The Adventures In The Land Of Fae The Wizard And The Witch Prolog Five days had pasted and all was quite calm in Fae Land. The four little girls were doing great in school and learning fast. Alexa had already started to teach from the grade two text books. It was the week end so the girls had two days off and Alexa figured she would change things up a bit for the second week with half a day of lessons and the other half doing art seeing they all liked to doodle on their papers. Phonixa and Repellia were still dating the two brothers and seemed to be having fun going out with them. Yeanny brought Sakura to a clothing store where she actually was very good in the store this time and found some new outfits she liked but they were all mostly pink. She still wore the outfit she had on mostly though. Yeanny was just happy that she had some different outfits to wear when needed and hoped as she got older she would start to wear them. Yeanny had another lesson from Merlin that taught her how to make fire and ice which was useful in the kitchen. He did say the fire could be used as a weapon also but best used for defence as a last resort. Certain types of magic require higher skill levels and can sometimes be more dangerous than good. The candy factory was doing great and Jessica made Daisy a partner seeing she loved working in the factory and flying to Cumberland as a sales representative for the company. The company now had seven elves working in the factory and four other delivery girls on top of Sally and Fawn that now had enough money to live comfortably. Samantha visited Tobias and gave him enough money to help out the two girls with expensives plus for himself to buy what ever he wanted. She did tell him that he should think of a way to make his own money. That would keep you busy while Ivy was in the cove working. Tillia was doing great with Sara that would take her out for some exercise after work plus they both got very popular with the people living in Fae Land. Alieta was enjoying this calm time with no attacks and even no new beings showing up that needed Ivy's reading skills. Alieta now had eight of her books published and was working on number nine... Chapter 1 The Unusual Twosome Yeanny was working in her back yard while Sakura was pulling out weeds from the side garden getting it ready for Fettie to plant some nice flowers in it. Two people appeared out of no where behind Yeanny and one said, Hello Yeanny, what are you doing on your knees?" Yeanny jumped up and turned then saw who they were. Oh did we scare you? Sorry about that the woman said. Ya I bet you are, said Yeanny. What do you two want? Well we came to visit you and found we couldn't just teleport in through your protection shield like usual so we knocked on the door and you didn't answer. Yeanny was glad the new shield was much stronger. So I did a location spell and found you way over here, said the woman. Okay so you found me Gwyneria, said Yeanny. Now go away please. Sakura heard voices and came flying around back to see what was going on. Who are they Mom? asked Sakura. Nobody important dear, said Yeanny. You have a daughter now? asked Gweyneira. Yes and do not touch her, said Yeanny. Oh I won't hurt her, she is very cute and well pink, said Gwyneira. She doesn't look anything like you though. Mom made me, said Sakura. She made you? That would take some very powerful magic to do anything close to what she looks like, said Gwyneira. You were never that strong of a soceress. Mom I don't like her. Make her go away please, said Sakura. Don't wory little girl we are just here to talk with your mother. Been a while since we have seen her, said the man. Tamari, you were always a mischievous wizard. I have nothing to say to you two, said Yeanny. Really, why not, looks like you are doing well. What is this place anyways? asked Gwyneira. It is Fae Land, said Sakura. Only good people can live here. Okay I guess, never heard of the place, said Gwyneira. Is that real hair? She went to touch Sakura's hair but Yeanny waved a hand and she disappeared. Hey how did you do that? asked Tamari. You were never able to send any one of us away. Are you going to leave now or should I help you, said Yeanny. No that is okay I will leave, but Gwyneira is going to be mad at you. Then he vanished. 01 illustration goes here That lady was not nice but the man seemed okay, said Sakura. Well they both are not that bad, said Yeanny but they have to stop being pests. What is a pest? asked Sakura. Someone that bothers you and ply tricks on you, said Yeanny. Oh okay, said Sakura. So where did you send her? asked Sakura. Well not exactly sure, somewhere north of here, said Yeanny. Far away from you anyways. Sakura smiled. Okay we better go tell Alieta about those two. Let me put a protection spell on the house then lets go, said Yeanny. Yeanny teleported the two of them to the palace grounds and saw Alieta talking to Tara. Okay there she is, said Yeanny, lets go say hello. Sakura flew over and said hello to Alieta. Mom wants to talk to you about two people she called pests. Oh really, said Alieta, pests you say. Hello Alieta, said Yeanny. So your girl here said something about two pesty people, said Alieta. Ya, they are two people I went to school with a while back. They were both trouble makers back then. I think they are harmless just the type that gets their kicks at other peoples expense, said Yeanny. So how did they find you here? asked Alieta. Oh Gwyneira is a witch and cast a location spell and found me, said Yeanny. Now I would of sat and talked to them a bit but Sakura was