The Adventures In The Land Of Fae The Chameleon Prolog It's another morning in Fae Land, just seven more days to the harvest featival. Alieta gave her order of corn on the cob to Jazmen to bring it to the farm in Cumberland. She only ordered half as much this time seeing that it was only going to be a one week festival but more people have moved to Fae Land so she is hoping in will even out. Ivy and Sara had breakfast with Viridian then Sara took off with Tillia to the cove. Ivy left a bit early to do some warm ups in the dance studio hoping to get a head start on everyone but when she got there, Ginger, Phonixa and Repellia were already there warming up. Ivy smiled and said hello to them then then got changed. The four of them were doing some warm ups when Ktara and Paisley showed up too. Back in the tree fort Keiko made Ginger a nice breakfast of mushed up eggs and juice. She told her that after dance class she was going to Cumberland to look for the girl that she thinks her name is Miyo to see if she would come and sing at the festival. Keiko told her they were coming too becaused it sounded like another adventure. After eating she headed out to start her second day of teaching the girls how to dance. Back at Alexa's place she headed out with Angus and Sivia to the palace for them to get shampooed but more important she wanted to see the new Ginger in action plus meet Clary... Chapter 1 Dancing Together When Ginger got to the palace, she stopped to say hi to Alieta seeing she was a bit early. Hi Alieta, is it going to be a nice day today? The sun dial says yes and pretty hot too, said Alieta. Oh good, hot is getter than cold, said Ginger. I figured I would go in a bit early and do some warmups before everyone got here. Well it is a bit late for that, said Alieta. Why? asked Ginger. They are all in there now, said Alieta. Guess everyone had the same idea. Ginger smiled. That is a good sign that they are trying hard to become good dancers, said Ginger. Well I am sure Ginger inside has told them that you want them to perform at the festival so that might have a berring on things too, said Alieta. Well I better get in there then seeing they are all a bit ahead of me, said Ginger. Is that your tights in the bag? asked Alieta. Yep, always have to wash them after wearing them, said Ginger. Well just put them in that bench inside like the rest of the girls and Ginger has the elves clean them after you are done and they will be back in the bench nice and clean for the next time, said Alieta. Wow that is so nice of them, said Ginger. Yes Ginger always makes sure things are taken care of in the palace, said Alieta. I have known those girls with you for quite a long time and when they set there mind to something you should know they will succeed. Ktara and Paisley have succeeded against impossible odds with the team plus Ginger has done many remarkable things in the past and that Ivy is just plain amazing. The two sisters are young and have tons of energy and will what ever it takes to keep up with your dance team. Yes it is a team now, isn't it, said Ginger. Yes and you are the captain so get in there, said Alieta with a smile. Ginger ran into the palace to get ready. 01 illustration goes here Alieta saw Angus and Sivia sitting by the palace. Hey I didn't even see them get here, said Alieta. She walked over to them and asked if it is bath time for you two? Both their tails started to wag. Okay I will get a couple of elves to take care of you two, I suppose Alexa is on her way. Alieta called over two elves then they took Angus and Sivia off to get washed up. Soon Alexa arrived and walked over to Alieta. Bath time I see, said Alieta. Yep but more important I have to check out this new singing and dancing pixie Ivy told me about, plus the new super fairy, said Alexa. Alieta smiled. Yes that is what Ivy called Clary. She will be out here around lunch time with the rest of the fairies, said Alieta. You can talk to her yourself. So has the dance class started yet? asked Alexa. Well they are all in there but probably just doing warm ups right now, said Alieta. You can hear the music from out here when they start to dance. So is she really that good a dancer? asked Alexa. Well I saw her sing and dance for us and Pippa out here yesterday and let me tell you that girl has tallent. I have never seen that kind of dancing before, Ginger calls it free style I think, said Alieta. Her singing is amazing too with a voice that can carry far enough away that it attracted elves to come over to listen to her. She sang three times and by the last song there was a fairly large group of people gathered around sitting on the ground. Even Zan came out before eight o'clock to sit and listen to her. Well if Zan came out that early then she must be a very special singer, said Alexa. Oh there is the music, said Alieta. Sounds like country music this time. Lets go in and watch from the back. That way we won't be disturbing them. They both walked in and Alieta took Alexa over where the table with the candy and money was. 02 illustration goes here Okay girls you almost have it. The box step is a very basic dance form of dancing that can be used in country songs but some others too, said Ginger. Now lets try again but this time everyone get in a line like yesterday. Watch each other and try to match their steps. Just go with the beat of the song and you will see that you will be doing synchronized dancing that looks very impressive to an audience. She started the song again and everyone started dancing again. As Alexa watched she could see how cool it was when everyone was doing the same moves. Now everyone take four steps forward then back into the box step. Good now four steps back, said Ginger and keep dancing. Great keep it up! Now everyone turn to your left and keep dancing. Perfect, now everyone take four steps forward. The six girls now were moving across the the floor. Now four steps back again please, said Ginger. The song was about to end and Ginger said now turn forward facing me squat and touch the ground with your fingers but keep looking ahead. They all did exactly that and were very close to being synchronized. Then the song was over. Okay stand and rest, said Ginger. Everyone was standing and smiling plus talking among them selves. Ivy saw Alieta and Alexa by the table that reminded her that she hadn't put her coins in the bowl yet. She went to the bench and took out the money from her bag then flew over to the table and dropped in the coins. Hi Alexa did we do okay? Yes very good, said Alexa. Best I have ever seen. So the lessons cost money I see. Nope they are free, said Ivy then flew back to where eveyone was standing. If they are free then why did she just drop money in the bowl? she asked Alieta. Well think about it, said Alieta. You know as well as me that your's and my girls will not do something this important to them without giving something back. Ginger is not charging any set rate at all. It was Pippa's idea to leave a box of candy and a bowl for donations. She has no money being a pixie and all but yesterday she made over a hundred dollars and today looks like she is going to do the same. Ya I get that, said Alexa. She definately knows how to teach. I would love to see her dance her way though and singing would be nice. Oh then let me tell her, said Alieta and she walked over to Ginger. They all gathered around to see what Alieta was talking about then Ktara ran over and grabbed two chairs and put them in the center of the room. Come Alexa, sit with me please, said Alieta. This you are going to like. Alexa sat beside Alieta then Ginger gave a few more instructions to everyone. Ginger walked over to Alexa and said hi to her. I have been told that you are a very special person so I will do something special for you. My girls are getting pretty good so you two will be our test audience for this next song that I think you will like. Ginger ran over and started the song then got in the middle position several feet ahead of the line of girls. 