The Amazing Land Of Fae Pegasus's Fae Land Adventue Prolog The world war was over and the heros that were brought to Granada's reality took care of all the aliens very quickly. Rose returned to Fae Land but the others stayed because the leaders of all the countries there wanted thank them and give them medals. Back in Fae Land Alieta met Angela that is the mother of the twins Karman and Kandice plus got a big surprise when Tillia brought the winged horse Pegasus to meet her. Pegasus gave Ginger her first flight in air that she loved. Alieta figured things were going to die down now for a while until a bright flash of light happened and it was Pixie Ginger in her transported and brought Merlin back to Fae Land with her... Chapter 1 Let There Be Music Ginger and Merlin stepped out of the transporter then she turned it off and they both walked towards the palace. Ginger waved at Alieta and said I am back for a bit and I have a surprise for everyone. Alieta walked towards them some and notice Merlin was carring something. When they reached Alieta Merlin put the item down on the ground. Hello Alieta, that was some war we watched on TV in Granada. Did anything happen here? asked Merlin. Not much, just two ships with a single alien in each came through that portal plus some land troops the the winged army took care of but after Ivy and Tempressa took the two alein's weapons away from them they left with the rest of the retreating ships, said Alieta. So you could see the girls fighting? Well there was no attacks in Granada but we went to Shirley's friend Jim's ranch and he had a TV so we could watch everything happing on it. News teams from all over the world was filming them. Man they are quite the powerful team. Those aliens, didn't know what hit them. Yep and they made a holiday too, said Pixie Ginger. You should make it a holiday here also. I already did that, said Alieta. Anyways I need to get back to my lab, said Merlin. I made plenty of notes and got some inventing to do. They have some of the most remarkable things there in that reality. Yes I imagine they do, said Alieta. Wait, is that Pegasus by the stable being washed by all those elves. Yep it sure is, said Alieta. Amazing isn't he. Yes he is, said Merlin. So that means Hercules must be here too then. Yep but he is kind of busy right now I think, said Alieta. Well I have to go say hello to Pegasas, we go way back, said Merlin. He put the cd player on the ground then popped over to where six elves and Ginger where cleaning Pegasus. 01 illustration goes here Angela walked over and asked what that black box was. This is a boom box, said Ginger and it plays music. In has new batteries in it that make electricity to make it work. So how does it work? asked Alieta. Well it is easy, said Ginger. The song Shirley and I made became the number one song in Granada over night and other cities wanted to play it also but it was too rough and not that great of quality. So Jim took us to a place called a recording studio that had a bunch of instruments in it and professional musicians. Shirley showed them the music she wrote and we all got together with these other guys and played the song and I sang. We had to do it a few times for the man doing the mixing of the music, but now I have a disk with Just A Country Girl song on it and it sounds fantastic plus Jim recorded a few other very popular songs on it too. We had to sign a recording contract and they want us to make new songs. So do you want to hear it? Yes of coarse, said Alieta. Me too, said Angela. Okay here goes. Prepare to rock! Ginger hit the on button and turned the volume up loud. The music started and Pixie Ginger immediately started to dance to it. Wow that song is great, said Angela and started to dance also. Alieta could believe how great the music sounded coming out of such a small box and Pixie Ginger's voice was amazing too. Penny and Tillia came over also and started to dance also! When the song was over, Ginger asked Alieta how she liked it. That was beautiful, said Alieta. I have never heard music like that before and you sounded amazing. Good I thought you would like it, said Ginger. We are working on two more songs and they are almost done. One is called Fae Land Magic and the other is called Granada Rocks. Alieta smiled. You two are going to be famous in Granada. Well we already are in Granada, said Ginger but once the other radio stations start playing it in different cities then that will be in the big time. Shirley said we could keep this boom box here and I am thinking if Tulip looked at it, maybe she could make more of them. It is a radio too that plays all the songs radio stations play but the signal won't reach here from Granada. Okay, Tulip should be here soon so talk to her, said Alieta. Play it again, said Penny. Ya that's an awesome song, said Angela. 02 illustration goes here The elves finish washing and brushing Pegasus then Ginger ran over to see where the music was coming from. Merlin walked up to Pegasus. My old friend Pegasus, how have you been? asked Merlin. Very good actually, said Pegasus. I should of know you would come to a land of magic like this. Yes I come here quite often, said Merlin. It is a wonderful place. So is Hercules here too? Yep but he is with Sara at her place. I am sure they like each other a lot. I see, Hercules and Sara together. That makes for an interesting match up, said Merlin. Sara is the strongest girl in Fae Land and Hercules is now the strongest man in Fae Land. Really she is strong? asked Pegasus. I didn't know that. Oh yes, not as strong as Hercules but pretty darn close, said Merlin. Well then a perfect match then, said Pegasus. Tillia is here too so I haven't been this happy, well ever. I even smell good now after all those wonderful girls cleaned me up. Yes you look good, said Merlin. They take very good care of the horses here. So I don't want to just pop over to Sara's place and interrupt them but are you and Tillia, going back there soon? Yep pretty soon, why? asked Pegasus. Well just tell him I want to see him again and talk some, said Merlin. Ask him to come to the palace where I will be waiting for supper. Have you seen the fairies yet? Nope not yet, said Pegasus. Well you are in for a treat then. Tulip makes lunch and usually supper here for everyone. She makes the best tasting food anywhere. She always makes Tillia a big bowel of fruit and carrots. Really! That sounds good, said Pegasus. So they will let me eat here too? Yes of coarse, said Merlin. Fairies love doing magic and especially making food for everyone. Okay I will go get Tillia now and we will bring Hercules and Sara here though they might not be hungry after eating already, said Pegasus. Just go get him, Hercules has a bottomless pit for a stomach. Ya your right, okay see you soon then Pegasus flew over to Tillia then the two of them took off. Pegaus and Tillia together again and now Hercules with Sara, thought Merlin. Sounds like some heavenly magic going on here. 03 illustration goes here Tillia got home and watched as Pegasus flew down and landed beside her. I love watching you fly, Pegasus. Your so graceful and excellent at landing, said Tillia. And I love watching you run while I am high above you, said Pegasus. It is remarkable how fast you are. Yep and even faster now with Sara riding me. So Merlin said Sara is almost as strong as Hercules, said Pegasus. Is that true. Ya she is one power house of a girl, said Tillia. I watched her rip a evil shadow sorcerer's hand off a while ago. Best not to get her mad but normally she is very gentile. Okay good to know, Don't get Sara mad, I will pass that on to Hercules, said Pegasus. Pegasus yelled for Hercules to come out for a minute. Hercules opened the door and ducked down as he came out. Yes, what's up Pegasus. Merlin is here and he wants to see and talk to you, said Pegasus. Oh really, the old man is here is he? asked Hercules. Yep and the fairies will be making supper soon. Really, that sounds good. Sara didn't have much food in the ice box so we just had a couple of sandwiches each. I am still starved, said Hercules. So we have been just sitting at the table talking. She loves hearing about our adventures together. Hercules turned around and yelled, " Sara we are going to the palace for supper and to talk to Merlin. Do you want to come?" Sara came out, you bet I am still hungry and Tulip makes the best food, said Sara. Okay lets go, said Hercules. Hercules got on Pegasus and Sara got on Tillia and they all headed to the palace. 04 illustration goes here Sara and Tillia got to the palace before Hercules and Pegasus and went over to where everyone was listening to boom box. Lets listen to the music Ginger brought back from Granada, said Tillia. It comes out of a magical music box. Really a magic music box? asked Sara. Well maybe not magic but seems like it to me, said Tillia. Sara jumped off Tillia and they walked over to the group and Tillia told Merlin Hercules is coming now. Yes I see them, said Merlin then walked away from everyone so they could talk in private plus the music was quite load. Pegasus landed beside Merlin and Hercules jumped off. Well hello old man, good to see you here, said Hercules. Yes Good to see you again Big Guy. Your looking stronger than ever. Yep I keep in shape, said Hercules. So what brings you to Fae Land? Actually I was in Granada and just got back, said Merlin. Such an amazing place with very friendly people and way more advanced then we are here. No magic like Fae Land but they make up with techical sciences far above anything I have even thought of. So that music I hear, is that one of these sciences? asked Hercules. Yes it is, said Merlin. When I was in Granada I learned many things and also made notes on how to make some of these wonders of science. I have an idea for Fae Land once I learned how they were able to transmit sound and pictures through the air. Really, that sounds like magic to me, said Pegasus. Yes it does but it is the magic of science which a lot of wizard magic is based from, said Merlin. So I heard you and Sara are getting very friendly with each other. Yes she is a wonderful girl and she loves listening to me tell stories, said Hercules. Yes and she is quite easy on the eyes too, said Merlin. Now just be careful with her, she is very young but smart as a whip. Extremely strong too, like yourself. Ya Tillia told me never to get her mad, said Pegasus. She ripped a sorcerer's hand off once. Well I shook hands with her to see how strong she really was, said Hercules. She had some power there but I am sure she is no where near as strong as me. Hmm, you know of Ampex Warriors correct? asked Merlin. Oh yes they are extremely strong and fast runners. They are almost as strong as me, said Hercules. Well Quantum was here a while back and when they first met they shook hands also. Okay yes I know Quantum. Very strong man, said Hercules. Ya well when they shook hands Quantum just saw a very pretty girl that said she was strong and he made the mistake of telling her to squeeze with all she had. Quantum let out a loud scream and Lilly the fairy was here and flew over to fix him. Sara broke every bone in Quantum's right hand and he has big hands like you. Holy crap so she wasn't squeezing that hard with me then, said Hercules. No, like I said she is very smart and she likes you and didn't want to break your hand like she did with Quantum. Keep in mind that she was created by God himself to protect Ivy. You may be a Demi God created by Zeus but Zeus is nothing compared to the creator. Hercules smiled. So like a daughter of the creator then, said Hercules. You might say that but we are all his children. Just be good to her, said Merlin. Yes and don't get her mad at you, said Pegasus. Yes I will remember that, said Hercules. 05 illustration goes here Hercules and Merlin walked over to where everyone was standing. Pegasus started to walk over too but saw everyone looking up at something. Here comes Tulip and Lilly, said Alieta. Hope everyone is hungry. I sure am, said Hercules. I could eat a horse. Ha ha big guy, very funny, said Merlin. Horses are not on the menu here. I know, just joking, said Hercules. Tulip saw everyone waiting for them and flew over to Alieta but Lilly saw Pegasus and changed direction to see who this was. She landed in front of him and looked way up. Wow you are a very big horse and wings too! said Lilly all excited. I have never seen a horse with wings before. And I have never seen a fairy before, said Pegasus. Wow you talk too! A talking flying horse, said Lilly. My mom told me and my sisters stories about a flying horse named Pegasus that fought many years ago with a strong man named Hercules. They were night time stories and pretty sure she was just making them up so we would fall asleep fast. Well there is Hercules over there with Merlin, said Pegasus. Lilly looked over and saw Hercules talking to Merlin then looked back at Pegasus. If that is the real Hercules and he sure does look like how Mom discribed him, then you must be the real Pegasus. That is correct and you must be Lilly the fairy. You are so cute, said Pegasus. Cute ya but you are magnificent looking and man you smell nice, said Lilly. I went with Ginger to another town not long ago and she let me ride with her on her horse and it was a lot of fun. Can you take me for a ride some time? But you have wings and can fly yourself, said Pegasus. So what, you are the famous Pegasus, said Lilly. Riding on a horse was fun so I bet riding a flying horse would be even more fun. Well sure anytime, said Pegasus. Good right after we eat, said Lilly. I have to tell Tulip. I am so excited, said Lilly then she flew off yelling, "Tulip it's Pegasus and he is real!" That was different. I was excited to see my first real fairy but she seemed way more excited to see me, thought Pegasus. 