The Adventures In The Land Of Fae The Black Swarm Prolog In the morning Alieta as usual was first in the dining room. The elf brought her a coffee as Alieta waited to see who would be next to show up. Samantha and Ginger came in next and sat down. The elf brought both of them a coffee also. So where is Zan and the the other girls? asked Samantha. Oh the girls usually come down an hour later and Zan, well who knows, sometimes around ten o'clock and sometimes at eleven o'clock, said Alieta. With Zan it all depends on when she went to bed. So everyone has their own wake up times, how nice, said Samantha. Well only Ginger here does work in the palace so she always gets up early but doesn't always show up here when I am here, said Alieta. So what do the three young girls do? asked Samantha. Well Tabitha is just visiting until school starts so she is a guest. Phonixa and Repellia pretty much do what they want, said Alieta. Well they should have some chores I would think, said Samantha. Oh they are very useful to me, said Ginger. Really how is that? asked Alieta. Well you notice that a lot of times they will not come outside for at least a couple hours after we do, said Ginger. Yes, I figured they were just late sleepers, said Alieta. Oh no not most of the time, said Ginger. You see they both told me that they were brought up to work for their food and clothing. Now you told them that we didn't do things that way here in the palace. Yes that is right, their parents made them work before they ate, said Alieta. My that sounds nasty, said Samantha. Yes but the parents are being punished for their bad ways, said Alieta. Well have you ever gone into the clothing room lately? asked Ginger. Well no, I can never find anything in that room, said Alieta. Well you should check it now. Those two girls have organized the entire room by type of clothing, colours and even very old clothing in a special spot. There is a section just for elves that work here in the palace, said Ginger. Really, I thought you had elves that did that, at least I figured it was you seeing how fast you come out with clothing when asked for it, said Alieta. Nope elves, said Ginger, we have lots of other things to take care of here and those two are much better at it than our elves plus sorting clothing is not my thing anyways, said Ginger. Looks like they are paying their way here Alieta. They sound wonderful now to me, said Samantha. Well that is not the only place they have fixed as they call it, said Ginger. Really, where else then? asked Alieta. The armory room is a place that they took over and now it looks completely different in there. The last time I think you were in there was when you got Viridian's outfit, said Ginger. Well yes that was a while ago, said Alieta. Ginger smiled. Well it looks like a store in there now. Completely organized and everything cleaned and polished. They even separated the enchanted items from the un-enchanted items. They have a rack labeled "To Be Enchanted" also. How do they know the difference? asked Samantha. Oh these two are no dummies, said Ginger. They test them with a knife that is not enchanted and see what it can or cannot pierce. They do the same with weapons on metal armor, said Ginger. The only thing missing in there is the price tags. Alieta and Samantha started to laugh. Well if they are doing all of that then maybe they should be paid, said Alieta. Oh no don't do that, said Ginger. It makes them feel good that they are doing things for you. I do have a sneaky way of giving them some money about once a week, said Ginger. I got to hear this, said Alieta. 01 illustration goes here Well you know how they like to go to town all the time. Yes they used to go there to meet boys but now they have a couple of good boyfriends, said Alieta. Ya I know but they like to pay there own way most of the time, said Ginger. Now I ask them what their plans are for the day, just like you ask all of us all the time and if they say they are going to town then a give them a bit of money and then I tell them people in the palace has to have some money on them for emergencies at least. Now I never give them a lot but I know the two of them pool it together and save it to buy some nice clothes or treat themselves with ice cream or what ever, said Ginger. Well you shouldn't have to be paying them out of you pocket, said Alieta. Oh I don't, said Ginger. I went down to see the treasurer and asked her about giving them a small wage but you know what she is like. She said only Alieta can decide who gets paid and who doesn't. So I told her everything these two girls do for nothing and she actually was surprised anyone would work for free. She went and brought out a old big bag that was filled with lots of gold coins and even gems and said this was left from the old queen Scarlet and I have no way of knowing how to add it to my books without throwing them all off. It seems that Scarlet had this bag in her bedroom and gave money to those that really needed it and there was no record of it anywhere. She called it a "Slush Fund". The treasurer put it on a shelf and told me to use that when needed for those two very nice girls. Your kidding, she actually did that for you? asked Alieta. Well for the girls too. She may seem very tight and strict but she does have a good heart, said Ginger. Just then the three girls came in and asked what was for breakfast. Oh what every you three want, said Alieta, just ask the cooks. We are going outside to check the sun dial and see what the weather is going to be like today. So have you three figured out what to do today? Nope not yet but maybe go to town or hang around here, said Phonixa. Too early to figure that out yet but we were thinking of cleaning up some of the old sections of the library downstairs. Pretty dusty in those old areas. Alieta and Ginger smiled. 02 illustration goes here Chapter 1 Tillia Surpises Tulip And Ivy Viridian made breakfast for Ivy and Sara and the two of them ate up fast. So what is the plan for Tillia today? asked Viridian. Well I am going to meet Ivy in the cove but leave Tillia in the woods. Ivy said that she can call for Pippa to make sure she doesn't get bored. We are always out by lunch anyways, said Sara. Okay that should work, said Viridian. You know she could also hang out with the palace gang sometimes too. Bet she would like that too, said Viridian. Yep I know, said Sara. Okay we got to go. We have to try and find out what is wrong with the new section that Pippie came up with in the forest. It just won't stay together for some reason. Oh okay then see you later, said Viridian and off the two of them went. Okay I will fly to the forest and you ride Tillia, said Ivy. Okay see you there, said Sara. She went around back but Tillia wasn't there. Hmm, I wonder where she is, thought Sara. She went back out front and still couldn't see her. Sara was starting to get worried. Just then Tillia came running over from what looked like Ktara's place. Here I am Sara, said Tillia. Ktara came running after her. Boy she is hard to keep up with, said Ktara. What was she doing over there, asked Sara. Well she must of been hungry because she knocked on my door and when I opened it I saw her with a pineapple in her mouth. She dropped it and asked if she could have it. I said sure help yourself, they are not on my property anyways. I was going to go get a knife to peel it for her but she just picked it up and ate it skin and all. Sara smiled but then thought. We are going to need to get a lot more food for her some how. She likes to eat a lot, said Sara. Oh only when I wake up and usually after running fast, and lunch time, said Tillia. I