The Adventures In The Land Of Fae The Angry Overlord And Across The Ocean Prolog Things have been very quite in Fae Land for the past few days with no devil attacks at all. Gabriel went to see Alieta and said she was going to take one of the she devils across the ocean to search for what ever devils may be there. One stays here just in case she is needed. Avan volunteered to go in order to have some excitement. Seeing that there is next to no magic locations across the ocean, it will be very hard to find a devil so she is having the five angels of the apocalypse join her seeing they were experts at finding bad stuff. To speed up the process, Gabriel transported Avan to the continent to wait for the other angels to arrive. Alexa was making arrangements with Ktara and Ivy to visit the elder village and was excited to see how weapons and armor were enchanted by these elves. Ivy was not too excited about going but figured she better go seeing Alieta wanted her to. Seeing old elves wasn't her idea of fun. Ktara wanted to go and see this elf that cooked better than her and maybe get some new recipes from her and ideas. Jazmen promised Tabitha, Phonixa and Repellia to take them to the forest and go swimming in the big pool. They were super excited to go with her and made plans to go the next day. Tara hung out mostly by the palace with the fairies and elves plus she would fly around Fae Land looking to see what new was growing around the land as the magic in Eden kept get stronger. Everyone was keeping busy except for Alieta this time so she spent a lot of her time outside relaxing on a chair writing another adventure book that she had fallen behind on lately. Chapter 1 More Fairies Alieta was enjoying a drink and deciding what to write about this time when Apollonia showed up. Hi Apollonia, what's up? asked Alieta. Hi Alieta I have good news for you, at least I think it is good news. What do you mean, asked Alieta. Well Guen wants to come back for a short visit. Oh that is very good news, said Alieta. Yes but she has two fairies with her also that have been bugging her to come to Fae Land with her and actually stay if they like it here, said Apollonia. Oh well that should be okay I suppose, said Alieta. Good, said Apollonia. You see the two fairies were best friends with two of Guen's princesses and want to see why they never came back to Fairy Land plus they simply miss their friends. Do you know what two fairies they were best friends with? asked Alieta. No but I think they were young but can't really tell with fairies, so maybe Tulip and Sunflower would be my best guess, said Apollonia. Alieta smiled and said, yes it is impossible to see who is the oldest among fairies. So I will go back and get Guen first. Then when ready I will get the other two girls, said Apollonia. Okay see you soon, said Alieta and off went Apollonia. 01 illustration goes here Tulip and Pippie flew over and asked what they could do today. Ivy and Sara have everything under control in the cove and there are no new plans for building anything else yet. Well maybe you should just stand here for a bit because your mother is coming to visit very soon. Really, Mom is coming! said Tulip. Tulip turned to Pippie and asked if she looked okay. Pippie laughed. We always look great silly. Oh ya but it is Mother, said Tulip. Yes and I believe she will have a surprise for you all. Hope it is a good surprise, said Tulip. Where are all my other sisters, asked Tulip. Pippie smiled and said, relax girl, it is just Mom, not the queen of... she stopped then said. Mom the queen is coming oh my goodness. Do we look okay? asked Pippie to Alieta. Alieta couldn't help but start to laugh. You two are truly nervous at seeing her again. Not nervous, just really happy, well maybe a bit nervous too, said Tulip. We have so much to show her in the forest. Well I am looking forward to seeing her again seeing also, said Alieta. Just then Apollonia appeared with Guen. Okay I will be right back, said Apollonia and vanished. Tulip and Pippie went to Guen and both hugged her at the same time. So good to see you Mom, said Tulip, I missed you. Why it has only been a couple of weeks, said Guen. Well we have been working hard in the new forest and been wanting to show you all the things we have in it now so it just seems longer I suppose, said Tulip. Guen smiled. So Alieta have they been behaving? ask Guen. They have been perfect angels, said Alieta. Good I would of hated to bring you two more if these six were causing you any trouble. Two more, said Pippie, who? Well Lollipop that has been bugging me since I got back to get Tulip to come back to Fairy Land and Misty that use to hang out with Chestnut all the time. Hey I won't be the youngest anymore, said Tulip. Lollipop is a lot younger than me. Well just few years Tulip, not that much younger, said Guen. So where are the rest of my girls? asked Guen. Oh they are out with Tara looking around Fae Land for new places to plant seeds, said Pippie. Eden's magic is spreading. Oh and who is Tara? asked Guen. Pippie looked at Tulip then they both looked at Alieta. Alieta smiled. Well a lot has happened since you were here last Guen, said Alieta. So is everything okay here? asked Guen. Oh yes, actually never better, said Alieta. Look mom here they come. Guen looked up and saw the rest of her kids coming and a big dark winged being with them. They all landed and the fairies saw Guen and ran to her. 02 illustration goes here They all took turns hugging Guen and saying how they missed her. Chestnut you will never guess who is coming too, said Tulip. Who? asked Chestnut. Lollipop and Misty, said Tulip. Really they are coming to visit! she said. Well I think they are coming to live here with all of you girls, said Guen. Really, said Chestnut and Tulip together. Yes so be nice to them please, said Guen. Tara was keeping her distance in order not to interrupt the family reunion. So is that what I think it is, said Guen as she looked over at Tara. Mom come and meet Tara she is awesome, said Tulip and went to pull Guen with her to Tara but she didn't move. Alieta, I need an explanation please, said Guen. Yes of coarse Guen, said Alieta. Tara is a good she devil and has done a lot towards protecting Fae Land. So she is a she devil but works for you? asked Guen. Well not really but she lives here in the east woods, said Alieta. Tara was beginning to get nervous now seeing the fairies were calling her Mom so now she clued in that this was the Queen of Fairy Land. Come on Mom go meet her, she is really nice, said Tulip. Look Mom I think she is scared of you more than you are of her, said Lilly. I am not scared, just confused, said Guen. That is the Guen, right said Tara to Tulip. Yep she is our Mom, she is really nice, said Tulip. Well I can tell where all of you girls got your good looks, said Tara. Guen smiled. How charming a friendly she devil, said Guen. Tara smiled back and said pretty good looking one too if I don't say so myself. Yes I see that, nice strong looking body, I can sense a great power in you, said Guen. Yep God made me this way along with my sister Avan, said Tara. Alieta started to giggle. You have a sister also, where is she? asked Guen. With Gabriel across the ocean getting rid any devils that may be over there. Guen, Tara and Avan were created to kill all the bad devils and demons on earth, said Alieta. But last I heard devils can't be killed, said Guen. Well these two can't be killed but they can kill other devils, said Alieta. I will give you the whole story later. Okay, said Guen. My you are so pretty, wings are unusual but look very strong, said Guen. So you don't find them scary? asked Tara. No not really, very pretty in their own way, said Guen. Just then Apollonia returned with Lollipop and Misty. All the fairy princesses ran over to see them. Alieta called over Apollonia. Oh I see you have met Tara, said Apollonia. Kind of cute isn't she. Cute, said Guen, she is absolutely gorgeous. Ya that too, said Apollonia with a smile. 03 illustration goes here Tara and Guen were still chatting and seemed to be getting used to each other. All the fairies were chatting away so fast Alieta couldn't tell what they were saying, so she sat down on the palace steps. Ginger came out as usual and sat beside her. So what is going on? asked Ginger. Oh just more fairies, said Alieta. Well I see Guen over with Tara, so how did that go? asked Ginger. Oh a bit slow at first but looks like all is good with them now, said Alieta. I see eight fairies now over there, said Ginger. They all seem happy, but they always seem happy. Ya Lollipop and Misty are the new arrivals, said Alieta. Guen walked over to Alieta and Ginger. Well Tara told me a few things about herself and I can tell she is quite the girl, Alieta. Yes she is and can be pretty funny at times also, said Alieta. Yes she is kinda funny, what is her sister like? asked Guen. Well even though they are twins they have different personalities but listening to them talk when they are together can be very funny, said Ginger. So how do they differ? asked Guen. Well Avan is more conservative and doesn't always catch on right away when Tara is joking and teasing her, said Ginger. Tara likes to flirt and with men a lot and Avan doesn't flirt but they are both very competitive with each other. You would have to hear them when they are together to see what I mean, they are just like regular sisters, just with super powers. Zan came out and asked what all the noise was about? I was trying to get my last hour of sleep but had to get up and see what was going on. Oh my it is a Triffie, said Guen. Zan turned and looked right at Guen. Zanithianna you are still alive, said Guen with a huge smile on her face. Yep, thanks to Apollonia and Ivy. Hi Guen, you have an amazing family, said Zan. So you two know each other, said Alieta. Oh yes, said Guen. We were very good friends for a long time, way before us fairies had to start hiding in the forest. Okay, said Ginger. Now I am feeling very young again. Alieta smiled. 