The Adventures In The Land Of Fae Meet Sakura Prolog The next morning Alieta went down stairs to the dinning room as she always did but this time Yeanny was there already eating. Hi Alieta, this place is magical too! said Yeanny. What do you mean? asked Alieta as she sat down. Well I got up and went out into the hall and an elf told me to go down to the dining room so I went down the stairs but didn't know where to go from there. Then another elf showed up and asked me where I wanted to go but I was unsure so I said the dining room. Then she pointed to another stair case and told me to go down there and turn right. So I did and now I could smell something nice cooking. I followed my nose and went into this room that had this table in it all set for eating. I sat down then another elf came out and asked me what I wanted for breakfast. I told her what ever that was that smelled so good. She smiled at me then went in that door over there then in a minute she came out with this nice breakfast. All those elves looked the same to me except for Ginger, she is cuter then all the other elves, so either that one elf was magical or you have a lot of elves working here that look a like. Alieta smiled. Well yes there are a lot of elves working here. I am glad you finally found the dining room, said Alieta. So how did you sleep? Oh perfect, like a rock, said Yeanny. You sound very happy or something compared to yesterday, said Alieta. Ya I feel great, something about this place makes me feel really good, said Yeanny. Oh yes, you are not used to the magic here yet. It tends to make you feel good, said Alieta. Makes me hungry too! This is my second helping and when I went to pay the elf she said it was free. Talk about being happy! said Yeanny. I haven't felt this way since I was a kid. Alieta laughted. Yes palace food is free to everyone, said Alieta. Chapter 1 Meeting Sakura So you heading back home today? asked Alieta. Ya got to go see Sakura. She sleeps when I leave and won't wake up until I get home. Some how she knows when I teleport home, even in a different room. She flies over and gives me a hug then hits me with all her questions about what I did, said Yeanny. Oh so she lives with you then? Yep and she rarely goes out because she dosn't like humans much, said Yeanny. So you said she flies, is she a pixie? asked Alieta. Um not really sure what she is Alieta. I was working in my lab one night then suddenly she showed up and asked what I was doing. Scared the heck out of me because no one can get in my place with out me letting them in. Pretty sure you or anyone else here in Fae Land has ever seen her kind before, said Yeanny. Okay but I have seen just about every type of Fae there is, said Alieta, even ones that no longer exsist and are extinct now. Tell me what she looks like and maybe I will know what she is. I dought it but okay, said Yeanny. Well she is smaller than a pixie, she has pink bushy like hair, big pink eyes and nails, pink natual lips, kind of a big round head, cute little nose. Very slender too. She don't wear much but it is all pink too plus she has a cute puppy or something that looks like a tattoo on her left shoulder but it looks like it grew there instead of being put there. She flies real fast and can get pretty small plus talks very fast most of the time, sometimes mixing several languages together making it hard to understand her especially when she is excited, said Yeanny. Not sure about anything else though but I think she is every lasting and I have never seen her do any kind of magic except for getting small and disappearing. Man that girl really likes to play also. Hmm, you are right. I have never heard of anything that fits that discription, said Alieta. Told you, maybe she is one of a kind. Looks a bit like a cross between a pink pixie, nymph and sprite maybe plus some other stuff thrown in there, said Yeanny. That is an interesting mix but nymphs don't breed with pixies, maybe fairies though, said Alieta. Well what ever she is I love the crazy little girl. She is so funny all the time and even makes it hard for me to work in my lab sometimes because she is so nosey and asks so many questions plus keeps popping from one side of me to another. Wow, she sounds quite unique, said Alieta. Wish I could see what she looked like. Ya you know I think she would like it better here than where she is now with so many dumb humans around but I don't want her to leave me. Kinda got used to her and she is actually very good company when she is not so hyper, said Yeanny. Oh so is there something keeping you where you are? asked Alieta. Well no not really but I am used to being there. Kinda hot though all the time, said Yeanny. Well there are a bunch of homes here that are empty still, said Alieta. Weather here is mostly nice seeing Mother Nature makes sure all is good for us. Well I would need a home with two bedrooms and a kitchen plus a room to set up my lab in plus close to water because I use a lot of water and a storage room to keep all my money in, said Yeanny. Alieta smiled. Well we have hot and cold running water so that isn't an issue plus all the homes come with all the rooms you are talking about except a place to store your money. How much money you talking about? asked Alieta. Oh I don't know, tons of it, said Yeanny. I found a creavest a long time ago and went down it and saw thousands of different types of gems sticking out of the stone walls. I just kept filling up bags with gems and teleporting them home until I ran out of room. Still lots there though and no one else knows about the place, said Yeanny. I just take a few gems to the jewlery place in town when I need to shop and they convert them into gold coins for me. One diamond can buy me enough food for over a month plus some clothes. Sakura likes to just play with them by ficking them towards the wall and sees which one get closest with out hitting the wall. That is one of the games she plays by herself. Alieta shook her head. Well dear with that kind of money you