The Adventures In The Land Of Fae Lets Build A Forest Prolog After Guen the Queen of Fairy Land finished talking to Gabriel and Alieta in the den and Gabriel went back up to heaven, Alieta and Guen went back outside to see how the fairy princesses were doing. Okay, I don't see Tulip here, said Guen. Yes and I don't see Ivy here anymore either, said Alieta. She called over Phonixa that was kicking a ball around with everyone. Hi Alieta what's up? asked Phonixa. Do you know where Tulip and Ivy went? asked Alieta. Ya sort of, said Phonixa. Tulip was going to go fly around some to see how big Fae Land was and what else was here but Ivy wouldn't let her go alone so she went with her. The rest of the girls wanted to go too but Tulip told them to stay here and wait for Guen to come back out. Fairies are very curious, they asks so many questions and Lilly was flying around the palace looking in all the window, Pippie checked under my hair to see if my ears were pointed when I told her they weren't. Sunflower was doing flying tricks for Repellia. It was hard to keep track of them seeing they move around so fast but I know Tulip went with Ivy, that is for sure. Guen smiled. See they can be quite the handful, said Guen. They are just really excited to be here, they will settle down some soon. Oh we don't mind, they are fun to have around and now we are playing soccer, said Phonixa. They learn fast and are really good at playing the game. Is there anything else, I need to get back to the game, my team is loosing badly. Who is on your team? asked Alieta. Oh it is Fae Land girls against Fairy Land girls, said Phonixa then she ran back out to rejoin the game. Of course they are losing, said Guen. None of your girls can fly. I don't think they care, said Alieta. Looks like they are all having a great time. 01 illustration goes here Chapter 1 Tulip's Little Adventure Ivy and Tulip were flying north over Eden. Wow there sure is a lot of open space here to fly, said Tulip. So where we going Ivy? I want you to meet a little girl I meet not long ago that I think is very special. Why is she special? asked Tulip. Well her name is Liza and her father died a while ago when she was a bit younger from some illness. Her Mother who's name is Grace brought her to Fae Land to live but Victoria was still sad inside and kept to herself. Oh that sounds really sad, said Tulip. Yep but not long ago Alieta wanted me to go to the human colony to meet the people there. They mostly stick to themselves. Anyways Apollonia took me and the twins there to a park where there was lots of people on blankets having picnics. Everyone stared at us at first but then Apollonia spotted Victoria and her mom sitting alone at the far end of the park. Somehow she knew there was something wrong with Liza. She flew right over to them and I followed, she knelt down in font of Liza. She is only seven years old and I never seen such a young human before. Liza stood up and smiled at Apollonia. Grace was very surprised to see an angel to say the least. Apollonia told Liza that she must stop being sad because she is making her father unhappy seeing you this way. He is in heaven and is watching you and wants you and your mother to be happy again. I never saw that part of Apollonia before so I suppose all angels, dark or white want to help people to be happy. So is Liza better and happy now? asked Tulip. Yes she is better inside but they still have no friends yet because for some reason humans tend to form groups of friends and it is hard for new people to get accepted by other people plus she is a single mother that doesn't help her to blend in. That is why I am bringing you there. What can I do, I am newer here than them, said Tulip. I know but one thing I know for sure is no one in that colony has ever seen a fairy before. Only drawings in fairy tale books. People don't believe fairies are real but I bet children believe like I did when I was real young. Truth is I never stopped believing. Hopefully they will be back at the park on this nice sunny day. You want me to make other people notice Liza and her mom, don't you? asked Tulip. That is my plan, said Ivy. Okay there is the village just up ahead. 02 illustration goes here When they reached the village they took a right to where the park was. There were plenty of people there as Ivy expected. Do you see her yet? asked Tulip. Yep, same spot way at the back, said Ivy. Why don't they move closer where everyone is? asked Tulip. I am not sure, said Ivy. Lets go down and find out. They both flew down and landed beside the blanket. Hello again Grace and Liza, I brought a friend of mine for you to meet, said Ivy. Hello Ivy, I have never seen a pixie up this close before, said Grace. Liza and I watch them from the window at night before we go to bed. Sometimes one will come right up to the window and wave at us. Liza looked closely at Tulip. Your not a pixie, you're a fairy, said Liza. Don't be silly, said Grace, there is no such thing as fairies. They are just imaginary. Well then I am imagining because this is a very pretty fairy, said Liza. Pixies look different. Look different how, asked Grace. Pixies look like elves except with wings. Fairies look much younger and have a special twinkle in their eyes because they are magical inside and not just their wings. Where did you hear that? asked Grace. Dad told me when I was younger. He read me a story about fairies and I asked if they were real. Did he say they were real? asked Tulip. No not exactly but he said if you believe in something hard enough then sometimes it will become real. Grace looked at Tulip. Hmm you are very young looking, said Grace. Tulip smiled at her and Grace saw that twinkle in Tulip's eyes. Oh my goodness, said Grace I saw it, the twinkle. See I told you Mom. Ivy's friend is a real fairy, said Liza with a very big smile on her face. 03 illustration goes here So Grace, why is it you put your blanket down way back here away from the rest of the people? asked Ivy. Mainly because I am a single mom and I have very little money left so if people know that then they will feel bad for me and offer to help out but I don't want to be a charity case, said Grace. We can manage on our own and I will find work somewhere to support Liza. What is money? asked Tulip. That is what everyone here uses to buy things like food and clothes plus other things, said Ivy. They use different sizes of gold coins here. In my opinion you got it backwards. People like to help out each other here in Fae Land. It feels good to give just as much as it does to receive. Well nobody has offered to help yet nor even come to say hello, said Grace. Ivy looked around and saw that quite a few people were looking in their direction. Ivy noticed a young man and young woman sitting across from each other talking. She read them a bit to see what they were talking about. You see that young couple over there, said Ivy. They have been trying to have a baby for two years with no luck so far, said Ivy. Do you want to know what they are talking about to each other? You can do that? asked Grace. Yep Ivy can read people when she wants to, said Tulip. Are they talking about me? asked Grace. Actually they are talking about all of us right now. Mostly they think you are so lucky to have a beautiful daughter. They would do anything to be as luck as you. Plus they are wondering why Tulip and I are over here. They think I am lucky, but they look happy when ever I see them, said Grace. They are happy and in love but just with each other. They have no one to share there love with. Come with me and I will show you how easy it is to make friends here. Tulip your up, start showing Liza what a fairy princess can to with her magic wand. Your a fairy princess! My dad used to call me his little fairy princess all the time, said Liza. Ivy took Grace's hand and walked over to the couple on the blanket and Tulip made her wand appear in her hand. 04 illustration goes here Hello this is my friend Grace and that cute girl over there with Tulip is her daughter Liza, said Ivy. Hi Ivy, very nice to finally meet you, said the woman. My name is Cathy and this is my husband Jim. Hi Grace nice of you to finally come over to talk to us, said Cathy. We so envy of you. Why, you two seem to be doing very good together, said Grace. Ya most people think that but what is being married and having money if you can't have a baby and make a family, said Cathy. You and your husband must be very happy with such a lovely little girl to raise. Well we were but he passed away from an illness a while back, said Grace. Oh my God that is so said, said Cathy. That is why we never saw your husband. If you ever need anything just ask, we would be glad to help. Jim here has a really good job in Cumberland so and I am stuck at home alone during most days during the week days so it would be very nice if you and Liza would come over and visit me, said Cathy. We could go shopping together and I can introduce you to some of my single friends that want to have a family too but just haven't met the right man yet. It would be fun. Really but you barely know me, said Grace. I do now and besides if Ivy is your friend then you must be a good person. Four children ran by them and went to where Liza and Tulip were. Um that little pixie over with Liza, isn't a pixie, is she? asked Jim. Nope Tulip is a fairy princess visiting Alieta with her five sisters and mother, said Ivy. Your kidding, a real fairy! The guys at work are not going to believe this, said Jim. Don't tell them dear, they will think you are nuts, said Cathy. Please can both of you sit with us and talk more. We brought snacks and wine. Tulip seems to have those children captivated for now. Okay, how about you Ivy, do you have somewhere to be? asked Grace. Nope this is exactly where I wanted to be, said Ivy. 05 illustration goes here The four girls that ran to where Liza and Tulip were, watching with wide open eyes as Tulip made a bracelet on Liza's wrist with her magic wand. Wow a real fairy, said one of the girls. Can my friends and I stay and meet your friend the fairy? asked one of the girls. I suppose so, but Tulip is a fairy princess, said Liza. No way, a real fairy princess is here in our park, said another girl. Yep and there are five of her sisters and her mother at the palace with Alieta, said Liza. Five more fairy princesses and a fairy queen too! said the first girl. Wow, my name is Sandy, my name is Ruby, my name is Linda, My name is Krissy, I am the smallest and youngest. Well nice to meet you all, said Tulip. This is my good friend Liza, would you all like a bracelet too? All four girls put their arms out. Okay, I gather that means yes, said Tulip with a smile. She made her wand appear again and one by one she created a bracelet on each girl's wrist. Now my Mom has to believe you are a fairy, said Sandy. Do fairies like to play like we read in the fairy tale books? Well two things all fairies love to do the most is do magic and play, said Tulip. All four girls screamed and jumped up and down. Well looks like Tulip is a big hit with those girls over there, said Cathy. It won't take long for everyone here in the village finds out there are fairies in Fae Land now. Well for now anyways, they are just visiting, said Ivy. But I do have a feeling some of them may stay. How do you know that? asked Jim. I don't, it is just a feeling but when I get a feeling about something it usually comes true, said Ivy. So what ya got in that big basket? 