04 illustration goes here Well best you meet the two new fairies before we all head into the forest and let my girls show me what they are all excited about, said Guen. Oh I am sure you are going to be very surprised, said Alieta. Lollipop and Misty, can you two please come over here and meet my friends, said Guen. They both flew over looking very happy. Now girls up there with the horns is Zan that is Queen of the Triffies, said Guen. I didn't know she was still alive but thank God she is and was a very special friend of mine long before you were born. Beside her is Ginger that is in charge of the palace and has been around longer than you two also. Now I am feeling old again, said Ginger to Alieta. Sitting beside Ginger is Alieta, Queen of Fae Land, said Guen. She is in charge of everything here including you two and my girls. What ever she says you listen and do as she says just as if I was telling you. Do you have any questions. Nope, Ginger has very pretty eyes and hair, said Lollipop. Yes she does and is Alieta's best friend so do as she says also. What is Zan in charge of? asked Misty. Zan is a Triffie and is the first being to ever walk the planet, said Guen. She is extremely intelligent and knows a lot about fairies so if you have any personal questions, you can talk to her about them. She also has many stories she can tell you about the past. Okay so like a teacher, said Misty. Yes, you can say that, said Guen. Now introduce yourselves to each of them and then we are all going to head over to the fairy forest. Both Misty and Lollipop introduced themselves then went back to where the other fairies were waiting. Those two will not be any trouble, said Guen. Lollipop is the youngest and tends to ask lots of questions and has a special connection with Tulip. Misty and Chestnut are best of friends and she will most likely ask Chestnut questions more than anyone else because she keeps to herself more. One thing about her is she can find water better than any of the fairies in the most unsuspected places. She once sensed and found a small spring a long time ago that must of been fifty miles away across desert land. So Lollipop, does she have a special talent? asked Ginger. Yes, she is a lot like Tulip in many ways and can organize fairies when doing jobs, said Guen. Very smart girl that is going to be a great help to Tulip and has an incredible imagination. You will see once she gets settled in and comfortable with you all. Lollipop believes anything is possible and Tulip helps her make it possible. Okay I better go now, looks like Tulip wants me to hurry up. 05 illustration goes here Chapter 2 She Devils Spotted Avan sat and waited on the beach where Gabriel told her to wait. It was still light out and some people were around but kept their distance. The angels soon showed up and they all talked some and told Tara that Gabriel filled them in about how you are a devil killer. A girl came running over to them when she saw the angels. Wow real angels with pretty wings, she said then looked at Avan. Your not an angel. Well this is Avan and she is a friendly she devil made by God to kill evil she devils, said Kenzie. Really, I thought she devils were ugly, said the girl. Do you think God would make somebody ugly to do such an important job? asked Kenzie. The girl smiled. You are very pretty, are you here to kill the two she devils I heard my Dad talking about with his friends? asked the girl. Your father talked about she devils? Do you know where they are? asked Kenzie. Nope but somewhere east of here, they say there is a place where pixies, sprites and even some fairies have been see there in a some kind of a magical forest if you believe in that kind of stuff, said the girl. I think it is just all fake rumors though. Well I come from the most magical place on the planet, said Avan where there are lots of pixies and sprites and even fairy princesses living in a magical forest. Really, said the girl. So the rumors are true! That is so cool, said the girl. Those devils must of sensed the magic from the fairy forest, said Avan. They will be going there for sure. Yes but I wonder why we never saw any pixies and sprites on this continent before, said Kenzie. We have covered every part of this land. Probably why no one ever found fairies back home, they are very good at staying hidden, said Avan. Well we may of just got lucky, said Kenzie. We can sense magic that is strong enough to attract devils. Okay Tezz and Zena, you two go out east and look for these devils. If I am right they may be headed to that park. Okay boss and they flew off. What you all say we go and find this forest, as I remember there are not that many in this region. Thanks for all your help little girl and they all flew off. Wow real angels and a nice she devil, said the girl to herself. I don't think anyone will believe me back home. Best keep my mouth shut. 06 illustration goes here As they were flying east inland, Tezz pointed to an area that looked like there was an outdoor event going on. They flew down closer and saw that there were a bunch of picnic tables set up with people sitting at them and a few big barbecues were going on. Now that looks like people are having a good time, said Kenzie. Do you think we should intrude on them. Well we could ask if anyone heard of a forest with pixies in it, said Avan. Okay, said Kenzie and they all flew down to talk to the people doing the cooking. They landed and took the cooks by surprise. Oh sorry for scaring you, said Kenzie. Oh, you just startled us said one of the women. We have never seen real angels before. So how can we help you? Well we are looking for a special forest that may have pixies in it and maybe some sprites too, said Kenzie. Oh my goodness, said the woman. Is that a she devil behind you all? Yes but she is a good she devil and is on our side, said Kenzie. Okay so I doubt there is such a place but there is a little girl here that says she has seen them, said the woman. None of us believe her of course, just a little girl with an over active imagination. There she is over with her family at the picnic table. They walked over and the young girl at that table saw them coming and ran up to them. Hi, I saw you all fly down, I knew you were angels and not big birds like my brother thought. Can you come and sit with my family she asked. Well yes Gwen, it will be an honor, said Kenzie. You know my name, the little girl said with a surprised look on her face. Well yes dear, angels know every ones names, it is part of our job. And I also know that you have been a very nice girl and you love your parents and brother very much. Gwen smiled and grabbed Kenzie's hand then lead her to her table. You feel really nice, said Gwen. Kenzie smiled and told her that the touch of an angel is very special to good little girls like you. Kenzie stopped and could sense some magic but couldn't tell what direction it was coming from. Is something wrong asked Gwen. Not really, I was told you know where they might be some pixies hiding, said Kendra. Maybe, I am not suppose to tell anyone where they live, said Gwen. Kenzie turned around and told Avan, Jazmen and Candice to fly up and see what they can find in the way of a forest near by. So is that your family over there? asked Kenzie. Yep but they don't believe in pixies and sprites or even fairies but I know they are real, said Gwen. Yes so do I, said Kenzie. I know they are real. 07 illustration goes here They walked over to where her family was all sitting and watching them. Hello, you have a very nice family here, said Kenzie. Yes we are a God fearing family and do our best to be good, said the father. Well there is no reason to fear God, he is all about love and would never give you a reason to be scared of him, said Kenzie. Now Gwen here tells me that you all don't believe in pixies and sprites, said Kendra. Well right now we are not sure, said the father, you see Gwen has an uncanny way of knowing things about people. Ya it can get annoying at times when she always knows what we are feeling but we all still love her, said the older brother. Well that is good Glen, said Kenzie. Your family has been blessed with such an amazing girl. I have only ever met one other before you that has similar talents and she is a forest sprite way back in the Land Of Fae. Must be a wonderful place, said the the father. We have never seen a sprite before but they are rumored to be in the woods over there. They stay hidden from us people, said the father. Well forest sprites are the most beautiful of all the sprites with lovely long green hair and green eyes plus their finger and toenails are naturally green too so they blend into the woods easily also they have wings that can make them fly very fast. They sound amazing, said Gwen, I have only seen a little pixie just once for a second then it seemed to vanish. Kenzie smiled. Well pixies can get very small and when that small they are the fastest flying beings on the planet so it just looks like they can disappear. Here take my hand and look inside me if you want to see what a forest sprite looks like, said Kenzie. Gwen took her hand and immediately started to smile. Do you see her yet? asked Kenzie. Yes I see her talking to a bigger very pretty woman with wings also but she doesn't have green hair, said Gwen. The forest sprites name is Ivylynn and the other sprite's name is Alieta. Kenzie let go of Gwen's hand. They were both so beautiful, said Gwen but Ivylynn is extremely pretty like you said. Kenzie smiled. Yes we all just call her Ivy and Alieta is actually the Queen of Fae Land. 08 illustration goes here Can I borrow Gwen for a few minutes please, asked Kenzie to the