The Adventures In The Land Of Fae The Heavenly Voice Prolog When Keiko and Amelie got back to the Fantasy Pixie Forest they went to the spot where Ginger told then to sleep. Well her bed looks real nice so lets copy how she made her's, said Amelie. Okay, but lets do it fast, I am getting very sleepy, said Keiko. They went and gathered a bunch of big leaves each and got to work on making a fairly soft bed and pillow to sleep on. Once they were finished they both layed down and quickly fell asleep. The rest of the day went fairly normal back at the palace. Ginger went with Phonixa and Repellia and got a few things ready for the picnic they were going to have for Tabitha the next day. They figured just before lunch would be best. That way Zan would be up too and everyone would be hungry. By the end of the day the palace grounds got nice and quite again. Alieta and Ginger sat on the steps and talked a bit before turning in for the night. So Ginger, are you still wondering about that other Ginger, Keiko was talking about to me? asked Alieta. Just a little bit, said Ginger. It would be nice to just meet her anyways. Yes me too, said Alieta. I just find it funny that Pippa hasn't mentioned her to me or you seeing she is suppose to be special and very cute and has the same name as you. You would think she would at least say something about her. Well maybe she is not special, said Ginger. Like I said earlier, all pixies are cute. Soon it got dark and the two of them headed in and got ready for bed. Back at the Fantasy Pixie Forest both Keiko and Amelie woke up and heard a lovely voice, singing a very nice soft song. It didn't sound too far away either. Someone knows how to sing here, said Keiko. Yes and a very pretty song too. Makes me feel sleepy again, said Amelie. Ya me too, and they both fell back to sleep... Chapter 1 Her Heavenly Voice In the morning, as soon as the sun started to break through the branches. Keiko and Amelie woke up and saw Ginger was still sleeping. They tried to leave quietly but Amelie leaned on a branch and it broke with a loud snap. Oops sorry, said Amelie. Ginger woke up and said, "Oh hi you two, hope you slept well". Yes did we ever and now we feel great and ready for another day of adventure, said Keiko. Ginger smiled. Well have some breakfast first, there is some sugar cane very close to me that always hits the spot and will give you the energy for the day, said Ginger. Just follow me. Okay I think, said Keiko and they both followed Ginger down to the forest floor. Here we are, said Ginger. Lots of canes here. They grow fast with all the pixie dust in the forest, said Ginger. Well I suppose we could have that but have you ever had some food made from a fairy before? asked Keiko. Well no, you two are the first fairies I have ever met. You can make food? asked Ginger. Yep that is one of the things we are good at making with our wands, said Amelie. Keiko is a better cook than me though. So what kind of food can you make? asked Ginger. Lots of stuff sort of but I am only real good at some things for breakfast and some for dinner, said Keiko. What do you like? Well all I have ever eaten is sugar cane and nectar, said Ginger. Really, that sounds boring, said Amelie. How would you like to try some pancakes with maple surup. Now that is a good breakfast. Well okay I suppose, I have had maple surup before but not very often. I liked it too, said Ginger. Keiko make us a nice breakfast please, said Amelie. Keiko made her wand appear and made the three of them a pancake breakfast. My this smells good, said Ginger. Taste good too, said Amelie. Try it. Ginger took the fork in her hand but had a bit of trouble figuring out how to use it. Here let me show you, said Amelie. She cut a bit of pancake with surup on them and said open up Ginger, then put the fork in her mouth. Wow, this tastes amazing, said Ginger. Wait until everyone else tries these. Um maybe we should keep it a secret for now, said Keiko. It would take a long time for me to make over one thousand pancake dishes for all the pixies. By the time I was finished it would be lunch time. Ginger smiled. Yes I can see that. Lets keep it our little secret for now, said Ginger. Yep good idea, said Keiko. 01 illustration goes here After they were done, Keiko cleaned up. Oh did you hear that lovely singing last night? asked Keiko. You were not in bed yet so did you go watch who ever it was? Well no, I didn't watch, said Ginger, It was me singing. I always sing a song before I go to bed. It makes me feel good inside. That was you singing? That was the prettiest voice I have ever heard, said Keiko. Very heavenly and put me right back to sleep. That must of been what I saw in you when we first met. I knew it was special but didn't know what it was. Does everyone come and listen to you sing before going to bed? Nope, everyone kind of stays away from me mostly, said Ginger. They say I am different from them and stuff. My colour is not like their's plus my wings are not as pretty either, I dress different too. Your kidding right, said Amelie. You are the prettiest pixie we have ever seen. You are just as cute and pretty as Ginger at the palace. Ginger at the palace? Sorry but I am new here so don't know many people or places yet, said Ginger. Well Ginger is an elf and super cute and sexy. She is Alieta's best friend, said Keiko. Okay so who is Alieta? asked Ginger. Okay never mind, you Ginger are coming with us to meet Ginger and Alieta. They will be at the sun dial very soon. Are you allowed to leave the forest though? asked Keiko or does Pippa prefere the pixies here stay here. Oh I haven't met Pippa yet but I heard she is a wonderful queen, said Ginger. You are very new then, said Keiko. Well you are going to meet another wonderful queen so lets get out of here. What about your adventure though? asked Ginger. This is better than any adventure and will be more fun too, come on and lets go, said Keiko. Okay I suppose it will be okay, said Ginger then the three of them flew out of the forest and headed to the palace. 02 illustration goes here I have never seen this much of Fae Land before, said Ginger. It is very pretty everywhere. Yep, the most beautiful place anywhere we think, said Amelie. Now down there is the candy factory, we will take you there later but first you got to see everyone at the palace first. They will love you. Okay I guess are they all nice? asked Ginger. Yep, super nice, you will see, said Keiko. They got close to the palace and Alieta and Ginger was just coming out and heading to the sundial. There they are, said Keiko. Lets get down there. They landed beside the sun dial and Alieta waved at them. Hello you two and who is this pretty girl with you? asked Alieta. Well Ginger, I want you to meet Ginger, said Keiko. Really, the pixie that you told us about yesterday? asked Ginger. Yep, this is her, just like you super cute and special, said Keiko. Well she is very cute and has the same lovely colours as Clary, said Alieta. She looks more like a fairy though. Nope she is a pixie and very new here also. Hasn't even met Pippa yet, said Keiko. Well that explains why Pippa hasn't mentioned her but you said special also, said Alieta. Well yes she is. When I read her yesterday I saw something very special but didn't know what it was, said Keiko. But first, Ginger this is Alieta, queen of all Fae Land. Isn't she a beauty. Ginger smiled. Well yes she is very pretty, but you shouldn't talk like that to a queen you know. There is proper ways to speak while in the presents of a queen, said Ginger. Umm, ya your right, said Keiko. Alieta smiled and saw this very pretty pixie was very well mannered and didn't act nutty like all other pixies and even fairies. So Keiko, tell us what you saw so special in Ginger. Not tell, you just listen to her, said Keiko. Listen? asked both Ginger and Alieta. Yep, said Keiko. Ginger sing that song from last night please. Well okay, said Ginger. I have never sang for a queen before so I hope she likes it. Ginger cleared her throat then began to sing for them. 03 illustration goes here She started to sing softly like last night and soon got louder and a bit loader still. Both Ginger and Alieta listened and couldn't believe how such a petite girl could sing so beautifully and loud at times. A couple of elves heard the singing and came over to listen. She kept on singing then the three girls came out to see who was singing so beautifully. Then Zan came out rubbing her eyes and looked at Ginger singing then smiled. Pixie Ginger was swaying to the beat of the song then her voice went soft again as she finished singing the last part of the song. Was that okay, asked Pixie Ginger, I know other songs that I think are better. Everyone started to clap and came very close to the where Ginger was standing. Well dear, they all loved it and I must say, you have a voice that is, well like the voice of an angel would be the best way I can put it, said Alieta. How about you Ginger? She looked at Ginger and she had tears running down her cheeks. Yep Ginger loved it too, said Alieta. Where did you learn to sing like that dear? asked Alieta. Well I have always been able to sing but I used to fly to different places like churches and outdoor performances and stuff seeing no one liked to be around me, so I just went out on my own and learned more types of songs to sing, said Ginger. What do you mean no one wanted to be around you? asked Alieta. Well they all said I was different than them and didn't have nice colourful wings plus talked funny and slow. They didn't like the way I dressed, but I don't care what they think. I like my wings and what I wear and I like what you two are wearing also. Very, well you know. Yep very sexy right, said Alieta. Pixie Ginger giggled. Well yes sexy and pretty too. Zan walked up to Pixie Ginger and looked her over. My this girl is hotter than me, said Zan. Everyone started to laugh. I just had to get up and find out where that wonderful voice was coming from. Can you sing one more song before I go back to sleep please? asked Zan. Well okay, what would you like to hear? asked Ginger. Anything dear, your voice is magical, said Zan. Okay then here is a nice song I learned at a festival. Now everyone clap your hands like this then I will sing and dance a bit too if that is okay. Oh please do but lets all sit down first, said Alieta. Everyone sat then Ginger showed them how to clap out the beat she wanted. She then put her arms in the air, looked up and started to sing a very cool song that had a faster beat to it plus she was dancing like someone you would see in a dance studio. When she was done she bowed and everyone clapped again. 