06 illustration goes here Lilly flew over to Tulip that was talking to Alieta and Angela. Tulip look it is Pegasus, for real, said Lilly. Where? asked Tulip. Over there, how could you miss him. He is pure white and has wings, said Lilly. Tulip looked over then looked up at Alieta. For real, Pegasus? asked Tulip. Yep in the flesh and fur, said Alieta. Tulip looked back at Pegasus then screamed. Pegasus my hero, I love Pegasus. I always wished he was real. Mom always told us stories about him, said Tulip. He eats first then Tulip flew over to Pegasus. The real Pegasus is here and he is giving me a ride after we eat, said Lilly. I would never of thought you two would be so excited to see a flying horse. That is Pegasus, not just a flying horse, said Lilly. Well that is Hercules over there, said Alieta. Oh he is just a big strong man, said Lilly. Not nearly as important as Pegasus. He did lots of stuff before he met him. Mom told us lots of stories about Pegasus. Really, so how does your mother know of him? asked Alieta. I don't know, you ask her but I am going to ride the famous Pegasus, said Lilly. Tulip flew up to Pegasus. It is an honor to meet you Pegasus. You are my hero, said Tulip. Mom told us so many stories about you. Well it is very nice to meet you too, said Pegasus. You must be Tulip then. Sara said you make the best food. Yep and you get fed first, said Tulip then made her wand appear and created a big fruit bowl in front of Pegasus. Wow, that is the best looking bowl of food I have ever seen, said Pegasus. Thankyou Tulip. I am used to eating grass and berries usually. Well when every you want anything special to eat, just tell Sara or Ivy and they will tell me, said Tulip. Can you take me for a ride after Lilly? Pegasus smiled. Sure can, said Pegasus. I am going like living here in Fae Land. Oh we are going to love having you live in Fae Land, said Tulip. Okay got to feed Tillia next. Mom told us stories about you two also. Really, what is your mom's name? How does she know so much about me? Guen, queen of the fairies, said Tulip. Guen? I knew a Guen but I thought she was a pixie. Fairies always stayed hidden in the forest out of sight. Well Mom is different and has done lots of stuff herself too. They don't call her queen for nothing, said Tulip then flew over to where Tillia and Sara were standing. Hmm, Guen is a fairy and all this time I thought she was a nutty pixie. That explains a lot of things that happened way back then. 07 illustration goes here After everyone had eaten, Pegasus walked over to Alieta that was talking to Pixie Ginger. Alieta can I ask you something before I take Lilly then Tulip for a ride? asked Pegasus. Those two are very excited to meet me and said their mother is the queen of fairies and told them bed time stories about me. Yes they told me that too, said Alieta. What do you want to ask me? Well I knew a Guen way back when I was alone and then with Tillia. But I am sure she was a pixie, said Pegasus. She looked and acted like a pixie and I am not completely sure now but I don't think she ever did magic like fairies do. Have you met this Guen, queen of the fairies. Yes she is a very good friend of mine, said Alieta. She stays in the fairy forest quite a distant from here but she visits her children from time to time. Did she tell you she was a pixie? asked Alieta. Well no, I just assumed she was a pixie. They come out of the forests all the time but faries always stayed hidden, said Pegasus. So when is she coming back? I would like to see if she is the same Guen. Well I could call Apollonia and see if she can go get her, said Alieta. She is an angel and promised to teleport us two back and forth between the two places. Not sure if she has time for a social call though, she is a very busy girl. I bet she is, so that makes Lilly and Tulip, powerful fairy princesses right? asked Pegasus. Yep it sure does plus Roseberry, Sunflower Chestnut and Clary, said Alieta. They all live in the fairy forest just past the west woods over there, said Alieta. That is a very magical forest. I bet it is with six princes living in there. Oh there are three more but just friends, said Alieta. Okay looks like Lilly and Tulip are ready to go for their rides so after I am finished can you call that angel. If that is the same girl then I have a ton of questions for her. Back then when she was around, everything seemed perfect for some reason. Alieta smiled. Sounds like she was playing fairy god mother to you, said Alieta. Ya and for Tillia too, said Pegasus. Okay you take care of those two and I will call Apollonia for you and we will see what happens, said Alieta. Pegasus then walked over to Lilly and Tulip. Okay time for a ride around Fae Land, said Pegasus. Hop on Lilly, you asked first. 08 illustration goes here Alieta watched Pegasus take off with Lilly on his back and Tulip sat on the steps waiting her turn. Alieta called out for Apollonia to come see her. In a minute Cindy appeared. Hi Alieta, Apollonia is still in Granada, said Cindy. Her presents there is making a big impact on the people. We think we will keep her there for a bit. Oh ya I forgot she was still there, said Alieta. Well maybe I can help you, said Cindy. What do you need. Well I wanted to see if Apollonia could bring Guen the fairy queen here to see Pegasus. It seems they might have a history together. Oh okay, I can do that but who is Pegasus? asked Cindy. He is a winged white stallion and is here with Hercules now. Oh okay. Those two are before my time of being an angel. I heard about Hercules but thought he was a myth. Nope he is over there, said Alieta. Wow that is one big man, said Cindy. Wish I knew him when I was mortal. Anyways I will go get Guen. Fairies always do what angels ask of them. Sometimes they will work for us as fairy god mothers. Ya that is what I think was going on between them, said Alieta. Pegasus thought she was a pixie. Well pixies and fairies do look very similar so I can understand that, said Cindy. Give me about ten minutes. Knowing Guen she will want to change and clean up before coming here. She is very girlie like that. Ya I know, said Alieta. Okay, see you soon, nice cowgirl hat Ginger then Cindy vanished. Tillia walked over to Alieta. I over heard you two, said Tillia. Guen is the same girl we knew back then. I thought she was a pixie too until she told me she was a fairy just before I had to go back to limbo. She told me not to wory about Pegasus. She was watching over him. So she was a fairy god mother then, said Alieta. Yep I guess so and a very good one. Everything made sense to me then, said Tillia. The things that she did for us was amazing but kept it secret. Food would appear out of no where plus water could always be found even when it wasn't there before and good stuff happened all the time. That is why I was so happy to see her here again when I came to Fae Land. She will be very happy to see Pegasus again. Okay so here comes Pegasus now, said Alieta. Looks like you are up next, said Alieta to Tulip. Yep I see them, said Tulip. Don't worry I won't be long. I heard you two talking and want to see Mom. 09 illustration goes here While Pegasas and Tulip were gone Lilly headed off to the forest all happy now. Shortly Cindy returned with Guen. Here she is Alieta, all freshened up and a new dress on though it looks exactly like the first one she had on, said Cindy. Now just call for me when you want to go back. I think I will stay here for a few days, said Guen. I put my oldest daughter Clary in charge. She knows how to get things done. So where is Pegasus? It's been so long since I talked to that nut. Well he is taking Tulip for a ride, said Alieta. Already took Lilly for a fly around Fae Land too. Seems odd seeing they can fly by themselves. Anyways you two I am off to see Mother Nature, said Cindy. She should be done making lunch for us. She has become a very good cook. Then Cindy vanished. I like her, she acts so much like a regualar person and not so angelic like Gabriel. Ya Cindy is a more modern type angel, said Alieta. So Tulip must be having a blast with Pegasus, said Guen. I guess, Lilly looked very happy when she came back. Well of coarse, flying with Pegasus is not just an honor but a lot of fun, said Guen. Man that horse can fly and go really fast too. I used to fly on him all the time. You have to try it. You will see how much fun he is to ride him. Okay, maybe I will when I get some time, said Alieta. Make time girl, said Guen. Pegasus is very special and you deserve to have some fun with him. Take him to the human's park. Imagine the queen of Fae Land landing in that park that always has lots of people there, on Pegasus back. Talk about royal magic at it's best. Ya that does sound like a good indea, said Alieta. Maybe after you talk with him. Good then later we can catch up, said Guen. I am sure there is new news to tell me. There is always something new going on here. Oh ya, lots of new things, said Alieta. Okay here they come, said Alieta. Yep and look at him go. Just remember to keep your wings straight back. Cuts back on wind resistance and hang on tight, said Guen with a smile. Hi Ginger, nice hat. 10 illustration goes here Chapter 2 Liza And Grace Visit The Palace Tulip flew off of Pegasus and went right to Guen. Your here Mom! Look Pegasus is real and he is here, said Tulip all excited. Of coarse he is real dear, said Guen. Ya well I thought you just made up all those stories to help us go to sleep, said Tulip. No, every story I told you are were real, said Guen. Well I dod tell them to make you all go to sleep too. So how did you like your ride? It was amazing! He can fly so fast and go straight up and straight down and we even did some loop de loops. He is very funny and a great flyer, said Tulip. Those wings he has are so strong and he can glide for miles spinning and turning. It's like magic being on him. Yes he is one of God's greatest creations and very special, said Guen. Pegasus was made from pure white magic like we have. Just as magical as Tillia but in different ways. Now I want to talk to him so stay here with Alieta and Ginger until I get back. Okay why is she wearing that hat? asked Tulip. Well why don't you ask her, I think it looks rather good on her, said Guen. After I am done talking to Pegasus then Alieta is going for a longer ride. Okay I will, maybe I will wear a hat like her's too, said Tulip. Tulip walked over to Alieta. So he is really that good of a flyer? asked Alieta. You bet, said Tulip. I would rather fly on him than fly by myself! So Ginger where did you get that nice hat? My new friend Shirley gave it to me, it's a country cowgirl hat, said Ginger. I like it, said Tulip then made her wand appear and made a hat for herself. How do I look? asked Tulip. Like a real cowgirl like me, said Ginger. Alieta smiled at the two of them. Guen walked up to Pegasus. Hello Pegasus, very nice to see you again, said Guen. It is you, the same girl I thought was a pixie. Guen smiled. Ya well you never asked me so I never said anything different, said Guen. You look just as amazing as I remember. Thankyou, Guen. You always had a way of saying things that made me feel good inside. Well fairies are all about making people happy, said Guen. It was an honor to look after you two. Back then there were not very many angels like there are now so Gabriel got fairies to watch over God's special creations. So you were our fairy god mother like Alieta said? asked Pegasus. Yep and that was before I had any children of my own so I had pleanty of time to spend with you two, said Guen. She reached out and started patting Pegasus's snout. Here I know you love these. Then she made some sugar cubes appear in her hand. Pegasus licked them up fast. I always wondered how you had sugar for us yet you don't have any pockets that I can see, said Pegasus. Well fairies don't need pockets, said Guen. So we can talk more later but I want you to do me a favor. Sure anything, said Pegasus. I want you to take Alieta for a long ride. She is very strong and can hang on tight plus she knows how to ride a horse. Give her the ride of her life and show her what you got and how special you are. Okay, I can do that but she is strong. Yep sprites are all strong but she is a hybreed sprite that makes her stronger and very smart, said Guen. Okay, this will be fun then but I met a pretty elf named Ginger that I took for a ride first, said Pegasus. That girl was the best