The Adventures In The Land Of Fae Meeting The Elders Prolog It has been a busy and exciting day so far with Guen bringing two new fairies to Fae Land. Plus Apollonia brought Jupitor the Queen of the Fairies, one of her daughters Saturn, Caspie a pixie and Savanah a forest sprite from across the ocean for a short visit. Avan and Tara managed to defeat and get rid of Quazar the most powerful overlord plus everyone was introduced to a new tasty food called pizza for lunch. Alieta took Guen up to her living room to relax for a bit while everyone else were outside dancing, wearing off some of the lunch they just had. After they all finished dancing, Ivy decided to show Savanah the new beacon tree she planted so she would know what it was all about. A bit later Guen came out of the palace to talk to Jupitor some more. Alexa went to the palace grounds to see if Ivy was ready to go visit the elders but once she found out that she was busy with the new visitors she put the trip off for another day. She did get to meet the new visitors though. Tera told Avan that the two of them could enter the forest when ever they wanted which put a big smile on Avan's face... Chapter 1 Alexa At The Palace Everyone started to go back to their daily routine. Some of the fairies went back to the forest while Avan and Tara decided to go back to the East Woods for some peace and quiet seeing they were feeling tired for some reason. Sara went back to the forest also to let Ivy talk to Savanah some more about technical cove stuff that was beginning to bore her. Guen came out and saw Jupitor alone just looking around at everything she could see from the palace grounds. Hi Jupitor, what you doing here all alone? asked Guen. Oh just taking in the sites. It is so beautiful here, I have never seen such a place in all my years, said Jupitor. Yes it is an amazing land, said Guen. This is just a very small part of Fae Land and not even close to the beautiful landscapes further out, said Guen. So how old are you asked Guen, I feel that you are rather young for a fairy queen. Jupitor smiled, well I may look young but I am a bit over five hundred years old, said Jupitor. That is all? said Guen. You are very young and a queen too. I have never heard of a fairy queen to be that young, though you are the first other queen I have actually met, said Guen. Really, I am young to you, said Jupitor with a surprised look on her face. Oh yes, said Guen. Most of my children are older than you. Wow, so how old are you? asked Jupitor. Oh many centuries but I still got a young heart and can almost keep up with my kids still, said Guen with a smile. That is amazing, said Jupitor. So from how I see things, you are the queen of all fairies, said Jupitor. Well I don't know about that, said Guen. A queen is the oldest of the group of fairies in the forest they live in and is responsible for making and creating princesses. This is necessary for two reasons. First is in case something was to happen to the queen, the oldest princess would take over being queen and all the responsibilities plus because of the dangers outside of the forest she has to use the cove to keep evil out. I can not be a queen to fairies that live in a separate forest especially so far away. Jupitor smiled. Well I am glad I have met and made friends with such a wise queen, said Jupitor. You have taught me a lot in the short time that we have met. Well if you ever need to ask me something, just call out for Apollonia and she will come and bring you to me, said Guen. Really she will come for me also? asked Jupitor. I am sure she will, she comes when I call all the time, said Guen. She is an angel and likes helping plus she is really good at getting rid of anything bad attacking your forest. Good I will keep that in mind, said Jupitor. 01 illustration goes here Alexa just reached the palace grounds and saw Guen talking to a fairy. An elf came and took her horse and said, check it out Alexa, lots of new stuff has been going on today. Guen is back for a visit and she brought two new fairies with her plus Apollonia brought the Fairy Queen and one of her daughters from across the ocean and another forest sprite and pixie. Really, I just came to see if Ivy was ready to visit the elders with me and Ktara, said Alexa. Good luck with that, said the elf. She is over there with Savanah and Saturn plus Caspie. Really so lots of new stuff has been going on since the last time I have been here, said Alexa. Yep sure has then the elf chuckled and walked away with the horse. Alexa went over to meet this new forest sprite but Ivy saw her first and ran over to her all excited. Hi Alexa. Come meet Savanah, she is awesome and loves trees like me and Saturn is a fairy princess plus Caspie is in charge of all the pixies across the ocean and over there is Guen talking with Jupitor the fairy Queen. Okay slow down Ivy, all I heard was from across the ocean, said Alexa. Yep Apollonia brought them, said Ivy. She grabbed Alexa's hand and pulled her towards Savanah. Savanah I want you to meet Alexa. She is like the most amazing girl here in Fae Land, said Ivy. Really, she is nice and small so I like that first of all, said Savanah. Hi Savanah, nice to meet you, said Alexa. You seem to have impressed my friend Ivy. Oh but Ivy is the one impressing us, said Savanah. So powerful inside and very smart. Savanah is the the leader of the sprites back home, said Ivy. Really, said Alexa. Yep and her best friend is a forest sprite also like me back in her woods, said Ivy. Wow you are a powerful girl for your size, said Savanah. Now no reading Alexa please, said Ivy. She is too important here and I will not allow it. Okay so can I ask why she is special here? asked Savanah. Yep, I think so, said Ivy. Alexa saw that Ivy was very happy today so decided that a trip to the elders was out of the question. Well yes Savanah, I lead a team of amazing heroes that defend Fae Land and surrounding areas from attacks of evil creatures and demons for example, said Alexa. Wow a real hero, said Saturn. You must be very smart! Smartest in the world, said Ivy. Smarter than a pixie too? asked Caspie. Pixies are really smart too you know, nutty but smart none the less. Alexa just smiled. So do you want to meet the queen of fairies, from across the ocean? asked asked Ivy. Um sure I guess, said Alexa. Good then Ivy and Savanah grab Alexa's hands and brought her over to where Guen was talking to Jupitor then Saturn and Caspie followed them. 02 illustration goes here Take it easy on Alexa you two, said Guen. She could pick both of you up and throw you away if she wanted. Oh ya sorry, said Savanah. Me too, said Ivy. Alexa laughed. They are so a like, said Alexa. Jupitor turned and looked at Alexa. My you are so cute and pretty, said Jupitor. Yes Savanah is very much like your Ivy but a lot older. Age doesn't seem to matter though with forest sprites. They are always fun loving and mostly happy all the time. They can live forever you know, said Jupitor. Yes I know that, said Alexa. That just reminded me that Ivy's birthday is next week. She turns twenty. Ya I am getting old, said Ivy. They all just laughed. Can we come to her birthday please Jupitor? asked Savanah. Well that will be up to Apollonia. She may be busy you know. Alexa smiled. Apollonia would not miss Ivy's birthday for anything, said Alexa. So only twenty years old, said Jupitor. Nope not yet, said Ivy. Yes not yet but you should be looking forward to it. Being twenty means a lot to many people, said Alexa. Really? Like what? asked Ivy. Well it is that day we all celebrate you becoming a woman and not a kid anymore. Plus you get respect from new people you meet but most of all you get a bunch of presents. Ivy's eyes just lit up. Presents! I love presents. Alexa gave me this friendship bracelet as a present see. I never take it off, said Ivy. My that is a very nice bracelet and it seems to be enchanted also, said Jupitor. Yep, I can go translucent like Alexa now but never really need to because I have Sara. Alexa started to laugh again. What is so funny? asked Guen. Oh Sara is like her body guard also. She is even stronger than me, said Alexa. Really that pretty girl is that strong, said Guen. Oh yes, said Alexa. I have first hand knowledge of that. Okay I am going to show Savanah the new beacon tree we planted in Eden, said Ivy. Good idea said Guen. And I will introduce Alexa to the two new fairies I brought over. Okay, said Ivy. Can I come too? asked Caspie. You sure can, said Ivy and off the three of them flew. 03 illustration goes here Misty and Lollipop. Will you two please come over here, said Guen. They both flew over and asked what was up. I want you two to meet Alexa. The girl I told you about back in Fairy Land. Oh really, said Misty. The real Alexa. Yes stupid she is real, look at her, said Lollipop. Alexa giggled. Hi you two, are you sisters too? asked Alexa. Nope, don't think so anyways, said Misty. No they are not and not mine either, said Guen. Misty is Crestnut's best friend and Lollipop is Tulip's best friend. They were both driving me crazy asking me to bring them two back to Fairy Land which I knew would never happen so I brought them here instead. Yep, we live here now said Misty. Nice, said Alexa. So I take it you both like Fae Land, said Alexa. Yep, we love it, said Lollipop. Super big and super