04 illustration goes here Absloutely amazing Ginger, you are a one girl show, said Alieta. Well you all helped by clapping. That helps me keep the beat better with faster songs, said Ginger. Well a singer and a dancer. That is two amazing things you can do, said Alieta. Now would you like to meet Pippa? I think you should for two reasons. Oh really, what are they? asked Pixie Ginger. Well first she has to see you and hear about what you can do and secondly she will strighten out all those pixies in your forest. Just because you are different is no reason you have to not have many freinds there, said Alieta. Pixie Ginger smiled and said okay. "Pippa, once again I have someone you just have to meet". As usual Pippa waisted no time appearing. This is becoming a daily thing with you Alieta, said Pippa. Well who is it this time? asked Pippa. Ginger, said Alieta. I already know Ginger, said Pippa. Not that Ginger, this Ginger and Alieta pointed at her. Oh my, another Ginger, and so pretty but she is a fairy and they are all really pretty and cute, said Pippa. No she is a pixie and she now lives in the Pixie Forest. Really, since when? I know everyone in there, said Pippa. Pixie Ginger curtsied and said, it is an honor to finally meet you queen Pippa. I have heard so many wonderful things about you, She said. Oh I like her, said Pippa. Well my pleasure to meet you also Ginger. Pippa looked at Alieta. Man she is hot looking. Now Pippa she is being proper to you so do the same please, said Alieta. Yes of coarse. So Ginger when did you arrive to Fae Land. Oh just two days ago, said Pixie Ginger. Really. I have been there several times and no one mentioned you and you would be hard to miss. Well no one bothers with me so I stay near my tree most of the time, said Pixie Ginger. I have two freinds now though, Amelie and Keiko. Really, I was told about them moving in but nothing about you, said Pippa. Is there something wrong with you that I can't see? asked Pippa. I don't think so, said Ginger. Must be something else going on here you are very easy on the eyes, said Pippa. Yes she is and she sings and dances like an angel, said Alieta. Pippa looked around and saw everyone still sitting on the ground. So is that why they are all here, listening to her sing? asked Pippa. Oh and dance too, said Alieta. You sit with me Pippa, said Zan. I am not up this early for nothing you know. Let her sing for you. Um okay, said Pippa and sat down beside Zan. Wow two queen performances, lets see, oh I know, said Pixie Ginger. Ginger put her hands to her chest and all fingers together as she looked down. Then started to sing. She slowly raised her head and was looking at Pippa that now had a stunned look on her face. The song was very majestic in nature and told a story of a very kind and brave queen. She danced slowly to it but kept her eyes on Pippa for the most part. When done everyone clapped once again and Pippa just fell back on the ground and said that was so beautiful. 05 illustration goes here Hey you, don't lay down, you are making me tired, said Zan. Ginger started to giggle. Pippa jumped up and went up to Ginger. You girl are amazing and as for those other pixies they are just jellous. Pixies can get that way somethimes. Now you stay here and I am going to fix things for you, said Pippa. Have something to eat or something. There are two fairies here. Oh they already made me breakfast, said Pixie Ginger. Ya, what did they make? asked Pippa. Pancakes, said Ginger. Yum, now I am hungry, just stay here okay, I won't be long then Pippa flew off. My she is such a nice queen, said Pixie Ginger. Alieta looked and saw Guen coming with Clary. Well this will be interesting she thought. Okay everyone the show is over for now and Zan yes go back to bed if you like, said Alieta. I just want Ginger and Ginger here with me, when those two arrive. Hmm, two Gingers is going to take some getting used to Alieta thought to herself. Everyone got up and moved away. When Guen and Clary got there Clary was looking at Ginger. Hi Alieta, just thought we would come and visit for a bit while we wait for Ivy and Sara to get to the cove. Guen saw Clary staring at Ginger. Mine you manners Clary, why are you staring at that pretty pixie? asked Guen. Oh sorry, said Clary. It is just I don't get it, I best keep my mouth shut. Not really much to say though. What do you mean? asked Guen. Well if it is okay with Alieta I will tell you. Alieta remembered what Keiko said she saw so said sure what is it? Well she is special but that is all I get. A bit more about traveling alone and something about music I think but that is it, said Clary with a confused look on her face. Well didn't you even get her name? asked Guen. Well there is a conflict there. I keep getting Ginger but Ginger is over there, said Clary. Hello, you are very pretty and like me, mostly turquois. I love turquois. My name is Ginger. Okay so that explains it, two Gingers, said Clary. Well you were going in the correct direction when you mentioned music, said Alieta. Ginger can sing and dance like an angel. I have never heard anyone sound so beautiful as she sang for us all here this morning. Okay so that makes sense too, said Clary. I sensed she was very special but that was all I could see inside her. She has a natural talent and not a magical talent. That is something I can't read nor can anyone else unless I read deeper into her past. She sure sounded magical to me, said Ginger. So you said she sings and dances like an angel? asked Guen. Well that is the best way of putting it, said Alieta but I have never seen Cindy or Gabriel sing or dance but Ginger did sound heavenly. So maybe she would like to come in our forest, said Guen. Nope, Pippa told me to stay here and not go anywhere, said Pixie Ginger. She is my queen and I do what she says. Besides I have Keiko and Amelie here as friends and we stay together in the pixie forest. 06 illustration goes here Well very honorable of you dear and nice to see Amelie and Keiko have made freinds with you, said Guen. You know you kinda look like a fairy too but you don't talk like a fairy or a pixie. Very proper speech like you came from royalty or something. Anyways I just saw Ivy fly into the woods so we best be getting back. Nice to meet you Ginger and talk to you later Ginger and Alieta. My the strangest things happen in Fae Land, said Guen then the two of them flew to the forest. You know she is correct, said Ginger. You talk very good for a pixie. Well I did go to school and learned two other languages also, said Pixie Ginger. I became very good at public speaking and loved going to gym doing gymnastics. Ginger grabbed Pixie Ginger by the arm and pulled her to the side. Do you think you could teach me some of that fancy dancing? asked Ginger. I only know how to rock to party music. Sure I will, but we need a place to practice, said Pixie Ginger. Oh we have the grand hall, said Ginger, it would be perfect for doing dance classes. Bet you Phonixa and Repellia would love to learn also. You mean those very pretty girls over there, said Pixie Ginger. Yep, they love dancing also, said Ginger. Pippa came back and walked over to Alieta. Okay, all fixed there, said Pippa. You know they all heard the singing for the past two nights and not one of them thought to go see who was singing. Now I thought pixies were very smart but that sounds really dumb to me. I also made sure no one calls her different anymore, special is okay but now they are all wanting to meet her. Things will be better in there for her. Well Guen offered to let her stay in the fairy forest but she kept her word with you remained here and wants to stay with Keiko and Amelie in the pixie forest, said Alieta. Well with those two living with her, I bet they will have there own little tree palace there soon, said Pippa. So what are the two Gingers talking about over there. Oh I think I heard something about dance lessons, said Alieta. Hmm, might be nice, but don't think I would look good in tights though, said Pippa. Those two would but me, not so much. Pippa went over to the two Gingers. Okay all is good in the forest now, said Pippa. Now you and those two fairies, I will concider a team so have fun together and explore Fae Land. They are two very nice fairies, a bit nutty at times but very nice just the same. Okay, thankyou Pippa, said Pixie Ginger. Now you two separate a bit or something. Haven't gotten used to two Gingers yet you are confussing me, said Pippa. Ginger smiled. Amelie and Keiko came over to Ginger and asked if she was done with Pippa and Alieta. Yep I think so, said Ginger. Pippa said we are a team and should explore and have fun together. Good and we got some ideas for that spot in the woods, said Keiko. Oh really? said Ginger. So what would you think of living in a nice tree house with beds and chairs, some tables and stuff, said Keiko. You can do that too? asked Ginger. Oh you have seen nothing yet girl, wait and see, said Keiko. So lets do some exploring first but slowly this time, said Amelie. Okay and they flew off. 07 