The Adventures In The Land Of Fae The Adventure With Zan Prolog Candy that designs her own clothes and brought them to the seamstresses in the palace to make for her then sell them in town needed to make some extra money so she went to Alieta and asked her if there was anything she could do in the palace. Alieta came up with the idea of making her Zan's tour guide so that Zan could learn more about Fae Land and the people living here. She told her to just use the horses in the stable to travel around with Zan. Candy went to the stalls and tried to pick a couple of horses for Zan and herself but an elf stopped her and said she was not allowed to uses the horses. Candy explained that she was now in charge of showing Zan around. Ya sure you are, said the elf. You are probably just a kitchen helper. No I design clothing but Alieta gave me this part time job, said Candy. Now you are just fibbing, said the elf, I am sure you are just the kitchen help. Candy went back to find Alieta but she was not in the dinning room anymore. She went to the den next and found her sitting in her chair reading. Candy told Alieta that the elf in stable would not let her take horses from the stall because she thought I was just a kitchen helper and not any helper for Zan. We will see about that, said Alieta and went with Candy to the stalls. Pick any two horses you want dear and make them very good looking ones, said Alieta. The elf came out running to stop Candy again but stopped in her tracks when she saw Alieta. So you wouldn't let my girl have any horses because you thought she was just a kitchen helper, said Alieta to her in a mad voice. Well yes, I thought she was lying to me and was taking two horses. Well I told her to but that is not what is really bothering me, said Alieta. The elf knew she was in trouble now. You said she was just a kitchen helper like it was a low end easy job, said Alieta. You have no idea what it is like to work in that big kitchen and serve people food to make them happy. They are all very important to me and I see them every day, said Alieta. I am sorry Alieta, said the elf. Well I am glad you are but not good enough. You insulted the kitchen staff so I am giving you chance to see for yourself how hard and important it is to work the kitchen. For one month you will work there just like you thought Candy did. Then if you do a good job, maybe, just maybe I will return you to the stalls, said Alieta. Yes Alieta, said the elf and headed to the kitchen. Candy had picked two nice horses. Those two are perfect Candy. Strong and good coats on them, said Alieta. Yes they are perfect, said Candy but maybe you were a bit hard on that girl, said Candy. Oh not at all, actually I went easy on her, said Alieta. She insulted the entire kitchen staff that are all my friends and no one does that and gets away with it. Candy smiled at Alieta. Now off you go and find that pretty Triffie, I think she headed towards the elf village, said Alieta with a smile, then went back into the palace. 01 illustration goes here Chapter 1 The Adventure Begins Candy jumped on her horse and wondered how she was going to manage the two horses at once. Another elf came up to her and said wow, about time someone gave that big headed elf a lesson. Such a snob! said the elf. Candy smiled at her. Now Candy you just have to ride your horse and this one will follow you where ever you go. Fast or slow. Oh okay that makes things much easier, said Candy. Anyways I will be coming over to your place soon to see what new you have designed. I am looking for a nice party dress, said the elf. Okay I have a few you can look at, said Candy. I got to go and find Zan now, nice seeing you again Carling then off she went. Carling watched her leave. About time something good happened to her, she said. Who was that asked one of the other elves working the stall. That was Candy, she got a raise and works with Zan now. Oh Candy, she is an amazing designer. She is going to keep doing that, isn't she. Yes she will, this is just something extra for her and because of her we got rid of Gladas for at least a month, said Carling. They both laughed and went back to work. Candy looked all over the place but couldn't find Zan anywhere. She went to an elf she knew that was walking to the palace and asked if she saw Zan. Oh yes she is amazing, she said. She held my hand and said I used to be a Triffie a long time ago when she was queen. She asked me where she should look for more of her old friends and I sent her towards where you live in the eleven village. Oh good, said Candy. Look at you Candy, riding a horse and all now. Yep Alieta put me in charge of Zan. Wow! You get to be with a very beautiful queen now, she said. Lucky you but well deserved. You will find her, She makes everyone happy that she meets. Candy headed towards her place in the village and saw a bunch of elves gathered together. She got off her horse and went and saw Zan talking to them all. Hi Candy, look who is here, said one of the elves. Yes I have been looking for her. I am suppose to help her and show her around. Oh okay, she said. Hey Zan, Candy is here looking for you. Zan came over and looked at Candy then touched her. Oh Alieta made you my helper. Nice to have my helper back again, said Zan and hugged Candy. Candy smiled. So I used to be your helper before, asked Candy. Yep you saved my life a few times but one time you stepped in front of an arrow for me and died. I was so sad, but you are here now and she hugged Candy again. So what we do now, asked Zan. Well we could look for more of your old friends or go for a bit of a tour of Fae Land, said Candy. Tour sounds better, said Zan. She pointed at the extra horse and said, for me? Yes, said Candy. Present from Alieta. Oh I love Alieta too. Zan jumped on the horse like a pro and said which way. Wow one jump and landed perfect on the horse, Candy thought to herself. Bring her to Lake Casper Park. It is gorgeous there this time of year, said one of the elves. Good idea, said Candy and off they went. 02 illustration goes here They rode for about ten minutes and got to the southern most point of the park. Oh smells nice here, said Zan. Yes it does, said Candy. Lilacs are in bloom now. They followed the stream until they got to the lake. Oh so beautiful, said Zan. Is good to go in the water? she asked. Yes it is very clean, said Candy. Good, said Zan. She jumped off her horse then stripped and ran into the lake. Well that is different Candy thought to herself. Come please, water nice, said Zan. Candy walked to the edge of the lake then Zan said come or you chicken? then smiled. No I am not chicken, said Candy. She took off her dress and went in the lake with her. Water nice right, said Zan. Yes it is very nice, said Candy. Zan started to splash her and Candy splashed back. Zan said, listen. someone coming. Lets hide, and went under water. I saw two people walking by so I went under water with her. Zan was blowing bubbles under water and making faces at Candy. She laughed and we went back up for some air and saw the coast was clear. They both put their clothes back on and we walked further down the lake shore with their horses. There were two young boys fishing from the side of the lake and Zan went up to them and said hi. Oh wow, you