beautiful. You even got very pretty she devils. They are really nice also, said Misty. Ya speaking of them, Where are they? asked Alexa. In the woods I think said Guen. They battled an overlord today so probably resting. An overlord, said Alexa. They killed it? Nope supposedly you can't kill them. Though they said Quazar was like the king of the overlords. Some how they got him to leave though, said Guen. Hmm, I should talk to Alieta about that. My team only came up against one overlord before and I am sure he was not a king or even was an overlord. We couldn't hurt him much though, said Alexa. Well Alieta will be out soon, she just wanted to wash up some, said Guen. Okay you go in and see her or wait out here and I will take Jupitor and Saturn around Fae Land for a tour, said Guen. Okay said Alexa and off they went. We will keep you company until Alieta comes out, said Misty. Yep we have never met a real live hero before, said Lollipop. Haven't met a dead one either, said Misty Not much of a hero if she is dead though, said Lollipop. So when is your next adventure Alexa, Guen said you have been on lots. I never know but many times when I am here at the palace something weird happens so that is kind of an adventure to me, said Alexa. Really maybe something weird will happen here then and we can have an adventure too, said Lollipop. Alexa smiled, well you never know, Tempressa says that all the best things happen at the palace, said Alieta then went and sat down on the steps. 04 illustration goes here Chapter 2 Overlord Info From Gabriel Alexa waited for a while and decided to go in and see where Alieta was. She went in the dining room first then went up to the den and there she saw Alieta talking to Gabriel. Hi Alexa how are you doing? asked Alieta. Pretty good, said Alexa but seems like everyone here is having fun with the new people I just met outside. Ya it has been quite the day so far, said Alieta. Yes I heard something about Tara and Avan fighting a king overlord or something, said Alexa. Yes that was scary, said Alieta. Avan was across the ocean with the other five angels getting rid of the devils over there when Quazar showed up here looking for his devils that had gone missing. Tara was by herself and could feel that she had no chance of defeating him so she called for Apollonia to bring Avan back fast. So what happened, ask Alexa. Were they able to get rid of him together? Well yes eventually but not before they took an energy blast from him that threw them back about twenty feet, said Alieta. I took cover behind the palace when I saw that happen but not long afterwards they came over and said he left. I thought he was just a very powerful demon but Gabriel here told me Quazar is a very powerful overlord. Really so why does an overlord come here mad because his she devils were missing, blasts Tara and Avan then just leaves because of what ever Avan and Tara did or said to him? asked Alexa. Oh that was nothing for him, said Gabriel. He must of been mad when the two of them told him they had killed all the devils. He really wouldn't kill or really hurt anyone. So this Quazar, he sounds very odd to me, said Alexa. He has major power yet doesn't use it. Where did he come from anyways? asked Alexa. That is a bit of a tricky one to explain, said Gabriel. He sort of got created by God but not on purpose. He and other overlords were a by product when God created the universe. It really is above any of our comprehension how that happened, said Gabriel. But Quazar is the biggest and the strongest and the other overlords consider him to be the king. Gabriel could tell Alexa was still confused. Okay, said Gabriel. This is what I could understand about them. Now an overlord is like the care taker of the universe. They by instinct make sure everything is the way it should be. They can travel fast by slipping between dimensions so if a star which is really a big sun is about to burn out they can charge it back up or if it is about to explode, they can stop it and bring it back to normal. Plus they redirect big rocks in space so they don't hit planets with life on them. Stuff like that. Okay I understand that know, said Alexa. I have read a lot about space stuff. Glad you do, said Alieta, I am still lost. So why do they make devils, asked Alexa. Oh that is an easy one, said Gabriel. The overlords create them to help them out. The universe is a very big place so they make helpers that they call their children. Now usually they stick to what they were made for usually killing unwanted creatures on a planet but sometimes they will dimension slide and end up where they are not supposed to be. That is when they search for magic to feed off. Now these devils are not the same created by demons that are just pure evil and slaves to that demon. 05 illustration goes here So tell me more about Quazar, he seems to be an interesting being, said Alexa. Oh yes he is very interesting and quite good for the universe. Now as far as I know he has never killed anyone or any animal that God created or evolved properly. He is capable of destroying an entire world with a few energy blasts but does that when the planet has no life and is interfering with the orbit of other planets. Now he promised to not let any of his children on earth ever again and will warn the other overlords about Avan and Tara saying they are God's devil killers. Now I know he has been here before but not Fae Land. The five angels told me that they met up with him once and asked what he wanted. He just said looking around then smiled at them and disappeared. Looks as if he considers this planet to be very nicely put together. Knowing that and also him meeting Tara and Avan, I am sure he will come back for a visit, said Gabriel. So he is a nice overlord? asked Alexa with dough in her voice. Well yes he is actually and so are the rest, said Gabriel. I wouldn't go out on a date with him but maybe Tara would. I hear she can be quite the flirt with men and Quazar is quite a man to behold, said Gabriel. Alexa laughed. Ya I heard she could be very flirty too. It is expected when one is that beautiful I suppose. So don't worry about Quazar and devils no more I am hearing so what are Tara and Avan going to do now? asked Alexa. Well they can still wipe out creatures and kill demons that still make evil devils with no trouble but I did tell them not to take all the glory and let you and your team have fun too, said Gabriel. Alexa smiled. Good because they are really nice and a bit of help from them two can go a long way, said Alexa. Okay so that should be it. I got nothing else, said Gabriel. Any more questions? Nope, said Alexa. Okay then off I go, said Gabriel. So that was good to know, said Alexa to Alieta. Well glad you think so but all that space talk and stuff still is too confusing to me, said Alieta. I think I will just stick with Fae Land. That I know about. Alexa smiled. Ya you are the best here, said Alexa. By the way Ivy's birthday is next week. She was worried about getting too old but when Guen told her she will be getting presents she got very excited so don't forget. Oh ya, said Alieta. No worries, it will be a good party. 06 illustration goes here Well lets go back outside and see what is going on out there now, said Alieta. Well not much right now, said Alexa. Guen took Jupitor and Saturn for a tour of Eden and Ivy took off with Savanah and Caspie to look at some beacon tree plus Misty and Lollipop were beginning to drive me crazy with all the questions they had about me being a hero so I came in here to look for you, said Alexa. Actually the main reason I came to the palace was to see if Ivy was ready to go visit the elder's village. Well now you can see what I deal with every day while you are at the other end of Fae Land, said Alieta. Not that I am complaining, it does make for a very exciting and unpredictable day every day. Lets go out anyways, I want to see if Tara and Avan have come back out of the woods yet, said Alieta. They were feeling a bit sore earlier after getting blasted by Quazar but Lilly fixed them up nicely. Once outside only some elves could be seen walking around doing what every business they were up to. Well like I said, nothing is going on now, said Alexa. Yes I see that, I wonder what is going on with Avan and Tara though. I am getting a bad feeling for some reason, said Alieta. They are usually out here this time of day with Zan. Maybe they are resting or Zan went with them to the lake, said Alexa. Ya your probably right, said Alieta. They do love spending time together at Sandy Lake. 07 illustration goes here Chapter 3 Step 1 The Water Alexa headed back to Ktara's place to tell her that the plans to visit the elders is on hold for now. At least for a day or so. She also told her about Quazar and did her best to describe him to her and his purpose but she could tell that Ktara was not getting all of it. She decided to head back home but first check out the library and see what books they had about space first to take home and read. Back in Eden. Ivy was showing Savanah the beautiful golden tree she grew and how it was going to work as a beacon. So this tree just grew in front of your eyes? asked Savanah. Yep, Eden has very strong magic but it did surprise me too, said Ivy. So now lets check the location where Lollipop's idea for a paradise will be, said Ivy. Okay and they both headed out. When they got there it was evident that what little bit planted there was doing great. Okay this looks ready to have fairies create something out here, said Ivy. What are they going to make? asked Caspie. Not sure, something about a paradise, said Ivy. Lets go back to the forest and I will tell Tulip it is good to go so they can get to work on it. Knowing them with eight fairies now, it will be done very fast, said Ivy. We will stay in the cove and work the overviewer to divert magic to that area best as we can. Okay, sounds like a plan, said Savanah and they headed out to the forest. 