The Adventures In The Land Of Fae There Be Devils Prolog A couple of days had passed since Tara and Avan moved into the east woods. Their wings were all healed and good as new so they flew around some but just over the palace grounds and the Bad Lands to get them nice and strong again. Zan became a very good friend of Tara and Avan and hung out with them as much as posible. Things were going as planned with the additions being made by Jim and his three elf helpers to Viridian's place. She was getting a new bedroom and a second bathroom similar to the one that was already there. Because of the knowledge that the magic from the forest will be hit by many new attacks over time, Alieta doubled the number of sprites on patrol, day and night. So far all was clear after Avan and Tara wiped out quite a few when they first got to Fae Land. The fairies had just finished the spa, sauna and outdoor eatery in the fairy forest and just waiting for the pool to fillup with water plus Ivy was getting very good controlling the cove's magic and the forest's trees with the overviewer. Things had been quiet for Alexa and the team for a while now and they were getting used to the off time as they knew that Fae Land was now heavily guarded and protected now with two she devils and Apollonia the dark angel. Things were changing to all the land in Fae Land also as new plants began to grow everywhere and even a new small wooded area started to sprout between Latseshy's province where the Black Fae moved into and the north east province. Ivy would do her daily rounds after lunch with Sara and fly around and check on everything. Alieta could see that the two of them loved their job taking care of all the plants and trees in Fae Land. Pippa was busy also with all the new pixies that were showing up in the west woods and forest and actually had to send some of then to the east woods for the time being. That gave the east woods more pixie dust to improve the woods where Tara and Avan stayed at night and sometimes on very hot days... 01 illustration goes here Chapter 1 Pippa Visits Ivy Pippa was so busy that she forgot that she made a promise to Ivy to come see her and check out all the work she had done in there. She figured Ivy would be mad at her so she got up early and went to the cove and waited for her and Sara to come. Why not soak my feet while I wait she thought to herself. Eight o'clock came around and Ivy showed up with Sara ready for work. Hi Ivy. This water is very soothing. Yep she, said then ignored Pippa. Oh oh, she is mad at me she thought. Pippa flew over to her and said she was really sorry. Ivy just gave her a dirty look. Pippa explained that she had her hands full with all the new pixies that she really did forget about their date. Ivy turned to her and said well at least you told me the truth and didn't make up a stupid excuse. I have worked really hard planning and organizing the paths to all the new spots in the forest and everywhere else outside of the forest is starting new plant life, said Ivy. Even with Sara helping it is a very big job. Fae Land is vey big you know, she said. Yes I know and maybe I can help a bit, said Pippa. How? asked Ivy. Well if I was able to get lots of pixies to fly over these new areas of growth and even go down and check on them every day then that would save you some time flying around all over the place, said Pippa. Well that would be nice but how would you be able to do that? asked Ivy. Pixies do what they want I thought during the day. Yes but now I have an idea that will work, said Pippa. Okay, what is it? asked Ivy. Well I will make it that any new pixies that come to Fae Land and want to live in the forest, must first have to live in the east woods first and do the flying around for you before they can even enter the forest, said Pippa. Well that is a good plan but how are you going to control them? asked Ivy. Well that part will be up to you, said Pippa. Me, what can I do? asked Ivy. You control the forest right, said Pippa. Well yes I do, said Ivy. Then can you make it that pixies that are new here can't get into the forest until you or Sara approve them, she asked. Hmm, maybe but they can get so small though, how can I stop them? asked Ivy. Tulip over heard them talking and walked over. Well Ivy, the magic will stop them not the trees. You just have to tell the cove what your plan is and any pixie that has not been in the forest before will just hit a wall of magic and won't be able to get in no matter how small they are. They will have two choices then, fly around and help out the new plants that pixies love to do anyways or find somewhere else to live, said Tulip. I never though of that, said Ivy. Do I have to get in the water again like last time when I changed the rules? asked Ivy. Nope, the cove gave you full control then so you can do it from anywhere in the cove. Cool, said Ivy. So just think it and it will happen? asked Ivy, Pretty much but you will probably have to concentrate on it hard for all areas of the forest get the message. Okay! So can I do it now? asked Ivy. Nope, said Pippa. Why? she asked. Because you are going to show me all the new spots in the forest that have been made. I really want to see them, said Pippa. Ivy hugged her. I can never stay mad at you for long Pippa. Okay I will get Sara to keep an eye on things then we will go, Okay? You bet, said Pippa, this is going to be fun. 02 illustration goes here Ivy told Sara what to do while she was with Pippa and especially keep an eye on the forest outer walls. Okay, said Sara, have fun. Okay let me first show you the sauna, it is very nice and big enough for a bunch of people at once, said Ivy. Okay I was thinking that even pixies might use it too, said Pippa. Okay lets go. Ivy flew Pippa along the path way she made from the cove to it. Wow the trees, don't have to move for us, said Pippa. Nope I made it so they didn't have to move and wide enough for two people to walk beside each other or one sprite to fly along without her wings not touching the trees. Very smart, said Pippa. Okay we are here, said Ivy. She opened the door and they both went in to the warmth of the room from all the candles that were in there. Smells really nice in here said Pippa. Yep, sented candles, said Ivy. Now if you want it warmer so you sweat a bit then you just go over to that heater and wave you hand over it. It will only get so hot as to not become too hot to handle, said Ivy. Nice and clean too with lots of benches also, said Pippa. Yep and towels too for laying on and resting your head on or wraping it around you when you take off your clothes, said Ivy. I see no change room though, said Pippa. Nope not in here because clothing is optional, said Ivy with a smile. Perfect, said Pippa. Now there are extra towels over there if needed and over there on the front wall is cold water to drink, said Ivy. Wow you thought of everything in here, said Pippa. Yep but this came from Carmen's memory, I just added some more stuff and the fairies did it for me, said Ivy. Now when we leave, all the candles will go out when no one is in here but as soon as the door opens the candles come back on. You can always blow out some of the candles if you want it darker in here, said Ivy. Now lets go to the outdoor pool and lounge area, the pool shpuld be full of water by now. 03 illustration goes here They left the sauna then flew back along the path that they took to the sauna but then Ivy took a slight turn and they were on another small path that ended at the trees. They walked towards the trees and they let the two of them in. Wow look at this place, said Pippa. It so big and open here. Yep and look there is Sunflower and Pippie in the pool, said Ivy. But they are getting there wings all wet, said Pippa. They don't care. They can fly with wet wings with no fairy dust on them and the dust comes back fast after the wings dry, said Ivy. Wish that would happen with me, said Pippa. Swimming looks fun. Well you can, said Ivy. Just after you finish swimming just relax on one of these lounge chairs and the warm air will dry them fast, said Ivy. Yep that would work, said Pippa. She looked up and saw that it was wide open and she could see the sky. Can't someone get in from above with it opened like that? asked Pippa. Nope, the magic keeps everything out including birds and even small flying insects, said Ivy. No insects also, now that I like, said