The Amazing Land Of Fae 

Pegasus's Fae Land Adventue  Chapter 1


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The world war was over and the heros that were brought to Granada's reality took care of all the aliens very quickly. Rose returned to Fae Land but the others stayed because the leaders of all the countries there wanted thank them and give them medals. Back in Fae Land Alieta met Angela that is the mother of the twins Karman and Kandice plus got a big surprise when Tillia brought the winged horse Pegasus to meet her. Pegasus gave Ginger her first flight in air that she loved. Alieta figured things were going to die down now for a while until a bright flash of light happened and it was Pixie Ginger in her transported and brought Merlin back to Fae Land with her...

Let There Be Music 

Ginger and Merlin stepped out of the transporter then she turned it off and they both walked towards the palace. Ginger waved at Alieta and said I am back for a bit and I have a surprise for everyone. Alieta walked towards them some and notice Merlin was carring something. When they reached Alieta Merlin put the item down on the ground. Hello Alieta, that was some war we watched on TV in Granada. Did anything happen here? asked Merlin. Not much, just two ships with a single alien in each came through that portal plus some land troops the the winged army took care of but after Ivy and Tempressa took the two alein's weapons away from them they left with the rest of the retreating ships, said Alieta. So you could see the girls fighting? Well there was no attacks in Granada but we went to Shirley's friend Jim's ranch and he had a TV so we could watch everything happing on it. News teams from all over the world was filming them. Man they are quite the powerful team. Those aliens, didn't know what hit them. Yep and they made a holiday too, said Pixie Ginger. You should make it a holiday here also. I already did that, said Alieta. Anyways I need to get back to my lab, said Merlin. I made plenty of notes and got some inventing to do. They have some of the most remarkable things there in that reality. Yes I imagine they do, said Alieta. Wait, is that Pegasus by the stable being washed by all those elves. Yep it sure is, said Alieta. Amazing isn't he. Yes he is, said Merlin. So that means Hercules must be here too then. Yep but he is kind of busy right now I think, said Alieta. Well I have to go say hello to Pegasas, we go way back, said Merlin. He put the cd player on the ground then popped over to where six elves and Ginger where cleaning Pegasus.

Angela walked over and asked what that black box was. This is a boom box, said Ginger and it plays music. In has new batteries in it that make electricity to make it work. So how does it work? asked Alieta. Well it is easy, said Ginger. The song Shirley and I made became the number one song in Granada over night and other cities wanted to play it also but it was too rough and not that great of quality. So Jim took us to a place called a recording studio that had a bunch of instruments in it and professional musicians. Shirley showed them the music she wrote and we all got together with these other guys and played the song and I sang. We had to do it a few times for the man doing the mixing of the music, but now I have a disk with Just A Country Girl song on it and it sounds fantastic plus Jim recorded a few other very popular songs on it too. We had to sign a recording contract and they want us to make new songs. So do you want to hear it? Yes of coarse, said Alieta. Me too, said Angela. Okay here goes. Prepare to rock! Ginger hit the on button and turned the volume up loud. The music started and Pixie Ginger immediately started to dance to it. Wow that song is great, said Angela and started to dance also. Alieta could believe how great the music sounded coming out of such a small box and Pixie Ginger's voice was amazing too. Penny and Tillia came over also and started to dance also! When the song was over, Ginger asked Alieta how she liked it. That was beautiful, said Alieta. I have never heard music like that before and you sounded amazing. Good I thought you would like it, said Ginger. We are working on two more songs and they are almost done. One is called Fae Land Magic and the other is called Granada Rocks. Alieta smiled. You two are going to be famous in Granada. Well we already are in Granada, said Ginger but once the other radio stations start playing it in different cities then that will be in the big time. Shirley said we could keep this boom box here and I am thinking if Tulip looked at it, maybe she could make more of them. It is a radio too that plays all the songs radio stations play but the signal won't reach here from Granada. Okay, Tulip should be here soon so talk to her, said Alieta. Play it again, said Penny. Ya that's an awesome song, said Angela.

