The Adventures In The Land Of Fae The Untamed Forest Prolog The following day came and Tobias's mother hadn't arrived yet. Alieta and Ginger were kind of glad seeing they had an extra day to put together a little party for when Samantha arrived. Ginger remembered that Samantha was quite pretty but very warrior like though she had no idea what she was like now after all these years. Alieta was just excited to be able to see an old friend again and exchange stories with her. Ivy was still a bit nervous about meeting Tobias's mother that was a warrior with Alieta. She figured if she exercised some and get stronger looking Tobias's mother would like her more. She started doing push ups and sit ups in her bedroom before breakfast but didn't see no difference when she looked in the mirror. She went and had breakfast with Sara and Viridian then the two of them went to the cove as usual. There really wasn't much to do seeing that Ivy was very good at keeping things in order and had full control over the forest when she was in there so she asked Sara to help her get stronger. Sara thought she was joking and started to laugh. Ivy got mad and told her she really wanted to be able to impress Samantha when she got here. Sara said sorry but you all ready will impress her just the way you are. Maybe you are right but why am I still nervous? asked Ivy. It must be natural, said Sara. Maybe you need to go for a swim and burn off some energy. I'll go with you. Ivy remembered that Sara had never gone swimming yet so she agreed to go with her. They got Tulip to suit them up then they flew over to the pool but Ivy had to show Sara how to swim first which didn't take too long seeing Sara had very strong arms and legs and soon was able to swim very fast across the pool. Later Ivy and Tobias spent a bit of time together at his place. Ivy liked his room but wanted to decorate it for him but he said no, he had his own ideas of what needed to be done. The ice boxes and carpenters arrived today at the candy factory and they got to work with Jessica telling them what she wanted. Looked like the candy factory would be ready to start working the next day so she decided to just relax today at home after giving them her instructions... Chapter 1 The Forest It was a bit cooler today and the palace crew all gathered together to figure out what to do as usual. Tara said that when Avan and her were flying around they noticed there was a very big forest east of Eden. Maybe we should go check it out. I didn't even know there was a forest there, said Phonixa. Me either, said Zan, Cindy never mentioned it to me when she took me on a tour of Fae Land. Has anyone here been there before? asked Tara. Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads. Maybe we should ask Alieta about it first, it might be dangerous or something, said Repellia. I suppose, said Tara but if you are with us two, what could happen? Ya I know but still lets ask anyways, said Repellia. They all walked over to where Alieta and Ginger were usually sitting but they were not there this morning. Wonder where they are? asked Tabitha. Let me go inside and see what is going on. She went in and saw they were not in the dining room. Sally came out of the kitchen and asked what she was looking for. Oh just looking for Alieta or Ginger, said Tabitha. We just want to ask her about that big forest just east of Eden before we all decided to check it out. Oh that is the Untamed Forest, said Sally. Oh that doesn't sound too safe then, said Tabitha. Sally smiled, well if you are afraid of turkeys, foxes and rabbits then I suppose it would be unsafe for you. Ha ha very funny, said Tabitha. Sorry but you walked right into that one. Actually that is a good place to get a turkey for holiday dinners. I know Ktara and Alexa hunts there and that is where she found Angus. Oh really! So that sounds very safe then, said Tabitha. Yes I think so, said Sally though it is very big and no one has ever made it to the center of that forest yet but doubt if any big wild animals live there either. Okay we have Tara and Avan with us anyways, said Tabitha. Then go for it. Sounds like a nice adventure, said Sally. Lots of cool stuff in there to see. No pixies I was told for some strange reason. The south end of that forest turns into the east woods so I guess they all stay there instead. Okay thanks, said Tabitha and went back outside. Alieta came out just in time to see Tabitha leaving. What did she want? asked Alieta. Oh they all just want to check out The Untamed Forest, Sally. Oh okay, I haven't been in there for years, said Alieta. Never did get to explore all of it though. Got lost in there once and had to fly out. Pretty big forest with trees growing very close together the deeper you go in. Pippa said it is too dark in there all the time so pixies don't like it, almost like a jungle in parts. They should be okay in there with the she devils anyways. 01 illustration goes here Tabitha came back out and told everyone that it was safe to go in that forest. It was called The Untamed Forest but only had small animals in it like rabbits and foxes. So did Alieta say she had been in there before? asked Zan. Well I couldn't find her but Sally told me all about it and she found it to be safe and lots to see, said Tabitha. She did say though that she doesn't think anyone ever made it to the center of the forest though. It is very big. Well lets go everyone, said Tara, sounds like fun. Lets see if we can get close to the center. Okay they all said and headed out on foot towards Sandy Lake. It took them about fifteen minutes to reach the part of the woods that turned into a forest which was not that far from Ivy's place. They saw Ktara with her sword heading there way so they stopped to wait for her. Hi everyone, you all going for a hike in The Untamed Forest? asked Ktara. Yep we were told it was safe and all, said Zan. Why do you have your sword? Oh I am looking to get a turkey. It is more fun trying with a sword, said Ktara. So I can be your guide if you like. I have been in here a bunch of times already. Okay, that would be cool, said Phonixa. We are going to try and get to the center of the forest. Ktara smiled. Well that will take some time, I have never gone that deep before. Sounds like an adventure though so lets do it, said Ktara. They all followed Ktara in and saw there was a well beaten path to follow. It was also nice and cool under all the trees. Look over there, said Ktara. Those plants have leaves shaped like cups and they hold water in them from when it rains and also from morning dew. It is really good for drinking. They all checked them out and tasted the water. Oh nice and cold and a bit sweet too, said Phonixa. Ya it is really good, said Ktara. They all walked along the path for about another hour and saw a few small foxes and a couple of rabbits but they scurried off as soon as they saw everyone. Ktara stopped and told them that this is where the path splits. Are you sure you want to head deeper into the forest towards the center? she asked them. Yep, I am, said Tara. Ya sure, like you said it is an adventure, said Tabitha. Okay then. That path is not very wide so we will have to walk single file, said Ktara. Lets head out and see what is in there. 