The Adventures In The Land Of Fae Sara's Gift Prolog After Alieta, Samantha and Jazmen finished checking out the Pixie Forest and met some of the pixies in there they headed out back to the palace. It was getting close to supper time so everyone was starting to show up on the palace grounds from the forest. Samantha got to see how magical the fairies were when they created the tables and food for everyone. After dinner Sara told Ivy that she wanted to head back home to rest but first was going to check on the beacon tree. Okay, said Ivy and off Sara went. Alieta told Samantha that she had a nice room set up for her to sleep in over night. Samantha said that was nice of her and will stay another day but needed to get back soon and see how things were going back home. Alieta asked her if they had a name yet for the new country that they were building. Well not really, said Samantha. People are starting to call it Freedom but I haven't made a final decision yet. Alieta smiled. Well something good will come to you Freedom is not bad you know, said Alieta. Just give it some time though if the people picked it and like it I would go with it. Ivy walked over to Samantha and said she was going to fly over the property and have a quick look before going home. I have an idea but not sure if they will move, said Ivy. What are you talking about Ivy? asked Alieta. Oh my old forest, there was lots of sprites and pixies living in there. Must be getting pretty crowded by now if they are all still there, said Ivy. They may still not like me though but won't hurt asking, said Ivy. Hmm, thought Alieta. Well that would increase the magic and make the forest grow bigger and faster, said Alieta. Plus Samantha could start making a winged army maybe. Yes that would be nice, said Savanah. I am figuring that as we get bigger more attacks may start happening. Well I might take Tobias with me tomorrow after work and check it out. It is not that far away, said Ivy. Okay, said Alieta. After a while everyone started to wind down and the fairy nymphs all flew back to their forest and everyone else started getting ready for bed. Alieta and Ginger sat on the steps and Samantha joined them. 01 illustration goes here Chapter 1 A Magical Gift It is so quite and peaceful out her now, said Savanah. Yes, Ginger and I sit here every night before going to bed and relax then watch the flicker of pixies flying everywhere, said Alieta. See look you can see some of them now, said Ginger. They looked up and saw a few of them flying around. Suddenly a streak of light crossed the sky and looked like it was heading downward a bit. Wow, a shooting star, said Ginger. I have never seen one that close before. Me neither, said Alieta. I wonder if it landed in Fae Land somewhere. Alieta called for a sprite on patrol to come down. Yes Alieta, can I help you? asked the sprite. Yes did you see that shooting star? asked Alieta. Yes I did but it just disappeared over Eden. I think it just burnt out, said the sprite. Ya probably, said Alieta. They rarely hit the ground. I the morning have some sprites check Eden anyways just to make sure, said Alieta. Okay she said and flew off. Well that was a bit exciting, said Alieta but now I am getting tired so I am heading up to bed, said Alieta. Ya me too, said Savanah. Okay good, Ginger can you show her the room that we got ready for her please? asked Alieta. Yep just follow me Savanah, it is beside my room, said Ginger and they all went into the palace. 02 illustration goes here Ivy got home and saw Sara wasn't home yet. It was getting dark out now and figured she would at least be waiting for her in the kitchen. Maybe she saw that shooting star and went to see if it hit ground somewhere. I will just wait in the kitchen a bit for her. She should be here soon, Ivy thought to herself. Viridian was already in bed so some nice quite time would be good. Sara was sitting on the ground looking at the beautiful golden beacon tree. It looks so magical at night she thought to herself. It glows with energy. She then heard something from behind her and turned quickly to see what is was. Well must of been a rabbit or something she thought. She heard something again but this time it was closer so she stood up. Who is out there, she called out. Nothing answered her so she started to get ready to fly home. "Hello". Sara turned and saw nothing still. Where are you, I am very strong so don't mess with me, said Sara. I know, said the voice and it sounded like a girl's voice. So where are you? You sound very close, said Sara. I just have to make sure you are the right person said the voice. Right person for what? asked Sara. Right person for me, the voice answered. Okay and who are you? asked Sara. My name is Tillia and what is you name please? I am Sara, a forest sprite. Good, said Tillia. Just then a big glowing light appeared then faded and a beautiful white horse stood there looking at Sara that had one horn in the center of it's forehead. Hello Sara, very nice to meet you, said Tillia. Um yes nice to meet you too I think, said Sara. Where did you come from? asked Sara. From the sky, said Tillia. What do you mean from the sky? asked Sara. Horses don't fly, said Sara. Oh I am not a horse Sara. I am a unicorn, said Tillia. I never heard of or seen a unicorn before, said Sara. Tillia giggled. I know, I have never seen a forest sprite before either, said Tillia. I am starting to get confused, said Sara. Why are you here in Fae Land? Oh I am for you Sara, said Tillia. 03 illustration goes here For me? What are you talking about? asked Sara. Well I was told that I was to find Sara and I was to be hers, said Tillia. Who told you that? asked Sara. God I think, he just told me to make sure it was you when he sent me here, said Tillia. Okay I guess, so what do we do now? asked Sara. I don't know but I am getting really tired, said Tillia. Ya me too, said Sara. Maybe you should come to my place and stay with Viridian's horse for now, said Sara. Oh I don't sleep with other horses, said Tillia. They smell funny, who is Viridian? Oh she is my friend. Ivy and I live together in the same house with her, said Sara. Who is Ivy? asked Tillia. She is my sister, said Sara. Okay, lets go then do you want a ride? asked Tillia. Well I have wings so I can fly, said Sara. Well I don't so try riding on my back, you will like it, said Tillia. Not everyone get to ride on a unicorn, actually very few ever do. Unicorns are magical you know. Really, how? asked Sara. You will see but first we have to ride together, okay? Sara figured Tillia was being really nice and was a very beautiful looking horse with a horn so she said okay. I will but I don't know how to ride a horse, said Sara. Well I am not a horse silly, I already told you that so just trust me, said Tillia. Okay, why not, it's a beautiful night for a ride anyways, said Sara. She flew up on Tillia's back then they both of them started to glow very bright foe a few moments then stopped. What was that? asked Sara. Oh just us bonding, said Tillia. Now only you can ride me unless you tell me someone else can but you have to be on me too, said Tillia. Cool said Sara, I am beginning to like this. Okay head east and you will see my place just past three houses then to the right past the coconut trees. Okay Sara, you just think where home is and we will be there in no time, said Tillia. Hang on, here we go. With that Tillia took off at a fairly quick speed and Sara seemed to feel that she was very safe on Tillia and could tell she wasn't going to fall off. Look at me I am riding a horse yelled Sara. I am a unicorn Sara, there is a big difference. Oh okay sorry, said Sara. 04 illustration goes here Ivy was now getting worried and went outside to go look for Sara. She was about to take off and look for her when she saw a bright light heading her way very fast. What is that she thought to herself. Suddenly it slowed down and Ivy could see it was Sara on a pure white horse. The horse stopped glowing as it slowed down and walked up to Ivy. Wow! where did you find that horse? asked Ivy. She is not a horse, said Sara, she is a unicorn. What is a unicorn? asked Ivy. I am silly, said Tillia. Ivy's eyes opened wide. She just talked to me, said Ivy. Yep isn't she beautiful, said Sara then jumped off Tillia's back. Well yes, very beautiful, said Ivy. Where did you find her. Oh she found me, said Sara. Tillia told me that she is for me. Ivy smiled. Just you? asked Ivy. Yep, pretty much, she came from the sky, said Sara. Ivy now was starting to figure things out. That is what that falling star was she figured. Tillia, this is my sister Ivy, said Sara. Hello Ivy, nice to meet another forest sprite. Just then Viridian came out and asked what all the noise was out here, then she saw Tillia. Oh my God a real unicorn, said Viridian. Is that Viridian? asked Tillia. Yep, said Sara. Where did you two find her Ivy? asked Viridian. Not me she belongs to Sara, said Ivy. Man can she run fast plus glows too. My goodness I have only ever seen one before a long time ago. They are magical you know, said Viridian. Like a fairy? asked Ivy. No but their horn can heal and they can run much faster than any horse, said Viridian. I never heard one talk before though. Well she can and only I can ride her because we bonded or something when I first go on her. Yes Sara is my companion now, said Tillia. Anyways Tillia said she was getting tired so I figured she could stay with your horse but she said no, said Sara. Viridian smiled. You now have a lot to learn about her, said Viridian. She will not sleep in my small stall. First she won't like the smell plus she is very pure and needs fresh air. Let her pick where she wants to sleep. Okay, said Sara. You pick a place Tillia. Tillia walked over beside Ivy's garden then laid down and fell fast asleep right away. Okay, inside you two quietly, said Viridian. 