The Adventure With Zan Chapter 3


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Tempressa Enlightens Alieta

So what was it you needed to talk to me about? asked Alieta. We should go upstairs because it is personal and private said, Tempressa. Oh okay, I hope nothing is wrong, said Alieta. No not with me, said Tempressa. They both went to the den and Alieta told the elf to not have anyone disturb them. They both sat down and Alieta asked Tempressa what was bothering her. Well it is mostly about Viridian but involves Ivy too and a bit with Sara also, said Tempressa. Oh my what could possibly be wrong there? asked Alieta. Well not so much wrong but more like making things better, said Tempressa. Okay tell me then, said Alieta. Well I know you had a house built and furnished for Ivy and Viridian for free, said Tempressa. Yes Viridian deserved it and Ivy loved it too, said Alieta. Yes exactly but have you been there lately? asked Tempressa. Well no I have not had much time to visit everyone these days, said Alieta. Well let me enlighten you, one queen to another. Alieta smiled. Okay go for it, said Alieta. Now Viridian gets money from the crown like I do which is great. But Ivy gets nothing from the crown as I can see, said Tempressa. Well no she doesn't really. I do give Ivy some coins from time to time when she says she is going to her favorite eatery to have pancakes, said Alieta. Yes I figured that. Now when I was in the jewelry store with Alexa, Cindy said she loved it when Ivy came in the store but she never bought anything but she didn't care because having Ivy there was good enough for her watching Ivy looking at all the pretty things on display. Then another time that really shocked me was when Ivy told me that she loved that store and a lot of other stores but had no money to buy anything but she said that was okay because she was very happy. Yes Ivy is almost always happy, said Alieta. Now going back to Viridian, said Tempressa. The last time I was there with Alexa, I noticed that she had just the same furniture that you had given her when they first moved in and Viridian had to borrow a bed from Ktara when Sara moved in. Now Viridian is not one to complain and from what I remember is she never really had much money when she was a mercenary before she came to Fae Land. Yes go on said, Alieta. Well think about it, Viridian now has two mouths to feed and can't afford even another chair or sofa so they all could sit in the living room at once, plus when ever I flash her ice box I notice that it only ever has the basics in it. To me that seems wrong and not fair. Viridian would never ask you for financial help. She is too proud for that. Ivy is very busy doing her huge job taking care of all of Fae Land and the new forest and Sara doesn't really know much about money at all yet. Okay I can see their may be a problem there said Alieta. May be no, there is a problem, said Tempressa. Why doesn't Ivy get any money from the crown at all even though she has the hardest job of all of us. I know she never puts her life on the line like the rest of the team but she works every day and we just work once and a while. Now I know you made Ivy a queen and all and that made Ivy very happy but didn't change her one bit. Now I have a huge treasury up north in my ice palace that is invisible and only I can access it when need be. I would like you to give my money from the crown to Ivy and that way Viridian could live better and Ivy could now go into a store and buy something she liked, though she would probably by things for other people knowing Ivy. Can we do that for them please? asked Tempressa.

My goodness, I had no idea and I get it that Viridian would never come to me for help. Actually I am the one that comes to her and the rest of the team for help when needed, said Alieta. Now this I have to fix and I am very happy that you came and brought it to my attention, queen to queen as you put it. Now there is no need for you to give up your income because Fae Land's treasury is extremely wealthy. Even I don't know what number it is when the treasurer gives me her monthly report. So many zeros. Now yes Ivy needs her own money for sure. That girl works so hard and loves Fae Land so much. Sara needs money too but not as much as Ivy at first anyways, she is still learning the ropes and Ivy is teaching her so Ivy will get an additional bonus for being Sara's teacher. Now as for the bed situation that I was unaware of. What should I do there, asked Alieta. Tempressa now looked very happy. Well I have an idea that won't look like charity, said Tempressa. Have a letter sent to her from that nice furniture store that says she won a prize in a random draw. Make the prize be a new bed. And that way she will just think she got really lucky but let the store owner know that she must never say it was from you and it really was a prize. Knowing Viridian she would go there and thank her for the bed, said Tempressa. Perfect idea, said Alieta. Now about Sara living there with the two of them. How does that work? Well Sara sleeps in Ivy's room and it is pretty crowded in there with the second bed. No room for even a stand up mirror or vanity, said Tempressa. Okay and I suppose the bathroom is too small also for all of them and they must run out of hot and cold running water a lot also, said Alieta. Yes I suppose so, said Tempressa. Okay then. The crown will start paying Ivy and Sara immediately plus Ivy will have access to the crowns treasury seeing she is a queen but I dough she would ever access it so I will have messengers set up accounts for her in every store that I have accounts with just like all of you. That way when she buys something the owner will ask her if she was paying cash or paying by account. I am sure she will eventually try the account way and think it was like a magical way of paying for things, said Alieta with a smile. Tempressa laughed and said you are probably right. Now I will go to Viridian and tell her that with Sara living with the two of them, it is time to expand on their place a bit with another bedroom and washroom plus what ever else she may think is needed to make things more comfortable. I will not take no for an answer, said Alieta. Tempressa was very happy and hugged Alieta. You are the best she said. I wanted a little to help them but you are fixing everything for them. Well I consider you all my family so nothing is too good for you all, said Alieta. Now is there anything else I can help you with. Well yes but not for me. Ivy is having a problem figuring out what to add next to the forest. Now a while ago Carmen told me that back home she used to love a place she called a sauna that was a place of peace and quite plus was heated just enough to make her sweat a bit that would clean out her pores. Zatsuky said that was too warm for her and preferred the out door pool that was shallow at one end and deep in the other. Yes they would be great to have in the forest, said Alieta. So I am not sure but Candy said that Zan could draw detailed plans from just looking at the father and new exactly what he needed, said Tempressa. Oh yes she is amazing with a pencil and has strong insight like Ivy, said Alieta. Good then maybe tomorrow morning have Candy bring Zan to Carmen and Zatsuky's place and have her read the two of them but make sure Candy has some paper and a couple of pencils first in case they don't have any paper big enough for Zan to draw on. Yes that will work. Okay then Tempressa, this has been a great meeting and now I will get things in motion, said Alieta. You and your sister Snowflake, being Mother Nature now were the first two girls I brought into the palace with me. You actually became the first hero even before Alexa was born. I am glad you can easily come to me and speak your mind. So you have a lot of money stashed in your ice palace? Yep piles of gold coins and gems, said Tempressa with a smile.