02 illustration goes here So have you ever taken this path before? asked Zan. I went along it for just a bit but it gets pretty dark and I just go in the forest for turkeys and rabbits, said Ktara. Never needed to take this path too far before but looks like some people have used it before but not lately. How do you know that? asked Repellia. Well the weeds and grass are growing back on the ground so I would say that maybe a few people have gone this way or just small animals, said Ktara. I don't see any foot prints or animal tracks though. Now if you want to get close to the center lets move faster. Hopefully there will be a bit of a clearing up ahead so we can rest a bit. Okay we can do that, said Tabitha. Us too, said Phonixa and Repellia. We are really good runners and so is Zan. Okay then lets go everyone, lets move it! They started to run and now they were seeing that the forest was getting denser and denser the further they went in. I about another thirty minutes they came to a small clearing that was somewhat brighter but shouldn't of been because there still was a bunch of trees that were making it so they couldn't see the sky at all. They all sat down after taking a drink from the water cup leaves. Wonder why it is so light in here? asked Zan. Beats me, said Ktara. Must be the light reflecting off all the leaves. Tabitha turned quickly. Did you hear that? she asked. No what? asked Tara. Sounded like someone giggling. I didn't hear anything, said Avan and I am sitting right beside you. Must be your imagination. Ya I guess so, said Tabitha. Okay is everyone ready to move on or are you all ready to start back? asked Ktara. They all agreed to keep going so off they went but now running was out of the question. The path was harder to follow and the forest was getting very dense. They walked for about another half hour then Ktara said we better go back. It is like a jungle this deep in the forest. "Chicken". Did someone just call me a chicken? asked Ktara. Everyone look at each other and said nope. "Chicken, chicken". There it was again and that time everyone heard it. Where is that coming from? asked Zan. Then they all heard some giggling that seemed to be coming from a few different directions. Okay you all heard that this time, said Tabitha. Yep I did, said Zan but I can't sense anything out there yet. Then they all started to hear girlish giggling. Well if I didn't know better that sounds a lot like pixies giggling, said Zan. 03 illustration goes here Ya it sort of did sound like pixies, said Ktara, like they are playing with us. "Yep but nope", said a voice. Ktara smiled. It must be pixies, they always say yep. "Close but nope" said the voice. "Do you give up?". Yes we do, said Ktara. Everyone else was just looking around to see where the soft voice was coming from. "Okay", said the voice then three small very cute winged girls flew out and said hi. Wow, they are pixies, said Tabitha. No, silly, we are fairy nymphs, said one of them. Really, didn't know there was such a thing, said Ktara. Well we are not things we are fairy nymphs and who are you?, asked one of the fairy nymphs as they were flying around checking everyone out very quickly. Okay sorry, I am Ktara and these are my friends. Oh you have strange looking friends, said one of the fairy nymphs over by Tara and Avan. I am Nessie and I am a princess and these are some of my friends. That is Fettie with the two look alike girls and over there with those two very big winged girls is Setta. They are so cute, said Avan. You all are very pretty but very big, said Nessie. I guess that is okay. Why do you two look the same? asked Fettie to the twins. I am Repellia and this is my twin sister Phonixa. We were born at the same time by the same mother. Wow never heard of that before, said Fettie. I feel no bad in any of you. Tabitha smiled. So you can do magic? asked Tabitha. Yep, we love magic, said Fettie. We make everything look beautiful with plants and flowers and stuff. Really like the fairies in the fairy forest? asked Ktara. You have fairy nymphs somewhere else too? asked Nessie. Well not fairy nymphs, just fairies, said Tabatha. Really like real fairies with magic wands and everything? asked Setta, that now was all excited and flew very close to Tabitha. Well yes but they are not ours, they are our friends and live in a magical forest, said Tabitha. Wow, you are really lucky, we have only heard about real fairies but thought they only came out at night when everyone was sleeping, said Nessie. No these fairies sleep at night like us, said Tabitha. So everyone, they were nice enough to tell us their names so introduce yourselves to them, said Ktara. Zan, Tabitha, Avan and Tara introduced them selves and saw that these three fairy nymphs were very curious as they looked over each of them very closely. Nice names too, said Nessie. So who do we have here? asked another voice from behind Ktara. Oh hi Mom, we found some nice people from the outside the forest. We were just playing with them and stuff, said Nessie. Ktara looked behind her and saw a very pretty slightly older looking fairy nymph smiling at her. 04 illustration goes here Well they look harmless enough except for you with that sword, she said. I am Hennie, Queen of the Fairy Nymphs. So we have never had visitors in here before. Where did you come from? Ktara smiled. Sorry about the sword. I am one of Fae Land's heroes. I am Ktara. Fae Land, where is that, asked Hennie. Um you live in Fae Land, at least part of it, said Ktara. Really, I though this was just a forest, said Hennie. Well this part is but Fae Land is huge and ruled by Alieta, a very nice and kind sprite, said Ktara. My a sprite, I heard they are quite pretty and very fast flyers. Yep they are, said Zan. She would love to meet you, that is for sure. Hmm I don't know. Us girls in here are very safe and usually stay with in our cove that keeps the jungle thick to keep bad animals out, said Hennie. If you carry a sword I would think it is dangerous outside of the forest. Well no, Fae Land is very safe because we all defend it from evil, said Ktara. I have a sword because I was originally going hunting for a turkey but met my friends here and I decided to go with them instead, said Ktara. Well okay, I will have to believe you. Seeing that we seem to be trespassing so I best go explain why and when we got here, said Hennie. Can I go too please, please, please, asked Nessie. Tabitha laughed. She sounds just like the fairies we know. Yes I over heard there might be real fairies around, said Hennie. Okay you can come with me, but the rest of you get back into the cove please. Okay, and they all flew off. Okay so I guess we walk seeing most of you don't have wings, said Hennie. Now maybe you two with the big wings can fly up and tell your queen we are coming. I don't like showing up unannounced, said Hennie. Both Tara and Avan looked up but saw no way out. How? asked Tara. there is no opening anywhere. Hennie waved her arms and the trees opened up for them. Okay, there you go girls. We will be there when ever. I don't know how far it is, said Hennie. Took us almost three hours to get here along the path, said Tabitha. Well we won't be going that way, said Hennie with a smiled. Tara and Avan took off up and headed to the palace. The rest followed Hennie as she parted the trees as they all walked heading straight towards Eden that was a very fast short cut. 05 illustration goes here Chapter 2 The Big Surprise Tara and Avan got to the palace but didn't see Alieta or Ginger. Tara called over an elf and asked if she could go inside and find Alieta for her. It is an emergency. The elf ran in and found Ginger first, sitting in the dining room. Ginger, it is an emergency, Tara and Avan needs Alieta. What are we being attacked? asked Ginger. I don't know they didn't say, said the elf. Okay settle down I will get her, said Ginger. Go back out side and tell them we will right out. The elf turned and ran out. Ginger went up to the den to get Alieta and relayed the message. Oh my, what could be that important that Tara and Avan are wanting me? wondered Alieta. They both ran out and saw the two she devils talking to each other. So what is going on? asked Alieta. Tara turned and said you won't believe it until you see with your own eyes. Okay, so