rider I ever had on my back. No fear and really knew how to handle me the monent she jumped on my back. Ginger, yes as I remember she loves horses even more than a lot of people. She has probably been riding horses all of her life and how long that is, not even Alieta knows how old she is. So she is older than Alieta. Oh yes and very special. She is the one responsible to having Alieta made queen here and also had a lot to do with the creation of Mother Nature and so many other things, said Guen. Wow so very special too then, said Pegasus. Yep she sure is and cute as can be, said Guen. Okay lets go over where everyone is waiting for you. 11 illustration goes here Okay, your turn Alieta, said Guen. Pegasus and I can talk more later. You have to hang on tight Alieta, he goes fast, said Tulip. Don't worry about Alieta, said Guen. She knows how to ride a horse. Ya but a flying horse, that is way different, said Tulip. I will be just fine, said Alieta. If Ginger can ride him so can I, said Alieta. She flew up and landed on Pegasus back. Okay you ready Alieta? asked Pegasus. Yep ready when you are, said Alieta. Okay then lets go! yelled Pegasus then he jumped up and with three big flaps of his wings they were over two hundred feet in the air then Pegasus did a bit of a turn and straightened out then like a flash they disapeared over the mountains around Sandy Lake. Wow that was some take off said Ginger that just cam out of the Palace. Faster than when I rode him. Well Alieta needs to see how special Pegasus is so I told him to show her what he's got. So how fast is he going to go with Alieta? asked Ginger. Full blast Ginger. He can fly so fast he would look like just a streak in the sky, said Guen. Yep Pegasus is as fast as me when flying, said Tillia. Ya well you went supersonic, I heard, said Ginger. I can only do that when Sara is on me, said Tillia. He will make it to the other end of Fae Land in about a few minutes. Faster than Alieta can fly I am sure. Well glad he didn't go that fast with me, said Ginger. Pegasus can sense what his rider is feeling, said Guen. He will never do anything that will scare the rider, just like Tillia. Both of them were created around the same time. Okay so Tulip you head over to the forest but I want to see who this very pretty elf is that has been sitting very quitely at the other end of the steps. Okay Mom, hiw di you like my new hat? asked Tulip. Pixie Ginger says I look like a real country cowgirl. Well yes it does look giid on you, said Guen. Mom, what's a cowgirl? asked Tulip. Guen smiled. I will tell you later now off you go, said Guen. Tulip then flew off towards the fairy forest. Guen walked over to Angela that sttod up when she saw her coming. So hello dear, my name is Guen, what is your name? Um Angela. Angela is my name. 12 illustration goes here Pegasus got to the north end of Fae Land very quickly then took a sharp turn towards the North East Province. Then slowed down when he got over it. How as that for fast travelling Alieta. Wow, amazing, said Alieta. I didn't think you could fly this fast. Yep as fast as Tillia can run without Sara on her, said Pegasus. Really I read that you were as fast as a dragon, said Alieta. Ha, dragons are slow pokes, said Pegasus. I used to fight and kill them back in the day. Really so a dragon slayer too then, said Alieta. Nope Dragon killier. I come down from high in the sky fast then grab one by the tail and slam it down to the ground knocking it out then I crush it's head with my back hooves. Most I killed at once was eleven before the rest would take off in fear. So what is that big forest down there? asked Pegasus. That is the North East Provice of Prayden. Humans live in there and supply Fae Land and other places with meat, said Alieta. Oh okay, I am not a meat eater, said Pegasus. Okay lets go up high and have a good look at part of this planet. Okay, Ginger said you went around a thousand feet up with her, said Alieta. Oh we will be going much higher than that, said Pegasus. Around two miles. What, isn't the air too thin to breath up that high? asked Alieta. Not really but don't worry I can sense when you are having trouble breathing. You can sense that in me? asked Alieta. Yep just like Tillia can sense Sara. Okay lets go and hang on tight, said Pegasus. He turned upward and started flapping his wings fast and soon they were up so high Alieta could see the curviture of the planet, clouds in the distance, some rain clouds and some just wisps. Wow I can see for thousands of miles up here, said Alieta. Yep now watch this, said Pegasus. He leveled out and extended his wings like a glider. There now we can float down, said Pegasus. The air currents up this high are much faster than on the ground. Now we can relax and enjoy the veiw as we glide down slowly. It is beautiful, said Alieta. I have never been this high before. Fae Land is just a small patch of land from up here. I can see the Elven Kingdom and places I have never seen before. Ya at about one mile up I can see where trouble is going on below. Then I can fly down and see what is going on, said Pegasus. So where is that human park. Guen asked me to take you there. Well you have to get much closer to Fae Land, said Alieta. It is past the Fantasy Pixie Forest though. Okay lets go down then, said Pegasus. He pointed downward and put his wings back and they soared down at an amazing speed then he leveled out at around a thousand feet. Hows that? Can you see it now. Yep but give me a second to adjust. That was one fast drop. Ya and you took it no problem. You must have a strong stomach. Hercules would of puked if I did that with him on me. Alieta laughed. Strong muscles but weak stomach then, said Alieta. Yep that is Hercules. Darn guy eats too much I suppose. Okay over there is the park and looks like a bunch of people are out there, said Alieta. There are two people I hope are there that I want you to meet. Liza and her mother Grace. Liza's father died when she was very young and before they came to Fae Land. Liza is quite young and her mother can't work yet so I have elves bring her money until Liza is old enough to be alone after school and her mother then can get a job. Now that is very kind of you Alieta. Lets go see if they are there, said Pegasus. 13 illustration goes here Pegasus flew down and asked Alieta if she could see them anywhere. People were all looking up at them and waving. Wow lots of people here, said Pegasus. There is an opening over there so lets land and I will ask around, said Alieta. They landed and Alieta jumped off of Pegasus then started asking people if they knew if Grace and her daughter were here. No one really knew them yet seeing the had only been in Fae Land for a couple of weeks. Hey Alieta, is that them over there with the little girl jumping up and down yelling over and over again, "Look Mom, it's Pegasus, it's Pegasus". Alieta look over. Yep that is them alright, said Alieta. They walked over to them and Grace stood up. Hello Alieta, I didn't know you owned a winged horse, said Grace. This is Pegasus and no one can own him, said Liza. He is a free spirit. That is what it said in the book I read about him. Really, this is the mystical winged horse Pegasus? asked Grace. Yep it sure is, said Alieta. Wow, Pegasus, can he talk? asked Liza. The book didn't say if he could. Well I sure can, said Pegasus. I wouldn't be able to talk to Tillia then right. Liza's eyes opened very wide then she laughed. Who is Tillia? asked Liza. She is my very very best friend and she is a magical unicorn. Liza's eyes opened up very wide again. What a unicorn lives here too? Mom did you here that? A unicorn too. Yes I did, said Grace. I am so glade we finally decided to get out of the house and come here to try and meet some people. Liza what other type of people you know of that live here? asked Pegasus. Well Mom told me Alieta is a sprite and an elf comes to our place once a week and leaves us some money but that's it, said Liza. Well you are going to like this, said Pegasus. There are forest sprites and a bunch of fairies plus thousands of pixies too. Oh and Hercules is here now too. WHAT! Mow did you hear that? Pixie and fairies and Hercules, what is a forest sprite? They are the most beautiful of all the sprites and help make things grow, said Pegasus. Really? No way any sprite can be prettier than Alieta, said Liza. Alieta started to laugh. Thanks dear but we have three here and they are very beautiful, said Alieta. I have an idea. How would you two like to come to the palace and meet my friends. Some are not here right now but the fairies and pixies are plus Ivy always comes by the palace. She is a forest sprite. Liza looked at her mom. Please Mom can we go? Please, please, please. I would love to but it is a very long walk for us, said Grace. The palace is all the way over to the other end of Fae Land. What do you think Pegasus, do you think you can carry these two to the palace and I will fly there. Sure no problem, said Pegasus. They are very light looking. Can we go Mom? Pegasus can take us, said Liza. Well okay but what about our stuff? asked grace. Oh I will grab everything and wrap it in your blanket, said Alieta. Okay then, it's off to the palace we go, said Grace. Yeah!! To see fairies and pixies and Ginger too right? Yep they are all there right now, said Alieta. Okay let me put Liza on Pegasus first then do you need help getting in his back? asked Alieta. No I can manage, said Grace. Alieta put Liza on Pegasus back then Grace climbed up behind Liza. Okay see you three there, said Alieta. Listen up everyone. This is Pegasus and he is living in Fae Land now, she yelled. Also this is Grace and her young daughter Liza and they are new here plus friends of mine. Make an effort to meet them and make them feel welcomed please. Everyone started to clap. Well that went over good, said Alieta. Okay off you go and I will see you there. Pegasus flapped his wings and took flight but went very slow this time. 14 illustration goes here So how are you two doing? asked Pegasus. I am good, said Liza. Can we go a bit faster? Can't, said Pegasus. Your mom is holding on to me with just her legs and is holding on to you with her arms and hands. I don't want anyone to fall off. Oh okay, said Liza. When I get bigger will you take me for a ride. You bet if your mother says it is okay, said Pegasus. Now we won't be long getting there, we are still flying faster than a horse runs. Alieta will be there first and let everyone know we are coming. So pixies and fairies will be there you said, I wonder why Alieta is being so nice to us? asked Grace. Alieta is a very good queen I guess, said Pegasus. I get the feeling that she is loved by everyone and she loves everyone back. Definately not your regular queen type. That's good, said Liza. Alieta is awesome! 15 illustration goes here When Alieta got back to the palace everyone wonder why she wasn't on Pegasus. Where is Pegasus? asked Ginger. Well Pegasus is bringing two new comers to the palace for me, said Alieta. Remember that single mother that has the little girl and came to the palace about two weeks ago and wanted to know where she and her daughter could live? Yes Grace and Liza. Very pretty mother and cute little daughter, said Ginger. You had me set them up in a small house in the human colony and send them some money. Yep well after I went on the most amazing flight I have ever been on with Pegasus and I mean amazing, said Alieta. He went so fast that everything we pasted was just a blur and then he took me up like you but not one thousand feet but two miles high. Two miles! Is there any air up that high? asked Ginger. Ya some but the view was amazing. I could see at least a quarter of the planet from up there. Then we glided down slowly and went to the park. I wanted Pegasus to meet Grace and Liza but when I started asking people if they knew they were here, no one even heard of them. Pegasus saw Liza jumping up and down yelling his name. You should of seen Liza's eyes open up when Pegasus talked to her and they went even wider when he told her that a unicorn plus fairies and pixies lived in Fae Land too. She wants to meet you too seeing Pegasus said you were a very special elf. Really me? I am not that special, said Ginger. Yes you are and never denie it. You have been around longer than me and who knows how many important things you have influenced. So where is Guen? She went to the forest to see all her kids, said Ginger. Now Ginger told me a few things about Fae Land when I took her for a ride, said Pegasus. Hey who lives in those two pretty little houses? asked Liza. That is where the pixie Lulu lives, said Pegasus. She is Cupid's little sister. Now just ahead is the main town where everyone shops. Ginger says she does all the shopping for the palace in those stores. Really I didn't know there was a town this close to us. I do my shopping in the north town, said Grace. Well now you know, said Pegasus. Now in that big house ahead marks the begining of the elf village and where the very powerful wizard Yeanny lives with her young daughter Sakura. I haven't met them yet. Wow a wizard. I love wizard stories, said Liza. Well she is a good wizard I am told and Sakura loves to play all the time, said Pegasus. Now just around this corner is the palace grounds, there see thay didn't take very long at all to get here. Now it looks like Tillia and Sara went home so I will drop you off by Alieta then go get Tillia for you to meet. She is very beautiful. Pegasus droped them off then headed out to get Tillia. Hello you two, how was the ride? asked Alieta. Perfect. said Grace. Not to fast and not to high, I am afraid of heights. Alieta smiled. Pegasus went to get the unicorn for me to meet, said Liza. Yes Tillia and Sara left with Hercules a little while ago, said Alieta. So who would you like to meet first? Um the special Ginger please, said Liza. Alieta smiled. How about you meet two special Gingers. One is my friend the elf and the other is my friend the pixie that can sing like an angel. Okay! said Liza. Now I put your stuff just onsied the palace Grace. Okay thanks, said Grace. You two stay here and I will get Ginger and Ginger to come over to you, said Alieta. 