The Mysterious Portal Chapter 3


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Meeting Palace Gang

Mika put the cell phone back in the suit case. How would you two like to check out my hot tub? asked Jessica. You have a hot tub here? asked Mika, that is awesome. Now we have to look and find what suit case has our swimming suits in. You don't need them, I have a bunch of extras, said Jessica. So lets go up to my room where you can pick out a bikini then go relax in the tub for a while. Heels like it is hot outside so we probably won't need to heat up the water. They all went on the bikinis then went outside and got in the tub. This is a very big hot tub, said Layla. Ya I wanted it big because I have friends that come over so I needed the room, said Jessica. So lets sit and enjoy! They all sat down in the tub and started talking. This is really nice, said Layla. Just the right temperature. Ya I don't like it too hot, said Jessica. The sun is keeping it at the right temperature for me today except at night then we have to light the wood. So you have to have a fire going underneather to heat it at night? asked Mika. Ya, how else can the water heat up, said Jessica. Oh I forgot, you don't have electricity here yet, said Mika. So what is that? asked Jessica I heard you mention it when you were talking about Ivy and your cell phine. Something that will make life easier, said Mika. It is a type of energy that makes things work. Ivy is going to work on it with Alexa she told me. Well if Alexa is helping then for sure something will happen, said Jessica.There is someone coming, said Layla. Oh don't worry that is just one of Alieta's messengers. The messenger got up on the deck and said hi to Jessica. Sorry to bother you all but Alieta asked me to tell Mika and Layla to come to the palace when you are settled in, said the elf. Though it looks like you two are settling in nicely. Yes nothing better than having a soak in the hot tub first thing in the morning, said Jessica. Yes I see that. Wish I could join you but I am on duty right now, said the elf. The elf looked over at Mika. My you are a cutie. Prettiest elf I have ever seen, said the elf with a smile. Then the elf headed back towards the palace.

 They all got out of the tub and went inside to get dressed then headed out to the palace where Alieta was waiting for them. Okay, I see you all came, said Alieta. Yep, I thought I would come to the palace for lunch, said Jessica. Been a while since I had fairy food. Good idea, said Alieta. Now first I'd like to weclome Layla to Fae Land. Sorry I wasn't available earlier. Thankyou, said Layla. Now Ginger told me she already told some things about Fae Land so first we have to deal with your money. Now Ginger told me that you brought a suit case of money totalling two million dollars but it is all paper money. She also said that Sapphire will change it into gold coins and gems but needs to know what that looked like before she could use her magic and convert it. Now that is a good thing because paper money has no value here. Okay Sapphire told us all abiut what currency was used here but banks in Granda don't give out gems and gold, only mints are allowed to use gold but even coins are not made of pure gold. Gold in the mint backs the paper money meaning the more gold Granada has in the mint the more paper money and coins can be made and sent to the banks. Okay Ginger has someone coming to Fae Land to teach her how all that works in the new bank we are building but we have to wait for Sapphire to come back to Fae Land to meet with my teasurer then make the gems and gold coins for you two. So we are going to have diamonds and gold at home now? asked Layla. Well that is not how we do things with people that have lots of money other than Yeanny, but she is a wizard and has a safe place to keep all her gems. Sha just comes to the palace when she needs to exchange gems into gold coins. You two however will be given a bag of gold coins each then the treesurer will set up an account for each of you where you can come and get more coins when needed but your gems and gold remain in the palace treasury for safe keeping. Also you can set up anccount with what every stores you deal with and once done you just have to sign the reciet and the store owner will submit it to the treasurer and she pays them and it is deducted form your acount. Now one million dollars each ia a very large amount of money in Fae Land. That will last you a very long time seeing everything here is quite cheap compared to human cities and towns else where on this continent. If you want to buy someting expensive like jewlery just tell Cindy the store owner you have an account with the crown and you will be good to go. All you have to do is sign for what every you are buying. Cool, said Mika. That is like having a bank card. I suppose so, said Alieta, what ever that is. So what we want to know is where are home is being built, asked Layla. Yes that is the next thing I am going to talk to you about, said Alieta.