03 illustration goes here Ginger got in a semi crouch position with the palms of her hands pointed forward. As soon as the music started she started to do the Egyptian head bob back and forth as the girls behind her started the four step. Then she started to sing and dance for Alexa and Alieta moving beautifully across the floor to a bit faster up beat country song. Alexa was amazed at how she could move and never missed a beat. Ginger did a singe flip and went right into the four step while the girls in the back were doing their thing moving back and forth, forward and back watching Ginger to see what they should be doing. Ginger was doing some very special dance moves to this song and sang away with a nice smile on her face. Sometimes soft and sometimes loud and raspy. When the song ended everyone bowed. Alexa jumped up and started clapping. Just amazing she kept on saying. Ginger smiled then turned to everyone and said grab a towel and dry off then we are going to do this song again and again until we get it perfect. It will be the first dance routeen we do at the festival. Okay we best go now and let them practice, said Alieta. They headed out but Alexa dropped a couple of coins in the bowl first. Well that was worth it, said Alexa then they both went back outside. So what do you say now Alexa. Can that girl dance or what, said Alieta. Dance and sing like nothing I have ever heard or seem before. How can she do flips and everything without missing a beat? I don't know, said Alieta but she does and makes it look easy. Zan came out and saw the two of them so she walked over. Hi Zan, did the music wake you up. Oh no that music is not loud enough to wake me up where my room is, said Zan. But when I did wake up I could hear Ginger singing again. I will never tire of her voice. So did you see her dance too? asked Zan to Alexa. Oh ya, I sure did and what a dancer she is, said Alexa. Yep not bad for our super pixie, don't you think, said Zan and I hear she is learning to cook too. Singing dancing pixie that cooks, definately going to make a lot of friends. I wonder what else she can do. Alieta smiled. Well that is more than enough but you never know, said Alieta. So I have never seen you wear bracelets before, said Zan. They are very pretty. Well I used to wear wrist bands at one time but Ginger gave me these as a gift, said Alieta. Lucky you, maybe I should start hanging out with her and she might buy me something nice like that, said Zan. 04 illustration goes here Chapter 2 A Shimering Threat After dance class was over everyone got changed and started heading out. Ginger walked over to Alexa and Alieta. So now I got to get Keiko and Amelie in the forest to help me find that girl in Cumberland with the nice voice, said Ginger. There is a girl that can sing like you in Cumbberland? asked Alexa. Well not like me but very good and different, said Ginger. Hey who is that over there by the tree? They all looked but saw nothing. Alexa saw that Angus had got up and took a few steps towards the tree. Well looks like Angus saw something too, said Alexa. Angus, Sivia go check out around the tree. The two of them ran over there but then Alexa could see something moving that looked sort of invisible but not really then it disappeared. The two wolves sniffed around and pawed at the ground. Well that means something was there, said Alexa. I saw something but couldn't tell what it was. Then Ivy came out and walked over but stopped and got a worried look on her face. What is it Ivy? asked Alieta. Ivy walked over slowly. Something dark is close, said Ivy quitely. Very dark on the outside. How close? asked Alexa. Too close, said Ivy. Alieta run to the palace. Angus run to Alieta fast. Ivy went translucent. Do the same Alexa fast. Alexa asked no question just did it. There you see it, said Ivy by the sun dial. Yes now I do but it is not solid or something, said Alexa. Siva ran over beside Angus that was guarding Alieta that looked very confused. She testing us, said Ivy. It can't tell I can read her. Here she comes, lets grab her. She thinks we can't see her, said Ivy. Ivy and Alexa grabed the woman that was barely visible. Ginger couldn't see what they were struggling with so she flew over to Alieta. Angus ran over but Sivia stuck with Alieta. What do you want? asked Alexa. The woman became visible as she struggled to get loose. Then a energy pulse went off that made both Alexa and Ivy loose their grip and pushed Angus back a bit making him put down his head and dig in with his paws. You ever touch me again and I will kill you, said the girl that had what looked like dark makeup on. Then she just vanished. Okay she is gone for now, said Ivy. 05 illustration goes here Ivy and Alexa went whole again and walked over to Alieta. So what the heck just happened? asked Alieta. I couldn't see what you were holding at first but then for a moment I saw a image of a girl then nothing. Neither could I and I was standing right there, said Ginger. Well Ivy fill us in, said Alexa. You seemed to know her every thought. I not sure what it is but she calls herself Rose, Chameleon Rose and she is some kind of sorceress I think, said Ivy. Very dark outside and and a bit inside but a different kind of dark, not like a evil being but still dark. So what was with that black makeup on her face? asked Ginger. Not sure, but her lower back has black lines and markings too, said Ivy. So what does she want, asked Alieta. She wants you, said Ivy. Me, why me? asked Alieta. Not completely sure but she has a great need to get you. Something about a dead sister. Did you kill her sister? asked Ivy. Um I don't think so, said Alieta. I did kill a lot of people back during the great war but not anyone that looked like that and especially not a sorceress. Well I think she is blaming you I think or something. She seems not fully sure about some things, said Ivy. Maybe we should get Yeanny here, she used to be a sorceress. She may know something about a Chameleon one, said Alieta. Well I think I better go, said Ginger. All this is a lot for a pixie to deal with. Alieta smiled. Yes go and find that girl, we will take care of things here, said Alieta. Ginger flew off to the forest. Okay I will go get Yeanny, said Ivy but Alexa should stay with Siva and Angus. Okay go then, said Alieta. Best we know more about what we are dealing with. Ivy flew off fast. Then Ktara and Paisley came out of the palace. Hi everyone what is going on? asked Ktara. Not completely sure yet, said Alexa but you two stick around, some kind of sorceress is after Alieta. Alieta can you get a sprite to get Zatsuky and Viridain here in full gear. They can deal with her. Okay good idea but what about Tara and Avan? Well if they can't see her then what are they going to do, said Alexa. Ya good point, said Alieta. Alieta saw a sprite on patrol and wave her down then gave her the instructions. So what can we do to help? asked Paisley. Go to the armory and get an elf to give each of you an enchanted sword, said Alieta. Best to be armed I am guessing. Okay but why is it after you? asked Ktara. Ivy said she thinks I killed her sister, said Alieta. When, asked Ktara. Not sure but not since I have been queen here. I haven't killed any one except that time we fought those Minotaurs. Before then it was the great war but I dought I killed a sorceress then. Besides there were lots of winged sprites in the air. Okay lets go in Paisley and get a nice sword, said Ktara. So are you going in too Zan? asked Alieta. Nope, you always tell me that I miss stuff out here because I sleep too much so I am staying. Beside Angus and Siva are here plus a bunch of heros. This may be something to watch, said Zan. 06 illustration goes here Ivy got to Yeanny's place and found the two of them out back. Hi Ivy, how are you? asked Yeanny. I am fine but Alieta is in trouble, said Ivy. Really, in trouble, how? asked Yeanny. Well a Chameleon sorceress is after her. She says Alieta killed her sister. Do you know anything about that kind of sorceress? Well I have heard of a Chameleon witch. They are not that powerful, just able to mix in with their surroundings, said Yeanny.Well this one is powerful and blasted Alexa and me to free herself from the tow of us holding her, said Ivy. I see, well I have heard rumors about a girl that calls herself Rose but they say she is more like a mix of devil and demon and maybe elf or something, not sure exactly, said Yeanny. Well we should go to the palace, said Ivy. Alexa has Angus and Sivia guarding Alieta. Well I don't want to put Sakura in that kind of danger or leave her alone here by herself, said Yeanny. I'll take her with me, I want to bring Kendra into the fairy forest to live anyways, said Ivy. Sakura will love it in there with all the fairies plus Tillia and Sara are there too. Okay that will be fine then, said Yeanny, "Sakura, your going in the fairy forest". Sakura flew over fast. Really in the magical fairy forest with all the fairies and magic plus swimming pool and stuff, said Sakura very fast. Yes you are and Ivy is going to take you there with Kendra, said Yeanny. Okay, I will be good I promise, said Sakura. Yeanny smiled. Well I have to go back to the palace for a bit with your mother but I will come back soon, said Ivy. Oh that's okay Ivy, fairies love to play so I will be busy, said Sakura. I can be a good musketeer for you. You want to be a musketeer? asked Ivy. Yep, someone has to fill in for Kevin seeing he isn't here anymore, said Sakura. So what do musketeers do anyways? asked Sakura. They play, said Ivy. Ih ya, I forgot, I love playing with Tulip and Sunflower and...Yes okay dear enough naming all the fairies but we have to go now, said Yeanny. Okay Mom, said Sakura. Ivy took off with Sakura to the woods and Yeanny teleported the palace. 