Adventures In The Land Of Fae - Book 9 The Visitors Prolog Fae Land has been prospering and with more and more people moving in and needing homes built for them. Ginger was put in charge of hiring builders from Cumberland and setting the cost of each home. Alieta made sure that the homes were affordable to everyone. Slowly word spread out about this amazing magical land but in the far south there were only rumors of such a place and most just believed it was a myth or just hopeful thinking... Chapter One The Seach For The Land Of Magic In a country far, far away called Tazia, there is a female warrior named Zatsuky. The people of her land call her the "Crimson Warrior" because she helped defend the land she lives in from dragons that are plentiful in this area plus she has long red hair and red eyes. Zatsuky was given a magic sword years ago that would glow red when danger approaches and could slice through anything but more important it shot out energy beams that made it very easy to kill dragons before they even got close to her. All this said it is no wonder she had the deepest respect of all the people of Tazia and neighboring towns. Her best friend is a dragon slayer also named Carmen. She is a petite, very pretty blonde girl that is able to kill dragons easily with just a sword. Together they would go out and hunt for dragons every day until it seemed after time there were no more to be found. Carmen figured the dragons considered Tazia too dangerous to live or attack anymore. Things were very quiet now for Zatsuky but heard a rumour that there was another country that had elves in it too plus some amazing warriors also. The rumors also said that it was a land of great magic and mysteries. The thought of there being such a place was something she couldn't get out of her mind and everyone she talked to about this land of magic said there was no such place. One day she went to the wizard's home and asked him about this land. Well I have only heard of Merlin talking about it briefly but I am pretty sure it is just myths spread down from generation to generation, said the wizard. Wizards are magical so how can an entire land be magical. Well maybe the people living there are magical, said Zatsuky. Yes maybe but still such a place would be known all over the world and probably very hard to find and get to, said the wizard. Still I can have a look on my viewer and see if we can find some place that may resemble a land with magical people in it. 01 illustration goes here Now leave your sword on the table because it is best not to bring any magical weapons into the viewer room, said the wizard. He then led Zatsuky to another room through a big doorway. This room looked very odd to Zatsuky and kind of mystical. Now watch your step, you don't want to fall down into the abyss down there. You never know where you might end up, said the wizard. Did you make all of this? asked Zatusky. No I am just an apprentice, Merlin made this so he could keep an eye on this continent, said the wizard. So does his apprentice have a name? asked Zatsuky. Yes, I am Zotac, Merlin's apprentice. So do you have an idea what direction this land might be?. Rumours have it as being very far to the north, on the other side of the equator, said Zatusky. Okay then, I will start to pan north and see what we can find, said Zotac. He waved his hand over the tablet and it lit up. The two of them looked and could see a top view of Tazia. Zotac put his hands on either side of the pillar and the viewer began to pan north. Okay here we are, this area is on the other side of the equator, said Zotac. Looks like lots of desert land. I doubt many people will be living there. He panned a bit further north. Wait what is that? asked Zatsuky and she pointed at a small green area on the map. Can you get closer to that spot? Yes but I cannot get close enough to see if anyone is living there, said Zotac. Just Merlin can do that. He adjusted the tablet to zoom in as close as it could on the green area. That is as close as I can go, said Zotac. Now that is a large sized piece of land, thousands of acres and what is very odd about this area is there is barren land and desert all around it. May there is something about those rumors about the land being magical. If anywhere that would be the best place for people to live. Then some movement could be seen that looked like a large group of people gathered around possibly dancing together. Okay I must go and prepare for the journey, said Zatsuky. Wait that could just be a bunch of trees blowing in the wind. It is not clear enough to tell, said Zotac. I don't care, said Zatsuky, I have to go see for myself or I will not be able to sleep at night. Okay then, said Zotac. Let me see how far you will have to travel. He pan the tablet back so that both lands could be seen at once then took out a measuring device and laid it on the tablet. Oh my, he said, it looks to be about three weeks journey from here by horse. That is okay, said Zatsuky, I will manage somehow. Then you better take some people with you because you will most definitely run into many dangers on the way. I will consider your advice but I only work with Carmen, you know that, said Zatsuky. Ya but Carmen doesn't seem like the type that would leave on such an adventure away from running water and fancy clubs and eateries ,said Zotac. What makes you think that? asked Zatsuky. I have gone on a couple of dates with her, said Zotac. She is quite the flirt but still a lot of fun to go out with. Ya and she can kill dragons without using magic too with ease, said Zatsuky. Well yes, there is that too, said Zotac with a smile. Okay then good luck and be safe. Then Zatsuky left the wizard's house and headed home. 02 illustration goes here Zatsuky went home and started to pack some supplies for the trip when her good friend Carmen came to visit her and saw that Zatsuky was packing for a trip. Where are you going? asked Carmen. Well I just got back from the wizards home and we found a spot on his magic viewer that may be the location where that magical land that has other Fae living in it, said Zatsuky. You mean you think the rumors might be true? asked Carmen. Yes, I have always figured there must be other places with at least elves living but even if I am wrong, it will be nice to see areas that I have never been or been before, said Zatsuky. Well, you are not going alone, said Carmen. I am coming with you whether you like it or not. That is fine, I was going to ask you anyways, said Zatsuky. Great, I will go home and pack for the trip, said Carmen. How long will it take us to get there, do you know? Yes, the wizard said it will take around three weeks to get there,, said Zatsuky. It is north of the equator and there is a lot of desert land that we will need to pass through. Wow! exclaimed Carmen. We have never traveled that far before. I know but it will definately be an adventure, said Zatsuky. That it will, so lots of deserts you said, I better pack lots of skin moisturizer, said Carmen. Then Carmen left to go home and pack. Zatsuky just shook her head and continued packing. 