The Amazing Land Of Fae The Reunion Prolog After Alieta and Ginger got back in the palace. Keiko and Amelie played around with the sun dial a bit but it didn't take them long to get bored with it. So what do you want to do now while we wait for someone to show up here? asked Amelie. Lets go on top of the palace and wait for someone to show up. I think Alieta said Tara and Avan usually come out first, said Keiko. Okay sounds like a plan, said Amelie. The two of them flew up and sat down together. Hey we can see a lot from here, said Keiko. Yep and if you look down we can see the steps, said Amelie. They both laid on their stomach and looked down to see and wait for someone to come out. While looking down a light blue streak zoomed by. Hey did tou see that? asked Amelie. Yep and very fast too, said Keiko. Is that it way over there by the woods? asked Amelie. Maybe, let me zoom in on it, said Keiko. Keiko had a quick look. I think it is was a fairy but she moved to somewhere else before I could get a good look, said Keiko. Do want to go over there an investigate? asked Amelie. Nope, it is better up here. We can see more from on the roof and if it is just a fairy then no worries, said Keiko. Okay, good idea, said Amelie. Got to save our energy for our adventure today anyways. Okay lets lay back down and see who comes out of the palace first, said Amelie. The two of then continued to wait on the roof... 01 illustration goes here Chapter 1 The Blue Streak About ten minutes went by and no one had come out of the palace yet. This is getting boring, said Amelie. Maybe we should go look for that fairy, said Keiko. Wait I hear someone opening the door. Look, it is Repellia. She is a pretty dresser isn't she, said Keiko. She is a pretty everything, said Amelie. Lets sneak up on her and scare her, said Keiko. Okay lets go quietly, said Amelie. They slowly flew down then came up behind Repellia and they both said Boo!. Oh hello you two, said Repellia. Hey how come we didn't scare you, asked Keiko. Repellia smiled and said when you have been here as long as I have then not much scares or suprises you anymore. Oh so you have seen some scary things here then? asked Amelie. Oh ya, and very wierd things too, said Repellia. Just then the blue streak zoomed by. Now that was new, said Repellia. Yep we saw her a bit earlier, said Keiko. Looked like a fairy but she was very far away and moved fast. It zoomed by again just missing Repellia. Okay two can play this game, she said. So how sure are you that it was just a fairy? asked Repellia. Um pretty sure, said Keiko. Too fast to get a read on her though. Okay good just wanted to make sure it wasn't anything bad, said Repellia. Lets play a trick on her. You two go and hide behind the sun dial and I will lean against the palace. When she comes by again from over there, I will send out a few pulses that should knock her off balance or at least slow her down a lot. Then you two jump out and grab her. Oh you are good, much better than us sneaking up on you, said Keiko. Okay get over there and I will tell you when she is coming, said Repellia. They all got into position and waited. 02 illustration goes here Repellia kept watching then saw it coming again fast. Okay here she comes get ready, said Repellia. It was coming fast so she kept on sending out pulses then suddeny she could see her and was flipping head over heels in the air, Keiko and Amelie flew out fast and grabbed her before she hit the ground. Got ya, said Amelia. The fairy screamed then yelled let me go, real loud. In a few moments Ginger came running out to see what was going on. Take it easy girl we are not going to hurt you, said Keiko. Repellia ran over and said, "You might be fast not fast enough to beat us". What's going on out here? asked Ginger. Um just having a bit of fun with this fairy, said Amelie. Ginger and Repellia looked at her as she was squiriming around a bit and kept lifting Amelie and Keiko off the ground. That is not one of our fairies, said Ginger. Why are you holding her? Well she was zooming back and forth in front of the palace and almost hit me so we decided to try and catch her before anyone got hurt, said Repellia. Let me go or I will, I will...You will do what? asked Amelie. I don't know but something that is for sure, said the fairy. Okay you two let her go if she promisses not to fly away until she answers a couple of questions, do you promiss? asked Ginger. Okay I promiss and a fairies promiss is solid, said the fairy. Keiko and Amelie let go of her and she stood very still and look scared. Okay, said Ginger, first what is your name? Clary, said the fairy. Good, nice to meet you Clary, my name is Ginger. Now why are you here is my second question. Well some nice yellow people in a golden forest told me where Fae Land was, said Clary. I have been travelling for months trying to find my home. They told me that they heard some fairies live here. Okay well yes this is Fae Land, said Ginger. Now last question then you can leave if you want. Why were you flying back and forth like these three said you were doing? I wasn't flying back and forth, just flying all over the place to make sure this was Fae Land and not some where bad, said Clary. I don't want to leave, I want to stay. Okay I think that will be fine but first I have to get Alieta first. She has the final say as to who can stay here, said Ginger. Who is Alieta? asked Clary. The queen, both Keiko and Amelie said at once. Oh a queen, hope she is a good queen, met some bad ones on the way here and some bad kings too plus lots of wierd things too, said Clary. Lots of bad stuff out there you know. I had to fly fast most of the time and hide in the trees at night. Is she nice? asked Clary. Kieko laughed, she talks like us and Sakura a bit, I think Alieta will like her, said Keiko. Yep pretty sure, said Ginger and yes she is a very good queen so wait here please. Ginger ran back into the palace to get Alieta. Wow very pretty colour of blue, said Repellia. I am turquois not blue, said Clary. Well very pretty regardless, said Repellia. 03 illustration goes here In a couple minutes Ginger came back out with Alieta. Is that her? asked Clary. Yep that is Alieta, said Repellia. Nice turquois outfit and wings, very pretty sprite I think, said Clary. Alieta walked up to her and said hello. So Ginger here told me that your name is Clary and you traveled for a long time to get here, said Alieta. Yep, said Clary. Okay you seem nervous, you are safe here so relax, said Alieta. Well your the queen and you can make me leave but I don't want to leave because it took a long time to get here and it really looks nice in Fae Land plus Ginger said that you have the last say if I stay or go, said Clary. Alieta smiled then looked at Kieko. Yep a true fairy, said Kieko with a smile. Yes I see that, said Alieta. So how long is long that you have been traveling? asked Alieta. Well lets see, I left Garson in May, so what month is it now? asked Clary. Well it is near the end of August so you have been flying for five months? asked Alieta. Really, August already, said Clary. Well almost September, said Alieta. Where is Garson? Oh it is in the tropics but not the tropics up here. In the southern tropics, said Clary. Your kidding, that is thousands of miles away, said Alieta. Yep I know but things in that part of the world are really bad,said Clary. Had to come back. Come back, you used to be here? asked Alieta. Well not here but with Mom, queen Guen and my sisters, said Clary. I sort of went the wrong way when we were being attacked a very long time ago. I took off so fast I didn't realize how far away I was so I searched all over the place for like a hundered years I think then when a pixie told me I was in the south tropics that is when I started heading north. You are one of Guens daughters, she said she only had six daughters and they are all here, said Alieta. Really, no there was only six of us before I flew off the wrong way, said Clary. There is Pippie, Sunflower, Lilly, Chestnut, Roseberry and me. No there is Tulip also, said Alieta. Really, I have another sister? How old is she? asked Clary. Not sure but over one hundred years old I think, said Alieta. One hundered and ten years I think, said Keiko. I read her yesterday. She is still just a kid, I have to see her, where is she? asked Clary. Now Clary was very excited and wanted to find her. From what I understand you have been gone for over a hundred years according to you so just realx I will get Pippa to bring her here for you but first I need to know if you really are one of the sisters, said Alieta. Pippa is here! Just ask Pippa, she know me, said Clary. Yes she would if you are telling the truth, said Alieta. She called for Pippa and said there is someone you need to see. 04 illustration goes here Chapter 2 The Amazing Reunion Pippa showed up fast again. So who is it this time Alieta? asked Pippa. Her, do you know her then Alieta pointed at