So your house will be ready in two days. The outer structure is done and is being worked on by a couple of carpenters and some other tradesmen, said Alieta. Once it is done Lilly will get with you two and do her magic making furiture, paint the walls and what ever else you need. She will read you so she will have a very good idea what you two will like. So we don't need to buy any furniture at all? asked Layla. Nope not at all. She loves decorating homes for people, said Alieta. Now it is just at the west end of Eden and east of the Pixie Forest. It's not ttha seclude seeing you can walk to Carmen and Zatsuky's place and a few of the other heros. That's a new area that I have been thinking of developing seeing that Fae Land is getting new people all the time. Also we are building Banshees home close to yours and she is a very nice and important girl also so you will have a fairly close neighbor. Okay, that sounds okay then, said Mika. How far does Ivy live from there. Oh not far at all. You could walk to her place in fifteen minutes or so. Five minutes to Carmen and Zatsuky then Ktara's place is next followed buy Ivy's family. Plus the centaur family is close by too. Now I have to baby sit today for Yeanny. She has business to attend to else where. Okay that is fine, said Mika I think we are done for now anyways. Alieta smiled. Well you are going to meet the most loved person in Fae Land. Her name is Sakura and is the cutest thing you will ever see. She is very energenic and funny. Just keep in mind she is only seven years old, actually almost eight now. She tends to talk very fast and a lot asking questions faster than you can answer so just tell her to slow down when you need to and she will do as you say but best enjoy here doing her thing first. Okay we can handle a eight year old girl, said Layla. Alieta laughed. We will see, said Alieta and she walked off. Wait for me, said Jessica. I am waiting for Tulip with you. What your not staying to help us meet Sakura? asked Mika. Nope, your on your own with her, said Jessica and she caught up with Alieta. This is going to be funny to watch, said Jessica to Alieta. So what do we do, just stand here, said Layla. I don't know. Maybe go to where Jessica is, said Mika. Just then a pink streak flew by them. It stopped fast then turned back and flew right at Mika and Layla. Hi, your new, I am Sakura. My Mom said two pretty new girls supposed to be here. Which one is Mika and which is Layla. No wait, let me guess. Your are the elf so you are Mika and that makes you the human Layla. Wow you are tall. I am small but bigger than my friends the fairy nymphs. Sakura was flying around them checking the two of them out as she talked. Do you like pink. I love pink. Pink everything except my shin. You are a very pretty elf Mika. Do you like to play, I love to play. I am going to be eight soon you know, did I tell you I like pink, I forget things somethimes but I am very smart at least that is what my Mom says. That was all Layla could take as she was getting dizzy. Okay Sakura, slow down! Opps, sorry. I am doing it again. Sakura stopped flying and stood in front of them nice and still.

I am sorry, I always get excited when I meet new people, said Sakura. Sakura was looking way up at the two of them so they got down for her. That's okay Sakura I like meeting new people also, said Mika. You are very cute, just like Alieta said. Yep cute and pink, that's me, said Sakura. You though are the prettiest elf I have ever seen. Pretty tall too. Just about as pretty as Ivy but she isn't an elf, she is a forest sprite and she is one of my best friends, said Sakura. Yes I have met Ivy. We are friends now also, said Mika. So I saw you can fly and quite fast too. Is there anything else you can do? Yep I am very fast, just as fast as a pixie, maybe faster. I can shrink very small and disappear. I think that is it. Oh I am a very good drawer, just ask Alexa plus she taught me how to count to one hundred. She is my teacher with som of my other best friends that are fairy nymphs that make pretty flowers. So are you here for lunch? Yes we are, said Layla. Good, Tulip is the best at making food of all the fairies. Okay I better go see Alieta. She is taking care of me while my Mom is away, she is a powerful wizard, said Sakura and she flew off. Well once again we are left out here alone, said Layla. Yep but this seems to be a very good spot to be, said Mika. Lets see who comes by next.

