The Adventures In The Land Of Fae The Candy Factory Prolog At the palace things had calmed down considerably and it was going to be getting dark soon. Everyone said their goodnights to Ivy and Tobias and started getting ready to go their separate ways. Alieta asked Ivy and Tobias if they were going home soon or staying up later to talk some more. Ivy said she had work to do in the morning and Tobias said he better get going back to Sally and Fawn's place soon. He didn't want to get Fawn mad at him. Carmen and Zatsuky finished their tour of the Pixie Forest with Roseberry and saw it was getting late so they headed off home. Viridian and Sara were going to stay up and wait for Ivy to get home and talk some but then Viridian decided not to because she was getting tired. There will lots of time to talk another time, said Viridian. Well I am waiting up for Ivy, said Sara. Okay, I am going to bed, said Viridian. Alexa got home and told both Diego and Titus that Ivy has a boyfriend now and he seems to be a standup guy. They both were surprised at first but then Titus said, "Well she is the prettiest girl around, it was bound to happen eventually". Soon it was getting dark and everyone went into the palace and Alieta got an elf to show Kikki and Mace the room they were going to be staying in for the duration of their stay. At Jazmen's place the three of them had some supper then talked a bit in the livingroom about the next day when the plans for the new candy building will be ready. Well we can get these three new orders ready and put them on the rack then wait to hear from Alieta about the designer and the plans, said Jessica. Another day was about to come to a close so Alieta and Ginger went and sat on the palace steps as usual to wait for nightfall and enjoy the peace and quiet plus the sparkle of pixies flying around... Chapter 1 At Night In Two Homes Ivy and Tobias walked over to Alieta and Ginger sitting on the steps. So here you two are again, said Ivy. Yes we both love this time of day when all gets quite and peaceful, said Alieta. Today was a very busy day for both of us, said Ivy so we will be heading home now. Yes very busy but exciting too for all of us, said Alieta. Okay goodnight said Ivy then flew off. Well I got to go also, said Tobias. So what did you think of our Ivy? asked Alieta. Well she is very beautiful and speaks her mind easily. She made me feel very welcomed to be here and even though we just met she spoke to me like a friend. She is a very special girl, and I am glad my mother made me come here with Fawn to meet her. You know your mother Samantha along with Dallas were amazing warriors but decided to go out on their own after the war was over, said Alieta. Thing is there were three more sprites that I lost track of also. Who were they? asked Ginger. Rasta, Merri and Soni, the six of us practically grew up together in the elder village, said Alieta. I wonder what ever happened to them after the war. I know them some, said Tobias. They used to sit with me when I was younger and play. I don't see them much anymore. Well I did hear rumors of a small group of sprite that people call the amazing five, said Ginger. Where did you hear that, I never heard anything about them? asked Alieta. I have my contacts, just ask Pippa, said Ginger. She knows everything that goes on around here. Well I know nothing about an amazing five, said Tobias. So you said your forest isn't that far from here? asked Alieta. Yep only an hour away but we flew at full speed so we could get here faster, said Tobias. Now that I am older Mom and Dad go away a lot more. They don't tell me what they are doing but the pixies were always fun to play with. Tobias looked around and saw it was getting darker out. 01 illustration goes here So Tobias, are you sure you know your way back to Sally and Fawn's place? asked Alieta. Yep, no problem, said Tobias. So long as it doesn't get too dark. I used to try catching pixies when they were very small at night but that was impossible. Forest sprites have good eyesight but not so good in the dark. Alieta laughed. Yes I could see how hard it would be to catch a pixie, especially at night, said Alieta. Look see there some go now, said Alieta. They are fast even when they are not being chased. Tobias smiled. Okay thanks for welcoming me Alieta and Ginger. I will see you both soon but now it is time to go home, at least that is what I think of it for now, said Tobias. Well it is your home now, said Alieta and it will be a much nicer home now after Lilly did here magic touch to the place. Tobias smiled again. Fairies are so cool, he said then flew off. Well Ginger, there goes one happy man, said Alieta. Yep he sure does look happy, said Ginger. What guy wouldn't be happy getting to be with the prettiest girl in the land. Yes that is true, said Alieta. It will be nice having a couple new guys around though. Mace seems really nice too. Ya why is there so few guys in Fae Land? asked Ginger. Well mostly because the elves and sprites rarely give birth to a baby boy, said Alieta. Some type of generic thing I was told by Gabriel but most got killed during the great war as you know. Though I have noticed that even the human families are producing less male babies now. Why are you interested in getting a man now? Not really but it would nice to be able to date sometimes, said Ginger. I have never had a guy buy me dinner in a nice eatery or any eatery for that matter. Well I can set you up with Lucifer if you would like, said Alieta with a smile. I think I will pass on that, but thanks anyways, said Ginger. 02 illustration goes here Ivy got home and saw Viridian had already gone to bed and Sara was sleeping with her head on the kitchen table. Ivy smiled. She looks so sweet when she is sleeping, she thought to herself. Better wake her though. Sara, wake up, bed time, said Ivy quietly. What, said Sara then saw she had fallen asleep. Oh my, she said. Sorry, didn't mean to fall asleep. I was just waiting for you to come home, said Sara. Ivy sat down with her. You know I was just fine, said Ivy. I was just at the palace. I know, that is not it, said Sara. I just like going to bed knowing you are home and going to sleep also. Ya I feel the same too, said Ivy. It is like we are connected or something, said Ivy. Stay here, let's look at my orb together before going to bed okay? Sure that would be fun, said Sara. Ivy went got the orb that Merlin gave her and placed it on the table between the two of them. Okay lets start at the beginning, said Ivy. Ivy and Sara took turns changing the image with their hands. Sara could see how happy and what a wonderful life she had when she was young. It showed her parents and some of Ivy's friends. She especially like the scene when Ivy was learning how to fly. She ended up on her face more than once. Sara looked up at Ivy and said, You were so fun to be with even back then. Ivy noticed that Sara had tears running down her face. I have never seen you cry before, said Ivy and wiped the tears off her cheeks. Sara smiled. Thought I couldn't cry, said Sara. This is the first time. You know, instead of you being one of my best friend as you said I have lots of, I want you to be my sister. I don't have one of them, said Ivy. Sara smiled big time. Really! That would be the best. We already act like sisters, said Sara. Yep we do now let's make it offical. Ivy got a small pointy knife out of the draw then