Ivy's Birthday Chapter 3


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The Celebration

Oh my, said Alieta, more you said? Yep, lots more, said Ginger. Well we best get on with the party said Alieta. Okay Ivy, we will keep the orb nice and safe for you and all your other gifts but now the party outside is waiting for you. So there are some people outside too? asked Ivy. Oh yes, said Ginger, you will see. Alieta took Ivy by the hand and lead her to the palace doorway. Okay I will go out with Ivy first, it is her day so you all hold back for a bit, said Alieta. Alieta opened the door for Ivy and she saw the huge number of people out side, more than she had ever seen on the palace grounds before and couldn't believe her eyes. They all came here for me? asked Ivy. Lets see, step out, said Alieta. As soon as she came out of the palace everyone yelled, "Happy Birthday!" then started singing happy birthday to her. Yep looks like they are here for you dear, said Alieta. Ivy walked forward and started to cry but a very happy cry. Just then all the fairies started to showed up. Wow said Lollipop, this is a lot of people. Well Ivy is an amazing sprite, said Tulip but yes this is a lot, more than I expected. Ivy looked at Alieta then looked out again at everyone and as soon as they stopped singing she started to talk. "I am so happy now, and want to thank you all for coming to celebrate my birthday with me. You are all amazing and really didn't know until now how many people knew me. I love each and every one of you. Alieta says we are going to have a party now so lets all do it everyone". Every one cheered and then the fairies got the music started then everyone else came out of the palace. Wow, I am definitely moving to Fae Land, said Daisy. Yep Fae Land is a very magical place, said Jazmen.

Tulip made a bunch of tables when everyone started to spread out and start dancing. The elves started bringing out the food and placed it on the tables. Tulip made more tables along the both sides of the palace then they all made more food on them. Alieta and Ginger sat on the steps again seeing there was not much room to walk around yet. Will you look at this, said Alieta. There has never been so many people here in front of the palace. I know, said Ginger. Even more than the harvest festival. Yep and it took just one forest sprite to do it, said Alieta. You mean one very special forest sprite, said Zan that was standing behind them. Yes very special indeed, said Alieta. This is a birthday that not just Ivy will remember forever but all of us too. Alexa told Alieta that Angus and Sivia are inside and won't come out yet. Too many people for them. Yes I imagine so, said Alieta. Ivy hear what Alexa said then called Tulip over. Come with me said Ivy and went in the palace where Angus and Siva were sitting. Can you make them two big bones with meat on them? asked Ivy. I sure can said Tulip then waved her wand and two big bones appeared in front of them. My wand can't do that but I still love it said Ivy. Well that wand will never run out of sparkles, said Tulip. Guen made sure of that. Cool, said Ivy. I love it even more now, said Ivy. Angus and Sivia were now chewing on the bones so Ivy and Tulip went back outside then Ivy started mingling with everyone. Look said Alexa, see what Ivy got Tulip to do. What? asked Alieta then stood up. Look at that, even now Ivy is thinking of someone else to help, said Alieta.

Tulip told Misty and Chestnut to go out further to each end of the palace grounds and add more music so people would spread out more. More food was added out there too and soon everyone was nicely spread out and having a lot of fun. Merlin was just looking around at everyone from behind Ginger then walked down the steps. This is what I call a party, said Merlin. Savanah came over to where Alieta and Ginger were. Wow! said Savannah. Are they all here to see Ivy? Yes dear, Ivy is very special to them all, said Alieta. Now go out there and say hi everyone and have some fun. News came in from some of the sprites that were still on patrol that there were separate parties happening every where across Fae Land. Large gatherings everywhere with there own music playing and lots of dancing and eating. So that means all of Fae Land is celebrating as if this was a special holiday, said Alieta. Well you can say it is a self made holiday to everyone, said Ginger. Okay looks like there is room to move around out there so lets mingle like Ivy, said Alieta. You too Merlin, join the party. Right behind you dear, said Merlin.

The fairies were mixing in too and lots of people loved meeting them for the first time. They put on little magic shows that every love also. Tara and Avan stayed near the back together but not alone. It seemed like they were an attraction too and a lot of people went to meet them and talk with lots of questions that made the two of them very happy. Zan and the teen girls were out dancing with everyone and a couple cute guys were checking Phonixa and Repellia out. Do you see those two, said Phonixa. Ya I do, they are pretty cute, said Repellia. Want to go talk to them? asked Phonixa. Yep sure do, lets go, said Repellia. They walked over to the two boys and introduced themselves. Hi guys, I am Phonixa and this is my sister Repellia. Wow very cool names, said one of the boys. I am Jasen and this is my brother Thomas. Really nice to meet you. So we live in the palace with Alieta, said Phonixa. That must nice, said Jasen. We live with our parents still just north of here, said Thomas. Well Alieta is like our mother, she takes good care of us like we were her own, we love her like a mother too, said Repellia. Ya Alieta is an amazing person. Our parents have read all the books she has written and we have just started reading them too, said Jasen. Well we are in one of those books too you know. Really, said Thomas, so what is that book about. Oh it is how we came to Fae Land and how we ended up being adopted by the palace staff. It is a pretty cool story, said Repellia. Well we haven't done anything yet to be written about in a book but maybe later, said Jason. Phonixa and Repellia smiled. Come on lets dance together, you do know how to dance don't you? asked Phonixa. Yes we sure do, said Jasen and they all moved into the group and started dancing.