06 illustration goes here Chapter 2 Tempressa Gets A Make Over Back at the palace Viridian and Ktara were pretty worn out trying to keep up with the fairies and decided it was time to head back home and rest before supper. Guen wanted to see the fairy book that Alieta was reading so they went back in the palace. Lily was talking to Ginger about how all the fairies make certain structures in the forest back home then get her to do the finishing touches to it by adding decorations and even changing the colours. Chestnut and Sunflower flew around the back of the palace and no one knew what they were up to but they did hang out together all the time in the fairy forest back home. Pippie however wanted to get to know Phonixa and Repellia better because they were very stylish and talked a lot about different styles of clothes that they figured were in fashion and ones that were not to their liking so the three of them sat down on the grass at the other end of the palace away from everyone and talked. What kind of designing do you do Pippie? asked Phonixa. Well I did design all these out fits for my sisters, I wanted to do my mom a favor and make her a prettier outfit but she likes what she has and won't change it, said Pippie. Really, well I think you did a great job on your outfit, said Repellia. It looks very fairy like and suits you. I do hair also. I am in charge and keeping all the fairies hair looking good, said Pippie. Our hair grows pretty fast and gets in our eyes so I make sure it is the perfect length for us. Just then Repellia saw Tempressa riding in on her horse. Now there comes a girl that needs a complete hair make over, said Repellia. She is Mother Nature's younger sister and wears her hair up all the time because she says it gets in her face when it is down but I think she just doesn't want to take care of it like we do. I know Mother Nature, she comes and visits us sometimes, said Pippie. She is a good friend of my Mom. She is really pretty. Tall but still pretty. Well Tempressa has a very pretty face too but I bet she would look so much prettier with a better style of hair, Phonixa. Well I can have a look at her and try a few different things with her hair and if she doesn't like it I can put it back the way she wants with my wand, said Pippie. Well it can't hurt to ask her, said Phonixa. Hey Tempressa come on over, we want you to meet out new friend, yelled Phonixa. 07 illustration goes here Tempressa gave her horse to the elf working in the stables then walked over to where they were sitting. Hi Phonixa and Repellia, anything new going on at the palace lately. I have decided to start coming by more often seeing that most of the exciting things happen here, said Tempressa. Well there are fairies visiting Fae Land right now, said Repellia. Ya right, like there really are fairies, said Tempressa. No really, Pippie here is a fairy princess and over there is her sister Lilly talking to Ginger, said Phonixa. Ivy took Tulip to the human village and Alieta is in side with Guen who is their mother. Not sure what Chestnut and Sunflower are doing though. Last I saw them they flew behind the palace and Roseberry is around here somewhere too. So let me get this straight, there are six fairy princesses scattered around and their mother is in the palace talking to Alieta, said Tempressa. Yep, my Mom is the queen of Fairy Land, said Pippie as she stood up and began to fly around Tempressa. What are you doing? asked Tempressa. Looking at your hair, it is a mess, said Pippie. Repellia and Phonixa thinks I should give you a make over. What do you mean give me a make over? asked Tempressa. I look just fine. Yep you do look just fine but don't you want to look as good as your sister? asked Phonixa. You are younger too so I bet you would look even prettier with a bit of fairy magic. If you don't like it Pippie can give you back that messy look so you keep looking just fine. Hmm, I was thinking of doing something with my hair seeing everyone I know keeps telling me to, said Tempressa. Pippie flew right in front of Tempressa and looked her in the eyes. Your so cute, said Tempressa then smiled. Wow what a beautiful smile you have, said Pippie. Lovely eyes, perfect nose and face structure not to mention a very fit body. Yep I can definitely make make you look like a queen. I am already a queen, said Tempressa. Oh, well I will make you a prettier queen then, said Pippie. 08 illustration goes here Pippie went back down on the ground and made her wand appear. Okay, that was cool, said Tempressa. Oh you have seen nothing yet, said Repellia. Then Pippie made a chair for Tempressa to sit on. Now have a seat and let me undo that mess you have at the back of your head, said Pippie. Here there is a secret to doing that, said Tempressa. I just pull this one long strand and it comes all undone. There, I do have to let it all down to wash it you know. Wow you have a lot of hair Tempressa, said Phonixa. Yep that is why I keep it up all the time. I tried cutting it myself once but that was a disaster, said Tempressa. Well I do have a lot to work with but I really don't have to do much other than this, said Pippie. She made her wand appear again then waved it over Tempressa's head. Her hair began to move and untangle giving it more body and some slight waves to the sides. Now just a bit shorter and add a bit of a wisp to the ends and that should do it. What do you think girls, Does that look better? asked Pippie. It looks amazing, said Repellia. You look so different now. Way better, said Phonixa. That is the look of a hot woman. Pippie made a mirror and handed it to Tempressa. Is that me, wow I look so young again, said Tempressa. Now let me see what kind of outfit you would like to wear. You can make clothes too? asked Tempressa. Yep, that is what I do best, all I have to do is read your taste in styles, said Pippie. Oh you are really going to look different wearing this, said Pippie then she waved her wand up and down Tempressa's body and a very beautiful dress appeared on her. There now you look like a very beautiful queen, said Pippie. Now add some bracelets, us fairies like to give people bracelets. There how does it feel. So light and very comfortable, said Tempressa. It has been a long time since I wore a dress. Wow, you are hot, said Phonixa. I'm next! No you two are already hot enough for your age, said Pippie. Ya your right, said Phonixa. We already turn a lot of heads when we go to town. We turn a lot of heads because we are twins, said Repellia. Ya that too. Go show Ginger and see what she thinks, said Phonixa. She won't even recognize you I bet. Ya good idea, then I am going in the palace to show Alieta, said Tempressa. 09 illustration goes here Tempressa walked over to where Ginger was talking to Lilly. Hi Ginger, how do you like my new look? asked Tempressa. Holy, where did all that beautiful hair come from, asked Ginger. I always had it, just all rolled up in a bun, said Tempressa. Pippie gave me a make over plus gave me this hot outfit. Yep Pippie is the best at fixing hair and making clothes, said Lilly. So do I look good enough to meet the Fairy Queen? asked Tempressa. I really wasn't expecting to find out fairies were here visiting and just had on some old casual clothes. More than good enough, said Ginger. Boy that outfit really shows off how nice your figure is. Yep the twins said I was hot looking, said Tempressa. Okay first I will go say hello to Alieta and Guen then I am heading back to surprise everyone in Eden then Alexa and Diego. I feel so great right now. Then Tempressa went in the palace. Wow that is a big change for Tempressa, said Ginger. She rarely goes out visiting people. A new look can give someone a better feeling about themself. I am sure she is the same girl, just happier now, said Lilly. Happier, I have never seen her smile so much, said Ginger. 