The Adventure With Zan Chapter 4


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The Plan In Motion

In the morning Alieta told Candy and Zan the new plan during breakfast. They both left after eating and set out to get things started. They reached Carmen's and Zatsuky's place and were happily let in. Candy told them about the plan that Alieta and Tempressa came up with and they both got excited. Okay how do we start? asked Carmen. Okay you told Tempressa about a sauna you loved back home so just think about it hard and how it looked and Zan will read you then transfer your thoughts to paper, said Candy. Okay, said Carmen and she closed her eyes. Zan touched her arm and then said okay in a few moments. I got it then she went to the table and started to draw up the plans. Wow she is very good at drawing, said Carmen. In a few minutes she was done and asked Carmen to check it over. Carmen showed her a couple of things she missed so Zan added them. Yes that is it, said Carmen. Okay now your turn Zatsuky, said Candy. You think about that outdoor pool that you talked about and Zan will do the same with you. Okay and Zatsuky closed her eyes and Zan touched her. Okay done and wow that is very nice, she said. Zan got to work and started to draw again. How does she do that? asked Zatsuky. I don't know, said Candy but she is amazing. Zan finished and showed Zatsuky the drawing. Wow that is even better than I remembered it, said Zatsuky. Oh I love swimming and added some things to it that I like also, said Zan. Okay now we got to go see Ivy and show her the plans. She will be excited to see you two helped her. She was having problems coming up with new ideas for the forest, said Candy. Okay they both said. We can hardly wait to see them finished.

They both headed out to Ivy's place with the plans and saw that Ivy was very excited when they arrived. Hi Ivy, why so happy, asked Candy. Look at what a messenger brought me and she showed them both a big bag of money. Wow, said Candy. You got a nice bag of coins there, said Candy. Yes and she said I will get another one every month, said Ivy. Viridian smiled and asked Ivy what she was going to buy first. Lots of food and ice cream first, said Ivy. They all smiled. Then something nice for you Viridian. What about yourself Ivy, asked Viridian. I don't know but I will go shopping with Sara seeing she got some money too and we will figure something out, said Ivy. Viridian knew exactly what Alieta did and put them both on the payment plan. Now Ivy, Carmen and Zatsuky wanted to help you with plans for the forest and both of them came up with two great ideas. Really, they did that for me? asked Ivy. Yes they know you needed just a bit of help so look at these two plans Zan drew up after she read them, said Candy. She spread out the two plans and both Ivy and Viridian looked them over. Viridian said, they are amazing and great ideas. Ivy asked what a sauna was and swimming pool was. Candy told her that a sauna was a very quiet and peaceful place to relax and it was warm inside so you would sweat a bit cleaning out the pours of your skin. Oh that sounds very nice, said Ivy. I like a sauna. Now the swimming pool is like a lake sort of but it is better. It is perfectly shaped and has a deep end and a shallow end and also this one has a diving board on it that you can use to jump in the water from. Plus you see lots of chairs around it where you can relax after swimming and enjoy the sunshine, said Candy. Yes I love swimming too, this is very nice too and looks like fun also, said Ivy. I'll go to the forest and show these to Sara and Tulip and see if she can get them both made for us, said Ivy. Okay good, now Zan and I are going to the forest too, so when we get there could you send Sara to come and fly me in please. Zan is a very fast runner so she won't need to be flown in. Okay sounds great, said Ivy. Zan can go over the plans with Tulip and make any changes that may need to be done, said Candy. Okay, said Ivy. Viridian can you put all this money in my and Sara's room please. It is too heavy to carry with me. Viridian smiled and said sure. Okay can I go now, asked Ivy. Yes, we will see you shortly, said Candy.

Ivy got to the forest and Sara could see she was all excited. Hi Ivy, what do you have there? asked Sara. It is plans for new ideas for the forest that Carmen and Zatsuky came up with. They are amazing, said Ivy. Tulip flew over and asked Ivy if she could see the plans. Okay and Ivy handed her the plans. Oh Zan and Candy are here said Ivy. Sara can you fly Candy in please. Zan runs fast, so she will follow you. Okay, said Sara and off she went and brought the two of them to the cove in a few minutes. Zan went over to Tulip that was holding the plans she drew. Okay I see, people go in here and relax on these wall benches in bathing suits or wrapped in one of these towels but what is this, asked Tulip. Oh that heats the room with hot coal but not sure how that will work, said Zan. Okay we can keep the coal hot with magic, said Tulip. This is easy, it is mostly made of wood so it will be finished in a few hours, said Tulip. Okay, so what is this one? asked Tulip. This one will be hard to do I think, if you can do it at all. Tulip looked at the drawing again and asked what it was. It is a swimming pool, said Ivy. Oh like a lake then said Tulip. Zatsuky said better than a lake. It is shaped perfectly and has nice clean refreshing water in it and it is shallow here and deep at this end as Ivy showed Tulip. Okay, said Tulip and what is that at one end she asked. That is a diving board. They are a lot of fun, said Zan. Yes I can imagine that would be, said Tulip. Lots of nice laid back chairs and small tables for drinks. Yes I think we can do this one also but it will take longer. At least two days because we need to drill for the water and seeing that there is no run off, the water has to go back under ground. Great, said Ivy. I will get my sisters to get the sauna done first then tomorrow we will get started on the swimming pool, said Tulip. Bye the way the spa is done now too. So where is Candy, asked Ivy. Oh she is over there, said Zan. I think she is stunned. They all looked and saw Candy just standing there near the entrance of the cove just looking around. They all laughed. You okay Candy. Yep I am just fine and she just kept looking around. Okay see you all in a few hours, said Tulip. Oh make the sauna much closer to the entrance so that it won't be a long walk to get to it, said Ivy. Okay, then Tulip flew off. So we better get Candy and snap her out of it, said Zan.

Ivy, Sara and Zan went over to Candy and she just kept saying amazing. Yes Candy it is but lets have a look around now, said Zan. Okay, said Candy and she just smiled. Ivy and Sara showed them both around the cove. Ivy explained the pool to them both and they all sat down and put their feet in the water. Oh that feels so good, said Candy. Yes but not deep enough to swim in but the swimming pool will be good for that, said Ivy. Wow it is going to be a paradise in the forest, said Candy. You know what would be good also in here, said Candy. A place where you can eat and drink. Like an outdoor eatery. Yes that sounds like a good idea also, said Ivy. Maybe you and Zan can work on a plan for that also when you get back to the palace, said Ivy. Sara went over to the overview and said all good here. Good, said Ivy. So what are you going to do when you leave here asked Ivy to Candy. Oh first work on the eatery plan then maybe take Zan to Eden. She hasn't seen the best parts yet, said Candy. Has she met Safire yet, asked Ivy, she is really cool and all blue. All blue, yes once just quickly, said Zan. Okay, maybe we should start back now, said Candy. What do you think Zan? Sure, lets go and tell Alieta that the fairies said okay to the plans, said Zan. Okay Sara, Candy needs a lift out again, said Ivy. Okay she said and off they went. When Sara got back Ivy told Sara that they both got a bunch of money at home that a messenger gave her. So we need money? asked Sara. Well we do now because we are going shopping once we are done here then we will go home first, said Ivy. Okay, said Sara and smiled.



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