could have a custom built home, said Alieta. Ya I know but I am not one for owning a big place. I am 32 now and like everything close by. Teleporting to stores isn't a good thing because it scares people when you suddenly appear so that is why I bought a horse, said Yeanny. Living in Fae Land would be nice though seeing every one is happy and friendly here instead of being grumpy and mad. Good thing they are all scared of me. 01 illustration goes here Well tell you what. How about you and Sakura come here and live in a house for a few days and see if she likes it . How long would it take for her to come this far seeing you said she could fly fast? asked Alieta. Oh no time at all, for some reason she can teleport with me. I can't teleport other people though. Animals I have no problem with though, said Yeanny. I can get her now if you want. I will let her settle down a bit first though when I get home and get myself changed into something more comfortable. Say with in the hour. Alieta smiled. Okay sounds good and I will have some elves find a place for you in between the town and the elf village. That is where the empty homes are. Okay sounds good. Thank the elf for the food please. It tasted great. See you in a bit, said Yeanny. Then she vanished. Ginger came down and said good morning. Has Yeanny come down yet for breakfast yet? Oh she has come and gone already, said Alieta. Oh that is sad I was hoping to see her before she left, said Ginger. Oh she is coming back real soon and with a very unusal friend of hers. They may even end up living here if they like it, said Alieta. Really, that would be great, said Ginger. She seems really nice. Well it is her friend she is concerned about. Seems like this girl that she discribed to me is nothing like anything I have ever seen or heard about. Sounds even nuttier than pixies and fairy nymphs put together plus is pink in places, said Alieta. Oh well nutty is really not that bad, said Ginger. Yes I don't think it is bad either but lets just wait and see. Have something to eat then come outside. I will be by the sun dial getting some elves to get a home ready for them to try out, said Alieta. Okay, said Ginger. I will check on them later. Now you really have me interested in seeing this new person. 02 illustration goes here Alieta went outside and called a few elves over to get them to pick the best empty home and clean it up so it will be ready for our new guests. Then she checked the sun dial and saw it was going to be a nice day. She went back and sat on the steps to wait for Yeanny to return. Soon Ginger came out and sat with her. So tell me more about this new girl, said Ginger. Well her name is Sakura and she is smaller than a pixie but I don't know how much smaller. She has natural pink hair, lips and eyes plus nails and flies. She can get small too but I don't know how small and can disappear. That is about all I know right now other than she is funny and likes to play, said Alieta. Oh okay so that sounds good, said Ginger. We all like to play here. Yes I know but I hope I made the right decision letting them come here. I will let Ivy check Sakura out. She will anyways when she first sees her. Yep thank goodness for our Ivy, said Ginger. Soon the two of them appeared in front of the palace and it looked like Yeanny was telling Sakura something then they walked over. Both Alieta and Ginger stood up. Hello again Alieta so here is my best friend Sakura, said Yeanny. Say Hello dear. Hello, said Sakura. Then said nothing. She looks nervous, said Ginger to Alieta. Yes she is very nervous, said Yeanny. She is very timid and scares easily. I told her to behave herself though and you were the queen here. Alieta went to move closer to Sakura but she flew back a bit fast so Alieta stepped back. You go up to her Ginger. You are cuter than me, said Alieta. Ginger walked up slowly towards her. She won't hurt you Sakura, trust me okay, said Yeanny. Okay I will, said Sakura. She walked a bit closer to Ginger then said,"You have pretty hair and eyes. Do you like my hair and eyes? Ginger smiled. Yes they are very pretty too, said Ginger. My name is Ginger and I am a elf. Oh I heard of them, said Sakura. Are elves nice? Oh yes, the elves here are very nice and friendly, said Ginger. Do they play too? I love to play, said Sakura. Yep everyone here likes to play, said Ginger. Oh good, I like to play closest to the wall with these and she opened her hand and showed Ginger three nice size gems. I usually use more but Yeanny only let me take these three, said Sakura. Ginger looked at Alieta. Are those real gems? asked Ginger. Yep they are very pretty rocks don't you think, said Sakura. Yes very pretty, said Ginger with a surprised look. 03 illustration goes here Alieta saw Tillia running towards them fast from the woods. She is going to scare the heck out of Sakura, thought Alieta. Just then Tillia slowed right down and slowly walked towards everyone. Pretty horse coming, said Sakura. All white too! Yes, she is a unicorn and is magical, just don't try and sit on her, it is not allowed, said Ginger. Only Sara can ride her, said Ginger. Okay, said Sakura. Tillia walked up to Alieta and said Sara is working in the cove so I decided to come here instead seeing the cove is kind of boring once you have seen it and just standing around watching everyone, said Tillia. So you slowed down real fast, said Alieta. Yes I sensed that she was easy to scare so I slowed down. She is really cute, said Tillia. What is she? Um we don't know but she is Yeanny's best friend. Her name is Sakura. Can I talk to the pretty unicorn please? asked Sakura. Yes lets both go and talk to her, said Ginger. They walked over and Sakura said hi then flew up a bit so she didn't have to look up. You are the first white horse, I mean unicorn I have ever seen, said Sakura. You are very pretty. Well so are you Sakura, very cute and pink also. Yep I like pink. Pink everything. White is nice too, said Sakura. A couple of elves saw the pink girl talking to Tillia and