Dr Shadow Chapter 2


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The Plan

  In the morning Alieta put her coffee and breakfast off for a bit and had a sprite tell Alexa that she was needed at the palace and to wear her armor just incase. Ginger went into the dining room and wondered where Alieta was. She asked Cindy if she saw Alieta but she said that no one has been here yet. Maybe she slept in, Cindy. No Alieta never sleeps in, said Ginger. I bet she is getting Alexa to come here. In a couple of minutes Alieta came in and sat down. Coffee please and mushed up eggs with toast she said Cindy. Same for me, so you sent for Alexa, didn't you, said Ginger. Yep, she will figure a way to trap this shadow guy, said Alieta. Ya but it is Tuesday and the girls will be in school, said Ginger. Ya I know, let the two elves figure something for them to do, said Alieta. This is more important. So lets eat then go outside. Maybe Amelia will come around. Ya she said I was cuter than her. Am I really that cute? asked Ginger. You are to me and her, said Alieta then started eating her eggs. When they were done they both went out to the sundial. Okay, it is going to be a fairly nice day with some clouds, said Alieta. Maybe that will be helpful. Okay here comes Amelie, said Ginger. She landed beside them and said, "Nice gizzmo you have here, tells the time and looks like the weather too some how". Yes Mother Nature enhanced it for us, said Alieta. Oh so you know Mother Nature too? asked Amelie. Yep she is our friend. Okay why not, said Amelie. So tell me about this Alexa you mentioned last night. Well talk to her yourself, here she comes now, said Ginger. Okay good, said Amelie. Then she saw some one fly into the woods. Was that Ivy I just saw flying into the woods over their? Probably, said Alieta. She works in the cove every morning and controls all the magic from there. She controls magic too? What kind of forest sprite is she? asked Amelie. Oh a very special one, said Alieta. Alexa reached them and got off her horse. Okay I am here, so what is going on? asked Alexa. This is Alexa? She is so small, said Amelia. Alexa looked at her and said, "Ya I am Alexa, who and what are you"? she asked in an angry voice.

Okay sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, said Amelie. The way things are around here you can probabbly shoot lazer beams out of your eyes. Alieta laughted. Not quite but she could pick you up and throw you twenty feet, said Alieta. Okay I was close, said Amelie. Alexa this is Amelie and she is a Garson fairy that protects other fairies from danger and bad guys, said Alieta. Really a fighting fairy, how interesting, said Alexa. So why is she here? Well we met a very odd looking sorcerer last night that likes to capture fairies and make them slaves. Oh so she can fight this guy? Well yes I can but this paticular sorcerer is a shadow sorcerer and they are very hard to trap or fool, said Amelie. They can stay invisible and at any moment grab a fairy that is not inside a magic forest then take her away. You all have fairy princesses so that makes it even more dangerous for them. Okay so he is after our fairies then, said Alexa. Well yes, at least one anyways. Ivy gave him a big scare last night so he will grab and run now, said Amelie. Ivy did that, how? asked Alexa. Well she said you gave her a bracelet that made her translucent, said Amelie. He fired at her but the beam went right through her. While he was trying to figure out why she wasn't dead yet, Ivy grabbed his cane and struggled with him then she went crazy mad on him. Threw him down hard to the ground but before she could grab him again, he took off fast. Alexa smiled. I knew that bracelet would come in useful one day, said Alexa. Okay so I don't want to use a fairy as bait so is there anything else that may attract him? Well just something else that is very magical and can be captured, said Amelie. Hmm, I wonder, said Alexa. What about Tillia Alieta? asked Alexa. You know Tillia, oh what am I saying of coarse you do, said Amelie. You probably know the Ice Queen too, she said jokingly. Yep she is on my team, said Alexa. Really The Ice Queen lives here too. Well that does make a bit of sense seeing that you all are friends with her sister, said Amelie. This is one crazy place. Anyways, yes Tillia would be even a bigger temptation to Dr Shadow as he calls himself. He will not want her just the horn. Okay but we don't want Tillia to lose her horn incase something goes wrong, said Alexa. Well so long as Tillia has her companion on her or at least touching her. He can't take the horn. He probably doesn't know that, said Amelie. So does she have a companion? Yes, Sara is her companion, said Alexa. Sara, Ivy's sister, the super strong forest sprite? asked Amelie. Yep that is her, said Alexa. Ginger and Alieta were both enjoying this conversation between the two of them. Okay so what we need is a person that can be invisible and have a weapon that can kill, right? asked Alexa. Yes but where do we find such a person... Oh you have one don't you, said Amelie. Alexa smiled, Yep Ivy and Sara's best friend Viridian and they live together in the same house and Tillia has her own place to sleep in the backyard. Amelie shook her head once again, that is quite the house hold. So what do they call this place? asked Amelie. Fae Land, said Alieta. Hmm, sounds familar, said Amelie.