Pippa. Now the pool has a diving board at the deep end for jumping off of, said Ivy. Hi Ivy and Pippa, said Pippie. Come on in the water is perfect. Ivy smiled, maybe later, I am showing Pippa around first. Okay then, watch this Pippie said. She got out of the pool then went to the diving board then ran on it then bounced at the end and went high in the air then came slashing down under water. When she came back up, she asked if they liked that. That was awesome, said Pippa. Looked like a lot of fun. It is fun, said Pippie. Now the pool has decorations on the corners and the water as you can see is crystal clear, said Ivy. The whole area is surounded by trees too, said Ivy. It looks like a resort in here like the drawings I saw in a magazine while waiting for Alieta to get back in her den, said Pippa. Yep this is a good place to relax and clear your mind, said Ivy. So I see no change room here also, said Pippa. Nope, no need, said Ivy. Just strip and put on your bathing suit. It don't take long to do that anyways, said Ivy. Pippa smiled. You are very pretty and don't mind being nude for a minuite, said Pippa. What about other people? Every one in Fae Land is pretty, said Ivy. Besides a bikini dosn't cover much anyways. Pippa smiled. Ya you right. Bet you look great in a nice green one. I got one at home. Ginger gave it to me when we went swimming at Sandy Lake, said Ivy. You will see me in it and I will get a fairy to put one on you too. I can do that, said Pippie. I do clothing designs too! Okay now you have seen the waterfall before. It is the same as the one in Fairy Land so lets go check out the two spots on the other side of the cove. There is the spa that Repellia thought of and the outdoor eatery that Candy came up with and Alieta helped to design it, said Ivy. Lets go to the eatery first, I could use a snack, said Pippa. Okay, they are very close to each other, said Ivy. Figures Alieta would have something to do with the eatery, said Pippa and they both laughted. 04 illustration goes here Ivy took Pippa back to the cove then out the other side and went down the path towards the entrance a bit then came to the eatery. So no trees in the way here? asked Pippa. Nope, it is just a place to eat and drink and is not far from the entrance either so a good place to have lunch or a snack, said Ivy. Bet you Tulip would like this spot, said Pippa. Yep she really does, said Ivy. Tulip loves making food for everyone. Now if you just need a cold drink or two then the tall stools around the bar are perfect for that but if you want to sit and eat too then there are a few picnic benches here also, said Ivy. So what if you come here and there is no fairy to help you? asked Pippa. Oh then you either ring this bell and wait or go to the self serve box, said Ivy. So how does that work? asked Pippa. Oh here I will show you, said Ivy. She went behind the bar to a ice box looking container, that said self serve on it. She spoke at it and said two cherry milkshakes with whipcream please. Then opened the door and inside were the two shakes. She gave one to Pippa and they both sat down on a picnic table. There is only a few things you can get from that but I made sure milkshakes and ice cream cones were in it., said Ivy. So do you like what we have come up with so far? asked Ivy. Amazing, said Pippa. It is like a whole different world in here. Good milkshakes too!. They both sat and talked a bit while drinking the shakes. Once they were done they headed over a bit to where the spa was located. 05 illustration goes here Okay here it is, said Ivy. Looks like a big bath tub to me, said Pippa. Ya sort of but it is not for washing in, just relaxing in the scented water, said Ivy. There is a chair over there where you can get your nails cut and painted like the twins do all the time. What is the bed for? asked Pippa. That is for getting a massage but no one here knows how to do that so you would have to come in here with a friend and tak turs giving each other a massage I guess, said Ivy. Regardless it is another place to relax. So that is everything we have come up with so far. Well you all have done some great work in here, said Pippa. So who all can come in and use these areas, asked Pippa. Everyone at the palace and all the heros plus they can bring in friends with them, said Ivy. Anybody else has to let us know ahead of time so one of us can approve them but fpr them they need to be approved each time they return. Okay those are good rules, said Pippa. Yep so I better go and set the rule for the new pixies now, said Ivy. Okay and I will start sending new pixies to the east woods, said Pippa. I will be back so you can teach me how to swim. I will only trust you with me in the water. Okay, anytime you want, said Ivy. 06 illustration goes here Chapter 2 Devils Amongst Us Alieta was out side with Ginger looking at some of the new flowers that had started to grow around the palace grounds when two sprites flew down and said there is trouble in the Bad Lands again. Looks like three she devils this time and they don't look like the friendly type either, said one of the sprites. Okay go get Tara and Avan in the woods. Let them see what is going on, said Alieta. More she devils? asked Ginger. Well Gabriel said to expect more attacks because of the magic, said Alieta. You can go in the palace if you want dear, said Alieta. I would rather stay out here with you, said Ginger. Feels safer for some reasome. Besides Tara and Avan can take care of them easy enough. Alieta saw the two sprites fly with Tara and Avan to the Bad Lands. Well okay then lets have a look and see how close they are, said Alieta. The two of them went to the edge of the Bad Lands and saw that they were not that far at all. There was a blue She devil and a red one that looked pretty nasty. What is that with them? asked Ginger. It looks diseased. Looks like a she devil also, just a different type, said Alieta. The two sprites flew back to us and said no one can understand what they are saying. Some wierd language. They looked and saw the three devils leep towards Tara and Aven and they pushed them back but not that far. The three devils flew back a bit then sat down out of range, it seemed. Avan flew back to Alieta and said these ones are stronger than the one we have been dealing with lately. Can't talk to them either. They speak jibberish as far as I can tell, said Avan. Look, said Ginger, two more. They looked and saw two male devils join the girls sitting on the ground. Um maybe call Apollonia, I think, said Ginger. Will she help too? We haven't seen her since she banged us up really good. Yes she will and it is a good time to start trusting each other. She may not be able to kill devils like you can but Apollonia can do things you two can't do. Okay, call her then said Avan then went back to the Bad Lands. 07 illustration goes here Alieta called Apollonia and in a few moments she appeared. Hi Alieta, what's up? asked Apollonia. Well there are five devils out there and maybe we need a bit of help, said Avan. She smiled. I dought you need my help but l'll go see what is going on, said Apollonia. As she walked towards Tara and Avan, she saw the devils move back a bit more. Hello you two, I am over due making a big apollogy to both of you, said Apollonia. Man I feel bad for what happened. That is okay we kind of deserved it but are we all good now? asked Avan. Yes we are, so I see you have five devils out there that are afraid of you two and now me also. Ya they are out of range and when we try to get closer they back up, said Tara. Plus these ones are a lot stronger than the ones we have been killing lately. Well devils are stupid as you already know but can be intimidated very easily, said Apollonia. Gabriel told me you two have the power of heaven and hell in you so either of you can just blast them and turn them to dust. I will bait them for you two and get them to come nice and close, just spread out some. How are you going to bait them, asked Tara.I am going to play with their tiny brains and get so mad at me they will forget all about you two. Just watch, this is going to be a lot of fun, just wait for my word then Apollonia started to walk out towards the devils. I am starting to like this dark angel, said Tara. Ya me too, look the devils are all up now wondering what Apollonia is up too. 08 illustration goes here Apollonia got to about fifty yards from