pricked her thumb with it. What are you doing Ivy? asked Sara. Here you do the same to your thumb. It don't hurt much. This will make us blood sisters, said Ivy. Okay, said Sara and did the same as Ivy. Ivy then put her thumb to Sara's and pushed hard against it and held it there for a few moments. There that should do it, said Ivy. Kinda like Gabriel blessing us. 03 illustration goes here Just then Gabriel appeared. Not quite Ivy but good try, said Gabriel. Oh hi Gabriel we were just trying something I learned in a book, said Ivy. Yes I see that, said Gabriel. Let me see your thumbs please. Both girls showed the blood on their thumbs. Gabriel smiled then put both their thumbs back together again and held them tight then said something quietly to herself. There that is better now, said Gabriel. Both Ivy and Sara looked at their thumbs and no blood or cut could be seen anymore. You cleaned our thumbs, said Sara. Well no not really, said Gabriel. The way you did the blood sister thing won't work when both of your thumbs are bleeding out. I just made the mixed blood go back inside of both of you. Now you both have each other's blood inside of you. True blood sisters now, said Gabriel but that really wasn't necessary. Plus I blessed the union so even better. They both looked at each other and smiled. So we are sisters now. Well in mine and God's eyes you always have been, said Gabriel. Now off to bed you two, it is late now. Okay Gabriel, thanks, said both of them, Oh by the way, Tobias is a wonderful boy, said Gabriel. You two were made for each other. One day Sara here will meet a wonderful boy too but she has to grow up more yet. There are more surprises for her too coming soon anyways. Good night then Gabriel disappeared. I hope they are good surprises, said Sara. They will be if Gabriel has anything to do with it, said Ivy. 04 illustration goes here Tobias got home and notice the place outside look really nice and had chairs plus gardens now. He touched he outside of the house and it was nice and smooth. He went inside and saw both Sally and Fawn stretched out on the two couches. Hi Tobias, like the new stuff we got? asked Fawn. Well Alieta did tell me that Lilly did her thing on this palace. I really like Lilly's thing, that is for sure, said Tobias. They both giggled. Fawn moved over to the couch Sally was on and said this one is yours we are guessing because it is green, said Fawn. Tobias walked over and laid on his side. Wow, this feels really good, he said. Yep they are both perfect, said Sally. Now all we have to do is decorate the room a bit. Seeing Lilly stocked our ice box and pantry for us the money I got from delivering candies can go towards that instead, said Sally. Looks good just like this, said Tobias. Well we are girls and we like pretty things, said Fawn. Ya I know girls like that kind of stuff. It is okay with me. Pretty things are good to me also I suppose. Ya like that girlfriend you got now. It don't get any prettier than her, said Sally. Tobias smiled. So what else did Lilly do? asked Tobias. Well she did her magic on our bathroom. It looks way better now, said Sally. Plus she gave us two a wonderful bedroom with all new stuff except once we transferred the clothes from the old dresser to the new ones so you have to take the old one out back for us please. Okay I can do that in the morning, said Tobias. For you, Lilly created a whole new room just for you with a nice bed and furniture. Looks really good for a male forest sprite, said Sally. Cool, said Tobias. Now that room you can decorate it yourself, said Fawn. Oh okay but I will have to wait until mother visits, said Tobias. Your mother is coming to Fae Land? asked Sally. Well not right away, said Tobias. Maybe in a few days. So why will that matter? asked Fawn. It doesn't I suppose, said Sally. So is your mother bringing you some money, you need money to shop you know. Fawn smiled. Those two have tons of money, said Fawn. Really, how come? asked Sally. All the reward money they got helping people out. They kept on fighting battles after Alieta became queen, said Fawn. So do they still fight? asked Sally. Nope, once Samantha became pregnant they both figured it was time to stop. They had enough riches now to start their own empire they figured. Did you know that Tibias? asked Sally. No but they do go away for days at a time now, said Tobias. So how come you never asked them for money help? asked Sally to Fawn. Well one of my rules is never borrow money from friends especially if you can't repay them somehow, said Fawn. Oh okay, I get that, said Sally. Okay it is late now so lets go to bed, said Sally. I am dying to try out my new bed in our new bedroom! Okay, said Fawn and they took off leaving Tobias laying on the couch. Girls, he thought to himself. It is just a bedroom, what is so special about a bedroom. He got up and checked out the ice box and saw it was well stocked and even had ice cream in it. I would have some now but I am still full from supper so maybe for breakfast he thought. So better to go to bed. Ivy might need my help tomorrow. He walked over to where the new door was and opened it. It was kinda dark inside but he could still make out where the bed was, so he took off his shirt and layed down. In no time he fell fast asleep. 05 illustration goes here Chapter 2 The Plans Arrive In the morning Daisy and Jessica got up and had their morning coffee then started to work on the candy orders again. Jazmen got up and came in the kitchen. Going to work? asked Jessica. Nope not today, she said. Too hot out there. Yesterday was way to hot for the winged army. Told them to stay home today but just be on alert in case they are needed. Even flying around didn't help much, said Jazmen. So what are you going to do today? asked Daisy. Probably hang out with you two, she said. Well help us with these orders then, said Jessica. The plans for the building will be here today so we want to get them all ready for delivery before they arrive. Okay, I can do that, said Jazmen. They worked away and soon had the rack completely full. Okay that is full but still got some orders here that won't fit, said Jessica. Well maybe I can get Sally and Fawn to deliver some of these. That will make some room, said Jazmen. Good idea. Go get them please. They always get up early, said Jessica. Okay, said Jazmen and she left. Now lets just go out side and wait to hear from Alieta, said Jessica. It is too hot in this kitchen right now. They both went outside and sat on the two lawn chairs. That's better, said Daisy. You know we will be able to see the building being made from way over here. Yep that is true but I want to be closer to see how they are doing went the get started building, said Jessica. Glad it is not us working on it in this heat. So how long is it going to take to finish it? asked Sally. Not sure but at least a week I figure, said Jessica. That is if they have a bunch of men working on it. 06 illustration goes here Jazmen got to Sally and Fawn's place and saw that the place looked great. She knocked on the door and Tobias answered it. Hi Tobias, nice to see you. Where is Sally and Fawn? asked Jazmen. Oh maybe still sleeping, said Tobias. I got up a while ago and had some ice cream. Oh, well can I come in? asked Jazmen. Yep, come in. Wow this place has been completely changed. Yep, Lilly did her magic on it, said Tobias. Let me yell for them two sleepy heads. He