08 illustration goes here They got to the cove and Tulip was with Lollipop talking and a few other fairies were also in the cove. Ivy called Tulip over and told her that the new area looked ready for development. Okay said Tulip but first we have to make a water source. Then we have to decide what to do with it. What do you mean? asked Ivy. Well a small pond or lake may form then we have to decide how much returns back underground and maybe allow some to run off as a stream. Where the stream will go is up the the shape of the land, said Tulip. Okay then what? asked Ivy. Then we have to wait to see what it looks like and where the stream is heading. If all is good then we start building bit by bit, said Tulip. Depending on how much magic we got to work with will decide how fast we can get it all done but this can be an on going project with additions being added over time. I have read Lollipop and just her alone has many ideas for the area, said Tulip. Okay then find the water source then get it started then Savanah and I will start sending some magic that way, said Ivy. Okay, I will need the some of these fairies to be able to drill, lets go Lollipop, Chestnut and Misty lets go and do some drilling, said Tulip. Lets get step one started. 09 illustration goes here They got to the site and saw things were still alive and healthy but no more new growth had started. Okay first we need to find a good spot for water underground. I can do that, said Misty. I am good at stuff like that. She made her wand appear then started using it close to the ground as she moved around. The wand started to glow bright. Okay here is the best spot, said Misty. Good, now everyone lets get our wands together and point them down. They did it and a white beam started digging downward. The ground shook a bit under their feet and then a burst of water came up getting them all wet. They all laughed. Nice and cold and clean. Perfect, said Tulip. The water slowed down some then started to run off north. Okay lets figure out how big the pond should be so everyone pick a side, said Tulip. They all moved out. A bit bigger please, said Lollipop. They all took a bunch of steps backwards. Okay that should be good, said Lollipop. Okay lets dig everyone, said Tulip. They all pointed their wands and started to dig out the dirt and soon a pond was formed and filled with the water. Cool, said Tulip. Looks like some of the water is going back underground by it's self. The pond filled right up then started a stream towards the north again. Okay, that is a bit weird, said Tulip. Streams and rivers usually run south. Lets go about a mile north where the stream will end up and form another hole big enough to hold the run off water. Hopefully that will be good enough and that pond will just let the water seep down underground and not go any further, said Tulip. Where did you learn all this stuff, asked Chestnut. From Mom, said Tulip. When I was still small, she used to sit and tell me stories and stuff about how she made place after place for a home but never worked out until she found Fairy Land that worked perfectly. Water is the most important thing she always told me. They made the hole then also dug a small ditch for the run off water to follow then headed back to the cove. 10 illustration goes here When they got back to the cove, Ivy and Sara were watching the overviewer with Savanah. Okay all done, said Tulip to Ivy. How does it look? Good, said Ivy. We can see where you put the pond and looks like a smaller one is filling just north of it. Give it a minute or two to make sure the water will stop at the north pond, said Tulip. They all waited a bit and saw that it seemed to be working. Okay now lets see if I can divert just a bit of magic there for now, said Ivy. She stuck her finger in the water then stared at the overviewer then slowly moved her finger towards the pond. Savanah watched as the blue line began to follow Ivy's finger and stretched over to the the larger pond. That is amazing, said Savanah. Okay that should do it for now, said Ivy. We have to wait and let the magic do it's thing. The few plants around there should start growing much better now. So what is step two? Next we make a structure that is not that big but very nice and see if it will stay together, said Tulip. Lollipop has a good imagination so we are going to use her idea. Then we plant some trees around it and see how fast they grow. So work is done for today? asked Ivy. Yep, all done until tomorrow morning, said Tulip. Okay then lets head back to the palace, said Ivy. 11 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Checking on Tara And Avan When the got back to the palace they saw Alieta and Ginger outside. Zan came out of the palace and began to look around. Tulip and Lollipop landed beside Lilly and Pippie that were just talking to each other. So nothing to do you two? asked Tulip. We finish getting the new area set up so we are here now. Oh we were just talking and find it weird that Tara and Avan are still in the woods. They should of come back out by now, said Lilly. Maybe they are with Zan at the lake, they always go there together. I know but Zan just came out of the palace, said Lilly. Something doesn't feel right. They are probably just sleeping, said Lollipop. They shouldn't be sleeping because they don't really need to sleep but they do anyways but only at night, said Pippie. Well go over and talk to Alieta, she may have them doing something, said Tulip. Good idea, said Lilly then flew over. Hi Alieta, did you send Tara and Avan out on a mission or something? asked Lilly. No, are you wondering why they are not out here with us also? asked Alieta. Ya, don't they always hang out here with everyone until it gets dark out? asked Lilly. Normally yes but they did battle Quazar today and Ginger thinks they are just tired, said Alieta. Why would they be tired, I have never seen them tired before and they don't even need to sleep, said Lilly. I am getting a bad feeling about this. Ya, something doesn't feel right to me also, said Alieta. Lilly can you go check on them for me please? asked Alieta. Maybe it is nothing but best to make sure. Yep okay and off she went to the east woods. 12 illustration goes here When in the woods she had to look around a bit to find them. There they are, she said to herself. Lilly went to them and they were both sitting resting their back against a big tree. Hi Lilly, what's up? ask Tara. More like what is up with you two, said Lilly. Everyone is getting worried about you two. Oh well we are still not feeling that great, said Avan. Something inside hurts. Let me have a look this time, said Lilly. She stared at them one at a time then took out her wand and used it on both of them. Well that feels a bit better, said Tara and Avan. A bit better, it should be a lot better, said Lilly. She looked at Tara long and hard then said, there is something inside you but I don't know what it is, said Lilly. I am getting Alieta here now, she might know what to do and off she flew. Lilly flew back fast to Alieta and the others. Alieta, something is not right with the two of them. I tried healing them again but it had little effect, said Lilly. Oh my, that is not good, said Alieta. Yes there is something inside of them but I can't figure out what it is. Come please and see them for yourself, said Lilly. They both flew off to the woods then over where Tara and Avan were still sitting. Hi Alieta. Not doing so good right now, said Avan. Where does it hurt? asked Alieta. Oh in a few places but all in the dorsal area, said Tara. Alieta took their temperature with her hand and felt they both had a bad fever. Maybe our work is done here, said Tara and it is our time to die. Don't talk like that, said Alieta. You can't die and especially not on my watch. When did you start feeling like this, asked Alieta. Well when Lilly first healed us when we were just feeling a bit ache and it seemed to of gone away but then it came back a bit after lunchtime so we came here to rest but it started getting worst so we decided to get some sleep seeing that we always felt better after sleeping, said Avan. Problem is we can't sleep. I guess that blast Quazar gave us has a lasting effect. We will see about that, said Alieta. Gabriel, need your help fast, she yelled. Gabriel came very fast this time. What is the matter Alieta? Tara and Avan are very sick. They think the blast they took is still hurting them. Really, said Gabriel. Let me look. She grabbed each of there hand and looked deep into them let go fast. Oh my god they are dying. 