Pegasus's Fae Land Adventure  Chapter 4


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Lulu Helps

Hi Lulu, I guess you can help, said Tulip. What do you want to do? Well Zotac said that Merlin needed to make a tower and a building. You made the tower and wow it is a real nice and very tall, said Lulu. Can I make the building? I am really good at making houses and buildings. You can build a house? asked Tulip? No I make a house with my wand see, sald Lulu. She made her wand appear in her hand. I didn't know you had a magic wand, said Tulip. Yep, I was born with it. Cupid has his stupid bow and arrow and I have my wand, said Lulu. It is not as powerful as yours though. I can't make food and stuff and can't make things go away like you can, said Lulu. I made my own house and a guest house beside it just north of the town. I don't know, said Tulip. What if something goes wrong and it falls appart. Why would it do that? asked Lulu. Once I make something it is there for good. I can't make it go away. Maybe you can with your wand but why do that. So when you make a building it stays without any extra magic needed to hold it together? asked Merlin. Nope, once it is made it is there for good, said Lulu. I made lots of houses and stores for everyone in my old village. Maybe we should let Lulu give it a go, said Merlin. If she is right then that building won't drain any of the magic to keep it stable. Can your wand make changes to it if need be Tulip? I quess so if it is made of normal stuff, said Tulip. Here Lulu, look at this drawing and see if you can make something that big. Lulu looked at the drawing then looked and Merlin. Is that all you want. That will be easy and not very fancy at all, said Lulu. Just one floor. Well the radio station in Granada was in an old building but it had tall ceilings and lots of room in it, said Merlin. There was the studio area inside plus a room for workers to eat their lunch plus washrooms and a waiting room at the front door area, said Merlin. Okay so bigger than it looks in the drawing. So for six people to be in comfortably? asked Lulu. Yes that would do, said Merlin. After Tulip can get Lilly to come and fix the inside and outside if it needs it, said Merlin. Yep Lilly is the best at that stuff, said Tulip. So where do you want it? asked Lulu. Beside the tower facing east. We need to run a big electrical cable the the building and up the tower and connect it to the metal ball on top. The cable has to go up through the center of the tower so it is going to be tricky setting it up. No, I can do that too, said Lulu. Sort of like a metal rope then. Yes but coated with rubber, said Merlin. Okay first the building then the cable, said Lulu. Everyone stand back out of the way. I have to do some very fast flying.

Everyone stood back then Lulu took flight and turned on her wand. First she looked for the best place to put the building. She figured not too far from the tower and the magic circle. She then started flying low and slow at first making the base of the building first. Okay that is the base now for the fun part, said Lulu. She started flying around the base, faster and faster until she was just a blurr, moving up a bit at a time. Both Merlin an Tulip watched in amazement as the building took shape. Higher and higher Lulu went until the entire building was done with just a few little adjustments she had to do. She flew down to Merlin and asked how is that? That was amazing, said Merlin. It looks very similar to the one in Granada, just smaller. Ya that was something to watch, said Tulip. You can get Lilly now if you want her to make it look better, said Lulu. I can't change what it looks like now. No it is perfect, said Merlin. Looks perfect on the outside maybe Lilly can do something inside but it is not a home, it is a work place. So how big a building can you make with that amazing wand of yours? Don't know, said Lulu. I made a complete palace once for a nice king and queen a long time ago. It had like fifty rooms in it. That one took a few hours to make though and I had to keep checking the drawings. Okay now for the cable, so rubber coated and up through the middle you said. Yes but it has to go into the building some how, said Merlin. I can make a small hole in the wall near the floor, said Tulip. Okay and we need to leave about six feet of cable inside. I am not sure where it connects to yet, said Merlin. Tulip made a hole in the wall and Lulu, started making the cable. Okay I will go inside then feed it into me, said Merlin. He went in the building then saw the end of the cable that Tulip was pushing in. He grabbed it and pulled what he thought would be enough then went back outside. Okay that is good enough, said Merlin. Okay, said Lulu then up she flew with her wand pointed at the tower, making the long cable until she got to the top then connected the end of the cable to the big red metal ball, then flew back down. There all done, said Lulu. Perfect, said Merlin. You two did the hardest part now I need to go to Granada soon and start buying some equipment. So Lulu, you should come in the fairy forest some time and help us make some new stuff seeing what you make doesn't need magic to hold it together. We like things a lot prettier than this building though. Oh come see my two houses, said Lulu. They are very pretty and colourful. Okay, said Tulip. Do you need us for anything else Merlin? No we are done here for now. Okay see you later then they flew off. Okay back to the palace to tell Alieta that the hard part is all done, thought Merlin then vanished.