started to walk over. Should I tell them to stop? asked Alieta. No let them come, she has to get used to everyone now, said Yeanny. The elves walked over and said hello. Sakura turned fast towards them. Oh sorry did we scare you? asked one of the elves. Ya just a bit but that is okay, said Sakura. She then went back on the ground. So do you two like to play? asked Sakura. Well yes we do but we have things to do right now but maybe later okay, said the elf. Okay, it's a date, said Sakura. The two elves smiled and walked away. Okay, that went well, said Yeanny. Wonder what is going to happen when the she devils come over. Well here they come now and there is no way of slowing them down. Tera and Aven flew in fast and Sakura saw them and hid behind Ginger. What are they? she asked nervously. They are friends and God made them so very good and nice, said Ginger. Oh okay. Funny wings but pretty girls, said Sakura. Hi all, what is up for today? asked Tara. Sakura flew over to Tara then flew around her then did the same with Avan. Hi I am Sakura. You have odd wings but very pretty faces, Ginger says God made you and you are good and frendly. Do you like to play? Tara laughed. My she talks like Ivy. Does Ivy like to play? asked Sakura. Oh yes she loves to play, said Avan. Good, me too, said Sakura. Okay she is settling in now, soon she will be herself and that is when the fun will start, said Yeanny. 04 illustration goes here I should call Pippa, maybe she knows what Sakura is, said Alieta. Ya good idea, said Yeanny. "Pippa come to the palace please. Some one new for you to meet". Pippa showed up real fast. Hi Alieta, who is it this time. My you have been getting a lot of new people lately, said Pippa. Sakura flew over fast to Pippa, Wow you fly fast! I am Sakura, do you like to play, I love pink, pink everything except my skin. Pink wings and pink eyes plus hair is a pretty pink too. I can fly fast too you know watch. Sakura took off and flew circles around everyone then went high up then came back down, circled Tillia a couple of times then went back to Pippa. See pretty fast right. Pippa started to laugh. Yes that was very good, said Pippa. Yep, fast and pink, that is me, said Sakura. Pippa looked at Alieta with a confused look on her face. So Pippa, do you know what she is. None of us do but she is Yeanny's best friend, said Alieta. Nope can't say I do but she seems freindly enough and that was some very hard flying manouvers she just did, said Pippa. Okay so still no one knows, said Alieta. Who cares, said Pippa. Looks like she wants to play and have fun though, said Pippa. Yep I do, said Sakura. Okay lets play over there, and let them watch. Lets see what you got girl, said Pippa. Oh this is going to be good, said Yeanny. Hand me you rocks Sakura so you don't loose them. Okay said Sakura and handed Yeanny the three gems then flew back to Pippa. Pippa shrunk down a bit to her size then they both flew out a bit then flew up high in the sky together. They came down fast then turned towards each other and held hands then began to spin real fast then let go and both of them landed on their butt laughing. They took off again and started air dancing in circles then began to fly back and forth past the palace very fast. Wow I can hardly see them pass, said Alieta. They then went high again then came down doing a loop de loop then landed on their feet with arms up and said, "Tadah!" Every one clapped. Okay time to rest, said Pippa. Okay, said Sakura and flew over ti Yeanny and took back the gems then sat down beside her. She is really fast too, Sakura said to Yeanny. Pippa walked over to Alieta and said what every she is, that girl has major flying skills. I Had to really push it to keep up with her at this size, said Pippa. Well Yeanny here is thinking about buying a house here in Fae Land so we are just seeing if Sakura will be able to adjust to all the people here and not be a pest or something, said Alieta. Oh she will be fine, said Pippa. Funny thing is though, her wings have very little dust on them. Hardly any at all. Don't know how she can fly that fast without at least some pixie or fairy dust on them, said Pippa. 05 illustration goes here Chapter 2 Sakura Makes Friends I am going to get Ivy. Maybe she can give us some insight of what she might be, said Pippa. Okay good idea, said Alieta. Pippa took off like a shot. Where is Pippa going? asked Sakura. She is going to get her best friend Ivy for you to meet. She is very special and has lits of friends here, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Sakura. I just have one friend but I like all of you now too. Does Ivy like to play like Pippa? Everyone laughted. Yes she likes to play, said Ginger but she can't fly as fast as you and Pippa. That is okay, I can slow down some, said Sakura. In a couple of minutes Pippa and Ivy flew over and landed beside Alieta. Sakura got up and looked at Ivy. You have green hair. That is nice, I like pink the best though, said Sakura. You are very pretty, Alieta said you are special so why are you special? Is it because you are so pretty? Ivy smiled. So Ivy check her out for us. No one knows what she is, said Alieta. Okay, said Ivy and started to look at her but it was hard because she kept on moving around fast. Ivy put out her hand and grabed her. Can you hold still for a minute please. Okay, sorry. Just looking at you, said Sakura. Green eyes and wings, even your nails are green, said Sakura. Green must be your favorite cilout right? Yes it is now just stand still for a few moments, said Ivy. Ivy looked deep then started laughing then looked some more then laughed some more. Okay, that is enough, said Ivy. So what did you see? asked Alieta. Well you won't believe it but first she is constantly telling jokes to herself. She must be very funny, said Ivy. Yes that she is, said Ginger. Now also it is like there is a combination of very unique types making her up. One is fairy, one is pixie, another one is nymph and another one is something called a