Clary. Pippa looked then rubbed her eyes, then looked again. No way, Clary? I thought you were dead, said Pippa. Nope not dead. Almost got killed a few times but still alive, said Clary. Pippa ran up to her and gave her a hug and wouldn't let go. Where have you been, what have you been doing, I have so many questions, said Pippa. Alieta turned to Ginger and said "Well Pippa knows her but she seems to know everyone". Know everyone, Clary is not everyone she is Clary, Guen's very first daughter, said Pippa. She is part sprite you know, she is amazing! Then she let Clary go. I have to get Guen, no Chestnut, no all the fairies, no maybe not Tulip yet, said Pippa that was now jumping around. Relax Pippa, I will get Apollonia to get Guen for us, said Alieta. Oh ya Apollonia, I forgot about her. Apollonia, come fast, Pippa yelled. Apollonia showed up right away. Yes Pippa, what is it? You come for Pippa too? asked Alieta. Of coarse she is a queen too you know, said Apollonia. Who is that? asked Clary. That is a very good and powerful angel, said Pippa and she is going to get your mom here fast, said Pippa. You said mom. She is one of Guens daughters? asked Apollonia. Yep the very first one, said Pippa, Can you go get her and say we found Clary? asked Pippa very politely. Clary has been dead for over a hundred and twenty years. Looks very good for a dead person, sure I will be right back, said Apollonia then vanished. Guen is going to be so over joyed to see you alive, said Pippa. Okay everyone make room please. Keiko and Amelie over there, Ginger and Repellia over here and Alieta, well you go where ever you want. I will go over here with Ginger, said Alieta that was now smiling. Looks like Pippa has taken charge of the palace grounds, said Ginger. Yes she has and why not, said Alieta. This is a family affair. Nope a family reunion, said Pippa and a very important one. You will find out, said Pippa. 05 illustration goes here In a few minutes Apollonia appeared with Guen. Guen, Guen, look who is here?, said Pippa. Guen looked and saw Clary that now had started to cry. Mom I missed you so much, said Clary. Oh my God, is it really you? Yep it sure is, she is back, said Pippa. Guen ran up to her and hugged Clary and started kissing her back and forth on each cheek. Clary, my Clary, we thought you were dead killed by the dragons. Where have you been for all these years? asked Guen. Lost Mom went the wrong way. Ended up in the southern tropics. Really why? asked Guen. I don't know, I thought I was going the right way but couldn't find you or any of my sisters, said Clary. It was really scary being all alone. Guen turned to Alieta. I need all my girls here now even Misty and Lollipop please. Well Pippa is in charge now so tell her, said Alieta. Guen turned to Pippa. Okay on it, said Pippa then took off to the forest. Thank God you are alive, it took years for me to used to you being gone, said Guen. Aleita turned to Ginger. I think this is the sad story Mother Nature told us about. Are you crying agian? asked Alieta. Yep, I am so happy for them, said Ginger. Yes so am I, said Alieta. 06 illustration goes here Let me look at you Clary, You look so beautiful just like I remembered you. A lovely turquois just like your father. Is he still alive? asked Clary. No he got killed by the dragons. At least he made it possible for all of us to get away, said Guen saidly. I finally did it though, said Guen. Even without your help. It took five princesses but we made Fairy Land. And then after a while we made a cove and everything, said Guen. You did! It must be beautiful. Oh it is, said Guen. And now there is another magic forest here in Fae Land. Much bigger than Fairy Land and very beautiful too, said Guen. Pippa came back with all the fairies. Okay Guen, here they all are. Girls, You won't believe it but Clary is alive and back. Come and see your sister, said Guen. They all ran up to Clary except for Misty, Lollypop and Tulip. We should wait here, said Misty to Lollipop. We can see her in a bit, she is a very magical fairy. Guen saw that Tulip was hanging back and walked over to her. You Tulip are going to meet your real oldest sister, said Guen. Not Chestnut, but Clary, said Guen. I don't understand, said Tulip. No one ever said anything about Clary. No dear, it was to painful to think of her death to us all but she is going love you so much and what you have achieved at such a young age. Wait until the others have reunited with her then I will bring you to her, she is very special. Alieta could hear Guen and was wondering what she was meaning about Clary being special and how they built Fary Land without Clary. She called Pippa over. Pippa what do you know about all this talk about Clary being special? asked Alieta. Well you would have never met Samson, Clary's father. He was a pure turquois sprite, skin and all, the rarest of all sprites. Turquoise is a very pretty colour, said Repellia. Yes that is the colour of my wings, said Alieta. Well Samson was unique in that he kept a lot of the powers from all the other sprites that merged with him and became the first male sprite. Very powerful Alieta, much stronger than you and could still send out energy pulses. Really,I never even heard of him, said Alieta. Well very few did and only the older fairies will remember him, said Pippa. Guen told me it was him that saved all of them. He was able to kill dragons and keep them away from them long enough for them to get small enough and escape the dragons fire. Eventually he was burned to death. That was a very sad day for the fairies especially for Guen. There are so many mysteries about you Pippa, said Alieta. There is always something new that happens that you know about. Well news travels fast among us pixies, you know that and me well I am a nosey one, you know that too, said Pippa with a smile. Yes you are but we all love you for your ways, said Alieta. 07 illustration goes here Okay girls, it is time for Clary to meet the newest member of our family so step back please. There will lots of time for questions later, said Guen. Okay Tulip, lets go meet you big sister. Okay, said Tulip that now was getting a bit teary eyed. Guen grabbed Tulip's hand and brought her over to Clary. Clary this is Tulip, your youngest sister. A very special princess that you will see later, said Guen. Tulip, such a pretty name for such a beautiful princess, said Clary. You almost glow with love. Take my hand and feel my love sister. Okay, said Tulip she reached out and Clary held Tulips hand. The two hands began to glow and Tulip looked up at Clary with a big smile. I can see in you, said Tulip. Yes and I can see in you, said Clary. There are wonders in you that haven't been unleashed yet. You my sister are very special, like mom told me. I can feel that there is something very special in you too but I don't understand it. Who is the blue man? asked Tulip. That Tulip was my father, the most powerful sprite of all time. He died saving us all a long time ago. Clary let go of Tulip's hand. So what does everyone do around here for fun, asked Clary. See told you she was just a regular fairy like the rest of them, said Amelie. Ya then why can't I read her? asked Keiko. You can't? But you can read anyone even animals, said Amelie. I know, but not her, just like Ivy. There is something special about this fairy, said Keiko. 08 illustration goes here So Alieta, come and meet Clary Now that you know who she really is. She probaly has many tales to tell us. Can I come too? asked Ginger. Yes you can Ginger. So Clary, have you got some stories you would like to share with everyone? asked Guen. Oh I may have a few, said Clary, with a smile. Okay everyone to the steps, said Alieta. They all moved to the steps and Alieta got Clary to sit dead center. Everyone else sat on the grass even Alieta and Ginger. Okay is everyone comfortable? asked Clary. Yep all good, they all said. Okay first Tulip, you come and sit by me please and help me give everyone a treat first. Okay, said Tulip and ran up and sat down beside Clary. You too, Keiko and Ametie, come sit with everyone. Did you tell her your name? asked Keiko, Nope, said Amelie. Me either, said Keiko. Well she can read us. Okay Tulip touch my hand and see what I am seeing then lets do it together. Tulip touched Clary's hand then smiled. You got it? asked Clary. Yep, said Tulip. They both made their wands appear and everyone suddely saw their favorite ice cream sundae in front of them. Wow you got a bigger wand than me, said Tulip. Well I can do more with it, said Clary but it is all good. Every one started eating their sundae then Clary started telling everyone the story of how she ventured back to find her family again and the problems she ran into. 09 illustration goes here Chapter 3 Ivy And Sara Meet Clary Ivy and Sara flew over to the forest while Tillie stayed at home with Viridian. When they got to the cove they noticed no one was there. Not even Tulip