10 illustration goes here Chapter 3 Starting The Forest Later that day after Tempressa left and Alieta brought Guen back outside, Guen noticed that Tulip wasn't back yet and couldn't see Roseberry, Chestnut or Sunflower either. She asked Lilly where they were. Well Chestnut and Sunflower are behind the palace, said Lilly. Really what are they doing back there? asked Guen. Sleeping, I was going to wake them up but they looked so comfortable. Why, did they find a nice tree to sleep on? asked Guen. Nope, they are sleeping on the grass, said Lilly. I see, well seeing that Alieta invited us all to sleep in the palace tonight on beds because the woods are over filled with pixies, they will be used to sleeping on a flat surface, said Guen. So where is Roseberry? Somewhere in the palace. She wanted to explore, said Lilly. I see well I want you to get Pippie and come with me, said Guen. Where are we going? asked Lilly. I need you two to test the ground on the other side of the woods where it is all barren to see if it would be possible to grow trees and plants there, said Guen. You mean we are going to build another forest? asked Lilly. We will try, as you know there has to be some soil under the sand and rocks plus a water source of sorts. You two are good at being able to sense that, said Guen. Now go get Pippie and ask Phonixa and Repellia to go wake up Chestnut and Sunflower and find Roseberry because if the land will support plant life then we are going to need all you girls to work together and use your wands to add magic out there to prepare it for seeding. Hopefully Ivy will be back with Tulip by then. Okay, said Lilly then flew off to get Pippie. Okay this part won't take long, said Guen. If Tulip comes back tell her what we are doing. It would be best to have her there if the land is good because she is the best at leading her sisters and telling them what is needed to be done. But she is the youngest you told me, said Alieta. Wouldn't be best to have the oldest with the most experience to be the leader like Chestnut. No, she had her time of leading before her sisters were born besides she has never created a forest from scratch, just improved on an existing one, said Guen. Tulip on the other hand has helped me build Fairy Land same as Lilly and Pippie but Tulip is very smart and loves organizing and figuring out how to make the impossible possible. There has only been one fairy like her in the past but sadly she was killed by dragons a long time ago. Then Guen flew over to Pippie and Lilly. Ready you two? asked Guen. Yep we are but we need Tulip you know, said Pippie. Not for this part, said Guen. I am filling in for her. Then they flew off towards the west woods. So they are thinking they can make a forest grow in a desert, said Ginger. How is that possible? I have no idea but it seems they did it before, said Alieta. 11 illustration goes here Once they reached the outer border of the west woods the three of them looked at all the open space and dry land. It doesn't look like anything has ever grown out here before, said Lilly. Ya it is all sand and rock, said Pippie, it is going to take a miracle to make anything grow out here. Nonsense, think positive, said Guen. Not always what you see on top is the same that is hidden underneath. Now first I want you two to go out about twenty feet and spread apart then use your finger to sample the ground. See how far down any workable soil may be plus if there is any water underground. Then keep moving out twenty yards at a time doing the same thing until you have read about one square mile. Then come back and report to me. Okay, got it Mom they both said and headed out. They both spread out some like Guen told them to do then got down on their knees and stuck a finger into the sand. Lilly looked up at Guen. Hey there is some magic out here underground, said Lilly. Plus good soil not far underneath. No water yet though. Fine keep going out. There has to be water somewhere underground, said Guen. The two girls kept moving out sampling the ground plus moving outward. Lilly stood up about a mile out into the desert and looked happy. Both Lilly and Pippie came back to where Guen was watching. I found water, said Lilly. It is pretty far out but not that far down. Yep and there is some magic everywhere I sampled and soil under the sand, said Pippie. Looks like we can start a forest out here after all! This is so exciting. Guen smiled. Okay lets go get the others. If there is already magic underground then all we have to do is drill down to the water then seed everywhere. Where are we going to get the seeds. It is in the middle of summer and the trees have already seeded and started new trees in the woods I bet, said Lilly. I am not sure yet. Maybe Alieta knows, said Guen. Then they headed back to the palace. 12 illustration goes here When they returned to the palace grounds they found Chestnut, Sunflower, Roseberry and Tulip talking among themselves. Okay, I see you are back from your little adventure Tulip. How was it? asked Guen. It was great, I got to meet children and made them all bracelets and ice cream cones. Alieta walked over to find out how things went. Ivy knew this very nice woman named Grace that has a cute little girl named Liza. Her father died a while ago and moved here but they don't have much money but Ivy introduced Grace to a couple that couldn't have a baby and they offered to help them out. The woman had something wrong down there so I fixed it with out her knowing. There were a lot of nice people there at the park. You said there is a single mom in the human village? asked Alieta. Yep Grace and Liza, said Tulip. They are new to Fae Land. I see, well what did you find out Guen? asked Alieta. Well surprisingly there is already some magic underground there and Lilly found water underground also so I need all six of my girls to use their wands to drill down to the water so it can spread across the desert sands, said Guen. Thing is we have no seeds to plant yet. I can take care of that, said Alieta. Cumberland is always replanting new trees to replace the ones they cut down to make building lumber. How many seeds to you need? A mix of five hundred seeds or more but no pine trees. They are no good for pixies plus the needles that fall off are high in acid and kill plants on the ground around them. Okay so how long will it take to drill for water? asked Alieta. Not long, the water table is not that deep under that desert, said Guen. Okay I will be back in a bit, said Alieta then flew off to Cumberland. Okay, you girls all ready to drill? asked Guen. Yep, they all said. Good you are in charge Tulip, where is Ivy by the way. Once she heard we were going to build a forest she took off to the woods to talk to Pippa for some reason, said Tulip. Oh, okay lets go we have water to drill for, said Guen. 13 illustration goes here Once they all arrived on the edge of the desert plains Guen asked Lilly to show Tulip where she found water underground. They both flew out about half a mile. Okay this is where it starts, said Lilly. Do you want to start here? asked Lilly. Nope, we need to go out further, said Tulip. We need to go out where the water pressure is strongest, said Tulip. There is a lot of dry land here that needs to be made wet. Lets check about out one mile further. Really, that will make a forest bigger than Fairy Land if it grows properly, said Lilly. I know that is my plan, said Tulip. It will grow proper and spread over time. Remember pixies will be living in it dropping pixie dust on everything day and night. That and with us giving the ground a boost with the magic from our wands, will make this the best forest ever and very magical. Okay, your the boss, out another mile then I will test it, said Lilly. They flew out another mile then Pippie tested the with her finger. Wow there is lots of water underground here and close to the surface too. How did you know going out further would be better? asked Pippie. If you look around you can see that the land slumps down around here and the ground is not sandy, instead it is mostly rock a shale. That means there used to be a small lake here many years ago, said Tulip. Man you are smart to be able to know all this stuff. Tulip smiled then told Lilly to bring the others here. Lilly flew back to Guen and her sisters. Where did you go? asked Guen. We lost sight of you two. About two miles out where the land is lower. Tulip says it is going to be the biggest forest ever, said Lilly. I taught her well, said Guen. Now do as Tulip says then some of you come back for the seed when you are done but make sure you hit the ground with the magic of your wands too. Yep Tulip already said that, said Lilly. They all flew out across the desert plains and landed where Tulip was standing. Okay everyone make your wands appear and get in a circle, said Tulip. Time for fairy princess sisters power. They all got in a circle at stuck their wands out almost touching. Okay on three, said Tulip. One, two, three, blast! All the wands lit up sending a bright beam of energy into the ground cutting though the rock and shale like butter then suddenly water gushed out high in the air then began to running out very fast soaking the ground, spreading out fast. Okay that is step one done, said Tulip. Now spread out and begin adding magic to the ground with your wands everywhere within a two square mile area and don't miss a spot. We want this forest to be perfect and very magical. 14 illustration goes here Once Tulip figured they did enough with their wands they all headed back to Guen. Okay all done, said Tulip. The ground will soon be all wet and ready for the seeds. Very good girls, you made your mother very proud of you all, said Guen. Yep, Tulip said she wanted this forest to be very magical so we made sure to add lots of fairy magic to the ground, said Pippie. Yes I imagine she would want that, said Guen. Now lets head back to the palace and see if Alieta is back with all the seeds. They headed back to the palace and saw Ivy talking to Alieta. Okay it is getting late so everyone make yourself some supper, said Guen. Tulip you make Alieta, Ivy and Ginger supper too if they haven't eaten yet. Then you all can seed the ground then head back and go in the palace for a good night's sleep on beds. Really, we can sleep in the palace? asked Chestnut. Yes, unless you want to sleep outside on the grass but we are Alieta's guests so I would prefer you do as she asks, said Guen. No that is fine, said Roseberry, it is really nice in that palace with lots of big rooms. They landed on the palace grounds and made something to eat for themselves then Tulip and Guen went over to Alieta and Ivy. Okay everything is ready, said Guen. Did you get the seeds? Yes, I had to buy a fifty pound bag though so there is a lot more than five hundred seeds, said Alieta. Well seeing that Tulip made the area much bigger than I expected we will probably need them all. So where are the seeds? asked Guen. I gave them to Pippa, said Ivy. I told her as soon as you all left to get a bunch of pixies to start grabbing handfuls and spreading them out everywhere that is wet. They are probably all ready done by now, they can fly supper fast you know. Guen giggled. That was good thinking on your part, said Guen. Now we can relax have something to eat then call it a night. I am going home for supper, said Ivy. Viridian is probably wondering where I am plus she shouldn't have to eat alone. She can cook really good now! Well how about you Alieta? would you like something. Yes but lets go inside and eat, said Alieta. Let my cooks make something for you. Okay sounds good, said Guen. Tulip when you girls have eaten and are ready go inside, I am sure a nice elf will show you to your rooms. Okay, said Tulip then joined her sisters. 