illustration goes here Chapter 2 Finishing The Paintings Alexa was now teaching the four girls from the grade four book and was surprised how quickly they picked up things. She was teaching them how to do long division plus writing about something they knew nothing about. They would have to go to the library and look up a book that had the information they needed about the subject then write the story in their own words. Alexa gave them each a different subject so no copying could be done. This also taught them how to find books in a library. After they all had their lunch and came back to the class. Alexa told them it was time to finish the paintings today. Now you have all done an amazing job so when you are finished I will show you were to add you name to the bottom of the painting. Okay but Satura's looks the best so far. She can draw and paint better than us, said Nessie. Well they all look great to me but yes Sakura may be better with art but she can't make flowers like all of you can, said Alexa. Ya and I made pink and purple daisys too in Eden, said Nessie. Really, pink and purple daisys? asked Alexa. Yep Mom said the purple one looked nice and Sakura wanted me to make a pink one also, said Nessie. Yes of coarse Sakuara would want a pink one, said Alexa. Okay lets all get to the art room and get to work. They all said okay and headed out. When they got there Alexa noticed that the paints were almost used up. Hopefully there would be enough for the girls to finsh today. 08 illustration goes here Now girls, we are getting low on paints so try and make what we got go as far as you can, said Alexa. There is lots of pant tubes still, said Sakura. Where? asked Alexa. Over there in them drawers, said Sakura. Alexa walked over then opened the drawers and saw that there was two draws full of a variety of paint tubes. Okay good, said Alexa. Thanks for finding them Sakura. So everyone start doing the finishing touches please. Alexa kept walking back and forth behind the girls and watched them working away. Nessie still seemed to like painting with her tongue out of her mouth moving back and forth. Should I put some purple and pink daisy on the ground in my painting, asked Nessie. Let me see, said Alexa. No that background is not in Eden so best keep it more real like. Okay, said Nessie. Maybe Alieta would like some near the palace. Maybe, but ask her first, said Alexa. Okay, I will, said Nessie. Then she went back to finish her painting. In about fourty five minutes they all finished painting and Alexa went to each painting and checked them over. Well girls, these are the best paintings that I have ever seen. Very life like and even the backgrounds are great. Next week we will start a new painting each so over the weekend think of something that you will like to work on, said Alexa. Now we have one week left in the school so I am going to teach some more from the books in the classroom and some other things that will help you when you talk to other people, they will be able to tell that you have been well schooled in many subjects. Now it is time to clean up everything, then you can all go home. Have a great weekend. Okay, you too Alexa, they all said then cleaned their brushes then headed out to the washroom. The elf came in and asked if they were finished. Yes they are and quite the paintings they did, said Alexa. Yes very good, said the elf. These all need frames and hung up somewhere. Yes I know that but where I wonder, said Alexa. Pretty sure Sakura will want to take her's home and probably hang it in her room but the other girls don't have bedrooms. Well maybe in the palace, said the elf. I will ask Ginger, she will know where they would look best but first you should get these four fairies to come and see what these girls painted. I am sure they will love them. Yes good idea, said Alexa. Alieta and Ginger should come and see them also. Okay I am off for the weekend so see you next week. Yep one more week left, said the elf then they both left. 09 illustration goes here Another Day Of Adventure Keiko, Amelie and Ginger were flying around some when Keiko asked where do you want to go next? Oh lets get some more candy from Jessica at the candy factory first, said Amelie. Ginger will like them. Yep candy sounds good to me, said Ginger. Good lets go, Candy is free for fairies, said Keiko. But I am not a fairy, said Ginger. Well you look like one and besides Jessica is really nice so she will let you have some too, said Keiko. Okay, if you are sure, said Ginger. Yep, very sure lets go then we will continue our adventure, said Keiko. They all went to the candy factory then went inside. Wow smells nice in here, said Ginger. Yep sure does and look at all the boxes of candy, said Amelie. They are all full of candy? Wow, that is a lot of boxes, said Ginger. Daisy was in the warehouse talking to an elf. There are those two very cute fairies again and they brought some one with them this time, said the elf. They must be here for some free candy. Oh I will take care of them, said Daisy. You keep doing the inventory. Daisy walked over and said hello. Hi is Jessica here? asked Keiko. No she is deliveriing a few boxes of candy to the palace. She likes to do that delivery herself, said Daisy. Oh so when will she be back? she said that fairies can have some candy for free and we brought Ginger with us to try some, said Keiko. Well yes you three can have some candy, said Daisy. Now I haven't seen you three before so what are your names? Oh we are all new, said Amelie. I am Amelie, this is my good freind Keiko and this is our new friend Ginger. Well nice to meet you all and my name is Daisy. So would you three like a whole box to share? Oh no, just a couple candies each, said Keiko. We are on an adventure exploring Fae Land some more. Oh okay, so let me open this box that has assorted flavours of hard candies in it and take what you like. Daisy opened the box for them. You first, said Keiko to Ginger. Well okay but maybe I shouldn't, said Ginger. Why not? asked Daisy. Well I am not really a fairy, I am a pixie, said Ginger. No matter, said Daisy. Pippa comes here all the time and we always let her have free candy. The rest of the pixies rarely come out of the forest during the day when we are open so it is very nice to see a pixie during the day. Here help yourself, then Daisy handed the box to Ginger. She took a couple then passed it around to Keiko. Wow these are really sweet and fruity, said Ginger. See told you, said Keiko. Best candies anywhere. Okay thanks Daisy, we are off on our adventure now but not sure where to go yet, said Amelie. Well Eden is very nice plus most of the heroes live there. Have you been there yet? asked Daisy. Not really just went to Carmen and Zatsuty's place once but that was just me and Ivy, said Keiko. Okay we will go there first. They can tell us were else to look in Eden. Thanks again and see you later. Then they left and flew away. 10 illustration goes here Daisy went back to talk to the elf working. My those three were very nice and polite, said Daisy. Yes they were yesterday also. That was a very pretty fairy with them too this time, said the elf. Well yes very pretty but not a fairy, she is a pixie, said Daisy. Really, I have never seen a pixie that looked like her before. All turquoise and taller too. Even sexier than a pixie, said the elf. Yes I noticed that too, said Daisy. She has the same name as Ginger at the palace too. Both of them are cute, pretty and sexy. The elf laughed. Yep that is our Ginger and now there is two of them... Okay lets fly lower so we can see better down there, said Keiko. Lets head over to where that pretty tree is growing all by itself. Okay they said. They landed by the tree and could feel the magic all around it. My golden leaves too, said Ginger. Never seen a tree like this before. Ya us either. Feels like it is surrounded with magic, said Amelie. Let me see, said Ginger then walked up to the tree and said something to it. You can talk to trees?, asked Keiko. Everyone can talk to trees and plants silly, they are living things and I think they like being talked to, said Ginger. Ivy told me she planted it and helps her control the magic in Eden, said Keiko. Really, a tree can do that? asked Ginger. Well this one can, said Keiko. So where do you want to go from here? asked Amelie. Well the house way down there is where Zatsuky and Carmen live, said Keiko. You have never met those two so lets go there first and say hi, said Keiko. Okay they said and flew over. 11 illustration goes here Look there they are on those chairs. Looks like they are sun tanning or something, said Amelie. Wow they are not wearing much, said Ginger. Those are bikini bathing suites, said Keiko. People wear them to swim and tan at the beach. Pretty girls always wear them to relax in. They flew down and walked over then Keiko said hi. Well hello, said Zatsuky. Nice to see you again Keiko, so that must be Amelie that Ivy told us about but who is the other fairy? Oh this is Ginger, she is also new here but is a pixie not a fairy, said Keiko. They both stood up and shook Ginger's hand. Wow you two are so pretty in those bikinis, said Ginger. Well you are very easy on the eyes too, said Zatsuky. So would you like a drink of juice? I bet you are a bit thursty after flying around. Sure, that would be nice, said Amelie. Carmen went in and got a tray of cold drinks for everyone. So do you three live in the fairy forest with the other fairies and pixies, asked Zatsuky. Nope we can't get in that forest because of our wands. We are Garson Fairies so we live in the Fantasy Pixie Forest with Ginger, said Keiko. Oh that is right, Ivy told us about Amelie here and how they killed a shadow sorcerer together, said Zatsuky. Yep, Ivy and Sara were awesome, said Amelie. Ginger has a nice place in the forest though and invited us to stay by