13 illustration goes here See told you we are not needed anymore, said Tara. God is taking us back. This is not the work of God Tara. He would not let you suffer like this. "Quazar, what did you do two our two girls. Get your butt here now!" She yelled very loud. It took a minute but Quazar appeared looking confused. What girls, he asked. Those two and Gabriel pointed at Tara and Avan. What is wrong with them, I barely hurt them, said Quazar. Well enough to the point that they are both dying, said Gabriel in a mad voice. Okay okay let me look, said Quazar. He first looked at Avan straight in the eyes then did the same to Tara and Tara smiled at him and said you got pretty eyes. Quazar smiled back at Tara. Okay I can fix this. Sorry girls but I didn't know you two were so young. You have no immunity to space particles yet. He put the palm of his big hand on each of there chest then started to breath deeply in and out. Oh your hand is so warm, said Tara. Quazar smiled. I like this one he said. The two girls jerked forward then then laid back against the tree again. There we go, said Quazar and opened his hands and showed Gabriel and Alieta small stone like objects. What are they? asked Alieta. Like I said, space particles. Normally a real devil's body would just spit them out but these two are not real devils and when they entered them, their body's skin just healed immediately and sealed them inside. Must of been very painful to them. These two are pretty tough, said Quazar. Eventually the particles would of dissolved. So how do you two feel now? asked Gabriel. Um lots better actually, they both said and they both stood up. There you go Gabriel. Now girls I am very sorry about this, said Quazar. If I knew your age I would of never blasted you two. There is one thing has been bothering me since I left here. What is that? asked Gabriel. Why did God create such beautiful but deadly beings to kill devils. What is so special about this place? Looks like most other planets with water and air that I have seen. Actually this one is pretty small. I would of asked God myself but he talks in riddles all the time that drives me crazy. Gabriel smiled, yes he does that to all of us, said Gabriel. 14 illustration goes here What is that hiding behind the sprite? asked Quazar. First of all that sprite is Alieta, Queen of Fae Land and Lilly is a fairy princess. Okay sorry Alieta but a fairy, that is different, no other planets have fairies, at least not in mortal form, said Quazar. There are a lot of different things here that none of the planets you are in charge of have, said Gabriel. Really like what? asked Quasar and I take care of solar systems not just planets. Come follow me and I will show you what is so special here, said Gabriel. You should of been told anyways. They all flew out of the woods following Gabriel that brought them to Sandy Lake. Now look around and tell me what you see here, said Gabriel. Okay I see a very beautiful land, very impressive too, said Quazar. There is only one other world that I have seen that looks anything like this and it is called Genesis. It has no animal life on it yet but plant life is amazing. It is under my protection, said Quazar. Yes I know, said Gabriel. Now tell me what you feel. Quazar took a deep breath then his eyes opened wide. He is here. Tell them Quazar, who is here, said Gabriel. Our father the creator, his love is so strong here unlike anywhere else I have been, said Quazar. God is here? asked Alieta. God is everywhere Queen Alieta but his presence is strongest her, I can almost reach out and touch him. Yes but there is someone here that can reach out and touch him and can communicate with him and before you leave I want you to meet her, said Gabriel. Then you will know why Fae Land is so important and needs to be protective. Okay such a person must be very important then but I am already seeing why he is protecting this place, said Quazar. Good now follow me to the palace, said Gabriel. 15 illustration goes here They all followed Gabriel again and they landed in front of the palace steps. Okay good she is here, said Gabriel. Who is here? asked Quazar. You will see in a moment, said Gabriel. Ivy, Sara and Sanvanah were standing not too far away and it was impossible to miss Quazar when he flew in with everyone. What is that? asked Savanah. That is a very important person, said Ivy. So you met him before? asked Savanah. Nope, I always read new people that are with Alieta at the palace, said Ivy. You can read him from way over here? asked Savanah. Yep, I want to go talk to him, said Ivy and flew over. How can she do all the stuff she does? asked Savanah. I don't know but she is the best and my sister, said Sara. You two are sisters? asked Savanah. Yep but don't tell anyone, it is a secret, said Sara. Ivy flew right up to Quazar and said hi. Wow are you ever big Quazar, my name is Ivy, it is an honor to meet you. You know my name? Well nice to meet you too Ivy, said Quazar. You are a forest sprite correct. Yep and Queen of the Forest. Alieta made me the Queen, said Ivy. I want to thank you for all you do, you must be a very busy person, said Ivy. Well yes I am but how do you know so much about me? asked Quazar. I read you when you flew in, I always read new people when they are with Alieta at the palace, said Ivy. Really I didn't think anyone could read an overlord. Quazar looked at Gabriel. Is she the one? Yes she is now be nice and talk to her, said Gabriel. Yes, so Gabriel told me that you can reach out and touch God and talk to him, said Quazar. Sort of, I can reach out with my mind and move his magic to places where it is needed the most and I can tell the magic stuff, said Ivy. His magic is everywhere but he reaches out and touches people not the other way around, said Quazar. Well he told me that one day we were going to sit and talk together but not for a while yet, said Ivy. I am too young but I am going to be twenty soon and Ginger said I will get presents and stuff. You don't have to get me a present though because you already do so much in protecting this planet and all the people on it. That is the best gift ever. Well thank you Ivy, that was very nice of you to say that, said Quazar. You are a remarkable girl. Maybe but Alieta is the remarkable one, she takes care of all the people that live in Fae Land like they were her own children, said Ivy. Anyways it is almost suppertime and I want to talk to Savanah some more before she has to go back home. Nice meeting you then Ivy flew back to Savanah and Sara. 16 illustration goes here So Quazar, how did you like meeting our Ivy? asked Gabriel. Amazing, the most remarkable person I have ever met on any planet, said Quazar. She is the first one to actually thank me for what I do. Does she do that to everyone she talks to? What do you mean? asked Gabriel. You know, makes you fell really good about yourself and what you do leaving a person happy inside, said Quazar. Oh yes, Ivy treats everyone as equals and makes people feel good about themselves, said Gabriel. That is why everyone she meets loves her and she loves them right back. Okay I get it now completely, said Quazar. This Fae Land is a protected place with some very special people living here. If you ever need any help with something evil just give me a call and I will get here as fast as I can. I best get back to work now but first I would like to say goodbye to Tara and Avan. Okay bye girls and be good. Call me if you want to talk. I have many stories I could tell you two, said Quazar to Tara and Avan. I bet you do, said Tara. Quazar smiled then vanished. He likes me, said Tara. How do you know that, he didn't say he liked you, said Avan. Yes he did before he took out that space stuff out of us. Well he likes me too, I can tell, said Avan. Maybe but he likes me better, said Tara. Well those two are back to normal, said Alieta. It is getting late now so it will be time for supper soon. Um where did all the fairies go Lilly? Must of took one look at Quazar coming and took off back to the forest, said Lilly. He is kinda spooky looking and huge. Okay I get that, said Alieta and where did Gabriel go? asked Alieta. She vanished the same time Quazar vanished, said Lilly. Oh, okay well can you go tell all the fairies that he is gone now and to come back out to have supper before it is time to go to bed? asked Alieta. Yep sure can, said Lilly then flew off to the fairy forest. So Ginger what did you think of Quazar? asked Alieta. Well Zan and I were hiding on the other side of the palace door so I didn't hear or see much but Zan did say she felt he was a good guy, said Ginger. Alieta smiled. Yes he is a very good guy and offered his help if we ever needed it, said Alieta. We have the two most power beings on the planet protecting us and the most powerful being in the universe willing to help also. You have to feel safe now. Ya most of the time, said Ginger. Your never going to change are you, said Alieta. Nope too late for me to do that now, said Ginger. 