that was usually there to get the day started. Well maybe there are already working on something, said Ivy. Lets go check the overviewer and see what they might be doing. They flew over to it then Ivy activated it. Hmm, do you see anything different Sara? asked Ivy. Nope looks all the same as yesterday, said Sara. I wonder what they are doing then? asked Ivy. Maybe they are all still sleeping, said Sara. No way, not all of them, but they are always up before we are, said Ivy. Well maybe we should fly around in here and see if we can find them, said Sara. Ya good idea, said Ivy. Can't sense them though, that is very odd. They both went out and headed towards the temple first. Once they reached the temple there still was no sign of a fairy so they headed off to the waterfall that wasn't far away. Nope no one here either, said Ivy. Now we have to go back to the cove, said Ivy. Maybe Tulip is there now. They flew back to the cove but still no one was there. Maybe the pool, said Sara. Ya I guess so. No way they are all in the sauna, said Ivy. They flew over to the pool but still not a single fairy could be found. This is really wierd, said Ivy. It is not even close to lunch time yet so they can't all be at the palace. Lets go back to the overviewer and see if we can find them all outside, said Ivy. They headed back again and checked the overviewer. Ivy panned it out so she could see all of Fae Land. What is going on there, asked Ivy. Don't know looks like a big meeting in front of the palace, said Sara. A meeting, why would they be having a meeting and with out us two? asked Ivy. Beats me, maybe it is a private meeting, said Sara. No way and look, there is a very bright spot in front of everyone, said Ivy. What does that mean? asked Sara. Not sure but Alieta has never shown up that bright before. Something else is going on, said Ivy. We better get over there and see what is happening. But what if we are not invited? asked Sara. When was the last time you or me were not allowed on the palace grounds? asked Ivy. Umm never, said Sara. Right so lets go, said Ivy and they both flew up and out of the forest heading for the palace. 10 illustration goes here Okay everyone, that is good enough for now, said Guen. Lets let Clary rest some. As you heard she has been flying a lot during her long journey. You girls all get back to the forest except for Tulip please. I need to talk to her for a bit. They all got up and headed to the forest. Hey look it is the fairies all heading this way, said Ivy. What is going on? The fairies pasted them saying hi as they flew by. Misty stopped and said hi. Tulip and Guen are at the palace with Clary. Go say hi to her. Then Misty flew away. Who the heck is Clary? asked Ivy. Maybe the bright spot, said Sara. Ivy smiled. Smarty pants, she said then they flew to the palace. They landed beside Ginger and Repellia. What was going on here, asked Ivy. Oh Clary came back, said Ginger. Isn't she a pretty turquoise and all. Ivy looked over and saw Clary. She is okay but can't see too deep inside her, said Ivy. Well go meet her, she is Guen's first born and is very special, said Ginger. Why is she special? asked Sara. She is half fairy and half sprite and more powerful than the other fairies, said Repellia. She has been lost for over a hundred years. Go and meet her I am sure she will be happy to meet you two, said Ginger. Ivy and Sara walked over. 11 illustration goes here As Ivy and Sara walked over Alieta saw them coming. Oh here comes Ivy with Sara. Ivy will read you but just a bit, said Alieta. She always does to make sure you are okay to be around her friends. Oh how nice of her but she won't be able to read me, said Clary. Hi everyone, what is going on? asked Ivy. Well Ivy we have someone new here today, said Alieta. Yes Misty said Clary was here when she flew by, said Ivy. Repellia said that she is Guen's first child, said Ivy. Clary and Ivy looked at each other but seemed to bee a bit confused. Hi Ivy, you are really good ai blocking, said Clary. Well it is kinda automatic but so are you, said Ivy, I can't see too deep in you at all. Same here I can't get very deep at all, said Clary. Well maybe you two should do it the old fashion way, said Alieta. What way is that asked Ivy. Talk to each other, said Alieta. Sara smiled, ya you two it is more fun to talk then look inside some one, that is just rude. Bith Ivy and Clary smile. Okay you four sit and talk then while I talk with Alieta and Ginger, said Guen. Then the two of them walked over to the palace steps. Tulip look at the three of them. Look Ivy is special and Clary is special and Sara is special too plus Mom says I am special so we are all special in our own way or ways, said Tulip. I want Clary to get to know both Ivy and Sara that are very good friends of mine plus very important to Fae Land. Well for such a young fairy you are very smart and Sara is right, it is impolite to read people, said Clary. Let sit and talk the old fashion way. They all sat down on the grass then Tulip started off the discusion. 12 illustration goes here Okay first off Clary is my oldest sister that everyone though was dead but she is not and she told us some amazing stories during her trip back home. Isn't she pretty, said Tulip. Well yes she is very pretty, said Ivy so why didn't you ever say anything about her to me? asked Ivy. Well I wasn't born yet and no one said anything to me, said Tulip. ANyways here she is now and can do some things that other fairies can't and is very strong too. Well not as strong as Sara that is for sure. Sorry Sara but I saw that in you when you were walking over here, very smart and very young too some how, said Clary. Sara whispered in Ivy's ear. What did she say? asked Clary. Well she said you left out pretty and sexy, said Ivy. Clary smiled. Yes very pretty and sexy you both are, said Clary. So you two take care of all the plants and trees here? Sometimes, mostly we control the magic in the cove and in Eden some, said Ivy. Sara is getting real good at it now too. What you two control the cove? How is that possible? asked Clary. Yep Ivy is the best, even better than me and Mom, said Tulip. She has a power inside her of some sort that is conected to the magic everywhere. Okay so that must be why I can't see much in her, said Clary. A little after I first got to Fae Land, Alieta told me that it was best for me to keep stuff to my self when reading someone new. It can offend them especially when there are other people around. Everyone has there own little secrets and they are not bad just personal stuff. Some things should be left private. That is why when I meet someone new I just read them and if all is okay I either turn and walk away or just tell Alieta that they are okay. Yep if they are okay to Ivy then they are okay to everyone, said Tulip. Oh I see, you Ivy are also very good and sly at speaking your mind. In other words you think people will like me more if I kept my mouth shut when I see they are okay. Yep that is better I think, said Ivy. If they live in Fae Land then they are okay and no need to read them at all. Yes I agree, said Clary. So can we be friends now. I think you could teach me more about being around other people here. It has been a long time since I had a friend. Yep having friends is very important, said Ivy. Can I be your friend too? asked Sara. Yes you may Sara. You seem like a very nice girl, said Clary. Now you are getting it, said Ivy. 13 illustration goes here Well I need to get some rest, said Clary. It has been three days since I slept last. Can I use the woods over there? Well it is kinda full of pixies and the fairies are working in the forest so might be a bit noisy, said Ivy. Go try one of Alieta's bedrooms it is quite in there and beds are better than trees.You mean inside the palace? asked Clary. Just go talk to Guen, she will tell you, said Ivy. Clary got up and walked over to Alieta, Ginger and Guen. Ivy said I should rest some in the palace, I have never slept indoors before. Yes and you will love it, said Guen. All your sisters slept on nice soft beds when they first got here waiting for the forest to grow. Okay if my sisters liked it then I will try it, said Clary. I will show her a nice room at the back where it is nice and quiet, said Ginger. Oh good, thankyou dear, said Guen. Okay just follow Ginger then. Ginger started in towards the palace. Clary whispered to Alieta, why does it seem like she is a daughter to you and your are a kind of mother to her or is that something that is none of my business? Oh not really. Everyone here knows that Ginger is like a daughter to me, said Alieta. She is my best friend but more than just friends. More like close family. Oh okay, I think Ivy and Sara will be good freinds for me, said Clary. Oh they will, said Alieta. They both have very big hearts and pure souls. Best freinds you can have here in Fae Land, said Alieta. Clary smiled. I am so glad I made it here. Hey you coming or what, yelled Ginger. The boss is calling you better go, said Alieta. So darn cute too, said Clary as she headed towards Ginger. Yep cute as a button and smart as a whip Alieta thought to herself. 