The Mysterious Portal  Chapter 2


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The Two Sisters Arrive

In a few minutes Ginger came out of the palace and sat on the steps beside Mika. Hi Mika, nice to meet, said Ginger. I had to go to my room and change out of my bikini. It was very hot today and spent most of the day in Sandy Lake. So today I am going to just fill you in about what you should expect here in Fae Land. You have barely met anyone here yet so I will start with the palace gang that will come over one by one except for Phonixa and Repellia. They usally hang out together seeing they are very pretty human twin sisters and live in the palace. They are very girly girly like. Zan usually hangs out with Tara and Avan and there is the newcomer Rose that is the daughter of Quazar plus Miyo another human girl that sings beautifully. The books I read didn't mention any of those people except Zan and the twins, said Mika. well it was designed to introduce you to Fae Land and just some of the main people here, said Ginger. From what Alieta told me just a few books were left for you to read. Plus the latest people to come here haven't been written yet. Well I read about Phonixa and Repellia, they are supposed to be very pretty. So tell me about Quazar and Rose first, said Mika. Well Quazar is the king of the overlords and is in charge of keeping the universe in order. He is a big guy with wings and looks a bit like a handsome demon. He hooked up with a pretty human girl once and she gave birth to Rose that is what we call a Demi God. She is very powerful from what Quantum told us but Rose is all good so she won't hurt anyone here. So does she look like a demon also? asked Mika. Not at all, said Ginger. She is quite attractive and she is only twenty years old. The two sisters imediately befriended her and said she looked like a goth girl what ever that is. Oh that is a girl that dresses in black and dies her hair black plus wears black makeup on her face, said Mika. Well that is Rose alright, said Gnger. Just then Phonixa and Repellia came over. Wow Phonixa, look at her, she is really cute!

Oh good, can the two of you keep Mika company while I go inside and check on the kitchen staff please? asked Ginger. Yep, no problem, said Phonixa. We want to talk to her anyways. Ginger got up and went back into the palace. So Mika, I am Phonixa and this is my sister Repellia. Stand up so we can have a good look at you please. Mika stood up for them. Wow, she is really cute, said Repellia. Cute, she is gorgeous, said Phonixa. Prettiest elf I have ever seen except for Ginger of coarse. Mika smiled. Well you two are very beautiful too and you are right Ginger is very sexy looking, said Mika. So you have had sex before? asked Phonixa. Us two are still virgins. We tried with our boyfriends once when we went camping but their parents put an end to that fast. Oh I don't have sex yet. Don't want to get pregnant, said Mika. It is nice to go on dates though. Ya we like to go dancing with them and having them pay for dinner. They are really nice to us, said Phonixa. So what is Granada like? No one here would tell us anything about it. It is like the place is a big secret, said Repellia. Okay, well Granada is a country with very few rules. There is no violence there are mostly girls there, said Mika. We have a few nude beaches but most of us like to wear sexy bikinis. The best part about Granada is there are tons of stores and shopping malls. Anything you can possibly want can be found there though some stuff is very expensive. Really, we love to go shopping, said Repellia. Of coarse all girl love shopping, said Mika. People like to go to the malls juat to hang out most of the tome and meet people, at least us younger girls do. Wow, no wonder no one told us about this country. We would of wanted to go with Ivy also, said Phonixa. Actually you have it way better here in my opinion, said Mika. No tall skyscrapers blocking out the sun and you have to watch were you walk or you may get hit by a car plus everything is expensive, at heast the good stuff is. Alieta told me that things are very affordable here. Ya food and clothes are cheep here and if you take Ginger with you shopping she gets the best deals and discounts. Really, I will keep that in mind, said Mika.