have horns said one of the boys. Yes she is Triffie and her name is Zan, said Candy to him. My she is very pretty too, said the other boy. So you two catch yet? asked Zan. No not yet but that is okay, it's a nice day today, said one of the boys. Zan looked out over the lake then pointed. Over there fast, she said. The two boys cast out to where she pointed and with in seconds they both had a fish on the line. Thanks Zan! said the boys. Zan smiled and they started on their way again. One boy said to other, Wow, so pretty. I wonder if she is married. The other boy slapped him on the back of the head and said, "You are only fourteen stupid" then they both laughed as they pulled in their fish. 03 illustration goes here They walked a bit further and saw a picnic area where human families were playing and eating. We go see them, asked Zan. I don't know, said Candy. I don't know any of them. So lets go know them and Zan jumped on her horse again and rode over to them. Man I wish I could get on a horse like her, Candy said to herself. They rode up to a big gathering that looked like they were celebrating something. Zan got off the horse and said to me. "Human men, they okay?" Yes no danger Zan it will be okay but maybe this is a private party, said Candy. Just then one of the women waved them over. She says come, we go? asked Zan. Sure why not, said Candy. They walked over to them and the woman said wow, we heard about the new girl in Fae Land with horns. You are so pretty. Thank you, said Zan. You are very pretty too. She smiled at Zan and invited the two of them to sit and eat with them. Candy introduced Zan and herself to them then sat down. So how do you like Fae Land asked the woman. Oh very beautiful. Most beautiful I have ever seen, said Zan. So where do you live asked a little girl sitting across from Zan. In the palace with Alieta, she is very nice, said Zan. Wow mom she lives with Alieta, how cool. No it is warm in there, said Zan. They all laughed. Candy told her that it was just a figure of speech that meant really good. So she is still learning English then? asked the father. Well lets see, said Candy. This morning she knew about a dozen words and a few sentences but now she can speak pretty darn good, said Candy. No way, she must be super smart to be able to learn that fast, said the father. She is almost as smart as Alexa, said Candy. Really? Hmm maybe she could help me with this idea then, I can't figure it out for the life of me, said the father. Okay what is it you are trying to do, asked Candy. Well I want to make something that is fun for kids around my children's age but also fun for adults too but it has to be small enough to be able to be put away easy and put together easily when it is time to play again he told Candy. I want it to be easy to make so I can make more and sell them to make more money for my family. Oh fun game then, said Zan. Yes exactly, he said. You have pencil and some paper maybe? Zan asked him. Yes, here in my bag, he said. The father handed her the pencil and a book with mostly blank paper in it. Zan looked at some of the drawings that he had made in it so far. Nope not right, getting closer, she said. Zan turned to a bank page and started to draw. She kept on looking up then at the little girl and smiled at her then kept working with the pencil on the paper. Then she looked up at the boy that was batting a small white ball between his hands that had black dots on it. Awe yes she said then drew some more. There, fun game, she said. She handed it to the father and he saw a detailed drawing of what looked like a board with sidewalk like spaces on it that went in a spiral but had darker blocks that had a number on it that either pointed forward or back. In the middle was a circle where Zan had wrote "Finish". She also drew two cubes that had black dots on them but each side there were a series of dots from one to six. There was also small round disks that would be used for each person playing to use to move around on the pathway. She had shaded them in from light to almost black. Wow this looks great but how do you play it, he asked Zan. Very easy, she said. You all start here then first person rolls the two cubes then move your disk the number the dots they add up to be. You land on dark square then move free forward or back, what ever it says. First one to center wins. Wins what asked the brother. Ice cream, said the little girl. They all laughed. Just like Ivy you are, said Candy. The father looked at it again and said this is genius. It will work and is very easy to make and can be made to sit on a table. Just amazing, he said. I told you she was very smart, said Candy. You make adjustments that you want like colour and shapes, said Zan. Thank you so much Zan, you are a miracle maker. No angels make miracles, said Zan. Yes they do and so do you now, he said. Okay Zan we best be moving on. Still some more to see before we head back to the palace. They got up and the family all waved goodbye with smiles on their faces. It seems that everyone you meet ends up smiling, said Candy. Smiles are very good, said Zan and they rode on out of the park. 04 illustration goes here They rode on a bit and got to the north town. Alexa lives in this town, said Candy to Zan. Oh Alexa very smart too. I like her, said Zan. They rode on but Candy didn't know what house she lived in. She asked a person walking by and she said, just ahead, number twenty one. They got to Alexa's place then Candy warned Zan that she had two big wolves as pets but they were very friendly. Oh friendly wolves. Very odd, said Zan. Yes but when I say big I mean very big, said Candy. I must see then, very big friendly wolves, said Zan. Candy knocked on the door and Alexa answered. Hi there, how can I help you, asked Alexa. Hi, my name is Candy and Alieta put me in charge of taking care of Zan and showing her around. Oh yes I thought I recognized you from the palace grounds, said Alexa. Yep that is me but got a new job for now. So where is Zan, asked Alexa. Um she was right behind me. Who is it? asked Diego. It is Candy and she brought Zan here with her but she is missing right now, said Alexa. Where is Angus and Sivia? Alexa yelled back to Diego. Out back kicking the ball around. Oh dear, lets go check, said Alexa. They went to the back yard and saw Zan playing with them and kicking the ball round. I don't believe it said Candy. Anyone else would be scared or at least shocked when seeing Angus and Sivia, but Zan is playing with them like she already knew them. Well they can sense good and bad so they would never hurt her, said Alexa. Hi Zan, said Alexa. Hi Alexa, big wolves are very fun to play with, said Zan. Alexa went over to her and introduced them to Zan. Nice and big and you nice and small. Perfect match, said Zan. Alexa smiled. Yes I love them both, said Alexa. Diego came out back and said hi to Zan and Candy. They do tricks too said Alexa. Show her how they jump Alexa, said Diego. Okay, ready you two. One two three go, and she threw the ball high in the air. Angus and Sivia jumped up after it but so did Zan and got the ball first. They all fell back down and Zan handed the ball to Angus. Wow said all of them at once. That was amazing, said Alexa. Yes I like to jump, and run fast too. Good exercise, said Zan. I see that, said Alexa. Yep and I heard you can go invisible too, said Alexa. Yep but don't need to here, no bad men trying to kill me in Fae Land. Oh, okay then, said Alexa. You are speaking really good now, you learn fast, said Alexa. Yes in a few hours she went from knowing bunch of words and a few phrases to this, said Candy. I love her Triffie accent though. Yes very sexy too, said Alexa. Zan just smiled. 