The Adventures In The Land Of Fae The Dark Apocalypse - Book 27 Prolog Alieta did what Gabriel suggested to her and started making plans with Ginger to start building homes for the heroes in Eden where the magic was the strongest. Carmen and Zatsuky were enjoying their time living in the palace but now that they had some money from going on quests and adventures with the team they figured it was time for them to get their own place together. They asked Alieta how much it would cost to buy a house in Fae Land but Alieta had a different plan in store for them. She had already told Ginger to get workers to build a house for them in Eden and it was ready for them to move in. The house was just a bit west from where Ktara lived and seeing that both Carmen and Zatsuky were not that great at cooking, Ktara made sure when ever she cooked which was all the time, there was enough for them also. Now with those two out of the palace Alieta was feeling a bit lonely without them around all the time but that was soon to change... Chapter 1 The Need For Help Back at the palace Alieta was resting by the fire in her den. All was peaceful so she thought about writing another story book about the team's adventures when an elf came in and said that there was someone here to see you and she looks like an amazing warrior. Well show her in then please, said Alieta. Okay, said the elf and went and got the visitor. A tall elven woman entered carrying a spear and had on a very interesting outfit. Alieta got up and welcomed her. Hi the woman said. I am Viridian Sky and some people call me the Dark Apocalypse. I heard that you have a team of heros that fight against evil and help others whenever needed. Well yes we have a team of heros that help out other lands and battle armies and monsters, even evil wizards and witches, said Alieta. Well have they ever battled a land demon as some people call them, asked Viridian. They have battled demons before but usually Lucifer ends up grabbing them and bringing them back to Hell, said Alieta. Well these creatures did not come from Lucifer's domain, said Viridian. They are creatures conjured up by evil wizards that want to take over and rule over a country. Wizards can be killed but it is not an easy task especially when they stay out of sight most of the time. So what are these so called land demons called? asked Alieta. Carnomolochs, said Viridian. They are reptile type creatures, almost prehistoric looking and are shielded by thick enchanted scales. They have been instinct for hundreds of years but these wizard figured a way to bring them back for their own needs. Regular enchanted swords and arrows cannot penetrate the scales. So how are they killed? asked Alieta. You need a special weapon like this spear that I have, said Viridian. It will penetrate anything and can even shoot an energy beam but it's distance is limited, about twenty feet. I use it more as a combat weapon for face to face fighting. So where are these demons now? asked Alieta. They are in the west, about three days ride from here but moving east and destroying anything that stands in their way, said Viridian. I heard rumors from people that stayed out of their way that they plan to come here to Fae Land. So you are saying they will be here soon, said Alieta. Yes but they are on foot and Carnomolochs are not fast moving land creatures so that may take a couple of weeks for them to come this far. The thing is the wizards keep making more of them every day. They are meat eaters and love to attack farms with animal stock on them. They don't eat people though, just kill them. I cannot battle such an army by myself so that is why I came here to warn you and to get the help of your heroes. We do have a person with a very powerful and magical sword that can kill anything even from a long distance, said Alieta and Tempressa the Ice Queen is on the team also. Together with Zatsuky they can take care of just about anything with Alexa leading them. You have Zatusky here, asked Viridian with a new look of excitement. So you know her then? asked Alieta. Yes I do. Where I am from she is known as the Vibrant Warrior, probably the most powerful defender and dragon slayer on the planet, said Viridian. Yes she is quite the girl, said Alieta. Do you know how many wizards are behind this attack? Not exactly but at least six I have been told, said Viridian. Alieta asked the elf to get two sprites to tell Alexa, Zatsuky and Tempressa to come to the palace fully armed. So this Tempressa will be able to help also? asked Viridian. You will see when she gets here. Those two work together nicely and prefer to fight on the front line, said Alieta. 01 illustration goes here The winged messengers came back and told Alieta that Zatsuky and Tempressa are on their way. I went to Alexa's house but there was no one home, said one of the sprites. That is fine then, said Alieta. Tempressa will make sure everyone stays safe and she can lead also. In about half an hour the two of them got to the palace and an elf brought them to the den but not before telling them to be prepared to see someone very remarkable looking. There you both are, this is The Dark Apocalypse, Viridian Sky, said Alieta. She has a request that you need to hear. Okay, said Zatsuky, how can the two of us help you. I have heard about you and I am surprised to actually meet you so far north. Your famous and people call you the Vibrant Warrior, said Viridian. I have not been called that for quite some time, said Zatsuky. Well you look well protected but Tempressa has very little armor on at all and is just armed with a sword, said Viridian. How can she help? Oh she has her own defences and weapon, said Zatsuky. Tell me why are you called the Dark Apocalypse? Doesn't that refer to the end of the world. Well I never gave myself that title, said Viridian. I have been traveling for many years helping people that need it. When I come across them being tormented or attacked by dark and evil beings or creatures. I kill the dark beings with my spear ending