Tinker, what ever that is, plus there seems to be small animals like a cat, squirl, parrot maybe. It is hard to tell and there might be more also. I am not sure how that can happen. That is all I could figure out, though she is white inside and has no real secrets except for the jokes she tells herself but some are in different languages so not sure what the jokes are but must be funny because she laugh at them inside. Yep, got to stay happy inside, said Sakura. Some jokes can't be said in english or elven. So you don't know what she is either then, said Alieta. Ya, she is a Sakura, said Ivy. Seems fairly new also. She adopted that name seeing Yeanny calls her Sakura. No one ever gave her another name but I like Sakura. Sounds real cool and suits her. Everyone smiled. Oh there is some hidden magic in her too like being able to vanish and get small maybe. Not sure though, too much going on inside here to sort it all out. Well that solves that mystery. A Sakura named Sakura that loves to play and can fly super fast, said Pippa. Thanks Ivy, said Alieta. Sakura went over to Yeanny and said she was getting hungry. Do they eat here? Alieta smiled. Yes dear we do but we ate breakfast already. Maybe Pippa can get Tulip for you and she can make you something. Okay, said Pippa and off she flew. I like her, she flies real fast like me, said Sakura. Well we are going to Sandy Loake so when Zan comes out tell her where we are, said Avan then they flew off. I have to check on the elves cleaning that house but I will be back soon, said Ginger then headed for the stable. Tillia laid down on the grass and got comfortable. Alieta and Yeanny sat on the steps waiting for Tulip to show up. 06 illustration goes here Pippa got a hold of Tulip and told her about Sakura and she was hungry. Tulip was more than happy to come out and see her and make something for her to eat. Pippa had to go check on the pixie forest but said she will be back soon. She went to the palace and Tulip saw that Sakura was very unique looking and landed infront of her that startled Sakura and jumoed up fast. Did I scare you? asked Tulip. Yep but I am okay now, said Sakura. I has telling my self a new joke. Where is Pippa? She had to go check on something but she will be back soon, said Tulip. Okay, do you want to hear my new joke? asked Sakura. Okay, I am alway into hearing a good joke, said Tulip. What is your foot but not your foot? asked Sakura. Um let me see, I don't have a clue, said Tulip. My foot silly and she rasied up her foot and wiggled her toes. Everyone laughed. That was a good one, said Tulip. So Pippa said you were hungry, what would you like to eat? . Um something sweet right now, said Sakura. Flying fast makes my wings tired and sugar energizes them. Okay, just like Ivy always says. Are you a pixie like Pippa. No I am a fairy, said Tulip. Oh okay, said Sakura. What is a fairy? Here I will show you. Tulip made her wand appear and Sakura's big eyes opened even wider. How did you do that? asked Sakura. Oh that is one of the things fairies do, said Tulip. Now put out both hands and I will make you some ice cream. Oh good I like ice cream, will it take long? Yeanny gets it for me all the time at the store. Nope I use magic, said Tulip and made the bowl of ice cream appear with a spoon in it. Wow. I like you too, said Sakura. Good magic and tasty too, said Sakura then she went and sat beside Yeanny and started to eat. Zan came out and saw Sakura eating. Oh very cute and pink, how nice. So has anyone know what Tara and Avan are up to today? asked Zan. They told us to tell you they are at Sandy Lake, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Zan. Sakura looked up at Zan and said, nice horns, would you like some ice cream? Tulip is a fairy and she can make it for free and it is really good. Zan looked down at Sakura and smiled. No dear I just had breakfast but thanks for asking siad Zan. She crouched down and said to Alieta, "I have seen every kind of being on this planet but I have never seen anyone that looked like her". I know but this is Sakura and she is a Sakura at least that is what Ivy says, said Alieta. Yep a Sakura and I love pink, said Sakura and went back to eating. Good hearing too, said Zan. Well I best go see what my friends are up to said Zan then ran off towards Sandy Lake. Wow she can run fast, said Sakura. I can't run that fast but I sure can fly fast! Sakura finished her ice cream then thanked Tulip. Can I see your wand again please? asked Sakura. Ya sure, said Tulip. Wow it is so pretty. Can I hold it? Sure but you can't do magic with it but if you wave it back and forth then it will make lots of sparkles for you, said Tulip. Okay, she said. Tulip handed it to her and she began to wave it back and forth making it sparkle. She then pointed it at her hand and suddenly a peanut appeared. Hey how did you do that? You are not suppose to be able to do that. Oh sorry but it was suppose to be an apple. I wanted to give it to Tillia. Well you must have some fairy magic in you to be able to make even a peanut, said Tulip. Oh okay, can you make a apple for Tillia please? asked Sakura then handed the wand back to Tulip. Sure, said Tulip then made an apple and handed it to Sakura. She flew over and gave it to Tillia. 