05 illustration goes here Chapter 2 Fae Land Welcomes Tillia Viridian had both Sara and Ivy sit at the table. I figure you two know nothing about a unicorn, said Viridian. Nope, not me, said Ivy. Well I know a bit now from what Tillia told me, said Sara. She really doesn't like being called a horse, I know that for sure. Viridian smiled. I will tell you what I know about them but I only know a bit, said Viridian. Sara should go to the palace library tomorrow and get a book about unicorns. Alieta will help you, said Viridian. Now from what I have heard there are two types. Standard unicorns that for the most part stay hidden and run away at the first sight of danger and definitely don't talk and then there are the very special magical kind that I think Tillia is. I don't know all that they can do but she did say you were her companion and you said only you can ride her so that means she is not a standard unicorn that can only heal with their horn. Thing is history tells that these special unicorns pick who they want as a companion and usually they pick a king or queen sometimes a hero of some sort. Well Tillia thinks that God sent her down here to find me, said Sara. I see, then it sounds like this unicorn is a gift to you Sara, said Viridian. Now they are very magical like I said but not sure how magical. I think that depends on the person that bonded with her. One thing I know is that her horn is the source of a lot of her magic. She can heal people with it and herself. Also allows her to go invisible when in danger. Sara smiled. Yep she was invisible when we first met, said Sara. Yes she had to make sure you were the right person first I suppose, said Viridian. Now all unicorns are very fast runners, many times faster than the fastest of horses. Special unicorns are even faster depending on their companion so you will have to learn how to ride her properly so you don't fall off and get hurt. Okay, I think, said Sara. She looked pretty good when they were heading towards me, said Ivy. Well if you could see them then she really wasn't running that fast, said Viridian. Now one more thing. They are pure of soul and very kind and loving to all that she trusts. Everyone will love your gift Sara. A unicorn emits pure love to everyone, said Viridian. You said she was pure of soul, said Ivy. So she has a soul like Angus and Sivia. Oh yes, said Viridian but she was born with one and not given one later. Wow Sara, you are super lucky. You have a pet unicorn now! said Ivy. Well she is more than a pet, said Viridian. She is one of Gods amazing creations and as far as I know there are not many of her type around. Treat Tillia like you do Ivy and me. She will respond nicely to love. Now it is getting very late so get to bed and sleep because you Sara need to go to the palace in the morning and I will come with you. Ivy will have to work in the cove alone for a bit tomorrow. Okay they both said and went off to bed. A unicorn is sleeping in my front yard. Talk about amazing thought Viridian to herself. 06 illustration goes here In the morning Sara got up first and ran out to see if it was all a dream. She found Tillia sitting by Ivy's flowers. You are still here, said Sara. Yes I am, where did you think I would be? asked Tillia. Um not sure but I am really glad you are here. So you must be hungry, said Sara. Yes, I eat only vegetables and fruit though. My favorite is carrots and apples. Okay I think we have some carrots, said Sara and ran back into the house. Viridian got up and saw Sara looking in the pantry. What you looking for Sara? Carrots, said Sara, She is hungry. Viridian smiled. On the bottom shelf beside the potatoes, said Viridian. Okay thanks and Sara grabbed a couple then ran back out. I have never seen her this excited before, Viridian thought to herself. Ivy got up and asked what was for breakfast. Eggs and toast, said Viridian. Where is Sara? asked Ivy. Oh outside with Tillia feeding her some carrots, said Viridian. Ivy then looked up at Viridian. The unicorn, was that all real, I thought it was a dream, said Ivy. No dream dear, have a look for yourself, said Viridian. Ivy opened the door and saw Sara patting Tillia as she chewed on a carrot. Ivy smiled. I think we are going to need to buy some more carrots, said Ivy. Yes I think so. Maybe Alieta will know what else she will eat, said Viridian. Sara came back in. Okay now I am hungry, said Sara. Good sit and I will get the eggs ready, said Viridian. Suddenly Ktara came in and looked a bit stunned. Um Viridian, did you know there is a unicorn sitting in your front yard? Yep she is mine, said Sara. Oh okay, said Ktara. I think I need a coffee please and make it very strong, said Ktara. Viridian smiled. Well Sara and me are going to the palace together so she can read up on unicorns, said Viridian. I know some stuff about them but we both need to know more. So it is staying with you? asked Ktara. Yep, she belongs to Sara, said Ivy. Her name is Tillia, said Sara. Here you two go now eat up, said Viridian. So Viridian, how did this all happen. Oh last night Sara came home with her. Isn't she beautiful, said Viridian. Yes but I could understand her coming home with a kitten or puppy but a unicorn? Everyone giggled. Well she picked Sara or something like that so now we have a unicorn living with us, said Viridian. Okay, I guess, you seem to be okay with it so I am good too, said Ktara. Why not, where better to find a unicorn than in Fae Land. Exactly, said Viridian, That is what I thought too. Okay I am done, said Ivy. Off to work. Wait until I tell Tulip about Tillia. See you at lunch time and off Ivy flew. Okay I am done too, said Sara. Okay, I will clean up and change then we will go together to the palace, said Viridian. Me too, said Ktara. I got to see this when everyone sees Sara riding in on a unicorn then Ktara ran out. Look she didn't finish her coffee, said Sara. Viridian smiled. Okay go keep Tillia company and tell her what the plan is for today, said Viridian. Okay, said Sara and off she went. 07 illustration goes here Ktara came back with her horse and Tillia stood up then Sara flew up on her back. Okay lets all go, said Sara. Now not too fast Tillia, I need time to learn how to ride you proper. Okay Sara, you are the boss. Sara smiled. Did she just talk? asked Ktara. Yep, all these kinds of unicorns can talk from what I know about them, said Viridian. You seem to know a lot about them, said Ktara. Ya I knew someone a long time ago that had one, said Viridian. Unfortunately she died and the unicorn disappeared. That was long before I came to Fae Land. They headed out and soon got to the palace grounds and all the gang was out there except for Zan and the three young girls. Hi everyone, said Sara and waved. Do you like my new friend? No one said a word just stared at them riding in. They got to where Alieta and Ginger were standing then Sara jumped off Tillia's back and Tillia sat down. Hi Alieta, Viridian said you would help me find a book on unicorns in your library. Um ya sure but first maybe you tell me about her first. I haven't seen a unicorn in centuries. Oh okay then, said Sara. Her name is Tillia and she is mine. She picked me. This is Alieta Tillia, the queen of Fae Land. I know, she is a very good queen too, said Tillia. Both Alieta and Ginger looked shocked at first. So Alieta or Ginger ask me anything you want, said Tillia. Viridian and Ktara were just sitting on there horses