The She Devil Sisters Chapter 2


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Danger Close By

  Jazmen was at the entrance of the forest but saw that the forest was way to dense for her to get in. Suddenly the trees moved aside and let her in. Oh, that was weird, she thought to herself. She walked in and saw the trees closed behind her. Okay now I am locked in the forest. She saw a rabbit in front of her so she walked towards it. The rabbit turned and hopped ahead some into the closed trees. As she got close to the trees they opened up for her more and she could see the rabbit again waiting for her. Oh, I see, just follow the rabbit I suppose. She kept on going but really didn't know how far she had to go. This is taking forever, she said. This is an emergency and Alieta is going to get mad at me for taking so long. If only I could fly in here. Just then the trees opened up wider and a very long path could be seen. Oh that is very cool, thought Jazmen. Thank you trees. Okay, a forest full of living trees. Definitely fairy magic, she thought. She took flight and saw that she could go very fast now as the trees kept opening far ahead of her. Soon she got to the end of the path and saw that the trees ahead of her were close. Okay now what, she said. The tree that like Alexa, reached out and pushed her towards the cove entrance and the trees opened up. Oh, that was cool. Wow look at this place. It is stunning. Sara saw the sprite and flew over to Jazmen. Can we help you? asked Sara. Ah yes, Sara. I have an emergency message for Alexa. Sara called for Alexa and she came over to Jazmen. Hi Jazmen, what is going on. Alieta needs the teams help right away. There is something very dangerous not too far away. I was on a regular patrol over the Bad Lands when I saw something very suspicious in the distance. It scared me so I went back and got a few more sprites to come with me and got closer. When we were close enough to see, there were two demon like creatures standing there looking around and they were both female, it seemed. One saw us and shot some kind of beam at us so we took off fast, and told Alieta what we saw. She got me to find you but do you have any idea how hard it was to find you? I guess so, said Alexa. We have been moving around a lot today. Well ya, said Jazmen. First at your place and Diego said you went shopping in a girly store somewhere. I checked a few shops in town and saw no girly stores so I asked someone where to find one. She told me on the other side of Fae Land. So I went there and found the shop but you were not there either but the store owner said that you bought a gift for Ivy. So back I went to Ivy's place but no one was home. Luckily Ktara was outside by her garden nearby so I went to her and told her that the team was needed and asked her if she had any idea where Ivy would be and Alexa. She told me that Ivy is usually in the forest this time of day. Ktara said she would get the rest of the team over to the palace for me. So off I went to the forest and saw the horses but I couldn't get in at first. Man I am beat, said Jazmen. Alexa saw that she was tired and said sorry but how was I to know. Things have been very calm lately. I know so can the three of you please get geared up and get to the palace. Alieta is going to be so mad at me for taking so long. Not your fault Jazmen and besides if it is that important she should of sent more messengers out, said Alexa. Oh good, you are on my side, said Jazmen. Okay off I go back into the forest. Nope, just fly up now, said Ivy. You can now leave through the top of the forest. Oh good, said Jazmen. At least one thing turned out right and off she flew. Okay girls lets get moving fast. Alieta needs us, said Alexa.

  Alieta was wondering what was taking Jazmen so long. She is usually the best at getting the team here fast, thought Alieta. She look looked up towards the west woods and saw Jazmen coming then she landed beside Alieta and looked exhausted. I finally found her with Viridian and Tempressa in the fairy forest, said Jazmen. I flew all over Fae Land looking for her and she was just a minute away all the time, sorry Alieta. Not your fault Jazmen. I should of sent out more messengers, said Alieta. So are they coming. Yes, they are all getting their gear on and should be here shortly, said Jazmen. Good, you go in the palace and have a milkshake. That always works for Ivy. Okay thanks, I have several sprites keeping an eye on them from a distance, said Jazmen then went in the palace. Alieta walked over to the side of the palace and looked around the corner but couldn't see anything. She went back to the palace entrance and told an elf to tell Ginger to make sure everyone stays in the palace until further notice. The elf ran inside.

Just then Alieta could see the team were starting to arrive. I don't see Alexa or Tempressa yet though Diego is with them, said Alieta to herself. When they all got to the palace they went to Alieta. Okay we are here, said Ktara. Where is Alexa and Tempressa. They will be here soon. They took the short cut behind the mountain. I saw them riding fast when I left to get everyone else, said Ktara. They should be here very soon. So what is going on? asked Zatsuky. Well we are not sure yet but Jazmen reported that two female demon like beings were out in the Bad Lands. Female demons I have never seen one of them before, said Zatsuky. Well lets wait until Alexa gets here first, said Alieta. If they are demons then you and Viridian should be able to take care of them but as you know demons always have an army of creatures with them so that is why I asked the entire team to be here as backup. Okay, said Zatsuky. Soon Alexa, Viridian and Tempressa rode up together and ran over to Alieta. Okay good you all are here, said Alieta. So Jazmen told me that two female demons were sitting out in the Bad Lands and sent an energy beam at her and the other sprites when they spotted them, said Alexa. Why are they just sitting in the Bad Lands? My guess is they are waiting for their army of creatures, said Alieta. Maybe but that doesn't make sense, demons always stay invisible and let the creatures do there thing first then move in and become visible to do what ever they came to do, said Alexa. We should call Apollonia, I have an idea. Alieta called for Apollonia and in a few moments she appeared. She saw the team was all in their full gear. What is going on? she asked. Not completely sure yet but there are two beings sitting out in the Bad Lands, possibly demons, said Alieta. Apollonia looked at Zatsuky's sword. How come your sword is glowing red? asked Apollonia. Must be too far away, said Zatsuky. Apollonia, before we start a battle I want you to do some reconnaissance for me, said Alexa. What is that? asked Apollonia. It is when you spy on the enemy first, in your case go invisible and she if you can figure out that they are doing out there and if they are going to attack soon. Okay so just check them out first, then what? asked Apollonia. Then come back here and tell us what you saw and found out, said Alexa. Oh okay, so that is what reconnaissance means, got it said Apollonia then vanished. Okay there she goes, our teenage warrior, said Alexa.