with me and I told her not to touch her but she went to touch Sakura's hair so I sent her away. Sakura chuckled. Yep mom sent her away somewhere north. The man left by himself though. So who is the man? asked Alieta. His name is Tamari, said Yeanny. He is a wizard and not that great of one either. The two of them are really not that strong but were better than me back then. They used to tease me a lot and make me mad. They just thought it was funny, said Yeanny. So do you think they will come back? asked Alieta. Well probably, said Yeanny. Where I sent Gwyneira could of been anywhere. I really just did that by impulse. She will be mad at me and dosn't like being made a fool of, said Yeanny. Well if they come back I can deal with them if you want, said Tara. Well you would be an eye full for those two, said Yeanny but like I said they are not bad in an evil way, just pranksters. Just then Gwyneira and Tamari appeared in front of Yeanny. Do you have any idea where you sent me? asked Gwyneira. Nope, said Yeanny with a smile. Well the Nouth Pole and dressed like this was not good, said Gwyneira. At least you could of sent me somewhere warm. You will pay for that, I should...You should what? asked Tara, that was standing behind the two of them. 02 illustration goes here They both looked over their shoulder and saw Tara standing with both hands on her hip. The two of them ran behind Yeanny. A she devil. My God, sreamed Gwyneira. Make it go away like you did me, said Gwyneira. Why should I, you make her go away besides she is a very good friend of mine, said Yeanny. Really, but she devils kill things, said Gwyneira. Ya I know, said Yeanny. Be good and you will be safe. The two of them came out from behind Yeanny then saw Alieta standing there looking at them sternly. So who are you? asked Gwyneira. Alieta, queen of Fae Land, she said. Opps, sorry no crown so how would I know, said Gwyneira. Lets get out of here and come back later when there is no one around, said Gwyneira. Then they both disappeared. Oh no you don't said Yeanny and put out a hand and pulled it back towards her. They reappeared with a shocked look on their face. Hey how did you do that? asked Gwyneira. Moms a wizard now and Merlin teaches her stuff and she can make clothes and furniture and likes ice cream too, said Sakura. Gwyneira couldn't help but smile a bit. So a wizard now and you know Merlin also. My you have been a busy girl, said Gwyneira. Mom how come the man does't talk. He seems nicer than her? asked Sakura. Oh she won't shut up so he hasn't had time to say anything dear, said Yeanny. Gwyneira looked a bit embarassed and stepped back a bit then Tamari got down on one knee and said hello, my name is Tamari. You are a very pretty little girl. Yep and pink too, said Sakura. Would you like to touch my hair? Oh I will pass on that, but thank you. I don't want to end up in the Nouth Pole. Now Tara and Alieta laughed. Okay, see Mom he is nice, said Sakura. Then Sakura looked at Gwyneira and smiled. She is adorable Yeanny, how you did it doesn't matter I suppose. I can tell she makes you happy, said Gwyneira. Oh yes, she is my little pink angel, said Yeanny. So are you two going to be civil now? asked Alieta. Yes we will, said Tamari then looked at Gwyneira. She just nodded her head. Okay then, sit down and talk. I believe that is what you originally came here for, said Alieta then walked towards the palace as Ginger came out. 03 illustration goes here Alieta went over by Ginger. So who are they? asked Ginger. Gwyneira and Tamari, said Alieta. They have a bit of a past with Yeanny and not a pleasant one from what I heard from her. Oh so they seem to be getting along now, said Ginger. Well yes, now they are, once Yeanny yanked them back from teleporting away after Tara scared the heck out of them and they found out Yeanny is a wizard now, said Alieta. What Yeanny did took some major power I would think. You know Yeanny sent Gwyneira to the Nouth Pole when she went to touch Sakura, said Alieta. Really, well you don't mess with a mother's child, said Ginger. No you don't especially a wizard's child, said Alieta. So Yeanny, now that you are this powerful wizard and all, how does it feel? asked Gwyneira. I feel the same but can do a lot more and very easily, said Yeanny. I still like to use my hands to do stuff though like working outside and shopping. It is good for Sakura also to see how to do things herself. Yep I can write and draw pictures now, said Sakura. Alexa says I am getting really good. She is our teacher. Oh good, said Tamari. I can draw a bit too. So this Fae Land, how big is it? asked Gwyneira. Oh I know that one, said Sakura. Alexa taught us about Fae Land. Go ahead then dear, tell them, said Yeanny. Okay, well it is very big and has four big provinces in it plus that big fairy forest other there and another one over there, plus the fairy nymphs forest cross from the water fall and another one called the Fantasy Pixie Forest that is somewhere in the middle I think, said Sakura. Lots of stores too! The two of them smiled. Big place then, said Gwyneira. Nice queen too, it seems. Yep she is the best, said Sakura. So what has been going on back where you two live? asked Yeanny. Well, a lot has changed but not for the good I am afraid. Really, how come? asked Yeanny. Well the people are fighting among them selves more and even setting houses on fire, said Gwyneira. Your place is safe seeing we were not able to touch it or get in. There isn't a good leader in that town. The mayor is a usless drunk so no respect there and no one else wants the job. Best the place burns down to the ground I say. Really I wonder why everyone is getting so crazy there, said Yeanny. They were always rude and not that nice to me but never violent. Must be bad mojo I suppose, said Tamari. What is mojo? asked Sakura. Something to do with magic, said Tamari. Oh, I like magic, do you want to hear a riddle I just made up? asked Sakura. Sure I am good at riddles, said Tamari. Good, what is half of 2+2 ? asked Sakura. Well 2+2=4 so 2 is half, said Tamari. Nope try again, one more chance, said Sakura. But two is the correct answer, said Gwyneira. Nope 2+2=4 and half of 4 is 2 but half of 2+2 is 1+1, said Sakura. They all looked at each other then laughed. Where did you learn that, asked Yeanny. I don't know, just figured it out, said Sakura. I like riddles and jokes. 