smiling and Ginger saw that. Ginger smiled and elbowed Alieta. Go ahead ask her a question, said Ginger. Alieta looked at Ginger then looked back at Tillia. I only have one question, said Alieta. Okay, said Tillia. Was that you that we saw last night that looked like a falling star? Yep that was me, said Tillia. He sent me here. In him I am guessing you mean him and Alieta pointed up. I don't know but he told me to find Sara and I was for her, said Tillia. This is so cool, said Ginger. Sara has a unicorn now. Yes I see that, said Alieta. Okay Sara come with me and we will find a very good book on unicorns for you and I need to learn more about them too now, said Alieta. Okay, said Sara and off they went into the palace. Tara and Avan were keeping their distance so they wouldn't scare the unicorn. So Viridian, I only know a little bit about unicorns but what I heard is that the ones that can talk can only have one person ride them. Is that true? asked Ginger. Yes I believe so, said Viridian. It is odd to see you sitting though, said Ginger to Tillia. Well it is for everyone else's protection. If I was standing and someone happens to jump on my back then they would be thrown off very fast and not by me but by the magic in me, said Tillia. Oh okay that is good to know then, said Ginger. So I am going to go lay down over their by that nice gold thing. You can tell those two pretty she devils that I am not afraid of them and will talk to them. Actually any one can come and talk, I would love to find out more about Fae Land, said Tillia. How did you know my name, asked Ginger. I don't know, I just can see things about people before being told, said Tillia plus when I looked at you I felt good. You have beautiful eyes. Then she got up and walked over to the sun dial and laid down. 08 illustration goes here When Alieta and Sara went into the palace Ginger ran over to Tillia. My you are so beautiful, am I allowed to pat you? asked Ginger. Yes you can, I love being patted and rubbed behind my ears, said Tillia. Ginger got down on the ground beside Tillia and began patting her side. Ktara and Viridian walked over also and began patting Tillia also. Tara and Avan slowly walked over and Tara asked why this horse had a horn on her head. Because she is a unicorn, said Ginger. She is a special and very magical one too. Hello Tara and Avan, my you two are very beautiful. Well I never heard of a unicorn before but I really like this one, said Tara and sat down in front of Tillia. Well Tara, unicorns are magical beings dating back to almost the beginning of time, said Tillia. All unicorns can heal with their horn and run very fast but my breed of unicorn is much faster and a lot more magical in many ways. Wow so what kind of magic can you do" asked Avan. Well that depends on my companion, said Tillia. The stronger and smarted the companion the more powerful my magic will be and the more I can do but I can disappear and run extremely fast, even faster than sprites can fly plus I can put up an energy shield to stop attacks. Can you kill evil beings and creatures like we can? asked Tara. No, unicorns don't have that kind of power but I know some tricks that can assist in getting rid of evil things, said Tillia. Well Sara is is extremely strong and very smart but keep in mind she is very young so she will ask lots of questions, said Viridian. Okay, I will do my best to answer her questions and make sure she stays safe, said Tillia. Looks like you are really enjoying all this attention, said Tara. Well so would you if you were stuck in limbo for a very long time, said Tillia. 09 illustration goes here Chapter 3 Learning about Unicorns Alieta and Sara went to the palace library and asked the librarian where the books on unicorns were. My you ask for the oddest books Alieta. Yep I do at times but the oddest things tend to happen here in Fae Land, said Alieta. Well there is a small section on them over here but most of them say about the same stuff about them so just take your pick, she said. Okay thanks, said Alieta. They both grabbed a book and then sat down. Now I hope you know what you have there Sara. Unicorns don't grow on trees. I know, that would look silly, said Sara. Alieta just smiled. Okay lets read a bit, said Alieta. They both started to read and Alieta looked at Sara that was looking very interested in learning more. Okay see, it says here that there is only six real pure unicorns in existence, said Alieta. Other unicorns exists but are mortal and have little to no magic other than their healing horn. Ya I read that but it also says that they do not die either, said Sara. Okay let me read a bit more, said Alieta. Me too, said Sara. They both sat and read quietly together. Then Sara stopped and said look, a drawing of Tillia and it shows her name. Really, said Alieta. Let me see please. Oh my, it say that she is the first unicorn to be created. She also is the most magical and will only select a person that is pure like her and is powerful in body and mind. Tillia is a loyal being to the one she has chosen and will have a special connection with her companion. That is odd, said Alieta. They refer to her as a being and not an animal. Okay lets read on. Your book seems to be better. Okay you read it to me, you can read better than me, said Sara. Alieta smiled again. She had never seen Sara act like this before. Okay then. A unicorn's magic is as strong as her companions mental, inner and physical strength. They all can run very fast and disappear at will and both rider and horse will vanish. No one knows how fast they can run but it has been reported that they can run so fast that the human eye may not even see them pass. Now that is fast, said Sara. They cannot fly but can leap far and high when at high speeds. The rider should be warned that they must be able to handle this horse like being or may end up being injured badly. Okay so riding lessons are needed for you girl, said Alieta. Okay here is something interesting. The horn of the unicorn gives off healing energy that can be used on anyone or them self but if the rider is killed before the unicorn can heal the rider then the unicorn will vanish and have to wait in a place called Limbo for an unknown amount of time waiting for another worthy partner. Okay it mentions Tillia again here, said Alieta. Only Tillia can have her horn broken off by accident or by some evil witch and will still be able to disappear and run fast but she will have to wait for the horn to grow back before she can heal again. Thus she will need to be kept away from all danger until it is almost fully grown or she will vanish if attacked and the rider will lose her for good. Okay that is the most of it and very informative to, said Alieta. So do you understand what that last part meant? Not sure, said Sara. Well it means you have to take care and protect her as much as she has to do the same for you or she will go back to where she came from but living in Fae Land now there shouldn't be much danger to worry about, said Alieta. What dies that last part say? asked Sara. Lets see. Oh it is about taking care of special unicorns. That is important, now listen closely. Standard unicorns will graze like horses and eat just about anything a horse will eat. These special unicorns eat more like people and actually can talk and are sanctioned beings. What does that mean? asked Sara. It means they have a soul, said Alieta. Here is what they like to eat. These special unicorns do not eat meat, raw or cooked but love most vegetables and all sweet fruits including their skins and seeds. Just like horses all unicorns love sugar or anything very sweet as a treat. Okay that is all, said Alieta. Here you take this book home with you and let Ivy and Viridian read it too. 10 illustration goes here They both headed back to the the palace grounds where Alieta saw Samantha standing watching the attention the Tillia was getting. You didn't tell me that someone had a unicorn in Fae Land, said Samantha. Well we didn't until now, said Alieta. Oh so which one of them over there is her owner. None of them, said Alieta. Sara here is. Sara smiled at Samantha. Wow I never heard of a forest sprite owning a unicorn before, said Samantha. They have wings so don't need to ride one. Well we read up on unicorns in my library and found out that wings didn't seem to matter but inner body and mind strength were the main needs to own a unicorn. Tillia can run faster than I can fly, said Sara and she is magical too you know, plus she likes carrots and sweets. Samantha smiled. Yes I know a bit about them. They are amazing horses to say the least. Well it said in the book that she is a being and not a animal so really not a horse and Tillia doesn't like being called a horse anyways, said Sara. Alieta smiled. Did you say that her name was Tillia? asked Samantha. Yep, pretty name too, said Sara. Well what you have there Sara is the strongest of all unicorns from what I heard. Have you two bonded yet? asked Samantha. Yep we did that last night, said Sara. Well dear you have a friend for life but in your case forever. Sara smiled and said, I know but I have lots of friends, Tillia is my newest friend. Okay I am going over there and see what is going on, said Sara and left. Wow, said Samantha, Ivy's sister must be quite the girl to score such a gift from the heavens. Yes she is, very smart and extremely strong and was created by God to help Ivy, said Alieta. I am seeing that there is a lot of amazing people here in Fae Land, said Samantha. I think I will stay another day to meet more of them. Well no one has ever visited here and left in one day, said Alieta. Yes I can see why, said Samantha. 