The Three Quests - Chapter 4


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The Home Coming

 When they got back Alexa asked one of the elves get Alieta. Wow, your back! What took so long? asked the elf. Well after we killed the evil witch and brought Archie back the Sword Of Life, sent us to a friend of his that needed a dragon killed, so this took a bit more time, that's all, said Alexa. That's all!, That is amazing, said the elf then ran into the palace. Alieta came out all excited with Ginger. So Penny just told me that you six had quite the adventure, killing a witch then even a dragon. You make me proud all of you, said Alieta. Now word will get out soon that Fae Land has a team of heroes that can do what nobody else can do. I hope that you won't mind being called upon again in the future. Now I am guessing that Tenpressa led the team, seeing she is a queen. Nope not me, said Tempressa. We all did what ever Alexa asked us to do. She made the plans for each quest and boy she can really swing a sword. Yep and she is really smart too, said Titus. Ktara chuckled. An what do you find so amusing? asked Alieta. Well she really liked Archie and when he gave her a kiss on the forehead I thought she was going to faint, said Ktara. Yes he is very charming, isn't he, said Alieta. But he is in love with Cinthia that leaves not far from him and she loves him too. Oh, well it was Cinthia that we killed the dragon for. She is very pretty, said Alexa. Don't forget a good cook too, said Ktara. Almost as good as me. Yes Ktara, the Bad Lands roamer, there will be no more roaming for you my new friend, said Alieta. Because of what your courage and how you helped the team I am having a house built for you in Eden where you can make many more friends. You jst ell the builders what you like in a home and they will make it for you. Really! Well a big kitchen for one, I love to cook, said Ktara. Well you will have to cook for me then while you stay in the palace until the house is built, said Alieta. Now have any of you meet Ginger yet? Everyone shook their heads. Well Ginger here is my very best friend and is responsible for have me to become queen here, said Alieta. She is in charge of everything that goes on in the palace and else where in Fae Land. She is very intelegent so don't let her very cute looks and sexy way of dressing make you think otherwise. They all smiled as Ginger began to blush.


  They all were about to say their good byes and go to their homes but Oaklyn and Taiyo wanted to get married and invited them all to their wedding and hoped they would all come. Well of coarse we will all come and wish you the best, said Alieta. I am the Queen of Fae Land and it is in my power to wed anyone living here. Is tommoro too soon? Really, tomorrow is good for me, said Oaklyn what about you Tayio? Perfect, the sooner the better, said Taiyo. Good then you will all stay here at the palace tonight and get cleaned up and have some dinner then Then get a good nights rest for tomorrow we all have a wedding to witness, said Alieta. They all headed into the palace but Alieta stopped Tempressa. So are you okay taking orders from Alexa? asked Alieta. You are not one to take orders from anyone. Well if you were with us and saw how she handled every situation we ran into on these quests and there were many of them, then you would understand. She is very smart and extreemly strong as such a small girl, said Tempressa. She is fearless and a natural leader yet she really doesn't just give orders to everyone. She makes a plan and it always makes the perfect sense and we always agree to what she came up with and she does it on the spot. She is special Alieta and I would trust her with my life. Well then, Alexa will be the leader of the team of heros, said Alieta. So how strong is she? Lets just say even Titus has nothing on her, said Tempressa with a smile then she walked into the palace. Okay Ginger you know what to do, right? asked Alieta. Yep one wedding party comming up, said Ginger. You know lots of people are going to want to come seeing there hasn't been a wedding in Fae Land for a very long time. Alieta smiled. So lets make it a good one then, said Alieta.

 In the morning they all got dressed up in very nice clothing that they found outside of the bedroom doors. They never looked so pretty and handson and felt like a million bucks. They all went down stairs and were instructed to go to the grand hall. An elf showed them the way and when they all entered they were shocked to see a beautiful large hall decorated with flowers and the walls were lined with gold trim. There must of been fifty people there also. They were told to go to the front where a table was reserved for them. In about ten minuites the wedding song started and Alieta appeared and stood at the front facing the crowd. She was glad in a beautiful gown that made her look even prettier. Then Tayio came out first and turned to see Oaklyn clad in a beautiful white gown, fit special for a centaur. Lovey girls were tossing rose peddals behide her as she headed towards the front. Oaklyn turned towards Tayio and took off her veil and saw the biggest smile on her husband to be's face that she had never seen before. All she could do was blush. Alieta then started the ceromony speach. I have known these two all of their lives and watched them play together and grow up together. Their freindship turned to love over time and now destiny has brought them before all of us to share their love with each other.

 Alieta turned to Tayio and asked "Do you take this woman to be your wife, to love for as long as you live"? and he replied yes I do. Then she turned to Oaklyn and asked her, "Do you take this woman to be your wife, to love for as long as you live"? She replied yes I do also. Alieta then called for the two ring bearers that had rings on two red velvet heart shaped pillows. These rings were beautiful. They were pure gold encircled with small diamonds. Alieta instructed Tayio the take the ring and place it on Oaklyn's finger then she turned to Oaklyn and instructed her to place the other ring on Tayio's finger. Then Alieta raised her arms high in the air and anounced, "By the power and the laws of Fae Land I now pronounce you husband and wife". She turned to Tayio and said, "You may kiss the bride". They gave each other a nice long kiss then everyone in the hall stood up and cheered while tossing flowers high into the air. Alieta walked off to join the other heros at the front table. At that moment Alexa stood up and approched the two of them and took out a small satin pouch she had been keeping hidded. She handed it to Tayio and said to both of them, "There are two large diamonds in this sack to make sure you two never fall on hard times". The two of them both bent down and gave Alexa a big hug. Alieta then told them that she had a gift for them also. Their is a big property in Eden that is having a big house built on in with special designs for a centaurs. But while my people work on that you must have your honeymoon so you may pick anywhere in The Land OF Fae that you would like to go and all expensives will be paid by the crown. Once again every one stood and cheered then Tayio and Oaklyn took there place at the front table and next came the seven course meal. All was well in the land that day!

The End



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