04 illustration goes here Chapter 2 The Evil Witch And Wizard Well we should go now, said Gwyneira. Got to make sure everything is okay at home. Nice meeting you Sakura and you too Tara thanks for not eating us or something. Tara just smiled. We will see you later then they vanished. Does it look like I eat people? asked Tara. Nope, maybe kiss Tamari but not eat him, said Ginger. Ya he is kinda good looking but they seem to be made for each other, said Tara. Yep they sure do, said Yeanny. Okay I am heading back into the woods to cool off with Avan. It is getting hot out here, said Tara. Okay see you later, they all said. Bye from me too, said Sakura. Well lets go talk to Alieta and Ginger before going back home, said Yeanny. Okay, said Sakura. They walked over to talk with Alieta and Ginger but then a cloud of smoke appeared behind them. A woman and a man appeared. Alieta and Ginger pointed, look behind you Yeanny, yelled Alieta. She looked and saw the two of them. Oh oh said Yeanny and the two of them ran over to Alieta and Ginger. Where is my goodie two shoes sister and that guy she hangs out with. We followed their path here, said the dark woman. Then they started to walk closer. These two are really bad, said Yeanny. You two best get in the palace and take Sakura too. Why we haven't done anything to them, said Alieta. Just do it fast, said Yeanny. They all ran in but Sakura started to fly fast to the woods, but the woman saw her and froze Sakura in mid air. Yeanny broke the spell and yelled get small. Sakura got tiny then disappeared. The woman walked up to her and said you are the sorceress. How did you break her loose. That is my kid and know one messes with her, said Yeanny. Really, said the man. Maybe you need to be taught a lesson then raised his hand and started to cast a control spell on her. Yeanny blocked it and made two fire balls appear in her hands. Alieta and Ginger were watching from the window. Sakura was flying all over the place in the woods looking for Tara and Avan, yelling out their names. Oh ya she thought to herself. Too small for them to hear me. She went back to her normal size then started yelling again. Tara heard her first then got Avan. They both flew over to Sakura that looked really scared. What is it Sakura? asked Tara. Very bad people. Mom is in trouble, she said. You stay here and the two of them flew off. What you going to do with the fire balls sorceress? asked the woman. They won't hurt us. Oh ya, and she threw them at there feet knocking them over. They got up quick. You have some power there girl. Time to get rid of you. They both raised their arms but both Tara and Avan drop kicked them while in mid air sending back over ten feet. Who are these two? asked Tara. One is Gwyneira's older sister Megan and the guy is is her boyfriend Garlum. They are both very evil and very strong with magic, said Yeanny. Okay Sakura is staying put in the woods so don't worry about her, said Tara. The two got up and looked really mad. They ran up and started to throw fire balls at Tara and Avan. Yeanny put up a shield in front of them and the fireballs bounced back just missing Megan and Garlum. What are they? asked Avan. The woman is a powerful evil witch and the man is a powerful evil wizard. They are looking for Gwyneira and Tamari, said Yeanny. Hmm, well this will be fun, said Tara to Avan and they both smiled. Alieta and Ginger came out of the palace. Why did you come out? asked Yeanny. All is good now, said Alieta. Tara and Aven are here now. You have never seen these two in action so watch what they can do. Yeanny was a bit worried still but stood there and watched. Take the sheild down Yeanny, we don't need it now, said Tara. 05 illustration goes here The evil witch and wizard saw that these two were just she devils. She devils, no problem lets freeze them. They tried but it had no effect on Tara and Avan. They tried again but no luck but this time both Tara and Avan raised their hands and started draining out their magic. Hey how are you doing that, stop, said the wizard. Nope, just a little bit more and there we go, said Avan. Okay lets go play with them. They both grab one of them each and flew up very high in the sky where the air was quite thin then flew down very fast almost hitting the ground but curved back up again then flew very fast and high again and saw they better stop because both of them were bleeding from their nose. They let them go just a few feet from the ground and they fell down and couldn't get up for a bit. Okay Yeanny. They are all yours now. I will go get Sakura because she is frighten right now, said Tara and flew off to the woods. Okay you two. Why did you need to see Gwyneira and Tamari. Um we need to drain their power to finish the job we started, said the woman. What