11 illustration goes here Sara walked up to where Tillia was who looked to be enjoying all the attention. So Tillia I see you have met some of my friends, said Sara. Oh yes and they are wonderful and they love touching and rubbing my fur. It feels so good, said Tillia. Well I did some reading with Alieta on unicorns and it seems I better learn how to ride you properly, said Sara. Yes Sara you should, the two of us can be very useful once I can run very fast with you on me. Who is the best around that can ride a horse? asked Tillia. Everyone raised their hands. Just then Zan came out and saw Tillia laying on the ground with everyone. Oh my God Tillia is here and she ran out to her. Look at you Tillia soaking up all this attention. You always loved to be pampered, said Zan. Yep, everyone loves to be pampered Zan, so do you live here now? asked Tillia. Yep, I am part of the palace gang now, said Zan proudly. Tillia looked at Sara and said, Zan should be your teacher. She has ridden many horses and even centaurs plus she knows everything about unicorns especially me, said Tillia. Oh so Sara is your companion now? asked Zan. Yep, said Sara fast. Drats I was hoping you came this time for me, said Zan. Oh you know you are not strong enough to own a unicorn, said Tillia. Ya I know but Sara sure is and very smart and young, she learns things fast. You two are going to be great together. So Zan, can you teach me how to ride her please? asked Sara. Oh my yes Sara, you have to learn to ride such a powerful unicorn before you can do anything else, said Zan. Lets get started right away. You know once you learn she can run so fast that she can cross fairly big bodies of water by just skimming the surface. Fastest land being on the planet, said Zan. I thought Angus and Sivia were the fastest, said Sara. Oh they are animals dear. Unicorns are not animals but pretty sure they are not as fast as Tillia will be with you as her companion. Oh ya here Viridian you and Ivy need to read this book, said Sara. Okay everyone out of the way and make room on the palace grounds, please, said Zan. Everyone moved in front of the palace. This is going to be fun, said Alieta. I have to see how fast Tillia really is. 12 illustration goes here Okay Sara show me how you get on her back please, said Zan. Okay, said Sara. She jumped up high using her wings a bit and landed perfectly on Tillia's back. Very good, said Zan, wings come in handy I see, now get off and we need to try something else. Zan whispered something in Tillia's ear then went back to Sara. Now we have to teach how to mount her when she is running but not super fast. Okay, said Sara. Tillia went back about thirty yards. Okay ready Sara? asked Zan. Yep I think so, said Sara. Okay, go Tillia. Every one watched as Tillia got pretty fast quick and Sara tried to jump up and mount her but missed and landed on her behind. Good try Sara but that was expected for the first time. Now you have to time it better, said Zan. You have to jump sooner. She is running at regular horse speed and that is a constant in motion mounting speed. Now lets try again. Tillia started to run again and this time Sara jumped sooner but just hit Tillia's behind area and bounced off. Almost Sara. That was very good, said Zan. Okay lets try again and concentrate. See her coming and judge how fast she is moving and aim a bit ahead of her then hang on tight when you land. Okay, said Sara. Tillia started to run again and Sara got a very serious look on her face as she got ready to jump. She jumped up and grabbed on tight and saw she landed just about perfectly. Every one started to cheer and clap. Good Sara, that was perfect, said Zan. Now try again a couple more times then we will move on to the next lesson. Sara did as she was told and Zan went to Alieta and said she learns very fast. Usually it takes a person several tries to do it perfect like she just did. I can't even mount a horse like she just did. Alieta smiled and asked what is next? Basic riding skills, said Zan and went back out to them. Okay Sara it seems like you have mastered that already so now I will teach you how to ride Tillia properly so that you don't get a sore bum and she doesn't get a sore back. Okay, said Sara. Now first bend a bit slightly forward then put a hand on either side of her. Like this? asked Sara. Yes, perfect, said Zan. Now Tillia, trot around the yard and talk to Sara and tell her what she needs to do to make it feel better. Okay Zan, said Tillia. She started to trot around and everyone saw that Tillia was talking to Sara and she was shifting around a bit. Then Sara started to smile. They trotted around a bit more then came back to Zan. She has it, said Tillia. 13 illustration goes here Now for the next and very important lesson, said Zan. What is that? asked Sara. How to ride a unicorn while she is running fast, said Zan. Okay, said Sara, she always runs pretty fast. You only think that is fast but now she is going to step things up a notch so we can see how you can handle the speed, said Zan. Now Tillia, not super fast at first just let her get used to you moving quickly then slowly get faster but you only have so much room here so this is something the two of you can practice in Eden or in the open grassy area, said Zan. Now first Sara you have to shift your body and lay right down and rest your head beside Tillia's neck and look forward. Now use your legs to squeeze on tight to her lower body then wrap your arms around her neck but not too tight so you don't choke her, said Zan. Sara shifted around until she felt comfortable and Zan said that it was perfect. Okay let me get out of the way and start running Tillia, and make sure you are sensing her so she doesn't fall off. Okay Zan, got it, said Tillia. Tillia started to run in an oval pattern over the entire length of the grounds, back and forth from the West Woods to the East Woods. Every time they pasted everyone watching saw that they were moving faster. Soon it was getting harder to see them go by. Then Tillia slowed down then stopped over by the east woods. Wonder what they are talking about? asked Ginger They are too far away to see what is going on. Well that is up to them, said Zan but I think she is telling Sara that she is doing good. Then Tillia went up on her hind legs and shot forward. No one could see them anymore but in a moment they all felt the air brush past them as Tillia headed towards the west woods then stopped and ran back to everyone. Did you see that, said Sara. I can't even fly that fast! The turns were a bit tricky but Tillia told me how to shift my weight. We didn't even see you go past us, said Ktara. Really, well I did ask Tillia to go a bit faster, said Sara. That was a bit faster, said Ktara. I have never seen anything move that fast on land. Okay now what, asked Alieta. Oh Tillia is very hungry now, she only had a couple of carrots before we came here, said Sara. Do you have any carrots? Alieta smiled. Well she eats more than just carrots, said Zan. Apples and pears are good too plus other fruits. Different types of veggies and especially sweets! Sweets, I love sweets too, said Sara. 14 illustration goes here Alieta saw Ivy and Tulip flying out of the forest and landed beside Sara that was still sitting on Tillia. Hi Ivy, I am learning how to ride a unicorn, said Sara. Ivy smiled and said, you look really good on Tillia. Very majestic and powerful. Where did you learn that word, asked Alieta. Oh I read a lot at home, said Ivy and you use it sometimes in your books too. Tulip looked at Tillia. Wow I have never seen or even heard of a unicorn before. She is beautiful, Ivy told me a