The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

Fantasy Forest Trouble Chapter 1


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The next day Alexa and Diego rode out to Eden to have a look around and see if there was a nice place to build a new home if they ever decided to move. They found a lot of nice spots that had lots of space available but Alexa was still concerned about disturbing the plant life in Eden. Alieta was in the dining room with Ginger making plans for Ivy's birthday that was in a couple of days. The two of them both had some great ideas for a nice private party on the palace grounds like Alexa had yesterday. Jessica had some elves that she used and paid to deliver her candies to the stores that she had orders for. She figured when it came to Alieta's order, she would deliver them herself seeing she only ordered a few boxes at a time. She then started to make plans and get costs for having a nice comfy hot tub in her back yard that she was keeping secret from Jazmen. It seemed that no one in Fae Land did that kind of work or even knew what one was so a trip to Cumberland was needed so off she flew. Ivy was very excited about learning how to cook with Ktara and stopped by her place before going to the cove. Ktara told her that she had to learn a few things about how the wood stove worked first then they could start with something simple. Two o'clock would be a good time to get started and Ivy agreed then flew off to work in the cove. Now Ktara had to figure out what would be simple but still very tasty that Ivy would like and keep her interested in cooking. She knew little of what Ivy liked to eat other than ice cream dishes and sweets so she walked over to Viridian's place to ask what she gave Ivy other than ice cream that she really liked...

 What Ivy Likes

Ktara started over to see Viridian but also noticed that a few pineapples were ready to be harvested so she grabbed one and brought it with her. Once there they both sat in the kitchen and Ktara offered Viridian the pineapple. Thanks Ktara, I love them. I usually just buy the ones at the store that are already cored and skin removed. Ktara smiled. Ya those are okay but they add sugar to them plus fresher is better, said Ktara. Let me show you how to peel it first, said Ktara. She grabbed a long serrated knife then put the pineapple on it's side then cut the top and bottom off. Then turned the pineapple upright and proceeded to remove the outer skin just deep enough so that there was no green left showing on the fruit of the pineapple. She did about a third of it then told Viridian to give it a try. Okay, she said and took the knife. Now go slowly and watch closely as you move the knife back and forth while pushing down on it, said Ktara. The first slice was a bit too thick but after that she pretty much figured it out and peeled the rest of the fruit. So how do we get the core out? asked Viridian. Well the producers and packers of pineapples use a special tool to give us them perfect rings but we don't have one so instead I make half rings, said Ktara. She cut the pineapple exactly in half length wise then asked for a smaller knife with a nice sharp point on it. She showed Viridian how she sliced beside the core on each side of it then used the knife on the top and bottom of the core pushing down. The core just fell out onto the counter. Okay you do the other half now, said Ktara and handed her the knife. Okay she said and started to do as Ktara did. This time the core didn't just fall out. That is okay, said Ktara. Just run the knife along the side cuts you made again and pull it out with your fingers. It worked and Viridian smiled and said I did it! Now you can leave it like that and wrap it tight for keeping cold in the ice box or cut it into slices what ever thickness you want, said Ktara. I make juice with it so I leave it in halves until I am ready to use it. Good idea but lets have a slice each first, said Viridian then cut off two pieces.

Viridian wrapped the rest and put it in the ice box. Now what I came over for was to find out what Ivy liked to eat other than ice cream, said Ktara. Oh she likes lots of things, said Viridian. Spaghetti is one she really likes plus vegetable soups and some stews. Fish and potato wedges also. Why do you ask? Well Jessica talked her into trying to cook and told her it was fun so Ivy agreed to try as long as I would teach her, said Ktara. Really, but she won't go near the wood stove when it is on, said Viridian. Ya I know but she still wants to learn so I told her the stove was safe and she just needed to learn how to use it, said Ktara. Well good luck. You would have better luck with Sara. Nothing seems to scare that girl, said Viridian with a smile. Ya she is fearless it seems but Ivy is the one I have to work with, said Ktara. First I figure some lessons about the stove and show her how to light it, said Ktara. Viridian smiled, that I would like to see. Well she has to learn. Fire can be good also, said Ktara. Well she won't even sit close to a camp fire so good luck with a match or candle. Even the candles here I have to light and blowout. Probably why she goes to bed just before it gets dark and gets up at first light. She doesn't even have any candles in her room, said Viridian. Oh boy, this might be harder than I thought, said Ktara. Well make spaghetti first. That is easy to boil water and stir the noodles, said Viridian. Ya but first we have to make the sauce and that will be fun for her I hope but I will battle through it, said Ktara. Okay got to get ready for her at two o'clock. We will make enough for your supper too. It seems she really wants to help you out by cooking sometimes. Well I love cooking also but that is very sweet of her to want to help. Hope she does a good job, said Viridian. Oh I will make sure it is good, don't worry about that, said Ktara and then headed back home.