tell me more please, said Alieta. Well we got very close to the center of The Untamed Forest and ran into the most amazing beings. It seems that they had never heard of Fae Land and didn't know they were trespassing so the queen put it. Hmm, I didn't know anyone was living in that forest, said Alieta. Well they didn't know anyone was living outside of the forest, said Avan. Now Ginger's eyes got wider. How is that possible? asked Ginger. Who are they? Well they call themselves fairy nymphs and as we speak, the queen and her daughter are on their way here to talk to Alieta. Ktara was with us so she is guiding them all out of the forest. Ktara? How did she get involved with all this? asked Alieta. Oh we met her on the way to the forest. She was headed there too. She wanted to get a turkey, said Tara. Okay, let me get this straight, two, so called fairy nymphs are on their way to the palace led by Ktara and they want to talk to me, said Alieta. Well sort of I guess. Hennie said that she wanted to say sorry for trespassing. Well they are not trespassing, they are welcome to that forest but I have heard of nymphs before but never anything about fairy nymphs. What do they look like? asked Alieta. Mostly like pixies or fairies, said Tara. Okay maybe they look like a mix of both but tiny and very cute and young looking. They definitely do magic seeing Hennie parted the trees with her hands so we could fly out and she sent the other two girls back to their cove. So they got a cove also? asked Ginger. That is what she said. They did get all excited though when they heard that real fairies lived here too, said Avan. Well this is very unexpected but that seems to be the normal lately. So we just have to wait then, said Alieta. Not if that is them over there, said Ginger. Wow, how did they get out of the forest so fast? asked Tara. Took us almost three hours to walk in that far. If they have a cove maybe the trees are magic there too and move out of the way, said Ginger. 06 illustration goes here Alieta straighten her outfit. And saw Ginger was already standing nice to meet them. As they got closer they could see that the two beside Ktara were quite small. Is that them? asked Alieta, they look very small. Yep they are small. Smaller than a fairy, said Avan. My goodness, said Alieta. They must be brave to venture out here. Well they can sense stuff like Ivy I think. They felt no bad in us and felt it was safe too, said Tara. Hmm, interesting, said Alieta. They finally reached them and Ktara introduced both Alieta and Ginger to them. Hello Hennie, it is very nice to meet you. Um yes it is nice to meet you too, but we are so sorry about trespassing. We thought we were alone here, said Hennie. Well first of all, you are not trespassing, everyone is welcome to live in Fae Land, said Alieta. Look Mom, Ktara spoke the truth, she is kind. Yes dear I see that now, said Hennie. Alieta smiled. So when did you come to Fae Land? asked Alieta. Well not exactly sure but about one or two hundred years ago, maybe a lot longer, we don't really keep track of time much, said Hennie. Really that long ago. How is it possible that no one here ever saw you in all that time? asked Alieta. Oh we rarely leave the safety of the forest, said Hennie. Some of us have gone out very early in the morning before it got light and planted some trees and plants in bare areas. Things were very bare when we first got here but looks much nicer now. You stayed in there for over two hundred years and never thought to look around outside the forest during the day? asked Alieta. Nope, we are forest folk now though Nessie here keeps on trying to sneak out all the time so now I have Fettie and Setta taking care of her, keeping her amused. No need to go into the open during the day where it can be dangerous. Besides we got here when it was dark and saw no one or anything that looked like there might be anyone else around, said Hennie. Alieta looked at Ginger. This girl you are looking at is very very cute, she has no wings so what is she? asked Hennie. Oh I am Ginger and I am an elf. I have heard of such beings but though they lived in the forest, said Hennie. Well we don't anymore and there is lots of us here in Fae Land, said Ginger. Yes I see that. They seem to be walking around out here a lot, said Hennie. Mom, ask her about the fairies please, said Nessie. Alieta smiled. In a bit dear, but first we are talking to a queen. You are the queen right? asked Hennie. Yes I am, said Alieta. I've never seen a sprite before but Ktara told me that you were a sprite. I heard they were very fast flyers and very good warriors. Very strong too, said Hennie. While you heard correct, said Alieta. I have an army of sprites that help to defend our land from evil though lately things have been very calm due to Tara and Avan. Hennie and Nessie both looked at the two she devils. Yes they do look strong, and I sense a massive power inside them too. Yet they look so kind and well pretty, said Hennie. Both Tara and Avan smiled. 07 illustration goes here So now that you know that there is people out here and very friendly ones we all are, will you still stay cooped up in the forest? asked Alieta. Well we like it in there and it is our home but we can come out and meet people during the day. We sleep at night, said Hennie, unlike fairies that sleep during the day. What, where did you hear that? asked Alieta. I don't know, just thought it was common knowledge, said Hennie. Okay now mom, I want to see a real fairy, please, said Nessie. Alieta smiled. You are very polite and been very patient Nessie. Let me call Pippa and she will get one for you. Okay thanks Alieta, said Nessie. Pippa could you come here please, called out Alieta. Is Pippa a fairy? asked Nessie. No she is a pixie but she will get one for you out of their forest, said Alieta. Pippa showed up fast as usual and said yes Alieta, you rang. Hi Pippa. This pretty little girl would like to meet a real fairy. Pippa looked at Nessie then Hennie. Wow, fairy nymphs! I didn't know any were around in this area anymore or anywhere else for that matter. I though your kind was extinct, said Pippa. Well almost, but there are twenty of us left, said Hennie. I have heard the name Pippa before a long time ago. You used to live close to where we all were attacked by dragons, said Hennie. Yep I did but we got the heck out of there fast. We can fly a lot faster that fairy nymphs, and anything else, said Pippa, Glad to see some survived, very nice folk for sure and very important to the planet, said Pippa. Okay I will get you a fairy or two little one, I'll be right back. Nessie smiled, she is funny, I like her, said Nessie. Well you should dear, she has been around forever, said Hennie. Yea pixies are the fastest and we are not very fast at all, said Hennie. Faster than a big bird, but that is all. No need to fly fast when we like to stay in a forest most of the time. Well we are going back in the woods to take a nap, said Tara. Send over a sprite if we are needed. Then Tara and Avan flew to the woods. Ya we need to change into cooler clothes, said Repellia, we won't be long. Ya right, you two take forever to figure out what you are going to wear, said Tabitha. I am coming in with you to speed things up. Pippa showed up with Tulip and Pippie. There you go dear, real fairies, said Pippa. Nessie's eyes opened up so wide that they looked like they were going to pop out. Tulip knelt down in front of Nessie and said, hello. I am Tulip and this is my friend Pippie. Wow two real fairies, is it true you have magic wands? asked Nessie. Yep we sure do, said Tulip. Here watch this and put out your hand, then Tulip made her wand appear and gave Nessie a four flavored ice cream cone. Go head lick it, you will love how it tastes. Okay, said Nessie. Wow what is this, it tastes amazing. Here mom taste. She lifted the cone up to Hennie and she licked it too. Wow, it is real good. I can't make food with magic but I am a real good cook though, said Hennie. So Pippa told me you are fairy nymphs, said Tulip. My mom talked to me about your kind. She spoke very highly about you all. You all love magic like we do but can only do forest and plant magic. Yes but that is all we need, said Hennie. We make sure things look very nice and create vegetation and woods for animals to survive in. Well we are limited too, said Tulip. We only do good magic but can't make living things like plants but we can make a seed grow really fast. Our mother has the strongest magic and she can make underground roots sprout out of the ground. Only the oldest fairies can do that but I am the youngest. Other than that we have lots of fun with magic and love doing it for everyone. 