05 illustration goes here Tempressa came around the corner and said hi. I knocked first so I figured you would be back here, said Tempressa. Oh look Zan is here with the Candy. Yep Candy is in charge of showing Zan around and stuff. So how are things going with you and Zan so far? asked Alexa. Pretty awesome so far. First she met some of my friends that she could feel were old souls of Triffies, then we went skinny dipping in Casper Lake, then we met a couple of boys fishing and she helped them catch a fish each then she help a human father and his family by inventing a board game that actually sounds like a lot of fun to play and now we are here, said Candy. Now go back a bit, said Tempressa. You two went skinny dipping in the lake at Casper Park? Yep, Zan is not shy at all, said Candy. Water really nice there, said Zan and smiled at Tempressa. I have always wanted to do that but never got up the nerve to do it, said Tempressa. Take Zan with you one day. She has a way of getting you in the water nude, said Candy. She must, said Tempressa. Alexa was just smiling away. So sounds like you are having fun together, said Alexa. Yes Candy is very cool said, Zan. Alexa laughed. Oh she learned the meaning of that expression today from the family's little girl, said Candy. So where you off to now? asked Alexa. Back to the palace now through Eden and past Waterfall Mountain, said Candy. Oh let me come with you. I am heading out to the palace to talk to Alieta about something anyways, said Tempressa. Okay, said Candy. So why are you here then Tempressa, asked Alexa. Oh just dropped in on my way by. Being neighborly you know, said Tempressa. Oh okay. So what you talking to Alieta, about. You know, the money situation with Ivy, said Tempressa. Oh ya, now I remember, said Alexa. Okay we better get going, don't want to miss supper, said Candy. This will be the first time I have every eaten in the dining room with Alieta. Good she loves to feed people that is for sure, said Tempressa. Okay lets go Zan. Time to head back. Almost supper time, said Candy. The three of them went to their horses and Candy said watch this to Tempressa. Zan jumped up on the horse again in one leap. Wow, that girl gets on a horse like Paisley does, said Tempressa. Yep and I was worried she never rode a horse before, said Candy. They all headed out towards the palace. 06 illustration goes here Chapter 2 The Trip Back To The Palace They headed towards Ktara's place and saw her outside. Hi Ktara, what's up? yelled Tempressa. I just came out to see if any coconuts were ready to take off the trees, said Ktara. How do you get them off? asked Tempressa. Ivy flies up and grabs them for me, said Ktara. Hi Candy and Zan, are you showing Zan around? Yep, it is my new job, said Candy. Don't ask her how it has been hanging out with Zan today. You won't believe it, said Tempressa. I am next though, you get in line, she said with a smile. Okay I think. So heading back to the palace are you? Ktara asked. Yes, It is almost supper time, said Candy. Well Ivy and Sara should be home now, so stop in and say hi to them. Zan was looking two coconut trees. What do you do with coconuts? asked Zan. It is a fruit. You cut it open and eat all the inside plus drink the milk inside. It is very good, said Ktara. Oh okay, thank you Ktara, said Zan. So you going to the palace also for supper Tempressa? asked Ktara. Yep, I need to talk to Alieta anyways, said Tempressa. Hey Candy, is Tara and Avan flying yet? asked Ktara. I don't think so, Alieta said they like it in the woods where it is nice and cool so I didn't see them today yet, said Candy. Go figure, she devils that like it cooler instead of hotter, said Ktara. All right we are off, see you later, said Candy. 07 illustration goes here They headed over to Ivy, Sara and Viridian's place and saw all three of them in the front yard. Zan got off her horse and ran over to see Ivy so Candy and Tempressa did the same. Hi you all, How are things? asked Tempressa. Hi Tempressa, said Viridian. We are just doing a bit of yard work before supper. So do you know Candy here, I think I have seen her before but not sure, said Viridian. Well she has a new job taking care of Zan now. Nice that would be fun to do. Oh yes, from what I have heard so far it is, said Tempressa. Hi Ivy, your sister is very pretty too, said Zan. Sara is Ivy's helper, they are not sisters, said Viridian. Feel like sisters to me, said Zan. So you all heading over to the palace for supper I suppose, said Viridian. Yep we have worked up a good appetite, said Candy. Ivy, that is baby coconut tree? asked Zan. Sort of, too young to have coconuts yet, said Ivy. You should come in the forest sometime with us. It is amazing in there, said Ivy. Okay, maybe tomorrow, if Candy says it is okay, said Zan. Oh she can come in too, said Ivy. Sara came over and asked Zan why she thought Ivy and her were sisters. Maybe because you look alike, said Zan. Same inside too. So Zan is speaking pretty good now, said Viridian. She really learns fast. Yes she learned most of the English language today, said Candy. A bit broken English still though. It seems the more she talks and listens to people the better she gets. Well I was told that she was very smart, said Viridian. So what were you and Zan talking about, asked Viridian. She told me about all the old friends she has found here in Fae Land. She is very old, said Sara. So how old is old asked Tempressa. Older than anyone here put together, said Candy. Older than Alieta too and I am pretty sure she was one of Gods first creations. Well that is old if I ever heard it, said Tempressa. So she found old friends here? Just the souls, said Sara. Okay, what every that means, we best be heading out to the palace now, said Tempressa. Thanks for dropping by, said Viridian. 