Ivy's Birthday Chapter 2


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The Gifts

Once they reached the palace everyone got off their horses and walked in. Okay Ivy, we are doing the present opening thing in the grand hall first. Then later we will all come outside and then the main party will begin, said Alexa. Okay, said Ivy that now was looking really nervous. The doors swung open and inside were Alieta, Ginger plus the rest of the palace gang including a few elves and Jazmen with Jessica plus Daisy. Happy Birthday Ivy everyone yelled and Ivy got teary eyed. Alieta took Ivy to the big cake and told her she has to make a wish then blow out all the candles. Okay I will try, said Ivy. She took a big breath and blew out hard. All the candles went out and everyone cheered then started singing happy birthday to her. The elves started cutting the cake and gave Ivy the first piece from the top with the most icing on it. Everyone ate the cake then Ginger brought Ivy to the chair beside all the presents. Wow so many presents, said Ivy. Where do I start. Ginger handed Ivy her gift first to open. Now each gift has someones name on it so you will know who it is from, said Ginger. Okay, said Ivy then opened Gingers gift, in the small box and saw it was a bunch of hair all stringed together. This is your hair, said Ivy. It is so beautiful. I know exactly what to do with it and put it, said Ivy. Ginger smiled and now knew that Pippa gave them all good advice. Ivy continued to open each gift and she loved each and every one of them, When she got to Tara and Avan's gift she saw the feathers and looked at them to see where they came off from. Don't worry Ivy, our feathers will grow back, said Tara. Ivy smiled. Ivy got to Guen's gift and opened it. It was a wand and she shook it. Lots of sparkles flew out everywhere and kept on coming. Wow this my own magic wand. Lots and lots of sparkles. Where is Guen? asked Ivy. Oh she had to go back to Fairy Land. She needed to get everyone there back to work but she wanted me to wish you a happy birthday for her, said Alieta. Ginger kept handing Ivy gifts to open then Pippa would take the wrappers and put them in the basket. Penny would take the opened gift and put it on a different table. Once Ivy was finished opening all the gifts she went to everyone and thanked them all for such wonderful presents.

Well Ivy, you are not done yet, said Alieta. Ginger signaled to the elves to move the divider out of the way. Ivy's eyes opened very wide and Pippa had to fly over to her fast to stop Ivy from falling on her butt. These are all for me? asked Ivy. Yes they are, said Alieta. These gifts are from many of the people that live in Fae Land. They all wanted to be part of your birthday and show you how loved you are by them all. Now tears were running down Ivy's face. There are so many of them, she said. Yes because there are so many people that appreciate what you do for them and Fae Land, said Alieta. Okay, so where do I start now? asked Ivy. Well have a seat, said Ginger and elves will bring gifts to you one by one then return the opened gift to an empty table, Pippa has offered to help open them with you to speed things up some. Okay, good plan, said Ivy, something like Alexa would think of. Alexa smiled. She is right, I did think of that, said Alexa. Daisy said to Jessica and Jazmen, "That is a lot of presents. I didn't know Ivy was this popular". Jazmen looked at Daisy then said, "Move to Fae Land then you will see what she does here for everyone". Ya I think I will. I can always sell my old home and build a bran new one, said Daisy. Or you could live with us two, said Jessica, if it is alright with Jazmen. We do have two extra bed rooms and a hot tub being delivered tomorrow. That is just fine with me, said Jazmen.

Ivy kept unwrapping gifts and saw the name on each present but didn't know them. Don't worry about that, said Ginger, I know most of them and they are all very nice people. Okay, said Ivy and kept on unwrapping gifts. Even with Pippa helping her with some it still took her almost two hours to get them all unwrapped then she stood up and looked at all the tables with a very large variety of things. Where am I going to put all of these she said out load. Well I think you need a new room to put them in like a games room, said Alieta. Now you can leave them here for now and just take a couple home each day. I will make sure the room is big enough to hold everything. Ivy hugged Alieta. Pippa walked up to Ivy and gave her the pouch of pixie dust. You may need this now that you are a cook, said Pippa. Ivy smiled and gave Pippa a big hug too. Well that looks like it, said Alieta. Not quite said a voice and Merlin appeared.

My turn to give Ivy a gift, she always makes me laugh and is so adorable and loving, said Merlin. So I made her some thing very special that only I could make. Merlin handed the square box to her. She opened it and it looked like a small orb. What is it Merlin? asked Ivy. Glad you asked, said Merlin. Now this took a lot of research to do on my magic tablet back at my lab but now it is perfect. All you do is pass your hand over the orb and images will appear. Ivy passed her hand over the orb an an image began to appear. Oh look I see me as a baby in my mother's arms. Yes, said Merlin and you were a very pretty baby sprite even back then, said Merlin. Now this orb has just very happy times in your past before you came to Fae Land. Nothing bad or sad at all. Every time you pass your hand over it, it will show you the next image in the time line. You Ivy had a very happy childhood and was loved very much by your parents and all your friends. It shows in you now as you are passing that love on to all your friends here. Ivy grabbed Merlin's beard and pulled his head down and gave him a big kiss. There she goes again, said Pippa. She does that when she is very happy. Oh my, said Merlin the started to chuckle. Thank you Merlin I will put this on my dresser. It is very pretty too.

Just then Apollonia appeared with Savanah holding a small sack. I brought someone else that wanted to come to your party also, said Apollonia. Jupitor was to busy to come but she sends her best wishes to you Ivy. Yep and I left Caspia in charge of the woods, said Savanah. She walked up to Ivy and handed her the small sack. The little girl Gwen told me that I should bring a present with me to give you. She took me to the beach at the lake and we found this, that I thought you would really like. She handed Ivy the sack and Ivy opened it and took out a very pretty crystal. It is very pretty, thanks Savanah but you showing up was just enough, said Ivy. Well you are very special so I wanted to give you something from the other side of the world, said Savanah. The green quartz crystal isn't magical or even valuable but I thought if you had it, then you would be connected to all of us back home. Ivy got a big smile on her face. To me this is very valuable just like all the rest of my gifts, even though I don't know what some of them are, said Ivy. This will go on my dresser too so that every time I see it I will remember you, Jupitor, Saturn and Caspia. An elf called Ginger over from the doorway. Okay every one is here and there are a lot of them she said. Even more than last night. Ginger went with her and saw that the grounds were packed with a lot of people and some even brought food too. There was room for every one to spread out though once Ivy came out. Ginger went to Alieta and told her what was going on outside.



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