yelled for the two of them and he heard someone say, okay okay. So fairy magic did all this? asked Jazmen. Yep, just Lilly by herself I think, said Tobias. The two girls came out and saw Jazmen. Hi Jazmen. Sorry, we slept in, said Fawn. Lilly gave us new beds and stuff. It was really hard to get out of such comfortable beds. Jazmen smiled. So, we have some candy orders that need to be delivered, Some for Fae Land and I think two for Cumberland, said Jazmen. Oh good, said Sally. We want to make some more money to decorate this place some. I told them it looks great the way it is but then they told me it was a girl thing, said Tobias. Well it is a girl thing. Us girls love making stuff look pretty. You best get used to that because Ivy loves very pretty things too, said Jazmen. Ya I know, I'm just very new with the girl boy thing right now, said Tobias. Well every body is different so just listen when Ivy talks and you will be able to tell what she likes best, said Jazmen. Okay I will, said Tobias. You should go to the forest where she works soon. It will probably let you in no problem seeing you are a forest sprite and all, said Jazmen. Oh where is it? asked Tobias. Just west of the palace and through the woods. When you get to the wall of trees just touch one and they should open up for you, said Jazmen. Really, the trees will move? Yes, they are all alive with magic, said Jazmen. Just follow the center path to the end. You should be able to fly to the end of the path then do the same with the doorway to the cove. That is where all the work is done. Okay, I think I can remember all of that, said Tobias. I think I will have another bowl of ice cream though before I go. Jazmen smiled. How many bowls have you had of it so far? asked Jazmen. Just one, said Tobias. Okay just pace your self. Too much of a good thing is not good for you, said Jazmen. Okay we are ready to go, said Fawn. See you later Tobias and off the three of them went. 07 illustration goes here Jessica could see Alieta and the architect coming so they both got up and met them half way. Good morning Alieta and Josh, said Jessica. Now I see you have marked out the spot where the building is going, said Josh. Yep, and Misty found water near by also so they built a well, said Daisy. Okay good, That will save a bunch of work, said Josh. Now have a look at these plans and tell me if there needs to be any changes. Okay, said Jessica. They got down on the ground and he spread out the plans. Well it seems to look good, said Jessica. Just then Misty and Tulip flew over. Hi everyone. Misty told me the plans would arrive today, said Tulip. Yep they are right here, said Daisy. Can I see too? asked Tulip. Ya sure, said Jessica. Hmm, looks like mostly wood, what is that on the bottom? asked Tulip. Oh that is cement, said Josh. Same stuff used making town roads, just a finer grade. Oh, I don't know anything about cement, said Tulip but we can help with the wood part, said Tulip. Really how, asked Alieta. Well we can make wood with our wands. Lots of it too. Us two can make all the pieces just like it shows in the drawings then put them together as shown in this drawing. Yep but you should nail it together more to make it is stronger, said Misty. We have magic in the forest to make things stay together there, not much out here. Well yes we were going to first make all the frame work after the cement floor drys then nail up all the wood planks, said Josh. Well we can't build it, said Tulip. Sure would save a lot of time and work unless your men like working in this hot weather. Well we have a big crew coming today to first pour the cement then after a few hours we can start building the first floor, said Josh. Okay, we can make the walls and roof plus everything else, said Tulip. Your men will just have to nail it all together better, said Tulip. So you don't use hammers, saws and nails? asked Josh. Nope, we use our wands to do everything, said Misty. You won't need to cut anything. Just nail it all together, said Tulip. Wow, that would save you a ton of money Alieta, said Josh. Must be great having fairies working for you. Oh they don't work for me. They just do things like this for fun, said Alieta. Okay then, said Josh. What do you need to start working on this? Let us two look at those plans again then we will get started, said Tulip. Josh handed them the plans. When the cement gets here I will send someone back to tell them that we won't be needing the wood, and so many men, said Josh. So this will be fun for you two then? asked Josh. Yep, especially with it being a candy factory, we love candy, said Tulip. 08 illustration goes here Okay so here is my plan for the first floor walls and second floor support beams, said Tulip. We will make the wood for each wall where it is to be built. The door openings will be placed at the back for what ever this is. Oh that is the loading dock, said Jessica. Oh okay, said Tulip. Now will the cement be dry enough to walk on? asked Tulip. Yes it is fast drying cement and ready in three to four hours, said Josh. Okay good. Then we can make the wood for the stairs and ramp inside plus that other big wall inside with the two big doorways on it, said Tulip. Wow, you really got this all figured out and very fast too, said Josh. Yep, us fairies can be nutty but really smart too, said Tulip with a smile. So, Alieta, just call Pippa to get us when the cement part is done then we will come back and get started, said Tulip. Okay, said Alieta. Then Tulip and Misty flew off. Well those two seem to know what they are doing, said Josh. Well Tulip is the youngest but the best with plans and Misty is older and has the more experience plus she can find water underground somehow, said Alieta. Sounds like them two can do more than my entire crew can do, said Josh. Well they are fairies, said Alieta. Yes, of coarse, said Josh. Now how are you getting the water inside? Well that we will figure out when the building is almost done, said Jessica but we will just bring it in with buckets as we need it but we still need to fill the two water containers on the roof. You know, I think this is going to be the most fun and fastest building we have ever made. Yep, we all like having fun, said Daisy. Hey look here comes Jazmen. Hello everyone, said Jazmen. How is everything going? Perfect, said Jessica. Tulip and Misty just saved us a ton of money by making all the wood for us. Really, well if they are doing anything like what Lilly did to Fawn and Sally's place then it will be amazing. Alieta smiled. Looks better now? she asked. Better, it is like a bran new home fully furnished and not with cheap stuff either. Tobias didn't seem too excited about it but I suppose that is because he has never lived in a house before. I told him to head to the forest and see what Ivy does for a living. Do you think he should go unannounced? Ya sure why not, said Alieta. Ivy will probably love showing him around and Sara seems to like him too. Good, that is what I was hoping, said Jazmen. Oh by the way. Fawn and Sally are spending the first half of the day delivering orders then they want to know if they can use your hot tub. Jessica smiled. Sure why not. They will need it after all that flying. They best not light a fire under it though. Too hot today for that, said Jessica. Ya they both said that too, said Jazmen. So I am guessing that the winged army are taking a break today, said Alieta. Ya but they are all on alert in case needed, said Jazmen. Good enough, said Alieta. Look here comes the cement wagons, said Josh. Wow there are a lot of them, said Alieta. Well it is a very big place, but they probably brought extra to make sure they don't fall short. Yep always best to have too much than not enough I always say, said Jessica. Another one of your saying? asked Daisy. Yep sure is, said Jessica. She has a whole bunch of saying she lives by and they all make sense, said Jazmen. 