14 illustration goes here Keiko and Amelie walked up to Alieta. So what is up with you two? asked Alieta. You both have been very quite. Well ya this was a family thing plus that fairy is something else, said Keiko. I over heard what Ivy said to her though. That girl has a very good head on her shoulders. I like what she said about keeping the mouth shut when reading people. It makes sense, I can't help it when I see someone new I automaticly read them, but I do have control of my mouth, said Keiko. Now seeing that all is quite now, is it alright if we go on our adventure? Sure why not, said Alieta. Oh good and don't worry we won't upset anyone. Ivy's way of doing things must be the right way. She is the one with all the friends you know, said Keiko. Okay ready Amelie. Yep, lets go have some fun and off they flew. So those two are Garson Fairies right, said Guen. Yep, very unque fairies and a bit unusual, said Alieta. Yes and powerful wands too, said Guen. It is good to have them around my girls. Well Amelie saved Lilly already from a shadow sorcerer a couple of nights ago. Really, a shadow sorcerer! Man I hate them, said Guen. So lets go inside and you can tell me more about this daughter of yours. I feel there is a lot more to her than what I have seen so far, said Alieta. Oh ya, lots more, said Guen. 15 illustration goes here Chapter 4 The Adventure Okay, so where should we go first? asked Amelie. Well over there I see some elves talking. Lets go meet them first then ask where all the fun people are, said Keiko. Okay, lets go, said Amelie. They flew down and said hello. My name is Keiko and this is my good friend Amelie, we are new here and are on an adventure. Alieta said it was okay for us to talk to everyone and look around so is it okay if we talk to you two or are you busy but you don't look busy, what are your names? The two elves giggled. I am Kimmy and this is my sister Patty. Always nice to talk to fairies, especially new ones. Well we are new here but pretty old as fairies go, but we love meeting new people and going on adventures, said Keiko. Oh so what type of adventure are you on? asked Patty. Um not sure, said Keiko. The exploring type I guess. Ivy said this is a big place with lots to see so do either of you know where some fun places are? Well there are lots of places to see like Eden and Casper Park plus the town with all the stores. Fantasy Pixie Forest is supposed to be nice but we haven't been there yet, said Kimmy. Okay all those places sound good, said Amelie. What would you say is a good place to start an exploring adventure? asked Keiko. Oh I know, said Patty. The candy factory just down there by the elf village. You can't miss it. It is very big and smells good all around it plus Jessica owns it and she is very nice. People call her the Candy Lady. Candy! We love candy, said Amelie. Yes everyone loves her candy, said Kimmy, they are special and the best tasting candies anywhere. Now that sounds like a good starting place, said Amelie. So just down there you said? Yep, not far at all, said Kimmy. Okay, see you two later, very nice talking to you, have a nice day, then the two of them flew off. More fairies, how wonderful, said Kimmy. Don't you love the way they talk. Yes, they definately get out a lot of information fast, very cute too, said Patty. 16 illustration goes here The two of them flew a bit and saw the big building the elves were talking about. That must be it, said Keiko. Big and smells nice here, lets check it out. They flew down but saw no way in at first. Hey, maybe it has a secret entrance or something, said Amelie. Probably not, said Keiko. Lets walk around to the other side. There has to be a door or something. They walked around and saw a girl coming out of the building. Hi, we are new here and Patty said that the candy factory was a good place to start a exploring adventure. Is this the candy factory? asked Keiko. Well yes it is, said the girl. So an adventure you said, that sounds like fun. Yes we love having fun, said Amelie. Do you like to play and have fun? Well of coarse, everyone likes to have fun, said the girl. I am here just getting some candy to bring back to the park where everyone is having a picnic and playing. You two should go there, my name is Sandy. What are your names? I am Keiko and this is Amelie, so elves or humans there? We like both but just asking. Some times humans can be mean but elves are always nice. Sandy smiled, well I am human and I am nice but all the people here are nice and friendly, especially with fairies. Oh good we will go there next then, said Keiko. Good I will be looking for you two, I will be on the yellow blanket with my daughter, she is just twelve, said Sandy. Okay see you there, then Keiko and Amelie walked in the factory. 17 illustration goes here Wow smells super good in here, said Amelie and look at all the boxes of candy! A elf saw them and walked over. My two fairies, how nice, she said. How can I help you two? Oh Patty told us this was a nice place with candy and Jessica was a the very nice candy girl that makes the best candy so we came here first on our adventure, said Keiko. Oh an adventure you say, well would you like to buy some candy for the adventure? asked the elf. Um not sure, what is buy? asked Amelie. Well that is when you pay money to get things that you want at a store, said the elf. Oh, so money, what is that? asked Amelie. The elf smiled. Let me get Jessica for you, I will be right back with her. The elf walked away towards the kitchen. These must be good candies seeing it is so hard to get any, said Amelie. Ya I wonder where everyone gets money, said Keiko. The elf and Jessica came back. Here they are Jessica, have fun they seem nice and are pretty funny too. Then the elf left to go back to work. Okay, hello, I am Jessica. I have never seen you two before. Oh we are new here, said Keiko. We are on an adventure that Alieta said was okay for us to explore Fae Land and meet people. Patty said that the candy girl makes the best candy so we came here first seeing we love candy but we don't know much about money and buying things. How do we get money to buy some candy? asked Amelie. Jessica laughed. Well if Alieta said it was okay then you two don't need money to buy things. All the other fairies use their wands to make what they need, said Jessica. Well yes we can make stuff but how do we make your candy? asked Keiko. We have to see how it is made but sometimes that doesn't work right with food. We are not the best of cooks. I see, well come with me and you can see where we make the candy and I will give you some. Fairies don't need to buy candy from me anyways. It is always free for them. I like her, said Amelie. Me too, said Keiko. I think free is good. Jessica smiled then said come with me. 18 illustration goes here Jessica brought the two of them into the kitchen and there was a bowl of candies on a table. Now help your selves to the candies but eat them slow. Okay they both said and each took a candy. Wow Patty was right, these are really good, said Keiko. Yep, everyone says they are best, said Jessica. Now these two kitchens is where we make the different flavours of candies and this third kitchen is where I am trying to make something new that I have thought of but still can't get the chocolate to not melt when it is packaged and left on a shelf. When I open one, the chocolate has run off the bar and is all gooey, said Jessica. Well I have made something like that before but I don't know if the chocolate will melt. We eat them right away, said Kieko. Oh really. Can you make one for me so I can see it please, said Jessica. Okay, said Kieko then made the chocolate treat with her wand. Jessica looked at it and noticed that it seemed to be pretty stable so far. She picked it up and the chocolate was harder than what she was used to plus very smooth. So do you know what this is made of other than chocolate? asked Jessica. Yep, of coarse I do, said Keiko. Not a lot to it though. There are four strips of waffers with caramel between them topped with a bit of peanut butter, I love peanut butter too, plus covered in a melted chocolate and vannella icing mix. It tastes real yummy. Try it. Okay I will, said Jessica. She took a bite and could see the layers inside. My this is good and the peanut butter goes good with it all. Yep, nice and chewy too, said Amelie. So vannella icing mixed with the chocolate seems to be the secret to keeping it from melting. Can you make a few more so I can get some elves to try it plus let one sit for a bit? asked Jessica. Yep sure, said Keiko then made a bunch more on the table by the bowl of candies. Perfect, said Jessica. Thankyou very much. Take as many candies as you want. Oh maybe just a couple, said Keiko. We have to go to the park now to see Sandy and her daughter, they are waiting for us on a yellow blanket. Oh okay, sounds like a fun time for you two. Now come back any time. Remember the candies are always free to the fairies. Okay we will for sure, said Amelie then they both took a couple of candies each then left the kitchen. So did you two get to taste some candies, asked the elf. Yep and they are good plus they were free. Jessica said all fairies get candies for free. Wow must be nice to be a fairy, said the elf. Yep it is though it must be nice for you too working in a candy factory. That would be lots of fun, then Keiko and Amelie left. Amazing and cute as can be. Yes it is fun working here she said to herself. 