Hot Tub Shopping

Jessica reached Cumberland's main town where most of the stores were located. She looked around and saw lots of food and furniture stores but no stores that sold hot tubs. She tried the next street and found that this street had mostly clothing and linen shops on it. Hmm, it seems like this town has some order to it, she though to herself. She decided to ask someone to speed her search up. A man stopped and said, "It looks like you are lost. Can I help you?" Yes you can and I am not really lost just cannot find what I am looking for, said Jessica. And what might that be dear? he asked politely. Oh I am wanting to put a hot tub in my back yard, said Jessica. I was thinking a swimming pool at first but changed my mind to something smaller and easier to take care of. Good thinking, he said. Pools take a lot of work to maintain and can attract people that say they are your friend but really they just want to use your pool. Jessica smiled. You are probably right, she said. So is there a place that makes or sells them in Cumberland? Yes there is but there is very little call for them around here, said the man. Too many trees and the leaves end up in the water all of the time. Are you from Cumberland? I have never seen you here before. No I live in Fae Land, not to far from the palace, said Jessica. Nice, such a beautiful place though we are part of Fae Land also but no where near as pretty as your part of Fae Land, he said. Now just go to the very end of this street and you will see a big store that sells swimming pools and accessories. You can't miss it and the main sales girl is a sprite like you. Really, said Jessica, well thank you sir and off she walked in order to see the other shops on the street. Such a pretty sprite, we don't see many of them here anymore, he said to himself.

After passing by a few stores that she wouldn't mind going in the next time she came to Cumberland, she got to the big swimming pool store and walked inside. There were a lot of above ground pools all set up on display and a entire section with accessories and water treatment chemicals. So far she could see no hot tubs. A pretty sprite came up to her and asked if she could help her with anything. Yes you can, said Jessica. I am looking to buy a hot tub but don't see any in here yet. Nice, I love a good hot tub, said the sales girl. Much better than a pool but don't tell the owner that, said the sprite. Well we have one on display over here in the corner. It is my favorite too. So you have a hot tub? asked Jessica. You bet I do and I spend a lot of time in it when I am not working. Now this one says it can fit ten people in it but if you are like me and love to spread out your legs out then eight at the most is better. Well that is perfect, said Jessica. I was thinking eight myself but just me and my room mate will use it most of the time. She is the general of the winged army and could use a good hot soaking after work. Oh you live with Jazmen? Then you must be Jessica the candy lady, she said with excitement. Yep that is me, said Jessica. I love your candies. Even though the stores are pretty far away from Cumberland I can get there pretty fast and buy a bunch of boxes to bring back and sell some to my friends, said the sprite. Now back to the hot tub. Do you like this round style or would you like it either square or oval? I like this one right here, said Jessica. Ya me too, said the sprite. Now we have one in boxes in the back room. Oh so I have to put it together myself? asked Jessica. Oh no, the price includes installing. Maybe I will come with them and test it out with you and show you the best ways of doing the up keep of it, said the sprite. That sounds like a deal, said Jessica. So what is your name? If we are going to be relaxing in a hot tub together. It is Daisy, very nice to meet you and do business with you also. So how long before I can get this set up? asked Jessica. Oh a few days probably, said Daisy. They inspect all the parts first before delivering it. Oh good, it is Ivy's birthday in two days so that would be nice to have the next day to relax in, said Jessica. I know Ivy, I see her in the stores some times when I go shopping in Fae Land. We talk all the time. She is so sweet and so very very pretty too. She said she is a queen now. Is that true? asked Daisy Yes it is. Alieta made her queen of the forest and plants but just in Fae Land, not in Cumberland, said Jessica. Well wish her a happy birthday for me please, said Daisy. Okay I will. I got to go know. I have to go back to work now, said Jessica and she left. Odd she never asked how much the tub was. I guess the candy lady has lots of money, Daisy thought to herself. Well that sale will be good enough for today. Time to go soak in my tub and relax for the rest of the day after I get the paper work done.



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