07 illustration goes here So now what Sakura? asked Yeanna. I don't know but I think I have to fly somewhere, said Sakura. I have lots of energy now. Lots of room here too, not like back at home. Where are we? We are in Fae Land, a magical place very far from home, said Yeanny. Oh I like magic and it is better her in Fae Land. People are really nice here not like back home, said Sakura. Well do you want to come with me and fly around Fae Land a bit? asked Ivy. Okay, I will not go really fast, she said. Ivy smiled. Well we can see more when we fly slower anyways, said Ivy as long as it is okay with Yeanny. Okay but Sakura can be qute a handful, said Yeanny. I am not that small right now, I am a big girl, said Sakura. Yes you are so just behave yourself and try your best to talk slower if you meet someone new, said Yeanny. Okay I will try, said Sakura. They took off towards the waterfall mountain together. Phonixa, Repellia and Tabitha came out and asked what everyone was gathered out here for. Oh you just missed her. Yeanny's friend was here but just left with Ivy. Oh, we have the worst timing ever, said Phonixa. Who is Yeanny's friend? Sakura and she is the cutiest and most energenic little girl I have ever met, said Alieta. So is she your daughter? asked Repellia. No no not really but I treat her that way, said Yeanny. Okay so what does she look like and how old is she, asked Repellia. Pink and cute as can be, said everyone at the same time. Pink? Okay we have seen some unusal stuff since we have been here so that doesn't surprise me, said Phonoxa. How old is she, does she like to shop? asked Repellia. Don't know how old but shopping with Sakura is not the best idea, said Yeanny. So Tillia, how are things going with you now after seeing all that happened so far? asked Alieta. Oh I am doing fine. I feel Sara with be here soon so. I will just stay here, laying down and wait for her, said Tillia. Okay, good plan, said Alieta. Well I am waiting for Ginger to get back and tell me how the house for Yeanny is doing. You are going to live here? asked Repellia. Well not completely sure yet but sure does sound like we will be, said Yeanny. 08 illustration goes here Chapter 3 Going Shopping Ginger had to look around a bit then she found the house the elves were working on. They were doing a good job on this older big house that actually had three bedrooms in it and an attic that a door that open to it on the ceiling as she remembered. She went in and saw the elves working away and seemed to be almost done. She went to where the attic door was, pulled the rope and the ladder came down then she climbed up. Well lots of room up here too, she thought. Just needs a lot of dusting and a good sweep. She told the elves once done here to give the attic a quick once over then she checked all the other rooms that looked real good. Well they are going to need at least two beds, she thought so she headed back to the palace to tell Alieta. On her way she stopped and bought a box of candy from Jessica that was happy to see her. You should come and see the new people moving into that big house over there. They are really nice. Okay I will, said Jessica. Almost done here. We only need to have two elves here to mind the store until five o'clock then they lock things up. Okay see you there, said Ginger and off she went with her box of candy. She got back to the palace and saw Sara was there now with a couple of fairies. She went to Alieta and told her they will need two beds for tonight. Oh don't worry about that, said Yeanny. I will make two for us. I can make furniture no problem. Nothing fancy but comfortable and functional for now. Okay good, said Ginger. Now it has three bedrooms and a livingroom, kitchen, big washroom plus there is a good size attic that has a drop down ladder. It will be pretty clean soon also, said Ginger. Oh good. A place to put my money then, said Yeanny. I guess so, said Ginger. Now there is still lots of water left in the tanks but no ice in the ice box yet. You may have to come here for breakfast until we get a order of ice in for yourself. Okay that will be nice, said Yeanny. I brought some gems with me in case I needed them to buy food and stuff but where do I get them converted to gold coins? Well the treasurer here in the palace can do that for you, said Ginger. Okay here then said Yeanny and pulled out a bag of valiable gems out of her pocket and haned ot to Ginger. Ginger opened the bag and looked inside. Oh my god, said Ginger. There has to be over fifty thousand dollars in gems in this bag. Really, normally I only get five thosand for them, said Yeanny. Really! There is enough here to buy that house I just checked out plus three more with lots still left over, said Ginger. Really, I am liking Fae Land even more now, said Yeanny. 09 illustration goes here Ginger went down stairs to see the treasurer with the gems. She showed the bag of gems to her and said she needed these converted into coins. The treasurer opened the bag then asked what she was buying, a few new houses or something. No they are Yeanny's and she is going shopping with Alieta in town. Oh well just give me one of them, the smallest one please. That will buy more than enough of what she wants,said the treasurer. She went to the back then came out with a bag of gold coins. Now put those two gems in the bag too. That way they won't go missing, said the treasurer. Okay thanks but this seems like a lot of gold. Well yes, that one small diamond is worth 4 thousand dollars. She may want to leave some at home unless she is planning on buying a whole new wardrobe, a few horses and all new furniture. Ginger smiled and thanked her. She headed back out and gave Yeanny the big bag of gold. Wow that is pretty heavy. Are you sure she didn't make a mistake? asked Yeanny. Oh our treasurer does not ever make mistakes, said Alieta. Ya that was just the smallest diamond that was worth four thousand. The other bigger ones are in the bag also. Really, those lousy humans have been ripping me off all these years. A would usually get a couple hundered for a small diamond like that, said Yeanny. Oh well live and learn I guess. Ginger you hang on to these other gems, please. Don't want to be walking around with them. Um that is like over fourthy thousand dollars I will be hanging on to. Not sure I want to be responsible for that much money, said Ginger. Oh don't worry about it, just put them in you pocket. If you lose them don't worry. I have tons of them back home, said Yeanny. Ginger looked at Alieta. She just smiled and shrugged her sholders. So Ginger what house is it that got cleaned up? asked Alieta. Oh the biggest one closest to the town with the big stable for three horses, said Ginger. Okay I know that one, said Alieta. We will stop there first and drop off some of these coins first. 