08 illustration goes here When they got to Sandy Lake, Zan was amazed at how beautiful it was. She got off her horse and ran to the lake. Keep your clothes on Zan, said Candy. Okay Zan yelled back. Tempressa laughed. She is quite the character isn't she. Yes she is so funny and doesn't even have to try. Just a fun loving person like the fairies and pixies, said Candy. Zan came running back and hopped on her horse. The water is very perfect and clean, she said. Candy told her how the comes from underground then comes out the Waterfall Mountain keeping the water fresh and clean. Okay, lets go to the palace and eat, said Candy. They headed out and in five minutes they were on the palace grounds. Alieta was outside talking with Tulip. They all dismounted and Carling plus another elf came for the horses. Hi Candy, did you have a good trip? asked Carling. Yes just amazing, said Candy. Hi Candy I am Irene. We will take good care of your horse. Thank you Irene. My they are being really nice to you here now, said Tempressa. Ya they are but I like it, said Candy. I bet you do girl and Tempressa smiled at her. They all walked over to the palace where Alieta and Ginger was standing. So Candy, how did you two make out today? asked Alieta. Oh it was amazing, said Candy. Good, I thought you would enjoy being with Zan. So Zan did you have fun too, Alieta asked. Yes, best time ever, said Zan. Perfect, said Alieta. Ktara asked me if Tara and Avan could fly yet, said Candy. Not yet but they have been busy, said Alieta. Doing what? asked Tempressa. Killing devils, demons and creatures, anything that is attracted to magic, said Alieta, We watched them a few times but it is obviously they have no problem wiping out anything that shows up. Yep I not even afraid to be out here with those two taking care of business, said Ginger. So are they going to be on the team also? asked Tempressa. Nope they are staying just around here for now, said Alieta. If the team needs any help with something Alexa can always call for Apollonia to help. Well Ivy invited us to go in the fairy forest tomorrow, said Candy. That is good, Zan here has a pure white soul so that means the forest will love her and let you in without any help. It is a fair walk to the cove though but it is a very good walk and well worth it. Cool, said Zan. She really likes that word she learned today, said Tempressa. So Tempressa what is up with you? asked Alieta. Oh I have to talk to you about something but I want to eat first, said Tempressa. Okay then lets all go in and eat, said Alieta. 09 illustration goes here They all sat down and Candy asked where the two sisters were and Tabitha. Oh they ate already. They wanted to go out and hang out with the fairies for a while before it got dark, said Alieta. Now I did get some good news from Cindy. Gladas came out and asked how every one was doing. Candy saw it was the elf that got in trouble earlier. Don't worry Candy, I get it now why you liked this job for so long. After they sent me home because I smelt like horses and hay I came back and was handed an apron. After serving people all day I found that they were all nice to me, even the stable crew at lunch and all thank me when they left. You get respect in this job and get to see people all day long. In the stables you see some one once in a while and just for a minute or two. So what can I get you Candy, asked Gladas. Well first I never worked in the kitchen, I design clothes from home and work with the seamstresses here to make them, said Candy but the kitchen does sound like a nice place to work. Oh I didn't realize that but yes I like the new job, said Gladas. So what is recommended, asked Candy. Well the beef stew smells great in the kitchen and with some sweet bread I believe it would be good choice. Okay sounds good, said Candy. And how about the rest of you. Zan just, said Yum. Okay I take that as the same as Candy, said Alieta. Ya me too, said Tempressa. Okay we will back shortly with your orders, said Gladas. She seems to be doing okay, said Candy. Oh yes, I knew she would. She is a good girl. Just been in the stables for too long, that is all, said Alieta. In a couple of minutes out came the food and every one ate. This is really good, said Candy. Of coarse, we have the best cooks around, you know that, said Alieta. They all finished and the table was cleared off. So Candy tell me all about your trip with Zan. Go ahead Candy and don't leave out anything, said Tempressa with a smile. Okay then but it was more of an adventure with Zan then a trip, said Candy. I finally found Zan in the elf village talking to all my friends and she was able to see that lots of them were Triffies along time ago and were her friends. She looked so happy and was hugging everyone. One of my friends asked where we were going today and I just said I was going to show Zan some of Fae Land. She told me to take her to Casper Park. It was best this time of year. Yes it is, said Alieta, the lilacs are in bloom and every where smells great. Well yes and soon as we got to the southern most point of Casper Park, Zan commented on how great it smelled. So we followed the river some until we got to the lake. Zan was overwhelmed at how beautiful it was and jumped off her horse ran to the lake, stripped off her dress and jumped in. She convinced me to come in too so I did the same and got naked and went skinny dipping with her. Alieta laughed. Oh I used to do that too back before too many humans started to move in. Really, said Tempressa. I always wanted to but never got up the courage to do it. Well maybe you and I will go together some day. It is so refreshing, said Alieta. Yes it was and I was surprised, said Cindy. Zan heard some people coming so we both went under water and she started blowing bubbles at me and making faces. I started to laugh and had to go up for air and notice the people had passed. We got dressed and headed up the lake some more where we found two young boys fishing. Zan asked if they had caught anything and they said no. Zan looked out over the lake and pointed and said there fast. The two boys cast out to where Zan pointed and in a few seconds they both had a fish on their line. Next we followed the river a bit but then saw a large group of humans in the park having a celebration or something. I was unsure how they would react to Zan and her horns. She wanted to go after asking if human males were okay here. So we rode into the park and a woman waved us over. She heard that Fae Land had a new visitor and asked us to sit and eat with her family. Now I don't remember how it happened but some how she got the father to tell him what was bothering him and he said he was working on an idea to make his family some more money but couldn't figure it out yet. I told him that Zan was smart like Alexa, so he said prove it. Zan asked for a pencil and paper that he had with him in his bag and she went to work on a very detail drawing. She said fun game then kept working on the drawing and looked up a few times at his two kids then kept drawing. Then she said all done and what I saw was a very detailed drawing of a board like game with two cubes with dots on them. It actually looked like it would be really fun to play and very easy to make. The man was amazed she came up with this so fast and knew right away that it would be a great game for all ages and he would be able to sell them to his friends. I told the family that we had to go and we left leaving smiles on all their faces. It seemed every where she went people ended up smiling when we left. Very magic like. Yes she has that effect on people, said Alieta. I would love to check out that game she made. It sounds like it would be fun. Yes, a very fun game, said Zan. Well next we headed to Alexa's place and I warned Zan about how big Angus and Sivia was but it didn't seem to bother her. When I got there I knocked on the door and Alexa answered and she knew me, I turned to show her that I brought Zan with me, but she wasn't behind me anymore. Alexa asked Diego where Angus and Sivia were and he said out back. We went to the back yard and there was Zan playing with them kicking a ball around. Diego wanted to show Zan how high they could jump so Alexa threw the ball high in the air and they both jumped after it but Zan jumped too and got the ball