always like to have a little something before I go to sleep also. Ktara smiled. Yep you are going to need more food. Funny thing was she suddenly perked her head up high then ran like crazy back home, said Ktara. Yes I sensed Sara was worried about me, said Tillia. Had to go show her I was okay. 03 illustration goes here Okay are you good for now Tillia? asked Sara. Yep good to go, said Tillia. Okay, I have to work today in the cove so we will take the short cut behind Sandy Lake and no need to rush, said Sara. Plus you can get a drink from the river there. Okay, said Tillia. Sara got on Tillia and she rode off. Ktara thought to herself that they all were lucky to have a unicorn living with them but unlucky she doesn't eat hay or oats. Maybe grow a very big veggie garden and orchard here in Eden. Sara stopped and let Tillia have a drink from the river then went back on their way. They got to the woods and started in. Tillia was looking all over the place as she walked. What is it Tillia? Sara asked. Oh just lots of eyes on us, said Tillia. Sara smiled. Those are the pixies, there are tons of them in here, said Sara. Oh okay, I like pixies. Does Pippa live here in Fae Land? asked Tillia. Well yes she does, in these woods actually, said Sara. Oh really! She is the best. So funny and helpful. She has been around forever you know, said Tillia. Well if you get bored here while I am working just call her name or head over to the palace. Always something going on there, said Sara. Okay here we are, said Sara. She jumped off Tillia then opened the forest doorway. Wow that was very magical, said Tillia. Yes, fairy magic, said Sara. Now the forest won't let you enter. Even the centaurs can't get in. It is a safety precaution that is all, said Sara. Okay, bye, said Tillia. Sara started to get ready to fly when she took one more look back at Tillia. She looks a bit sad she thought to herself. She turned around to talk with her but then Tillia took a few steps into the forest and the trees didn't close on her. Come closer Tillia, said Sara . Tillia kept moving towards Sara as she moved backwards then suddenly the trees closed when Tillia was completely in the forest. Sara ran up to Tillia and hugged her neck. Yeah! The forest likes you Tillia. That is good because I was afraid those trees were going to eat me, said Tillia. Sara laughed. Okay lets try this, said Sara. She got back on Tillia and told the forest that her and Tillia were going to run to the cove. The trees opened up wide and high and they started to run to the cove. Not super fast Tillia. Don't want to break any branches, said Sara. Okay, said Tillia. In a few minutes they got to the cove entrance and the door opened by it self. Wow that has never happened before, said Sara. 04 illustration goes here The two of them walked in to the cove and Tillia looked around. Wow so magical in here and very pretty. Yes the fairies like pretty things too, said Sara. Ivy looked over and saw Tillia in the cove and flew over fast. How did she get in? asked Ivy. I don't know, said Sara. The forest entrance wouldn't close until she came in. Next Tulip flew into the cove and saw the three of them. Wow the forest must like you Tillia. I guess so, said Tillia. Tell the forest I like it too please, said Tillia. I like where you all work. Both Ivy and Tulip smiled. It makes sense, said Ivy. When I changed the rules for Alexa I did say all the team members were special and allowed in but still no animals were allowed in. Now she is not an animal and she is special plus she has a pure white soul. I guess she meets all the requirements, said Ivy. I suppose so, said Tulip because here she is. So Tillia, don't drink the water in the pool, you can stand in it or lay in it but it is magical and tastes funny but will sooth any aches and pains you may have. Drinking water is over there in that fountain, said Sara. Okay, said Tillia. Lilly and Pippie flew into the cove and saw Tillia too. Hi Tillia. The forest must like you, welcome to the cove, said Pippie. Did you like the shelter Tulip and I made for you in the back yard? asked Lilly. Yes very much, thank you, said Tillia. Okay everyone lets get to work now. We have to see what is wrong with that new area that you came up with Pippie. If we can't get it to stay together then we will have to scrap it, said Tulip. I know but it was such a beautiful spot, said Pippie. What is wrong with it? asked Tillia. Oh the magic won't hold it together. Something wrong with the structure we figure, said Pippie. Oh, well maybe I can help, said Tillia. How? asked Pippie. Here grab my horn. Don't worry it won't hurt you, said Tillia. Tillia lowered her head and Pippie grabbed hold of the horn. It started to glow very bright and everyone was watching in wonder. When it stopped glowing. Tillia said you can let go now. Okay I got it. Got what, asked Tulip. Well you have it backwards for one. The entire thing has to be turned around. The way it is, the structure part is pushing back the magic instead of pulling it in. Ivy smiled. That makes sense Tulip. That would explain why it keeps fading in and out on the overviewer. Yes it could be dangerous there right now. It could explode, said Tillia. Lilly opened her eyes wide and said, "Like kaboom!" Yep I guess so, What is kaboom? asked Tillia. Pippie laughed. Means explode Tillia. Now you said for one. What else is wrong, asked Tulip. Oh the water is all wrong, said Tillia. It is fighting with another place that is near by, said Tillia. What do you mean fighting? asked Ivy. Oh I sense that everything here is alive some way or another. The ground, the plants and trees, the water and even the rocks and structures in here. Really? Even the structures are alive, asked Tulip. Well not like you or me but yes they feel and know their purpose. This entire place is made from the magic of pure love. It is the strongest of any magic and will do some amazing things. That is what made me, said Tillia. 05 illustration goes here So how do we make every thing happy then, asked Pippie with a smile. Well what I saw in you was you are sharing a water source with a pond and a waterfall. You can't do that, said Tillia. You have to stop the path from the pond to the structure then make a separate water source for it. You watch, I bet they become best friends and then they will share each others water together, said Tillia. Tulip looked at Pippie then looked at Ivy then looked at Tillia. If this was anyone else telling me that rocks and structures were alive I would think they were crazy. But somehow what you are saying makes sense. Okay girls lets go to work unless there is anything else? asked Tulip. Well just that when I use magic I get hungry. Just a bit right now and it will pass but a nibble would be nice, said Tillia. Then smiled at Tulip. Tulip smiled back and gave her three sugar cubes then she flew off with Pippie and Lilly to try what Tillia said to do. So you can read people like me, said Ivy. No not at all like you Ivy, said Tillia. You are very powerful inside and can do so much more than me. I can only sense stuff around me especially danger and love. I can't read anyone at all unless they touch my horn but then I can only see what they are thinking about. Sara I can sense the strongest, even from a great distance. We are bonded. That is like two souls being joined together if you get that at all. Maybe I think I know what you mean, said Ivy. Okay Sara lets get to the overviewer and get this fixed! 