her, said Keiko. Pippa said we are a team and should stick together so we are going to build a tree house for us to live in with beds and stuff in it. Really, now that sounds like a perfect place to live in a forest, said Zatsuky. Carmen came back out with the drinks for them. Now Ginger really doesn't look like a pixie though, said Carmen. At least none that I have ever seen before. Oh she is special, said Keiko. She can sing and dance. Alieta said she sings like an angel. She is a great dancer too. Ginger at the palace wants this Ginger to teach her how to dance fancy like her. I think Phonixa and Repellia are going to learn also. Really, then you all should go down there to Ktara's place. She is trying to learn how to dance, though she has been practicing and is getting better but still needs a lot of help, said Zatsuky. I am not into dancing though, I like to watch everyone else dance. Carmen is a very good dancer, she is one of the best of us all. Yep I took lessons back home, said Carmen. Better than just standing and talking with the boys so we went to dance halls and had fun. There is a dance hall here in town but it is more of a local hang out for the young ones. Phonixa and Repellia go there a lot I have been told. So Ktara lives close to here? asked Amelie. Yep just down there, said Carmen. Oh ya, now I remember, said Keiko. You can see her place from here and just a bit south of there is where Ivy, Sara and Viridian live. The rest of the heroes are spread out all over the place in Eden except for Alexa and Tempressa. They live in the north town, said Carmen. Okay we will go see Ktara now. Nice meeting you too then they flew off. Wow that is some pretty pixie, said Carmen. Yes plus sings and dances too. Now that is special for sure, said Zatsuky. 12 illustration goes here When they got close to Ktara's house, that was when Keiko remembered going there. Last time I was here with Ivy Ktara wasn't home but we found her at Carmen and Zatsuky's place but there is Ktara outside, said Keiko. Ivy said she spends a lot of time with her garden. They flew down and said hello. Well hi Keiko, nice to see you again, said Ktara. You too, said Keiko. Now this is my good friend Amelie that you heard about and this is our new freind Ginger. She is a pixie and not a fairy. Well nice to meet you both then, said Ktara. So Ginger is a pixie, you said, she sure dosn't look like a normal pixie. Well she isn't normal, said Keiko. She sings and dances. Oh really, she sings and dances that sounds nice, said Ktara. Yep very nice so Zatsuky said that you are trying to learn how to dance better, that is why we came here next on oiu adventure in Fae Land, said Keiko. Well yes I am but just practicing on my own, said Ktara. Well Ginger at the palace plus Phonixa and Repellia are going to take lessons from Ginger here, said Keiko. Really, she is that good? asked Ktara. Yep, super good. You want to see? asked Keiko. Sure why not, said Ktara. Ginger got in a basic ballet pose then did a few spins plus some other steps. Wow I would love to be able to dance like that, said Ktara. Paisley came out of the house with two cold drinks. Oh fairies are here, said Paisley. You three want drinks too? No we just had some at Carmen and Zatsuky's place. Oh okay then, said Paisley. Ginger here just dance a bit for me, said Ktara. She is amazing. Really she dances that good? asked Paisley. Yep and sings too, said Amelie. Ginger is giving dance lessons at the palace, do you want to go with me too? asked Ktara. Well I already can dance pretty good, said Paisley. Oh not like she can dance, said Ktara. Show Paisley your stuff, said Ktara. Okay but maybe something different this time. Ballet is where you learn balance and cordination so you can do dance steps like this, said Ginger. Ginger spread her legs and put her hands on her hips. Then spun around fast and started to do some complex dance move then did a bit of sexy dancing then flipped and landed on her feet. Holy crap, said Paisley. Now that is some super professional moves you got there girl. I can't dance like that, not even close. Okay sign me up, when do lessons start? Um not sure, said Ginger. The other Ginger didn't mention that. Well you find out and let Ktara or me know. Finally a pro dancer is here to teach! said Paisley. Okay we will, said Keiko. I guess we should go to Ivy's place next, said Keiko. Oh Ivy and Sara won't be there. Maybe Viridian will though, said Ktara. It is getting close to lunch time though so maybe head back to the palace first and eat they usually show up there also. Ya that sounds like a good idea, said Amelie. Okay see you soon and the three of then flew off. So a dancing fairy now, said Paisley. Oh she is a pixie, said Ktara. No way, pixies don't look that great and those were definately fairy wings or sprite wings, not sure now, said Paisley. Well she is a pixie and a very special one as you just saw. Keiko said she can sing great too, said Ktara. A singing and dancing pixie now, said Paisley. Things just keep getting better around here. 13 illustration goes here Chapter 3 Dance Class Gets Bigger The three of them were flying by Sandy Lake when Ginger stopped. Why did you stop? asked Keiko. Look at this beautiful waterfall and lake, said Ginger. I have to get a closer look then she flew towards the waterfall. The two of them followed her then stopped and saw her standing on top of the waterfall mountain. It looks so beautiful from up here, said Ginger. Watch this. What is she going to do now both Keiko and Amelie wondered. Ginger crouched down then leaped off the mountain and came down fast doing flips in mid air then straightened out and dove into the water with barely a splash. She surfaced then yelled out, "How did you like that"? Umm, unbelievable. Where did you learn to dive like that? asked Amelie. Oh lots of places, said Ginger. I love the water. Ginger then flew out of the water and asked if they were ready to go to the palace or if they wanted to dive also. Oh not me, said Keiko. Me neither, said Amelie. The palace sounds much safer. Okay then lets go, said Ginger. Hey wait. I thought pixies can't fly with wet wings, said Keiko. I don't know but I can, said Ginger. Okay, lets go then and they flew to the palace. They saw Aleita standing over by the steps so the flew over to her. Well hello girls. Having fun on your adventure? asked Alieta. Yep, first Ginger talked to that golden tree then we talked to Zatsuky, Carmen, Ktara and Paisley too, said Amelie. Good, said Alieta. She looked at Ginger then said. You look kind of wet. Were you swimming or something? asked Alieta. Nope she dove off the waterfall mountain. It was unbelievable to see, said Keiko. Didn't even make a splash. So a pro diver too then, said Alieta. No just freestyle, I love the water, said Ginger. And then you flew here, said Alieta. Yep and the wet wings didn't even slow her down, said Amelie. Hmm, definately some kind of mix going on with you. No pixie I know can fly at all with wet wings, said Alieta. They have wait for them to dry and get some pixie dust on them first. So where is Ginger? We need to know when dance classes will start, Ktara and Paisley want to join too, said Keiko. Well she is on a picnic with Phonixa, Repellia, Tabitha and Zan, said Alieta. Oh, I guess we will have to wait until they get back, said Keiko. Well it is almost lunch time now so relax for a bit and the girls will all be here soon, said Alieta. Okay can we sit on your steps. Sure but they are the palace steps not mine, anyone can sit on them, said Alieta. Okay, said Keiko then they went and sat down.left. 14 illustration goes here Guen walked over to Alieta. Every time I see Ginger I hear more interesting things she can do, said Alieta. Dances, sings, talks to trees, dives and swims and can fly with wet wings. Ivy would call her a super pixie. Guen giggled. Yep I would say the same. Well she is Fae Land's super pixie now, said Guen. Okay here comes my girls with Ivy and Sara, must be lunch time. Has Ivy met Ginger yet? asked Guen. No I don't think so, said Alieta. Okay lets watch and see what Ivy does when she sees her. Everyone landed on the palace grounds and Tulip looked around and saw four were missing but the other Ginger was on the steps. Ivy there is the other Ginger that Clary told us about. Go see her while we get lunch ready, said Tulip. Okay said Ivy then walked over to the palace steps. The three of them stood up to get ready for lunch. Oh hi Ivy, have you met our new friend Ginger yet. No I haven't, said Ivy. Clary told me about her though. She sounds very talented. Yep and she is going to be giving dance lessons too, said Keiko. Oh really, can anyone join? asked Ivy. Well yes Ivy, you want to join too? asked Ginger. Yep dancing is fun and dancing better sounds like more fun, said Ivy. So do I need anything special to go to your classes? Well tights are best for dancing or anything that gives you free movement, said Ginger. Okay I will buy something after lunch. When do we start? asked Ivy. Well we have to wait until Ginger gets back from the picnic, said Keiko. Oh I know where they are at. I will ask Ginger on the way to the store, said Ivy. So who all is going to be there? Keiko named everyone that was attending then Ivy walked away. Now I dont care what any of you say but that is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and so nice for a forest sprite, said Ginger. Usually they have very little to say and stay in the woods. Ya Ivy is really nice and your right, very pretty too, said Amelie. So Ivy, I see you met Ginger. What did you see in her, asked Alieta. Oh I didn't read her, no reason to, said Ivy. Clary told me about her and you seem to like her so why bother, said Ivy. She is going to teach me to dance better though. I am going to tell Ginger who all wants to join the class and find out when it starts. I