19 illustration goes here They headed out again but this time they had to look for a park with people there. Well there is a small lake and a river. Lets follow the river and see where that takes us, said Amelie. They followed the river for a bit then saw a big area with people on the ground. That must be it, said Amelie. Do you see a yellow blanket anywhere. Nope not yet, said Keiko. Lets fly down closer. Hey look, there she is waving at us, said Amelie. Yep yellow blanket and all, lets go, said Keiko. Hi Sandy, we made it. The candy factory was fun and Jessica was very nice to us and said fairies never have to pay for candies, they are free for us, said Keiko. Well lucky you two. So did you like them? asked Sandy. Yep they were the best like you said I think or did Patty say that, oh dosn't matter, they were great, said Keiko. Sandy smiled. So this is my daugter Liza and she loves fairies too. Hello Liza, I am Keiko and this is my very good friend Amelie. How are you doing today, are you enjoyng the park? Yep parks are fun and Victoria is over there too, she is my friend, said Liza. She has seen fairies before but not me, just pixies flying around, they are nice too. Yes pixies are a lot of fun too but they can't do magic like fairies can. Yep I know, Victoria said she saw Tulip use her magic wand, said Liza. Victoria loves fairies, she even has paintings on her bedroom walls of fairies. Cool, so where is she, Is Victoria here also? asked Amelie. Yep, just over there, she is watching us, I think she is letting me see you first, said Liza. She is very nice that way. How sweet of her, so call her over and I will give you all a nice treat, said Keiko if it is okay with your mom. Okay, said Liza and waved Victoria over. Hello Victoria, this is Amelie and I am Keiko, Liza said you love fairies. Yep fairies are the best, said Victoria. Pixies are good too but fairies have bigger and nicer wings. Tillia is awsome too, unicorns are my favorite too. Yes Tillia is very special to us two also, said Keiko. So as I promissed I would like to give you two a treat and Liza's mother too if she likes. Yes please, said Sandy. Okay does everyone like ice cream cones. Yep I do, said Victoria, me too, said Liza. Mom? Yes, strawberry please. I like chocolate, said Liza. I like vannella chocolate chip, said Victoria. Okay then, said Keiko, three cones coming up. Keiko made her wand appear and created them all ice cream cones. 20 illustration goes here So do you want to see some tricks we can do while you sit and eat? asked Kieko. For sure, said Liza. Okay good, said Keiko. Keiko whispered something to Amelie then they both flew up a bit. They both started flying criss crossing in front of them at first. Then they both flew up a bit higher and Amelie turned upside down and put her head on top of Keiko's then they floated down to the ground. Now people were gathering and applauding. The two of then flew nice and high then did loop de loops all the way down crossing each other. Finally they grabbed each other's hands and started to spin in the air. Slow at first then faster and faster until they were just a blurr. They started to slow down and let go of each other and both of them landed on their butt. Everyone cheered and clapped. They both stood up but they all saw the fairies were still a bit dizzy. Okay we have to stop now, that last trick is pretty hard to do. Makes us very dizzy too, said Keiko. That was supper, said Victoria, best fairy show ever. Really, well glad everyone liked it, said Amelie. So we were told that there is a Fantasy Pixie Forest here in Fae Land. Do you know where it is? asked Keiko. Yes just north of here about 10 miles. It is very big so you can't miss it, said Sandy. Okay good, that will be our next stop on our adventure, said Keiko. I was told there is over a thousand pixies in there so it will take a bit to meet them all. Your going to talk to them all? asked Sandy. Yep got to get to know them, we might end up living there with them so got to make them all our friend, said Keiko. Well you will busy there for sure, said Sandy. It is a beautiful forest with lots of pixie dust everywhere. Nice waterfall also. Okay give us a minute to rest and we will head out there. So how were the ice cream cones? asked Keiko. Perfect said Liza. Amazing and perfect. 21 illustration goes here Chapter 5 Guen Tell Alieta About Clary Alieta and Guen went up to the den and they both sat down. Okay Alieta, seeing that you are the queen it best you know about Clary, said Guen. Okay so tell me what I need to know so there won't be any surprises. I won't tell anyone, except for Ginger maybe, said Alieta. Yes Ginger is fine too, said Guen. Well first she inherited a lot of her fathers traits with hair, eyes, nails and wings and has all the skills of a fairy from me. Now even shortly after birth she showed many talents that fairies don't have but her father did. When she was fully grown after a few weeks that was a bit longer than normal, I didn't just send her out to mix with the other fairies after I had taught her all that I knew about being a fairy and how to make food and stuff with her wand but also noticed her wand was quite a bit bigger than normal too. Yes I noticed that when Tulip and her made sundaes for every one plus they are both left handed, said Alieta. Well yes, Tulip is the best cook so together they made the perfect sundaes for everyone, but Tulip was the only fairy princess to have her wand in her left hand for some reason, just like Clary, said Guen. Now instead of sending her out with the other fairies, I got her to spend some time with her father that is never done among fairies. Samson was glad to spend some time with Clary mostly because he was a sprite and not a fairy and was more family oriented then male fairies. Now Samson has many talents and one was being able to read someone very deeply. It didn't take him long to see that Clary had many of his traits and would have to be taught how to use them all properly. Now the fun part for me was that Clary always wanted to come back to me each night. She called us Mom and Dad and loved us both. She would tell me what her father taught her and sometimes showed me. This went on for almost a full month until Samson came to me and said Clary was ready to mix with the other girls but he thought that she will still be needing both of us in her life. Of coarse I agreed seeing Samson was a very handsom man. Now as time went by, Clary got older and wiser. Samson had left to do what sprite doback them but he always came back from time to time to check on Clary and meet each new sister that I made. Why did he leave? asked Alieta. Yes I knew you would wonder about that but you would know more about how a sprite thinks. He said there were many things he had to do and staying in a forest with fairies forever wasn't what he felt he was created for. Regardless I still needed to make more fairy princess if we were every going to be able to create a cove so life went on with Samson returning about every fifty years. Mostly he hung around with Clary and told her tales of what he had been doing but also made sure to meet all the fairy princesses. He was really good at making them laugh and his visits were always welcomed. Now it didn't take long for everyone to see that Clary was special from the rest of them. She could fly much faster, she was very strong and could read the other fairies plus she was very good at coming up with games for everyone to play. These were things that Clary could't hide including her big wand but everyone loved her and did everything she said seeing she was the oldest fairy princess. So what is up with the big wand? asked Alieta. Well you know the saying, "Bigger is better" well her wand was much better than anyone elses and very powerful. 