Just outside of the elf village there was two elves walking to town to do some shopping. It was still very hot out so they were wearing their bathing suits. So what are you going to buy Kandice? Probably just a new skirt, said Karman. I want to change my look some. I am tired of looking like all the other elves. Me too, said Kandice. I am going to look for those short shorts like the Repellia and Phonixa wears all the time and one of those sexy short t-shirts. Ya we are pretty and can dress sexy too, said Karman. Just then a new portal appeared in front of them. What the heck is that? asked Karman. Beats me but I think we better get out of here, said Kandice. Ya I'm with you, said Karman and they both ran away from the portal. In a minute they looked back to make sure it wasn't following them. Good it is gone, said Kandice. We better go to the palace and tell someone about it. Really, we have never gone there before, said Karman. Well we can't just wait to see Ginger in the village, said Kandice. But what if the queen is out there doing stuff, she might get mad at us, said Karman. Don't be silly, Ginger said she is really nice and anyone is allowed to go to the palace groundss, said Kandice. Oh ya, I forgot, said Karman.Okay should be safe there. Then the two of them headed towards the palace grounds.

Okay here we are and there is a bunch of people here, said Karman. So do you see Ginger anywhere. No but there is Jessica in front of the palace with someone, said Kandice. That might be Alieta the queen, said Karman. Ya Ginger said she dressed sexy and had big beautiful wings, said Kandice. Who are those other two girls? I have never seen them before. Me neither and that little pink haired girl must be Sakura, said Karman. Ginger said she can be very funny and can fly fast. Okay lots of people here so we should be safe, said Kandice. Guess we have to tell Alieta. You talk to her, I have never been face to face with her. Neither have I, why do I have to talk to her? asked Karman. Umm because you are smarter than me, said Karman. No I am not you are just as smart as me, said Kandice. Oh no, everyone is looking at us, said Karman. Here comes Alieta, we better start waliking towards her and both of us will talk to her, said Kandice. They met up with Alieta just a bit from the palace. So girls it looks like something is bothering you two, said Alieta. You have been standing out there for a few minutes. Um hi Alieta, this is my best friend Karman and I am Kandice. Yep she is my best friend too, said Karman. Okay, hello Karman and Kandice, nice to meet you two. Okay you start, said Karman. Well we hope you don't think we are crazy but we saw the weirdest thing not long ago while we were going to town to buy some sexy clothes like Phonixa and Repellia, said Kandice. Ya we want to look sexy like like them, said Karman. Okay, yes they are very pretty and can dress sexy, said Alieta. What was it you saw? Well we are not sure but it was round and floated about a foot off the ground, said Kandice. Yep and it had rings that spun and glowed different colours, said Karman. Yep pink, blue and yellow and kept getting bright and dim, said Kandice. Okay so what happened next? asked Alieta. We ran away fast, said Karman. It scared us but when we looked behind us it faded away. Do you believe us or do you think we are nuts. Lots of our friends think we are nutty and laugh at us all the time, said Kandice. Alieta giggled. No I don't think you are nuts, a bit nutty but that is a good thing, said Alieta. And yes I saw a portal also while standing out here with Ginger and Penny saw one earlier, said Alieta. I already talked to Gabriel and she is looking into it and says to stay away from them incase they are unstable portals. So it was a portal, to where? asked Karman. That we don't know yet, said Alieta. Oh okay, can we stay here for a while? It feels safe here with all these people around, said Kandice. Yes you certainly can, said Alieta. How come I have never seen you two before. Your very enjoyable to listen too. A lot like Sakura over there. Well we don't want to get in the way and bother the palace people, said Karman. Don't be silly and please come back again often, said Alieta. You are always welcomed here. Let me send over Sakura. Have you met her before? Nope just heard about her from Ginger, said Kandice. Well your in for a treat. Stay here for now, then Alieta walked back to where Jessica and Sakura was with a smile on her face.