the devils that were all watching her closely. Hey ugly devils what is this some kind of reunion? yelled Apollonia. She kept on walking slowly towards them then began taunting them. I bet you five can't even deal with one girl. Look at you all just standing there looking stupid. The devils got mad and began walking towards Apollonia. I bet I could take all five of you with one arm tied behind my back, continued Apollonia that was now slowly walking backwards. look they are getting closer, said Tara. That girl has guts. Either that or she knows more about devils than we do, said Avan. Apollonia continued to make fun of the devils getting them extremely mad to the point they began to run towards her. Apollonia now started moving backwards very fast making it look like she was afraid of them. The two male devils flew up a bit and came at Apollina that was now just twenty yards from the Fae Land border. Okay now yelled Apollonia then disapaeared. Both Avan and Tara raised thei hands and turned all five of the devils to dust. Gotem, yelled Avan. Ya but where did Apollonia go? asked Tara. Right here, said Apollonia that wqas behind Tara and tapped her on the shoulder. Hey don't do that, you startled me, said Tara. Ya us angels like to do that, said Apollonia. 09 illustration goes here So it is ovious you know things about devils that we were not told, said Avan. What were you told? asked Apollonia. Just they were atracted to magic, not smart and very evil and dangerous, said Avan. Ya and only us two can kill them, said Tara. You were able to just walk right up to them without being attacked. Why is that? Devils as you said are not very smart, actually they are very stupid and do things on instint, said Apollonia. When I walked up to them I got a bit smaller than them making look like no threat. Devils are used to seeing people run away from them, so walking towards them was confusing. Look at me, do I look like something that is threatening? No you are actually very pretty, said Tara. Yes and so are you two that you can use also to your advantage, said Apollonia. Another thing you need to know is devils have a problem speaking properly but they have great hearing and understand what you say to them. They anger easily, actually they are angry most of the time but calling the stupid and ugly gets them really mad to the point they just want to kill you and will attack even if they had no intent of doing that at first. Their anger blocks any reasoning they may of had so when they come at you, just toast them. You two just have to work on the range of your powers. Oh we can fire energy blasts very fare, said Avan. Okay use that then, just don't give devils or demons a warning shot. Just kill them. Me I like to play around with demons some because they can't hide from me plus a bit of payback is something they deserve. Anything else you want to know? Yes where did you learn all this? asked Tara. Beats me, came with the wings I guess, said Apollonia. Anyways, I am off to help out five of my angel friends that are calling for me. Then Apollonia vanished. Wow she is a lot smarter than she looks, said Tara. She is an angel, all angels are smart, said Avan. How would you know, we have only met Gabriel and Apollonia, said Tara. I just know, why even question me? Tara smiled, Because I think you look cute when you get mad at me, said Tara. Avan smiled then shook her head. Come lets tell Alieta that the devils are all dead now. 10 illustration goes here They walked over to where Alieta and Ginger were watching some from the corner of the palace. Okay I guess you know they are dead now, said Avan. Yes but you sure let them get awfully close to Fae Land, said Alieta. Well that was Apollonia's plan, she had everything under control, said Avan. Yep she knows a lot about devils that we didn't know, said Tara. Gabriel appeared and said yes God gave her that knowledge about many kinds of evil beings and creatures. Her ways may seem a bit unusual, even playful but she always gets the job done. So where is she now? Something about helping five other angels that were calling for her, said Avan. Oh good, she needs to work with them to learn how to work as a team. said Gabriel. You ask me she already knows and makes for a good leader, said Tara. That girl has no fear. Of course she has no fear, you saw what she did to us, said Avan. Well does that mean you two are good with Apollonia now? asked Gabriel. Yep she is awesome, said Tara. Good, she has no fear because nothing can hurt her, just her feeling can be hurt so be nice to her and she will always be nice to you, said Gabriel. I found out the hard way that Apollonia responds best to respect and kindness. Well she sure does have out respect in so many ways, said Avan. Now keep those patrols going all day, devils don't see very good at night and tend to stay where they fel safe, said Gabriel. So two devil killers and one demon killer I have here now, said Alieta. Is there any other thing more that I should know of? asked Alieta to Gabriel. Nope not really, just overloards but are celesrial and help keep the universe in order and rarely come to earth, said Gabriel. Okay then, said Alieta. Not even noon yet and so much has happened already. Well let these two do their job and go relax in the fairy forest, said Gabriel. Yes good idea. Want to come Ginger? asked Alieta. Sure, let me grab my bathing suit and off Ginger ran looking real happy. 11 illustration goes here Chapter 3 Alieta And Ginger In The Fairy Forest Alieta and Ginger both arrived at the forest entrance with their bathing suits. Alieta told the trees who she was and wanted Ginger to come in with her and the trees let them in. Now this is different, said Alieta. There never were paths in here before, said Alieta. There were three paths going in different directions. I wonder which one brings us to the pool, asked Ginger. Well the middle I think takes us to the cove so one of the other two must go to the pool, said Alieta. Well I am right handed, said Ginger so lets try the right path first. Okay, why not, said Alieta and they started on there way. Ivy felt that someone had just entered the forest and asked Sara that was looking at the overview, where they were heading. On the path towards the sauna and the pool, said Sara. Two people. Okay maybe I should go and check on them seeing the paths have no lables on them yet, said Ivy. Alieta and Ginger came to a split in the path. One went a bit to the right and the other kept going straight. Now where? asked Ginger. Well lets try right again, said Alieta. Okay and they started to go again but after less than a minuite they came to a door. Ginger opened it then saw everything light up inside. They went in and saw it was the sauna. Wow look at this place and it smell so nice in here, said Ginger. Looks like the sauna, said Alieta. Very big and very beautiful too. Just then Ivy came in and was surprised to see Alieta and Ginger just standing there looking around. Hi Alieta and Ginger. Welcome to the sauna, said Ivy. This place looks amazing, said Alieta and look at all the candles. How did they get lit. Oh it is automatic when the door opens, said Ivy. They all go out when the sauna is empty and the door gets closed. So are you going to get changed and relax for a while? asked Ivy. Well we were actually looking for the pool, said Ginger. Oh well you were headed in right direction, said Ivy. You just had to keep going straight. We haven't figured out how to lable the paths yet with out using signs everywhere, said Ivy. Why don't you just set up a map outside at the main entrance, said Ginger. Ivy looked at her then smiled. That sounds perfect, said Ivy. A map is so simple too. I will tell Tulip about your idea, said Ivy. I am sure she will love it. Now follow me and I will show you the way to the pool, said Ivy. 12 illustration goes here They left the sauna and Ivy walked with them along the path they should of taken in the first place. So where does the left path at the entrance go to asked Alieta. Oh that goes to the outdoor eatery, and the spa, said Ivy. You can get there from the cove also. Nice I would love to see that also, said Alieta. But first a good swim. As they were walking on the path the trees suddenly opened up and reveiled the pool area. Here we are, said Ivy. So the trees just opened by them selves without touching them? asked Alieta. For now they do until I figure