the attacks. That is why I suppose and the name caught on and spread over the years. So tell us what you need help with please? asked Tempressa. She told them about the Carnomloches and the wizards that created them, and that only magic weapons can kill them. So why have you not been able to kill them yourself, asked Zatsuky, that spear of yours looks magical. Yes it is but it has limits on range and even when I kill one the wizards just create a new one, said Viridian. Well I know Alexa would say, kill the Wizards first then the rest will be easy, said Tempressa. So why isn't she here also. She was not home when the messenger went to get her, said Alieta. So you will be in charge of leading seeing the others only have swords and no magic to fight these creatures or wizards with. Okay but she is the one that comes up with the best plans, especially against wizards, said Zatsuky. You will have to figure it out yourselves this time if you decide to help. Just remember what she told you to do before. These creatures are moving east and will eventually reach Fae Land so I hope you can see why I asked you here, said Alieta. Zatsuky turned to Tempressa and smiled and Tempressa nodded her head. Anything for Fae Land and getting to fight wizards again may be fun, said Zatsuky. You think it is fun fighting wizards that are controlling creatures? asked Viridian. Well it is with my Crimson Sword and when I am with Tempressa, said Zatsuky. So what is so special about Tempressa may I ask, said Viridian. Oh she is the Ice Queen. She has very strong magic that will make it much easier to beat all the creatures and the wizards, said Zatsuky. Why do they call you the Ice Queen? asked Viridian. Okay lets go outside and around the back and she will show you, said Alieta. 02 illustration goes here They all went outside and around the back of the palace. So now what? asked Viridian. That spear of yours has a magic blade that can pierce anything right, asked Zatsuky. Yes it does. I use it in hand to hand combat a lot, said Viridian. Okay then raise your spear and charge Tempressa, said Zatsuky. Really, what if I kill her? asked Viridian. Just trust me, said Zatsuky, you wanted to see how she can protect herself. Alieta looked on with a smile on her face. Okay then, she charged at Tempressa and she quickly put up a thick ice shield in front of her. The spear only penetrated the ice a few inches. Holy crap, said Viridian. How did you do that? Magic, said Tempressa, I was born with it. But that is just ice, my blade should of passed through it, said Viridian. Well you see the opposite of hot is cold so as your spear entered the ice it cooled the tip enough to stop it, said Tempressa. I just made it nice and thick. Now you are starting to sound like, Alexa, said Zatsuky. Ya I know. She tells me stuff when we are hanging out, said Tempressa. The only blade that can penetrate my ice shield is Zatsuky's Vibrant Sword. It can slice through it like butter. Now show her what else you can do, said Zatsuky. Tempressa looked around and saw a big tree. She pointed a finger at it and froze the entire tree solid. Now that is very useful, said Viridian. Now the tree will thaw and will be unharmed but anything alive that gets frozen will die in minutes like people and creatures, plus elven swords can then strike and smash it into pieces just to make sure, said Tempressa. Okay then, I am very impressed and it is hard to impress me, said Viridian. So when can we leave and have some fun as you put it, asked Viridian. As soon as we get loaded up with supplies for the trip, said Zatsuky. They went around to the front of the palace and Alieta signaled to the elves to get the supplies for all three of them. 03 illustration goes here Once all was readied by the elves they got on the horses. I will get the sprites to tell the rest of the team what is going on and put them on alert just incase, said Alieta. Don't worry Alieta we got this, said Zatsuky then they rode off towards the West Woods. This is the first time they have gone out without Alexa leading them, said Alieta. I Hope all turns out good. It will, said one of the elves. I sure wouldn't want those three coming after me. Alieta smiled then went in the palace. Soon the three of them entered the woods and as usual it was quite in there with just some rabbits and squirrels running around. Then out of nowhere a pixie showed up. Hello there, where you going? asked the pixie. Tempressa smiled, We are out to kill a bunch of creatures and wizards, said Tempressa. Wow you three must be brave, said the pixie as it flew back and forth checking them out. We just scared three wolves out of the woods, they don't belong in here, said the pixie. Just keep an eye open for them when you leave the woods. Then the pixie flew off fast into the trees. What was that asked Viridian. A pixie, said Tempressa, there are lots of them in these woods. They can get very small so you can't see them but rest assured they are watching us. Well that is the first one I have seen since I came here, said Zatsuky. Like little fairies. Yes she was cute but how could she scare away wolves? asked Viridian. Well pixies are extremely fast flyers and there are hundreds of them in here or maybe thousands, said Tempressa. They just fly around like crazy Driving unwanted animals crazy until they take off out of the woods. Other than that they are harmless and known to be quite nutty most of the time. Okay so this is a magical land that I heard it to be, said Viridian. Yep and very beautiful as you move through it to the north, said Zatsuky. 