03 illustration goes here Zatsuky was done packing and was just waiting for Carmen to return. It had been two hours and was wondering what was taking her so long. She went outside then saw her approaching on her horse. What took you so long? asked Zatsuky. Well I had to shower and wash my hair then put on a clean outfit then brush my hair and... Zatsuky stopped her there and said, "Just like a girly girl". Well I am a girl as you know and what is wrong with looking great for the trip? said Carmen. Oh ya I had to stop at the store for some more shin cream and sun blocker. They both smiled at each other and got on their horses then started out on the trip. Soon they reached the borders of the town and set out into a vast open area that was called the Great Flat Plains. It will take us at least a day to pass the flat lands, said Carmen. Yes so let's get going and when it starts to get dark, which won't be too long from now, we will stop and make camp, then eat and sleep, said Zatsuky. 04 illustration goes here So far there was no trouble mainly because there was nothing there except mostly sand, some grass and rocks. It started to get dark so they made camp for the night. In the morning they noticed that the sky was starting to get cloudy so they decided to pick up the pace and see if there was a wooded area ahead where they could take cover in if it started to rain. I a few hours they saw a forest ahead of them as it started to rain a bit. They took off fast to the forest and made it just in time before it started to pour out. Made it, said Carmen, lets take cover under that big elm tree. While there the two of them ate then Carmen asked, "So what are you going to do when we get there?" Well first we look for people and then we will find out if they are friendly. Oh, said Carmen, sounds like a plan. I hope there are some good looking guys there. Is that all you think about is dating guys? asked Zatsuky. Not always, sometimes I think about dragon slaying and sometimes I think about what you are doing but dating men is fun and they always pay the bill, said Carmen. You are quite the character Carmen, said Zatsuky with a smile. I want to meet the amazing warriors that I have heard about, said Zatsuky. So you think they are real? asked Carmen. Most say they are just a myth, a story made up to tell children. I hope they are real but we will find out for ourselves if we ever find this place, said Zatsuky. 05 illustration goes here Chapter Two Adventures On The Way The rain stopped and the two of them started on their way again. About two hours into the woods, they could hear something moving in front of them. They stopped then saw two big leopards that were headed towards them fast. They both jumped off the horses and then Zatsuky took aime with her sword and sent out an energy blast at both of them that killed them instantly. A third leopard that neither of them saw jumped up and landed on Carmen and was ready to bite her. Zatsuky took her sword and stabbed the leopard deep in it's back. It went still then laid flat on top of Carmen. Get off me you big oaf, you are not my type, said Carmen. She wiggled out from beneath the dead leopard then looked at Zatsuky. That was a close one, said Carmen. Yep, we better keep going but keep an eye open for more leopards and where there are leopards there are probably lions and tigers too, said Zatsuky. They started out again but a lot faster now. 06 illustration goes here It took four more hours to clear the forest and came to another open area that looked similar to the flat lands except they could see a village ahead but there was smoke coming from it. The two of them looked at each other then smiled, then took off full speed towards the town. When they got there, the village was in turmoil as people we running around with buckets of water, trying to put out all the fires. Zatsuky looked up and saw two green dragons circling the village and looked like they were about to make another pass with their dragon breath. Lets get them, said Carmen. You bet, time for a bit of fun, said Zatsuky. They rode up fast to the town and started to yell and move around a lot to get the dragons attention. Some of the village people looked on. Are you two crazy, yelled on of the men. Nope just looking to have some fun, said Zatsuky. The dragons took the bait and headed towards them. They dismounted and ran out into the open away from there horses. You take the left one and I will take the right one, said Carmen. Okay, said Zatsuky. The dragons started to blow fire at them but they just laid flat down on the ground letting the fire go above them. They jumped up and waited for the dragons to do their second pass. When they turn to come back and open their mouths to blow out more fire, Zatsuky sent out an energy beam cutting off one of the dragons wings which made it lose control and smash into the other dragon, making them both crash down on the ground. Carmen jumped on one of the dragons and stuck her sword through it's neck and Zatsuky got on the back of the other dragon and shoved her sword into its chest. In a few moments the two dragons laid on the ground lifeless. Carmen and Zatsuky gave each other a high five then looked at the people watching them. 07 illustration goes here A couple of people came running out cheering then a big man came forward that looked like the head of the town and said,"That was amazing, I didn't know there were any dragon slayers around here". We are not from around here, said Zatsuky. We are from