ou t way of indicating the pool here, said Ivy. Lots of things to still work on. Where does the path continue on to? asked Ginger. Goes to the cove. Eventually every where in here will lead to the cove, said Ivy. You have done a great job Ivy, said Alieta. Yep, Sara helps a lot too, said Ivy. Ginger look around and saw that the pool area was amazing. This is awesome she said and such a big pool too. Yep, it has a shallow end if you don't know how to swim yet like Pippa, and a deep end where you can jump off the diving board, said Ivy. This area is where you can relax and dry off with the warm sunlight coming in, said Ivy. No towels in here though, you would have to bring your own, said Ivy. So where are the change rooms? asked Alieta. No change rooms, said Ivy. Not needed because everyone is safe in here. Okay then Ginger we have to change in the open, is that okay with you? asked Alieta but then saw that Ginger had already stripped and put on her bikini and was testing the water with her toes. 13 illustration goes here Alieta laughed. Well she is not shy and neither am I, said Alieta. She stripped and put on her bikini. Very nice bikini Alieta, suits you perfectly, said Ivy. Well thankyou dear. Now time to get wet and have some fun, said Alieta. I would join you but I still have some work to do for Pippa and make a new rule for the forest. Oh what is that, asked Alieta. Pippa said too many new pixies are coming to Fae Land and they are all going into the forest. It will get too full of pixies that way, said Ivy. She told me to make it that new pixies can't get into the the forest until Pippa, myself or Sara grant them access in the meantime she will tell them that they will have to live in the east woods and help me take care of the rest of Fae Land and all the new growths first for a while. That will help the east woods and give me a break from taking care of everything, said Ivy. Good idea, said Alieta. Plus it will give them a chance to see the rest of Fae Land. Ginger was on the diving board and yelled, "Watch this" and she jumped high and landed it the water with a big splash. Come on in she yelled. The water is perfect. Okay, said Alieta. Alright have fun , I am off to work, Just follow the path until you get to the cove when you are done, said Ivy and she left. Alieta got on the board and did an amazing dive into the water and hardly made a splash at all. Wow, where did you learn to do that? asked Ginger. Oh I used to dive off the cliff with some friends a long time ago into a deep lake west of Cumberland. Well you have to teach me how to dive like that, said Ginger. It looks fun. 14 illustration goes here Alieta swam over to Ginger that was treading water. It is hard to teach someoe to dive properly, said Alieta. It just takes lots of practice. The trick is to jump high then curl down, then keep your body straitght as you come down.Took me a long time to get it right but once you got it you never forget. Maybe I will stick to the canonball then, said Ginger. I is really easy. They swam around for a while then got out ans sat in the chairs on the deck to dry off. You know, who would of thought we would have a swimming pool in Fae Land, said Ginger. Boy things are changing fast. Yes and it is up to use to keep up with the changes and keep things under control, said Alieta. I think we can handle it, the people are all still the same, just more things to do, said Ginger. Yes and more people too, we are going to have to look at expanding the housing to the grassy plains, said Alieta. Yo must be running out of room in the elf village by now. Well there is a bit of room but your right, said Ginger. Thing is elves want to be close to the woods. Maybe get Ivy to start planting some new trees now, you saw how fast those two trees at her plcae grew, said Alieta. But for now lets just relax and enjoy the peace and quite. 15 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Trouble In The North East Province Of Prayden Back at the palace a man on a horse came to the palace and asked an elf to get Alieta for him. Oh she is in the forest with Ginger and told us not to disturb them but she left Jazmen in charge. Oh okay then can you get her for me? he asked. Yep and she ran into the palace. He looked around and saw that the place had changed since the last time he was there but looked much nicer. Jazmen came out and asked how she could help him. Well I have been here before a while ago when we were being attacked and Alieta got her team to help us seeing that we are mostly farmers of live stock, said the man. So what is attacking you? asked Jazmen. Troglodytes again and some other winger creatures, said the man. Troglodytes are meat eaters and are attracted to our amimals and I guess so are the other things. Oh I remember them, nasty creatures too. How many are there asked? Jazmen. Not as many as last time but it looks like more are coming because they are all just sitting out in the open, probably waiting for more of them to arrive. Okay I will have some sprites assemble the team and Alexa will take who she needs to get rid of them again. She knows how to kill them fast now. I remember we also sent a couple hundred of our winged sprites also to help so I will assemble them too, said Jazmen. I was told not to use the she devils because they are needed to kill any bad devils that may show up here in the bad lands. You have she devils now asked the man with a surprised look on his face. Yep and they are awesome and very friendly with all of us here and can kill nasty devils. Wow, things have changed here he said. Okay that would be great. I am heading back now, said the man. How long will they be? Probably a couple hours at most but the winged army will be there very soon to hold them off if they decide to attack before Alexa gets there, said Jazmen. The man rode off and Jazmen sent three sprites to Alexa's place then got the army ready. Nasty Troglodytes again, thought. The winged army came together fast and Jazmen put the two captians in charge then filled them all in. Now do as before and stay out of sight until Alexa shows up with her team, said Jazmen. Just attack if they move before she arrives. Okay said the two captains. We remember from last time. Then they all flew off to the province. 16 illustration goes here The two sprites arrived at Alexa's place and told her that the teams help was needed and what was happening again at the north east province. Again, said Alexa, well at least we know how to get rid of them now and we have Tara and Avan now to help, said Alexa. Well no you don't, said one sprite. Why not, asked Alexa. Well they have to stay near the palace as to Alieta's orders. It seems that they are needed to kill the devils that are coming more often to attack the fairy forest. Really, well I suppose we can do with out them. Does Apollonia have to work with them too, asked Alexa. I don't think so, said the sprite. Okay, said Alexa. I will call her if I see we need her. Now get Zatsuky, Viridian to get ready and head out to Prayden. I will meet them there and get the winged army assembled too, said Alexa. Oh Jazmen already did that and they are probably there already waiting for you, said the sprite with a smile. Jazmen, why her, where is Alieta? asked Alexa. Oh she went swimming with Ginger in the fairy forest and left instuctions to not be disturbed. Alexa smiled. Good for her, said Alexa. Jazmen was at the last attack of Troglodytes so she knows what is going on, said Alexa. The sprites took off then Alexa got ready and left for Prayden. 