04 illustration goes here Chapter 2 The Trip AcrossThe Plains As they continued on they could feel they were being watched and faint giggling sounds could be heard in the trees but no one saw a single pixie. Soon they were out of the woods and heading out on the desert plains. Then from behind some bushes the three wolves the pixie warned them about came running at them. Get ready to fight these wolves, said Viridian. Zatsuky just took out her sword and shot a red energy beam across the front of them and they all took off fast. Why kill when you can scare, said Zatsuky. That is a awesome sword, said Viridian. Yes, Merlin made it and gave it an enhancement not long ago, said Zatsuky. Merlin you said, he is supposed to be the most powerful of wizards, said Viridian. Yep and he is a good wizard, said Tempressa. They continued on for some a time, even passed a small town. Next the came to some woods that didn't seem that deep. These wood have wolves and wild dogs in them so we have to ride through fast without stopping, said Viridian. They headed into the woods and just picked up speed to pass through quickly. They saw some animals but they had no chance of doing anything as the three of them just sped on. Soon they were out of the woods and were on a nice grassy area, that seemed to go on for a few miles. We should make camp here. It will be getting dark soon, said Viridian. They all agreed and made a fire with some wood that was scattered all over the place. They all sat down and Viridian opened up her bag with supplies in it. Wow that Alieta really knows how to pack a lunch, said Viridian. Ya she loves to feed people, said Tempressa. It was now starting to get dark and they were getting ready to sleep when Viridian asked should anyone take a first watch. No need, If anything bad gets close to us my sword will start to glow bright red, said Zatsuky. Nice waring device, said Viridian. Then they all laid down and went to to sleep. 05 illustration goes here In the morning they packed up and started on their way again. The area up ahead goes back to desert like conditions so it should be clear of animals, said Viridian. It is all sandy and there was nothing when I passed through it when I was going to Fae Land. They kept going and for about twelve hours they saw nothing threatening. Then a sound was hear from above and they looked up and saw two dragons headed towards them. These we have to kill, said Zatsuky. They all got off their horses and made the horses lay on their sides. They will go for the horses first, said Zatsuky. Get down beside them and wait for them to get close then blast them. The dragons started downward, one beside the other. You take the left one Viridian and Zatsuky you take the right one, said Tempressa. Sounds good to me, said Viridian. What are you going to do? asked Zatsuky. I get to watch, said Tempressa with a smile. They waited until they were nice and close then stood up and they both blasted the two dragons. Both the dragons pasted over them and crashed to the ground. Okay I'll make sure they are dead, said Tempressa. She ran up to the dragons and froze their heads then smashed them into pieces with her sword. Now that was awesome, said Viridian. Yep, I told you it will be fun, said Zatsuky. Okay let's get going again and pick up the speed some, said Tempressa. They headed out again and there is lake up ahead. We can fill up our water containers and water the horses there, said Viridian. That water is clean and fresh. 06 illustration goes here Once they reached the lake they filled their water containers and took a bit of a rest while the hoses drank some water. We are making good time so far, said Tempressa. We should go as far as we can before the sun goes down. Good plan, said Zatsuky. Yep, we may not have Alexa with us but I think I am doing pretty good, said Tempressa. So this Alexa must be some woman to be the leader of the team of heros, said Viridian. Oh yes though by just looking at her you wouldn't know it, said Tempressa. What do you mean? asked Viridian. Well she is a small girl and cute as they come but, she is super smart and very strong and can use a sword better than anyone I know, said Tempressa. Yep Alexa is awesome, said Zatsuky. She has a pet Titan wolf also that is amazing also. A Titan wolf as a pet? I have to meet this girl, said Viridian. You will once we take care of business here, said Tempressa. Okay the horses look rested enough so let get going. They rode for a few more hours then saw a town off to the north a bit. Maybe there is a hotel in that town where we can eat and spend the night, said Tempressa. I have no money on me, said Viridian. Zatsuky and Tempressa just smiled at her. Look in your supply bag Alieta had the elves pack for you, said Tempressa. Viridian found some gold coins at the bottom of the bag. That Alieta thinks of everything, said Viridian. Ya she takes good care of us, said Zatsuky. They headed to the town and saw there was a big hotel there called The Travellers Inn. Once there they found they had more than enough money to pay for the stables, a good supper and a room with three beds in it. They all got ready for bed then Viridian asked Tempressa if she always had the power to freeze stuff. Yes I did and so did my older sister, said Tempressa. So where is she now? asked Viridian. Oh she is dead sort of, said Tempressa with a smile. Sort of, what does that mean? asked Viridian. Well she was killed fighting orcs with me and then Gabriel the angel brought her back to life and made her immortal then changed her name to Mother Nature, said Tempressa. So your older sister is Mother Nature? Viridian, asked slowly. Like the one and only Mother Nature? Yep and she was the one that named me the Ice Queen, said Tempressa. My goodness you two are definetly interesting people, said Viridian. So did you every get to meet Gabriel. She is the number one angel you know, said Viridian. Oh ya, she is our friend, said Zatsuky. I would call her but she usually only comes when Alexa or Alieta calls for her, said Zatsuky. 