before them. Man can she ever jump. Yes I was told she could jump very high and fast, said Alieta. That is when Tempressa showed up at Alexa's place for a social call. She was on her way to see you about something so she came along with us. 10 illustration goes here Then we just went a bit through Eden and talked to Ktara some at her place then Viridian, Ivy and Sara. Then I showed her Sandy Lake and the water fall that she loved and ran to the lake and I told her to keep her clothes on. Then we came back here because we were all hungry and it was supper time, said Candy. Well that was a real adventure, said Alieta. I am glad she got to see some nice areas in Fae Land and met lots of new people. Once word gets out that Zan is so nice and all, everyone will want to see her and that makes me happy. So maybe go outside for a bit, said Alieta. The fairies should be out there with our girls and have some fun with them. They are always interesting to hang out with. Yes the fairies are lots of fun. Tulip is youngest but is their leader sort of. It is different from normal but fairies are different anyways, said Zan. Yes that seems to be true for some reason, said Alieta. Tempressa looked at Zan and asked her what Zan was short for. Zan doesn't seem like a queen like name. Oh yes not just Zan, she said. My full name is Zanithianna, but Zan is nice and easy to say and I like it, said Zan. Now that is a beautiful name fit for a queen, said Tempressa. Yes it is a very pretty name,said Alieta. Okay off you two go and let Tempressa and I talk. Chapter 3 Tempressa Enlightens Alieta So what was it you needed to talk to me about? asked Alieta. We should go upstairs because it is personal and private said, Tempressa. Oh okay, I hope nothing is wrong, said Alieta. No not with me, said Tempressa. They both went to the den and Alieta told the elf to not have anyone disturb them. They both sat down and Alieta asked Tempressa what was bothering her. Well it is mostly about Viridian but involves Ivy too and a bit with Sara also, said Tempressa. Oh my what could possibly be wrong there? asked Alieta. Well not so much wrong but more like making things better, said Tempressa. Okay tell me then, said Alieta. Well I know you had a house built and furnished for Ivy and Viridian for free, said Tempressa. Yes Viridian deserved it and Ivy loved it too, said Alieta. Yes exactly but have you been there lately? asked Tempressa. Well no I have not had much time to visit everyone these days, said Alieta. Well let me enlighten you, one queen to another. Alieta smiled. Okay go for it, said Alieta. Now Viridian gets money from the crown like I do which is great. But Ivy gets nothing from the crown as I can see, said Tempressa. Well no she doesn't really. I do give Ivy some coins from time to time when she says she is going to her favorite eatery to have pancakes, said Alieta. Yes I figured that. Now when I was in the jewelry store with Alexa, Cindy said she loved it when Ivy came in the store but she never bought anything but she didn't care because having Ivy there was good enough for her watching Ivy looking at all the pretty things on display. Then another time that really shocked me was when Ivy told me that she loved that store and a lot of other stores but had no money to buy anything but she said that was okay because she was very happy. Yes Ivy is almost always happy, said Alieta. Now going back to Viridian, said Tempressa. The last time I was there with Alexa, I noticed that she had just the same furniture that you had given her when they first moved in and Viridian had to borrow a bed from Ktara when Sara moved in. Now Viridian is not one to complain and from what I remember is she never really had much money when she was a mercenary before she came to Fae Land. Yes go on said, Alieta. Well think about it, Viridian now has two mouths to feed and can't afford even another chair or sofa so they all could sit in the living room at once, plus when ever I flash her ice box I notice that it only ever has the basics in it. To me that seems wrong and not fair. Viridian would never ask you for financial help. She is too proud for that. Ivy is very busy doing her huge job taking care of all of Fae Land and the new forest and Sara doesn't really know much about money at all yet. Okay I can see their may be a problem there said Alieta. May be no, there is a problem, said Tempressa. Why doesn't Ivy get any money from the crown at all even though she has the hardest job of all of us. I know she never puts her life on the line like the rest of the team but she works every day and we just work once and a while. Now I know you made Ivy a queen and all and that made Ivy very happy but didn't change her one bit. Now I have a huge treasury up north in my ice palace that is invisible and only I can access it when need be. I would like you to give my money from the crown to Ivy and that way Viridian could live better and Ivy could now go into a store and buy something she liked, though she would probably by things for other people knowing Ivy. Can we do that for them please? asked Tempressa. 11 illustration goes here My goodness, I had no idea and I get it that Viridian would never come to me for help. Actually I am the one that comes to her and the rest of the team for help when needed, said Alieta. Now this I have to fix and I am very happy that you came and brought it to my attention, queen to queen as you put it. Now there is no need for you to give up your income because Fae Land's treasury is extremely wealthy. Even I don't know what number it is when the treasurer gives me her monthly report. So many zeros. Now yes Ivy needs her own money for sure. That girl works so hard and loves Fae Land so much. Sara needs money too but not as much as Ivy at first anyways, she is still learning the ropes and Ivy is teaching her so Ivy will get an additional bonus for being Sara's teacher. Now as for the bed situation that I was unaware of. What should I do there, asked Alieta. Tempressa now looked very happy. Well I have an idea that won't look like charity, said Tempressa. Have a letter sent to her from that nice furniture store that says she won a prize in a random draw. Make the prize be a new bed. And that way she will just think she got really lucky but let the store owner know that she must never say it was from you and it really was a prize. Knowing Viridian she would go there and thank her for the bed, said Tempressa. Perfect idea, said Alieta. Now about Sara living there with the two of them. How does that work? Well Sara sleeps in Ivy's room and it is pretty crowded in there with the second bed. No room for even a stand up mirror or vanity, said Tempressa. Okay and I suppose the bathroom is too small also for all of them and they must run out of hot and cold running water a lot also, said Alieta. Yes I suppose so, said Tempressa. Okay then. The crown will start paying Ivy and Sara immediately plus Ivy will have access to the crowns treasury seeing she is a queen but I dough she would ever access it so I will have messengers set up accounts for her in every store that I have accounts with just like all of you. That way when she buys something the owner will ask her if she was paying cash or paying by account. I am sure she will eventually