17 illustration goes here When she arrived she saw the winged army were all standing out of sight like before. They are just sitting there, said said one of the captains but there is something else. What do you mean? asked Alexa. Not exactly sure seeing they are so far away but maybe she devils but different from the ones that we have seen at the palace, said the captain. She devils, but there is no magic here to attrack them, said Alexa. Well I don't want to send any sprites out there for a closer look because in case they are she devils then we can't kill them and they can fire fireballs at us. Okay you all stay put, I am calling for Apollonia, said Alexa. She called out for Apollonia and in a few moment she appeared. Hi Alexa, what is going on here and where am I? asked Apollonia. You are in the north east province of Prayden and we may have a situation that you can help us with, said Alexa. Okay, how can I help? Well there is troglodytes just northe of Prayden just sitting as if they are waiting for more to show up but the captain of the winged army thinks there are she devils out there too but they are to far away to see for sure. I know they can't hurt you and you can go invisible, so can you go and get a closer look at them. Sure can, I will be right back, said Apollonia. In the mean time Zatsuky and Viridian showed up. Okay the sprites told us we are dealing with those Troglodytes again, said Zatsuky. Yes but there might be she devils too, said Alexa. I am just waiting on Apollonia to get back from checking. She devils, then we need Tara and Avan, said Viridian. Ya well they have been ordered to stay near the palace, said Alexa. Okay I am back, those are definately she devils but very new ones and not that stupid, said Apollonia. Okay how do you know that about them? asked Alexa. Well first their skin hasn't begun to change colour yet and they can talk proper, they are stonger than regular she devils. I watched one arguing with a troglodyte and just ripped it's head off with one hand. Plus they could sense my presence and kept swinging around to find me. Devils don't have that kind of skill. Okay so what do we do about them seeing Tara and Avan have to stay and guard the palace area? asked Alexa. They don't need both of them there, said Apollonia. Just one of them can kill off a pile of devils at once. I'll go get them. In the mean time get Zatsuky and Viridian to kill those stupid Troglodytes. The devils won't do anything when they see the power they have. Then Apollonia vanished. Okay lets hope she is right, said Alexa. Okay you two head out and as soon as you can reach them with your weapons, start firing and you get the wing army air born but stay above Zatsuky and Viridian. Just keep your eyes open for those she devils, If they come ate you do your best to defend as my girls blast away at them. Okay what I thought was going to be an easy fix has turned into something very different now, said Zatsuky. 18 illustration goes here When Apollonia appeared on the Bad Lands she found Avan and Tara sitting on the sand. Hey look Avan it is Apollonia back again, said Tara. How has it been here? asked Apollonia. Not much happening since you left, said Avan. Alieta told us we have to stay around the palace just in case more devils show up. Well I need one of you to come with me to the north east province. Alexa is there with Zatsuky and Viridian getting ready to battle a bunch of Troglodytes and some new she devils, said Apollonia. What about what Alieta told us? asked Tara. You just said nothing is happening here and I just need one of you and I dought Alieta would like to see any of her team and winged army get killed, said Apollonia. I'll go, said Tara and stood up fast. Hey not fair, I want to go too, said Avan as she stood up also. Well I called it first, said Tara. Okay but this is not going to be an easy battle because these she devils are very new and smart plus very strong, said Apollonia. So what, I can still kill them, how many are there? asked Tara. Lots becasue these are not regular she devils. These are new she devils all cloned from the original one. Cloned, by who. By a demon, of course, said Apollonia. I didn't tell Alexa about him yet because I wanted her team to kill most of the Troglodytes first. Okay so what are you not telling us yet? asked Avan. Well every she devil has to be killed or the demon will just keep cloning them as they get killed. This time you will have to attack these devils and make fast work of them all. I will try to get to the demon but her will probably have some devils protecting him. This demon that can clone beings is no dummy. Okay so you just tell me what to do and we will get it done, said Tara. Okay but Alexa is the leader so first we have to listen to her, said Apollonia. Oh, okay, said Tara. We better get going then, said Tara. Then the two of them zanished. I hope Apollonia doesn't let all those she devils hurt Tara too much, we just got better from her attacks. I am sure they will be just fine, thought Avan. 19 illustration goes here When Apollonia and Tara got back to Prayden most of the Troglodytes were dead. Oh good, Tara came back with you, said Alexa. Yep I am ready to kick some butt, said Tara. So you were right about the she devils staying back as Zatsuky and Viridian were blasting the Troglodytes but why are there so many of them? asked Alexa. Well as I told you these she devils were new and stronger but what I didn't tell you was they are all identical clones created by a very smart and powerful demon. What, why didn't you tell me that? asked Alexa. Well I needed all the creatures killed first so that Tara could concentrate just on the devils and looks like they did a good job as I expected, said Apollonia. The demon won't show himself until I confront him anyways. I don't want him taking off on us. Okay so why are they so far north? asked Alexa. Well my best guess is that they are going for Eden's magic and those Troglodytes were already here waiting for more of their kind. I saw a devil kill a Troglodyte so that showed me they were not working together. So the she devils were waiting for the Troglodytes to begin their attack before flying into Fae Land then, said Alexa. Yep and also to see what defence there was here, said Apollonia. So now that they know do you think they will leave? asked Alexa. Probably just look for another place to enter Fae Land, but we are not going to let them, right Tara, said Apollonia. I guess not, you must have a plan then? asked Tara. Yep, I will take care of the demon and your will take care of all the devils but this time you don't wait for them to come to you, This time you attack fast and hard so that demon doesn't have time to clone more devils, said Apollonia. Okay lets get started, we are going in from behind them all. Then they both vanished. Man that Apollonia is hard to figure out said Alexa. Sometimes she is as playful as a teenager and other times she is this amazing fearless warrior. Good thing she is on our side said the winged army's captain. 20 illustration goes here Zatsuky and Viridian came back to where Alexa was standing with the captain. Okay we got them all, Has Apollonia come back yet with one of the she devils, asked Zatsuky. Yep she brought Tara and they just vanished a few moments ago, said Alexa. Its seems they they are going to take care of all the she devils and demon by themselves. A demon too, okay let them, said Viridian, There is an aweful lot of she devils out there staying out of range. Yep they know and are going to attack from behind, said Alexa. One of the advantages of being an angel being able to teleport. The two of them reappeared about fifty yards behind all the she devils. Well there sure is a lot of them said Tara. Yep but you can handle them. Just remember to attack fast and hard, said Apollonia. I will keep the demon busy. Okay where is he? asked Tara. Right in front of us, now fly up high then swoop down at them while their backs are turned to you, said Apollonia. That way you will wipe out most of them in the first pass. Okay boss, said Tara then took off fast and high. Apollonia walked up to the demon that was still invisiable and tapped him on the shoulder. Hi big guy, you here for the show also? asked Apollonia. 21 illustration goes here Tara was nice and high now then came swooping down blasting a bunch of she devils into piles of ash then did a quick one eighty and blasted another bunch of she devils. The rest to the devils took flight and began sending fire balls at Tara. Mean while the demon turned fast and saw Apollonia looking at him with a big smile on her face. What, a dark angel, how dare you sneek up on me and who is that out there battling my devils? asked the demon. Oh that is Tara, she is a she devil to but nothing like the one you made then created all those clones, said Apollonia. She is no match for my new breed of she devils, they will tear her apart, said the demon. Well they are not doing that great so far, Tara has killed half of them already. No problem I will just clone more, said The demon and began making more. Meanwhile Tara was being attacked from all sides, getting hit by multible fire balls. She flew up fast very high. then came swooped down again. She yelled now I am mad she yelled then spread out both arms and smashed her hands togeather hard. Every single she devils turned to dust falling to the ground. The demon was horified. That is impossible he yelled at Apollonia. You two will pay for this. Nope, you will pay, nice chatting with you but it is time to say goodbye, said Apollonia then waved both her hands at him and turned him into a pile of dust also. Apollonia flew over to Tara that was standing on the ground looking at all the piles of ash and dust she made. Good job Tara, seems like you have more in you than you thought, said Apollonia. Ya well they got me mad, said Tara. Apollonia smiled. So how do you feel? asked Apollonia. Good but I hurt all over, said Tara. Well nothing Lilly can't take care of for you, said Apollonia. 