 Okay, you are definately going to belong to our group with Rose and Miyo, said Repellia. When you get your own place we will come and visit, said Repellia. Oh here comes Tara and Avan. Have you seen them yet? asked Phonixa. No but I heard they dress sexy. Sexy, they may as well be wearing nothing and they are super pretty once you get used to their wings and tail. You stay here and we will go get Rose and Miyo. They both headed into the palace as Phonixa waved at the two she devils as they passed over them. Mika looked up and saw they were headed straight for her. Tara and Avan landed very close to her which frightened Mika. Well hello Mika. You don't have to be scared of us, said Tara. What do you think Avan, does she look like anything Gabriel told us? Well she is very pretty, said Avan. Very pretty for an elf. Ya But I am still prettier, said Tara. What do you mean, we are twins, said Avan. Ya but I have nicer hair. No you don't, what do you think Mika? asked Avan. Umm you both are very pretty for what ever you are, said Mika. Bith Avan and Tara smiled at Mika. So I take it no one has told you about us yet, said Tara. Nope I only had three books to read back home. Well we are she devils but not the bad kind, said Avan. God created us to kill all the evil devils and demons. Only us tow can kill them which makes us the most powerful beings on the planet. Pretty cool don't you think. Yes very cool so you don't hurt people like me? asked Mika. Nope, it os not allowed but why would we want to hurt a pretty girl like you, said Tara. Will you stip hitting on Mika, she just got here, said Avan. I am not hotting on her, maybe just flirting some but I flrt with everyone, said Tara. Mike smiled. You two are funny and definately act like sisters, said Mika. Ya we hear that a lot from people, said Avan. So how did you like Phonixa and Repellia? They were very nice and very easy on the eyes, said Mika. They went on the palace to get Rose and Myka. Ya they are very new here like you, said Tara. Myka can sing and dance like pixie Ginger and Rose is cute also but has very powerful magic in her because her father is an overlord. Well my stepsister will be here soon but she is like a real sister to me, said Mika. Yep your Layla will be here tomorrow morning. Sapphire will bring her here, said Avan. Is she pretty like you? I guess so, she is older than me some and has nice long blonde hair, said Mika. Sounds nice then, we will look forward to meeting her also, said Avan. Anyways we need to stretch our wings some, so nice talking to you said Tara then they flew off. Wow it is going to take some time getting used to this place but should be a lot of fun, thought Mika. 

 Mika saw Ginger walking over with a horse so she waved at her. Hello again, said Ginger. So you have met the two sisters and I saw you with Avan and Tara. I hope they didn't scare you too much. No not really. They just landed real close to me, that's all. Ya they like to make an entrance, said Ginger. They are very nice though as I figure you found out. Yep and funny, are they really that powerful? asked Mika. Yep they sure are, nothing more powerful anywhere said Ginger. Now do you know how to ride a horse. Nope, never been on one, said Mika. Well you will have to learn. I will teach you tomorrow. You will be staying at Jazmen's and Jessica's place until we get the home for you and your sister ready. Just rhen Myka and Rose came out. Hi Ginger, Phonixa told us to come out and meet Mika, they said she was really nice, said Myko. Yes she is so hurry up and say your hellos because we have to get over to Jessica's place where she will be staying for a bit, said Ginger. Oh that is okay then, we can always talk later, said Miyo. Is she staying in Fae Land. Yes I am along with my sister, said Mika. Awesome, always good to have more friends, said Miyo. Okay now jump up on the horse and I will take you to Jessica's place, said Ginger. But there is no saddle, said Mika. Oh we don't burden the horses with heavy saddles, said Ginger. We all ride bare back. It is fun and it feels good. You will see. Ginger boosted Mika up on the horse and then she jumped on and started to ride off but Mika almost fell off. Hang on tight Mika, I see your are going need a few lessons, said Ginger then rode off to Jessica's place.

When they got to Jessica and Jazmen's house. Ginger jumped off the horse then helped Mika down. Wow, this is a big place, said Mika. Yep, Jessica makes a very good living selling her candies and Jazmen makes a good wage also as the General of Fae Land's army, said Ginger. Ginger knocked on the door and Jessica let them in. Okay Jessica here is Mika and she will be staying with you two until their place is ready, said Ginger. Ya okay, Jazmen filled me in. I have her bedroom all set up for her, said Jessica. Good, so I have to get back to the palace so get aquainted and show her around, said Ginger and she left. Well hello Mika, nice to meet you, said Jessica. Nice to meet you too, said Mika. It smells so nice in here. Ya that is me making some candies all the time, said Jessica. Most of them are made in my candy factor but I still like to make some here just for fun and to keep them on hand all the time. Would you like to try a few? Ya, sure would, said Mika. Jessica grabbed a box and handed it to Mika. Mika opened it and took a few out then gave her back the box. Go ahead try one, said Jessica. Just suck on them slowly. Mika smiled then put one in her mouth. Wow these are fantastic, said Mika. Kind of sweet and sour plus fruity flavored. Yep everyone loves them, said Jessica. I'll leave the box on the table incase you want more.

So lets go upstairs and I will show you the room you will be sleeping in, said Jessica. It is nothing fancy seeing it is just a guest room but it will do you for a few days and it has a double bed in it so your sister can stay in there with you when she comes tomorrow. Okay, that will be fine, said Mika. They headed up the stairs to the spare bedroom. Okay here it is, said Jessica. Like I said, nothing fancy. Looks fine to me, said Mika. The bed is about the same size as mine back home. Between Layla and myself we have a ton of clothes. After our parents died they left us a million dollars each plus the house so we really didn't need much except clothes is something a girl can always buy and use. Shoes too but we are not bringing all of them, said Mika. Just sandals and a pair of sneakers will do here. Ya most everyone here goes barefoot except for the humans, though the women are barefoot more often now, said Jessica. Well we can live out of our suit cases for now, said Mika. No use unpacking them then repacking them again in a few days. Good, so can we sit and talk a bit. I'd like to know more about you. Jazmen was very short at telling me about you two. She just said that you two were very pretty and come from a land in a different reality and was very advanced. You can imagin that a person would like to know more. Mika giggled. Ya I can see that. Okay ask me what ever you like. The two of them sat beside each other on the end of the bed.