job? asked Yeanny. Making the people crazy in that town so they would burn it down and have to leave. We wanted it for our selves. No use now though, said the Megan. Why asked Yeanny. Those two she devils drained us of all of our magic. The spells on them are no longer there. Yeanny looked at Avan. She just shrugged her shoulders. We are not allowed to kill them but they are harmless now, said Avan. Tara came back with Sakura and she ran over to Yeanny. So now what do we do with them? asked Alieta. Well they wanted to see Gwyneira and Tamari so let them figure out. That is Gwyneira's sister. Yeanny waved a hand and they both vanished bleeding noses and all. There, let those two deal with them, said Yeanny. I know where they live so they won't end up in the Nouth Pole. Alieta smiled. Well that was the first time we had a witch and wizard battle in front of the palace, said Alieta. Ya but evil wizard and witch magic tasted bad, said Avan. Got any ice cream to get the taste out of our mouths? asked Tara. Me too said Sakura. Okay, said Alieta. Can you get them all some ice cream Ginger. Sure can, said Ginger then she ran into the palace. 06 illustration goes here They all sat down and ate the ice cream. When done Yeanny said we better get back home, Fettie is coming over soon to make some nice flowers for our gardens. Thanks for the help you two then they disappeared. Well Yeanny seems to be able to take care of her self and Sakura nicely, said Tara. Yes we saw that and she showed no fear either just knew what needed to be done and did it, said Alieta. Protected us and you two also. Yep very good girl in my book, said Tara. Didn't need her to put up that shield though but nice anyways. Pretty strong shield also, it blocked all those fireballs. Back at Yeanny and Sakura's place they both went back in the yard and waited for Fettie. Okay she should be here soon so have you got all those weeds out of the side garden? asked Yeanny. Yep all gone but I have a pile of them sitting on the ground. They both walked over and saw the pile of pulled weeds. Okay let me get rid of them and Yeanny made them vanish. So do you know what kind of flowers you want in there? asked Yeanny. Just nice ones with lots of different colours and not just pink. I know you like more than just pink, said Sakura. Yeanny smiled at her. Soon Fettie showed up and said hi. So where are these gardens you were talking about Sakura? Um right over there and around the back too, said Sakura. But lots of different colours please. Fettie smiled then went to work on the first garden. Soon it was full of colourful flowers. Perfect, said Sakura. Now the back yard garden. She did the same to the long garden that went almost the length of the back of the house. There, looks pretty good to me, said Fettie. Yes looks beautiful now, said Yeanny. Is there any way yiu can make this grass look better? Yep sure can, said Fettie then flew around the house and made much healthier looking grass. There dine, how about the front yard? asked Fettie. Not sure, said Yeanny. There is no flower beds out front yet. Well maybe some nice bushes then, said Fettie. Lets have a look. They all walked out front and saw it did look very bare. Yes some bushes would be nice but not big ones, said Yeanny. I don't want them hiding the porch. Okay you just point where you want each bush and I will make one there, said Fettie. Yeanny pointed to where each bush should be placed and soon the front of the house looked much better. A couple of elves walked by and gave them the thumbs up. Looks like they think it is better too, said Yeanny. Yep much nicer now, said Sakura. So come inside and lets rest a bit. We had a bit of action at the palace today so it would be nice to sit down for a few minutes, said Yeanny. 07 illustration goes here They all went inside and sat in the living room. It is nice in here, said Fettie. Does everybody's home look like this inside? Nope, Mom has been fixing it up, she is really good at making furniture and stuff now, said Sakura. Sakura looked around and saw that there still were no flowers in the living room yet. We need some colour in here too, said Sakura. Yes I see that but I need some pots with soil in it to make a flower plus you have to remember to water them from time to time, said Fettie. You can how ever cut a few flowers from your gardens and put them in a vase. Put a bit of your pixie dust in the water then mix it around some. The magic comes out of the pixie dust and stays it the water that will make the flowers look good a lot longer. Okay good idea, said Sakura. Well I am not finished in this room yet, said Yeanny. I have to make some candles for on top of the fireplace and get a center poece for the coffee table too. What happened to that big chair Merlin gave us? asked Sakura. Well it didn't look right in here so I changed it into that lounge chair over there behind you, said Yeanny. They sat and talked for a bit then Yeanny asked what Hennie was doing today. Oh she is with Nissie in Eden still teaching her how to make flowers, said Fettie. Well maybe we can go there and see how she is doing, said Yeanny. You two go and find them and I will teleport to where ever you land, said Yeanny. Easier then teleporting all over Eden looking for them. It is a big place to find two small people. Okay they said then ran out of the house and off they went. 08 illustration goes here They flew around a bit until they saw the two of them below. Looks like Nissie hasn't made a good flower yet, said Fettie. Well Alexa says practice makes perfect, said Sakura. They flew down and