06 illustration goes here Chapter 2 A Mystery Visit And Warning Back at the palace Alieta, Samantha and Ginger went and checked the sun dial and saw it looked like it was going to be mostly cloudy all day long. Well at least it won't be very hot like it has been for the last few days, said Ginger. Jazmen flew down and said good morning to everyone. Hello Jazmen, nice to see you, said Alieta. So how are things going with the army? Well all is great there but I think I am going to make a bit of a change with them, at least for now, said Jazmen. Okay, what is it? asked Alieta. Well seeing that not much is going on right now and there seems to be no major attacks going on anywhere also, I want to do what I did during those very hot days, said Jazmen. You mean just keeping them on alert, said Alieta. Yes, there is no reason to be taking them all from their families or what ever they do when not fighting so that makes more sense to me, said Jazmen. Yes I agree, said Alieta. That was how we did things back when there was not a lot of fighting going on, said Alieta. So I am going to have twenty winged sprites always in the sky watching over Fae Land in a six hour rotation. If there is a problem then they will do as always and tell me and you. Plus if needed be we can start using the call to arms horn again, said Jazmen. Okay that sounds smart, said Alieta. So if the horn was to go off how would that work with Alexa's team? She decides who comes and who stays at home, said Alieta. Well I think the system we have in place now works best. Sending winged messengers are the fastest way of informing Alexa what is going on unless you have a better idea, said Jazmen. No I think you are correct and have things well in hand. We will go with your ideas. The army shouldn't have to assemble every day if nothing is happening, said Alieta. Okay good, said Jazmen. I will tell the captains and they can relay the news to the rest of the army, said Jazmen and off she flew. 07 illustration goes here Well sounds like Jazmen is a very good general and is not power tripping with her girls, said Samantha. Oh Jazmen is great, said Ginger. She likes to have fun too like every one else. An elf walked over and said there is some one on a horse over there coming this way. Looks like she came from the Bad Lands. They all looked and saw an interesting looking woman on a horse heading toward the palace. Okay lets get back to the steps and see what she wants, said Alieta. They all got back to the palace steps and waited for her to approach. She is taking her time, said Ginger. Must not be anything that urgent. Well maybe her horse is tired, said Alieta. Finally she reached them and got off her horse. An elf from the stables asked if she could take the horse and give it some water and oats. My that is very kind of you, she said. Yes please do. She is quite tired and deserves to be fed. She then turned to the three of them and said she would like to talk to the king or queen. I am the queen, said Alieta. Oh good she said, I am Yeanny The Sorceress and have a message or better said a warning for you. Really, what is it? asked Alieta. Well I have been traveling north from the south continent and there is a threat heading in a northerly direction, said Yeanny. Okay what kind of threat? asked Alieta. Well it is one that an army can not fight, said Yeanny. It is a natural threat and involves a very destructive breed of insects. Have you ever heard of a locust? Not me, said Alieta, what about you two? asked Alieta. Nope not me, said Samantha. Me neither, said Ginger. I thought as much, said Yeanny. They normally never cross the great gulf and move into the northern continent. So what are they all about? asked Alieta. Well they are like grasshoppers but bigger and have wings. They always travel in large swarms and eat all vegetation in their path. All vegetation? asked Alieta. Yes, tree leaves, corn fields, fresh hay and wheat. Just about anything that is green, said Yeanny. So do you have a lot of green plants that would attract them? Alieta looked at Ginger. Ginger swallowed then looked a bit worried. Well Fae Land is full of lush forests, woods and plants plus we have orchards and well probably the greenest country any where, said Alieta. Hmm that name sounds familiar for some reason. Well I thought so from just seeing this area, said Yeanny. How big is this Fae Land? she asked. Oh quite huge. It is a vast country that has four big provinces in it, said Alieta. Well that is going to be a problem then, said Yeanny. 08 illustration goes here Now these locust eat all the vegetation but don't really kill the plants usually. Nature has it's way of replenishing itself, said Yeanny. Now I do sense a powerful energy coming from this land. It was how I found this place once I got past great canyon. Well yes, Fae Land is the most magical land on the planet, said Alieta. Magical? How is that possible. Is there wizards living here? asked Yeanny. No the magic is natural and comes from the ground. Pixies feed the magic and have made it very strong over the years, said Alieta. Pixies you say. There must be a lot of them to generate this much energy, said Yeanny. Oh yes, they number in the thousands and more come every day, as Pippa has told me. No one really knows how many there really is, said Alieta. Thousands! I have never heard of a place that had that many pixies, said Yeanny. Maybe a few hundred at most. Well now you have, said Ginger. Yes I suppose so, said Yeanny. Can I see one please. I know they are very unpredictable and care free but they need to be warned too because these insects will destroy their forest. Yes give me a moment, said Alieta. "Pippa we need you here at the palace steps fast please". Pippa appeared fast as usual. Yes Alieta what do you need. I love it when you call. You always say please. Alieta smiled. Wow I never heard of a pixie responding like that before. Usually you have to go in the forest and look for one, said Yeanny. Well Pippa here is special and is the queen of the pixies, said Alieta. Pixies don't have a queen. They are just individuals that do what ever they please, said Yeanny. Who is she? asked Pippa. She doesn't sound that nice to me so far. Um sorry Pippa, you just took me by surprise though are you really a queen? asked Yeanny. Yep, queen of all pixies everywhere they tell me, said Pippa. All pixies everywhere, how is that possible? she asked. I don't know but they all know me everywhere. News travels fast with pixies you know, said Pippa with a smile. Yes I suppose so, said Yeanny. So who are you? asked Pippa. I am Yeanny The Sorceress, and have a warning for you. Oh a sorceress, a good one I hope, said Pippa. What is the warning? Have you heard of a locust Pippa? asked Alieta. Yep, nasty little bugs they are, said Pippa. Well Yeanny here says that our army cannot do anything against them and they will eat anything green in their path and they are heading this way, said Alieta. Well for the most part they won't bother with Fae Land or the fairy forest. Pixie dust will repel them and even kill them if the try to eat anything, said Pippa. Why is that, asked Yeanny? Oh pixie dust, is way too strong for them and now there is fairy dust too. That is why there are no insects in Fae Land, at least above ground anyways, said Pippa. There are fairies here too? My this must be the most magical land anywhere, said Yeanny. Yep we all love it here, said Pippa. 