The Adventures In The Land Of Fae The She Devil Sisters Prolog In the morning Alieta got up and went down stairs for breakfast. For the first time in a quite a while there was no one sitting there waiting for her. Alieta asked Sally to bring her a coffee. After she finished her coffee and still nobody had shown up. She got Sally to bring her some breakfast to get the day off properly. I wonder where every one is, can they all be still sleeping I wonder. She asked Sally if everyone had already had breakfast all ready and left. No Alieta I have seen no one yet, said Sally, very odd I would say. After Alieta had finished her breakfast she got up to go check the sun dial and see what it was like outside. Just then Tabitha came running in and said, "Oh no did I missed breakfast?" Alieta smiled. No dear you can never miss breakfast. The cooks are here all day. Oh good. I only had a bit of spaghetti last night because there wasn't enough for all of us to have, so I am starved, said Tabitha. Okay sit and eat and I will be outside by the sun dial, said Alieta. Okay, said Tabitha. Alieta went outside and saw Zan looking at the sun dial. Hmm, well she got up and must of gone straight outside, Alieta thought to herself. Hi Zan how are you? She jumped then turned around. Oh sorry, I forgot Triffies are timid. She smiled at me and said, Triffie yes. I smiled back at her. She looked at the sun dial and pointed at the dial. and said, "Nixoeven". I looked and as usual it was seven o'clock. I said seven o'clock. She smiled again and, said nixoeven yes seven o'clock. Ah so that is seven o'clock in your language, said Alieta. Yes same, said Zan then pointed at the other numbers and read them out to me. Surboeven, ferieven, octaeven, diolcaeven and she continued until she told me what each number was in her language. Well she is now teaching me, Alieta thought to herself. Alieta then did the same and told what each number was in English. Shortly Tabitha came out and joined them around the sun dial. Hi Alieta and Zan, she said to them both. She just told me all the numbers on the dial in her language, said Alieta to Tabitha. Really, did you tell her the English version? asked Tabitha. Yep, Zan catches on fast, said Alieta. So you two had breakfast together? asked Tabitha. Actually no she was out here before me, said Alieta. She must be hungry though, she doesn't know the ways of living in the palace yet, said Alieta. Zan you want breakfast? Zan just looked confused. Rub your tummy and point at the palace Alieta, said Tabitha. Alieta did that and Zan said yes and smiled. Okay lets go and Alieta and Zan headed to the palace. 01 illustration goes here Alexa Makes Amends Alexa got up and had breakfast with Diego. I am going into town and get a gift for Ivy. Do you want to come with me. Sounds like you are going to be going in some girly stores, said Diego. Yep, she is a girl you know, said Alexa with a smile. I think I will do my morning jogging instead, said Diego. Okay. I will see you later. I will be going to her place once I find something perfect, said Alexa. Okay have fun, said Diego. Alexa got her horse and rode to the west town where she knew there was a nice store that had great stuff just for girls. When she reached the town she dropped off her horse at the town stable then headed down the street. There it is, she said to herself. Alexa went in the jewelry store and boutique and noticed that Tempressa was also here looking at some necklaces. Hi Tempressa. I would of never thought you would be in this store. Oh well yes I like this store but always just walked by it before but today I decided to go in. I have all this money and hardly buy anything with it so I figured I would treat myself and get a nice necklace, said Tempressa. Then she smiled at Alexa. With that smile you will probably get it for free, said Alexa. So what are you looking for? asked Tempressa. Oh I want to buy a friendship bracelet for Ivy, said Alexa. Oh is it her birthday? asked Tempressa. No, I don't know when her birthday is, said Alexa. Me neither, we should ask Alieta, maybe she knows, said Tempressa. Cindy the store owner came over and saw it was Alexa and Tempressa both in her shop at the same time. Oh this is a treat, said Cindy, Two heroes here at once! Tempressa smiled at Cindy. My Tempressa you look amazing. Not so, well different anyway, said Cindy. I know not so scary, said Tempressa. Changed my way of thinking and it is lot better being friendly than being grumpy, said Tempressa. Alexa giggled. Well what can I help you two with then? asked Cindy. Well I am looking for a nice necklace for myself and Alexa wants to get Ivy a friendship bracelet, said Tempressa. Well the bracelets and the necklaces at least the best ones are right here beside each other, said Cindy. They both bent down and looked through the glass at the shiny jewelry. Well I like that necklace, said Tempressa. Yes that would look gorgeous on you, said Alexa. Tempressa put it on and it did look great on her. I will take it, said Tempressa. Look at the price, Tempressa, said Alexa. Yep no problem. It says just five thousand, said Tempressa. Just five thousand you say. That is a lot to me, said Alexa. Oh silly I am the Ice Queen. I have a huge treasury up north in my palace. Oh, really, I didn't know you were rich. I am richer now with lots of new friends and stuff. Before I just had a lot of money, said Tempressa. Alexa smiled at her. Boy you have changed to the better, said Alexa. 02 illustration goes here So what about you Alexa. Well Ivy loves green stuff and I don't see anything that she would wear as a friendship bracelet here, said Alexa. Well there is one thing but it is expensive also, over two thousand. Oh, that is too much for me, said Alexa. Tempressa looked at Alexa and said lets have a look at it anyways. Okay, looking don't cost anything, said Alexa. Okay but this bracelet is special so that is also why it costs so much. She reached down into a draw and pulled out a small box and handed it to Alexa. Open it up silly, said Tempressa. Okay, said Alexa. Inside was a gorgeous emerald bracelet that said Ivy all over it. Try it on said Tempressa. Oh no she can't, said Cindy, Alexa would have to give it to Ivy and put it on her for it to work. What do you mean to work? asked Alexa. Well once on her wrist it will automatically fit her perfectly but that is not all, said Cindy. Oh what else does it do?asked Alexa. Well it will protect the person wearing it by being translucent at will. Like my ring when I rub it, said Alexa. Well yes but no rubbing needed, said Cindy. That would be perfect for Ivy, said Tempressa. How much can you afford, asked Tempressa. Only five hundred at the most, said Alexa. Good I will pay the rest, said Tempressa. No you shouldn't have to, said Alexa. If you don't let me then I will buy it myself and give it to her, said Tempressa with a smile then winked at Cindy. Okay then. Lets do it but together, I need to give it to her though, said Alexa. Of coarse silly, said Tempressa. But I want to come with you. They both settled up and headed to Ivy's place. When they got there they saw no one outside. Seems really quite here, said Tempressa. Ivy and Sara may be in the new forest, said Alexa. Okay but what new forest and who is Sara? asked Tempressa. Oh ya, you have never met Sara yet and the new forest is the one the fairies made not too long ago, said Alexa. Okay, I think, said Tempressa. Alexa knocked on the door and Viridian answered. Hi you two, what is up? asked Viridian. We are looking for Ivy, said Alexa. Oh the two of them went to the forest a couple of hours ago, said Viridian. Crap, said Alexa, I thought they might of gone there but I thought we would try here first. Sorry girls, said Viridian. While you are here Tempressa can you flash my ice box for me please. I am trying to make some more fruity ice sticks for them but it is not cold enough, said Viridian. Sure, said Tempressa. Viridian opened the ice box for her. See they won't freeze, said Viridian. Oh I can fix that for you and Tempressa flashed the ice box and froze the ice sticks also. Thank you so much Tempressa. The girls love these ice stick, said Viridian. Well they sound good, can I try one, asked Tempressa. Sure, pick a colour both of you and enjoy, said Viridian. Wow these are really good, said Alexa. Tempressa tried hers and looked very happy. Perfect she said, I love icy things. Both Alexa and Viridian smiled. So have you met Sara yet Tempressa, asked Viridian. No and haven't seen this new forest either, said Tempressa. Well I haven't seen the forest yet either but Ivy says it is amazing but Sara you will love, she is Ivy's new helper, said Viridian. New helper? Why does she need a helper? asked Tempressa. Oh you will see once you get to the new forest, said Alexa. It is huge and pretty much covers what used to be the Desert Plains. Wow that is big, said Tempressa. Sara is a forest sprite also, very pretty like Ivy, said Viridian. She lives here with us and stays in Ivy's room with her. Well we are going to the forest then, said Alexa. I have a friendship bracelet I want to give her. Why don't you come with us. Okay that will be awesome, said Viridian, Let me get changed and I will be right back, said Viridian. 