22 illustration goes here Powerful in what way? asked Alieta. Well I told you that Samson could send out energy blasts like all sprites could do when they were just floating balls of energy. Well that energy blast is very strong by it's self. That power got transfered to Clary also and when she was able to create her wand it just glowed brightly for the longest time before it went dim and disappeared. This concerned me at first but Samason told me that he taught Clary how to use the wand and when not to use it. Now I figured that this wand had become a weapon also so entering a magic forest would be imposible to her, just like Garson Fairies. Samson said that will not be the case because his energy in that is the same in the wand is made up of white magic only. That is some powerful magic as you know. She can send out a power blast with her wand and even make a shield around her and maybe more but is still no match against a wizard or demon's blast. At least it will stop the firsr and second hit from one of them and won't kill her and she can heal herself like all other fairies. Okay so that is why Ivy said she was like a super fairy then, said Alieta. Well I suppose she is, said Guen. Ivy still can read better and faster than Clary but nothing can get past Clary's wall that is in place inside her unless she lets them and contact has to be made with Clary letting them in. I imagine the same is with Ivy. I guess that makes Ivy a super forest sprite with all the things she can do. Now Clary still won't kill or hurt a person or animal and even a creature but can kill a creature if she is in danger or anyone else around her is too. She is a fairy still you know, just a better one I suppose you can say. Now she is going to want to spend time with Tulip, I know this. Tulip has amazing skills in cooking and understanding designs plus can take charge in the forest better than anyone. She is a natural leader. Once Clary gets involved with the forest and sees what Ivy can do with the magic which is amazing by it's self, she will be a great help to both Tulip and Ivy and I heard that Sara is doing really good also so between the four of them, just about anything will be possible in Fae Land. Now you are the queen and Tulip will always ask you first before making any changes or adding things anywhere here. I told her that a long time ago. So do you have any questions? That is about all I know about her before she went missing. 23 illustration goes here Well not really, said Alieta but one thing still puzzles me and that is why it took her so long to return seeing she can fly so fast. We are talking a bit over one hundred years. Well that I am unsure of also, said Guen. When she was telling everyone about her adventures coming home I could tell she was leaving out big blocks of time for some reason. My guess is she found some places that were safe for a while and met some good people but she did say that it had been a long time that she had a real friend to Ivy. How long, who knows but she is here now and looks like she is staying for good. I may borrow her from time to time to make improvements to Fairy Land. She can do things by herself in a forest better than fairy princesses can do as a group. She just needs Tulip to teach her more about design and stuff. I will give her some time to absorb things and also teach her the do's and don'ts of Fae Land before I go back. Okay that should be enough I need to know, said Alieta. Well you should get Mother Nature to meet her. She is the only one I told about Clary and was very sad to hear that she was killed, said Guen. This will be very good news to her also. Okay I will do that soon, said Alieta. So what do you want to do while she is sleeping? asked Alieta. Oh I want to go to the forest and see what they have been doing in there. I am sure they have come up with something else by now, said Guen. Yes I heard something about a temple that Lilly came up with, said Alieta. Supposedly they were having problems with it but Tillia helped them to fix it. Oh Tillia is here now too, that is good news, said Guen. So has she got a companion yet? Yep, Sara and they are almost always together now. Wow that is unusual but I can see how the two of them can be good for each other. I must see Tillia also before leaving. Never had the pleasure of meeting her, just stories and stuff, said Guen. Well she is usually here for supper and sometimes lunch too. She eats a lot so Tulip likes to make her a big bowl of food. Saves me on keeping her a supply of fresh fruit and vegetables at their place, said Alieta. Ya I bet she can pack it away pretty good, said Guen. 24 illustration goes here Chapter 6 Clary In The Fairy Forest Alieta and Guen went outside and saw that all the fairies were gone and so was Ivy and Sara. Well I guess they are all back to work, said Guen. Yep Ivy will have them doing something in there she is good at getting things done, said Alieta. Yes she is a good leader also, said Guen. I think I will go over there and see what is going on and have a look at that new temple you mentioned, said Guen. Okay see you in a bit, said Alieta. Then Guen flew off the the woods. So Ginger has anything been happening out here while we were upstairs. Nope, nice and quite for a change, said Ginger. Alieta looked at what Ginger was wearing and asked her wear she found that outfit. Oh it was in in the wardrobe room. The girls had it hanging up as a set, they are good at matching outfits. I was bored so decided go play dressup while waiting for you to finish. Looks good on me, don't you think, said Ginger. Well yes it does but kind of sexy don't you think. Ginger smiled. Well yes I know but look at your outfit, that is sexier than mine, said Ginger. Yep your right, no reason not to show off when you got it and man both of us got it, said Alieta. Yes we do but still not as hot and Tara and Avan's outfits. Those outfits I wouldn't want to wear, said Ginger. Ya me neither but for some reason they suit them, said Alieta. Well same as Zan but Zan is Zan and she would look sexy in anything, said Ginger. Just then Clary came back out. Oh I needed that, thanks Alieta, beds are very comfortable but I don't like being a room that much, said Clary. I stayed at a nice woman's place once and she had an extra room for me to sleep in but I really didn't like it. She was so nice, and I could see it made her feel good to be doing something nice for me. The room was smaller than that big room Ginger brought me too so that was good. This palace is very big, you should show me around some time. Very pretty everywhere too, even the hallways. Well thank Ginger for that, she is in charge of the palace and all of the elves that work here, said Alieta. Oh okay, Thanks Ginger you do a great job here, said Clary, my you sure do know how to pick out the best clothes. Pretty girls now how show off that is for sure. So where is everyone? Well all the fairies and your mother are back in the forest and the cove I guess and so is Ivy and Sara. You should go there and see what your sisters built from nothing. They turned a huge desert into a massive forest, said Alieta. Really, desert to forest? No huge desert, over two hunderd square miles of sand and made three quarters of it into fertile soil and forest, said Alieta. Wow that is big, my sisters must be quite the team, said Clary. Oh they are and Ivy helped a lot. You know she went there every day to talk to the trees as they grew. She made sure nothing went wrong, said Alieta. Yes a forest sprite can do that and Ivy is more than just a forest sprite in more than one way. So I guess I should go there or do you two need to talk to me? asked Clary. No Guen and I had a good talk about you so all is good and she wants you to go to the forest to see what your sisters do for fun also. Ya we don't work we just play, good things always happen when fairies are having fun, said Clary. Okay see you two later and off she flew. Um you forgot to tell her how the forest entrance worked or where it was, said Ginger. Oh she will figure it out, said Alieta. Can't make everything easy here for Clary the super fairy. 