Dr Shadow Chapter 4


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Art Class

Alexa rushed home to get changed then headed out to the school. When she got there she found the girls all sitting at their desks with one elf trying to teach them a lesson. So how are things going? asked Alexa. Well not sure, said the elf. I didn't see you here and these four girls were just sitting here nice and quiet so I figured something was up so I tried teaching them something. Oh okay that sounds good, said Alexa. Well these girls are really smart. I started reading lessons and asking questions from this book that was on the desk and they got every question right, said the elf. Let me see that book, said Alexa. She handed Alexa the book. Well this is the grade two book. We finished that one already. We are on the grade three book now, said Alexa. Oh okay that explains things, sorry said the elf. No problem. It was a good review for them, said Alexa. So grade three already and it hasn't been two weeks yet. You must be an amazing teacher, said the elf. I guess, said Alexa. Well it will be lunch time soon so do your thing then send them for lunch, said the elf. The art room is ready for you now also. Oh good, that should be fun for them, said Alexa. Then the elf left. So everyone I am back now so how is everyone doing? asked Alexa. Okay, but she taught us the same stuff you did, very easy teacher, said Sakura. Well you should of told her you were in the grade three book now. Oh didn't think of that, said Nessie. So were you on an adventure, did you get the bad guys? asked Sakura. Well yes it was a kind of adventure but it was just one bad guy but Ivy and Sara got him the most, said Alexa. Wow the two sisters, bet they were awesome together, said Sakura. I don't have a sister though, I have these three friends though. You can be my sister, said Nessie, mine too, said Fettie, me too, said Setta. Okay now I have sisters, said Sakura. Wow that was fast and easy, do you have any sisters Alexa? Alexa laughed. It is funny how the four of you just made yourselves family. Well no I don't have a sister but lots of friends, said Alexa. Do you want to be our sister too, asked Nessie. She can't be are sister silly, she is our teacher, said Sakura. Oh ya, I forgot, said Nessie.

Okay everyone it is lunch time and after lunch we are going to the art room that is ready for us now, said Alexa. Yeah they all cheered then ran out for lunch. Okay I better have something too, I missed breakfast this morning, Alexa thought to herself. After lunch time was over, the elf led everyone to the art room. Wow, smells funny in here, said Nessie. Yes that is the paint girls, now Alexa can set things up the way she likes, said the elf. The easels have been set up for your height. So have fun everyone and call if you need me, I am just down the hall. Then the elf left. Okay girls, first have a look around and see where everything is. Check out the drawers over there and the table over here with the different colours of paint in the tray that we have to work with. Okay they all said then started to wander around. After it looked like they all figured out where everything was. Alexa told them to pick an easel. They all got in front of a easel then Alexa passed out some pencil drawing tools to then all. Now what does everyone want to try and draw first, asked Alexa. I don't no, they all said at once. Alexa smiled. Okay lets start with something easy, said Alexa. Does everyone know what grapes look like? asked Alexa. Yep green round fruit, said Fettie. Okay start drawing with the pencil then colour it in. It is okay if you all copy each other. This is just for practice. Okay they said and started drawing. Alexa watched them and saw they kept on checking each other's work which was good seeing the main purpose of this exercise was to get them used to standing up and using an easel. When they were done Alexa had a look at their drawings. Well very good everyone. Close to the same picture just slightly different colours of green grapes. Alexa saw these four girls did very good for their first drawing and had no problem standing up to draw either.