03 illustration goes here So tell me about this new sprite, said Tempressa. Oh she is gorgeous and can talk to trees like Ivy but there are a few big differences with her that you should know, said Alexa. Sara was made just three days ago by God so very young and doesn't know a lot yet, said Alexa. Really, that is special, said Tempressa. Oh she is special alright, said Alexa. She is also a bit bigger and is super strong, much stronger than me, said Alexa. No way, how is that possible? asked Tempressa. Well she is trust me I know, said Alexa. Okay I am all set girls. Lets go to the magical forest, said Viridian. Magical? said Tempressa. Oh you will see when we get there, said Alexa. They all rode off to the west woods. When they reached the forest entrance, Alexa told them horses are not allowed in the forest so we have to leave them here. Why are they not allowed? asked Tempressa. No big animals of any kind are allowed in, besides the forest is so dense they couldn't get in anyways, said Alexa. Yes I see that, said Tempressa. How are we getting through them trees? I can fix that, said Alexa. She went to the forest and said, " I am Alexa and I have Tempressa and Viridian with me to come in also". The forest opened up and gave them entrance. Holy crap the trees just moved aside for you, said Tempressa with astonishment. Ya the forest is alive and the rest can move some also. Ivy controls the entire forest. They walked in then Alexa stopped. Shoot, I forgot, the cove is in the middle of the forest about three miles away and it will take us a while to get there, said Alexa. Well I have nothing better to do, said Tempressa, how about you Viridian? Nope, the day is all clear for me, said Viridian. Okay then lets start walking, said Alexa. They moved in and the trees kept opening for them then closing behind them. After a bit a little rabbit jumped out in front of them, looked at them and then hopped away. I thought animals were not allowed in here said Tempressa. Small harmless animals are allowed but that is the first animal I have seen in here, said Alexa. Oh look up there, said Viridian. Two squirrels playing. Tempressa and Viridian looked around for more forest life. It is so beautiful in here, said Tempressa. I have never seen such a forest in all my life. I can feel the magic everywhere too! Ya me too, said Viridian. Wait until we get to the cove, this is nothing compared to how strong the magic is in the center of the forest, said Alexa. They kept on walking and in no hurry because small cute animals kept walking out and what seemed like greeting them. A ferret even let Tempressa pat it for a few seconds before running off. So are we almost there yet do you think asked Viridian to Alexa. Not sure but the magic is starting to feel a lot stronger now, said Alexa. They walked for about fifteen more minutes then came to the closed entrance of the cove. Okay here we are, said Alexa. She heard a noise behind her and saw it was the tree that rubbed her back before. She said hello to it and a branch came forward so Alexa shook it. Um, you just shook a tree's limb like shaking hands. Did I see that right? asked Tempressa. Yep, all the trees in here are alive, said Alexa with a smile. So now what? asked Tempressa. Just walk towards the trees, said Alexa. Okay and as soon as Tempressa got close to the trees they opened up wide for them all. 04 illustration goes here They walked in together and Alexa said, "So what do you think?" Um can't talk right now, said Tempressa. Me either, said Viridian. Sara came over to Alexa and asked if she was okay today. Yep, perfect, said Alexa. I brought Ivy a present. What is a present? asked Sara. Tempressa looked at Sara. By the way you look girl, you will be getting a lot of them from all the guys in Fae Land. Well just watch Sara and you will see what a present is, said Alexa. It will make Ivy happy I hope. Okay, said Sara and went to get Ivy. My god she is gorgeous, said Tempressa. Beautiful from head to toe. Ivy came running over. Yeah! Alexa, Viridian and even Tempressa is here. Welcome to my cove, isn't it stunning, she said. Stunning is not a big enough word for it, said Tempressa. I didn't know this much beauty could be in one place. Does that mean she likes it? asked Sara. Tempressa smiled at Sara. Yes it means I love it beyond words. Oh okay, said Sara. She is just like Ivy was when we first met her, said Tempressa. Yep, she is very new and my helper, isn't she awesome, said Ivy. Oh ya she is amazing, said Tempressa. Okay so one of the reasons we are here is because I brought you a present to make up for the other day. You didn't have to get me a present, said Ivy but what is it? Alexa smiled. This is from both Tempressa and me, said Alexa. Oh okay, what is it? asked Ivy again that was getting excited. Alexa handed her the small box and Ivy opened it. Her pretty green eyes opened wide and said this is beautiful and in my colour too, said Ivy. It is a very special friendship bracelet, said Alexa and I have to put it on your wrist so it will work properly. Okay and Ivy gave her back the box and stuck out her arm. Both Tempressa and Viridian smiled. Alexa put the bracelet on Ivy's wrist and it magically changed to fit her perfectly just like Cindy told her it would. Wow, said Ivy. I love it and she hugged both Alexa and Tempressa and said thank you so much. It is so pretty. I will never take if off, said Ivy. Sara looked at Ivy and saw that the present made Ivy very happy. I like presents now, said Sara with a big smile. Tempressa smile back at Sara. Now the bracelet is supposed to be magical also, said Alexa. Oh really, how? asked Ivy. Well the girl at the jewelry store said that it will make you translucent like when I rub my ring, said Alexa. Oh I love that store and Cindy too but I don't have enough money to ever buy anything in there, said Ivy. Oh really, said Tempressa. We will see about that. Now you don't have to rub the bracelet like I have to do with my ring, said Alexa. All you have to do is think translucent and it should work so lets try it. Okay, said Ivy. She did it and everyone could see it worked. Now Sara, try and touch Ivy, said Alexa. Okay, she said and saw her hand go right through Ivy. She pulled back fast and said sorry, did I hurt you. Nope, didn't feel a thing, said Ivy. Oh good, said Sara. Now just think solid now and you will change back, said Alexa. Okay and Ivy returned to normal. Wow this is so cool, said Ivy. Yes it is, said Alexa. So if Sara is not around to protect you and you are in danger then use it and nothing can hurt you, even dragons or bad wizards and demons, said Alexa. Okay but they can't get in here either, said Ivy. Yes I know but you are not always in here, said Alexa. Oh ya, said Ivy. Just then she raised her head. Some one is trying to get in the forest. Let me check the overview, said Ivy. Tempressa went to go with her but Alexa stopped her. Nope we are not allowed over there, said Alexa. You don't want Sara here to grab you. Oh okay, I definitely don't want that, said Tempressa. Sara smiled. Ivy came back and said there is someone at the front door but the forest won't let them in yet even though she is good. Oh said Alexa, what should we do, asked Alexa. No problem I will let her in said Ivy and she closed her eyes for a second and then said okay she can come in now, said Ivy. So she is good you said? asked Alexa. Yep, very good and she has a message for you, said Ivy. Oh, I hope nothing is wrong, said Alexa. I can't tell from here, she is too far away, said Ivy. Have a look around while she figures out how she can get here faster than walking, said Ivy. Okay, said Alexa. Ivy showed them some of the cool parts of the the cove and also told them about the the waterfall and the plans for a spa that Tulip is still working on. 05 illustration goes here Chapter 2 Danger Close By Jazmen was at the entrance of the forest but saw that the forest was way to dense for her to get in. Suddenly the trees moved aside and let her in. Oh, that was weird, she thought to herself. She walked in and saw the trees closed behind her. Okay now I am locked in the forest. She saw a rabbit in front of her so she walked towards it. The rabbit turned and hopped ahead some into the