try the account way and think it was like a magical way of paying for things, said Alieta with a smile. Tempressa laughed and said you are probably right. Now I will go to Viridian and tell her that with Sara living with the two of them, it is time to expand on their place a bit with another bedroom and washroom plus what ever else she may think is needed to make things more comfortable. I will not take no for an answer, said Alieta. Tempressa was very happy and hugged Alieta. You are the best she said. I wanted a little to help them but you are fixing everything for them. Well I consider you all my family so nothing is too good for you all, said Alieta. Now is there anything else I can help you with. Well yes but not for me. Ivy is having a problem figuring out what to add next to the forest. Now a while ago Carmen told me that back home she used to love a place she called a sauna that was a place of peace and quite plus was heated just enough to make her sweat a bit that would clean out her pores. Zatsuky said that was too warm for her and preferred the out door pool that was shallow at one end and deep in the other. Yes they would be great to have in the forest, said Alieta. So I am not sure but Candy said that Zan could draw detailed plans from just looking at the father and new exactly what he needed, said Tempressa. Oh yes she is amazing with a pencil and has strong insight like Ivy, said Alieta. Good then maybe tomorrow morning have Candy bring Zan to Carmen and Zatsuky's place and have her read the two of them but make sure Candy has some paper and a couple of pencils first in case they don't have any paper big enough for Zan to draw on. Yes that will work. Okay then Tempressa, this has been a great meeting and now I will get things in motion, said Alieta. You and your sister Snowflake, being Mother Nature now were the first two girls I brought into the palace with me. You actually became the first hero even before Alexa was born. I am glad you can easily come to me and speak your mind. So you have a lot of money stashed in your ice palace? Yep piles of gold coins and gems, said Tempressa with a smile. 12 illustration goes here They both went back outside and Alieta found Ginger watching some of the fairies playing with Zan and Candy. Hi Alieta and Tempressa. That Zan sure does like to play, said Ginger. She is packed full of energy. I may have to pay Candy more just to make sure doesn't she find it too hard to keep up with her. No I think she is enjoying being with Zan, said Alieta. Once Zan has been here for a while Candy will go back to designing clothes again. Now I need you to do some things for me today. Sure what do you need? asked Ginger. First Tempressa brought it to my attention that things are pretty tight at Viridian's place, money wise and space with Sara living there now. Okay so do you want me to increase Viridian's income some? asked Ginger. No I want you to set up an account for Ivy, said Alieta. She works hard everyday in the cove and has no income plus Sara is working with her so set up a smaller account for her too until she learns everything in there. Good idea, Ivy does work very hard and controls all of Fae Lands magic and she is a queen and all, said Ginger. Yes she is so set up a crown account for her too and have all the stores that we have accounts with add her name to it. Are you sure we should give her access to that amount of money? asked Ginger. I am positive. Ivy will not misuse the account, I am sure, said Alieta. She will probably just buy small gifts for her friends, said Tempressa and that includes you Ginger. Okay, a gift from Ivy would be special no matter what it was, said Ginger. Now next I want you to get Jim to expand their house some with an third bedroom and a second bathroom also, said Alieta. Probably replace the water containers with bigger ones too. Three pretty girls must go through lots of water, said Alieta. Okay so when do you want to start everything? asked Ginger. Immediately, said Alieta. Match Ivy's wage to the heroes and give her an extra ten percent while she is teaching Sara and give Sara half what Ivy is getting. Get Jim to finish up what ever he is working on now and get started renovating the house. I will go tell Viridian what I am doing so she will expect Jim there soon to begin the work. Cool this is going to be good for everyone involved, said Ginger. Yep Alieta once again is fixing everything said Tempressa with a smile. 13 illustration goes here Ginger went in the palace to set up the new accounts then Tempressa decided to head back home. Alieta called over Tulip. Yes Alieta, how can I help you? she asked. Ivy invited Candy and Zan into the fairy forest to morrow, if you haven't heard yet, said Alieta. Yep Candy told me, said Tulip, that is fine, said Tulip. Okay but there has been a bit of a change of plans for tomorrow morning, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Tulip. Now Tempressa is amazing and a lot smarter than she shows us and told me that she knew of a way to have Ivy get plans to make a couple new areas in the forest that everyone will love including myself, said Alieta. Yes Tempressa is very smart, she hides it to not seem superior to other people, said Tulip. Yes now Candy is going to take Zan to Carmen's and Zatsuky's place in the morning first. The two of them have perfect ideas for two new areas for the forest. Zan can read people very good and is an amazing artist so she will draw up the plans for you to see and figure out how to make it happen, said Alieta. Oh boy this is sounding exciting, said Tulip. Now I need you to tell Ivy that she can stay home longer tomorrow so that she will be there when Candy and Zan arrive at her place with the new plans. She will probably send Sara to the forest earlier anyways. I just want Ivy to see that she is not alone in planning out the entire forest by herself, said Alieta. I know once she get the plans she will come to the forest right away to show you them. Yes she will that is for sure. She has been struggling to think of something new, said Tulip. I have a few of my sisters working on the spa idea that Repellia came up with and it is almost finished. Perfect so as soon as Candy and Zan enter the forest Ivy will know and send Sara to fly in Candy and Zan will run in behind them, she is a very fast runner I have been told. Okay, said Tulip. Anything else? Yes one more thing, said Alieta. Tempressa noticed that it is you that seems to lead the other fairies all the time in planning and stuff though you are the youngest and that seemed odd to her seeing that we all use the oldest with the most experience, said Alieta. Tulip smiled. Yes we do things different for a good reason, said Tulip. You see when the youngest princess reaches one hundred years old, she then is put in charge. That gives her the task of making decisions and making plans that gives her the experience needed to maintain the forest. Seems like the best way too me, said Tulip. But what if she makes the wrong plan or screws up? asked Alieta. Oh the other fairies would tell her first and show her the better way before any screw up was made. That is usually Chestnut. she has done it all. We are family and work together but the youngest will learn fast and rarely makes a