Tazia. That is a long way from here, where are you headed, he asked. We are looking for another land that might have other Fae living in it. They say it is a land of magic, said Zatsuky. Hmm he said, I have only heard rumors of such a place but good luck. In the meantime come to the village and we will feed you two and see to your horses and seeing it will be getting dark soon, you two can sleep in our inn for free overnight, said the man. Both Carmen and Zatsuky accepted the offer and looked forward to a nice meal and soft beds. Do you have showers? asked Carmen. Yes we do, said the man. Good I could use a nice shower and wash my hair before supper, said Carmen. You can do that after we eat and before we go to bed, said Zatsuky. I am not waiting for you to finish up in a bathroom before eating. Oh alright then, said Carmen. The man brought them into the middle of the town where he had them drop off their horses at the stable to be fed and watered then took them to the inn where there was a dining room. They sat around a big table where the boss man told them his name was Corky and head of the town council. These other people here with us also help run this town with me on the council, said Corky. They sat and ate a nice big meal together and talked a bit, mostly about the the stories about a magical land but none of them believed it really existed. If there was such a land full of magical beings I am sure everyone would of know about it by now, said one of the council members. Sounds more like an imaginary fairy tail to me, said another. Maybe, said Zatsuky but what if it isn't imaginary and there are a team of powerful warriors there protecting the land from evil beings and dragons or maybe a land that is so magical that all evil is kept out. The only reason no one knows for sure is because nobody has traveled far enough north to find out but us two are. Everyone went silent for a minute. Yes you do make sense, said Corky but won't it be cold and snowy in the north? Maybe, we will see, said Carmen. The only person that didn't say anything was the innkeeper but he was listening closely to the conversations. Zatsuky asked if there was any more dragons around. We have only ever seen the two of them, said Corky. I hope that is all we ever see. After they finish eating the innkeeper asked if they wanted to go to their room now. Yes please, it would be nice to sleep on a bed again, said Zatsuky. Yep and get cleaned up, said Carmen. They followed him up to the room and let them in. So the room is not fancy but it should do, said the innkeeper. Now I listened to you at the table and said nothing because this town will never believe in the land you are looking for until it hits them in the face, said the innkeeper. So you believe it exists? asked Zatsuky. Well I am originally from a big town about three days travel north from here and I know there is such a land, said the innkeeper. Really, how do you know for sure? asked Zatsuky. Well first the place you are looking for is called Fae Land, but is at least a one weeks journey from here, said the innkeeper. So are their other Fae elves like us living there? asked Carmen. Oh yes, elves, sprites, pixies and even humans I have heard and it is also supposed to be a very magical land. Wow, we like magic. Have you heard about some warriors that live there also, asked Zatsuky. Yes, but they are not warriors, they are a team of heros that help out the queen when she needs them. They have a queen too? asked Carmen. Yes and I have been told she is a very good queen, said the innkeeper. So how do you know all this stuff? asked Carmen. That town I used to live in does trade with Fae Land, said the innkeeper. I owned a bar in that town and heard all the stories about this very wealthy and magical land. I have seen and served the elves that travel from Fae Land to that town doing trade. The nicest people I have ever met and very big tippers. So why do they say it is magical? asked Zatsuky. That I do not know, said the innkeeper. The travelers just say you can feel it everywhere but every person I saw from there in my tavern was a girl elf and let me tell you they were very pretty and not a scar or pimple on any of them. To me there has to be something magical coming from the land. Now you two have a good night's sleep, then he left and shut the door behind him. 08 illustration goes here When morning came the two of them got dressed and went down stairs. Waiting for them was the innkeeper that told them that they will have to pass through the Dark Forest and it is rumoured that there might be some orcs living there. Orcs, said Zatsuky, what are they? They are big ugly strong creatures that fight and kill anything that lives and eat them including people, said the innkeeper. Yuk, said Carmen they sound nasty. Yes but if you can kill dragons then you should be able to take care of them no problem with that sword of yours, said the innkeeper. Best you try and avoid them though if you can. Okay, thanks for the advice, said Zatsuky. The two girls got their horses and started off again towards the Dark Forest. In about three hours they reached the forest and wondered if they should try and go around it. They started to look how wide the forest was but saw it was very big and would add another day to their journey. Well I guess we take the shortest way through the forest, said Carmen. They started riding into the forest and saw it was very dark inside. The trees were thick with leaves that blocked out most of the light. About two hours had passed and Zatsuky could smell something like meat cooking. They got off their horses and snuck up a bit closer to have a look. They hid behind a big bush and looked to see a bunch of orcs cooking what looked like a wild boar. Well at least they cook their meat first, whispered Carmen. I think we should go around them. They started to leave but one of the orcs looked up and saw them sneaking away. He yelled, "Fresh Meat" The orcs pulled out their swords and ran towards them. Oh crap, said Carmen. They both got their swords ready for battle and Zatsuky's sword was glowing bright red now. She shot a warning beam in front of the orcs that stopped them in their tracks. Then the orcs fanned out a bit and started heading towards them again. 