The elves finish washing and brushing Pegasus then Ginger ran over to see where the music was coming from. Merlin walked up to Pegasus. My old friend Pegasus, how have you been? asked Merlin. Very good actually, said Pegasus. I should of know you would come to a land of magic like this. Yes I come here quite often, said Merlin. It is a wonderful place. So is Hercules here too? Yep but he is with Sara at her place. I am sure they like each other a lot. I see, Hercules and Sara together. That makes for an interesting match up, said Merlin. Sara is the strongest girl in Fae Land and Hercules is now the strongest man in Fae Land. Really she is strong? asked Pegasus. I didn't know that. Oh yes, not as strong as Hercules but pretty darn close, said Merlin. Well then a perfect match then, said Pegasus. Tillia is here too so I haven't been this happy, well ever. I even smell good now after all those wonderful girls cleaned me up. Yes you look good, said Merlin. They take very good care of the horses here. So I don't want to just pop over to Sara's place and interrupt them but are you and Tillia, going back there soon? Yep pretty soon, why? asked Pegasus. Well just tell him I want to see him again and talk some, said Merlin. Ask him to come to the palace where I will be waiting for supper. Have you seen the fairies yet? Nope not yet, said Pegasus. Well you are in for a treat then. Tulip makes lunch and usually supper here for everyone. She makes the best tasting food anywhere. She always makes Tillia a big bowel of fruit and carrots. Really! That sounds good, said Pegasus. So they will let me eat here too? Yes of coarse, said Merlin. Fairies love doing magic and especially making food for everyone. Okay I will go get Tillia now and we will bring Hercules and Sara here though they might not be hungry after eating already, said Pegasus. Just go get him, Hercules has a bottomless pit for a stomach. Ya your right, okay see you soon then Pegasus flew over to Tillia then the two of them took off. Pegaus and Tillia together again and now Hercules with Sara, thought Merlin. Sounds like some heavenly magic going on here.

Tillia got home and watched as Pegasus flew down and landed beside her. I love watching you fly, Pegasus. Your so graceful and excellent at landing, said Tillia. And I love watching you run while I am high above you, said Pegasus. It is remarkable how fast you are. Yep and even faster now with Sara riding me. So Merlin said Sara is almost as strong as Hercules, said Pegasus. Is that true. Ya she is one power house of a girl, said Tillia. I watched her rip a evil shadow sorcerer's hand off a while ago. Best not to get her mad but normally she is very gentile. Okay good to know, Don't get Sara mad, I will pass that on to Hercules, said Pegasus. Pegasus yelled for Hercules to come out for a minute. Hercules opened the door and ducked down as he came out. Yes, what's up Pegasus. Merlin is here and he wants to see and talk to you, said Pegasus. Oh really, the old man is here is he? asked Hercules. Yep and the fairies will be making supper soon. Really, that sounds good. Sara didn't have much food in the ice box so we just had a couple of sandwiches each. I am still starved, said Hercules. So we have been just sitting at the table talking. She loves hearing about our adventures together. Hercules turned around and yelled, " Sara we are going to the palace for supper and to talk to Merlin. Do you want to come?" Sara came out, you bet I am still hungry and Tulip makes the best food, said Sara. Okay lets go, said Hercules. Hercules got on Pegasus and Sara got on Tillia and they all headed to the palace.