07 illustration goes here When Yeanny got there she saw Alieta sitting on the steps with Ginger and Alexa, Ktara and Paisley were guarding her with Angus and Sivia. So I hear you are in a bit of trouble, said Yeanny. Well it seems that way, said Alieta. So what do you know about this sorceress? Well like I told Ivy she is no Chameleon sorceress if she is powerful. My best guess is she is Chameleon Rose, said Yeanny. She can be very nasty and relentless loke a bounty hunter. Oh so that doesn't sound too good, said Alieta. Well are you sure it was a Chameleon and not just some kind of devil or demon? asked Yeanny. This girl is suppose to have very unique markings on their skin. Ya I saw her up close for a few moments, said Alexa. Black around the eyes and a marking on her forhead plus some type of black marking on her lower back. She had purple eyes also and long black nails. Well that sounds like a her then. Gwyneira would know more about her though, said Yeanny. Witches have been known to hire her to do their dirty work. Her sister probably hired at least one or two of them when she was an evil witch. I should go get her for us or at least talk to her and she can fill me in. Okay go then, said Alieta. I am feeling safe right now. Yes I see why, said Yeanny. Okay I will be back soon then Yeanny vanished. 08 illustration goes here Chapter 3 Searching Cumberland Ginger got back to the tree house and found Keiko reading the fishing magazine and Amelie trying to figure out one of the cook books. Hi Ginger, how did dance class go today? asked Keiko. Oh it went great and made some more money see. Then she put the bag on the table. Oh good, said Keiko. Ya but Alieta is in trouble now from some chameleon sorceress thing, said Ginger. Really Chameleon we stay away from her, said Amelie. She is a bounty hunter and is a Demi Demon I think. She can kill us. Oh so that is what it was, said Ginger. Well they said some girl named Yeanny was coming to help plus Zatsuky and Viridian so hopefully they can take care of things. Yep they will, said Keiko. So are we still going to Cumberland? Yep, lets go now, said Ginger. Okay good, said Amelie. I can't figure out this cook book anyways. Ginger smiled. Well I understand it, said Ginger. So where should we keep this money. Well take a bit with you just in case you need it then put the rest in the drawer over there, it is empty, said Keiko. Okay, said Ginger then the three of them headed out to Cumberland. So Ktara said that there was only two main towns in Cumberland, said Ginger. Ya so if she is there someone should know where she is, said Keiko. Well there is Cumberland so how do we find a town? It looks pretty big. I guess we fly over it untill we see a clearing, said Ginger. Ya okay, good plan, said Amelie. They kept flying and found a big clearing where the first town was located. They flew down and found that there was not a lot of people walking around like the towns in Fae Land. So where do we start? asked Keiko. Well lets go in a store and ask someone, said Ginger. Okay lets start with the first one. Do you think she might work in one of these stores? asked Amelie. Probably but what store, there are a lot of them, said Ginger. Well not this one that is for sure. It's a hardware store and I only see a man in there, said Keiko. Okay lets check the next one, said Ginger. Well this one says furtilizers and chemicals. Don't think a girl would work in there either, said Amelie. Might be stinky. They kept on checking each store untill they got to the last one that said Swimming Pools And Chemicals. 09 illustration goes here They went inside and saw a woman looking at pools. Hello, we are looking for someone, said Ginger. Oh hello, wow three fairies. Well I don't work here, said the woman. The lady that worked there walked over and said, "Well I suppose you three are not looking to buy a pool". Don't be rude Patty, they are looking for someone, said the first woman. Oh okay so what is her name? asked Patty. Miyo I think, said Ginger. You think, so you don't know her that well then, said Patty. No I met her a while ago and we talked for a while. I know what she looks like though, said Ginger. Okay, lets try that then, said Patty. She has long pretty blonde hair, green eyes, she is about my height, maybe a bit taller. She has a tattoo on each ankle and one just below her belly button plus another one on her lower back, said Ginger. Hmm, she does sound familar, said Patty. I had a girl looking like that come in here looking for a job. Kinda a cute too but we have no jobs openings right now. Oh okay, so how long ago was that? asked Keiko. Oh about two weeks ago, said Patty. Now you might want to try the north town. They have been working on that town a lot but new stores have opened up there. I think I told her to try there also, said Patty. Oh thank you so much, said Ginger. So how do we get there from here? asked Ginger. Well just go around the corner here and you will see a road going north. It is about two miles away from here, said Patty. Oh okay, thanks again and they left. Well I have never seen fairies in here before, said Patty. Ya and the turquois one was very cute and well mannered. Didn't talk like a fairy either. Very good grammar, said the woman. Yes and very pretty too, said Patty... Okay so now we got a lead, said Keiko. I bet you she got a job in that north town. I hope so, said Ginger, lets go. They flew along the road and in a few minutes they were at the north town. Okay here is the town, said Amelie. Looks like men are still working on some places here. So there is a store that looks like it is opened, said Ginger. Lets go in there first. They walked in and saw a lady putting away some stock. Hello, how are you? asked Ginger. Oh my fairies. Well a lot better now, she said. How can I help you. Well we are looking for a girl that has blonde hair and green eyes and few tattoos. Oh you must mean Miyo then. Such a cute young girl. Too many tattoos for my liking but to each their own. Oh yes that is her, do you know where to find her? asked Ginger. Well yes, everyone knows Miyo in this part of Cumberland, she works in the corner store. All the boys are always going in there to see her. Very sweet girl and well spoken too, said the lady. Yes and she can sing too, said Ginger. She can sing, I didn't know that, she said. Well the corner store is up this street and on the corner. Well that makes sense, said Amelie. The lady smiled, yes and they sell those wonderful candies in there too. Oh Jessica's Candies. We go to her factory to get those candies. Fairies get them for free you know. Even Ginger gets them for free and she is a pixie, Jessica is very nice, said Keiko. Really, a pixie, she dosn't look like pixie, said the lady. So you three know Jessica too. Yep everyone knows Jessica in Fae Land, said Keiko. Well you three better get going because Miyo works the morning shift and will be getting off soon, said the lady. Okay we better fly, said Ginger then off they went. 10 illustration goes here They got to the corner store and went in. A bell rang when they opened the door. Well I don't see anyone, said Keiko. Well if she is small like us then of coarse we won't see her