09 illustration goes here So what about these four provinces you mentioned. Do they have pixies also? asked Yeanny. Only one does, said Pippie. The Black Fae's province, the others will need to be protected, said Pippa but maybe there is a better way. Really, how is that? asked Yeanny. I have been trying to kill them for a while now and can kill some of them but they are fast and just keep on coming and pass me. Pippa smiled and looked at Alieta. Well you don't have Tara and Avan. They can kill anything plus Zatsuky and Viridian also, said Pippa. Why what is so special about them that can do better than me? she asked. Well Tara and Avan are very special she devils plus Zatsuky and Viridian have weapons that can have been enchanted with the power of the heavens, said Alieta. Um she devils? Usually they are bad and would not care about the locust, said Yeanny. Well these two are God's she devils. Most powerful beings on the planet, said Alieta. I still don't see how they could stop swarms of locust, said Yeanny. Well ask them yourself, said Pippa, here they come now and pointed at them. Yeanny looked and saw the two of them flying fast towards her. They both landed and looked at Yeanny. Nice outfit girl. Very sexy, said Tara. Yeanny smiled. Well they definitely don't look like regular she devils and good looking too. More like gorgeous, said Pippa and smiled. Yes gorgeous would be a better way of describing them, said Yeanny. So what is up? asked Avan. Pippa can you tell them, you seem to know more about locust, said Alieta. Sure can, said Pippa. So you two probably have never heard of them before, they are like flying grass hoppers that eat vegetation. What is a grass hopper, asked Tara. Um a insect about the size of one of your fingers, said Pippa. Oh so tiny things, said Avan. Yes but they travel in swarms and number in the thousands, said Pippa. Oh okay so bad tiny things. Pippa smiled. Well not really bad like an evil wizard or demon. They are doing what comes natural to them, said Pippa. Oh so not really bad but like to eat. Don't sound to dangerous to me, said Tara. Okay this is going to be harder than I thought, said Pippa. Now think of it this way. If you owned a big farm and made your living from it and sold produce to other places so everyone could eat but then these locust came and ate everything then moved on to the next farm. Then that would be bad, right? said Pippa. Yes but there is still meat, said Avan. Well if they ate all the vegetation then there would be no food to feed them either. Eventually they would starve to death and people too, said Pippa. Tara and Avan looked at each other. Oh so very bad then I would say. We can't let them starve animals and people. That is high on God's priority kill list, said Tara. Good, glad you understand now, said Pippa. 10 illustration goes here So what can these two do to stop thousands maybe millions of locust? asked Yeanny. Oh we will kill them all, said Avan. You two can kill that many locust by yourselves? They are not just in one big bunch you know there are many swarms of them that cover a lot of miles in each direction, said Yeanny. Well it will take longer, said Tara. We are really fast fliers you know. You can help too if that sword can do anything by getting the few that fly by us. Yes it is strong but I cannot fly just levitate so not much use to you I would think, said Yeanny. So how far away are they? asked Alieta. Oh I would say at the most two days away depending on how much food they stop to eat, said Yeanny. But there is a lot of open desert land south of here so maybe sooner. Okay, that gives us a bit of time to make a plan, said Alieta. You need Alexa, said Pippa. She makes the best plans. Who is that? asked Yeanny. Oh the smartest person you will ever meet, said Pippa. I will tell her to come to the palace for you, said Pippa and off she went. This place is sounding more and more interesting the longer I talk with you all here, said Yeanny. Oh you have not even come close to seeing the amazing people here in Fae Land, said Samantha. I have been here for two days and have seen things that I never even dreamed of. Now I suppose I better get back to my land. Hope these locust don't reach there. I wonder if Ivy has had time to get the pixies and sprites to move yet? asked Samantha. Probably not with Tillia the unicorn here and all that excitement, said Alieta. A unicorn too! Yeanny, just shook her head. Yep Tillia, a very special unicorn, said Ginger. You have Tillia here! She is the most magical of all the unicorns, said Yeanny. Yep we know and man she can run! said Ginger. Pippa came back and said Alexa is on her way. I have to get back to the woods and tell everyone about the locust but they won't care much about them either, said Pippa then flew off. Very interesting pixie, said Yeanny. Oh she is very interesting and helpful, said Alieta. One of the oldest pixies anywhere and has been all over the place and knows a lot. Very smart and magical girl. Okay now we wait for Alexa so would you like a drink or something to eat? asked Alieta. Something cold to drink will be fine, said Yeanny. Alieta asked an elf to get a tall glass of cold juice for her. So now we sit and wait for Alexa, said Alieta. Both Alieta and Ginger sat on the steps. Tara and Avan stepped over to where Yeanny was standing looking a bit confused. So who are you anyways? asked Tara. I am Yeanny a sorceress. So you can do magic then? asked Avan. Well yes some but mostly I make potions and other things that help the body, said Yeanny. I can do some spells but I don't like doing stuff like that. So why is it that nobody here seems that concerned with that is coming here? asked Yeanny. Well it's just a bunch of bugs we all have to kill, said Avan. Nothing like killing demons and devils and other evil creatures that we have killed before. Just relax and let us take care of things and once Alexa gets here she will come up with a plan as usual. 11 illustration goes here Soon Alexa arrived and asked what was going on. Alexa this is Yeanny and she is a sorceress and brought us some news just south of here, said Alieta. Okay, never met a sorceress before, said Alexa. So you must do magic stuff then. Yes I do but not the kind we need now, said Yeanny. Alexa looked at Alieta. Okay what we need from you is a plan, said Alieta. I will let Yeanny tell you about the locust attack. Yeanny told Alexa all about them and what they can do and how the two she devils were going to help. Okay so my team can't do much against insects, said Alexa. Yes but they move really fast and some will get past Tara and Avan, said Alieta. Well lets see, said Alexa. So they are attracted to vegetation you said and not magic. That is correct, said Yeanny. Well Fae Land is full of vegetation, said Alexa so they will probably head this way. Well yes but Pippa said they won't bother anything here because of pixie dust, said Alieta. Oh okay, she knows best about that kind of stuff. So how many do you think will get past Tara and Avan? asked Alexa. Don't know. They said they were very good at killing things, said Yeanny. Oh yes they are, said Alexa. So I would say let them take care of their end and I will get Viridian and Zatsuky to kill the ones that get past Tara and Avan if any do. I can help too, said Yeanny. My sword is enchanted and can shoot out a wide burst of energy. I can also rise up in the sky some but not move around much, said Yeanny. Okay then, the more the better, said Alexa. So all I need is Viridian and Zatsuky here but in full gear but that is for tomorrow I guess. Well maybe but if we get to them further away then wouldn't that be better? asked Alieta. Well yes it would, said Yeanny. The locust need to be in the sky though to kill them. Okay, said Alexa. Send a messenger to get the two of them here now and then I will tell them the plan. They may laugh first when they hear they are killing insects this time, I am sure of that. So you sure there is no evil something controlling these bugs? asked Alexa. Pretty sure, said Yeanny. I haven't see one. Well you won't they always stay hidden. Once Tara and Avan are finished then we will find out, said Alexa. 