mistake. The forest is a big part of our lives. I would plan it through properly and would ask questions if needed, said Tulip. Yes that does sound like a better way of doing things, said Alieta. Okay then I will tell Ivy about staying home in the morning and wait for Candy and Zan now, said Tulip and off she went. 14 illustration goes here Chapter 4 The Plan In Motion IIn the morning Alieta told Candy and Zan the new plan during breakfast. They both left after eating and set out to get things started. They reached Carmen's and Zatsuky's place and were happily let in. Candy told them about the plan that Alieta and Tempressa came up with and they both got excited. Okay how do we start? asked Carmen. Okay you told Tempressa about a sauna you loved back home so just think about it hard and how it looked and Zan will read you then transfer your thoughts to paper, said Candy. Okay, said Carmen and she closed her eyes. Zan touched her arm and then said okay in a few moments. I got it then she went to the table and started to draw up the plans. Wow she is very good at drawing, said Carmen. In a few minutes she was done and asked Carmen to check it over. Carmen showed her a couple of things she missed so Zan added them. Yes that is it, said Carmen. Okay now your turn Zatsuky, said Candy. You think about that outdoor pool that you talked about and Zan will do the same with you. Okay and Zatsuky closed her eyes and Zan touched her. Okay done and wow that is very nice, she said. Zan got to work and started to draw again. How does she do that? asked Zatsuky. I don't know, said Candy but she is amazing. Zan finished and showed Zatsuky the drawing. Wow that is even better than I remembered it, said Zatsuky. Oh I love swimming and added some things to it that I like also, said Zan. Okay now we got to go see Ivy and show her the plans. She will be excited to see you two helped her. She was having problems coming up with new ideas for the forest, said Candy. Okay they both said. We can hardly wait to see them finished. 15 illustration goes here They both headed out to Ivy's place with the plans and saw that Ivy was very excited when they arrived. Hi Ivy, why so happy, asked Candy. Look at what a messenger brought me and she showed them both a big bag of money. Wow, said Candy. You got a nice bag of coins there, said Candy. Yes and she said I will get another one every month, said Ivy. Viridian smiled and asked Ivy what she was going to buy first. Lots of food and ice cream first, said Ivy. They all smiled. Then something nice for you Viridian. What about yourself Ivy, asked Viridian. I don't know but I will go shopping with Sara seeing she got some money too and we will figure something out, said Ivy. Viridian knew exactly what Alieta did and put them both on the payment plan. Now Ivy, Carmen and Zatsuky wanted to help you with plans for the forest and both of them came up with two great ideas. Really, they did that for me? asked Ivy. Yes they know you needed just a bit of help so look at these two plans Zan drew up after she read them, said Candy. She spread out the two plans and both Ivy and Viridian looked them over. Viridian said, they are amazing and great ideas. Ivy asked what a sauna was and swimming pool was. Candy told her that a sauna was a very quiet and peaceful place to relax and it was warm inside so you would sweat a bit cleaning out the pours of your skin. Oh that sounds very nice, said Ivy. I like a sauna. Now the swimming pool is like a lake sort of but it is better. It is perfectly shaped and has a deep end and a shallow end and also this one has a diving board on it that you can use to jump in the water from. Plus you see lots of chairs around it where you can relax after swimming and enjoy the sunshine, said Candy. Yes I love swimming too, this is very nice too and looks like fun also, said Ivy. I'll go to the forest and show these to Sara and Tulip and see if she can get them both made for us, said Ivy. Okay good, now Zan and I are going to the forest too, so when we get there could you send Sara to come and fly me in please. Zan is a very fast runner so she won't need to be flown in. Okay sounds great, said Ivy. Zan can go over the plans with Tulip and make any changes that may need to be done, said Candy. Okay, said Ivy. Viridian can you put all this money in my and Sara's room please. It is too heavy to carry with me. Viridian smiled and said sure. Okay can I go now, asked Ivy. Yes, we will see you shortly, said Candy. 16 illustration goes here Ivy got to the forest and Sara could see she was all excited. Hi Ivy, what do you have there? asked Sara. It is plans for new ideas for the forest that Carmen and Zatsuky came up with. They are amazing, said Ivy. Tulip flew over and asked Ivy if she could see the plans. Okay and Ivy handed her the plans. Oh Zan and Candy are here said Ivy. Sara can you fly Candy in please. Zan runs fast, so she will follow you. Okay, said Sara and off she went and brought the two of them to the cove in a few minutes. Zan went over to Tulip that was holding the plans she drew. Okay I see, people go in here and relax on these wall benches in bathing suits or wrapped in one of these towels but what is this, asked Tulip. Oh that heats the room with hot coal but not sure how that will work, said Zan. Okay we can keep the coal hot with magic, said Tulip. This is easy, it is mostly made of wood so it will be finished in a few hours, said Tulip. Okay, so what is this one? asked Tulip. This one will be hard to do I think, if you can do it at all. Tulip looked at the drawing again and asked what it was. It is a swimming pool, said Ivy. Oh like a lake then said Tulip. Zatsuky said better than a lake. It is shaped perfectly and has nice clean refreshing water in it and it is shallow here and deep at this end as Ivy showed Tulip. Okay, said Tulip and what is that at one end she asked. That is a diving board. They are a lot of fun, said Zan. Yes I can imagine that would be, said Tulip. Lots of nice laid back chairs and small tables for drinks. Yes I think we can do this one also but it will take longer. At least two days because we need to drill for the water and seeing that there is no run off, the water has to go back under ground. Great, said Ivy. I will get my sisters to get the sauna done first then tomorrow we will get started on the swimming pool, said Tulip. Bye the way the spa is done now too. So where is Candy, asked Ivy. Oh she is over there, said Zan. I think she is stunned. They all looked and saw Candy just standing there near the entrance of the cove just looking around. They all laughed. You okay Candy. Yep I am just fine and she just kept looking around. Okay see you all in a few hours, said Tulip. Oh make the sauna much closer to the entrance so that it won't be a long walk to get to it, said Ivy. Okay, then Tulip flew off. So we better get Candy and snap her out of it, said Zan. 17 illustration goes here Ivy, Sara and Zan went over to Candy and she just kept saying amazing. Yes Candy it is but lets have a look around now, said Zan. Okay, said Candy and she just smiled. Ivy and Sara showed them both around the cove. Ivy explained the pool to them both and they all sat down and put their feet in the water. Oh that feels so good, said Candy. Yes but not