17 illustration goes here Chapter 5 Saying Goodbye Then Off To See The Elders The fairies all came back and made everyone dinner. Plus they made ice cream sundaes for desert. After they all finished Lilly told Tara and Avan to spend the night in the forest with them. The magic there and fairy dust will do wonders for them. Alieta invited Guen to stay in the palace with her but she said that she wanted to spend a couple of nights with her kids. I do miss them too you know. Just like they said they missed me. But they are happy here and that is much more important. Besides I have lots of work still going on in Fairy Land plus I have to find a new planner to replace Lollipop. Alieta smiled. Ya I get that, said Alieta so where is Jupitor, Saturn, Savanah and Caspie? asked Alieta. They went to the forest after dinner, said Guen. They were beat coming from a different time zone and all. Jupitor said it is the middle of the night back home so they are going to leave in the morning. Okay, good night you three then Guen flew off with her kids and that left just Alieta, Zan and Ginger. My time to sleep, said Zan. Not so much noise in the morning please and she went in. Alieta and Ginger sat down on the steps again as usual. So that was Quazar I saw, why was he here? asked Ginger. Well it was the blast that he hit Tara and Avan with that left some kind of space particles in them so Gabriel called him to fix them, said Alieta. He needed to see what we were protecting anyways. He is not a bad guy at all. Did Tara hit on him. She always hits on big strong guys. Actually yes she did, said Alieta with a smile. Now just so you know. If it wasn't for you telling me that you felt something was wrong with them two then things may have turned out very bad, said Alieta. Why? asked Ginger. Well Gabriel read them and said they were dying. Really, said Ginger. Yep you felt something was wrong that made me feel the same so I asked Lilly to go check on them, seeing she thought something was wrong too after we did. You see you are very important here and never forget it, said Alieta. Okay lets go in and get some sleep my friend and they both headed in. 18 illustration goes here In the morning Ivy and Sara got to the cove bright and early. Ivy checked the overviewer and saw everything looked perfect. Okay Tulip all is set when every you fairies are ready, said Ivy. Good, said Tulip. She put together a crew of fairies then they all took off together to the new pond. Looks perfect, said Tulip. Okay now lets get building. You all know what Lollipop wants here so get those wands working. Lollipop took them where she thought it would look best which was not too far from the pond. They all got to work and created a small hill for it then worked from the base up to the top. When done they saw a beautiful pavilion good for a couple to sit and relax. Now lets plant the trees all around here, said Tulip. They will probably grow pretty fast once Ivy adjusts the magic a bit higher. Lastly they transplanted some flowering climbing vines that Chestnut found growing nearby for the finishing touch. Okay that is that, said Tulip. Now lets follow the stream and see what is going on there. They followed the stream that seemed to be following the path that they made yesterday. They then reach the small pond that was almost full and not flowing over it's banks. It would be good to build out here also said Pippie and along the stream. There is still a lot of open space out here. Yes but we first have to see if the magic from Eden will reach this far, said Tulip. Okay that is it for today, said Tulip. Lets head back to the cove. They all left and saw Ivy and Savanah watching the overviewer. Okay Ivy all done with trees and plants started too, said Tulip. Yes I can see a big change out there now, said Ivy. Do you think the magic will reach the second small pond to the north. It is looking perfect also, said Tulip. Maybe, said Ivy. We will have to wait until this part is done then you can plant a test tree out there and I will see if it will reach but that will be for tomorrow, said Ivy. Okay, said Tulip, and the fairies went about there business or more like it, headed to the pool. So you really have a lot of control here from the cove, said Savanah. I hope I can get as good as you. Ivy smiled. You will. It comes naturally after a bit, plus the magic knows you now, said Ivy. Jupitor came out with Guen and said, we should get ready to return home. Okay, said Savanah. I will come with you to the palace, said Ivy and the three of them left. 19 illustration goes here They all got to the palace grounds and Alieta was there with Ginger plus the three teen girls were outside also. So we are all ready to head back now, said Jupitor. Thanks for having us. It has been something else to meet everyone here. Now we have a good idea of what we have to do and Ivy has been very helpful to Savanah. Lovely meeting you too Guen. You have a wonderful family. One day you should come and see my kids but that will be when we get things close to being finished, said Jupitor. Well truth is you are never actually finished. New ideas always come up and with a cove working, the sky is the limit, said Guen. Now remember when you need Tulip to come and help make your cove, just call for Apollonia and she will get her for you. Okay I won't forget, you can count on that, said Jupitor. You ready to go Saturn, did you have a good time? Yep but I miss my sisters so ready to go home now, said Saturn. How about you Caspie, ready to head back? asked Jupitor. Sure am, should be mid-day there and lunch time, said Caspie. Alieta called for Apollonia, and she appeared in a few moments. So your ready to go back now? asked Apollonia. Yep, said Savanah. Oh can I came back for Ivy's birthday next week? It is her birthday then? Sure why not, said Apollonia. That will be a good party and you will see Alieta at her best. Okay then lets go and off they went. 20 illustration goes here Look here comes Alexa with Ktara, said Ginger. Oh looks like they are coming for you Ivy, said Alieta. Ya I guess so, said Ivy. Might as well get this over with. Now cheer up. You will probably have fun, said Alieta. They may be the oldest elves but they really don't look that old plus there is some very unique trees that grow there. Oh okay, said Ivy. Alexa and Ktara got there and asked if Ivy was going to come with them. Yep I will come, said Ivy. Oh good, said Alexa. So are you going to fly beside us all the way or would you like to take one of Alieta's horses? asked Alexa. Really I can ride a horse there, said Ivy. Well I am pretty sure Alieta will let you borrow one, said Alexa. Yes you can, said Alieta. Not as fast as flying but much more fun. Okay, said Ivy, which one can I have. Oh let an elf get one for you. They are best at doing that, said Alieta. Okay, said Ivy. So Ktara, are you looking forward to going to the elders village. Yes I am. I am very interested in talking to that elf that cooks better than me. She sounds amazing, said Ktara. Okay here comes your horse Ivy and it looks like a beauty, said Alieta. Ivy got on the horse with just a bit of trouble at first so she just flew up and landed on it's back. There, did it, said Ivy with a smile. Okay so do you know how to steer it? asked Alieta. Yep, Viridian showed me once a while ago. It is easy, said Ivy. Okay then off you all go and have fun, said Alieta. Only one thing, said Ivy. What is that? asked Alieta. How do you start a horse. They all laughed. Just nudge it with your heels and it will start walking. It will automatically follow the other two horses, said Alieta. Okay said Ivy and off they went. Ginger came up to Alieta and said, Ivy on a horse. I thought I would never see that. Ya me too, said Alieta. But looks like she is having fun. 21 illustration goes here Okay, said Alexa. It is not that far away. Just close to Cumberland Alieta told me. So lets go a bit faster and we should be there in a couple of hours. You ready? asked Alexa to Ivy. Yep lets go, she said. They sped up and now were making some good time. Ktara asked Ivy how she liked being on a horse. Oh it is good. Not as hard on the bum as I thought it would be, said Ivy. Ktara smiled. Ya just let the horse do the driving and just move with it, said Ktara. Okay, said Ivy. They soon were in open an open area and could see for miles ahead. Look over there Ivy, to your left. That green area is Cumberland. Oh okay. It looks so much different from down here, said Ivy. Now Alieta said to look for a spot that was all red, said Alexa. Now the village isn't that big so we probably have to get closer yet to see it. I can see it, said Ivy. Right over there and she pointed. Wow you have good eye sight, said Alexa. Yep all forest sprites have great vision. We can't get small like a pixie so we can see danger from a distance and fly away fast, said Ivy. Oh okay, that makes sense, said Alexa. Lets go faster, I want to see the red trees, said Ivy and she sped up ahead of the two of them. Wow, fast learner, said Ktara. 22 illustration goes here It wasn't long until they reached the village and Ivy flew off her horse and looked at all the red maple trees. An elf came over and took their horses and said, "How nice and forest sprite. These woods have never met her kind before". They are beautiful, said Ivy, Yes they are red maple trees. That is all that grows here in our village, said the elf. They walked into the village some and Tasha came out to greet them. Hello all, I have been expecting you three. I am Tasha, the main cook here in our village. Oh glad to meet you, said Ktara. I have been looking forward to seeing you, I'm Ktara. And I have been looking forward to meeting you also dear. My you are a strong looking young elf. Quite petty too, said Tasha. You must be Alexa and the very pretty girl talking to the tree must be Ivy. Yep that is Ivy alright, she talks to trees a lot, said Alexa. Yes and she should. The trees love her kind. First forest sprite to ever show up here, said Tasha. This is a real treat for all our trees. Now is anyone hungry at all? asked Tasha. Well a bit but I ate before I left, said Alexa. I am, said Ktara. I waited until I got here. I want ice cream, said Ivy in old elvish. What did she say, asked Alexa. Oh she wants ice cream, said Tasha. Oh I should of guessed, said Alexa. 