Savannah walked over to Ivy that was talking and hugging everyone. Hi Ivy, you sure do have a lot of friends here, said Savanah. I know, I can't believe it, look at all the people, said Ivy. Yes I see that, said Savanah. Alieta said you were a very special person here in Fae Land. I can only stay until tomorrow morning then I got to get back home, said Savanah. We are working hard on our forest and the cove will be made very soon. Good, then you will start having fun like me once you get the hang of things, said Ivy. Just remember once the cove is first done, stand in the middle of the pool and set the permissions and restrictions, that is very important. I'll remember, I can hardly wait to be able to move magic around like you can, said Savanah. Sara are you having fun yet? asked Ivy. Yep, lots of food and people plus looks like Repellia and Phonixa just made some new boy friends, said Sara. Yes I saw that, okay lets go out there and dance with everyone, said Ivy. I don't know everyone that is here yet so we can meet them together, said Ivy. Do you think you will remember everyone's names? asked Savanah. Nope but it is still fun meeting everyone, said Ivy.

Ktara was talking with Jessica and Daisy about the new expansion she heard about. So when do you think it will all be up and running? asked Ktara. Not exactly sure yet seeing we just made the agreement yesterday. Alieta and I will talk in a couple of days and get into some more details, said Jessica. One thing is for sure, it will have a very big kitchen, said Daisy. Ya big kitchens are awesome, said Ktara. Well come by my place sometime and we will do some cooking together when you get time. Okay we will do that, said Jessica. Everyone says you are the very best and I would love to see how you make your tasty sweet pastries. I want to have a store section in the new building where I can sell my candies to the local elves, maybe you could sell some of your treats there too. That would be nice though one day I hope to have my own store where I have bigger ovens and and make them available to more people, said Ktara. Look Jazmen is out dancing with every one and looks like she was having a great time, said Jessica. Yep, it seems like everyone is having a good time, said Ktara. Well I am going to try some of those party the snacks the fairies keep making, said Daisy. They keep on having to make more so they must be good. Yep, everything the fairies make is good but I still like home made cooking the best, said Ktara.

Alexa kept checking on Angus and Sivia but they seemed to be very content with their bones. Lots of food was being eaten and Tulip kept a watch on it making sure the tables were always full. A couple hours had gone by and the party was still going strong. Tempressa was doing some ice tricks for a group of people and looked to be having a great time. Zatsuky had a bunch of people's attention as she told some of the stories that the team were on and how her Crimson Sword worked. Viridian saw that Ivy was having a great time with everyone so she went and did the same as Zatsuky and told some of her stories to a bunch of people. Tulip had a cool idea and set up a table in the middle of the palace grounds then created a very big bowl with lots of spoons on the table then filled the bowl with lots and lots of ice cream. Every one near by grabbed a spoon and started to dig in. It didn't take long for Ivy to zoom in on the ice cream and she went over and joined everyone eating it. Paisley had a group of girls sitting around her listening to her about beauty tips and proper ways to attract a man. Colin was having a blast giving people rides on his back as Oaklyn and Starlite look on. You know if he charged people for a ride here, he would make a small fortune today, said Starlite. Oaklyn just smiled. Ya well he is being careful not to let anyone get hurt so that is what is important to me, said Oaklyn. Carmen was sort of standing by herself, just smiling at people as they walked by. Zan saw her and went over and asked if she was feeling left out. Oh just a bit I suppose, said Carmen. Well no need for that, said Zan, come with me. They went to where a bunch of people were standing and talking among them selves. Does anyone here want to hear the amazing tale of how Carmen here and her best friend Zatsuky took a three week journey from a land far away to find Fae Land that they didn't know really existed. I do said one girl then the rest said yes too. Okay lets all sit down and get comfortable. Carmen will tell you of all the battles the two of them did during that journey and even killed dragons. You know, Carmen is a dragon slayer, said Zan. Really they all said you must be very strong a fearless. Carmen smiled then thanked Zan. Okay it started a long time ago in Merlin's den, said Carmen which got all of them listening closely.



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