12 illustration goes here Chapter 3 Tillia Shows She Can Help In the cove Ivy and Sara were watching the overviewer closely. Tillia was just looking around at everything. Okay it seems like they have started, said Ivy. Looks like they just erased everything and are starting over. The green dot is gone. Tulip flew in and said they are drilling now for water first. You won't need to go very deep, said Tillia as she continued to look around. Tulip smiled then headed back. Tulip got back to the site and said Tillia says the water is not that far down so lets just try two wands first. Okay, said Pippie and Lilly and they started to drill and in a few seconds the water started to come out. Guess she was right, said Tulip. Back in the cove both Sara and Ivy saw a green dot reappear. Guess they found water already, said Ivy. Told you, said Tillia. Sara smiled. Okay lets let it spread a bit then lets rebuild the structure again but in the opposite direction this time, said Tulip. They waited a bit and saw the water was running directly to the pond at the water fall location. Okay wait until it connects then lets get building, said Tulip. In a few minutes the small stream reached the other pool and they saw that everything looked fine. Okay girls lets get to work, said Tulip. They started to rebuild the temple and noticed it was going together faster than before and ran into no problems. In about ten minutes the main structure was finished and all looked great. Okay now we need Lilly to do the finishing work on it so I will get Ivy to send some more magic this way, said Tulip. Tulip got back to the cove and Ivy said all looks good so far. Lilly needs a bit more magic sent there to do her thing to finish it off, said Tulip. Okay, said Ivy but before she was able to put her finger into the water to send more magic over the green dot got bigger and very bright. Hey I haven't done anything yet, said Ivy. They all looked at Tillia and she had just walked into the pool. You were right, this does feel nice on my legs, said Tillia. They all smiled. Well we were told that she was very magical, said Sara. Looks like the cove's pool likes her too! 13 illustration goes here Tulip headed back to the site and saw Lilly had already started to finish off the temple. This is easy, said Lilly. It is like it is doing the work by itself. She did a bit more to it then was about to add lily pads and flowers like the coves pool had but they appeared by them self. Now that is odd, said Lilly. Why did that happen? she asked. Unicorn magic Lilly. Tillia walked into the coves pool to check it out. That is some powerful magic then, said Lilly. Well it is the same magic we use, said Tulip. Lets just watch and see if it stays all together now, said Tulip. They watched for a while and saw that the water kept changing direction. Back and forth from the temples pool to the water falls pond then back to the temples pond. Okay looks good, said Tulip. Lets head back to the cove. When they got to the cove they saw Tillia was out of the pool and was looking at the overviewer with Sara. Ivy was standing back to give them room. Just don't touch anything Tillia. It is very sensitive. I have no fingers silly. I can't touch it but I like the nice green lights though, said Tillia. The rest of the fairies were surprised to see Tillia seeing most of them never saw her yesterday. Sara, introduce Tillia to everyone please. They have never seen a unicorn before, said Ivy. Sara introduced Tillia to them all and each one of them. Chestnut and Misty were especially amazed that the cove let her in but still were happy to see Tillia. Thanks for your help, said Pippie. It looks beautiful now. Oh happy to help when I can but really didn't do much, said Tillia. Oh you did more than you think, said Pippie. Well that should do it for today, said Tulip. Lets go to the palace and see what is going on there. There is something, said Ivy. I feel Alexa, Zatsuky and Viridian are there and someone else with magic. Do you sense anything Tillia. No I don't know them so can't tell anything is different there, said Tillia. Well maybe we should stay in here, said Tulip. Nope I have to see the new person with Alieta. Got to check her out, said Ivy then flew off through the top of the forest. Well we might as well go to, said Tulip. We can always get back here fast if we need to. They all flew out and Sara rode Tillia out through the forest pathway. Pippa flew into the cove and saw that there was no one there. Now where can everyone be she wondered. She went to the overviewer that was left on and saw that there was a bright green light on where the waterfall area was. They must be there she thought and flew through the archway then over to the waterfall. Okay I don't see anyone yet, thought Pippa. She called out but no one answered. She looked over to the right and saw an archway. Well I have never seen that before, I wonder what is in there. She walked through and saw the new structure that the fairies were working on. Now this is impressive, said Pippa. Nice pond with lily pads and surrounded by rock carving, I wonder what it is for. Well if they are not here then they must all be at the palace then I can ask them. Then Pippa flew out of the forest and headed for the palace. 14 illustration goes here Alexa had just finished filling Zatsuky and Viridian in about the swarms of locust when Ivy arrived, followed by the fairies. Ivy looked at Yeanny then said she is okay to Alieta. No secrets and has good magic, was a bit lonely but happy now. Alieta smiled. Meet Ivy, Yeanny, our amazing forest sprite that controls the magic here in Fae Land. Um how did she know that about me by just looking at me, is she psychic or something? asked Yeanny. Nope not really, said Alieta. Just very special. You will see. So what is going on? asked Tulip. Got to deal with swarms of locust, said Alieta. What are they? asked Tulip. Flying insects that eat vegetation, said Alieta. Oh so will they effect the forest? asked Misty. Nope nothing can get in the forest or hurt it especially insects, said Ivy. Yes well Pippa said they won't touch anything with pixie and fairy dust on them, Tara and Avan are going to take care of them, said Alieta. Okay so it is safe out here? asked Pippie. Yes, so Pippa says anyways. Alexa saw Sara riding towards them fast. Since when does Sara ride a horse? asked Alexa. That is not a horse, said Tulip. It is the amazing Tillia the unicorn. Really? I have read about them in school but that is all, said Alexa. Hi everyone sorry we took so long but Tillia had to stop and talk to some of the pixies that appeared out of no where with a bunch of questions, said Sara. Alexa, and Zatsuky were staring at Tillia until Viridian, said, "Isn't she beautiful?" Yes she is, said Zatsuky but where did she come from? Well we will fill you in later but first we have some bugs to get rid of, said Alieta. Yes of coarse, said Zatsuky. Okay Tara and Avan, head out, said Alexa. As soon as you see them flying then start turning them to ash. Okay boss and off they flew. Now you three head out to the Bad Lands, about half a mile then spread out but stay on your horses. You will probably have to move around a lot. The three of them rode off. So what is out there? asked Tillia. Swarms of Locust, said Alieta. Oh they are nasty, said Tillia. What are they? Sara asked Tillia. Oh flying bugs that eat everything that I like to eat, said Tillia. I don't like them. Oh, then I don't like them either then, said Sara. 15 illustration goes here Tara and Avan flew out fast and far and in about half