father. Okay, where are you taking her. Oh just over there to the woods. She needs to meet some very special people, said Kenzie. Well I suppose she will be safe with you, said the father. Oh yes very safe and there is nothing dangerous in those woods, said Kenzie. She took her to the woods and asked Gwen where she saw the pixie. It was just over there through those trees where a path starts, said Gwen. They got to the path that was deep enough in the woods that no one from the park could see them. So now what do you do when you get here? asked Kenzie. I call out for them lots of times but they never come, said Gwen. You just thought they never came, pixies are very timid yet extremely curious, they were just very small hiding in the trees, said Kenzie. Just watch and see. Kenzie spoke out to the forest, "Sprites and pixies, I need you all to meet a very special girl that is a new friend of mine, My name is Kenzie and I am an angel from heaven, I need to talk to the one in charge here". Things started to rustle and Gwen could see little heads poking out from behind the trees. Then a couple sprites came flying towards Kenzie. Hi one of the forest sprites said. Nice to finally see an angel around here in our woods. My name is Savanah and I am in charge of these woods. I see you brought that nice girl with you. Yes her name is Gwen and she is very special, said Kenzie. Special in what way? asked Savanah. She can read people better than you can and has sensed your presents in these woods for a very long time, said Kenzie. Savanah smiled then looked up. Okay Caspie, stop spying on us and come down here and meet this lovely girl. Down came a very small girl that quickly grew to full size. This is Gwen and she can feel stuff like I can, said Savanah. She comes here today with an angel named Kenzie. Hi Gwen, if Savanah likes you then I like you too, said Caspie. You are a pixie, I can feel that, said Gwen. Caspie smiled. Yep I sure am a pixie, I am in charge of the pixies sort of but Savanah is the main boss though. Savanah is really smart, said Caspie. There is a pixie in Fae Land named Pippa that is the queen of the pixies across the ocean, said Kenzie. Yep Pippa is our queen too, she doesn't come here very often but she put me in charge here, said Caspie. No way, you know Pippa way over here, how is that possible" asked Kenzie. Pixies can fly super fast, you should know that, said Caspie. Doesn't take very long for messengers to relay messages back and forth from Fae Land to here. Then there must be lots of pixies here then, said Kenzie. Yep, show yourself girls, yelled Caspie then hundreds of small pixies showed themselves. Oh my God, you are all so pretty, said Gwen as she looked around in astonishment. This is like a fairy tail come true. No the fairies are in the forest a bit further away where there are more pixies also. They are really nice, said Caspie. Okay Gwen stay here and get to know some of these girls while I have a little chat with Savanah, said Kenzie. 09 illustration goes here So what would you like to talk about? asked Savanah. Well it has to do with two she devils that are probably heading this way, said Apollonia. Why would she devils be coming here? asked Savanah. Maybe not here but how well do you know the fairies that Caspie mentioned in a forest not far from here? asked Kenzie. Very well, I am good friends with Jupitor the Queen of the Fairies. The pixies here have been helping them to make the magic in their forest stronger. That was what I was afraid of, said Kenzie. You see devils are attracted to magic, they can sense it from miles away. They seek magic out to absorb it to become stronger and they will kill anything that gets in their way. Oh no, devils can't be killed, what are we going to do? asked Savanah. Well we have a secret weapon named Avav that is a special she devil created by God that can kill all evil devils and demons so there is nothing to worry about but seeing you are the head of these woods and you have lots of pixies here that spread pixie dust everywhere they go, I needed to get all the facts them pass them on to Avan. So where is this Avan now? asked Savanah. Flying around not far from here with two other angels keeping an eye open for them. So she can kill these evil creatures then, she must be very powerful, said Savanah. Yep and she has a twin sister that is back in Fae Land making sure nothing bad happens there, said Kenzie. Together they are the two most powerful beings on the planet. So what is this Fae Land like, Caspie never mentioned to me, said Savanah. Well it is across the ocean to the west and it is the most beautiful and magical place in the world, said Kenzie. There are elves, sprites, pixies and fairies all living together in Fae Land that is very big plus even humans live there also but there are mostly pixies that number in the thousands. Wow I would love to see such a place, said Savanah. Well it is too far away and a sprite can not fly that far over the ocean. But look inside me and I will think about Fae Land for you. Savanah looked hard at Kenzie and saw Fae Land then started to smile. It is so beautiful, said Savanah. I wish there was a place like that here she said. Well there can be, said Kenzie. Just get the pixies to fly around the park at night like they do in Fae Land and over a bit of time things will change here. It is a start but I bet those fairies will start coming by too once they see how wonderful the park has changed. You see the pixie dust is magical and so is fairy dust that will do amazing things to plants and people, said Kenzie. Now I got to take Gwen back to her family that may be getting worried about her by now. When she comes to the woods and calls either your or Caspie's name, come fly to her please. You two can teach her lots. Okay, said Savanah. Zannie is one of my best friends and loves to play all the time. Hmm, there might be a way for you to meet our Ivy, she is the most powerful yet loving forest sprite anywhere, said Kenzie. She can actually control the magic in Fae Land. Anyways I will be back in a bit. Gwen, it is time to leave. Okay, I'm coming, said Gwen. 10 illustration goes here They walked back to the table and they asked what she saw. It was like a fairy tale dad. You wouldn't believe it, said Gwen. I got to talk to some very pretty forest sprites and the cutest pixies and there were lots of them. Is this all true? asked the father to Kenzie. Yes it is but only Gwen can visit them right now, said Kenzie. There is a plan in place for this park so don't interfere with it. You will begin to see the most wonderful changes here making this park more and more beautiful every day. Once the sprites and pixies begin to feel safe around people in the park you will see for yourself and how friendly and loving these special Fae people are. Anyways I have some work to do else where. Very nice meeting you all. Then Kenzie flew up to join Avan and the other two angels then they flew down just outside of the woods. Well then, seems like Gwen's feelings are all true, said the father. If you can't believe in an angel then who else can you believe. I believe Kenzie and Gwen, said Glen. The two angels returned and Tezz said they saw them headed west and probably coming this way. At the rate they are going they will reach this area by sometime tomorrow. Devils don't travel at night or else they would be here sooner. Well just in case you two stand guard here outside of the woods over night and the rest of us will find this fairy forest and watch out from there, said Kenzie. In the morning we will get together and make a plan unless Tara has it all figured out already. I am just going to kill them, said Avan. You five can watch if you want. I like that plan, said Kenzie. 11 illustration goes here Chapter 3 A New Paradise Alieta got Guen to come inside to the den while the rest of them all flew off looking for new growth plus showing Lollipop and Misty how big and beautiful Fae Land is. They flew around heading north and came to an area that was all just grass and hardly any flowers. Why is that area bare? asked Lollipop. Probably hasn't been seeded naturally yet, said Tulip. So do we get to stay in the forest tonight, asked Misty. You bet, said Chestnut. You should see all the extra nice areas we made in there for those that are allowed to enter the forest. You know, I was thinking back in Fairy Land when Guen was making all the changes and making some open areas for everyone, said Lollipop. Thinking of what? asked Tulip. Well why can't we build some thing nice out here. Then everyone can come and enjoy it, said Lollipop. You know like a little paradise with fountains and gardens. Just really pretty. Hmm. I like your way of thinking, said Tulip. Lets go down and test the ground in this open area, said Lilly. They all flew down and saw that there was no one around for miles so this area needed something. Lilly stuck her finger in the ground then said, "Yep ground is perfect, ready to be seeded already". I can sense lots of water underground also , said Misty. So lets plant a few plants here to get things started then come back tomorrow and see how well they did, said Lollipop. I would like to keep it secret from Alieta for now and surprise her with it when it was done but if Guen thinks that would be wrong then we will tell Alieta about it. Lilly flew over to where she saw some tulips that had gone to seed so she grabbed a handful and came back. These will do as testers, said Lilly then planted the seeds near a small bush. Okay looks good they all decided and took off to the forest to show Lollipop and Misty all new things that they made so far. 12 illustration goes here When they got to the forest entrance Tara was standing there. The forest won't let me in after what I tried to do to it a while back I guess, said Tara. What were you doing to get in? asked