First thing in the morning, Layla and Sapphire showed up on the palace grounds with several suit cases. Ginger walked over to greet them. Good morning you two, said Ginger. So you are Mika's sister. Very nice to meet you and welcome to Fae Land. My name is Ginger and I will be filling you in with the do's and dont's here. I kinda did that already while we were packing all these suit cases, said Sapphire.That's a lot of stuff you have there, said Ginger. Ya it is mostly clothes, said Layla. Mika said that everyone here usually walks around barefoot so most of the shoes we left behind. Okay that is true, said Ginger. Now just for a recap then. The two main rules are no going topless but nude sun bathing and skinny dipping at the lakes and beaches are allowed but just watch for children. Best you go to Sandy Lake were no young ones go. Ya Sapphire told me already and that is fine with me, said Layla. Now you will be staying at Jazmen and Jessica's place until your home is ready, said Ginger. I'll have a few elves bring these suit cases there for you. Ya I told Layla that there are lots of stores here where she could buy new ones seeing the two of them have lots of money, said Sapphire. That is something I have to figure out yet. What does two million dollars look like in gold or gems? They all use paper money over there. Wow, that sounds like a lot, said Ginger. The palace accountant will have to figure it out. Okay let me know because one of these suit cases is full with paper money that Layla took out of her bank and I can change it into what ever you want, said Sapphire. Okay but for now, can you take Layla to Jessica's place for me. Sure can, said Sapphire. Then I have to get back to Granada. Leila is probably missing me by now then Sapphire and Layla vanished. Ginger wondered who Leila was then called over some elves to deliver the suit cases.

Sapphire and Layla reappeared in Jessica's kitchen where the two of them were still in their nighties. Wow you are one sexy sprite, said Sapphire. Down girl, said Jessica. We just got up and haven't got changed yet. So all those suit cases will be here soon, elves are brining them but I have to get back to Granada and make breakfast for Leila or she may make it for me, anyways one of us will make breakfast, said Sapphire, then she vanished. Does she always act a bit nutty like that? asked Jessica. Well while I was packing yesterday she kept making me laugh but I have only known her for a very short time, said Layla. Typical fairy then, said Jessica. Hi Layla, how do you like my ears? asked Mika. Wow they grew fast, said Layla. They actually look really good on you just like that nightie. Ya Jessica lent it to me, said Mika. she is really nice and makes candy that tasts amazing. Well I was just about to make some breakfast, said Jessica. Would you like some? No I ate already back home, said Layla. Needed to eat the eggs before they went bad. So where are our suit cases? asked Mika. They are coming, said Layla. Some elves are bringing them, all eight of them. I closed our joint account and all the bills are in hundreds so they completely filled one suit case. Sapphire said she could convert it all to gold and gems once the palace treasure figures out what two million dollars looks like that way. Why don't you all use paper money here? Why would we use paper money when we have real gold coins, said Jessica. Paper miney sounds like it would be easy to lose especially if it is windy. No wind is going to blow away a purse of gold coins. Okay, I can't argue with that logic, said Layla. 

Jessica made breakfast for Mika and herself while Layla sat with them chatting some. After they finoshed eating the elves showed up with the suit cases and Jessica instructed them to put them in the kitchen and take a box of candy with them for briinging the luggage. Mika jumped up and started checking all the suit cases, looking inside each one. What are you looking for? asked Layla. We packed all your clothes. Good but that is not what I am looking for, said Mika. Found it and she pulled it out. What is that? asked Jessica. It is my cell phone, said Mika. That won't be anygood here, said Layla. I know not right now but it has all my contacts in it and pictures and when Ivy figures out those books about electricity she brought with her I will be able to keep it charged, said Mika. What is a cell phone, asked Jessica. It is a device that we use to talk to our friends over long disitances and it takes pictures too, said Layla. Mika ran over to Jessica then turned it on and showed some pictures on it. I charged it fully just before I left and it stoll has eight percent battery power. Mika scrolled through some of the picture she took of her friends that amazed Jessica and was especial interested in the backgrounds with all the big buildings and cars parked on the side of the road. This is what Granada looks like? asked Jessica. Yep some of it, that is just the downtown area in the main city, said Mika.



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