09 illustration goes here The Orcs came in too close for Zatsuky to send out another beam so they both got ready to battle them with their swords. Carmen got down low and sliced at one of the orcs legs that brought him to his knee. Then Zatsuky jumped up high and used her sword to cut of one of the other orcs head. They may be big but they are slow, said Carmen. Carmen was dealing with another orc that was swinging at her aimlessly so she stabbed him in the stomach then chest and killed him. Zatsuky's sword was still glowing red and she knew exactly what do do. Get behind me Carmen and get down. Zatsuky brought the sword upright in front of her and moved it back and forth sending out multiple energy bursts along the length of the blade. The burst hit three more orcs, killing them instantly. That left just two more to deal with. The orcs started towards them and Carmen said to Zatsuky, "What are they stupid?" I guess so, said Zatsuky. They started to battle these last two orcs but they were not that great with their axes so they played with them for a bit then finished them both off at the same time with a big deep jab to the chest. Well that is that, said Carmen. Big dumb green halts of flesh that seemed to just want to die. Well if you looked like them would you want to live? asked Zatsuky. Not a chance and besides they were bald, I would just die anyways if I had no hair, said Carmen. I bet you would, said Zatsuky while smiling. Let's go back to the horses and get back on our way. 10 illustration goes here They started on their way and kept a look out for more orcs but saw none so far. About a hour had passed when they unexpectedly came up on a wolf den. They stopped but two of the wolves saw them and started to walk towards them slowly. Zatsuky took out her sword and held it front of her but the blade didn't start to glow. The wolves stopped and Zatsuky yelled to them that we want no trouble and just want to pass safely. The wolves turned and went back to their den and sat and watched the two girls go by. Wow was that ever weird, said Carmen. That sword has more magic than I thought. I am not sure but I think they understood what I said some how, said Zatsuky. Wolves that can understand what people say, said Carmen. That is new and I have never seen wolves that big before, they were huge. Me neither but I am glad they let us pass, said Zatsuky. They continued on for another couple of hours then they could see light ahead. They got to the edge of the forest and saw the grass and weeds soon changed to desert sand again. 11 illustration goes here Chapter Three The Desert Plains They decided to eat and rest there seeing it was getting dark again. It seemed safe enough so maybe we will take turns keeping watch. After eating Carmen went to lay down but suddenly two of the huge wolves emerged from the forest and then sat down facing away from the girls in either directions. Well I suppose we made some friends from the forest, said Carmen. I doubt anything will bother us with those two guarding us. They both layed down and had a good sleep. When they woke up, both wolves were gone they ate a bit of food then got on the horses and started on their way across the desert. Four hours had passed and there was nothing to see in any direction. A bit longer they came up to a large gorge that looked very deep and long with a river running quickly through it at the bottom. How do we get passed this? asked Carmen. Zatsuky look around and noticed a rope bridge to the left of her and said, "That looks like a way. I hope the bridge is strong enough to hold us. They rode over to it and saw that it looked more than strong enough and also looked like it was being maintained by somebody. They went to cross the bridge but as soon as they went to cross a weird looking little man popped up and said stop. You have to pay the toll in order to pass, said the troll. Just then Zatsuky's sword started to glow a bit red again and the troll looked worried as he saw it, Well I guess I should let you pass but I have to live too ya know and I am the one that makes sure this bridge stays safe to cross, said the troll. Zatsuky smiled then took out a gold coin and tossed it to him. Thankyou, I see you are good kind people, said the troll. You may cross now. Do you know how we can get down to that river and get some water for our horses and ourselves, asked Zatsuky. No need he said then disappeared under the bridge then in a few minutes he came back up with four water bottles and a bucket filled with water for the horses. The horses quickly drank all the water then Zatsuky, said thank you then reached into her pouch and pulled out another gold coin and gave it to him. Thank you kind ladies, said the troll. So where might you be going? To a place called Fae Land, have you heard of it? asked Carmen. Heard of it, I have been there. Where do you think I got all this rope and lumber to build this bridge, said the troll. Fae Land is the most wonderful country I have ever seen. Yes we have heard it is a magical land, said Zatsuky. Yes and so much more, said the troll. How far have you traveled to come here. We have been traveling for over two weeks now, said Zatsuky. Wow, that is a long journey, said the troll. Well you are almost there. Once you cross the bridge head due north and you will come to a small woods with trees that all have golden leaves. That is where the Yellow Fae live. Yellow Fae? never heard of them before, said Zatsuky. Well they are a very friendly clan of elves, said the troll. The forest is magical so whatever you do do not hurt a tree, they are alive. No way, trees that are alive like us, asked Carmen. No not like us, alive like trees that communicate with each other and can move their branches at will, said the troll. You will see. You two are going to have to get used to seeing things that you never thought possible from here on in. Now off you go to Fae Land. They both smiled at the troll then headed across the bridge. 