16 illustration goes here Ginger and Ginger walked over to Liza. The elf Ginger got down on one knee and said hello to Liza. Very nice to meet you. Wow nice to meet you too. You are very pretty like Pegasus said you were, said Liza. He said you were very special too and was the reason Alieta is queen now. Well ya I suppose that was me, said Ginger. You got Alieta to become queen here? asked Pixie Ginger. I didn't know that. Yep and she had something to do with the creation of Mother Nature too, said Liza. Really, you are one very special elf then, said Pixie Ginger. You are special too, said Liza. Pegasus says you can sing like an angel. Never heard an angel sing before. Actually I have never seen an angel before either. Both Gingers giggled. Well you may get to meet Cindy or Gabriel one day. They pop in sometimes unannounced all the time, said Ginger. Can I ask you a question Ginger? Sure, what do you need to know? asked Ginger. Well when Pegasus was bringing us here we passed a big house and he said a wizard and her daughter lived in it and the little girl loved to play all the time. Yes that is Sakura, said Ginger. Well I am almost eight years old and I love to play all the time, said Liza. How old is she and does she come here also. Actually she is the same age as you, said Ginger. She is quite the little girl though and hangs out with Lulu. The two of them when together are super funny and always play together. Quite the nutty twosome. Liza smiled. I wish I had a friend to play with, said Liza. Never had a best friend before or even a real friend my own age. I play a bit with Mom sometimes, that's all. Well I have to go get Zotac seeing he needs to go back to Granada soon, said Pixie Ginger. I will let Sakura know that you like playing and I am sure she will fly over here super fast. Maybe Lulu too. Good idea. Tell Yeanny that I will keep an eye on Sakura for her, said Ginger. Okay, then pixie Ginger flew off fast. She is so pretty, said Liza. Do all pixies look like her? No, actually I think she is the prettiest of all the pixies here, said Ginger. The hat is new though. I like her hat, looks good on her, said Liza. Ginger smiled. Ya it kinda does, said Ginger. 17 illustration goes here Ginger looked up and saw Ivy flying towards the palace from over the waterfall mountain. Here comes Ivy, said Ginger. Everyone gets to meet Ivy when they are at the palace. Ivy the forest sprite! Pegasus said she is the prettiest of all the sprites, said Liza. Ivy is the prettiest of everyone, said Ginger. No way, even prettier than Alieta, that is impossible, said Liza. Well she is very powerful too, said Ginger. Do you want to meet her? For sure but powerful how? asked Liza. Nothing bad you will see. Ginger stood up and waved Ivy over. Ivy saw her and headed for Ginger and landed beside Liza. Hi Ivy you looked in a hurry, said Ginger. Yep I have exciting news, said Ivy. Alexa finally got every thing set up at my place and it works! said Ivy. What works? asked Ginger. Hy bedroom lamp. I plugged it in and turned on the switch and the light bulb lit up bright. I have electricity now. I knew Alexa would figure it out. Excellent, said Ginger. That is history making for Fae Land. So I see we have a new friend, said Ivy. Hello Liza Roberts. Nice to meet you. Oh My heavens, you are suprt pretty. Your wright Ginger the prettiest of all I have ever seen, said Liza. Told you, Ivy has it happening, said Ginger. Hey wait, how did you know my name and even my last name. Nobody here knows that, said Liza. Ivy has a very strong inner power and can read people, said Ginger. Oh my, we have to fix that, said Ivy. Fix what? asked Liza. You have a pure white soul like all little girls but your heart is heavy and you go to bed sad too many times, said Ivy. You have no friends at all, what is life without friends. You are the same age as Sakura, I will go get her. Sakura will make you very happy inside. No need Ivy, Pixie Ginger already went to get her. Lulu too probably. Ivy smiled. Both of them? Now you are going to be with the two funniest, most fun and palyful girls in Fae Land. You will never go to bed sad again once you become friends with those two, said Ivy. Okay I have to tell Alieta the good news. Nice meeting you Liza. Your going to have an amazing life here in Fae Land. Then Ivy ran over to Alieta. She just looked at me and knew everything about me, said Liza. How does she do that. Beats me but she is the best, said Ginger. Don't worry though, she will never intrude on your privacy again. Ivy only does that once to new people she sees at the palace. Okay but you are right, she is very very pretty and very very nice, said Liza. I like her! Everyone in Fae Land loves Ivy, said Ginger. So what did you think of Ivy Grace. I can'i believe a person can look that great without makeup, said Grace. Ya Ivy is one hundred percent pure, inside and out, said Ginger. 18 illustration goes here Hi Ivy I saw you met Liza and Grace, said Alieta. Yep she is a wonderful little girl, very smart too, said Ivy. She will grow up to be as beautiful as her mom Grace. So anyways Alieta, I have great news. It works! What works Ivy? asked Alieta. The electricity works that is what. I plugged in my lamp that Sparkle gave me from Granada and turned on the switch and the bulb lit up and stayed on. Then I turned it off of coarse because it is the middle of they day. Grace walked over to them by the steps. That is amazing, said Alieta. I knew you and Alexa could figure it out together. Well Sparkle helped a lot to. She brought the wall sockets and lots of electric wire so we could hook everything up to the solar panel on the roof. Alexa will be here after she sets up a socket in the other two bedrooms and one in the kitchen. Merlin will be proud of us. I'm hungry now though, forgot to come here for lunch. Can I get some ice cream inside? Of coarse Ivy, you never have to ask me for food, you know that, said Alieta. I know, just being polite. I will be right back and watch the show. What show are you talking about now? asked Alieta. Oh didn't I tell you. Pixie Ginger went to get Sakura and probably Lulu too so they can play with Liza and become friends, said Ivy. Liza and Sakura are the same age, actually Liza's birthday is the day after Sakura's. When those to first meet Liza it will be something I don't want to miss. Ivy then turned around and ran into the palace. So that was Ivy, said Grace. Ginger said she can read people very deep but it sounds like she has other skills. I know what electricity is but I never heard of solar panels or a lamp that lights up when you plug it in to some kind of socket. Well Ivy is a very smart girl, smarter than most of us, said Alieta. When Ivy sees something that she believes will help people like she did when she went to that advanced reality she will do what it takes to make it happen. Girl came back with just a bunch of books of science, said Alieta. I heard about that place called Granada, so they have lamps that work on electricity? asked Grace. Yes and many more things Ivy told me, said Alieta. Really, it is odd how she acts so normal yet is so special sn extremely pretty, one would think she would be more snobish, said Grace. Nope she talks to everyone like an equal or even higher than her and considers herself lust pretty like everyone else. Like Alexa she considers way more important than herself. She is still young though, only twenty years old. So this Alexa must be the girl that leads the team of heros here that I read about in your books, correct. Yep that is our Alexa. Now that is a girl I want to shake hands with, said Grace. I read everyone of your books. That team did the most amazing things. They are the reason I picked here to come. So this Sakura and Lulu, will Liza be okay with them. Ivy makes them seem pretty wild. Alieta laughed. Not wild at all. Just very funny and talk fast when they are excited meeting some oneone new, said Alieta. Liza will love those two. Your new here too so you will see for yourself. 19 illustration goes here Alieta, we better talk to her first, said Sakura. I always see Alieta first when I come here without my Mom. Okay lets go, said Lulu. They both bee lined it to Alieta flyling over Ginger and Liza. Hi Alieta we are here. Ginger said asked my Mom if it was okay if we went to the palace and meet a new girl named Liza. Is that Liza's mother? asked Sakura. Looks like it, said Lulu. Very pretty with long blonde hair and tall. Yep she fits the discription Ginger gave us, said Sakura. Hi Liza's mother my name is Sakura and this is my best friend Lulu. Yep and Sakura is my best friend too, said Lulu. We do everything together. We both love to play and fly together but Sakura is faster than me. Yep I can fly real fast but Lulu is older and smarter than me, said Sakura. I am almost eight years old but Alexa says I am very smart for my age. Yep Sakara is very smart. She knows stuff that I don't even know, said Lulu. So Alieta can we stay and play with Liza? asked Sakura. Pixie Ginger said Ginger would keep an eye on me but she can watch me with both eyes if she wants. She doesn't have to keep one eye closed if she doesn't want to. Yes you can, said Alieta. Just remember she is new here and can not fly so you will have to play ground games. Okay we can do that, said Sakura. Mika taught us a running game called tag. Plus we like kicking a ball around. Have you got a ball. Yes we do. I will have an elf bring you out a ball. Okay thanks, said Sakura then the both stopped flying and started to walk over to where Ginger and Liza was. Okay here they come so just remember they get excited when meeting someone new and they talk fast and a lot, said Ginger. Just break in and answer them and they will stop and listen to you. They both love listening as much as talking. I am going over there with your mother. Okay bye, said Liza. When Ginger passed them Sakura said hi. You can keep both eyes open Ginger then they kept walking. That was wierd. Sakura told me I could keep both eyes opened, said Ginger to Alieta. Alieta laughed. Ya Pixie Ginger told Yeanny that you would keep an eye on Sakura for her. You have to be careful what you say to her, said Alieta. She takes everything you say literally. Well I don't have to worry about that, said Grace. I couldn't get one word out. They just kept talking away. So what did you think of them two? asked Ginger. They are adorable and seem quite harmeless and yes they are quite funny, said Grace. Ivy came back out with an ice cream cone. Did I miss anything? asked Ivy. Well you missed them two meeting Grace but they are about to meet Liza now. Okay, bet you were able to talk to them a bit, said Ivy. Nope not a single word at all, said Grace but they are very funny. Yep told you so, said Ivy. Ginger yell in and ask an elf to throw out that soccer ball for them please, said Alieta. Okay, said Ginger. 