The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

The Mysterious Portal  Chapter 1


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Ivy was flying around to all her friends telling them she was going to Granada soon. Every one could see she was very excited but really had no tdea where Granada was and why she was going there. Banshee was really enjoying being in the treehouse with Ginger and the two Garson Fairies. Ginger was trying out some new recipes while Keiko and Amelie were entertaining Banshee and making her laugh a lot. Back at the palace everything seemed to be normal, it was another hot day so everyone including all the elves were were wearing very little in order to stay as cool as possible. After Tulip and Lilly made hunch for everyone at the palace. Alieta asked Lilly if she could go with Ginger to the neigbouring town to learn about banks. Lilly was more than happy to go with her, she had never left Fae Land since she first arrived and considered it an adventure. Ginger packed some supplies and brought some money with her and they both headed out. How do you like being on a horse? asked Ginger. I like it, said Lilly. Nice and bouncey. Well you can fly if you want, said Ginger. No not now, I want to stay with you so we can talk and stuff. Flying slow is harder to do then going fast. Okay then, hang on, I am going to go a bit fasted now, said Ginger.

The rest of the day went like any other day in Fae Land just that Alieta had to sit on the steps by herself. When Ginger and Lilly got to the town, the bank was closed so Ginger took Lilly to a hotel to spend the night and get a early start in the morning. Needless to say everyone that saw the two of them were quite surprised to see an elf and a fairy riding a horse in their town. The following morning Alieta went outside to check the sun dial. Wow, we are in for another hot day. I don't remember it being so hot for so many days in a row, she thought to herself. Alieta looked to the side and saw a elf heading her way fast. Oh hi Penny, what is the rush, are you going swimming? asked Alieta. No but maybe later, said Penny. Too hot to where my dress. I agree, said Alieta, so what's up? Well I just saw the wierdest thing. I was walking to town when I saw what looked like a window or something. I could see through it but everything was blurry behind it. A squirl ran out in front of it and looked like it got sucked in then the window then vanished. I took off fast then figured I should tell you about it. Hmm, that does sound wierd, said Alieta. I will let Jazmen know about it when I see her. Thanks for letting me know. Okay, I think I will go in the palace and have some ice cream then go to Sandy Lake and hang out in the water, said Penny. Good idea, said Alieta. The palace gang will probably go there too when they all get up. Oh good, I hope Phonixa and Repellia come, said Penny. They are a lot of fun to play with in the water. Well they are probably in the dining room now, said Alieta. Just tell them it is another hot day and invite them to go with you. Okay I will, thanks Alieta. Then Penny headed for the palace. I wonder what Penny saw, Alieta thought to herself. Poor squirl, I hope it is okay.

Alieta went to go back in the palace when she saw Ivy flying her way. Okay here she comes, I know what she is going the talk to me about, thought Alieta. Ivy landed in front of Alieta. Hi Alieta, isn't it a beautiful day, said Ivy. The sun is shining, all the trees and plants are happy. It is too hot, said Alieta. A bit cooler and yes it would be a wonderful day. It's not that hot just do what I have been doing and fly around. Flying keeps you cool, said Ivy. Yes I suppose it does but it is cool in the palace, that is where I am staying for a while, said Alieta. Oh, well before you do that, can I ask a favor from you? asked Ivy. Sure what is it Ivy. Well I talked to Gabriel last night and she said it was okay and it was very imptortant to Fae Land that I go for some reason. Go where? asked Alieta. Granada of coarse, said Ivy. Gabriel said if it was okay with you then she will take me. So you really want to go to this strange place? asked Alieta. Yep, don't you? asked Ivy. No I like it here, said Alieta. Ya I do too but it would be nice to visit somewhere different, said Ivy. Please can I go. I will be good and Sapphire will be there to take care of me. Okay Ivy but please stay out of trouble. There are only humans there and they may not understand our type with wings and pointed ears, said Alieta. I won't get in trouble, I am a grown woman now, no longer a kid anymore, said Ivy. Yes I know, said Alieta. Just tell me what it is like there when you get back, I'm told Granada is much more advanced than us when it comes to science. I will, Gabriel told me to take notes, said Ivy. Gabriel, Alieta said okay, come and get me, yelled Ivy. Don't you want to pack some things first? asked Alieta. Nope all I need is me, Sapphire can make me anything I might need, said Ivy.

