The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

The She Devil Sisters Chapter 1


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In the morning Alieta got up and went down stairs for breakfast. For the first time in a quite a while there was no one sitting there waiting for her. Alieta asked Sally to bring her a coffee. After she finished her coffee and still nobody had shown up. She got Sally to bring her some breakfast to get the day off properly. I wonder where every one is, can they all be still sleeping I wonder. She asked Sally if everyone had already had breakfast all ready and left. No Alieta I have seen no one yet, said Sally, very odd I would say. After Alieta had finished her breakfast she got up to go check the sun dial and see what it was like outside. Just then Tabitha came running in and said, "Oh no did I missed breakfast?" Alieta smiled. No dear you can never miss breakfast. The cooks are here all day. Oh good. I only had a bit of spaghetti last night because there wasn't enough for all of us to have, so I am starved, said Tabitha. Okay sit and eat and I will be outside by the sun dial, said Alieta. Okay, said Tabitha. Alieta went outside and saw Zan looking at the sun dial. Hmm, well she got up and must of gone straight outside, Alieta thought to herself. Hi Zan how are you? She jumped then turned around. Oh sorry, I forgot Triffies are timid. She smiled at me and said, Triffie yes. I smiled back at her. She looked at the sun dial and pointed at the dial. and said, "Nixoeven". I looked and as usual it was seven o'clock. I said seven o'clock. She smiled again and, said nixoeven yes seven o'clock. Ah so that is seven o'clock in your language, said Alieta. Yes same, said Zan then pointed at the other numbers and read them out to me. Surboeven, ferieven, octaeven, diolcaeven and she continued until she told me what each number was in her language. Well she is now teaching me, Alieta thought to herself. Alieta then did the same and told what each number was in English. Shortly Tabitha came out and joined them around the sun dial. Hi Alieta and Zan, she said to them both. She just told me all the numbers on the dial in her language, said Alieta to Tabitha. Really, did you tell her the English version? asked Tabitha. Yep, Zan catches on fast, said Alieta. So you two had breakfast together? asked Tabitha. Actually no she was out here before me, said Alieta. She must be hungry though, she doesn't know the ways of living in the palace yet, said Alieta. Zan you want breakfast? Zan just looked confused. Rub your tummy and point at the palace Alieta, said Tabitha. Alieta did that and Zan said yes and smiled. Okay lets go and Alieta and Zan headed to the palace.

Alexa Makes Amends

Alexa got up and had breakfast with Diego. I am going into town and get a gift for Ivy. Do you want to come with me. Sounds like you are going to be going in some girly stores, said Diego. Yep, she is a girl you know, said Alexa with a smile. I think I will do my morning jogging instead, said Diego. Okay. I will see you later. I will be going to her place once I find something perfect, said Alexa. Okay have fun, said Diego. Alexa got her horse and rode to the west town where she knew there was a nice store that had great stuff just for girls. When she reached the town she dropped off her horse at the town stable then headed down the street. There it is, she said to herself. Alexa went in the jewelry store and boutique and noticed that Tempressa was also here looking at some necklaces. Hi Tempressa. I would of never thought you would be in this store. Oh well yes I like this store but always just walked by it before but today I decided to go in. I have all this money and hardly buy anything with it so I figured I would treat myself and get a nice necklace, said Tempressa. Then she smiled at Alexa. With that smile you will probably get it for free, said Alexa. So what are you looking for? asked Tempressa. Oh I want to buy a friendship bracelet for Ivy, said Alexa. Oh is it her birthday? asked Tempressa. No, I don't know when her birthday is, said Alexa. Me neither, we should ask Alieta, maybe she knows, said Tempressa. Cindy the store owner came over and saw it was Alexa and Tempressa both in her shop at the same time. Oh this is a treat, said Cindy, Two heroes here at once! Tempressa smiled at Cindy. My Tempressa you look amazing. Not so, well different anyway, said Cindy. I know not so scary, said Tempressa. Changed my way of thinking and it is lot better being friendly than being grumpy, said Tempressa. Alexa giggled. Well what can I help you two with then? asked Cindy. Well I am looking for a nice necklace for myself and Alexa wants to get Ivy a friendship bracelet, said Tempressa. Well the bracelets and the necklaces at least the best ones are right here beside each other, said Cindy. They both bent down and looked through the glass at the shiny jewelry. Well I like that necklace, said Tempressa. Yes that would look gorgeous on you, said Alexa. Tempressa put it on and it did look great on her. I will take it, said Tempressa. Look at the price, Tempressa, said Alexa. Yep no problem. It says just five thousand, said Tempressa. Just five thousand you say. That is a lot to me, said Alexa. Oh silly I am the Ice Queen. I have a huge treasury up north in my palace. Oh, really, I didn't know you were rich. I am richer now with lots of new friends and stuff. Before I just had a lot of money, said Tempressa. Alexa smiled at her. Boy you have changed to the better, said Alexa.