08 illustration goes here Tulip and Pippie did a few more magic tricks for them and Hennie showed them how she can make plants and with just a wave of her hand and made one of those plants that had cup shaped leaves. They are called "Water Cups", said Hennie. They are good for the small animals to drink from seeing there is no real river in the forest. So where did you originally see them? asked Alieta. Oh I created them myself, said Hennie. You made a whole new plant that never existed? asked Ginger. Yep, us fairy Nymphs created a lot of plants that are now growing all over the place, said Hennie. That is what we like doing best. Wow, we can't do that, said Pippie. Yep, cherry and apple trees, berry bushes, and grape vines are some that we all made a long time ago, though we did start with a grape tree first but that didn't work so well because they grew like a cherry on the tree and dried out too fast so we made them grow in bunches on vines that worked great. I heard that later on humans made wine from them too but we like them fresh off the vine. Hmm, I thought God made all those plants and trees, said Alieta. Nope, we did most of them, said Hennie. Winds blow the seeds all over the place and over time all kinds of different trees and plants are growing all over the place. Ivy should be here soon with Sara and Tobias, said Ginger. They are forest sprites. Really, I haven't seen a forest sprite since the dragons came. They all flew away like the pixies, said Hennie. They can fly really fast too. We used to work and play with them all the time. We would make the plants or small trees then give them a bit of water and they would help make them grow healthy and fast. You can make water too? asked Pippie. Well you need to water the plant once you make it you know, said Hennie. Only enough to make the ground wet. We take the water in the air and use that. Then we hope for rain but now Mother Nature takes over with rain and makes sure nothing dies. So Ivy told me that there is a lot of new growth out in Eden that started out of no where, said Alieta. Eden is all the beautiful area just west of the forest you live in. Was that you making those plants? Yep, a bunch of us have been planting flowers and bushes all over the place out there in the mornings for years. Things grow really fast in that ground. There is still lots of empty space to add plants to out there, said Hennie. We don't venture too far from the forest so maybe there is other areas further away that can use our magic. Well Ivy is really going to like to meet you, that is for sure, said Pippa. She controls all the magic out there that makes things grow so fast. Really, she can control magic? asked Hennie. Yep you will see, said Pippa, Ivy is a very special forest sprite. Nessie finished her ice cream cone and looked up at Tulip with a big smile. Thank you Tulip, you make good ice cream, makes me feel happy inside. Yep Ivy calls ice cream happy food, said Alieta. 09 illustration goes here Chapter 3 Ivy Meets The Fairy Nymphs Soon the fairies all flew over and Nessie just loved seeing all the fairies everywhere. Wow they are so small, said Lollipop. Yep they are fairy nymphs, said Tulip. They been here all along, just hidden in that big forest across from Eden. Cool, said Lollypop. They are smaller than us! Lots better than being bigger than us for a change. Okay every one spread out some and make some room for the fairies to get things set up, said Alieta. So is Ivy and Tobias coming soon? asked Alieta. Nope, just Ivy and Sara. Tobias is staying at home in case his mother shows up, said Tulip. They should be here soon but Ivy is acting funny though, she keeps doing sit ups and push ups. It looks funny watching her, said Lollipop. The fairies all got together and created a very nice spread of food for everyone. Tulip asked Hennie if they ate some thing special that she could make for them. Nope, this all looks great and smells good too, said Hennie and look my little girl is already helping herself, it must be good. Ginger saw Ivy and Sara coming. Here they come she told Alieta. They both landed and asked if they were late. Nope, just started dear, said Alieta. Who are the tiny ones over by the food? asked Ivy. Oh go see for yourself dear, you may like what you see, said Alieta. Ivy walked up to Hennie that was still deciding what to eat. Hi I am Ivy, she said from behind Hennie. She turned around quickly and said hi back but also saw she was the forest sprite Ginger told her about. My goodness you are a forest sprite and a very good looking one too. I can't read you for some reason though. Ivy smiled. Nope, people can only read me when I let them, said Ivy. Alieta told me to find out who you two were myself. Is that okay? Sure dear. I was told you were special by Pippa, said Hennie. Just me though, my daughter is busy trying all the different food on this table. Been a long time since we ate food like this. Okay, said Ivy. Ivy looked at her for a few moments then smiled. You are a fairy nymph, my mother told me about your type a long time ago when I was young. You do forest magic, different from our fairies magic but very strong and good. My Mom told me we work together right? asked Ivy. Well yes, we created amazing plant life together and you make sure they grow, said Hennie. What else did you see? Oh lots, said Ivy. You are a queen and that is Nessie your daughter. You have been around for a very long time but you almost got killed by dragons. How sad, only twenty of you are left, said Ivy. Oh and you live over in that big forest very close to where I live. I have never been in there yet. The name scares me, said Ivy. Why, what do you all call it? asked Hennie. The Untamed Forest for some reason, said Ivy. I can only sense good in there but something inside blocks me from seeing deeper in the forest. Well that is because we only allow people to see deeper where we all live when we let them, said Hennie with a smile. 