closed trees. As she got close to the trees they opened up for her more and she could see the rabbit again waiting for her. Oh, I see, just follow the rabbit I suppose. She kept on going but really didn't know how far she had to go. This is taking forever, she said. This is an emergency and Alieta is going to get mad at me for taking so long. If only I could fly in here. Just then the trees opened up wider and a very long path could be seen. Oh that is very cool, thought Jazmen. Thank you trees. Okay, a forest full of living trees. Definitely fairy magic, she thought. She took flight and saw that she could go very fast now as the trees kept opening far ahead of her. Soon she got to the end of the path and saw that the trees ahead of her were close. Okay now what, she said. The tree that like Alexa, reached out and pushed her towards the cove entrance and the trees opened up. Oh, that was cool. Wow look at this place. It is stunning. Sara saw the sprite and flew over to Jazmen. Can we help you? asked Sara. Ah yes, Sara. I have an emergency message for Alexa. Sara called for Alexa and she came over to Jazmen. Hi Jazmen, what is going on. Alieta needs the teams help right away. There is something very dangerous not too far away. I was on a regular patrol over the Bad Lands when I saw something very suspicious in the distance. It scared me so I went back and got a few more sprites to come with me and got closer. When we were close enough to see, there were two demon like creatures standing there looking around and they were both female, it seemed. One saw us and shot some kind of beam at us so we took off fast, and told Alieta what we saw. She got me to find you but do you have any idea how hard it was to find you? I guess so, said Alexa. We have been moving around a lot today. Well ya, said Jazmen. First at your place and Diego said you went shopping in a girly store somewhere. I checked a few shops in town and saw no girly stores so I asked someone where to find one. She told me on the other side of Fae Land. So I went there and found the shop but you were not there either but the store owner said that you bought a gift for Ivy. So back I went to Ivy's place but no one was home. Luckily Ktara was outside by her garden nearby so I went to her and told her that the team was needed and asked her if she had any idea where Ivy would be and Alexa. She told me that Ivy is usually in the forest this time of day. Ktara said she would get the rest of the team over to the palace for me. So off I went to the forest and saw the horses but I couldn't get in at first. Man I am beat, said Jazmen. Alexa saw that she was tired and said sorry but how was I to know. Things have been very calm lately. I know so can the three of you please get geared up and get to the palace. Alieta is going to be so mad at me for taking so long. Not your fault Jazmen and besides if it is that important she should of sent more messengers out, said Alexa. Oh good, you are on my side, said Jazmen. Okay off I go back into the forest. Nope, just fly up now, said Ivy. You can now leave through the top of the forest. Oh good, said Jazmen. At least one thing turned out right and off she flew. Okay girls lets get moving fast. Alieta needs us, said Alexa. 06 illustration goes here Alieta was wondering what was taking Jazmen so long. She is usually the best at getting the team here fast, thought Alieta. She look looked up towards the west woods and saw Jazmen coming then she landed beside Alieta and looked exhausted. I finally found her with Viridian and Tempressa in the fairy forest, said Jazmen. I flew all over Fae Land looking for her and she was just a minute away all the time, sorry Alieta. Not your fault Jazmen. I should of sent out more messengers, said Alieta. So are they coming. Yes, they are all getting their gear on and should be here shortly, said Jazmen. Good, you go in the palace and have a milkshake. That always works for Ivy. Okay thanks, I have several sprites keeping an eye on them from a distance, said Jazmen then went in the palace. Alieta walked over to the side of the palace and looked around the corner but couldn't see anything. She went back to the palace entrance and told an elf to tell Ginger to make sure everyone stays in the palace until further notice. The elf ran inside. 07 illustration goes here Just then Alieta could see the team were starting to arrive. I don't see Alexa or Tempressa yet though Diego is with them, said Alieta to herself. When they all got to the palace they went to Alieta. Okay we are here, said Ktara. Where is Alexa and Tempressa. They will be here soon. They took the short cut behind the mountain. I saw them riding fast when I left to get everyone else, said Ktara. They should be here very soon. So what is going on? asked Zatsuky. Well we are not sure yet but Jazmen reported that two female demon like beings were out in the Bad Lands. Female demons I have never seen one of them before, said Zatsuky. Well lets wait until Alexa gets here first, said Alieta. If they are demons then you and Viridian should be able to take care of them but as you know demons always have an army of creatures with them so that is why I asked the entire team to be here as backup. Okay, said Zatsuky. Soon Alexa, Viridian and Tempressa rode up together and ran over to Alieta. Okay good you all are here, said Alieta. So Jazmen told me that two female demons were sitting out in the Bad Lands and sent an energy beam at her and the other sprites when they spotted them, said Alexa. Why are they just sitting in the Bad Lands? My guess is they are waiting for their army of creatures, said Alieta. Maybe but that doesn't make sense, demons always stay invisible and let the creatures do there thing first then move in and become visible to do what ever they came to do, said Alexa. We should call Apollonia, I have an idea. Alieta called for Apollonia and in a few moments she appeared. She saw the team was all in their full gear. What is going on? she asked. Not completely sure yet but there are two beings sitting out in the Bad Lands, possibly demons, said Alieta. Apollonia looked at Zatsuky's sword. How come your sword is glowing red? asked Apollonia. Must be too far away, said Zatsuky. Apollonia, before we start a battle I want you to do some reconnaissance for me, said Alexa. What is that? asked Apollonia. It is when you spy on the enemy first, in your case go invisible and she if you can figure out that they are doing out there and if they are going to attack soon. Okay so just check them out first, then what? asked Apollonia. Then come back here and tell us what you saw and found out, said Alexa. Oh okay, so that is what reconnaissance means, got it said Apollonia then vanished. Okay there she goes, our teenage warrior, said Alexa. 08 illustration goes here In about fifteen minutes Apollonia reappeared. Okay I'm back, what do you want to know? asked Apollonia. Man those two talk a lot. Pardon me, they were talking, what were they talking about? asked Alexa. Lots of stuff, said Apollonia. First they were just arguing about stuff like who hand the best hair and strongest wings, stuff like that, said Apollonia. Okay so you could understand them, said Alexa. Well ya they speak English and very good English too, said Apollonia. Hmm, what did they look like? asked Alexa. Lets see, One has long dark reddish hair big wings, a long tail, and long fingernails plus devil like horns and they other one looks almost exactly the same except her hair is all red, said Apollonia. Could you tell if they were demons? asked Alexa. No they are not demons, said Apollonia. They are she devils, good looking ones too. Really, did they say why they are here? asked Alexa. Yep they are after the magic the forest. If Ivy is in the fairy cove then they won't be able to do much damage but that will keep them busy for a while. Like demons, devils are attracted to magic and want to absorb it to get stronger. Okay so can you kill a she devil? asked Alexa. Nope you can't kill a devil of any kind. Between Zatsuky, Viridian and me we can bang them up pretty good though, but even if they retreat to heal they will probably come back because devils are dumb like demons though those two didn't seem that stupid, kind of funny actually said Apollonia. Okay so all we can do is keep them away from the forest some how, said Alexa. How long does it take for a she devil to heal? asked Alexa. I don't know, I never seen one before, said Apollonia. I guess it depends on how bad we damage them. Okay then, Zatsuky and Viridian you two go around the far side of the palace and stay out of sight and Apollonia you stay invisible and let them know when you see them coming and if there are creatures with them, said Alexa. Okay but they didn't mention anything about creatures, said Apollonia. 