In a few moments Ivy flew down. Looks like I am late, she thought. The building is made and look at how high that tower is. Man Merlin really works fast when he gets excited about something. No matter, I just came here to see how my favorite tree is doing. Leaves look back to normal, that is a good sign. Ivy held a tree branch with both hands. Good your not hot anymore. Nice and cool like you should be. Your are going to be just fine now. Merlin fixed everything for us. I am so glad you are happy again, so am I now, said Ivy to the tree. Pretty soon you will be hearing music coming from that building over there. I know you will like that and more people will be around so you won't be lonely anymore. Ivy then let go of the tree and flew home.

Lulu brought Tulip to her place and they both landed in front of her main house. So what do you think Tulip? This is what I call nice and friendly looking. Very different Lulu. I have never seen any place looking like this. I really like it a lot, said Tulip. Where did you get the design for these two houses? In my head, said Lulu. I wanted someting different than the old square stone houses like here and at my old village. I made a house like this for myself back there out of wood but my brother said it was out of place and stupid looking so he had it burnt down. What why would he do that? asked Tulip. Isn't your brother Cupid. Yep but he is not like what people think he is, said Lulu. He is very controlling and thinks he is the boss of the village. He makes everyone pay him a tax for living in the village too. I thought he was just a guy that flew around making people fall in love, said Tulip. Well maybe when he was younger and not so greedy. He used to watch a couple for a while and when he was sure they were right for each other he would hit the couple with his love arrow. Now he drinks too much pixie beer and just goes around shooting his arrow at anyone, said Lulu. Remember when I told you I built a nice big palace? Yes that sounded amazing. It would take all us fairies to do something like that, said Tulip. Well he took charge of the deal and when it was done he gave me two hundred dollars in gold for doing it. Okay, I think that is a lot of money, said Tulip. Fairies don't care about money. Well neither do I but afterwards when he fell asleep early as usual I found on his desk the contract for building that palace, said Lulu. He got paid one hundred and twenty thousand dollars in gold for my work and he only gave me two hundred. Two days later I snuck out at night while everyone was sleeping and came here. I met Ivy first that was kinda bad for me at first seeing I didn't know she was in charge of brining new people with magic to meet Alieta first but now I love Ivy and everyone here. Especially Sakura. She is just like me and so funny. Tulip laughed. Both of you are funny together, said Tulip. So what is going on with your brother. Will he come looking for you? He already did and Alieta took care of him for me and so did Pippa. He is in big trouble now and I dought I will see him again, said Lulu. So would you like to come in and have some ice cream with me. I have lots seeing Tempressa flashed my ice box. That would be great Lulu, said Tulip. You know I really like you. You are not at all what I thought when I first met you. Oh I am still nutty as a pixie but sometimes a pixie has to talk to someone as nice as you not being fast and nutty, said Lulu. Well you are one special girl and I am glad you are here. So do you have chocolate ice cream? Yep and lemonaide that I made with my wand. What you can make water? asked Tulip. Yep as much as you want, said Lulu. Come lets talk inside.