07 illustration goes here Gabriel appeared and said what do you mean I only come when those two call. I will come when ever any of you call. I did tell you call any time if you need me. Oh good to know, said Tempressa. We met a new friend named Viridian. Oh hi Viridian Sky or should I say Dark Apocalypse. You know me? asked Viridian. Yep. I know everyone, said Gabriel. Well I prefer to be called Viridian, I didn't give myself a Apocalypse title. Good Viridian is a much nicer name for you, said Gabriel. So what are you three going after this time? A bunch of evil wizards and lots of Carnomolochs. Really, Wizards and Carnomolochs. They have been extinct for centuries, said Gabriel. Yes I know but the wizards are reanimating them as their army, said Viridian. I see, so where is Alexa and the rest of the team? asked Gabriel. The messengers couldn't find Alexa and Alieta figure only heroes with magic should be used, said Tempressa. She made me the leader for this mission. That is good then, said Gabriel. So have you put together a plan yet? Well I figure Alexa would say kill the wizards first then the creatures will be out of control and easier to kill, said Tempressa. I doubt very much Alexa would say that, said Gabriel. Really, how come, asked Temressa. Well Alexa knows how wizards and demons work and they always stay out of sight and invisible while whatever army they have made do their job, said Gabriel. You can't kill what you can't see. Oh ya, I never thought of that, said Tempressa. I never said I was as good as Alexa. Gabriel smiled, no one is as good as Alexa. Now I know Alexa would get just Zatsuky to wipe out the army of Carnomolochs first with just one or two big blast like she did with the dragons over Prayden. That will upset the wizards and make them appear to see what happened to them all. Then all three of you work together to wipe them out before they start making more creatures. Now that is the right plan, said Tempressa. Yes it is, I do watch over Alexa to see how she is progressing as she gets older, said Gabriel. Now I can't interfere with what goes on down here but I will let your sister know what is going on. She can do whatever she wants down here. Now you three have a good sleep, you have work to do tomorrow. Then Gabriel vanished. Well it was a good thing she showed up, said Tempressa. Ya but we probably would of began killing the creatures first anyways if we saw no wizards, said Zatsuky. Now you have to come up with a plan on how we deal with the wizards when they appear. That I have already figured out, said Tempressa. I have plenty of experience dealing with them. Good now let's get some sleep, said Zatsuky. 08 illustration goes here Chapter 3 The Battle With The Carnomolocks And Wizards In the morning they got up and had a light breakfast then went and got their horses and started back out. They travelled for about five hours then saw another town ahead but this one was being attacked by the creatures. They stepped on it and soon they could see that people were running for cover in houses and other builds but the creatures were working on breaking in to these places. Okay we have to get their attention, said Tempressa. Try sending out a blast to that pile of rocks over there. Zatsuky blasted the rock pile but just a few looked and started running towards them. Okay let's hold our position and send the horses out of danger then you two take care of those three. We need to get them all out in the open somehow, said Tempressa. The three creatures were closing fast so once the horses were out of the way Zatsuky and Viridian shot out energy beams killing them. Man they are fast, said Zatsuky. Yep and very ugly too, said Viridian. Okay so how do were lure a bunch of extinct prehistoric creatures out into the open? asked Tempressa. Maybe with a very bright light, said Zatsuky. Maybe but how do you plan on doing that? asked Tempressa. Just watch, said Zatsuky. 09 illustration goes here Viridian stood back a bit to see what Zatsuky was going to do next. Merlin told me the Crimson Sword has both dark and white magic in it, said Zatsuky. That means the sword can be used for good also. All I have to do is think what I want the sword to do like this. Then Zatsuky raised the sword. Then think bright light, said Zatsuky. The blade of the sword turned blue then shot out a long and very bright bean across the top of the town. Zatsuky moved the sword back and forth while keeping the beam going. Look it is working, said Tempressa. They are all looking to see where the light is coming from. Keep it up! Soon all the Carnomolochs had gathered just outside of the town and were preparing to charge the three of them. Okay you two stand back and get low, said Zatsuky. Time to make dust of these old creatures that have no right being here in this time anyways. 10 illustration goes here When Zatsuky saw they were far enough back she put the sword to her chest then pushed up with her feet and began to rise up into the sky. Okay, that is new, I never seen her do that before, said Tempressa. The Carnomolochs began to charge straight for Viridian and Tempressa. Best get that spear of yours ready incase she misses some, said Tempressa to Viridian. When Zatsuky was high enough she began to spin, faster and faster until she was just a blur. When the Carnomolochs were right below her she squeezed the swords handle hard and then hundreds of red and blue energy beans shot out at the creatures in all directions so fast and wide that none of them had a chance to run away. In about one minute all that could be seen was smoke where the creatures used to be. Then Zatsuky stopped spinning and slowly came back down to the ground and didn't fall this time. Did you get them all, asked Tempressa. You tell me, said Zatsuky. Slowly the smoke faded away and all that could be seen was piles of ash everywhere. Zatsuky looked at Viridian that had a stunned look on her face. Are you okay Viridian? asked Zatsuky. I have never in all my days seen anything as powerful yet as beautiful to watch as what I just witnessed today, said Viridian. Tempressa saw that the blade of the sword was still glowing a bright red. Okay lets see if the wizards will come out now, said Tempressa. 