12 illustration goes here They got to the other side safely and started out across the desert again. There was still nothing to be seen anywhere. That wizard's viewer back in Tazia was right, there is a lot of desert on this side of the equator, said Zatsuky. Well I hope we get there soon because I am almost out of skin cream, said Carmen. You look just fine to me, said Zatsuky. You have to stop worrying about how you look. Are you kidding, it is important for a pretty girl to look her best at all times, said Carmen Besides the innkeeper said there is a queen in Fae Land and I want to look my best when I meet her. Hmm, pass over some of that cream, said Zatsuky. Another four hours had passed when they saw a small wooded area ahead. It was different though. It looked all yellow and glistened. Is that a golden forest? asked Carmen. Don't be silly, said Zatsuky. Just the leaves on the trees are yellow. Must be the woods that troll told us about. Looks like gold to me from here, said Carmen. As they got closer they saw somebody just outside of the woods picking up stuff from the ground. They approached the girl that they could now tell was an elf and introduced themself to her. Hi how are you?.Are you here to look for gold too? asked the yellowish looking elf. No we are just passing through, said Zatsuky. Oh okay I am Amy where are you going? she asked. We are going to a place that they call Fae Land, said Zatsuky. We have traveled many miles to see if it exists. Of course it exists. It is less than one days ride from here, said Amy. Really, so we are that close to it now, said Zatsuky. Where we come from Fae Land is thought to be just a fairy tale and is not real. Well Fae Land is a land of fairy tales except real ones. Eight heros from there stopped here to rest after saving the Sandman. The heroes are real too?, asked Zatsuky that was getting very excited now. Yep and they were very nice and polite also, said Amy. Come with me and I will take you to my village. It will be dark soon so you can eat, clean up then sleep. Then you will get a fresh start in the morning. Thank you that is very nice of you, said Zatsuky. They all followed Amy and could hear what sounded like whispering. What is that sound? asked Carmen. Just the trees chatting away about you two probably, said Amy. Soon they came to a clearing with wood huts in it. Welcome to the village of the Yellow Fae, said Amy. 13 illustration goes here Amy brought them to her place and made them a nice dinner to eat. As they were eating Amy asked if she could go with them. If you want I suppose, said Zatsuky. Oh thank you so much. I am afraid to go by myself and you two look like you are more than capable enough to take care of yourself. So why do you want to go there, it looks real nice here in this village, asked Zatsuky. Well I am one of the younger elves here and have not been exposed to the golden trees magical effect on us elves living here, said Amy. The older elve's skin is a lot more yellow than mine and I don't want to be that yellow plus it is Fae Land of course. So the trees make you skin yellow, how is that possible? asked Carmen. I don't know exactly but it has to do with the magic their leaves have that keeps elves healthy and young looking, said Amy. I have always wanted to go to Fae Land but after I saw those eight heroes from there I just knew I had to go live there. I have been collecting gold out and around the woods for a while now. Gold is just laying around on the ground here? asked Zatsuky. Not in the forest but out in the sunlight, said Amy. When a leaf falls off a tree and lands on the sand where the sun dries it up, that is when the golden leaf turns into real gold. So this is truly a golden forest, said Zatsuky. Yep and that is why a lot of the elves here like to stay, said Amy. Okay sit and eat and then get cleaned up, said Amy. You will have a good night's sleep. The magic of the trees makes sure you will sleep great. When morning arrived they all got up and Amy made them a quick breakfast then packed up some supplies for the trip. She got her horse and the three of them headed off out of the golden forest and into an area Amy called The Bad Lands. So Amy, do you know of anything we should look out for here like dragons or wild animals? asked Carmen. I am not sure but I heard that there might be some desert marauders in The Bad Lands, said Amy. Okay that should be fine then, said Carmen. About four hours out they saw the marauders that Amy told them about. Three men with swords came out in front of them and said stop. You have to give us all of your valuables or die, said one of the men. Just then Zatsuky's sword started to glow red again and she raised high so the marauders could see it. On second thought maybe you can go through, said the man. They passed by the men and Carmen heard one of the men say, "We have to find another profession, There is no money in this business". Another three hours had passed and now they could see lots of birds flying around in the sky and the faint sound of music. Soon they came to a spot where the dry sand turned to lush green grass and could see a large building. As they got closer the music was very loud and people could be heard talking and laughing. Well looks like we made it and without a bruise, said Zatsuky. Well my butt is sore but I suppose that doesn't count, said Amy. They all laughed. 14 illustration goes here Chapter Four Welcome To Fae Land They got off their horses and walked in on the grass then rounded a corner of the building and saw what looked like a festival was going on. Two elves ran up to them and told them they will take the horses to the stable to be watered and fed. Zatsuky went to take out some coins from her pouch to pay them. Oh no, visitors to Fae Land don't pay to have their horses cared for, said the elf. Well we are planning to stay and if it is okay, live here, said Zatsuky. Really, even better but nobody in Fae Land pays to have their horses cared for in the palace stable, said the elf. You want to talk to that pretty sprite over there. Then the two elves took away the three horses. They started to walk towards the crowd of people and they saw lots of elves dancing and singing and playing games together. There were humans also among the crowd also. Wow there is so many! I did not know there were so many elves around, said Zatsuky. As they approached the group, people saw them and the way Zatsuky was dressed, they were hard to miss. Then everyone stopped to look at them. Talk about getting centered out, said Carmen. Then a very beautiful sprite with magnificent wings came toward them with an elf and asked them who they were and where they were from. This is my