15 illustration goes here Ivy flew home then Alieta took Guen in the palace then into the dining room. Now have a seat and I will call the cook and she will tell you what they have for the specials today, said Alieta. I'll have what ever you are having, said Guen. Okay then, said Alieta. She called for the cook and asked for two orders of burger and fries plus a glass of fruit juice each. So it sounds like Tulip had a lot of fun with Ivy today at the human village, said Alieta. That is the only place in Fae Land where there are young children. Yes Tulip has never seen young people before and she did seem very excited meeting some today, said Guen. Now there is something that I want to talk to you about that is concerning me. Really, what is that? asked Alieta. Well as you have seen all my girls are having a very good time here. Much more than they have back home mainly because they have met some amazing people that have welcomed them with open arms, that includes myself of course. Well yes the people of Fae Land are very friendly and loving, said Alieta. Yes exactly plus not one person here asked for one of the fairies to make them something. All fairies love to do magic. It makes us feel good inside to make someone else happy. Yes people here always do things for others, it is the way of life here, said Alieta. Yes and that is an environment that my girls are used to. In Fairy Land everyone helps each other out and works together no matter what it is. The thing is there is so much open space here even though there are so many more people living here. They can really fly their hearts out here but not back home in the confines of the forest. So what are you trying to say? asked Alieta. Well as you may of over heard, Tulip made the base of that new forest much bigger than I expected. Plus she made sure that her sisters made the ground full of fairy magic. That means when those seeds begin to grow, they will turn into trees very fast which also means pixies will be moving in there soon spreading pixie dust all over the place day and night. That forest is going to become huge and extremely magical. So how big and how magical will it be? asked Alieta. Tulip made them work their magic on two square miles of desert land. Now as you know pixie dust also helps plants and trees to grow, so my guess is that in a few months that forest will be at least ten to twenty times bigger. Oh my God that is huge, That is practically all of the desert plains. Yep but the good thing is no one will ever be able to go through those woods. As you read in that fairy book, the trees are alive and will not let anything in without permission. No dangerous animals, no insects and not even birds. Nothing will be able to attack you from this south west border of Fae Land. Well that is very good news, said Alieta. Yes but the forest needs to be controlled buy a cove, that you read about too. With out a cove there is no saying how big the forest will get over time and may invade lands that are not barren and belong to other lands and people. Plus rules and permissions need to be made for the forest to obey. That is why, and I am sure why Tulip decided to drill for water where she did. It is the center of the forest and she wants to build a cove there with her sisters. The problem with that is Tulip is still learning how to use the cove back home and really can't control the magic very well yet. That is something that just I can do and takes years of working with the magic waters of the pool for it to listen to you. There is only one person that can run that cove that will be more powerful than Fairy Land's cove and be able to control the magic right away. That is Ivy. Just then the cook came out with the two orders of burgers and fries. Well this looks delicious Alieta, thank you very much, said Guen. 16 illustration goes here Chapter 4 The Magic Forest Is Growing Alieta had a confused look on her face. Why do you think Ivy should run the forest from a cove? asked Alieta. She is just a teenager, I know she has some extra talents when it come to reading people and sensing evil but what makes you think she can control magic and run a magical forest by herself? Well first I have seen what she can do with magic, said Guen. You see the cove is located in the center of the forest in Fairy Land. Only I can use the device that I call the overviewer. It allows me to see the entire forest and will indicate where extra magic is need to repair damage or where a good spot will be to build something new inside. I can run my finger over the top of the viewer and move some of the magic to a specific spot and a stream of magic will follow my finger to that place. Now when were were attacked, those creatures did a huge amount of damage that would of taken weeks for me to repair bit by bit. Okay so you can control the magic then, that makes sense, said Alieta. Yes but Ivy wanted to know how the overviewer worked and when I showed her she stuck her hands in the water of the overviewer and gathered all the magic stream together then pointed them at the damaged spot then had me hold them there. Okay so that makes sense if I am following you correctly, said Alieta. Sure it makes sense but I can't do that, said Guen. I have to move one stream at a time and only a few will go to the same spot but this is the most amazing part. I was having some trouble holding the streams together so Ivy walked right in the pond, dead center then sat down and closed her eyes. Suddenly the pond began to swirl and bubble. Magic began to rise up from the pond then moved to Ivy. Suddenly all the magic streams pointed at the damaged area and I didn't have to use my hands anymore. In a minute or two the entire damaged area was repaired. Ivy opened her eyes and stood up and smiled. All she said was there, it is all fixed and wanted some ice cream for Apollonia and herself. I am telling you Ivy can control white magic somehow like nothing I have every seen before or thought was possible. Tulip watched the whole thing and so did Apollonia. I do agree that Ivy shouldn't be alone running the forest, that is why I need to see if my girls will stay and help her. It takes at least four fairies princesses to create a cove anyways. I need to go back to Fairy Land tomorrow and I will take what ever girls want to come back with me but I am pretty sure none will want to leave Fae Land just yet. Well that was a lot of information to process especially about Ivy but your girls are always welcome to be in Fae Land, said Alieta. Thank you for saying that, said Guen. That was a very tasty burger and fries, said Guen. An elf came in the dining room. Yes, what is up, asked Alieta. All those cute little fairies are in just one of the rooms we prepared for them, said the elf. They got smaller and shared the two beds, said the elf with a smile. Okay, so do they look comfortable being inside? asked Alieta. I guess so, they all fell asleep right away, said the elf. They are so polite and adorable. Alieta smiled. Well looks like the people here don't want them to leave either, said Alieta. I have something to do tomorrow and I want you to come with me if that is okay with you? Sure anything you want Alieta, said Guen. Good, now let me show you your room for the night, said Alieta. 17 illustration goes here In the morning Alieta got up a bit earlier so that she could tell Sally that all the fairies were here and to get breakfast started earlier. When she went downstairs to the dining room she found the fairy princesses sitting quietly at the table. Good morning Alieta, they all said at the same time. Alieta smiled then said good morning back and sat down. So you all get up early I see, where is your mother? asked Alieta. Mom always sleeps longer than us, said Sunflower. Okay so have you eaten yet? Nope, we were waiting for you, said Pippie. Alieta smiled again. So how did you all sleep, were the beds comfortable? asked Alieta. They all looked at each other then Lilly spoke. I don't know, we were all asleep. Now Alieta couldn't help it and began to laugh. She notice that Tulip was missing. Is Tulip still sleeping? asked Alieta. Nope she went in that door where the nice smell is coming from, said Lilly. Did she say what she was going in there for? asked Alieta. Nope, Roseberry told Tulip the kitchen is in there so she just went in. Roseberry explored the entire palace yesterday and knows where everything is and what all the rooms are for, said Lilly. Yep I met Penny in the hallway and she showed me all around the palace, she is really nice, said Roseberry. There are a lot of rooms in this palace you know. Yes I know, said Alieta. Sally came out of the kitchen looking very happy. Guess what Tulip did for me, said Sally. She came in the kitchen and started looking at all the things in there and asked what everything was for then she held my arm for a bit then made all the meals for today and even a big pot of beef stew that is staying warm on the stove, completely cooked and ready to eat! All I have to do now is serve the food without cooking today. Wow look there are more of you! Yep we are all sisters, said Tulip. Our Mom is still sleeping though. Well breakfast is ready, eggs with pancakes with sliced fruit is the breakfast special for today, said Sally. I will be right back out with every ones plates. Tulip took a seat at the table. Are you coming with me to see how the forest is doing after breakfast? asked Tulip to Alieta. I suppose I could if you think the seeds have begun to grow already, said Alieta. They should be, we put a lot of fairy magic in the ground, said Tulip. Sally began bringing out everyone's breakfast. Aren't they all wonderful, we are so lucky to have fairies in Fae Land now. Then she went back into the kitchen. 