Ivy's Birthday Chapter 5


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Tara and Avan walked over to Alieta and Ginger and said that was quite the show that Merlin put on. He must be a very powerful wizard. Oh he is the most powerful wizard and we are very lucky to have him as our friend, said Alieta. Well Ivy must be a remarkable person to attract so many people to this party, said Avan. Yes she is, said Alieta. Though everyone here is remarkable in Fae Land, said Alieta. Even I was surprised to find out how many people knew and loved Ivy for all the good she does here. Well we are off to the woods for the night. See you two in the morning, said Tara. Okay goodnight, said Alieta and off they flew to the woods. Alieta and Ginger went and sat on the palace steps as usual. Well it is all over now, said Ginger. Yep and it was a huge success, said Alieta. It is hard to believe that just an hour ago the grounds here were packed with people, said Ginger. So quite and peaceful out here now. Yes it is, said Alieta. Lets go in and have a look at all those gifts before going to bed, said Alieta. Didn't really get a chance to see them closely while Ivy was opening them. Ya some looked very nice and even some looked expensive, said Ginger. Well Ivy doesn't care about what ones are the most expensive. I am sure she will love them all, said Alieta. Yep that is our Ivy, said Ginger. I will get Jim and his helpers started on her place tomorrow. With that they both went inside the palace to check out the gifts and soon after they called it a night.


Ivy and Sara got home and both of them were beat. Viridian was tired too and asked how Ivy liked her birthday party. Ivy said she loved it, better than she imagined. Viridian smiled then said she was going to bed and left. Sara was tired too and said that was one heck of a party. Better than any of the other ones she went to at the palace. Ivy opened her bedroom door and saw all the gifts were on her dresser, bed and floor that the heroes brought with them. Looks like all your gifts are in your bedroom said Sara but don't stay up too late, back to normal tomorrow and lots of work to do I am guessing. Then she left for bed also. Ivy went into her room looked at some of her gifts then she moved everything off her bed on to her dresser and another table except for the orb. She sat on the side of the bed then started looking at some of the images with a big smile on her face. She thought to herself that all these gifts are staying in her room. She then put the orb down and laid back on the bed sideways and fell fast asleep with a smile on her face.

The End



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