09 illustration goes here Okay, before you go Apollonia we have to get word to Ivy that the forest is going to be attacked, said Alieta. I don't want to send any of you three in there. I would take too long getting to the cove and I am not leaving my post either, said Alieta. Can you teleport into the cove and talk to Ivy? Ya, but in order to teleport in I need to know exactly where she is, said Apollonia. Dead center of the forest, said Alieta. Oh okay. That is easy. said Apollonia then she vanished. Apollonia landed right in the middle of the pool. Well they didn't tell me about the water, said Apollonia. Hi Apollonia. Why are you here in the pool? asked Ivy. She flew over to Ivy. Alieta sent me to warn you that the forest is going to be attacked. Really why? asked Ivy. Tulip was with Sara and flew over to Apollonia. What is attacking us? she asked. She devils, said Apollonia. Not them, said Tulip. They are nasty, said Tulip. So how many are there? Just two, said Apollonia. Okay I will get the other fairies quick. We all need to be here to control the magic and she sped off. So what are she devils? asked Sara. Oh they are very bad and can't be killed to the best that I know said Apollonia. Why not, Alexa's team can kill anything bad and so can you, said Ivy. Nope not a devil Ivy. Nothing can kill them, said Apollonia. Ivy got really scared now and so did Sara. Here comes the fairies, they will know what to do, said Apollonia. Chestnut flew to Apollonia. You sure they are devils, she asked. Yes, they fit the description and want the forest's magic. Okay then, Guen and I dealt with one before a long time ago. We were able to keep it away with the help of all the other fairies there, but there is only six of us here now but the magic in this cove is much stronger than Fairy Land's magic was back then, said Chestnut. Okay that sounds good, said Apollonia. There is nothing good about a devil attack, said Chestnut, They are ruthless and can't be destroyed by anything. Yes that I know, said Apollonia. Now we all here will work with Ivy and Sara to keep the magic centered on the attacks. But once the cove feels like the devils are getting close to getting in, a huge surge of magic with occur and blast them back at least a mile away. Before that happens Ivy and Sara will have to step out of the cove for a bit. The surge could kill the two of them. We will tell them when it is time to get out, said Chestnut. So what then, asked Apollonia. Well they will fly back but won't be able to penetrate the magic wall. So eventually they will figure that is useless here then probable settle for Fae Lands magic and then you and the team will have to deal with them, said Chestnut. Okay so how will I know when that surge is going to happen? asked Apollonia. You will hear a buzzing sound getting very loud to the point you will have to cover your ears., said Chestnut. Just make sure you are clear of the forest when you start to hear it. Got it said Apollonia the vanished. Don't worry Ivy, nothing can get in here, you made sure of that, said Chestnut. 10 illustration goes here Chapter 3 The She Devils Attack So Fae Land will be attacked next you say, said Apollonia. Yep and it has no defense like our forest, said Chestnut. Great, said Apollonia. This sounds hopeless. Well there are two other choices, said Chestnut, One being let the devils take all the magic then they will leave but Fae Land will have to be recharged by the pixies and us fairies by flying around but that could take many years for it to even get close to what the land is like now or you and the heroes can battle them over the bad lands and keep them away from the borders but seeing that the devils are ruthless, the battle could last for a very very long time or maybe not. All depends of how dumb or smart these she devils are. Make your choice and good luck, said Chestnut. Just do not engage the devils until you see the surge that blasts them away. It will blow all your feathers off if you are in the way but should weaken them some. Okay, just keep these two safe please, said Apollonia. I will see what a she devil is all about and they will find out what I am all about then off went Apollonia looking really mad. Okay Ivy you two are safe in here so both of you focus on the overview and repair any damage that the devils make as fast as you can. Stupid she devils Ivy heard her say under her breath as Chestnut flew away. Apollonia teleported back to the palace grounds and saw everyone waiting for her. So what did she say. Well Ivy didn't say much but Chestnut knew what to do. She and Guen fought off an attack of she devils before at Fairy Land a long time ago. Now, the devils will not be able to get into the forest so Ivy and Sara are safe and so are the fairies but they will have there hands filled fighting back with the coves magic. Okay that is good news, I think, said Alieta. Yes but once the cove feels that the devils are causing too much damaged the coves magic will surge and blast them away but they will come back but eventually move to an easier target which is Fae Lands magic source. Oh so that is not good news at all, said Alieta. Now Chestnut said there are two choices. One is to just let the devils come and drain all the magic form the source then they will leave or I fight with Zatsuky and Viridian with there weapons. What about me, said Tempressa. My ice could at least slow them down. Well yes but you are pretty much defense less and one hit from one of their beams will fry you. Tempressa come here quick. Tempressa looked behind her and saw Repellia waving at her to come over. Tempressa went over and Repellia told her there is some awesome armor that was heavily enchanted in the armory. Hmm, okay let me have a look at it, said Tempressa. Where is Tempressa and Repellia going, asked Paisley. Oh I think I know, said Alieta but wait and see. Now I know what I am going to do because I love Fae Land and the two she devils I may not be able to kill but I can make them hurt real bad, said Apollonia! How about you two, asked Apollonia to Viridian and Zatsuky. You bet, we are in. Devil or no devil they are not just walking into our home. Good, they are going to wish they never heard of Fae Land, said Apollonia. Now we have to wait for the cove to surge and blast them back about a mile. When they start to fly back, that is when we attack, said Apollonia. Well Alexa. This time you didn't have to make a plan, said Alieta. Ya that is what's bothering me, said Alexa. I am going in the palace to see what Tempressa is up to and off Alexa went. 11 illustration goes here Okay lets all get into position, said Apollonia. A few minutes went by and the team was just out of sight but Apollonia was standing in the open waiting. Apollonia saw the two she devils flying straight for her so she spread her wings but suddenly when they were just thirty feet away they stopped for a moment then took a sharp right without confronting her and went right for the fairy forest. The devils were hammering at the the forest but it kept repairing itself very fast. The devils started to use red beams at the trees and started them on fire but the flames went out and the trees started to heal again. This got the she devils very mad and they started slicing away at the trees with their nails as fast as they could. Now they were doing some serious damage and were making a small pathway. Man these she devils are very powerful to be beating the forest with Ivy at the controls thought Apollonia. Next the buzzing sound could be heard that Chestnut told her about and got very loud fast then a huge loud bang was heard and the devils went flying way back and landed on their butts but not that far away. Okay girls we are up, lets go get them, said Apollonia. She flew over between the forest and the she devils then Zatsuky and Viridian ran out to join her. The two she devils got up and flew right at Apollonia again but she blasted them with a big charge that set then backwards again. Nice shot girl, said Zatsuky. Okay start shooting, said Apollonia then both Zatsuky and Viridian began firing energy blasts at them. Apollonia looked and saw that Zatsuky's sword was still not glowing red yet. Something is wrong here, thought Apollonia. She sent out another strong blast at the two she devils pushing them back again but this time she kept moving towards them blasting away pushing them back further and further until they ended up on their butts again. One she devil said to the other. "What the hell, angels aren't suppose to have that much power". Maybe she is not an angel said the other one. The she devils got up off the ground and flew back but tried to go around Apollonia to get back at attacking the forest. Apollonia teleported in front of them and blasted them back again and tried to shrink them but couldn't. Zatsuky and Viridian ran over and began firing at the she devils wings but very little damage was being done. Alexa and Repellia came out of the palace with Tempressa that had on the same armor. She gave Tempressa her ring. You know how to use it so go out there and freeze those bitches, said Alexa. Gladly! and Tempressa put on the ring and rubbed it them ran out to join the battle. Okay lets go watch, said Alexa. This should be interesting. So you made a plan anyways, said Alieta. Good girl. Yep there was no way I was letting a weapon like Tempressa sit this one out, said Alexa. 