So what did Kandice and Karman want? asked Jessica. You know them? I have never seen them before but man they were delightful to listen too, said Alieta. Ya they come in the candy factory store from time to time, said Jessica. All the elves know them, they are very cute and go everywhere together. I think they live together too. Did you notice they talk back and forth and even finish each other's sentence sometime? They are nutty like a pixie and can be very funny just like our Sakura here. Yes I did notice they took turns talking and couldn't help from giggling even though they were very serious and I think scared. Really why? asked Jessica. They saw a portal open and close just like Ginger and I saw earlier, said Alieta. I told Gabriel about it so she is looking into them. If this keeps up people here are not going to feel safe anymore. They asked if they could stay here where there was lots of people. I said yes of coarse and to come back any time. Ya those two would mix in with the palace gang perfectly, said Jessica. It's always a joy when the come to my factory. They walk tin and past the store section and walk up to who is ever working in the warehouse and ask to buy candies. The first time the came to the factory I was in the ware house and handed me a fair size chunk of pure gold for two boxes. I figured that chunk was worth at least twenty boxes so I told them they could have free candies for the reast of the year. Sakura pulled on Alieta's arm. Can I go talk to them now? asked Sakura. I promise to be good. Yes they want to meet you, said Alieta. They have just heard about you. Now no talking fast and maybe let them talk to you. I am very sure you will like them. Okay, said Sakura then flew over to them. Hello, I am Sakura. Alieta said I can talk to you two now. I mean listen to you two. Hello Sakura, this is my very best friend Kandice, said Karman. And this is my very best friend Karman, said Kandice. My you are cute. Yep and lots of pink too, said Karman. I like your wings. Ya me two, said Kandice. I wish we had wings like yours. Ya if we had wings then we could fly to town to go shopping, said Karman. Yep and even go to the north town to shopping, said Kandice. Ya we heard they have better stores there, said Karman. If you like to shop then go talk to Phonixa and Repellia. They love shopping, said Sakura. Oh I don't know, said Kandice. They live in the palace and must be very important. We do like how they dress though, very sexy and all, said Karman. We want to dress sexy like them. Um well you look pretty sexy already to me, said Sakura. I am just cute and almost eight years old. Phonixa and Repellia are very friendly and like to play. Oh do you like to play? we loving playing, said Kandice. Sakura smiled. You bet I play with everyone! I will tell the sisters you want to be like them, said Sakura then flew over to where Phonixa and Repllia were sitting.

Hi Sakura, what's up? asked Phonixa. Well Kandice and Karman over there want to dress as sexy as you two are. They think that you two are too important and you won't talk to them but I told them you two were very friendly, said Sakura. Really they want to be like us and they said we were sexy? asked Repellia. Yep and they love shopping like you two do so I told them I would talk to you, said Sakura. You will like them, I sure do. They talk fast and a lot like me and love playing. They are kinda funny to listen to also. Okay thanks for letting us know, said Phonixa. Sakura flew over to where Alieta was. Have you seen them before? asked Phonixa. Nope, never but if Sakura likes them and they said we were sexy lets wave them over, said Repellia. Okay and they like shopping too. Have you got any money on you. Yep some, said Phonixa. Good me too, said Repellia. They both waved Kandice and Karmen over to sit with them... So Sakura it looked like you enjoyed talking with those two, said Alieta. Yep, when I had a chance to say anything, said Sakura. They talk a lot and fast plus back and forth, back and forth. They are the very first people to ask me if I liked to play. I am always the one that asks that first. I like, them, they are funny. Good, said Alieta so now they are with Repellia and Phonixa talking. Yep they want to dress sexy like them and like shopping to so they will be good together, said Sakura. They like shopping, I wonder where they get their money, said Alieta. Probably they have more chunks of gold like the one they gave me, said Jessica. Yes but where did they get a bigger chunk of pure, that is what I am woundering, said Alieta. I guess I should talk to them some more. Well talk fast because there they come on the sister's horses, said Jessica. Hey where you going? yelled Alieta. To their place to get some money then shopping, said Phonixa then they rode off towards the elf village. Okay, this is turning out to be a very unusal day, said Alieta. Hey here comes Tulip, said Jessica. Oh good, lets eat, at least lunch time is staying normal, said Alieta.

Okay everyone ready to eat? asked Tulip. We are just waiting on Ivy and Alexa, said Alieta. Oh, she is on her way, said Tulip. She showed me some science books but I couldn't figure them out. That is why Alexa is coming, said Alieta. Okay maybe she will understand them then, said Tulip. Pretty advanced stuff in those books. Soon Ivy showed up still carring her books and Alexa showed shortly after and sat on the palace steps together. Okay Mika and Layla go stand beside Tulip and watch her do lunch for us, said Alieta You two get to go first seeing you are new here. Okay this will be easy seeing there is not that many people here, said Tulip. Tulip made her wand appear then made the table first. Okay hope you two like pizza and beef stew, said Tulip. Yep pizza is perfect, said Mika. Tulip then made a nice big extra large pizza and two big bowls of beef stew and a bunch of other things to add some variety plus some sugar cookies. There we go, said Tulip. Dig in and enjoy. That was awesome Tulip, thanks so much, said Mika. Yes I would have never believed it but seeing is believing, said Layla. Anythime, I love cooking for everyone, said Tulip. Then Tulip went and joined the others.