an hour they saw that the sky ahead of them looked almost completely black. Wow there must be a ton of them, said Avan. Lets get closer then when in range lets get them, said Tara. They flew out closer but they underestimated how fast the were moving and soon they were in the middle of a swarm. Most just flew by them but some latched on and started biting. Hey what the heck. They bite too, said Tara. Ya hurt a bit too, said Avan. Look down there is a small pond, lets dive into it and get these things off of us. Good plan, said Tara. This will be like diving off the board in the big pool. They flew down and dived underwater and got them all off. Okay lets catch up to them and use our wings to blow them back some then start wiping them out, said Tara. Okay but look back there. Lots more and way over there too, said Avan. Man this is going to take a while. The two of them got way ahead of the coming swarms then kept blowing them back with their wings as they started killing them all a bunch at a time. Avan looked to the side and saw a few swarms were headed towards them. Hey I thought these bugs went for just leaves, why are they coming after us? asked Avan. I don't know. Must be under control by something. Lets go invisible so they can't see us, said Tara. Being invisible worked great and soon they had the first bunch wiped out. Okay here comes another bunch over there and over there. Lets split up, said Tara. The two of them started killing them all again and after about ten minutes they couldn't see anymore. Do you think we got them all? asked Tara. Well not that bunch that got by us so lets go back and get them, said Avan. Oh maybe not, said Tara, Look. A huge massive wall was heading towards them but this time it looked like one big swarm and not several smaller ones. This is going to be tricky, said Avan. Got any ideas. Ya, lets go on either side of them and start killing them that way, said Tara. Keep moving in until they are almost all gone then we can return to the front of them and finish them off. Okay but man they are moving so fast. Bugs can't fly that fast, said Avan. Well these ones are so lets step on it. We will be getting close to Fae Land soon at this rate, said Tara. 16 illustration goes here They got into position and started killing them but noticed the swarm was also very long and deep so they had to keep moving around a lot. They were getting too close to Fae Land now so they got in front of them and got real big but that made them visible again. They started flapping their wings and blowing them back and killing as many as they could. The three girls on the ground could see them coming now and could tell they were having trouble killing them all. The swarm was getting lower as to start attacking Fae Land so Tara yelled to Viridian to get up here and start spinning. Viridian heard and jumped off her horse and started to spin and rose up into the sky. Go invisible, yelled Tara. They bite, we will get back and keep blowing them to you. Viridian went invisible then started the light show. Zatsuky and Yeanny started blasting them from below. They were doing great and the swarm was getting smaller fast. Tara looked and saw another swarm was beginning to form behind the front one that was almost gone. Alieta saw this and ordered all the fairies back to the forest. Alexa saw what was going on and said this is not natural at all. Nope, said Ivy. There is five of them and they are big but invisible. Very bad too. Okay everyone in the palace and you Ivy go too, plus Sara and Tillia. Okay said Ivy and flew off. Sara was still on Tillia and wondered what she was doing as she ran over to Alexa. I can help but need Sara on me. Alieta said no. Sara doesn't fight like them. No time to argue, said Tillia. Just trust me. She told Sara "High speed position fast" Sara did it but Tillia could tell Sara was scared now. The two of them zoomed out super fast and a loud bang was heard as the past Tara and Avan then slowed down some. Soon the two of them were behind the second swarm and Tillia stopped then went invisible. The first swarm was all gone now so Viridian came back down. Alexa ran out to them and said good work but lots more to get yet. Tara and Avan came down also and went back to their regular size. Was that Sara and Tillia I saw blur go by us on the ground? asked Tara. Yes, Tillia said she could help then took off with Sara, said Alieta. A locust landed on Alexa and bit her. Alexa swiped it off and stepped on it. What the heck. It bit me, she said. That is not natural, said Yeanny. They don't bite people. Alexa lifted her foot and saw the locust was still moving so she stomped on it a few more times that did the job then she picked it up and showed it to Yeanny. That is no insect, said Yeanny. It looks mechanical. Alexa tore off it's head and it sparked. Yep definitely not an insect, said Alexa. 17 illustration goes here We better get out there, said Tara. Those two are out there somewhere all by themselves. Ivy came flying back and looked really scared. Where is my sister. I feel she is really scared. We can't see them, said Alexa. Out there some where. Ivy grabbed Alieta's hand and was squeezing hard. Just then a huge white blinding light filled the sky. Then they could see Tillia and Sara off in the distance. Tillia had her horn pointed straight up and it was glowing very bright. I know you are scared Sara but trust me. Just think appear, real hard. Okay, said Sara and did as Tillia said. In a few moments five very big demons appeared looking very confused. Tillia and Sara became visible now. One saw Sara and Tillia and tried to sent out a fire ball at them but nothing happened then Tillia took off like a flash back to the palace. There look Tara, demons, lets get them. Viridian and Zatsuky can take care of the bugs, said Avan. They flew off fast and confronted the demons. Tillia and Sara got back and said you better start killing those bugs. They are after more than just leaves, said Tillia. Sara jumped off of Tillia and Ivy grabbed her and hugged her tight. She said trust her so I did, said Sara that was still shaking a bit. It's okay Sara, you are safe with me now, said Ivy. Alieta went to Tillia and looked mad. Why did you put Sara's life in danger? She was in no danger as long as she did what I knew she could inside her. She did great and now we will win and all live. Those things that you thought were locust are not natural and would of eaten everyone in Fae Land alive. They made them, said Tillia and looked towards the demons. Alieta looked around the corner of the palace and saw a bunch of demons in the distance. Okay I see them, said Alieta. Yep and now they are defenseless so no fight needed, said Tillia. Avan and Tara can just kill them now. Why are they defenseless? asked Alieta. When Sara and I made them appear for Avan and Tara it also took away all their evil powers. White magic is way stronger than black magic you know, and cleansed them of all black magic, said Tillia. 