10 illustration goes here Mom, eat. Every thing is really good, said Nessie. Okay dear I will, I was just talking to Ivy first. Nessie looked up at Ivy and smiled. My she is so cute, said Ivy, a real princess that is for certain. I like you, said Nessie. You got green hair just like the plants. Ivy smiled, yep and green nails and eyes too, said Ivy. Mom will I grow up to be as pretty as her? Hennie laughed. Well dear you are already pretty but forest sprites are special, so I don't know, said Hennie. She is so adorable, said Ivy, I sense she is fairly new. Yep she is, just ten years old, said Hennie. So you are married? asked Ivy. I didn't sense that. Nope he is just our worker but my best friend. He is the only male left of our kind. It was him that helped us escape the dragons. We treat him like a king but he doesn't want to be a king, just likes helping everyone, said Hennie. That is nice, said Ivy. Okay lets eat and after I will get Tulip to show you my favorite desert. They both filled up a plate then went and sat with Sara that had already started eating by herself. Hi Sara, look who I brought to eat with us, said Ivy. Sara looked at Hennie. Wow real small but cute, said Sara. Well she is queen of the fairy nymphs, said Ivy. Really a queen like you, that is cool, said Sara. So you are a queen too? asked Hennie. Yep, queen of the forests and all the plants and trees in Fae Land, said Ivy. My that sounds like a big job, said Hennie. Ya well I have my sister to help me, She is the best, said Ivy. Hennie looked at Sara that was smiling. Yes she is very pretty too. Bigger wings also. Bet she can fly fast and far with those. Yep, they are really strong, said Sara. So what does a fairy nymph do, asked, Sara. Oh we create plant life and also like to play, said Hennie. Oh that is good, said Sara then went back to eating. After they finished eating Ivy called over Tulip. Yes Ivy was everything okay? she asked. Yep, prefect said Ivy but now it is time for the best part. Oh okay, said Tulip and made three bowls of chocolate ice cream for them. Enjoy, and she flew off. Now try this, said Ivy, just eat it slowly because it is very cold. Okay, I had a lick of the ice cream cone that Tulip made for Nessie earlier, said Hennie then took a bit on her spoon and tasted it. My goodness, this is very good, even better. What is it called? Chocolate ice cream, said Ivy. Well my daughter has to taste this, said Hennie. Looks like Tulip just gave her some cake instead, said Sara. Maybe Tulip should of given you a smaller bowl. Nope, I may be small compared to you but I have a big appetite, said Hennie, though this is an awful lot. No worries I will finish what you can't, said Sara. They smiled and ate their desert. Ktara came over and said, "I see you turned on another person to ice cream". Yep, got to share what I think is the best, said Ivy. So Ivy, did Hennie here tell you about her cove yet? asked Ktara. Nope, they have a cove too? asked Ivy. Well yes we do Ivy. It is in the center of the forest. It is where we control the forest from, said Hennie. Can I see it, please. I work in a cove where I control all the magic, said Ivy. Well sure you can. We can fly over there in a few minutes, said Hennie. Just got to get Nessie first. Where did she get to now? Oh she is over there playing with the fairies, said Ktara. Oh, looks like she won't want to leave yet, said Hennie. She will be fine, said Ktara. I will keep an eye on her. Okay, I will send Fettie and Setta over too, They are probably going nuts back in the cove right now waiting to hear about the fairies. Ktara smiled. Okay good I will watch them too, said Ktara. Well do your best dear but they can be a handful when together, said Hennie. They are rarely apart. The three of them do everything together. 11 illustration goes here Hennie went and told Nessie that she was going to send her two friends over while she shows Ivy their cove. Okay, said Nessie. These fairies are real fun. Now be good. I have Ktara keeping an eye on you all, said Hennie. Okay mom, said Nessie. Both Ivy and Hennie flew off to the forest. Wonder where they are going? asked Ginger as she saw them fly by. Looks like The Untamed Forest, said Alieta. It will be interesting to see how the forest reacts when Ivy gets in there. In a couple of minutes they got to the forest. Ivy had to fly slowly because she saw Hennie was not a fast flier. They flew to the center of the forest then Hennie parted the trees so they could land inside. Ivy looked around and saw Fettie and Setta sitting playing some kind of game with their fingers. So Ivy, this is our cove, said Hennie. Wow, it is just like ours except a lot smaller, said Ivy. Yes I imagine it is, said Hennie. A cove will only grow as big as the forest needs it to be. Your forest must be much bigger than this one. Yep it is a lot bigger. Well over a hundred and twenty square miles, said Ivy. Yep that is big, said Hennie. I would get lost in a forest that big. Well we build stuff in the forest and I made paths to everything, said Ivy. Oh that is a good idea, said Hennie. Do you know how to do that here? asked Hennie. I just stand by the pool and think about what I want done and usually that works. Well that is okay for doing over all changes but you have to use the overviewer. It is over their, with it you can make new paths and control the magic better, said Ivy. Oh is that what it is called, I call it the looking glass, said Hennie. Ivy smiled. Well I guess it can be called that too. Lets have a look at it and see what is going on, said Ivy. They flew over then Setta and Fettie flew over also. What ya doing? asked Fettie. Oh Ivy knows how to work this, said Hennie. Oh okay, didn't know it could do anything. Ivy passed her hand over the top of the water then the entire screen lit up very bright. Wow, it has never done that before, said Hennie. Yes it is brighter than what I am used to seeing, said Ivy. Now I see that there are green blotches here and there so that will indicate special spots in the forest, said Ivy. Let me see, said Hennie. Okay that spot is where the cherry trees are growing. That one over there is apple trees. Grapes over there and a big veggie garden over here. So everything seems to be on one side of the forest, said Ivy. The side furthest away from Eden. Yes the magic only covers the thick forest and we keep the food we grow farthest away from the animals that live in just the west side of the forest, said Hennie. Now that is another time I heard someone mention Eden. What is it? Oh that is the center of all the magic for Fae Land, said Ivy. The magic there is very strong and things grow fast and is the most beautiful place in Fae Land. I can only control a bit of that magic from my cove but it takes care of it's self nicely. Okay, that explains why anything I made out there grew so fast, said Hennie. You plant stuff in Eden, for how long? asked Ivy. Just about every morning since we got here, said Hennie. Lately I started a new wooded area as a decoy in case dragons were to come again. Well no need to worry about them anymore but when did you first get here? asked Ivy. About three hundred years ago I think, fairy nymphs don't really keep track of time, said Hennie. My god, you are the ones that made Eden so beautiful, said Ivy. Well that is what fairy nymphs are suppose to do, said Hennie. Make the land beautiful. 12 illustration goes here Now lets see if I can improve the magic here from the cove to your gardens and fruit threes. Ivy put her finger on the the top of the water but then the pool behind them started to change with a lot of movement and even began to bubble a bit. Ivy removed her finger and said, I have never seen anything like that before. Me neither, said Hennie but I have never touch the water in there. Let me try something, said Ivy. I think I know what it is. Okay, said Hennie. Ivy walked over to the side of the middle of the pool then closed her eyes. What is she doing, asked Fettie. I don't know but lets watch and see, said Hennie. The water started to move very rapidly then almost came to a boil then all of a sudden it calmed right down and cooled off. Lilly pads started to get bigger and more appear on top of the water. Ivy opened her eyes then said, okay all fixed. Okay, didn't know it was broken, said Hennie. Ivy smiled. Well it wasn't broken. It just was never was activated properly, I turned it on and then gave the cove some special instructions, said Ivy. What kind of instructions? asked Hennie. Well some were just general ones like not to allow people too deep into the forest and keep all dangerous animals and insects out. Stuff like that. But most important I told it that you and I