20 illustration goes here Chapter 3 A New Power Source Hello Liza, my name is Sakura and this is my best friend Lulu. We both love to play together. Ginger told us you liked to play also. Ya I do but haven't been able to find anyone to play with, said Liza. Well you have now, said Lulu but you can't fly so we have to play ground games. Well that is the only kind I know, said Liza. You two are very pretty, I love your wings. Thankyou they both said. Sakura is the fastest flyer though, said Lulu. Really but your wings are bigger, said Liza. I know but she is still faster than me and can do better air tricks too, said Lulu. So our friend Mika taught us a game called Tag. Do you know how to play it? asked Sakura. Sure do and a bunch of other games like soccer and volley ball, said Liza. The thing is you two are taller than me with long legs. I can run pretty fast for my size but not as fast as you two I bet. Well we can shrink down some, said Lulu. Really you two can get smaller, said Liza. Yep very small but Lulu can get smaller than me, said Sakura. Watch us. They both shrank down to the same size asked Liza. There how is that? asked Sakura. That was so cool, said Liza. So both of you are pixies then? asked Liza. Nope just Lulu is. I am a Sakura. I know that sounds odd but when I first appeared in my Mom's lab she kept wondering what I was. I kept saying to her Sakura but I guess she figured I was telling her my name so Sakura is my name now. I like it, said Liza. Very fancy. Ya I like it too, said Lulu. Sakura the pink girl and Lulu the turquoise girl. Pink is my favorite colour, said Liza but I like turquois too. Okay so lets start playing. Who wants to be it first. I do, said Sakura. But we have to touch bodies. Wings don't count okay? Yep sounds fair to me, said Liza. Good lets head over there in the middle of the yard, said Sakura. Then the three of them headed over to the middle of the palace grounds and started to play... Well that went well. They didn't talk a lot and fast like they did with me, said Grace. They started to but I told Liza a secret I figured out with Sakura, said Ginger. Really and what was that? asked Alieta. Just to break in and answer one of them fast and start talking too, said Ginger. Both Sakura and Lulu like to listen just as much to talk. Okay and did you see the two of them get smaller? asked Grace. Yep pixies can get very small and so can Sakura. Pixies fly around at night and look like fire flies dropping pixie dust everywhere, said Ivy. So that is what they were. I thought they were fire flies, said Grace. Nope, there are no insects in Fae Land. The magic keeps them out, said Ivy. Yep and the magic here is getting stronger all the time now. The overviewer is showing that Eden is getting bigger. and soon will reach the Pixie forest so the beacon tree can be moved some where else. It is very powerful now and needs to bleed out soon. Mybe not, said Merlin that just appeared. I think I have a good use for it that tree you will all like. 21 illustration goes here Wow, you startled me, said Grace. Who are you? Oh sorry dear, I am Merlin, at your service. Oh okay, you are in some of the books Alieta wrote, said Grace. So a major magic man then. Yes you can say that I suppose. So who might you be? asked Merlin. I have never seen you before and I would of remembered such a lovely lady. Grace smiled. I am Grace and out there is my daughter Liza playing with Sakura and Lulu. Well nice to meet you Grace, said Merlin. So Merlin what are you talking about? asked Ivy. Why don't I have to move the beacon tree. It is not needed there and the magic is getting too strong and that will kill the tree, that is why I had to be careful where I planted it when the magic was less powerful. Well not if there was something draining that magic from it, said Merlin. You see pure white magic is the most powerful energy of all. Much more powerful than electricity. Ya I know that but magic can't be stored and used like electricity, said Ivy. Yes that is what I always thought until I saw that teleporter that Zotac made, said Merlin. Remember when you said it was absorbing a lot of magic and I said it had a safety and would turn off by it's self. Ya I remember. That is why it is safe for Ginger to use, said Ivy. Well that teleporter harnesses the magic then converts it to electrical energy when it is activated. Zotac discovered a way to harness magic and with wizard magic he was able to convert it into a power source that would run the teleporter, said Merlin. That man is amazing but don't tell him I said that. Okay I understand that now but we would need something very big to absorb enough magic from the beacon so it doesn't burn out, said Ivy. Yes and I know exactly what to build, said Merlin. When you were in Granada did you listen to the radio and watch TV? asked Merlin. Yes it was amazing, that is why I looked into how they worked and learned all I could about electricity, said Ivy. Well I was amazed at how the sound and the images got to the radio and TV, said Merlin. I went to Granada's radio station and talked to a very nice man about how that science worked. He showed me books and drawings on how a radio station uses electricity and transforms it into radio waves that get sent to a tall tower that sends out the sound waves in all directions through the air. Now this requires a large amount of energy. Mega watts of power. Do you know what watts are? Yep, the bigger the watts the stronger the energy, said Ivy. Yes that is correct but one mega watt, is equal to one thousand watts, said Merlin. A small radio station needs at least thirty mega watts of power to send out signals that go far enough to cover all of Fae Land and the surrounding area. Do you think that beacon can create that much power from Eden? Not sure but probably, said Ivy. Like I said Eden's magic is getting stonger and expanding fast now. So what does all this mean Ivy? asked Alieta that really didn't know what they were talking about . It means Alieta, if we can do this, Fae Land can have it's own radio station that you can address the people with and music can be played, news told, all kinds of stuff, said Ivy. Okay but all this stuff you talked about sounds way beyond what anyone here can make, said Alieta. I all ready have a plan, said Merlin. You just have to trust me but I will get this radio station working one way or another. I first need to talk to Alexa and then a bunch of fairies. Then I will have to go back to Granada. What for? asked Alieta. To get the transformer and then a couple of radio technicians. I am sure they would love to come to Fae Land to help us. Yes that I am sure of that too, said Alieta. Well Alexa is coming here after she is finished at Ivy's place. Ivy's house has electricity now. Excellent, said Merlin. I knew you two could do it. Clean solar power, just like the power Eden will make for us. 22 illustration goes here Look at those three playing out there, said Grace. I haven't seen Liza smiling and laughing like that in a long time. Yep it looks like they are getting along wonderfully, said Alieta. Liza is a pretty fast runner too. Well those two are probably not running their fastest, said Grace. Nope, Sakura isn't a fast runner and neither are pixies. They use their wings most of the time, said Alieta. Now look who is coming back. Tillia just turned the corner. Wow look at her run, said Grace. Man she is fast. Oh ya and that is nothing for her, said Ivy. When my sister is on her she can run faster than the speed of sound. Let me call Sakura and Lulu in for a bit so you two can meet Tillia, said Alieta. Really, me too, said Grace. Yep you too. You have to get to know everyone here, said Alieta. Yep and here comes Pegasus too, said Ivy. Pegasus is fast but Tillia is faster. Well maybe when Sara is on her but when I was on Pegasus I have never travelled so fast in my life, said Alieta. You rode on Pegasus? asked Ivy. Yep and we went two miles up, said Alieta. Have you been that high before? Nope my wings are not strong or big enough to go that high, said Ivy. Well I prefere keeping my feet on the ground, said Grace. Well I am with you, said Merlin. 23 illustration goes here Alieta called Sakura and Lulu over. They both flew over fast. Yes Alieta, what do you want? asked Sakura. I want you to take a break and let Liza and Grace meet Tillia. They have never seen a unicorn before. Okay, we need a break anyways. Man can Liza run, said Sakura. Ya for a small girl with short legs she can really make them go, said Lulu. Look Mom here comes Tillia, said Liza. Yes I know dear, I saw her as soon as she came around the corner over there, said Grace. Tillia saw them and slowed down and then walked up to them. Hello, I am Tillia. Pegasus said two real nice people were here and I should come and meet you, he will be here in a few moments. Wow your beautiful, said Liza. Well thank you Liza. Is this your mother behind you? asked Tillia Yep, she is real pretty to don't you think, said Liza. Yes very beautiful too, said Tillia. Hi Tillia, my name is Grace. Very nice to meet you. We never seen a unicorn before. Actually I didn't even think they were real. Yes a lot of people think that mainly because there are not many of us, said Tillia. Most of the unicorns stay hidden and are not magical like me. They are free spirits and don't need a companion like I do, just like Pegasus but he likes to be seen and loves showing off to people. Here he comes now, watch how he comes in for a landing. They all watched as Pegasus zig zagged a bit them swooped down and landed beside them. How was that Tillia, not a bad landing, said Pegasus. Very good Pegasus, said Tillia. Very good, that was awesome, said Liza. I hike what she said better, said Pegasus. S o why do you need a companion? asked Liza. Well when I have a companion my magic becomes much stronger, said Tillia. The better the companion the stronger the magic. Sara is my companion and she is the only person that can ride me. Wow, lucky Sara. Who is Sara? asked Liza. Oh you haven't met her yet? She is Ivy's sister, very pretty and very strong. Oh okay, so what kind of magic can you do? asked Liza. Well not the kind of magic that fairies do, said Tillia. I do unicorn magic. I can run very fast and heal with my horn. I can also light up bright at night time so we can see where we are going. Things like that. So where do you two live? We live in a small house in the human village, said Grace. A fair ways from here. Not far for me, said Tillia. I will come and visit from time to time. I will too, humans love seeing a horse with wings, said Pegasus. So Liza, how do you like Sakura and Lulu? asked Tillia. They are awesome and really funny, said Liza. They even got small so we could be the same size and play Tag together. They can't run as fast as me though. Well they fly a lot. Running is good exercise for those two. So you three still going to play Tag? asked Tillia. Well we decided to play Catch Me If You Can instead but I see Lulu is holding a ball so probably soccer next I think, said Liza. Oh can I play too. I love kicking the ball around. I played with the centuar family not long ago. There are centaurs here too? asked Grace. Yep four of them. They live not too far from me in Eden, said Tillia. Wow Fae Land has all the wonderful fantasy people I love, said Liza. Well call them over and lets start playing, you play too Grace, said Tillia. I bet you can run fast. I sure can, said Grace. These legs were not just made for walking. I will pass on soccer, my wigs tend to get in the way and can hit someone, said Pegasus. Liza waved Sakura and Lulu over. Looks like they are going to play soccer, said Ivy. Lets all join them. You too Alieta and Ginger. Oh I am in big time, said Alieta. I think I will sit and watch, said Merlin. That is a game for the young. Ivy laughed. You are young at heart and could probably out run us all but there comes Alexa so talk to her. They all ran out to make teams and play. That Ivy can really make an old man feel good and young again, said Merlin. No wonder everyone loves her, said Merlin. 24 illustration goes here Alexa rode over and saw everyone playing soccer. Ivy yelled over to her. Hey Alexa, go see Merlin, he wants to talk to you. What about? asked Alexa. Were going to build a radio station, said Ivy. What's that? asked Alexa. He will tell you, said Ivy then went back to playing. A radio station? what the heck could that be, wondered Alexa as she rode over and gave her horse to an elf to bring to the stable. Well hello there Alexa, I heard you got the electricity thing mastered, said Merlin. Yep and it works great. Better than I thought it would, said Alexa. Well now we have a new venture to discover, said Merlin. Ya Ivy said something about a radio station, said Alexa. What the heck is that? It is a way of creating air waves that carry sound, said Merlin. I learned about it when I was in Granada. Okay so what good is it? asked Alexa. Well think of it this way, said Merlin. Imagine you just got up and made yourself a cup of coffee. You turn on this device called a radio and what seems like magic a person is telling you the weather for the day and any new news that is happening in Fae Land. Then that person plays some music for you to listen to. Really, that can be done? Yep, in Granada everyone has a radio and they play music and do the news, plus interviews with people all day long, said Merlin. Now Ivy says that the beacon tree in Eden is about to burn out and die because the magic in Eden is getting too strong and is spreading outward. I have come up with a way to use that magic from the beacon to power a radio station. I have notes and drawing that I got from a man in Granada that ran the radio station there. So can I talk to the person that is on my radio thing? asked Alexa. No it only goes one way, said Merlin. A radio is just a reciever and the radio station is the transmiter. Okay I think I follow you. Can I see these notes and drawings? asked Alexa. Yep you sure can. Lets go inside to the dining room where it is nice and quiet so you can look them over. Okay sounds good to me, said Alexa. Then they both went in the palace. 