23 illustration goes here Chapter 6 The Elven Elders They all went in and sat at the table. Tasha brought them all a glass of ice water then went back and got Ivy's ice cream. So what are we having today? asked Ktara. Alieta told me that you make just one type of food per day. Yes that is sort of true but breakfast is always eggs or pancakes and lunch is always sandwiches. Only us elves here to feed, said Tasha. Now dinner is not made yet but some of yesterday's dinner is left over for you two to try. Today's dinner is made up of three different types of meat that you would not normally cook together, plus mushrooms and kidney beans with some other veggies and then lightly seasoned. It takes a while to prepare and even longer to cook but is well worth the wait. I will heat up the other stew now. Ivy finished her ice cream and Tasha asked if she wanted more. Want yes but need no, said Ivy. Viridian told me not to over eat with ice cream. It is fattening and can give me a sore tummy. Yes it is but you don't have to worry about getting fat dear. If you want you can go outside and talk to a few more trees then go to the next house that has Tess in it that will be waiting for you, said Tasha. She is our reader and seer here. Okay, said Ivy but I only have to talk to a couple of trees. Then they communicate under ground but they are so very pretty, said Ivy. How much for the ice cream? asked Ivy. Oh I got it, said Alexa. Okay, then Ivy left. Forest sprites, they are so nice and funny to talk to when they are not hiding in the shadows of the trees, said Tasha. Such a pleasure having her here. Ivy is very special I can tell. She has strong energy inside and blocks anyone trying to read her with out even trying, said Tasha. Ya she is the best, said Ktara, but she doesn't read anyone unless they say it is okay. Even then she really doesn't do it unless she feels you are bad in some way. Very nice of her, such control is hard to come by, said Tasha. Now let me get your bowls of stew. 24 illustration goes here Ivy walked around a bit and talked to a few more trees and starting touching them too. They like it when you do that said a voice from behind her. Yes I know. They seem to really like my touch, said Ivy. Yes Ivy, you are a tree's best friend, even more so than the tree growing beside it. I can tell the trees everywhere here are so happy you are here. So you must be Tess then, said Ivy. Well yes, can't you read that in me. Well I could but I don't do that unless asked to. Not very mannerly, said Ivy. Tess smiled. Well today me and you are going to have some fun, said Tess. Oh I like fun, said Ivy. Now come into my home and we will talk some first. Okay, said Ivy and followed Tess into her home. They both sat down and Tess asked Ivy why she kept her insides all closed up. You mean why I don't let anyone read me? asked Ivy. Yes that is what I mean sort of. Oh well it is automatic. I found that if someone reads me and found out that I was very young and much better at reading than them, then they might get mad or not like me, said Ivy. I see, said Tess. I understand why you might not want anyone to read you, nobody likes someone snooping around inside seeing what they have no business knowing about, said Tess. Yep but I have no secrets and don't care but when someone reads me, I can see in them and much faster and deeper so I just keep the door closed sort of. I see, that is very interesting, said Tess. Now you and I are going to exercise our reading talents. It is very healthy and should be done from time to time, just like physical exercise. Okay, said Ivy. Now first you read me deeply as long as you wish. I don't mind at all. Okay, said Ivy. Tess put out her hand. Oh I don't need to touch you, said Ivy. Oh really said, Tess. Ivy started looking at Tess for a few seconds. Wow there is a lot in you she said as she continued to read her a bit more. I think I should stop now. You are very deep and have done a lot, said Ivy and she stopped reading Tess. So what did you see, asked Tess. Lots and lots of stuff, said Ivy. Many people you have met and places you have been, twelve children wow and I saw Alieta and two other sprites living here. Lots more stuff to including Ginger lately but you go back a very long ways before there was a Fae Land and when you lived somewhere else very far away with dwarfs and other elves. Well that is remarkable, said Tess, and with out touching is also extraordinary. You saw most of my past in just a few seconds. Now my turn but I have to touch you and you have to let me in okay. Yep, fair is fair, said Ivy. Tess smiled. Ivy gave Tess her hand but she stopped and saw the bracelet on her arm. You have one of my bracelets, said Tess. I sold that to Cindy the jewelry story owner that Sable enchanted. She had to promise to only sell it to someone worthy to wear it. Well Alexa bought it for me and said it was a friendship bracelet and it can make me translucent like her ring. I love it and rarely go translucent but I never take it off, said Ivy. Well it actually did end up on the correct person's wrist, said Tess. Funny how this happen like that. Now where were we, oh yes, reading you. Lets try that again. Tess took Ivy's hand and started to read her as best as she could. After about a minute she stopped. Wow Ivy, how do you contain so much inner energy. What I saw was first very happy little girl then very sad that turned to anger. Your parents died when you were not to much younger than you are now. You became a loner for a while then a trickster I think you called it. You can disappear at will also. Yes but don't tell anyone. They all think I can't do that anymore, said Ivy. Okay I won't, said Tess. You ended up in Fae Land and that is when your anger turned back to sadness then you started to become happy again with the help of Gabriel and Alieta and a the pixie named Pippa. Yep, Pippa is my best friend, said Ivy. She is the only one that knows I can still disappear. You have a great responsibility now and for such a young girl but you handle it perfectly. Ya well God gave me a helper. Sara is a best friend of mine too, well more like my sister, said Ivy. So how many best friends do you have? asked Tess. Just Viridian, she loves me too, almost like her daughter plus Sara and I live with her in the house Alieta had built for us. So the thing called the cove, I saw that you have full control over it's magic. Yep, the magic in the pool comes from the magic in Eden and that is where Gods love is strongest. What do you mean God's love is strongest in Eden? asked Tess. You know, Gods love is the magic and it is everywhere but it is strongest in Eden and he lets me touch and feel his magic and move it around to help other places in Fae Land. You are a remarkable girl Ivy, said Tess. You understand more about God than anyone I have ever known. Now lastly your turning twenty soon and at first it made you a bit sad but now you are looking forward to it. Why? The presents Tess, all those presents. Alexa was the only one that every gave me a gift now everyone is getting me gifts. Tess started to laugh. Yes we all love presents and you are one girl that deserves them. Alieta is throwing me a party but don't let her know that I know, said Ivy. I kinda saw that in her by mistake. Besides she loves throwing parties. Yes she does, said Tess, Yes she does. 25 illustration goes here Tasha gave Alexa and Ktara their bowl of stew and a spoon. Okay have a taste, said Tasha. It smells great, said Ktara. They both gave it a taste and found it to be extremely tasty. This is amazing said Ktara. The flavor of the pork and beef seems to be enhanced with some spice. Yes Ktara I see you know a lot about cooking. There are a few added herbs and spices that bring out the flavor in both beef and pork. A bit of garlic is good for both meats and of coarse some salt and pepper. But rosemary and thyme plus some parsley helps with the over all flavor, combined with the vegetables in the correct portions makes it something special, said Tasha. So how do you like the stew? asked Tasha to Alexa. I don't know how you make it but it is fantastic. Ivy really missed out with this, said Alexa then kept on eating. Tasha smiled then went back behind the counter. They both finished their stew and used the bread that Tasha b bought over to wipe up every last bit of the gravy. That was fantastic Tasha. Thanks a lot, said Alexa. Glad you liked it said Tasha. Now Ktara, you can stay and help me get today's meal ready for dinner time. I know that is what you are most interested in. I was told by Alieta that you are a great cook too so maybe we can swap some recipies and I am especially interested in your sauces that you add to your dishes. Okay that would be great, said Ktara. Now Alexa, I know you are mostly interest in the armor and weapons. That is both Tess's and Sable's