Sara and Tillia got to the palace before Hercules and Pegasus and went over to where everyone was listening to boom box. Lets listen to the music Ginger brought back from Granada, said Tillia. It comes out of a magical music box. Really a magic music box? asked Sara. Well maybe not magic but seems like it to me, said Tillia. Sara jumped off Tillia and they walked over to the group and Tillia told Merlin Hercules is coming now. Yes I see them, said Merlin then walked away from everyone so they could talk in private plus the music was quite load. Pegasus landed beside Merlin and Hercules jumped off. Well hello old man, good to see you here, said Hercules. Yes Good to see you again Big Guy. Your looking stronger than ever. Yep I keep in shape, said Hercules. So what brings you to Fae Land?  Actually I was in Granada and just got back, said Merlin. Such an amazing place with very friendly people and way more advanced then we are here. No magic like Fae Land but they make up with techical sciences far above anything I have even thought of. So that music I hear, is that one of these sciences? asked Hercules. Yes it is, said Merlin. When I was in Granada I learned many things and also made notes on how to make some of these wonders of science. I have an idea for Fae Land once I learned how they were able to transmit sound and pictures through the air. Really, that sounds like magic to me, said Pegasus. Yes it does but it is the magic of science which a lot of wizard magic is based from, said Merlin. So I heard you and Sara are getting very friendly with each other. Yes she is a wonderful girl and she loves listening to me tell stories, said Hercules. Yes and she is quite easy on the eyes too, said Merlin. Now just be careful with her, she is very young but smart as a whip. Extremely strong too, like yourself. Ya Tillia told me never to get her mad, said Pegasus. She ripped a sorcerer's hand off once. Well I shook hands with her to see how strong she really was, said Hercules. She had some power there but I am sure she is no where near as strong as me. Hmm, you know of Ampex Warriors correct? asked Merlin. Oh yes they are extremely strong and fast runners. They are almost as strong as me, said Hercules. Well Quantum was here a while back and when they first met they shook hands also. Okay yes I know Quantum. Very strong man, said Hercules. Ya well when they shook hands Quantum just saw a very pretty girl that said she was strong and he made the mistake of telling her to squeeze with all she had. Quantum let out a loud scream and Lilly the fairy was here and flew over to fix him. Sara broke every bone in Quantum's right hand and he has big hands like you. Holy crap so she wasn't squeezing that hard with me then, said Hercules. No, like I said she is very smart and she likes you and didn't want to break your hand like she did with Quantum. Keep in mind that she was created by God himself to protect Ivy. You may be a Demi God created by Zeus but Zeus is nothing compared to the creator. Hercules smiled. So like a daughter of the creator then, said Hercules. You might say that but we are all his children. Just be good to her, said Merlin. Yes and don't get her mad at you, said Pegasus. Yes I will remember that, said Hercules.

Hercules and Merlin walked over to where everyone was standing. Pegasus started to walk over too but saw everyone looking up at something. Here comes Tulip and Lilly, said Alieta. Hope everyone is hungry. I sure am, said Hercules. I could eat a horse. Ha ha big guy, very funny, said Merlin. Horses are not on the menu here. I know, just joking, said Hercules. Tulip saw everyone waiting for them and flew over to Alieta but Lilly saw Pegasus and changed direction to see who this was. She landed in front of him and looked way up. Wow you are a very big horse and wings too! said Lilly all excited. I have never seen a horse with wings before. And I have never seen a fairy before, said Pegasus. Wow you talk too! A talking flying horse, said Lilly. My mom told me and my sisters stories about a flying horse named Pegasus that fought many years ago with a strong man named Hercules. They were night time stories and pretty sure she was just making them up so we would fall asleep fast. Well there is Hercules over there with Merlin, said Pegasus. Lilly looked over and saw Hercules talking to Merlin then looked back at Pegasus. If that is the real Hercules and he sure does look like how Mom discribed him, then you must be the real Pegasus. That is correct and you must be Lilly the fairy. You are so cute, said Pegasus. Cute ya but you are magnificent looking and man you smell nice, said Lilly. I went with Ginger to another town not long ago and she let me ride with her on her horse and it was a lot of fun. Can you take me for a ride some time? But you have wings and can fly yourself, said Pegasus. So what, you are the famous Pegasus, said Lilly. Riding on a horse was fun so I bet riding a flying horse would be even more fun. Well sure anytime, said Pegasus. Good right after we eat, said Lilly. I have to tell Tulip. I am so excited, said Lilly then she flew off yelling, "Tulip it's Pegasus and he is real!" That was different. I was excited to see my first real fairy but she seemed way more excited to see me, thought Pegasus.