12 illustration goes here They all went to the edge of the bad lands and could see everything now. The girls kept firing at she devils but not really doing much damage but they were hurting them. Tempressa ran out and said time for some ice wings and froze one of the devil's wings that made her crash to the ground. Nice shot Tempressa, said Viridian. Don't worry Apollonia, I have Alexa's ring on, yelled Tempressa. The wing thawed fast so Tempressa froze the other wing then moved to the other devil and did the same making them both grounded. Keep it up Tempressa. We can hit them better when they are on the ground. They kept on battling away as Tempressa froze them over and over again. Then the two she devils jumped up and shook the ice off their wings and started to grow and flap their wings blowing everyone backward. Apollonia grew even bigger and flapped her massive wings that counter the devil's wind and threw them back. She then blasted them three more times that sent the devils to their knees for a moment. The devils just stood up. They never give up, said Apollonia. Apollonia blasted them a few more times and it was evident that it hurt them bad. They got up slowly then Apollonia hit them again over and over again over different parts of their body. Then one of the shemales yelled, "Stop, we give up, magic isn't worth all of this". Then the two of them slowly got up and began to limp away. Apollonia hear one of them say, "Those are really bad people". Viridian and Zatsuky ran up to Apollonia. Should we go after them? No, something is not right here, said Apollonia. What do mean, asked Zatsuky. Look at your sword. They are just a short distant away and your sword is still not glowing red, said Apollonia. I have a real bad feeling about what we just did, lets get back to the palace. They are not coming back. 13 illustration goes here The four of them walked back to the others while Apollonia kept saying to herself, "This is all my fault". Everyone was very happy and began congratulating them at a job well done. Everyone was looking very happy except Apollonia that looked like she was about to cry. Apollonia, what's the matter with you? asked Alieta. It's all my fault I made a stupid mistake, said Apollonia with tears in her eyes. I don't understand. You four beat the she males and they left, said Alieta. Of course we won, said Apollonia but we shouldn't of. Now I am completely confused, said Alieta. Alexa came close to hear what was going on. Ask Zatsuky if her sword was glowing red, said Apollonia. Actually it wasn't at all, that is why I had to fire just white charges. So you know what that means, said Apollonia. It means there was nothing evil around and I noticed it wasn't glowing but ignored it. Oh my, but they kept coming back at you all, said Alieta. No not at us, they were only interested in the magic of the forest, said Apollonia. Did you watch and see what was going on? Yes we all watched, said Alieta. Okay so how many times did you see them fire at any of us? asked Apollonia. Well I am pretty sure they must of but I never saw them fire back. Ya neither did I, said Viridian. They had plenty of chances but never once attacked us with magic. You see, It is all my fault I did everything wrong. I even heard one of them say as they were walking away that we were very bad people, said Apollonia. This time we were the bad guys and it is because of me. I have to go talk to Gabriel. I am right here Apollonia, said Gabriel that just appeared. I have been here all along. 14 illustration goes here You have, so you saw that I was making a mistake, why didn't you stop me? asked Apollonia. Well as you know I can't interfere and you are the one that wanted to be on earth doing as you please. It is not all fun and games here on the surface, said Gabriel. Now first of all this is not all your fault. Alieta felt there was something odd with these two she devils and didn't use her head to find out more information first Apollonia told her what she found out about them. The spoke good English, plus pretty and even funny to listen to. Nit long ago Ginger told Alieta that devils were very ugly and dangerous. Alexa found things to be off also when she heard they spoke English and you said they didn't seem that dumb. All of you should of seen that they were not trying hurt any of you at all but were just going for the magic which is just natural for a she devil. The biggest clue was the Crimson Sword that indicated that there was nothing evil or bad around anywhere close to Fae Land. If this was a test then you all would of failed. Now the good thing is everyone learned a lesson that things are not always what they seem to be and you Apollonia felt regret for the first time which is a very bad feeling but that is how you learn not to make the same mistake. Now what do you think you should of done when you went to spy on those two she devils? I should of let them see me and asked what they wanted and explained to them that the forest is magical and it was impossible to get in and will hurt them, said Apollonia. And why would you of said that to them? asked Gabriel. Well I was in no danger so why not talk first and get all the facts, said Apollonia. Very good, now that was your test and now you just passed it. So you let me hurt those two nice she devils just to teach me a lesson? asked Apollonia. That doesn't seem right. Well if you would of payed attention to me more when I was trying to teach you stuff about the way things are on the surface then maybe none of this would of happened, said Gabriel. Besides those two she devils needed to know they were not all that high and mighty. They are banged up really bad form all four of you and will take weeks to heal on their own so they can't go far. They will be back very soon so this time make sure you Alieta fix this, you will not be sorry. Then Gabriel vanished. Well she really put all of us in our place, said Alexa. Like Gabriel said Apollonia, this wasn't just your fault we all messed up together. Yes and now I have to fix it, How the heck am I going to do that? asked Alieta. You will Alieta, you always do, said Alexa. 15 illustration goes here Chapter 4 The She Devils Return Well looks like we are not needed anymore today, said Alexa. Cheer up Apollonia, we all make mistakes and like Gabriel said there was a good side to this whole thing. Ya we are going home too said everyone else. Soon just Alieta and Apollonia were standing outside. So what are you going to do? asked Alieta. I am staying here and waiting for them to come back so I can tell them how sorry I am, said Apollonia. I can understand that, said Alieta. That feeling of regret is not nice is it. It hurts me inside, how do I get it to go away? asked Apollonia. Well it will never go away completely but saying sorry is always a good start, then learning from our mistakes makes things easier. You are young so it will be just fine soon enough. Just then Ivy flew over. Hi, Everything is normal in the forest again, said Ivy. Funny thing was I didn't sense any evil while the forest was being attacked and the overviewer showed two blue dots not red that were doing the damage. Are you sure they were evil she devils? Evil no, she devils yes, said Alieta. Another good way of feeling better is talking to you friends about what happened. Ivy can you sit here on the steps and let Apollonia tell you everything? You have a way of making people feel better. Ivy looked at Apollonia and felt she was hurting inside. Ya I can do that, said Ivy. But lets sit on the grass, it is a lot softer on the butt. 16 illustration goes here The rest of the day went by with no problems. Ivy talked Apollonia into coming over to her place and having supper with them. Zan went to bed early as usual and the twins were hanging out in Tabitha's room giving her beauty tips. Alieta decided to call it a day seeing she figured when Gabriel said the she devils will be back very soon that usually meant the next day... In the morning, Alieta got up and went to the dining room to have a coffee