18 illustration goes here After they all finished eating Tulip asked if Alieta was ready to go check the new forest. I should wait until Guen gets up, said Alieta. She won't be up for a bit yet and besides we won't be long, said Tulip. Can we go out and play some? asked Sunflower. We will stay around the palace. Um yes, I imagine that would be fine, said Alieta. Okay thanks said Sunflower then they all ran out of the dining room. Why don't they want to check the forest with us? asked Alieta. I don't need them until the trees are bigger, said Tulip. I have to wait until all the magic has spread to all the trees. Well you seem to know what you are doing so yes, lets go then, said Alieta. They both left the palace then flew off to the west woods. In the woods they met Pippa that was talking to another pixie. Hi Pippa, have you seen if the seeds have started to grow yet? asked Alieta. Started to grow, that is an understatement, said Pippa. Go see for yourself. Lots of pixies have already moved over to the new forest. I had my doubts that they would grow at all but grow they did. Ivy is in there somewhere talking to all the trees. She got here just as the sun was rising. So there are trees already? asked Alieta. Oh ya, more trees than there is in these woods and spreading fast too, said Pippa. Ivy said something about needing a cove of some sort soon. Anyways we have to fly and spread the word. Then they flew away. Did you expect the trees to be big already? asked Alieta. Nope, lets check it out, I would of figured just a foot or so tall over night, said Tulip. When they reached then border of where the desert plains used to begin all they could see was trees, close together and well over ten feet tall. This is amazing, said Tulip. I have never seen trees grow this fast and look smaller plants on the ground have begun to grow along with grass. Was there grass seed mixed in with the tree seeds. Not sure, it just said full tree starter mix on the bag. So how do we get in, the trees are kinda close together We'll with out a cove the trees won't be alive yet and stop anyone so we will have to find out where Ivy got in, said Tulip. Maybe call out her name and see if she can hear us. Alieta called out Ivy's name and they hear in the distance Ivy's voice. Yep she is in there, said Alieta. There has to be a path somewhere. Just then the trees in front of them opened up and Ivy stepped out of the newly formed forest, with a big smile on her face. Hi Alieta and Tulip, man trees grow fast when there is lots of magic around. How did you get the trees to move already without a cove, asked Tulip. Don't need a cove just the pond that is in the middle of the forest, said Ivy. I just walked into the pond and the magic just started doing it's thing and made the trees able to move. I did set the permissions like you have at Fairy Land so just fairies and pixies can come in. Oh I better tell the trees about you Alieta. "Alieta is the Queen of Fae Land, she is always allowed in the forest too", Ivy told the trees. Okay so you better check things out Tulip and see when you are going to make your cove because without an overviewer connected to the pond this forest is just going to keep growing wild and spreading out. 19 illustration goes here Hmm, that is exactly what Guen told me, said Alieta. But why is this forest so big already? asked Tulip. We added fairy magic to the ground but that is normal. Here let me come out before the trees close up, said Ivy. I put a five minute time limit on how long the entrance will stay open. Ivy walked out of the forest and they moved into the woods. How are you able to do all these things? asked Alieta. I don't know, I just can and it is easy, said Ivy. It is like being able to feel the flow of energy except white magic is stronger and listens. Not everything I asked it to do it did mainly because the magic from the pond is spreading too and needs to be surrounded by a wall. That water is coming from Sandy Lake. The river that runs off of it heads towards the elf village then goes underground. As you know the water in Sandy Lake is full of white magic from Eden. So that is why we have a forest that grew over night? asked Alieta. Partly, it is a very powerful mixture of white magic from Eden, the fairy magic from the wands and all the pixies dust that has been dropped all night long on everything. Add all three together and this is what we got, pretty cool, don't you think, said Ivy. Maybe for you being a forest sprite but to me this is too much and will begin to invade property that doesn't belong to Fae Land, said Alieta. Well it has slowed down some seeing I made all the pixie get out and set the magic to not let them in so no more pixie dust is being dropped, said Ivy. I told Pippa they will have to wait until the cove is made. In the meantime I recommend nobody goes in the forest until then because it is getting too dense and plants are moving plus trees. So when should I get my sisters to build the cove? asked Tulip. Now would be good, said Ivy unless you want a forest that is over a few hundred miles long and wide. How big is it now? asked Alieta. About five square miles I would say, from last time I checked, said Ivy. Tulip go get your sisters, can you get that cove built now? asked Alieta. Yep, but it takes a few hours to complete, said Tulip. There is a lot to making a cove plus after, Mom has to make something that connects to the overviewer. Okay get started then. I want to take Guen with me to the human village to talk with that that little girl and single mom you two met yesterday, said Alieta. Oh that was Liza and her mom's name is Grace. They should be at the park soon probably with Jim and his wife Cathy. They are really nice and they will be able to have a baby now, at least that is what Tulip told me, said Ivy. Okay get things started, we will be back at the palace before lunch time, said Alieta. 20 illustration goes here Tulip reached the palace grounds first and gathered her sisters together. New plan all we are making the cove now, said Tulip. Really, isn't it too early? asked Lilly. Nope, the forest is a forest already and is spreading, said Tulip. Guen flew over to see what was going on. Tulip, is everything okay? asked Guen. Yep for now but we have to start making the cove now, said Tulip. Ivy said it is about five square miles already so we have to stop it from getting any bigger. Alieta is coming to take you to the human village so don't worry, we have this, said Tulip. You know you have to go in the main entrance first and not the top, said Guen. Ya I know, Ivy made it so the trees will open up for just us fairies for now so we have to hurry, said Tulip. It is two and a half miles to the pond, maybe more now. Here comes Alieta and Ivy now, lets go girls. Then they all flew off fast to the west woods. Alieta and Ivy landed beside Guen. So Ivy Tulip told me that the forest is more than ready to be controlled now and you were able to set permissions too, said Guen. Yep it is all ready, said Ivy. It is going to be a very magical forest. I am heading home for now, send one of the fairies over to get me when they are finished. I got up really early so I am going to have a nap. Then Ivy flew off. You want to know what is so funny or maybe unusual about all of this? asked Guen. Just about everything in my opinion, said Alieta. Well yes but Ivy can control a fairy forest much better and easier than a fairy can, said Guen. Just remember when there are fairies around, unusual things are bound to happen. So where are we going? Tulip said the human village. Yes I will not allow anyone that lives here to suffer hardships because of no money especially a single mother and her young daughter, said Alieta. I have a plan but I need to get Ginger to set some things up for me first then we will head out, said Alieta. This won't take long. Then Alieta flew over to where Ginger was talking to Phonixa. 21 illustration goes here Hey Ginger I need to talk to about something, said Alieta. Oh should I leave then? asked Phonixa. No you can stay and listen, said Alieta. Now I am taking Guen to the human village so she can see some of Fae Land and meet some of the people at the north end but more important there is a single mother that is new to Fae Land that has next to no money. Okay so do you want me to have some money sent over to her? asked Ginger. Not right now, said Alieta. I want to see if she will move to the elf village with her young daughter. Then if she wants to then I want you to find her a job in the palace. We have no humans working here yet so I think it would be nice to see if she will fit in. Okay there is always something that needs to be done at the palace, said Ginger. I guess that means you will want me to get a house ready for her. Yes but get two ready close to each other, said Alieta. You see, Ivy told me that she finally made two new friends that are trying to have a baby and then woman, I believe her name is Cathy would love to take care of the little girl named Liza when ever Grace needed. Okay so do they need money also, asked Ginger. No the husband who's name is Jim I believe has a very good job in Cumberland so they are well off. That would be a long commute every day for him, said Ginger. Yes I know but I was thinking once I found out what he does in Cumberland and it is something that you can use here in the village and palace then maybe I could convince them both to move also, said Alieta. I may have to offer him more money than he makes now in Cumberland but if he is a tradesman then I know you have no people like that living in the village here. Yes that would be nice, said Ginger seeing that a lot of the houses are very old and need repair work done, plus someone does need to finish fixing that hole Alexa blew in the roof of the palace. The elves just patched it up for now. Alexa blew a hole in the palace? asked Phonixa. Yes with Viridian's spear, said Alieta. That is so funny, said Phonixa. How old is the little girl? Five or six I think Ivy told me. It would also be good if this all works out as I have planned that you and Repellia visit them from time to time so they see there are some other humans living in the south end of Fae Land, said Alieta. For sure little girls are the best, we will teach her stuff as she grows up, said Phonixa. Yes I figured that, said Alieta. So how long will it take to have a couple of homes ready? There is four new homes sitting empty right now, said Ginger. I will get a few elves to give them a quick once over inside so anytime after lunch I would say. If they need furniture Lilly told me she loves decorating can make furniture. Okay good, I will be back before lunch, said Alieta then she went to get Guen. This is awesome, we can show her how to dress nice and paint her nails, fix her hair, said Phonixa. She is only six years old, said Ginger. You must not know anything about a little human girl, said Phonixa. We care about how we look as soon as we can dress our selves. 