11 illustration goes here Okay Tempressa, what is that plan you said you had? asked Zatsuky. I need to see them first to know how many there are, said Tempressa. Suddenly a huge cloud of smoke filled the air ahead of them and when it cleared there was ten wizards standing there and they looked mad. How did you kill our army so fast? yelled one of the wizards. We are just three days from out target and now we have to start all over again making new creatures. You are not going anywhere near Fae Land, yelled Tempressa. How did you know we were going to Fae Land to take it over? asked one of the other wizards. Lets just say a little birdie told us, said Tempressa. This is where your rain of terror ends, said Tempressa. The wizards all began to laugh. Okay Tempressa, time for that plan, said Zatsuky. Can't we just start killing them? asked Viridian. No wizards can make shields that will stop the energy beams, said Tempressa. They are going to send fireballs at us first so when they do I will put up a wall of ice that won't last long but then you Zatsuky fire through it and kill a couple of them. Your sword passes through my ice wall like nothing. That is when they will put up their shield. Okay then what? asked Viridian. Well then we hope they don't just vanish and start rebuilding again but if you two keep a constant blast on their shield then they can't go anywhere until they lower the shield for a moment. The timing must be perfect but at least we will kill some more of them before rest vanish. Well that will have to do, said Zatsuky. Looks like they are getting ready to hit us with fire. 12 illustration goes here As Tempressa told them the ten wizards all sent out a fireball at them so Tempressa put up the ice wall that blocked them. Now Zatsuky fire, said Tempressa. Zatsuky sent out an energy beam that passed right through the ice wall and hit one of the wizards that went down to his knees then laid down face first looking dead. Immediately the remaining nine wizards put up their shield. Zatsuky fired again but this time it didn't go through the shield the wizard had in front of them. That should of went right through their shield said Zatsuky. Well with nine wizards combining there magic that shield is a lot stronger now, said Tempressa. Can you send out a continuous beam in one spot? That shield can't last forever with that beam burning it's way through it. Sure can, said Zatsuky, the sword just gets really hot after a while and is hard to hold. Well lets hope it won't take that long, said Tempress. Zatsuky focused on the center of the shield then sent out a strong beam at it. Good, keep it there, said Tempressa. They can't send anymore fireballs at us with that shield up. The wizards started to look worried as Zatsuky kept the beam focused on the one spot and the shield looked to be weakening. Keep it up, it's working said Viridian. Let me help. Viridian shot her sword at the same spot and now the shield was flickering. It looked like the wizards were going to teleport away when suddenly a figure dressed in white appeared above the wizards. You are going nowhere she yelled at the wizards then froze them all solid at the same time. Who is that? asked Viridian. That is my big sister, said Tempressa. 13 illustration goes here Okay girls, start blasting away, said Mother Nature. They won't stay frozen for long so turn these idiots into ice cubes. You heard her, start blasting, said Tempressa. Both Zatsuky and Viridian began shooting at the wizards quickly breaking them into small pieces of ice. When they were done the hot sun finished the job melting all the ice fragments into the sand. Viridian raided her arms in the air saying Yea, we did it but then a bolt of lighting came down from the sky hitting the blade of her spear. What the heck was that all about? asked Viridian. There is not a cloud in the sky. Mother Nature came over to the girls that were looking a bit puzzled. So you are Mother Nature, was it you that hit my spear with lightning? asked Viridian. Nope that wasn't me. There has to be clouds for me to make lighting. It is a physics thing, said Mother Nature. Okay then what happened? asked Viridian. Just then Gabriel appeared. Nice work girls, you all did a good job today. Okay so it must of been you that sent that bolt of lightning down at my spear, said Viridian. No, I can't do things like that, said Gabriel. Only God can, and Fillina but she is busy elsewhere right now. These Carmomolocks were killing woman and children and he won't stand for that. Usually he would just strike them all dead but he saw Zatsuky had things well in hand. Regardless he just gave your spear the power of the heavens, nothing is more powerful than that. He sees great things for you in the future. Wow, so it is stronger like Zatsuky's sword. I suppose but that is something you will have to find out for yourself and what it can do now, said Gabriel. Anyways I am off to tell Alieta that you three are fine and killed all the wizards. She worries a lot every time she sends out the team on a mission and this is the first time only three were sent. But I am not part of the team, said Viridian. Gabriel just smiled then vanished. 14 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Back At The Palace Mother nature talked to Tempressa a bit in private then said goodbye to Zatsuky and Viridian then vanished. Your sister is very pretty, said Viridian. Ya I know, she was always the one that made all the boys heads turn in school, said Tempressa. Well your kinda hot too, said Zatsuky. Maybe if you let your hair down that would be better. I know but I like it up and out of my face, said Tempressa. I am not really the sociable type anyways. So let's get going back home. Okay but first we have to find our horses, said Viridian. That is easy, said Tempressa and she put her fingers up to her mouth and let out a loud whistle. In a few moments all three horses came running towards them. I can whistle louder than my sister too, said Tempressa. They all started back and this time there were no dragons or wolves to bother them. So now I have a major weapon, said Viridian. Yep so use it well, said Zatsuky. Having a powerful weapon comes with big responsibilities. I will, said Viridian. Everything looks so peaceful out here now, just like nothing ever happened. That is what we do as a team in Fae Land. Return the peace to the land, said Tempressa. You will have to stick around for a bit though, said Tempressa. There are some people that are going to want to meet and talk to you. Like Alexa? asked Viridian. Yes, especially her, said Tempressa. 