know Ginger will say "We start tomorrow morning at nine in the morning". Don't need to read her either to know that, said Ivy then walked over to Sara. So it seems that Ivy has you all pegged. Dosn't even have to read you to know what you are going to say or do, said Guen. Well Ivy trusts all of us and figures if someone new is okay to us then they are okay to her too. But what if that someone was really bad and hiding it, asked Guen. Oh Ivy also said that if there was anything bad inside it would stick out like a bad thorn to her. Oh I see, said Guen. 15 illustration goes here After lunch Ivy took off to talk to Ginger. She knew that they would be in her favorite shady spot where she took them before. When she got there they were all talking and laughing. Hi Ivy, did you come to join us. Sorry not much food left, said Ginger. Oh I ate already at the palace, said Ivy. Actually I came to talk to you first. Oh what about? asked Ginger. Well Ginger back at the palace said that you, Phonixa and Repellia were going to take dancing lessons with her. Well yes we are and she said she would teach us. She is really good, said Ginger. Well Keiko said that Ktara and Paisley want to join also plus me too, said Ivy. Oh okay, said Ginger. The more the better and more fun too. Yep so we all want to know when we can start and where is it going to take place, said Ivy. Ya the sooner the better, said Phonixa. With Tabitha gone we will need something to do. Oh, okay then how about tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning in the grand hall. All your birthday gifts are out of there now so there is lots of room for us all, said Ginger. Ivy smiled. I knew you would say that. Now Ginger said we should wear tights or something good for easy movement. I need to go to the store and buy something like that, said Ivy. Oh there is a nice green two peice outfit in the wardrobe room in the palace with yellow trim. It would look hot on you, said Repellia. There are some sexy tights for us too in different colours. Lots of clothes in that room. We organized it. Oh okay that sounds good to. So what are you all talking about? asked Ivy. Oh just good things and funny stuff that has happened this summer, said Ginger. Like the time Tara scared Phonixa with that dead wyvern while looking closer at it then she kicked it and made the head move but then saw it still was a bit alive. Ya that does sound funny, said Ivy. How about you Ivy, what happy stuff and funny things do you remember? asked Tabitha. Well my birthday party was the most fun thing for me but in the morning before the party when we were still at home waiting and I was pacing all over the place, Sara told me to stop or she would sit on me. Viridian thought that was very funny. They all giggiled, yep that would of been funny to see, said Tabitha. So did she have to sit on you. Nope, Sara is bigger than me and heavy too. I sat down right away, said Ivy. Good thinking, said Tabitha. 16 illustration goes here Another funny thing was when Zan first got to the palace and had a bath. She came out with just a bath towel on when two evles came in with some clean clothes for her, Zan walked over and reached for the clothes but the towel fell off and she was naked. The two elves dropped the clothes and covered their eyes. Zan just smiled and got dressed. Everyone smiled and looked at Zan. What? we were all girls and I have nothing to hide, said Zan. Ya we see that, said Ginger. What about you Ginger. You must of seen lots of funny things at the palace, said Ivy. Oh yes, lots of things always happens there, said Ginger. Like when the fairy nymphs were playing with the fairies and when Tempressa came by to see what was new after not being around for a while. After she heard everything she had to sit on the steps some to absorbe everything she said. But inside the palace lots of funny things happen all the time that no one hears about. Elves are very funny people and quite playful. Even when they are working they make a game out of it. They play tricks on each other and even me sometimes. Working with elves is always fun with unexpected things happening all the time. What about you Tabitha. You hang out with these two all the time. You must have some stories to tell, said Ginger. Well ya it is always fun hanging out with the twins, said Tabitha. When we go to town they always like to tease the boys all dressed up nice and sexy looking. Everyone knows we live in the palace and the boys are careful around them. They are very careful what they said to them that is funny by it's self but know they have boyfriends so they don't do that anymore. The best time we have together is when we play in the wardrobe room. We try on different clothes, even elven and sprite stuff. Sexy lingerie and weird old clothing that looks funny when we try them on. I am glad we were not living in those times because sometimes the only skin you could see were the face and hands. Lots of funny hats to. Sandals made of wood too that were very uncomfortable and made a loud sound when you walked around. We have acted out what people did back then in different types of clothing. These two can be very funny you know. Best freinds I have ever had, said Tabitha. Well we always will be your friend so just keep coming back or we will come and get you, said Phonixa with a smile. Well we are all glad that you have been enjoying youself here, said Ginger. So when you come back make sure you tell us about stuff at home and school, and we will catch you up with new stuff here. So I suppose we should start packing up and get back to the palace and see what is going on there. Okay they all said. Well I am heading back to the palace too and let Ginger know when dance class starts, said Ivy. See you all there then Ivy flew off. 17 illustration goes here When Ivy got back she told Ginger when and where classes were going to start and be held. Oh good, said Ginger. The grand hall sounds big. Oh it is big alright, do you want to see it? asked Ivy. Sure if it is alright with Alieta, said Ginger. Oh she doesn't mind it is best you see the room first, said Ivy. Can we come too? asked Keiko. Yep follow me, said Ivy and they all walked into the palace. Ivy opened the doors to the grand hall. There see told you it was big, said Ivy. Wow it is perfect, said Ginger. Lots of room for everyone. Well the room is empty right now so is there anything that you need in here like tables or chairs? asked Ivy. Well yes but most important I need some barres in here at least three, said Ginger. Like steal bars? asked Keiko. No workout and stretching barres, said Ginger. Before we start lessons we all need to stretch and loosen up. Well I don't know if we have anything like that, said Ivy. Well let me read you Ginger and think of what a dance studio would look like to you, said Keiko. Then I will make them for you. You can do that? asked Ginger. You bet, magic wand remember! Okay then, said Ginger. Keiko got close to her and read what she was thinking about. Okay got it, said Keiko. This will be simple. She made her wand appear then flew along the back wall and made three barres then flew along the side wall and made some chairs, a bench and a mirror. There you go. Is that what you wanted? asked Keiko. Yes perfect, said Ginger. Only thing we are going to need now is music when we start to dance. Oh the two of us can make music. Any kind you like, said Amelie. Then we are all set for tomorrow then. So now what do we do until then? asked Ginger. Well back to the Pixie forest. We got a home to build, said Keiko. So you really meant that about making a house in the trees? asked Ginger. Yep and it is called a tree house, it will take a bit to build and get it perfect so lets go and get started, said Keiko. They all left the grand hall and the palace. Okay see you tomorrow Ivy and off the three of them flew. So Ivy where are they off too, asked Alieta. Oh they are going to build a tree house, said Ivy. Really, in the Pixie Forest? asked Alieta. Yep, that is what Keiko said, she said it will take a while to make, said Ivy. Well Pippa did expect them to make some type of tree palace as she put it, said Alieta. So what did they do in there? asked Alieta. Well not a lot but is sure looks like a dance studio now like in the pictures I saw in the magazines when shopping, said Ivy. Go have a look, said Ivy then walked over to where Sara was. Guen, Clary, want to have a look? asked Alieta. I do, said Clary. Haven't seen much of the palace yet. Okay lets go look, said Guen. 18 illustration goes here They walked in and Alieta opened the grand hall doors. Well this definately looks like dance studio now, said Alieta. Yep and real big too, said Clary. Maybe I can add something for them. They are going to need music too. I saw one of these things in an old country bar. Clary walked over to the far wall then made her wand appear and made a very interesting looking device appeared against the wall. What is that? asked Alieta. It is a music box, I think they called it a juke box, said Clary. Now I have to set it up for them. Her wand started to glow then then the music bow becan to glow then went back to normal. Okay now see these buttons, there are two rows Letters A to J and numbers one to ten, said Clary. That gives them one hundred different songs to pick from, some with singing, rock and country mucic. That is a good variety of music. Now normally you have to turn this crank on the side to wind this thing up but let me get rid of that and make this run on magic. She went to the side of the box and used her wand again. The crank disappeared then the whole thing started to glow again. Soon it stopped glowing. Okay done, said Clary. Do you want to try it? Clary asked Alieta. You bet so what do I do? asked Alieta. Well on the back through the glass is all the names of the songs with a letter and number beside