22 illustration goes here Tara and Apollonia flew back to where everyone was watching. Apollonia looked at Zatsuky's sword and it was no longer glowing red. Well looks like we got them all, said Apollonia. You all got rid of the nasty creatures, Tara took care of all the she devils and I killed the demon. A good days work I would say. Yes but Tara got hit quite a few times with fireballs, said Alexa. Are you okay? A bit soar but I will be fine, said Tara. Well I am taking her back to the palace then getting Lilly to fix her up like new but taking on that many devils at once can be a bit tricky but Tara did great, said Apollonia then they both vanished. Great, Tara was amazing, said Viridian. Ya like fourty angainst one, that is better than our record of killing ten wizards, said Zatsuky. Well now we have seen how powerful God made these two sisters so say a little thank you prayer to him tonight, said Alexa. Back at the palace Apollonia and Tara appeared where Avan was pacing back and forth. Tara, your back, I was so worried about you, said Avan then hugged her. Ouch, easy Sis. Took on some fireballs so a bit soar right now, said Tara. Ya I better get Lilly, I will be right back, said Apollonia. Sorry about that so how many were there? asked Avan. Not sure thirty or fourty maybe, said Tara. I found out I can kill twelve at once when I get mad though. Wow that is a lot, did Apollonia help you. No she took care of the demon, said Tara. Why don't you sit and rest then, said Avan. No I better stay standing, feels best like this. Apollonia returned with Lilly and she went over to Tara and grabbed her arm. Okay no broken or fractured bones this time just some burns and scratches, said Lilly. What were you doing? Tara killed fourty she devils by her self. she is my sister you know!, said Avan proudly. Lilly smiled them made here wand appear and passed it over the soar areas of Tara's body. There you go, good as new, said Lilly. Thanks Lilly, I feel much better now, said Tara. Can I have an ice cream cone now please? Me too, I was the one doing all the worring, said Avan. Sure there you go, how about you Apollonia. Yep, I killed a demon you know, said Apollona. 23 illustration goes here Chapter 5 The Fun Game Jazmen came out of the palace and could see Alieta and Ginger walking back from the forest and they both looked very happy. So how did everything go in Prayden? asked Jazmen. All taken care of, said Apollonia. Ended up being a bunch of she devils and a demon there too. Really I thought it was just Troglodytes, said Jazmen. Yep them too but all cleared up now, said Apollonia. Hi Jazmen anything going on? asked Alieta. Not now, said Jazmen but earlier Alexa took the team and some of our winged army to the north east province to fight off more troglodytes and Tara and Avan killed a bunch of she devils and I guess Apollonia killed the demon. What, you got a hold of Alexa and her team and got them set up to fight again, said Alieta with a bit of a surprised look. Yep. It was easy. Pretty much the same as last time, said Jazmen but the devils and demon were differen't but Tara and Apollonia took care of them. So Tara and Avan killed some more devils then too, said Alieta. Nope just Tara went, she killed ftfty of them all by herself, said Avan. No there was just fourty, said Tara. Fifty, fourty, the same thing, lots anyways, said Avan. Well then at least you were not bored, said Alieta. Nope pretty exciting actually, said Jazmen. So where is Alexa now? asked Alieta. Back at home I guess, I stayed here at the palace, said Jazmen. Okay and Lilly you came out of the forest too, said Alieta. Yep Apollonia came and got me. Tara had some cuts and bruises I needed to heal, said Lilly. Well then, I see I wasn't needed at all this time. Seems like everyone here took care of everything without me, said Alieta. Well all I did was what I have seen you do many times, said Jazmen. Jazmen didn't even know I came and got Tara, she was with Avan in the Bad Lands, said Apollonia. You and Ginger were in the forest having some fun for a change so we figured it all out ourselves, said Jazmen. You were having fun in the fairy forest right? asked Jazmen. Yes we were and had a great time, said Alieta. So has anyone seen Repellia and Phonixa? Yep they are inside with Zan and Tabitha, said Jazmen. Not sure what they are doing though. So it seems that Jazmen is a good choice to be my fill in when I am not here, said Alieta. Yep, I have always liked Jazmen said Ginger. Very level headed and all the sprites and elves like her a lot too. Yes I have noticed that and she took control right away today as it seemed, said Alieta. I think it is time to raise your rank among the sprites to general. That way you will have full control over the entire army. Really, me a general, wow, wait until I tell Jessica, she will be so excited, said Jazmen. Who is Jessica? asked Alieta. She is my roommate, we have shared the same house for a long time, said Jazmen. She makes the most amazing candies. Do you know Jessica? asked Alieta to Ginger. Yep I know everyone in the elf village, said Ginger. Jessica is really nice, always in the kitchen something like Ktara. So I am going in to hang up my bikini, said Ginger, You want me to bring yours in too? Yes please, thanks Ginger, said Alieta. 24 illustration goes here Okay I am heading home now that you are back, said Jazmen then flew off. Me too, going back to the forest to try out the swimming pool, said Lilly then she flew away. Is Ivy finished in the den yet, asked Apollonia. Yes her and Sara went home not long ago, said Alieta. Okay good, I am going over to her house, said Apollonia then she vanished. Zan came out with the twins and Tabitha. So what have you three been up to? asked Alieta. Just listening to Zan telling us some of her stories, said Repellia. She has lots of them. I bet she does, said Alieta. They all got out front and saw a man on a horse, riding very slow to towards them. Hmm, wonder who that is? asked Alieta. That is the man I helped with the game, said Zan. Oh really, said Alieta. Aleita walked towards him and he sped up a bit. Hi Alieta. I have something for Zan, he said in a nervous voice. Oh is that the game she helped you with? asked Alieta. Yes it is but are those she devils, he asked Alieta. Well yes they are but they are Fae Land's she devils and they are here to protect us all from evil devils, said Alieta. So they are not dangerous then? he asked. Nope not to us anyways, said Alieta, They are really quite nice and love playing and stuff. Oh okay then maybe they would like to play my game with you all. Well I was hoping to see this game. Cindy told me it looked like a lot of fun. Come and meet Avan and Tara, said Alieta. Okay he said. So what is your name. Peter, he said. Oh nice name, said Alieta. 