09 illustration goes here Chapter 3 Tobias In The Fairy Forest Tobias flew over to the woods and followed Jazmen's instructions of how to reach the forest entrance. Okay this must be the place he thought to himself. Those trees are very close together. Now she said just reach out and touch one. Okay lets try that first. Tobias grabbed one of the trees branches then magically the trees opened very wide for him. Wow, she was right. Magical moving trees. He walked in and the trees closed behind him. Okay now she said go along the middle path and something about being able to fly in here. As soon as he said that the trees opened up far ahead of him. Wow they can hear me too. Okay lets try this out. Tobias took flight and was moving pretty fast. He could see the trees were opening up well ahead of him. He kept on going and saw that he was going pretty deep into the forest. How big is this forest? he wondered. After a bit longer he saw the trees stopped opening up ahead of him so he slowed down until he reached what must of be the door into what Jazmen called the cove. He did the same as before but before he could touch a tree branch the tree beside him extended a branch to him. Now this is different he said to himself. I suppose I should shake the branch like a hand. He did that and the tree all of a sudden felt very happy to Tobias. He talked to it in old elven and said he was here to see Ivy. The entrance to the cove immediately opened for him. He walked in and the entrance closed behind him. 10 illustration goes here Wow, look at this place. Just amazing, he said. Now I get it about how girls like pretty things. This place is spectacularly pretty. He saw Ivy off to the side looking down at something but Sara spotted him and waved. Tulip was flying around above the big pool and saw him too and flew over to him. Hello Tobias. Welcome to the cove. Hope your trip through the forest didn't take too long, said Tulip. Well it did take a while to get here but I was able to fly. How big is this forest? asked Tobias. Oh lets see. The path to the cove I think is about three miles. The cove is in the middle of the forest so that would make the forest about six miles long. It is a bit smaller width wise so about five miles wide. So that would make the entire forest about one hundred and twenty square miles, said Tulip. I am feeling an intense presence of magic or something in here that I have never felt before. Yep that is magic from the pool, said Tulip. This is the source of all the magic for the forest. Though it just went up some since you entered the cove. Why would that be? asked Tobias. Probably because the cove or the entire forest has never had a male forest sprite in here before. You must be very strong inside to have this effect on the cove, said Tulip. Ivy, your pretty boyfriend is here, said Sara. Ivy looked quickly then said go keep him company while I finish this. Can't stop now but look at this, every green spot just got a lot brighter. Yep a pretty boy forest sprite just came in, said Sara with a smile. Okay I get it you think he is pretty. Okay I will fly over and keep him company, said Sara. Sara flew over and welcomed Tobias. Did you see anything odd on the overviewer before you flew over here? asked Tulip. Yep, everything is a lot greener, said Sara. Amazing, said Tulip then flew over to Ivy. So this is where us two work, said Sara. Pretty cool place isn't it. You bet, said Tobias. So what are they doing over there? asked Tobias. Oh Ivy is working the magic with the overviewer. She can control it better than anyone. There is a bit of a problem in one of the areas of the forest so she is fixing it, said Sara. Looks like she will be busy for a bit longer. Hey Sara, can you two get in the pool and walk about half way to the center please? asked Tulip. Okay, lets go. The water isn't that deep, said Sara. They got in the pool and walked forward. Okay stop there please yelled Tulip. Don't want to blow a fuse she said with a smile. Ivy looked at Tulip and said, "There that has got it. Fixed in a fraction of the time it normally takes". So will it stay that way when he gets out of the water? asked Tulip. Yep, the magic wasn't the problem, it was the link to it. That is what I was repairing. Now it is perfect again, said Ivy. Okay you two, you can get out of the water now, said Tulip. 11 illustration goes here Okay Ivy your work is done now thanks to him. Go have some fun now. I have to stay here with Misty until Pippa comes to get me. We are helping with Jessica's candy building, said Tulip. Okay I will show him around first, said Ivy then flew over to them. Hi Tobias, how was your night. Very good, said Tobias. Lilly did her thing and fixed the house. Mother Nature was right, a bed is much better than branches, said Tobias. Good, Lilly is the best at fixing things, said Ivy. Let me show you some more of the Forest. Okay, said Tobias. Can I come too? asked Sara, Yep, you sure can, said Ivy. So the waterfall area is off bounds right now because of unknown problems so lets check out the pool first then the sauna, said Ivy. Okay, said Tobias. They went through the right archway way and headed down to the pool. Once inside Tobias was surprised to see that much water locked up inside a forest. It is like a small lake, said Tobias. Ya sort of, said Ivy. The water is constantly being replenished so it is always fresh like a lake, said Ivy. It will probably get busy in here later today with most of the palace gang. Me too probably, the water feels great, said Sara. It is hot out there and I have never been swimming in here yet either. Pools are a lot of fun, said Ivy. You will see, I will take you swimming soon. Plus the water is a bit magical so it is good for the skin also. Okay now lets go see the sauna. It won't be busy today at all because it heats up in there to make you sweat that cleans out the pores but is very relaxing too. I go in there sometimes to just lay and think, said Ivy. 12 illustration goes here They headed down the path to the sauna and went in. I like this too and it smells really nice in here, said Tobias. That is all the scented candles that do that, said Ivy. Now I can always turn off or on the heat over there by the heater but I have it turned off at the cove right now, said Ivy. You can get quite a few people in here, said Tobias. Yep, the more the merrier, said Ivy. One shouldn't stay in her too long though when the heat is on because you get very sweaty then you have to go to the pool to cool off. Now in the other side of the forest is the outdoor eatery and spa. I go to the eatery a lot to take a break and have some ice cream, said Ivy. Oh I had two bowls already this morning, said Tobias. Jazmen told me that I should wait a bit before eating any more right now. Ivy smiled. Ya two bowls is a lot for in the morning, said Ivy. Okay then lets go out and see what the palace gang is doing, said Ivy. But I just got comfortable, said Sara. Come on silly, you are just showing off, said Ivy. Showing off what? asked Sara. Never mind, you can come in here any time you want but lets go outside now. Okay, both Sara and Tobias said. They headed out of the sauna then went to the forest exit then flew over to the palace. 