each song. Just hit the start button then pick a song and enter it with those buttons. Okay sounds easy enough, said Alieta. Oh I like this song so I hit 4 then C. The song Alieta selected started to play. Wow that is amazing, said Alieta. Now this bar adjusts the loudness so it can get very loud or nice and quiet, said Clary. If you want to stop the song just push the start button again. Thankyou Clary that was very nice of you, said Alieta. Well you have some wonderful people here so my present to the dance class. So Mom do you think I did okay? Guen smiled. You were always full of surprises dear. Looks like there are many more good surprises to come. Yes it is very good, said Guen. 19 illustration goes here Chapter 4 The Tree House Keiko, Amelie and Ginger got to their place in the forest that was near the south east corner. So how much room do we have to work with? asked Keiko to Ginger. Well lots I think. Not many pixies live around me. Well that might change seeing Pippa said she fixed things in here for you, said Keiko. So best we get started and get this built before it gets too crowded. Okay we need a big enough space between all these trees to get things started. So you are not making it on a tree? asked Ginger. Nope, it will be too heavy and the trees are not big enough to support a nice big house for three people, said Keiko. So lets walk around and find a good open spot. They looked around and for the most part there was not a big enough spot open. Well I suppose here will work, said Keiko. We just have to use some of these trees as supports and stuff. Most of the house is made of wood so nothing will get waisted. Okay ready Amelie? asked Keiko. Yep lets get it done, said Amelie. They both made their wands appear and got to work. First the ten supports were made then the first floor. Then they made the walls out of logs with places left open for windows and a door. Then they started on the second floor that would be the bedroom with big spaces on the walls for big windows. Then they built the roof. Okay that looks good so far, said Amelie. So you make the doors and the windows and I will build the deck and start the tower. Okay, said Keiko and away they went again. So far they had been working on it for three hours. Okay I am done, said Keiko. Okay good just come and help me with the look out tower. Just need a roof put on it, said Amelie. No windows are needed up here. They finished the roof and then looked around. Yep all done, said Keiko. Looks good to me. Ya me too, said Amelie. Now we have to see if Ginger likes it. So where is she. Keiko smiled. Down there on the ground sleeping. She fell asleep before we finished the first floor. "Ginger", Keiko yelled down to her. "Wake up we are all done with the house". What umm all done the house? said Ginger that was still half asleep. Keiko and Amelie flew down to her. Look see, do you like it so far? they asked. My it is huge. That is for just three people? asked Ginger. Well yes seeing the up stairs is the bedroom and the first floor is big enough for a kitchen and livingroom plus some freinds if they want to visit, said Keiko. Okay so a kitchen too, said Ginger. Yep but we haven't made that yet. Still got some things to do, said Keiko. Come and have a look. Okay and they all flew up to the first floor. Wow it is really big in here, said Ginger. Well here let me make you a place to sit and we will finish of this floor, said Keiko. She made a nice long couch with a soft seat and back. Okay sit and watch, said Keiko. 20 illustration goes here They got back to work and started making the kitchen counter with lots of drawers plus cabinets above and below. Then a stove was made and a big two door ice box with a built in water depenser. A sink with hot and cold taps at the base of the facet also were made. A small divider was put beside the stove to heep the heat away from the living room. Then Amelie finished off the counter with a nice marble top. Okay now lets finish the living room off, said Amelie. They added another chair and a carpet then small table in front of the couch. A couple of end tables on either side of the couch then that finished off the living room. Oh almost forgot, said Amelie. She made a picnic table in the kitchen. There, now this floor is done, said Keiko. You two are amazing. We are going to live like queens, said Ginger. Yep, only the best for us, said Keiko. I have never used a stove before, said Ginger. Ya us either but maybe Ktara will show us how it works. She is supposed to be the best cook around, said Keiko. Now we have to go up to the bedroom, said Amelie. Okay so up that ladder over there, said Ginger. Yep, that is part of the fun with a tree house, going up and down ladders. I wouldn't want to climb that lader outside, said Ginger. Well we don't have to use it but elves and humans will have to plus people it will stop guest to the forest from coming up to the front door, said Keiko. They all went up to the empty bedroom. 21 illustration goes here Okay first three beds and a dresser, we only need one dresser right now for you Ginger if you like to wear night clothes, said Keiko. Maybe, I never tried wearing anything different but I have seen what girls wear to go to bed and I like them, said Ginger. Plus I am going to need tights for dance class. Okay then two dressers then, the other on will be for Amelie and me, said Keiko. A couple of comfortable chairs and bed side tables. A nice mirror right here and that should be good enough for now, said Keiko. What about a carpet, said Amelie. Oh ya, need a nice carpet too, said Keiko. If you think of anything else then we can do that later. Well I think I will need a desk and chair over there to write down the songs and types of dance steps I will be teaching, said Ginger. Okay I can do that, said Amelie, with some paper and pencils I suppose. Yes Please, you two are the best! said Ginger. Amelie made the desk, stool and sullpies for Ginger. There so now we are all set, said Keiko. They heard someone knocking on the door down stairs. Oh our first visitor, lets go see who it is, said Amelie. 22 illustration goes here They all went down the ladder and headed into the kitchen. Okay you answer the door, said Keiko to Ginger. She opened the door and Roseberry was there. Hello please come in, said Ginger. Um okay, said Roseberry. Wow this wasn't here this morning. You built all of this in just one day? Well about four hours, said Amelie. Do you like it? Yes it is amazing, this is what fairy magic can do? asked Roseberry. Yep and lots more, said Keiko. Chairs, couch and a kitchen too plus a bedroom above us and even more. This is like a real home, said Roseberry. It is a real home, it is our home, said Ginger. Yes I see that, said Roseberry. So it must be close to dinner time so would you like to sit and eat with us, asked Amelie. Sure, I heard that fairy food was real good, said Roseberry. Okay then lets sit and I will make us all something, said Keiko. Another knock came at the door. I will get it this time, said Keiko. She opened the door and there was Pippa. Hi Pippa, come on in to our new home. Okay, thankyou, said Pippa. Well I saw the tower when flying here so I figured you two had made a home for yourselves, a very big and amazing home I should say. Yep, we promissed Ginger we woild make a tree house for her so we did, so we were just about to make some supper, would you like to eat with us? asked Keiko. Oh yes, I love fairy food, said Pippa. They all sat and Keiko made a meal for everyone. They ate and talked then after Amelie made all the dirty dishes vanish. That was very good, thankyou, said Pippa. Yes I haven't eaten like that for a long time, said Raseberry. So I am guessing you made beds and everything upstairs too, said Pippa. Well not stairs but up the ladder, said Keiko. Stairs take up too much space but ladders are more fun. All the beds are colour we like best for each of us, said Keiko. Amelie even made a desk for Ginger to to do her dance lessons on! Pippa smiled then said, "You fairies never stop amazing me, you three will fit in perfect here"! So Ginger are you enjoying being here? I have never seen things happen like this before in my entire life, it is wonerful here so yes very much! said Ginger. Yep nowhere better to live anywhere and I have been everywhere, said Pippa. 23 illustration goes here Amelie asked Pippa if she would like to see the rest of the tree house. Pippa was very interested in seeing what the palce looked like on the other floor so they went up the ladder. This is the only way up to your bedroom? asked Pippa. No we can fly to the balcony and go in the sliding doors but this is fun using the ladder, said Amelie. They climbed up and Amelie showed Pippa what the bedroom looked like so far. Very nice and home like, something like what it looked like in the palace when I got hurt, said Pippa. You got hurt at the palace? asked Amelie. No I almost died saving Zatsukys life at her place but the palace is where I had to stay for a while until I could fly again, said Pippa. So does that door on the roof take us too that tower I saw when I first flew here? Yep, all you do is pull this rope and the door opens and a ladder falls down, said Amelie. Do you want to check it out? Yes please, It seemed to be very high up there, said Pippa. Amelia pulled the rope and the hatch opened and the ladder came down and they both went up. Wow, you can see for miles up here in all directions except to the south where the palace is. The trees are too tall on the south side of the forest, said Pippa. Alexa would like it up here that is for sure. A long time ago she used to be a look out guard on a high cliff. She did that for years before the team was formed. So what are your plans for tomorrow, asked Pippa. Well Ginger is teaching a bunch of girls how to dance at the palace so Keiko and I will probably be going there in the morning, said Amelia. Then we have to find a way of making some money to buy stuff so that we can get some food in the ice box seeing we have a kitchen now but we don't know how to make it work. The candy at the candy factory is free for faries but I doubt other stuff is in town. Kieko and I only know a few types of meals to make. Well lets get back down before it gets dark. And talk together for a bit, said Pippa. They went back down and sat with everyone. 