bit about her though. So good timing Tulip, said Alieta. They have been practicing some amazing riding skills together and now Tillia is hungry. Can you make her some food please but just stuff like apples and carrots, stuff like that. Yep no problem, said Tulip then made a large bowl filled with fruit and vegetables. Sara jumped off Tillia then Tillia bent down and started to eat. Zan pulled Sara off to the side and asked where Tillia slept last night. Beside Ivy's flower garden in the front yard, said Sara. Yes I figured something like that. Unicorns love pretty things and the smell of flowers. They will never go in a horse stall, they stink too much and really don't get along with horses either. At least not much seeing horses can't talk. The front yard may not be the best place though. What does the backyard look like? asked Zan. Tulip over heard them and flew over. It is really nice back there also, said Tulip. Lots of flowers and bushes plus roses and lilacs. The middle is wide open. Perfect, said Zan. She will need some kind of shelter also for when it rains, said Zan. Okay I can fix her up, said Tulip. A small round barn like thing with no front on it should work and hay on the ground also I think, said Tulip. Yes she won't eat hay if she doesn't have to but loves sleeping and resting on soft surfaces. Unicorns are very girly like when it comes to stuff like that, said Zan with a smile. 15 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Tillia Meets People Of Fae Land Tillia finished eating and thanked Tulip for the meal. Give her desert Tulip, said Ivy. Oh does she eat desert too? asked Tulip. Yes sometimes, said Tillia. Nice and sweet like sugar cubes and candy. Do you like ice cream then. If it is sweet then I will eat it, said Tillia. Tulip made her a bowl of ice cream and she licked it all up fast. Wow that was quick. She then made a few sugar cubes in her hand and Tillia ate one at a time out of her hand. Tulip smiled. I really like her, said Tulip. I like you two Tulip. Fairies are always fun to have around, said Tillia. Oh you would love Hennie's girls then, they are fairy nymphs. Yes they are so cute and tiny, said Tillia. There are some here? asked Tillia. Yep and here comes a few of them, said Tulip. Everyone looked up and saw Hennie and two of her girls coming. They are so graceful when they fly. Never in a hurry to get anywhere, said Tillia. How do I look Sara, is there any dirt on me? Um, I don't think so, said Sara. Why would that matter? asked Sara. Oh they are very important, said Tillia. Just like your queen Alieta. Each one of them are very special. Well you are special, said Sara. Yes but they are special creators, said Tillia. Without fairy nymphs the world would just be covered with grass and weeds. Alieta was now seeing that Fae Land has turned into the place where the worlds best kept secrets were living. Hennie landed beside Tillia and started patting her. Hello Tillia, long time no see, said Hennie. Yes and nice to see you again, said Tillia. So I take it you two have met before, said Alieta. Oh yes Alieta, we go way back, said Hennie. So who is your companion this time? Sara here, isn't she pretty, said Tillia. Oh yes and very strong too, said Hennie. Sara will be perfect for you. So this is my girl Nessie and this is her best friend Fettie, you have never met these two yet. The others are staying in the forest for now but they will eventually all venture out, said Hennie. Mom who is the pretty horse, asked Nessie. Oh she isn't a horse dear, she is a unicorn. Oh but she looks like a horse with a horn, said Nessie. My she is cute, said Tillia. She must be young. Yes just ten years old and full of energy, said Hennie. Ivy looked down at Fettie. Your not thinking of getting on Tillie are you? asked Ivy. Nope, Just wishing she was smaller so I could pat her like you, said Fettie. Ivy smiled then picked up Fettie. There you go, said Ivy. Wow she is so soft, thanks Ivy. Hennie smiled. So what is everyone doing today? asked Hennie. 16 illustration goes here Well Zan just taught Sara how to ride a unicorn properly so not sure where they are going next, said Alieta. Ya we can't ride a unicorn but we can grab onto their tail then go like the wind with them. Not even a unicorn can shake us loose once we have a good grasp on their tail, said Hennie. Ginger giggled. Ya they did that with the fairies feet. It was so funny to watch, said Ginger. Well I want to show off Tillia in the elf village and maybe buy some candies too from Jessica, said Sara. Okay that sounds good, said Alieta. Can we go with them mom? asked Nessie. Well if it is okay with Sara, said Hennie. Ya sure, they are fun, said Sara. Okay lets go you two. The three teen girls came out and saw Sara leaving with the two fairy nymphs. Why is Sara riding a white horse, asked Phonixa. That is a unicorn dear not a horse, said Alieta. What a unicorn! The three of them ran to the the stables and got their horses then rode past every one fast. Wait for us Miss Unicorn, yelled Phonixa. Everyone started to laugh. Well that takes care of them three, said Alieta. So what about the rest of you, asked Alieta. Well I am going to get Lilly and go to Viridian's place and build that shelter in the back yard, said Tulip. Oh good I will meet you there, said Viridian. Me too, said Ivy but I got to go get Tobias first. Well I have nothing to do today so I will hang out with you Viridian, said Ktara. Okay so that leaves Ginger, Zan, Tara and Avan. Well I am going in to check on the staff then not sure after that. Probably hang out with you, Samantha and Hennie, said Ginger. So that now leaves you three, said Alieta. Well is there anymore new forests around that we can explore asked Tara. Maybe we will find something else. No there isn't, said Alieta. We have enough going on here now anyways. Well we will figure something out. Been an entertaining day already though, said Tara. So what do you three think about going to the fairy forest and showing Samantha around and maybe go for a swim, asked Alieta. Hmm sounds good to me, said Samantha. Me too, said Hennie. Okay I will get the bathing suits for everyone, said Ginger and off she went. My she is so helpful, said Samantha. Oh yes but to tell you the truth I wouldn't know where to start looking for bathing suits in that big clothing room. Some how she knows where everything is, said Alieta. Smart girl and must be very organized too, said Samantha. Okay when she comes back down we can all leave, said Alieta. 17 illustration goes here Ivy went to Tobias's place and knocked on the door. Sally answered it and told Ivy to come in. Tobias was on his couch reading a book. Hi Tobias, what are you reading? asked Ivy. Oh one of Alieta's books. She is a good writer, said Tobias. So you finished work now? Yep all done for the day. Okay lets sit and I will get you some ice cream this time, said Tobias. Okay, said Ivy. So what are you two up to today? asked Sally. Well Sara has a unicorn now so she is busy and I am helping Tulip making a shelter in my backyard for her then maybe we will go shopping or something, said Ivy. Did you say unicorn? asked Sally. Yep a very pretty white one, said Ivy. Where is she now? asked Sally. I don't know, said Ivy. I think she said something about going to buy a box of candy. What is a unicorn? asked Tobias. Well they are very unique magical horse like beings with a horn on their forehead, said Sally. How did Sara end up with one? I don't know exactly but she just came home with it last night, said Ivy. I think from that falling star last night. Okay then, I am going to the candy factory to help deliver some orders, said Sally. Fawn is already there. Okay, said Ivy. Maybe we will stop there first, said Ivy. Okay bye you two and off she the went. When Tabitha, Phonixa and Repellia caught up with Sara they had a ton of questions. Sara gave them a short version of how she ended up owning a unicorn and said she needed to practice riding her but they were heading out to the elf village first. Okay, said Tabitha. Can we come along? She is very pretty and you look great riding her. Sure come with us. We will be doing some practice speed running after on the grassy plains. You three can watch also with Nessie and Fettie, said Sara. Okay and they started out to the elf village. Once they got close to the candy factory a few elves waved them over. Wow Sara, nice unicorn said one of the elves. Ya her name is Tillia, we were just heading over to the candy factory to get a box of candy, said Sara. That is where we are going too, said an elf. We are not sure if we can buy them there but we will see you there. 