In a few moments Gabriel appeared. Hello Ivy and Alieta. Beautiful day isn't it, said Gabriel. See Gabriel agrees with me, said Ivy. Alieta says it is too hot. Well hot is much better than cold, said Gabriel. So you all set to go to Granada? Yep sure am, said Ivy. Now Alieta, she won't be gone long. Should be back in a day or two, said Gabriel. So don't worry, she is in good hands. I will be back for Jazmen later so she can get Mika ready. Who is Mika? asked Ivy. Just a very pretty young elf we need to bring back here.You will like her, said Gabriel. Everyone likes Mika. Okay off we go to Granada then they both vanished. Well there she goes, my Ivy to a land in a different reality. No dought she is going to have fun there. I just hope she doesn't like it there more than in Fae Land, thought Alieta.

Ginger and Lilly got up early and headed back to the bank. When they got there the door was still locked. Maybe we are too early, said Lilly. What time is it? Not sure, I didn't check before we left the hotel. Lilly looked in the window. Hey there is someone in there. Knock and see if she will let us in. Ginger knocked on the glass door and the lady came to the door and said they were not opened yet. Then she saw Lilly's wings and unlocked the door and let them in then locked the door behind them. My my an elf and a fairy, said the woman. You two must be from Fae Land. Yep, this is Lilly and I am Ginger. Alieta wants us to see what a bank looks like and talk to some one to find out how it works. Alieta, the queen of Fae Land? asked the woman. Yep, she wants to start making some banks in Fae Land because our treasury room is too full, said Ginger. Well must be nice to be such a wealthy country, said the lady. Well my name is Janet and I am the bank manager. So what do you want to know? I am well versed in all the banking functions. Well Lilly needs to look around and see what everything looks like. She is the best at making inside furiture and decorating, said Ginger. I need to know how a bank works so I can teach people and hire them to work in it. Well if you want I would love to move to Fae Land and run it for you. I can teach the girls how to take deposits and give out withdrawls. You would do that for us? That might be better then, said Ginger. Yes you bet I would, I visited Fae Land once for a few days when I heard there was a Fantasy Pixie Forest there that was opened to the public. That was the most amazing and fun vacation I ever had. All I have to do is sell my house here then I can move. Do you have any houses for sale. No we build them when someone needs one. I have two being built right now, said Ginger. Okay so you Lilly have a look around and I will tell Ginger the basics of banking, said Janet. Okay, what is behind that big metal door? asked Lilly. That is the bank vault. We keep all the money and gold in there. We have gold coins and gold bars to make more coins with but mostly we have gems, said Ginger. Gems, like diamonds? asked Janet. Yep and rubies and emeralds too. Over time people would trade them with us for stuff, said Ginger. Well a very very wealthy country then, said Janet. Follow me and I will show you everything and tell you how things work. They followed Janet around the bank and found out a lot about how a bank works.

After about an hour Janet unlocked the banks door. Now stick around a bit and you will see what people do when they come to the bank, said Janet. There are a couple of chairs over there. The two of them sat and watched as people came in to do their banking. When people noticed them they would come over and chat a bit. Lilly was having fun making ice cream cones for everyone. After a bit Ginger and Lilly said goodbye and headed back to Fae Land. It was getting close to supper time so they stopped and had a picnic on the way. Lilly made them burgers and fries. By the time they got back to the palace, it was starting to get dark so Lilly flew back to the forest and Ginger went in the palce and found Alieta sitting in her den. Hi Alieta I'm back, said Ginger. Oh good, so how did it go? asked Alieta. Very nicely, said Ginger. Janet is a bank manager and explained to me how to operate a bank. Lilly was able to walk around see what needs to be done on the inside. Janet said she will move to Fae Land and run the first bank for us and teach our girls how to work in a bank. Janet was very nice to us. Ginger sat down on the carpet. So how did things go today? asked Ginger. Well Ivy is in Granada now, said Alieta. She was very excited to be going there. So do you think she is going to be okay? asked Ginger. I don't know but prpbably, said Alieta. Gabriel assured me she would be just fine and probably back tomorrow or the following day. Good, said Ginger. I am going to have a bath then go to bed. That was a busy day for me. I think I will do the same, said Alieta. When Jazmen gets back I have to tell her about some strange window that opened up. Penny saw it and said it sucked a squirl in it then vanaished. Really, I wonder what it was, said Ginger. I don't know but tomorrow is another day. I will worry about it then, said Alieta.