24 illustration goes here So Ginger, I hear you are giving dance lessons now, said Pippa. Yes, tomorrow moring will be my first class. So who are you teaching? asked Pippa. Ginger, Phonixa, Repellia, Ivy, Ktara and Paisley, said Ginger. Oh good, they all have money to pay for the lessons then. Well I wasn't thinking about charging them, said Ginger. Well you won't have to charge them, they will just give you money for the lessons. That is the way they all are, said Pippa. Now food costs money and shopping is fun but with out money it is not so much fun. You three need to get this nice new kitchen working, said Pippa. Now I will get a box of candy from Jessica in the morning. Just get one of these two to make a small table with a bowl on it. That way they will just have a candy and leave some money there in the bowl. It will be like a donation instead of a fee. Okay that sounds okay then, said Ginger. I always wanted to learn how to cook. Well I am sure Ktara will help you and probably Tempressa too, said Pippa. I heard she has become a pretty good cook too. Now Roseberry, you tell the other pixies that greet people here, that no guest are allowed near this place. It is private property okay. Yep got it, said Roseberry. Now lets go so these three can get some sleep, sounds like they have a busy day ahead of them, said Pippa. Thanks for supper and good luck with the lessons Ginger. I know you are going to be great. Okay thanks for coming, said Ginger then they left. Okay so that was our first dinner in our new home so lets have our first sleep now, said Keiko. They all climbed the ladder and went to the new bedroom and got ready for bed and a good nights sleep. They all just laid on their bed and Keiko asked Ginger if she liked the bed she made for her. There was no answer so Keiko figured it was good. Yep she must loke it, said Amelie. Too bad she didn't sing first though, that puts me to sleep. You can sleep anywhere but yes I do love her singing too, said Keiko. Amelie?.. Okay she is out for the night too, thought Keiko. 25 illustration goes here Chapter 5 Dance Class In the morning they all got up and had a nice breakfast. So did you like sleeping on the bed? asked Keiko to Ginger. Yes is was much nicer than leaves plus no lumpy spots, said Ginger. Good, so you all ready for your first class. Yep all set. We should get there soon to get that table set up and wait for Pippa, said Amelie. Okay I will get get my outfit and then we can go, said Ginger. At Ivy's place the three of them were having breakfast. So Ivy do you have a dancing outfit for today, asked Viridian. Yep, Repellia said there is a good one for me in the palace wardrobe room. Oh good now make sure you bring a bit of money, said Viridian. Why? asked Ivy. Well to pay for the lessons of coarse. I thought they were free, said Ivy. Well they may be free but still bring some money just in case. Dance lreesons are normally pricy, I know the other girls will want to give Ginger some money, said Viridian. You don't need to bring much just a little bit. Okay, said Ivy then went to her room to get a couple of small coins. Okay I am off, got to find that outfit, said Ivy. When Ginger, Keiko and Amelie got to the palace Aleita and Ginger were outside. So you all ready to teach everyone? asked Alieta. Yep we had a nice sleep on our new beds and had a good breakfast in out kitchen, said Ginger. New beds and kitchen, you two must of made that tree house already. Yep it is a beauty too, said Ginger. It is really nice having two fairies as roomates. Yes I bet it is, said Alieta. Okay I got my tights here, said Pixie Ginger. Ya me too, lets get in there and get changed, said Ginger. They went inside to change. Have you seen Pippa yet? asked Keiko. She is suppose to be coming by to drop off a box of candy. No I haven't seen here yet. Why is she bringing candy? asked Alieta. Oh she figures the girls will have some and leave some money in a bowl as a donation or something, said Keiko. Ginger wants to learn how to cook seeing that we have a kitchen and all. We are not that great at cooking like Tulip plus if we are not around she could make herself something. Oh good to know, said Alieta. Now Clary made a present for Ginger in the dance studio. It is some type of very nice magical music machine. All you have to do is press the start button then pick a song, said Alieta. Oh cool, that will save us from having to make music all the time, said Amelie. Okay there goes Phonixa and Repellia in to get changed so you two better get in there and tell Ginger how to work the machine. Okay they said and went in. Next Ivy arrived and went in to get her outfit then Paisly and Ktara showed up. Okay we are here, said Ktara. Good Ivy just got here too. Everyone is in the grand hall getting changed. Oh good, said Paisley. This is going to be a lot of fun. So did you two bring some money. Yes of coarse, said Paisley. Got to give her something for teaching us. Well there goes Ivy inside now and here comes Pippa with a box of candy. Just leave a bit of money by the candy. That way she can't refuse you giving her anything. Okay good idea, said Ktara. Then they went in too. 26 illustration goes here In the grand hall Ginger noticed the music box. My I haven't seen one of these for a very long time, said Ginger. Ya Alieta told me that it is a gift from Clary and you just have to hit the start button then select a song. Oh that sounds easy enough, said Ginger. I will have to say thankyou the next time I see her. So we set up that small table with a bowl and Pippa left a box of candy beside it. Looks like everyone left some coins in there for you so do a great job, said Keiko. You don't need us to make music so we are going outside. Okay everyone. I see you all have changed so that bench over there opens up and you can put your clothes and sandals in it for now, said Ginger. Now lets start with some warm up moves and stretches. Everyone sit with legs apart then hands above your head then bend and touch the floor like this. They all watched Ginger and copied her. Now back up then first bend to the right and grab your foot then do the same to your left foot. Very good, you all have good mid body movement. Do a few more then we will move to the barres. They all did a few more stretches then stood up. Now has anyone used a barre before? asked Ginger. Nope not me, said Ktara. Everyone else said no also. Okay then watch me first then, said Ginger. Ginger went up on her toes then brought a leg up and rested it on the barre then brought her leg down and did the same with the other leg. Now this is designed to stretch them muscles in your thigh, said Ginger. That way you should not get any leg cramps. 27 illustration goes here Now everyone spread out and pick a spot then copy what I just did with you right leg. This will be easy for you Paisley, you are tall. Yep, I did gymnastics at school, said Paisley. They all managed to get their leg up including Ktara that had just a bit of trouble getting her leg all the way up. Ginger then told them to relax their right leg then bring up the left leg and do the same thing. Again they all managed to get the leg up but Ivy had her left leg on the upper bar. Hey how did you do that? asked Phonixa. Oh she is just showing off, said Repellia. Ivy smiled and brought her leg down to the lower bar. Okay perfect, said Ginger. Now everyone sit on the floor and I will show you a few basic ballet poses and moves. Ballet is designed to give you better balance and body control. Everyone sat and got ready to watch Ginger. Okay, things are going to start and get fun now, said Paisley to Ktara. Ginger got in a simple swan position then did a few ballet moves with a quick single spin then finished with both arms out and bent over with her head up. Okay now everyone stand up and I will keep doing the same moves so you all can see me while you all work on copying me but let me put on some nice slow music. She went to the music box and found a good song for doing this exercise. Okay ready everyone and start. Ginger kept doing the same simple routeen over and over again and saw that at first everyone was having a bit of trouble but they all seemed to be getting better and better each time they tried again. Soon everyone pretty much had that routeen mastered so Ginger turned off the music. Okay now you all did great and nobody landed on their butt which is very impressive, said Ginger. Everyone smiled. 