15 illustration goes here After two and a half days they were just a couple miles from Fae Land. So you said Alieta likes to feed people right? asked Viridian. I am famished. Oh ya, said both of them at the same time. And she loves to throw parties too, said Zatsuky. A queen that loves to feed people and throw parties is something I have never heard of before, said Viridian. She is not your run of the mill queen and she is loved by all plus is very fair with all her people, said Zatsuky. She rules over the most magical land anywhere and she never ever complains about anything. So how old is she, she looks like maybe thirty years old, said Viridian. They both laughed. What, did I say? asked Viridian. Well no one really knows how old she is but she is a sprite and she can tell you stories that happened centuries ago, said Tempressa. Didn't you know sprites are ever lasting? asked Tempressa. No, Alieta was the first sprite I have ever seen, said Viridian. They all continued their journey through the woods and to the palace then a couple of elves saw them and started to shout, "They are back, they are back". Aleita could hear them from her living room so she ran out to greet them and got two elves bring their horses to the stable. I was so worried that I made a mistake of sending out such a small team to battle such a big enemy but Gabriel came by and told me that you were all okay and won the battle, said Alieta. I got to meet Gabriel and Mother Nature, said Viridian. They are so nice. Yes they are and they like you too, said Alieta. So you killed ten wizards this time, that is a new record. Yep, but I prefer not to break it again any time soon, said Zatsuky. They all smiled. So are you off now Viridian or would you like to stay and eat and rest up first, asked Alieta. Well I am hungry and these two said you love to feed people and Zatsuky here said she is going to show me how to use my new spear that God struck with lightning, said Viridian. Yes Gabriel told me he made it much more powerful, said Alieta. Well while I am here I would really like to meet this Alexa that I keep hearing about, said Viridian. Sure, said Alieta and she signaled to an elf to get a messenger out to Alexa's place. Now you will be surprised when you first see her. She is the smallest of the team, yet she is the fastest, smartest and strongest plus she is the team leader, said Alieta. Yes so Tempressa told me. She must be something special to have the respect of these two amazing people, said Viridian. Alexa has the respect of me and everyone else here in Fae Land, said Alieta. She is very friendly when not in action and you would never guess she was the team leader. Now I am going to the kitchen to tell the elves to make you a very nice supper. Then Alieta headed back in the palace. Now that is the type of queen I could live with, said Viridian. Tempressa and Zatsuky just looked at each other and smiled. 16 illustration goes here A sprite came back and told Tempressa and Zatsuky that Alexa is on her way. I didn't tell her to wear her gear. Are you all going back on a mission? No were just got back from one, said Tempressa. Really, so who is the new girl? My name is Viridian. Nice to meet you, I am Jazmen, captain of the winged army. Please enjoy your stay here. Then Jazmen flew off. Okay so there is a winged army here also, what kind of winged army? asked Viridian. Jazmen is also a sprite, just a different breed and yes she commands over two hundred of the most amazing army of sprites plus she is in control of the ground troops that are all elves that have mastered the bow and arrow plus the sword, said Tempressa. There is over a thousand of them but they are all female. Just girls, where are all the men? asked Viridian. Most of them died defending Fae Land during the great war, said Tempressa. So if Alexa is going to be here soon we should go inside to the den and wait for her. They went inside an elf asked them if they needed anything. Maybe in a bit but Alieta said we are having supper here so best do to spoil it, said Tempressa. The elf smiled, yes it will be ready shortly, said the elf then left. In a few minutes Alexa showed up and walked over to Tempressa. So how did your first quest go leading the team? asked Alexa. It was exciting but I really wouldn't want to do it again, said Tempressa. There were times when I was unsure what to do next. You did just fine, said Zatsuky. Well one thing you should of done was request a hundred armed sprites to help with those creatures, said Alexa. I read up on them and they would of been helpful with them. I suppose but we didn't need them. Zatsuky killed them all by herself in like two minutes, said Tempressa. That sword of hers can do things I have never seen before. Anyways Gabriel came by and told me what plan you should use. Alexa smiled then turned to Zatsuky. So you found it easy to kill them creatures then? asked Alexa. Yep it was kinda fun and I turned them into piles of ash, said Zatsuky. The wizards were a bit harder but Mother Nature showed up and froze them all which made it easy after that. Alexa began to giggle. I should of known not to worry about you two, said Alexa then she looked at Viridian. You are a very tall elf, even taller than Zatsuky, said Alexa. Alieta said you are a mercenary which is a very honorable job. I have to thank you for coming to Fae Land to warn us about the coming attack. So that spear is very powerful I was told can I see it or will it burn me like Zatsuky's sword. No it won't, said Viridian. Here it is light and has perfect balance. Alexa took the sword and looked at it closely. Just don't squeeze.... suddenly the spear shot a blast upward blowing a hole in the ceiling. Oops my bad, what were you