Back at the palace Merlin appeared and was looking around for Alieta. He saw Ginger and clled her over. Yes Merlin, what's up, asked Ginger. I see Tillia and Pegasus playing out there with the two new girls and Repellia too but I can't see Alieta anywhere, said Merlin. She is usually out here this time of day. Where is she? Well Cindy came and took her to Granada, said Ginger. The people there want to see the queen that sent her heroes to Granada to defeat the aliens. Oh, okay that is expected and very good then, said Merlin. Now she will see some of the wonders of that world, said Merlin. So how long will she be gone?  Not sure, said Ginger. All the world leaders want to meet her so maybe a few days. Okay that makes sense, said Merlin. One problem though. We made the radio tower and the radio building already and Alieta was suppose to give me the money to buy the technical equipment to go inside the building, said Merlin. That stuff is too expensive for me to buy and the fairies can't make it. Ginger smiled. Don't worry silly, I am in charge of the treasury while Alieta is gone. I can get you what you need but best you go there and see how much this is going to cost the crown, said Ginger. Ya I can do that but they deal in paper money, said Merlin. I think it is backed with gold though. Okay lets do this then, said Ginger. I will give you two five hundred dollar gold coins and one diamond worth around two thousand dollars and use that as a deposit. Really you would do that? How much do you have in that treasurery? asked Merlin. More than I could ever count, said Ginger but the treasurer knows every dollar down to the smallest gem. So when are you planning on going to Granada? Tomorrow morning, bright and early with Zotac and Pixie Ginger. Okay so we have some time then. I will get you the two coins and the diamond then, said Ginger. She went to leave but Merlin said wait. What Merlin? asked Ginger. I just witnessed the most amazing thing today when Lulu showed up and asked to help. Really, how did she help? asked Ginger. Well I didn't know she was born with a magic wand that could make things, said Merlin. Oh yes I saw her use it and make her own home, said Ginger. Yes and she made the building structure with it in record time but she also told me that she made an entire palace a while back with fifty rooms in it that took her only three hours to complete, said Merlin. Wow she can do that, I didn't know that little pixie had that in her, said Ginger. Well she does and I think she impressed Tulip also so what do you think if we improve this palace while Alieta is away. What rebuild my palace!  Do you know how many elves helped me fix things up inside and make it look beautiful for Alieta, said Ginger. Yes I realize that but what if we were able to keep all the inside as is and what you are used to but change the outside look of the palace to look more like a palace for a great queen and add to it, said Merlin. More rooms and what ever else you can think of, said Merlin. I bet she can add new wings to it. I know you just opened a new section for Zotac to stay in but that section only has three rooms and that is it for the palace as it is now. Hmm, so everything stays the same inside but we get a lot more rooms for people to stay in, said Ginger. Well they don't all have to be bedrooms but yes, and a bigger prettier palace to a queen that the world is now getting to meet in another reality. Oh my God, your right. When she gets back people there are going to want to know where she lives and if they see this old building they will not be impressed. No way, so Lulu can do what you think? Yep she sure can, said Merlin, and all you have to do is ask her. She loves making things with her wand just like fairies love doing magic for us. Okay so where is she now? asked Ginger. Last I heard she took Tulip to look at her place, said Merlin. Teleport me there now , said Ginger I mean can you please. Yes dear in an instant, said Merlin then they both vanished.

Merlin dropped Ginger off at Lulu place then said, "Here to go so be smart and enjoy this little gem of a girl, said Merlin. Then he vanished. Ginger walked up to the door and kncked on it. There was no answer. Maybe she is hot home, thought Ginger but she knocked again. Okay, I am comming she heard from inside. On a few moments Lulu opened the door looking sleepy eyed and eyes mostly closed. Hi. what do you want? I was taking a nap after making some stuff for Merlin. Yes I know and Merlin told me how great of a job you did with him, said Ginger. Okay ya Tulip made a very tall tower and I made a building and some wire, said Lulu. So what do you want, I stoll have lots of coins left. Well it's not so much whar I want but I have a reguest for Alieta, said Ginger. For Alieta! Anything for her, said Lulu that perked right up. Well Merlin told me what a great job you did making the radio station building, said Ginger. Ya it was nothing, said Lulu. Could of made a better one but Merlin told me what her wanted and for just six people but I made it bigger anyways. Always think of what you want then double it is what I say, said Lulu. Yes I have heard that saying before, said Ginger. Now he also said you once build a palace for a king and queen a long time ago. Yep sure did and it looked amazing, said Lulu. So I have one question for you, said Ginger. What is that? asked Lulu. Can you make Fae Land a new palace but keep the inside the same? asked Ginger. Merlin thinks you can. What! Make a new palace for Fae Land, said Lulu. I can make what ever you want but your palace seems nice enough, said Lulu. Well the outside is very old but inside is very nice. Merlin said you might be able to change the outside and keep everything inside the same then add on to the palace and make it look more like a palace and not a big old building with rooms, said Ginger. All the rooms have people living in them and if we have guests there is nowhere for them to stay. Really so you Ginger , Alieta's best friend is asking me to do that? Well Yes I am, said Ginger. If you have known her as long as I have you would understand why I am asking you to keep the inside like it is, she really likes how we all fixed it up for her.  Hmm, making a palace takes a lot of work, said Lulu. The outside is easy but inside I need drawings. A palace is special so I will need Tulip's help to do this. She can make any mistakes I make go away plus her wand can make the new rooms amazing looking. I can only build the building, the extra hallways and rooms plus bathroom and kitchen stuff. Well we already have a kitchen so where is Tulip? asked Ginger. I thought she was with you. She was but went back to her forest to let me sleep, said Lulu. After making stuff I need to rest for a while, using lots of magic makes me tired so can I go back to bed now? After working with Merlin really burnt me out. Um okay so when can I hope to see you. Um. in a few hours maybe, said Lulu but if not send Sakura to wake me up please then Lulu went back inside. Okay now I need to walk back to the palace, thought Ginger.