Tulip. Just saying open up please and trying to figure out some passwords that might work, said Tara. Try again but this time touch a tree, said Tulip. Tara walked towards the trees and reached out touching one and they all opened up wide for her. Wow, I wasn't expecting that, said Tara. Looks like all the work you two did saving the forest from devils paid off, said Tulip. Plus you have a pure white soul, that helps also! They all went to the cove and and saw Ivy and Sara working away over by the overview. Ivy was very surprised to see Tara in the cove but very happy also. Tulip told Ivy that Guen was back and brought two of their friends with them. She introduced Lollipop and Misty to her that were very happy to see Ivy and was their first time seeing forest sprites. Tulip told Ivy about Lollipop's idea out in the grassy area in Fae Land and Ivy thought that it would be a good idea for everyone. They went to the overview and Tulip showed Ivy where they planted the first flower beds. See if you can enhance some magic there from Eden, said Tulip. I am not sure if you can do it but it would help speed things up some. Well I don't really have a lot of control of the magic in Eden but maybe something can be made in Eden that will give me some better control of it. At least there is a new green dot on the screen showing the spot where you started the new paradise. Okay that will do for now but I will asked Guen if she knows of anything that can be put there to give you a bit of control, said Tulip. Plus I have to ask Alieta if she thought it was a good idea for them to even do it. They all went to show Tara, Misty and Lollipop the rest of the spots in the forest. They all had to walk though because Tara's wing span was too big for the width of all the paths. The pool was the closest place to visit so they all went there first. Tara was all excited to see so much water and such a lovely place. So what is swimming? asked Tara. Oh it is when you get in the water and move around in it by moving ones legs and arms, said Pippie. Oh that sounds like fun but don't you just sink? asked Tara. Well maybe you will with those big wings but we will see later when we teach you how to swim, said Pippie. Ivy taught Pippa how to swim but she is very light but not sure what will happen with you. Regardless there is a shallow area where you can touch bottom with your feet and get all wet and play around. Cool, said Tara. Yep it is cool water also, said Pippie. Okay, Lollipop and I are going to the palace to ask Guen if there is a way for Ivy to control Eden's magic, said Tulip. 13 illustration goes here When Tulip and Lollipop got to the palace an elf told them that Alieta was in the den with Guen. They went to the den and saw they were having tea and some cookies together. Oh hi you two, said Guen. Hi mom, is it okay if we ask you and Alieta something? asked Tulip. Yes of coarse dear, what is it? asked Guen. Well first we need to know if it is okay for us to do it with Alieta, said Tulip. Do what? asked Alieta. Well you see, Lollipop has this idea about making a new paradise in Fae Land that everyone could enjoy and not have any restrictions on it like the fairy forest has, said Tulip. Sounds interesting so far, said Alieta. What kind of paradise are you planning? Well it is Lollipop's idea so I will let her tell you, said Tulip. Lollipop look a bit nervous being around two queens but Guen told her to just relax and tell us your idea. Okay then, she started. When we were doing all the new open areas in our forest and setting up very beautiful airy spots here and there I just thought it would be so nice if more than just us could see these places. When we were flying around Fae Land today we came across a huge grassy area that looked undeveloped and no people at all were there. Okay, said Alieta. I know the area. It is very big and open and I was saving it for possible new development of towns or villages but there is lots of room there for what you may be talking about. How big would this paradise you have planned be and what would be so special in there that would attract people? Well not sure how big yet but there seemed to be miles and miles of open space there, said Lollipop. It would be like a tropical paradise with refreshing ponds and small waterfalls running into them plus romantic walkways with beautiful plants and flowers everywhere. A very good place for people to take their date. Plus benches in garden areas and stuff like that, said Lollipop. My that sounds amazing, said Alieta. You have an amazing imagination. Yes she does, said Guen. She is the best planner I have ever met with exception to Tulip. With all my girls here I found her to be the best planner and was able to understand me when I told her my ideas for Fairy Land. She is very young but extremely good at getting things done. Okay, then so I know there is no rivers going by there so how will you get ponds and waterfalls in this paradise. Oh we will have to find an underground water source, that is all, said Lollipop. Pippie test the ground already and said the soil was perfect and Misty said there was lots of water underground. That is why everything is nice and green and not sandy there. So what do you think Alieta? Would this be good for Fae Land? asked Guen. Yes it would be wonderful but I am concerned about the extra work that Ivy would have to do maintaining it, Fae Lands magic mostly deals with current types of plants and is centered in Eden. This area is pretty far west from Eden, said Alieta. Well that leads us to our next question, said Tulip. Oh what is that dear? asked Guen. Well Ivy loves the idea but said it would be so much easier to maintain if she could control some of Eden's magic from the cove. I am not sure if this could be done so I told her I would ask you if you knew a way to connect the cove to Eden's magic, said Tulip hopefully. Well you fairies are really getting inventive in a place that has so much room to work with, said Guen. 14 illustration goes here Okay now there may be a way to just tap into Eden but that is all, said Guen. You cannot build a new cove over Eden's magic source, it is way to strong and would never be able to with stand the energy and just turn to ash. Now there is a special thing that I used to get the forest started for Fairy Land. It is very unique and necessary for a cove. Now I would have to go to the cove here and look around and find it somewhere around the out side of the cove. It must be there somewhere, it is is made when creating the cove plus it makes the overviewer work, said Guen. So what is it? asked Alieta. It is like a beacon that sends information to the forest and the coves overviewer. It would allow Ivy to zoom into different areas of Eden and a large area around it. The beacon also can tap into the magic and absorb it the Ivy could move it some using the overviewer. It is like a transmitting beacon but totally natural. It has to be put exactly in the correct place far enough from Eden's center source but close enough to where it is needed. That is the tricky part, said Guen. If too close to the source it will just turn to ash and to far it will do nothing to help. That is where we would need Ivy. She has the strongest power of sensing magic in people and places. What does the beacon look like? asked Alieta. Oh it is a very pretty tree. It will stand out because there will be only one and quite close to the cove. It has lovely golden leaves. Cool, said Lollipop. When can you come and look for it? Oh when we are finished here, said Guen. Unless Alieta has different plans. Nope no other plans, said Alieta. Okay then, is Ivy still in the cove? asked Guen. Yep, Sara too, said Tulip. Okay then lets go and start searching, said Guen. It will be very close to the cove but hidden behind other trees. Oh ya Alieta, Tara was able to just walk into the forest by herself. I felt she could being all white inside. Oh fantastic, said Alieta. That will give the two of them something to do when things are calm here. Okay then lets get started, said Alieta and they all left the palace. 15 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Avan Does Her Job In the morning Kenzie sent Tezz and Zena back up to see where the she devils were. I am going in this forest to see if I can find Jupitor that Savanah mentioned yesterday. Kenzie touch a tree and nothing happened. Well they don't have a cove yet, said Kenzie. She went in about thirty feet and could tell she was being watched. Okay you fairies I need to talk to Jupitor please. A tiny fairy flew down, hi my name is Saturn, why do you want to talk to my Mom? Well she needs to know that evil she males are heading this way, said Kenzie. Oh no, not yet we are not ready, said the fairy and flew off fast. Okay so there is at least one fairy princess here, I wonder if there are four. In a few moments two small fairies showed up then grew to normal size. I am Jupitor, I didn't believe my daughter at first when she said devils were coming but when she said an angel was here and told her so I figured I better come and find out what is going on and now I see you are a real angel. Told you Mom, she looked like a real angel so is she? asked Saturn. Yes I am and there are four more close by, said Kenzie. Okay so what is this about she devils? asked Jupitor. How much do you know about she devils? asked Kenzie. Lots, I know they can't be killed and go after magic like a fly to light but I figured being this close to the human town we would be safe for now until we made our cove and got it working, said Jupitor. Well I talked to Savanah last night and she told me pixies have been coming over here spreading pixie dust around with you all so that means the magic has gotten strong enough to attract them, said Kenzie. Oh my, I was hopping that wouldn't happen yet but I have no choice, I only have three daughters and four are needed for it to set up properly, said Jupitor. I will have to be the fourth fairy but that is not the same. Why not? asked Kenzie. Jupitor walked close to Kenzie and flew up a bit then she whispered in Kenzie's ear. They must of ever had a child, said Jupitor. What, you mean virgins? asked Kenzie. Yes but keep that to your self. I don't want my girls losing any of their powers by getting pregnant. Okay, something I have to talk to Guen about when I see her next, said Kenzie. Who is Guen? asked Jupitor. The Queen of Fairy Land across the ocean, said Kenzie. Really, does she have children too? asked Jupitor. Yes she has six that I know of, said Kenzie. Wow, she must have a very powerful cove then, said Jupitor. Yes but I may know someone that can help you out some later on but first we have two she devils to kill for you. You can't kill them, said Jupitor. We have a friend that can. Get your family up top of the forest and watch. You are in no danger at all, said Kenzie then walked out of the forest. Mom what is a virgin? asked the Saturn. Oh you heard that did you, I will tell you later but first gather your sisters and we will do what the nice angel told us to do, said Jupitor. 