asked how things were going. Oh still working on it, said Hennie. After they were in the ground Yeanny was able to use a location spell then she teleported over just a bit away from everyone as to not scare anyone. Hello Hennie and Nissie. How is the flower making going? asked Yeanny. Oh still getting there, said Hennie. She can make tiny little flowers now but not regular size ones yet. Only red tulips so far but it is a start. So earlier I saw what looked like Avan and Tara flying high in the sky then coming down again a few times. What were they doing? Oh they took care of a couple of bad people and were just playing around with them some, said Yeanny. They are very powerful, sucked the power right out of both of them. Oh they told me some stories about how they killed evil devils and stuff but I have never seen them do it, said Hennie. Nissie was still trying to make a flower appear on top of a stem but just couldn't get it right. Sakura was watching her as Yeanny and Hennie talked. I have an idea she said to Nessie. 09 illustration goes here Sakura took a tiny bit of dust off of one of her wings then rubbed it onto the palm of Nissie's hand. Now you see that tulip over there, said Sakura. Yep, the red one, said Nessie, Mom made them for me to try and copy. Okay now look at it hard and do what Alexa tells us to do, lock it in your brain. Nessie smiled and, said okay. She stared at the tulip then said okay I got it. Now do what your mom told you to do but see that tulip in your mind, said Sakura. Nessie pointed the palm of her hand at the ground then a stem and some leaves started to form. Keep going, said Sakura. She kept her hand there and soon a tulip bulb appeared. Okay almost there, said Sakura. In a few more moments the bulb opened up and there was a perfect red tulip. I did it I did it! she said loud as she was jumping around. Hennie and Yeanny looked over and saw the tulip. Good girl, said Hennie. Yep Sakura helped me, said Nessie. Really how? asked Hennie. She put a bit of dust on my hand from her wing then I locked that tulip over there in my brain then made this one here, said Nessie. Okay good, so lets see if that was a good kick start, said Hennie. Now try and make another one just like this one but remember how it looks in your mind and how the first one felt when you made it, said Hennie. Okay Mom. Nessie did the same thing again but this time it bloomed faster. I did it again, said Nessie that was now very excited. Okay now for the final test. Wipe the dust off your hand and try again, said Hennie. Nessie wiped the dust off on her skirt then tried again. This time two flowers appeared on two stems. Well there you go. You just needed to see and feel how it is like to make a flower, said Hennie. Thankyou Sakura. That was good thinking on your part. Well Pippa said that pixie dust was magical and helped plants to grow. That is where I got the idea from, said Sakura. Well you are a very good listener too, said Hennie. Hennie looked at Yeanny. That girl of yours is priceless. I have been trying to teach her how to do that for over a week now and she did it in a few minutes. Yep, she surprises me all the time, said Yeanny. 10 illustration goes here Chapter 3 Gwyneira And Tamari Return Hennie told Nessie that she did great and to go have some fun now with your firends. Okay she said then the three of them flew off. So now that she can do that I need to teach her different colours now, said Hennie. That will be easy though, that part is all in the mind. How about different plants? asked Yeanny. One step at a time, said Hennie, then smiled. Suddenly Gwyneira and Tamari appeared beside them. Do you know how hard it is to locate you? asked Gwyneira. You move around so much and not just here and there in small leeps but over miles. Yeanny smiled. Well I like to move a round, what can I say and this is a big place. Well anyways, do you know anything about what happened to my sister and her boyfriend. They appeared out of nowhere on the floor of our kitchen with bleeding noses. Well yes Tara and Avan did that and sucked them of all there magic, said Yeanny. They were being evil as usual. Oh okay I guess. After we cleaned them up and helped them to the couch they both fell asleep. So we went out side to come see you again but also noticed that every one out there were no longer yelling at each other but were actually helping each other rebuilding the town, said Gwyneira. Ya I guess the spell on them came off when they lost all their magic, said Yeanny. Oh, so it was them that was causing all the bad stuff in town. Yep, that is what they said and wanted the town to burn down so they could take it over, said Yeanny. Good, now we don't have to fear those two anymore, said Tamari. Gwyneira looked around and saw that it was very beautiful every where. So this is Fae Land, she said. Well part of it, said Yeanny. So where is that cute girl of yours? asked Gwyneira. Oh out there some where playing with her friends. She really likes to play and so does Hennie's girls. So which are you? asked Tamari. A fairy or a fairy nymph. Fairy nymph, said Hennie. Fairies are bigger than us plus they have magic wands. Bigger and more colourful wings too. They can fly really fast and get small but we are slow flyers and don't change our size. So why don't we all go to the palace. It is getting close to supper time, said Yeanny. The fairies will be there and probably Ivy too. She will want to read you anyways. She does that to all new people to make sure they are safe to be around her friends. Ivy, what is Ivy? asked Gwyneira. Probably the prettiest girl you will ever see, said Yeanny. But I am pretty, right Tamari, said Gwyneira. Your pretty to me, he replied. Come lets go, the fairies can make a very good supper for every one, said Yeanny. Really, they can make food too? asked Tamari. Yep with their wands and it is something to see, said Yeanny. Okay I will round up the girls and meet you all there, said Hennie then flew off. So what do fairy nymphs do, asked Gwyneira. You see all these plants and flowers around you, they make them, said Yeanny. They have created most of the plant life on the planet. Oh how nice, like having a magical green thumb, said Gwyneira. Okay lets go to the palace and they all disappeared. 