25 illustration goes here He went and said hi to everyone. Oh look Avan a nice handsome man. Okay girls, said Zan, he is married and has two wonderful children. Oh okay. Why is it that all the good ones are taken, said Tara. Peter smiled. They are funny too, he said to Alieta. Girls this is Peter and he brought the game here that Zan helped create for him. Oh good, said Zan. You finished it already. Yes I did and I made a few adjustments that you suggested and added a couple new game rules but I think I have a winner now, said Peter. A game, we love playing games, said Tara. Peter looked at the two of them. My you two girls are pretty and amazing wing structures. Oh you like our wings. Oh yes very much. The designer must be very talented, said Peter. Well God made them for us, said Avan. Oh then there ya go. The most talented of all, said Peter with a smile. Okay Zan this is for you and he handed her the box. For me? Cool and she sat down and opened the box. Every one else sat down with her. She took the board out of the box and unfolded it. Wow it is beautiful, said Zan and very colourful too. Yes my daughter came up with the perfect colours for the game. Now the game is designed to have a maximum of six players but four seems to be best. I will watch, said Alieta. No I want you to play first with me, said Zan. I will watch, said Repellia. I am not to good at playing games. I'll play, said Tabitha. Mee too, said Phonixa. Okay then lets start with Zan rolling the dice to see who goes first then the person to the left of her rolls next, the highest number goes first, said Peter. They all did that and Alieta got two sixes. I go first then right? asked Alieta. Yes now pick a colour of the player you want to use. They are all shaped so that they can be moved easily. They all picked a game piece. Now everyone starts here and you move along the spiral blocks and if you land on a different coloured one then you just do what that block says. The object of the game is to get to the middle then start back to the begining again. The first person to do that wins, said Peter. Oh so go back again, said Zan. Yes we found that when using two dice the game ended to fast but if you are playing with just one other player than you can use just one dice and make first to the center wins, said Peter. Okay, sounds easy enough, said Alieta. She rolled the dice and five was shown between the two dice so she moved her player along the path. Zan was next and she rolled a seven and landed on a coloured block that said two forward. Yeah. I like this game, she said. They all kept playing and all loved playing it which made Peter very happy. 26 illustration goes here Just then two devils flew over head and looked like they landed near the forest in the Bad Lands. Was that two devils? asked Peter. Ya, said Avan, I will get them this time. Well she didn't look nervous or anything, said Peter. Nope she has this, she will be back in a minuite, said Avan. Really that fast, said Peter. Yep, see here she comes now, said Tara. In a few moments Avan returned. Okay all done so who is winning? asked Avan. That was fast, said Peter. Well ya, I wanted to get back and watch the game, said Avan. Soon a bunch of elves were gathering around and watching them all play. Wow, where can we get a game like that, it looks like a lot of fun, said one elf. Well I have only made a few of them so far and sold all but this one and my kids game so far. It takes a bit of time for me to make just one properly, said Peter. They all kept playing an in the end Tabitha won and jumped up and did a victory dance. Everyone laughed. Can we play now? asked an elf. Well ask Zan it is her game, said Alieta. Sure go ahead. Just six players at a time. They all got up and let the elves play the game now. Well Peter it looks like you have a winner there, said Alieta. Yes everyone seems to love the game so far. I guess I have my work cut out for me, he said. Well maybe I can help you with that, said Alieta. Really how? asked Peter. Well I know this guy in Cumberland that does the kind of work that you need done. He has a large variety of things that people invent and bring him and he has a bunch of people working for him that mass produce the thing they gave him to work with plus he comes up with lables and promotions then even delivers the finsh products to stores in Cumberland and all over Fae Land. Wow that sounds great but must be expensive for him to do all that. Well yes and he does take ten percent of all sales too but what you need is an investor, said Alieta. Oh well I don't know anyone with that kind of money, said Peter. Well you do now, said Alieta. Who and he looked at the girls standing in front of the palace. Me silly. I would love to invest in your game, said Alieta. Realy. Now I will get his address for you and you show him one of your finished games then tell him that I am your investor. He will get started right away on it, said Alieta. I don't know what to say, so what percent do you want. Oh nothing but I would like three free games though when he gets the games done and in stores. I am sure Gabriel would love one to play with Cindy and probably Mother Nature also. Those are very impressive game players, said Peter. Yep they are but they need to have fun too, said Alieta. Okay deal and they shook on it. 27 illustration goes here Safire came out of the tunnel leading underground and ran over and asked what all the noise was about up here. I can here it all the way down under. Oh it is a new gamed that Peter here made that is a lot of fun to play plus Avan just killed two devils. Oh a game would be nice for us under ground, said Safire. Hi Peter, I am Safire. So you are the inventor? Well yes but Zan helped me get started. Yes a wonderful girl, a bit timid. Never come up from behind her or you will scare her, said Safire. You said somthing about killing two devils? Safire looked around and saw Avan and Tara, Are they what I think they are? asked Safire. Yes they are our new she devils, said Alieta. Your she devils how did that, happen. Oh never mind, you can tell me later. So they are frendly I take it. Yep and they can kill devils. What devil killers, now I got to go meet them and she ran over to see Tara and Avan. Well she didn't look shocked at all when she saw them, said Peter. Oh Safire doesn't scare easy plus she likes to talk a lot when she is up here so two new people to talk to is great to her regardless who they are, said Alieta. You have quite the place here, said Peter. Very interesting people. Oh you haven't seen half of them yet. But you will eventually. Let me get that address for you before you head home, said Alieta and she went into the palace. Ginger walked over to Peter. Alieta is going to help you isn't she. Well yes she is said, Peter. Ya I knew she would. I could tell by just looking at her. She is very kind and jenerous that way, said Ginger. Yes she is best queen anywhere, said Peter. Alieta came back out of the palace. Here ya go Peter, now rememebr I want three games for free. Okay, said Peter. I can hardly wait to get home and tell everyone about Tara and Avan. Everyone is going to want and meet them. Alieta smiled. Okay bye for now, and he got on his horse and rode off. Three games for free? How is he going to make money that way, asked Ginger. Well I am his sole investor and all I want is three games, that sounds good to me, said Alieta. Ya I figured you would help I know you pretty good, said Ginger. Yes you do now lets go listen to Safire, she is always fun to hear when she meets someone new, said Alieta. Yep she is a character, said Ginger. 28 illustration goes here Chapter 6 Pippa Getting all Wet Over at Ivy's place Apollonia was telling Ivy all about how great Tara did killing all the she devils. So she killed fourty all by herself, wow she must be very powerful, said Ivy. Yep they both are, said Apollonia. So what do you want to do now? Lets go get Pippa and bring her in the forest and teach her how to swim, said Ivy. I thought pixes didn't like to swim, said Apollonia. They just don't loke getting their wings wet, said Ivy. She saw the fairies swimming and said it looked like fun so offered to teach her and she agreeded. Okay that will be fun, said Apollonia. Yep, she will be in the woods right now so lets go get her, said Ivy. Then Apollonia telepoted them to the woods. Pippa, time for your swimming lessons yelled Ivy. In a few moments Pippa flew over. Already, I am not sure I am mentaly prepared yet, said Pippa. What do you mean mentally prepared, you are just being a chicken, said Ivy. I am no chicken, well maybe a little bit, said Pippa. That is a lot of water in the pool and what if I just sink. Don't worry we will go in the shallow end where you can touch bottom, said Ivy. Okay but you make sure I don't drown, said Pippa. I won't, take us to the cove Apollonia, I need to get Pippie to give us bathing suits. You got it, then the three of them appeared in the cove. Tulip and Pippie were talking over by the overviewer. Hi Ivy, what's going on? asked Tulip. Nothing bad, we just need Pippie to make us some swim suits, I am going to teach Pippa how to swim, said Ivy. Can I come too? asked Pippie. I really like swimming. Okay lets go then, said Ivy then they left the cove and headed down the path that led to the pool that was not that far. Okay so Ivy gets a green bikini, what colour would you like Apollonia? asked Pippie. A red one like my eyes, said Apollonia. Okay and a blue one for Pippa, that is her favorite colour. She made her wand appear and made Ivy and apollonia's bikinis first then went over to Pippa and made her's. Now I am making a pink one for myself. There how do they feel? I feel almost naked, said Pippa.Yep, but your not. I felt that way too when I first put a bikini on but you get used to it fast, said Ivy. Okay this way is the shallow end Pippa. 