28 illustration goes here Now that kind of dancing is only for show and not what I know you all really want to learn so now we are going start having some fun. She picked a song that was more like party music then walked in front of everyone. Now this type of dancing I call free style. There are a few types of free style dancing but this one is the most popular. Now everyone get in the swan position first and watch me then join in and start dancing. Follow me first if you can but do your own thng too. All right everyone said and got ready to dance. Ginger started then just did some nice dance moves, not too complicated at first. Everyone slowly started to join in and were now having lots of fun. Okay keep going everyone just do your own thing and I will come around and show each of you how to improve what you are doing. You are a group so dance together as a group watch each other and just rock to the music, said Ginger. Alright said Ivy, this is fun. Yep and look at me, said Ktara, I am actually dancing good. Me too, said Ginger, this is the kind of dancing I want to learn. Ginger went around to each person and danced with them showing a variation to what they were doing that was much nicer and usually easier to do. The song ended and everyone relaxed. Okay you all got some hidden talent inside of you. Now stretch a bit and touch your toes to keep flexible and how we are going to do something a bit different. Good now everyone get in a straight line leaving enough space between you then look at me. Now I am going to dance to this next song but I am the audience and you all are the performers. When the music starts watch me then start dancing but hold the spot you are in. See what the person beside you is doing and what I am doing, just have some fun with it but keep looking back at me, you all are performing for me. Ginger ran to the music box and selected a song then ran back. The music started and she started to dance. They all watched for a few seconds then joined in. This song was faster and Ginger was doing some very good and sexy moves. Alright yelled Paisley, lets rock it! Everyone was getting better and better seeing all the different moves Ginger was doing and making variations but always staying in the line. When the song ended. Everyone cheered and clapped there hands. Best fun dancing ever they all said. 29 illustration goes here Now everyone pick a partner and pick a spot. You are going to do some free style dancing again but this time with a partner. Watch just your partner, don't worry what the other couples are doing. Imagine the two of you are alone on the stage dancing for me. The next song I am going to play goes slow and fast plus is a pretty long song so pace yourself some during the slow parts then really rock it for the fast parts. Phonixa and Repellia matched up, Ivy went with Ginger and Ktara danced with Paisley. Alright, is eveyone ready? yelled Ginger. Yes! they all said then Ginger started the song. They all started dancing slow at first then the music went fast all of a sudden. They all sped up trying to keep up to the music. Pixie Ginger notice this so yelled out, "Don't fight it, just do the same as you did before but a bit faster now. Flow with the music". The music slowed down again for a bit then went fast again. This time they were all ready for it and were doing much better. When the song ended they all stopped and started clapping again. That was amazing, said Ktara. I have never been able to dance like that. Me too, said Paisley, and to such a long song also. I don't feel that tired either. Yes now you know why it is important to do the warm ups first, said Pixie Ginger. Okay so lets call it a day, you all did great. Tomorrow I will show another popular dance style called country rock. That is where you get to learn the four step and play around with it. There are towels over there so dry off then you can get changed back into your regular clothes. See you all tomorrow, said Ginger. They all got changed and headed out but stopped to get another candy and left some more money. That was worth another ten dollars, said Paisley. Yep me too, said Ktara. Oh ya said Ginger and added another ten dollars. Well I need to bring more money tomorrow, said Ivy. I am all out but that was super fun. Alieta saw everyone leaving and heading home so she went in to ask Ginger how things went. So how did everyone do? asked Alieta. Well they all did great and had a lot of fun, said Ginger. Good, so did they all leave you a donation? asked Alieta. I think so I haven't checked yet, said Ginger. They walked over to the table. Well they must of had fun, said Alieta. There is over a hundred dollars in here. Really, that much? asked Ginger. Yep so now you can go shopping. Have you ever gone shopping for food before? asked Alieta. No I haven't, said Ginger. Well you are in for a treat. Shopping is fun, especially with this much money. I will go with you and that way you can see how to shop smart also. Okay that is nice of you, said Ginger. Oh what was nice is you making my friends happy, said Alieta. Now get dressed and we will head out to town. That is a very sexy dancing outfit you have on. Thankyou but that Ivy had the sexiest one on and what a body on that girl. Definately the prettiest girl I have every seen, said Ginger. I am going to have to st the barres lower though, only Ivy was able to get her foot up on the top bar. She is as flexible as I am. Well she has a boyfriend now so learning to dance better and dress sexier may have something to do with it, said Aleita. I didn't know she was that flexible though. Just one boyfriend? That girl could attracked every guy in Fae Land, said Ginger. Alieta just smiled then left so Ginger could get changed. 30 illustration goes here Chapter 6 Conclusion Ginger got dressed and went outside carring the money in both hands and saw Alieta waiting for her. Okay now here is a pouch to put those coins in. Hold on to them tight and follow me to town, said Alieta. Okay, said Ginger then the two of them flew off. So where are those two going? asked Zan to Ginger. Not sure but Ginger has some money now so I bet they are going shopping. Wow shopping with the queen. Bet they get some great deals, said Zan. Oh you bet, said Ginger. Alieta knows how to shop and get the best prices. Back at the tree house Amelie and Keiko were relaxing on the couch together. So I wonder how everything is going with Ginger? asked Amelie. Probably real good, said Keiko. She is a natural. So maybe we should go to Ktara's place and see if she will show us how to work this stove. That is a good idea, said Amelie. Then we can buy some food with the money she makes and let Ginger cook something, said Keiko. Well she needs to learn how to cook first, said Amelie. Oh ya, said Keiko. There must books that teach you how to cook stuff. Yep probably in a store, said Amelie. Need money for that though. Well maybe we can trade something, you know make something with our wands, said Keiko. Ya good idea, said Amelie. When I was on the look out tower with Pippa, I saw a town just north east of here. I bet that town has stores in it. Yep probably, want to go? asked Amelie. Yep lets go, said Keiko and they flew off towards the northern town. 31 illustration goes here When they got there they saw a lot of different stores on a long street. So how do we figure out which store sells cook books? asked Keiko. I don't know, maybe ask someone, said Amelie. Yes that should work, there is a nice woman over there, lets ask her, said Keiko. They walked up to her and said Hello. Oh my fairies, how nice, how can I help you? asked the woman. Well we are new here and got a new kitchen and our freind Ginger wants to learn how to cook so we were wondering where to find books that teach a person how to cook. Oh well usually fairies make there own food, said the woman. Well Ginger isn't a fairy, said Keiko. Oh well then just walk down this street for about five stores and you will see a store called Quik Mart. They sell cook books and magazines in there, said the lady. Oh good thankyou so much, here then Keiko made her wand appear and put a ring on the womans hand. Wow a gold ring for just giving you directions, said the woman. Yep, us fairies love to do magic and make people happy, said Keiko. Well you just made me very happy, said the woman then continued on her way. Well she was nice, said Amelie. So lets find this store. They walked down the street and found the Quik Mart sign. Okay here it is, said Amelie, lets go in. Inside they found a lot of different items hanging up and on shelves. Okay, so where do we find cook books in this place? asked Keiko. Ask someone again I suppose, said Amelie. Ya but I don't see anyone yet, lets walk around some, said Keiko. They walked around the back of the store and saw a lady putting magazines on a rack. Hello, we are looking for cook books, said Keiko. Oh my, you startled me, said the woman. My fairies, what do you two need cook books for? They are for a friend that wants to learn how to cook, said Amelie. Oh I see then here is a good book for beginners. It is only one dollar. Well we don't have any money, said Keiko. Well you need money to buy stuff with, said the lady. Well we were thinking that maybe we could trade something for the book. Well what did you have in mind? asked the lady. Well maybe this and Keiko made a nice gold bracelet with gems on it appear on her wrist. Wow a gold bracelete with real gems for a cook book? Yep is that enough? asked Keiko. Enough, more than enough. Here take this book with recipies in it and this one is all about making deserts and this one has full meal recipies in it, plus take any other ones that you want, said the lady. Really, well this one with the man fishing looks interesting, said Keiko. Oh yes that is a popular one, tells you how to fish and the different kinds of rods and hooks to use, said the lady. Okay that is enough, said Keiko. Good now let me put them in a bag for you, said the lady. She went to the front of the store then placed the books in a bag. There you go. Have a great day, said the lady. You too, said Amelie then they left. 32 illustration goes here The other woman rhat was working in the store walked over. Were those two fairies I just saw leaving? asked the lady. Yes they were and look what they traded me for some cook books and a fishing magazine. Is that real gold and gems? asked the lady. Yep, real gold and looks like a dozen heart shaped rubies. Wow that is worth a fortune, they could of bought everything in the store for that, said the lady. I know but she said fairies love doing magic and making people happy, said the lady. Wow, I hope they come back some time, but then I get to serve them next! Only if you beat me to them first, said the lady. The End 33 illustration goes here