11 illustration goes here They arrived on the palace grounds where Tulip plus a few other fairies were already there with Ivy. Ivy saw them and started to walk over to the two new people. Look Alieta, said Ginger, there goes Ivy checking them out for you. Alieta smiled. Well she does that for all of us, said Alieta. Gwyneira saw here coming. My God, who is that gorgeous girl walking this way? asked Gwyneira. That would be Ivy, said Yeanny. Ivy got about six feet from them, said okay then turned and started to walk away. What do you mean okay? asked Gwyneira. Ivy turned around and walked up to them. Okay means you are okay, said Ivy. Do you want to know what I saw? Um maybe, said Gwyneira. Okay just say stop when you want me to stop, said Ivy. Well you both have just normal secrets, nothing bad. You both live pretty far away and were pranksters most of your adult life but I don't see that anymore. She likes you and he likes you and both of you act like good friends but actually you both are in love with each other but afraid...Okay stop, said Gwyneira. Yeanny smiled. Well you asked her to tell you, said Yeanny. Ivy turned the walked over to where Tobias and Tulip were. How does she do that, asked Gwyneira. I don't know but she is good at it. Good, she is scary good at it, said Gwyneira. Hennie finally made it with the girls and landed beside Yeanny. Oh good we haven't missed them using their wands yet, she said. Nope, looks like they are waiting for someone, said Heanny. Maybe that is who, said Tamari. The girl coming on the white horse. Oh that is Ivy's sister and that is no horse. That is a unicorn, said Yeanny. What now a unicorn too, said Tamari. Fairies, fairy nymphs, pixies, elves, sprites any thing else living here? asked Tamari. Well there are some humans living just north of the big park but I have only seen a couple of them. Alexa is human also but I am told her entire team of heros are amazing by them selves, said Yeanny. Welcome to the most magical land in the world. So that Ivy is she a forest sprite, I heard they are all extremely pretty, said Gwyneira. Yep and so is her boyfriend Tobias and her very pretty sister that is probably the strongest person in Fae Land, said Yeanny. 12 illustration goes here Tillia and Sara reached everyone and she dismounted. I have to see this unicorn up close, said Gwyneira. Okay, her name is Tillia and don't try and get on her back. It is not allowed, said Yeanny as Gwyneira was walking away. She approched Sara and Tillia then said "My she is beautiful can I pet her?". I think so, said Sara. Is it okay Tillia? Yes she can. I have an itch behind my left ear. Oh she talks too, said Gwyneira. Yep all special unicorns can talk, said Sara. She gave Tillia a good scratch behind her ear. Oh thank you dear that was nice, said Tillia. So I am Sara and this is Tillia so what is your name, asked Sara. Oh I am Gwyneira and that guy over there is my friend Tamari. More like a very close boyfriend, said Sara. Oh so you can read people too? asked Gwyneira. Well not as good as my sister Ivy but it is easy to see how he keeps a close eye on you, said Sara with a smile. Tulip flew over to Sara and Tillia and asked if they were ready to eat. Yep we both are, said Sara. So you are a fairy right? asked Gwyneira. Yep and Tulip made her wand appear. So do you have any requests? asked Tulip. Not really. This is our first time seeing all these amazing different people here, said Gwyneira. Tulip looked around. Oh maybe your boyfriend over there has a suggestion, then she flew away. Is it that ovious that we are into each other? asked Gwyneira. Yep, love is very hard to hide, said Sara. Okay girls lets make supper and we got two guests here also so lets do a good job, said Tulip. All the wands came out and first the tables appeared then the food came. Wow now that is amazing magic, said Gwyneira. No it is good magic made from love, the strongest of all magic, said Sara. Everything was ready and the little girls went first as usual then every one else followed. My everyone is so nice letting the little ones go first, said Gwyneira. Well yes, wouldn't want to be stepping on their little feet, said Sara plus they don't eat a lot. We are a big family here. You must have family too somewhere. Well ya I do now but it will be interesting how that is going turn out now, said Gwyneira. Okay lets eat, I need Tulip to make something for Tillia first, said Sara. 13 illustration goes here Sara and Gwyneira met Tamari at one of the tables. My everything looks great, said Tamari. Always tastes good too, said Sara. They all filled their plates then made room for some other people. Yeanny saw them and went to join them on the grass. Pretty good isn't it for instant food, said Yeanny. Very good for any type of food, said Gwyneira. Sara just smiled. So what are you two going to do with your sister and her boy friend? asked Yeanny. Not sure