are the controllers of the magic. That way when either of us use the overviewer it will do what every we tell it to do with our finger and mind, said Ivy. Now lets go back to the overviewer and I will show you how it works. Now let me do the apple trees first, said Ivy. This center green square spot is the cove of coarse. Now I just touch the center of the cove with the tip of my finger then draw a line towards the green area that has the apple trees in it. All the time that I am drawing the path I am thinking hard for the magic to follow my finger. See how the green line is now following my finger. Yes that is very magical, said Hennie. Now keep watching this part is very important. Now once you have reached the green area where the apples are growing and the green path touches it, you stop and then think connect. Then lift your finger out of the water. There you see. The green magic path stays and the green area where the apple trees are is much brighter now indicating that now magic is going there. Yes I see that now. Very cool. So now what will happen? asked Hennie. Well magic will make the apples grow much faster and ripen perfectly. You harvest them and new apples will start to grow again right away. You should get three harvests per year instead of just one, said Ivy. So more food for us all here, said Hennie. Yep, said Ivy. Now you try it to the cherry trees. Okay, said Hennie. She did the same as Ivy did and saw that the overviewer was following her instructions. There all done and it worked! said Hennie. See pretty easy isn't it. Now if something goes wrong somewhere like a broken link, that area will turn red, so you just have to redraw the path to fix it, said Ivy. Ivy looked down and the two little girls. I think you two want to see some fairies right. They both smiled and said yes please Ivy. Ivy look at Hennie. My they are polite. Yep I teach them proper to respect each other too, said Hennie. Okay you two. I am going to check out this Eden place with Ivy so you two can come with us then I will point you in the correct direction to where the big building is and the fairies. The rest can take turns later if they want. Don't want to drive Alieta nutty with you all at once. Hennie opened the trees above them and the four of them flew out. 13 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Ivy Shows Hennie Eden Ivy flew over to her place first and called for Viridian to come out. "Viridian come out and meet some of my new friends" Viridian came out and just saw Ivy first while the three fairy nymphs were behind her. More new friends Ivy, where are they? asked Viridian. Ivy moved over then Viridian looked down and saw the three tiny girls. My goodness where did they come from? asked Viridian. Just over there in the forest, said Ivy. They have been living in there for at least three hundred years without anyone knowing about them. Your kidding that long, so what are they? Too small to be fairies and even cuter than pixies, said Viridian. They are fairy nymphs, this is Hennie the queen and girl in red is Fettie and the girl in blue is Setta, said Ivy. Hennie's little girl is at the palace playing with the fairies right now. Well it is very nice to meet you all, said Viridian. Wow you are really tall, how did you get that big? asked Fettie. Well I am an elf and just grew this way though I am taller than most elves, said Viridian. Okay you two just fly south and past the big waterfall then you will see the palace that is a big building and there will be a bunch of people there waiting for you. Okay, by Viridian then they both flew off. Well I hope they don't get lost, said Hennie. How can they get lost, the palace is easy to find, said Viridian. Oh you don't know those two girls but you are probably right, said Hennie.They are the youngest of all the fairy nymphs along with my daughter Nessie, they are very curious plus get distracted easily, said Hennie. They will get there eventually. I am showing some of Eden to Hennie before we go back to the palace, said Ivy. Sara and I will be home later. Okay, have fun, said Viridian. They the two of them flew off. Hmm, never heard of that kind of fairy before, I wonder what they do, thought Viridian. 14 illustration goes here So lets just fly around the corner and I will show you where Ktara lives, said Ivy. Okay, she seems really nice, said Hennie. Likes to carry a sword with her. Well not always but she is one of the heroes though, said Ivy. She is also the best cook in Fae land. She is teaching me how to cook. If you ever want a snack just fly over to her place, she is usually home and loves to give people treats that she made. There, that is her place. Beside the pineapples and Coconut trees. Wow those are big but they are not supposed to be growing in this region, said Hennie. Ya well that is a long story about a weather problem Mother Nature had to deal with, said Ivy. I have one growing in my front yard but I planted it myself from a coconut. It is too young yet to have any coconuts on it yet. Ktara is not very good at growing things so I come over and help her sometimes. But growing stuff is easy, you just plant the seed and water it, said Hennie. I know but Ktara used to live in the Bad Lands that is all desert where nothing much grows so she just hunted animals for food back then, said Ivy. Oh she did say that she was in the forest hunting for a turkey when we first met, said Hennie. Yep she is a really good hunter and tracker, said Ivy. In Alieta's first book it tells how the team of heroes first met Ktara in the desert cooking a wild turkey over an open fire. If you can read then you should read some of her books about the adventures the team went on. Ya I can read but Nessie, Setta and Fettie can't, said Hennie. They are always out playing somewhere and don't like to sit and learn like they should. One day they will learn they should of listened to me. Okay lets fly further up and I will show you where Carmen and Zatsuky lives. They are both heroes too and really nice, said Ivy. 15 illustration goes here Okay see there is one of them now, said Hennie. That is Carmen, she is always working out side on her gardens. She loves pretty things though she is very pretty too, said Ivy. Lets go talk to her. They flew down walked up to her and she was singing to herself while pulling out weeds. Hi Carmen. How is the garden doing? asked Ivy. Oh hi Ivy, it seems to be doing great but weeds just keep coming back. So who is the tiny girl with you? asked Carmen, Oh this is Hennie, she is a fairy nymph, said Ivy. Okay, not sure what that is but sounds nice though, said Carmen. Can I help you with that garden? We love things that grow, said Hennie. Sure go ahead, said Carmen. Hennie waved her hand over the garden and all the weeds turned into nice flowers. Wow now that was special, said Carmen. Oh not done yet, said Hennie. She waved her hands again and the garden got bigger with some amazing looking flowers that Carmen had never seen before. Very cool, said Carmen, what kind of flowers are those? I don't know, I just created them. You name them, said Hennie. Um what do you mean you just created them? asked Carmen. Fairy nymphs are the ones that create all the plants in the world, said Ivy. Really, so these are all new original plants? asked Carmen. Yep, they are, said Hennie. Carmen turned to her house and yelled, "Hey Zatsuky, get out here and see who Ivy brought". She has to meet you, said Carmen. Zatsuky came out and walked over to them all. Hello Ivy and little friend. This is Hennie, a fairy nymph and look what she just did to the garden for us, said Carmen. Nice, what kind of flowers are those? asked Zatsuky. No one knows, said Carmen. She just created them. No way, really, said Zatsuky. Yep, that is what she said and asked me to name them. Well you do that, they just look very pretty to me, said Zatsuky. My you are really tall and very nice red hair and eyes, said Hennie. Zatsuky saw that Hennie was straining to look up at her so she knelt down. There is that better? asked Zatsuky. Yes, thank you, said Hennie. So you sound really important to people like God and Mother Nature, said Zatsuky. Yes I suppose so, said Hennie. Call her Ivy, she always comes for you, said Zatsuky. 