10 illustration goes here Yeanny went and got her horse then the two of them left with Alieta flying beside her. My this horse smells good, said Yeanny. Yes the elves take good care of the horses here at the palace, said Alieta. Horses are very important to them. Well once I know where the town is I won't be needing a horse much, said Yeanny. In about ten minutes they reach the town and Alieta asked one of the horse attendents to hang on to the horse. Okay Alieta, Nice to see you in town again, she said and took the horse. Don't you have to pay them to do that? asked Yeanny. Oh I have a palace account with them. Anyone that lives in the palace can use that account. I rarely pay cash in town for anything, said Alieta. Oh good system you have going, said Yeanna. Yep being queen does have it's perks, said Alieta. Okay just up here is a nice store that sells food, mostly the basics but they do have a very good selection to pick from. There is a bigger grocery store here if you decide to stay in Fae Land that has a bogger selection and in the north town there is a very big store that carries all kinds of stuff. That is where Alexa and Tempressa live. Lets go in there for now. They went in and Yeanny grabbed a basket then had a look around. The store owner greeted them and asked if they needed any help. Oh just some food while I am here, said Yeanny. Okay Alieta will show you where everythung is though usually Ginger does the shopping for that palace but today we have lots of items on sale today, said the woman. Okay thanks Janice, said Alieta. Yeanny looked around and noticed the prices on everything. Wow evrything is so cheap in here, said Yeanny. Yes I make sure everyone can afford food in Fae Land plus clothing too, said Alieta. It is one of my few rules here. They walked over to the big sign that said, "Sale" then Yeanny started filling up her basket. Okay that sould do for now, said Yeanny. Just need a carton of ice cream for Sakura. That is over here, said Alieta. Yeanny grabbed a carion of ice cream then went to the counter to pay for everything. The girl asked if this will be cash or in account. No I don't have an account, said Yeanny, it will be cash. Oh sorry I saw you were with Alieta so figured yiu were using her account said the girl. Okay that will be thirty five dollars then. Yeanny took out her bag of coins and handed the girl a hundred dollar coin. Wow I haven't seen one of these in a while, said the girl, do you have anything smaller? Yeanny dumped out the bag on the counter and looked for something smaller. Don't look like it, said Yeanny. Is that a problem? No I can give you your change, said the girl just leaves me a bit sort on change. Well just put it on my account then, said Alieta and Yeanny can pay me back. Okay thanks Alieta. Will you like everything delivered? No I will take it with me, said Yeanny. See you back at the house, said Yeanny then vanished with the groceries. Oh my god where did she go? asked the girl. Home hopfully, said Alieta. Now I have to get her horse that she forgot about and bring in back with me. How can anyone forget their horse? asked the girl. When your a sorceress you rarely need one, said Alieta then smiled and left the store. 11 illustration goes here When Yeanny got to the house that looked fine from the outside but could use a new coat of paint, she went inside. Alieta got there shortly after Yeanny and put the horse in the stable then went inside. Hi Alieta, what took you so long? asked Yeanny. You forgot about your horse so I rode it back here, said Alieta. Oh ya, I forgot, said Yeanny, I am not used to having a horse. Okay now let me fix this place a bit so Sakura will like it here, said Yeanny. Yeanny put the bag of groceries down then first made a kitchen table with four chairs and then some pots and pans on a rack. Then she moved to the livingroom and made two couches and a coffee table. Next they checked the washroom and saw it was nice and clean also, ready to be used. Then Yeanny went to the bedroom and made herself a bed and a dresser then went to the smaller room and made a bed for Sakura. That is a very fancy bed for Sakura, said Alieta. Yes she really likes fancy stuff plus she tends to sleep a lot so I made it special, said Yeanny. Okay that will be good enough for now. I can always buy some really good stuff later if we decide to stay in Fae Land and Sakura finds it to be a place she would like to live for good. In the hallway they saw the rope hanging from the ceiling that opened the door to the attic so Alieta pulled on it and the ladder dropped down. Yeanny went up and just looked through the opening and said yes lots of room for my money then came back down. Okay lets go back outside and look around next, said Yeanny. Outside they saw the stable that was made for three horses. Well this I really don't need a stable, said Yeanny. Well maybe have it torn down and get some carpenters to build you a new one that fits your needs, said Alieta. Ya I suppose so, said Yeanny. I will think about it. They walked around to the back of the house and saw that it was very rough and needed some gardens and the grass was not bad. Well it is a big yard, just have to spruce it up a lot, said Yeanny. That will come later though, Sakura likes playihng with gardens . Around the other side of the house also needed some ground work done and the garden was full of weeds. Well maybe Sakura will like to work on the garden here too, said Yeanny. She will need something to do when I am working in my lab. So what do you do in your lab? asked Alieta. Oh this and that, said Yeanny. Mostly potions for beauty care and also soaps for washing ones hair and skin. I like them to smell nice and so do most other people. Well Paisley and Carmen would probably like to try them out. They are the girlie type and wash their hair every day, said Alieta. Oh who are they? asked Yeanny. Two pretty girls that are also on Alexa's team. Oh okay, she sounds like she has a pretty big team. Yes she does but only uses the ones that are needed for each adventure as they all call them. You will meet them all eventually if you decide to stay, said Alieta. Okay I Need to get back to the palace and hopefully Sakura is there still awake, said Yeanny then she vanished. Why would she be sleeping in the middle of the day thought Alieta the went out and headed for the palace. 