going to say? asked Alexa. Don't squeeze the grip, said Viridian. Tempressa looked up through the hole made by the spear. Holy crap I can see the sky. It went through two floors and the roof. Just then Alieta ran in. What happened? We hear an explosion from downstairs in the dining room. Alexa handed back the spear to Viridian and pointed up to the ceiling. Your kidding Alexa. You blew a hole in my palace? asked Alieta. I didn't mean to but yep I sure did, that spear is very powerful and touchy, said Alexa. I just hope it don't rain soon. Why is that? then Alieta looked up the hole. Oh I see what you mean, said Alieta with a smile. I'll get Ginger to hire some men to fix it for us. Good thing there is no one living above us. Okay supper will be ready soon. I will have an elf tell you all when to come downstairs and Alexa do not touch that spear again while you are inside. Then Alieta left. Amazing, she didn't even get mad, said Viridian. Alieta doesn't get mad at things like that, said Tempressa. Actually she rarely gets mad at all unless one of her friends get hurt by someone then look out, that woman can do some big time damage and doesn't need a weapon either. So she is very strong too, she doesn't look it, said Viridian. Alieta is a highbred sprite, the strongest of all sprites but none of us know how strong she really is but a while back I saw her move big boulders out of her way like the were nothing, said Tempress. Okay, then, just don't get the queen mad, got it, said Viridian. Everyone laughed. 17 illustration goes here Why don't you three get changed into something more comfortable and clean, said Alexa. Zatsuky, you know where the wardrobe room is so show Viridian and I will tell Alieta what you are doing if she comes back before you three get back here. Good idea, Alexa, said Tempressa then they all left the den. Alexa looked up at the hole she made. Man I am glad I just use a sword. I better stay away from powerful weapons. In about five minutes they came back down and both Alieta and Alexa was there talking to each other waiting for them. Now that is much better, said Alieta. Where did you leave the clothes and weapons? In one of the bedrooms, said Zatsuky. I told an elf not to touch the spear and my sword but she knew that already but she did take all the dirty clothes to be washed. Well Viridian you clean up nicely, said Alexa. Ya she has a hot body hiding under all that gear, said Zatsuky. Yes that she, said Alieta. Okay supper is ready so let's all go down and eat. They all headed down to the dining room. 18 illustration goes here Once in the dining room Alieta told them to just pick a seat. All the plates are the same and if you want more just say so, said Alieta. They all sat down and everyone began to eat. So Alexa, now that you have first hand experience with Viridian's spear, what do you think of it? asked Alieta. Well first I am never touching it again and I am sorry about the hole I made but that is one powerful weapon, said Alexa. Okay so why don't you ask Viridian what is on your mind, said Alieta. Well what do you think Tempressa? asked Alexa. Hey she is fearless and obviously likes to travel around and follows plans, said Tempressa. I think she will be perfect. What about you Zatsuky? asked Alexa. The girl has it happening, said Zatsuky. She is a natural warrior and now has a deadly weapon. I agree with Tempressa. Good, so Viridian how would you like to live in Fae Land? asked Alexa. Well I would love to but I need to help people in other parts. I am needed by many in distress, said Viridian. Well my team does that too, We have traveled long distances to help other towns and countries, said Alexa. Oh, so what are you saying? asked Viridian. I want you to join Fae Lands team of heroes, said Alexa. All of us together can do more and defeat bigger enemies better and faster than just you on your own. Viridian looked at Tempressa then Zatsuky and finally looked at Alieta that was smiling at her. Well the food is really good here, said Viridian. Yes I think that would be a good change for me. You get to live in the palace also, said Alieta, It has been a bit lonely here since Zatsuky and Carmen moved out. Really live here with you too, said Viridian. Well you did say that Alieta was the kind of queen you could live with, said Zatsuky. Yes I did say that didn't I. Okay this has been an amazing day, said Viridian. So it is settled, I will tell Ginger to put you on the salary list with the rest of the team, said Alieta. Your going to pay me too! This is a magical land, said Viridian. 19 illustration goes here Chapter 5 Conclusion Okay so eat up and there is a nice cake on the table to finish things off, said Alieta. If you want some ice cream with the cake, just ask an elf but for some reason not many people eat ice cream here. Just the younger elves sometimes. Well it is hard to keep frozen in the icebox said Zatsuky plus Camen says it is fattening so she won't eat it. I eat it all the time but I have Tempressa living near me and she keeps it frozen for me, said Alexa. Well a long time ago there was no such thing as ice cream, said Alieta. Yes I heard that no one knows how old you really are, said Viridian. That is because I am a sprite. I was created along time ago back when sprites were just glowing energy balls that flew around. That was shortly after elves and humans began to evolve and begin to start living in self made houses. One day I will tell you how sprites came to being winged sprites with legs and arms. As far as I know sprites will not die naturally, said Alieta. That is a good thing, said Viridian, I hear everyone here loves you. Well I try my best, said Alieta. Okay I am done and ready for cake, said Tempressa. Already? You ate fast, said Alieta. Well look at that cake, it is amazing looking, said Tempressa. Well that cake Ktara made for me. She loves to cook and sends the palace tasty cakes and cookies all the time. That figures, when ever I go to her place her home always smells like a bakery, said Tempressa. She is the