13 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Construction Begins The men from Cumberland finished pouring and spreading the cement and made sure it was nice and smooth. They now had to wait a few hours for it to harden so the wagon drivers were sent back and were told that they didn't need wood delivered so no need to return. Josh had several builders left at the site so he figured that would be enough to get things started. In the meantime Sally and Fawn had finished all the deliveries that Jazmen had set out for them to deliver. They saw construction was started on the candy factory so went there to check it out and show Jessica the new orders. Hi Jazmen, all finished the deliveries, said Sally. We got these new orders though. Looks like business it getting bigger every time we make a delivery. Well I suppose that is good news, said Jazmen. Go show Jessica the orders then you can take them back to the house with you, said Jazmen. Okay they both said then walked over to where Jessica and Alieta were standing. Hi Jessica, said Fawn. All finished the deliveries and here are the new orders that we got. Another two hundred boxes, said Jessica and delivery in three days again. That should be okay, we have about one hundred already made on the racks. Yep, two new stores in Fae Land and three more stores in Cumberland, said Sally. Well it is a good thing this work on the building has started, said Alieta. Looks like you are going to need it soon. Josh came over and said the cement is almost ready so best you get those two fairies back now. My men are ready to get started and want to see these fairies using magic to make wood supplies. Alieta smiled. Okay I will call Pippa and get her to pass on the message, said Alieta. 14 illustration goes here So can we sit in your hot tub for a bit? asked Fawn. Yes of coarse, said Jessica. Best you don't light the fire though. We know, said Sally. Just want to get freshen up a bit and relax. Have you got any extra bathing suits? Yes, in my bedroom there are some in the bottom drawer. Use the pink one and the purple one, said Jessica. Okay, then they both flew off with the new orders. A few minutes later Tulip showed up with Misty. So Pippa told us everything is ready to get started, said Tulip. Yes it is, said Josh. The cement foundation is finished so frame, outside walls and floor can be started. Good, said Tulip. Okay Misty you make the wood floor first then we will work together creating the building beams, walls and supports. Sounds like a good plan, said Misty. Lets have another look at those drawings, said Tulip, then we will get started. So what part of the building is this end of the foundation? asked Tulip. This is the north side and the side facing the palace grounds is the front, said Josh. The two of then studied the plans then took off and Misty covered all the cement with a nice wood floor in no time at all then they both began to build the outside walls from the bottom up. The workers were amazed at the magic and how fast they were doing things. 15 illustration goes here Once all the walls were made for the first floor the two of them started to build the beams and supports for the second floor. Josh got the men to start nailing all the outside planks for extra strength. Once Tulip and Misty had the second floor completed they began to do the outer walls of the second floor. In a little over one hour all four outer walls were completed and nailed down. Looks great so far, said Jessica. That was pretty fast. Well the fairies did the hard part for us, said Josh. Now we just have to seal all the cracks between the boards with a special glue that will make them waterproof. Tulip and Misty looked at the plans again. Okay now we can make the roof and that will finish the outside until I get Lilly to come and fix the outside walls, said Tulip. What do you mean fix them, they look great to me, said Josh. You will see, Lilly will make everything look better, said Misty. Misty and Tulip worked together and had a nice strong roof made then made a two big water tanks on it. Tulip said it is time to go inside and make the other stuff that was shown on the drawing. Josh brought the plans with him and went inside with them. Well looks like everything is moving along nicely here, said Alieta. I am heading back to the palace to see what is going on. Okay, said Jessica. Now we can't see what is going on inside anymore but I am sure there will be no problems. 16 illustration goes here So what does Lilly do? asked Josh. She is the best at designing stuff and will make windows and the other finishing touches on all the walls, said Misty. She can make the doorways and doors too. Okay so you kinda all have your own things you can do when making something this big, said Josh. No, just one of us can make the entire building but why not use the best person to do the the fine tuning plus we all like to make things so we work together, said Tulip. You fairies are one of a kind, said Josh. I am going to go get Lilly, said Misty then she flew off to the forest. Outside they saw Misty flying to the forest. Well they really seem to know what they are doing, said Jazmen. One hour and there is a huge building where there used to be nothing but grass. Well you know that fairies love sweets, said Jessica. Building a factory that makes sweets must be very special to them. Jazmen smiled. I suppose once things are all done this will be a factory and and a place to buy candies for the locals, said Jazmen. Yep and it will be a very efficient one too, said Jessica. Can you get us a few chairs to sit on please. The ones in the front yard should be good enough. Okay no problem, said Jazmen and flew off. Will she be able to manage flying with three chairs by herself? asked Daisy. Oh yes, said Jessica. Jazmen is very strong and can easily manage them. She brought down that shelving unit from upstairs all by herself. Wow, said Daisy. She looks so normal. I would never of guessed she was really strong. Yep she is definitely a person that shouldn't be messed with, said Jessica. Jazmen came back with three chairs that were stacked in one hand and three books for them to read in the other hand. You are right Jessica. She is strong, said Daisy. Yep she is my wonder woman, said Jessica with a smile. Daisy set up the chairs and they sat down and waited to see what was going to happen next. 17 illustration goes here Chapter 5 Back At The Palace Ivy, Sara and Tobias showed up at the palace grounds and saw that everyone looked like they were making plans for the day. Lets go talk to Alieta and Ginger first, said Ivy. They are in their regular spot. They walked over to the two of them and said hi. Well hello Ivy, you are out here very early today, said Alieta. Didn't you two go to the cove this morning? Yep we were there already but because of Tobias here we finished early, said Ivy. Really, what did Tobias do? Well not much, said Ivy. He just showed up in the cove. Seems that the forest really likes him. Well yes the forest should with him being a forest sprite but how did that matter? asked Alieta. Well Tulip told Sara and Tobias to walk in the