friend Carmen and I am Zatsuky plus this is Amy from the golden forest's Yellow Fae village, said Zatsuky and we are from the country Tazia. Tazia! the sprite exclaimed. That is like over two weeks travel from here by horse. Yes actually almost three weeks of traveling, said Zatsuky. May I ask what your name is? You are the first sprite Carmen and I have ever seen. You are so magnificent looking. Well thank you Zatsuky, I am Alieta, Queen of The Land Of Fae. The three of them quickly got down on one knee. Please get up. No one bows to anyone here in this land of equality, said Alieta. They got up and Zatsuky looked around. So what are you celebrating? This is the harvest festival that we have every year, said Alieta. There are so many elves here, I didn't know there were so many, said Zatsuky. Well this is just some of the elves, said Alieta, many more will show up later when the food is served at supper time. Carmen smiled. I sure could us a bite or two, said Carmen. I have to ask you if the rumours I heard about Fae Land having a team of heroes is true? asked Zatsuky. Well yes it is true, all eight of them are here now, nine if you count Angus, said Alieta. This girl beside me is Ktara, she is one of the team members. Ktara, shook hands with them and said nice to meet you and very nice to see you again Amy. That is one fancy outfit you have on and a deadly looking sword. Yes the outfit is enchanted and was delivered to me a long time ago with the Crimson Sword, said Zatsuky. Is the sword magical, asked Ktara. Oh yes, it is a very powerful weapon, said Carmen. I better go get Alexa, said Ktara then she ran off into the crowd. Wait fo me I want to see her too, said Amy and ran off into the crowd also. 15 illustration goes here In a couple of minutes Ktara found Alexa dancing with some elves. Alexa, you have to come see those two new elves that just arrived, said Ktara. Okay where are they? asked Alexa. Over by the palace with Alieta, said Ktara, I am going to introduce Amy to some people here. Oh hi Amy, nice to see you here, said Alexa. It is very nice to see you again and I finally was able to come here with Carmen and Zatsuky, said Amy. They are both very pretty warriors. Well then I best go meet them, said Alexa. Yep and Zatsuky has a very powerful sword too, said Ktara. Really, how powerful? asked Alexa. Not sure I will leave that up to you to find out, said Ktara. Come Amy, let's mingle. Alexa walked over to where Alieta was talking to the two new visitors. Hi Alieta, Ktara said I should come and meet the visitors that just arrived with Amy, said Alexa. Yes they traveled all the way here from Tazia that is almost three weeks journey by horse, said Alieta. Wow, that is a long journey, said Alexa. So this is Carmen and the tall redhead is Zatsuky, said Alieta. This is Alexa and the leader of Fae Lands team of heroes. It is an honor to meet you Alexa, said Zatusky. Where we come from no one believes you and the team is real, same as Fae Land. Well we are as you can see. So I bet you are wondering how such a small girl can lead a team of heroes, said Alexa. Not at all, said Zatsuky. Look at Carmen, she is small too but the best dragon slayer I have ever met. Dragon slayer you said. So am I, said Alexa. Yep small is good when it comes to killing dragons, said Carmen. Green, red or brown, makes no difference to me, they are all the same to me. Red dragons too, that is impressive, said Alexa. So Ktara told me you have a powerful sword, it sure looks deadly. What can it do? This is the Crimson Sword that was delivered to me a long time ago with this Crimson outfit, said Zatsuky. It can kill anything even from a distance. Really, so it is magical then? asked Alexa. Very magical, said Carmen, you should see it shoot out beams of energy. Zatsuky killed three Orcs at once with it not long ago plus she can kill dragons in the sky before they even get close to us. Alexa scratched her chin. I have never heard of a weapon that powerful before, said Alexa. Can I hold it for a second? You can't said Zatsuky, Only I can hold and use it. If anyone else tries to touch the sword is will badly burn you, even if you are wearing enchanted gloves. So not even a wizard can touch it? asked Alexa. Nope but the sword's blade will glow red when anything bad or evil is getting close to it, said Zatsuky. Amazing, I wonder who made this sword, said Alexa. That I don't know but an elder elf delivered it to me when I was younger, said Zatsuky. Alexa looked at Alieta. We need to talk more in private, said Alexa. Take them to the dining room, said Alieta. I am sure they are hungry. Yep, I am starved said Carmen, we only had a small breakfast this morning at Amy's place. Okay then follow me, said Alexa. 16 illustration goes here They followed Alexa into the dining room and all sat down. Alexa told the elf to bring our new quests burgers and fries. That should hold you two, until the food gets served outside, said Alexa. Now tell me more about this Crimson Sword and the outfit, said Alexa. Well when I was just twenty one years old I was sitting in my living room reading a book when someone knocked on the door, said Zatsuky. I wondered who would be visiting me so late at night, it was around midnight. When I opened to door I saw a very old elf that still looked quite good for her age standing there with a big box. She said I am here to deliver this to you Zatsuky. How do you know my name? I asked her. She didn't tell me and just handed me the box, said use it well and left. I found this all to be very strange so I went back to the living room and opened the box that was pretty heavy. There was something wrapped in cloth inside but on top was a note with my name on it. When I opened the note it read as follows. "The Crimson Sword can only be used by you, any others will suffer great pain. The battle gear will protect you from attacks and the sword has powers unlike any weapon known to mankind. Use these gifts for good to defeat evil. Then it was signed with just a fancy looking "M". I just had to try on the outfit which fit me perfectly. Then I unwrapped the sword that was rather heavy at first, until I grabbed the handle. Suddenly it glowed bright red then blue and I felt a great power enter me and sword was now light as a feather. It stopped glowing so I tried a few moves with it swinging it around but when I squeezed the handle it let out a blue energy beam. that blew a hole in my wall. Now this was a gift that I knew I could use to get rid of the dragons that kept attacking in Tazia. 