12 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Sakura Meets Fairy Nymphs Yeanny decided to go back in the house first then checked out the third bedroom that she was going to use as her lab. Okay she thought. Bigger than the one I got. She made a simple lab table and a book self for all her books that had spells in them for potion recipes in them. Then made a stool and a chair then went back outside and got her horse to head out back to the palace. When Alieta got to the palace she saw Ginger sitting on the steps with Ivy. Sakura was curled up on the grass in front of them fast asleep. Hi Alieta, I guess we tired her out, said Ivy. We didn't fly that far though but she said she was feeling sleepy so we headed back then she laid down after looking around and went to sleep. Alieta remembered what Yeanny told her when she was out, Sakura would just sleep while she was gone. Well Yeanny will be here soon I think so she will wake up then, said Alieta. Hmm kinda weird though sleeping in the middle of the day, said Ivy. Yes but that is what she does when Yeanna is not around, said Alieta. Sounds like she has no control over it, said Alieta. Yeanny has been her only friend for a long time. Well maybe she will make some more friends here, said Ginger. Then maybe she won't sleep so much. We will see, said Alieta but first Yeanny has to find out if Sakura would like to live here. They are just visiting right now, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Ivy. Here have your seat back Alieta, I wanted to show here so much more but she just started to fiy really slow so I brought her back her. Alieta sat down and smiled at Ginger. So what do you think so far about her? asked Alieta. Well not sure but she is very nice and polite, and very energenic, said Ginger. She did get used to everyone pretty fast too. But she just came here with Ivy then laid down and wet to sleep and none of us could wake her up. Soon Yeanny reached the palace and as soon as she got off her horse and walked over, Sakura jumped up then flew over to Yeanny and hugged her. 13 illustration goes here After hugging Yeanny, Sakura looked around and saw everyone not far from the sun dial sitting on the ground. What are they doing? she asked. I think they are playing a game, said Yeanny. Oh, what kind of game? she asked. Not sure, maybe go over there and look but don't get in their way and do not be a pest, just watch them play, said Yeanny. Okay, said Sakura and flew over to the group on the grass. Yeanny walked over to Alieta and Ginger. So she went to sleep again I see, said Yeanny. Yep as soon as she Ivy came back with her, said Ginger. Hmm. I wish I could break her of that habit, said Yeanny. I was hoping with all you people here she would stay awake. She could always do stuff when I go shopping or what ever. I tried taking her shopping with me once and will not do that again, said Yeanny. Oh, what happened? asked Alieta. Well it was grocery shopping and she was very excited to see all the food everywhere. She started picking up apples and pears and taking a bite out of them and putting them back then flew to the cookies and ate some of them. She knocked over a display with jams on it that were all glass jars and some broke. People were getting mad at her and the store owner told me to leave and pay for the damage. I gave him the bag of coins I had and said here keep it all then I grabbed Sakura and pulled her out of the store. I took her home and was very mad at her telling her what she was doing was very bad and wrong. She started to cry then flew into her room and stayed there for the rest of the day. She had the door locked so I figured I best leave her alone. I felt really bad afterwards for getting mad like that because she didn't know anything about shopping and it was her first time. Hearing her crying in her beadroom almost broke my heart. Eventually we made up and I talked nicely to her then she went back to normal. Ginger smiled and said, it is like she is just a little kid. How old is she? I don't know but she appeared out of nowhere in my lab about seven years ago, but she looked like an adult physically, said Yeanny. Maybe that was when she was made then, said Alieta. Hang on for a second and called over Ivy. Yes Alieta, what do you want? she asked. When you read Sakura did you find out how old she was? asked Alieta. Well not exactly but everything I saw only went back about seven years I think. Nothing before that, said Ivy. So seven I think. Okay thanks Ivy, just wanted to check. Okay, said Ivy and flew over to where everyone was playing Zan's game. Well there you go, she is just a child still, said Alieta. Oh my, said Yeanny. That explains a lot. I have been treating her like a grown up all the time. Even when she first showed up I thought she was just real nutty and nosey. I didn't think that I had to teach her anything. I thought that was just the way she was. 14 illustration goes here Ginger looked up and saw two fairy nymphs coming. Okay this will be interesting she said. Why what are they, more fairies? asked Yeanny. Nope, they are fairy nymphs, said Alieta. Oh, are they different from fairies? asked Yeanny. Oh yes, a lot different and not fast flyers either but very playful. It looks like Hennie is not with them either, said Alieta. That is their queen. I will fill you in about them later. They flew over the group playing the game then landed in front of Alieta. Hello Capi and Letish. Where is Hennie? asked Alieta. Oh she is out in Eden somewhere trying to teach Nessie how to make plants properly, said Capi. She said it was okay if we came here and visit while she was