over these tall shelves silly, said Amelie. Oh ya right, said Keiko. A girl came running around the corner. "Sorry I was putting some stock away in the center aisle". She paused for a moment. Ginger, is that you? What are you doing here? asked Miyo. Hi Miyo, I am looking for you, said Ginger with a big smile on her face. Me, really why? asked Miyo. Well the harvest festival is starting soon and I was hoping you could sing some songs with me and my dance team, said Ginger. You mean sing on stage with you? asked Miyo. Yes, you have a beautiful voice like me. We would sound great together, said Ginger. The store owner walked in and saw Miyo talking to three fairies. My Miyo, I didn't know you had friends that were fairies. Well Ginger is a pixie and she wants me to sing with her at the harvest festival, said Miyo. You can sing? asked the store owner. Yep and so does Ginger it seems, said Miyo. Oh ya, said Keiko. Alieta says she sings like an angel. Alieta, you mean the queen of all of Fae Land wants these two to sing at the festival. She is the queen of Cumberland too you know. So lets hear you two sing, said the store owner. Okay if you want. What song do you want to sing? asked Miyo to Ginger. The one you sang on stage at that festival where we first met, said Ginger. You remembered the words to that song? asked Miyo. Yes Pixies have very good memories. They both started to sing together softly at first then got louder as they went a long. People passing by could hear them and came into the store. Soon about ten people were in the store listening. When they finished the song everyone clapped. That was so beautiful, they all said. Well the queen wants them to sing at the festival, said the store owner. Yep and dance too with my team, said Ginger. You have a team of dancers too? asked the store owner. Yep Ginger and the two sisters from the palace and two heroes Ktara and Paisley plus Ivy. You have all of them dancing with you and even Ivy. That is a show I am not going to miss, said the store owner. Us either, said everyone else. So you best be getting to the palace and start practicing, said the store owner. But I have my shifts to work. I will cover for you dear, I can use the extra money, said one of the ladies. Oh okay I guess, but how do I get there? I have no horse and they got wings, asked Miyo. Well I have some extra horses so take mine that is around the back. You know which one it is, said the store owner. Now make us all proud of you! Miyo hugged her then left with Ginger, Keiko and Amelie. Working in a store like this is not for a girl with that kind of talent, said the store owner. She will make more money singing than what she makes in a month working here. So does anyone want to buy a box of Jessica's Candies. Just got a fresh batch in. You bet they all said. 11 illustration goes here Chapter 4 The Demi Demon Ivy got to the woods and called for Kendra. She flew down and said hi. Oh look who you have with you, said Kendra, Sakura looking better than ever. Yep, I am going in the fairy forest with you and taking Kevin's place as a musketeer but Ivy has to go to the palace first so there will just be two of us for now, said Sakura. We will have all the fairies to play with plus Sara and Tillia. Kendra looked at Ivy that looked to be in a hurry. Oh never mind I have seen that look before on Ivy's face, said Kendra. So we just walk in by that sign? asked Kendra. Yep but I am coming with you first and letting Sakura in then I have to talk to Tulip so she knows what is going on, said Ivy. They all walked in then flew to the cove. Sara was surprised to see Ivy there especially with Sakura. Okay you three stay here and I need to talk to Sara and Tulip. Okay they said. Ivy flew over to the overviewer where the two of them were. So what is going on Ivy asked Sara. Well Alieta is in trouble right now with some kinde of sorceress so I am heading back there to help. Now everyone has to stay in here to stay safe for now. Also I want Kendra to live in the forest with you all for good. The woods is not big enough for Kendra plus they are my friends so take good care of them for me Tulip. No problem Ivy, having a forest sprite living here will be a big plus to the forest, said Tulip. I was thinking she would like to have a small house to live in somewhere in this forest too, said Ivy. Even better, said Tulip. That will give us something to do and Lilly will make sure it is perfect for her. Good so I think that is all I need to tell you right now, said Ivy. Just welcome them and have some fun with Sakura. You know how funny she can be. Well we will once we snap them out of it, said Tulip. They have that same look in their face that everyone has on when they first see the cove. Ivy looked and giggled. Okay I'll slip around them. I will come back when all is over and safe again, said Ivy then she left the cove. Tulip flew over to the three of them. Okay you three, welcome to the cove. Now Sakura are you okay? Yep, Did you build this place? asked Sakura. Well yes a bunch of us did, said Tulip. You can build as good as I can paint, said Sakura. I painted a portrait of you ya know with your wand and everything. Alexa said it was the best painting she has every seen. You can't have it though, I am hanging it in my room. Do you want me to paint another one for you? I am one of the three musketteers today but there is just two here now until Ivy gets back, do you want to be a musketeer? Tulip smiled. Well you are back to normal now just got to work on Kendra, said Tulip. 12 illustration goes here Ivy got back to the palace and noticed Yeanny wasn't there. So where is Yeanny? asked Ivy. She went to talk to Gwyneira seeing she is a witch and would know more about this Chameleon sorceress, said Alieta. So do you sense anything near by? No nothing, said Ivy but you are heavily guarded so that may be why she is not around, said Ivy. Well here comes Zatsuky and Viridian so even more guarded now, said Alexa. Zatsuky and Viridian got off their horses and joined the group. So what are we dealing with this time? asked Zatsuky. A type of sorceress we think, said Alexa. Well we can take care of one of them no problem, said Zatsuky. Yes I know but this one is hard to see and very sly and tricky, said Alieta. We are waiting to hear back from Yeanny, she went to talk to Gwyneira. Okay so where do you want us? asked Viridian. Just hang out here for now, said Alexa. In a few more minutes Yeanny returned with Gwyneira. So I hear you all have a problem to deal with, said Gwyneira. Yes so what can you tell us about this sorceress? asked Alieta. Well she is not a sorceress, she is a Demi Demon from what my sister told me, said Gwyneira. A Demi Demon, what is that? asked Ivy. Well that is hard to explain but have you heard of a Demi God? asked Gwyneira. Well we have heard of such a being but didn't really think they exsisted, said Alieta. Well they do but they are not really Gods and there are not many of them, said Gwyneira. A Demi God is when a celestral being breeds with a mortal. The off spring will become immortal and have certain powers related to that being but the child will have limitations. This match up only happens between a mortal female and a male celestial being. Okay so that all sounds wierd but what limitations? asked Alieta. Well being immortal is the big bonus of coarse but only some of the powers get transfered like great strength and usually energy blasts of some sort, teleporting is another common one from what I heard. It has to do with the females genetic makeup but I don't know much about that, said Gwyneira. Okay so what about a Demi Demon? asked Alieta. Well Demi Gods as they are refered to are very good and help people. Demi Demons are when a demon in human form mates with a human female. The off spring will be the opposite of the a Demi God. Usually very bad and nasty like a demon and usually ends up killing the mother when it gets older. The big difference between the two is that a Demi Demon is not immortal. They are everlasting and very hard to kill just like a full demon. Once again powers are limited just like the Demi God and both are grounded you might say. So that means they can't fly, said Ivy. Well no they can't fly because they never have wings but that is not what I meant, said Gwyeira. They are grounded and exsist just in this dimension or plane. They are land beings just like we all are but usually can teleport all over the place. How far she can teleport depends on how powerful she is. My sister said Chameleon Rose is very powerful. 