16 illustration goes here Okay, said Ivy. "Mother Nature, I have another person for you to meet". Mother Nature appeared fast. Another person Ivy, Who is it this time? she asked then she looked down. Hennie, said Ivy. Oh my goodness, a fairy nymph, where did you find her? There is not suppose to be any of her kind left, said Mother Nature. I didn't fine her, said Ivy. Ktara and the palace gang did in that big forest over there. Really, how wonderful do you know how important she is to the world? asked Mother Nature. Well of coarse you don't but she is. They are the creators of plant life. Yep, see what she made for Carmen then Ivy pointed at the new plants Hennie made. A new species of plant life. That is so wonderful, let me study it for a second. Mother Nature looked it over. Okay got it. I can't create new plants just make new ones that already exist. Now I can make this one too. Very pretty one too, she said. You keep her safe everyone. I may need her help soon. Well there are more of them, said Ivy, like twenty all together. Twenty! That is the best news I have heard in a long time. I hope they all start making new plants and trees soon. Um hello big tall Mother Nature. It is nice to see you finally, said Hennie as she looked way up. Oh sorry dear. I was just so excited to see this new plant. So have you made any other new plants since you have been here? asked Mother Nature. Just water cups so that animals in the forest can drink from. Oh can you show me one please, said Mother Nature. Sure can, said Hennie. She waved her hand and one grew in the garden beside the other flowers she made. Very interesting looking, said Mother Nature. Cup shaped leaves with tiny yellow flowers. So they must hold the rain water then, right. Well yes but they also gather the morning dew and hold it in all the leaves. The water is really good and a bit sweet tasting too, said Hennie. Brilliant, said Mother Nature. I know of a lot of places that can use this type of plant. I must go tell Gabriel about you if she doesn't already know. I will be back soon though so don't go hiding on me please. Okay, said Hennie. Mother nature then vanished. Well she seemed nice, I didn't know Mother Nature was that big though, said Hennie. Ivy smiled. Just about everyone is bigger and taller than you, said Ivy. Ya I guess so, said Hennie. Well maybe we should get back to where my girls are. I am sure they are tiring everyone out at the palace, said Hennie. Zatsuky laughed. I bet the fairies are having a blast with them, they just love to play, said Zatsuky. Okay but we have one quick stop to make first then we can go back to the palace, said Ivy. Okay thanks for coming by. Always nice and usually very interesting when you visit Ivy, said Carmen. Okay bye and they both flew off heading west. 17 illustration goes here Now just up a head is the golden beacon tree that I planted from a clipping off the golden tree in the fairy forest, said Ivy. It is very magical tree. Okay, is that it up ahead? asked Hennie. Yep, lets go down and have a closer look, said Ivy. I like to come by every day to check it. They both flew down beside the beacon tree that seemed to be doing very well. Very pretty tree, said Hennie. It kinda glows a bit. That is the magic in it and following the path I drew to the pixie forest way out there. The fairies made it too big and too far away from Eden so I needed this beacon tree to help save the forest from falling apart, said Ivy. Because of this tree the forest is doing great now and has tons of pixies living in it. So you control the magic here too all the way from the cove in the fairy forest? asked Hennie. That is a long ways away. I know but our cove is much bigger and a lot more powerful, said Ivy. I can see all of Fae Land from it's overviewer. Okay lets get back to the palace now. 18 illustration goes here Chapter 5 Palace Play They got back to the palace and saw everyone was still hanging around there. They landed beside Sara that was with Tara and Avan. So have my girls been behaving? asked Hennie to Sara. Yep, they are so funny to watch. I have never seen the fairies laugh so much, said Sara. See have a look. The fairies are way faster then the small ones but they figured out a way to even things up some. Really, how? asked Hennie. Just watch, said Sara. See Chestnut, Sunflower and Pippie are teasing Fettie by flying circles around her. Now watch what Fettie does, she is the best at this. There see, she got Sunflower by the foot and won't let go. Now watch what Sunflower does to shake her loose. They all watched as Sunflower flew up and down, sideways and even loop de loops but couldn't shake off Fettie. All the time Chestnut was laughing and so was Pippie. Even Alieta and Ginger were laughing. Fettie then let go and just hovered in the air so Pippie and Chestnut both went to grab Fettie from the front and back at the same time but somehow Fettie was able to move sideways very fast and both fairies ended up grabbing each other. That is so funny, said Ivy. Yes it is, said Hennie. I didn't realize the girls were that talented. They do play together all the time, that must be one of the games they play, said Hennie. Alieta saw that Ivy and Hennie had returned and ran over to them. Your girls are amazing, said Alieta. Started this game earlier and the fairies were teasing them too much so I was going to step in and tell them to stop but then I saw Nessie grab a fairy by the foot. I decide to watch and see what happened next. Then Fettie and Setta did the same and there was no way the three fairies could shake them loose. It was like they were connected completely. Then the other fairies went to help get them out but as they went to grab them to pull the three nymphs off, they all did this mid air side step thing and the fairies missed them completely, some even colliding together. This has been going on since Fettie and Setta got here. It seems they never tire, said Alieta. Look at Ginger her face is all red from laughing so much. I am glad you like my girls, said Hennie. Good thing all the others were not here. They would drive the fairies crazy with the stunts they can do. We may not be fast like you or the fairies but we sure know how to maneuver quickly. All Fairy nymphs are born with that side step as you called it. It is actually a short teleport that we can do about four or five feet in any direction. I comes in very handy when a wild animal sneaks up on one of us then jumps to attack. Tigers and lions are very quiet at first but when they leap out they always roar or make some sound giving us a chance to teleport to the side then fly away. That is a very good defense then, said Alieta. Setta came up to Ivy. Hey Ivy, do you want to play Catch Me If You Can, I bet you can't catch me, said Setta. I bet you are right, said Ivy. If the fairies can't catch you girls then I have no chance. 