doing that. Letish looked way up at Yeanny and smiled at her. My they are cute, she said. Sakura saw them and flew over fast. Yeanny yelled at her and said be polite please and don't be rude by flying around them fast. Okay, said Sakura and just stood still and smiled at the two of them. Well that was easy, said Yeanny. Yes it was. It seems like she considers you like a mother, said Alieta. Capi and Letish saod hello then told Sakura their names. Hello, I am Sakura. Do you like to play? Yep, always like to play, said Capi. Oh good me too, said Sakura but I have to stay here for now, Yeanny said so. Okay then can we sit and talk? asked Letish to Alieta. I see why not, said Alieta. Get to know each other first. Okay and the three of them sat down and started chating with each other. Well you seem to make a better mother than me, said Yeanny. Oh don't sell your self short, mothering is not easy, said Alieta. Just listen to the love you have for her to get her to do things. Everyone responds best to love. She still needs to be schooled some how. At least a bit anyways. Maybe Alexa would like to teach her some things, said Ginger. Ya maybe she will like that but she has to meet her first, said Alieta. They looked at the three of them still chatting and Capi and Letish kept touching Sakura's hair that she seemed to like. Okay it will be lunch time soon so the fairies will be coming here, said Alieta. Oh lunch time, said Sakura. Can I have ice cream. Yeanny smiled. No not at first. You have to eat some other stuff first then maybe you can have some ice cream if you finish your lunch, said Yeanny. Okay, said Sakura. Capi and Letish looked at Yeanny then back at Sakura. She is like Hennie. It is good though, she knows what is best for us. We all love her, said Capi. 15 illustration goes here Soon the fairies showed up and started getting lunch ready for everyone. Zan brought the game back inside the palace then came back out. Sakura, Capi and Letish stood up and got out of the way. Have you seen the fairies make food yet? asked Capi. Just ice cream, said Sakura. Oh you will like this then. They can make anything and it always tastes great, said Letish. The fairies made their wands appear then made a nice big lunch for everyone. Wow that was amazing and it really smells good too, said Sakura. Okay lets go and get some food. The big people usually let us little girls go first, said Capi. The three of them walked up to the table and Letish handed Sakura a plate. Wow what should I pick? asked Sakura. Oh I just take a bit of everything until the plate is full then go sit down out of the way and eat, said Letish. Okay, said Sakura then filled her plate. They walked over to a spot on the grass and sat down to eat. Well they seem to getting along wonderfully, said Yeanny. Yes they do, said Alieta. It looks like she is doing as they do and is listening also. That is a type of learning also, said Alieta. Everyone else went to the table and got their lunch and started to eat too. The three girls finished first then walked over to Yeanny and showed her their empty plates. Can we have some ice cream now? asked Sakura. Yes you can, said Yeanny. Yeah they all said then went to Tulip and said it was okay for them to have ice cream now. Well looks like all of them repect you now, said Alieta. Yes seems that way, This is going to take some time to get used too, said Yeanny. Alieta smiled. Well you are learning too, said Alieta. 16 illustration goes here Conclusion After everyone ate and the fairies cleaned up everything, all the fairies sat with Sakura, Capi and Latish and started talking. Alieta and Ginger sat on the steps with Yeanny and saw that the girls were being very good with all the fairies. Tulip flew over and said what happened with Sakura. She is being very calm and not flying all over the place like this morning? Well we just found out from Ivy that she is only seven years old and Yeanny here told her to behave herself now that she has to be like a mother with her, said Alieta. Oh only seven, that is even younger than Nessie, said Tulip. Well she seems to be listening to everyone more than talking so much and fast. Looks like she is wanting to learn stuff. You should get Alexa to tutor her some. She would be the best I think, said Tulip. Yes Ginger said the same thing. I will send someone to ask her if she wants to. Why don't you and Yeanny take her to Alexa's place and asked her yourself, said Tulip. That way she can meet Diego and the two wolves. She will have to see them eventially if she stays. Yes maybe you are right, said Alieta. We should wait for a bit first seeing all the fairies are getting to know her first. Yep they all like her pink hair, said Tulip then flew back. So now we have a plan, said Alieta. Pretty sure Alexa will help out. That is just how she is and very smart too. Best teacher in Fae Land I would think. Well you know best about the people here but I agree Alexa would be a good choice plus she is smaller and Sakura likes small also. Sakura walked over this time and told Yeanny that Tulip told me about a cute girl named Alexa and she is very smart and might teach me some stuff. Alieta smiled. Yes Sakura we think she might help but we have to ask her first and see if she has time to do that, said Yeanny. Okay, said Sakura. Can we go now she sounds really nice, said Sakura. In a bit, let us relax for a bit first then we will go, said Yeanny. Okay, then she went back to everyone sitting. Well she wants to learn that is for sure, said Alieta. I should fly out there first and fill Alexa in. Okay I will ride there but need to know where she lives. Well let me talk to her first. She has Angus and Sivia there also that are very big wolves, said Alieta. Oh yes she told me a bit about them, said Yeanny. Well if she agrees to teach her then I might have an idea where they could do it where no one will disturb them, said Alieta. Okay, we will wait until you get back then, said Yeanny. Alieta took off to go see Alexa. The End 17 illustration goes here