29 illustration goes here Pippie and Ivy brought Poppa over to the steps on the shallow end and they walked Pippa in. Okay Ivy show Pippa how to float then Pippie swam out to the deep end. Okay Pippa, you haven't even gotten your wings wet yet, said Ivy. I know just not used to being in so much water, said Pippa. Apollonia dived into the water from the side of the pool then came up smiling. Now this is refreshing, said Apollonia. Look at them, said Ivy. They are having a real good time. Ya I see that so help me learn to swim please, said Pippa. Okay, said Ivy. She started to splash Pippa's wings until they were all wet. There now no more worring about getting them wet because they are soaked now. Okay, said Pippa. That didn't hurt at all. Ivy smiled. Now lay on your back first and I will hold you up with my hands okay. Yep okay Ivy, said Pippa. There now how does that feel? asked Ivy. Feels nice, said Pippa. Now kick your feet and move your arms. Pippa did as told and saw she was able to move in the water. Ivy removed her hands from under her and Pippa was swimming on her own on her back. Wow I am swimming, said Pippa. Well ya you are so light you don't sink, said Ivy. Oh so I won't sink to the bottom if I stop moving my arms and feet. Probably not Pippa, said Ivy. Okay and Pippa stop moving and just floated in an upright position with the water up to her chest. Wow you are right. I just float like a fishing bobber. You are so funny Pippa, said Ivy. Now get you head wet. Just hold your breath and I will push you right under water. Is that safe? asked Pippa. Yes it is, said Ivy. I am right here and you will just pop right back up. Okay, said Pippa. Ivy pushed Pippa down by her head then let go. Pippa just popped back up. See told you silly. Now how did that feel. Kinda of nice, said Pippa. Like a fish I guess. Well yes but after a bit of practice you will be able to swim like a fish, said Ivy. Cool, said Pippa. Can we go where they are now, asked Pippa. Sure you are safe in any depth of water, said Ivy. Now turn on your stomach then move your legs and arms like a frog, said Ivy. Okay and Pippa saw that she could move faster in the water that way. See you are now swimming said Ivy and they both joined every one in the deep end. Hey look. Pippa is swiming, said Pippie. Yep Ivy is a good teacher, said Pippa. Plus I float really good. 30 illustration goes here They all played around in the water for a while and Pippa found it pretty easy to swim seeing she didn't have to even move her arms or feet to stop her from sinking at all. After a bit Ivy said lets all go to the eatery. I am getting hungry. Okay they all said. It is a bit of a walk but all our wings will be dry when we get there, said Ivy. Off they all went in a bit they were at the outdoor eatery and bar. They all sat on the picnic tables and Pippie asked what every one wanted. I'll have a chocolate milkshake, said Ivy. I want an ice cream cone, said Pippa. Okay what about you Apollonia? asked Pippie. Umm ice cream cone too but strawberry this time, said Apollonia. Pipps made her wand appear then made every thing for them and made herself a milkshake like Ivy's. Ivy told them that it was just a five minuite walk to the exit from here so Pippa if you want some ice cream you can come in anytime you want. Behind the counter is a self serve box that makes ice cream for you. That is very handy and you bet I will take advantage of it but don't tell the other pixies or there will be a line up to the ice cream machine, said Pippa. Ya I could see that happening, said Ivy. 31 illustration goes here Conclusion Once they had finished their ice cream treats Pippie changed their clothes back then headed to the cove. So did you two like swimming in the pool? asked Ivy. Yep, water is lots of fun, said Apollonia. Yes it was great, said Pippa. If I knew that I can't sink then I would of gone swimming a lond time ago. Even if you can't fly for a while? asked Ivy. Tep, but I can fly a little bit with wet wings, just not that fast, said Pippa. Okay I better get going home and see what is going on with Viridian and Sara, said Ivy. Ya I better go up to heaven and check in with Gabriel., said Apollonia. I am starting to like her now seeing she doesn't boss me around anymore. Yep nobody likes a bossy person, said Pippa. What are you going to do Poppa. I am going to go tell Alieta how great a swimmer O am and can't sink, said Pippa. Well your not a great swimmer but you are not bad for a biginner, said Ivy. I know that but I am not telling her that, said Pippa. Well you know where the pool is so get some practice in, said Ivy. Ikay I am off, see you all tomorrow, then Ivy flew off. Okay talk to you later Pippa, it was a good day today, said Apollonia then she vanished. Pippa went to walk out of the forest but stopped then turned around. Maybe I can have one more ice cream cone to take with me, Ivy did say I could help my self. She walked back and behing the bar and found the self serve box. One chocolate ice cream cone please, she said out loud. the the box glowed for a second Pippa opened the door and took out the cone. Perfect, this is going to be fun living so close to this magic box, she thought to herself then headed out to the palace. When she reached Alieta Poppa saw that people were beginning to go back into the palace for the night. Hi Alieta, I didn't realize it was so late, said Pippa. Ivy and Apollonia took me swimming and now I am a great swimmer and I don't sink either. Well I am a good swimmer or like Ivy said I am pretty good for a biginner. But I do float because I am so light. Alieta smiled. So where did you get the ice cream? asked Alieta. In the magic box at the outdoor eatery in the fairy forest. Do you want me to get you one, it will onlt take me a few seconds, said Pippa. No I had my fill at supper time, said Alieta. Avan walked over to Alieta and said she was leepy and had to get ready for bed. You sleep a lot, said Alieta. Not really, I have a bath before going to bed and dry and brush my hair untill it is dry then in the morning I have another bath and do the same with my hair plus brush my teeth, said Zan. Triffies are very clean people you know. Well I know now, said Alieta. Hi Zan I can swim now, said Pippa. Very good Poppa, glad to hear that, said Zan. Okay goodnight and she headed into the palace holding her game. Tara and Avan were getting ready to go to the woods. Hi Pippa, nice ice cream cone you have there said Tara. Yep do you two want one, I can be back super fast, said Pippa, No we are off for a good sleep in the woods. It has been a busy day for us. Goodnight and off they flew. Ginger said goodnight to Alieta and Pippa also the the twins came over. Hi Pippa, isn't it a bit late for ice cream? asked Phonixa. Nope never too late for ice cream, said Pippa. Umm I think the saying is it is always room for ice cream, said Repellia. Anyways we are off to bed, See you all tomorrow, then they went in the palace. Man it is like you hit a switch and turned everyone off, said Pippa. Well it is bed time, said Alieta and I better get to bed also so goodnight. Alieta started to head towards the palace but looked back and saw Pippa was looking a bit sad. She went back to her and took Pippa's hand. Come my nutty little friend, sit with me on the steps and tell all about how you learned to swim today., said Alieta. Pippa got real happy and they both sat down on the steps together. Okay now it all started when Ivy first showed me the pool and I saw Pippie and Sunflower having fun in the water. Alieta knew she was in for the full story and maybe a bit more but Pippa needed to tell someone about her adventure with water that was very exciting to her so Alieta was all ears for her special little friend. The End 32 illustration goes here