18 illustration goes here While Sally was on her way to the candy factory she saw three elves following four girls on horses. She flew down closer and saw Sara on her unicorn. I have to go down and see this she thought to herself. When she got closer she also saw two small fairies all heading towards the candy factory. Hey Sara, over here, yelled Sally. Sara looked up and saw her a rode over. Ivy told me you got a new unicorn so I just want to come see for a minute. She is beautiful, said Sally. Yep, her name is Tillia, said Sara. She likes ice cream too! Sally smiled. Oh good, does she like candies also? asked Sally. Oh yes I love candies, said Tillia. Oh good she talks too. Okay I am heading there now. It is just over there, that big building behind the trees, said Sally. Okay we will see you there, said Sara. Sally then flew off. Okay girls we are going to the candy factory. Oh can we buy candies there too or still have to wait and go to the stores in town? asked one of the elves. I don't know but Sally will sell you some probably, said Sara. Okay they all said and everyone headed towards the candy factory. When they all reached the factory, Sara saw it was a very big building. Wow there must be a lot of candy in there, said Sara, She got off of Tillia and she sat down again. Okay lets go in and see if they sell them here, said Sara. One of the elves went in with her and the rest stayed outside to keep Tillia company that gave the three teen girls a chance to talk to Tillia. Wow smells great in here, said Sara. Two elves were stocking shelves then came over and asked if they could help them. Yes I was looking for Jessica and Sally, said Sara. Oh they are in the kitchen. I will get them for you, said the elf. She came back out with Sally, Fawn and Jessica. Hi Sara, I see you brought a friend with you, said Jessica. Yep, we were wondering if you sold candies here too? asked Sara. Well yes we do as a matter of fact. We just haven't had time to set up the store section and counter yet, said Jessica. So would you two like to buy a box? asked Jessica. Yes please they both said. There are more elves outside, said Sara. I think they want to buy some too. Oh okay, said Jessica. You get a couple of boxes of mixed candies and I will go outside with Sara. Sally smiled. What you smiling about? asked Fawn. Well I just got here and was about to tell you two but then they all walked in, said Sally. So tell us what? asked Fawn. Sara has a unicorn now, said Sally. No way, said Fawn. Oh yes way and she is a beauty too, said Sally. You get the candy I have to see this, said Fawn. She went outside and saw Jessica talking to the unicorn. Oh hi Fawn, come and see, Tillia is wonderful, said Jessica. Fawn got closer and saw that Tillia was a magnificent work of art. Hello Fawn, Sara told me you make candy in there. Can I have one please. I love candy, said Tillia. Fawn ran back in and almost tripped then grabbed a box off the shelf then ran back out. Here you go now just suck on it, said Fawn. Tillia licked the candy off her hand and slowly let it melt in her mouth. Fawn was surprised that her hand was hardly wet from Tillia's tongue. These are great, said Tillia. Can I have another please. Sure and Fawn gave her another one. Fawn gave Nessie and Fettie a couple of candies too seeing they were being so quite and not bothering anyone. Here you two go, enjoy, said Fawn. Thank you Fawn then they moved out away from everyone. In the mean time Jessica was taking orders from everyone that had gathered around. She went inside and had two elves gather and bring out the boxes of candy. Ivy and Tobias saw the group and landed to see what was going on. Oh hi Ivy. Always nice to see you, said Jessica. Wow this is a big place, said Ivy. Yep it is our candy factory now, said Jessica. Would you like a candy? Actually I want to buy a box, said Ivy. Okay I will get you one, said Jessica. Tobias was checking out Tillia real close. My you are very pretty, said Tobias. Oh a male forest sprite, you are very pretty too, said Tillia. See Ivy, said Sara. Tillia said Tobias is pretty too. Ivy laughed. Ya I know, said Ivy. 19 illustration goes here Okay we are heading out to that open grassy area, said Sara to practice running fast like Zan suggested. Okay, said Ivy. Us two are going shopping in town, said Ivy but first I am going to drop off this box of candy at home and see if Tulip is there yet. Okay see you later, said Sara lets go girls. We won't run fast yet. Okay here we come, said Nessie and Fettie and the three teen girls figured they would follow to see what they were going to do. Okay, said Tillia, lots of power now with food and sweets so you should be good to go, said Sara. Everyone else left and headed home. Jessica went inside and Sally said that they sold over thirty boxes just like that. We better get working on that store section and fast. Jessica agreed with her and figured they would need just one carpenter to that work for them. In the mean time I will get Jazmen to bring down another shelving unit and set it up by the door here. Chapter 5 Back Home Ivy got home and saw Viridian and Ktara were there in the kitchen talking. Hi Ivy, I see you bought another box of candy. Yep, good for the wings, said Ivy. Ktara smiled. Go see Tulip and Lilly they are out back getting ready to build a shelter for Tillia. Okay good, said Ivy. The two of them went out back and saw Tulip and Lilly looking around. Oh good, you are here Ivy. Where do you think is the best place to put the shelter? asked Tulip. Oh maybe back by the oak tree, said Ivy. Okay that sounds perfect, said Tulip. Now I was thinking of making you a garden with carrots in it too. That way you will have some very fresh ones also for Tillia. Okay, I have never grown veggies before but should be fun also, said Ivy. Tulip started making the sides of the shelter first then worked on the roof. When done Lilly went and finished it off making it look very nice. Tulip then made a bunch of hay on the ground first but then Lilly said no. A nice soft thick carpet would be better like this. Lilly made a nice round carpet two inches thick. Okay that looks great, said Ivy, just one more thing. She ran to the front yard and pulled out two groups of tulip plants then ran back transplanting them on either side of the shelter. Now it is perfect, said Ivy. Tillia now has her own bedroom. So where do you want the garden? asked Tulip. How about along the back of the house where the new room was made. It just needs to be painted now, said Ivy. Oh I can do that and Lilly painted it the same colour as the front of the house. Perfect, said Ivy and smiled. Tulip created the garden and Lilly created a bunch of carrots and potatoes and other veggies seedlings that Tillia would like. Okay that should do it, said Tulip. You and Sara can take care of the garden. So what is Tillia going to do when Sara is in the cove? asked Tulip. Oh Sara will probably ride her to the forest entrance then Tillia can stay in the woods and play with the pixies I guess, said Ivy. Okay that should work for now, said Tulip. See you later and off Tulip and Lilly went. 20 illustration goes here After they left the candy factory they headed north to the open grassy area and Sara and once there she told Nessie and Fettie plus the girls to stay back out of the way and then sit and watch. Okay Sara, they all said. My they are all so polite, said Tillia. Yep I like them, said Sara. Now there is lots of room here so I will start off slower first then go faster each time we pass them all okay, said Tillia. Yep, said Sara then got down in her high speed position like Zan taught her. Okay ready Sara. Yep, lets go, said Sara. Tillia started off slower first like before only traveling a mile each way then started speeding up more and more each time. You okay still Sara? asked Tillia. Yep still good, said Sara. Okay lets kick it some, said Tillia and she shot off fast. The girls could barely see them pass now. Wow they are super fast now, said Fettie. Tillia was now covering five miles in each direction and Sara was loving it. Okay, lets try something said Tillia and she ran off a bit further, then stopped just short of Cumberland. You seem perfect for me, said Tillia. Lets go back now but faster. Now if you hear a bang don't worry about it. It is what happens when I go faster than sound travels. Okay, said Sara. Tillia scraped the ground with one hoof then took off. I a few seconds they both heard a load bang and passed the girls that they were sure they didn't even see them. Tillia stopped and Sara saw they were just a bit north of the Sandy Lake mountains. Wow that was super fast and all the way from Cumberland to Sandy Lake in a few seconds. Yep, we did it, said Tillia. I have only been able to run that fast once and that was a very long time ago. You mean you did it, said Sara. No we did together. It is your inner energy and body strength that gives me the extra power to run that fast, said Tillia. The last person I was with was not near as strong as you and we could never go this fast. Oh okay then we did it, said Sara. Now lets zip back to where the girls are before they think we left them alone, said Tillia. Tillia ran off fast to where everyone were now standing looking for them. Oh there you are, said Nessie. Where were you? Oh way over there and then almost in Cumberland, said Sara. Wow, we heard a big bang and thought you crashed or something, said Nessie. Nope we just went faster than sound, Tillia says that is what happens when we go that fast, said Sara. Wow that is super super fast, said Fettie. That is called super sonic, said Tabitha, No one can go that fast I thought and the bang was just a theory. Well we did it so no theory now, said Sara. Okay, lets all go to our place now and rest and have some ice cream, said Sara. Yeah ice cream Fettie and Nessie said and headed out behind Sara and Tillia. 