So what about you Alexa. Well Ivy loves green stuff and I don't see anything that she would wear as a friendship bracelet here, said Alexa. Well there is one thing but it is expensive also, over two thousand. Oh, that is too much for me, said Alexa. Tempressa looked at Alexa and said lets have a look at it anyways. Okay, looking don't cost anything, said Alexa. Okay but this bracelet is special so that is also why it costs so much. She reached down into a draw and pulled out a small box and handed it to Alexa. Open it up silly, said Tempressa. Okay, said Alexa. Inside was a gorgeous emerald bracelet that said Ivy all over it. Try it on said Tempressa. Oh no she can't, said Cindy, Alexa would have to give it to Ivy and put it on her for it to work. What do you mean to work? asked Alexa. Well once on her wrist it will automatically fit her perfectly but that is not all, said Cindy. Oh what else does it do?asked Alexa. Well it will protect the person wearing it by being translucent at will. Like my ring when I rub it, said Alexa. Well yes but no rubbing needed, said Cindy. That would be perfect for Ivy, said Tempressa. How much can you afford, asked Tempressa. Only five hundred at the most, said Alexa. Good I will pay the rest, said Tempressa. No you shouldn't have to, said Alexa. If you don't let me then I will buy it myself and give it to her, said Tempressa with a smile then winked at Cindy. Okay then. Lets do it but together, I need to give it to her though, said Alexa. Of coarse silly, said Tempressa. But I want to come with you. They both settled up and headed to Ivy's place. When they got there they saw no one outside. Seems really quite here, said Tempressa. Ivy and Sara may be in the new forest, said Alexa. Okay but what new forest and who is Sara? asked Tempressa. Oh ya, you have never met Sara yet and the new forest is the one the fairies made not too long ago, said Alexa. Okay, I think, said Tempressa. Alexa knocked on the door and Viridian answered. Hi you two, what is up? asked Viridian. We are looking for Ivy, said Alexa. Oh the two of them went to the forest a couple of hours ago, said Viridian. Crap, said Alexa, I thought they might of gone there but I thought we would try here first. Sorry girls, said Viridian. While you are here Tempressa can you flash my ice box for me please. I am trying to make some more fruity ice sticks for them but it is not cold enough, said Viridian. Sure, said Tempressa. Viridian opened the ice box for her. See they won't freeze, said Viridian. Oh I can fix that for you and Tempressa flashed the ice box and froze the ice sticks also. Thank you so much Tempressa. The girls love these ice stick, said Viridian. Well they sound good, can I try one, asked Tempressa. Sure, pick a colour both of you and enjoy, said Viridian. Wow these are really good, said Alexa. Tempressa tried hers and looked very happy. Perfect she said, I love icy things. Both Alexa and Viridian smiled. So have you met Sara yet Tempressa, asked Viridian. No and haven't seen this new forest either, said Tempressa. Well I haven't seen the forest yet either but Ivy says it is amazing but Sara you will love, she is Ivy's new helper, said Viridian. New helper? Why does she need a helper? asked Tempressa. Oh you will see once you get to the new forest, said Alexa. It is huge and pretty much covers what used to be the Desert Plains. Wow that is big, said Tempressa. Sara is a forest sprite also, very pretty like Ivy, said Viridian. She lives here with us and stays in Ivy's room with her. Well we are going to the forest then, said Alexa. I have a friendship bracelet I want to give her. Why don't you come with us. Okay that will be awesome, said Viridian, Let me get changed and I will be right back, said Viridian.

So tell me about this new sprite, said Tempressa. Oh she is gorgeous and can talk to trees like Ivy but there are a few big differences with her that you should know, said Alexa. Sara was made just three days ago by God so very young and doesn't know a lot yet, said Alexa. Really, that is special, said Tempressa. Oh she is special alright, said Alexa. She is also a bit bigger and is super strong, much stronger than me, said Alexa. No way, how is that possible? asked Tempressa. Well she is trust me I know, said Alexa. Okay I am all set girls. Lets go to the magical forest, said Viridian. Magical? said Tempressa. Oh you will see when we get there, said Alexa. They all rode off to the west woods. When they reached the forest entrance, Alexa told them horses are not allowed in the forest so we have to leave them here. Why are they not allowed? asked Tempressa. No big animals of any kind are allowed in, besides the forest is so dense they couldn't get in anyways, said Alexa. Yes I see that, said Tempressa. How are we getting through them trees? I can fix that, said Alexa. She went to the forest and said, " I am Alexa and I have Tempressa and Viridian with me to come in also". The forest opened up and gave them entrance. Holy crap the trees just moved aside for you, said Tempressa with astonishment. Ya the forest is alive and the rest can move some also. Ivy controls the entire forest. They walked in then Alexa stopped. Shoot, I forgot, the cove is in the middle of the forest about three miles away and it will take us a while to get there, said Alexa. Well I have nothing better to do, said Tempressa, how about you Viridian? Nope, the day is all clear for me, said Viridian. Okay then lets start walking, said Alexa. They moved in and the trees kept opening for them then closing behind them. After a bit a little rabbit jumped out in front of them, looked at them and then hopped away. I thought animals were not allowed in here said Tempressa. Small harmless animals are allowed but that is the first animal I have seen in here, said Alexa. Oh look up there, said Viridian. Two squirrels playing. Tempressa and Viridian looked around for more forest life. It is so beautiful in here, said Tempressa. I have never seen such a forest in all my life. I can feel the magic everywhere too! Ya me too, said Viridian. Wait until we get to the cove, this is nothing compared to how strong the magic is in the center of the forest, said Alexa. They kept on walking and in no hurry because small cute animals kept walking out and what seemed like greeting them. A ferret even let Tempressa pat it for a few seconds before running off. So are we almost there yet do you think asked Viridian to Alexa. Not sure but the magic is starting to feel a lot stronger now, said Alexa. They walked for about fifteen more minutes then came to the closed entrance of the cove. Okay here we are, said Alexa. She heard a noise behind her and saw it was the tree that rubbed her back before. She said hello to it and a branch came forward so Alexa shook it. Um, you just shook a tree's limb like shaking hands. Did I see that right? asked Tempressa. Yep, all the trees in here are alive, said Alexa with a smile. So now what? asked Tempressa. Just walk towards the trees, said Alexa. Okay and as soon as Tempressa got close to the trees they opened up wide for them all.