22 illustration goes here Alieta and Guen took off north across Sandy Lake the over Eden and she told Guen where each of the heroes lived then they flew across the grassy plains until they got to the human village where most of the homes were close to the woods like the elf village but somewhat smaller. Okay hopefully they are at the park now, said Alieta. It is Sunday so that would be the best place for everyone to be on this nice sunny day. They flew over to the park area and saw there was many people out on blankets. Do you know what they look like? asked Guen. No I have never met them before, said Alieta. Just look for a mother and a little girl sitting on a blanket together or a couple having a picnic together. Well that is about everyone here, said Guen. Yes I see that, said Alieta. Best we go down and start asking around. They both flew down and just about everyone saw them. Alieta walked over to where a woman was standing with her daughter looking at them. Oh my, hello Alieta, it is very nice to finally meet you, said the woman. The little girl looked up at Guen. Your a fairy, aren't you? asked the girl. Yes, I am the queen of the fairies, said Guen. The little girls eyes opened wide. Do you know where I can fine a woman named Grace and her little daughter Liza, asked Alieta. No I haven't heard those names before. The little girl tugged on Alieta's dress. I know Liza, she said. She is friends with Ivy and and a fairy princess named Tulip. Look what Tulip made for me. She put out her arm and showed the bracelet Tulip made for her. Yep that was definitely made by Tulip, said Guen. Okay so is Liza here somewhere? asked Alieta. Yep she is over there with her mom sitting on the the red and white checkered blanket with two other people, said the little girl. Thank you so much, said Alieta. Guen made an ice cream cone for the little girl then they walked over to where Liza and her mother were sitting. Hello, I am Alieta, which one of you is Grace. All four of them stood up fast. I am, is there something wrong? asked Grace. No not really, said Alieta. Nothing that I can't fix anyways. Liza looked at Guen. I bet you are Tulip's mom, said Liza. Well yes I am, said Guen. How did you know that? Tulip said you were very beautiful and a bit taller than her and when you smile your entire face lights up with love, just like now, said Liza. My you are adorable, I will have to thank Tulip for speaking so nicely about me. So the reason I am here is that I have a proposition for you that I hope you will like, said Alieta. 23 illustration goes here You do, why me? asked Grace. Well first of all Ivy brought it to my attention that you and your daughter are very new to Fae Land and you two came here a bit after your husband died and you are almost out of money, said Alieta. Yes but I am looking for a job, said Grace. Yes I understand that, said Alieta. You see the thing is I will not let anyone that lives in Fae Land have trouble buying food and clothes especially for someone that is raising a child on her own. Well Jim and Cathy has offered to help me out when I need it, said Grace. Yes, so Ivy told me which makes them the kind of people we love having in Fae Land, said Alieta. Now what I would like to offer you is a brand new house but not here in the human village but in the elves village where it is very close to the palace and the west town where all the stores are. Both are walking distance. That is very kind but I just made two very good friends here, said Grace and they love Liza too. Of course they do but let me finish, said Alieta. I already talked to Ginger that is in charge of the palace plus many other things here in Fae Land and she said she will hire you to work in the palace with the rest of the elves that work there. You will find working with elves to be very enjoyable, they turn work into a game. Grace looked back at Cathy and Jim that were smiling. You have to take the offer, said Cathy. This is what you need. We will come and visit. Now that leads me to the second part of this proposal, said Alieta with a smile. Jim if I may, can I ask what you do in Cumberland as work? Well yes, I am what you call a multi talented handy man, said Jim. I work for a company that does carpentry, plumbing, roofing and we do other things like replace broken windows and even some landscaping. I see, what if I told you that Ginger could really use a man like you, said Alieta. A lot of the homes in the elves village are very old and need constant repair plus the palace needs work from time to time. Well that sounds good but I don't work alone and I get paid quite a bit, said Jim. How much do they pay you? asked Alieta.Well about a hundred dollars a week, said Jim. I am one of the higher paid workers there. Well what If I double that amount and you can train what every number of elves you need to work for you, said Alieta. Elves are very smart and learn fast plus they are at least five times stronger than a human. I will have Ginger create a payroll for them and yourself. You will be in charge of giving Ginger their names. Cathy got close to Jim and put her arm around him. What do you think dear, you won't need to travel so much every day, said Cathy. We will have twice the amount of money to save and you will have your own crew, said Cathy. How much does a house cost that close to the palace. Nothing, homes that are made by the crown are free, you just have to do your own upkeep, said Alieta. Wow, so when can we move in? asked Jim. The two houses are being cleaned up for you as we speak, said Alieta. They will be ready by lunch time. This is unbelievable, we are going to be neighbors Grace, said Cathy. I will love watching Liza when you go to work. Well who knows, you may have your own child to raise someday, said Alieta. Okay then pack up this picnic and get packing. We have to get back to the palace. 24 illustration goes here They got back to the palace grounds and saw that there was not a sole to be seen anywhere. I wonder where everyone is, said Alieta. There is always some elves walking around doing stuff. I don't know. Something is going on somewhere, said Guen. Alieta called into the palace for an elf. One came out and Alieta asked if she knew where everyone is. Oh they are all in the west woods checking out all the new trees, said the elf. Oh okay, thank you, said Alieta. So you want to go see what they all are doing? asked Alieta. Sure why not, said Guen. They both flew over and saw a bunch of elves all looking at the new trees that were closed shut. Wow that is a lot of trees, said Guen and so big already. No wonder Tulip was excited to get the cove built. Well we have to wait until my girls get it made. It can take up to four hours so lets head back to the palace. They started to walk out of the woods when the trees opened up a bit and Tulip and the other fairies flew out. Tulip saw Guen and stopped to talk to her while the rest of them flew out of the woods. Okay Mom, it is made and it is beautiful even better than Fairy Lands cove. Man there is a lot of magic flying around right now. You are done already, it has only been two hours, said Guen. I know, but this time there was six of us and so much magic to work with it just came together fast, said Tulip. You need to make the golden beacon tree now to make the magic go to where it is supposed to be. Where is Ivy, we will need her. At home, said Alieta taking a nap, said Alieta. She may be up now. Okay I will go get her, said Tulip then flew out of the woods. So what is this golden tree for? asked Alieta. It is really just a normal tree just outside of the cove but Only I can use my magic to covert it into a beacon, said Guen. Once I use my wand on it, all the leaves turn a golden colour and begin absorbing some of the magic around it then when the overviewer is activated for the first time, the tree acts like a beacon between the overviewer and the pool. Only then can the magic be controlled properly and sent to different areas of the forest. I see so why is Ivy needed then? asked Alieta. Tulip saw what Ivy can do with magic and figures she better be the one to activate the overviewer then set it up, said Guen. Obviously Tulip knows the forest already has accepted Ivy as the queen of the forest then I won't be able to use the overviewer either until Ivy tells the pool who I am and that I can use the overviewer also. Ivy is queen of this fairy forest, said Alieta. Well yes and all the other forests and woods in Fae Land. The overviewer will show her all the different areas where the magic is strongest and she will be able to add more to that spot or move it to another area where it is needed. I already told you Ivy has some kind of special power in her that communicates with magic better than any fairy. Alieta began to chuckle. Wait until I tell Ivy she is the queen of the forest, she is going to go around telling all of her friends that she is a queen now. Ya I can see her doing that also, said Guen with a smile. 