deep enough to swim in but the swimming pool will be good for that, said Ivy. Wow it is going to be a paradise in the forest, said Candy. You know what would be good also in here, said Candy. A place where you can eat and drink. Like an outdoor eatery. Yes that sounds like a good idea also, said Ivy. Maybe you and Zan can work on a plan for that also when you get back to the palace, said Ivy. Sara went over to the overview and said all good here. Good, said Ivy. So what are you going to do when you leave here asked Ivy to Candy. Oh first work on the eatery plan then maybe take Zan to Eden. She hasn't seen the best parts yet, said Candy. Has she met Safire yet, asked Ivy, she is really cool and all blue. All blue, yes once just quickly, said Zan. Okay, maybe we should start back now, said Candy. What do you think Zan? Sure, lets go and tell Alieta that the fairies said okay to the plans, said Zan. Okay Sara, Candy needs a lift out again, said Ivy. Okay she said and off they went. When Sara got back Ivy told Sara that they both got a bunch of money at home that a messenger gave her. So we need money? asked Sara. Well we do now because we are going shopping once we are done here then we will go home first, said Ivy. Okay, said Sara and smiled. 18 illustration goes here Chapter 5 Conclusion Alieta was outside enjoying the mid-morning air when she saw Tara and Avan walking towards her. Hmm I wonder what those two are up to, thought Alieta. Hi Alieta how are things with you so far today? asked Avan. So far it has been a very nice day, said Alieta. How are your wings doing? Much better, we can flap them good now so we figure tomorrow we will be able to fly some, said Avan. That is good to hear, said Alieta. Yep we will be able to kill bad stuff better and faster when we can fly, said Tara. Good, so how is that going, asked Alieta. Great we killed lots yesterday but I killed more that Avan, said Tara. No you didn't I killed more than you, said Avan. Well I killed all those creatures on the ground, said Tara. Ya but we agreed that we wouldn't count creatures on the ground, just devils and demons. Besides I killed some of them too, said Avan. Well this isn't really a contest, said Alieta. All I care is that you are stopping them. Ya well it is for us. It is too easy so we made a game of it, said Tara. So is there any way you can get someone to bring out some breakfast for us? We kinda like the whole eating thing now, said Avan. Ya and I dough our wings will fit through that door, said Tara. I suppose so, what would you like? asked Alieta. We don't know, what every is left and tastes good, said Tara. Alieta smiled and waved over an elf and asked her to tell the kitchen to make Tara and Avan two nice big breakfasts. The elf smiled then ran into the palace. Okay you two sit and they will bring it out to you, said Alieta. Okay thanks Alieta, your the best, said Tara. 19 illustration goes here Candy and Zan got back to the palace and saw Alieta standing out front with Tara and Avan. Zan asked who are they? That is Tara and Avan, Two friendly she devils, said Candy. Tara stood up. Now there is a good looking woman if I have every seen one, said Tara. Beautiful hair and eyes and those horns are so sexy. Tara stop hitting on the pretty woman, said Avan. I am not hitting on her, I am stating a fact, said Tara. Hello, my name is Tara and this is my sister Avan. What is your name beautiful? Zan smiled at Tara. I am Zan, a Triffie. Do you know what a Triffie is Avan? asked Tara. Nope I have never heard or seen one before, said Avan. We are pretty new around here anyways. Now you have seen one, you two are very pretty, said Zan. Oh we are going to like you that is for sure, said Tara. Just then the elves brought out their, breakfast. Here you go, enjoy said the elf then went back in. Your food looks good, they make very good food in the kitchen said Zan. Yes we know, said Avan. Anyways Alieta, Tulip says both drawing she can make but I have an idea for an outside eatery that I want Zan to draw for me, said Candy. Okay, lets go in and let these two eat, said Alieta. Okay come on Zan time to draw the eatery, said Candy. Bye Zan you come back when you are done okay, said Tara. Okay, said Zan then they went in the palace. A Triffie, I wonder how old she is, said Avan. She don't look a day over two weeks to me, said Tara. 20 illustration goes here They went into the palace then in the dining room. So what are you two going to do today? First we are going to work on a plan I came up with about making an outdoor place to eat in the fairy forest, said Candy. Oh that would be good too, said Alieta. So how was Ivy when you first saw her? Oh she was super happy and holding a bag of money and showed it to us then told Viridian that she was buying food and lots of ice cream first then she was going to buy Viridian something nice. Alieta smiled. That is perfect. She deserves to be paid for her hard work. Now I decided to give you a bit of a raise also so expect to see the increase on your next payout, said Alieta. Really, thank you so much, said Candy. Maybe you would like to move to a bigger place, said Alieta. Oh not really. I like my place and have it just the way I want plus all my friends live around me there, said Candy. Yes I figured that, said Alieta. So can I help with the outdoor eating place? asked Alieta. Sure, lets get started, said Candy. Alieta gave Zan the pencil and the paper. Gladas came out and asked if they needed anything. No not right now, said Alieta. Now Tulip said that when something is made of mostly wood it is very easy to make and doesn't take long to finish, said Candy. Well it won't need a kitchen, said Alieta. The fairies don't need one. Okay then what shape should it be, I was thinking kinda round like with a counter that went all around it with high chairs for people to sit on, said Candy. Zan was already drawing sketches on the paper. Yes and a roof made of sticks and straw to keep it shaded, said Alieta. Make it pointy too. So inside should be shelves for bottles of juice and water plus underneath the counter for what every else may be needed, said Candy. Yes and some picnic tables also, said Alieta. Anything else? asked Zan. I don't think so said Candy. So lets see what you drew Zan, said Alieta. Zan pushed the paper towards them and the both looked at it. That is perfect, said Candy. What do you think Alieta. Looks great, sort of tropical like. Very pleasant looking, said Alieta. Okay we should wait until the pool is done to give this to Ivy. Don't need to rush them, said Candy. Ya they only work half days so they need to have there time to relax and play said, Alieta. Okay we will leave this with you Alieta then Zan and I will now head to Eden on another adventure, said Candy. Okay have fun you two, said Alieta. Can I talk to Tara and Avan a bit more before we leave. They seem very nice, said Zan. Sure if you want, said Candy. They both left and Alieta took the drawing to her den. Okay all is turning out as planned she thought to herself. Now where is that other book I was reading, oh there it is, The Day The World Stood Still. Very weird book but I am getting very used to weird things, now, said Alieta. She opened up the book and continued reading. The End... 21 illustration goes here