pool and the entire overviewer screen lit up nice and bright. Then I was then able to make the repairs very fast with all that extra magic around. When done Tulip told them to get out of the pool then the overviewer went almost back to normal but still was brighter than usual. So Tulip said I was done for the day seeing Misty and her were helping with the candy building today and had to wait for Pippa so she would keep an eye on things for now. So we came here to see what was going on after Sara and I took Tobias for a quick tour of the forest. Alieta smiled. Well I am glad to hear you got everything fixed, said Alieta. Yep all fixed so what is everyone planning on doing today? asked Ivy. Well the group over there are probably figuring out that now, said Ginger. I want to see the new candy building in a bit. Alieta told me that Tulip and Misty were working on it and it was close to being finished. That could be fun I guess, said Ivy. I know that Sara is not really interested in watching stuff like that though, said Ivy. Oh by the way we are sisters now! 18 illustration goes here Sisters, what do you mean? asked Alieta. Well you know what sisters are, said Ivy. We tried to become blood sisters first though, said Ivy. You actually cut yourselves? asked Alieta. Yep but just a small prick on our thumb. I read about how to do it in a book, said Ivy. Alieta smiled. Well dear, you shouldn't believe everything you read. You can get an infection doing that, said Alieta. Ya that is what Gabriel told us too, said Ivy. Gabriel was there too? asked Alieta looking surprised. Well she showed up when I said something about blessing, said Ivy. You know her, she is attracted to that word. Ginger started to giggle. She told us that what we just did would not work so she fixed it for us, said Ivy. And how did she fix it may I ask, said Alieta. Oh she put both of our bloody thumbs together then squeezed hard and made my blood go into Sara and her blood go in to me, said Ivy. She then said that we were now real blood sisters. She also blessed us while she was doing it. Oh, okay. I suppose that would make you blood sisters, said Alieta but not real sisters like Phonixa and Repellia. I guess, said Ivy. But she did say that in Gods eyes and her eyes we were real sisters now. Never heard of anything like that before, said Alieta. And you probably will never hear about it again, said Gabriel that just appeared out of nowhere once again. Oh hi Gabriel, Alieta seems to think we can not be real sisters, said Ivy. Well of coarse she can't, said Gabriel. She doesn't know the ways of the heavens. So you are saying that they are real sisters now? asked Alieta. Well think about it, said Gabriel. Sara was created in heaven and has no real parents and she has the same blood type as Ivy. Ivy has no parents now and I merged their blood together but really wasn't necessary but seeing they share the same blood anyways there was no danger. They are both very pretty and smart forest sprites with the same generic codes and same blood. They have been blessed as sisters so they are sisters now. Even your doctor will say they are sisters with a blood sample. Sara smiled. Yep we feel more like sisters now, said Sara. My God, said Alieta, that is amazing. Ivy said she wished she had a real sister so we gave her one, said Gabriel. It is as simple as that. They are still the same girls though. Just a bit closer than they were before, said Gabriel. Well I always looked at the two of them as sisters at least the closest thing to it, said Ginger. Good for you Ginger. I am pretty sure everyone will see them as sisters now, said Gabriel. Now when Sara gets a boyfriend which will be some time from now of coarse, she will be able to introduce Ivy to him as her sister. Yep, sisters for ever, said Ivy. Alieta smiled. Well if you say they are sisters then so be it, said Alieta. Now while I am here I want to go visit that candy factory that is being built. When it is done I want to bless it for Jessica. She is a lot happier now because of you, said Gabriel. Ya it seems that way, said Alieta. Really nice and smart girl. Okay Ginger wants to see it too so lets all go together and no cheating Gabriel. No transporting. Gabriel smiled, Okay dear. 19 illustration goes here The three of them walked off together to the construction site that really wasn't that far away. Lets go see what everyone else has decided to do today, said Ivy. Okay they both said. They walked over and it seemed like they were still undecided as to what to do yet. Hi everyone, What's up? asked Ivy. Hi Ivy, we are still thinking of the best way to stay cool today, said Tabitha. What were you three talking about over there with Alieta, Ginger and Gabriel? asked Zan. Oh about how Gabriel made us real sisters, said Ivy. Oh, I thought you two were sisters, said Zan. Us too, said Tara and Avan. Well we are sisters now but don't ask us how it happened because it is a long story but we are now inside and out, said Ivy. Okay they all said. We are all sort of sisters here anyways, said Phonixa. Except for Tobias that is. Tobias smiled. Interesting family you have here Ivy, said Tobias. Yep they are the best, said Ivy. So you got any ideas on how we could stay cool today? asked Tabitha. Well either Sandy Lake or the pool in the forest is all I got, said Ivy. Ya we thought of that too but done both of them already this week, said Tabitha. What about the new Pixie Forest? asked Tara. Well that is more for family picnics and intimate couples, said Ivy. Well we can always find a nice shady area to have a picnic too, said Sara. Ya maybe, said Tabitha, best idea yet. What about you Kiki, what do you all do for fun on a hot day back home? Well not much said Kiki. We usually just stay in the woods where it is nice and cool and shady. A picnic sounds fun though. Well we are going in the east woods, said Tara. It is always nice and cool in there. Ya me too, said Zan. Well swimming at the pool sounds good to us two, said Phonixa. I think I will go where ever Ivy and her sister goes, said Tabitha with a smile. Okay then everyone is going to do something different today, said Ivy. Tabitha go get some picnic food from the palace kitchen then get your horse and we will leave together. I know a great shady place to go. Okay everyone, see you all back here at supper time, said Tabitha and everyone went in different directions. 