25 illustration goes here Clary flew over to the forest and tried to get in through the top of the trees but couldn't get in that way. Okay that is different she thought to herself. Lets try walking in from the side. She flew down to the northen side of the forest and saw that this forest was huge like her mother told her. She tried walking in there but still couldn't get in. Wow this is one tough forest to get into. There must be an entrance somewhere. Pippa appeared and asked are you having a problem Clary? Oh hi Pippa. Yes I can't get in the forest. There must be a way in somewhere, said Clary. Yep there is and only one. Ivy set it up that way, said Pippa. Ivy set it up? Yep she is the queen of the forest and what she says the forest does. Really, Ivy is that powerful. Nope not powerful just in control and the forest loves her, said Pippa. Okay I can understand that so how do I get in? asked Clary. Oh Ivy set this up prefect. We have to go through the woods first that have a lot of pixies in it. We all get to see who is walking towards the forest entrance and can warn Ivy ahead of time if they are bad. So that means you can enter the forest anywhere? asked Clary. Nope only from the the entrance and the top. We helped the forest grow with our pixie dust so the forest loves us too, said Pippa. Plus Ivy set the cove to allow us to, said Pippa. This Ivy is sounding more and more interesting all the time, said Clary. Yep Ivy is the best and knows how to keep her friends safe, said Pippa. Now follow me and I will bring you to the wood's path that lead to the entrance. The two of them flew over to the front of the woods then Pippa told her to just fly to the forest trees, You can't miss it and there is a sign out side of the entrance that shows different pathways to different spots in the forest. Pathways, there are pathways in this forest. Yep. Ivy again, said Pippa. So just call if you need help then Pippa flew off. Hmm, pathways and a secret entrance plus only one way in. This forest sprite is more than what I saw when I tried to read her. She must be able to block me more than I thought. Clary flew through the woods and could sense many eyes were on her as she passed threw it. Nice looking woods she thought too. Okay so this must be it. She looked at the sign and read Outdoor Eatery, Sauna, Waterfall and Swiming Pool? There is a swiming pool in here too? Okay the cove is straight ahead. Never seen a finished cove before so this will be interesting, she thought to her self. She touched one of the trees and said hello and immediately the trees opened up for her. Okay that was awesome. Just like I planned a forest would work. Okay straight ahead the sign said but looks like I can't fly in here. Suddenly the path opened wide and far ahead. Cool, I am liking this Ivy more and more, said Clary. She started to fly and watched as the path opened up to her then closed behind her. When she got to the end she stopped and figured she reached the cove. 26 illustration goes here She went to touch a tree but the tree beside her reached out and touched her. Oh my, you are alive? Yes of coarse you are. Hello I am Clary and I want to see my sisters, in the cove. The cove opened up wide for her and she walked in. Oh my God, look at this place, it is so much more amazing than I ever imagined, she said out loud. She saw three fairies flying around and Ivy with Sara over by the north wall talking to Tulip. The overviewer screen went very bight and stayed bright. Sara looked around and saw Clary standing just inside of the cove. Tulip look your sister is here. Tulip saw her and flew over right away. Hi Clary, welcome to our cove, said Tulip. You all made this? It is amazing, said Clary. Well just four of us did but yep we did it just like we did in Fairy Land but this cove is bigger, said Tulip. So what is Ivy and Sara doing over there? asked Clary. Oh Ivy is making a new path from the temple to the cove so it will be easier to get back here from there, said Tulip. So she does that from over there? asked Clary. Well yes but she can do other things too from the pool, said Tulip. Okay done, said Ivy. That was very easy this time. Ivy looked and saw Clary. Ivy flew over and said Hi Clary, glad to see you here in our cove, hope you didn't have a problem getting here. Well yes I did but Pippa helped me. My this is one hard forest to get into, said Clary. Yep got to keep your sisters safe, said Ivy. So what do you think, did they do okay? I know you are strong and stuff but they are really good as a team, said Ivy. Oh yes it is amazing, Ivy did you help them? Nope I had to wait outside in the forest while the four of them built it. Didn't take long though, they are real good at building, said Ivy. So where is my mother? Alieta said she was in here. Yep, she went to check out the new temple, she should be back soon, said Ivy. So Ivy, you control all of this? Like I mean you set everything up and stuff. I mean well I am not sure what I mean, but Pippa told me you are the forest queen and the forest does what every you ask it to do. Yep I control everything here, the cove's pool is where all the magic is sent out to the forest. We have a good relationship with each other now seeing I almost died in the pool trying to make some changes but all is good now, said Ivy. Okay, I think, said Clary. Now I can see why it is hard to see in you, that energy inside of you must be very powerful to be able to do all of this, said Clary. I guess so, oh look here comes Guen, said Ivy. 27 illustration goes here Guen flew over and asked Clary if she slept good enough. Yep it was nice and a big room too, said Clary. Good so how do like it here, your sisters did a good job right, said Guen. Good, it is fantastic, said Clary. Yes I agree, said Guen. Pippa showed up in the cove also to see if Clary made it in okay. Now I want you to spend some time in here with Tulip and let her tell you how she does things. She is the best even though she is the youngest, said Guen. Okay, said Clary. Now you should talk to your sister Lilly too, she has become quite the designer and is best at fixing things. Alieta reminded me about that, said Guen. Okay Lilly was always good at coming up with ideas, said Clary. Well now she does more and can make something that looks good, look way better, said Guen. She is like a fairy artist. So do you have any questions? Umm yes just one. Can I see the swimming pool the sign said there was one in here, said Clary. Guen smiled. Sure, who wants to show Clary the swimming pool? asked Guen. I do, me too, me also. They all wanted to show Clary the pool. Okay go ahead you all show her and maybe have a swim. I am going back to see Alieta. It is going to be lunch time soon so I want to see Tillia if she comes by so Tulip you need to come with me and help with lunch. Okay Mom, said Tulip. Oh I will get Tillia, said Sara, she loves eating at the palace. Tulip always makes her a good lunch. Okay, said Guen, that is what I heard. So lets go and you all have some fun, said Guen. I am coming too, said Ivy. Can't miss one of Tulip's lunches. Guen smiled and they flew up and out of the forest. So you can leave the forest like they did? asked Clary. Yep getting out is easy, getting in is not so easy, Ivy's rules, said Pippa. Yes I have been seeing that, said Clary. She is some girl. Yep she is the best, said Pippa, so lets all go and show you the pool. We all love it there, even me now after Ivy taught me how to swim. Again with Ivy, said Clary. Is there anything she can't do? Probably but ever since Ivy came to Fae Land things just keep getting better all the time, said Pippa. She is very smart and loves everyone here on top of being beautiful. Yes, even for a forest sprite her beauty is something to behold. Inside and out it seems, said Clary. 28 illustration goes here Chapter 7 At The Fantasy Pixie Forest Keiko and Amelie said goodbye to everyone after flying around very fast to meet everyone in the park. Then they took off to find the Fantasy Pixie Forest. Now those two are some very talented fairies, said Sandy. I have never seen a fairy do what they did here today and the ice cream cone was very good, better than store bought ice cream cones. Well fairies love ice cream, said Victoria. They know how to make it right. Yes they sure do, said Sandy. Keiko and Amelie flew south and soon the saw the forest up ahead. Wow that is a nice big forest, said Amelie. This Fae Land has lots to see and discover. Yep looks like it but this forest has to be big to have that many pixies in it, said Keiko. Ya but they can get really small too remember, said Amelie. Oh ya, that is right but it still looks big from here, said Keiko. They flew over to the forest then went in about the center of the forest and landed on what looked like a small island surrounded by a shallow pond. So here we are but I don't see any pixies, said Amelie. Hello, I am your guide for the day, my name is Roseberry, welcome to the Fantasy Pixie Forest. Oh you two are fairies, never had fairies in here visiting yet. Well hello, we were told that this was a good place to go and see on our adventure across Fae Land, said Keiko. Well yes this is a very good place to visit, said Roseberry. Well we were also told by Alieta that it might be a good place for us to live seeing we are Garson Fairies and can't get in the fairy forest, said Keiko. Oh so Alieta said that then you should have a look around first but I am sure you will like it here. Well it would be nice to have fairies living here and that would be a good thing for our forest too, said Roseberry. So Alieta said there was over a thousand pixies in here so where are they all? asked Keiko. Oh there is but they stay small most of the time, said Roseberry. Some of them get bigger to to have fun with visitors. Well can we meet them all, we would like to say hi to everyone, said Amelie. What say hello to all of them here? asked Roseberry. Yep we love making freinds and are very fast, said Keiko. Okay if you say so, said Raseberry. She put her fingers to her mouth and whistled loud. Every one come and meet the two fairies that want to live here with us. Suddenly the forest got filled with pixies that were every