25 illustration goes here Chapter 5 The Queen Of The Forest Well I best get to work, said Guen. You better tell everyone to get away from the trees because once I make the beacon tree the magic from the cove gets pretty intense causing tree limbs to start swinging and someone may get hurt. Alieta walked up to everyone and told them to get back to what ever they were doing. Guen has to do something to the forest to finish setting it up. Everyone headed out of the woods. You have good control over everyone here, said Guen. That is a similar kind of control that Ivy has over magic. People love you and do what you say and magic loves Ivy and does what she says. Now best you get back also. I will come out when I am done. When Ivy gets here I will take you in with me and then you can see what Ivy is capable of. Tulip got to Ivy's house and knocked on the door. Viridian answered it. Hello Tulip, nice to see you again. Hi Viridian, is Ivy here I need her to come to the forest with me, said Tulip. Yes she is in her room having a nap, said Viridian. She should get up now though. Would you like to come in? No I will wait out here, we are in a bit of a hurry, said Tulip. The magic needs the queen to set things up. So Ivy is the queen then? asked Viridian. Yep, she is the best, said Tulip. Okay I will go get her, said Viridian and went to her room and knocked on the door. Ivy, Tulip is here and says she needs you to do something with the magic in the forest. Ivy opened the door and still looked a bit tired. They are done already? asked Ivy. I guess so, she is standing outside. Okay, time to go back to work, said Ivy then she went outside where Tulip was waiting for her. Hi Tulip, how did it go, is the cove made already? asked Ivy. Yep and Guen just went in to make the beacon tree, said Tulip. There is too much magic in the cove right now for any of us to activate the overviewer if it will even lets us seeing you have already communicated with the magic. Okay so what do I have to do? asked Ivy. Well first you have to activate the overviewer by touching the top of the water with your fingers and leave it there until the screen stops glowing, said Tulip. Then you have to communicate with the pool and set everything up and make boundaries and rules so it will stop the forest from growing outward. After that the forest will settle down and it will be finished and safe for us to go in. Okay, lets go then, a forest sprites work is never done, said Ivy. You mean a queens work is never done said Tulip. Come lets go, Mom should be done by now. 26 illustration goes here They both headed over to the woods where they found Alieta and Guen standing waiting for them. Okay, Ivy is ready to set everything up, said Tulip. Is the beacon tree ready? Yes it is, said Guen. Are you coming in with us? Nope, I need a break, said Tulip. Besides I would rather go in when the magic is all under control. Have fun Ivy, then Tulip flew out of the woods. Okay lets go and get this done said Guen. She yelled out, "Forest open wide and deep we are flying to the cove". The forest opened but not wide enough for Alieta's wings and not very deep either. Ivy could you tell this forest what you want it to do please? asked Guen. Okay, forest open up wide and deep. Alieta, Guen and I am flying to the cove fast, said Ivy. The forest did exactly what she said and Alieta could barely see the end of the tunnel. Okay lets go, said Ivy. See queen of the forest, said Guen then they followed Ivy through the tunnel until they got to the end. Ivy said open please and the cove trees opened wide for them and they stepped in. Okay Ivy, did Tulip tell you how to activate the overviewer? asked Guen. Yep touch the water until it stops glowing then go to the pool and set everything up. Yes very good, said Guen. Now we will stay here for now until Ivy is finished. Getting too close to the pool will just make us dizzy. Yes I am starting to feel it already, said Alieta. Ivy flew across the pool and over to the overviewer and touch the water with her fingers. Suddenly that section of the cove lit up so bright Alieta had to turn her head away. In a minute the light got dim then went back to normal. Next Ivy walked towards the pool. Now you are going to see for yourself what I saw her do in my cove, said Guen. Ivy sat down on the side of the pool then walked to the middle of it. She looked down at the water then closed her eyes. Once again like in Fairy Land the water began to swirl then bubble and the magic above the pool became visible but this time it was going in the water. Then a swirl of magic formed around Ivy sucking all the magic towards her then passing down her body into the water. Ivy raised her arms up high and looked up and began to turn around slowly until she was facing Alieta and Guen again. Then she brought her arms down fast. The pool got very bright for a moment then stopped bubbling and the pool went calm and back to normal. Okay all done, said Ivy. Then she got out of the water and looked at the overviewer. What do you see Ivy, asked Guen. The entire forest and all of Fae Land except the far north end, said Ivy. Eden's magic hasn't reached there yet. So Alieta, what do you think now? asked Guen. I have never seen anything like that before, said Alieta. How can such a young girl control so much magic like I just saw. Beats me but she can. I sure can't, said Guen. This cove is bigger and a lot stronger than my cove. Ivy walked over to them looking no worst for wear. How do you feel Ivy? asked Alieta. Energized and hungry, said Ivy. I am going back to the palace and get Tulip to make me a snack. You can show Alieta around now and you both can come and go out from the top of the forest. That makes getting here and back to the palace much faster. Ivy before you leave, did you set the permissions to let the pixies back in? asked Guen. Yep all pixies, all fairies plus Alieta are allowed in but only fairies and me can invite someone new in for now. Okay bye, then Ivy flew up and out of the fairy forest. So Alieta what would you like to see first? asked Guen. That overviewer, said Alieta. Very good choice, said Guen. 27 illustration goes here Guen showed Alieta some of the basic functions of the overviewer which took some explaining. Now when I touch the surface of the water the overviewer screen turns on that shows just an over view of the fairy forest but if I pan the screen out like this then we can see all of Fae Land now, said Guen. This is incredible, what are those blue dots moving around? asked Alieta. People walking around outside, said Guen. Those green dots would be my girls and that bigger one is probably Ivy. So Ivy can follow anyone she wants from here? asked Alieta. No all she can do is see the dots, said Guen. If someone was to accidentally slip and hurt them self then the dot would turn red then Ivy could send someone out to help who ever it is. Okay that is good to know, said Alieta. Yes it is very good, said Guen. Now if something bad or evil was to appear in Fae Land like an evil wizard, a big red flashing light will show up on the screen. If it is night time and the screen is off, it will turn on by it's self centering on the evil being. Now depending on what secondary controller Ivy picked, probably Tulip, the pool will send out a signal to what ever tree Tulip is sleeping on and shakes it so she wakes up. So this device is always on and making sure nothing bad is going on in Fae Land? asked Alieta. Yes, think of it as an alarm system, said Guen. The cove is completely defensive and will not send out white magic blasts at anything with one exception. What is that? asked Alieta. Well in case there is something attacking the forest and won't give up trying to get in even though it can see the forest is healing faster than it can do damage the pool will send out a repelling blast that will send what ever it is back away from the forest at least a mile away. That normally happens with devils and demons, they are pretty dumb for the most part. This is quite the system you have set up here, said Alieta. Yes but it is what us fairies had to create to protect out existence on earth, said Guen. Without a magic forest and a cove we would of all been killed a long time ago. Now you can come in here anytime you like from above and sit in the pool or just dangle your feet in it. It is very soothing and will heal any skin blemishes or scrapes. The water fountain is over on the far wall that is drinkable. At the moment there is nothing else to see in the forest until my girls start making things. Okay then so I suppose we should go and see if Grace, Liza, Cathy and Jim are here yet, said Alieta. It must be getting close to lunch time. I agree, I am feeling hungry myself, said Guen then they both flew out of the cove and headed back to the palace. 28 illustration goes here Back at Alexa's place she was out back playing with Angus and Sivia when Tempressa came around the corner of the house and in the backyard. Hi Alexa, how do you like my new look asked Tempressa. Alexa turned around and was shocked to see the change in Tempressa. Wow, you have hair, I mean you always had hair but I had no idea you had so much of it and what an amazing outfit, said Alexa. So that means you like it? asked Tempressa. Yes very much, said Alexa. You finally went to the hair dresser and had them fix your hair? Nope Lilly did it for me with her magic wand, said Tempressa. Did you know there are fairies her now? No I didn't, said Alexa. When did they get here? Yesterday I think. There is six fairy princesses and their mother the queen, said Tempressa. Lilly made this dress for me too. So they are real fairies and not wizards that look like fairies, said Alexa. Of course they are real, what wizard would want to look like a fairy, said Tempressa. I over heard Pippie talking to Ginger that they were going to make a forest where the desert plain is. Some kind of magical forest I think. Really, changing a desert into a forest would take some very powerful magic, said Alexa. Yep, you should go to the palace and meet them, they are so cute looking and love to do magic, said Tempressa. I am going home and going to invite some of my friends from downtown for a bit of a party. No more looking scary for me. Alexa smile as Tempressa left her backyard. Real fairies in Fae Land, now that was totally unexpected thought Alexa. 