In the morning Alieta and Ginger met in the dining room. After having breakfast they both went outside to check the sun dial. Another hot day, said Alieta. What's that four in a row now? Yep, looks like we are having a heat wave, said Ginger. I have a lot to do today, I need to check and see how those two new houses are doing then I need to talk to the foreman and see if he knows anything about buliding a bank. After that it will be back in my bikini and in the water at Sandy Lake. Sounds good, said Alieta. I have to stay here though and see if Ivy is coming back today. That Mika girl may be coming today also. They both started to walk back towards the palace when Ginger spotted something odd. Hey look over by the maple tree, said Ginger. What is that? My that must be what Penny saw yesterday, said Alieta. Don't go near it, lets see if it will go away. Soon it started to fade away until it was gone. So what do you think it was? asked Ginger. Not sure but looked more like a doorway than a window, said Alieta. Maybe some kind of portal. What's a portal? asked Ginger. Haven't you read any science fiction books? asked Alieta. They are used to travel great distances through time and space. In the books they are usually man made but this one seems to have a mind of it's own unless there is some wizard creating it. Okay but what is making it show up out of nowhere? asked Ginger. Beats me it is very wierd for sure, said Alieta. Well I am taking the long way around to the construction site, said Ginger. I am not going anywhere near where it appeared. Good idea. I am going to call Gabriel and see if she knows anything about them.

Alieta called for Gabriel and in a few moments she appeared. Yes Alieta, what can I do for you? asked Gabriel. Well do you know anything about portals? asked Alieta. Well yes, said Gabriel. I created one for Sapphire so she can travel back and forth from Granada and Fae Land. Why do you ask? Well yesterday Penny told me she saw what looked like a window while walking to town and it sucked a squirl into it then vanished and just a few minutes ago Ginger and I saw what looked like a lit doorway then faded way. Really, where did you see it? asked Gabriel. By the maple tree over there, said Alieta. Well that is very odd, said Gabriel. There are some natural forming portals but not around here and they are very unstable but never move around. Do you think a wizard may be creating it? asked Alieta. Well why create a portal and not walk through it, said Gabriel. Besides that would take some very powerful magic and only Merlin would be able to do that but why create a portal here when he can just teleport the Fae Land. Ya, it doesn't make sense to me either, said Alieta. This might be happening because I created that portal for Sapphire, said Gabriel. Just don't go near it if you see another one, said Gabriel. You never know where you may end up or if is safe but more than likely it will take someone anywhere in Granada if it is stable. Unstable portals will rip a person apart. Oh I don't plan on getting near one, said Alieta. Okay now later today, some time after supper, I will be bringing Ivy and Mika here along with Jasmen but I still need her in Granada so she can help Layla pack. So how did Ivy do? asked Alieta. Is she same girl we all love that left here. Gabriel smiled. Oh there is no changing Ivy, said Gabriel. She is exactly the same and is having lots of fun. She did exactly what we thought she would do and will start the wheels turning here. You will see and stop worring about her so much. Ivy is a big girl and can take care of herself. She will probably have to go back again soon now that she has seen what she calls the future. Okay, I will just feel better when she is back home, said Alieta. Okay then, see you later on, then Gabriel vanished. So now I wait, thought Alieta. I wonder what Ivy did that was so important and why she needs to go back.