yet, said Gwyneira. They definately can't live with us. Only a two bedroom house and a small livingroom. Besides they don't deserve to be treated good now just because they have lost their powers. Many years of being evil can't be ignored. The only time they showed up at our place was to try and get us two to join them. We always refused. If I wasn't her sister I am sure they would of killed both of us, said Gwyneria. Yes I get that, said Yeanny. Well just go to that crevice where all the gems are. You two know where it is. Give them a bag then get them to buy there own house. Don't tell them where the gems came from though. Money has a way of making humans evil too. Ya I suppose so, said Gwyneira, just the thought of digging through all that dirt and stone dosn't appeal much to me. I will do it, said Tamari. Anything to get them out of our house. Thanks Tamari, you are such a darling, said Gwyneria. Get some for us too. That way we can fix the place up with money instead of magic. No one knows what we really are there yet so no need to be letting them know by using magic to make new furnture plus especially outdoor repairs and improvements. Let the men in town do the work and I kinda like the idea of going shopping. Yep shopping is fun, said Sara then went back to eating. Well just don't get the gems converted in that jewlery store there. They rip people off. Go to another town and do it, said Yeanny. A small diamond should be around one thousand dollars. Oh really that much. Good to know, said Gwyneira. 14 illustration goes here After supper was over, a few people came over to talk to Tamari and Gwyneira. Zan was especially interested in finding out more about the two of them. Tabitha came over and said she had never met a real witch before and it was nice to see that she was a good one. You are lucky Yeanny. So many nice people here in Fae Land, said Gwyneira. Well things will probably change in your town now, said Yeanny. Just be nice to people and they will be nice back. Ya well never been to a party either. I heard they could be fun. Yep parties are great, said Sara. Alieta loves to have parties all the time. Oh really, a queen that throws parties, how special, said Gwyneira. Yep she is the best, said Sara. Well I haven't been here long enough to see one of her parties yet but when she has the next one I will come and get you two, said Yeanny. I am sure she wouldn't mind. The more the better, said Sara. You should of seen Ivy's birthday party, biggest party ever. Okay well I suppose we should get back and see if those two are awake yet. This is going to be very interesting to hear what they have to say now, said Gwyneira. Yes it sure will be, said Yeanny. Just go over to Alieta and Ginger over there and say goodbye. Really the queen? Yep, she is very kind I have found, said Yeanny. So what is Ginger all about? asked Gwyneira. It seems like they are always together. Yep Ginger is very special, said Sara. Best friend to Alieta and runs the palace plus other stuff too I think. Pretty good dancer also. Gwyneira smiled. Okay bye for now they said to Yeanny and Sara then walked over to Alieta and Ginger. Thanks for letting us meet some of your people here Alieta. They are all very nice, said Gwyneira. Well glad you got to meet some of them, said Alieta. Come back anytime to visit, you two are always welcomed. Okay we will, said Tamari. Sakura over heard them and flew over. You are leaving now? she asked. Yes dear, got some things to take care of back home, said Gwyneira. Okay, Sakura said then hugged both of them and flew back to the other little girls. My she is something, said Gwyneira. Oh yes, she is definately one of a kind, said Alieta. Okay off we go, said Gwyneira then they vanished. Well those two seem really nice now, said Ginger. Yes, Fae Land has that effect on people, said Alieta. 15 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Conclusion Alexa was busy at home reading up on the grade two and three lesson books. Diego saw that she was really taking this teaching job seriously. So you must really like teaching the girls, said Diego. I have never seen you focused so much on one thing before. Well yes, being a teacher is a very big responsibility you know. Yeanny and Hennie have trusted me to teach their children and both of them have only known me for a short time. I just want to make sure I do good. Only two more weeks left so have to see what is most important for them to learn, said Alexa. Well I am sure you will figure it out, said Diego. You always do. A knock came at the door. Can you get that for me please Diego? asked Alexa. He answered the door and saw a woman he had never seen before. Hello, I am Mrs. Parker. Is Alexa home. Yes she is in the living room. Come in, said Diego. He brought her to see Alexa that was still busy reading. Alexa, this is Mrs. Parker and wants to talk to you, said Diego. Alexa looked up and said hello, how can I help you? Well not just help me but many more young minds, said Mrs Parker. Really, how is that? asked Alexa. Well may I have a seat first? she asked. Yes of coarse, sit please, said Alexa. Thankyou dear, she said and sat. Now first of all I am the principal at Fae Land Public School and I go to the school from time to time during summer break. Okay so am I doing anything wrong? asked Alexa. Oh no dear, on the contrary, I heard from two elves that are working there under Ginger's request that you have been teaching four small girls and have been doing a great job. They said you were a natural. Oh that is good to hear, said Alexa. The girls heard I am smart and