21 illustration goes here When they got there no one was outside so Sara went in the house to see if anyone was home. Viridian and Ktara were both still there talking. Oh you are back, said Viridian. Yep and I brought company with me, said Sara. I promised them all some ice cream so I hope we have enough. You know Ivy always makes sure there is plenty of ice cream in the ice box, said Viridian. So how many are there? Um five plus Tillia and me, said Sara. Okay we will get it for you all and bring it out, said Viridian. Both Viridian and Ktara filled up the bowls of ice cream and made a bigger bowl for Tillia. They went out and saw everyone sitting on the grass. Here you all go and a bigger helping to you Tillia seeing you are the biggest. Thank you they all said. So were you two practicing? asked Viridian. Yep but don't need to practice anymore, said Sara. Oh really so you think you got it all figured out now? asked Viridian. Yep, we went super fast, said Sara. So where did you go? asked Ktara. Well first we started off slower in the open grassy area then got faster and then faster. Tillia said I was perfect for her so then she said lets kick it and not to worry about the loud bang. We started at Cumberland and ended up just before Sandy Lake in like a few seconds or so and a loud bang went off half way there. Then we went to the girls and they said they couldn't even see us pass. Um you went from Cumberland to Sandy Lake in a few seconds, said Ktara. That is impossible, nothing alive can run that fast. Well we did and Tillia said the loud bang was when we were going faster than sound. Oh my God, that is super sonic. Yep that is what I told them, said Tabitha. About 760 mph is the speed of sound but to get a sonic boom you have to go faster, pretty sure nothing that flies can even go that fast. Well only a pixie can do that but they are too small to make a loud bang, said Ktara. Yep and it was amazing, and it was loud, said Repellia. Ya I bet it was, said Ktara. Tillia said that my inner body strength and her magic made it possible to go that fast, said Sara. Well you two have been definitely blessed with each other. That is for sure, said Ktara. Just then Cindy appeared. 22 illustration goes here Somebody call for a blessing? asked Cindy. Nope just us talking about stuff, said Ktara. Usually Gabriel shows up when ever someone says the bless word, said Ktara. Ya she is back in heaven for a bit teaching a bunch of new angels the way of the heavens and rules. I am taking over now while she is busy. Oh okay, said Ktara. So I see you have Nessie and Fettie here with you plus the young girls. Yep and Tillia too, said Sara. Who? asked Cindy. Tillia, over there behind Viridian, said Ktara. Cindy looked over and saw Tillia that just noticed Cindy while eating her ice cream and stood up straight. My goodness a unicorn, said Cindy I didn't see the horn. My she is so pretty. Tillia bowed to Cindy and said, "It's an honor to meet you". Oh my she talks too, oh of coarse she does. Give me a second please, said Cindy. It is not every day I get to meet a unicorn. Okay, said Sara and continued eating. Okay now I know a lot about them, said Cindy. It is basic reading while in training. Now first question is has she bonded with anyone yet? Yep me, said Sara. You, but you got wings, unicorns never bond with winged beings. Why not? asked Viridian. Well winged beings like Sara and Ivy don't have the skills to ride such an amazing being and they can fly, said Cindy. Well she did and Zan taught me how to ride her, said Sara. Hmm okay I suppose, said Cindy. Okay but riding is one thing but unicorns can run very fast. You would have to be an expert to handle her at high speeds, said Cindy. Yep I know and we did it already together, said Sara. Did what together? asked Cindy. They made the big bang, said Fettie and Nessie together. Cindy looked at Sara. You two went super sonic? Yes we did Cindy and she was perfect for me, said Tillia. Been a long time since I was able to go that fast. Are you sure you went super sonic? asked Cindy. Well from Cumberland to Sandy Lake in about three seconds, said Ktara. That is faster than Angus. Yes that is very very fast, you must of gone faster than the speed of sound, said Cindy. Okay so do you know your responsibilities with her. Yes I think so. Alieta and I read up on unicorns in her library, said Sara. Oh so Alieta saw her too. Yep everybody did, said Sara. Cindy looked at Tillia again. My you are beautiful and so pure. What was your name again? asked Cindy. Tillia, she said. That name rings a bell for some reason. Yep. Alieta read to me that Tillia was the first of six pure unicorns created. Yes that is right now I remember. What! This is Tillia the number one? Yep, isn't she gorgeous and she really likes ice cream too, said Sara. 23 illustration goes here Yes she very beautiful but this is very unusual, said Cindy. Why is that? asked Viridian. Well Tillia here usually only bonds with kings, queens or princesses. Well Sara is Ivy's sister now, said Viridian. Yes I know about that but still not a queen or princess, said Cindy. Well I wasn't given the choice this time, said Tillia. I was sent down and told to find Sara. I see, so how did you find her? asked Cindy. Well when I landed it was by that really nice gold tree, Sara was there sitting looking at the tree so I guess he knew where she was but I wasn't sure it was her yet so I stayed invisible, said Tillia. She was very nice and wasn't scared at all even though she couldn't see me, just had a lot of questions. Ktara smiled. Yep that sounds like our Sara. Fearless and wanting to learn. Well she told me she was very strong and not to try anything then asked me what my name was, so I told her then she told me her name, said Tillia. That is when I appeared to her. I could see in her eyes that she thought I was very special. It took me a bit to convince her to ride me though. She has those wonderful strong wings but I told her she would like it and let me give her a ride home so she flew up and landed perfect on my back then we both began to glow then the bonding was complete. Did I do something wrong? asked Tillia. Oh no, not at all. If she wasn't meant for you then she may of been thrown off but sounds like God chose this time, said Cindy. A strong forest sprite and a powerful unicorn together, that can be a very interesting combination. Plus fairy nymphs and fairy princesses, are here too. Well Gabriel did tell me to expect the unexpected here in Fae Land and this is very unexpected, said Cindy. Fettie pulled on Cindy's wing. Hi, are you an angel, you sure look like and angel but I have never seen an angel before, said Fettie. Nessie flew over and said neither have I are you an angel? asked Nessie. Well yes I am girls, said Cindy. I have never met a fairy nymph either. My you two are the cutest girls I have ever seen. Yep cute and love to play, said Nessie. We have to go back to the palace though, my Mom will be getting worried about us. Thanks for the ice cream then Nessie and Fettie flew away. I best be going too, said Ktara. Must be past supper by now. Bye Cindy, looks like your going to have an interesting time taking over for Gabriel. Yes, it sure looks that way, said Cindy. Repellia and Phonixa decides to head back to the palace also but Tabitha picked up all the empty bowls first and brought them in the house for Viridian before leaving. Okay so now that is settled to the best