18 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Merlin's Words Of Advice Tara asked, "What are you idiots doing here?" We are killing everything on this planet and making it a new home for demons so get out of our way now devils. You are no match for us, said one of the demons and went to blast the two of them but nothing happened. Tara and Avan both looked at each other and smiled then they both raised their arms and made two of them turn to dust then did the same with two more. The last demon went to run but Avan froze it then ashed it. As soon as the last demon was gone all the bugs turned to dust also. Viridian came back down and the two she devils flew back to the palace. Tillia went to Sara and said it is okay now, you saved Fae Land and we won. I did, how did I do that? asked Sara. It was your inner strength and trust in me that transferred to my horn that made so much while magic that the demons appear for Avan and Tara to kill. It had to be done. I felt it. Alieta smiled and put a hand on Tillia's mane and saw it was wet with sweat. You were scared too, said Alieta. Well ya. Did you see the size of those five things! said Tillia. They all laughed and Sara now looked happy again. Alexa went to Tillia and said, I read about you at school about being the first and most magical unicorn of them all. No book knew how magical though but now I know. Oh that will vary Alexa depending on the situation but with Sara on me I feel it is limitless, said Tillia. Can we go home now Sara, I am really hungry, said Tillia. You two will go no where right now, said Alieta. You will eat here and also get cleaned up by my stable elves. They will make you smell nice and fresh again. Okay, said Tillia then they all moved to the front of the palace. Ivy go tell the fairies it is safe now. Okay, said Ivy and flew off. Pippa popped up and said, that was some battle. Where were you. I didn't see you anywhere? asked Alieta. Oh on top of the palace. Best seat in the house, said Pippa. So were you not scared at all. Those were flesh eating bugs, said Alieta. I know but Tillia was here, she won't let anyone get hurt that she likes. So everyone better start sucking up to her, said Pippa with a smile. So I gather you know her, said Alieta. Yep I do, long time ago though, she was gone for way too long, said Pippa. Glad she is back now though, Fae Land just got even more magical. Can I stay for supper? asked Pippa. Watching the battle really built up my appetite. Alieta smiled. Yes my silly friend stay and eat with us. Oh one more thing. You should figure out a way to help Sara, Ivy and Viridian feeding her. She won't eat hay or oats and eats lots of people food that can get costly, said Pippa. Alieta smiled. Yes Pippa I will figure something out. Okay good now where are those fairies, said Pippa I want to ask them what that new area they made in the forest is for. 19 illustration goes here Ivy came back with the fairies that got things ready for a nice meal. They created a spread for everyone and Yeanny was surprised at how magical they were. I have never seen a fairy before but always believed they existed, she said to Alieta. Yes I was the same, said Alieta. But here they are and always wanting to make people happy. Yes they seem to be very nice and kind of funny too, said Yeanny. I have a bunch of questions to ask you about those three that helped today also. Oh you should sit and talk with Alexa. She is the leader of the team. Really, well she does fit the profile. Smart, fearless, able to command and give orders fast. Very small though, said Yeanny. Yes but she is cute as a button, said Alieta. Yes, that she is, said Yeanny. Tillia came back from getting all cleaned up and was now ready to eat. Sara went and asked Tulip if she could make a bowl of food for Tillia. You bet Sara. Here you go and she created a nice supper for her. Sara brought it over to her and said you need this I can tell. Yes thank you Sara and she started to eat. Alieta called Sara over. Yes Alieta? she asked. You know she eats more than a person, said Alieta. How are you going to keep her fed? I will buy food for her and Ivy will help also, said Sara. Yes I know Ivy will help, said Alieta. I will help too. You two just saved Fae Land so in my mind that means the two of you are very important to the safety of this land. You two buy her the treats and stuff. I will make sure she has the main meals. That is the least I can do. Sara smiled. You love her too, don't you, said Sara. Oh yes dear, very much so. Now go and eat, you need it also, said Alieta. Okay, said Sara. After everyone was finished, Yeanny went and sat with Alexa, Viridian and Zatsuky that were talking. Alexa seemed very interested in her skills as a sorceress. Alieta walked over and sat down with them. Hi Alieta. I was just asking her about that sword and stuff, said Alexa. Well it looked pretty powerful, said Alieta. Yes and it has a pretty good long range too, said Alexa. Yes but nothing like these two weapons that they have, said Yeanny. That was quite the display of power Viridian put on. Viridian smiled. Yes but I still get dizzy when I do that, said Viridian. Zatsuky can do the spin thing too you know but she has been doing it longer than me and is used to it now. So what can you do as a sorceress, asked Alexa. Well lots of different things but it is a different type of magic called sorcery. I can create objects and make things appear and disappear. I can't make food though like the fairies can. I can make potions like a witch and teleport over long distances. I can change my appearance but just for a short while plus levitate. I can't heal others but can heal myself. Throw small fireballs and stuff like that, not as powerful as a strong wizard though. Oh like Merlin, said Alexa. He is way above me Alexa, said Yeanny. He can do just about anything. I have never met him but I have heard many tales about his great deeds. Yes he is a very good friend of ours, said Alexa. Ivy came over and said I heard you say you like Merlin too, said Ivy. He is old but has a very young heart. He is funny too and I like him a lot. So do you like the fairy food, it is the best don't you think? Yes it was very good, said Yeanny. Do you want to meet Merlin, he will come for me, you know, said Ivy. Well sure if you think he will come, said Yeanny. Yep he always does, said Ivy. 20 illustration goes here "Merlin come and see my new friend and eat also" yelled Ivy. Merlin appeared in a minute. Oh hi Ivy. Glad to see you again. So who you got now as a new friend? asked Merlin. Her, said Ivy and pointed at Yeanny. Oh the sorceress Yeanny. Such a nice girl, how are you dear? asked Merlin. Yeanny was shocked to see Merlin actually came. Um very good sir, thanks, said Yeanny. Oh don't call me sir that is so old fashion, said Merlin. So I see you have met some of my good friends here in Fae Land. Yes they are very nice here, I never knew there was a place with so many nice people in it and very magical, said Yeanny. Oh yes, they are quite the bunch, said Merlin. Now you mentioned eating, said Merlin to Ivy. Yep over there, still lots left or just ask Tulip to make you something, said Ivy. Good now don't go popping away Yeanny. I will be right back, then Merlin walked away. Wow, how did he know me and my name too? asked Yeanny. We don't know but he is Merlin, said Alieta. He seems to know everything. Merlin came back and sat down beside Ivy. I see you have Tillia here now also, said Merlin. I will have to talk to her too before I leave. She is very special you know. Yes we found that out even more today, said Alieta. So who is her companion this time? asked Merlin. Sara, said Ivy. We both love her and she lives with us and has her own bedroom in our backyard. Merlin laughed. You still make me laugh Ivy. So she has a shelter then, said Merlin. Yep but a very nice one the fairies made for her, said Ivy. Okay, bedroom it is then, said Merlin. So Sara this time that is very different for her to pick a forest sprite. She didn't pick her God sent her to Sara from the sky. They can run very fast together, said Ivy. I see, so a gift from the heavens to each of them. Probably the last time Tillia has to go with out a companion I would think, said Merlin. She deserves it, she had a lot of bad luck with past companions. Yes Zan told us a story about