20 illustration goes here Chapter 6 Lilly Finishes Off The Candy Factory Gabriel, Alieta and Ginger got to the construction site and saw Jessica with Daisy and Jazmen sitting reading some books. Here comes Alieta and Ginger, said Jazmen and looks like Gabriel is with them. Really the angel Gabriel, both Jessica and Daisy, said together. Yes, that would be her, said Jazmen. Jessica and Daisy stood up. Hello all. I see things are going well here, said Gabriel. Hi Gabriel, nice to meet you, said Jessica. Me too, said Daisy. Here Gabriel sit in my chair. I can stand now, said Daisy. Well thank you Daisy, I am not used to all this walking. Here sit in my chair Alieta. We can sit on the grass, said Jessica. Yep the cool grass helps to keep the body cool, said Ginger. Everyone got comfortable then Gabriel, said. "I love watching strong men working". Really, but you are an angel, said Daisy. Ya so, I am a girl too you know, said Gabriel with a smile. Misty came back with Lilly and saw everyone watching the work being done. Hi Gabriel. Here to watch the show? asked Misty. Yes, can't see too much right now though, said Gabriel. Well you will soon, said Misty. Lilly is going to finish off the outside of the walls. She is the best at that. So Lilly what do you think. Just a good coat of paint and some doors and windows? asked Misty. Nope, a lot better than that, said Lilly. I will fix it she said then flew off. Misty smiled. I knew she would say that. Okay I have to go back inside and help Tulip, said Misty. Lilly flew around the building slowly first then made her wand appear. I love this part, said Gabriel. Lilly first started adding windows on the first and second floor. Then added a door to where the kitchen will be and the dock doors plus another door going into the warehouse. Then she started at the bottom and slowly began to fly around the building making the outdoor brick work. Each time she passed everyone she went up a bit higher. In about ten minutes all the walls were finished but Lilly could not be seen. Lilly was at the front of the building and was not happy with that side. What if I make it like a store front. That way the village here and the palace gang won't have far to go to get candy, thought Lilly to her self. Plus us fairies too! She changed the front brick work to a much lighter plaster then made the front windows look more store like. Added a couple of signs then some wood plank designs. Now she figured it looked much better. 21 illustration goes here Lilly flew around to everyone that seemed to be wondering where she went. Okay, I think I am done with the outside, said Lilly. I did how ever change the plans some in the front so come and look at it and see if it is okay. They all walked around to the front and saw an amazing change and it now looked like a store. A very big store but still a store. This looks amazing, said Jessica. You gave it a store front. Yep, that was my plan. Why not sell candies here too to all of us. That way people don't have to go to town all the time just to get a box of candy, said Lilly. Perfect thinking, said Jessica, that was what I was thinking also. Yes I agree, said Gabriel. A factory and a store combined, very clever. Now I need need to go inside to help in there next. Well this has been fun all but I have to get back to work, said Gabriel. Keep up the great work. Then she disappeared. Josh came out and said all is going super fast so you best figure out how many ice boxes you need and shelving units. I will suggest you get a few small wagons also to make it easier to transport the boxes of candy around inside. Okay I figure we will need six ice boxes in total. Three upstairs and three in the kitchen, said Jessica. I have a couple more shelving units in storage so I will order more as needed. Okay good. I will order the ice boxes when I get back then. They should be here tomorrow some time. You will have to be here when they arrive to show them where you want them. So Lilly did all of this to the outside? Yes she did, She did a great job don't you think, said Jessica. Oh yes, said Josh. Fastest building I have ever seen built! 22 illustration goes here Lilly finished doing all the work inside and the workers had all the floor planks nailed down that Tulip and Misty made for them. The roof was all done also. The workers told Lilly it was the easiest roof they every installed on such a big building with the help of the fairies. Josh came back out and said that just a few things needed to be done but all looks great so far. Just an inspection of all the doors, windows and other structures were now being done. Once I get back to Cumberland I will also contact the cabinet makers that did all the work on the homes in Fae Land. I will make sure they come tomorrow also. Once the kitchen is finished then I suppose the water part will be next. I can have two wagons come tomorrow also so they can pump the water up to those tanks on the roof. I am done for the day so have a look inside and see all the magic that was done. That is the best way I can explain it, said Josh. They all went inside and saw the inspection going on. This is perfect, said Jessica. Just like I imagined. Good size warehouse and very big kitchen space also. Look over there is a washroom so I think there is supposed to be another one upstairs. Probably right above this one from the looks of those pipes. If you are happy then I am happy, said Alieta. Well it has been a long day so we best be getting back to the palace. It will be supper time soon. Good thing Daisy made us all some sandwiches for lunch or I would be famished right now. Daisy smiled. Anytime Alieta, she said. Okay lets go Ginger. What ever everyone decided to do today, they will all be back soon, said Alieta. Both Alieta and Ginger left the building and headed back to the palace grounds. 23 illustration goes here So do you like? asked Tulip. You bet, said Jessica. I have to thank you three for helping and doing such a great job. So here are your keys to the place, said Lilly. I made three of them but one key will open any door. I figured Daisy and Jazmen should have a key also. Always best to have extra keys. So lets all head to the palace. I am very hungry, said Tulip. Yep us too, said Lilly and Misty. Okay, said Jessica. I will check on Sally and Fawn first and see if they are still in the hot tub, then I will meet you there. Okay see ya and off they all flew. Jessica headed back home and found Sally and Fawn both sitting on the chairs reading Alieta's books. Hi you two. I see you both found the books that Alieta wrote. Yes they have amazing stories in them. Are these all true stories? asked Fawn. Yes they are, said Jessica. Wow they are really brave. I can't imagine doing anything like these heroes did, said Sally. Well that is why they are called heroes, said Jessica. So I am heading over to the palace for supper. The candy factory is almost done thanks to three fairies. Should be up and running very soon. So if you want to join us you both are welcome. No I think we will eat at home today, said Fawn. Got lots of food now to pick from. Okay see you two tomorrow then, and off Jessica flew. Both Sally and Fawn went back to reading their book. 24 illustration goes here Chapter 7 The Picnic Ivy brought everyone to the shady spot where she took Tobias when they first met. Tabitha set up the blanket and took out all the goodies she had in the packs on the horse. The umbrella was set up too that she gave Sara to carry plus the basket with food in it. Everyone got comfortable and started to eat some snacks. So Tobias, you must have some stories to tell us when you were back home, said Tabitha. Well not too many, said Tobias. Mostly we played with the pixies. They always wanted to play. My parents used to gather a bunch of us together and tell stories of their adventures before Alieta became queen then a bit longer. So tell us why your parents didn't stay in Fae Land when Alieta became queen, said Tabitha. Ya that would be interesting to hear, said Sara. Okay well after the coronation they did stick around for a bit but after seeing how happy Alieta was being in control of such a big country they wanted to see if they could have the same, said Tobias. I think it was my mom that wanted to do that. Back then the feeling of magic wasn't that strong in Fae Land so she set out to start fresh with my dad and three other friends. So where did they start to build? asked Tabitha. Well they didn't