Fantasy Forest Trouble Chapter 2


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Fantasy Forest Is Crashing

Ivy and Sara were both watching the overviewer making sure the new fantasy forest was getting enough magic to keep it stable. Well that is all the beacon tree can send to that area, said Ivy. I may be new at this but to me I think this is not going to work, said Sara. Well everything is still green and looks fine, said Ivy. Not anymore, said Sara. What does it mean when spots keep changing back and forth from green to red? What let me have a look, said Ivy. Ivy looked down at the overviewer and noticed that some spots seem to be fading in and out from green to red. I am not sure but I think that is not good, said Ivy. So what will happen if not enough magic is there and more red shows up? asked Sara. Well basically the forest will begin to die and the entire location will crash and go back to just dirt, said Ivy. That is sad to see trees dying, said Sara. How do all the trees way over there and that small woods not far from the north town stay growing okay? asked Sara. Well they grew naturally and Pippa also has pixies go out every night to spread pixie dust around to keep everything growing healthy, said Ivy. So maybe Pippa can get some pixies to fly over this forest too, said Sara. Their pixie dust may help some. Ivy looked up at Sara. Your a genus, Sara, That may just work, said Ivy. What does genus mean? asked Sara. It means you are very smart, said Ivy. Oh, I know that, said Sara. Let me call Pippa and see what she thinks, said Ivy. Pippa, are you busy? Pippa showed up a minute latter. Never for you Ivy, what's up? Well this new fantasy forest that Tulip and the other fairies made yesterday may be too big for the amount of magic we can get there and maintain it. I was thinking, actually Sara came up with the idea that if it had pixie dust there also, that would be a big help, said Ivy. Oh so can pixies live in that new forest? asked Pippa, we could use the extra room. Well maybe but only if that will work and it is safe, said Ivy. Can you come with me and look at it and see if they would actually live there? asked Ivy. Yep, sure can, lets go, said Pippa. You keep your eye on the overviewer Sara and try to keep moving magic to the forest. Okay I will try, said Sara then Ivy and Pippa took off to the new forest. Guen saw them leave and wondered where they were going. What is going on she asked Sara. Looks like the new fantasy forest is crashing, said Sara. She went to the overviewer and saw the big new green area on the screen that was flickering a bit. Wow that looks too big. I better go and have a look for myself, said Guen then took off after them.

Guen caught up to them and said she saw that there is a problem with the new forest. Yep, we need to look at it, said Ivy. It is unstable right now but I have a plan. Hope it is a good one, said Guen because as is now it will not be there for much longer. Ya I know, said Ivy. They reached the forest and Guen saw how big it was. My goodness, I think they over did it, said Guen. Ya but look at this place. It is amazing, said Ivy. Pippa bent down and got a handful of water. She tasted it and said the water is fine. Good that is a start, said Guen. The way they built this place was genius, and made to endure the elements out here in the open. The bad thing is that normally when an over build is done, I would just take away some of it so that less magic was needed but can't do that with this. Why not? asked Pippa. Because it is completely uniform and surrounded by rock cliffs. They must of all took different sides and started creating, moving in slowly to the center. Take down one part and the rest will come crashing down probably. Well Tulip told me that it grew like this by itself, said Ivy. What do you mean by that? asked Guen. Well they just raised the ground around the pond then began to build things and plant some trees but suddenly when they were about to leave it just began to grow bigger and trees came out of nowhere and that waterfall over there, they didn't make it either. I see, so Pippa said that water tasted good which means it has very little magic in it, said Guen. That waterfall is coming from a natural source so what ever underground water coming from Eden creating these ponds is being diluted. The only way of keeping the magic strong enough here is for my girls to come back every day and bring the magic back up again with their wands. Okay that makes sense but why did it grow so big by itself, asked Pippa. Not completely sure but some kind of magic overload similar to what happened to the fairy forest but there is no cove in here to control the forest nor is there strong enough magic in the pond to create one. So what is your plan Ivy, Sara said you had one? asked Guen.

Well pixie dust is the answer I think, said Ivy. If Pippa can get enough new pixies to come to this forest then it should do the trick. How many new pixies come each day? asked Guen. Oh about a hundred, said Pippa. Not near enough, said Guen. We need five times that many here as soon as possible. See look over there. That tree just fell over. Yikes, said Pippa. I got to go. This forest is too amazing to let it crumble, then Pippa flew off like a flash. Tulip and Lollipop entered the cove and wondered why Sara was just here looking at the overviewer. Is there something wrong? asked Tulip. Yep have a look, said Sara. Oh no, said Tulip. What? asked Lollipop. Look there, that big green spot is flickering and red dots are beginning to show up everywhere on the fantasy forest, said Tulip. It shouldn't be doing that. And it looks like Ivy has no more magic from Eden to bring to it. So what does that mean? asked Lollypop. Everything is going to crash and eventually turn to dirt. We must of done something wrong, said Tulip that now looked sad and worried. Pippa flew in fast and said get all the fairies to the new forest now. That forest you all built is beautiful but it is going to crumble soon and we don't want to loose it. Get there and break out those wands and start adding magic everywhere and your fairy dust too. I have all the pixies going there now to help save it. Pixies love forests so we won't let it die. Then Pippa took off. Okay then there is hope. Lets get the rest of us and get to work, said Tulip then they took off.