Okay well that may work then so long as he doesn't sense Viridian when she is invisible and doesn't move fast for her to bnlast him, said Alexa. Well yes he is very fast and can dodge energy beams from my wand, said Amelie. Your wand can kill? asked Alexa. Yep, turns what every it hits to dust, said Amelie. Wow, that is different, said Alexa. Well that plan may work seeing when Viridian is invisible she can see other beings that are invisible but they can't see her. The only thing is she can't grab this shadow guy like Ivy can when she is translucent. What I found odd was that I saw Ivy trying to get his staff away from him and the two of them put up quite a struggle over it until Ivy threw him down on to the ground then he disappeared. Why didn't he just disappear and leave when the were struggling. Must have something to do with that staff or Ivy being translucent and holding on to it, said Alexa. So we need Ivy too I would think. Will he come with Ivy there along Sara and Tillia seeing she scared him off already? Well it will take some time but the temptation will eventually make him sneak up while invisible and try to take the horn but he has to become visible for a moment and touch the horn with the end of his cane. Seeing it won't leave Tillia with Sara touching her he may stay visible a tiny bit longer before vanishing and leaving, said Amelie. Okay that will give Ivy enough time to go translucent then grab him again. Then what happens if we take the cane away from him? asked Alexa. Well pretty sure that will be hard to do, said Amelie. It is like my wand, it is part of him even when you don't see it. Well then Viridian will have to destroy it with her spear, said Alexa. Yes but he may be moving a round a lot tring to squirm out of Ivy's hold. Don't want to see Ivy get hurt, said Amelie. Well maybe I could help hold him too but we will figure that out when we get to that point, said Alexa. So we need Viridian ready for battle then Sara, Tillia and Ivy, said Alexa. Well hope they will want to help, said Alieta. Well if you every want to see a fairy any time soon again then you better hope they do, said Amelie. Alieta and Ginger looked at each other. Okay I will get them, said Alieta then she flew off towards the fairy forest. So tell me Amelie, when you saw Zan, it didn't look like you were excited to meet her and she wasn't that excited to see you either, said Ginger. Why is that? I like Zan and she Likes me but she thinks I am too serious and works too much for a fairy, said Amelie. She likes Keiko much better. And who is Keiko? asked Ginger. Oh you will see soon enough, she always shows up a bit after me trying to slow me down, said Amelie.


Alieta flew over to the fairy forest entrance then went to the cove where she saw Ivy and Sara working on the overviewer plus Tillia standing in the pool. There was Tulip plus a couple of other fairies flying above Tillia. "Ivy, Sara I need to talk to you. It is very important", said Alieta. They both flew over to Alieta and Tillia walked over to see what was going on. What is it? asked Ivy. Alexa is here and she has a plan to get that shadow sorcerer but we need both of you and Tillia to make it work, said Alieta. Now Tulip and Lilly, plus Lollypop flew over to listen. What is Alexa's plan? asked Ivy. Well we need to bait him but we don't want to put any of the fairies in danger, said Alieta. Now Amelie says that Tillia's horn is even more a temptation to him and will try to steal it. Sara looked at Tillia then said she didn't want Tillia to lose her horn to this guy. Well it is all we can think of right now, said Alieta. If we don't do what Alexa thought up then all the fairies may be stuck in the forest for a very long time. Sara looked at Tulip, Lilly and Lollipop and saw they had sad faces. Don't worry Sara. As long as you are on me or touching me, nothing can remove my horn. Besides even if I did lose it, the horn grows back in a few days, said Tillia. Sara looked at Ivy. Well it is up to you Sara, your her compainion. Sara looked at Alieta then Tillia that smiled at her then back to Alieta. Okay, if it is Alexa's plan then it will work, said Sara. Good, said Alieta. Head out to the palace grounds. We also need Viridian so Ivy can you get her in full armour and weapon? Yep, Viridian is the best, said Ivy then she flew off. Okay see you two there, said Alieta then flew out of the forest also.



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