25 illustration goes here Once they got in the dining room an elf came out of the kitchen and asked them if they needed anything from the kitchen. No we are fine dear, said Merlin. Okay, I have never seen you two in here together before so what are you doing if I can ask, said the elf.Merlin says we are going to make a radio station, said Alexa. Oh good, that would be nice said the elf. So you know what a radio station is? asked Merlin. Not a clue but if you two are working together on something I am sure it will be amazing said the elf then went to get the pencil and pad. Merlin gave ALiexa the notes he made. She looked them over some. I get a lot of this seeing there is a lot of stuff here that I learned from the books Ivy had. Yes all these notes are based on an electrical power source, said Merlin. Yes but what I don't understand is this transformer thing. How does it work? asked Alexa. Well I started to make notes on that but then realized we won't need it, said Merlin. Why not? It seems to be essential to everything, said Alexa. Well you must of heard about the transporter that Pixie Ginger has now, said Merlin. Yes Ktara told me a bit about it, said Alexa. Well Zotac created it and he used wizard magic to make it. The base of the circle absorbs magic then converts it into a power source. The power sorce is very similar to electricity but cleaner and more efficient. When the transporter is turned on a bright transparent globe appears. When I walked through the globe I notice my beard moved like static electricity hit it. All I have to do is make a copy of the symbols Zotac used beside the beacon tree. The circle will absobe magic from the beacon and keep it from burning out. I may have to make a bigger circle though. Okay so now we have power. What about all these gadgets in the building? asked Alexa. Well that we will have to buy from a Granada store, said Merlin. I will get a couple of the technicians from the radio station to help me get what we need and they will come to Granada to set it all up for us. It may take a few trips though. The transporter has a limit of five hundred pounds. Okay that all sounds perfect, said Alexa but now there are two more important questions I have. First, how do we make this very tall tower? Fairies my firend we have fairies that can make anything, said Merlin. Heck they got a swimming pool in that forest and an eatery and even a big spa. The magic in that forest makes sure everything stays together properly. The magic in Eden is much stronger and they can build anything out there. So what is your other question? Well how do we get the power from the transporter circle to the radio station? Well that I haven't figured out yet but I am sure Zotac can help me with that. Okay when do you want to start? asked Alexa. Now! Lets do this now. I am really excited about this, said Merlin. Okay, I can tell you are excited and so am I now, said Alexa. But I still think this transformer is very important, said Alexa. The meaning of the word means it probably is needed. Yes I see what you mean, I will ask Zotac about it, he has spent quite a bit of time in Granada but I have to move fast, He is going back to Granada for a few days, said Merlin. Yep if all goes as I think it will, we will have a working radio station by some time tomorrow, said Merlin. Lets go outside and tell Ivy to go get some fairies and meet us at the beacon tree while I get Zotac. 26 illustration goes here They both left the palace and saw that everyone was taking a break. Sakura, Lulu, Tillia and Liza were sitting out out on the grass and everyone else was sitting on the steps. Oh hi you two, said Alieta. What are you two up to? We are going to start making a radio station, said Merlin. Already? So Alexa do you think this can be done? asked Alieta. Yep should be easy enough, said Alexa but we are gong to need a lot of fairy magic and Zotac's help. Oh and it is going to cost you some money. Why, asked Alieta. Well we can make everything needed with the fairies but the equipment inside of the station we can't make. That stuff is way beyond what we can do. Okay so it has to be bought in Granada, said Alieta. Yep but not until tomorrow, first we have to make everything else, said Merlin. Okay I am going to the beacon tree to start working on the circle. Ivy can you take this drawing to the forest and show Tulip and tell her it needs to be at least fifteen hundred feet high and is made of steel. Then she will know how many fairies we will need. Okay, said Ivy. Then she grabbed the scroll and flew off. Ivy really seems excited about this too, said Alieta. Not as much as me, said Merlin. Ivy is more concerned about saving the beacon tree. You know how she is with trees. Ya that's right and she is very proud of that golden magic tree she planted, said Alieta. Anything else you need? Yes someone has to find Zotac and have him come to the beacon tree, said Merlin. Alieta called out to Lulu to come over. Yes Alieta, what do you want? asked Lulu. Can you go tell Zotac to meet Merlin at the golden beacon tree. His help is needed. Okay, can Sakura come with me. No she has to stay here, said Alieta. Ginger is keeping an eye on her remember but come back here after you tell him. Oh ya, I forgot, said Lulu then she flew off fast. Okay meet you there Alexa, said Merlin then vanished. One day I will have to go visit this Granada, said Alieta. Just then Cindy appeared. You my dear are going now, said Cindy. What why now? asked Alieta. You sent your heros to their world to fight and defeat an impossible enemy and won. All of them there have been rewarded and honoued by all the major countries in that world. They now want to meet the queen that sent them. Not going would be an insult to them. Ya I guess you are right, said Alieta. I don't want to appear like a snob. Let me go change and clean up first. I will be about fifteen minutes, then Alieta went in the palace. Bet you she comes out looking exactly the same, said Cindy. Yep she will but she will feel better in fresh clothes, said Ginger. Merlin appeared at the beacon tree and saw Pegasus laying down under it. Hi Pegasus, what are you doing here. Oh I didn't want to play soccer so I flew over here for some peace and quite. This is a real nice tree and the leaves seem to be getting brighter. Yes I see that. It is almost ready to burn out I think, said Merlin. Okay stand back, I have to do something that should of been done a long time ago. What make some apple trees? This tree has no fruit, said Pegasus. No silly just watch, said Merlin. Merlin stepped back from the tree some then raised his arms and started shouting out words and sentences in a language Pegasus didn't understand. The gound began to smoke all around Merlin and raise up so that Pegasus couldn't see him. The ground then started to glow and sparkle and the smoke cleared with Merlin standing in the center of a magic circle. Merlin stopped chanting and lowered his arms. There all done. Wow that was awesome. You gave the ground a sparkling tattoo, said Pegasus. Merlin laughed. You can be such a nut sometimes, said Merlin. It's a magic circle. I know, just fooling with you, said Pegasus. Ive seen these made before but they were called summoning circles. Well this one is special and is going to save that tree and store power for us, said Merlin. He looked at the tree and the leaves were already starting to go back to normal. 27 illustration goes here Well I am going to find Tillia and have some fun with her, said Pegasus. She should be done playing soccer now. Okay see you later magic man, good luck with what ever you are doing. Then Pegasus flew away. Man I love that horse, he can be quite the character sometimes. What horse? asked Zotac that just appeared. Oh there you are, said Merlin. Pegasus, you just missed him. Really he is here now? asked Zotac. Yep and so is Hercules, said Merlin. Okay that makes sense, said Zotac. So look at you. You made a teleporter base just like mine but much bigger. Figures you would make it bigger than mine. Oh no this is your creation my friend. I just copied it. I hope I made it big enough though, said Merlin. Big enough, that is huge, said Zotac. What do you need that much power for? Mine could store five mega watts of energy. Well I need at least thirty mega watts, said Merlin. Well you definately got that there. Probably five giga watts of power that baby will put out, said Zotac. What do you need it for? We are building a radio station that will send signals all over Fae Land. Really! Well I know something about radio signals and with that much power it will cover a lot more than just Fae Land, said Zotac. Probably ine or two hundred miles futher in all direction. Okay so I over did it some, said Merlin. Zotac smiled. Not really. You probably would of needed to make a bigger one eventually, said Zotac. Besides this one will be able to sent power to all those hero's homes down there and Mika's place too. All you need to do is run an underground cable in either direction and connect it to a transformer splitter. Well that I don't know how to make and neither will the fairies, said Merlin. Alexa was concerned about me not describing a transformer figuring we didn't need one. Yep without one you will be uses the full power of the circle and will just burn out anything you connect to it. I scanded one in Granada a while back and made one for some of the outdoor shows I did. No way I was going to buy one. Those suckers are expensive. Zotac, you never cease to amaze me, said Merlin. Well I will make them for you but first you need the stuctures, said Zotac. You conect one end of the cable to the base and the other end to the main port of the transformer. Then you connect smaller cables from the splitters on the transformers that reduce the voltage to two hundred and forty volts and one hundred and twenty volts then run them into a power box in the structure. Kind of technical but easy once you get the hang of it. I had electricians work with me setting up lights and special effects on stages, I asked a lot of questions. Well I am sure glad you did, said Merlin. So I have to go back to Granada today and take care of some business but will be back in a couple of days, said Zotac. Well can you delay that by one day? asked Merlin. The fairies are going to build the radio station and the tower soon. I guess so, what is one more day, said Zotac. I better go and tell Ginger we are staying another day. I will be at Yeanny's place so just come and get me when you need me. So how is that working out with you two? asked Merlin. Very nice, she is an amazing woman and very powerful. I have been teaching her things that a wizard needs to know. Good, glad to hear that, said Merlin. Okay off you go and I will get you when it is time. Oh by the way, the pink particles will go away when this sucker has reached capacity, said Zotac. That might take some time though, the seven circles inside the main cirlce store the white magic. They are very big compared to the ones in the teleporter. Then Zotac vanished. Five giga watts! Now that is what I call power, thought Merlin. 28 illustration goes here Back at the palace Grace was looking at Cindy as she was waiting for Alieta to get changed. Can I go talk to the angel? asked Grace to Ginger. Sure everyone can talk to her, said Ginger. Her name is Cindy and she is very nice and easy to talk to. Okay but I am a bit nervous, said Grace. That will pass, said Ginger. Go and you will see. Grace slowly walked over to Cindy. Well hello Grace. My haven't you turned into a pretty young woman. Hi Cindy Ginger said it was okay for me to talk to you. Is that okay? I have never talked to an angel before. Of coarse you can talk to me and yes you have talked to angels before in your prayers, said Cindy. You are a very special woman and should be proud of the things that you have had to endure and have beaten. Ya I know I guess, said Grace. I just have a hard time making decissions now, like important ones. I never used to before Jake died of cancer. Yes we know, said Cindy. Cancer is a terrible thing to deal with when a loved one has it. You stuck with him right to the end and didn't let Liza know that her father was going to be gone soon. She was only one so that made it easy on her. What you have now is dought. That is something you are already fixing. Really, how? asked Grace. Well first you had a choice of going to three different places not long ago. You picked Fae Land because it was closest and you didn't have much money because you lost some of what you had plus you read about the heroes here. Ya I thought for sure I had that money in my dresser drawer. You did but an angel hid it on you, said Cindy. Why would she do that? asked grace. Well you prayed to us and asked for guidence as to where to go. With that extra money gone, you were guided to Fae Land. That money is back in your drawer now. Oh okay so Fae Land is the wright choice then. You decide for yourself dear. Just look around you. Less than half a day has passed and you two went from having no friends at all to having lots of friends and these people here are the best of the best. Alieta took you under her wing because she could feel your pain and that girl has the biggest heart of all. Look at Liza. She is smiling and laughing over ther with Tillia and Sakura. You haven't made a wrong decission since you agreed to let Pegasus fly you here. Do you know how many people saw that and now envey you. You are going to be very popular now in the human coloney. Wow Ginger was right, you are easy to talk to and I feel so much better now, said Grace. Good now don't be worried about getting a man right away, your responsibility is to Liza for now. You are going to have pleanty of friends and things to do soon. When the time is right, it will happen and you will know in your heart that it is time. Look here comes Alieta looking just like she did when she went in the palace. I love that nutty sprite. So how do I look, asked Alieta. The same, said Cindy. Ya I know but this outfit is clean and I was playing soccer, said Alieta. I know but sprites don't sweat. What Alieta doesn't sweat? asked Grace. No she was created from pure white energy a long time ago, said Cindy. She always smells nice too. Okay lets go Alieta your team and fans await you. Then they both vanished. Grace walked back over to Ginger. So how did it go? asked Ginger. She is amazing, I feel like the world has been lifted off my shoulder, said Grace. Ya I like talking to her too, said Ginger. Did you know that Alieta never sweats? asked Grace . Ya I know, sprites don't sweat but very few always smell nice and Alieta always smells like lavender, said Ginger. Lavander is a plant from heaven and has a soothing effect on people. Our queen is a very special sprite. Now stick around all day and meet more people that will show up but when it is time to leave Alieta told me to give you a horse to keep as your own. She wants you to come back here often and it makes getting around easier. Really a horse for me, said Grace. Yep and for Liza so you can take her shopping with you, said Ginger. So lets go in and grab some ice cream. Unlike Alieta I do sweat, said Ginger. Ya me too, said Grace. 