I can figure out, you know that this particular unicorn requires special treatment. Like what? asked Sara. Well she won't go in a stall or sleep with other horses. Ya we know, said Viridian. Tulip made her own shelter out back. Really, already, can I see it? Yep it is in the backyard around the corner, said Viridian. Sara show Tillia and Cindy what the fairies made back there. Ivy calls it Tillia's bedroom. I am getting supper ready for us. They looked at a very well built shelter with nice soft rug and tulips on the ground for her. Tillia walked over to it and smelt the roses first then sat on the middle of the carpet. I love it, nice and soft too, said Tillia. Well you all are way ahead of me on this, said Cindy. Looks like Tillia is going to be well taken care of. 24 illustration goes here Ivy and Tobias flew in and saw Cindy. Hi Cindy, do you like the bedroom Tulip and Lilly made for Tillia? asked Ivy. Yes I do, very much, said Cindy. Good, Tillia is Sara's gift from God you know. She will take very good care of her, said Ivy. I will help too, said Ivy. Sara is very special too you know. Oh where is Gabriel? She should meet Tillia too. She is busy for a while so I am filling in for her, said Cindy. Oh, okay, you are cool too, said Ivy. We went super sonic today, said Sara. What is that? asked Ivy. That is when something goes faster than the speed of sound, said Cindy. Wow I didn't know anything could go that fast except for Pippa when ever Alieta or I call her, said Ivy. She is super fast too. Okay I better get back to work, said Cindy. I have to have a talk with Gabriel anyways. Okay see you later, said Ivy. Cindy then vanished. Must be time for supper, said Ivy. Yep, Fawn said she was making something special for supper today so I am heading home now, said Tobias. Then he flew off. Well we need to get something for Tillia to eat for supper, said Sara. No problem I bought a bunch more carrots and a couple of apples for her when I was in town, said Ivy. She took them out of the bag and placed them on the ground then Tillia laid down and began eating them. 25 illustration goes here Chapter 6 Conclusion Back at the palace the fairies all made supper for everyone. While everyone was eating Alieta could hear a lot of talking about the new unicorn in Fae Land. So it sounds like Tillia is here for good, said Alieta to Ginger. I hope so, she seems very friendly, said Ginger. Yes she seems to fit in nicely, said Alieta. She didn't even blink when she saw Tara and Avan. Actually she wanted them to come over to talk with her. Zan came over and said I over heard you, sorry but there is something you should know about Tillia that might help you all understand her better. Okay we are all ears, said Alieta. Well she has always been special being the first unicorn and she had to pick her own partner all the time. That is one of the privileges she has. Now she always went for royalty and usually the king seeing the king was always the strongest or in line to be king. What she didn't know is that these kings may of been stronger than a queen or princess but not all that smart. They would do stupid things and get killed because they were arrogant. Now she kept on trying but never found the perfect match that she was looking for. Now one day I found her sitting on the ground with her head down and was crying. That is when I first met her and she told me the story I just told you. I told her that I wished I could be her partner but I was just smart and not strong enough for her. For some reason she was allowed to stay on earth without going to that limbo place right away, where ever that is. Regardless we became very good friends and had a lot of fun together with each other and the other centaurs. Then she met a warrior princess that was not fighting for any country. She was on her own and was quite strong for a human woman and very cleaver and talented with a sword plus a bow and arrow. Tillia bonded with her and that lasted for some time but then the attacks came from the humans and everything changed. It took a while but this princess did get killed by an arrow while trying to protect us Triffies. This time Tillia was gone, like she just vanished completely. I missed her a lot but had bigger problems to deal with. Now I am guessing that she was taken and put in holding which is a type of limbo that I mentioned where all the other special unicorns had to go when there master died and wait to be sent out again. So this limbo is in heaven then? asked Alieta. Well I am not sure, never been there. But other unicorns that I met later on and I asked about Tillia said that she was still there and looked very unhappy. Imagine being in a place that was boring and everyone else that was there would get to go out back to earth over and over again and you were never chosen. My I would go insane, said Samantha. Now we come to today or actually last night, said Zan. I bet you anything that God kept her in limbo because he didn't want Tillia fighting anymore seeing she was his very first creation of a unicorn and didn't want to see her sad again. How long ago was it when the princess got killed? asked Alieta. One maybe two centuries ago, said Zan. Now when she showed up here and I found out Sara was her companion it surprised the heck out of me. It was unlike her to pick a winged being as her partner. But there she was looking very happy and so was Sara, happier then I had ever seen her also. Yes I have never seen her so excited when we were in the library together, said Alieta. Yes, now it was when Sara said she came from the sky and Tillia said she was told to find Sara, that is when I put all the pieces together. These two both were missing something important. Sara always looked kind of serious all the time like Tempressa used to be like. These two are a gift to each other. Not Tillia being a gift to Sara or Sara being a gift to Tillia. In his wisdom he merged these two souls in a bond that can never be broken in a place where the odds of any harm coming to either of them was slim to none. You saw how fast Ivy warmed up to Tillia and excepted her as a friend. Plus it was her that made sure Tulip and Lilly would make her a safe place to sleep. Ivy and Sara will never be separated and now they both have one of God's most amazing beings living with them. Pretty cool how things work out sometimes, said Zan. Now look at Ginger getting teary eyed again. Can't help it it was a very good story, said Ginger. Well looks like it is getting dark everyone so lets call it a night and see what happens tomorrow, said Alieta. 26 illustration goes here Back at Ivy and Sara's they were talking to Viridian about Tillia while eating supper. So how much does your horse eat? asked Ivy. Well she just eats hay and other horse feed I buy sometime plus she will just graze around and eat grass but I suppose she eats quite a bit, said Viridian. Why do you ask? Because your horse can't run at the speed of sound and really doesn't do much except when you take her for a ride but Tillia is very active and I bet she needs lots of food to keep strong just like Sara and I need ice cream and other sweets to keep our wings strong, said Ivy. Yes I imagine she will need to eat more than a regular horse and more costly food but you two make money now so I am sure you will figure something out, said Viridian. Ivy looked at Sara, I guess we are going shopping tomorrow Sara, said Ivy. Yep lots of carrots and fruit, said Sara. Really you two are going to the grocery store every couple of days to buy Tillia food, that will get expensive, said Viridian. What else can we do? asked Sara. I already talked to Ktara about this and we will both help out too plus Ktara figures buying from Alieta's orchard would be cheaper, said Viridian. Tillia is family and deserves to be treated that way. As always we will all figure it out together. Well bed time you two. Check on Tillia then come inside and get some sleep. Sara and Ivy went around the back and saw Tillia was fast asleep. They both got down on one knee and were patting her gently. She is so beautiful Sara. I love her and I can feel she loves us too, said Ivy. Yes I feel it too and I love her too, said Sara. I wish you could feel what it is like to be able to ride her like I do. That is for you Sara and just you, said Ivy. It makes me very happy to see you happy. So she is like our sister too? asked Sara. Sort of but a very fast running sister, said Ivy. Okay time for bed , said Ivy. Race you there and they both ran off fast. Tillia opened her eyes then looked up and said thank you quietly then closed her eyes again and fell back to sleep. The End 27 illustration goes here