16 illustration goes here Tezz came back down and said they are close. About an hour away. So you ready Avan? asked Kenzie. Yep, this will be fun, she said. Been a while since I had to kill a devil. Zena came down and said that this may be a bit more complicated. Why? asked Kenzie. They have split up. One is headed towards the woods and the other is headed straight here, said Zena. Okay do you got a plan Avan? asked Kenzie. Yep, all you angels go and hold off the devil headed for the woods. Just keep blasting the heck out of her. Keep blasting non stop and moving closer pushing her back, eventually she will turn away and head for the forest with the other she devil. So why are we waiting for them to get closer? asked Candice. Wouldn't it be best for you go out and get them while they are a bit back from us? No that would just make things longer to get them, said Avan. You see they can sense power, danger and fear. If I was to confront them now, they would sense that I had no fear and was very powerful. They would just fly back fast and disappear, then come back later, said Avan. You angels should go but you need to all stick together and fight. A devil is not afraid of angels and are much more powerful so don't give it a chance to fire back. Okay everyone lets get set and blast the hell out of that devil, said Kenzie and they all flew away. Jupitor, Saturn and Savanah flew up to the tree tops to watch what was going to happen. Avan saw that the she devil coming her way and was now flying so she stayed low as to not be seen at first. Kenzie and her crew got to the woods then headed out to the incoming she devil. Okay girls she is coming in fast so lets do our thing. They met up with the she devil that looked surprise at first but then started to laugh. Kenzie sent a blast at her then they all started blasting the devil sometimes missing mostly right on target. It was enough to keep the devil back and not getting closer to the woods. Lets get closer girls and lets stop missing. Okay they all said and flew very close to the devil and blasted away hitting her over and over again pushing her back bit by bit. Avan saw her she devil getting too close so while still slightly hidden in the woods she let out a blast and hit the devil dead on, stunning her causing her fall to the ground. Avan looked over to the woods and saw the other she devil was headed her way fast. Good, time to kill both these idiots at the same time she thought. The stunned devil got back up on it's feet and the other one flew down beside her. They saw Avan and both of them shot out a red beam and hit Avan dead on but it barely hurt her. Avan raised both her arms and did her thing turning the she devils to dust. Did you see that, said Jupitor. She just turned them devils into dust. Yep I saw, said Savanah. I didn't, I had my hands over my eyes, said Saturn. Well what ever that girl is, she has some kind of power, said Jupitor. Kenzie told me Avan is a she devil made by God, said Savanah. Well in that case I really like this she devil, said Jupitor. 17 illustration goes here The five angels flew over to Avan. Holy crap, said Tezz. That was awesome! You just turned them to a pile of ash with no effort. You all liked? asked Avan. You bet, that is some kind of power you have there girl, said Kenzie. Avan just smiled and they all headed back to the park. Jupitor and Savanah flew over behind them. Wait for me Mom, I want to come too, said Saturn. How old is Saturn anyways? asked Savanah. Just one hundred and two, she is my youngest, said Jupitor. Where are you other two girls? asked Savanah. In the forest somewhere, I didn't tell them anything was going on, said Jupitor. Kenzie said there was no reason to be alarmed and she was right. When they got there Jupitor ran up to Avan and hugged her. You fairies are all so emotional, but I like it, said Avan. Jupitor smiled and said, "You are amazing. Such power. How can we repay you?" she asked. Oh how about a nice breakfast, said Avan. I worked up an appetite. Us too the angels all said. Okay you all, said Jupitor, my daughter Saturn makes the best food so pick a table and let her do her thing. Saturn made her wand appear and set up an amazing breakfast feast on first the angels table then the one Avan and Savanah were sitting at. Man we love fairies, said the angels. Yep me too, said Avan. Hey wait for me said Caspie as she flew out of the woods and sat beside Savanah. You all have a nice family going on here, said Avan. Yep, we all take good care of each other, said Jupitor. The six fairy princesses in Fae Land are the most powerful of all the other fairies and each one of them have their own special talent they are best at, said Avan. So this Fae Land you speak of is it far away, asked Jupitor. Oh yes, the other side of the ocean, said Kenzie. One day I would like to visit there, said Jupitor but right now there is lots of work to be done here first. Well you got a good start going on now, said Kenzie. Yep, and in about a month we can start making the cove, said Jupitor. I have three of my own girls to do that but only fairy princesses can help me make something that magical so I am going to try and help. I hope that works. Well I might be able to get you another princess to help with that cove and maybe even get you two to visit Fae Land for a day, if you want. Really, how could you do that? asked Jupitor. Just like this, said Kenzie. "Apollonia, we need your help on the other side of the ocean" It may take her a bit to teleport this far. 18 illustration goes here In a few minutes Apollonia appeared at the end of the table. Okay finally made it, that was the furthest I have ever teleported, said Apollonia. So what do you need my help for? Look Mom an angel with black wings, said Saturn. Apollonia looked down at Saturn and saw her big ruby eyes and very big smile. Well who might you be little one? asked Apollonia. I am Saturn and that is my Mom Jupitor over there. She is the queen you know. Are you hungry, we already ate but I can make anything you want. Apollonia looked over and saw Jupitor then Savanah and Caspie all smiling at her. Kenzie, where am I? I'm sure that I just left Fae Land, did I just circle the planet? asked Apollonia. No you are across the ocean on the eastern continent where another family of Fae live with plans of making another Fae Land over here, said Kenzie. Okay, that is nice to hear but why did you call for me? asked Apollonia. Well Avan just killed the last two she devils over here and we all want to go back to Fae Land but there are a few extras that want to come with us for a short visit, said Kenzie. I see, this is really going to be a surprise to Alieta and one thing I love doing is surprising her, said Apollonia with a smile. 19 illustration goes here Chapter 5 Planting The Beacon Guen went with Tulip and Lollipop to the location that they had planted the tulips. Guen had a look around. Yes I see what you mean, she said. Lots of open space for miles but just grass everywhere. I don't feel much magic here though. It is almost like a dead spot for the magic, said Guen. Well the tulips we planted are already growing but not that fast, said Tulip. Eden is to the east over there. Okay lets have a quick look around but we will need Ivy to find the best place to plant the tree. They all started to fly over then got to the rim of Eden. Okay I can feel the magic now, said Guen. Lets go down and have a look. They all landed and saw that even this outer rim of Eden was beautiful. Just amazing, said Guen. Look at this place. So much untouched beauty and no one in sight anywhere. This may be a good place to plant but first we need to get to the cove, said Guen. They all took off and headed to the forest. They got to the front entrance and Guen saw the map posted outside of the trees. What is this? she asked. Oh that was Ginger's idea to make a map outside so people would know what path to take to where ever they wanted to go, said Tulip. Paths? asked Guen. You will see said Tulip and they all entered the forest. Now this is amazing, said Guen. Nice wide paths going in three directions. Yep. That one takes you to the sauna and pool and that one takes you to the outdoor eatery and bar plus the spa, said Tulip. Guen smiled. So you all have been busy, she said. Yep and Ivy made all the paths. She is really good now controlling the cove, said Tulip. She must be, said Guen. 20 illustration goes here They all flew through the center path to the cove and went inside. Ivy and Sara were there and said hi to Guen. Hi Ivy and Sara. I see you have gotten really good at controlling the cove's magic, said Guen. Yep it is easy now. It pretty much does what ever I say, said Ivy. So Ivy, we are looking for a very special tree that looks different from all the rest and there is only one of them. It should be very close to the cove, said Guen. Have you every seen it? Yep, said Ivy. It is beautiful and has gold coloured leaves. Yes that is the one, said Guen. It never seeds so I tried cutting off a branch and transplanting it on the other side of the cove but it won't grow and just died, said Ivy. Yes there can only be one of those trees in the forest. It is the beacon for the overviewer. Oh good, I thought I was loosing my touch, said Ivy. So can you show it to us please? asked Guen. Yep out that exit, said Ivy. They went to the left exit then turned right and Ivy lead them right to the tree. See, gold leaves, said Ivy. Yes very pretty isn't it, said Guen. Now you know about the new spot that is in the plans to being built. Yep, said Ivy. It is too far away and I can't do anything with it, said Ivy. Well this tree branch will let you have some control of Eden's magic. Guen cut off a small branch then put it in a jar then they walked back to the cove and Guen put some pool water in the jar also. Now you have to come with us because only you will be able to tell where to plant it. Okay said Ivy and they all flew up through the trees and out the top of the forest. 