29 illustration goes here Back at the beacon tree Tulip showed up by herself. Hi Merlin, nice to see you again. Yes always a pleasure to see you Tulip, said Merlin. So where are the other faries? Don't need them and Alieta said today is a holiday so they are all swimming in the pool, said Tulip. Okay so you can build this very tall tower by yourself? asked Merlin. Yep I looked over the drawing and the specs and it will be easy. All made of just steel except for the base supports that are concrete and six hundred feet tall. Well maybe we should go a bit higher like fifteen hundred feet, said Merlin. Okay the is very high but stll easy, said Tulip. What is that on the ground? That is a magic circle that is going to power everything we make here, said Merlin. Okay so where do you want the tower? Well not this close to the tree and circle. Lets move over there where the ground is nice and flat, said Merlin. They both walked about twenty yards north of the circle then Merlin said this should be good enough. Okay the magic is still really strong here so it will be very stable, said Tulip. Here take the scroll and let me get to work. This won't take long. Tulip made her wand appear and started at the bottom creating the base first then started fyling in circles going higher and higher. Merlin watched in a mazement as the tower grew higher and higher. Once she got to the top, she put the red antenna on then the round transmitting metal ball. Then she flew down. There how does that look? asked Tulip. Looks perfect, said Merlin. Just like the drawing. Ya but in is a dull grey metal colour and doesn't really fit in around here. Maybe I should change the colour, said Tulip. You can do that? asked Merlin. Yep no problem. Maybe green would look much better, said Tulip. That would match the grass more and other srubs. Green is more of a Fae Land colour. Yes I agree, said Merlin. Green is better. Tulip took flight again and buzzed around the tower and changed it into two tones of dark green then flew back down. There that is much better, said Tulip. I have never made anything like this before, said Tulip. Mom will be so proud of me. Well I am proud of you right now, said Merlin. Now where do you want the radio station building? asked Tulip. Just then Lulu flew in and saw the tower. Wow that looks amazing. Zotac told me what you were doing out here. Can I help? asked Lulu. I can make stuff too! 30 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Lulu Helps Hi Lulu, I guess you can help, said Tulip. What do you want to do? Well Zotac said that Merlin needed to make a tower and a building. You made the tower and wow it is a real nice and very tall, said Lulu. Can I make the building? I am really good at making houses and buildings. You can build a house? asked Tulip? No I make a house with my wand see, sald Lulu. She made her wand appear in her hand. I didn't know you had a magic wand, said Tulip. Yep, I was born with it. Cupid has his stupid bow and arrow and I have my wand, said Lulu. It is not as powerful as yours though. I can't make food and stuff and can't make things go away like you can, said Lulu. I made my own house and a guest house beside it just north of the town. I don't know, said Tulip. What if something goes wrong and it falls appart. Why would it do that? asked Lulu. Once I make something it is there for good. I can't make it go away. Maybe you can with your wand but why do that. So when you make a building it stays without any extra magic needed to hold it together? asked Merlin. Nope, once it is made it is there for good, said Lulu. I made lots of houses and stores for everyone in my old village. Maybe we should let Lulu give it a go, said Merlin. If she is right then that building won't drain any of the magic to keep it stable. Can your wand make changes to it if need be Tulip? I quess so if it is made of normal stuff, said Tulip. Here Lulu, look at this drawing and see if you can make something that big. Lulu looked at the drawing then looked and Merlin. Is that all you want. That will be easy and not very fancy at all, said Lulu. Just one floor. Well the radio station in Granada was in an old building but it had tall ceilings and lots of room in it, said Merlin. There was the studio area inside plus a room for workers to eat their lunch plus washrooms and a waiting room at the front door area, said Merlin. Okay so bigger than it looks in the drawing. So for six people to be in comfortably? asked Lulu. Yes that would do, said Merlin. After Tulip can get Lilly to come and fix the inside and outside if it needs it, said Merlin. Yep Lilly is the best at that stuff, said Tulip. So where do you want it? asked Lulu. Beside the tower facing east. We need to run a big electrical cable the the building and up the tower and connect it to the metal ball on top. The cable has to go up through the center of the tower so it is going to be tricky setting it up. No, I can do that too, said Lulu. Sort of like a metal rope then. Yes but coated with rubber, said Merlin. Okay first the building then the cable, said Lulu. Everyone stand back out of the way. I have to do some very fast flying. 31 illustration goes here Everyone stood back then Lulu took flight and turned on her wand. First she looked for the best place to put the building. She figured not too far from the tower and the magic circle. She then started flying low and slow at first making the base of the building first. Okay that is the base now for the fun part, said Lulu. She started flying around the base, faster and faster until she was just a blurr, moving up a bit at a time. Both Merlin an Tulip watched in amazement as the building took shape. Higher and higher Lulu went until the entire building was done with just a few little adjustments she had to do. She flew down to Merlin and asked how is that? That was amazing, said Merlin. It looks very similar to the one in Granada, just smaller. Ya that was something to watch, said Tulip. You can get Lilly now if you want her to make it look better, said Lulu. I can't change what it looks like now. No it is perfect, said Merlin. Looks perfect on the outside maybe Lilly can do something inside but it is not a home, it is a work place. So how big a building can you make with that amazing wand of yours? Don't know, said Lulu. I made a complete palace once for a nice king and queen a long time ago. It had like fifty rooms in it. That one took a few hours to make though and I had to keep checking the drawings. Okay now for the cable, so rubber coated and up through the middle you said. Yes but it has to go into the building some how, said Merlin. I can make a small hole in the wall near the floor, said Tulip. Okay and we need to leave about six feet of cable inside. I am not sure where it connects to yet, said Merlin. Tulip made a hole in the wall and Lulu, started making the cable. Okay I will go inside then feed it into me, said Merlin. He went in the building then saw the end of the cable that Tulip was pushing in. He grabbed it and pulled what he thought would be enough then went back outside. Okay that is good enough, said Merlin. Okay, said Lulu then up she flew with her wand pointed at the tower, making the long cable until she got to the top then connected the end of the cable to the big red metal ball, then flew back down. There all done, said Lulu. Perfect, said Merlin. You two did the hardest part now I need to go to Granada soon and start buying some equipment. So Lulu, you should come in the fairy forest some time and help us make some new stuff seeing what you make doesn't need magic to hold it together. We like things a lot prettier than this building though. Oh come see my two houses, said Lulu. They are very pretty and colourful. Okay, said Tulip. Do you need us for anything else Merlin? No we are done here for now. Okay see you later then they flew off. Okay back to the palace to tell Alieta that the hard part is all done, thought Merlin then vanished. 32 illustration goes here In a few moments Ivy flew down. Looks like I am late, she thought. The building is made and look at how high that tower is. Man Merlin really works fast when he gets excited about something. No matter, I just came here to see how my favorite tree is doing. Leaves look back to normal, that is a good sign. Ivy held a tree branch with both hands. Good your not hot anymore. Nice and cool like you should be. Your are going to be just fine now. Merlin fixed everything for us. I am so glad you are happy again, so am I now, said Ivy to the tree. Pretty soon you will be hearing music coming from that building over there. I know you will like that and more people will be around so you won't be lonely anymore. Ivy then let go of the tree and flew home. 33 illustration goes here Lulu brought Tulip to her place and they both landed in front of her main house. So what do you think Tulip? This is what I call nice and friendly looking. Very different Lulu. I have never seen any place looking like this. I really like it a lot, said Tulip. Where did you get the design for these two houses? In my head, said Lulu. I wanted someting different than the old square stone houses like here and at my old village. I made a house like this for myself back there out of wood but my brother said it was out of place and stupid looking so he had it burnt down. What why would he do that? asked Tulip. Isn't your brother Cupid. Yep but he is not like what people think he is, said Lulu. He is very controlling and thinks he is the boss of the village. He makes everyone pay him a tax for living in the village too. I thought he was just a guy that flew around making people fall in love, said Tulip. Well maybe when he was younger and not so greedy. He used to watch a couple for a while and when he was sure they were right for each other he would hit the couple with his love arrow. Now he drinks too much pixie beer and just goes around shooting his arrow at anyone, said Lulu. Remember when I told you I built a nice big palace? Yes that sounded amazing. It would take all us fairies to do something like that, said Tulip. Well he took charge of the deal and when it was done he gave me two hundred dollars in gold for doing it. Okay, I think that is a lot of money, said Tulip. Fairies don't care about money. Well neither do I but afterwards when he fell asleep early as usual I found on his desk the contract for building that palace, said Lulu. He got paid one hundred and twenty thousand dollars in gold for my work and he only gave me two hundred. Two days later I snuck out at night while everyone was sleeping and came here. I met Ivy first that was kinda bad for me at first seeing I didn't know she was in charge of brining new people with magic to meet Alieta first but now I love Ivy and everyone here. Especially Sakura. She is just like me and so funny. Tulip laughed. Both of you are funny together, said Tulip. So what is going on with your brother. Will he come looking for you? He already did and Alieta took care of him for me and so did Pippa. He is in big trouble now and I dought I will see him again, said Lulu. So would you like to come in and have some ice cream with me. I have lots seeing Tempressa flashed my ice box. That would be great Lulu, said Tulip. You know I really like you. You are not at all what I thought when I first met you. Oh I am still nutty as a pixie but sometimes a pixie has to talk to someone as nice as you not being fast and nutty, said Lulu. Well you are one special girl and I am glad you are here. So do you have chocolate ice cream? Yep and lemonaide that I made with my wand. What you can make water? asked Tulip. Yep as much as you want, said Lulu. Come lets talk inside. 