best cook in Fae land so I asked her to teach me how to cook better. So how is that working out? asked Alexa. Well my sister comes by for supper more often now and she always cleans her plate, said Tempressa. Baking cakes and bread is kinda tricky though so I am still learning how to get that right. Ktara is on the team also so you will meet her soon, said Alieta to Viridian. One day she will cook for you and you can judge for yourself. After every one was finished Alexa said goodbye to everyone and headed home. Tempressa said she would come back later for her gear and left wearing the outfit she put on from the wardrobe room. Zatsuky went and got her gear and sword then headed home to tell Carmen all about her adventure. That left Alieta and Viridian sitting at the table by themselves. So you really don't mind me living in the palace with you? asked Viridian. Not at all and Ginger lives here too, said Alieta. It will be nice to have you around for more company. Not just that sometimes the craziest things happen at the palace and you will get to meet everyone. Okay and if anyone bad comes here I can protect you, said Viridian. Yes that is true but next time you go out on the palace grounds, look up. You will always see some armed sprites flying above the palace, said Alexa. Jazmen makes sure I am never in any danger. Anyways we best get some rest. Tomorrow is another day and anything can happen. 20 illustration goes here Alieta had an elf show Viridian to her room then she headed to her den to unwind before going to bed. She sat back in her comfy chair and closed her eyes. Gabriel appeared and said, you are not planning on sleeping there when you have that great bed in your room? Oh no, said Alieta, just resting my eyes. Hey I didn't startle you this time, said Gabriel. Nope, I have gotten used to you popping in, said Alieta. Well I just came to tell you that Viridian is going to be more useful to you than just being another hero in Fae Land, said Gabriel. In what way? asked Alieta. Well that I don't know. God is very secretive with what he tells me and everyone else for that matter, said Gabriel. Okay so is there anything else? asked Alieta. Yes one more thing that to me sounds like a riddle sort of, said Gabriel. Supposedly there will be another girl coming to Fae Land. So another hero? asked Alieta. Not really but she will become a different kind of hero, said Gabriel. All he said is she was white then dark then will go white again and then become the most important person in Fae Land for you. I don't get it but he said you will figure it out when the time comes. Ya I don't get it either, said Alieta. White then dark then white again, sounds like an eclipse. Yes but the eclipse isn't a girl, said Gabriel. One more thing, he said Pippa will be involved too. What, Pippa is a pixie and is pretty nutty most of the time when ever she shows up. Pippa I know about and you should not under estimate her. She has been around for a very long time and is very smart plus is respected by every pixie all over the world though she doesn't realize that yet. Pippa loves what you did to Fae Land for her. That nutty little pixie will do anything you ask. Just call out her name and see what happens. Anyways have a good sleep Alieta. Then Gabriel vanished. Hmm, why didn't she wait until tomorrow to tell me all this stuff, thought Alieta. Now I am going to be up trying to figure things out. So just call out Pippa's name she said. I wonder what will happen. It's not like she can hear me from in the palace. 21 illustration goes here Alieta stood up and yelled out Pippa's name but not loud enough to wake up Ginger. She waited for a couple of minutes but nothing happened. While I guess she can't hear me from in here, said Alieta, That only makes sense. Then suddenly Pippa flew up in front of her face. Do you know how hard it is to get into this palace at night when everyone has gone to bed? asked Pippa. I flew all over the place looking for a way in and finally found a window that was opened a tiny bit so I squeezed under it and then had to find a way out of the room so I got bigger and tried the door knob but that was the wrong door, it was a closet so then I found the correct door but it was locked so I had to get tiny again and slide under the door then I had to figure out where you were. Good thing this door was opened and I saw the light so I checked it out and found you. Pippa got bigger and stood in front of Alieta. So what do you want? asked Pippa. At this point Alieta had the biggest smile on her face. Pippa you are so funny, I love you, said Alieta. Pippa began to blush. I love you too Alieta, do you want to play, pixies love to play you know or do you need me to do anything for you? Wait, why aren't you in bed asleep? Is there something wrong because if there is I will fix it for you or at least try to, said Pippa. No everything is fine, said Alieta. Gabriel was just here and said that you would come if I just said your name. Well ya, you are the queen you know, said Pippa. I am always at your service unless I am asleep or far far away but I am usually just in the west woods. Okay I am sorry to bother you then, I just had to find out, said Alieta. Okay no problem but in the future say a bit more than just my name like, Pippa I need your help or Pippa I need to talk to you. That way I know a bit more and please leave a door or window open for me. Yes I will, said Alieta. Okay I have to go tell the other pixies to start flying around now spreading pixie dust everywhere, said Pippa. I thought pixies don't do what they are told, they just do what they want? asked Alieta. Ya but for some reason they do what I asked them. Nobody can tell me what to do that is for sure, except for you that is, said Pippa. Okay bye call if you need anything then Pippa got small again and flew away. That Pippa is such a pleasure to have around thought Alieta. Then Pippa flew back. Can you open a window for me please? asked Pippa. Yes I can, follow me, said Alieta. The End 22 illustration goes here