13 illustration goes here So this one can be killed then, said Alexa. Yes but that will be tricky seeing that this Chameleon Rose can blend into her surroundings making her look invisible when she stays still but if she moves you will notice the area behind her will sort of shimmer. She can't completely disappear and can't use her powers in that state either. Okay so that is why she was able to blast us away from her when I and Alexa had hold of her. Well yes I guess but you two had hold of her? asked Gwyneira. Yes but not for long, said Ivy. Well demi demons don't like to be touched. You two are lucky to be alive, said Gwyneira. Well we were both translucent at the time, said Ivy. I knew we had to be translucent. Oh good thing you were here then, said Gwyneira. So now we need to talk to her when she gets here again. Oh she is on the roof, said Ivy. She is just listening to us and is no threat right now. Everyone stood back and looked up but saw no one. Okay Chameleon Rose, we know you are up there, it is time to talk so come on down. No one will hurt you, said Gwyeira. Not with all those armed guards and those two big titan wolves sitting there, said Rose. What if they put down their weapons and the wolves are order to not attack and everyone moves away? asked Gwyneira. Okay that will be okay but one move to their weapon or a wolf goes to attack me and I will kill them, said Rose. You hear that everyone, no attacking, said Alexa and ordered everyone to move back some. Okay they all said reluctantly. Now just you small one and the witch. I have no business with female wizard either, she is too powerful, said Rose. That forest sprite can stay too seeing she knows what I am thinking. Alieta and Yeanny moved out away towards the palace but still close enough to hear what was going to be said. Good enough? asked Gwyneira. Rose appeared behind Gwyeira and said yes. 14 illustration goes here They all turned around and faced Rose. You Gwyneira know a lot about me, probably from your sister so I trust you and I know of Yeanny too and she is a good wizard now some how but is a danger to me so that is why she is away from me, said Rose. The little one seems to be smart and has all the questions and is no threat to me at all, said Rose. Ivy the forest sprite intrigues me seeing she shows no fear unlike all other forest sprites. Something else also but I can't tell what it is. Okay Alexa, ask your questions, this is a peaceful meeting. Okay then, first why are you wanting our queen Alieta, that is the most important question, said Alexa. I was told to find and kill the woman named Alieta. If she is a queen then that complicates things, said Rose. So you were not told she was a queen? asked Alexa. No just her name was given, this is the only Alieta I have been able to find, said Rose. So who told you to kill her? asked Alexa. That I will not tell you, that is always kept a secret, said Rose. Okay, I can understand that, said Alexa. Then can you tell why this person wants Alieta killed? Yes, she killed her sister, said Rose. Hmm, so lets go back to the queen issue. Why does it complicate things seeing that Alieta is a queen? asked Alexa. A queen is a public figure and is responsible for all she rules over. I would have to wait and watch and see if she is a bad queen or a good queen. There are rules in place that I must follow, said Rose. So who makes these rules? asked Alexa. They are my rules, said Rose. So if you find out that she is a good queen and loved by all the people then what happens? asked Alexa. That could take some time seeing that a queen could act good just to get out of being killed but if she is truly good then I would go back to the person that hired me and refuse the the job then judge her and see if she deserves to live or die, said Rose. Killing a queen is an assassination but killing a good queen is murder and I don't murder good people. That is the risk one takes when hiring a Demi Demon, said Rose. Wow sounds like someone would have to be very desperate to hire you, said Alexa. Now this may be my last question, said Alexa. When and where was this sister killed? I was told two weeks ago I don't know where, said Rose. Well two weeks ago Alieta was in Fae Land and I think we were battling a demon and swarms of locus, said Alexa. So where is Fae Land? That land is protected by God, said Rose. Ivy looked at Gwyeira and said she is getting very confused now. Something does not seem right to her. 15 illustration goes here Well Rose, this is Fae Land and Alieta is the queen of Fae Land, said Alexa. That can't be right, said Rose. God would not let me set foot in Fae Land, said Rose. This can't be Fae Land, it is impossible! The magic in Fae Land is from his love, he created Fae Land to protect all that are good and special. This is all wrong. See she is very confused now, said Ivy and is getting scared. Well Rose you are standing in front of the palace of Fae Land. Look at that statue over there and read what it says on the stone stand, said Alexa. Rose teleported over to it and read it. "Scarlet the first queen of Fae Land. May She Rest In Peace". This is all wrong, it can't be true I sould be dead now or at least expelled from here, what is going on? asked Rose. This must be the wrong Alieta but still how come I am allowed to be here? Alexa walked over to her and asked, "Do you now believe this is Fae Land"? Yes I guess so but why am I here still alive? asked Rose. Alieta went over to them. God has very strange ways of doing things, said Alieta. You are here for a reason, understanding them takes time. Many special people have ended up here so you must be special to him some how, said Alieta. Though I can't understand why such a dark evil being like you is here. I am not evil, said Rose. I am dark yes but not evil, I kill evil beings, that is what I do. Hmm, can I ask you a couple more questions, the answers may help me to understand what is going on with you, said Alexa. Yes please do, I need answers now too, said Rose. Hey that is the first time she has said please, said Ktara. Okay then, I was told that a Demi Demon was the result of a demon and human female mating, correct, said Alexa. Yes that is true. My father is a big strong demon and my mother was a lovely kind woman, said Rose. Good now did your mother raise you? asked Alexa. Yes she did and my father only visited sometimes, said Rose. Well demons are all evil from what I have seen and I have seen a lot of them so how could a kind human mother raise a demon child that has evil bread into them and normally kills the mother when old enough? I would never kill my mother I loved her very much, said Rose. Well demons don't love anyone, they hate everyone and just want to kill all that is good, said Alexa. Well I don't hate everyone, said Rose. I am kind of liking you now, you seem very nice and smart. Alexa smiled. Now this is an important question so think hard before you answer it, said Alexa. Okay, I think, said Rose. Do you know your father's name? asked Alexa. Yes of coarse. He was very kind to me and my mother. His name is Quazar, said Rose. 16 illustration goes here Quazar! said Alieta. He is no demon, he is the king of the overloards and a very good friend of ours. It is him that banned all the devils from setting foot on earth. An overloard, said Rose. I thought they were just a myth. Well if Quazar is a myth then so are you dear. You are no Demi Demon, you are more like a Demi God! said Alieta. Though more like the daughter of an overloard. Yep that would make you a princess, said Ivy. A Demi God, really? But I was told that my father was a demon by my mother, said Rose. Well she was wrong for some reason and probably never met a real demon before, said Alieta. I guess so, said Rose. He was the only one that ever visited. I was different from everyone else. Wasn't allowed in the school either. Why were you not allowed to go to school? asked Alexa. Well when I was young I got mad at a few of the students that were making fun of me so I made their desks go on fire, said Rose. I guess that is not allowed and made everyone scared of me. My mother taught me herself. Grew up with no freinds but I had my mother and that was good enough for me. Now I have to go out again and look for the correct Alieta. That is the hard part of this job. Well maybe not, said Alieta. That is what Demi Demons do but Demi Gods help people and are very good. Oh ya, that is right, so what am I suppose to do now? Teleport back and give that woman back her money, said Rose. Oh maybe not but first stick around here a bit, said Alieta. Have you ever called for your father to see you? No he just showed up some times, said Rose. Well I know he will come for Tara and Avan. He likes those two but me I am not sure. Try calling him out load and tell him who is calling, said Alieta. Okay, it is worth a try if you think he would hear me from here, said Rose. "Quazar, it is Chameleon Rose, your daughter, can you come here please?" Rose said in a very loud voice. She waited a few moments. Nothing see, he must be too far away to hear, said Rose. Just give him a minute dear, he has to come from a very far place from here. Could be in a different solar system, said Alieta. Different solar system, what is that? asked Rose. Just then Quazar appeared in front of everyone. 