In about fifteen minutes Apollonia reappeared. Okay I'm back, what do you want to know? asked Apollonia. Man those two talk a lot. Pardon me, they were talking, what were they talking about? asked Alexa. Lots of stuff, said Apollonia. First they were just arguing about stuff like who hand the best hair and strongest wings, stuff like that, said Apollonia. Okay so you could understand them, said Alexa. Well ya they speak English and very good English too, said Apollonia. Hmm, what did they look like? asked Alexa. Lets see, One has long dark reddish hair big wings, a long tail, and long fingernails plus devil like horns and they other one looks almost exactly the same except her hair is all red, said Apollonia. Could you tell if they were demons? asked Alexa. No they are not demons, said Apollonia. They are she devils, good looking ones too. Really, did they say why they are here? asked Alexa. Yep they are after the magic the forest. If Ivy is in the fairy cove then they won't be able to do much damage but that will keep them busy for a while. Like demons, devils are attracted to magic and want to absorb it to get stronger. Okay so can you kill a she devil? asked Alexa. Nope you can't kill a devil of any kind. Between Zatsuky, Viridian and me we can bang them up pretty good though, but even if they retreat to heal they will probably come back because devils are dumb like demons though those two didn't seem that stupid, kind of funny actually said Apollonia. Okay so all we can do is keep them away from the forest some how, said Alexa. How long does it take for a she devil to heal? asked Alexa. I don't know, I never seen one before, said Apollonia. I guess it depends on how bad we damage them. Okay then, Zatsuky and Viridian you two go around the far side of the palace and stay out of sight and Apollonia you stay invisible and let them know when you see them coming and if there are creatures with them, said Alexa. Okay but they didn't mention anything about creatures, said Apollonia.

Okay, before you go Apollonia we have to get word to Ivy that the forest is going to be attacked, said Alieta. I don't want to send any of you three in there. I would take too long getting to the cove and I am not leaving my post either, said Alieta. Can you teleport into the cove and talk to Ivy? Ya, but in order to teleport in I need to know exactly where she is, said Apollonia. Dead center of the forest, said Alieta. Oh okay. That is easy. said Apollonia then she vanished. Apollonia landed right in the middle of the pool. Well they didn't tell me about the water, said Apollonia. Hi Apollonia. Why are you here in the pool? asked Ivy. She flew over to Ivy. Alieta sent me to warn you that the forest is going to be attacked. Really why? asked Ivy. Tulip was with Sara and flew over to Apollonia. What is attacking us? she asked. She devils, said Apollonia. Not them, said Tulip. They are nasty, said Tulip. So how many are there? Just two, said Apollonia. Okay I will get the other fairies quick. We all need to be here to control the magic and she sped off. So what are she devils? asked Sara. Oh they are very bad and can't be killed to the best that I know said Apollonia. Why not, Alexa's team can kill anything bad and so can you, said Ivy. Nope not a devil Ivy. Nothing can kill them, said Apollonia. Ivy got really scared now and so did Sara. Here comes the fairies, they will know what to do, said Apollonia. Chestnut flew to Apollonia. You sure they are devils, she asked. Yes, they fit the description and want the forest's magic. Okay then, Guen and I dealt with one before a long time ago. We were able to keep it away with the help of all the other fairies there, but there is only six of us here now but the magic in this cove is much stronger than Fairy Land's magic was back then, said Chestnut. Okay that sounds good, said Apollonia. There is nothing good about a devil attack, said Chestnut, They are ruthless and can't be destroyed by anything. Yes that I know, said Apollonia. Now we all here will work with Ivy and Sara to keep the magic centered on the attacks. But once the cove feels like the devils are getting close to getting in, a huge surge of magic with occur and blast them back at least a mile away. Before that happens Ivy and Sara will have to step out of the cove for a bit. The surge could kill the two of them. We will tell them when it is time to get out, said Chestnut. So what then, asked Apollonia. Well they will fly back but won't be able to penetrate the magic wall. So eventually they will figure that is useless here then probable settle for Fae Lands magic and then you and the team will have to deal with them, said Chestnut. Okay so how will I know when that surge is going to happen? asked Apollonia. You will hear a buzzing sound getting very loud to the point you will have to cover your ears., said Chestnut. Just make sure you are clear of the forest when you start to hear it. Got it said Apollonia the vanished. Don't worry Ivy, nothing can get in here, you made sure of that, said Chestnut.



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