They walked in together and Alexa said, "So what do you think?" Um can't talk right now, said Tempressa. Me either, said Viridian. Sara came over to Alexa and asked if she was okay today. Yep, perfect, said Alexa. I brought Ivy a present. What is a present? asked Sara. Tempressa looked at Sara. By the way you look girl, you will be getting a lot of them from all the guys in Fae Land. Well just watch Sara and you will see what a present is, said Alexa. It will make Ivy happy I hope. Okay, said Sara and went to get Ivy. My god she is gorgeous, said Tempressa. Beautiful from head to toe. Ivy came running over. Yeah! Alexa, Viridian and even Tempressa is here. Welcome to my cove, isn't it stunning, she said. Stunning is not a big enough word for it, said Tempressa. I didn't know this much beauty could be in one place. Does that mean she likes it? asked Sara. Tempressa smiled at Sara. Yes it means I love it beyond words. Oh okay, said Sara. She is just like Ivy was when we first met her, said Tempressa. Yep, she is very new and my helper, isn't she awesome, said Ivy. Oh ya she is amazing, said Tempressa. Okay so one of the reasons we are here is because I brought you a present to make up for the other day. You didn't have to get me a present, said Ivy but what is it? Alexa smiled. This is from both Tempressa and me, said Alexa. Oh okay, what is it? asked Ivy again that was getting excited. Alexa handed her the small box and Ivy opened it. Her pretty green eyes opened wide and said this is beautiful and in my colour too, said Ivy. It is a very special friendship bracelet, said Alexa and I have to put it on your wrist so it will work properly. Okay and Ivy gave her back the box and stuck out her arm. Both Tempressa and Viridian smiled. Alexa put the bracelet on Ivy's wrist and it magically changed to fit her perfectly just like Cindy told her it would. Wow, said Ivy. I love it and she hugged both Alexa and Tempressa and said thank you so much. It is so pretty. I will never take if off, said Ivy. Sara looked at Ivy and saw that the present made Ivy very happy. I like presents now, said Sara with a big smile. Tempressa smile back at Sara. Now the bracelet is supposed to be magical also, said Alexa. Oh really, how? asked Ivy. Well the girl at the jewelry store said that it will make you translucent like when I rub my ring, said Alexa. Oh I love that store and Cindy too but I don't have enough money to ever buy anything in there, said Ivy. Oh really, said Tempressa. We will see about that. Now you don't have to rub the bracelet like I have to do with my ring, said Alexa. All you have to do is think translucent and it should work so lets try it. Okay, said Ivy. She did it and everyone could see it worked. Now Sara, try and touch Ivy, said Alexa. Okay, she said and saw her hand go right through Ivy. She pulled back fast and said sorry, did I hurt you. Nope, didn't feel a thing, said Ivy. Oh good, said Sara. Now just think solid now and you will change back, said Alexa. Okay and Ivy returned to normal. Wow this is so cool, said Ivy. Yes it is, said Alexa. So if Sara is not around to protect you and you are in danger then use it and nothing can hurt you, even dragons or bad wizards and demons, said Alexa. Okay but they can't get in here either, said Ivy. Yes I know but you are not always in here, said Alexa. Oh ya, said Ivy. Just then she raised her head. Some one is trying to get in the forest. Let me check the overview, said Ivy. Tempressa went to go with her but Alexa stopped her. Nope we are not allowed over there, said Alexa. You don't want Sara here to grab you. Oh okay, I definitely don't want that, said Tempressa. Sara smiled. Ivy came back and said there is someone at the front door but the forest won't let them in yet even though she is good. Oh said Alexa, what should we do, asked Alexa. No problem I will let her in said Ivy and she closed her eyes for a second and then said okay she can come in now, said Ivy. So she is good you said? asked Alexa. Yep, very good and she has a message for you, said Ivy. Oh, I hope nothing is wrong, said Alexa. I can't tell from here, she is too far away, said Ivy. Have a look around while she figures out how she can get here faster than walking, said Ivy. Okay, said Alexa. Ivy showed them some of the cool parts of the the cove and also told them about the the waterfall and the plans for a spa that Tulip is still working on.



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