17 illustration goes here Chapter 5 Quazar Greets His Daughter Well well, that is the first time you have ever called me Rosemary. I thought you forgot about me, said Quazar. Father, of coarse I didn't forget about you, I thought you forgot about me, said Rose. You always just showed up by yourself. Yes well that is a bit true but your mother used to call me sometimes when she was feeling down, said Quazar. So let me look at you. My you have grown into a lovely woman. So what have you been up too, all these years? Well after mom died I went out and started working as a Demi Demon. What! You are no demon, said Quazar. Well mom said you were, so that is what I thought I was, said Rose. Oh that is my fault then. I never told her what I was. I figured it would be too much for her to understand, said Quazar. So what are you doing here in Fae Land? asked Quazar. Well I was told Alieta killed the sister of a woman that hired me so I was to kill her but now I know she is the wrong Alieta. Good thing you found that out in time, said Quazar. You see those two in the armor over there with those weapons, they could of blown you into pieces. No one comes here to kill anyone and leaves alive. Ya I thought they looked really dangerous, said Rose that is why I agreed to talk to them first. Well I am glad you did, said Quazar. So what are you going to do now? asked Quazar. Well bring back this money to that lady I guess, said Rose. Hell with that, said Quazar. You did enough looking around to earn it I bet. Forget about her. Well she is a witch and will come looking for me, said Rose. Good, let her find you then call me. I will make sure she doesn't bother you again, said Quazar. Rose just smiled. So Alieta, where are those two pretty she devils, Tara and Avan? asked Quazar. In the East Woods, they always hang out in there when it is very hot out, said Alieta. Oh okay, come Rosemary, I want you to meet two very good freinds of mine. These are the sexiest she devils you will ever see, said Quazar. Really dad, sexy she devils? Well they are just friends but who knows, they both like me, said Quazar. Okay Alieta we are heading over to see Tara and Avan. I have a story to tell them. I will bring back Rosemary before I leave. Take good care of her for me. Then they both vanished. What did he mean by that I wonder, said Alieta. Well sounds like you are taking care of his daughter, said Alexa with a smile. Oh boy, what am I going to do with a dark Chameleon Demi God? asked Alieta. No the the king of the overlords princess, said Alexa. 18 illustration goes here Repellia and Phonixa came out of the palace and saw everyone standing around. Oh looks like we missed something again, said Phonixa. Yes you did but it is all good now I think, said Alieta. What do you mean you think it is all good now? asked Repellia. Well I think we got a new person staying in the palace. Oh cool, what is she like? asked Phonixa. Well different, said Alieta, you will see. Well Alieta I suppose we can go back home now, said Zatsuky. Yes go ahead. All is safe now, said Alieta. Us too said Ktara. Need to rest a bit after that dance class. Well I am staying here until I get to talk to that super fairy, said Alexa. Ivy smiled. You call her that too! She is you know. I will tell them all it is safe to come out now, said Ivy then she flew off. Well my work is done here too, said Gwyneria and she vanished. Everyone else left for home leaving just Zan, Ginger, Yeanny and the the two sisters with Alieta and Alexa. Alexa sent Angus and Sivia home too. Well check out our new bracelets, said Phonixa. Yes they are very pretty, said Alieta. Yep but but I see you got new ones too, said Repellia. Yes Ginger gave them to me, said Alieta. Yep we all got a good deal on them because Ginger was with us but I am sure they are worth a lot more than what we paid for them, said Phonixa. Really, said Alexa. Well speaking of Ginger, her comes the new Ginger with Amelie and Keiko and looks like they someone else with them. Really I wonder who she is? asked Repellia. Pixie Ginger said she met her a long time ago and can sing like her so they went looking for her in Cumberland to sing at the harvest festival together, said Alieta. Oh cool, another good singer. Hope they sing for us a bit, said Phonixa. 19 illustration goes here So is that the queen over there with those other girls? asked Miyo. Yes and she is really nice, said Ginger. Well I heard she was nice but how does one act around a queen? asked Miyo. Just be yourself, said Keiko. Everyone else does. Alieta dosn't act like most other queens, you will see. They reached everyone and Miyo got off the horse. Well here she is Alieta. This is Miyo, took a while to find her though, said Ginger. See I told you, just a bit taller than me. Yes I see that, said Alieta. So hello Miyo, welcome to the palace, said Alieta. Thankyou Alieta, my boss at the store heard the two of us singing together and when she found out that I would be singing at the festivial she lent me her horse and told me to come to the palace with Ginger to practice. So you will be staying with us for a while? asked Alieta. Um, I don't know, said Miyo. I never thought about that. Well where Ginger lives in a tree house but that would be quite the climb for you to go up and down the very high ladder everyday. And the palace has no empty rooms left I think, said Alieta. Oh she can stay with us or maybe with the new girl, said Phonixa. Well we will see, said Alieta. The new girl is different like I said and not completely human. Um what does that mean? asked Miyo. Is she dangerous? Well not to us though she can be to bad people. You will see when Quazar brings her back out of the East Woods. Oh Quazar is here too. Awsome, so were are not missing everything today then, said Phonixa. 20 illustration goes here In about ten minutes Quazar and Rose appeared in front of everyone who were talking to Miyo and Ginger that had their back to him. Well we are back, said Quazar. Miyo and Ginger looked at him then screamed and ran behind Phonixa and Repellia. What is that? asked Miyo. That is Quazar silly, he won't hurt you. He is a king you know, said Phonixa. A king, a king of what? asked Miyo. Of the overloards, you know those guys in space taking care of everything, said Repellia. I am sorry you two for scaring you but I didn't know you were here, said Quazar. Well you are very big and scary looking to me, said Miyo. Yes I get that sometimes, said Quazar, well most of the time. It takes a bit of getting used to me but Tara thinks I am very handsome. Well you do look very strong and I suppose you are good looking for what ever they said you were, said Miyo. A overloard, said Repellia again. Yes that is right, king of the overloards so I suppose I should say it is an honor to meet you? asked Miyo. Oh the honor is all mine. You are very pretty for a human. Miyo smiled, thankyou Quazar. My dad can be a bit of a charmer, said Rose. Oh so this is the new girl? asked Phonixa. She doesn't look that different. Dark makeup like a goth girl and cool tattooes but still very pretty. Well some of it is makeup but the markings on my lower back I was born with, said Rose. Well I like it, said Miyo. I have some tattoos that are part of me now see. Miyo walked over to Rose and showed her all her tattoos. I like them,very artistic. All black also which is my favorite colour, said Rose. No kidding, that is easy to see, said Miyo and the both started to laugh. Well I guess they will be sharing a room, said Alieta. Ginger can you get some elves to get that last room ready for them. Um Ginger already went in the palace with an elf, said Yeanny. Okay, that girl can read my mind sometimes, said Alieta. Quazar walked over to Alieta. Well looks like my daughter has finally found some friends. This place is truely magical, said Quazar. Alieta laughed. What did I say to make you laugh? asked Quazar. Well if some one was to draw a picture of all of us standing out here now, it would look more than magical. Two fairies a pixie, me a sprite, you an overloard, Rose a Demi God and four human girls plus Zan a Triffie being very quite and finally a wizard, said Alieta while smiling. Well you keep very good company, said Quazar. Yes I suppose so, said Alieta. 