34 illustration goes here Back at the palace Merlin appeared and was looking around for Alieta. He saw Ginger and clled her over. Yes Merlin, what's up, asked Ginger. I see Tillia and Pegasus playing out there with the two new girls and Repellia too but I can't see Alieta anywhere, said Merlin. She is usually out here this time of day. Where is she? Well Cindy came and took her to Granada, said Ginger. The people there want to see the queen that sent her heroes to Granada to defeat the aliens. Oh, okay that is expected and very good then, said Merlin. Now she will see some of the wonders of that world, said Merlin. So how long will she be gone? Not sure, said Ginger. All the world leaders want to meet her so maybe a few days. Okay that makes sense, said Merlin. One problem though. We made the radio tower and the radio building already and Alieta was suppose to give me the money to buy the technical equipment to go inside the building, said Merlin. That stuff is too expensive for me to buy and the fairies can't make it. Ginger smiled. Don't worry silly, I am in charge of the treasury while Alieta is gone. I can get you what you need but best you go there and see how much this is going to cost the crown, said Ginger. Ya I can do that but they deal in paper money, said Merlin. I think it is backed with gold though. Okay lets do this then, said Ginger. I will give you two five hundred dollar gold coins and one diamond worth around two thousand dollars and use that as a deposit. Really you would do that? How much do you have in that treasurery? asked Merlin. More than I could ever count, said Ginger but the treasurer knows every dollar down to the smallest gem. So when are you planning on going to Granada? Tomorrow morning, bright and early with Zotac and Pixie Ginger. Okay so we have some time then. I will get you the two coins and the diamond then, said Ginger. She went to leave but Merlin said wait. What Merlin? asked Ginger. I just witnessed the most amazing thing today when Lulu showed up and asked to help. Really, how did she help? asked Ginger. Well I didn't know she was born with a magic wand that could make things, said Merlin. Oh yes I saw her use it and make her own home, said Ginger. Yes and she made the building structure with it in record time but she also told me that she made an entire palace a while back with fifty rooms in it that took her only three hours to complete, said Merlin. Wow she can do that, I didn't know that little pixie had that in her, said Ginger. Well she does and I think she impressed Tulip also so what do you think if we improve this palace while Alieta is away. What rebuild my palace! Do you know how many elves helped me fix things up inside and make it look beautiful for Alieta, said Ginger. Yes I realize that but what if we were able to keep all the inside as is and what you are used to but change the outside look of the palace to look more like a palace for a great queen and add to it, said Merlin. More rooms and what ever else you can think of, said Merlin. I bet she can add new wings to it. I know you just opened a new section for Zotac to stay in but that section only has three rooms and that is it for the palace as it is now. Hmm, so everything stays the same inside but we get a lot more rooms for people to stay in, said Ginger. Well they don't all have to be bedrooms but yes, and a bigger prettier palace to a queen that the world is now getting to meet in another reality. Oh my God, your right. When she gets back people there are going to want to know where she lives and if they see this old building they will not be impressed. No way, so Lulu can do what you think? Yep she sure can, said Merlin, and all you have to do is ask her. She loves making things with her wand just like fairies love doing magic for us. Okay so where is she now? asked Ginger. Last I heard she took Tulip to look at her place, said Merlin. Teleport me there now , said Ginger I mean can you please. Yes dear in an instant, said Merlin then they both vanished. 35 illustration goes here Merlin dropped Ginger off at Lulu place then said, "Here to go so be smart and enjoy this little gem of a girl, said Merlin. Then he vanished. Ginger walked up to the door and kncked on it. There was no answer. Maybe she is hot home, thought Ginger but she knocked again. Okay, I am comming she heard from inside. On a few moments Lulu opened the door looking sleepy eyed and eyes mostly closed. Hi. what do you want? I was taking a nap after making some stuff for Merlin. Yes I know and Merlin told me how great of a job you did with him, said Ginger. Okay ya Tulip made a very tall tower and I made a building and some wire, said Lulu. So what do you want, I stoll have lots of coins left. Well it's not so much whar I want but I have a reguest for Alieta, said Ginger. For Alieta! Anything for her, said Lulu that perked right up. Well Merlin told me what a great job you did making the radio station building, said Ginger. Ya it was nothing, said Lulu. Could of made a better one but Merlin told me what her wanted and for just six people but I made it bigger anyways. Always think of what you want then double it is what I say, said Lulu. Yes I have heard that saying before, said Ginger. Now he also said you once build a palace for a king and queen a long time ago. Yep sure did and it looked amazing, said Lulu. So I have one question for you, said Ginger. What is that? asked Lulu. Can you make Fae Land a new palace but keep the inside the same? asked Ginger. Merlin thinks you can. What! Make a new palace for Fae Land, said Lulu. I can make what ever you want but your palace seems nice enough, said Lulu. Well the outside is very old but inside is very nice. Merlin said you might be able to change the outside and keep everything inside the same then add on to the palace and make it look more like a palace and not a big old building with rooms, said Ginger. All the rooms have people living in them and if we have guests there is nowhere for them to stay. Really so you Ginger , Alieta's best friend is asking me to do that? Well Yes I am, said Ginger. If you have known her as long as I have you would understand why I am asking you to keep the inside like it is, she really likes how we all fixed it up for her. Hmm, making a palace takes a lot of work, said Lulu. The outside is easy but inside I need drawings. A palace is special so I will need Tulip's help to do this. She can make any mistakes I make go away plus her wand can make the new rooms amazing looking. I can only build the building, the extra hallways and rooms plus bathroom and kitchen stuff. Well we already have a kitchen so where is Tulip? asked Ginger. I thought she was with you. She was but went back to her forest to let me sleep, said Lulu. After making stuff I need to rest for a while, using lots of magic makes me tired so can I go back to bed now? After working with Merlin really burnt me out. Um okay so when can I hope to see you. Um. in a few hours maybe, said Lulu but if not send Sakura to wake me up please then Lulu went back inside. Okay now I need to walk back to the palace, thought Ginger. 36 illustration goes here At the palace grounds, Sapphire returned to Fae Land alone this time. She looked around the at the palace grounds and saw people standing around talking but didn't see Ginger anywhere. Sakura spotted Sapphire and flew over fast. Hi Sapphire, now are you, who you looking for? asked Sakura. Hello Sakura, I was looking for Ginger, have you seen her? asked Sapphire. Yep I saw her not too long ago, said Sakura. Okay so do you know where she is now, I need to let her know about Olympia coming here soon, said Sapphire. Nope, who is Olympia? asked Sakura. She is the girl that has been taking care of the people from Fae Land when they showed up in Granada. You saw her whe you ended up there and she gave you some ice cream, said Sapphire. Oh ya I forgot, she was nice, said Sakura. I have been playing with Liza, she is the same age as me from the human village, do you want to meet her and her Mom? Maybe later, I really have to find Ginger, she must be in the palace then. Nope she is not here, said Sakura. Last I saw ger she was talking to Merlin by the palace strps then they both disapeared, said Sakura. Why didn't you tell me that when I first asked, said Sapphire. You asked me if I knew where she was not who she was talking to, said Sakura. Lulu hasn't come back yet either, she went to tell Zotac at my place that Merlin needed his help. Maybe Ginger is at my place or Lulu's house. Pegasus is here now too, you should go meet him, he is really funny. Sapphire liiked over where everyone was talking and saw Pegasus and Tillia sitting together. Well this is a surprise, first I have to fing Ginger then I will be right back, said Sapphire. I sense she is not far away. Okay bye, said Sakura then flew back to the group. That is one very interesting little girl, thought Sapphire then took flight. 37 illustration goes here Sapphire headed towards Sakura's house first. When she was almost there she spotted Ginger towards the elf village. She flrw over to Ginger and landed in front of her. There you are I was looking for you, said Sapphire. Well Merlin ieleported me to Lulu place then left me there, said Ginger. Ya Sakura told me you left with Merlin, it took a bunch of questions to get her to tell me that but she did figure you were either at her place of Lulu's place. Okay so what is it you need to tell me? asked Ginger. Just that Olympia will be coming here soon, said Sapphire. She is just packing the stuff she wants to bring with her. Now I just wanted to let you know so you can figure out where she is going to live. She has a suitcase full of money that I can turn into gold coins once she gets here. You just have to let me know what it all adds up to. Can't you count it? asked Ginger. Well I am not good with counting large numbers and besides every time Olympia takes some money out more appears in the case, said Sapphire. Gabriel gave it to her while taking care of the girls from Fae Land. Okay so when will you be bringing her here? asked Ginger. In a day or two I think. She keeps changing her mind as to what she will bring with her and what she will leave behind, said Sapphire. I wish I could just take everything in her appartment and drop it here for you all to sort out but I dought you have enough room in the palace for it all right now. Well that is why I went to see Lulu. She is going to make a new bigger and better palace for Alieta, said Ginger. Really Lulu can do that? That is that cute turquoise pixie, right? asked Sapphire. Yep and she told me she made a big palace before a while ago. She just needs to rest some first after building the radio station building, said Ginger. Radio station too! Wow things are sure changing around here, said Sapphire. Anyways I want to go back and meet Pegasus, I only saw him from a distance sitting beside Tillia. Okay but can you do me a favor? asked Ginger. Sure anything you want, said Sapphire. Can you teleport me with you, it is still a long walk to the palace from here. Sapphire smiled, sure no problem, said Sapphire then they disappeared. 38 illustration goes here They appeared on the palace grounds not far from everyone. Okay here we are, so that is the real Pegasus right? asked Sapphire. Yep it sure is and he le me ride him, said Ginger. Man can he fly fast. Ya I guess so from the look of his wings, said Sapphire. Well go talk with them two. Iolloa and Pegasus go way back in history and he is kinda funny too, said Ginger. Sapphire walked over to them and Ginger went over to where Grace and Angela were talking. So anything exciting happen while I was gone asked Ginger.Not really different but all this is exciting to me, said Grace. Sakura and Liza came over. Did you see Lulu, is she coming back soon, said Sakura. Yes I did see her and she is coming back but after she rests some, said Ginger. She is going to do something special when she does get here though. Really what is that? asked Sakura. She is going to make the palace bigger and prettier for Alieta and then we will have many more rooms in the palace for visitors, said Ginger. Lulu can do that? asked Grace. Yep Lulu can make lots of stuff with her wand, said Sakura. She made a big palace for a king and queen and stores plus houses and a bunch more stuff that I can't remember right now. Yes so she told me, said Ginger. I want it to be a surprise for Alieta when she gets back. Oh she will be surprised alright. The palace is her home, said Sakura. Yes and my home too plus the rest of the palace gang, said Ginger. Fae Land's palace is going to look as magical as the rest of Fae Land. The End 39 illustration goes here