The rest of the day went uneventful. There was no more reports of portals and after everyone finished supper Alieta asked everyone to stick around and meet the new girl Mika but first hold back until she gets used to her new surroundings. Alieta sent a messenger out to get Alexa to come to the palace and meet Mika. In about an hour Gabriel showed up with the three girls, Ivy, Jazmen and Mika then she vanished. Hi Alieta, I am back, said Ivy with a smile. Good, everyone missed you Ivy, especially your sister. Your first task here will be going to see her and giving her a big hug. Okay I will do that, said Ivy. So what's with the books? asked Alieta. This will be something new for Fae Land and very good too. Gabriel said I could bring them from Granada. Okay so what is it? asked Alieta. Well it is a new way of making energy from the sun. It is called electricity and not as bad and powerful as lightning. Wow, you have been busy then, said Alieta. Yep very busy and now I need Alexa to help me. Some of the stuff in these books I don't understand, said Ivy. Okay good because Alexa will be here very soon. She will want to welcome Mika too, said Alieta. Okay good, said Ivy. I am sure Alexa will be able to figure this science stuff out. Okay but first off you go to see Sara. She has been driving me crazy asking about you, said Alieta. Didn't you tell her you were leaving. Oops I didn't, said Ivy. It was a spur of the moment thing but she knew I wanted to go to Granada. Well get going you nut and it is really nice to have you back with us, said Alieta. Ivy took off home. So Jazmen how is Sapphire, doing. Did you make a report? asked Alieta. No report needed, said Jazmen. She is doing what she does best. That is one powerful fairy yet she won't go outside much unless she is invisible. She is always saying she doesn't want to get in trouble with Gabriel. She thought she was in trouble when she first saw me there. Alieta laughed. Well I guess it is her natural way of being as a powerful fairy nymph, said Alieta. So are you going back to Granada? No we got everything packed up fast thanks to Sapphire, said Jazmen. Layla said there was just a few more tings she needed to take care of for the two of them first. Now you best go see Jessica. She was asking about you also, said Alieta. Okay, I hope she has a new batch of candies ready, said Jazmen and off she flew. So Mika, that leaves just you and me for now then you can meet some of the others here, said Alieta. First let me say, welcome to Fae Land.

I have some important things to take care of in the palace so lets sit on the grass and talk for a few minutes before I have to leave, said Alieta. Okay, said Mika. First I need to tell you some of the rules of Fae Land. There are not many but some differ from what you may be used to. First of all no one is allowed to walk around without a top on even though lots of the elves here want to during this heat wave we are having. Some of the girls sin bathe nude at Sandy Lake and sometimes skinny dip. That is fine, just use your own discretion if there are children close by. Okay that makes sense, said Mika. Now the people of Fae Land dress very sexy, especially the palace gang so sexy clothing is fine so long as the private areas are covered. That is it for the main rules that you need to know. Ginger will fill you in with the minor ones. There are no laws in Fae Land like I heard about from Gabriel because there is no stealing of violence going on here. Everything at the stores are very affordable to every one and if someone is having a hard time they can just let me know and I will fix things for them. So do you have any questions? Not really, it is so green and beautiful here and the air is so clean and fresh, I do love your outfit, said Mika. Very sexy and looks good on you too. Alieta smiled. Thanks dear but wait until you see Zan and the two she devils. Now first I see your ears are begining to show through your hair. It is a good thing Gabriel decided to get you here now. Mika touched one of her ears with her hand. Oh my they are way bigger now, they were smaller just an hour ago. Yep, that is the magic of this land, said Alieta. Your ears will probably be fully formed by the end of the day and soon after your entire body will become Fae as it should be. You are a high breed elf like your mother was. So what does high breed make me? asked Mika. Well that is yet to be seen, said Alieta. Your mother was connected with nature plus could sense good and bad in people. You will probably have more talents seeing your father was a powerful wizard. Tomorrow you will meet Merlin. He will know what is growing in you. Cool, I have only read and seen movies with Merlin in them, said Mika. Well I don't know what a movie is but I suspect it is like a play, said Alieta. Okay that is all the time I have for you now. Come follow me to the palace steps and I will send Ginger out. She will be in charge of getting you settled here. Oh I like what you write about Ginger. Very cute and friendly, said Mika. She was in your books a lot though there were no pictures so I had to just imagine what everyone looked like. So do I look like you imagined. Oh way better and a bit taller, said Mika with a smile. Well Ginger is very cute and my best friend, said Alieta. Okay lets go, ask Ginger anything you want. She has been around for a long time and is extreemly smart. The two of them got up and Alieta left Mika on the palace steps.



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