21 illustration goes here So before you leave to take care of the universe, would you like to hear these two sing. I have only heard Ginger sing so far and she is amazing but she say's Miyo can sing great too, said Alieta. Well sure why not, said Quazar. The universe can wait a bit. Okay Ginger can you two do that for us? asked Alieta. I can, how about you Miyo? asked Ginger. Yep but what song should we sing. Ginger whispered in Miyo's ear. Okay that is a good one, said Miyo. They got beside each other and started to sing a very nice modern song. Everyone was loving the two voices that seemed to be made for each other. Alieta looked over and saw Rose was dancing away to the song. Those two girls are very good, said Quazar quietly to Alieta. Yes and your daughter is a good dancer, look, said Alieta. My she is so graceful. I wonder where she learned to dance like that? said Quazar. When the song was over everyone clapped. Just amazing girls, said Alieta. Yes very cosmic and hevenly, said Quazar. Well I think it was just beautiful, said Zan. Rosemary, where did you learn to dance like that? asked Quazar. Mom taught me, she was a dance teacher before she had me, said Rose. Well looks like you have another front dancer Ginger, said Alieta. Yes she is very good, said Ginger. 22 illustration goes here Chapter 6 Palace Gang Gets Bigger Well I am off, said Quazar. Call if you need me and that goes double for you Rosemary. Okay bye father and Quazar vanished. Well that has been quite the day so far, said Alieta. Ginger came out and said the room is being set up but we are limited on the things we can put in there. We found two beds and a dresser though. Well here comes Ivy with a few of the fairies so maybe they can help out, said Alieta. There are fairies here? asked Rose, Yep eight of them in total, said Alieta. Everyone reached the palace and the fairies checked out Rose. Oh wow, lots of fairies everywhere, how nice, said Rose. So who is the other girl asked Tulip. Ivy told us about you Rose. Oh I am Miyo, and a friend of Ginger's we sing together. She is my friend too, said Rose and we are going to be room mates. Very nice, said Tulip. That said, Tulip can you ask Lilly to go and fix the room up for them. We are running low on furnishings, said Alieta. Sure can said Tulip. Lilly, can you come over here please. Yes Tulip, what's up? asked Lilly. Well these two are going to be rooming together in the palace so can you read them both to see what they like then go with Sunflower and make that room great for them. Okay that will be fun, said Lilly. Lilly read Miyo first. Okay got it, then she read Rose. Really, that is what you like for a bedroom? asked Lilly. I guess so, what did you see? asked Rose. Well you seem to like most the same things as Miyo plus and pink too, said Lilly. Ya I love pink things too. Black for clothes and pink for a room, said Rose. I like lots of pink things and so did my mom. Okay then that makes things easier, lets go Sunflower we have a room to fix, said Lilly then two of them flew into the palace. So will they know what room to go to? asked Alieta to Ginger. Oh they will find it, the door is open and two elves are in there, said Ginger. 23 illustration goes here Okay so it is too late for lunch and too early for supper so lets have what I call an ice cream surprise but lets wait for Lilly and Sunflower to get back first, said Tulip. So do you like ice cream? Miyo asked Rose. Yes I had it once before and it was wonderful. Very cold, said Rose. Ya I love it too, said Miyo. So do they got enough ice cream to give to everyone here? asked Rose. I don't know, said Miyo. Ivy over heard them talking and went over to them. Don't worry there will be enough for everyone and even for seconds if you want, said Ivy. Then she walked away. Well she knows something that we don't know, said Miyo. I guess though she seems to be very smart for a forest sprite, said Rose. Ya and super pretty too, said Miyo. Clary came flying out of the forest with Sakura and landed not far from everyone but Sakura flew right over to Yeanny. Alexa went over to meet Clary. Hi Clary, my name is Alexa. I have heard some pretty amazing things about you. Well I suppose so, said Clary but everyone here seems to be amazing one way or another, said Clary. My mother told me about you Alexa. You are very amazing too. She figures you are even smarter than her and that alone is something else. Well it is really nice to see that the other fairy princesses have their oldest sister back, said Alexa. Yes it was a long journey getting here but yes great to see all my sisters again, said Clary. So that new girl is a Demi God and from what I have heard they can be very powerful. Is it going to be safe having her live in the palace with Alieta and the other girls? Yep no problem, said Alexa. She is the daughter of Quazar. Who is Quazar? asked Clary. He is the king of the overloards and a very good friend of ours, said Alexa. Oh okay, overloards are good then right? asked Clary. Well they keep everything in space and all the solar systems working properly. Fixing suns before they go super nova and keeping meterors from hitting planets with life on them. If it wasn't for them bad things could happen in a major steller way, said Alexa. Yep, Mom was right, you are smarter than all of us, said Clary with a smile. 24 illustration goes here In a bit Sunflower and Lilly came back out and said all finished. It will be perfect for the two of you, said Lilly. Okay girls get your wands ready and lets do the ice cream surprise for everyone on this very hot day, said Tulip. All their wands were out and started to glow then a long table appeared with a large number of ice cream sundaes on it in a variety of flavors. Okay everyone grab a spoon and grab a sundae. It is hot out so they will begin to melt fast, said Tulip. Ginger won't mind that, said Phonixa, she likes the chocolate milk at the bottom. Did you see that? asked Rose to Miyo. Ya magic wands just made a ton of sundaes on a table. So it is true what I heard about fairies, said Rose. Well lets grab one they look fantastic, said Miyo. They both ran up and grabbed a chocolate sundae and a spoon. Oh you like chocolate too, said Miyo. Well it is the only kind I have ever had but the others look really good too, said Rose. Soon everyone had a sundae and were enjoying it on this hot day. Ginger, Phonixa, Repellia, Miyo and Rose were sitting together. After we are all done can we go check out your room? Sunflower told me that Lilly did some very nice finishing touches in there, said Ginger. Ya that sounds like a good idea, said Miyo. Hello everyone, my name is Sakura. Can I sit with you please? Sure have a seat, said Phonixa. Sakura sat down with her sundae. Sakura, this is Miyo and this is Rose, said Phonixa. Okay hi, said Sakura. Hey there is black stuff on your face you know, we got a washroom at school where we clean up after painting. You have very pretty purple eyes and I have pretty pink eyes. Miyo and Rose are two nice names, very easy to say. I like my name best though. Both Mia and Rose began to laugh. Well you two, now you have met Sakura that is Yeanny's girl. The most fun girl in Fae Land is is naturally funny all the time, said Repellia. Yes she sure does say a mouthful said Mia. Only ice cream in my mouth but not full, it is too cold to have a big mouthful said, Sakura. Yes you are right, said Rose with a big smile on her face. The black on my face is just makeup so I look scary. Really, you don't look scary to me, said Sakura. Just looks like you lost a fight with someone. Rose started to laugh. Does she talk like that all the time? asked Rose. Yep, said Phonixa. No I don't, said Sakura. I don't talk when I am sleeping, at least I don't think so. Well almost all the time then, said Phonixa. Okay, said Sakura then when back to eating. There is a lot of ice cream in this glass, said Rose. Ya I know, don't you just love the way fairies make sundaes, said Ginger. Well I am full, cannot eat anymore, said Rose. Me too, said Miyo but man that was good. Look at you Ginger, you ate it all. Yep I love ice cream, said Ginger as she licked her spoon clean. Okay lets go check out the room, said Miyo. Can I come too? asked Sakura. Sure just finish your sundae and we will all go, said Repellia. 