21 illustration goes here They got to the location where Guen first thought that would be a good place to plant the branch. Ivy got down on her knees and rested the palm of her hand on the grass. Nope not here, said Ivy. Too weak and it keeps fading in and out. Okay then, said Guen. We need to find a spot that has a good amount of magic but not too strong or it will just kill the branch. Oh so like the forest's magic, said Ivy. Well yes or a bit weaker if you can find that spot, said Guen. Lets see, said Ivy. She looked around and saw a bit further in Eden there was a place that had lots of flowers growing and some big bushes. Lets try over there, said Ivy. They all walked over and Ivy got back down on her knees again. She felt around some then moved a bit further out from the bushes. Then scooped out a handful of dirt. She walked over to Guen and dropped the dirt into the glass that had the branch and water in it. They all watched and saw an amazing thing start to happen. The branch started to grow new branches and leaves and got a bit taller then stopped. Okay found the spot said Ivy and she went back to the small hole she had made and started digging with her hands. You want a small shovel? asked Guen, we can make you one. Nope, hands are better, said Ivy and kept digging and then shaping the fairly deep hole she had made with her bare hands. Wow she is right into this? said Lollipop. Yes dear, she is a forest sprite and they love trees and know exactly what they need. Ivy asked for the branch and the jar. She first added a bit of water to the hole then held the branch in the hole but did not stick it in. She then started to put back the dirt around the branch with a bit of water as she went. Then she packed down the dirt and added the last bit of water then said something in old elvish to the branch then got up and told every one to stand back. 22 illustration goes here The branch then started to get bigger and bigger sprouting new branches and leaves everywhere. It grew very tall very fast and then stopped. Yeah, shouted Ivy. I still got the touch and started to do a victory dance. They all laughed at her. That was very amazing, said Guen. I have never seen a tree of any kind grow that fast. What did you say to the branch, asked Lollipop. I said "You are going to be a very beautiful tree and I will always love you plus you are going to be very special to me". I knew that we had better stand back because that branch felt very happy, said Ivy. Your the best, said Tulip. So I guess we go back to the cove now, said Guen. Nope not yet said Ivy. Another thing to do yet. She went to the tree and hugged it then started talking to it again. Then she came back and said all done. The tree knows what I want and what it needs to do, said Ivy. Okay now back to the cove, said Guen again. Nope, said Ivy. Back to the location. Guen smiled and said, you really like the control don't you. Nope, I am just doing what you asked me to do and now we are just seeing if it is working, said Ivy. Oh, yes of course, said Guen. They all flew back to where the tulips were planted and saw that they had at least doubled in size and also had big flower buds on them. Looks all good to me, said Tulip. Yep it is working, said Ivy. Now tomorrow you can all get to work building the paradise. By then the magic will be strong enough here to manage what ever you build, said Ivy. Now can we go back to the cove? asked Guen? You can but I am stopping in at home to see how Viridian is, said Ivy then off she went. 23 illustration goes here Chapter 6 Very Mad Overloard Once they got back to the cove only Sara was sitting beside the pool. Where is everyone? asked Tulip. Oh a sprite came and said there was an emergency and Tara was needed, then they all left, said Sara. Oh I better go out there and see what is going on. You all stay here with Sara, said Guen. When she got to the palace she saw Alieta and Tara going behind the palace. Where are they going? asked Guen. Maybe a devil, said Ginger. Tara said she sensed something big and angry so they went to have a look. Alieta and Tara rounded the corner and saw a big devil like creature standing there looking very mad. It was bigger than normal devil also. Tara spread her wings a bit and asked what it wanted. I am looking for all my devils that I know came here. Where are they? he said. Not here, said Tara. What are you, you are not one of my devils, said the creature. Nope God made me, said Tara. God doesn't make devils, said the creature. Just demons and overloads can make devils. Okay so which one are you? asked Tara. I am the king of the overlords, said the creature. Crap Tara thought to herself. She turned to Alieta. Don't think I can kill a overlord, she said. Who is that you are talking to, he asked then put out his hand and Alieta started to be pulled towards him. Oh no you don't ugly and Tara hit him with a big blast that through him back and released his grip on Alieta that ran back behind the palace. That is some power you pack there girl. See if you like mine and he shot out a major energy ball at her that she barely was able to dodge. Tara returned fire and hit him a couple more times but he then started to dimension shift and she was barely hurting him. This would be a good time to have my sister here, thought Tara. "Apollonia, bring Avan here fast, it is an emergency!" yelled Tara. 24 illustration goes here Back across the ocean they were all just getting ready to go and Savanah was about to say something to Caspie when Apollonia said hang on everyone Tara needs Avan's help. Then everyone vanished just as a family was walking into the park. Did you just see a bunch of angels and other things over there by that picnic table, asked the wife. I saw something there but nothing is there now, said husband. Maybe we should go back home and come back later. Apollonia appeared in front of the palace with everyone. Where is Tara, asked Avan. Bad Lands behind the palace, said Alieta, hurry this one is powerful. Avan flew over beside Tara. It's a big demon, what is the problem with killing it? asked Avan. Not a demon, it's a overlord and the big one, said Tara. What do you mean the big one, asked Avan. Kind of the king of overlords you could say, said Tara. Look there are two of you know. Just tell me where my devils are that are missing and I will leave. Um, sorry big guy, there are no devils around here anymore, said Avan. My name is Quazar and what do you mean anymore? Sorry Quazar but we killed them all, said Tara, that is what we were created to do. What! he yelled, I will teach you two a lesson for killing my devils then he sent out two energy blasts that knocked both Tara and Avan off their feet and back quite a bit. Wow this guy has more power that we have every felt before, said Avan. They both got up fast, and sent out some energy blasts of their own but he was still dimension shifting so they barely hurt him. Your devils have been causing a lot of trouble and killing people here on earth. He had to do something, said Avan, Who is he? asked Quazar. God of course, said Avan. Again with God creating devils, that doesn't make sense. Besides no devil can kill an overlord either made by God or a demon. We may not be able to kill you but we sure can put a big hurt on you, said Avan. Then they flew back at him. 25 illustration goes here They both started sending out multiple blasts at Quazar that seem to be hurting a bit but not enough to get him to leave. Looks like he can't fire at us when he is dimension shifting, said Avan. Dimension shifting, that is it. It may not kill him but I bet it will really scrape him up a lot, said Tara. They both raised both arms then started pushing back and forth. Ah, what are you doing? he yelled. Faster Avan lets really give it to him. They started moving their arms faster and faster and saw Quazar was now in great pain. He fell to his knees. He tried to leave but now he was stuck seeing Avan and Tara had control over the dimensions around him. Okay enough he yelled please stop. Well he did say please, said Tara. Yes he did at that, said Avan. Do you want to stop? I guess we better, said Tara. He is kind cute being all big and mighty looking. Tara, stop flirting with the bad guy, said Avan. They stopped and Quazar looked at both of them just standing there unharmed and smiling. He slowly got back up and stood there for a moment then said. Hmm, very pretty she devils that have enough power to trap and hurt me. God sure knows how to protect his creations. "And Don't You For Get