Lilly flew over to Tulip that was talking to Alieta and Angela. Tulip look it is Pegasus, for real, said Lilly. Where? asked Tulip. Over there, how could you miss him. He is pure white and has wings, said Lilly. Tulip looked over then looked up at Alieta. For real, Pegasus? asked Tulip. Yep in the flesh and fur, said Alieta. Tulip looked back at Pegasus then screamed. Pegasus my hero, I love Pegasus. I always wished he was real. Mom always told us stories about him, said Tulip. He eats first then Tulip flew over to Pegasus. The real Pegasus is here and he is giving me a ride after we eat, said Lilly. I would never of thought you two would be so excited to see a flying horse. That is Pegasus, not just a flying horse, said Lilly. Well that is Hercules over there, said Alieta. Oh he is just a big strong man, said Lilly. Not nearly as important as Pegasus. He did lots of stuff before he met him. Mom told us lots of stories about Pegasus. Really, so how does your mother know of him? asked Alieta. I don't know, you ask her but I am going to ride the famous Pegasus, said Lilly. Tulip flew up to Pegasus. It is an honor to meet you Pegasus. You are my hero, said Tulip. Mom told us so many stories about you. Well it is very nice to meet you too, said Pegasus. You must be Tulip then. Sara said you make the best food. Yep and you get fed first, said Tulip then made her wand appear and created a big fruit bowl in front of Pegasus. Wow, that is the best looking bowl of food I have ever seen, said Pegasus. Thankyou Tulip. I am used to eating grass and berries usually. Well when every you want anything special to eat, just tell Sara or Ivy and they will tell me, said Tulip. Can you take me for a ride after Lilly? Pegasus smiled. Sure can, said Pegasus. I am going like living here in Fae Land. Oh we are going to love having you live in Fae Land, said Tulip. Okay got to feed Tillia next. Mom told us stories about you two also. Really, what is your mom's name? How does she know so much about me? Guen, queen of the fairies, said Tulip. Guen? I knew a Guen but I thought she was a pixie. Fairies always stayed hidden in the forest out of sight. Well Mom is different and has done lots of stuff herself too. They don't call her queen for nothing, said Tulip then flew over to where Tillia and Sara were standing. Hmm, Guen is a fairy and all this time I thought she was a nutty pixie. That explains a lot of things that happened way back then.

After everyone had eaten, Pegasus walked over to Alieta that was talking to Pixie Ginger. Alieta can I ask you something before I take Lilly then Tulip for a ride? asked Pegasus. Those two are very excited to meet me and said their mother is the queen of fairies and told them bed time stories about me. Yes they told me that too, said Alieta. What do you want to ask me? Well I knew a Guen way back when I was alone and then with Tillia. But I am sure she was a pixie, said Pegasus. She looked and acted like a pixie and I am not completely sure now but I don't think she ever did magic like fairies do. Have you met this Guen, queen of the fairies. Yes she is a very good friend of mine, said Alieta. She stays in the fairy forest quite a distant from here but she visits her children from time to time. Did she tell you she was a pixie? asked Alieta. Well no, I just assumed she was a pixie. They come out of the forests all the time but faries always stayed hidden, said Pegasus. So when is she coming back? I would like to see if she is the same Guen. Well I could call Apollonia and see if she can go get her, said Alieta. She is an angel and promised to teleport us two back and forth between the two places. Not sure if she has time for a social call though, she is a very busy girl. I bet she is, so that makes Lilly and Tulip, powerful fairy princesses right? asked Pegasus. Yep it sure does plus Roseberry, Sunflower Chestnut and Clary, said Alieta. They all live in the fairy forest just past the west woods over there, said Alieta. That is a very magical forest. I bet it is with six princes living in there. Oh there are three more but just friends, said Alieta. Okay looks like Lilly and Tulip are ready to go for their rides so after I am finished can you call that angel. If that is the same girl then I have a ton of questions for her. Back then when she was around, everything seemed perfect for some reason. Alieta smiled. Sounds like she was playing fairy god mother to you, said Alieta. Ya and for Tillia too, said Pegasus. Okay you take care of those two and I will call Apollonia for you and we will see what happens, said Alieta. Pegasus then walked over to Lilly and Tulip. Okay time for a ride around Fae Land, said Pegasus. Hop on Lilly, you asked first.