19 illustration goes here So Ivy how was it in the forest when you got there? asked Alieta. Oh it was very cool, said Ivy. They have a cove just like ours but much smaller. Hennie didn't know how to work the overviewer so I showed her how to work it but first I had to turn on the cove and set up all the rules for it to follow. Then we set magic paths to the apple trees and cherry trees and stuff. Everything is working properly now. They have fruit trees in there too? asked Alieta. Yep and a big veggie garden too, said Ivy. Okay that makes sense, you had to grow your own food, said Alieta. Yep and I showed Hennie Eden and we met Viridian, Carmen and Zatsuky there. Hennie made some new plants for Carmen that were her creations, said Ivy. Her own creations, how is that, asked Alieta. Oh Mother Nature said that fairy nymphs are plant life creators. They are responsible for most of the trees and plants we see now, said Ivy. So Mother Nature met Hennie too? asked Alieta. Yep I called her, said Ivy. She took off to tell Gabriel the good news, she looked really happy and excited, said Ivy. Gabriel you say, I think I will have a word with her tonight also, said Alieta. Well Mother Nature told Hennie not to stay hidden in the forest all day any more and to start making more new plants all over Fae Land, said Ivy. I think it is going to be looking a lot different and unique here soon. Yes I think you are right, said Alieta. Nessie flew over and said I am pooped now but did you see, we beat the fairies. Three against eight. Yes we all saw that, it was very funny to watch, said Hennie. Some times being small can be a good thing. Yep, we may be small but we are smart and very strong, said Nessie. Okay then, you ready to go back home now? asked Hennie. Yes please. They are too, said Nessie. Can we come back tomorrow please? Well that will be up to Alieta, said Hennie. Alieta thought for a few seconds then waved Ginger over. Ginger I think I have an idea for when Samantha shows up. Oh, what is that? asked Ginger. Well what if Hennie lets some of the fairy nymphs come over here tomorrow. That way it will definitely not be boring here at all plus some can fly around and tour some of Fae Land and stuff. You know let them get used to the place so they can venture out later when every they want, like the fairies do, said Alieta. Hmm, that sounds good. So twenty at once, said Ginger. Well some won't leave the forest especially Kappa he won't leave the forest unguarded plus he is not that social like these three, said Hennie. You really don't want eighteen excited fairy nymphs flying around here at once in the open. Trust me, what you just saw here was nothing. Okay we will wait and see what happens but these three for sure and yourself of course, said Ginger. Samantha probably won't show up until later on in the morning or afternoon. She has to meet Ivy first and talk to her, said Alieta. Okay I will let Tulip know the plan, and she can help with all your girls, said Ginger. Okay good plan, said Hennie. Go get your friends dear and tell them we are going home. Okay mom and off she flew. They may have lots of energy but went that runs out it is lights out big time, said Hennie. 20 illustration goes here Alieta and Ginger went back to the steps and everyone else settled down. Ivy and Sara went home to have supper with Viridian. Most of the fairies went back into the forest. Everyone else just went to their regular groups and sat down talking. Alieta looked at Ginger and said, "Another amazing day". Yep they just keep on coming, said Ginger. Tulip and Lollipop stayed and went over to Alieta and Ginger. You know those little girls are more than what they look to be, said Tulip. What do you mean? asked Alieta. Well when they asked us all to play that game Catch Me If You Can if figured they didn't have a chance against the eight of us but they are tricky and not once did any of us catch any of them or even touch one. We came close that's all. Well I found them to be adorable and had the most fun ever with them, said Lollipop. I don't know how they beat us but they did and now I am exhausted. Ya me too, said Tulip. We need a rematch. Well you will have your chance tomorrow when Samantha gets here. Hennie is bringing them back to meet her around lunch time, said Alieta. Okay we will be prepared this time, said Tulip. Okay see you tomorrow then they both flew off to the forest. So do you think they will win against the fairy nymphs tomorrow? asked Alieta. Not a chance I bet they have been playing that game with each other for years, said Ginger. Yes I believe your right anyways I want to talk to Gabriel a bit so stay out for a bit to enjoy the quiet, said Alieta. Alieta went upstairs to her den and called for Gabriel. 21 illustration goes here Conclusion Both Gabriel and Cindy showed up this time. Okay, said Gabriel. We know what you want to talk about. Okay so tell me, how is it that twenty fairy nymphs could stay hidden in that forest for like three hundred years and no one ever found them or even new about them until now? asked Alieta. Well Mother Nature came by all excited and was barely making sense to either of us at first. When she settled down she told us about what Ivy found or Ktara but that doesn't matter, the fact that there were extinct fairy nymphs living in Fae Land surprised us two also. The two of us had to go upstairs and ask some questions, said Gabriel. Okay so what did he tell you two. Well as usual he made it straight and plain to both of us. Very little discussion was need afterwards. He said that we should know by now that he has created Fae Land to be a safe haven for all his most loved creations. Fairy nymphs are very high on his list. He couldn't save them all because that would be interfering again so he did the next best thing and brought out the hero in one male fairy nymph. He was able to keep seventeen of the girls down low and led them the opposite direction that the dragons were going. It took them several days to reach Fae Land because they are very slow flyers. When they arrived at night they entered the big first forest they found. That is where they stayed. They have strong fairy dust and could make there own plants for food so that is where they stayed until he though it was safe enough for them to come out, said Gabriel. Okay but I was told there is twenty of them, said Alieta. One very young one is Hennie's daughter from Kappa I guess. But where did the other one come from? Ya we asked that too. Mother nature also told us there were twenty of them. He just said ask Fettie then said nothing else. We went back to see Mother Nature and she had settled down a lot now, so we asked her what was so important about these fairy nymphs because I had never heard of them before. My job has always been looking after the people, not fairies. She told us how they were responsible for most of the plant life on earth. That they were God's creators. They are very magical beings and must be respected by us two. Then she said they are really fun to be around also. Mother Nature said she knew some of them before the dragons killed them. They have been around before Triffies and fairies. They can do things that fairies can't do yet they can't make things with wands like our fairies can. We knew that you would have questions so we waited to hear from you but watched them playing with our fairies, said Gabriel. Aren't they something and so cute. Okay so we have another species with unique talents living in Fae Land that are defenseless and need to be protected, said Alieta. Well not completely defenseless, said Cindy. Gabriel did say they could do things that fairies can't but best not to concern yourself with that. Okay now one more thing before we leave, said Gabriel. I am going to be spending some time in heaven to teach a bunch of new angels the rules and a bunch of other angel stuff so Cindy will be coming when you or anyone else on the priority list calls. She is really good now. Okay, said Alieta, we all like Cindy too. They both smiled then disappeared. Okay that was an earful but as usual it all made sense. Time for bed, another big day coming up tomorrow. Alieta went down the hall and went in her bedroom. The End 22 illustration goes here