where. So that is what a thousand looks like, said Keiko. Yep lots more than a thousand, said Roseberry. Okay Amelie, lets get started, said Keiko. They flew up and started meeting each pixie and and wasted no time getting to meet them all. Roseberry just watched and saw these two were very fast and seemed to be very funny because every pixie they met ended up laughing. In about an hour Amelie and Keiko flew back down to Roseberry. Okay, all done, said Keiko. Lots of friends here now. 29 illustration goes here Wow that was something to watch and I guess you know everyone now. Yep we do, said Keiko. Over there is Kisha, Livia, Sally, Dilia and Telli and over ther is Dallo, Srura and Ginger and over there is... Okay I got it, said Roseberry. Even I don't know all their names yet. I don't know how you did it but it seems like everyone likes you two. Yep we love to make friends, the more the better, said Keiko. Yes I saw that, said Roseberry. So where do you want to live, there are lots of places availiable, said Roseberry. By me, said Ginger, I have lots of room for them and some very nice trees too. Okay so do you want to check out where she is living? asked Roseberry. Yep that would be good, she has the same name as Ginger back at the palace but we have to go back there to tell Alieta that we found a place to stay, said Keiko. Okay so go back to the palace but first find out where Ginger lives then come back when it gets dark or when ever you two get tired. Okay, said Keiko then they followed Ginger to her trees. Srura flew down and asked if they are okay to stay with us all here? Well you met them and Alieta said it was a good place for them so I beleive so, said Roseberry. Ya I guess so but they were very fast saying hi, said Srura. Yes but they told me they are Garson Fairies and can't get into the fairy forest. So you know what having Garson Faries living here means, don't you. Not really, said Srura. Well it means they can protect us from bad things, said Roseberry. Oh, then that is good but we are good and safe here anyways, said Srura. Yes but even better now, said Roseberry. But with Ginger, she is different from all of us, said Srura. Yes and so are the two fairies. Good match up I think, said Roseberry. Pippa will be here soon, she will fill us in. Okay, said Srura. Look some more humans just came in. I will go welcome them and I will entertain them, said Srura. Okay back to work, said Roseberry. 30 illustration goes here Keiko and Amelie followed Ginger to her tree spot. Okay here we are, not bad don't you think, said Ginger. Yes very nice, said Amelie. Now you can go down to the ground and gather a bunch of fallen leaves and make a very nice bed for yourselves, even a nice pillow like mine see, said Ginger. Now there are no insects in Fae Land so you don't have to worry about getting them in your ears. They looked at Ginger's spot and saw it was very nice looking. Okay this will be perfect, said Kieko. So you know where your place is so come back when you are finished at the palace and are sleepy, said Ginger. I don't snore, at least I don't think so. Keiko and Ameilie smiled. Okay we will be back in a bit. This adventure has been tiring us out, said Keiko. Okay, see you later, said Ginger then Keiko and Amelie headed back to the palace. When they got there they found Alieta talking to Ginger and Zan. The two of them flew down and said hi to Alieta. Oh you are back already? asked Alieta. Yep we had a great adventure so far. We first met two elves then we met the candy lady and she gave us free candy plus I think we helped her make a new chocolate treat then went to the park and met Sandy and her daugther plus Victoria too that loves fairies then went to the Fantasy Pixie Forest like you said and met all the pixies, though that took a while then after we met Ginger that is a very cute pixie, cute like your Ginger, she gave us a nice place to stay with her, said Keiko. She is different from all the other pixies we met there. I sensed something special about her. There is a lot of very nice pixies here, said Keiko. Well I am glad you had fun plus there was no reports of you two causing problems so that is all good too, said Alieta. Reports, what kind of reports? asked Keiko. Oh I have winged sprites that fly round Fae Land to make sure nothing bad is happening, said Alieta. Oh that is okay then, you have people making sure all is safe here then? asked Amelie. Yes I do and they are very important to the safety of Fae Land. Wow, the best queen ever, said Keiko. Well we are a bit tired so can we rest here for a bit? Yes please do, said Alieta it will be lunch time soon. Is that all, it feels like almost bed time to us, said Amelie. Well you did a lot in a very small amount of time so I understand why you would think it was later, said Alieta. Just sit and rest for a bit, you two will be fine. Just learn how to slow down some. Okay we will, said Keiko, then they both sat down right where they were standing. Do you really thing they will slow down? asked Zan. That is like telling a horse not to run. Ginger smiled. I like them just the way they are. 31 illustration goes here Conclusion So who all is coming for lunch? asked Guen. Well they will all be here soon but not many more seeing most of the fairies are at the pool so Ivy told me. They will be there for a while, said Alieta. Ya I figured that much, said Guen. So just what you see here but here comes Tara and Avan too. Okay good, said Guen. Tulip lets get things set up for lunch, hungry people to feed. Okay, said Tulip and they made a nice lunch for every one. Soon Sara and Tillia arrived and Tulip made a nice bowl of food for Tillia also. Okay everyone dig in all is ready, said Tulip. Every one ate lunch and when finished Tulip cleared every thing up. So does anyone want to play? asked Tulip. Not us, said Keiko. That was a great lunch but I a am beat. What about you Amelie? asked Tulip. No I am very tired too, said Amelie. Okay then now you two know to pace yourself, seeing and meeting everyone here takes time, so slow down, said Alieta. Ya okay, said Keiko. Lets go Amelie and set up our beds. A good sleep is all we need. Ginger says she dosn't snore. Okay said Amelie and off they flew. Well this has been another interesting day so far, said Alieta. I was a little worried about Keiko and Amelie but they seem to be fitting fine. Well I should head back to the forest, said Guen. I dough they all will come here to eat. They have that eatery in there that they built. But first I am going to talk to Tillia for a bit. Such a beautiful unicorn, said Guen. Guen walked over to Tillia and asked her if she had enough to eat. Yes, Tulip always makes me lots to eat, said Tillia. So you are the mother of these fairies, you must be proud of them all and what they have done. Yes all my girls are special to me, said Guen. Sara must make you very happy and powerful with her being your companion now. Yes Sara is the best I have ever had, said Tillia. Well you two stay safe, I am going back to the forest to check on everyone. They may be very good princesses but the are still fairies. Then Guen flew towards the forest. 32 illustration goes here Well I am heading back to the forest too, said Tulip. They may need my help making lunch for them. Okay said Alieta then off flew Tulip. Well Ginger, another day is shaping up nicely. Lots happened as usual, said Alieta. Yep and nothing bad this time, said Ginger. So do you have any plans for tomorrow? asked Alieta. Well Tabitha leaves the day after tomorrow so Phonixa, Repellia, Zan and myself figure we would go on a picnic with her tomorrow and say our goodbyes and stuff. She plans on leaving early in the morning on Saturday, said Ginger. Okay, that sounds nice, said Alieta. I figure hanging around here will be best for me. I am working on book ten now so I will sit out in the sun and finish it if all stays calm. Oh good, said Ginger. I am almost finished the nineth book so it will be interesting to see what happens next. Well I won't spoil it for you but it is another good one also, said Alieta. Lots of magic and adventure in this one. Lets sit and relax for a bit. Let the food settle a bit. The two of them sat on the steps and watched everyone as they talked together. So Keiko told me something interesting when we were talking about another very cute Ginger in the Fantasy Forest, said Alieta. Really, but all pixies are cute, said Ginger. Well Keiko made it a point to say she was different from all the other pixies, much cuter and said there was something special about her, said Alieta. I bet if Keiko wasn't so tired she may of told me more but the two of them looked beat. Hmm, I would like to meet this other Ginger, she sounds interesting, said Ginger. Well you may say interesting but Keiko said very cute and special like you. Maybe you have a twin, said Alieta jokingly. Ya right. Now I definately want to meet her, said Ginger. The End 33 illustration goes here