Alieta watched Pegasus take off with Lilly on his back and Tulip sat on the steps waiting her turn. Alieta called out for Apollonia to come see her. In a minute Cindy appeared. Hi Alieta, Apollonia is still in Granada, said Cindy. Her presents there is making a big impact on the people. We think we will keep her there for a bit. Oh ya I forgot she was still there, said Alieta. Well maybe I can help you, said Cindy. What do you need. Well I wanted to see if Apollonia could bring Guen the fairy queen here to see Pegasus. It seems they might have a history together. Oh okay, I can do that but who is Pegasus? asked Cindy. He is a winged white stallion and is here with Hercules now. Oh okay. Those two are before my time of being an angel. I heard about Hercules but thought he was a myth. Nope he is over there, said Alieta. Wow that is one big man, said Cindy. Wish I knew him when I was mortal. Anyways I will go get Guen. Fairies always do what angels ask of them. Sometimes they will work for us as fairy god mothers. Ya that is what I think was going on between them, said Alieta. Pegasus thought she was a pixie. Well pixies and fairies do look very similar so I can understand that, said Cindy. Give me about ten minutes. Knowing Guen she will want to change and clean up before coming here. She is very girlie like that. Ya I know, said Alieta. Okay, see you soon, nice cowgirl hat Ginger then Cindy vanished. Tillia walked over to Alieta. I over heard you two, said Tillia. Guen is the same girl we knew back then. I thought she was a pixie too until she told me she was a fairy just before I had to go back to limbo. She told me not to wory about Pegasus. She was watching over him. So she was a fairy god mother then, said Alieta. Yep I guess so and a very good one. Everything made sense to me then, said Tillia. The things that she did for us was amazing but kept it secret. Food would appear out of no where plus water could always be found even when it wasn't there before and good stuff happened all the time. That is why I was so happy to see her here again when I came to Fae Land. She will be very happy to see Pegasus again. Okay so here comes Pegasus now, said Alieta. Looks like you are up next, said Alieta to Tulip. Yep I see them, said Tulip. Don't worry I won't be long. I heard you two talking and want to see Mom.

While Pegasas and Tulip were gone Lilly headed off to the forest all happy now. Shortly Cindy returned with Guen. Here she is Alieta, all freshened up and a new dress on though it looks exactly like the first one she had on, said Cindy. Now just call for me when you want to go back. I think I will stay here for a few days, said Guen. I put my oldest daughter Clary in charge. She knows how to get things done. So where is Pegasus? It's been so long since I talked to that nut. Well he is taking Tulip for a ride, said Alieta. Already took Lilly for a fly around Fae Land too. Seems odd seeing they can fly by themselves. Anyways you two I am off to see Mother Nature, said Cindy. She should be done making lunch for us. She has become a very good cook. Then Cindy vanished. I like her, she acts so much like a regualar person and not so angelic like Gabriel. Ya Cindy is a more modern type angel, said Alieta. So Tulip must be having a blast with Pegasus, said Guen. I guess, Lilly looked very happy when she came back. Well of coarse, flying with Pegasus is not just an honor but a lot of fun, said Guen. Man that horse can fly and go really fast too. I used to fly on him all the time. You have to try it. You will see how much fun he is to ride him. Okay, maybe I will when I get some time, said Alieta. Make time girl, said Guen. Pegasus is very special and you deserve to have some fun with him. Take him to the human's park. Imagine the queen of Fae Land landing in that park that always has lots of people there, on Pegasus back. Talk about royal magic at it's best. Ya that does sound like a good indea, said Alieta. Maybe after you talk with him. Good then later we can catch up, said Guen. I am sure there is new news to tell me. There is always something new going on here. Oh ya, lots of new things, said Alieta. Okay here they come, said Alieta. Yep and look at him go. Just remember to keep your wings straight back. Cuts back on wind resistance and hang on tight, said Guen with a smile. Hi Ginger, nice hat.



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