It Big Guy!", said a voice from above. Quasar looked up then smiled. And he has a sense of humor too, said Quasar. Okay, I get it now, you were just doing your job. Three of my devil wandered away from the task I sent them on and I tracked them here. All an overlords devil wants is magic and will only kill evil beings. Devils made by demons on the other hand are just plain evil inside and out. If any of mine show up here again then feel free to kill them. It is easy to make more. What do you make them for asked Tara. They rid planets of nasty evil creatures that evolved wrong so we can start over fresh, said Quazar. Isn't that God's job, asked Avan. Hey it's a huge universe, we are here to help him, said Quazar. Anyways I have to get back to work. Hey you have a couple more devils in the southern hemisphere, that Gabriel told us about. Ya I know. I will get them and a few others also here and there. I will gather them up then let them know how lucky they are to still be alive, said Quazar. Pretty devil killers, who would of thought. Sometimes you have get hurt first to make new friends. Then he turned and said see ya later, walked away then vanished. Well we sure showed him, didn't we, said Tara. Turns out her is a nice guy. Seems that way, said Avan. Oh wait until you see who we found across the ocean. Apollonia brought them here for a visit. Did she bring back any handsome men? asked Tara. No, stop it silly, is that all you think about? asked Avan. No but sometimes it is nice to think about a nice strong handsome man, said Tara with a smile. 26 illustration goes here They walked back and head over to the front of the palace where they saw Alieta, Guen and Ginger standing on the steps and the five angels lined up with the quests behind them. Everything okay now? yelled Kenzie to them. Yep, all taken care of, said Avan. Good, we are off to give Gabriel a report, said Kenzie then they all flew away, reveling who they had hidden behind them. Apollonia. who are these people? asked Alieta. Well I didn't really get to know them much before Tara called for help but Avan knows who they all are, said Apollonia. They can't stay long seeing they are working on making another Fae Land, across the ocean. They are, how is that possible? asked Alieta. Beats me, I'm just the messenger, said Apollonia. Hi my name is Saturn, what is your name? Well I am Alieta, Queen of Fae land. Wow, the queen. Hey Mom come meet the queen, she has very pretty wings, said Saturn. Saturn walked up to Alieta and said hello. My name is Jupitor, Queen of the fairies, it is an honor to meet you. My goodness, two fairy queens in Fae Land at once, said Alieta. Well it is my pleasure to welcome you all here. Guen come meet the queen. Guen smiled and walked up to Jupitor. My you are a very pretty queen, you almost look too young to be a queen, said Guen. Ya I know but I am the oldest one left after all the wars and dragon attacks so as you know, the oldest becomes the queen and all the responsibilities that go with it, said Jupitor. Yes I know all about it, said Guen. So this is your daughter Saturn, do you have other princesses. Yes, Venice and Luna are still back home, said Saturn. Well then we have a lot to talk about, said Guen then they both walked over to the other side of the steps. 27 illustration goes here Chapter 7 Showing Off The Cove Then Savanah walked over to Ginger that was now sitting on the palace steps. Are you are you an elf? asked Savanah. I have only heard about elves from the pixies. Ginger stood up and said yes I am. Hi I am Ginger, I take care of the palace. Not really that important like being a queen or princess. Excuse me said Alieta. Ginger is my princess and she is very important to me and to all of Fae Land. If it was not for her, I probably would be queen now and there would not even be a Mother Nature as we know her now. Oh we love Mother Nature, she helps us a lot. She is very tall but very pretty, said Savanah. Well you are very important Ginger probably more important than all of us here. I thank you and all the trees and plants all over the world thank you as well. It is an honor to meet you and Savanah bowed her head to her. Ginger started to get tears in her eyes. Yes Ginger is very modest but if it wasn't for her there never may have been a palace built and I may never of became queen plus there may not even be a Fae Land as we know it today. So yes I believe she is the most important person in Fae Land and I am glad she is my best friend, said Alieta. Plus she it so darn cute too! They all smiled. So who is that hiding behind you Savanah. Well she is shy around new people but this is my best friend Caspie. She kinda is in charge of all the pixies in the woods. Okay so like Queen of the Pixies then, said Alieta. Nope, there is only one queen and that is Pippa, said Caspie. All pixies know about Pippa. Really Pippa is queen all the way across the ocean too. Yep, it don't take long for a pixie to fly across an ocean. Is Pippa here, I would love to meet her, said Caspie. Well I can arrange that, Pippa is a very good friend of mine and lives in the west woods. Pippa there is someone here at the palace that want's to meet you, said Alieta. 28 illustration goes here What she can hear you from here? asked Caspie. In a moment Pippa appeared. Yes Alieta who is it? asked Pippa. Right behind you, said Alieta. This is Caspie that is in charge of all the pixies in the woods across the ocean. Pippa turned around and smiled. I have heard about you, said Pippa. You are a very good leader of pixies and as you know that is not easy at all. What are you doing here? Well I was suppose to stay and watch over the woods while Jupitor and Savanah came here for a visit but Apollonia had to leave in a hurry so she just took all of us with her here, said Caspie Me too, I was suppose to fly back to the forest and tell my sisters where Mom was, said Saturn. I see, so you are one of Jupitor's daughters? asked Pippa. Yep I am Saturn and Mom is over there talking to Guen. Well we best send a message back to your forest so your sisters will not be worried about you two, said Pippa. Caspie, come with me to the woods, I want you too meet a couple of my friends that help me with all these pixies here. One day there will lots more pixies where you live and having some help is important. Okay but I don't know how long we are staying, said Caspie. No worries, Alieta will call when it is time to leave, said Pippa then they both took off to the west woods. Guen walked over to Alieta. Jupitor has never seen a cove before so I am taking her and Saturn plus it would be a good idea to bring the forest sprite also so that Ivy can show them how it works, said Guen. Plus I want Tulip to meet Saturn, it sounds like they have a lot in common. Okay, I need to talk to Tara and Avan about that demon, said Alieta. Guen got the three of them to follow her to the west woods. 29 illustration goes here When they reached the entrance of the forest, Guen showed them how it worked. Now Ivy has the permissions of the forest set so that all fairies and pixies can get in by just touching a tree, said Guen. What about Savanah, she is a sprite, said Jupitor. She is a forest sprite and all trees and plants love them so they can get in without having permission, said Guen. All she has to do is touch a tree or talk to one and they will let her in. Go ahead Savanah, try it. Savanah touched the tree closest to her and suddenly the trees opened up showing the three paths. Wow, so it is true the trees can move, said Jupitor. Yes and they can do so much more with a fully functioning cove, said Guen. Now the center path takes us to the cove in the middle of the forest, said Guen. The other two go to places that the fairies have made in here. It is almost three miles to the cove from here so we need to fly, so I just tell the trees we are flying and they will open up far ahead for us. Okay lets go. They followed behind Guen and the three of them were amazed at how the trees kept opening up then closing behind them. Once they reached the cove, Guen opened the entrance and they all walked in. Ivy and Sara were looking closely at the overviewer with Tulip. Ivy, I brought some guests that I want you three to meet, said Guen. Ivy flew over with Tulip first then Sara started walking over. Well that explains why there was a surge shown on the overviewer, said Ivy. Another forest sprite came in the forest. Yes, this is Savanah and she is from across the ocean along with Jupitor and her fairy princess Saturn, said Guen. Really, how did they get here? asked Ivy. Apollonia brought them, so what do you think Jupitor? asked Guen. Oh my goodness this is better than I had ever dreamed about my cove would look like, said Jupitor. The magic is so strong in here. Can you feel it Savanah. Um yep but give me a second, this is unbelievable. Are we going to make one of these? asked Savanah. We are going to try, said Jupitor. 