area of work. Tess makes the garment portion of the armor and Sable enchants both the completed armor and the weapons plus other unique items like the ring you are wearing, said Tasha. Yes that would be great to find out how that all works, said Alexa. Now Ivy is probably still at Tess's place. Ivy is one strong and complexed sprite. She may be busy with her for a bit longer yet, said Tasha. So go see Sable next. She would love to see you and answer any of your questions. She can be a bit of a busy buddy though. Alexa smiled. Yes Alieta said that and said if I had any questions about her that Sable was the one to talk to. Oh yes, Alieta is a very interesting girl. An amazing past so far, said Tasha. Okay off you go, she is in the last house up the road before you get to the inn. Okay thanks Tasha and Alexa paid her for everones food then left. 26 illustration goes here Alexa walked up the road and saw that there were a few elves walking around and doing some work together. Very quiet and peaceful here she thought to herself. She saw a wagon pulled up and stop then a dwarf got down and started to talk to one of the elves. My that looks like Garth, thought Alexa. She walked over to him and he looked very happy to see her again. Hi Garth, I see you are still working hard in the mountain. Oh yes Alexa, a dwarf's work is never done and he smiled. So these are already to be enchanted I suppose, said Alexa. Yes they are but only a few items are special orders and will be enchanted first. The rest goes into storage for Sable to enchant later when someone comes and wants to buy something from the elves here. They have a very good business going on in this small village, said Garth. Must be, that is a full wagon of weapons and armor, said Alexa. Yes, it is, said Garth, Queen Cleopatra from the elf kingdom is refitting all of her army with new armor and weapons. She has a big army so we can only give her a bit at a time, said Garth. Yes I know her well, said Alexa. She actually came to see Alieta once when they were about to be attacked. It took my team there and took care of the problem, said Alexa. Garth smiled. You and your team must be something, said Garth. I have only met a few of them but very talented girls. Yep, we know how to get the job done, said Alexa. So all good at the mountain now? Yep no problems, said Garth but Sable did give us a bunch of enchanted bows and arrows in trade once for a delivery. Good for just in case plus we really don't need anymore money as you know, said Garth. Okay off to work. So what are you doing here, he asked. Oh I came to see Sable and talk to her and see how she enchants stuff, said Alexa. Oh yes, the magic of enchanting has always puzzled me. I just leave that stuff to the pros, said Garth then he walked over to help the elves unload the wagon. 27 illustration goes here Alexa went to Sable's house and saw the door was swung open. She went in and saw her sitting staring at her coffee mug on her desk. Oh hi Alexa, I was expecting you, said Sable. So what is wrong with that mug? asked Alexa. It is empty that is what is wrong with it, said Sable. So why don't you fill it up? asked Alexa. Sable smiled. Yes that I can do but I want something very special in this mug and just can't seem to get it right. Oh like a magic potion, said Alexa. Nope coffee, said Sable. Alexa smiled. Really just coffee? asked Alexa. No not just coffee but the perfect mug of coffee that I like to drink. I have only drank it once a long time ago in a far away town and now I have been trying to recreate it here in this mug. I think I am close but still not perfect yet. Well try again and let me watch, said Alexa. Sometimes a second point of view can be helpful. Okay, said Sable, it won't hurt anyways. She looked at the mug and said some words in old elven then coffee appeared in the mug. I can tell from here that it is not right, said Sable. Wrong smell and colour. So what is it actually suppose to smell and taste like? asked Alexa. Oh it should have a nice creamy foam on top and the french vanilla taste, said Sable. Hmm. Well I am not a coffee expert but you must be saying the wrong thing to the mug. Maybe try a different language, said Alexa. Do you know french. Yes of coarse, I know many languages, said Sable. I don't think that would matter though. Try it, said Alexa. Ktara told me that if she is missing just one ingredient in what she wants to cook, it won't taste right. Maybe that is the missing ingredient. Okay, why not. I have tried everything else. Sable looked at the mug and said the same enchantment but in french this time. The mug slowly filled leaving a nice foam on the top and Alexa could smell the vanilla from where she sat. Hmm, looks and smells right, said Sable. She tasted it and her yes opened wide. My goodness, that is it. Perfect, said Sable. That was so simple. You definitely have a good head on your shoulders dear. You got any idea how long I have been trying to do this, never mind, I am too embarrassed to say. Alexa smiled. Glad I could help, she said. Pull up a chair and lets talk, said Sable. 28 illustration goes here So Alexa. I heard that you were interested in the process of making enchanted items, said Sable. Yes it is something I have always wondered about. Just wearing the armor or using my sword would be better if I knew how the magic got there, said Alexa. Awe an inquisitive mind you have. That is very useful in expanding your knowledge of the world, said Sable. Okay then first of all we don't make the armor or weapons here, though Tess adds fabric and lining to the armor to make them look nice and more comfortable. She is the best with a needle and thread and the loom. Now armor takes a bit longer than weapons and items. The armor's fabric has to hang for at least two to three days to make sure any wrinkles are gone and every day the fabric must be pulled and stretched a bit until the proper texture and length is achieved . Then Tess has an elf bring me the armor and depending what the person that ordered it wants it to protect them from and how strong it will be then I get to work on it. The more features the armor has the longer it takes and the more expensive it is. You see only one enchanted feature can be added per day. Making it stronger to protect one from swords and arrows, is done first. Then the armor can be made lighter. Once again the lighter it is the stronger the spell and more expensive it will be. That is the limit of both enchantments. Other things like repelling arrows or breaking a sword when it hits the armor can be added also one at a time. That makes for a very expensive item. The one that Alieta ordered for you was a special custom armor and took a very long time to finish. Your small stature and your ability to run fast and jump high plus flexibility was hard to achieve but between Tess and I we got it done because Alieta is our girl and she gets what every she asks for no matter how difficult it is to make. Wow so my armor is very expensive then? asked Alexa. Oh yes dear, the most expensive and hardest armor we have ever made here, said Sable. I have worn it several times now and it is so light and easy to move around in, said Alexa. Oh yes dear plus it repels arrows and shatters enchanted swords, said Sable, Alieta wasn't satisfied with it just breaking a sword or spear. Wow, I didn't know that. Lately we haven't had many hand to hand battles with Viridian and Zatsuky on the team with their amazing weapons, said Alexa. Yes I enchanted the spear but got an extra boost from the heavens I heard and Merlin added his magic to the Crimson Sword that I originally enchanted. It can not be made any stronger than it is now, said Sable. Now the last thing Alieta needed was very hard to do. What was that, asked Alexa. Well she said that you were quite pretty and wanted the armor to make you look pretty also, said Sable. Now we did that but when Alieta saw it she loved the design but also saw that the chest and neck area was bare and unprotected. So she wasn't happy enough with it yet and left. You know she came several times to check out this armor for you. I really had no idea what she went through to get this armor ready for me, said Alexa. Well she wasn't doing the work so she didn't go through much. Just flying back and forth that was nothing to her, said Sable. Now finally after many attempts both Tess and I came up with an invisible fabric that also could not be felt at all by the wearer. I then had to enchant it like the rest of the armor that took another week to make it ready. It was like an invisible shield that protected your neck and open front and back areas. The armor now was protecting you from neck to toe. Your head is the only part of you that is unprotected. Only a helmet can do that but Alieta said you probably would never wear it unless one was really need. She has tons of helmets in her armory anyways. When Alieta came back for the last time she finally approved the armor after testing the open chest part with a knife. We gave her the bill and she didn't even question it one bit. Just said okay and thanked us and left looking very happy. My goodness, she went through all of that and so did you two just for me? asked Alexa. Yes we all did. Alieta wanted her number one warrior and friend protected with the best and that is what we gave her. You are very special to her and all of Fae Land you know, said Sable. 