at least not at first. They found a nice small forest that wasn't too far from a town. There were lots of pixies in it and made friends with them all. One day the five of them went flying around to check out the area when they saw a bunch of creatures attacking a town. Five, I am guessing two were your mother and father but who were the other three? asked Tabitha. Oh, Rasta, Meri and Soni, they used to fight with Alieta too, said Tobias. Mom said they grew up together when they were very young. Anyways they killed all the creatures and the head of the town paid them with gold. After a while news got out that there was five sprites and were amazing archers saved the town so when ever more creatures showed up attacking other places people came to them asking for help. Back before I was born lots of evil creatures were around I was told so they were very busy and soon had lots of reward money. So are they still in that forest? asked Kiki. Well yes and no, said Tobias. Once I was grown up they would leave for a few days then come back but they kept it a secret to what they were doing. But that is jumping way ahead. Oh sorry, said Kiki. Now things were going great for them for a long time and got to be known as the amazing five but when my mom got pregnant with me my dad made her stay in the forest out of danger. Then after a while he stopped defending towns also though he said not much bad was happening anymore. Once I was born the two of them raised me and taught me lots of things but they had limited knowledge about forest sprites so that is when the pixies helped. They know all kinds of stuff you know about everything. 25 illustration goes here When ever they got back to the forest they showed the pixies the reward money so they took it and hid it for them where no one could find it. They trusted the pixies that much? asked Tabitha. Well you don't steal from sprites that just killed one hundred creatures, said Tobias with a smile. Besides pixies have no need for money. Oh ya of coarse, said Tabitha. Now that things were very peaceful it was then that my Mom and Dad decided it was time to build a new home. The other three sprites still went out sometimes to make sure things were okay but I think my Mom was now in charge of all the money they all acquired. So where did they build the new home, asked Ivy. I don't know, said Tobias, all I know is what a couple of pixies told me. They said that they found a nice place not too far away that had a fair size woods growing plus had some pixies living in it. I never heard anything else about it but knew they were doing something important when they left me with the pixies for long periods of time. Even now I don't know what they may of built. Maybe Ivy can ask my Mom when she gets here tomorrow or the next day. What, your mother is coming here tomorrow? asked Ivy. Or the day after, said Tobias. Mom said that if Fawn didn't come back in two days with me then she knew all was good and she would come and see the girl that Fawn told her about. Oh boy, now I am nervous. What if she doesn't like me? said Ivy. Impossible Ivy, everyone loves you, said Sara. Well you never know, she was a warrior and might be expecting someone that can fight, said Ivy. Nope she won't, said Tobias. She knows you are a forest sprite like me and we don't fight. It is against our nature. Oh okay, but I am still a bit nervous, said Ivy. You know we best let Alieta know she is coming too. She will be excited to see her again, said Ivy. You bet, said Tabitha, I can see another party happening soon! They all laughed except for Ivy that still looked a bit worried. 26 illustration goes here Conclusion Alieta and Ginger got to the palace grounds first. Then everyone that was in the east woods came over. Nice and cool in the woods, said Zan. We just goofed around with some of the pixies there. Next came the bunch from the construction site followed by the picnic crew. Tulip said that the rest of the fairies will be out soon along with Phonixa and Repellia that were in the pool. That is when we will make supper for everyone. Okay sounds good, said Alieta. Lets go sit on the steps Ginger and wait for them. Okay, sounds good, said Ginger. Ivy saw the two of them on the steps and figured that she better go and tell Alieta about Tobias's mother. You all stay here, said Ivy. Ivy walked over and sat down beside Alieta. Hello Ivy, what is going on? asked Alieta. Ginger was surprised to see Ivy sit down on the steps beside Alieta. She had never done that before. Well I think it is good news for you, said Ivy. Oh okay, I like good news, said Alieta. Well I just found out that Tobias's mother will be coming here real soon. What, Samantha is coming to Fae Land after all these years. So how soon is real soon? asked Alieta. Well maybe tomorrow or the next day Tobias told me. So did he say why she is coming? asked Alieta. Yep, to meet me seeing Fawn didn't bring Tobias home after two days and probably to see you, said Ivy. She may have something interesting to tell you. What do you mean? asked Alieta. Well Tabitha asked Tobias to tell us some of the stories that his parents told him while he was growing up and in one of those stories he said that three other sprites left here together and over time they got to be known as the amazing five or something like that and fought off creatures attacking towns. Oh that sounds like them for sure, said Alieta. Well they got lots of reward money for their work and Tobias is not sure but a pixie did tell him that the five of them were making a new home with a wooded area in it that had pixies living there and they wanted it to be nice enough that other people would move there and live. My goodness, said Alieta and stood up. It sounds like they are building their own empire. Samantha was always the type that got what she wanted no matter how long it took. So do you know where this place might be? asked Alieta. Nope, said Ivy. Can't be that far though. Tobias said it was not too far from the forest he lived in and he said that his forest wasn't that far from Fae Land. I am a bit nervous to meet her but everyone told me not to worry. Well of coarse Ivy, you are very pretty and amazing. She will love you. I must get things ready for her, said Alieta. Such an old friend needs to be treated properly. Maybe a small party would be in order. Ivy smiled. Tabitha figured you would have a party, said Ivy. Well not a big one just us here at the palace, said Alieta. Ginger can you help me with that please. You bet I can, said Ginger. I remember her too you know. Oh yes. You were always by my side before I became queen. So Ginger used to fight with you? asked Ivy. Goodness no, said Alieta. She was not the fighting type plus I would never put her life in danger. She was too good of a friend even way back then. Alieta sat back down and had a big smile on her face. You know I see why you like sitting here and talking to people. It is kind of nice having them talk down to you while you are sitting and relaxing. Alieta elbowed Ivy. Ouch that hurt, said Ivy. That is not why we sit here plus Ginger elbows me all the time so welcome to the palace steps crew, said Alieta. Okay, said Ivy, why do you two sit here then. It is the best place to watch everyone, said Ginger plus we can talk without anyone hearing us. Oh okay, said Ivy then they all stared out looking at everyone waiting for supper. The End 27 illustration goes here