30 illustration goes here Well if you want to protect your forest and keep unwanted people and creatures out you will have to make a cove, said Guen. There are just a few things that you need to make a cove in the middle of a forest. So what are they? asked Jupitor. First an underground water source, next lots of fairy dust that has been on the trees and ground for a while, pixie dust works too but fairy dust is more powerful and finally four fairy princesses over one hundred years old, said Guen. Well we have the water and plenty of dust everywhere but I have only three children, said Jupitor. I was going to make the fourth. No that won't work, your magic won't mix with the princesses magic properly. Why won't it, I can do anything they can do and more, said Jupitor. Yes but you are not a virgin anymore, said Guen. I don't know why but I tried a long time ago with just three princesses and it worked for a bit then just kept falling apart all the time. What is a virgin? asked Sara to Ivy. We are, said Ivy, now just listen too them. Your girls magic is completely pure and very powerful and can be combined to do very big things like create a cove and drill for water. Even though your magic is stronger, it is slightly different now and will not mix and combine with theirs but once you had you first child you and only you will be able to make the very important beacon tree in the forest. Well we can't wait for me to have another child then wait over a hundred years, to make a cove, said Jupitor. I can help, said Tulip, I have helped make two coves now. But your not one of my girls, said Jupitor. That don't matter, said Guen and Tulip here can tell your girls exactly what they need to do. This entire forest used to be all desert land before and not that long ago either. Yep, just a little over two weeks ago, said Ivy. You all grew this entire forest from desert land in just two weeks, how is that possible? asked Jupitor. Fairy magic and a lots of pixie dust magic too, said Tulip. Pretty cool don't you think. Yes very cool, said Jupitor. 31 illustration goes here Now all that said, let me show you how the overviewer works, said Guen. Ivy you should get to know Savanah and tell her how you can make the magic work for you. Saturn you should see this also so you can work yours also when it is made. Okay, that sounds like fun, said Saturn and followed them. So your Ivy, Kenzie told me you were a very special and powerful forest sprite, said Savanah. I am powerful too, said Sara. But not like Ivy, I am very strong. Yep Sara is super strong, strongest person in Fae Land, said Ivy. Well she is the biggest sprite I have ever seen, said Savanah. Now Kenzie also told me that you can control magic in Fae Land. How can you do that. I thought only fairies could control magic. Fairies can only control the magic in them and not the magic around them so that is why they need an overviewer, said Ivy. Forest sprites have the strongest reading powers in them and can actually communicate with nature as you probably know. First you have to be able to listen to the magic around you and understand it then connect to it so you can kind of talk to the magic. I did that a while ago shortly after I first came to Fae land and sat down at the strongest magic spot in Eden. White magic is made of pure love and feels great when it communicates with you. So magic talks to you? asked Savanah. Not really talks to me like we talk to each other, said Ivy. It is like when you read someone with out them telling you anything about themself. You just feel it and can see inside. Here I will show you, said Ivy. She walked into the pool and told Savanah to follow. They went to the center then she had Savanah stand beside her. What is Ivy and Savanah doing? asked Saturn. Looks like Ivy is teaching Savanah how to communicate with magic, said Guen. Lets watch, this is amazing to see. Okay now remember white magic is pure love and will not hurt you so don't move away from me no matter what you see happening. Okay, I will trust you, said Savanah. Ivy closed her eyes and the water began to swirl then bubble some. Then the magic from the pool could be seen rising up and heading towards Ivy. What is going on? asked Jupitor. Just watch you will see, said Guen. Next the magic all gathered around Ivy and began to swirl around her. She opened her eyes and told Savanah to hold her hand. When she grabbed Ivy's hand the magic began to move over to Savanah also then it was swirling around both of them. Okay close your eyes and just feel the magic all around you and passing through your body then listen closely, said Ivy. Savanah did as Ivy said then she got a big smile on her face. It's saying welcome and it likes me, said Savanah. Ivy smiled then let go of Savanah's hand. The swirling magic first broke apart and swirled around both of them separately then sank back down into the water and the pool was calm again. So how did you like that? asked Ivy. Must of been the most amazing thing I have ever felt or seen or what ever that was, said Savanah. Yep that is like the touch of an angel, said Ivy. God's love is white magic and he just welcomed you and said he loves you. Really that was God talking to me? asked Savanah. Well part of him anyways, his magic is all over the world so it is kinda hard for out minds to figure out how it is possible for him to be everywhere at the same time but that was really cool right! said Ivy. Oh ya, super cool, said Savanah. One more thing you should know, white magic is connected everywhere, said Ivy. Think of it as being one huge power that controls the entire planet. When you go back home and the fairies create a cove, just step in the pool and the magic will already know you and then you will be able to do things like I can here. 32 illustration goes here Okay lets get out of the pool and go talk to Sara over there sitting on the side of the pool, said Ivy. Can Sara do what you just did with me? asked Savanah. No not yet but I let her feel the magic like you, said Ivy. Sara is my helper and kind of my sister and is very young. It is hard to explain. So Jupitor what did you think of that? asked Guen. That was astonishing to say the least, said Jupitor. How can a forest sprite have that kind of power? Beats me but she does and she doesn't abuse it, said Guen. Alieta told me that Ivy is still the same girl she first met that loves to play and make people happy. Ivy is one of a kind and very special girl. Anyways now that you have seen what a cove looks like and how the overviewer works you should be all set very soon to make your own cove but I have a feeling you may want to let Savanah set the permissions and rules to the forest seeing the magic knows and trusts her now. But we are thousands of miles away from this pool, said Jupitor. That don't matter, white magic is everywhere that circles the world and is inside it. It is all connected, said Guen. So do you want to see the swimming pool in here my girls made? That is probably where they all are right now. You have a swimming pool in the forest? asked Saturn. Yep a real big one, said Tulip. I was hard to do but we made it work. Come lets go swimming. I have never gone swimming before, said Saturn. Don't worry it is easy and fairies float just like pixies, said Tulip. 33 illustration goes here Chapter 8 Conclusion After Tulip and Saturn went in the swimming pool which was really fun watching Saturn trying to swim like Tulip they headed back to the cove and decided to go back to the palace. Ivy told them they can just fly up and out of the forest now which was much faster. They all reached the palace grounds and saw both Tara and Avan still sitting on the steps. Okay you two it is lunch time, said Alieta to the two of them. Okay they both said and got up slowly. Are you two okay, asked Alieta. Oh just a bit sore, said Avan. We took a few good blasts from that overlord. "Lilly", yelled Alieta. Come and fix these two please. What is wrong with them, asked Lilly. Just a bit sore from fighting, said Alieta. Okay and Lilly made her wand appear and fixed both of then. Thanks Lilly, that is much better, said Tara. Now what does everyone want to have for lunch? asked Tulip. Savanah yelled out pizza. What is that? asked Tulip. Come and read her Tulip, said Sara. Okay then. Tulip flew to her then grabbed her hand. Oh that looks yummy and pretty easy to make, said Tulip. The fairies got the table set up then Tulip started making a big variety of pizzas with her wand. Okay everyone, dig in. You will really like these, said Savanah. Come on Sara and Ivy, everyone likes pizza. Sara saw lots of different kinds of pizza. So what is on them asked Sara. Oh they all have cheese on them on top of a special tomato sauce plus different types of baked meat like pepperoni and veggies, said Savanah. I like this one best. Okay we will try that one too but how do you eat it? asked Sara. They are very big. Well you cut a slice off with the pizza cutter, said Savanah. What is a pizza cutter? asked Sara. Oh sorry, can any one of you fairies make some pizza cutters? asked Savanah. I will, said Saturn. They all cut off a slice from the variety of the pizzas then started to eat. Wow this is really good, said Sara. Yep really good, said Ivy as she continued to eat her first slice. Everyone else was eating away also and there was no complaints. So where did you find out about pizzas, asked Alieta. Oh there is a country across the ocean shaped like a boot called Italy. Italian people live there and make a lot of stuff that use tomato sauces. They put it on everything like pasta too, said Savanah. Oh like spaghetti, said Alieta. Yes exactly, odd you know about that and not pizzas. They are both very popular everywhere now, said Savanah. Well they are popular here now too, said Alieta. Everyone was enjoying the pizza and Savanah warned everyone not to eat to much because it tastes so good and you don't want to stop but if you get over full you will just want to have a nap. Everyone finished then the fairies cleaned everything up. So that was fun, said Tulip. Now what do we do. Well Sara and I are taking Savanah, Saturn and Jupitor to Eden to show them how beautiful it is. Okay then I will take Guen upstairs to relax for a bit, said Alieta. The rest of you do what every you want, said Alieta. Okay, anyone want to dance said Lilly. Yep dancing sounds good, said Tara. Burn off some of that pizza. Good idea, said Caspie and Pippa. One of the fairies made music start that seemed to be coming from all directions. Okay lets boogie all. Alieta and Guen look at them all. You know they are such good kids, said Guen. Kids, the youngest is over a hundred years old, said Alieta. Yep just kids, said Guen. Alieta smiled and they went in the palace. The End 34 illustration goes here