and found Zan sitting at the table. Oh good, hi Zan. Ready for breakfast. Yes hungry, said Zan. Alieta ordered breakfast for the two of them. After we eat we will check the sun dial then come back here and I will teach you English, said Alieta. Okay, good, said Zan. They ate and went outside to the sun dial, Zan looked at it and said about seven o'clock, then Zan pointed up and said nice. Yes it is a nice day today, said Alieta. Nice day today repeated Zan then smiled. Oh this is going to be fun, thought Alieta. They went back in and found Phonixa, Repellia and Tabitha eating breakfast together. Good morning girls, said Alieta. Zan repeated Alieta again. They all said good morning. So today I am going to teach Zan some more English. She is picking it up pretty fast, said Alieta. Oh can we help. Well sure if you want to, said Alieta. She got an elf to get her a pencil and some paper. Okay lets start off simple again. Alieta drew a picture of a ball but this time she wrote down the word ball. There and Alieta spelled it out to her then said Ball. Zan repeated everything she said. Can I show her something? asked Tabitha. Sure, said Alieta. Tabitha wrote out the entire alphabet then pointed at each letter to the letter O and said it to Zan. Zan did the same and got every one correct. Then she did the same with other letters and Zan once again got them all correct. Very good Zan, said Tabitha. She then pointed at her own hair and said blonde hair then Phonixa's and said brown hair. Zan did the same then pointed at her own hair and said red hair then said Ivy has pretty green hair. Alieta smiled and said yes. Same as Sara's. Yes Sara's green hair to. Very pretty girl. The two sisters started to giggle. Maybe you should get a simple book and read it to her and point to the words as you read it to her, said Tabitha. Bet you she picks it up faster that way, she seems to be very smart, said Tabitha. Good idea Tabitha, said Alieta. Okay we are heading outside for now. Not sure what to do today yet, said Repellia. Okay you three see you all later, said Alieta. Zan repeated her, see you latter. My she wants to really learn fast, thought Alieta. She thought for a moment then asked an elf to get her that book about animals living together in the woods. When she got the book, Alieta sat beside her and started to read to Zan pointing at each word as she went along. Zan was very good at repeating the sentences. There were drawings also that Zan really liked. Alieta continued until she was finished the book. Okay all done said, said Alieta. Zan looked up and said, that was a nice book. Used to read a while back all the time. But men came and hunted us. Zan started to look sad. I lost all friends over time. Alieta was amazed at how she could now speak broken English and had a very sexy accent too. Well Zan You have friends here now. Yes very nice friends and no more bad men either. I am happy again. Too bad about my old friends. Hmm. Alieta thought to herself. Oh yes. Well a few days ago Gabriel told me that when ever a Triffie died, God put that soul directly into a new born elf. And she said they were all smarter then men and the men were afraid of them. Zan smiled. That is very good to hear, said Zan. Yes but you see elves live for a very long time so many are probably still alive here in Fae Land, nice and safe. Oh boy that is best news, said Zan. Can I go out now and talk to some elves. Well yes, you can when ever you want, said Alieta. Okay thank you and out she ran. Wow in two hours she can talk better than most of the humans in Fae Land, she said to herself. 17 illustration goes here Alieta went back outside just as Jazmen came down to talk to her. The she devils are back, said Jazmen. Really, said Alieta. Where are they? asked Alieta. It is the funniest thing I was flying low over the Bad Lands checking for wolves and stuff when I spotted them just sitting there on the sand just outside of the Fae Land border. I think one of them waved at me. Kinda weird I though so came right here to tell you. What are they doing? asked Alieta. Just siting on the ground talking, said Jazmen. I have to see this for my self, said Alieta. Should I get more armed sprites for you Alieta. No, I have a feeling we won't be needing them, said Alieta. Really, they are she devils! said the Jazmen. Yep I know, said Alieta. Come with me Jazmen. we are going to do this right this time. Okay, said Jazmen, I hope you know what you are doing. They walked around behind the palace and to the border of the Bad Lands. She saw the two of them sitting on the ground arguing with each other. Hello girls are you back for more? asked Alieta. No way do you think we are crazy, there are too many powerful bad people in there, said one of the she devils. Is it safe for us to come closer? asked Alieta. Does it look like we are capable of hurting anyone, we can barely move, said the other she devil. Plus it is not allowed. Don't get smart with her Tara or she might get that scary black winged angel to come after us again, said the other she devil. The two of them walked out and towards the two she devils and Alieta could now tell they were both in very rough shape. Alieta asked them what there names were? I am Avan and this is my sister Tara, we are twins but look a bit different. Ya I look sexier that you, said Tara, no you don't said Avan. we look the same. Jazmen giggled, well they act like sisters, said Jazmen. Okay so what are you doing here? asked Alieta. Well we want to say sorry to the queen here but we are kinda afraid she might call those bad people again especially the black winged one. Man she can really throw a punch. Well first of all there are no bad people here and the girl with the black wings is Apollonia. She is a dark angel and is very upset with her self for hurting you two, said Alieta. Really how come, she seemed to look happy as she kept blasting us with those other girls, said Avan. That was before she figured out you two were not evil, said Alieta. You see she devils are always evil and very bad, killing people and creating panic. We know that, said Tara but they are ugly and stupid but we are beautiful don't you think, said Tara then tried to get up but fell back down. Well we used to be beautiful, said Tara. I shouldn't say this but they are funny, said Jazmen. Could you ask the queen or king or who ever is in charge here to come so we can say sorry for damaging the forest though it looks like nothing happened to it, said Avan. Will you go away then, asked Alieta. Well if they want us too but we are kinda stuck here right now, said Avan. It took all night for us to get back to this spot. The magic here makes it so we don't hurt so much. Alieta smiled. Well yes Fae Land is full of good white magic. I am Alieta, Queen of Fae Land. Wow you are brave. Anyone else would have an army with them, said Avan. Well you saw my part of my army already but I feel you are not the type to hurt people, said Alieta. Nope it is not allowed, said Tara. Alieta thought for a moment. So where did you come from? asked Alieta. We don't know. We just appeared a few weeks ago and started looking for magic. We ran into another man devil. He was really mean to us so the both of us sent him flying far away. They both giggled then started to cough. So Alieta we are very sorry for what happened the other day. We just did what we thought was natural but that forest is amazing, How did it keep repairing like that and so fast? asked Tara. It is a Fairy forest protected by white magic, the strongest magic of any kind, said Alieta. Fairies, you have fairies? we heard about them but didn't think they could do anything like that, said Avan. Okay then, said Alieta. You can stay out here and absorb more magic and heal slowly or you can come to the palace grounds where the magic is many times stronger and will fix you up faster. Okay but what if we scare anyone? asked Avan. Let me deal with that, said Alieta. Okay you are very nice, said Avan. 18 illustration goes here They both got up slowly then started to walk with a limp behind Alieta and Jazmen. They got just inside of the palace grounds and sat back down. Okay made it, said Tara. Wow you two really are hurt bad, said Alieta. Ya the dark angel did a number on us mostly, said Avan. The cuts are not as bad as they look, not that deep but they came from the other two girls with the weapons. Well Apollonia is more than just a dark angel. She was made by God to be his warrior, said Alieta. Well he did a good job with her, that is for sure, said Avan. Alieta looked around and saw several elves staring at them from a distance and she noticed Chestnut was with them but looked ready to fly off to the forest. Chestnut come here for a minute. It is okay, they will