17 illustration goes here Hmm, I wonder what the "M" stands for, said Alexa. I figured magic, said Zatsuky. I don't know anyone with a name that starts with "M". So I take it you figure out how to make the sword work without instructions, said Alexa. You would figure a weapon like this would come with at least something. Nope but the next day I went to try it out on a dragon with the Crimson outfit on also and As soon as the sword started to glow red, I just knew how to use it properly. Though if it wasn't for Carmen I may have got killed. Really, what happened? asked Alexa. Well I was out in the open where most dragon attacks took place when the sword began to glow red like I said. I looked up and saw a green dragon headed right for me. I pointed the sword at it and squeezed the handle and shot a beam at it which wounded it and fell to the ground. I ran over and jumped on it and stabbed the dragon in the head finishing it. I didn't notice that a red dragon was almost on me and about to blow fire at me. I heard someone yell "Look Out" and saw Carmen pointing at the red dragon. She threw her sword and it went right in the dragons neck making it crash into the green dragon and knocked me on my butt then she pulled her sword out of its neck and jumped on the beast then stabbed it a few more times killing it. That was the first time we met and have been best friends every since. Carmen is a true dragon slayer and doesn't need any fancy weapons to kill them like me but together we made a great team and became famous in Tazia. 18 illustration goes here Well if you were famous there, why did you want to travel all the way to Fae Land? asked Alexa. First because we were getting bored because there were no more dragon attacks but I heard all the rumours about a land of magic that had other Fae elves in it. Tazia is mostly humans so I had to go find it, said Zatsuky. Besides Carmen was flirting too much with all the single men there and was getting a name for herself as being a flirt. I was not being a flirt, said Carmen, I was just being really friendly with them no one was complaining. Alexa smiled. Well why don't you two go and freshen up and put on a change of clothes, said Alexa. Then I want you to meet another member of my team that I think you will find very interesting. Okay, we have been wearing these outfits for a long time so fresh and clean sounds good to me, said Carmen. Alexa led them to an empty bedroom and showed them where everything was then went to the wardrobe room to get fresh clothes for them. She went back to the room in about ten minutes and found Zatsuky sitting on the bed in a bath towel. Okay here you go, I figured you like red and I picked blue for Carmen, when she is finished in the bathroom, said Alexa. Thanks but it might be a while if we just wait for Carmen to come out, said Zatsuky. She is the real girlie girl type and has to make sure she looks perfect for everyone. Alexa smiled. Sounds a lot like Paisley, said Alexa. She is very pretty too and likes to look pretty all the time. She is on the team also and man she can kick and jump. So how many are on your team? asked Zatsuky. Eight so far but with Angus my pet Titan wolf that makes nine so far. You mean one of those huge wolves, said Zatsuky. We ran into a whole pack of them on the way here. You saw an entire pack of Titan wolves? That is amazing, that must be where Angus came from, said Alexa. Can Angus understand what you say and is friendly? asked Zatsuky. Yep and he is super strong and fast, said Alexa. I knew it. These two wolves even watched over us as we slept to make sure we were safe, said Zatsuky. Okay Carmen has been in there long enough. Zatsuky got dressed then went in the bathroom and grabbed Carmen and dragged her out. Okay okay, I was just pulling a couple of eyebrow hairs, said Carmen. Well get dressed and let's go see this other person Alexa wants us to meet, said Zatsuky. 19 illustration goes here Alexa led them to Alieta's den then told them to wait here for a minute while she got Tempressa. I like to have her with me when I make some important decisions because she is The Ice Queen. Ice Queen, so she likes to live where it is cold, said Carmen. No, you will see, said Alexa then she ran out. Zatsuky put her sword on the chair. This is quite the place, said Carmen. This room is bigger than my whole apartment back home. Well if we play our cards right we won't have to go back home, said Zatsuky. Really, did you bring all the money we made back in Tazia? asked Carmen. I bet it is expensive to live here. No just a small pouch of gold coins and there is just a few of them left, said Zatsuky. Well I am not doing dishes to make money, said Carmen. I am not getting my hands all wrinkly. Just then Alexa came in with Tempressa. So what were you two talking about? asked Alexa. Oh nothing important, said Zatsuky. Okay so here is Tempressa, can you show her your sword please? asked Alexa. Zatsuky went over to the chair where she put it and brought it over. Well that is one impressive looking sword, said Tempressa. Alexa told me it shoots out energy beams and only you can hold it. Yep any one tries to take it from me or pick it up, it will badly burn them, said Zatsuky. Well let me try this then, said Tempressa and pointed a finger at the blade and tried to freeze it. Okay that is special, I couldn't freeze it at all, said Tempressa. There is some very powerful magic going on with that sword. Wow, so that is why you are called The Ice Queen, said Zatsuky. Yep and that sword is the first thing I haven't been able to freeze, said Tempressa. So you two have killed dragons together, how many? I don't know, said Carmen. Hundreds I guess. Wow that is a lot. Have you tried killing anything else with it. Yep Zatsuky killed two orcs then three at once with the sword and I killed the other ones with my sword. Orcs are dumb and slow. Very ugly looking too, said Carmen. Yes I agree, said Tempressa. Can I have a word with you for a minute Alexa? asked Tempressa. So what do you think, should we ask them to stay in Fae Land and join our team? asked Alexa. Well that is up to you but I say the two of them would greatly strengthen our team and that sword is nothing I have ever seen or heard of before, said Tempressa. Excuse me but I do have a question that I would like to ask, said Zatsuky. Alexa and Tempressa walked back over to them. Yes, what is it, asked Alexa. Well we were hoping that we could try out for your team of heroes. Carmen is awesome and very fast with a sword and is afraid of nothing and is great at getting the attention of people if one needs to have a decoy and I have gotten very good with this sword and not much scares me either, except spiders, I hate them creepy little things. Alexa and Tempressa looked at each other and smiled. What do you think Alexa, do you what to see how they do on our next adventure? asked Tempressa. What do you mean they...Tempressa elbowed Alexa to stop her from saying more. Umm sure we can do that, said Alexa. 