29 illustration goes here Now I think that covers, everything that you wanted to know, said Sable. Yes that covers it all. I was thinking about asking you some questions about Alieta that she said she wouldn't mind but I know enough about her as is and that is good enough for me, said Alexa. Sable smiled. Yes Alieta is a very remarkable sprite and one of the oldest of her breed. While she lived here with her three friends many enhancements happened to her naturally like strength, hearing and other things, said Sable. The one thing that we never gave her or even the magic of our village did was her amazing personality and big heart. That she got form the almighty. That can never be improved on. Yes we all love Alieta, definitely the best person I have ever met, said Alexa. Ivy comes in at a close second though. Now Tess should be done with Ivy by now so go see her for a bit. If anything she would just love to meet you and maybe read you a bit but that will be up to you. Well I know I was adopted by a wealthy family that I first thought were my real parents, but I found out latter that they were not blood parents, said Alexa. I stopped looking for my real parents a long time ago. Well tell Tess that and you helped me with the coffee. She will be glad and likes french vanilla also, said Sable. Alexa met Ivy coming out of Tess's place. Hi Ivy, how was it in there for you? asked Alieta. It was amazing, she is funny and goes back a very long ways. Pretty good reader too, said Ivy. You will like her, said Ivy then walked over to a tree and started talking to it. Alexa smiled then went inside Tess's place. Hello Alexa. Very nice to finally meet you, said Tess. Thank you Tess, nice to meet you too, said Alexa. Now have a seat and lets chat a bit. I know that you were mostly interested in what Sable does, but we can still get to know each other better. Okay and Alexa sat down. Oh Sable asked me to tell you that I helped her get that coffee the way she loved it, said Alexa. Oh fantastic. She has been working on that what seems like forever, said Tess. So I already know a lot about you from what Alieta told me, especially while making that special armor for you. So does it fit you good, asked Tess. Oh yes it is perfect, said Alexa. Good, said Tess. So I don't need to read you but is there anything that you would like to know about me? ask Tess. Well Sable pretty much filled me in with what you do and how the two of you both work together, said Alexa. Yes we both have a long history together, said Tess. Now there is something that I am not sure you can do but I am adopted and couldn't find my blood parents. I must of just been a baby because I don't remember being adopted. Oh I see, you don't seem that old so it should not be that hard to look deep enough to find out where you came from, said Tess. Tess took Alexa's hand then started to read her. She saw all the adventures she was on and all of her friends. Then she let go and said, "Oh my". What is it? asked Alexa. Well first of all you have had an extraordinary life so far, said Tess. But most important and what you wanted to know is that you have no blood parents. What, how is that possible? asked Alexa. Well, I saw you as a baby in a very comfortable basket on the doorstep of what I am guessing was the parents that raised you. Okay, said Alexa. I figured I was adopted as a baby. Yes but there was a note attached to the handle of the basket. the wife read it out loud before taking you inside. "This special child is a gift from heaven to parents that are so kind and loving but cannot have their own child. Please love her as your own and teach her well". So what does that all mean? asked Alexa. An undeserving mother had me taken from her then given to them? Actually no, said Tess. You were either created by an angel or God himself. You girl are a blessed girl from heaven. Alexa went silent. You okay Alexa as Tess tapped her on her leg. Yes I am, just trying to wrap my head around this, said Alexa. So I am an angel's child or God's child, asked Alexa. Well it sure seems like that, said Tess. Now more than likely God's child because an angel can't create such a talented baby like you by herself. Okay, said Alexa. Now it would probably be best to keep this to yourself. Most people will just think you went nuts or something, said Tess. Yes of coarse, said Alexa. Now Gabriel probably knows exactly why and when you were created so talk to her. It will relax you and she is really good at comforting people. Okay I will do that when I get back home, said Alexa. So don't let it bother you and now you can stop wondering about where you came from, said Tess. Okay thanks Tess. That was amazing to say the least, said Alexa. Now go get yourself to some treats and ice cream at Tasha's place before you leave. Ivy should be there by now. She got all excited when I told her Tasha had treats too. Alexa smiled. Ya she really loves her sweets, said Alexa then headed out to Tasha's place. 30 illustration goes here Chapter 7 Conclusion Alexa went back to Tasha's and found Ivy sitting at the table eating some more ice cream. Hi Ivy, where is Ktara? asked Alexa. In the kitchen with Tasha, said Ivy. I think they are almost done. Okay said Alexa and sat down beside Ivy. Here have some treats, they are really good and free, said Ivy. Alexa grabbed a candy and put it in her mouth. My these are good, said Alexa. Yep, real good, said Ivy. Ktara and Tasha came out of the kitchen and Ktara had some papers in her hand. Hi Ktara what do you have there? asked Alexa. Recipes, said Ktara. Real good ones too. So did you three get all you need here with your visit? asked Tasha. I did, said Ivy. Really nice trees too. Me too, said Alexa. More than I expected. Found out some very interest things while I was talking with Sable and Tess. Okay then I suppose we should head on back now, said Alexa. I want to get home before it gets dark. Good idea, said Tasha. Here Ivy, take this bag of red maple tree seeds and plant them around Fae Land were ever you think they will look best. Thank you Tasha, there are lots of places that they will grow nice, said Ivy. Now they seed a lot so make sure you space them out enough and keep them under control, said Tasha. Okay I will, said Ivy. Alright then, thanks for coming and please come back again if you ever need anything, said Tasha. They all walked out and and elf had their horses waiting for them. So did you all enjoy your stay asked the elf. Yes we all did, said Alexa. You are so young and so are the other elves working here, said Ivy. Why is that? Oh we are in training, said the elf. Besides someone has to do the heavier lifting around here for the elders. They are very old you know. Yes they are, said Ivy but very interesting. Okay have a good trip home you all and she waved goodbye as they rode off. Race you two home, said Ivy then took off ahead of them. There she goes again, said Ktara. I like it better when she is flying. 31 illustration goes here It was starting to get dark and Alexa went straight home and told Diego about the elders and how amazing they were. She left out the part about being a child of heaven though. Ktara got home and hung up all her recipes in the kitchen and figured she was going to be busy tomorrow cooking but she just had to figure out which one to do first. They all sounded great. Ivy decided to take the horse back to the palace and saw Alieta and Ginger sitting on the palace steps. An elf came over and Ivy flew off the horse. So did you like riding a horse for a change, asked the elf. Yep, it was a lot of fun. They can go pretty fast too ya know, said Ivy. The elf smiled and took the horse back to the stable. Ivy went over to talk to Alieta and Ginger on the steps. Hi Ivy, said Alieta. So did you have a good time? Yep a great time, said Ivy. Tess is very fun to talk to and a pretty good reader. Not as good as you though, said Alieta. Nope, she said I was the best. So you could of left the horse back at your place and brought it back in the morning, said Alieta. Ya I know but it only takes me a couple of minutes to fly home from here, said Ivy. So why are you and Ginger sitting out here? asked Ivy. Oh we do this every night, said Alieta. We like to talk a bit before going off to bed. Besides it is nice and quiet out here at this time. Ivy looked at Ginger then looked at Alieta. You two make a good family together, said Ivy. I can tell you both need each other and I didn't need to read either of you to see that. They both smiled. Tasha gave me some red maple tree seeds to plant where ever I wanted, said Ivy. Oh good, said Alieta. Can you plant one over there and another one way over there at the other end of the grounds. They will add some more colour here on the palace grounds. Okay, I will do that tomorrow, said Ivy. Ivy then said good night then flew off home. She is quite the character, said Ginger. Yes she is, said Alieta. It is odd though that she let Tess read her though. Ivy usually won't allow that. Well maybe she thought she better let her because you wanted her to meet the elders or she just wanted to let loose for a change, said Ginger. Probably a bit of both said Alieta. Okay time for me to hit the sack, said Alieta. Me too said Ginger and off the two of them went. The End 32 illustration goes here