not hurt you, said Alieta. Chestnut slowly got closer then asked Alieta what she was doing. How good can you read people. Oh I am the strongest, said Chestnut. Then do it then you will see what I am doing, said Alieta. Okay if you say it is safe, said Chestnut. She got closer then looked at Avan first in the eyes then Tara. Tara smiled at Chestnut. You are so cute, said Tara. Chestnut smiled back at her. They are white inside she said with a shocked look on her face. They are both hurt really really bad too. Can you help them? asked Alieta. Well Lilly is best at that. I couldn't fix them completely. If they were humans or elves they would be dead, said Chestnut. I will give them a bit of relief for now but Lilly has to do her thing on them. Wow a real fairy, you are so pretty, said Avan. Chestnut smiled again. They really are good, aren't they, said Chestnut. Yep, said Alieta. Chestnut made her wand appear and touched both of them on the chest. Wow that feels better. They both said. Still can't move my wings though, said Tara. Okay I will get Lilly. She will do the rest. Then off Chestnut flew to the forest. You see all those elves are afraid of us and Avan pointed at them. Alieta smiled. Just human nature, girls. Hey elves come meet Avan and Tara, yelled Alieta. They will come just like that? asked Avan. Look and see, said Alieta. They all started to walk towards Alieta. Then when close enough one said wow they are very pretty. Wings are a bit scary but very pretty anyways. See I told you we were pretty, said Tara to Avan. Well how should I have known. No one has every said we were pretty before just us two to each other, said Avan. The elves all started to laugh. Did we say some thing funny? asked Tara. Yes you act like sisters, said an elf. We are sisters, said Tara. Well then you are not acting, said the elf. 19 illustration goes here Chestnut came back with Lilly. Wow now isn't this a sight you don't see every day, said Lilly. Okay so two wounded girls that should be dead but can't die was one of the things that Chestnut told me about you two, said Lilly. Now I have to touch your chest so don't bite me okay? asked Lilly. We don't bite, said Avan. I know just joking, said Lilly. Lilly rested the palm of her hand on each of the girls chest at the same time. Okay, I am getting it just a bit longer. Okay got it, she said. Wow you two are in rough shape. Both of you have multiple broken bones in your wings. Both of you have badly fractured arms. Legs badly bruised with multiple fractures also and both of you have broken backs and ribs. Feet are just fine though, then she smiled at the two of them. How are you standing the pain you two must be in? asked Lilly. We have no choice, we can't die, said Tara. Okay I need you both to stand up as best as you can. I am going to need to have access to your front and back. They both moved slowly and stood up. Are you sure that once I heal them they won't just turn and attack us? asked Lilly to Alieta. Chestnut said they have white souls, said Alieta. Oh, okay then we are safe, said Lilly. Is that good enough? asked Avan. I can't straighten up anymore. Me neither, said Tara. Yes that will do, said Lilly. Now stay completely still. We can't move anyways, said Tara. I feel like an old lady. How would you know what an old lady feels like? asked Avan. Pretty sure she will feel the way I do right now, said Tara. Oh these two are funny, said Lilly. Lilly made her wand appear and started on Tara first. She dragged the wand down the length of her back then all the way to the tip of her tail. Then did the same with each arm and leg then the broken spots on her wings. Now stay still Tara. Let it sink in. Okay, said Tara. Lilly did the same thing to Avan then told her the same to stay still until she said it is okay to move. So why is this taking longer to heal, asked Alieta. Very extensive damage being repaired all at once takes a bit of time for the magic to repair everything fully, said Lilly, This much damage would mean a normal person would be dead. One broken arm will fix right away because the magic is focused on one spot. Now let me fix those ribs. She placed the wand on Tara's chest for a minute then did the same to Avan. Then she used her wand on both of their legs, focusing on the knees and shins. Okay both of you bend both your legs up towards stomach, said Lilly. They did it easily. Feel any pain there, Lilly asked. Nope, no pain, said Tara. Me either, said Avan. Now remain still, I need to repair those fractured arms some more, said Lilly. She continued with her wand until every part of the two she devils were healed. Okay move you arms please, said Lilly. Good now move your head back and forth. Good now flap you wings a bit. That hurts some still, said Tara. To be expected, said Lilly. Me too, said Avan. The wings will take at least a hole day or longer to get back to normal so no flying please. The bone structure there is very complex. My you sound very smart, said Tara. Yep almost as smart as Alexa, said Lilly. Who is Alexa, asked Avan. The smartest person in the world, said Chestnut. So are you girls hungry at all, asked Alieta. I think so, we have never eaten before, said Tara. Well lets give it a try, said Alieta. Make some ice cream for them both, Ivy says it is good for the wings. 20 illustration goes here Tulip was flying to the palace and noticed a fairly large group had gathered just east of the palace. I wonder what is going on there she thought to herself. She got closer and saw what looked like two big sprites with odd looking wings eating ice cream with Alieta and some fairies and elves. As she got closer she saw that they were girls with horns and a tail. Well those are definitely not sprites, they are those she devils. She flew over to Alieta and asked what was going on here. Oh hi Tulip, said Alieta. We are just having some ice cream, said Alieta. Yes I see that but what is with the she devils? she asked. Oh this is Tara and Avan. They both got hurt very bad by Apollonia when they attacked the forest yesterday so I asked Lilly to heal them, said Alieta. Tulip shook her head. So why are you giving them ice cream now after they tried to get into the forest. Are they not dangerous? asked Tulip. Actually no, not at all, said Alieta. At least not to us. Do they look dangerous? Well yes they do. Very dangerous, said Tulip. Chestnut and Lilly were giggling as they listened to their younger sister talk to Alieta and looked so confused. Well looks can be deceiving Tulip. They are very nice and friendly now be polite and introduce your self to them please, said Alieta. Um okay I guess, said Tulip and flew over to them. Oh look Tara, another fairy, isn't she cute, said Avan. Yes, and pretty wings too, said Tara. Okay, so they don't sound dangerous, Tulip thought to herself. Hello, my name is Tulip, how are you? she asked. Oh much better now after Lilly there healed us though our wings need to heal a bit more before we can fly again, said Tara. Tulip looked at Lilly and saw she was giggling with Chestnut. Okay so let me just come out with it, said Tulip. What the heck is going on, Tulip said. You are the two that tried to get into our forest yet here you are now looking like friends to everyone now, said Tulip with a very confused look on her face. Well we are not completely sure but we did say sorry to Alieta and we really didn't hurt anyone, we never hurt people or animals and everyone here is so nice plus this ice cream is amazing tasting, said Avan. Tulip smiled but was still confused. She went over to her two sisters to see if they could give her a better explanation. So can you two fill me in a bit better as to why we have two she devils in Fae Land. Yep, said Chestnut. I read them fully and first they have pure white souls and a very short history so they are fairly new. I saw that they had never killed anything ever and they are confused too like you, said Chestnut. Okay but devils don't have souls so what are they then, asked Tulip. We don't know but they are very pretty sisters, said Lilly. They are sisters? said Tulip. Yep, said Lilly. Now be nice to them. They are being nice to you Tulip, said Chestnut. Man the strangest things happen here in Fae Land, said Tulip. Yep, isn't that so cool, said Chestnut with a smile. 