really want to learn things from me, said Alexa. Well yes and that is why I am here knowing that are not just smart and intelligent, everyone in Fae Land knows that also plus everything else you and the team does for us all, said Mrs. Parker. Okay so what are you saying? asked Alexa. Well I would like to offer you a part time job at the school. I know you can not always be at the school because of what you do to help defend Fae Land and other countries so hours will be flexable. Really, you want me to teach the other young people too? asked Alexa. Well yes dear. You are famous here and the kids just knowing you were now one of the teachers would bring up attendence probably one hundred percent. Really, you think that would happen? asked Alexa. Most definately, said Mrs. Parker. Even I was looking forward to coming here and seeing you. Now we will pay you but teachers don't make a lot of money compared to what you already make from the crown but at least it will make me feel better knowing you are not doing the work for free. Okay that is fine, said Alexa. So you want me to teach the grade one and two students. That is where I am at with the girls right now, said Alexa. Well no, said Mrs. Parker. I want you to teach the older ones from grade four to eight. Our school only goes to grade eight then students wanting to learn special skills have to go to Cumberland High School. You see we have kindergarden to grade three students that never miss school because their parrents bring them here for the most part but the older ones can skip school sometimes because they are, well kids and kids want to have fun and I get that so I don't get mad at them but it is there loss if they miss too much school. Okay I can see that kids will skip days and do something else. I never did though, I loved being in school, said Alexa. Yes I bet you did, said Mrs. Parker and after checking the school records from the schools you went to I saw you were always at the very top of the honor roll. Very impressive! Diego smiled, Yep Alexa is the smartest. Oh not just the smartest but most intellegent too. There is a big difference. Notes left by teaches on her report cards always said excellent work and things like most likely to succeed at anything she does. Fastest learner and quickest with answers were other comments, said Mrs. Parker. 16 illustration goes here Now if you want the job I will work out a schedual for you on a daily basis. That means in one day that you are there you will have four classes, one for each grade four to eight. That way all the older ones will get to learn from you. Wow that is some idea you have thought of, said Alexa. The thing is I don't remember what was taught in those grades, I was always ahead of everyone. Well there are books in the school that you can use as a guide line but that is all I want you to use them for, said Mrs. Parker. What do you mean just a guide line? asked Alexa. Well I want your classes to be special. Not like the other classes like math, spelling, history and stuff like that. We have teachers that specialize in those subhects. I want your classes to be more about general knowledge, sciences and space plus things that the kids need to learn about but are not covered in our school in depth. Real life events you have gone through and how knowing these other subjects helped you make the correct decissions. There are mostly young humans attending the school and some young elves but not many. There are more and more children attending each year. Your classes will definately be the most popular and looked forward to attending. Even some of the students that skipped some classes will come back to your classes, at least they are still learning how to be good and productive people. You will have your own classroom and set it up how you like. Well you sound like a very smart person too, said Alexa. Oh all my knowledge came just from books in college, said Mrs Parker. You however have never stopped learning about all kinds of things. I read Alieta's books you know, she said with a smile. Now I will leave this with you for a week. Let you have some time to think about it but the children of Fae Land which all know of you will love to have you as their teacher and the parrents will love the idea also. A few stories of the teams adventures will definately keep your classroom filled with young minds. Okay I will, said Alexa. Mrs. Parker stood up and Diego let her out then went back to see Alexa. Do you believe that? asked Alexa. The principle her self offered me a job and it sounds like a new and very good one too with my own classroom. Diego smiled. Well you have been teaching all of us for a long time with out even knowing it, said Diego. Now you can pass on some of the knowledge in that amazing brain of yours to many kids too. Better than sitting at home just reading and stuff. Well that will mean less time around you, said Alexa. Well don't worry about that, said Diego. I will probably come to some of your classes too. Even help a bit sometimes. What do you mean? asked Alexa. Oh you know, stuff like how to make a proper camp fire and how to cook on one plus how to find water in the wilderness. You know survial skills. That is something I really know about, said Diego. Titus and I hang out a lot together plus school gets out at three pm so we still have plenty of time to do things together. You are one amazing girl Alexa. Alexa smiled and gave him a hug. Okay so what is for supper, I am getting hungry, said Diego. Alexa smiled and said you should know, I will figure it out. The End 17 illustration goes here