets get started. Lilly made her wand appear and first replaced the old bed with a bran new one. Then created a matching one on the other side of the room. Sally was in awe as she watched Lilly doing her magic on the room. Now lets repaint in here. You both seem to like a soft pink so let me do that for you. She waved the wand in the air and the walls all changed to a very nice soft pink colour. Now a nice soft carpet would be nice for your feet in the morning. She made a nice big one. Now let me make you two a couple of nice dressers. You will have to transfer the clothes yourself then get rid of the old one, said Lilly. She moved the old one out of the way, then made two nice dresser with big mirrors on them and put them side by side between the two beds. Now a few nice paintings and there that should take care of this room, said Lilly. Wow it looks beautiful in here, said Sally. Ya I am really good at designing stuff, said Lilly. Now let me go out side for a minute then I will be right back, said Lilly. Okay, said Sally. Mother Nature had a look at the new bedroom. So do you like it? asked Mother Nature. Are you kidding it is perfect, said Sally. 30 illustration goes here Lilly came back in after a few minutes and said okay I am all set. By the way I fixed the paint job on the outside of the house and made a couple of nice flower gardens in front. Really, that fast? asked Sally. Yep magic doesn't waist time, said Lilly. Now this needs a door right here. She created a door and opened it. On the other side was a new empty room. Now lets get started on this room. First of all he is a forest sprite so probably likes the colour green so I will make all the walls a nice natural green. Sally just stood there watching. Just seeing a bran new room had her stunned. Now the bed goes here and a nice man's dresser should go here. Needs a carpet now so probably a nice earthy brown will be best. A mirror right there and a chair. Now some nice paintings of trees and plants on the walls. That should do it for Tobias, his own private bedroom. Now let me see your bathroom. Okay it is here, said Sally. Well nice and clean but not really set up properly. Let me try something. She twirled the wand in the air then things started to move around until Lilly was happy how it looked. Now there you go. I got rid of the tub and replaced it with a shower that now gives you more room in here. Over there is a small tub with hot and cold running water to wash clothes in and a rack beside to hang dry stuff. There is a toilet and a nice big sink with a mirror that opens up and you can put stuff in there too and keep it hidden. Now a nice water proof carpet and that should do it. Wow, there is more things in there now but more room somehow. That is amazing, said Sally. Yep it is all about organizing, said Lilly. Okay lets go back out to the kitchen. 31 illustration goes here Well nice and clean that is very good, said Lilly. Yes we both like a clean home, said Sally. Okay then how about a new coat of paint and here a new set of shelves. Hmm, looks empty so let me fill it. Lilly filled the shelves with a variety of pots and pans plus other cooking needs. This table is too small so let me make it bigger. There that is better. Now you need enough food in the ice box so what have you got in there? asked Lilly. Not much, I haven't gone shopping yet but we just buy the basics all the time. Lilly smiled. Okay lets fix that for you. Once again she pointed her wand and filled the ice box with lots of food. Oops forgot something. There that is better, I bet any money Ivy has got Tobias hooked on ice cream already so there is two tubs on the bottom shelf. Then Lilly stocked the pantry with spices, veggies and pastas plus other things like bread, sugar and jams. Okay that is all good for now. You just made me hungry, said Sally. Well you have lots to make now, said Lilly. Okay that should take care of the kitchen. Now let me have a look at the living room over there. 32 illustration goes here She looked at the living room. Hmm this won't do, just one old couch and a couple of small tables. Let me make this into a real living room for you, said Lilly. Be my guest, you have done great so far, said Sally. Lilly made her wand disappear then waved both hands in the air then all the old furniture vanished then she waved her hands again and a brand new living room set up was created with wall paintings, cabinets, end tables and other things. Now this is a lot like Viridian's place seeing how it is about the same size and layout but I it looks better now, said Lilly. Better, it is like a brand new house in here now. Well that was what I read in you. I aim to please, said Lilly. Well you succeeded at that many times over, said Sally. Okay time to leave, said Lilly. Yes me too, said Mother Nature. Enjoy the rest of your day dear then both Lilly and Mother Nature left. Sally made herself a nice bowl of ice cream then sat down at her new big kitchen table. Outside Lilly stopped. Oh one more thing before I go, said Lilly to Mother Nature. There, three lawn chairs, said Lilly. Now that makes it perfect out here, said Mother Nature. 33 illustration goes here Chapter 9 Conclusion Lilly got back to the palace grounds just as the other fairies were about to make supper for everyone. Hi everyone. Got everything done, said Lilly to Tulip. Everything? asked Tulip. I thought you were just making a new bed for Tobias. Well yes but once I got there I saw the place needed a face lift so I fixed everything, plus had to make a completely new bedroom for Tobias, said Lilly. So will Fawn recognize the place now. Oh probably not but I put some lawn chairs outside hoping Sally will be sitting outside when Fawn got home. Good thinking, said Tulip. Tulip and a couple of other fairies made supper for everyone. While they were eating Tobias was still getting to know all the fairies. Once supper was over some of the fairies cleaned everything up then went over to Ivy and Tobias and started asking some more questions to him. Tobias was happy to answer all their questions. Everyone else broke off into their normal groups so Alieta and Ginger went over by the palace steps and watched everyone. Tulip came over and told Alieta that all is set for Tobias, but Lilly did her thing and fixed the entire place. Alieta smiled. You knew she would do that, didn't you Tulip? Yep that is why I picked her to do it. She is the best at design and if she sees something that is not right, she fixes it, said Tulip. Fawn will probably fall on her butt when she sees the new place. Well that will show Tobias that we all take care of each other here, said Alieta. Ya such a good looking boy too. No wonder Ivy hasn't left his side all the time she has been here. Ya it is easy to see Ivy really likes him, said Ginger. Okay I am off, said Tulip. Going to the pixie forest to check on things before it gets dark and off Tulip flew. Fawn came over and said she just asked Tobias if he remembered where the house was and he said yes. So I am heading home to rest some. It has been a big day for me. Okay dear but expect to see a few changes at home when you get there, said Alieta. What do you mean? asked Fawn. You will see, said Alieta, but it is all good. Okay, said Fawn. Then Fawn flew off home. Both Ginger and Alieta looked at each other and smiled. 34 illustration goes here When Fawn got home she found Sally outside on one of the lawn chairs reading a book. Um, who painted the house for us? asked Fawn. Lilly, said Sally. And where did the two nice gardens come from? asked Fawn. Lilly again, said Sally. Perfect paint job too, not one drip mark anywhere, said Fawn. Yep, she is the best, said Sally. So did we get the new bed all set up and made for Tobias? asked Fawn. Oh yes, said Sally. Now be prepared before you go inside. Prepared for what? asked Fawn. Magic girl, lots of magic, said Sally. Sally got up and grabbed Fawn's hand. Why are you holding my hand? asked Fawn. You will see, trust me. Sally opened the door and they both walked in. At first Fawn didn't notice the bigger table in the kitchen but in a moment she saw there were now six chairs. Well that is better, said Fawn. Lilly did that for us? Yep look what else she did, said Sally and pointed at the living room. "Oh My God, what happened in here?" and Fawn started to fall backwards. Okay got ya girlfriend. See I told you lots and lots of magic, said Sally. Everything looks new, said Fawn. Yep, said Sally. Now wait until you see the ice box, pantry, bathroom, and our bedroom. Plus Tobias's entire new room. A new room? asked Fawn. Yep, welcome to our new home and beginning, said Sally with a big smile. The End 35 illustration goes here