21 illustration goes here Tulip walked over to Alieta that was watching her talking with her sisters. So Alieta, they say all is cool and you seem good with them and so does all these elves so I am good with them also but what are they? Devils don't have souls so they can't be she devils, said Tulip. Yes Chestnut told me that. And I was just waiting for everyone to adjust to them before calling Gabriel to find out more about the two of them, said Alieta. Okay that makes sense, said Tulip. Very pretty girls aren't they. Yes I see that so can you call Gabriel now please? asked Tulip. Okay, said Alieta. Gabriel, could you come to the palace grounds please, said Alieta. Gabriel appeared and asked what Alieta wanted. Look, said Alieta as she pointed at Tara and Avan. Well looks like you did what I said and fix things here, said Gabriel. Hey look Avan, a very pretty angel. Hope she is okay, I would hate to get hurt again, said Tara. Don't worry girls I would never try to harm you two, said Gabriel. So Lilly was nice enough to heal them and they were in very bad shape, said Alieta. So what are they, devils don't have souls like demons, said Tulip. Only difference is devils have tails and can't be killed by anything including God. Well these two are special lets just say for now, said Gabriel. Gabriel walked over to Avan and Tera and she did notice that they truly looked a bit afraid of her. Hello Avan and Tara, my name is Gabriel and you have no need to be afraid of me, I would never hurt a living being of any type. Oh that is a relief, said Tara. That dark angel really hurt us. She was not nice like you at all. Gabriel smiled. Well she was just doing her job, said Gabriel. She is actually a very sweet and kind girl. Oh, okay said Tara but she looks scarier than us. Gabriel smiled again. So did they tell you how they got rid of a real devil? asked Gabriel. Yes they just waved their hand at him and sent him to another country or something, said Alieta. Very impressive don't you think. Yes it is, said Gabriel. I suppose they haven't told you anything about why they never hurt anyone here yesterday. Just something about it not being allowed, said Alieta. Yes that is true, said Gabriel. Now you better sit down because what I am going to tell you will seem very unbelievable, said Gabriel. Oh I think I will believe just about anything now, said Alieta. Very well then, stand if you want, said Gabriel but come over here. 22 illustration goes here Can I come too, I want to hear also, said Tulip. Yes if you like, said Gabriel. Oh good then I can tell the rest of my sisters, said Tulip. They walked over to the front of the palace while Tara and Avan sat back down on the grass talking to each other. Now to answer why they have souls is because God created those two she devils and the reason why is mostly because of the fairy forest. What, why is that, asked Tulip. You know that devils and demons are attracted to magic and now with that forest here emitting more magic than Fae Land alone ever did, there are going to be many more attacks coming very soon, said Gabriel. Now you Tulip always wanting to make things bigger and better created the perfect magnet for these beings but there is no reason to be alarmed because that is why God made those two wonderful girls and they will deal with every attack on their own. So that means they do have magic, said Alieta. No not magic, they have the combined powers of heaven and hell. They can do everything a devil or demon can do, just a hundred times more powerful. Those two girls that look fairly normal other than the wings and tails are the two most powerful beings on the planet, and they know it and have been instructed by God himself what they are to do here. So if they have the power from hell too, doesn't that mean they have dark magic in them too? asked Tulip. No Heaven and Hell are both made up of white magic, said Gabriel. That is why demons are always trying to escape Lucifer's realm so they don't turn into something good. Okay so where will they stay while they are here? asked Alieta. In the east woods will be best. They would not like to be inside at all just like other devils, said Gabriel. Okay that is good then, said Alieta. So are they going to get stronger as they get older seeing they are very new right now. Nope they are at full strength now and will never run out of energy, said Gabriel. Think about it they walked ten miles over night with two broken legs a broken back and ribs. They are amazing and now they are all yours Alieta. Have fun with God's newest gift to you. Then Gabriel vanished. Does she do that often, just disappear in the middle of a conversation? asked Tulip. Yep she does it all the time, said Alieta. 23 illustration goes here Chapter 5 Conclusion Ginger, Tabitha, Phonixa and Repellia came out of the palace with shocked looks on their faces. Oh boy, here we go again, said Alieta. Come over here please girls. Well I am going back to the cove and let everyone there know what is going on, said Tulip. Looks like you got some explaining to do anyways, said Tulip. Then she flew off. Alieta, who are they over there, sitting on the grass? asked Ginger. Well that is Avan and Tara, the two she devils that attacked the forest yesterday, said Alieta. Okay, so what are they doing here? asked Ginger. Nothing to worry about Ginger, they were made by God to protect Fae Land from other devils and demons. Cool so are they friendly? asked Repellia. Yes they are very friendly and can be funny too, said Alieta. Awesome, lets go girls and meet them, said Repellia, then they ran over and sat down with Tara and Avan. So those two are the she devils you told me about yesterday, they sure don't look like she devils, said Ginger. Would you think God would create ugly she devils to work for him, of course not, said Alieta. Those two girls are the most powerful beings on the planet. I just finished a long discussion with Gabriel about them. So pretty, friendly and very powerful she devils are here now, said Ginger. Yep and you don't have to prepare rooms for them, They prefer to live in the woods, said Alieta. Well that is good then, they look pretty big with those wings. So how friendly are they? asked Ginger. Very friendly and pretty funny to talk to. They are twin sisters and look almost the same, said Alieta. Tara is the one with the dark hair on the top of her head that turns red and Avan has all red hair. That is how I tell them apart. Go over there and join them. They all seem to be having fun. I am going inside and to have a snack. Watching them two eating ice cream cones made me hungry. They like ice cream! They definitely are not you run of the mill she devils that is for sure. You know nothing run of the mill happens around here, said Alieta then went into the palace. That is so true, said Ginger. 24 illustration goes here Ginger started to walk over to where they were all sitting down talking when Tara and Avan both got up and ran over beside the palace towards the Bad Lands. Ginger ran over to see what they were doing. She looked around the corner of the palace and saw them looking at two she devils flying towards them. Both Tara and Avan raised their hands up and suddenly the two she devils screamed and then turned to dust. Then they started to walk back and saw Ginger watching them so they walked over to her. Hello my you have gorgeous hair and beautiful big eyes, said Tara. Ginger smiled. Did I just see you two kill two she devils like they were nothing? asked Ginger. Yep, not letting any of those nasty things close to the forest or in Fae Land, said Tara. What is your name? I am Ginger, I am in charge of the palace. Sounds like an important job you have, must be hard to take care of this entire place. We just kill devils and demons, that is a very easy job. Do you want to sit with us? asked Tara. Those two twins and really cool, we are twins too. Don't you think she can see that, said Avan. I don't know, we do look a bit different, said Tara. Not that much, said Avan. Ginger laughed. Yep you two are going to be fun having you here in Fae Land, said Ginger. Yep, we like having fun, said Tara. Come sit with us and we will tell you the things we did on the way here. Okay and I will tell you a bit about Fae Land, said Ginger. Sounds perfect to us, said Avan. Are there more nice people living here in Fae Land? Oh yes, thousands, said Ginger. 25 illustration goes here Tara, Avan and Ginger went back and joined the girls sitting on the grass. So what was so important out there that Tara and Avan left so fast? asked Repellia. Oh not much, they just had to kill two she devils that were heading here, said Ginger. Really, that fast? asked Repellia. Yep I barely got a chance to see what they looked like, said Ginger. I killed the blue one, said Avan. Yep and I killed the red one, said Tara. Wow, you two are amazing, said Phonixa. So Ginger you tell us a bit about Fae Land before we tell you our story, said Tara. Ya Ginger you must have a ton of stories to tell, said Tabitha. Oh yes, lots and lots but first let's tell Avan and Tara some things about Fae Land, said Ginger. My guess is they are going to become very poplar here among the people. The End 26 illustration goes here