Okay now lets try something harder this time. Grapes was very easy for all of you. You all have seen the fairies so think of one that may be your favorite then try and draw her. This time there is no copying. Use the pencil first then this time you are going to use paint to colour it in instead of crayons. Now take your time, there is no race plus you don't have to finish it today, said Alexa. They all started to think then slowly each one of them started to draw. Alexa kept walking to each girl and showing them a few things to make the drawing look a bit better. All and all these girls were drawing the fairies they liked most and you could easily see who it was, especially Sakura that picked Tulip to draw. The elf came in and asked how they were doing. Look for yourself, said Alexa. She looked at the drawings and couldn't believe how good they were. My I can't even draw like that, she said. Ya me neither, said Alexa. They must have a natural talent for art. Well the fairy nymphs create new plants and flowers from their own imagination so maybe that has something to do with it, said the elf. Ya that might be for them three but look at Sakura's drawing of Tulip and not an easy pose either. It is almost perfect, said Alexa. Yes I saw that. She is the one that is made up of a bunch of different types of Fae, right? asked the elf. Yes she is, that must be it then, said Alexa. Well class ends in twenty minutes so leave your self time for clean up. Looks like they are going to have to wash their hands and faces too. My they are so cute, said the elf then left. Alexa let them work for another ten minutes then got them to stop and put their pencils and crayons they used back where they got them. Okay now go to the washroom and clean your hands and faces then that will be it for the day, said Alexa. Okay they all said and ran out of the art room except for Sakura that asked if she was drawing okay. Yes you are doing very good, Sakura. You picked Tulip and in a very hard pose too. Ya she is very important to the other fairies plus she always offers me ice cream when I have finished my supper. Yes that would make her my favorite too, said Alexa. Oh she is not my favorite. I like them all the same. Tulip just has better taste in clothing, said Sakura then went to get cleaned up. Alexa thought for a moment. They all wear the same outfits, so what does she mean I wonder. The elf came back in and took another look at the girls work. Just amazing she said. Sakura said that Tulip had the best taste in clothing but they all wear the same outfit, said Alexa. Ya except Tulip has the pinkish red coloured outfit. At least closest to pink than all the others, said the elf. Alexa smiled, okay I get it now, she said. I am not sure if they should colour them, they look great like that, said Alexa. Well maybe, it is your class but I bet they will look even better in colour. Look at these drawings. Shaded in, even backgrounds and wands. These girls got something magical going on when it comes to art, said the elf. Ya your right, they will probably want to colour them in anyways, said Alexa. Okay I am off said the elf, see you tomorrow.  Alexa took one more look before leaving. My students draw better than me, I hope they don't get smarter than me too.


  Back at the palace Ivy and Pippa left the woods then went back to see Alieta. Tulip and Lilly were there now also looking very happy it was safe for them again. Ivy walked over to Sara and Tillia that were sitting on the grass. Pippa went over to Alieta and Ginger, and asked if everything Ivy told Tara and Avan was true about grabbing and throwing the shadow sorcerer down on the ground last night then doing the same today and Sara ripped the guys hand off. Yep that was what happened, said Alieta. Well she really impressed those two in the woods. Now I only got Ivy mad at me once and she just gave me the cold shoulder. Best I don't get her mad again, said Pippa. Alieta smiled. Ivy would never harm you Pippa, you know that. I know but better safe then sorry. Man she threw a sorcerer to the ground and still tried to grab him again. That takes guts, said Pippa. Well Mother Nature told me a while ago that a forest sprite can get very scary looking when threatened or mad. It is a defense mechanism and they can become quite dangerous. Ya like I said better safe than sorry, said Pippa. Well you should be more worried about Sara but she wouldn't hurt you either, said Alieta. Tvy and Sara walked over to Alieta and Pippa. I still can't get the sight of that hand out of my head. You know the fingers were still moving a bit, said Sara. Then Viridian slicing him up. Yuk! Well that is nothing, said Alieta. The team has done a lot worst things to demons and creatures. That reminds me, said Ivy. I need to start reading Alieta's books. You know Fawn reads them and knows more about the teams adventures than I do and she barely knows them all. Well sure just go down to the library. All the books that have been writen so far are there. Just ask the librarian where they are. Okay, said Ivy then went in the palace. Well good to see she is taking a interest in Alexa's team, some really good stories in them books and some very scary too, said Alieta. Ya I know, said Ginger, but the good thing is they always win one way or another. Yes they do Ginger and lets hope it stays that way, said Alieta. Okay here comes the other fairies. Time to eat, said Alieta. To think we almost lost them for a while making food for us. Wish we could do something for them. Well Ivy, Sara and Viridian just did, said Ginger. They never ask for anything but to be with everyone and have fun. It is the fairy way of life, said Ginger. Yes it is and it is a very good life too, said Alieta.

The End



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