 At the palace grounds, Sapphire returned to Fae Land alone this time. She looked around the at the palace grounds and saw people standing around talking but didn't see Ginger anywhere. Sakura spotted Sapphire and flew over fast. Hi Sapphire, now are you, who you looking for? asked Sakura. Hello Sakura, I was looking for Ginger, have you seen her? asked Sapphire. Yep I saw her not too long ago, said Sakura. Okay so do you know where she is now, I need to let her know about Olympia coming here soon, said Sapphire. Nope, who is Olympia? asked Sakura. She is the girl that has been taking care of the people from Fae Land when they showed up in Granada. You saw her whe you ended up there and she gave you some ice cream, said Sapphire. Oh ya I forgot, she was nice, said Sakura. I have been playing with Liza, she is the same age as me from the human village, do you want to meet her and her Mom? Maybe later, I really have to find Ginger, she must be in the palace then. Nope she is not here, said Sakura. Last I saw ger she was talking to Merlin by the palace strps then they both disapeared, said Sakura. Why didn't you tell me that when I first asked, said Sapphire. You asked me if I knew where she was not who she was talking to, said Sakura. Lulu hasn't come back yet either, she went to tell Zotac at my place that Merlin needed his help. Maybe Ginger is at my place or Lulu's house. Pegasus is here now too, you should go meet him, he is really funny. Sapphire liiked over where everyone was talking and saw Pegasus and Tillia sitting together. Well this is a surprise, first I have to fing Ginger then I will be right back, said Sapphire. I sense she is not far away. Okay bye, said Sakura then flew back to the group. That is one very interesting little girl, thought Sapphire then took flight.

Sapphire headed towards Sakura's house first. When she was almost there she spotted Ginger towards the elf village. She flrw over to Ginger and landed in front of her. There you are I was looking for you, said Sapphire. Well Merlin ieleported me to Lulu place then left me there, said Ginger. Ya Sakura told me you left with Merlin, it took a bunch of questions to get her to tell me that but she did figure you were either at her place of Lulu's place. Okay so what is it you need to tell me? asked Ginger. Just that Olympia will be coming here soon, said Sapphire. She is just packing the stuff she wants to bring with her. Now I just wanted to let you know so you can figure out where she is going to live. She has a suitcase full of money that I can turn into gold coins once she gets here. You just have to let me know what it all adds up to. Can't you count it? asked Ginger. Well I am not good with counting large numbers and besides every time Olympia takes some money out more appears in the case, said Sapphire. Gabriel gave it to her while taking care of the girls from Fae Land. Okay so when will you be bringing her here? asked Ginger. In a day or two I think. She keeps changing her mind as to what she will bring with her and what she will leave behind, said Sapphire. I wish I could just take everything in her appartment and drop it here for you all to sort out but I dought you have enough room in the palace for it all right now. Well that is why I went to see Lulu. She is going to make a new bigger and better palace for Alieta, said Ginger. Really Lulu can do that? That is that cute turquoise pixie, right? asked Sapphire. Yep and she told me she made a big palace before a while ago. She just needs to rest some first after building the radio station building, said Ginger. Radio station too! Wow things are sure changing around here, said Sapphire. Anyways I want to go back and meet Pegasus, I only saw him from a distance sitting beside Tillia. Okay but can you do me a favor? asked Ginger. Sure anything you want, said Sapphire. Can you teleport me with you, it is still a long walk to the palace from here. Sapphire smiled, sure no problem, said Sapphire then they disappeared.


They appeared on the palace grounds not far from everyone. Okay here we are, so that is the real Pegasus right? asked Sapphire. Yep it sure is and he le me ride him, said Ginger. Man can he fly fast. Ya I guess so from the look of his wings, said Sapphire. Well go talk with them two. Iolloa and Pegasus go way back in history and he is kinda funny too, said Ginger. Sapphire walked over to them and Ginger went over to where Grace and Angela were talking. So anything exciting happen while I was gone asked Ginger.Not really different but all this is exciting to me, said Grace. Sakura and Liza came over. Did you see Lulu, is she coming back soon, said Sakura. Yes I did see her and she is coming back but after she rests some, said Ginger. She is going to do something special when she does get here though. Really what is that? asked Sakura. She is going to make the palace bigger and prettier for Alieta and then we will have many more rooms in the palace for visitors, said Ginger. Lulu can do that? asked Grace. Yep Lulu can make lots of stuff with her wand, said Sakura. She made a big palace for a king and queen and stores plus houses and a bunch more stuff that I can't remember right now. Yes so she told me, said Ginger. I want it to be a surprise for Alieta when she gets back. Oh she will be surprised alright. The palace is her home, said Sakura. Yes and my home too plus the rest of the palace gang, said Ginger. Fae Land's palace is going to look as magical as the rest of Fae Land.

The End



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