29 illustration goes here At the palace Alieta and Guen found Ivy sitting on the grass with Tulip talking, Lilly was over by the palace talking to Phonixa and Repellia. Chestnut and Roseberry were sitting talking to Ginger while Sunflower and Pippie were both flying around playing together. Look at them all, said Guen. I just can't do it. What, can't you do? asked Alieta. I can't take them away from all this love, I have never seen them so happy. They all worked together and built themselves a new and even better fairy forest. How can I tell them it is time to go home now. It will break their hearts and what will all the people here feel when they find out the fairies they made friends with are gone. Well I have to gather them all together and tell them anyways. Lollipop can not work the cove that well back home like Tulip and I can so I have made my decision. Alieta wasn't sure which way Guen was going to go. Was she going to take them all back to Fairy Land with her or let them stay here. Guen called for all her girls to come and gather in front of her. Ivy went to where Alieta was standing. What is going on? asked Ivy. Not exactly sure but it may be time for the fairies to go back home, said Alieta. Ivy got a very sad look on her face. Okay girls, you all did a great job and accomplished what we came here to do. The forest is completed and the pixies now have plenty of space to move into and welcome new pixies to Fae Land. All the girls suddenly became very sad looking. Guen look at each one of them then said that is what I thought. I have to go back to Fairy Land today, Lollipop can not do what Tulip can do without my help. So if you all want to stay here in Fae Land, you have my blessings. Wait but we will all miss you said Tulip, We can't stay here without you. How can we be princesses without our queen. Guen smiled. You will always be princesses and I will always be your mother the queen plus you have another two queens here. You have Alieta Queen of Fae Land and Ivy, Queen of the Forest. Ivy looked up fast. What? I am a queen? asked Ivy. Not yet, said Alieta. Now don't you all think for a moment that I will not be back to check on you all. Be on your best behavior in this amazing land of magic. You girls belong here now. They all flew up and started air dancing together. Ivy flew over and joined in. Alieta walked over to Guen. So do you think I did the right thing Alieta? asked Guen. I do but won't you miss them? asked Alieta. I will be back every two weeks if Apollonia is not too busy. I trust you with my children. I saw what you did today at the human village and I have seen how you take care of the girls here at the palace. Your heart is like mine, there is always room for more love. Alieta smiled. Okay now it is my turn, said Alieta and called Ginger over. Have you been crying Ginger? asked Alieta. No, well maybe a little bit. I thought they were all going to leave, said Ginger. Guen smiled. Nope they are going nowhere and wiped the tears from Ginger's face. 30 illustration goes here Alieta looked up and asked everyone to come back down for a minute then asked Ivy to come forward. Ivy had a big smile on her face. They are all staying she said to Alieta. Yes they are, said Alieta. Now Ginger I need you to witness what I am about to do and all of you will be witnesses too. Ivy, after seeing what you were able to do today in the cove of the fairy forest that was something I have never seen before in all my years, I am going to make it official. Make what official? asked Ivy. Well the forest has made you it's queen and Guen and all her children believe you are the queen there also but seeing you can now control the magic of not just the fairy forest but all of Fae Land also, I therefore with the the power of being Queen of Fae Land, I now make you the Queen of the Forest plus all plants in Fae Land. Lets face it, you love magic and magic loves you. Ivy was stunned for a moment then smiled and gave Alieta a big hug. I am really the Queen of the Forest? asked Ivy. Yes you are, said Alieta. Wow! Wait until I tell Viridian and Ktara and Alexa and Carmen and Zatsuky and... Yes Ivy go tell everyone, said Alieta. Just then an elf came walking over holding the hand of Liza. Well hello Liza, what are you doing here? asked Alieta. Well my Mom said I could come here while the elves helped her get the new house ready, said Liza. Really, she said that did she, said Alieta. It seems that Liza here kept asking her mother when she could come see the palace and all the fairies plus Ivy, said the elf. It was best to get her out of the way any how though. It would seem young human girls have a way of getting there own way. Not just human girls, said Guen. All children have that special talent. Is it okay if I stay for a while Alieta? asked Liza. Yes of course, said Alieta. Wow, look at all the fairies. Do they all live in the palace with you? asked Liza. No they live in the Fairy Forest that is right beside the elf village where you live now, said Alieta. Okay that is really close then, said Liza. Repellia went over to Lilly then they both went to Lilly. Come over here where Phonixa is waiting for us, said Repellia. The first thing we are going to do for you is give you some nice clothes, worthy of a little girl that lives so close to the palace, then we are going to fix your hair and what ever else we think of. Well that didn't take long. The twins will have Liza looking like a little princess, said Ginger. Well isn't that every little girls dream is? asked Guen. Yes I suppose it is, said Ginger. 31 illustration goes here Chapter 6 Conclusion Guen got Tulip and Pippie to make a late lunch for everyone. After they were all finished eating Guen said goodbye to her girls then called for Apollonia. Now remember I will be back in two weeks so behave. Alieta is in charge of you when I am not here so do whatever she says. Apollonia showed up in a few moments. Who is all going home, asked Apollonia. Just me, said Guen. They are staying here. I will want to come back every two weeks though if that is okay. Yes that is fine, said Apollonia. Guen waved goodbye then vanished with Apollonia. In the meantime Alieta had Ginger go in the palace to get something for Ivy before she went home. Ivy before you leave I have something for you. Ivy walked over and so did everyone else. Now every queen has to have a crown to wear at special occasions. Ginger opened the box and handed a beautiful tiara with emeralds and small pearls on a gold frame. Wow that is for me? asked Ivy. Yes but not to be worn all the time, said Alieta. I know, just like you, said Ivy. Alieta put the tiara on Ivy's head for her. Now you look like a real queen, said Alieta. Go tell Viridian now that you are the Queen of the Forest. You bet, said Ivy then flew off. How long do you think she will keep it on, asked Ginger. Oh once she finds out that wearing a crown or tiara on ones head for a while it starts to get uncomfortable, said Alieta. Ivy got home very fast and went in the house calling for Viridian that was sitting at the kitchen table reading a cook book. Yes Ivy I am right here, you don't have to yell. Oh sorry, just that I am very excited, said Ivy. Look what Alieta gave me. Wow why did she give you a tiara? asked Viridian. Because she made me Queen of the Forest and all the plants in Fae Land too and said every queen needs a crown to wear at special occasions. My goodness, so she actually made you a real queen? asked Viridian. Yep, in front of witnesses and everything plus all the fairy princesses are staying for good in Fae Land. Today has been a very good and exciting day. I imagine it has been from the sounds of things, said Viridian. Well have a seat Queen Ivy and I will make you a bowl of ice cream. Okay, said Ivy then sat down as Viridian put a couple of scoops of chocolate ice cream in a bowl for her. 32 illustration goes here Back at the palace Tulip brought all the fairies to the new fairy forest after Lilly finished giving Lisa a new outfit suitable for a girl her age then fixed her hair also. The elf took Liza back to the elf village figuring everything would be done in the new home now. Ginger went up to Alieta and asked, what exactly Ivy did to deserve to become a queen. Well first of all if you saw what I saw she could do with the magic in that new cove the fairies made you would understand. She is able to control the magic somehow. Plus the forest made her their queen before I did. The trees move when she tells them to and she set up rules for the forest. Ivy is definitely the queen there. Now it has been a busy day for me so I am going up to the den to relax and read so no interruptions unless it is an emergency. Okay but are you going to be able to take care of six young fairies? asked Ginger. Young? Tulip is the youngest and is over a hundred years old and Chestnut is the oldest at over eight hundred years old, said Alieta. They may look young and are playful like children but they are very smart and quite capable of taking care of themselves. Anyways, remember I want no interruptions. I have to decompress. Then Alieta went in the palace and upstairs to her den and took a book off the table then sat down. No interruptions you said, well not until I have finished talking to you, said Gabriel that just happened to pop in. Well I was wondering when you were going to show up, said Alieta. What do you want to talk to me about? Well, I don't know how you did it but some how you managed to get fairies to live in Fae Land. To top it off they are fairy princesses that have the strongest magic. Well it all sort of came together by itself, said Alieta. Oh I doubt that very much, said Gabriel. Right from the time you started reading that fairy book you had a plan in place, I am sure of it. Somehow you were able to trick Pippa into telling you she knew where they lived then you talked Pippa into taking Ivy to there, which means Pippa broke two promises to Guen. You knew that fairies would love Ivy being a forest sprite and all then you got Apollina involved some how when Ivy called for her. Well I had nothing to do with that, said Alieta. Ivy needed Apollonia to stop creatures from attacking Fairy Land. Okay but I am sure once they all got here you made them feel so welcomed and loved by everyone that they wouldn't want to leave. Well they almost did after they finished building the new fairy forest, said Alieta, but Guen saw their sad faces and figured it would be best or them to live it the forest they built. They built a forest here somewhere? asked Gabriel. Yep a very big one that covers most of the desert plains, said Alieta. Really, that I didn't know. I am still certain this entire thing was all part of your master plan to have fairies living in Fae Land. You are very smart Alieta but I am smarter, never forget that. Then Gabriel vanished. Alieta smiled. Well looks like I was smarter this time thought Alieta. One thing she didn't know was the real reason they came to Fae Land. That was the key to my entire plan. Pixies needed a bigger forest and fairies can build forests. Wasn't that hard to figure out. I may have been a bit sneaky about how I got it done but everyone is happy now so no harm done. Alieta opened her book and started to read a new book. The End 33 illustration goes here