After everyone ate and Tulip made the table disappear then she headed back to the cove. Layla went to talk to Alieta some more about Fae Land seeing she hasn't seen much of it yet. Ivy and Alexa walked over to Mika. Hello Mika, nice to see you. My your a pretty elf, said Alexa. I think she is prettier than me, said Ivy. Well that is hard to do so lets just call it a tie, said Alexa. Now I have some questions about these two books. Seeing that you come from a place that already has electricity and lights, I was hoping you could tell me how it all works. Well I will try, said Mika. Okay this book is on how to make solar cells and the other one is how to make a light bulb and a socket for it, said Alexa. Now I am still reading up on them but lets say I we get both made. How does the electricity get to the light bulb? Oh that is easy, said Mika. You need a lamp that has the socket in it. You screw the bulb into the socket then two wires are connected to the socket, one negative and one positive that run to a plugin on the wall which is conected to the solar cells. There is a switch that is on the lamp that turns the bulb off and on. Okay I think I am following you there. Now it says that the bulb needs to have Argon gas in it so the tungsten filement so the light bulb lasts longer. Now I know what tungsten is but I never heard of Argon gas before and how how do you get it to stay inside the bulb? asked Alexa. Well argon gas is in the air everywhere just like oxegen and hellium but I don't know how they separate it or how they get in the bulb but I know the glass bulb has to be sealed air tight ir it won't work properly, said Mika. I bet Merlin kniws how it is done, he knows all about science, said Ivy. Really, Merlin the wizard, my Mom used to talk about him some when she was alive, said Mika. She said that he taught my Dad Zotac all about the magic og science and could do the most amazing things. Yes Merlin will definately be needed but first we are going to need more help making this lamp, said Alexa. We have architects that can look at the drawings and hopefully come up with something. Well that will be the easy, said Mika. You make the lamp base out of the same stuff you make bowls, vases and cups with. I can help when you need to know more first you need the solar panels though. Without them the rest is useless and I want this to work so I can keep my cell phone recharged. Okay, thanks Mika, I have some more reading to do on these solar panels but I think I can figure them out easy enough, just need to get some clean sand from the beach to make silicon. Come to my place Ivy and we will work some more on this but first grab a bucket from in the palace so we can fill it up at Sandy Lake, said Alexa. Okay boss, said Ivy. Alexa smiled then they both walked away.

Jessica and Layla walked over to Mika. So how are they doing with the electricity thing? asked Jessica. They seem to be making headway, said Mika. That Alexa seems to be very smart and said she already has a good idea how to make solar pannels. Yes Alexa is very smart, said Jessica. So why did Ivy go in the palace then came out with a big bucket? Something about making silicin from sand at Sandy Lake, said Mika. Well that sounds odd but I am sure she knows what she is doing, said Jessica. So are we all done here now so we can go back to my place? Sure might as well unless you know of somewhere else we can see, said Layla. Yes there is, said Jessica. Let's go to my candy factory, said Jessica. Layla hasn't tasted them yet plus there are a bunch of people working there that would love to meet both of you. Okay that sounds great, said Mika. You have to taste these candies Layla, they are amazing. Sure I like candies, said Layla. Good lets go then, said Jessica. It is on our way to my place anyways. They all waved goodbye to everyone then started walking to the factory. Well there they go, said Alieta. Two new young girls that seemed to adjusted quickly to being here. We Fae Land is easy to like, said Ginger but the electricity sounds like a good thing but call me old school, I still think magic is way better. I agree but Gabriel said that God has a plan, said Alieta. Well it must be a good plan then, said Ginger, he doesn't make bad plans at least not around here. Hey her comes Phonixa on her horse. I thought she went shopping.



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