In a few minutes Ivy looked up and said look! Look at what? asked Guen. Pixies and lots of them everywhere. I don't see them, said Guen. Ya you will, I feel them, said Ivy. In a few moments the pixies started to get bigger and were flying every where dropping pixie dust like they did when Pippa was hurt in the palace a while back. I see them now, said Guen. Ya and there are my kids too, said Guen. Pippa came down and said, "I brought help. This forest will not die on my watch!" So how many pixies did you get? asked Guen. All of them, said Pippa. How many are all of them? asked Guen. Not sure, maybe three thousand or four thousand, said Pippa, I don't keep count anymore, said Pippa with a smile. Three thousand! There are that many pixies in Fae Land? asked Guen. Yep, probably more though, said Pippa. How did you get this many pixies here in just a few minutes? asked Guen. Easy I just told my friends that the fairies made a new forest for us but they need our help to make it stay, said Pippa. I called it the Pixie Fantasy Forest. Pixies have never had an entire forest named after them before. Look the water is getting a darker blue, said Ivy. That means lots of magic is in the water again, said Guen. Yes I can feel it, said Ivy. The magic is growing fast. Ya me too, said Guen. This is going to work, at least for now. How many do you think will stay here? asked Guen. Oh probably half of them, said Pippa. Really, why do you think that? asked Guen. Well look at this place for one there is lots of open space to fly around in plus hundreds of trees all over the place. A pixie may not be as good as forest sprites for taking care of a forest or as magical as a fairy but there are a lot more of us, said Pippa. Pixies have brought a dying forest back to life all by our selves. Guen started to laugh. You clever little devil. You sure do make an excellent queen! said Guen. Well Ivy loves trees and I just don't want to see her cry again so I had to do something fast, said Pippa. Ivy went up to Pippa and gave her a big kiss on the mouth. You are the best Pippa. Wow that is the first time she has ever kissed me, said Pippa. Hugs yes but a kiss, that means she is super happy with me. Guen started laughing again. You two are so funny. The magic of Fae Land runs in both of your blood. Ivy flew around a bit and checked on all the areas and saw that everything was looking great. Then came back down. Tulip came down with some of the other girls and said sorry to Guen, we must of done something wrong. Well dear, actually you all did everything the way you were taught. You didn't know that a waterfall would dilute the ponds plus that magic burst causing the expansion. How just four of you were able to start it I am not sure but look, you did it somehow and now the pixies are moving here to live, said Guen. Really, they are going to stay? asked Tulip. Yep but the forest name is now The Fantasy Pixie Forest, said Pippa. Cool, said Tulip. That is even a better name for it. Do you think people will come now with all these pixies living here? asked Tulip. You watch dear. They will come far and wide just to see one pixie, said Guen. Here there will be tons of them nutty pixies everywhere. I think they will love being a big part of the attraction. Yep they will. Us pixies love to have fun and this is going to be a very fun place to visit, said Pippa.

After about an hour Pippa saw that the pixies were getting tired so she got them all to rest and told them that they save their forest. So how many of you want to live here for good? asked Pippa. Most of us do said one of the pixies. Lots of room and food to eat. There is even sugar canes growing all over the place. Ya that was my idea, said Misty. I love natural sugar cane! Okay then, the rules have changed for now, said Pippa. All new pixies go to the west woods and fairy forest until it starts getting crowed there again but that will take a long time. Keep in mind that this forest is public which means anyone can come inside. Make sure you don't scare them away, said Pippa. Are you kidding, said one pixie. Let them come, more people to play with and if they don't know how to play we will teach them. Ya we got this Pippa, don't worry, said another pixie. Okay everyone I have an appointment at Ktara's place, said Ivy. Really what are you going to do there? asked Pippa. She is teaching me to cook, said Ivy. Ya right, you cook, no way, said Pippa. Yep you will see, I can do it, said Ivy. I just have to get over the fire thing. Pippa thought for a second. You know Ivy I bet you will make a great cook. Go for it girl! Okay bye everyone and thanks for saving the forest plus enjoy your new home, said Ivy. Then Ivy flew off. So Ivy is the queen right, said one pixie to another. No stupid Pippa is our queen. Well Ivy is queen of the forest and we live here now so to me that means we have two queens now. Yep I guess so, lucky us, said the pixie.



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