her when they became friends a long time ago. It was very moving, said Alieta. Yes it was but all seems good now. You just have to trust her, she can be very powerful especially with such a strong and bright girl like Sara, said Merlin. Yes she showed us that today. We were attacked by five invisible demons today and they had meat eating locust in the millions. Tara and Avan were able to hold off the bug attack with Viridian, Zatsuky and Yeanny's help but some how Tillia new that she could help and even though I told her no, not to go with Sara, she just said trust me then went anyways very fast. She was able to make the demons visible so Tara and Avan could kill them. When they got back Sara was very scared still but later I found out Tillia was scared too but had to go and save everyone. Yes that sounds like her, said Merlin. She can feel things like no one else. If she felt that any of her friends would die if she didn't do anything then she will go and do what had to be done. Now that depends on the companion though also. She can do lots more too but mostly likes to heal, run and eat. Yes sure sure does like to eat, said Alieta. Merlin smiled. Well this is a land of plenty so I am sure she will well taken care of, said Merlin. Well that was wonderful food as usual, said Merlin. Now I must chat with Tillia and Sara for a bit then get back home. You take care Yeanny and that friend of yours, we will chat later. Thanks for calling me Ivy. Always a pleasure coming to see you. Okay Merlin, you are still my favorite wizard, said Ivy. Oh you know other wizards now? asked Merlin. Nope, that is why you are my favorite, said Ivy. Merlin started to laugh again then walked over to Tillia and Sara. 21 illustration goes here Merlin went over to where Sara and Tillia were hanging out and Tillia was about to start eating. Hello you two, I heard you both had some action today, said Merlin. Oh hi Merlin, I thought I could feel you here, said Tillia. Yes dear, Ivy called me to meet Yeanny and have some supper. Such a nice girl, said Merlin. So I heard you two saved a lot of lives today which is very good, but remember Sara is not a warrior like all those dumb kings were. Ya I know, said Tillia. But we had no choice and she trusted me so that was good, said Tillia. Yes but also remember Alieta is the queen of Fae Land and she loves everyone here and especially Sara and Ivy so listen to her and don't scare her like you did today, said Merlin. This is her family and you are part of it also. Now when you look around you here on the grounds you see many happy faces and that is mostly because of Alieta. She has her own very strong magic. Alieta has magic? asked Sara. Yes, the magic of love, said Merlin. Okay Merlin I understand, family is very important, said Tillia. I never had one before but I can feel it now all around me. Sara and Ivy are my closest family though, said Tillia. Yes and they will love you more than anyone here, so be patient with them. This is a big adjustment for forest sprites. Normally they don't have any use for horses but you are a unicorn and even if you were not special like you are, they both would consider you special anyways, said Merlin. Okay I will remember, said Tillia. Okay good now I have to get back home so call if either of you need me. Then Merlin vanished. Very nice guy Merlin is, said Sara. Yep, a bit like a father figure but he is cool, said Tillia. So what do we do now, asked Tillia. Well after you finish eating and the fairies clean everything up then lets go talk to Alexa and Zatsuky some. You already met Viridian. Okay, said Tillia. Can we get Ginger to come over too. She likes to pat me all the time and it feels good. Plus she has the most beautiful eyes. Sara smiled then said Okay. 22 illustration goes here Conclusion Sara and Tillia went over to Alexa and Zatsuky after the fairies got things all cleaned up and both Tillia and the two heroes had lots of questions that they both had to ask. Ginger was there too and didn't need to be asked to come over. She just sat down behind Tillia and patted her with a big smile on her face. Some of the fairies came over too because they wanted to talk to Tillia also. Viridian said she was going home to change and rest some. Alieta looked around and saw that all seemed back to normal, at least the new normal now and the the three girls came back from town and saw everyone around. Oh sorry girls you missed supper. Oh that is okay we ate downtown. Alieta smiled and knew they were well taken care of because of Ginger also. Alieta made arrangements with an elf to make sure Tillia had food in the morning. Alieta talked to Yeanny and told her she could stay the night in the palace if she wanted. Yeanny said she could teleport home with her horse but a night in a palace would be a nice change. "So where do you live"? asked Alieta. Just about fifty miles south of Tazia if you know where that is, said Yeanny. Oh yes I do, said Alieta. Zatsuky and Carmen are from there. Really, small world isn't it, said Yeanny. I will have to leave first thing in the morning though, I have someone there that will be kinda waiting for me. In a bit it started to get dark and Alexa, Viridian and Zatsuky headed home and everyone else got ready to go in the palace. Sara, Ivy and Tillia went to Alieta and thanked her for helping to feed Tillia then headed off home too. Ivy said race you two home but Sara said nope. We are taking it easy right now, don't want to make Tillia hungry again. Okay, said Ivy and they all headed home but still pretty fast. Ginger sat with Alieta for a bit on the steps and they talked about Tillia and Sara some. Then they both went into the palace. 23 illustration goes here Tillia went to the backyard with Sara and Ivy then laid down. Now have a good sleep Tillia, they said to her. You won't need to go over to Ktara's place in the morning to eat. Alieta promised to help feed you too remember, said Sara. Yes I know, very nice queen she is, said Tillia. Yes she is said Sara then went in the house to go to bed. Tillia was fast asleep when Gabriel and Cindy appeared. My she is lovely, said Gabriel quietly. Thanks for telling me about her, I always wanted to see Tillia but angels are not allowed in limbo. Gabriel touched her side then said okay lets go see Alieta before she goes to bed. They found her just getting ready to leave the den. Hi Alieta, can you wait a minute before going to bed. We won't keep you long, said Gabriel. Okay but I thought you were busy in heaven, said Alieta. Yes I am but Cindy had to tell me about Tillia. She knew I would like to see her. She was a sleep when we got there. She is so beautiful and I touched her and saw that pure white soul of hers. Now I know you will take very good care of those three so I am not going to get into any of that with you but I will say this. You are one lucky sprite dear and never forget it. Now before we leave you alone I just want to tell you something. Okay what is it? asked Alieta. Remember a while back I said there will be another girl like Ivy coming, said Gabriel. Yes I do recall that but how is that possible, Ivy is one of a kind, said Alieta. Yes she is and I said like Ivy, not the same. Ivy spreads love all over Fae Land but this new unique person that you will meet tomorrow will do the same and even more. That is all I am going to tell you so I don't ruin the surprise. Cindy smiled then they both vanished. Hm short and sweet this time, that was different but why does she always give me something to think about just before bed time, thought Alieta. Must be an angel thing. Alieta smiled then headed off to her bedroom. The End 24 illustration goes her