20 illustration goes here Chapter Five A Heavenly Visit So now you need a place to stay, said Alexa. Well we don't have much money left, said Zatsuky. I only brought some gold coins with us. Well you can talk to Alieta about that, said Alexa. I am sure she will figure something out for you two. You two stay here and I will send her up to talk to you. Come on Tempressa let's get back to the party. Then they both left. Well at least they are giving us a chance to join the team, said Zatsuky. Yep, we will be fine, said Carman. Alexa and Tempressa went to Alieta that was standing outside of the palace by the steps and told her what they found out. That sword of hers is amazing, said Alexa. It can fire energy charges that can kill dragons and orcs plus it glows red when danger is near. Some strong magic in that sword, I couldn't freeze it and didn't even look cold, said Tempressa. So did you ask them to join your team? asked Alieta. Well I was going to but Zatsuky first asked if they could try out to see if they could join. Tempressa stopped me from telling them with an elbow to my side. Well I just wanted to have some fun with them and make it seem they had to work for the honor, that's all but for sure we need them on the team, said Tempressa. Anyways they need a place to stay and they don't have much money so they are up in your den waiting for you to tell them what to do, said Alexa. You know everyone stays for free in the palace, said Alieta. Yep, I know but I wanted you to tell them and let them know what a great queen you are, said Alexa. Now your just sweet talking to me, said Alieta. Get out there and join in the fun. Alieta went in the palace and up the stairs to her den. She found them talking quietly together. So I just heard a lot of good things about you two, said Alieta. It seems both Alexa and Tempressa want both of you on the team of heros. Really, they said we had to try out first, said Carmen. That was just Tempressa goofing around with you. Sometimes her sense of humor shows up but yes you both are on the team and will get paid accordingly by the crown. We get paid too? asked Zatsuky. Yes, of course you do, I will let Ginger fill you in how all that works. She takes care of all the money. Alieta, called out for an elf. Yes Alieta, what can I do for you? asked the elf. I want you to take Zatsuky and Carmen to a nice room with two beds in it. They are Alexa's newest team members so make sure they are well taken care of plus bring up a chest for Zatsuky's sword so she has a place to store it for now. Make sure you don't ever touch her sword because it will burn you and make sure the rest of the elves know that too. Wow two new heros, that is so awesome, said the elf. Okay let's go. I know the perfect place for you two to live. One thing, we don't have much money right now, said Zatsuky. Don't worry about that, said Alieta. People staying in the palace eat and stay for free always. Wow, this is a magical land, said Carmen. Oh you have seen nothing yet, said Alieta. 21 illustration goes here Zatsuky and Carmen followed the elf out of the den and Alieta was about to go back outside when Gabriel the angel appeared in front of her. Hello Alieta, I hope you are having a good day, said Gabriel with a smile. Yes it has turned out to be a very good day, said Alieta. Yes I figured that, said Gabriel. So it is good that Zatsuky and Carmen arrived her safely, those two are going to do amazing things for Alexa and the team. I think so, so you know about them and the journey they went on to get here? asked Alieta. Yes, I was told to keep track of them from the moment they set out. You won't find two girls that are so talented and fearless again for a while. The team needs Zatsuky and that Crimson Sword for future battles to come. So you believe there will be future battles? asked Alieta. More than likely, God doesn't tell me everything but I do know that the Crimson Sword was created for Zatsuky by the strongest wizard known to man and he has more enhancements to do to it yet. So who is this wizard? asked Alieta. Merlin The Great of course, he is the strongest and wisest of all wizards, said Gabriel. You will meet him soon if you haven't already. Old looking wizard with a good sense of humor. Loves to do magic tricks for people and put on firework displays on special occasions. Yes I met him once but just briefly a long time ago, said Alieta. Good now make sure your team of heros are well taken care of and start thinking of using some of that land in Eden to make homes for them. Magic is strongest there and you want them to be at their best at all times. Really, we have always kept Eden a park with no structures on it, said Alieta. I know but there is land in the west end of Eden that has nothing but grass growing there. There is a reason for that. Times are changing and Fae Land is going to be changing too bit by bit as time goes on, said Gabriel. Now go back out and enjoy the festival. Your presents is important to all the people there. We will keep in touch and if you ever need me just call. Then Gabriel vanished. Well it is good to know an angel is watching over us and I wonder what Merlin has more to do with Zatsuky's sword, thought Alieta. It already sounds super powerful. If change is coming then I hope it doesn't come too fast. Things are very good right now in this Land Of Fae. The End 22 illustration goes here