They both went back outside and Alieta found Ginger watching some of the fairies playing with Zan and Candy. Hi Alieta and Tempressa. That Zan sure does like to play, said Ginger. She is packed full of energy. I may have to pay Candy more just to make sure doesn't she find it too hard to keep up with her. No I think she is enjoying being with Zan, said Alieta. Once Zan has been here for a while Candy will go back to designing clothes again. Now I need you to do some things for me today. Sure what do you need? asked Ginger. First Tempressa brought it to my attention that things are pretty tight at Viridian's place, money wise and space with Sara living there now. Okay so do you want me to increase Viridian's income some? asked Ginger. No I want you to set up an account for Ivy, said Alieta. She works hard everyday in the cove and has no income plus Sara is working with her so set up a smaller account for her too until she learns everything in there. Good idea, Ivy does work very hard and controls all of Fae Lands magic and she is a queen and all, said Ginger. Yes she is so set up a crown account for her too and have all the stores that we have accounts with add her name to it. Are you sure we should give her access to that amount of money? asked Ginger. I am positive. Ivy will not misuse the account, I am sure, said Alieta. She will probably just buy small gifts for her friends, said Tempressa and that includes you Ginger. Okay, a gift from Ivy would be special no matter what it was, said Ginger. Now next I want you to get Jim to expand their house some with an third bedroom and a second bathroom also, said Alieta. Probably replace the water containers with bigger ones too. Three pretty girls must go through lots of water, said Alieta. Okay so when do you want to start everything? asked Ginger. Immediately, said Alieta. Match Ivy's wage to the heroes and give her an extra ten percent while she is teaching Sara and give Sara half what Ivy is getting. Get Jim to finish up what ever he is working on now and get started renovating the house. I will go tell Viridian what I am doing so she will expect Jim there soon to begin the work. Cool this is going to be good for everyone involved, said Ginger. Yep Alieta once again is fixing everything said Tempressa with a smile.

Ginger went in the palace to set up the new accounts then Tempressa decided to head back home. Alieta called over Tulip. Yes Alieta, how can I help you? she asked. Ivy invited Candy and Zan into the fairy forest to morrow, if you haven't heard yet, said Alieta. Yep Candy told me, said Tulip, that is fine, said Tulip. Okay but there has been a bit of a change of plans for tomorrow morning, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Tulip. Now Tempressa is amazing and a lot smarter than she shows us and told me that she knew of a way to have Ivy get plans to make a couple new areas in the forest that everyone will love including myself, said Alieta. Yes Tempressa is very smart, she hides it to not seem superior to other people, said Tulip. Yes now Candy is going to take Zan to Carmen's and Zatsuky's place in the morning first. The two of them have perfect ideas for two new areas for the forest. Zan can read people very good and is an amazing artist so she will draw up the plans for you to see and figure out how to make it happen, said Alieta. Oh boy this is sounding exciting, said Tulip. Now I need you to tell Ivy that she can stay home longer tomorrow so that she will be there when Candy and Zan arrive at her place with the new plans. She will probably send Sara to the forest earlier anyways. I just want Ivy to see that she is not alone in planning out the entire forest by herself, said Alieta. I know once she get the plans she will come to the forest right away to show you them. Yes she will that is for sure. She has been struggling to think of something new, said Tulip. I have a few of my sisters working on the spa idea that Repellia came up with and it is almost finished. Perfect so as soon as Candy and Zan enter the forest Ivy will know and send Sara to fly in Candy and Zan will run in behind them, she is a very fast runner I have been told. Okay, said Tulip. Anything else? Yes one more thing, said Alieta. Tempressa noticed that it is you that seems to lead the other fairies all the time in planning and stuff though you are the youngest and that seemed odd to her seeing that we all use the oldest with the most experience, said Alieta. Tulip smiled. Yes we do things different for a good reason, said Tulip. You see when the youngest princess reaches one hundred years old, she then is put in charge. That gives her the task of making decisions and making plans that gives her the experience needed to maintain the forest. Seems like the best way too me, said Tulip. But what if she makes the wrong plan or screws up? asked Alieta. Oh the other fairies would tell her first and show her the better way before any screw up was made. That is usually Chestnut. she has done it all. We are family and work together but the youngest will learn fast and rarely makes a mistake. The forest is a big part of our lives. I would plan it through properly and would ask questions if needed, said Tulip. Yes that does sound like a better way of doing things, said Alieta. Okay then I will tell Ivy about staying home in the morning and wait for Candy and Zan now, said Tulip and off she went.



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