25 illustration goes here Everyone finished eating then Miyo said lets go check out the room. They put their glasses on the table then went inside the palace. Okay so where do we go from here, asked Miyo. Um maybe up these stairs, said Ginger. Hopefully we will see someone and they can show us the way. They went up the stairs and saw a long hallway with doors on either side. Okay this looks like the right floor, said Ginger. A elf walked across the hall ahead of them. Hello, can you help us please, asked Ginger. Well yes, what would you like? asked the elf. We are looking for the new bedroom for Miyo and Rose, said Ginger. Oh that is this one, I was just bringing you two some night clothes. Follow me please, said the elf. They went in the room and the elf put a nightie in each dresser. So do you like it, the fairies did a great job don't you think, said the elf. Yes it is wonderful, just like I wanted, said Miyo. Yep just perfect, said Rose. Wow, you two got everything in here, said Ginger. Two nice beds, two dressers, a vanity, a big floor mirror, nice big carpet, pictures, chairs and even a wardrobe to hang your dresses. Well I left my clothes back in my room in Cumberland, said Miyo. Ya I don't have any other clothes, said Rose. Oh don't worry about that said Phonixa. The wardrobe room has plenty of clothes. It is just down the hall across from our room. We take care of that room and keep it organized. Well even free clothes too, said Ginger. Okay then you two are all set so just ask any elf if you need anything further, said the elf. Oh and if you want anything washed just leave it in that basket over there and put it outside of your and someone will come by in the morning and take them to the laundry room. Nice, said Miyo, I don't even have to do my laundry. I am going to like it here. Look Rose, there is a bathroom. Now you wash your face so you don't have two black eyes anymore, said Sakura. I get the feeling Sakura doesn't like my style of makeup, said Rose. Oh what made you think that, said Repellia. 26 illustration goes here Conclusion After Rose washed the makeup off her face, the girls went back outside and found Alieta and Ginger sitting on the steps talking to Zan. Yeanny told Sakura it was time to go home so they both left. So how does your room look? asked Ginger. Perfect they both said. Everything a girl could need in a bedroom is there, said Miyo. The elf was very nice and even brought in two nighties for us. Yes well living in the palace has it's perks, said Alieta. Get to know Phonixa and Repellia and they will fill both of you in about what goes on in the palace and where everything is. It seems they like the two of you anyways. Okay they both said then they all walked over to talk together. Well looks like Miyo is staying for good, said Ginger. Ya and Rose looks happy too, said Alieta. Well Rose must have some powerful powers being Quazar's daughter so she may be able to help the team when needed, said Ginger. Yes I was thinking the same. Quazar was very persistent at telling me to take good care of her, said Alieta. He must know what she can do... So does your room look as good as ours? asked Miyo. Yep, very girlie like and everything we need, said Repellia. Now when you want to change into something different just come and get us, we know where everything is in the wardrobe room and all the best hottest items are hidden at the back so it is hard for anyone else to find, said Phonixa. Now what you are wearing Rose is super hot and you got nice straps on your feet but you should loose the bones, they look kinda gross and primitive. You will need to wear something different if you come to town with us to shop. That outfit is way too wild for the humans to see. Rose smiled. So it is okay around here then? asked Rose. Yep, sexy is the way of the palace gang. Well you two will see tomorrow in dance class, said Ginger. Everyone wears a sexy dance outfit. Ya especially Ivy, said Repellia. That girl is so hot looking. Miyo giggled. So why doesn't she have a boyfriend? asked Miyo. She does, a very good looking forest sprite named Tobias but he is fairly new here and only comes to the palace when Ivy goes and gets him, said Repellia. So what do we do around here now that all the excitement has passed? asked Miyo. Well it is very hot today so maybe we should go for a swim in the fairy forest, said Phonixa. Really there is a pool in there? asked Ginger. Oh ya and a very big one, said Phonixa. Oh I love swimming, said Ginger. Ya me too, said Miyo. How about you Rose? Oh I can stay a float and move around some, said Rose. Well that is good enough, said Phonixa. There is a beach ball in there we can toss around. Lets go to the wardrobe room and get you three some nice bathing suits to wear then head out over to the forest, said Phonixa. They headed towards the palace and Alieta asked what they were up to. We are going swimming, said Phonixa. Do you want to come? Not me, said Alieta. I am going inside to relax for a bit. Me too said Ginger. Um have you seen Keiko and Amelie anywhere? asked Pixie Ginger.It is unlike them to leave without telling me. Actually no, I haven't seen them for quite a while, said Alieta. Okay, I guess they went back to the treehouse, said Pixie Ginger then they went in the palace. 27 illustration goes here Unknown to anyone on the ground, Keiko and Amelie were sitting up on the palace roof watching everthing and listening to everyone. Keiko turned to Amelie, "Do you think it is safe now?" Not sure, said Amelie, we better wait a bit longer just in case. Well thar Chameleon Rose isn't a Demi Demon but Demi God sound even more powerful, said Keiko. Ya she seemed really nice though, kind of like Yeanny, said Amelie but did you see the size of her father with those huge wings and markings all over him. Ya I know and Alexa said he is the king of the overlords and takes care of the universe, said Keiko. I never heard of an overlord before. Me neither, he must be super powerful, said Amelie. Well we will just have to be careful around Rose just like Yeanny, said Keiko. Alieta and Ginger heard them talking and got off the steps and looked up. Hey what are you two doing up there? asked Alieta. Nothing, just enjoying the veiw, said Keiko. Okay but how long have you been up there? asked Alieta. Oh about the time when that big Quazar guy showed up out of nowhere, said Amelie. Alieta looked at Ginger that was smiling. Those two can be very nutty at time but I know why they flew up there when Quazar showed up, said Ginger. Yes so do I, look you two it is safe down here and Quazar is gone but he would never hurt either of you, said Alieta. Why don't you both come in the palace with us and I will treat you to a nice slice of cake with some ice cream. Keiko and Amelie looked at each other and smiled then flew down. You know Alieta, some of the weirdest things go in here at the palace but for some reason you make it feel very safe here, said Keiko So what kind of cake you got? Oh a few different types, we will have to ask the elf working in the dining room, said Alieta. Okay, hope there is chocolate, said Amelie then they both went in the palace. Well that was one way to get them down here, said Ginger. That was the only way Ginger, said Alieta. The End 28 illustration goes here